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Why I remember one person. What does it mean if you constantly think about a man. What happens if you think about a person for a long time. Does it think about me

Incredible facts

These signs will help you learn whether the person you are interested in thinking about you.

At some subconscious level, we all capable of feeling the emotional and physical condition of a loved one.

This ability is called clearness, and, although most of us it is congenital, many people do not know how to use it.

Whether you were asked why you can't throw some person from my head? This is because we are physically and emotionally felt the mood, feelings and energy of another person.

When we are emotionally tied to another person, an invisible connection arises between us. Even if you are no longer close and do not talk with this person, you can feel, whether he is happy or dwells in sorrow. This kind of emotional communication exists outside of time and space.

How to find out if this person thinks about you? Here, a few signs:

Does it think about me

1. An unexpected tide of emotions

Imagine that you are perfectly spending time and having fun, as unexpectedly a second, the incomprehensible sadness covers you.

Such sudden feeds of emotions often cause us thoughts about a specific person. If something similar happens to you, the likelihood of what is thought about you, especially a close person. It can be your former partner or an old friend.

2. You saw a dream about this person

Perhaps you never dreamed of your friend or friend, but last night he appeared in your dreams. You can see what this person does, as he looks, and what he says. Since we are all energetically connected with each other, it can tell something about his current life and suggest that it can happen to him in the future.

Most likely, his appearance in your dreams is due to what he thinks about you, and that through the dream he is trying to contact you. Try to write or call this person and ask him about life, and you will find out if your friend or loved man thought about you.

3. Desire to be closer

Many believe that fate makes us fall in love with some person. In fact, we fall in love, because we subconsciously feel that a person who thinks about us is able to satisfy our depth needs.

This explains why we are looking for ways to attract it to our life and reduce the distance between us. Therefore, if a certain person often turns out to be near, it is a faithful sign that he thinks about you and subconsciously reaches you.

4. Long smile

Pay attention to what you are doing first when you meet an old friend who have not seen for a long time. You smile, and the smile remains on your face longer than 10 seconds.

Your subconscious suggests that you like this person. The same thing happens when someone thinks about you. When a person meets you, he is experiencing the same feelings as at the meeting of an old friend, and his smile does not come off his face for a long time.

A person who thinks about you will talk to you not in his usual neutral manner. If he thought about you, he will experience an inner feeling of happiness, and this feeling will manifest themselves in an external smile during a conversation with you.

5. You are often in sight of a person

When someone often thinks about you, his subconscious will always strive for the fact that you are in the field of his vision. This man will be in the depths of the soul to want you to be closer and become part of his life.

For this reason, interested person wants to know what you do, with whom you spend time and communicate with. He may not even look directly at you, but always wish if you see you in the field of your vision. If a person constantly thinks about you, you most likely like him, or he has deeper feelings for you.

6. Human legs are directed in your direction.

Our legs naturally unfold in the side where we go. There is a subconscious connection between our intentions and the direction that our legs indicate.

If you are in the company of people, your feet will always be addressed to the one to whom you are most sympathizing. If you notice that the legs of a person look at you, then this is a clear sign that you like this person, and he thinks about you.

7. Interested in your friends

You will know if a person thinks about you if he is trying to talk not only with you, but also with your friends. Friends have a great influence on our lives, and therefore, when we are interested in someone, we are trying to be closer and to the friends of a person, trying to like them.

If you are in the company, and your interlocutor, talking to your friends, the last tells with you, you can be sure that he thinks about you.

8. Suitable for you without a reason

When you are interested in a person, his subconscious will look for ways to attract you in your life. He will want to approach you, even if there are no objective reasons for it. Perhaps this person constantly thinks about you, and he has more serious feelings for you.

9. You often think about this person

Of course, when we are passionate about someone, our thoughts are completely absorbed by the object of our desires. However, if you have done anyone to do not think about a person, then it is also likely to think about you.

This is especially true of situations where the thought of him arose in an empty place, and nothing foreshadows her appearance. If something similar happens, you most likely occupy the thoughts of this person. Perhaps you can even expect messages from it.

How to find out what you think about you

10. You are lit or scratch your ears

Many consider it a simple admission, but it is impossible to deny the fact that our body and brain are closely connected, and this connection we are not always able to understand. If your ears started to burn or hide on the levelly place, someone thinks about you.

Of course, if you suffer from allergies or burned in the sun, you can exclude this feature. But if there are no objective reasons, then, most likely, you called someone's interest.

It is believed that when you have a left ear, someone discusses your shortcomings. If the left ear itching and reddened, a person may be disgusting about you.

