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The simplest ways to make a full screen in the game. Running a computer game in the window mode

The usual work experience on the computer involves the use of several programs at the same time. They are opened in the window mode, with one to another then go is not labor. But the gaming applications are more likely run immediately in full screen mode, which does not allow working in parallel with other windows. The fans of old games are also uncomfortable full-screen version, with low resolution everything looks ugly, odorless. It is inconvenient to make screenshots if you leave the application, then you need to re-wait for the download, time is lost. Therefore, users are desirable to put the window mode in games, for which there are different ways.

Solve the problem, how to translate the game in the window mode, help the combinations of certain keys. The simplest reception when the application is started in full-screen form, press Alt + Enter. You can click on Windows F11 or Ctrl + F, in MacOS Command + M. Perhaps in the settings you will find other combinations for your application. Method is light, efficient, because repeated keystrokes will open back full screen mode.

The first and easiest way to use a shortcut

2. Changing settings

Perhaps in the settings there is a transition option to another mode, check. Go to the Settings section (Options), view them, whether "WINDOWED MODE) is available or a similar function:" Play in the window "," window mode ", other analogues. When you find, select, checking the checkbox or by activating the program provided by the program, save the change.

3. Application of modifier

If there is no screen deployment option, add it through a special modifier.

  • Click on the launch launch with the right mouse button, click on the "Properties". You can also call the Properties window in the main menu of your OS.
  • Go to the object "Object", at the end of the string (key END).
  • Put the space, enter "-Window".
  • Click Apply - OK, Run the application.

In this way, it is edited by launching different toys, such as popular Warcraft, Counter Strike, Mass Effect. In other programs, a slightly different modifier can be used, in Sims2, for example, you need to attribute "-W", "-win" works in some applications. Try at your own variants of the modifier.

The game will be possible to run in the window version, to return to the old settings, simply delete the inscribed modifier.

4. File settings

If the manufacturer includes such an option, follows as follows:

  • Go to the folder of the installed program.
  • Find the files in the files "Windowed", "FullScreen" (if you have Windows 7, in the explorer in the search window, enter the text on the right in the corner click on the "file content").
  • For FullScreen to disable, set the value 0. For Windowed, set the value 1, turning it on. You can now start the application.

5. Third-party programs

Above these methods are applicable if such capabilities are laid in the settings. How to start any game in the window mode when the manufacturers did not provide for this? Assist third-party programs.

Forced to translate into the desired launch option in games, by taking the old Chinese program D3DWindower, it copes with such a task, although quite old. Install it, run, add your game to the list by clicking on the "plus". In the settings, place the desired height, the width of the window.

6. Emulators

Emulators do not work on all computers, they are demanding of resources. Download, Run the emulator (VMware, Windows Virtual PC). We recommend using official sites. You create a virtual "computer in a computer", operating in the usual window size, and any program running it will turn out to be within the emulator window.

The disadvantages are that the virtual computer requires a large disk space, configure it for a long time, laborious. Install the emulator, only to start the game, is irrational, use the way if it is necessary for work.

If the listed methods showing how to put the game in the window mode, did not help, try to contact developers through the official website, support forum. In addition, when there is no this option, in principle, we recommend mining a full-screen application to switch to a different program by pressing Alt + Tab, then you can simply deploy it.

Very many game lovers love to play window mode. And at work, to hide from the boss that you play - many prefer to play in the window, in the case of which the mouse quickly switch to another window. Or old games are much more convenient to play in the window because of not too much maximum resolution. I propose ways to go to window mode. Try, do not hesitate. Some exactly for you:

So, ways to go to window mode:

1. Method is the most primitive - Run the game, and then click along Alt and Enter. Part of the games on this combination are reacting just as a call to switch to window mode.

2. The method is more complicated. Create a shortcut on the desktop of the game, unless of course it is not yet.

On the label, right-click and call the "Properties" or "Properties"

For example: "C: \\ Program Files (x86) \\ \\ MasseffectGold \\ masseffect.exe"

it became "" C: \\ Program Files (x86) \\ \\ masseffectgold \\ masseffectlauncher.exe "-Window

Use and exit properties. Run the game for this label.

The underwater stone is here such: some games even, if you save "-Window", will still run in the window. In order to fix it, instead of "-Window" write "-full screen".

