Repairs Design Furniture

Hand horn. Forging oven: Process with your own hands. How to make gas horn do it yourself

Some of you are enjoyed forging, and the main tool for her is the blacksmith horn.
In this article, the author of Youtube Channel "The Forge of Svay" will tell you how to make it, using the simplest blowing materials.

- Board Pine 20x200 mm
- Clay, coal
- Hemp rope
- Old Feng.
- Trim hose
- Steel pipe
- Corners, Self-tapping screws
- painting tape.

Tools used by the author.
- cutting disk
-, Finger Tree Drills
- hammer, anvil, ticks
- Screwdriver, bucket, mixer.

Manufacturing process.
First of all, the master collects a box for a mountain of ordinary pine boards. To connect them, each other uses furniture corners and auto tapes.

Then he sends a clay using a perforator with a nozzle mixer. He made her on the banks of the river.

For the reinforcement of the solution, the master adds a crushed hemp rope, although it is possible to use the trimming of fiberglass mesh.

Now laying the solution inside the box, and forms a bowl of the hill. Its sizes, he picked up for small blades and blanks.

Around the bowl by the author pours river sand. In the side wall, the hole for the tube is drilled through which air will be charged through.

To one end of the tube, he welds such a socket. The second end is cut at an angle, it will avoid clogging ashes ash.

In order to fix the tube on the housing, the author welded a couple of nuts to it, and screwed it to the housing.

With the fastening of the hair dryer to the tube, he did not invent anything, and took it to the rake with a painting ribbon. Hairdryer he purchased on the market, the cheapest. A hairdryer with a broken heater is also suitable. It requires only discharge of cold air. In the case of the use of a new cheap hair dryer, an important point is precisely the mode of supplying cold air, otherwise the hair dryer will have to disassemble, and turn off the spiral.

With the help of the Bulgarian, the author made three slots at the top of the tube. Then she put on them a string of the rubber hose. So it will be possible to adjust the amount of air supplied to the mountain.

Everything is ready, you can upload coal, and thinning the mountain. So he warms up the first blank for the blade.

Temperature to work with it is more than sufficient.

After the forging, the wizard reduces the air supply, and temper the blade in machine oil.

The following subject will be such a sandwich from two cutting steel strip and a piece of file.

After the forging, this will look like this.

A blacksmith furnace (in other words, blacksmith horn) is necessary for working on welding or forging a metal in any blacksmith, since this work is made to produce at sufficiently high temperatures, not counting the "cold forging".

Blacksmith furnace (Mountain) is necessary for metal forging. It transfers very high temperatures and should be in every blacksmith.

If you wish, you can make forged items yourself and at home. To do this, you will need to construct the oven for the forging with your own hands. There is a wide variety of such skins, their differences only in the use of the fuel type.

Some features

There are several types of fuel - it is solid fuel, wood or stone coal, firewood and coke. Experienced blacksmiths give their preference to such fuel as coke, but it is much more expensive than ordinary coal. Although it is necessary for consumption much less than coal, about 5 times.

If we talk about the forging of metal in the artistic style, then this is better to use this fuel. Cox will give a sufficiently high temperature of the mountain. And because of all this, the forging will be well done, and there will not be a lot of soot and waste in the form of slag.

If you choose your choice on Coke, it is best to buy Koksik. This is the same coke, only much smaller. If you take a major one, then it will still need to split into small parts. It will take a lot of time that you can spend with benefit.

Also there are mountains that work from gas or liquid fuel, but this option of fuel is customary to be used at the production of a larger scale.

A blacksmith furnace in the work is pretty simple.

The work surface is a place where the main work is made on the forging. It burns coal, which will heat steel blanks. At the moment there are a wide variety of structures and designs of such skins. They have their differences due to fuel, which is customary to use on them.

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Blacksmith furnace with their own hands

Let's talk about how to make the oven for forging yourself, and if there is no time or desire, you can order on specialized industries. There are 2 types of furnaces: closed and open.

The closed stove type is equipped with a special purpose chamber, it is designed for pre-warming up metal blanks. This type is the most economical, since its use requires minimal cost of electricity.

However, there are limitations for the size of the workpiece, only those that match the dimensions of the chamber will be approached. One of the best rings for forging a closed type is the one for which is used as a fuel gas.

Open type is taken to warm up with solid fuels, it will fall asleep on top of the grille, and the air supply will occur at the bottom. In this type of Mountain, the workpiece must be laid on a fuel. With this type of stove, you can perform forging on sufficiently large blanks, there are no restrictions in size.

