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Laying apron from tiles in the kitchen with their own hands. Laying apron of tiles in the kitchen independently - detailed instructions How to lay a kitchen apron from tile

The tile perfectly transfers the impact of high humidity and direct water from entering the pollution and its operation is calculated for years, if the technological process was observed during installation - it is precisely these characteristics that often affect its choice as a material for finishing work in the kitchen. It remains only to figure out how to put apron in the kitchen to achieve excellent and qualitative results, because with this you can cope with your own hands, while saving expenses from the family budget.

We choose the material

Before proceeding with the process, it is necessary to correctly select the cladding material itself:

  • The visual effect - the color should look organically with the rest of the room and furniture elements;
  • Linear dimensions - in this case, they do not play a particularly important role, therefore it can be as a majolica with elements of 2 and less cm and a large, large tile. It all depends solely on your preference;
  • The surface of the elements of the apron - here it is necessary to pay attention to the smooth surface of the tile, since it will be much easier to wash off fat droplets and dirt, which are common in the kitchen, while the rough, relief texture of the cleaning process will complicate substantially;
  • The reserve - the required amount of material should be calculated and acquired with a small reserve, which averages about 10% (in the case of diagonal laying - 15%) - it is accepted with a waste, possible marriage or damage during tile cutting.

Preparing the necessary tool and material

For the production of work on facing, the following tools and materials will be needed:

  • Tile itself;
  • Glue for tiles - a ready-made mixture must be purchased quality, since it will be the main condition for the quality-completed work and a long exploitation of the surface;
  • Grout for seams - also must be high quality and necessarily waterproof. Please note that there are already ready-made options with different colors - choose what will be harmoniously fit into the design of the kitchen, in relation to the tack of grouting can match the color and contrasted;
  • Primer for the base is a mandatory element that will provide reason to sufficient percentage and adhesion under the subsequent finish;
  • Remote crossing - will help to observe an equal gap between tiles when laying;
    A spatula with served edges is used to apply glue solution, and it is also easier to achieve a smooth layer of mixture when installing tiles;
    A spatula with a flat edge - with it easier to apply a mixture of glue to a spatula with a serrated edge;
  • Rubber spatula - With it, it is easier to produce stamps of stitching tiles;
    A drill with a nozzle-mixer - used to stirring the mixture to a homogeneous consistency;
  • Roulette and pencil - markup and surface measurement;
  • Level - With it, the main calibration of the horizontal and verticality of the laid tile is made;
  • Clean rags and sponge - they will be cleaned the surface of the tile from excess glue and grout;
  • Tool for cutting a tile;
  • Roller and brush for applying ground mortar;
  • A perforator with a shovel or chisel and a hammer - are used to dismantle an old tile or other decorative wall decoration.

We carry out preparatory work

Before laying out a apron in the kitchen, it is necessary to correctly and efficiently prepare the surface of the walls:

  • The old finish must be dismantled:
    • The tile is removed by means of shovels and perforator or hammer and chisel.
    • In order to remove the old wallpaper, they must be moistened with warm water, after which they are easily scattered with a spatula if the surface of the wallpaper is moisture-resistant, then cuts can be made on them.
    • It is easier to remove the old oil paint with a burner or a construction dryer - warmer the site until the coating starts to be bubble and read it with a spatula.
  • If the presence of wiring is envisaged in this area, then it is necessary to prepare an embezzlement for it - a deepening of about 1 cm. The easiest way to do with a perforator or a grinder. The finished recess is purified from dirt and dust, it is ground, after which the wiring is placed in it and is fixed with a solution of alabaster or gypsum.
  • If it is necessary to align the walls, a plaster solution is used, and it is necessary to use only the mixture, which is designed for subsequent trim (the solution should be on a cement basis), some wizards, if the irregularities are small, use tiled glue, but this option will be more expensive. In this case, it is necessary to achieve exactly the perfect verticality so that subsequent work takes place completely without problems, therefore, it is desirable to carry out plastering on lighthouses.
  • Preparatory work is completed.

How to put the apron in the kitchen

The width of the apron on average is about 60-80 cm, while note that it is necessary to start it at the table top for 10-15 cm. Also, you should not forget about the hood, since it is in this place that it will be a kind of "language", the magnitude of which will be dictated Installation height.

The wall markup is performed on a pre-prepared surface of the walls:
To begin with, the lower and upper boundaries of the apron should be carried out, and be sure to take into account the location of furniture elements.

The apron is accepted in height in such a way that it is not necessary to make a trim, while the extra part we will start at the table top (we have already written in the article that it should be 10-15 cm at the top of the table top).

