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How samovar works on coals. Vintage samovars: review, description, cost. Highlight three types of samovarov

Samovar For almost three centuries, it is considered an invalid Russian symbol of hospitality and an integral part of the life of the Slavic people. But, as soon as it sounds strange - the history of this ancient adaptation has several millennia. And a samovar appeared at all in Russia, as is commonly considered all over the world.

But, be that as it may, the Russian word "samovar" moved to many countries and this adaptation is called "Samovar" and the British, and the French, and the Spaniards, and Italians, and, however, the Turks call it - "Semaver".

Ancient Samovar Ancient Rome

Similar devices were known even in prehistoric times. For example, ancient people, wanted to warm the liquid, threw a large stone into a container with water, as a result of which the water almost instantly boils.

Later, during antiquity, in ancient Rome, a design appeared, resembling Samovar, - Aupesa. It was a tall pitcher, inside which was placed a roasting for hot coals warming water. In the same device, drinks could also be cooled in hot days, and for this, ice was used instead of coal. Aupeza had a great dignity that she didn't need an outdoor fire, since heating came from the inside.

Chinese Samovar "Ho-go"

A similar ancient adaptation exists in China. The deep bowl with the built-in pipe and confusion is that it is the famous Chinese prototype of the Samovar, called "Ho-go." They are metallic and porcelain, and served in them, as a rule, soup or boiling broth.

The likelihood of what exactly together with tea in Russia from China in the 16th century came "Ho-th". But this is reliably no one knows now. After all, the history of the origin of the Russian samovar is very inflamed and contradictory.

When the first samovar appears in Russia

According to one of the legends in Russia, Samovar first appeared during the reign of Peter the Great. Since the emperor often visited the countries of Europe and from where many ideas and interesting items brought from, they rummed that it was he who brought this richery from the Netherlands.

However, if you believe historical annals, the samovar appeared in Russia after Peter's death. And for the first time, it was created not in Tula, as was customary, but in the Urals in 1740. And about the Tula samovar, the first mention of historians found only six years later. With the advent of Samovarov in Russia, both tea, which became a very popular drink by the beginning of the 19th century, appeared in Russia.

Mass production in Russia Wonderful adaptations

But be that as it may, the reforms of Peter led to the development of the metallurgical industry in Russia and in the first half of the 18th century massively began to produce copper teapots with a handle. Then the caulders with pipes and pensions called - "tracking", which later became the prototype of the Russian samovar.

The very production of samovarov - the case is subtle and time consuming. In different years they were made from different metals. The very first were copper and melchiorovy, and later brass. But in museums there are samovars and precious metals - gold, silver and even from pure quartz. "Alt \u003d" (! Lang: Samovarchiki for children of Emperor Nicholas II." title="Self-crews for children of Emperor Nicholas II." border="0" vspace="5">!}

For the children of Emperor Nikolaii in 1909, Tula Masters manufactured five small samovars, volume in one glass. "Everyone was her form: in the form of a vase, in the form of a glass, in the form of an ancient vessel, in the shape of a ball, Greek amphora." All of them are saved in the museum and are in working condition. "Alt \u003d" (! Lang: Alekseich.

Samovars in 3-8 liters were widely distributed, although more voluminous - by 12-15 liters were made. Due to the harsh climate in Russia, such samovars quickly entered the fashion, as of them not only can be drunk boiling water, but also heat the dwelling. Therefore, the Samovar became such popular among the Russian people, despite even a considerable cost. And what is interesting, the price of this unique adaptation was determined by its weight. The harder there was a samovar - the more expensive.

Samovar - soul of each house" alt="Samovar.

Samovar so facilitated the brewing of tea, which became an indispensable assistant in the farm. Now there was no need to drown the oven to heat boiling water. And at that, it took just a very long time. Yes, and the heated water in samovar, no longer cooled." alt=" Tea drinking.

This good fat"друг" был вне всяких сословий, он был в почете и у простого крестьянина, и у царя-батюшки. Под "пыхтение" самовара слагали стихи, пели песни, водили хороводы и решали дела государственной значимости. Медный блестящий самовар и по сей день живет в литературных произведениях Пушкина, Блока, Горького и Гоголя. А также на полотнах русских художников классиков.!}

Merberous hum, Baranki on the table, cups with saucers and the most delicious tea from Samovar - all this is so close to the heart, gives so much heat and comfort to a homely hearth. And under the beat of the hearts warmed by the heat of the Tula samovar, the poetry of the soul is born, the national Russian poetry ... A samovar's Russian man brings memories of childhood, relatives and caring hands of mother, wind chants, snowflows outside the window, friendly walking, family fences. " "Alt \u003d" (! Lang: Visiting grandmother.