The main part of the stove is the table, on the upper part of it is the center itself and the necessary blanks. The height of the furnace is desirable to make an increase in the blacksmith, respectively, the desk will be fluent in the norm from 700 to 800 mm. The surface can be any size you want, but it is customary to do the size of 80x80 cm or 100x150 cm.

For the forging of large metal blanks, it is sufficient to increase the size of the table, you can make a special removable worktop. It is made using corners and plates of metal of the desired size. In the center of the table there is a nest of Gornova, which consists of a tuned, as well as from a grate grid, it is necessary to perform air supply.

Scheme of blacksmith horn: 1 - exhaust pipe; 2 - exhaust cap; 3 - Gorna box; 4 - Furma; 5 - pipeline from the fan for the blast.

As a rule, a special brick with a refractory property and clay is used for the horn cover. All this will make this design heavy enough. And in such a situation there is a way out if you are not satisfied with the weight category of this equipment.

It is possible to make a metal stove, it will have a special cover of a sheet of 4 mm in the presence, a grate grid of cast iron. The grille must be placed in the center of the metal forging. An important attribute for this stove is a hood, which is installed directly above it. Exhaust box can be made independently made of metal with thin walls.

Metal forging is accepted directly from falling asleep fuel to grate. Many masters lay out their billets right on coals, and then plunge the layer on top. Inside the coal, a small arch will be formed, the required temperature will rise.

One of the types of necessary equipment for our workshop is a blacksmith horn. If you do not only only with a cold forging (), then without it can not do. In principle, it is now possible almost everything, including this product. But when you see the cost (and the price of the cheapest models from 48,000 rubles), the thought involuntarily arises, and whether it is impossible to make it on their own? The answer is simple - it is possible, and quite simple.

Traditionally, it uses coal (wood or stone) for such a "firebox". But considering that we have no problems with gas in the country, consider exactly such a design. From a practical point of view, it is much more convenient, and easier to manufacture. It is worth noting that in this case there is no difference that it will be gas - a trunk or cylinders.

Advantages of gas Gorna

  • Easy facilities. At least because there will be no usual trembling in such a stove.
  • The ability to regulate the temperature of heating.
  • Cheap and availability of fuel.
  • Low production costs.
  • Mobility. Given the low weight, it is easy to transfer it from place to place.

Gorna designs

It should be noted immediately note that some single standard on such a mountain does not exist. It is only necessary to comply with certain requirements for working with gas equipment. The main thing is to understand the principle of the functioning of the furnace and heating the blanks. And the dimensions, the location of the main components of the elements - at the discretion of the user.

Every amateur blacksmith suits the mountain "under him", as it is more convenient and more expedient to use it. For example, instead of the usual masonry under the stove, a metal thick-walled tank can be installed. Some craftsmen fit even the usual bucket for these purposes.

Actually, it all depends on the fantasy of the "designer" of the dealer and its capabilities. What you need to know? There are 2 types of such furnaces, and it is impossible to unequivocally assert which of the "models" is better. Consider brief the principle of the device of each of them, and the choice is to the discretion of the wishing to do hot forging metals.

All described descriptions are just some examples of constructive versions.


It is a metal "form", which is installed on the fireproof base. This may be a small concrete site (floor), several refractory bricks laid nearby. It is advisable to mount the stand at the bottom of which is the pallet for the placement of parts to be heated. Bocames are vertical racks that are elements of fastening for installation of a gas burner. Naturally, its nozzle should be directed down.

Smoke with such a constructive design is removed naturally, so there is no need to mount the "hood", which greatly simplifies the design. However, it is necessary to consider that such a mountain should be placed or outdoors, or in a well ventilated room, where there is no risk of smoke.

The indisputable advantage of such a "model" is that it is possible to warm up the details of different values \u200b\u200bon the pallet, since their dimensions are not limited to the dimensions of the stove chamber. They are determined by the free space between the side racks.


Requires a separate description. This design element is an integral part of any blacksmith horn. For its housing (as an option) a pipe from "Stainless steel" is taken. One end or brewed tightly, or closes with a removable lid.

On the other end is mounted metal mesh. The diameter of the holes is selected experimentally, depending on which "torch" is required to obtain. The material is also "stainless steel", sufficient thickness of 2 mm.

On the side, not far from the "muted" end, the pipe "is turned out" by which the gas and air mixture will be supplied. To her, in turn, another 1 pipe of a small diameter is welded, according to which gas is supplied (according to the main air). It comes from the compressor to which the supply (main) pipeline is connected.

