Repairs Design Furniture

Floor alignment options for laminate. Aligning different types of floor under laminate. Using plywood and chipboard

Laying the laminate in residential premises is not a difficult case with which even a novice homemade master can cope with the minimum set of tools. However, if you do not use the recommendations of specialists, then the floor covering will begin to fuse and creak. The reason for this is irregularities on the base floor. Therefore, a reasonable question arises: how to align the floor under laminate with your own hands, so that he served for a long time and did not creak?

Make a smooth base under laminate can be in several ways depending on the type of surface, the degree of worniness and financial capabilities.

Basic requirements for the surface of the base floor

The specificity of the laminate consists in high surface requirements for which it will be treated. Therefore, it is very important before laying a laminated floor covering thoroughly align the base floor. To verify, we need a long construction level or rule and normal level.

The maximum difference in the heights of the prepared base should not exceed one millimeter by 20 square centimeters of the surface or two millimeters by 2 square meters.

If you do not complete the preparatory stage, but simply to wall the substrate and lay the laminate, then in a short time, beautiful floors will stop pleaseing you. There may be several reasons for this:

  • Due to irregularities, laminate will begin to fake under the weight of man or interior items;
  • Panel locks will not be able to fully cope with their task, which leads to the appearance of cracks;
  • Due to the relief in the joints of the panels, moisture will penetrate, which will lead to the bloating of the laminate and the complete deformation of the surface.

That is why it is so important to level the floor under the laminate and follow the rules of laying.

Alignment of concrete floor

In new apartments and homes, most often the concrete draft is unsuitable for direct laying of laminate. And in old houses, the coating has been served for several decades, which led to the destruction of the carrier layer.

Therefore, before you begin the flooring of a new floor covering, you need to decide how to align the concrete floor. You can do it with your own hands, you should only figure out which way it is better to apply to create an ideal and durable plane.


Alignment of the base floor with grinding is used under the following conditions:

  1. When there is no possibility to use bulk floors or self-leveling mixtures;
  2. With minor damage and surface drops not exceeding 4 mm.

To process large spaces, it is better to use a special grinding machine. If the area is small, then you can use large sandpaper (graininess 40, 60 or 80) attached to a wooden or plastic bar.

After grinding, the floor must be carefully cleaned from dust. Make it best with the help of an industrial vacuum cleaner.

Be careful, the household vacuum cleaner may not withstand such a load and burn.

2-3 layers of primer are applied to the clean base floor, which strengthens the surface and forms a durable top layer.

If the grinding did not help, and the height differences are too large, then without leveling mixtures do not do.

Partial leveling repair mixtures

This method is suitable for the surface that does not imply a multi-level fill of the floor. For example, with a slight deviation from the requirements or the presence of small defects of the upper layer, which cannot be eliminated by grinding. Repairing self-leveling mixtures are perfectly suitable for eliminating these disadvantages.

To date, there are a large range of solutions for alignment of floors. Each package is equipped with instructions, where it is specified in detail for which surfaces they are better to apply and how to use them. However, that everyone can independently make an ideal surface under laminate, we describe in detail how and with what repair mixtures it is better to work.

Self-leveling bulk floors

Bulk floors are a type of concrete base, to create the so-called self-leveling mixtures. This is an expensive, but very effective way to eliminate baselight defects. This mixture is aligned independently, providing a perfectly smooth surface suitable for laminate mounting.

For the purpose of the mixture are divided into three types:

  1. Self-leveling mixture for coarse alignment. With the help of such a composition, you can eliminate irregularities from 1 to 6 centimeters.
  2. Mixes to eliminate large cracks and chosel. Such a solution is applied only in certain areas. Due to the content of glue, it is easily connected to the rough surface and has high strength.
  3. Finish mixture for final surface alignment. It is used to eliminate small irregularities from 1 to 5 mm. This layer serves as the basis for laying a laminate.

In composition, bulk floors are classified for three types:

  1. Mixes with epoxy or polyurethane resin as a binder. Provide a very durable and non-free surface. Frequently used for surfaces with large loads (trade or industrial premises).
  2. Mixtures on a cement basis. The layer of fill may reach up to 5 centimeters.
  3. The mixture of which includes plaster. It is not recommended to apply indoors with high humidity.

Gypsum and cement bulk floors are used in residential premises. The choice of mixture depends on the humidity of the room and the required coating thickness.

There are fine and thick-filling floors. The combination of such solutions allows to ensure the alignment of the surface in a wide range of thicknesses: from 1 to 60 mm.

Before the fill need:

  1. Delete everything that can weaken the adhesion: dust, spots of oil or glue, etc.
  2. If there are cracks on the surface, they should be smeared with putty;
  3. Progress the floor and give drying for 3 hours.

After that, it is possible to fill the prepared self-leveling mixture. For the preparation of the solution follows:

  1. In the capacity of 50l, fill 5-6 liters of pure water;
  2. Fall asleep 25 kilogram bag mixture;
  3. Place within 3-4 minutes to the consistency of liquid sour cream so that no lumps are left;
  4. Leave for 5 minutes and re-mix. The solution is ready for the fill.

Attention! Exact proportions and instructions for the preparation of the solution, see the packaging of the used dry mixture.

Pouring is made by portions from the far corner of the room towards the exit. The rule is applied to spit. While the liquid solution must be needed with a needle roller to drive air bubbles.

Remember! The bulk floors will dry very quickly, so for large areas, a solution should be prepared in small quantities and immediately use.

After that, the bulk floors leave for solidification. The room should ensure the absence of drafts and direct sunlight. It will be possible to walk on the floor already in 5-6 hours, but laying the laminate is recommended to produce no earlier than 6 days after the fill. If you start working out the flooring earlier, then the not fully weathered moisture can lead to its swelling and damage.

Self-leveling mixtures have a lot of advantages, among other building materials used to create basic floors:

  • They are easily applied to the surface. Even a person without vocational training can cope with alignment;
  • The coating quickly freezes, does not crumble and not deformed. On it can be moved in 5-6 hours;
  • The surface of the floor after alignment is perfectly smooth and smooth.

Based on the characteristics of the mixtures, it can be said that this is a great way to prepare the floor under the laminate. The bulk floors provide an ideal plane that will not deform the laminate for many years.

