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For which the polystyrene is used. Polystyrene and its copolymers. "Altai State Technical University

In a wide variety of polymeric materials, polystyrene occupies a special place. From this material produce a huge number of different plastic products for both domestic and industrial use. Today we will get acquainted with the formula of polystyrene, its properties, ways to receive and use directions.

general characteristics

Polystyrene is a synthetic polymer belonging to the class of thermoplastics. As can be understood from the name, it is a product of vinylbenzene polymerization (styrene). This is a solid glassy material. The formula of polystyrene is generally as follows: [CH 2 CH (C 6 H 5)] N. In the abbreviated version, it looks like this: (C 8 H 8) N. The abbreviated polystyrene formula is more common.

Chemical and physical properties

The presence of phenolic groups in the formula of a polystyrene structural link prevents the ordered placement of macromolecules and the formation of crystalline structures. In this regard, the material is rigid, but fragile. It is an amorphous polymer with small mechanical strength and high level of light transmission. It is produced in the form of transparent cylindrical granules, of which the extrusion is obtained by extrusion.

Polystyrene is a good dielectric. It dissolves in aromatic hydrocarbons, acetone, esters, and its own monomer. In lower alcohols, phenols, aliphatic hydrocarbons, as well as polystyrene ethers, not soluble. When mixing a substance with other polymers, a "crosslinking" occurs, as a result of which styrene copolymers are formed with higher constructive qualities.

The substance has low moisture absorption and resistance to radioactive irradiation. At the same time, it is destroyed under the action of ice acetic, and concentrated nitric acids. When exposed to ultraviolet, the polystyrene is spoiled - microcracks and yellowness is formed on the surface, its fragility increases. When the substance is heated to 200 ° C, it begins to decompose with the release of the monomer. At the same time, starting at a temperature of 60 ° C, the polystyrene loses shape. At normal temperature, the substance is not toxic.

The main properties of polystyrene:

  1. Density - 1050-1080 kg / m 3.
  2. The minimum operating temperature is 40 degrees of frost.
  3. The maximum operating temperature is 75 degrees of heat.
  4. Heat capacity - 34 * 10 3 j / kg * k.
  5. Thermal conductivity - 0.093-0,140 W / m * k.
  6. The thermal expansion coefficient is 6 * 10 -5 Ohm · cm.

In industry, polystyrene is obtained using a radical polymerization of styrene. Modern technologies allow this process with a minimum number of unreacted substance. The reaction of obtaining polystyrene from styrene is carried out in three ways. Consider separately each of them.

Emulsion (PSE)

This is the oldest synthesis method that has not received wide industrial use. Emulsion polystyrene is obtained in the process of polymerization of styrene in aqueous solutions by alkali at 85-95 ° C. For this reaction, substances are needed: water, styrene, emulsifier and polymerization process. Styrene is pre-delivered from inhibitors (hydroquinone and tributyl-pyrocatechin). Water soluble compounds are the initiators of the reaction. As a rule, it is potassium persulfate or hydrogen dioxide. Alkali, salts of sulfocoslot and fatty acid salts are used as emulsifiers.

The process occurs as follows. An aqueous solution of castor oil is poured into the reactor and the styrene is introduced with careful stirring along with the initiators of polymerization. The resulting mixture is warm to 85-95 degrees. A monomer dissolved in the micelles of soap, acting from the emulsion drops, begins to polymerize. So the polymer monomer particles are obtained. Over 20% of the reaction time, the micellar soap goes to the formation of adsorption layers. Next, the process goes inside the polymer particles. The reaction is completed when the styrene content in the mixture will be approximately 0.5%.

Next, the emulsion enters the precipitation stage, which allows to reduce the content of the residual monomer. To this end, it is coagulated with a solution of salt (cook) and dried. As a result, a powdered mass is obtained with a particle size of up to 0.1 mm. Alkal residue affects the quality of the material obtained. Eliminate impurities is completely impossible, and their presence causes a yellowish tint of the polymer. This method allows to obtain a styrene polymerization product with the highest molecular weight. The substance obtained by this method has the designation of the PSE, which periodically can be found in technical documents and old textbooks for polymers.