On the contrary, the right ear, which burns or itches, suggests that someone loves you, it speaks well and believes in you. If both ears itch, you may need to clean your ears.

11. Sudden sneezing

Many consider it old believe, but he has some truth.

If you suffer from allergies or colds, then this feature cannot be considered reliable. However, a sudden Chihannier in a flat place may mean what they think about you. It is believed that unexpected Chihannie points out not just to think about you, but is a sign that someone misses you.

If you sneeze only once, you think about you and speak well. Double chisanier means the opposite right, and someone is bad about you respond. Three Chihania are considered a good sign. If someone says the phrase "be healthy" after you sneeze, then for you everything will end well.

12. Shcheki burn

We often blush when we feel a feeling of shame or awkwardness. However, if your cheeks begin to burn when you are not in an awkward situation, it can say that someone thinks about you and evolved about you.

Such a feeling looks like a fever after the fertility, which is essentially happening when a person strikes "words".

13. Discomfort while eating

If during the meal you are suppressed, began to cough, or you began to tickle in my throat, it may be a sign of an approaching quarrel. A sudden feeling that you can be stored, occurs because of the tense atmosphere around you.

Your subconsciousness feels tension from another person, and the body reacts to it. If you are sitting alone and almost fed, then you may have been trying to unconsciously build this situation in my head.

14. Itchy eyes

Itching in the eye area can simply indicate that you are allergic or very sensitive eyes.

If suddenly you began to hide your eyes, then it can say that there is a person whose thoughts you are constantly occupying.

It is believed that if women have a left eye, someone praises her and thinks well about her. If the right eye is called, human thoughts are negative. In men, the opposite is the opposite.

Do you know the situation when obsessive thoughts On the same person pursue all day? Wake up and you already think about him, you walk down the street and you think, go to bed and think. Constantly scroll into the heads together with him dialogues, you enter new, argue, trying to convince him of something. And so day because of the day, it does not matter, have seen yesterday or a year ago. And then the main question arises: "I think about him, or does he think about me?".

What is thought

The fact that the idea of \u200b\u200bmaterial is already knowing many. Smart people say: "Think before you say." And wise people strongly advise think before thinking.

Thought (thought, thought form) is a psychic energy clot containing information. Having a certain frequency of vibrations, it can take shape, sizes, have a color, smell.

The question of how thoughts arise, interested in many scientists and for a long time. In the middle of the 19th century, the German physiologist Buchner believed that the brain produces a thought as bile liver. By the end of the 19th century, the opinion has changed, scientists came to the conclusion that no one can say how the brain creates thoughts. This opinion is adhered to today's psychology, adding that mental in the brain does not live, it is projected into the outside world.

Thinking about someone, we create a thinking, we project it into the outside world and send the addressee. Mind-shaped, carrying a certain energy charge, invades the energy body (aura) of the recipient. If a person thinks about someone for a long time, a communication channel is formed between it and the addressee through which the energy exchange occurs.

If it is the relationship of two loving people, then there is a uniform redistribution of energies. For example, a woman nourishes a man with his inner energy, and a man compensates for the material benefits spent energy. Not in vain say that a loving woman is behind each successful man.

But if relations are one-sided nature or based on a feeling of resentment, anger, guilt, and so on, then there is a loss of your mental energy, the most valuable resource on Earth. If you think that the most valuable resource is oil :), you are mistaken, it is psychic energy - the basis of materialization of any things and it has only a person. Sometimes a person does not even control how it consumes this priceless gift. Various dependencies, such as smoking, alcohol, gymnia; painful attachment to another person; Membership in egrerors - everything is based on energy exchange.

Protection against obsessive thoughts

What only I did not use the techniques to escape from obsessive thoughts: meditated - I imagined that I let him go, asked for me not to come; mentally covered themselves with multi-colored caps, trying to create an obstacle on the way of his thinking; Will's effort tried to stop the stream of thoughts.

Do you think it helped? No matter how.

In the end, I came to the conclusion that the best temporary protection against obsessive thoughts is not resisting them. I just allowed the thoughts to come, but the main thing is not to enter into a dialogue with them. Then they, like clouds in the sky, will start sailing by. Undoubtedly, this technique also requires concentration, but energy costs are significantly less than a tireless "conversation" with a thinking or conscious resistance to obsessive thoughts.

Intellectual work also helps remarkably, in this case the brain switches to another task, and obsessive thoughts cease to disturb some time.

