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Psychology wiki. What is psychology? Supplements and auxiliary materials

    Psychology ... Orphographic Dictionary

    PSYCHOLOGY - Psychology, science of psychology, personality processes and their specifically human forms: perception and thinking, consciousness and character, speech and behavior. Soviet P. Builds a short understanding of the subject P. based on radiation of the Ideological inheritance of Marx ... ... Big medical encyclopedia

    - (from Greek. Soul and Word, Teaching), Science of laws, mechanisms and facts mental. Life of man and animals. The relationships of living beings with the world are realized by means of feelings. And the devices. Images, motivations, communication processes, ... ... Philosophical encyclopedia

    psychology - (from Greek. Psyche shower and Logos doctrine, science) Science on the patterns of development and functioning of the psyche as a special form of vital activity. The interaction of living beings with the outside world is implemented through qualitatively different from ... ... Big psychological encyclopedia

    - (from psycho ... and ... logic) Science of patterns, mechanisms and facts of mental life of man and animals. The main topic of the psychological thought of the antiquity and middle ages The problem of the soul (Aristotle, about the soul, etc.). In 17 18 centuries. based… … Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (from psycho ... and ... logic), science of patterns, mechanisms and facts of the mental life of man and animals. The main topic of the psychological thought of the antiquity and middle ages The problem of the soul (about the soul of Aristotle, etc.). In 17 18 centuries. based… … Modern encyclopedia

    psychology - and. g. Psychologie f. 1. Science about the psyche, mental activity of man. General psychology. BAS 1. Experimental psychology. Psychology of animals. Eras. 1939. || An educational subject that sets the content of this science. Bass 1. || The book is set ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicalism Russian Language

    Psychology - (from psycho ... and ... logic), science of patterns, mechanisms and facts of the mental life of man and animals. The main topic of the psychological thought of the antiquity and middle ages The problem of the soul ("On the soul" of Aristotle and others). In 17 18 centuries. based… … Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (Greek, from Psyche Soul, and Logos doctrine, science). Science about mental activity. A dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. Psychology of Greek., From Psyche, Soul, and Lego, I say. Science about the soul. Explanation 25000 ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Psychology, psychology, MN. No, wives (Greek. Psyche Soul and Logos doctrine) (Book.). 1. Science that studies mental processes arising from the constant impact of the objective world, the social environment per person (and animals). ... ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    psychology I. - Psychology I (Ego Psychology) One of the directions of psychoanalytic psychology, which emerged in the middle of the 20th century, which was reflected in the works of A. Freud, X. Hartmann and the study of protective mechanisms I, as well as their connections and ... Encyclopedia of epistemology and philosophy of science


  • Psychology, Abraham P. Sirening. Not clienting within the framework of a strict encyclopedic definition, which says that psychology is a diversified science of laws, mechanisms and facts of the mental life of man and animals, ...

Psychology, science of psycho, personality processes and their specifically human forms: perception and thinking, consciousness and character, speech and behavior. Soviet P. Builds a short understanding of the subject P. based on radiation of the Ideological inheritance of Marx ... ... Big medical encyclopedia

- (from Greek. Soul and Word, Teaching), Science of laws, mechanisms and facts mental. Life of man and animals. The relationships of living beings with the world are realized by means of feelings. And the devices. Images, motivations, communication processes, ... ... Philosophical encyclopedia

psychology - (from Greek. Psyche shower and Logos doctrine, science) Science on the patterns of development and functioning of the psyche as a special form of vital activity. The interaction of living beings with the outside world is implemented through qualitatively different from ... ... Big psychological encyclopedia

- (from psycho ... and ... logic) Science of patterns, mechanisms and facts of mental life of man and animals. The main topic of the psychological thought of the antiquity and middle ages The problem of the soul (Aristotle, about the soul, etc.). In 17 18 centuries. based… … Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