Screed from concrete

The screed is another way of aligning the concrete floor before laying the laminate. In fact, the screed is a layer of a base floor that is applied to concrete floors or a draft floor. It is made on the basis of cement-sand mix and most often used to eliminate high drops that cannot be adjusted using self-leveling solutions.

For a screed, you can buy ready-made dry mixes or make a mixture yourself based on proportions 1 part of cement on 3 parts of sand.

Attention! The proportions for independent preparation of the mixture depend on the grade of cement and sand grain.

The resulting mixture is poured with water and is stirred to the consistency of thick sour cream.

The bookmark of the finished solution is made as follows:

  • A dense polyethylene film is wounded onto the floor so that the edges of the walls are slightly higher than the planned level of the screed;
  • Using the level between the wall and the floor, tags are set;
  • On the basis of the labels the racks are mounted. These will be guides for further fill;
  • Concrete is poured between the slats and with the help of the rule stretch the solution along the guides;
  • 2-3 hours after the fill, the surface must be sweat;

If necessary, you can re-grout in a day. The complete drying of concrete occurs after 30 days. During this period, the surface should be regularly watering with water to avoid cracking. With high air temperature, concrete after moisturizing it is necessary to cover with polyethylene.

This method is quite economical, but has several negative points:

  • Labor complexity;
  • Long dries;
  • With incorrect observance of proportions, it may crumble and crack.

Dry screed

The dry tie technique involves alignment of the floor by installing a frame of wooden lighthouses, which are attached to plywood sheets, DSPs or GVL. The space inside is filled with a special backfill.

The procedure for the work is as follows:

  • A wooden or concrete base is well drying, so that the extra moisture does not get into the dry backfill.
  • A dense film is spread on the rough surface, to increase the waterproofing of the backfill;
  • With the help of the construction level, labels of the planned gender are noted on the walls;
  • The following construction is being built, which will serve as an attachment for covering plates and simultaneously guides for filling. For this, the bars are placed parallel to each other at an equal distance across the room and fastened with dowels or construction plaster to the base base;
  • The dry mixture is evenly falling asleep and is aligned with the rule on the mounted guides;
  • The sheets of the selected material are stacked on top of the design and are attached to the wood screws on the tree. The second layer of sheets is stacked so that the joints do not coincide with the first.

Most often, clamzit with different granules size is used as a backfill.

After all the works, it is necessary to predict the surface with a special solution.

This coverage has many advantages:

  1. It does not require a long time to dry out the surface;
  2. Lack of spray, inclination, etc. pollution;
  3. Low load on the overlap of the premises (especially relevant for old private houses);
  4. Good heat and sound insulation;
  5. Low cost of materials and works.

But still, with all the benefits, there is one disadvantage: such floors should not be mounted in rooms with high humidity. Because natural materials in contact with moisture have properties to deform.

It is better to determine how to make the alignment of the concrete floor with your own hands you will help you this video.

Wooden floor alignment

Wooden floors are mostly characteristic of private houses. Unlike concrete, their leveling requires less effort and materials.

If you plan to install a laminate on an old wooden surface, you should prepare the basis as carefully. It is necessary to replace the rotten and broken strips, and the scratched - install in place and secure self-drawers so that they do not hang out.

  • Schedule the gaps, seams and plotted by putty on a tree;
  • With minor fluctuations in the level of the surface, it is possible to spend cycular work using a grinding machine (it will remove all cones and bulges);
  • On the old floor, the sheets of plywood or GBL thick 16-20mm thick in two layers, and so that the sheets of sheets do not coincide.

Below on the video, you can see how to align old wooden floors and lay laminate on them.

Aligning wooden floors for laminate in a new house has a different technique. To create a base floor, wooden floors are filled with heat and sound insulation material. For example, mineral wool. Pre-lags are covered with a vapor insulating membrane. Then the levels of beacons are installed by level, which should provide an ideal horizontal surface.

The final part of the basic floor preparation is the laying of sheets of GVL, OSP or plywood. It is advisable to do this in two layers with overlapping joints where the temperature gaps should be left. Such a base will be able to withstand heavy loads and serves a long time without deformations.

If everything is done correctly and neatly, then under the laminate it will not necessarily be to drain the substrate. The surface will be perfectly smooth, without depression and bulges. The main thing is not to forget to clean it from dust, chips and other garbage, so that the laminate will not creak with time.

However, even on an ideally even base base, we still recommend using the substrate, at least inexpensive and thin. It will add a depreciation effect that it will be positively affected on the tactile perception of the floor, the laminate locks will last for a long time and reduce the load on the joint joints when walking.

As in the old one and in a new house, align the floor under laminate can be a dry screed method that was described above.

By applying any of the methods proposed above, you can achieve an ideal and durable surface on which you can safely drain any floor covering. Now you know how to align the floor for laying a laminate.

Laminate is one of the most beautiful, sought-after, modern and high-quality flooring. Laminate is suitable for both residential apartments and offices and other administrative-public buildings. Laminate floors are pleased with the owners extremely aesthetic species, durability, durability. In addition, the laminate is very pleasant to walk barefoot. But before laying the laminate, it is necessary to perform some preliminary procedures. We are talking about floor alignment.

Floor alignment: why it is necessary

Laminate is characterized by a lot of demanding to the evenness of the surface on which it will be laid. The specificity of laminate boards is such that, for their correct connection and many years of quality service, a completely even floor is required.

With all its advantages, the laminate has one disadvantage: it does not smooth the existing floor irregularities, it needs a fully prepared and even field.

And if you still neglect this stage and put the laminate on that floor, what is it, what will happen? In this case, no matter how high-quality laminate and, no matter how carefully you are neither put it, he will not be happy with their beautiful views.

  • The laminate panels will begin to fake under the weight of the human weight, if there are emptiness as the result of laying on the embossed surface.
  • Interpanel seams will begin to drive around to the sides, the inner surface of the laminate will be no directly protected and thus moisture can freely penetrate it. Soon, this will lead to the bundle of the inside of the panel.
  • The locking clutch of the laminate panels will not be able to cope with the unbearable load. Over time, laminate locks are overwhelmed, in difficult cases can crack.
  • In particularly critical situations, if laying the laminate to the floor, having very serious irregularities, it can appear or crack the panels themselves.
  • When walking through the laminate panel will creak.