Unfortunately, these are only temporary techniques, and if you seriously decided to deal with obsessive thoughts, you need to "go inside", as I would say. If someone has stealing your energy, then you allow you to do it. It can be in which you could not fully understand, and the image of a partner continues to pursue you, or relations painted by feelings of the resentment, the desire to remake the other, angrily, that everything is not the way I want, or you use obsessive thoughts as care from real life circumstances. In any case, the reason is in you, and while you will not be consciously controlled your mental energy, you are someone's energy donorAnd your life will be spent on other people's successes and accomplishments.

But, just in case, I would ask the stars, asking.
Maybe your friend has long been in love with you for a long time. So thinks about the objects of your passion and nights. Well, what is the demand from the in love with a man! The diagnosis of "love" is not treated even psychiatrists, they are masting with hand and say: "It will pass." 🙂

Why chorarous question - One of the most proven and old ways to understand love relationships can be read, and how to correctly ask the roar question.

Let your favorite man think about you all the days and nights.

Continuing the article on September 21, 2018:\u003d7Q00RMA4CQK. . Looking at the video, you will find the answers to the following questions: how to find out a man thinks about you? Can you feel someone else's thoughts? How to check that it is he who thinks about you, not you about him?

Everyone felt in his head an endless stream of obsessive thoughts, which eclipses consciousness and does not give to calm down. It is much more difficult to cope with obsessive thoughts if their object is an important heart of a person.

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Many were in a similar situation and became hostages of their feelings. It happens that there is no reason for memories, and all thoughts are still aimed exclusively for a particular person. It becomes interesting whether such a connection can only be one-sided or a person will feel something too if you think about it for a long time.

Communication with mental processes

Scientists and psychologists decades are searching for answers to questions about such a strange phenomenon, as telepathy, are trying to learn what is happening between people. Some declare that such interaction is quite real, and others do not perceive seriously possible communication only by mental processes. But a large number of eyewitnesses who have experienced this phenomenon on themselves, serve as a confirmation of its existence:

  • The strongest invisible connection was found between blood relatives, most of all it is expressed between mother and child. After all, it is no coincidence that you can often hear about sudden calls after the occurrence of thought, desired gifts, similar ideas, fears, feelings. Parents and children are stronger than others capable of interacting mentally, often it happens unconsciously.
  • A similar phenomenon meets in love with couples. But in such cases it is difficult to argue something, since in the thoughts of beloved only only a chosen one or chosen, which at first are the whole world for each other. But it is also impossible to completely eliminate the coincidence of simultaneous dreams or an unexpected alarming state.

It is quite another thing when we are talking about telepathic sections at all an unnecessary and unfamiliar person who has never been important and roads. In this case, the main criterion is the energy sensitivity of the object of thoughts, so there are two options here:

  • If the individual is completely immune to thin matters, then surely he will not feel anything even account, but just will continue his affairs.
  • If a distinctive feature is a subtle mental organization, then a sense of incomprehensible anxiety or even thoughts about any other for a long time forgotten man will come.

In such cases, the person who is directed by the flow of thoughts will be able to feel it.

It is said that if for a long time to miss a person, then he will surely feel it. But in psychology there are no accurate theories and evidence to this fact. When a certain person is constantly spinning in the head, it violates psycho-emotional state of thinking - he is always in suspense, but it rarely affects the object of thoughts. The cause of its poor condition, mood and such thoughts can be anything - problems at work or in the family, difficult periods of life, lack of love and understanding.

How to affect the person obsessive thoughts

When studying the problems of telepathy, it is necessary to pay special attention to such a fact - an obsessive thoughts that continue for a long amount of time can serve as a source of depletion of the person himself. Its internal energy concentrates exclusively on the effects with the help of energy to the object, and not at achieving its own goals.

People who have different energy levels show themselves as follows:

  • Personality that is strong in spirit and is filled with energy at the maximum level, it feels a tide of strength and the desire to achieve great success. A thinking person will only have a positive effect - will share its own and energy, will be able to mentally help take a step towards the execution of a long-standing dream. Thanks to this, the person who constantly thought will be happy and will not even understand the cause of such high ambitiousness.
  • When the object of thoughts has a weak level of energy or in this life stage, its spiritual forces are exhausted, thoughts aimed at it can harm. A person will feel anxious, its concentration will decrease, and the ability to focus on something important will also be minimal. With this situation, the thought of thinking will bring only trouble to the weak and defenseless, nothing to understand the person. It is very vulnerable to external factors, any influence from the outside only worsens his psychological state, delivers discomfort and inconvenience.