At the bottom horizontal line, the guide bar is installed, which will provide a tile of reliable support and the tile will not move down under its own weight, disturbing the horizontal of the masonry.

For the convenience of vertical calibration, you can pre-apply vertical lines to the surface - it will be more convenient to navigate.

When preparing a solution of tiled glue strictly follow the instructions from the manufacturer, since this proportion will provide a solution guaranteed properties. In the prepared container, the required amount of water is poured, after which the dry mixture is covered there, with the help of a special nozzle on the drill, the solution is adjusted to a homogeneous consistency and it is made about 15 minutes, after that, they are mixed again and can be stirred.

Important! It is exactly so much a solution, how much you can use in a couple of hours of operation, since after that the mixture will begin to capture and lose its properties, so if you are not sure that you can put on the whole volume during this time, then the whole volume is right away.

The process how to lay a kitchen apron can be represented in this way:

  • The laying should be started with an open angle or from the center to the parties, depending on the layout of the elements, since to ensure the symmetry of the picture, the tile trimming may be required with both corners.
  • A spatula with a toothed edge is applied to the wall in such a way that furrows are formed.
  • On the back side of the tile, the thin layer of glue should also be applied, after which it is pressed against the wall, the lower edge should lean to the guide profile.
    Using the level, check the correct installation of the tile vertically and horizontally. If necessary, press it, also for these purposes you can use a rubber hammer, however, the most important thing is not to overdo it with blows, as you can damage the tile.
  • The next tile is installed nearby, in order for the seam to be the same everywhere, remote crossings are inserted between the installed tiles.
    The horizontal and verticality of the installed element is revealed again, and now it is necessary to check the surface of the laid tiles in one plane parallel to the wall plane.
  • After it is installed 10, you can return to a sponge or a damp cloth to erase the excess of the adhesive composition from the surface of the tile, as it will make it much more difficult with a complete drying of the mixture.
  • To lay the next row in the apron, you should begin exclusively after the solution of the lower row "grab" and drops a bit of strength.
  • The laying is carried out in this way until the entire planned surface is lined.
  • After the day, it is necessary to remove remote crossings and clean the seams, prepare them for subsequent grout.

Vertically, the apron in the kitchen is laid out of whole tiles, however, it is often in the corners a trimming is required, especially if symmetrical laying is performed. You can cut the tile with the help of various tools, each of which has its advantages and disadvantages.

If you cut a little bit, then you can use roller glass cutter, however, now it is not all the tile "yields" to this tool and make a high-quality slice in this case is almost impossible.

Manual tiles - an excellent solution for price-quality ratio. A tile is installed on the face, and it is necessary to combine the mark on which the slice will be made, with the direction of the cutting roller movement. The cutting disk is supplied to the line using the tool lever and is installed on the edge. Carrying out the pressure, lead the carriage over the cut line solely once, you should not carry out the carriage along the cut line several times, since the glaze will drop and the edge will turn out to be jar. Using special paws, press on the lever and flush the tile along the cut line.

Electric tiles - a more professional tool that can provide the highest quality cut. The tool is quite expensive, so take it in order to cut several tiles completely inappropriate. It is equipped with a special disk for cutting ceramics, while the water supply is carried out on the cutting edge, which prevents overheating of the disc itself, provides a high-quality slice and during the same time dust is absent completely.

Using a grinder and a special disk can also be cope with this task. A mark is made on the tile, which will be made incisions. Bulgarian turns on and should wait until the disc will take turnover, after which they make a slot of 3-5 mm deep. After that, the tile is put on the table or workbench, which combines the line of the slits with the edge and the sharp movement overlap it along this line. Most often, this cut will need additional processing.

After the apron in the kitchen is over and passed, one day can begin to frighten the seams. To do this, you need to prepare the following:

  1. Rubber spatula;
  2. Any container for breeding the mixture;
  3. Dry rags and sponge;
  4. A piece of cable - for the batch of seams.

The work is performed as follows:

  • For a start, all remote crossings are sure to be removed - if they are very tightly sitting between the tile, then the stationery knife can be used - this will significantly simplify the task.
  • The seams are cleaned of dust and wetted with a pulverizer or sponge.
    Draw a dry mixture or use ready for grouting.
    If necessary, add a kel.
  • With the help of a rubber spatula, apply a solution on the seams and press it out with force so that all cavities are filled with a solution.
  • After that, a piece of cable, pressing it in the seams, spend along the entire length - excess the grouts will be squeezed out, making the filling of the seams the same, which will certainly give a more aesthetic appearance.
  • Wait until the grout grabs a little (usually enough clock pairs), then wipe the tiles with a sponge, flushing the remnants of the grout. Dry rapid Speakers, everything is completely and the final gloss can be given with the help of flannels, races to the gloss all the tile.