To improve the quality of gas mixing with air next to the grid, an impeller is put.

How to properly adjust the operation of the burner - a separate large topic, which we still discuss.


Differs, above all, the type of thrust. It is carried out forcibly with a fan. By the way, this option, according to specialists, is preferable, as it provides better air ventilation.

The housing of the furnace (in the form of the cube) is laid out of refractory bricks (the so-called "chamotny" is used, capable of withstanding high thermal effects). The dimensions of the mountain for domestic use are small - sufficient side of 0.8 - 1 m. From above, a metal "cover" is installed, which is often called umbrella. Recommended sheet thickness - 4 mm. The necessary condition for high-quality work is horn - complete tightness of the internal volume.

What is needed to maintain the combustion process? First, gas. Consequently, in the side wall there should be a hole for inputting the burner. Secondly, it is necessary to mount the smoke removal system. The minimum channel sizes are 30 x 30 cm. It should be noted that its height is from 4.5 m, not less.

As an actuator can be used, for example, the engine from the old vacuum cleaner, from the car stove.

In order to be able to download in the Horn Details for heating, you need to foresee the door. Therefore, it will take to leave in the wall "window", in which to build a metal frame.

  • If in the rear wall of the mountain make a cut, then the ventilation will improve significantly. In addition, it will be possible to warm up longer details.
  • For the convenience of working with the mountain, it is advisable to install it on a metal stand (table). The height is selected arbitrarily.
  • If you have to work with details of different sizes, it is advisable to make 2 - 3 horn, characterized by dimensions. They are installed next to each other, and air and gas supply can be carried out with flexible hoses. This will allow them to quickly switch from one burner to another.
  • It is necessary to provide for the installation of shut-off valves on each "highway". It is better to use conventional valves, not ball, as they provide more smooth adjustment.

Manual forging is becoming increasingly popular - and to meet their own needs, and for the production of various products to order. The heating of the metal, in order to increase its plastic characteristics, must be performed in special heating devices, the simplest of which is for blacksmith horn. The main task of the city is to provide a stable increase in metal temperature to forging temperatures, i.e., not less than 1200 ° C. How to make homemade blacksmith horn, and is it possible in principle, then considered further.

Classification of types of blacksmith horn

It can be made according to the following main indicators:

  1. According to the fuel used. There are gas mines, as well as devices running on solid (coal) or liquid (fuel oil) fuel.
  2. According to constructive features, open and closed mines are being built.
  3. In size (efficient surface) - small, medium and large.

Sweed-fuel mines for which it is necessary to use coking coal - spectacular to video, but an outdated technical solution. It will take not only to ensure the continuous supply of high-quality charcoal, but also to accept technological disadvantages, among which:

  • heating non-uniformity;
  • the inability to manage the process;
  • increased sulfur content, which will increase fragility during the forging;
  • increased fuel consumption, it can be up to 120 - 150% by weight;
  • low efficiency device accompanied by a significant ugar.

However, such structures in the conditions of a single production of products may be used at home, especially if it is mini-mines working on a cheap fuel oil.

The design of the blacksmith horn

To create more favorable conditions for the work of the blacksmith, it is advisable to build closed mines. They, although somewhat more complicated in the manufacture, are characterized by higher efficiency, and ensure uniform heating of blanks, in particular, round or rectangular cross-section. Open mines remain for the forge of art forging minor in their size products.

The blacksmith horn of a closed type consists of the following elements:

  1. steel reference frame with racks;
  2. submission;
  3. lining;
  4. sewberry damper;
  5. fan;
  6. chimney pipes.

If the metal is not completely warm when the metal is not completely, then technological holes are performed in the flap. They are supplied with closing eyes necessary to reduce fuel losses, and speed up the heating process.

When arranging the workshop to economically equip the blacksmith horn with the simplest recuperator - a node that increases the temperature of the assigned furnace gas. Mountains with recuperators have a higher efficiency, and the highlighting heat can be used, for example, for a furnace producing subsequent handling forged products - their blacksmith welding, boring, etc.

Stages of making homemade mountain

How to make a blacksmith horn, and where to start? For the manufacture of closed mines, it will be necessary to determine the dimensions of it. They are determined by the desired performance, and depend on the fuel consumption and the intensity of the actions of the blacksmith horn. For the gas option, the optimal can take the fuel feed rate of 1 - 1.5 m / s: in this case, heat transfer processes in a closed space will occur quite effectively.