All these signs can manifest themselves together or separately, but in any case the appearance of the room and the laminate itself will be stranded hopelessly.

Therefore, the answer to the question, whether it is necessary to level the floor under the laminate coating, is unambiguous - only align and in any way. To carry out this task there are quite a few ways.

The maximum allowable deviations from an ideally flat surface - 2 millimeters.

The use of different materials

Aligning the floor can be different materials. The choice of material depends on several factors. Consider what properties are the most popular leveling materials and on what coatings they are recommended to use them.

This material can be used if you need to align the wooden floor. Good and easy to perform an option for budget repairs. The disadvantage of this method is that the puttyle often has to be applied in a few layers, when the unevenness of the deep and one layer is not enough. As a result, the need to thoroughly dry each layer before applying the following, and therefore large time costs.

Spatleywood - budget option, however, the level of alignment using this material longer

Very sought-after material for alignment of wooden floors. It is worth it, it is quick and easy to fit, covers all the existing defects. You need to pay attention to a couple of nuances - not to use plywood sheets with stratified edges and provide the same level of humidity in sheets and indoors.

Plywood is the most popular material for wood alignment

Applied on concrete floors. It is good for primary alignment when it is necessary to close significant cracks, potholes, deepening in concrete and other noticeable flaws, but absolutely not suitable for the finishing floor, so another layer of solution is poured over the screed - a thin, giving smooth and perfectly smooth surface. It has low thermal insulation properties, therefore, to make a concrete floor warm, you need to lay on top of the first coating substrate. The disadvantages include the fact that the tiery solution is very hard and creates a greater load on concrete slabs.

Floor cutting screed

Applied on concrete floors when you need to perform final leveling work. It sacraments on the entire surface of the floor, eliminates all small flaws, it gives a perfectly smooth coating. However, it is absolutely not suitable for use on a very uneven concrete base, since it spreads a very thin layer, which will not be enough to fill all more or less noticeable irregularities.

Very popular material endowed with many useful qualities. Ceramzite is very lung, so when using it, the load on carriers and supporting structures will be minimal. At the same time, it has high strength, it is capable of listening for many years. Provides good sound insulation, does not support combustion (fireproof), environmentally friendly, chemically inert (does not enter into chemical reactions with other substances and materials, nothing emits into the environment). The floor covered with ceramisite is distinguished by heat-grinding qualities, you will never leave him. In addition, it is not afraid of rotting, fungus or mold, everywhere available in any construction stores and has a low cost.

Ceramzite has excellent heat-grinding properties


Used for floor alignment and such material as a substrate. The use of this material is advisable if no more than 4 millimeters have irregularities. In this situation, laying the laminate directly to the floor can not, but at the same time, it is too expensive to carry out more solid work on alignment. In this case, the use of the substrate will be quite sufficient to achieve the desired degree of relief leveling. Substrates are several varieties:

  • Cork;
  • Cork-bitumen;
  • Polyurethan;
  • Polyethylene;
  • Painropopy.

For greater evenly, you can also lay the substrate also on the already aligned floor. It should be inexpensive and damage to the master's pocket will not cause, but will provide more reliable safety of the lower part of the laminate panels.

Comparative table of materials

MaterialprosMinusesOn which floors is applied


Simple workflow

Requires a lot of time

Need to dry each layer



Light and speed of laying

Reliable hiding all available defects regardless of their severity


Susceptible to burning

Susceptible to rot

Afraid moisture



Well fills large and deep floor defects


Does not allow you to make a piston alignment

Very heavy

Poorly holds heat

Ideally leveled small defects

Used for final floor alignment

Uncomplicated workflow

Not suitable for leveling significant recesses and drops in the floorConcrete
Very easy


Good sound insulation

Good thermal insulation

Fireproof Safety

Environmentally safe

Chemically inert

Not amenable to rotting

Low price



Low cost (except cork)

Universality (can be used on any form of floors)


Moisture insulation

High cost cork;

Loss of elasticity with time in polyethylene

Exposure to burning, toxicity and limited service life of penpropy (up to 10 years)

Any kinds of floors

Step by step instructions

Concrete floor

Concrete floor covering is very common in our homes and public buildings. And almost always such a floor has more or less serious irregularities and other defects, among which chips, cracks, plane drops, recesses in the form of shells, concrete glances, potholes, reckled and detached areas. All these defects must be corrected if you intend to lay the laminate.

The alignment of the floor of the concrete is made in two stages: first the elimination of coarse and large irregularities is done using a cement-sand solution (tie), and then a pic-alignment of the self-leveling mixture is performed, which fills all the smallest cracks, smoothes a minor relief that obtained after the use of the previous solution, And gives a semi-circuit perfect evenness.

If your floor is quite smooth, you can immediately use the self-leveling mixture. But in this case, the initial flooring should have minimal irregularities, since the layer of such a mixture of sublines and does not eliminate serious defects.

Cement-sand screed

This is how the sequential work scheme looks like when aligning a concrete base:

  1. First of all, we remove all traces from the concrete floor remaining from the former coating. Paints from paint We remove solvents or olifa, oil needs to be burned.
  2. To fill, the discharge and cracks are used for cement based on cement. Slops of concrete are eliminated by means of a perforator, small can be left - they will be tied up.
  3. The entire concrete surface is processed with ground mortar.
  4. Then you need to decide on the height of the future layer of the screed. To do this, the level is used, there are markers on the walls around the entire perimeter. In accordance with the level, we have beacons (we use for this rail), fixing them with a solution.
  5. Further, a tiery solution is prepared, consisting of 75% of sainted sand and 25% of the cement Mark M 400. The consistency of the solution should be so as not to allow it to spread ahead of time.
  6. The resulting solution is poured into the floor and is aligned according to the beacons.
  7. When the screed grabbies, we remove the beaches. The resulting holes also fill in a solution, we give time to completely capture.

On this floor alignment of the floor is complete.

By kneading the screed, you should pour dry ingredient into the water, and not to fill it with water.

If the solution thickened - it is subject to ejection. The solution diluted with water loses its properties, such a screed becomes poor quality.

Video: floor alignment cement screed

Now the cores of the "jewelry" alignment of the concrete floor comes. The self-leveling mixture is a special solution that spreads along the floor and is optimally distributing in such a way that the result is a completely even and smooth surface.