Where would you have been in the afternoon, at night -
Like at home next to him.
He bursts in a forest hut,
In cities, among the steppes ...
From him often Pushkin
Team pulled friends.
Commander, Prince Suvorov
I drove it.

If you ended up on this page, then, like many, you want to understand how to choose a samovar correctly, to pay attention to and what to take into account. We have a lot of experience, both in the production and sale of samovars - we know that the buyer is alarming first. We do not see the reason to hide this information - now we will tell everything and help!

Purpose of acquisition

Any search must be started. As the practice of the acquisition of Samovar is as follows:

  • As a gift;
  • For personal use;
  • To the collection or as an attachment

If the goal is present, then there are practically no restrictions. You will tell you a reason. Samovars are often given on the anniversary or some memorable dates - here you can choose among beautiful painted sets with a tray and a tea pair. And if you want to surprise a person even more - you can make a unique hand-painted painting of a samovar or decorate the inscription "with the anniversary", for example, as we did for our customers from the company "Gavrish" - they ordered samovars for the company's birthday.

Often samovars give on the anniversary of the wedding - you see that the copper samovar will give a copper wedding, very unusual and accurately remember. Well, what to say about classic silver and gold weddings. Of course, it is not necessary to wait and attach some specific date, samovar is a unique gift.

For personal use You can see practical classic models in the form of "bank", "Acorn", "Ryumka" - in nickel or simply polished to the golden glitter. Nickel-plated samovar will be the most unpretentious for service, but also a polished samovar is very easy to clean, returning him the original shine.

About the painted, too, do not forget. We somehow told you about the quality of our painted samovars - thanks to the technology of covering them, water and other oxidizers are not terrible. Dust just do not forget to wash! But they do not handle the competitors, ask them.

In the collection Often take antique samovars, they cost much more expensive, especially if they have medals and distinctive signs. Someone can collect samovars of one manufacturer or form. By the way, an antique samovar can become an excellent memorable gift. Perhaps after your gift, a person will begin to lead his collection.

Types of samovara

During the purpose of acquiring Samovar, we go further - types of samovarov.

There are 3 main types of samovars:

  • Heat;
  • Electrical;
  • Combined

But quickly refreshing in memory.

Heavy samovara - This is the classic view of Samovar, which appeared in the XIX century. Everything is simple - inside the samovar, a pipe is installed, into which fuel is dropped - firewood, coals - due to the heat being created from the fuel heats up and boils water. Often such samovars put in country houses and dachas because of their independence from electricity, well, it should not be noted that the process of extracting such a samovar is a whole ceremony that sets up for a wonderful evening and creates a good mood.

It is worth choosing between modern and antique models as the XIX century and Soviet copies.

Electric samovaras were created in the USSR. Such samovars work from the usual power grid, and a TEN is used as a heater. At the same time, Tula masters who created electric samovars retained classic forms ("bank", "Ryumka"), and also made several new ("acorn", "ball").

Electrosovar in principle the same electric kettle, but the heat is longer. Modern electrical stations are easy to use and care, reliable and safe. When buying, it is necessary to make sure that the device passed all the necessary hydro and electrical testing. This is confirmed by the relevant documentation and the guarantee from the manufacturer. With the purchase of an electrical samovar in our store we provide all the necessary documents confirming the high quality of our products.

We have finalized the electric models and in the line of goods "Samovarov Grad" there are samovars with auto-disconnection. We talked about them in detail in our article.

Combined samovaras - Universal invention. Such a samovar you can coat both with wood and coal, and connect it to the power grid. The TEN is used by a special form that envelopes the cast pipe.

Technologies for many years, and she has proven itself great!


The main material from which samovars are made are brass. It is easy to leave and retains the hot water for a long time. It is samovars from polished brass that have such a bright and rich golden light. There are some stainless steel models - mostly, these are bofet samovars with a volume of 25-45 liters.