Suspension (PSS)

This method is carried out in a periodic scheme, in a reactor equipped with a stirrer and a heat sink shirt. It is suspended in chemically clean water using emulsion stabilizers (polyvinyl alcohol, sodium polymethacrylate, magnesium hydroxide), as well as polymerization initiators. The polymerization process passes under pressure, with a constant increase in temperature, up to 130 ° C. As a result, a suspension is obtained from which the primary polystyrene is separated by centrifugation. After that, the substance was washed and dried. This method is also considered obsolete. It is mostly suitable for synthesizing styrene copolymers. It is used mainly in the production of polystyrene foam.

Block (PSM)

Obtaining a general purpose polystyrene within this method can be carried out in two schemes: full and incomplete conversion. Thermal polymerization according to the continuous diagram is carried out on a system consisting of 2-3 consequely connected reactor apparatus, each of which is equipped with a stirrer. The reaction is carried out post, increasing the temperature from 80 to 220 ° C. When the degree of transformation of the styrene reaches 80-90%, the process stops. With the method of incomplete conversion, the degree of polymerization reaches 50-60%. The remains of the unreacted styrene monomer are removed from the melt by vacuuming, bringing its content to 0.01-0.05%. The polystyrene obtained by the block method is highly stable and purity. This technology is the most effective, including because there is practically no waste.

Polystyrene application

The polymer is produced in the form of transparent cylindrical granules. In the final products, they are dored by extrusion or casting, at a temperature of 190-230 ° C. Of polystyrene produce a large number of plastics. It received distribution due to its simplicity, low price and a wide range of brands. From the substance get a lot of objects that have become an integral part of our daily life (children's toys, packaging, disposable dishes and so on).

Polystyrene is widely used in construction. It makes thermal insulation materials - sandwich panels, plates, non-removable formworks and so on. In addition, decorative materials are made from this substance - ceiling baguettes and decorative tiles. In medicine, the polymer is used to produce disposable tools and some parts in blood transfusion systems. Foamed polystyrene is also used in water purification systems. In the food industry, tons of packaging material made from this polymer are used.

There is also a shockproof polystyrene, the formula of which is changed by adding butadiene and butadienestrol rubber. This type of polymer accounts for more than 60% of the total production of polystyrene plastic.

Due to the maximum low viscosity of the substance in benzene, you can obtain movable solutions in fiction concentrations. This causes the use of polystyrene as part of one of the types of Nalalm. He plays the role of a thickener, in which, as the molecular weight increases polystyrene, the dependence of the "viscosity temperature" decreases.


White thermoplastic polymer can become an excellent replacement of PVC plastic, and transparent plexiglas. Popularity The substance has received mainly due to flexibility and ease of processing. It is perfectly molded and processed, prevents heat loss and, importantly, has a low cost. Due to the fact that the polystyrene can skip light, it is even used in the glazing of buildings. However, it is impossible to place such glazing on the sunny side, since the substance is spoiled under the action of ultraviolet.

Polystyrene has long been used for the manufacture of foams and associated materials. The thermal insulation properties of polystyrene in the foamed state, allow you to use it for the insulation of walls, floor, roofing and ceilings, in buildings of various purposes. It is thanks to the abundance of insulating materials, at the head of which is a polystyrene foam, ordinary ordinary people know about the substance under consideration. These materials are easy to use, resistance to rotting and aggressive media, as well as excellent thermal insulation properties.


As with any other material, polystyrene has shortcomings. First of all, it is environmental insecure (we are talking about the absence of methods of safe disposal), short-life and fire hazard.


Polystyrene itself does not affect environmental hazards, but some products obtained on its basis require special appeal.

Waste material and its copolymers accumulate in the form of products that came out of consumption and industrial waste. The secondary use of polystyrene plastics is made in several ways:

  1. Disposal of industrial waste, which were strongly contaminated.
  2. Processing of technological waste by molding, extrusion and pressing methods.
  3. Disposal of worn goods.
  4. Disposal of mixed waste.

The secondary use of polystyrene allows you to get new quality products from old raw materials, not polluting with this environment. One of the promising areas of polymer processing is the production of polystyrene concrete, which is used in the construction of the buildings of small floors.

