Repairs Design Furniture

The arrangement of the dishes in the servant. Registration of rack or shelves: key principles and stylish examples. What and how to place in kitchen cabinets and boxes

Servan and his place in our house

Servants first appeared in France in the XVIII century. Only rich citizens could have them, since beautiful dishes themselves was the subject of luxury. Accordingly, the valuum of valuable species was also available to the chosen.

Vintage Servants.

Vintage servants, as well as modern, consisted of two parts:

  • top, in which shelves behind glass doors;
  • the bottom is closed, in which the shelves behind the doors or retractable boxes.

Important! Survants very quickly won popularity. To have such a wardrobe in the living room, which enters the exquisite dishes and crystal, it was simply necessary to emphasize their status and boast wealth. They were decorated with carvings, gilding, curly wrought-iron handles, bent legs and elegantly decorated doors. They were made by hand, so they were all unique.

Cabinets of the USSR

After a couple of century, the wardrobe for dishes became a mandatory attribute of any European home. During the Soviet Union, this subject of the interior stood in every apartment, but the appearance, of course, had not such a pompous, as his "fellow" from the XVIII century. He was rustic, concise, can be said, minimalistic design.

Such grayers were produced by factories in a huge amount, but in appearance they were all like the soldiers in the ranks. As we remember, mass production was inherent in everything - starting with clothes and ending with dishes, vases. The interior of the apartments of the average citizens was similar to each other.

A couple of decades ago, the servants are tired of everyone, and have them in the apartment became unlikely. But a little time passed and they remembered again.

Our days

Now every self-respecting furniture manufacturer must have servers in the collection: simple and frightened, wooden and plastic, standard and angular. Designers are very loved by this piece of furniture, it can be selected for any style of the room. Moreover, modern wardrobes are equipped with mirror walls, illumination, original fittings.

But that all this sophistication and originality be appreciated to take advantage of, it is necessary to know how beautiful to put the dishes in the Servante in the living room.

Important! For those who do not like the standard shape of the servant, produce such that have a niche for the TV. The so-called "slides" for the hall is also part of its kind, because in addition to the shelves and stands for television and other techniques, there are racks-showcases for dishes or books.

What to fill the servant?

What to put in the servant under the glass instead of dishes? Sets, glasses-beds, a lot of wine glasses have a considerable amount. And for yourself, and for the dowry, and what went to the inheritance from your beloved grandmother.

Everything seems to be beautiful, but is it necessary to exhibit all the stocks of the dishes in the servant?

  • Ceramic dishes, clay utensils are better not to set off. They find the place on the open shelves in the kitchen, if it is in the style of country or Provence. And that, in small quantities. It is better to fold them with a stack into the closed lower section.
  • Porcelain service, especially if he is rare or expensive, for example, Maissensky, it is quite eligible to settle in the Sberry. But not in full force. Pretty beautiful szz, sauce, salad bowl. The pyramid of numerous plates is better to put down. You can put the biggest dish vertically under the long wall.
  • Tea sets are also not exhibited in full. Decent focus of the brew, sugar bowl, milkman, you can supplement this group of a couple of cups with saucers. But such a service, of course, should be original and beautiful.

Important! Such compositions are well harmonized with small baubles: a nap fleshrite, small porcelain figurines, beautiful candles, tiny ceramic vases.

  • A decent place in the servant will take a crystal: glasses and glasses of different shapes and sizes. But they should stand separately from porcelain and ceramics. Crystal will be perfectly playing with all thends if it is placed on the backlit shelf.

Important! Sometimes the servant put elite drinks or just drinks in unusual bottles.

  • With it is undesirable to post in the servant, so it is a "towers" from heavy plates, bulky vases, photos of numerous relatives, feathers, seashells, mummified sea ends and other souvenirs brought from resorts in memory of the rest. Also ugly will look like the ranks of the same glass glasses - they are also better to be stubcing down, from the eye.

How to place dishes in the servant?

Stylish arrangement of dishes in the servant, how to do it? There are several rules that will help create a beautiful composition of the dishes, and not a differed chaos. Original items can be a lot, but not all of them are suitable for each other. So what rules need to stick when you decide how beautiful to put the dishes in the servant?

Rule number 1. Single style:

  • Do not exhibit everything in a row that you have in the covers. From the available sets and sets, reflect those that are most harmoniously combined not only with each other, but also the color gamut room.
  • Sets and services standing nearby must be combined by functionality and material from which they are made. Do not put crystal glasses next to the coffee set.
  • Statuettes, vases and other trifles do not put next to the crystal - it is placed only near the ceramics and porcelain.

Rule number 2. Observe the measure:

  • From the sets, you should not post all. Choose the most successful things: a salad bowl, a brew, milkman, a dish for fish, a couple of cups with saucers, and leave the packs at the bottom.
  • Place the items so that there is space between them, and every thing you can take a look at the eyes.
  • Family relics and especially valuable items for you put on the honorable place - in the center of the composition, eye level. But if there are many of them - choose a few, the rest while hideing. When you change the location of the dishes in the servant, replace them with others.

Rule number 3. Harmonious location of different types of items:

  • Brushingably looks for the location of the items placed from a larger to less, steps. Divide the dishes into several groups, make a beautiful composition of them.
  • When the dishes are located, the highest put closer to the far wall, and the smallest placing closer to the doors.

Important! Do not know how beautiful to put the glasses in a glass cabinet? Surround high glasses for champagne crystal glasses.

Rule number 4. Compatibility with the color of the cabinet:

  • Of all the sets of dishes, select those who will look at the shelves for the servant.

Important! A white porcelain and crystal will look at the gray china and crystal. But in Light Survant, bright utensils will play with paints, but can look for crystal and glass items to look.

  • Nearby compositions must also be combined in color. You can play beautifully in contrast.

Important! Next to the dishes of the ivory blossom will perfectly fit the red service.

  • Many people at the design of the servant take into account the foundations of Feng Shui. This teaching will find the place of each little things so that its energy is directed to the right direction.

Stock foot

The servant is a fairly common piece of furniture, however, unfortunately, not all the mistress knows how to beautifully use the space of his shelves. In order for this item to decorate and supplement the interior of the room, it is necessary to know how beautiful to put the dishes in the seat in the living room. Useful recommendations from this article will help you understand this business and prevent the most common mistakes of the wrong arrangement. You can safely have dishes on the shelves as you suggest your taste. The main thing is to remember that the servant is an island of elegant beauty in your living room, and not storage for rows of glasses, stacks and plates.

There are no time very popular servants and "walls" for the living room today return to everyday interpretation. These are no longer bulky and slow headsets, a modern wardrobe for dishes in the living room takes on elegant, elegant forms. The most diverse, stylized underground or made in unique, according to fashionable tendencies of the buffet design, servants, slides, showcase cabinets will decorate the interior of your room. Equipped with glass shelves, doors, mirrors, where the owners are placed as expensive and cute heart of the sets, souvenirs, decor items, they occupy a central room. In some families, it is customary to store the glass awards, sports cups, family photos, antiques and even weapons collection.