Otherwise, such mixtures are called self-removable, bulk floors, floors for floors, seamless polymer floors.

  1. The mixture is prepared in accurately according to the instruction, after which it is stirred using a construction mixer.
  2. Concrete floor is poured cooked mixture.
  3. If the room has an extensive area, the floor is divided into sections and each is poured in turn, but at the same time the entire room should be filled with a mixture at a time, i.e. it is impossible to postpone the part of the room for the evening or the next day.
  4. After the fill in the solution you need to walk with a gear roller so that there are no air bubbles in it.

Self-confined mixes look drying after an hour, but it should be started to further work in less than three days. At its discretion, the proportion of dry composition and water is prohibited. The self-leveling mixtures will quickly dry, so your actions must be accurate and fast, but without a rush. The mixture should have a temperature of +10 degrees and above, and the temperature should be the same.

Now your gender is ready for laying a laminate, however, for greater comfort and preservation of laminate panels, you can also sit down the substrate.

Video: Alignment of the floor by self-leveling mixture

This method is quite simple in execution, but it cannot be called cheap. Ceramzite has many attractive properties, so often of all aligning materials, it is preferred. If you decide to double the floor under the laminate with a clay, the sequence of your actions will be such.

  1. Before laying the ceramisite, the entire surface of the floor is covered with a film that provides a waterproofing effect. The film should climb on the walls at least 10-15 centimeters.
  2. Next all over the perimeter is placed the edge ribbon, whose width should be equal to the height of the future claying layer or exceed it.
  3. Then the ceramzite sheets are fitted with a superflake, GVL, chipboard or plywood distributed over the entire room.
  4. Each new sheet is attached to the already laid with a special glue and self-tapping screws. It is necessary to observe a step from 10 to 15 centimeters.
  5. It is also necessary to monitor that there are no cross-shutters, for which the sheets are stacked in a checker order.
  6. Superflate sheets (GVL, plywood), located near the walls, should be with a cropped fold. It is necessary in order to provide a double layer of material near the wall.
  7. After the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe room is covered with a superplane, the substrate is stacked, and on it - laminate.

Video: floor alignment by clamzite

Wooden floor

Align the wooden floor under laminate and easier, and at the same time harder than concrete. It is easier because the wooden base is much easier concrete to be processed; And it is more difficult - because today it is not yet invented a single universal method of aligning wooden floors. Depending on the nuances of one or another wooden flooring, different methods are applied.

Align the floor plywood before laying a laminate is a very successful solution in terms of financial costs. This method is applied when the wooden floor has many different defects. When choosing this method of alignment, consider that the level of humidity in the sheets of plywood and in the room where the laminate is planned, should be the same. It is achieved by wetting plywood with simple water, after which you need to leave the sheets to sleep in this room.

Before starting work on alignment, it is necessary to carefully check the condition of engineering communications running under the floor; At the same time the insulation needs inspection. These works are carried out in advance, because after the laminate will be laid, it will be very difficult to get to communications. Also, we should not forget that under the laminate plates the air should circulate freely. Plywood sheets, designed for alignment, must have a thickness of no more than 50 mm.

For a successful alignment of the floor, the plywood should be screwdriver, self-tapping screws, laser level, PVA glue and plywood sheets itself.

First of all, you need to install beacons, for which simple self-tapping screws are used. Finish them throughout the floor, observing the necessary height. The frequency of beacons depends on plywood thickness: the thinner of the sheets, the more often the beacons must be installed, and vice versa.

Next steps:

  1. For installation, the lag will require plywood strips, rails or boards, whose thickness is about 3 cm. They are attached by means of a special glue for wooden parts or self-tapping screws. Sometimes gaps are obtained between lags and old sex, they need to fill with pieces of plywood, wrapped glue. Slices are preparing in advance.
  2. For more convenience, it is better to cut the patch for square sheets of 60 square meters. Santimeters. At the same time, try to prevent bundles of the resulting squares. If the edge was smelled, this square is not recommended, it is better to take another.
  3. Then the entire surface should be cleaned of dust and dirt - both have already been here previously and formed as a result of data of manipulations.
  4. Plywood squares should be placed on the lags only after all the glue is completely dry. When laying plywood, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the sheets are stirred strictly on the lags, as well as prevent simultaneous compounds on the seams of four sheets.
  5. After that, all the necessary protrusions, arches and other holes are cut.
  6. Now the cores of self-sufficient heads occurs - with their help, plywood sheets are fixed on lags.

To avoid drinking a selfless hat, you need to take care of it in advance.To do this, drill and zenkomy the places of their future location.

Please note that the plywood sheets should not be located in touch with each other. Between them should be a distance of several millimeters so that the temperature fluctuations did not cause their deformations.


Another budget method of alignment of the floor laying laminate. Using a mixture of wood sawdust and putty on PVA-based, you can align the room with a rather large metrar, while spending quite a bit.

First of all, you need to prepare the floor, clearing it. Sawdust, which will participate in the level of alignment, should be moistened so that they do not dry too fast, otherwise they will pull moisture from the putty. The sequence of action when aligning the floor with a spatter composition mixed with sawdust, looks like this.

  1. With the help of a level on the floor, you need to fill lighthouses - ordinary wooden slats.
  2. Then the space between the rails is filled with a mixture of PVA and sawdust. In the case when one layer is not enough to align the existing depressions, several layers are superimposed, each of which needs to be given a full drying time. The thickness of each such layer is a maximum of 20 millimeters. In no case cannot be poured a new layer if the former miss is not completely.
  3. In the process of operation, the horizontal surface of the resulting surface must continuously be checked by the level.

With all its economy and ease of execution, this method takes a long time that is associated with the mandatory drying of each layer.

Wooden rough floors can also be bought, this is a quick and simple way. Cyclic operations are performed using a cyclical machine, but hard-to-reach places can be treated with a manual cyclicevant. It is resorted to the cycle in the case when the source state of the starting floor is quite good and the board does not have serious irregularities. The cyclical machine is not under the power to remove a pronounced relief of the floor, but with small defects it will cope with "excellent." This method is suitable for both parquet floors and ordinary wooden.