Also, samovars can be covered with copper or nickel-plated coating, which gives self-made beautiful reddish or silver color, respectively.

Of the minuses - brass and copper over time are oxidized and the surface is covered with spots. In order to return the former shine, we recommend periodically cleaning such samovarov special means. Nickel-plated and coping - more simple in care, and cleaning samovar after each use can be significantly extended service life and maintain a primordial appearance.


By color, as you already understood, there are several options:

  • Golden - polished brass;
  • Silver - brass coated with nickel;
  • Reddish - brass with dismissal;
  • Painted - samovars, covered as classic paintings (Gzhel, Khokhloma, etc.) and painting to order (everything is limited here only by your fantasy). At the same time, gold, silver and even, for example, white samovars are used as the basis for painted.


When choosing a samovar volume, you need to proceed from the number of people who will potentially use a samovar. If you take for yourself and on a small company - it will be enough for a samovar for 2-5 liters. If you plan any periodic sites in the company, for example, in the country or in the bath, you can look at the samovars with a volume of 7-10 liters - and the volume is enough for everyone and long will keep the temperature.

Samovars from 25 liters are more often purchased for commercial purposes - in a restaurant, cafe, hotel.

The form

Self forms There are quite a lot. There are traditional - "Bank" and "Ryumka" with smooth walls, or more refined - "vase", "egg", "ball" with beautiful outflowed walls and decor elements.

Many remember Samovar in the form of "acorns" - this is a classic of Soviet production.

There is no fundamental difference between them, except that, for example, in samovars in the form of cone water will throw faster.


So, we allocated the main characteristics to which you need to pay attention to when choosing. Of course, first of all, you need to decide on the purpose of acquiring. A gift should be bright and unique, especially such a gift like a samovar. In our online store, the choice of such samovarov is unlimited - all types of painting, all kinds of forms and volumes, as well as additional accessories. It all depends on your desire.

For personal use, more practical samovars are not very large. Among the electrical samovarov, pay attention to the models with auto-disconnect - they are both in classic form and in the painting. And if we talk about the heat - pay attention to the classic models in the form of "bank" by 5 or 7 liters. In our store often take stock shares on samovars.

Already, look at the necessary volume and material, 95% of samovarov - this is of course brass, we recommend stopping on it. On the shape and color - everything is your taste.

Samovar is a device made in the form of a container used for boiling water in order to prepare tea. With the advent of electric kettle, the use of samovarov moved to the background, but they are still found in souvenir shops, as well as connoisseurs of history and classical life. The history of samovars in Russia has for more than 250 years. So far, you can meet vintage devices whose age is hundred years. At the same time, they are still suitable for use, because they received proper care and repaired in a timely manner. In Russian culture, Samovar was called General Desk and treated them with respect.

Varieties in the method of heating

Since the tradition of applying samovarov has hundreds of years. During this time, the design of the device was multiple times upgraded.

Several varieties of these devices:
  • Heavy.
  • Electric.
  • Combined.
  • Kerosene.

Head also called coal or wood. They are the oldest construction. In them, water heating is carried out as a result of burning of fire inside a special tube located in the container body with water.

Electric In essence, are the most ordinary modern teapots stylized under the vintage samovars. To use them, it is enough to turn on the device into the outlet. At the same time there is no need to breed fire. Many modern models are equipped with a thermal sensor, so they turn off when water boiling.

Combined Also is a modern design. It implies the possibility of heating by burning solid fuel inside or inclusion in the outlet. If you wish, heat the water can be in a traditional way, and in the absence of time, you can use the electric tan hidden in the housing.

Kerosene appeared in the XX century. They were released only by the Tula factory. The heating in them was carried out as a result of the combustion of kerosene on the principle of lighting lamp or preims, the device that is familiar to almost everyone. These models are simpler in operation than classic heat, because they do not smoke smoke. They did not fit among the lovers of tea drinking. The fact is that the unpleasant smell of kerosene could come from such a samovar, in addition, unlike ordinary heat models, it was required to buy a fuel that in those days could not afford not all. With the advent of electrical devices, kerosene steel is already completely unpopular. In the market of antiques, they are valued less than ordinary heat.

How is the heat samovar

Although there are several varieties of samovarov, but they are very similar. Externally, they always have unusual attractive forms, and often they have decorative elements. The more jewelry on the housing, the more expensive cost. Traditionally, the devices were made from brass, as well as other copper alloys. Nickel alloy can be used on top. Due to this, the color of the body of the device is copper-red, silver, golden or various variations of shades of these colors.