The practical need for cabinets under the kitchenware in the living room is large enough. Stepping the threshold of the main room at home, guests will immediately turn their attention to the spectacular and practical subject of the interior. The cabinet is capable not only to store the dishes and other things, but they are quite profitable to demonstrate them, emphasizing the exquisite taste of their owners. This furniture is so universal that choose the model really absolutely for any interior style of the living room. Its features include such accommodation options:

  • the cabinet can stand on the floor;
  • hang on the wall;
  • increase or perform the function of separation partitions.



Some are equipped with built-in point luminaires, tape illumination, which benefits the dishes and decor objects favorably, and the rear wall of the mirrors allows you to visually increase the space. In small rooms, significantly save space will help the corner wardrobe.

For things that it is not desirable to exhibit atmosphere, a wardrobe is provided with a glassware with glass in the living room, equipped with sections with closed doors, they protect against mud, dust, solar rays. Fully glass cabinet showcase is designed to carry the decorative function rather, there are the most expensive and cute hearts:

  • expensive, exquisite table sets;
  • interesting, unusual souvenirs;
  • collections of antique little things or rare books;
  • gifts that the owners are very expensive;
  • bottles with elite alcohol;
  • collections of ancient weapon.

In the photo of furniture catalogs, you can find a lot of options for dishwashes.


Since the living room serves as a place of rest of households and their guests, where people communicate, share positive emotions, gather behind a large table of a friendly company, the space in the room must be used correctly in order not to disturb the general atmosphere of comfort, heat and well-being.

Functional wardrobes for the living room can easily decorate any interior of the room, delated the situation, add to it comfort and charm. It is possible to divide them for several types, each of which has its advantages:

  • suspended with multiple shelves;
  • corner for saving space;
  • buffet for giving the placing the light raid of antiquity and mystery;
  • the cabinet showcase, where the expensive hearts are located;
  • survey with shelves and boxes.


In the living rooms where the free space is not enough, the place for a beautiful glass showcase is difficult to find, and the sets and souvenirs are still needed, you should place suspended cabinets for dishes. Special popularity, they enjoy in rooms equipped in minimalism or high-tech style. It looks good, furniture with lower small chests and upper mounted cabinets with glass doors sections. Corner cabinets, fixed horizontally or vertically, have a different door opening system (up, down, aside), equipped with backlight, which advantageously demonstrates objects there may be placed in any order and at different levels. Such cabinets are placed on the walls using special fixtures, occupying very little space.


An excellent version of the traditional cabinet that allows you to take the most useless part of the living room - the angle, while the space saves considerably. The angular cabinet has an unusual form, good capacity, the dishes in it are located diagonally, which makes it possible to view from all sides of the room, so all items must be taken carefully, without excess journey. Such a practical solution is suitable for a narrow living room, will allow to hide the shortcomings of the room layout.

Being a distant ancestor of a modern cabinet for dishes, a buffet is usually performed in retro style, looks exclusively, as if from the depths of the past centuries. Each modern buffet has a different destination, its signs, features, distinguishing from the location of the boxes, shelves and doors. The living room decorated in modern High-tech styles, minimalism buffet will not fit categorically, because the overall atmosphere in the room, at least in such a room he will look ridiculous.

As a rule, the buffet is an item with a story that creates a certain nuts of mysteriousness. In the old days, ancient porcelain sets and figurines were kept in ancase from the top of the glass doors, in retractable boxes of silver, the lower part was intended for the placement of severe utensils. Today, the buffets organically look in the living rooms decorated in the style of classics, retro or loft, where the antique buffet is combined with futuristic furniture.

The buffets, stylized under Provence, which is caused by a relatively small cost of furniture and the ability to decorate it with respect to the small popularity.

Showcase cabinets are the most popular object of living room furniture, her decoration, look elegant, emphasizing the exquisite taste and status of the owners, due to its transparency create the effect of ease. It can be fully glass or divided into several sections of a wardrobe, some of which hides its contents from prying eyes behind the deaf doors. Showcases are rapidly decorative function than the economic, they are intended for storing and demonstrating the guests of the most expensive dishes, antique things, collections of weapons and souvenirs brought from distant countries.

This magnificent piece of furniture will never come out of fashion because it is designed to fully emphasize the attention of guests on family values, while protecting the heart of the dirt and dust under the glass surface. Furniture salons represent a very wide range of showcases, according to catalog photos, you can choose a laconic model or exquisite, able to decorate any interior of the living room.


Back in the XVIII century, the Servan received widespread and won the location of the consumer. Initially, it was designed to store dishes, service items, from here and his name went. Noble person, rushing with their wealth, tried to put off the entire expensive dishes, the collection of baubles, gorgeous vases. Today, different designs of the servants determine their functional purpose:

  • made in the form of dresser;
  • with sections of shop windows - for storing books or kitchen accessories;
  • glazed slides - cabinets with many compartments for dishes, books, niches for the placement of equipment.

The servant usually has two tiers, whereas the buffet has three.

Materials manufacturing

Modern manufacturers of cabinets under the kitchenware in the living room are used for their manufacture various materials. The price range is also diverse, each buyer will be able to pick up furniture according to its preferences and financial capabilities:

  • an array of natural wood (oak, nut, pine, deciduous rocks) - consistently popular material, the most expensive and good, has persistent forms, the finished product will last long years;
  • MDF - practically not distinguish between a wooden analogue, the furniture looks elegant, and it is much cheaper;
  • The chipboard is relatively inexpensive, but far from the best material, under the action of moisture, it can escape, also a dish made cabinet made from a lacquered chipboard to protect against aggressive medium, giving a brilliant product type;
  • veneer - Thin sheets of solid wood are glued on the chipboard;
  • plastic - practical, easy to leaving, resistant to moisture, mechanical effects, in the production of dishwashes is used less often, usually as an attribute of modern design;
  • glass (including tinted, colored, mirrors) - used for the manufacture of facades of cabinets or their elements.

Sandblasting drawing, applied with the inner or from the outside of glass facades, will give a special style to your housing cabinet, also looks beautifully inlaid from stones, rhinestones, metal. In many models there are mirrors, and point or tape backlight creates an illusory, fantastic picture, scattering the highlight of the highlight of the light, which gives the objects of the dishes an additional shine.



How to post

The dispenser is customized to be placed in the center of the living room or near the dining group. It is quite reasonable if you boast a big house. They produce whole furniture headsets, which includes a dining group, two showcases for dishes, a chest of drawers with a mirror.

If you are the owner of a small apartment, then it is logical to place a servant or slide in it, which will be rapidly decorative function, exposing the souvenirs, art objects, decor. The closet must be positioned so that it is as much as possible as possible or equip artificial illumination. With the help of a servant or buffet, you can zonate the room space, separating part of the dining room from the territory of the arrangement of upholstered furniture. Two corner dishes will look original at the edges of the living room, where there is a fireplace, a chest of drawers or a stand on TV between them.

Choice rules

First of all, the choice of cabinet for dishes in the living room depends on the overall style of the most important room in the house. Here are going to family in the evenings, rest, take expensive guests, while the living room should impress the invited, demonstrating a good taste of the owners.

For a classic-style living room, modern, retro is suitable for a solid buffet or a wardrobe of a solid wood array, the front panel of which is a set of windows separated by wooden planks. Dear fittings and finishing will emphasize the status of the owner. The minimalism style determines the simplicity and conciseness of each object of the furniture, so the light, transparent glass showcases of simple geometric shapes will be organically look here, making the surrounding space open, air.