Video instruction


Now you know how to lay out a kitchen apron from tiles. The process is completely identical with the styling of the tile on the wall and after reading this instruction this task will be quite a good way, which will significantly save on attracting masters for such work.

An important meaning in the kitchen interior today plays a kitchen apron, both with practical and aesthetic point of view, thereby causing a number of difficulties with the choice of finishing materials that would satisfy all the necessary requirements. At the same time, most people stop their choice after all on the traditional ceramic tiles, since it will be able to lay out a small area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen wall with a tile, even without having practical skills in such a business.

Recently, kitchen aprons began to pay more attention, in many respects due to the emergence of a variety of assortment of finishing materials on the market.

If earlier for the design of the apron used only the tile of a pretty scanty color scheme and design, the main task in the working area was the protection of the wall from random mechanical impact, ingress of fatty and other splashes, etc.

Currently, the choice of suitable apron of materials is so huge that it easily allows you to protect the wall and the same time creating unique masterpieces, contributing to the aesthetic attractiveness and creativity not only the working area, but also the entire kitchen interior.

Therefore, the material of the kitchen apron should be durable, moisture and fire resistant, and also have excellent practical and decorative characteristics.

Types of finishing material, their characteristics

For the design of the kitchen apron today, various materials are used with different properties, sizes and external designs.

MDF panels

In recent years, the MDF panels produced by pressing small wooden sawdust, the facial surface of which is laminated by heat-resistant coating is widely widespread.

Advantages of MDF panels:

  • wide sample spectrum;
  • simplicity of installation, as well as dismantling work;
  • the minimum number of docking seams that prevent the accumulation of dust and fat droplets;
  • the possibility of wet cleaning without the use of aggressive means;
  • low cost.


  • relative resistance before mechanical exposure;
  • low moisture resistance;
  • little service life, about 2 years.

Despite the durability of the MDF panels to high temperatures, to use them to design apron if there is no gas stove, they are not worth it, because they are made of waste wood, so with any violation of the integrity of the coating near open fire can easily light up.

Glass tile

A fairly new fashion trend is an apron made of glass tiles. The material for its manufacture protrudes Calen glass or triplex. In this case, the surface of the tile can be glossy, matte or corrugated. A wide model range is represented by tiles of various sizes with a monochrome background either by inclusions or stripes of other shades. However, the tile with a pattern is most attractive, which is applied by sandblasting or photo printing using special equipment, allowing to achieve 3D effect.

Pluses of glass tiles:

  • high decorative qualities;
  • resistance to high temperatures and high humidity;
  • resistance to aggressive chemicals;
  • easy to remove any contamination from the surface.

  • low resistance to mechanical damage;
  • the probability of clouding glass over time;
  • labor complexity due to a distinct manifestation of traces from steam, splashes;
  • complexity of installation work;
  • the duration of operation does not exceed 5 years;
  • high price.

Along with glass tiles, a glass panels have recently produced with the same properties as a tile, but substantially facilitating the installation process and care.

Mirror tile

The gloss of mirror reflection gives the room a luxurious and original appearance, so the material is in high demand, despite significant disadvantages. Cutting of mirror-mirroring on the necessary elements allows you to get tiles of a wide variety of shapes and sizes. The color palette is represented by gold, chromium, silver and other metallic shades. In this case, the surface of the tile can be embossed, smooth or with a pattern. However, tile with facet or holographic image has a special originality.

The advantages of the mirror tile:

  • visual increase in space;
  • combination with any materials;
  • resistance to ultraviolet rays, as well as high temperatures;
  • moisture resistance to carry out wet cleaning using neutral detergents.


  • fragility of material;
  • over time, dark spots appear on the edges;
  • painstopping of departure, consisting in constant removal of footprints, splashes, spots;
  • a small operational period of 2-3 years;
  • the cost of the mirror tile is lower than glass, but above ceramic.

However, the mirror panels manufactured to order are significantly simplified by labor-intensive care.

Metal tile

For the interior performed in the style of High-tech, stainless steel metal apron will have to be very good. At the same time, in other style solutions, the metal will look too cold and industrially, so the choice in favor of such a material must be assessed in advance.