3. Method built-in.It is not necessary to invent anything here. Many games, especially modern by default, support the launch of the game in the window mode. It is enough to find in the settings the desired item and put a tick.

4. If nothing helped.Well, here you need to search on a special game forum or just on the Internet, whether a specific game launches. Usually, if the window is built into the game, the developer about this is a pipe everywhere - especially on the game site.

5. If in the window mode, the game began to brake - Go to full screen mode. So or your computer does not cope with the game (as not strange - resources may require even more for games in the window) or the game does not cope with the computer (the developer simply did not optimize or may not even test the game in the window mode).

Window mode - best conspiracy. Why play the window mode? It is from him that it is easiest to switch to another window when the head, wife, parents or a cat, who is very against your pastime, suddenly entered the room. And seriously, this question may be relevant to the fans of old games. As a rule, such games have a very low resolution and when deployed to the whole screen look awful. In addition, the window mode is convenient to switch to other tabs, allowing you to instantly return to the game, without a long expectation of "loading" textures, locations and so on.

But how to start the game in the window mode? Fullscreen mode in some games can be disabled in the graphics settings of the game itself, with others you will need to apply a couple of tricks. In this article we will tell about all known ways.

In the game, press the ALT + ENTER buttons. This is a classic combination that triggers in a variety of full-screen applications and translates the game to the window mode.

Some games use other hotkeys that can be found from the control settings menu.

Using the property "-window.»

If the game does not respond to hotkeys - you should try to perform the following steps:

  1. Save the changes and enter the game.

If it did not work, try instead of "-window" to introduce "-W".

With this property, the start of the game with this icon will be made in the window mode. To open the game to the full screen again, you will need to simply delete the inscribed condition.

Game settings

Some games support the transition to the window mode through the settings menu - it is only worth putting a tick in the graphic settings menu, and the game will open in the window.

Using third-party programs

The most common program for forced translation of the game in the window mode is Chinese D3DWindower, quite old, but working.

In order to play in the window with its help, you must:

  1. Download the program, install it and run.
  2. Press the "plus" and select a file with the game - it will appear in the program list.
  3. Select the game and click on the closed folder icon - the settings window will open, where in the first tab it will be necessary:
    • set the desired width and height of the window - in the first two input fields, respectively;
    • make sure that the tick is right from them;
    • press the button on the right at the bottom of the window, then select from the folder with the D3DHOOK.DLL program;
    • save settings and click on the third right button in the main program menu.

If everything is done correctly, the program must open the game in the window mode.

Attention: in the way K. D3dwindower there should be no kirillic symbols!

Using an emulator

If this program does not help you, you can try to use system emulators, but this method is very demanding to computer resources and is not suitable.

In order to run the game via the system emulator, you can use Windows Virtual PC or VMware, which can be downloaded from the links from official sites. Such programs create the so-called virtual machine - "Computer on a computer" and usually work in the window mode, because any game running in this way will be located in the emulator program window. This method requires a long setting, and the virtual machine takes a rather much space on the hard disk, so we recommend using this method only if you work with it. Set the emulator only to start the game in the window mode - too much time and long.

However, if you still decided to try, then you will need the installation image of the OS, the best, Windows, since it is compatible with most games, the emulator distribution, time and patience. You will need to perform the following actions:

  1. Install one of the above programs and run it.
  2. Following the instructions, specify the program path to the image of the setting disk from the OS, set the amount of the virtual machine of the disk space (as a rule, for the correct operation of the emulator there is enough 20 GB of free space, but in our case everything will depend on the size of the game you want in it Run).
  3. Wait for the installation of the OS, complete it, following the instructions of the installation program.
  4. Reload the virtual machine.
  5. Install on it game and all the necessary additional software (Visual C ++, DirectX, etc.).
  6. Start and hope that your computer will have enough performance.

It is worth remembering that the game in the window mode, especially using third-party software (especially through the virtual machine), requires more resources, and therefore can slow down, hob and work incorrectly, especially if you play on a weak computer or parallel the large number of other programs.

Modern programs are usually automatically configured under the display resolution - however, lovers to play old action or arcade may arise how to make the game on the whole screen.

Because the application created 10, 15 or even 25 years ago, on the modern can only be displayed partially.

Sometimes such a question occurs at startup.

There are a number of reasons why this happens, as well as several ways to return everything to normal and play full-screen mode.