Since glass facades are one of the main elements of wardrobes for dishes, it is important to pay attention to the thickness (at least 5 mm) and the quality of the glass. It is recommended to purchase products from the tempered, stamping material, even if such a glass can be broken down (which is not easy), its fragments will not scatter throughout the room, will remain safe. All attachments, retractable mechanisms, accessories must be durable and reliable.



Modern glass showcase - the best alternative to fashionable once cabinets for dishes, servants, walls and kitchen buffets.

Designers of interiors offer to abandon the cabinet furniture in the living room, but there is no place for collectible dishes anyway.

Old-fashioned "walls" and servants have long been obscured. Today at the peak of popularity glass cabinet-showcase in the interior of the living room with illumination and other new-fashioned offers.

Experts give valuable advice, how to choose this important piece of furniture.

Varieties of cabinet furniture for dishes

Wardrobe - showcase - something average between a servant and a real glass showcase, where to apply:

  • beautiful dishes;
  • original souvenirs;
  • collectible objects;
  • hand-made products;
  • exotic shells;
  • rare foliants;
  • antiques, etc.

All that adequately be exhibited for everyone, fills the showcase in the living room.

The glass protects the exposure from dust, temperature drops, excessive humidity, random touch hands or paws of pets.

The showcase has a lot in common with a servant, which has less glass and a massive wood body.

The cabinet for "guest" dishes with glass doors used to be a mandatory attribute of the living room, today it is replaced by new forms.

Glass cabinets become more open, they have transparent not only the front doors, but also the sidewalls.

The buffet is the oldest predecessor of the servant, but his place was in the kitchen. The Meshchansky life at the beginning of the twentieth century was assumed to the eclectic, the house carried any furniture, looking for a free corner for her.

But some kind of showcases for expensive porcelain dishes can be seen in the palace interior, however, if the living room had a dining room function.

Modern cabinet furniture can additionally have another functional load.

Glass shelves for dishes and souvenirs are used as a lightweight rack in a seal, a distinguished living room and kitchen compartment.

This method of zoning with furniture looks modern and original.

Designers also offer built-in showcases that separate pilasters or rectangular columns.

Between them there are glass shelves with illumination, and the front-end doors may be absent.

Views showcases for the living room

A glass showcase is a kind of semblance of a servant with transparent sidewalls, it is a classic form, but there are options.

A small showcase with 2-3 shelves and all transparent walls is an excellent alternative to the journal table made of glass.

It can be used as a pedestal for sculpture, a stand under a mirror, a clock with a fight or an original lamp.

The multisective display cabinet involves a lot of space, it is put along a solid wall. Unlike a single-section glass foam, such furniture has 2, 3 and 4 compartments separated by glass or wooden panels.

Most interestingly, the expensive models made of mahogany with illuminated.

The showcase happens with closed bottom or open, there are angular and in the form of a polyhedron. Showcase with rounded or curly riding is called "Hill".

At one time they were popular as part of the furniture "walls", but modern solutions are more interesting.

Glass showcases for the living room can vary:

  • transparent and matte;
  • with sandblasting pattern;
  • with carved recess;
  • with overhead crystals;
  • with shadowing effects;
  • with stained inserts.

Some expensive models impress the decor and wealth of natural wood texture or veneer, patterned mosaic in the marquetry style.

The list of expensive decor complements wood carving, inlaid, molding and curly fillets on the wood side of the showcase.

Most glass showcases are outdoor type, but there are hinged. Outdoor is the most stable models, on a solid base or elegant curly legs, they can be loaded with heavy dishes to the limit. Furnitura - massive gilded.

In light glass models, the handles are often not visible on the doors, they open over the loop from above or below, it is less likely to have a foot pedal.

  • Fully glass cabinet with diode illumination from below and from above will decorate the modern interior.
  • Models with a predominance of wood - classic.
  • Elegant bright models with rich décor - historical style.
  • Modest skeleton buffet - country or retro.

Any glass showcase can be chosen with delivery, as a rule, they are insured by the manufacturer.

You can vouch for what will be brought safely and sound in place and collect. It is important not to be calculated with the dimensions and the load of the dishes on fragile glass shelves.

The choice of the model depends on the budget and decor of the living room.

Only the buyer decide that choose - expensive multisective elite cabinet, an exhibition instance from a furniture salon or light budget penalty.

Pay attention to the corner models and double-sided display cases for zoning. Even more interesting offers - in our photo gallery.

Stock Foto Cabinet-showcase in living room interior


Of course, now much more convenient to distribute the place than it was before, because there are pre-planned retractable discoveries of cabinets for cutlery, but the most beautiful glasses and a porcelain service, presented to the housewarming, best place on the shelves behind the glass doors. In fact, they really will look there much better than if there were simple plates or salad bowls there. Although, if the salad bowls and candyers also represent the work of glass art, they can be completely placed behind the glass, but sets and glasses are better.

In the lower cabinets, it is more prudent of all to be large kitchen utensils: pans, pan, chopping boards. As a rule, in the end, the mass of smaller things will go there, like terkons, hand-held juicers and plastic pallets under fruits and vegetables.

Upstairs necessarily there will be several lockers with conventional doors, not glass, and there can be, for example, plates and favorite mugs with cats or ridiculous phrases.

In the space between the upper and lower cabinets, which will surely take the stove, you can harmoniously expand the household techniques, the necessary or you have. For example, toaster or electrical juicer. The beautiful kitchen will never spoil even a neat brew, which will fit, even if you place it right next to the electric kettle.

Finally, in the same space where the electric kettle and other household appliances will be located, it is best to put a stand with knives. It is much more convenient than to keep all the necessary knives in drawers.

The choice and placement of glasses when serving depends on the range of beverages, which are supposed to be applied. The main law is the greater the glass, the less degrees should be a drink in it. There are certain rules to help quickly arrange glasses When serving a table.


Position glasses When serving the table to the right of the plates (from the edge to the center), in the sequence in which drinks will be served. An exception can only be a glass for champagne. Put it first on the left.

If only water is supposed to be applied, then put a glass in the center (behind a plate) or a little right, on the line intersection line of the first knife with the top edge of the plates. If, instead of water, it is fed to the Morse table or kvass, then put a mug for them by turning the handle to the right.

When feeding strong alcoholic beverages, put in the first row to the right small glass for vodka or bitter liquor. Next - the Mader glass is a bit more in size, which is intended for strong wines (sherry, port, maders), they are customary to use snacks. Then place the oblong, slightly narrowed up, a glass for white wine and a sphere similar to the sphere, barrel, for red. Next Put the Water Fool.

Do not put more than three items in one row. With a full service, build items for drinks in two rows. Watch that the distance between the glasses was at least one centimeter.

Put a cup with a handle for the Punch, and for a brandy or brandy snifter (a spherical wine glass that is tuned up). Spread them accepted on the most donyshko.

If there is no appropriate set of beverage glasses, use neutral, medium size. For any table setting, transparent wine glasses made of angry glass on legs are suitable. They can safely pour even brandy and brandy, filling at no more than a quarter of the glasses.

Position glasses When serving the table semicircle in the following sequence: for champagne, red, white wine and vodka; In length (in a straight line): for water, red and white wine; or block: for water, then put a fueer for white wine, and slightly above, above them, a glass for red wine.


