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World Geography. The extreme points of Africa and their coordinates. Africa: the coordinates of the extreme points. Geography of Africa

- Civilizations cradle, the highest mainland of the Earth (and the hottest). The "black" continent combines the endless, the biggest deposits of diamonds and an amazing manifold and. At the same time, it remains one of the least developed and disadvantaged in the world (with the exception of several states).

Extreme maintenance points of Africa

Africa is located "under", so she has little island lands in the north. Although the continental outskirts are defined quite easily:

  • North. The northernmost point is located on Cape Blanco, or Benx, which is in Tunisia. Known these lands were long before the start of modern civilizations. Coordinates: 37 degrees, 20 minutes of northern latitude and 9 degrees, 45 minutes of Eastern longitude.
  • South. Located on the needle cape, or Agullas, that in South Africa. Coordinates: 34 degrees and 49 minutes of southern latitude and 20 degrees of Western longitude.
  • Western. Located on the Capper Peninsula in coordinates of 14 degrees and 44 minutes of northern latitude, 17 degrees and 31 minutes of Western longitude.
  • Eastern. Cape Rasha Hafun that on the territory of Somalia in coordinates of 10 degrees and 25 minutes of northern latitude, 51 degrees and 16 minutes of Eastern longitude.

Extreme Island Points of Africa

The extreme points of Africa, including the islands of only two:

  • In the east, the boundaries of the continent are determined by the Mascaret Islands, which is 650 km from Madagascar. Their coordinates: 20 degrees and 42 minutes of southern latitude, 56 degrees and 37 minutes of Eastern longitude. Owning the territory of Mauritius and France.
  • In the West, the most extreme island - Cape Verde, belonging to 1975, Portugal, but then separated into a separate island state. Its coordinates: 16 degrees of northern latitude and 24 degrees of Western longitude. In the south, as in the north, the extreme islands are not indicated.

The extreme cities of Africa

Most of the settlements located near the extreme geographical points has a slight population and few people know:

  • In the north of the mainland, 15 km from the extreme coordinate is the port city of Bizerta. Its coordinates: 37 degrees and 16 minutes of northern latitude, 9 degrees, 52 minutes of Eastern longitude. This beautiful city occupies 34 square meters. km, belongs to Tunisia.
  • From the south side of the continent, Bredasdorp is located on the territory of South Africa. About 16,000 people live in it. Coordinates: 34 degrees and 31 minutes southern latitude, 20 degrees and 2 minutes oriental longitude.
  • In the West, Segalsky Dakar is located near the extreme point, part-time the capital of the country. Its coordinates: 14 degrees and 43 minutes of northern latitude, 17 degrees and 27 minutes of Western longitude.
  • The village Hafun (Somalia) is located on the east, which lives mostly fishermen - no more than 2500 people. Its coordinates: 10 degrees and 25 minutes of northern latitude, 51 degrees and 16 minutes of Eastern longitude.

Defined quite simple. For this, firstly, it is necessary to name them all, and then, deciding in which part of the continent they are located, call the exact coordinates.

North Africa

This part of the continent is most well known as Europeans, so other civilizations of the Mediterranean region, such as the Phoenicians. Actually, the term Africa himself was invented by the inhabitants of Carthagen, one of the Phoenician colonies. With this word, Carthaginians called the indigenous population, which lived in the territory adjacent to their city.

To determine the extreme points of Africa and their coordinates should start from the northern point, which is located on Cape Blanco, also known as the Benx, which is located on the territory of Vilayet Bizerta in Tunisia. These lands were mastered by the Phoenicians in the L century before our era. Cape coordinates are indicated as follows: 37 ° 20'49 "p. sh. 9 ° 45'20 "in. d.

West Africa

By performing the task to determine the extreme points of Africa and their coordinates, it is also worth paying attention to the geographical region in which they are. The extreme western point of the continent is located on the territory of the Peninsula Cap-faith, also called green cape. However, the coordinates of the point known as Almadi are as follows 14 ° 44'27 "p. sh. 17 ° 31'48 "s. d.

Interestingly, the fact that in the territory of the peninsula, the tip of which is Cape Almadi, the capital of the state Senegal is the city of Dakar, the population of which reaches two and a half million people.