Method 1. Using hot keys

It is often enough to translate the game or any other application full screen can only be pressing 2 keys - "ALT" and "ENTER".

The method helps not only in old games, but also in modern - for example, in WOT.

The same keyboard shortcut, if necessary, return the window mode back.

Method 2. Changing the startup parameters

Sometimes it happens, especially if you play someone else's computer that the game is required to start the "-Window" parameter in the window of the label.

It can be recorded in the object "object" of the properties of the game label.

Removing this inscription, you can restore the standard launch to the entire monitor.

In this case, you should choose the "Compatibility" tab in the properties of the label or the application itself and select the operating system.

However, most often the OS list ends on Windows Vista, and the owner of the modern OS, for example, this method will not help.

Method 3. Adjusting the video card

In some cases, run games in full screen interfere with outdated video card drivers. The question is solved by their update or full reinstall.

The video card setup menu of each manufacturer looks different.

For example, for the company's products, the user will have to open in the Start / Control Panel menu.

Here the NVIDIA control panel is selected and choose the zoom adjustment there. When it is turned on, the game should expand to screen sizes.

For ATI video cards, the Catalyst Control Center application is required.

And for integrated Intel Graphics cards, often installed on, you will need to perform a number of actions described separately.

Method 4 4 game settings

Some games on the modern OS, for example, on allow you to install a full screen or window mode in your graphics settings.

This feature can be detected by running the game that for some reason runs in the window, that is, not on the entire screen.

Solution to the problem:

  1. Go in settings;
  2. Find the item responsible for starting in the window or full screen mode;
  3. Enable mode or put a tick.

Sometimes after changing the settings, the game has to be restarted. It usually no matter what the operating system is nor the screen resolution.

Method 5. Change of permission

If all of the above did not help achieve the solution to the permission of the game in a normal state, perhaps the game is quite old in order to run on the entire screen.

Sometimes in this case the picture looks fetus.

And it is possible to fix the problem in just one way - change the resolution of your screen.

After that, other programs will stop starting to launch, more modern and calculated on normal parameters.

Therefore, playing into the game, you need to return the monitor the usual permission for it.

If the game requires the resolution of 640x480, and the monitor does not support it, there is one more option. It is selected in the label properties on the Compatibility tab.

Important! It is worth noting that this feature allows you to return the normal resolution after exiting the game automatically.

Many applications can work in several window modes. This includes a compact window mode with support for changing the size of the window, the mode to the entire screen and full screen mode. As a rule, watch movies and play games more conveniently in full screen mode, work with documents - in full screen mode, and small applications are more convenient to run in the window mode with the ability to change the size of the window. The transition from one type of display of the program interface to another differs in different types of applications.

You will need

  • Computer running the operating system


  • To go to window mode in the game application you need to visit the game settings. In the graphics settings, find the "Display in the window" or "window mode" item. This ability is not all games. In browser games, the transition from a full-screen mode to the window is most often carried out by the ESC key.
  • To go to the window mode from the full screen when viewing a video in the multimedia player, you must press the desired key combination (most often this or ENTER, or CTRL + ENTER, or ALT + ENTER, or CTRL + F). You can change this combination of keys in the player settings. To do this, in the menu item "Settings" - "Configuration" - "Keyboard" Lay the function "Fullscreen Mode" and change the key combination on a convenient for you, do it so that your combination does not repeat with already existing.
  • For everyday applications, the most common modes are the mode of all screen and window mode with the possibility of adjusting the window size. To go from the mode to mode, the button in the right corner of the window is the middle of the three (two others - this is "Collapse the window" and "Close the window"). Switch the application to window mode by pressing this button and adjust the window dimensions. To do this, move the mouse pointer to the right border of the window and change the width, and to change the height, similarly "pull" for the bottom edge of the window.
  • If you often use any program or file, you can configure the window mode to continuously start these objects. To enable and select the window mode for the application, games or any file, create (if you do not have it) launch the label of this object on the desktop. Right-click on the program or file label and select "Properties".
  • Click the Window tab. At the bottom of the dialog box, find the option of selecting the "Window" values. Set the desired window size - "normal size", "folded to the icon" or "deployed to the full screen". Confirm the changes by pressing the "Apply" button. Now, when you start using a shortcut, the window will open only the selected size.