Before the start of the cyclook process, all furniture, paintings, chandelier and other elements of the interior are removed from the room. If something can not be taken out - these items are covered with a film, the edges of the film are fixed with scotch. The entrance door to the room is removed, because the floor on this site also needs to be repaired. In order for the garbage to do not get into the corridor or adjacent rooms, you need to take a plastic door with a door. To ensure normal ventilation, do not forget to open the windows.

The floor is inspected for various defects. Detected chips, cracks are sweeping. Empty distances between the floorboards are also putty or laid sawdust. If individual boards are in very poor condition - they are subject to replacing new ones. You should also make sure that the nails are fairly deepened in the floor. If the hats still perform, you need to take advantage of Dobochnik and deepen them.

Wire brush will help remove old varnish or paint. After cleaning the brush, the floor is processed by a hindral machine for fixing the effect and the final removal of paint and varnish residues. You can also wipe the floors with mineral alcohol. Then the floor must be carefully flushed. It can be done with simple water or alcohol solution. Do not save on the water - all the garbage to the last mature must be removed. After washing, you need to give time to the boards dry, so do not start the following work if the floor is not treated.

Take care of personal protective equipment. The cycloke produces a lot of dust and noise, so the respirator will be useful to you (it will be a little from a regular cottage marlevant bandage), safety glasses are also desirable clothing with a closed gate and a long sleeve. Good building headphones will help from noise or at least ear in. In addition, the cyclical machine produces quite tangible vibrations, which will require special gloves. However, instead you can use conventional thick mittens.

The treatment of the cyclum apparatus requires some skill: it has a greater power, and during work you will constantly feel that the car seeks to escape from your hands.

So, all the preparatory activities are fulfilled, and now you go directly to cyclishing. The sequence of work looks like this:

  1. Take the cyclum machine with coarse sandpaper and turn it on. They start the cycle process, refueling coarse-grained ribbons into the car; Before each next layer, graininess decreases.
  2. Start cyclish from the corner, gently moving in a straight line to the opposite wall.
  3. When you reach the wall, turn around and start moving back. You must shift in such a way as to capture the untreated space. Your room movements will resemble a snake.
  4. Each new band of the floor is processed slightly flask with an already processed area.
  5. In the process of cyclishing the cord from the device, it is best to keep on your shoulder - so you will prevent it from entering the car.
  6. During the work, do not forget to follow the sandpaper. If the area is extensive, then probably the ribbon is finish earlier than the room will be passed to the end, and it will have to change it.
  7. Also, sandpaper also needs cleaning during cyclishing. You can clean it by foaming a broom or cloth. The dust collector also needs checking and cleaning.
  8. Fully having passed the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe room and going to start the cycloon of the new layer, keep in mind that each time the layers are perpendicular to the previous one.
  9. Passing the last stage, move parallel to the plated boards.

If the tapes at the beginning of work are roughly smoothed uneven areas and remove the remaining paint, then fine-grained ribbons before the end of the cyclook process is carefully grinding the surface, giving it smoothness and shine.

After completing the floor, it is necessary to carefully replace or, even better, use the vacuum cleaner. The last barcode is the processing of White Spirit. The open-cying floor has sufficient evenness and allows you to cover it with laminate without fears. But for greater evenness, softness and neutralization of possible microdelics will not be superfluous to put the substrate under the laminate.

Video: Floor leveling cyclo

So, as we see, neglected the alignment of the sexes before starting to lay the laminate, in no case can not be. The quality of the procedure and correctly selected materials will depend on the service life of your laminate coating, and therefore your nerves, cleanliness and comfort in the house, the perfect smooth floors and the good mood of all households. Spend a couple of days for this procedure and enjoy the superb repair for many years!

My name is Elena. Hobbies - music, literature, visiting concerts, dancing, photo / photoshop, I study Mounting video, country studies, history of Europe and North America, Catholic history, bike, writing different stories, sometimes stories and poems, sometimes modeling plasticine and polymer clay.

Hard, clean, dry and necessarily smooth - these are the requirements that are presented to the base under the laying of the laminated coating. Unfortunately, despite the numerous efforts of the manufacturers, many masters still do not know how much it is necessary to level the floor under the laminate.

According to the requirements of all manufacturers of rigid floor coverings, including laminate and parquet board, carrying a layer must comply with the terms of the instruction and SP 29.13330.2011 / SNiP 2.03.13-88. In particular, the basis should be:

  • Tough and durable. That is, the floor should not be fed or collapsed at an effort from 15 MPa and more.
  • Pure - dedustible, freed from the traces of bitumen, glue, old paints and other coatings, soot, etc.
  • Dry. For cement and sand and concrete screeds, the coefficient of residual humidity should not exceed 5%, anhydride - 1.5%, wooden and wooden-containing - 12%. Under the observance of the above indicators, changes in the geometric dimensions of the draft floors are minimal. Even with sharp drops of temperature and humidity.
  • Smooth and monolithic. The permissible level of irregularity is no more than 2 mm for every 2 meters of surface. The base should be actually smooth, no holes or tubercles, amusements and cracks.

Checking the level of foundation.

As practice shows, the last condition is disturbed most often. Check the fatness of mineral and wooden floors is easy. It is much more difficult to correct the flaw. But for what to level the floor in the apartment, house, office or shop for laminate? The answer is simple - for durable coating service. Any defects under the flooring is a source of permanent violep, crunch and cod, as well as fast destruction of locks and plates.

Many optimal schemes for the elimination of irregularities, failures, drops, distortions, cracks and other base defects have been developed by manufacturers of construction and finishing materials. Namely:

The advantage of mineral screeds in high compressive strength and shift, improved density. In addition, they can be used in rooms with normal and high humidity in combination with waterproofing materials. The layer thickness varies from 1 to 100 mm, that is, this series is suitable for eliminating minor irregularities, and substantial differences. The disadvantages of decent mass (with the exception of perlite-based, etc.), the laborious process and the long period of drying - from 7 to 28 days.

The precast bearing layers allow to align the floor under the laminate with their own hands for 1-3 days. This is the most convenient and fast way to eliminate the ladies of the base with a layer of 20 mm. The finished dry screed weighs much less than mineral, and you can immediately lay the finish material, without a technological break in 2-5 weeks. The minus is that this type of draft coating is not recommended for wet rooms, besides, the strength does not exceed 15 MPa.