A glass for white or red wine should be placed on the knife, on the right.

Fulfilled glasses with drinks are taken by three quarters from the total capacity.


  • Basics of table setting from Bernardo Luazier in 2017

Saturation of the kitchen with various objects and devices only complicates the work of the hostess. Therefore, when clearing the kitchen it is important to put it properly furnitureTo cook and eat food was more comfortable and did not distract anything.


Very often, the slab is located in the middle. However, before you use it, you need to wash the products, clean, cut, process. Best when laying up furniture on kitchen Observe the sequence of the wardrobe-washing table-plate. It is desirable that this line goes from left to right, and all its components were one height.

It is very important to fit the kitchen furniture so that the hostess can move freely kitchen And get it necessary to her objects without the efforts. The height of all cabinets and tables must correspond to the growth of a person working on kitchen.

It is also necessary to take into account when laying up the furniture, the separation of the kitchen into two zones. One must be intended for dirty work - washing dishes, processing and cleaning products. The second zone is for cutting products and feed them to the table.

The table for dirty works can be connected to the sink. At the bottom of this table, you can store utility dishes and bowls. Under the sink it is desirable to post a bucket for garbage and waste. Immediately you can store broom, scoop and detergents.

Also a big role in the arrangement of furniture in kitchen Playing the location of the dining table. The table should be no big to not clutter the entire room. In small kitchen You can use a folding table that can be easily decomposed in the case of arrival. Very convenient is a kitchen corner. It can be placed in the corner of the kitchen, and there will be more free space.

Helpful advice

When laying up furniture in the kitchen, it is necessary to make a kitchen in such a way that the hostess and guests can be comfortably and spacious.

For any hostess, the correct placement of furniture in the kitchen is very important. Before starting repair, it is necessary to immediately consider where the zone for cooking with appropriate furniture will be located, where there will be a dining area where it is more convenient to install the refrigerator. Furnishing decisively affects not only the aesthetic perception of the room, but also on practical functions, especially in the kitchen. For each kitchen, regardless of its size and technical equipment, a number of general furniture arrange rules are applied.

You will need

  • Empty kitchen room, roulette, paper sheet, pencil


Now you need to think over the kitchen equipments of furniture. The minimum composition of furniture objects is almost the same for any kitchen: refrigerator, washing, work surface of the floor cabinet, stove. For storage of dishes, inventory, groceries, electrical appliances are used outdoor and wall cabinets.
If it allows the area, then between the refrigerator and the car wash, it is desirable to have another work surface for preliminary preparation of products. The optimal height of the working surface is 85cm.

In the cabinet under the sink is a bucket for waste and a place for household chemicals. Wall closet, located over washing, serves for drying dishes. Over the stove, you must arrange an extract.
The wall cabinet over the desktop serves for small dining rooms and groceries. The upper shelf of the wall cabinet must be located not higher than 190cm. The distance between the lower surface of the wall shelf and the working surface should be no more than 55 cm.
Heavy electrical appliances and kitchenware will be placed in the outdoor cabinet.

If all the kitchen equipment (refrigerator, desktop, washing, stove) are located on one wall, then the opposite wall can be installed a dining table. If the kitchen equipment is located along two opposite walls, then dining furniture is better located at the window.
Having made all the marks on your plan, you can go for the purchase of furniture.

Video on the topic


If you are not sure about the rational placement of furniture in the kitchen, contact your professional designers.

Cooking - creative process. And nothing should interfere with the creation of stunning breakfasts, saturated lunches and bright dinners. It is difficult to disagree that every hostess wants to please his family and guests delicious. But sometimes a good mood can be pretty spoiled by a mess in the kitchen and at these moments always remembered that the correct storage of dishes in the kitchen could prevent not only in vain irritation, but also many extra "television", which usually complicate and delay the cooking process.

It should be understood that even the most huge, beautiful and functional cuisine may not bring pleasure from working in it, and in some places - even complicate the task to the cook. And all due to the fact that those or other kitchen appliances are not at all where they should be. But the correct storage of dishes and the organization of order on a small kitchen for many housewives is generally a sick question. Even if the kitchens in Podolsk or kitchen headsets are ordered by an individual project from other leading manufacturers, then over time they will definitely have to go into order or something to change. So what can it be? Let's deal with how to properly organize the order and rational storage of dishes in the kitchen.

There should be nothing superfluous in the kitchen.

Over time, in the room of each kitchen, in many cabinets of its kitchen heads, a fair amount of excess dishes appears on the tables and shelves. It is obvious that, starting to guide orders and optimizing the use of kitchen space, you should get rid of all extra. And start standing with spoiled dishes. It can be fragilated cups and plates or pans with damaged enamel inside them. In some countries, for example, Italy, it is customary to get rid of old and unnecessary objects, including kitchen. It is believed that the more items will be thrown or given, the more new acquisitions will be next year.

The workplace in the kitchen should be organized as comfortable as possible, because it is not only a general atmosphere in this room that depends on this, but also what the mood will have anyone who wants to cook anything. And it does not matter whether it will be a cup of morning coffee or many festive dishes.

To clear the kitchen boxes and stands from unnecessary dishes and do not remove anything superfluous, first of all it is worth carefully look at that kitchen utensils, which was donated by friends or relatives. As a rule, it just takes place in kitchen boxes and is very rarely used. But instead of her in one or another box you can place something really necessary and useful.

Also, the correct storage of dishes in the kitchen involves the absence or minimum amount of that dishes, which remained inherited from mom or grandmother. It may be valuable things like memory, but not always one cook is convenient to use what was successfully used by others. In addition, in the kitchen room it is essential to leave only the number of cups, plates, saucepan and other kitchen utensils, which is really necessary in daily everyday life. No need to organize warehouse of useless things in the kitchen.

For example, for a small family of three people, only three saucepans are quite enough. The smallest can be used to cook eggs and warming up a small amount of various ingredients for dishes, the average saucepan is quite suitable for cooking all sorts of porridges and sides, and the greatest - for cooking soups. Naturally, if there is a small child in the family, then a little more small saucepan and scenery will be required.

Each kitchen has its own place

As soon as there is nothing superfluous in the kitchen room, it is worth thinking about what kitchen devices are used more often, and which less often. Properly organized storage of dishes in the kitchen is not only the optimal placement of cups, spoons and plates, but also all kinds of kitchen devices, both electrical and hand, as well as various tanks with products, crops and other bulk.

To understand which kitchen devices can be hidden deep into boxes, and which leave in a prominent place, it is enough to determine which dishes are prepared daily and how often the toaster, bread maker, multicooker, coffee maker, mixer, blender, juicer, various frying pan, caught And other kitchen utensils. After that, it is desirable to analyze the size of the kitchen and determine that the maximum possible number of space that can be allocated for all these things and designate the places where they will be located.

How to optimally place in the kitchen room All kitchenware

An excellent storage option for knives of various types, scissors and others are not particularly heavy metal products that make cooking easier and comfortable, it will become a magnet attached to the wall. This modern "device" can be found in many stores specializing in the sale of kitchen accessories. Such a magnet perfectly holds metal products, provides quick access to any of them, and is also very easily mounted on the wall.