  • high strength quality;
  • excellent wear resistance;
  • fire safety;
  • resistance to moisture, ultraviolet rays;
  • duration of operation;
  • acceptable cost.


  • scarce color palette, represented by metal shades;
  • harness in the care caused by constant deliverance from traces of fat, water, which are clearly visible on the reflective surface;
  • a low operational period due to the use of aggressive detergents, leading to metal darkening.

Ceramic tile

The most practical and durable of all types of material is a ceramic tile produced from various grades of clay with the addition of binding components by pressing with a subsequent single (monocotture) or double (bicotura) by firing. At the same time, monocotture has less porosity, in contrast to the bicoture, and therefore, greater moisture resistance and durability. The surface of the same ceramic tile is smooth, embossed, as well as glossy or matte.


  • large selection of sizes, shades, design;
  • high strength due to firing at high temperatures;
  • excellent resistance mechanical, as well as chemical effects;
  • high water-resistance moisture resistance;
  • environmentally friendly material that does not emit harmful compounds during heating process;
  • lack of temporary deformation;
  • does not change the initial shade under the influence of ultraviolet rays;
  • ease of care;
  • acceptable cost;
  • durability.


  • fragility of material;
  • the need to preliminary surface preparation to improve adhesion;
  • the complexity and duration of laying.

Thus, the most durable and aesthetic kitchen tiles on the apron, which is presented above, includes glass and ceramic tiles. In addition, glass and ceramics are remarkably combined with any other materials, giving the room a harmoniously completed view. However, the price will be much higher for glass aprons than on ceramic.

Determination of the sizes of the kitchen apron

The costs associated with the acquisition of finishing material are directly dependent on the size of the kitchen apron.

Lower border Apron

The boundary of the lower edge of the apron is determined by different criteria based on the following conditions:

  • if the furniture is purchased and placed in place, the border of the apron is the level of tabletop;

  • if the acquisition of furniture is in the planning stage, the height of the gas or induction plate is adopted behind the lower limit of the apron. However, if a washing machine is placed under the table top, the height of the machine is taken behind the lower limit, since it is always somewhat higher than the plates.

Since the perfectly smooth floor is a rare phenomenon, then when the furniture is arranged, the countertop can be below the apron, forming non-welltic gaps. You can avoid this problem in the process of mounting the apron, having reduced the obtained value of the lower limit by 2-3 cm.

Upper limit Apron

The distance between the mounted cabinets and the working surface should be at least 45-50 cm, otherwise it will be quite difficult to use the table top for the purpose, since the upper cabinets will block the overview of the part of the working surface. At the same time, the width of the apron of larger size is necessary, taking into account the following factors:

  • the height of the ceilings in the kitchen. There should be free space at 30-40 cm for free installation / dismantling of the upper cabinets between mounted cabinets and the ceiling;

  • type of plate. Since the minimum distance from the electrical or induction plate to the exhaust should be 60 cm, and from gas - at least 75 cm, then in the area of \u200b\u200bhooding the width of the kitchen apron increases slightly.

  • type of exhaust. When using the suspension design of the flat type, mounted on the bottom of the mounted cabinet or to the overhaul, the upper boundary of the apron will be the bottom edge of the hood. When choosing a fireplace type exhaust, the upper limit will be similar to the height of mounted cabinets without any additional distance.

When determining the width of the apron under extractor, it is necessary that the edges of the apron can be 2-3 cm not only under the hood, but also for sides from her hinged cabinets.

Thus, planning a kitchen apron, dimensions must be determined taking into account the various features of furniture, household appliances, room heights and personal preferences. At the same time, you should not forget that the apron must enter the upper and lower boundaries under the cabinets.

Mounting Kitchen Apron from Ceramic Tile

The technological process of mounting the tile is divided into several steps, the sequence and care of which they guarantee a satisfactory result.

Necessary materials and tools

For the convenience and speed of work, it is necessary to prepare in advance:

  • primer;
  • brush for applying the grinding wall;
  • tile glue;
  • ceramic tile;
  • grout for seams;
  • toothed, rubber and conventional small spatula;
  • suture crosses 2.5, or 3 mm;
  • level;
  • metal profile, the length of which is equal to the length of the kitchen apron;
  • dowel for fastening to the profile wall;
  • pencil;
  • capacities for the preparation of glue and grouts;
  • rubber cizyanka;
  • tiles or Bulgarian;
  • pliers;
  • foam sponge;
  • rag from natural fabric.