The voltage is connected to the productivity of the mountain n by a simple ratio:

where F is the area of \u200b\u200bthe sub.

Given the area taken under the blacksmith, as well as the expected forging performance (for example, in kg of products), you can establish the actual minimum supply voltage (it should not be less than 100 - 150 kg / m 2 ∙ h, otherwise the arrangement of even the mini-option of the heating installation It turns out unprofitable).

In order to make a horn with their own hands, the following materials will be required:

  1. tolstolic heat-resistant steel;
  2. refractory brick (shamot or dynas);
  3. steel profile metal (corners, chawllers) for mounting the frame of the mountain, the manufacture of dampers and support racks;
  4. steel chimneys for the gases resulting in the process of heating products;
  5. refractory coating for sealing slots;
  6. sheet or broadband steel for external lining.

The design of the open mountain is much simpler - there is only a system of grate, and to ensure air flow that intensify the heating process. To remove the combustion products in this case, a fairly ordinary ventilation umbrella of heat-resistant steel.

In addition, during construction, it makes sense to use standard nodes. Here, it is necessary to mention the fan for the mountain, which can be taken as aggregates produced for two-circuit boilers of high power. Also suitable ventilation pipes and steel chimneys, intended for the chimney of gases at 300 - 400 ° C. You can equip the mountains with your own hands using the burners from powerful dual-circuit boilers.

Production of support frame

Since the blacksmith horn is stationary, then it is necessary to clearly decide on its location. At home, not all of the workshop can be used for a blacksmith. But, of course, the mountain must be brought to one of its walls, it is desirable to one that is not reported with adjacent buildings, because in this case it is much more difficult to equip chimneys, and install the fan for the mountain.

Under the conditions of fire safety, the design must defend the workshop from the capital wall of at least 1 m, and any use of materials with reduced fire resistance (including gklo plasterboard) is excluded.

In the manufacture of the support frame, it is advisable to use ready-made drawings that can be bought, or download on the Internet. The dimensions of the hill / mini-mountaine are consistent with their own capabilities. Well, if the drawings also come with photos and / or videos working horn.

The support racks and frame are made by welded, for which low-alloy steel 09g2c is usually used. It has sufficient strength, easily and reliably welded, stand from high-temperature corrosion. The pitch of the plate cells of the support frame is determined by the size of the refractory. The finished frame provides holes for the subsequent fastening of the elements of the outer lining.

Production of feed and arch

When choosing refractories to arrange the upper part, they are guided by the considerations of durability, the type of heated products, as well as the intensity of the use of blacksmith horn. More often than others are shame and dynas.

Shamot is manufactured according to the technical conditions of GOST 390-79. It is very dangerous to buy unattended products, because in color sometimes it is difficult to distinguish a chamotte brick, from the usual, which already mowed at 1200 ° C. Suitable for masonry chamotte brick should be cream color, and have a low porosity. In this case, its weight is at least 5 kg. On the Internet there are enough clips of a demo video, with which you can distinguish high-quality products. For the construction of the mountain, the brands of the ACSP, Sha and SB are suitable.

Download GOST 390-79 "Products refractory chamotte and global general purpose"

In handicraft conditions, it is able to give a temperature to 1200 degrees, which is quite enough for the forging steel. However, how difficult is it to make it and what you need to know about the requirements for the hearth? How to make the simplest blacksmith horn with their own hands and what types of stoves can be collected in your workshop? On this further in the material of our article.

Another 100-120 years ago, the main fuel type was stone coal, it worked on it all the main production equipment, including blacksmith mines. Today, the variety of fuel allows you to make different types of furnaces, up to almost a "pocket" format, but quite efficient and efficient.

For example, in the presented video footage homemade mountain for forging, made from tin can and a small gas burner.

Depending on the type of fuel used and the design features, the following types of blacksmith foci are distinguished.

  • Gas, liquid and solid fuel.
  • With an open and closed focus.
  • Portable and stationary.

Which of these species choose and do, will depend on the planned works and the size of the processed billets.

How to make gas horn

Despite the time-tested solid focus types, gas analogs have much more advantages.

The main positive points are the economical fuel consumption, uniform billet heating, sulfur, a higher useful action does not accumulate on the warmed metal.

How to make gas blacksmith horn with your own hands and what is needed for this?

Usually any device of the homemade blacksmith furnace each master makes appointments and their personal preferences. But the main design concept is one. The device for blacksmith horn on gas fuel consists of two parts: furnaces and gas burner.