We can not mention noise insulation. The laminated coating is laid by the "floating" method, that is, without a bundle with the base. For this and some other reasons, the floor material gives resonance for impact and air (sound) noises. Therefore, it is recommended for a continuous or team screed to lay a noise-solurating or noise-inflammatory layer from vibroacoustic membranes, elastic polymer plates, fibrous mats, frame systems with GVL and other similar materials. The range of similar products for floors is wide, the selection of the optimal option is better to entrust the specialist.

Alignment of concrete floor

Base from concrete is universally. It can be operated by any existing composition or complex. Therefore, depending on the type of defects, the following alignment techniques are used:


If the surface has minor bugs, influx, differentials, then you can choose the fastest, but dusty method of smoothing is grinding. For this purpose, sandpaper on a manual grater or professional grinding machines are often complete with construction vacuum cleaners.

The aggregates can be leased, but here are the components (abrasive circles, cups of stone and concrete, respirator, protective glasses) will have to buy. Or hire specialists with their equipment.

Partial leveling repair mixtures

For sealing cracks, chosel, local recesses, as well as to create slopes on balconies or terraces, do not re-form a fine or medium light tie. Use special compounds referred to as repair. This is a dry mixture on cement / plaster binder, ready-made pastes or polymer filling compounds, the main difference in which in the following properties:

  • fast standard of strength;
  • small processing area or layer thickness;
  • an insignificant drying period is from 1 hour to 3 days.

Choosing products, keep in mind that the compositions are universal (for internal and external work) and intended solely for the use of indoors. According to manufacturers, they are suitable for any finishing in residential and commercial buildings.

Screed from concrete

Under the tiery layer, the upper part of the black floor structure is implied to which absolutely any finish coating is mounted, from ceramics to laminate. Screed is designed for:

  • creating smooth, if possible, a smooth surface;
  • ensuring the static and dynamic strength of the structure;
  • uniform distribution of deformation loads on underlying layers or supports;
  • the formation of the required slopes.

Mineral ties are characterized by the same density of all the reservoir and compressive strength from 150 kg / cm² and more. The surface should not have cracks, influx, chipping and other defects. Thickness varies from 3 to 10 cm, depending on the specific conditions (type of base base, the presence of communications or floor heating systems, type of reinforcement, etc.).

Magnifying strata from:

  • industrial dry mixes. Conveniently used ready-made CPSs, packaged in bags of 25-50 kg. Move with water or polymer dispersions.
  • the cement-sandy solution is manufactured independently. This will require the cement of the brand not lower than M400, the sand quartz fine-phrase in an approximate proportion of 1: 3 (by weight). Clean water is added to about 0.45 or 0.55 liters per 1 kg of binder. The finished mass should be homogeneous, gray, the brand is at least 150-200.
  • concrete. Foam concrete categories are used not lower than B3.5 (ρ \u003d 600-1000 kg / m³), \u200b\u200blight masses like a ceramzite concrete, perliteobetone class not lower than 5.0 (ρ≥1300 kg / m³), \u200b\u200bas well as standard Class B15 concrete (corresponds to M200) . Screeds made of cellular and light concrete masses are distinguished by porosity and high heat insulating properties. Unlike them, the classic concrete gives a smaller shrinkage and a longer layer.

Mineral screed floor is formed in 5 stages:

The optimal period of drying screed is at least 28 days regardless of the thickness of the layer.

Self-leveling floors

There are dry industrial mixtures consisting of binding, fillers that modify additives. Available in a wide range and include:

  • Thin-layer levelovers working with a layer from 0 to 30 mm. Characterized by a high degree of spreading and a minimum drying period - up to 5 days;
  • Finishing fine and medium-layered compositions designed to form a smooth and smooth floor with a thickness of up to 60 mm under the laying of laminate, parquet, linoleum. Drying period - up to 14 days;
  • Basic or universal mixtures for primary alignment with a layer to 100 mm. Apply both inside and outside the premises. After 14-21 days, the surface is ready for the installation of laminate.

For weak bearing structures, lightweight mixtures are produced, in which the quartz filler is replaced with crushed perlite, clamzit, etc.

To form the field of self-leveling compositions is easy: the mixture should be coated with water, if possible, it is quickly applied by manually or by a mechanized method on a prepared base, slightly to dissolve and roll a needle roller for deaeration.

Black self-confined mixtures are often confused with bulk decorative floors. The first is dry composition based on cement or gypsum, the second is polymeric (polyurethane, epoxy, methyl methacrylate) liquid or semi-liquid compounds intended for the formation of so-called 3D coatings.

In fact, this is the flooring of sheets of durable materials, fixed on the concrete floor using self-samples or on a frame support. Such structures are indispensable if:

  • It is necessary to avoid "wet" processes;
  • It is necessary to speed up the production of works;
  • It is required to significantly raise the level of the carrier layer (adjustable floors) or smooth the differences.

There are many design options. We list the main:


This is a structure, the lower layer of which is a filling from the crumples, strolled pelitic mass, quartz or silica sand, fine-grained slag and other inorganic bulk materials with a maximum 2-5 mm size module, no more than 1% humidity. Instead of a non-eater filler, you can use tightly furnished plates of EPPS, mineral wool or foam (PSB-35 or 50).

Dry screed on a bulk basis.

The upper layer is formed from durable sheets of GVL, chipboard, OSP or plywood. It is best to use a KNAUF-superflet with a mounting 50mm folded, a pinned chipboard from QuickDeck, etc.

The minimum thickness of the flowing screed is 40 mm, and the maximum is 100 mm. This type of draft floor is suitable for both slab and beam overlaps (monolithic, prefabricated, etc.).


In fact, it is all the famous floor on the lags. A concrete base is installed in terms of wooden rails or metal profiles with an interval of no more than 40-50 cm, in the "windows", as desired, the insulation is stacked. On top of the frame, plywood sheets, chipboard and other similar materials are fixed.


The floor is laborious in performance, but useful in new construction or reconstruction. Wooden lags or sheets of plywood rely on the threaded fastening elements screwed into them: rod racks, rack bolts, anchors, etc. The position of the support in height varies due to the rotation of the bolt around its axis. Fix the level of the rack of a dowel-nail or a special emphasis that does not allow to move the configuration of the structure.