Relief from obsessive thoughts

Get rid of obsessive thoughts not as easy as it might seem. It is important that the senders of the telepathic plan have the property to complicate life. And if this personality is truly the road, that is, it makes sense to think about whether it is worth thinking in this direction, because these actions may be negative. If the answer turned out to be negative, then you need to try to take advantage of some advice, which will be able to cope with the obsessive state:

  • Forcibly with their actions and actions try to occupy personal thoughts by events, objects, atmosphere.
  • More time to spend among the accumulation of people, in society. Do not think only about yourself, do not get closed.
  • You should find friends for interest, real or even virtual.
  • Find an interesting hobby that will take all your free time so that there is no temptation to start again thinking about that man.
  • To mentally wish happiness to the object of thought and release it from his head, to present it.

If suddenly wants to think about a person again, then you need to remind myself that telepathic thoughts spoil life and thinking, and what they think about. It is not worth the suffering of both parties, does not bring happiness and pleasure to anyone, so you can easily spread with them.

When obsessive thoughts leave the mind, life will immediately become rich and full, will play with new colors, the incredible worlds of happiness and diversity of feelings will open, where there will be no feeling of longing and sadness about the road. The main thing is not to be afraid to let go of the past and to walk into the future with full confidence in yourself and its strength.

And a little about secrets ...

The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

Especially degrees me my weight. I greatly scored, after pregnancy weighed as 3 seconds together, namely, 92kg with growth in 165. I thought the belly will come down after childbirth, but no, on the contrary, it began to gain weight. How to cope with the restructuring of hormonal background and obesity? But nothing umbrellas or mans a man like his figure. In his 20 years, I first learned that the full girls call the "woman", and that "such sizes are not sewn." Further at 29 years old divorce with husband and depression ...

Of course, the easiest way to fill it with romantic messages, but the effect you will achieve this will turn out to be exactly the opposite: you need to work thinner. Therefore, forget about frequent calls, SMS and constant joint pastime. Let a man feel free and not soul him with his love ahead of time. Do not jealous of him to friends. Each man you need to have the opportunity to escape for the day, two. No left! And fishing, to the cottage with friends, in a bath or just in your own world. Give him the opportunity to be alone with himself.

Rule Second: Tormezosi Stormy Roman Development

Heavy, know. But this is a trouble-free way to whom our right-great-great-great-grandmothers used: if a man does not give what he wants, he will begin to seek it. Well, or at least all the time to think about the subject of your desire. Another thing is that today, in the XXI century, it is hardly possible to marry him for half a year, not allowing nothing more than an innocent kiss in a cheek. Yes, actually, it is not necessary. All you need is not to agree on everything he wants right now. Sometimes it moves, nothing terrible.

Rule Third: Use technology with the mind

The fact that we do not recommend you to throw it with messages does not mean that it does not need to use modern technologies at all: on the contrary, you can use them rarely, but aptive. Instead of sending a message of sad kittens and hearts every 2 hours, write a message like: "Waiting for you on Wednesday evening in Skype: it will be hot!" Before Wednesday, he will think about you and only about you. Especially if today is Thursday. Another way to make him think about you - to show, and not tell. Especially if there is no opportunity to meet in the near future (for example, you or he on vacation). They went to his selfie, but only, of course, not in the spirit of "I smile on the background of the Eiffel Tower in all 48 teeth." Let it be anything with a hint. Sexy, naturally.

Rule Fourth: Introduced into the enemy

In war, as in war - all means are good! So feel free to strengthen into his neighboring environment and marry there with your person. Share with his friends and try to charm. Even better - help them with something, for example, we recommend His friend's best doctor in the city. Or the best bar, about which few people know (bar is definitely more efficient). The goal is simple: other people should remind him of you, and remind in a positive way: what a cool girl, do not miss her, bro!


Rule fifth: Do not feed it with pride

There is no need to constantly stroke him on the wool: if everything is smooth and smooth, thinking about you is completely no need to think about you. You are useful, comfortable and trouble-free as washing machine. And who, asks, thinks about his washing machine, even if she is also beautiful? Quite right, no one. Therefore, do not forget the sensitive click on the nose on time. In the figurative, of course, the sense.

Rule six: do not try to be "not like that"

Before writing this article, we studied several network manuals on the topic "How to make a man bored" and everywhere we met the same advice: "Surprise him, be not like everyone else!" And it seems to us that this is a bad, unfasteless advice. First, what does not mean, like everyone else? All women and so different, what exactly should you be? Secondly, this advice implies that you're "like everyone else", and therefore he is bored with you. A little bit like an insult, you do not find? And thirdly, this advice means that you need to change immediately and begin to behave unpredictable. Yes, definitely, so you can make a man think about you. But what exactly to think - is it no matter? In general, we consider this advice with an unsuitable and give it the opposite: do not try to hit him, depicting myself a mysterious "not such". Otherwise, he will start thinking not about you, but about that "not like that." Not many entities (including its own).