Samovar is made of sheet metal, which after giving the form is connected with the help of solder. For this reason, the device cannot be warmed up without water, because when it is not no tin melting and parts are depicted. As for the forms of the corps, their dozens.

If you disassemble samovar to external details, then you can note first of all 13 key elements that you need to know to use it fully:

At the very top of the samovar there is a cap. It is intended to close the technical part of the device in which burning occurs. After the cap goes the burner. It serves as a stand for installing a teapot, which is later put on top of a samovar to keep tea warm. The third removable element is the lid. It allows you to cover the tank for the bay of water, which is necessary to protect firewood from entering it when bookmarking into the inner combustion chamber. On the lid there is an outlet, which is a closing small hole, through which steam comes out. If it is not, then when boiling the lid will rattling as a result of the pressure being created inside.

On the sides of the samovar there are two handles mounted on the wall, which is also called Tulovo. It is the main part of the instrument housing. The wall is mounted on a neck with a grill, through which air enters the combustion chamber. The lower base of the samovar is the pallet. It has a small hatch for cleaning the inner cavity from ash. On the side wall of the samovar there is a round thickening called the burdock. From it there is a crane. Composite moving elements of the crane are the key and branch.

The inner device of the Samovar is much simpler. Inside the outer wall there is a combustion chamber, made in the form of a cylinder with a tapering neck, performing the role of a chimney. At the bottom of the combustion chamber is a grate grid, allowing the ash to fall into the pallet. She passes the air passing through the holes in the neck. The joint of the combustion chamber with the wall of the samovar is hermetically sealed, so water does not proceed to fire.

How to use

Consider how to use an electric samovar makes no sense, because it is enough to just turn it on the outlet. In kerosene models, it is necessary to light fitting on the pallet, which is also not difficult. Another thing is warm samovars. For making tea, you must fill the samovar with water. The minimum fluid level should be at least half the volume. To do this, you need to remove the cap, then the burner and the lid. When the water is filled by the required level, the lid and the burner are returned. After that, a thin wooden beaches is lit and lowered inside the combustion chamber through the neck.

It is necessary to add a thin wooden chips to burning inside the rauchin. When the fire becomes stronger, you can go to pine and fir bumps, as well as larger pieces of wood. It is impossible to immediately throw a lot of fuel, because the fire will be strangled and everyone will have to start first. As soon as the water inside the tool boils, you need to install the cap in place. It will invent fire, and the heat will longer maintain the hot water. To cook tea, you need to substitute the boiler teapot under the crane and turn the key by holding the branch.

In the event that the samovar is not in the open air, and indoors, then a m-shaped tube is installed on the neck of the combustion chamber when the cap is removed, which goes to chimney in the stove or window.

If raw firewood is used or there is a low pressure when it rains, then to ensure normal combustion of the camera must be purged. Traditionally, it was used for this ordinary boot, which is installed on top of the chimney when the cap is removed, and pumps out as a harmonica.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that you can never leave a samovar completely empty if it still contains inside glowing coals. This may lead to the fact that the wig is melted and depressurization will occur. Especially for this in the design of Samovarov, the crane is on the elevation, which does not allow to pour all the water immediately. Also, the faucet at the top prevents scattering into a cup or a brewing kettle.

How to care

Samovar is made from non-ferrous metal, which over time begins to darken. So that this does not happen, the device needs proper care. First of all, it is important to periodically wipe all the facial parts, without leaving them fatty divorces and fingerprints. Even with such a thorough care, the metal is oxidized. To remove the darkening, you can clean the usual toothpaste and brush. This is a rather painstaking and long-lasting process that takes a lot of strength. It will be possible to simply maintain an attractive appearance of the samovar, but no more.

So that he glistened, like a new coin, it needs to polish. For this, GOI paste is used or specialized means, which are manufactured specifically for cleaning non-ferrous metals. With the advent of modern power tools, polishing has become much easier. You can use or with a nozzle from felt. Machined way to polish much easier. If the samovar is completely launched, it can be dipped into an aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid, after which the oxide is erased.