All sorts of covers from a saucepan and pan, snipe, blades for mixing ingredients, flutters and even frying pan, and sometimes needed, remove the kitchen headset from the boxes and hang them on the railway devices, modular designs or suspended strips that can be attached to the wall, So to the top row of the kitchen headset. This approach to the placement of all such kitchen accessories will not only make access to them faster, but will allow you to free a lot of space in the lockers and on the kitchen shelves, and as a result, you can arrange, for example, jars with croups, pasta, sugar, salt and other bulk ingredients.

The coat and frying pan are quite uncomfortable to store in the cabinets and take these kitchenware from them. Therefore, hiding all the kitchen utensils of this type on the tracking system hooks, it is possible to significantly improve and make more rational storage of dishes in the kitchen, and besides, significantly reduce the time required to search and remove this or that or another frying pan, colander and other similar kitchenware. Naturally, it is not necessary to turn the kitchen room into an exhibition hall of hundreds of raised lids and pans. Total should be in moderation. Once again it is worth reminding that there should be nothing superfluous in the kitchen room.

If you place the covers from a saucepan, pan and cavins on a special bar, which is fastened to the wall or inside large kitchen cabinets, it turns out to be significantly easy to access them, because you do not have to go through, raise and fold ones in place those covers that interfere with the necessary needed.

Spoons and forks of all sizes are very convenient to store in the drawers of the kitchen headset in retractable boxes. Such boxes consist of several sections, each of which can have its own size, which allows to group forks and spoons not only in size, but also by functional purpose. This makes the search for the right object much more comfortable and fast. In addition, the inner part of the drawer can have such a configuration that will allow you to easily place inside a small mixer, blender and other small-sized kitchen appliances and fixtures.

In the boxes of kitchen heads it is convenient to store all sorts of cups, plates and pans. Particularly simplify access to the desired dishes special stands for cups and plates. They allow you to put the dishes so that one plate or cup will not stand on another. Such an arrangement will save from the need to remove the entire stack of dishes in search of the desired, and then put everything back. Such an approach to the storage of dining room dishes is very rational.

Many housewives for some reason keep all sorts of cereals, pasta, seasonings and other bulk ingredients in packets that diligently fit on each other in the kitchen headset boxes. Such an approach to the organization of storage often delivers a lot of inconvenience. It is especially acute that it is felt in those moments when you need to prepare several dishes, spending on this process as little time as possible.

To make great easier and speed up the search for the desired type of cereals, seasonings or simply sugar with salt, you can purchase transparent plastic containers and decompose all loose ingredients stored in the packages in them. These containers can be made of both plastic and glass. Here everyone chooses himself. And besides, each of these containers is extremely desirable to stick special stickers and write on them, which product is in a particular container. It is very convenient and significantly speeds up visual search for bulk products. Another undoubted advantage of using transparent containers in terms of proper and rational storage of dishes is that they can be placed not only in closed boxes, but also on open shelves.

Where to place the spices and what should be near the stove

Modern typical kitchens for a private house or apartments are designed quite compact and practical, since manufacturers understand the entire value of these qualities for each housewife. If the kitchen is made under the order, then the possibilities of its layout and improvement are provided simply a huge amount. From the number of all sorts of additions and "buns", which can be found in the catalogs of manufacturers sometimes head goes around and want to order everything. But you should not do that. You need to choose only those devices and devices that will really make work in the kitchen comfortable and pleasant.

When there is nothing superfluous in the kitchen - it's great. But even better, when what is available is always easy to get in the process of cooking or drinks. All kitchenware needs to be located so that the most frequently used ones were as close as possible to the stove or kitchen table, and did not lie in the top boxes of the mezzanine or the lowest cuisine boxes, where the place is rarely used pots, frying pan, cups and plates.

All sorts of spices in jars and other necessary kitchen trifles are rationally all positioning on open shelves near the plates, in drawers directly under the table top or on the rail structures. Plates and cups are best stored in those lower and upper boxes of kitchen headset, which are equipped with special organizers representing a "multi-storey" stand for dishes. Moreover, it is very desirable not to storage in the kitchen festive services and other dishes, which is extremely rare. It is enough to leave 2 - 3 plates and one cup for each family member. Do not litter kitchen cabinets by the mountain of useless dishes.

Sorting and storage of dishes in the kitchen is more convenient if special kitchenware sets are used, the shape and sizes of which are selected by the manufacturer so that one element of the set can be placed in the other type of matryoshka. It greatly simplifies the placement of the saucepan, pan, cups and plates in the cabinets. Such kits helps save quite a lot of space, which is very useful for small kitchens. In addition, folded sets look beautiful, and it is very convenient to get each of their elements.

Collectibles often develop in the meaning of life. Gathering imperceptibly penetrates not only in the heart of a person, but also in the interior of his apartment. And on how well the expenses of the perception of the dwelling depends on how correctly the destructive heart. In order not to turn your own apartment in the warehouse, try using ideas from our catalog.

By purchasing porcelain figurines one after another or periodically bringing souvenir mountains from overseas travel, sooner or later we are faced with the problem of their placement in the interior. In this case, the easiest and most affordable storage location can become. So you will protect the exhibits from dust, and not only you, but also your guests can admire the collection.

Exhibits of the home collection stored on open racks look more effectively, but care requires regular. One thing can be said for sure: it is worth it. The bulk forms and availability of items are perceived as a demonstration of endless trust, and the pedestal on which the rack can be installed is as a reminder that you are not random decor items, but a carefully selected collection. And in order to protect the dear heart objects from random drops, just do not put them on the very edge.

Pictures of children, atlases, books, photos, fabric samples, vintage ads and leaves from herbarium - all this can become exhibits your home art gallery. It is worth only to put them in the photo frames and quickly cheat on the wall - so that not only the main exhibit is perceived, but the whole composition as a whole. To do this, arrange a small framework with images around the largest or place them at an equal distance from each other, and the main masterpiece hang a little away, retreating about 30 cm from the edge of the composition. And yet - do not post home exhibits too high, because you will be confused with them most often you will sit. 152 cm from the floor - the perfect option.

Backlit niches and can also become a convenient place to demonstrate the collection. Having stopped at this option, you may not doubt that home exhibits will immediately attract the attention of guests. True, under one condition - properly organized lighting. According to most designers, the perfect choice is halogen lamps, not distorting colors and non-strong shadows. In addition, they are economical, practically not heated and not harm even the most brittle exhibits. Transparent glass or crystal items are better to highlight from below, but painted vases and dishes are top or sides. The universal version is the location of the light bulbs around the perimeter, which creates scattered lighting.

If the passion of gathering covered so much that you started collecting heterogeneous items, you should not place them in one place, creating a feeling of chaos and depriving the interior of individuality. It is better to place them in different parts of the apartment in accordance with a certain topic. For these purposes, bookshelves, window sills or coffee table are suitable. Of course, in this case, they will not look like a one-piece collection, but will bring an inimitable flavor in the design of the apartment.

Even in a small apartment-Studio, you can find a place for any collection. Plates from different countries and cities will add image figures, and volume items will decorate the rack separating various functional zones. The methods of filing a collection in the interior there are a huge set. More ideas you can find in our catalog.