- (from psycho ... and ... logic), science of patterns, mechanisms and facts of the mental life of man and animals. The main topic of the psychological thought of the antiquity and middle ages The problem of the soul (about the soul of Aristotle, etc.). In 17 18 centuries. based… … Modern encyclopedia

psychology - and. g. Psychologie f. 1. Science about the psyche, mental activity of man. General psychology. BAS 1. Experimental psychology. Psychology of animals. Eras. 1939. || An educational subject that sets the content of this science. Bass 1. || The book is set ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicalism Russian Language

Psychology - (from psycho ... and ... logic), science of patterns, mechanisms and facts of the mental life of man and animals. The main topic of the psychological thought of the antiquity and middle ages The problem of the soul ("On the soul" of Aristotle and others). In 17 18 centuries. based… … Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

- (Greek, from Psyche Soul, and Logos doctrine, science). Science about mental activity. A dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. Psychology of Greek., From Psyche, Soul, and Lego, I say. Science about the soul. Explanation 25000 ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Psychology, psychology, MN. No, wives (Greek. Psyche Soul and Logos doctrine) (Book.). 1. Science that studies mental processes arising from the constant impact of the objective world, the social environment per person (and animals). ... ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

psychology I. - Psychology I (Ego Psychology) One of the directions of psychoanalytic psychology, which emerged in the middle of the 20th century, which was reflected in the works of A. Freud, X. Hartmann and the study of protective mechanisms I, as well as their connections and ... Encyclopedia of epistemology and philosophy of science


  • Psychology, Abraham P. Sirening. Not clienting within the framework of a strict encyclopedic definition, which says that psychology is a diversified science of laws, mechanisms and facts of the mental life of man and animals, ...

Psychology ("Psychic" - Soul, "Logos" - Teaching, Science) - The Word of Greek origin, literally means "science about the soul". This is based on a well-known definition, according to which psychology is a science of the psyche. In general, it is correct, although some clarifications are required. In the modern public consciousness, the words "soul" and "psyche" are actually synonyms: scientific psychology prefers to use the term "psyche", religious thinkers and some philosophers talk about "soul".

The word "psychology" is meaningful. In an ordinary language, the word "psychology" is used to characterize the psychic warehouse of the personality, the characteristics of a person, the groups of people: "He (from them) such psychology."

Doublecare psychology - This is the knowledge of another person and itself directly in the processes of activity and mutual communication of people. According to the expression of the French psychologist P. Jean (1859-1947), this is a psychology, which people create even psychologists. Here, the activities and knowledge are merged together, due to the need to understand another person and foresee his actions. The source of knowledge about the psyche in doubtful psychology is:
1) personal experience (everyday generalizations arising from observation of other people themselves); 2) Public experience (presentation, traditions, customs, which are transmitted from generation to generation).

The concepts of doubtful psychology coincide in their content with language values. Rogovin emphasizes that the very substantive psychology is a way of explanation, called "an explanation from the standpoint of common sense." Double-handedly psychological knowledge is unkind-consumable, nonrepactible, so often not recognized as knowledge. In the daunarly knowledge, faithful views may be adjacent to erroneous generalizations, prejudice.

Philosophical psychology - Knowledge of the psyche, obtained by the help of speculative reasoning. The knowledge of the psyche is either derived from the general philosophical principles, or are the result of reasoning by analogy. The philosophical knowledge of the psyche is usually ordered in accordance with those or other source principles. According to the cornea, at the level of philosophical psychology, initially vague, the holistic concept of the soul is being analyzed and mental dismemberment with the subsequent association on the basis of the principles directly arising from materialistic or idealistic worldviews. Compared to the dadar psychology, which precedes it, especially in the early stages, has a great influence on it, for philosophical psychology, not only the search for some explanatory principle for the mental, but also the desire to establish common laws that the soul must obey the same way As they obey them and all natural elements.