Over time, a thick layer of scale appears inside the housing, which spoils the taste quality of water and affects the drink. To remove it, it is enough to fall asleep inside of citric acid, gain water around the edge and carry out long boiling. Acid is a skid. After that, all the water needs to merge. Since the valve does not allow you to pour everything, then you need to flip the case.

In case of depressurization of the samovar, you can restore the seam of a naughty. It does not contain harmful components, so it can be used to repair dishes intended for food preparation. Slices of tin are unfolded around the perimeter of those areas that require sealing, after which they need to make a flame of a gas burner. The metal is quite quickly melting and spreads, filling all the recesses and sealing them.

Samovar is a water boiling device. It can rightly be considered a truly Russian invention. The place of this valuable subject in domestic culture is equal to matretories and balalaikas.

Samovarov device

All samovars are built according to one principle, despite their diversity. Each samovar has a wall. This is the basis of the device. This pour water to boil. From above on the wall there is a fusion ring - a circle.

A plate is attached to the wall of the device - Repeyuk. From it begins a crane. Crane handle is called a branch. This is one of the sick ornaments, as the branch is performed in unusual forms.

Inside the samovar is a tube called a jug. Fuel is in it. The jug has a plug, with which it is closed. The bottom of the device is called neck. Base - pallet. Also at each samovar you will see the handles.

Drying (small hole on the lid) produces couples during boiling. The burner is also located on top. It is needed for installing a brewing kettle. Through the closed burner passes the air current.


In the form of a samovar, you can determine the term of the life of the product. Relief and faceted form says strong, strong framework. Such a samovar will serve ten years and will delight you for a long time.

Smooth and round devices cannot boast longevity. Such samovars are subject to mechanical damage: dents and scratches. Therefore, spherical forms of devices are not very popular. Until this days, few of these instances have been preserved.

Highlight three types of samovarov:

  1. Samovar Zharova is a classic Russian device. For water heating, fuels of wood origin are used: charcoal wood, dry sins, bumps. Heat samovar must necessarily have inside the tube. The volume and form of such devices are different.
  2. Electric samovar - most convenient to use today. It works from the mains. The forms of these devices are also different. The maximum volume comes to 45 liters.
  3. Samovar combined is the Golden Middle. The device combines electrical and heat (coal) samovara.


Historians still argue about the origin of the word "samovar". This device was called in Russia in different ways: in Kursk, he was called "Samokyptic", in Yaroslavl - "Samogar", on the "self-making". However, the idea is observed - "cooks himself."

Some researchers believe that the Word is borrowed from Tatar. In this language, "kettle" sounds like "Snabar". However, the first version of supporters are still much more.

First samovara

The story of the samovar was almost no dot. The invention of this device was attributed to the ancient Romans, and Russia, and even China. In China, there really exists a similar device, called "Ho-th". It is made of metal or porcelain. In China, the soups are served in Ho-th.

The legend says that Samovar in Russia brought Peter the Great. And he acquired this dick apparatus in Holland. According to another version, Samovar created the Blacksmith Demidov. He himself was but the apparatus made, being in the Urals.

The following documents are known: in the city of Tula in 1778, the first production of water boiling devices began. Manufacturers were the brothers Lisitsyna. Thanks to this historical fact, Tula is considering birthday samovars. However, in 1740, Demidov had a samovar! It turns out that first the devices used in the Urals, then in Tula, Moscow and St. Petersburg.

In the middle of the XIX century, 30 self-friendly factories opened in Russia. In Russia, 100,000 devices of different sizes, shapes and coloring were produced in Russia. Over time, they were modified, but did not come out of fashion. Even in our time, people continue to buy these devices. And not only electrical, but also generally accepted Tula heat samovars.

Traditional samovar: device and work

Classic is the wood samovar. It is also called the heat. Tea from such an apparatus acquires the fragrance of the haze. For this property and appreciate it. How does heat sranovar work? The pipe is put on smoldering charcoal or firewood. Due to the air current, coal flared up. Heating, the air goes up and heats the water in the wall.

As soon as the water begins to boil, the air thrust is raised upstream, and the boiling of water slows down. The kettle gradually boils, and tea is brewed.

Pros and cons of the heat samovar

Pros of a classic model:

  • Tribute traditions. Heat Samovar - symbol of Russia. This is the option that our ancestors enjoyed.
  • High thermal insulation. Water in the coal samovar longer remains hot.
  • The taste of tea. The drink acquires the taste and fragrance of the haze.