If there is a servant with a transparent door in the kitchen or in the dining room, then it will be the second most important piece of furniture, after the table. Therefore, it will affect both the style and the mood in the room. From a practical point of view, it is necessary to decide whether only festive dishes or everyday plates will stand in it. Whatever your choice, we inspire you to create a real masterpiece.

Let's start with objects for every day. If beautiful dishes are used in the dining room extremely rarely, then it may be worth putting it in the box and remove, and the wardrobe fill out what you use daily. Plates, mugs and glasses, which are always at hand, will simplify the table serving, and the gray glass will look no worse than beautiful models. Bottom boxes will be useful for storing devices and napkins.

To make everyday view more festive, you can put on the shelves, especially if they are open, vases with flowers or candles. They will live in the interior and decorate the table.

If the choice fell on the dishes for a special case, then it will be admired, and the closet closets will protect it from dust. If the items in the set are more than fit in the servant, then you should not push everything there. Establish beautifully what is possible, and the rest is removed in the boxes.

Something should be put, and put something. Big plates better put vertically, so that it relies on the wall. If there is a feeling that the plate can fall, then it can be fixed by a stack of others.

For everyday dishes this rule also works - a large dish can be placed between the wall of the servant and cups or plates.

If you fold with a stack similar things, you can not only save space, but also give the closet stylish look. Well in this way looks cups, saucers and stands under the cakes.

In the case when all the plates under the cakes are stored in one place, it is worth thinking about the rest of the items that are required mainly during the holidays. For example, candles for a cake can be put in a cup, placed drinks on one of the shelves, and on the other - vases for flowers.

If you suspend the most beautiful object from the set, you can not only stylishly update the interior of the room, but also save a little space. The main thing is to look after the shelves of the place before you drive into the wall of the nail to determine the right location.

Glasses should be built as soldiers on the parade - smoothly, clearly and neat. For each type you need to highlight your shelf, and not mix them.

A little contrast will give an interesting view of the whole room. If you are using white plates, then think about the Black Survant. Against the background of dark or bright color, the dishes will be highlighted.

Even if the contrasting will only be the internal finish of the closet, the dishes will immediately look completely different.

If a little space remains after the arrangement, you can give pleasant speakers with the help of other items. For example, a combination of plates and books or an unusual picture will be interesting.

Even in the living room, this subject of the interior will be appropriate if you give it the desired effect - for example, combine the dishes and vases.

You can approach the servant on the other side and fill it with books that will look amazing behind the glass door. Especially since the more books, the better.

If you have doubts, always stick to symmetry. So that such an arrangement is not completely boring, you can add some interesting candle or vase to the dish.


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Beautiful dining service, a set of glass glasses, crystal jugs and a slope ... If you are owners of such things, and they stand, packed in the boxes or cordoned in long corners, it means it's time to buy a glassware wardrobe with glass in a modern style and put it on Kitchen or in the living room.

In this case, the dishes will become a full-fledged element of the decor and the real decoration of the apartment or at home. And the framed for everything will be a special cabinet with glass doors designed to demonstrate crystal, porcelain. It can still be called a servant, a shop window, slide, the meaning does not change, the main components of the glass facades and shelves, as well as the possible presence of a mirror instead of the rear wall.

Case for dishes in a modern style with glass in the living room

White modern cabinet with glass in living room interior

A little of the story

The first information about the cabinets belong to the XIII century. Those rare models that see visitors to the museum of decorative art in Paris are more reminiscent of the chests, set by the side and equipped with several shelves. But it was so it was. We will no longer know the name of the person who is obliged to modern storage systems, books and dishes.

As not finding those who began to use a wardrobe in order to store dishes in it in the XV century. Outwardly, he resembled a buffet with shelves without glass, where plates and cups were placed. This closet was called such a closet, and was made exclusively for noble people. And by the number of shelves, it was possible to judge the title and wealth of the owner.

Beautiful living room with original wall with glass

A special decree of the king was issued, according to which the Baron could have a dresser with two shelves, the count was supposed to be three, the duke is already four. And the wife of the English king Heinrich VIII Anna Bolein gave a dressar with 12 shelves.

Later in France, a supply appears, the genus of a low wardrobe for storing dishes. But finally, he acquired the similarity of the modern species in the XVII century with the addition of glass production. Now in the kitchen rolled and buffets, family sets of silver and porcelain were blocked.

Small wall in the living room with glass

What is a wardrobe with glass for dishes

Capricious fashion did not bypass and furniture rows. The cabinets changed their modification, the bulky walls retreated, giving way to a more elegant and light furniture. But the models with glass or with the showcase were always popular. Recessed to this day from fashionable salons of France, where guests admired behind the glass collections of the finest porcelain, cold weapons, wonderful things, are in demand today.

Small-sized white wall in the interior

Passion for ancient and the desire to take from the past epochs led to the fact that the wardrobes for the dishes began to use in almost all design directions. Today it is a wide variety of buffets and servers, dressers and shop windows that are performed both in a stylized form for older and using the latest technologies and materials.

Some time ago, such furniture was the status and expensive for the price, they did not buy it, but ordered at their request, taking into account the desired size. It was performed from expensive wood species, decorated with carvings, was separated by inlay and gilding. The wardrobe could be a single design with the lower dresser in which there were drawers. With good care, they served not one decade, transmitting to the inheritance to children. There were cabinets with dishes in living rooms or dining rooms usually between windows. The angular models were located in niches and corners.

Large modern wall with black glass in the living room

Remember! Elegant and easily look at models with glass shelves and side surfaces. Even if there are solid shelves from other materials, they are not difficult to replace them with transparent.

And today cabinets - showcases are usually located in the living room or room, which is customary to call the hall. They are equipped with glass doors and shelves. The rear panels are performed from the mirrors, and the backlight is mounted on top. This design is not accidental. Glass and mirror visually increase the living room space by adding light to it.

Modern wall-showcase white in dark living room

On the shelves of servants store family sets and crystal sets, there are also unique things and souvenirs. In some families, the glass are premium Cups and gifts, family relics and photos of loved ones.

Types of wardrobes for dishes

The first models of cabinets for dishes more degrees had decorative functions, as expensive family settings and values \u200b\u200bwere kept and demonstrated. Today, comfortability is added to this quality when using kitchen utensils, which has its place and is protected from dust and dirt.

Wall for dishes and books from an array of wood

There are several models that are traditionally used under the dishes. They possess a centuries-old history, retain their predecessors, and at the same time look stylish and produced from new materials.


It is a great-grandmother of the modern version of the wardrobe. Perennial retro models, who have a so-called story have a special popularity. The form that this piece of furniture had in the XVII century, reached us almost unchanged. The design of several levels kept the dishes according to its purpose and appearance.

At the top of the glass doors stored the most valuable sets of glass and crystal. Medium boxes were assumed for cutlery, metal or silver. The lower array was given under heavy utensils.

Modern buffet in the interior of the living room

Both parts of the standard buffet separated an open niche designed to prepare cutlery and snacks. Often it supplied with a mirror on the back wall.


The appearance of the servant resembles a buffet. But he is usually lower than his colleague and may consist of sections, each of which is stored various things, such as clothing. The classic servant is conditionally divided into two elements: the upper half with glass doors and lower chest. The average open niche is missing here.

Original modern servant in the living room interior

Different from buffet doors. In the servant, they were a mandatory element and were performed, as a rule, from glass in wooden frames or without them.