East Africa

At the opposite end of the continent, in seven and a half thousand kilometers, the easternmost point of Africa is located - Cape Rasha Hafun, located on the territory of Somalia, which for many years has been covered by the Civil War and has practically stopped existence as a single state.

To determine the extreme points of Africa and their coordinates are also important because it helps learn about geographical and historical conditions in which there is one or another territory.

Hello everyone! The subject of today's post will be the mainland Africa, which we consider the most important and main geographical facts.

Mainland Africa is the second largest after Eurasia (more about this mainland). Its area is 29.2 million km 2 (with the islands of 30.3 million km 2), it is almost 1/5 part of the whole globe.

The extreme points of the mainland: Northern Point - Cape El Akyad, coordinates of 37 ° 21 "northern latitude, 9 ° 45" Eastern longitude;

Southern Point - Cape needle, 34 ° 51 "South latitude, 20 ° 00" Eastern longitude;

Western point - Cape Almadi, coordinates 14 ° 44 "Northern latitude of 17 ° 31" Western longitude;

East point - Cape Rasha Hafun, 10 ° 25 "northern latitude, 51 ° 21" Eastern longitude.

The length of the Northern Cape El Abyad (Ras Engel) to the Southern Cape Needle is almost 8,000 km, the width between Western and Eastern capes, respectively, Almadi and Hafun 7500 km.

Mainland Africa in the south and in the east is washed by the Indian Ocean, in the northeast - the Red Sea, in the north - the Mediterranean Sea, in the West - the Atlantic Ocean.

Africa take care of Africa: the largest peninsula - Somalia, the biggest stalk - Guinea.

In geological terms, the advantage at the platform with the Precambrian crystalline base, which is overlapped with younger sedimentary rocks. (Geochronological scale).

Folded mountains are located only in the south (Cape Mountains) and in the North-West (Atlas). In the relief of Africa prevail High folded plains, plateau and platea; In the inner areas - large tectonic depressions (Congo in Central Africa, Calahari in South Africa, etc.).

Africa from the River Zambezi to the Red Sea is fragmented by the world's largest system of discrepancies, partially engaged in lakes (Nyasa, Tanganyik and others).

Volcanoes of Kenya, Kilimanjaro ( 5895 m, the highest point in Africa) And others are located along the edges of the Vpadin.

Minerals of world importance that are mined in Africa: Uranium, Gold (South Africa), Diamonds (Western and South Africa), Iron Ore, Aluminum (West Africa), Cobalt, Lithium, Berylla, Copper (mainly in South Africa), Natural Gas, Oil, Phosphorites (Western and South Africa ).

Summer average monthly temperatures are about 25-30 ° C. In winter, high positive temperatures are also advantageous (10-25 ° C), but there are temperatures in the mountains below 0 ° C, and snow falls in the mountains atlas every year.

In the equatorial zone, the largest amount of precipitation for the year (on average 1500-2000 mm), and on the coast of Guinean shutters (up to 3000-4000 mm). To the south and east of the equator, the sediment decreases (in the deserts 100 mm and less).

The Atlantic Ocean is aimed at the Nile River (which is the largest in Africa), Niger, Congo (Zaire), Gambia, Senegal, Orange. The large river of the indian ocean pool - Zambezi.

About 1/3 of Africa - an area of \u200b\u200binternal flow predominantly temporary watercourses. The largest lakes of Africa: Tanganica, Victoria, Nyasa (Malawi).

Main African Types of Vegetation: Deserts (the largest - sugar) and savannahs that occupy about 80% of Africa.

For the coastal areas of the subequatorial zone and for the equatorial zone are characterized by wet equatorial evergreen forests.

South and norther from them are rarefied rainforests, which are moving to Savana, and then to the deserted Savans.

In tropical Africa (mainly in reserves and) rhinos, elephants, zebras, hippos, cheetahs, antelopes, lions, leopards, etc. are found.

Minor predators, numerous monkeys, rodents; In dry areas a large number of reptiles.

A huge number of birds, including flamingos, ibis, ostriches. And Fly Tseet, termites, locust, bring great harm to the aost of Africa.

African countries: Algeria, Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Djibouti, Most Egypt, Congo (Zaire), Zambia, Zimbabwe, Cape Verde, Cameroon, Congo, Cat -d'voire, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Mauritania, Malawi, Mali, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Swaziland, Senegal, Somalia, Sudan, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda, Central African Republic, Chad, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, South African Republic (South Africa), as well as territory of Western Sahara, Ceut and Melilla.