Tile laying wall preparation

The quality of the prepared base depends on the reliability of the tile clutch with the surface, so:

  1. We clean the surface allocated under the apron from plaster, paint, wallpaper, and it is desirable to a concrete or brick base.
  2. Covered the prepared base of the primer and give it a carefully dry.
  3. We celebrate on the wall the lower border of the apron and stalk a pencil to a flat line.
  4. Immediately under the applied line, they fix the metal profile with the help of a dowel, which prevents the slaughtering of the tile during the gripping period of the solution, as well as ensuring the flatness of the row.
  5. The horizontal of the attached profile is checking the level.

Laying tiles

To obtain smooth rows, laying the kitchen apron from the tile is reached from below and from the edge to the corner, so:

  1. We drag the tile glue, according to the instruction on the packaging, and let him stand for 5 minutes, after which we thoroughly mix, getting rid of everyone's lumps.
  2. Using a toothed spatula, we apply glue to the surface of the wall for 2-3 tiles. If the base has deep irregularities, then glue is also applied to the tile.
  3. We take the tile and uniform pressing movements fix it on the wall. At the same time, the tile itself must be based on one side to the fixed profile.
  4. The next tile is glued next to the first, not forgetting to insert suture crossbars between the tiles that ensure the slope of the seam.
  5. After fixing 2-3 tiles, check the horizontal, as well as the vertical by applying the level. If necessary, the protruding corners of the tiles are correcting in the image.
  6. As the tile laying immediately clean the seams from the excess glue until it grabbed.
  7. After the end of laying the first row, go to the next, etc.
  8. 48 hours after the end of work, we remove the metal profile, suture crosses and remove the remaining glue from the seams.

Shutkish seams

The final stage of laying the tile is reduced to the following work:

  1. Sprinkle seams from the spray from the pulverizer, getting rid of dust.
  2. Rinse the tile so that the adhesive particles are not mixed with the grout.
  3. We divorce the grout, as indicated on the package, and thoroughly mix.
  4. We take a rubber spatula and, holding it at an angle of 45 ° C, fill the seams as much as possible.
  5. Excess the grouts remove immediately as all the emptiness of the seam is filling.
  6. Filling 6-8 seams, spend your finger on the seam, giving it a certain relief. If cracks appear, then we pass with a wet sponge and repeat the procedure.
  7. At the end of the work, the surface of the tile wipes the damp cloth, and then rinse with the addition of detergent to get rid of the appealing divorces.

Kuktito Apron Design Options

Currently, a tile for kitchen apron can be used absolutely in any specialized or construction store, and the diversity of the forms and sizes of this material is so great that it is difficult to stay on some one option. And maybe you do not need to stop on the tile of one size and shape, but is it worth experimenting, combining contrast or monophonic colors?

It looks quite interesting and the tile of various sizes in combination with the usual and diagonal masonry.

In this case, the kitchen apron (the tile 10x10 is becoming increasingly popular), it looks not only elegant, but at cost of costs is inferior to the tile of ordinary sizes, since there is practically no need to cut a small-informiture size.

In addition, glue 10x10 tiles diagonally more productively, significantly reducing the time of work.

Using a small-format tile allows you to easily lay out small panels, reviving the design of a monochrome tile.

Although from the rectangular tile it is possible to make an insert or arrange a border in the form of a picture.

Thus, make a apron in the kitchen from various materials, combining the colors and the shape of finishing materials. The main thing is that the color gamut tiles is harmoniously combined with other interior items.

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And indeed, why put the tile on the whole wall, quite well-spending on the material and work, if you can save, aesthetically, and most importantly, it is practical to put an apron of tiles in the kitchen. In addition, you can do it with your own hands. And let the work unfamiliar to you earlier for you, we are here in order to teach how to lay out apron in the kitchen from the tile.

The main feature of the apron, in addition to decorative, is the protection of the working wall of fat and other spots that may appear in the cooking process in the kitchen. The height of the apron can be different 50-60 cm, but it will correct to choose the height of the tile in size. There are apron between the kitchen table (worktop) and mounted cabinets.

The design of the apron in the kitchen is simple, but it requires accuracy when laying

Materials from which you can make a apron are somewhat first of all - this is of course tile also used glass, various plastic, artificial stone and other materials. Each of the above materials have their own individual features in the installation, care, price. The most common material, as we have already been told, is a tile, about the advantages and disadvantages of which right now ...