Wardrobe showcase

The motto of such a cabinet can be considered a phrase - all atpacing. The showcase differs from its colleagues in that it has glazed from four sides and from top to bottom. The visiting card is an unusual glass. It is tempered and shockproof. In the lower part, small drawers can be located additionally.

Such cabinets help increase the living room space, and the glass creates an atmosphere of fragility and ease. Showcases were intended to demonstrate the valuable samples of dishes and other important things that the owners were so proud. They could stand in the center of the room to make guests a type of shop treasure from all sides. Modern shopping and medical showcases have a tight function and appearance.

Suspended cabinet

Suspended structures are convenient to use in those living rooms where there is little free space, but you want to make some decorativeness in the form of beautiful dishes. To do this, we choose modern wallpapers with separate bottom chests for things and techniques and hinged cabinets with glass doors, where and you can put the same tea or coffee service. A competent mount to the wall is required.


The slide is called a type of a buffet having not only glass doors, but also transparent side panels. The traditional slide has an uneven facade: high in the center and declining on the sides.

Corner cabinets

Such models were one of the varieties of a traditional cabinet with an unusual shape. This option is selected for saving the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe living room. Allows you to put utensils in the line diagonally, because of which it can be viewed from different points of the room.

Cabinets in the living room in modern style

Wardrobe for dishes with glass in the living room in a modern style can not not attract attention. Selects such furniture carefully and seriously. If the buffet is not one of the parts of the modular system, it will have to buy it, adhering to the appearance of the rest of the furniture and the design of the room.

Modern style is not one separate direction, but a merger of several currents that express their vision of life and the convenience of people, emphasizing the individuality of tastes. But the common for all interiors is the simplicity of design and freedom of perception.

Modern style is characterized by a variety of materials: the metal here can be encouraged with glass and wood, and some elements are made of stone and plastic. Along with trendy innovations in the premises, antique furniture and decor are found. And cabinets for dishes with glass doors can be performed in different directions.


For the furniture of this style, the presence of bright colors is characterized, and the materials are sometimes incompatible: wooden bases with stainless steel and plastic. Cabinets for dishes usually have open shelves, but there are also options with glass. The chrome shelves with matte or bright monophonic glasses look well.

Art Deco

Bohemian, bourgeois style carries a delicate taste and some theatricalness of a luxurious life. Furniture has constructivist forms in combination with magnificent finish and expensive materials. Cabinets from ordinary wood painted with white or deep shades of purple, purple, black can have simple glass doors with overhead items. The furniture is separated by Ar-Deco details of silver, gold and pearl.

High tech

Furniture of this style is ease of conventional geometric shapes. Metal and plastic surfaces completely deny decor elements. The absence of decorations is compensated by different textures: glitter glass doors of cabinets, highlights on steel and polished racks.

The high-tech style is emphasized by the beauty of engineering equipment elements, various mechanisms of holders, fasteners, backlighting are highlighted. And the simple glass of servants are equipped with Push and Open systems (pressed and opened). Functionally and practical.


A comfortable style that allows you to combine parts and elements from different interiors, advantageously emphasizing them and interestingly be playing.

Materials for cabinets with glass

Today you can choose from which material to buy a showcase for dishes. The following options are found:

  • MDF. Made by dry pressing of small chips under the influence of high pressure and temperature. It is inexpensive and in its characteristics most popular with buyers;
  • Chipboard. It is made from chips with hot pressing with the addition of various binding resins. The popular version is a lacquered chipboard. The varnishing gives the product a beautiful shine, at the same time protects the surface from mechanical damage. The material is quite durable and heavy, but can swell and flaw under the influence of moisture;
  • Plastic and forged metal occurs infrequently, mainly in decorative decoration. The first is more suitable for furniture made in the eclectic and ar-deco styles, the second is in demand when reconstructing Provence Provincial Spirit.

Separately, it is worth talking about the cabinets that are made of wood. Calm forms, natural smell and unique aura make up the soul of such furniture. Therefore, more modern materials manufactured by the latest technologies will always lose wooden shop windows with glass, much more expensive. Another positive side is the individual manufacture of each model. The hands of the master handle the tree and give it the necessary shape, putting his skills in any detail and a part of the soul.

For cabinets use such trees such as oak, beech, birch, pine, larch. There are models from the samshet and pistachio tree. The choice of a particular variety depends on personal preferences and material opportunities.

Wood wardrobes with glass fit well into any modern interior ranging from laconic minimalism and ending with lush baroque. And the functionalism of such objects will allow them to be fashionable and relevant for many years.

How to put the dishes in the closet

There is a checked rule, according to which the dishes in the closet must correspond to the stylist furniture. For example, an elegant service from a subtle porcelain will look good in wooden classic carving cabinets and gilding. Modern utensils with bright and stylish design will be more suitable for a servant with simple and concise forms.

Cabinet with glass doors, in which stylishly placed and highlighted canteens and tea sets can decorate any living room. The dishes are customary to arrange so that each item is carefully placed, and it can be easily achieved, not touching others. Items should not close neighboring products and combine well with them.

Place dishes, adhering to such rules:

  • Heavy items, such as soup, bulk crystal vases are usually placed at the bottom, if all the cabinet shelves are made of glass. This is done for security purposes. Closer to the doors and in more accessible places there are such dishes that are often used;
  • Fragile things can be placed at eye level. Collect dishes and size: the highest models are built up by the wall, and lower options in the foreground closer to the doors;
  • If there is one closet, and the dishes are not combined according to the style, then they set them in different shelves. More modern models are located at the top, and the middle and lower shelves are given by antique glasses and services;
  • There will give brightness and originality of multi-colored sets that can be interesting to arrange. In the cabinets with a modern form, the stylish metal dishes of trendy grades, a collection in monochrome, vases of an unusual design;
  • Experienced hostesses have many secrets, as beautiful and originally put the dishes in a glass cabinet. For example, a LED flashlight is placed in a large calender from the crystal, and then lay small stacks. Rays of light, refracted in crystal faces, create original glare, especially beautifully looking in the dark.

Remember!In the cabinets with glass doors it is not recommended to place dishes from clay. This is due to the fact that in the absence of fresh air, such items begin to smell unpleasantly.

Cabinet selection

To create a real home comfort, not the similarity of the museum repository, you need to correctly pick up the furniture in which the dishes will stand. The glass cabinet should not only be functional, but also fit the style in which the interior of the room is decorated.

  • To begin with, it is necessary to determine the purpose for which the furniture will be purchased. If you have to store not only services and glasses, but also cutlery, and large items, you can purchase a server with the presence of shelves with doors and retractable boxes. With a large number of beautiful dishes, stop the choice on the showcase with glass shelves. Modern hinged cabinets with LED backlight will look good;
  • Acquire a certain model depending on the amount of dishes. For a single tea service and a set of glasses, there will be enough mounted module or cabinets with glass doors. The surface of the latter can be used as a stand for a TV or musical instrument. For large collections, full-fledged high racks of standard sizes are purchased. There are also narrow options for servants with one door that will occupy a small area. Corner models may come for small-sized apartments;
  • In a small living room, a wardrobe with a mirrored back wall and large glass doors will look great. Such a design will not damage the visual perception of the room, on the contrary, give depth and clarity;
  • It is necessary to decide with the color decision of the dishwashed cabinet. Light options are more suitable for a small living room and a room, the windows of which go to the north side, as a result of which the indoors will be weak natural lighting. Dark cabinets will have to add bright artificial lighting, otherwise the space will look like "compressed" and dusk;
  • Pay attention to the surface of the glass. It should be smooth without cracks and chips and a thickness of at least 4 mm. Modern cabinets can be equipped with colored glass that look very winning in the living room interior. And the backlight over the dishes will attract attention and make a room lighter and festive;

Remember! If there are small children in the family, for security purposes, it is worth abandoning the choice of glass display cases. They can be replaced by the comfortable design of the servant, in which the glass surfaces are available in the upper half. In addition, pay attention to the strength of all surfaces.