In the islands belonging to Africa, are countries such: Comoros, Mauritius, Madagascar, Sao Tome and Principe, Seychelles, as well as Reunion, Saint Helena Island.

In African countries, more than 700 million people live, or about 15%. Africa is inhabited by hundreds of big and small nations (). 107 of which are more than 1 million people each, which is 86.2% of the total population.

The territories of other countries migrate representatives of nomadic tribes and nationalities. In the north of the continent, the largest of African ethnic groups - Arabs (Moroccan, Algerian, Egyptian). In South and Central Africa - a bow, in tropical Africa - House, Joruba, as well as Oromo, Amhara.

For example, a bowl includes more than 40 peoples, and each of them has more than 1 million people. Also in African countries, many people from Asian and European countries.

In South Africa, the most part is more than 5 million people (Italians, French, Afrikaners, or borants).

In rural areas, more than half of the population of the continent live. They are engaged in cattle breeding and agriculture. The largest part of the urban population (more than 50%) is concentrated in Djibouti, South Africa, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, in Mauritius, Reunion.

Many residents in cities that are rapidly growing, occupied in the service sector (service, trade). Their most is civil servants.

In the African continent, a high level of unemployment remains. A large number of citizens lives thanks to random earnings.

Residents of the mainland Africa confess different religions. In the north of Africa Arabs, mostly confess Islam Sunni direction. Christianity and Islam, as well as local traditional beliefs, are common in tropical Africa. In South Africa, Christian religion prevails (Protestantism and Catholicism), and there are followers of Hinduism and other religions.

Thus, we found out that the mainland of Africa is very rich in different minerals, beautiful and rare animals and birds, and also here live many different peoples with their customs and cultures.

Knowledge of the extreme points of Africa and their coordinate will help to better learn the features of the geography of various parts of this so diverse and mysterious mainland. Despite the fact that Europeans are studying the continent for several centuries, it still continues to store a lot of secrets.

Extreme points of Africa and their coordinates

Each of the extreme points of the continent is located in the territory of another original country. For example, North is located in Tunisia on the tip of Cape Blanco, which local residents call the Benx. Lovers of remarkable natural objects will be able to get to Cape from Bizerta - the nearest city to him, the population of which exceeds one hundred thousand people. The coordinates of the extreme point of Africa, located on the Cape Benx, are equal to 37 ° 20'49 "p. sh. and 9 ° 45'20 "in. D. This makes it the most northernmost point of the continent.

All other extreme points of Africa and their continents are located on the territory of different countries, such as Somalia, South Africa and Senegal.

East Africa. Cape Rasha Hafun

If it is quite simple at extreme point in Tunisia, some will require an incredible effort from traveler. For example, Cape Rasha Hafun, which is considered to be the extreme point in the east of Africa, is located in the territory of Somalia - the states of the civil war over several decades.

In this region, it looks like this - 10 ° 25'00 "p. sh. 51 ° 16'00 "in. D. On them you can find a low cape, walking into the sea for forty kilometers. This remarkable geographical object is located on the very northern Republic of Somalia.

Such a geographical position is vulnerable, since the Tsunami often happens in the Indian Ocean. The strongest consequences caused a wave in 2004, when the fishing village, located on Cape, was completely destroyed. Today in the fishing village they live more than two and a half thousand people, most of them belong to the clan of Ottoman Mamudov.

South Africa

The extreme points and their coordinates are the necessary knowledge for the harmonious development of ideas about how the world is arranged and this or another country occupies in it.

It occupies a significant part of the southern tip of the mainland, it is not surprising, so it is on its territory that the most extreme point of Africa is located and its coordinates are equal to 34 ° 49'43 "Yu. sh. 20 ° 00'09 "in. D. And this is not the coordinates of the Cape of Good Hope, the most famous Cape of the continent. The most southernmost point of the mainland is also known as Agullas.

In the vicinity of Cape is one of the most dangerous for navigators area. The fact is that along the South African coast stretches the underwater sandy braid, originating in the immediate vicinity of the cape. This area is called Agullas Bank.