Scientific psychology It originated relatively recently - in the second half of the XIX century. Usually its appearance is associated using the experimental method in the psychology. Some reasons for this undoubtedly have: "Creator" of the scientific psychology V. Wundt wrote that if to determine the physiological psychology developed by them according to the method, it can be described as "experimental". Another thing is that the experimental method remained at Wundt to the auxiliary, creating optimal conditions for the psychological method itself - self-surveillance. In addition, Wych himself has repeatedly stressed that experimental psychology is far from all psychology, but only its part. Although the XIX century. There were many examples of successful use of the method of experiment, sufficient time passed before psychology became truly experimental science.

Knowledge in scientific psychology has an empirical, factual basis. Facts are mined in a specially conducted study, which uses special procedures for this (methods), the main among which are targeted systematic observation and experiment. Theories constructed by scientific psychology have an empirical basis, exposed (ideally) a comprehensive verification.


In academic definition, psychology - the science of the laws of the development and functioning of the psyche and mental activity of a person. Psychology studies internal, or rather the life of a person and the cause of the behavior of normal, mentally healthy people. Psychology is looking for scientific explanations why a person behaves anyway.

By successful definition V.P. Zinchenko, Psychology - Objective Science on the subjective world of man and animals. The general idea of \u200b\u200bpsychology, as a science, can be drawn up with the help of lectures of prof. V.V. Petukhova.

It seems that psychology is a invented area of \u200b\u200blife, with interest and understanding relating to inadequate human behavior. Psychology, as the phenomenon of our cultural life, appeared when we started to respond to inadequate behavior, not just as inadequate, stupidity and uncompatory, but as a decent respect and attention to the symptom, followed by something serious. That is why "psychology" do not understand and do not want to understand the people of the "old hardening", accustomed to live on the principle "must be done? - We take and do."

From the letters of readers: "At first, the douses seemed some kind of feat. However, I was lucky, I have a wonderful grandmother, who quickly returned me to reality. I complained:" I decided to start leaning cold water, but I don't know how I will do it " . Grandmother made a surprised face: "How? Yes, just! Take a bucket of water and pour out." "." - Everything, the whole "psychology" ended.

Similarly, a large number of businessmen seen in the psychologists who have plowing human weaknesses are sufficiently negatively negatively negatively negatively. A businessman is indifferent, I want a employee today to fulfill my working responsibilities or I do not want, he pays money only for being fulfilled, but for no - fine or dismissal. If your task is to do cold calls, it's not interesting for anyone, it's scary to do these calls or not scary. Do not call or call badly - we find another employee. And no psychology! Novice employees learn to this, serious positions are suggested. It took a sufficient amount of time so that businessmen felt the danger emanating from psychology, and psychologists understood that with the business you need to be careful: he has other philosophy and other laws.

Accordingly, the word "" has two different meanings: "psychological" as belonging to the science of psychology (psychological magazine, psychological education ") and" psychological "as relative to human psychology (psychological characteristics, psychological protection).

Many sites on the Internet are devoted to psychology as science. The most authoritative and popular see →

Science Psychology should be practical

Science make living people, and sometimes in very difficult conditions. Modern Russian psychology stands on the shoulders L.S. Vygotsky, S.L. Rubinstein, A.N. Leontiev, P.Ya. Halperin and other courageous researchers who paved the road through the brutal wind. Having created an academic psychology, they laid the foundation of the scientific approach in psychology.

We need science, but today science should be practical. Now, when the current psychological practice has overtakes the theory, academic psychology should get out of its crystal castle and start mastering, to comprehend those fields that are already froning the efforts of psychological practitioners. We plan to do it yourself, we will be grateful for help in these studies from academic science. We are open to cooperation. See →

Psychology textbooks should reflect not only what colleagues-scientists think, but also that many years have been successfully made by colleagues. New psychology textbooks should be written alive, human language, as William James wrote, Abraham Masu and Victor Frank, as Julia Borisovna Hippenreiter and Boris Sergeevich Borkus.