Polymer decomposition products formed during thermal degradation or heat-oxidative destruction are toxic. In the process of polymer processing, pairs of benzene, styrene, ethylbenzene, carbon monoxide and toluene may be released by partial destruction.


When combing polymer, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and soot are isolated. In general, the polystyrene combustion reaction equation looks like this: (with 8 H 8) N + O 2 \u003d CO 2 + H 2 O. The combustion of the polymer containing additives (components increasing strength, dyes, etc.), leads to a number of rows other harmful substances.

Let's try to present our lives without polymers. Without outdoor advertising, convenient packaging of products, single dishes - without polystyrene.

So lived people another 100 years ago, and today everything looks different. Sheet polystyrene has changed our existence. Why did this happen? What is it so good? Make conclusions yourself.

Polystyrene (PS) is a type of plastic (polymeric material). It is obtained from styrene by polymerization. PS has a linear structure that allows you to get the product with the necessary form from it.

The simplicity of the manufacture of sheet polystyrene is the main cause of the diversity of forms, brands and species of this material. In addition to the availability of the source raw materials, there are many other positive properties of the PS.

Technical characteristics of polystyrene

The main advantages of sheet polystyrene are:

  • thermoplasticity;
  • resistance to chemically active substances (most alkalis and acids);
  • ease of mechanical processing;
  • high moisture resistance;
  • strength;
  • harmlessness for man;
  • ability to skip sunlight;
  • high electrical insulating properties.

The main disadvantage of sheet polystyrene is its increased flammability. Therefore, when using this material, you must comply with the requirements of fire safety.


In Russia, the marking of polystyrene was adopted depending on the production method. Distinguish such types of general purpose PS:

  • PSM - obtained by polymerization in mass;
  • PSE - emulsion method;
  • PSS - suspension way.

The brands also have an individual digital designation (151, 118, etc.), which indicates the purpose and properties of the product.

A shockproof sheet polystyrene is marked in a similar way, but instead of the PS abbreviation, UE is used.

The international classification shares polystyrene to such groups:

  • GPPS - general purpose;
  • HIPS - shockproof;
  • MIPS - middle impact resistance;
  • EPS - foamed.

The first two types of polystyrene received the greatest distribution. PS middle impact resistance is used much less. In the production of impact-resistant polystyrene, rubber mass is added to its composition, which changes the strength properties of the material, making it resistant to mechanical loads.

Forms of release

Polystyrene is manufactured in two main forms:

  • in the form of finished sheets of various lengths, thickness and widths. Polystyrene sheet transparent can acquire various colors in the process of production with the help of paints;
  • foamed polystyrene sheet. This material is more famous for us as a foam. Air bubbles occupy more than 90% of the volume of foamed PS, so this material is very easy.

Polystyrene sheet size can vary. The most common dimensions are: 1500 x 2400, 1000 x 1400, 1000 x 2000, 2000 x 3000 mm.

Most Russian manufacturers guarantee the manufacture of polystyrene sheets of any size at the request of the client.

Scope of application

The scope of polystyrene is very wide. The unique properties of this material allow to use it successfully:

  • in construction. To create materials for outdoor and interior decoration. Polystyrene sheet for insulation of walls is used due to the high thermal insulation properties of this material;
  • in medicine. For the manufacture of disposable tools;
  • in the electrical industry. To create insulation materials;
  • in advertising sphere. Numerous signs in cities are made of PS. For example, a black glossy polystyrene is an excellent material for the manufacture of tablets and pointers against the white facade of buildings;
  • in the printed industry. PS produce the basis for screen printing;
  • in the food industry. For packing dairy, confectionery, meat and other products and drinks, produced polystyrene trays;
  • in agriculture. For the manufacture of greenhouses. Polystyrene white sheet is an excellent zero substitute;
  • in the production of sanitary products. For shower cabins and baths.

Processing sheet polystyrene

Sheet polystyrene is easy to handle. High thermoplasticity allows you to produce various products from this material: from the finest package for food to thick sheets for outdoor advertising in cities. More convenient for processing is a shockproof polystyrene sheet.

The softening temperature of polystyrene is 95 ° C. Therefore, with all types of machining (sawing, drilling, milling), it is recommended to use a cooling fluid.