The name of the cauldron and all terrain, his surrounding, in the fifteenth century, Dali Portuguese navigators were given. According to the legend, the arrow of the compass, the role of which then performed the needle, showed strictly north in this place, because in the region at the time there was a magnetic anomaly. To the nineteenth century, the direction of the anomaly has changed to the West.

Senegal. West Africa

The geographical coordinates of the extreme points of Africa are also of interest because quite often used not only by sailors, but also desperate travelers who seek to attend the maximum number of exotic places to which certainly relate to the extreme points of the continents. After all, it is from this point that you can take a photo that will remind a great event all my life. The extreme western point is Cape Almadi, located on the territory of the Green Peninsula 34 ° 49'43 "Yu. sh. 20 ° 00'09 "in. d.

The fourth extreme point of Africa and its coordinates are located on the territory of Senegal, the state located on the west of the continent. Until recently, it was in this country that the route was made world-famous but due to political instability in many countries in the territory of which the Rally route was held, the race was transferred to South America.

Summing up, you can list the following extreme points of Africa and their coordinates:

  • cape Benx in the north, 37 ° 20'28 "p. sh. 9 ° 44'48 "in. d.
  • cape needle in South Africa, 34 ° 49'43.39 "Yu. sh. 20 ° 00'09.15 "in. d.
  • cape Almadi in the west of the continent 14 ° 44'41 "p. sh. 17 ° 31'13 "s. d.
  • cape Rasha Hafun in the east of the mainland, in the Republic of Somalia with coordinates of 10 ° 25'00 "p. sh. 51 ° 16'00 "in. d.

The purpose and objectives of the lesson: to begin formation of students and knowledge about the features of Africa, to remember the already known and disassemble new terms and concepts with students, continue the formation of students to determine the geographical location of the object, to introduce the physico-geographical position of Africa, to teach to give the characteristics of the FGP Mainland. Show features of the geographical position of the mainland Africa. Continue the formation of the ability to work with cards.

Equipment: Card Hemispheres and Physical Map of Africa. (Or an interactive map, if available), Atlases, contour maps of Africa.

Terms and concepts: the geographical position of the mainland, the extreme dots, the coastline, the history of the research of the mainland.

1. Organizational moment.

(Enabled Video Fragment of Africa)

Stunned by roar and tramp
Flame and smoke
About you, my Africa, whisper
In heaven say Serafim
About the actant of yours and fantasy,
About the animal soul listen
You, on the tree of ancient Eurasia
Golfish hanging pear.

Today we must meet with an amazing continent and make an amazing journey into the magical, and often the exotic world of Africa, its beauty and greatness. Today at the lesson we face to face will meet with this unusual mainland. It is said that who at least once inspired the dust of his red earth, heard the fight tamatov, saw her mysterious world in the reflections of fires, it would be difficult to return from this mysterious world

How to find out where this mainland?
Traveler without a card is not used to
We will simply come out of the position:
Card create in one moment.

(We launch on the computer an interactive physical map of Africa)

Among the continents, Africa has a special position. According to its sizes, Africa is inferior only to Eurasia: its area is 29.2 million km 2, or 1/5 sushi of our planet. Africa is the continent of contrasts. About? Its territory of its territory is occupied by deserts and semi-deserts. Snow caps rose over the expanses of Savann. In Africa, the very largest river of the Eastern Hemisphere (Look at the card and name it) and the longest river of the world (define it on the map).

Today we proceed to the study of Africa. Look at the board and read the topic of the lesson. Make a topic study plan.

(Student responses are listened and discussed)

In order to give the characteristic of the physico-geographical position of the mainland, it is necessary to answer the questions of the plan.

(At the end of the textbook in Appendix, page 311, (Corinskaya, Soul))

Throughout the lesson, students fill the table.

Having determined the geographical location of the mainland on the physical map of the world, students can respond to the following questions: What is the main feature of the geographical position of Africa?

Practical work with a map, compilation of a reference abstract.

1. The subordinate, as the mainland is located relative to the equator, tropics (polar circles) and zero meridian.

Africa is located in four hemispheres, the equator crosses the mainland almost in the middle, and divides it into two parts equal to the length, but different in the area. The northern part is much wider. Since the equator crosses Africa almost in the middle, hence the mainland is located in the north and southern hemisphere. Tropics are equivalent from the equator, and intersect the mainland.