  • The store necessarily check the case for damage and chipping. When delivery and assembly, the company's employees need to make sure that glass surfaces have been installed correctly and whether scratches and cracks have appeared on them.

How to fit the wardrobe in the interior of the living room

A room for a wardrobe with kitchenware in the living room is selected based on its area and layout. If it is part of a table headset, then usually such furniture is located along one of the walls. Dining group at the same time can be in the center of the room. But this is an option for a large room.

In a small room or a living room, combined with a kitchen, a wardrobe with kitchenware is located opposite the input or not far from a soft corner, if the room does not provide table and chairs. Such a server can and distinguish between the functional zones. Then his facade is put in the direction of the dining group.

It looks beautiful in the interior two identical glass cabinets separated by a low tumbe or fireplace. Standard can be used as a television stand or simply contain decorative elements.

Lighting for cabinet with glass

Modern cabinets with glassware are often produced with backlight. Such furniture options can have a mirror rear wall and glass shelves. The backlight will help to admire the showcase with crystal and services even in the dark when the total light is turned off. Often use and color backlight, for example, blue.

Thus, you can not only highlight the desired zones, but also save electricity, optimizing its use. Dot luminaires are used as a lamp. The backlight depending on the type of lamps is LED or halogen. Both species have advantages and disadvantages, but are equally suitable for such lighting. It should be noted that the luminescent lamps for the cabinet are not suitable, they begin to burn out and flicker paints on the dishes.

Halogen lamps

Perfectly combined with point lamps, well illuminate the internal filling of the cabinet and have an acceptable cost. The service life of such lamps is about 4,000 hours, they are economical at electricity consumption, spending it several times less than the usual incandescent bulbs.

The disadvantages of halogen models are their fragility and high heat dissipation, which can cause the appearance of yellow circles on the surface of the cabinet shelves. In addition, such lamps are subtly feeling the voltage differences, which often occurs in the networks of apartment buildings, and may lose time due to this. Install lamps using special mothers gloves.

LED bulbs

These are the most convenient and practical in operation of the model. When working, they do not heat up and do not require the presence of port-adjusting equipment. Service life reaches 50,000 hours. Energy savings compared with incandescent lamp is 95%.

Color models are used to create a festive mood. When buying LED lamps, they advise you to choose famous stamps. Cheap analogs can last long, and often it happens that the specified power does not coincide with the existing one.

LED Strip Light

Using LED tapes today is one of the popular methods of illuminating the cabinet. Such material is easy to sleep easily, and the installation is simple for a non-specialist, since the inner surface of the tape is covered with adhesive layer. Connect the installed design using the power supply.

The covered inside of the cabinet for dishes creates a fabulous sense of the holiday, especially in the evening. The light, refraart in the crystal surfaces of the glasses and reflecting from the walls of porcelain sets, is repeatedly increased due to mirrors and glass partitions, scatters many glare along the living room. And if instead of chandeliers and sconium to light candles, then their flames, multiplied with the help of a glass cabinet and dishes, will resemble the good old days when there were no electricity and the Internet, and the mail was delivered from the city to the city at the cross-country.

Today I would like to touch on an important topic relating rather not to the interior design, but to decorator art - that is, actually to what we can do it yourself in your free time. And I want to talk about the decoration of the rack or bookshelves. It would seem what to discuss here? Put books / statuettes and ready. But you should not write off racks with accounts as an exceptionally functional thing. Guided by some principles and tricks, you can turn your shelves into a stylish decor item that will reflect your hobbies and fit your home style.

Anthony Gianacakos.

Here, your fantasy is limited, except in stock items. Definitely should not stay only on books. Put on the shelves everything has a meaning for you: your collections brought from souvenirs travel, frames with photos, cups and awards, beautiful dishes and. And on how to combine all these items and avoid chaos, we will talk below.

Marika Meyers Interiors.

Limit the number of colors used

Hide all excess in boxes and baskets

Beautiful boxes, caskets and wicker baskets look neat and aesthetic. Remove minor items, magazines, books, dishes, not intended for deposit.

How to place items?

1. Build triangles

I especially like this principle, and, ready to argue, 90% of your friends have never thought about him! Pay attention to the rack decorated by a professional decorator. Everything looks logical and harmonious. But how to achieve the same effect?

And now visually connect the lines of vintage dishes, white books, figurines, aged greenish bottles ... See the triangles? Each item in this composition has its own point that meets the rule of the triangle.

Moreover, the triangles do not have the same and equally chaired. Different triangles give the composition with the dynamics.

Emily Henderson, the famous American decorator, real genius composition. Each subject in its works is carefully selected and no accident occupies its place. Pay attention to this rack. Golden tail of the rooster - decoration of the bowl - chain; Blue Vase - Cover Book - Plate; Gray vases - painting in the frame; dishes of the dairy shade.

And here - see Golden, White, Black, Blue Triangles?

Examples can be given an infinite set. On this rack, you can detect a mass of triangles, due to which the composition looks balanced and logical.

Kriste Michelini.

Now you can easily notice the ratio of vases with flowers, metal objects, vintage things and book covers in this photo.

Here is another couple of examples:

2. Layout: Use the height and depth of your shelf

All items on the shelf must be harmoniously combined in height: if you want to put a low vase or small figurines on the shelf, put them on the stacks from books. So you set them like a pedestal and attract attention to them.

If you put a low object on the shelf, put a book or frame with a photo behind it to balance the height of the composition.

Use multi-layered to make your composition interesting and dynamic.

The same effect can be achieved if you combine the stacks of books laid horizontally and placed vertically.

3. Free space sometimes means more than the decor itself

Do not fill out each centimeter shelves with books and decor. Even beautifully grouped interesting items can be stamped into a shapeless bunch, if you visually separate objects from each other. Free space on the shelves will make the room visually more spacious, which is especially important when working on.

If you have a huge number of books and you do not know where to give them, make up a few songs: spread books on the coffee table, put on the shelves in other rooms, the books that you hardly opened over the past few years, fold into the boxes.

4. Symmetry and paired items

Another win-win version: Use several identical objects in a row or symmetrically on adjacent shelves.

5. Heavy down, beautiful upstairs

It meant not only physical, but also visual weight. Volumetric encyclopedias and stacks of magazines spread on the bottom shelves. Small books in beautiful covers, decor items, put the candles higher - at eye level. The lower shelves solve functional tasks, the upper - aesthetic.

Beautiful decoration of the shelving or bookshelf for everyone, you just need to know several key principles and not be afraid to show a fantasy. I wish you success in this exciting lesson!