Approximate price for sheet polystyrene

Polystyrene is an affordable polymeric material. If you want to buy a polystyrene sheet, then it should be known that it depends on several factors: the manufacturer, the type of polystyrene and the size of the sheet. Retail today you can purchase polystyrene sheet at a price of 125 to 2000 rubles per square meter.

Sheet polystyrene is a convenient and practical material that is widely used in all spheres of human life. Its use allows us to significantly improve the comfort of living.

In the manifold of polymer matter, a special role belongs to polystyrene. From this substance, a colossal number of different plastic products for home and industrial use is created.

A long time interval The increase in the manufacture of polystyrene was held by significant tariffs on sources. A breakthrough in the formation of the newest subproduction was hostilities. The quality of polystyrene made it possible to use it as a thickener for Napalm. In peacetime, the production of such polymers has gained popularity. Currently, this material with a triumph replaces glass elements in lighting devices, is extensively used in building materials, in the package and as an adolescent element. In the modern world, the plastic processing line is rapidly formed and similar to the structure of materials, because Polymer residues are not toxic and in a large number are preserved in an unchanged long term.

General properties

Polystyrene is considered a synthetic polymer related to a subclass of thermoplastics. This product suggests in its composition the presence of styrene, which has a solid glassy structure.

The chemical formula of this product is represented in this embodiment: [CH2CH (C6H5)] N. In a compressed form, it looks in this form: (C8H8) N. The material does not dissolve in water, simply takes the right shape and painting in the manufacture. Soluble in acetone-containing liquids, dichloroethane, toluene.

The presence of phenolic compounds in polystyrene prevents the highly ordered placement of macromolecules and the formation of crystalline buildings. Because this product is considered solid, but fragile. The polymer is considered an excellent dielectric. The effect of solar radiation on the polymer does not favorably affect, cracks may form, yellowness, increasing increasing. When heating to two hundred degrees, the polymer decays to form a monomer. The material is frost-resistant, at temperatures above 60 degrees loses shape.

Synthesis polystyrene

According to the method of production, polystyrene is divided into several types:

  • Emulsion (PSE). The most outdated way to obtain a material that did not acquire extensive industrial use. This type of polymer is obtained during the polymerization of styrene in hydrophilic solutions by alkalis at temperatures of 80-90 degrees. For the purpose of this interaction, such ingredients as moisture, emulsifier, styrene, reaction catalyst are needed. Styrene is filtered in advance from inhibitors. Potassium compounds and hydrogen dioxide often provoke the interaction of all components of the polymer reaction. During the process of obtaining polystyrene to the thermosacor, dissolved in water castor oil and after stirring include styrene mixture together with a polymer reaction catalysts. The acquired composition warms up to 80-95 degrees. The monomer emulsion resulting from the grains, divorced in soap, is polymerized over time. Ultimately, the polymer in the powder variant. It is not possible to remove the impurities (present during the interaction of the lump) and the resulting polymer becomes yellow tone.
  • Suspension (PSS). This method is executed according to the periodic scheme, in the thermosacor, equipped with a stirrer and heat sink. Styrene is subjected to suspension. The polymerization procedure occurs under pressure with continuously increasing thermal engine (up to 130 degrees). As a result, there is a suspension from which the initial polymer is separated with the support of centrifugation. After that, the element was washed and dried. This method is also obsolete. It is used for the manufacture of polystyrene foam.
  • Block (PSM). The production of universal polystyrene within this method is possible to be carried out according to 2 schemes: absolute and incomplete conversion. Thermal auto-polymerization according to the constant scheme is performed in the concept that folds from several alternately combined thermal actors, any of which is equipped with a stirrer. When carrying out the reaction, the temperature goes to an increase of up to 200 degrees. If the styrene conversion level reaches 85-90%, the procedure is interrupted. This technique is considered more effective due to the fact that it does not leave the residues of production.

Use polystyrene

Polystyrene is produced in the form of tubular granules. In the final product, this material is processed by casting. Products from this type of polymer are distinguished by a huge manifold. It can be tools of life, toys, decor elements, packaging, disposable inventory. Also, polystyrene is needed in construction. From polystyrene produce structures, which like a thermos do not pass heat. Also, due to the frost resistance of this material, it can be used for the manufacture of hives for wintering bees, street structures in winter.