Advantages of the apron of tiles

  • High-quality wall protection from all types of pollution.
  • Mechanical strength.
  • Durability.
  • Not afraid of an aggressive environment (hot water, fat, par).
  • Relative maintainability (the ability to replace separate tiles).
  • Ecology.
  • The possibility of applying for the departure of almost any means of household chemicals.
  • Aesthetic appearance.
  • Large price range when choosing tiles.
  • And most importantly, you can do it yourself, with your own hands.


  • The process of manufacturing an apron of tiles is the most time consuming.
  • In the seams, dirt is stuffed, which is then problematic to remove. Therefore, seams when laying apron, should be like possible the most minimal.

The first step on the way of the device apron will be the correct selection of the material, which is carried out in several important criteria:

  • The technical characteristics of the tiles must correspond to the tasks that face the apron first - this is impact resistance.
  • The size of the tile plays an important role, for example, a tile with parameters 10 × 10 has a number of advantages compared to large formats: the ability to avoid sub-sized, and the waste is reduced accordingly. True laying such a tile is more complicated and the number of seams in this embodiment is much more.
  • When choosing a type of material, you need to be guided by a common kitchen style. It can be a tile, "brick", a mosaic surface.
  • In color, the tile is selected so that it is combined with other elements of the interior.
  • The surface structure can be glossy or matte. The glossy tiles need careful care, since even the slightest traces are visible on its surface, right-fingerprints. Matte tile is better hiding pollution, but, in turn, the dirt is accumulated behind this "invisibility".

What design to choose

Note that the design options have a large amount, and on which of them will stop, you decide only you and your financial capabilities. The most common option, make a kitchen apron on the wall with your own hands from a white tile. The option is win-win, since the white tile is combined with almost any interior, besides, any bright accent can stick into the overall array of white tiles.

Wondered various decorative elements inserted into a common tone. There is also a tile with a pattern from which you can create a practically picture. If you want full individuality, you can order your original photopris on the apron of tiles.

For the visual increase in the volume of the room there are three ways:

  1. For elongation, rectangular tiles are horizontally.
  2. To increase in height, laying produced vertically.
  3. Laying the tiles diagonally has a unique properties of expansion of space.

After you have become clear from what, in what style and what is the height of the kitchen apron, we select the necessary set of tools that will make the kitchen apron with your own hands.

Tools and consumables

The following tools will be needed:

  • Platekorez.
  • Rule construction.
  • Building level.
  • Rubber spatula.
  • Guide "P" shaped profile.
  • Stretch or spatula for applying adhesive mixture.
  • An electric drill or a perforator with a mixing nozzle for the preparation of an adhesive mixture.
  • Toothed spatula.
  • Roulette.
  • Metal brush.
  • Rubber hammer.
  • Cut or drill on concrete.

Required consumables:

  • Tile glue.
  • Grout for seams.
  • Plastic crosses.
  • Tyrka with a grid.
  • If the wall is uneven, you will need a putty.
  • Pencil.

Preparation of the Wall

After you have prepared the above-listed tools and materials, it's time to start the preparation of the wall with your own hands. Initially, the old cladding is dismantled. Then the electrotechnical work is made to replace wiring, installing additional outlets and switches where they are necessary. The next stage of the construction rule check the condition of the wall for the purpose of drops if the height of the difference is greater than 3 mm, the space is required to attack or sharpen. With large irregularities and recesses, the wall can be aligned using moisture-resistant plasterboard.

The preparation of the wall is complete, you can begin marking the future apron.

Staying the kitchen apron from tiles is made in different ways

The height of the table top and the kitchen plate determines the distance from the floor to the bottom of the indisted apron. Typically, this height is 80-85 cm. Be sure to consider the tile to enter the table by 1-2 cm. The top level of the apron is determined by the distance from the hinged cabinets until the countertop. The optimal is considered to be 60 cm, since in this case you can do without trimmed tiles. If you have a hood installed, then the apron from the tile should be put to the top level of the exhaust, and on the sides perform on the exhaust width plus 5 cm in both directions.

Installation instructions

Now we will discuss in more detail on how to make the apron on the wall and besides, put it with your own hands. In order for the surface of the apron to be smooth and neat guided by the following rules:

  • Mounting begins with a long corner.
  • From "P" of the profile, we arrange support for the bottom row of tiles
  • I prepare glue. To prevent the adhesive mix drying, you should not do too much.
  • Using a toothed spatula, we apply glue on the wall with a thickness of 8-12 mm.
  • The installation of the tile is starting from the corner vertically by retreating 2 cm from the adjacent wall.
  • Seam between tiles should be from about 1.5 to 4 mm. To save one width of gaps over the entire laid out surface, plastic crosses are applied.
  • At the previously installed profile, we glue the first row of tiles, follow the distance to the tiles located on the adjacent wall.
  • For a better clutch of tiles with a wall, on its surface tapping a rubber hammer (Cyanka).
  • The remnants of the adhesive immediately remove a damp cloth or a washcloth, otherwise after drying the glue, it will be problematic.