Cons of coal samovar:
  • Price. It is a coal device more expensive than electric. Although if you adore antiques, the price will not be a hindrance.
  • Restriction of use sites. Such a device is burned only in the outdoor or indoors with an exhaust.
  • Difficulties in the process. If the device is extinced, to light it again - the headache. You will have to pour water, remove the coals, pour water again and only after that it starts to reset.

If you decide to buy a wood samovar, then you need to remember the following recommendations:

  • Check all components, especially the pipe.
  • Choose a product with a jug of thick iron. Inappropriate metal will not withstand long exposure to high temperatures. This will lead to the fact that the device will quickly deteriorate, and you will have to repair it.
  • Prefer relief forms of the product. Flood structures are easy to damage. For a long time they will not serve you.

The price of goods depends on the three indicators: material, forms and volume. Choosing heat samovar on firewood, it is necessary to remember that they are cheaper the devices of the same form, but made from other materials. Nickel plated more expensive, as they are easy to leaving and use. Even more design from Tompaka (double brass).

For vintage products with a volume of up to 3 liters, you will have to pay more than for products from 3 to 8 liters. This is because the release of small self-crews was smaller than the release of their volumetric fellow. Now you know everything about samovars and what they differ. Follow the recommendations and you will not be mistaken.

With the help of a samovar you can boil the water and brew tea. In the first samovars, water heating occurs from the inner furnace, made in the form of a high pipe, which was filled with burning charcoal. Later invented kerosene, electric and other samovars.

Today, such vintage samovars are widely used by true connoisseurs of antiquities and collectors. The traditions of tea drinking came to Russia from the East. There were special dishes for the brewing of tea. This original tea brewing device fits perfectly into the situation of the country or country house. In cold weather, he warms his warm coolest and aroma.


There are many different designs of samovarov. It is impossible to consider all their views in one article. Therefore, you will review only with common and known species. The separation of samovars for species is made on various features.

By the time of release:
  • Stainless . Such samovars are sold in a restored form and ready to use. Antique types of samovarov exist from the Soviet period and the times of the Russian Empire. Samovar is valued more expensive if his age is higher. The cost of antique samples of samovarov reaches hundreds of thousand rubles.
  • Modern Types of samovarov do not have such originality and beauty. Currently, electrical samovarov is more produced, which will be discussed below.
By the country of the manufacturer:
  • Domestic models of samovarov are mainly produced in the city of Tula. In Europe, Samovar called a Russian tea car. This name has passed into many foreign languages. In Russia, Sbni and other food were cooked in Samovars. To some extent, the samovar is considered the ancestor of real multicookers.
  • Most of the foreign samples of samovars for cooking tea is made in Iran. In China, there is a similar device that consists of confused and pipes, but there is no real samovar.
According to the principle of operation:
  • Electric. Such samples can be called electric kettles, as they work from electricity, and no difference from the kettles, except for the appearance of the case, and the presence of a special crane for pouring hot water into a cup.

  • Woods Samples of samovarov are also called heat. Water heating occurs due to burning charcoal laid in the pipe located inside the samovar.

  • Combined Samples of samovarov combine two principles of operation: electrical and wood. This is a very convenient option for a cottage or country house, where electrical energy is not always present.

Samovars differ in form

Depending on the form of samovarov, their cost is. The more original and exquisite the form, the higher the price of the device. There are such forms of samovar hull, like a vase, wineglass, egg, ball, etc.

Varieties of samovarov in form There are many, since such a device is often manufactured individually, in different countries and different peoples.

In capacity

The volume of samovarov can also be different. The most common types of heat samovarov have a volume of 3-7 liters. In such models, the smaller the amount of samovar, the more expensive. The small model of a samovar is complex in production and is not much disseminated.

Electric samovar does not exist large volume, and less wood models. Its volume does not exceed three liters.

By material manufacturing

Samovar manufacturing material may be different. The popular view of the material of samovarov is brass. However, Samovar from copper, Tompaka and Melchior can also be seen in old collections.

Samovar made of copper, exhibited only on holidays, and was considered the most expensive. Currently, brass models covered with copper or with nickel-plated coating. You can see the models of pure copper.