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and Science

Russian Federation

State educational institution of higher

vocational education

"Altai State Technical University

them. I.I. Polzunova "


By discipline "Organic Chemistry" on the topic:

"Polystyrene (polyvinyl benzene)"

Perched student c. PKM-71:

Barhahatova L. N.

Checked senior teacher

departments Fitkm: Arsentieva S.N.

Barnaul 2008

Introduction, general characteristics and classification of polymers

1. Historical certificate

2. Polystyrene description

3. Basic properties

3.1. Physical properties

3.2. Chemical properties

4. Receipt

5. Outmolecular structure, conformation, configuration

6. Methods of curing

7. Application in industry




General characteristics and classification of polymers

The polymer is called an organic substance, the long molecules of which are built from the same repeated duplicate units - monomers.

The size of the polymer molecule is determined by the polymerization degree n , those. The number of links in the chain. If N \u003d from 10 to 20, the substances are light oil. With increasing N, the viscosity increases, the substance becomes waxy, finally, for n \u003d 1000, a solid polymer is formed. The degree of polymerization is unlimited: it can be 10 4, and then the length of the molecules reaches micrometers. The molecular weight of the polymer is equal to the product of the molecular weight of the monomer and the degree of polymerization. Usually it is in the range of 10 3 to 3 × 10 5. Such a large length of molecules prevents their proper packaging, and the structure of polymers varies from amorphous to partially crystalline. The proportion of crystallinity is largely determined by the geometry of chains. The closer the chains are stacked, the more crystalline the polymer becomes. Crystality even at best turns out to be imperfect.

Amorphous polymers melt in the range of temperatures, depending not only on their nature, but also on the length of the chains; Crystal have a melting point.

By origin, the polymers are divided into three groups: synthetic polymers (artificial), natural organic and natural inorganic polymers.

Synthetic polymers are obtained by stepwise or chain polymerization of low molecular weight polymers.

Natural inorganic polymers are such a melt of magma, silicon oxide.

Natural organic polymers are formed as a result of the vital activity of plants and animals and are contained in wood, wool, skin. This is protein, cellulose, starch, shellac, lignin, latex.

Typically, natural polymers are subjected to cleaning, modifications, modifications under which the structure of the main chains remains unchanged. The product of such recycling is artificial polymers. Examples are natural rubber produced from latex, celluloid, which is nitrocellulose, plasticized camphor to increase elasticity.

Natural and artificial polymers have played a large role in modern technique, and in some areas remain indispensable and still, for example, in the pulp and paper industry. However, a sharp increase in the production and consumption of organic materials occurred due to synthetic polymers - materials obtained by the synthesis of low molecular weight substances and not having analogs in nature. Development of chemical technology of high molecular weight substances - an integral and essential part of the modern . No polymers can no longer manage any branch of technology, the more new. In the chemical structure, the polymers are divided into linear, branched, mesh and spatial. Linear polymer molecules are chemically inert with respect to each other and are interconnected by van der Waals with each other. When heated, the viscosity of such polymers is reduced and they are capable of reversible to move first into highly elastic, and then in the viscous state (Figure 1). Since the only consequence of heating is the change in plasticity, linear polymers are called thermoplastic. It should not be thought that the term "linear" denotes straightforward, on the contrary, it is more characteristic of a gear or spiral configuration, which gives such polymers mechanical strength.

Thermoplastic polymers can not only melted, but also dissolve, since Van der Waals connections are easily under the action of reagents.

Branched (grafted) polymers are more durable than linear. The controlled branching of the chains is one of the main industrial methods for modifying the properties of thermoplastic polymers.