Council. If you do not have a stoveture, you can replace it with a ruler and glass cutter. With the front side of the tile, apply the rubber and then, along the line of this cut, the tile breaks about the edge of the table.

Shutkish seams

After completing the stacking of the apron, go to the next stage of work, grouting seams. Bad made grout can spoil all the previously performed work. Before starting the grout, you need to make sure to complete the tile glue in complete drying. The seams are cleaned of garbage residues. If a unhappy tile was used for the apron's device, then its upper and side surfaces should be moistened to prevent absorbing moisture from the grout.

After completing the styling, the apron needs to make the sputs of the seams

There are two types of grouts:

  1. Based on epoxy resins.
  2. Based on cement.


Here you made a kitchen apron with your own hands and now that the work spent does not disappear, it is recommended to follow simple tile care tips:

  • If in the process of cooking on the wall he got fat, it is necessary to remove it immediately until he has absorbed into the surface.
  • It is advisable to care to apply gel detergents.
  • Do not allow the surface of solid objects.


In the kitchen you had a beautiful and practical apron, which for many years will be able to serve you faithfully. And most importantly - you made it yourself with your own hands!

The surface of the wall between the tabletop and the mounted cabinets of the kitchen headset is subject to constant exposure to moisture and hot steam. While cooking on it inevitably, splashes of fat, oil and other pollution.

To make it convenient to maintain the working area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen clean, it is customary to protect the so-called apron from moisture-resistant materials.

Most often, wall panels from plastic or MDF, as well as ceramic tiles, use wall panels of this part of the headset.

What glued kitchen apron is glued - glue selection

Tile. Until relatively recently, the tile has been a non-alternative option when choosing a material for the kitchen apron. And today the ceramic tile is very popular.

As for the choice of glue for the installation of the tile, then everything is quite simple - any universal tile glue is suitable.

The following dry mixtures use a good reputation in the finishers:

  • Knauf Flisen,
  • UNIS 2000,
  • Bergauf Keramik Pro,
  • Weber.vetonit,
  • Ceresit cm-11.

All listed glue brands are a dry mixture based on cement with special additives, they are suitable for mounting ceramic tiles to various bases.

For the preparation of the working solution, it is enough to add the amount of water in the dry powder and mix thoroughly. To lay the mosaic and transparent tiles, such mixes are suitable as Ivsil Mosaik or Bergauf Mosaik. They are white, so suitable even for capricious materials.

Plastic and MDF. The wall panel of plastic or MDF will cost much cheaper than tiles, and dirty work in the event of a choice of this material will be much smaller.

Installation of plastic apron is possible in two ways: adhesive and with special fasteners. Adhesive (frameless) Method is attractive in that it hides the traces of installation - the panel remains the whole and monolithic.

but glue plastic farinayou can only on the perfectly smooth wall.

What glue glue apron from plastic panels or MDF? Universal glue for plastic mounting to any bases (concrete, GVL, wood, etc.) will be liquid nails.

In their base, they are two species: neoprene (neoprene - synthetic rubber) and acrylic (water-emulsion). The first are sharp smell and are sufficiently toxic, acrylic are safe from an ecological point of view, but more sensitive to water and temperature drops.

For decoration apron of kitchen with plastic wall panels, as well as panels from MDF, according to professional decorates, such brands of glue are excellent, such as:

  • Mounting glue titanium "Panel & Moldings" - Super durable adhesive composition on a rubber basis. Quickly and reliably glues finishing and decorative materials from plastic, MDF, wood stoves, etc. To most absorbing building grounds. Resistant to temperature and humidity drops.
  • LIQUID NAILS (Liquid Nails) LN-910 (Panels and Moldings) - Specially designed adhesive composition for fastening plastic panels, plinths, moldings and other decorative elements. The glue does not contain toluene and acetone, resistant to moisture and temperature differences. Provides reliable adhesion with concrete, brick, wood, drywall and other stable bases.
  • Moment Installation MR-40 "Universal" - Designed for fastening wall panels and moldings from PVC, MDF, wood and plastic. The glue retains elasticity after drying, waterproof. Suitable for most building materials. It can be used on uneven surfaces (well fills emptiness), has excellent adhesion.