Brass samovars have gold color. They look like very expensive products, but require careful surface cleaning, since with time the brass is oxidized and loses an attractive look. Brass patterns with nickel coated have silver color. Such devices do not need careful care, but they look very worthy. Also, models of samovarov, covered outside art painting, were also widely distributed.

Device and principle of operation

Electric and heat samovara work differently, and have great differences in the principles of action.


Modern electrical samovars are not much different from the electric kettle, however, they have some differences. They also have inside the heating element that is open or closed. The remaining elements are the same as the kettle: the case, the cover, the electric cord, switch. Some models can be equipped with a thermostat and temperature pointer.

A significant difference between an electric samovar from the electric fuel is its volume, which is much larger. It can be paid for a large group of friends, consisting of 5-7 people. In order to pour boiling water into a cup, there is no need to raise samovar and tilt its body, as in the case of an electric kettle. You only need to put a cup under the cray and open it.

Heat samovar has a simple device:

  1. Case (vase).
  2. Pens.
  3. Massive hollow heat pipe, which is a combustion chamber (brazier, or a jar).
  4. Safety valve.
  5. Grill for charcoal.
  6. Sitter for cleaning.

In the tube put smashing charcoal. In the flow of incoming air, he continues to burn. The air in the pipe heats up and rises in the fire tube upwards, giving heat and heating water in the case.

Charcoal can burn well in the presence of thrust, which is just present in the samovar tube. The thrust is formed due to the fact that the air in the pipe is hot from coal, and at the top is cold. A scientific such effect of overclocking the air flow is called the effect of geometric and thermal nozzle. But this is the topic of a separate conversation.

To give the movement of air in the samovar tube, in the old days, the pipe from above was purged with a Kizzy boot. After charcoal turns around, the boots were cleaned. Below through the grille there is air, climbing up and forming cravings in the pipe. In the village houses, the sacrifice tube was connected to a chimney to zoom in craving.

When water in the samovar comes to a boil, then the teapot for welding tea is installed on top. As a result, the thrust becomes less, and the water slowly boils, the brewing kettle is slowly heated, and tea is brewed.

Advantages of electrical samovar
  • Electric samovars are much more convenient, you can warm up any volume of water. The only condition is the full coating of the water of the heating element.
  • Electric samovar can be used in closed rooms, in contrast to wood.
  • Many electrical stations are equipped with a special thermostat that turns off the samovar when water boiling.
Disadvantages of electrical samovar
  • The main disadvantage of the electric belief is that such a device cannot be considered a real samovar. This is an ordinary electric kettle having an unusual shape.
  • When using such an appliance there is no smell of apple branches, cedar cones. There is no such ritual witchcraft over a samovar when he warmed.
  • After heating, it will cool faster than heat samovars, there is no smoldering charcoal.
  • There is no possibility to apply it in natural conditions where there is no electric current.
The advantages of the heat samovara
  • Such a device is a real samovar used in these Russian traditions.
  • Water in wood samovar after boiling long remains hot.
Disadvantages of heat model
  • Such a sample of samovar is more expensive than its electric fellow. Some lovers of antiquities do not consider this disadvantage, believe that he is worth it.
  • Samovar on coals can be found only in the open air, or to connect its pipe with an exhaust.
  • Wood samovar can be heated only if it is completely filled with water. Otherwise, the samovar is squeezed, and it will have to be repaired. Therefore, to heal water in a cold samovar, it is necessary to top up the water to the top, after that it can be warmed up.
  • The extinct samovar is not easy to melt. Surely you have to pour out all the water out of it, remove old coals, pour fresh water and start the process of extracts again.
Features of combined samovar
  • If you are not an amateur to pull a real coal fire samovar, but just like to drink tea from the device similar to a samovar, it is better to purchase an electrical model.
  • If you like to enjoy tea drinking tea for old customs, and often invite your acquaintances and friends for this, then the real samovar on the wood will be the best choice for you, and will bring you pleasure and emotions.
  • Technical progress is moving on, and a combined electric belonging can be a good acquisition with the wide possibilities of the heat samovar. When connecting the capabilities of several types of devices, some functions are lost. In this situation, everything will remain in their places. All the advantages of both models are combined, and minuses will be less. Combined samovar melt as heat. When it is cooled, you can warm the water of electricity. It is used in the premises and in nature.
  • The disadvantage of the combined electric belief is its high cost, which will be higher than electric and wood.