The principle of adjustable gender.


This is the easiest carrying layer that allows you to align the concrete base and increase its heat insulating properties. The peeled and primed floor with hardware, "liquid nails" or polymer glue is fixed in 1-2 layers of plywood sheets, GVL, chipboard and other similar materials. The optimal thickness of the flooring is 12-24 mm.

The choice of method depends on the financial capabilities and the state of the basic concrete base. It is best to invite a specialist who will determine the necessary parameters and offer options for eliminating deficiencies with detailed cost calculation.

How to align the wooden floor

If you plan to install the laminated parquet on the boardwalk, then you need to check each bar. Floor elements should sit firmly, smoothly and tightly to each other. The foundation corresponding to these criteria does not need additional training.

But if there are noticeable differences, irregularities and other disadvantages, then the following technologies apply for alignment:

Any of the above alignment methods allows you to create a smooth, durable and reliable base for laminate. Of course, some skills and knowledge will be required for work, so if you are not sure about your abilities, consult professionals.

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Laminate is a modern floor covering with good characteristics. It looks aesthetic, easily stacked, for a long time, forms a thin layer. But such a flooring requires careful surface preparation, so the question of how to align the floor under the laminate when carrying out repair work. Alignment is solved in several ways that are characterized by time and means, as well as aspects of changing the characteristics of the room.

Work with average height differences

If the existing flooring is in the middle state (there is a height difference of about 20 mm, damaged areas), but is durable and reliable enough, there are options than you can align the floor under the laminate depending on the base material.

1. Wooden floors

Preparation for work includes all stages listed above for cosmetic procedures. Next, the solution is better to level the floor under the laminate, it is accepted depending on the available opportunities.

  • if there is the destruction of boards - they are replaced;
  • to level the drops of heights up to 10 mm, you can use special wood mastic;
  • if you need an inexpensive solution, it is possible to use a simple recipe: small sawdust mixed with PVA glue. Such a mixture is easily applied, smoothed, relatively quickly dries, forms a solid smooth surface.

If the drop of height reaches 15 mm and above - rationally apply to the phaneer. The question is whether it is necessary to align the floor under laminate using such a material - it is not even worth it. The cost of work under large areas, which have a significant drop in height - will change little in comparison with the use of other techniques.

Plywood is stacked and screwed by self-drawing around the perimeter. Positioning individual elements is a drawing of a brickwork, cutting standard sheets with relatively small details will reduce the percentage of waste. In the zones of a reduced level of significant area, you can lay the plane or partially pour a mixture of PVA with sawdusts to avoid plywood deformation when walking.

Floor alignment video:

2. Concrete floors

For concrete floors, the heights of which are in the range of 5-25 mm, rationally use self-leveling liquid mixtures. This fill is quickly done, even a beginner can cope with the task. Stages of work look like this:

  • the existing basis is grinning, cracks close on it and noticeable recesses;
  • the surface is treated with bitumen mastic;
  • waterproofing is stacked, in the simplest case, it can be a polymer film;
  • preparing and poured self-leveling mixture;
  • the flooded layer is smoothed, stretched, it is needed with needle rollers to remove air bubbles.

The solution, whether to level the floor under the laminate by expensive liquid mixtures, is adopted, taking into account the positive qualities of such a procedure:

  1. First, it is faster, requires simple training, forms little dirt and construction waste.
  2. Secondly, the thin layer of the fill is not as an example less than the concrete screed.
  3. Thirdly, a perfectly smooth and durable surface is formed.
  4. Fourth, often does not require high qualifications of the artist.

In practice, in most apartments and houses regarding the new building, the methods listed in this section are used to prepare the foundation for laying laminate.

Fill thin tie

Very bad grounds for laying

If the floor in an apartment or house is in poor condition, it is more rational to remove to create a good base under modern coating. After that, you can act in the following methods:

  1. In housing with wooden flooring on the beams, inspection is carried out and if necessary, the replacement of lag. The space of overlapping is recommended to float with clay or polystyrene granules - it will improve thermal insulation and protection against noise. After that, the lags can be applied to the lags) the board or plywood is selected. If necessary, a squabble for the finishing alignment is carried out for the wooden coating.
  2. In apartments with wooden flooring on reinforced concrete ceiling after removal of an existing base, garbage is eliminated, the plates are inspected, seelings of cracks. The next stage is the laying of lag from the bar, their level is removed by sublocks or special anchor bolts. Plywood is selected on the formed grille.
  3. For housing with reinforced concrete overlap, creating screens of different formats is available. This applies to both houses with wooden flooring and with a screed. The latter at the same time should be removed to the slab. Thereafter:
  • you can create a classic cement-sand tie with a thickness of up to 40-50 mm;
  • pour on the beacons from the ceramisit, covered with a gypsum-fiber plate;
  • to put the grille from the bar and put the surface of plywood.

Ceramzit semi-dry screed improves thermal insulation indicators, reduces noise level. Polystyrene granules can be used as a filler of the space between lags. Well works and clamzit. Such measures to improve the characteristics of the room will not affect the quality of the surface for laying a laminate coating.

The combined way looks great. Thin, about 35 mm, screed from the cement-sand mixture with the addition of fiberglass. On top of it, a layer of minimally possible thickness is poured (depends on the characteristics of the mixture).

This composite structure has an acceptable value, a smooth and smooth surface, excellent indicators of strength and life. It is stacked by any class of laminate with minimal thickness substrates. At the same time, the coating accurately corresponds to the characteristics declared by the manufacturer.

Flooring from laminated pressed panels can be able to serve from a dozen years, even without cosmetic maintenance and repair, but under one condition - the base for laminate before the installation process must be conscientiously align in the horizontal plane with the highest possible accuracy. The alignment of the floor under the laminate will take several days, but should not be hurry, in this case the hurry can do it much more expensive.

Methods for equalizing the base under laying of laminate

Leveling or alignment of the floor plane, in fact, is one of the most time-consuming and painstaking stages of laying laminate. Before deciding how to align the floor under the laminate, it should be remembered that the laminate itself is just thin laminated fiber plates, from how precisely the load will be transmitted to a concrete or wooden base, depends, whether the locks will disperse and whether the slots will appear. Freshled outdoor coverage.