Zero Meridian crosses the mainland and divides it into two unequal parts. Most of the mainland is located east of the zero meridian (in the eastern hemisphere), smaller to the west (in the Western Hemisphere).

2. Determine the extreme points of Africa, their coordinates.

Determination of geographic coordinates on the atlas map.

Set match.

(1.V.V., 2.A.A., 3.B, 4.G.B)


Performing eye exercises correctly, we not only train the muscles, but also work with all the organism as a whole.

1. "Butterfly"

Basic exercise: Slaft cilia often-often, that is, blink.

2. "Look upstairs and down"

Hold your head straight, do not throw back. The glance is directed up (on the extreme northern point of Africa)); Mentally, we continue to move the eye on the top, as if you looked there. And now your eyes down, go down the eyes to the extreme southern point of Africa.

3. "Look to the left"

Looked to the left: eyes look at the extreme Western point of the mainland.

4. "Look to the right"

We looked to the right: eyes look at the extreme eastern point of Africa.

An indispensable condition for the exercise: the head is stationary, we work only through my eyes.

The glance is translated into such a sequence: down, up, right, weigh.

5. "Eight"

The indispensable condition for the implementation of this exercise is the same as in the "Butterfly". Now the eyes smoothly describe the horizontal eight, or the sign of infinity, the maximum size within the face. One way several times and then to another. Pour often-often, easy-easy.

6. "Circle"

Perform circular movements with eyeballs. The head remains fixed. Imagine a large gold-colored dial. This color contributes to the restoration of vision. Load for vision should be minimal - more relaxing exercises.

12 - Extreme Northern Point of Mainland (Cape Ras Engel (Benx Skid)

3 - Extreme Eastern Point of Mainland (Cape Ra Hafun)

6 - the extreme southern point of the mainland (needle's cape)

9 - Extreme Western Point of Main Stall Point of Mainland (Cape Almadi)

Then make this exercise, turning the eyes counterclockwise.

7. "Zhmurki"

Several times they housing too much.

Oral work to determine the geographical position is combined with filling out the contour card. We apply to the contour map the extreme points of Africa.

We determine the length of the mainland in degrees and kilometers.

On the screen or interactive board, we display a map with marking and length lines (the card can be taken from the electronic tutorial "Electronic Lessons and Tests" Geography at School. Africa.).

Length from north to south of 20 * V.D. is (37 * + 35 *) 111km \u003d 7992 km

The length of the West to the East to the equator is (43 * -9 *) 111 km \u003d 3774 km, in the widest part of about 2 times more, about 7500 km.

3. In which climatic belts is the mainland.

If Africa intersects almost in the middle by the equator, then the climatic belts should be repeated in it twice from north to south, and Africa is very hot mainland, as it lies mainly in an equatorial and tropical climatic belt.

4. The position of the mainland in relation to the seas and oceans.

Now I ask on the plan
Apply the sea and oceans,
Islands, Bulips and Straits ...
Well, bolder! Who is unpaiggy here?!

One student comes out with an interactive map, the rest perform practical work work in contour cards.

In the West, Africa is washes atlantic ocean, in the north of the Mediterranean Sea. In the East - Indian Ocean. In the northeast - the Red Sea.

As a result, the following table must be filled in notebooks:

The discovery and study of the mainland.

We consider this point in the lesson on the basis of electronic tutorials "Electronic Lessons and Tests". Geography at school. Africa.

Based on the information received, fill in the table, with pre-prepared blanks on separate sheets, which are attached to the table column on a magnetic (or ordinary board).

Researchers, travelers

Contribution to the Study Study

Ancient Greeks

Settled and investigated the northern part of the mainland


Settled and explored the northeastern part of Africa

Bartolome Diash


He came down the cape of good hope (the southern tip of the mainland)

Vasco da Gama


Completion of the opening of the banks of the mainland, opened a new way to India

David Livingston

He explored the River Zambezi, opened Victoria Waterfall, studied the upper kind of River Congo, Lake Nyasa

Henry Stanley

Swimming around Taganyika lakes and Victoria. Overclocking Massif Rovevenzori.

Egor Kovalevsky

The end of the 19th century

Study of Northeast Africa

Vasily Junker

The end of the 19th century

Studying Central and East Africa, topographic work.

Fastening material: on the map Show the main geographical objects of Africa.

Homework:Denote on the contour maps travel routes of researchers in Africa. § 24.