In psychology there should be a soul, the focus of psychologists may have such topics as the mission and meaning of life, faith and hope, joy, responsibility, conscience. That's life. If psychology, like science, will not deal with these themes, it is out of life.

Recently, the study of human psychology has become very popular. In the West, the consulting practice of specialists of this field has existed for quite a long time. In Russia, this is a relatively new direction. What is psychology? What are its main functions? What methods and programs are psychologists for helping people in difficult situations?

The concept of psychology

Psychology is which is the study of the mechanisms of functioning of the human psyche. It considers regularities in various situations arising from this thoughts, feelings and experiences.

Psychology is something that helps us deeper to deal with their problems and their reasons, realize their shortcomings and strengths. Its study contributes to the development of moral qualities and morality in man. Psychology is an important step towards self-improvement.

Object and subject of psychology

As an object of psychology, some carriers of the phenomena and the processes studied by this science should be. Such could be considered a person, but in all standards it is the subject of knowledge. That is why the object of psychology is considered to be the activities of people, their interaction with each other, behavior in various situations.

The subject of psychology has constantly changed over time in the process of developing and improving its methods. Initially, a man's soul was considered as it. Then the subject of psychology was the consciousness and behavior of people, as well as their unconscious beginning. Currently, there are two views on what is the subject of this science. From the point of view of the first, these are mental processes, states and properties of the personality. According to its second, its subject is the mechanisms of mental activity, psychological facts and laws.

The main functions of psychology

One of the most important is the study of the peculiarities of the consciousness of people, the formation of general principles and patterns in which the individual is valid. This science reveals the hidden possibilities of human psyche, causes and factors affecting the behavior of people. All of the above is theoretical functions of psychology.

However, as anyone has practical application. Its value is to help man, developing recommendations and strategies for action in various situations. In all areas where people have to interact with each other, the role of psychology is invaluable. It allows a person to properly build relationships with others, avoid conflicts, learn to respect the interests of other people and reckon with them.

Processes in psychology

A person's psyche is a single whole. All processes occurring in it are closely interrelated and cannot exist one without the other. That is why the division of them into groups is very conditional.

It is customary to allocate the following processes in human psychology: cognitive, emotional and volitional. The first of them includes memory, thinking, perception, attention and sensation. Their main feature is that it is thanks to them that reacts and responds to the impact on the part of the outside world.

Formed a person's attitude to one or another events, allow themselves to evaluate themselves and others. These include feelings, emotions, mood of people.

Village mental processes are represented directly by the will and motivation, as well as proactivity. They allow a person to control their actions and actions, manage behavior and emotions. In addition, the inclusive processes of psyche are responsible for the ability to achieve their goals, to achieve the desired heights in various fields.

Types of psychology

In modern practice there are several classifications of species of psychology. The most common is to divide it on everyday and scientific. The first species is based primarily on the personal experience of people. Last psychology is intuitive. Most often it is very specific and subjective. Scientific psychology is a science based on rational data obtained using experiments or professional observations. All its provisions are thought out and accurate.

Depending on the scope of application, theoretical and practical types of psychology are distinguished. The first of them is engaged in the study of the patterns and features of the psyche of a person. Practical psychology puts as a basic task to assist people and support, improving their condition and increase productivity.

Methods of psychology

To achieve the goals of science in psychology, various methods of studying the consciousness and characteristics of human behavior are applied. First of all, the experiment belongs to those. It is a modeling of a particular situation provoking a certain behavior of a person. At the same time, scientists record the obtained data and identify the dynamics and dependence of the results from various factors.

Very often in psychology uses the observation method. With the help of it, various phenomena and processes occurring in the human psyche can be explained.

Recently, the methods of survey and testing are widely used. At the same time, people are invited to respond to certain questions for a limited amount of time. Based on the analysis of the data obtained, conclusions are made about the results of the study and certain programs for psychology are drawn up.

It is used to identify problems and their sources, it is based on comparison and analysis of various events of the life of the individual, the key points of its development, identifying crisis stages and determining development steps.