Align the floor under the laying of laminate can be one of the classical ways:

  • Laying auxiliary or roughing floor of gypsumless plates, plywood or OSB;
  • Performing a concrete or dry screed on the processed base surface;
  • With a self-leveling self-leveling composition.

For your information! The main task of the floor alignment is the elimination of the differential or slope of the base for the installation of the future laminate.

Otherwise, the floor covering from laminate laminate over time smoothly slides in one direction, which will lead to the disclosure of locks and the swelling of the lamellae. Large bumps and hollows on a concrete surface or a milking floor must be cut, the trifle partially compensates for a soft substrate.

The leveling technology largely depends on what kind of gender is assumed to install the coating. The most time consuming is the process of preparing a wooden militant floor. Sometimes to select the optimal method, how to align the wooden floor under the laminate, leaves more time than on the laying of the coating itself.

Easy way to align the surface of a wooden floor

In very rare cases, the shaft surface can be used directly for laying laminate plates. Even the fresh wooden floor always "plays" on the lags, has a not perfectly smooth surface, and most often in the process of a set of natural moisture, the lags and the board are deformed, which led to a deviation from the initial position.

The easiest way to align the wooden floor can be in the following sequence:

  1. Climbing gaps between the boards so that none of the flooring is in suspended state;
  2. Cresses and grind the surface so as to remove the curvature and bring close to the horizontal position as much as possible;
  3. Stacked the draft floor from OSB plates or plywood.

Tip! Many masters are trying to align the wooden floor with a solid surface grinding on a parquet cycle manner, without further styling of the draft floor.

In this way, you can align the boarded floor of good quality with the perfect horizon, while the surface of the surface requires a professional grinding machine with a thorough control of the horizontal level. In addition, such cases will need to lay a special leveling substrate under the cork tree laminate.

In conventional grinding, the horizon will not work, therefore, so as not to weaken the floor, the grinders are cut off the most protruding edges of the joints and parts adjacent to the walls. Next, the ground pieces are painted with a protective composition, and stacked the plates of the draft floor.

Ways to align concrete floor under laminate laying

The laying technology of the laminate coating was originally developed exclusively for laying on a prepared concrete surface. Therefore, if concrete does not have obvious defects in the form of a littered horizon, align such a floor the easiest all with grinding, fill or styling rough and intermediate coatings. But, before aligning the floor under the laminate without a screed, it is necessary to perform a control measurement to make sure the accurate geometry of the concrete surface.

Pre-concrete is thoroughly cut and cleaned from the eyes visible to the eyes and cones, garbage, dust removed. After that, the highest point of the surface is determined, and the horizon line is applied using the construction level around the perimeter of the side walls. If the difference in the height of the ground floor does not exceed 2 mm, you can lay a self-leveling substrate and start up the installation of the laminate.

Otherwise, the floor under the laminate will have to be aligned with a screed, a bulk or frighting of the insulation.

Filling floor alignment of the barrier layer

It is easier and faster to align the concrete floor under laminate with a concrete screed or fill with self-leveling mixtures. Alignment technology is largely similar, but there are nuances and features. The most difficult stage in both cases is the installation of beacons or profiles by which the upper layer of fill or screed under laminate is formed.

Before the arrangement of the screed, concrete floor is placed by rolled waterproofing, with overlap of cloths at least 10-12 cm. The joints are sampled by mastic, and the edges of the insulation around the perimeter of the room are lifted and overlooked on the wall, to the height equal to the double thickness of the future screed. The perimeter of the room and the concrete surface under the adoption of waterproofing can be additionally handled by primer.

After waterproofing, it will be necessary to install, align on the level on the walls and secure the beacon with alabaster from the profile. To prevent the surface cracking, the screed is always amplified by a thin reinforcing grid. For a tie prepare concrete based on cement M500 with sand-sand, a ratio of 1: 3 and the additive surfactant in the amount of 20g on 10 liters of water.

When forming a screed, the concrete mixture is gradually thrown into the moistened floor and stretched with a rail - rule from a long corner towards the entrance to the room. The first layer of concrete is rough, after stacking it is slightly trambed to improve the adhesion to the base floor. The second layer is more liquid, a polyvinila acetate emulsion is added to the concrete, so that the surface on which the laminate will be laid is as smooth and smooth.

Self-leveling solutions are poured into two layers. The first layer is required in order to align and compensate all defects and notches on the concrete floor. Beacons are installed before the fill in the form of pin chips.

The dry mixture is diluted with water by recipe and stirred intensively with an electrical mixer. Mix it is necessary quickly and efficiently, as the water binds the mass of the solution is gaining a large number of air bubbles, it becomes sufficiently liquid and fluid. The surface is poured by a self-leveling mixture and quickly resurrected with a special tool in order to maximally remove the main mass of near-surface bubbles.

The solution has a consistency of thick jelly, but hardly hard. The fill with the second layer must be performed with a temporary interval of no more than 10 minutes, otherwise it is not possible to avoid the bundle of the base under the laminate even with a small load.

Self-leveling material is gaining final working strength in two days. At this time, the floor under the future laminate must be closed with a film from drafts and sunlight.

Filing screed for laminate laying

It is possible to align the floor under the installation of a laminate with a roughing floor from OSB or gypsum-fiber plates laid on a layer of clay. The technology allows you to get the aligned floor under the laminate in just one working day.

Initially, it will be necessary to put waterproofing and install the rails of the mounting profile that will serve as lighthouses. The distance between the rails is withstanding within 35-40 cm. The space between the profiles is covered with a clay, leveling the sleeved layer in terms of level. Further, two layers of OSB plates are stacked in such a way that the joints of the layers are separated to the maximum distance. Thus, it turns out a warm and hard floor under the laminate. The joints between the plates are closed with an acrylic putty for a tree and after 3-4 hours are cleaned with sandpaper.

Align the surface under the laying of laminate can also with the help of thick sheets of plywood and wooden lags laid directly on the primed concrete floor. In this case, the distance between lag beams is reduced to 15-20 cm, and each of the lags must be aligned and fixed with the help of screws to the board, packed along the wall perimeter.


The best way to align the floor for mounting the coating of the laminate remains the use of bulk and bulk grounds. In this case, the black floor is obtained light and durable, and the support surface has the ability to redistribute the load, which only increases the durability of the coating of the laminate.