A good device can be collected, guided by this video:

  • For such a design, metal capacity will be required: barrel, bucket or something like that.
  • From the side of the crown you need to make a hole under the gas supply system in the hearth.
  • The burner itself can be collected from pipe elements and couplings.
  • For the legs on which such a mountain will stand, you need to drill holes at the bottom of the tank and use fastenings of long bolts and nuts.
  • The focus of the focus is made by snowing alabastra with the addition of water and sand. At the same time you need to form the inner walls. How the casing can be used a ceramic pipe (both on video) or form a hearth using a suitable bottle.
  • When the lining is ready, you need to drill a hole for gas supply.

The advantage of such a design in its compactness, mobility, and, the main thing - you can adjust the temperature of the harvesting (various steel have different forging temperatures).

Also the gas type can be collected from bricks. To do this, you need to purchase a refractory appearance of this wall material. It is better to use clay with each other.

To supply gas in a brick design, a hole is drilled under the existing burner.

Important! When using gas horn in the workshop should be powerful forced ventilation to remove combustion products!

As fuel can be used by the usual household gas, which is sold in the cylinders and is relatively cheap. And most importantly, its stock can be replenished at any refueling station!

Such homemade blacksmith horn, working on propane, allows you to heat up many steel grades to the desired temperature.

Production of solid fuel horn

The combustion of solid fuels in itself cannot give the desired temperature, therefore, for its increase, such structures should have an additional air supply system. The device of the oven itself will also depend on the personal preferences and size of the processed billets.

In the old workshops, fur was used earlier for this, which created which created a powerful jet of air supplied to the hearth.

How to assemble such a solid fuel blacksmith horn?

The simplest design is the oven opened on top of the street. Its advantage is that it is not necessary to bother the arrangement of powerful ventilation.

  • Initially, the concrete base is poured, preferably with reinforcement.
  • It originally collect the base using the usual wall brick. Such a table can be any convenient height. In this case, it is necessary to leave the hole in one of the walls. The so-called thought. As a result, a square or a rectangle should turn out.
  • The next step assembly actually the lower surface of the furnace (under). It is collected from refractory brick, which is placed on the basis, for example, from steel corners.
  • In the center of the future, leaving a hole under the grate. For the manufacture of this element use heat-resistant material. A cast iron plate from the old oven is perfect. It needs to drill a pre-hole.
  • When the grinding is installed, fold the walls from the same refractory brick.
  • In one of the walls make a hole under the air supply system. It can be drilled using a drill and diamond crown. Or leave in advance when laying.
  • If the top is harvested, then you will have to fold and chimney, otherwise in a closed furnace, and even indoors will not be thrust.

When the works are finished, the air supply system is mounted. Here you can install an electric fan in the pipe. Or construct as shown in the video:

Such a simplest device is quite suitable for forging with your own hands. Despite the primitive design, such cries were used for hundreds of years, although there are disadvantages.

The main drawback is difficulties in controlling the process and uneven heating of the workpieces. Also a rather low useful effect in comparison with gas and a higher fuel consumption.

Liquid devices

You can equip a blacksmith horn and on liquid fuel using as the last work, diesel or fuel oil.

The complexity lies in the supply of the desired amount of fuel into the combustion chamber.

Collecting such a furnace, mount the tank for fuel and the system of its feed to the focus - nozzle. The main problem is that the fuel is spared in fine dust, then the system will be effective.

For higher temperatures, it will be necessary to equip the air. It is best to use an electric fan.

However, a blacksmith furnace on liquid fuel is quite complicated in maintenance and assembly. It is much easier to assemble the gas analogue, and the fuel will cost much cheaper, and it will be required less. But some masters collect such furnaces and used for their forge.

Solving, which of the types of Gorna to assemble with their own hands, you need to be guided by the needs and planned types of work. Forged knives do not require large sizes of the focus and, if such small forgings are created, you should not collect a large stationary design. Much easier to make a small portable type of oven, preferably on gas.

Of course, with the planned production of more massive products, it is best to make a stationary brick horn with a powerful confusion and extract.

Also an important point will be the choice of fuel. The gas is a cheaper and simple variant, coal (wood or stone) is somewhat more complicated in use and it needs more in terms of the mass of the workpiece. What to choose - depends on your preference and access to fuel reserves.

In order to take part in the discussion of this material, go to the comments of this article. Leave your comments, supported by the experience of the assembly and using the various forge of blacksmiths.