The mesh structure is characteristic of the fact that the chains are connected with each other, and this strongly limits the movement and leads to a change in both mechanical and chemical properties. The usual rubber is soft, but with sulfur vulcanization, covalent bonds of type S-zero are formed, and the strength is growing. The polymer can purchase a mesh structure and spontaneously, for example, under the action of light and oxygen, aging will occur with the loss of elasticity and efficiency. Finally, if the polymer molecules contain reactive groups, then when heated, they are connected by a plurality of transverse durable bonds, the polymer turns out to be sewn, i.e. it becomes a spatial structure. Thus, heating causes reactions, sharply and irreversibly changing the properties of a material that acquires strength and high viscosity, becomes insoluble and unlawful. Due to the large reactivity of molecules, manifested with increasing temperature, such polymers are called termoreactive. It is not difficult to imagine that their molecules are active not only in relation to each other, but also to the surfaces of foreign bodies. Therefore, thermosetting polymers, in contrast to thermoplastic, have a high adhesive ability even at low temperatures, which allows them to be used as protective coatings, adhesives and binding in composite materials.

Thermoplastic polymers are obtained by reaction polymerization, flowing according to the scheme (Figure 2).

With chain polymerization, the molecular weight increases almost instantly, intermediate products are unstable, the reaction is sensitive to the presence of impurities and requires, as a rule, high pressures. It is not surprising that such a process in natural conditions is impossible, and all natural polymers were formed by otherwise. Modern chemistry created a new tool - the reaction of polymerization, and due to it a large class of thermoplastic polymers. The polymerization reaction is implemented only in the complex equipment of specialized industries, and the thermoplastic polymers consumer receives in the finished form.

Reactive thermosetting polymer molecules can be formed easier and naturally - gradually from the monomer to dimer, then to the trimer, tetramer, etc. Such a combination of monomers, their "condensation" is called the reaction polycondensation; It does not require high purity, no pressure, but is accompanied by a change in chemical composition, and often the release of by-products (usually water vapor) (Figure 2). It is this reaction that is implemented in nature; It can be easily carried out due to only a small heating in the simplest conditions, up to home. Such high manufacturability of thermosetting polymers provides ample opportunities to manufacture various products at non-chemical enterprises, including radiospaces.

Regardless of the type and composition of the initial substances and methods of obtaining materials based on polymers, it is possible to classify as follows: plastics, fibers, layered plastics, films, coatings, adhesives.

1. Historical certificate

The Lastmasian industry originated at the turn of the XX century. Easily polymerizing styrene and its glass-like solid polymer immediately attracted attention. The basics of chemistry and technology of polystyrene were laid by the Ostroyslensky and Stau Dinger. The latter suggested a chain mechanism for the formation of polystyrene macromolecules.

The first patent for the production of polystyrene (the method of thermal spontaneous polymerization in the mass) was taken in Germany in 1911. In 1920, industrial production of polymer began. In 1936 6000 t / year was already produced.

Outside Germany, the growth of polystyrene production has long restrained the high price of the monomer. The incentive to the rapid development was the creation in the United States during World War II large-tonnant production of butadiene-styrene rubbachto, naturally led to a decrease in styrene prices. After the war-production of polystyrene and styrene copolymers, containing more than 50 percent of styrene in composition (unlike butadiene-styrene rubber, where styrene is about 30 percent), developed independently. Development of such efficient products; As polystyrene foam, shockproof styrene polymers, ABS plastics, allowed polystyrene plastics as a whole to occupy the third place in global plastics production after polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride.

In the USSR, the production of polystyrene unfolded in the post-war years. As in other countries, the basis of production is the processes of free radical polymerization in the block (mass), suspension and emulsion.

Currently, almost all the main types of styrene copolymers are manufactured, including copolymers with α-methylstyrene, methyl methacrylate, shockproof copolymers with rubber, double and triple copolymers with acrylonitrile (including ABC plastics), etc.

2. Polystyrene description

Polystyrene - thermoplastic amorphous polymer with formula

[-CH 2 -C (C 6 H 5) N-] n

Structural formula:

Polystyrene is a transparent glass-like substance, molecular weight of 30-500 thousand, density 1.06 g / cm 3 (20 ° C), glass transition temperature 93 ° C.

For polystyrene, digging flames with a floral sweet smell (this smell of cinnamon can usually be detected by crops under study with a rolled needle). If, moreover, the subject falls on the floor with a metal ringing, then most likely polystyrene.

This is a solid, elastic, colorless substance. Phenyl groups prevent the ordered location of macromolecules and the formation of crystalline formations. It is a tough, amorphous polymer with low mechanical tensile strength and bending. Polystyrene has a low density, low thermal resistance, has excellent dielectric properties and highly low strength when hitting. It is easily deformed at relatively low temperatures (80 ° C). When contacting with fats, styrene monomer allocates. To improve the properties of polystyrene, it is modified by various copolymers and subjected to stitching.