How to glue apron in the kitchen of plastic with your own hands

The installation process itself does not represent difficulties, but requires accuracy.

The most difficult thing in working with a solid plastic panel is to fit it under the size of the kitchen.

At the stage of marking, it should be removed several standards horizontally, because not always the walls are perfectly even.

How to glue apron?

The process consists of several consecutive stages:

  1. Surface preparation. If wallpapers are present on the walls, they should be deleted. The wall is cleaned from peeling plasters, various contaminants and covered with primer. It is better to choose acrylic primer for premises with high humidity - it contains antibacterial and anti-grapple additives.
  2. Applying glue. Liquid nails of Liquid Nails and any others are applied using a special pistol only on a dry, degreased surface. This should not be done with a solid layer, but point or snake.
  3. Gluing. The glued surfaces are tightly pressed to each other and immediately disconnect to make sure that the glue is enough. After 3-5 minutes, the final gluing produce, tightly pressed the panel to the wall. Classification of glue occurs almost instantly, but the greatest strength of the gluing is achieved through a day.


Glue apron from MDF in the kitchen

This procedure differs little from working with a plastic panel, it also consists of three stages:

  1. Preparation of the surface. The wall is cleaned and, if necessary, align. Well absorbing surfaces are processed by primer.
  2. Applying liquid nails. The workpiece is trying on the place and cut down the desired size. A layer of glue is applied to the MDF panel point or snake.
  3. Gluing. The panel is applied to the wall and slightly pressed, after which they remove, withstand the technological pause (3-5 minutes). Then the panel is finally glued. For greater reliability, a heavy apron can be knocked out in several places by the rails, after complete drying of the adhesive they are cleaned.


Do not try to glue the plastic panel or MDF apron from the first time, as it is not always possible. Attach the panel to the wall, then slightly pick up and remove.

Withstanding the pause within a few minutes you can proceed to final gluing. In most cases, it is sufficiently strongly pressing the surface in the connection places to achieve a rapid grasp of glue.

Visible parts of the edge of the apron should additionally be placed by the MDFs of the appropriate color.

You will need

  • - washing powder and water;
  • perforator;
  • - construction plumb;
  • - construction level 80-100 cm;
  • - construction level 40 cm;
  • - Construction coal30-40 cm;
  • - Smooth long rail (2 pieces);
  • - construction pencil;
  • - 2 buckets;
  • - rubber cive;
  • - tile;
  • - reinforced glue for tiles;
  • - crosses 2.5 mm;
  • - gypsum plaster;
  • - construction gypsum;
  • - gear spatula 8 mm;
  • - Wide spatula 30-40 mm;
  • - spatula 12 mm;
  • - glass cutter.


Make the tile layout diagram and calculate how many materials need.

Before you start laying out the apron, prepare the surface. Remove the wallpaper to the base. It is easy to do with a bucket of warm water with the addition of a chopping of washing powder. Apply a soap solution with a sponge to the entire surface of the wallpaper. After wetting squabble their spatula. Removing wallpapers, rinse with a wall with clean water. Fly to the bottom of the old bad stucco.

Make a building pencil line for laying an exhaust electric pipe. Perforator for the intended line Make a depth of 1 cm. Wash the wire into it and secure the gypsum solution.

With the help of a construction level of 80-100 cm, a plumb and straight rail to measure the corners and planes. Check the plane of the walls and verticality of the external corners in the horizontal. Please note that the lumens between the wall and a flat plane of a direct rail must be no more than 5 mm.

According to the instructions, enter the dry plaster mix in the bucket. At the surface of a small spatula, throw the stucco cakes, a big spatula, jump up. Excess the solution remove the rail. Try so that you have one plane horizontally and vertically.

In exact accordance with the instructions, knead the glue. Apply it on the wall in a place where the tile will border the floor with the floor. Apply a thin layer of glue to the back of the tile using a narrow spatula. Press it into the solution and deposit with rubber Cyans.

Exhibit tiles vertically and horizontally using a short level. Check the tile by plane by applying the level to the front side of the tile. If it is not in terms of level, remove it and add or remove the glue as needed. Watch out for the immaculateness of the installation of the first tiles. The final result depends on them.

Before you begin installing a second tile, pay attention to the drawing. On the back of the arrow indicates the direction of the pattern, which should be equally for all tiles. Put the second tile, check it in the same way. Install two cross between bordering ribs. Check your fingers. You should not feel the transition.

Install the third tile on the second tile. Caller Check the angle between vertical and horizontal edges of the second tile. Similarly, install the following tiles.