Polystyrene - cheap large-capacity thermoplastic; It is characterized by high hardness, good dielectric properties, moisture resistance, is easily painted and molded, chemically racks, dissolved in aromatic and chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons. Various styrene copolymers have better operational properties. Thus, the increase in heat resistance and tensile strength (by ~ 60 percent) is achieved by copolymerization of styrene with acrylonitrile or A-methylstyrene, increase strength and shock viscosity (from 5-10 to 50-100 kJ / m 2) - receiving grafted styrene copolymers with 5 -10% rubber, such as butadiene (shockproof polystyrene), as well as triple copolymers of acrylonitrile, butadiene and styrene (T.N. ABS-plastic). The replacement of acrylonitrile on methyl methacrylate is synthesized transparent triple copolymers.

3. Basic properties

3.1. Physical properties

Styrene fuel and explosive. Explosion limits in a mixture with air at room temperature from 1.1 to 6.1 Volume. %. The permissible concentration of vapors in the air is not higher than 0.5 mg / m systematic inhalation of styrene vapors at a concentration above the permissible leads to chronic liver disease.

The most important physical properties of styrene and α-methylstyrole are given below:

Table 1 - Physical properties of styrene and α-methylstyrene

Styrene α-methylstyrene
Structural formula
Molecular weight 104,14 119,14
T. Boiling at 760 mm Hg. Art., ° C 145,2 165,38
Gradient boiling, ° C / mm RT. Art. 0,049 0,052
T. Freezing at 760 mm Hg, ° C –30,628
Density at 20 ° C, g / cm 3 0,90600 0.88 (25 ° C)
Dipole moment, cl × m 0.37 × 10 -30
1,735 2,04
Viscosity at 20 ° C, PA × C 0,078 0,080
Surface Tension, N / M 0,0322 (20 ° C) 0.0317 (25 ° C)
Heat evaporation at 20 ° C, kj / mol 44,6 40,4
9,719 × 10 -4 11 × 10 -4
Critical temperature, ° C 373 386
Critical pressure, MPa 3,93 4,84
Refractiveness coefficient 1,54682 1,5386

Table 2 - The dependence of the boiling temperature of styrene from pressure

The dependence of a number of physical properties of styrene on temperature is given by empirical equations:

for vapor pressure (P-in mm Hg. Art., T-in ° C):

for density:

for surface tension (30-90 ° C):

The three main process of polymerization of styrene spread in the technique leads to the production of a different appearance. When block polymerization, the process leads through the gradual heating of the liquid monomer. Temperature regime is selected in such a way that the polymerizing mass all the time is in a viscous state. This means that at the end of the process, when the monomer conversion reaches the value close to the limit, the temperature of the molten polystyrene must be about 200-230 ° C. The mass is pushing through the filters by extrusion and hot or cold condition is cut into granules. By re-extrusion, block polystyrene is painted and used for further processing into the product.

Table 3 Dependency of some properties of styrene from temperature

The products resulting from suspension and emulsion polymerization are spherical particles that differ in size. Suspension polystyrene is larger - the average particle size is 4 × 5 mm. Emulsion product - "Beads" - has an average particle size
1-10 μm.

Table 4 - The main physical properties of polystyrene

Density at 20 ° C, g / cm 3

1,04-1, 965 (amorphous)

1,12 (crystalline)

Specific heat capacity at 20 ° C, KJ / (kg × K) 1,258 (20 ° C) 1.84 (100 ° C)
Thermal coefficient of volume expansion at 25 ° C, 1 / ° C

(1.7-2.1) × 10 -4 at T<Т ст

(5.1-6.0) × 10 -4 at T\u003e T

Coefficient of thermal conductivity, W / (M × K) 0.1165 (50 ° C) 0.1276 (100 ° C)
H combustion, kj / mole - 434 × 10 -3
H dissolution, kJ / mole – 3,59
H melting crystals, kj / mole 8,373
Melt viscosity, PA × C at 217 ° C

- 2.65 × 10 -4 at T<Т ст

- 6.05 × 10 -4 at T\u003e T

Refractive index N d (in block) 1,59–1,60
Poisson's ratio 0,325
The dielectric constant 2,49–2,55

3 .2. Chemical properties

Chemical properties of styrene are due to the high reactivity of the side vinyl group. The phenyl core is affected in the process of thermal polymerization at the initiation stage. When the styrene is oxidized in air, polymer, formaldehyde and benzaldehyde is formulated.

Polystyrene refers to a group of very inert plastics. It is racks to the action of alkalis and halogeneous acids. Mounts to the action of concentrated nitric acid and glacial acetic acid.

The thermal destruction of polystyrene at a noticeable speed occurs at temperatures above 200 ° C. The main product of the decomposition is monomeric styrene. Polystyrene combustible. In order to reduce the risk of fire, phosphorus-containing connections are added to it. The widespread use of polystyrene in everyday life, construction, food industry dictates the need to maximize the residual monomer content in it. According to the current standards, the food polystyrene must contain less than 0.3% monomer.

4. Obtaining polystyrene

The main method of styrene production in the technique is still catalytic ethylbenzene dehydrogenation at high temperatures. Ethylbenzene, in turn, is obtained by catalytic-phase alkylation of benzene ethylene on anhydrous ALCL 3 in soft conditions. The release of the intermediate and the monomer in both processes is close to 90% of the theory. The highest complexity causes the purification of the final, product from ethylbenzene and side substances (benzene, toluene, etc.), which is carried out by multi-stage rectification of the mixture.

Studies conducted by the largest styrene manufacturers make it possible to gradually improve the technology of its production. Three types of dehydrogenation reactors are used - adiabatic with a fixed layer of catalyst, tubular isothermal and sectional.

The search for new paths of styrene synthesis, apparently, are not completely hopeless. Thus, a post-start-up message was published in the Spain of styrene production with a capacity of 79.4 thousand tons / year operating in the following scheme: ethylbenzene in mild conditions is oxidized in ethylbenzene hydraulic, which interacts with propylene in the presence of naphthenate molybdenum, forming methylphenylcarbinol and propylene oxide . Methylphenyl carbinol is isolated and dehydrated into styrene. Thus, the installation produces styrene, and propylene oxide (50% of the release of styrene). Although a lot of other methods of obtaining styrene are patented, including a straight pyrolysis of oil, the problem of producing a product from a mixture of components with a close boiling point still remains an obstacle obstacle to industrial implementation. True, and in this; Fundamentally new decisions are possible, for example, the Japanese company Togau reported on the development of a highly efficient process of extractive rectification of styrene from fractions generated during gasoline pyrolysis in ethylene and usually up to 30-35% styrene, about 52% of xylene and its isomers, as well as ethylbenzene and other components. The specific details of the process are unknown, but the authors claim that in production with a capacity of 20 thousand tons / year, the cost of styrene obtained in this process will be 30-40% lower than the usual.

Commodity styrene usually contains 99.6-99.7% of the main product and in most cases used for polymerization without any preliminary cleaning. In the laboratory conditions, when high demands are presented to the reproducibility of the results, the styrene is purified by vacuum distillation. The larger is very poorly dissolved water (Table 5), so that special cleaning from it is usually not required during radical polymerization. To carry out ion polymerization, the styrene is dried using low-alkaline drying reagents - calcium oxide, silica gel, sulphate or calcium chloride.

The pronounced styrene tendency to spontaneous (thermal) polymerization proceeding through the radical mechanism often causes

Table 5 - Water solubility in styrene and styrene in water

apply when stored inhibitors of the hydroquinone type (or n. - mPEM. - Butylpyrocatechina). Inhibitors also prevent the oxidation of styrene in air and accumulate peroxide in it, but they are effective at temperatures below 100 ° C.

Polymerization of styrene. The process consists of three stages. Initially, in some of many molecules contained in the reaction vessel, double bonds are split due to the elevated temperature and the presence of the catalyst. In other words, these molecules are activated (the first stage of polymerization). Then the active particles activate the following styrene molecules are connected to them, forming a circuit (next stage).

The chain growth is stopped if two growing chains are connected or if another residue is connected to the growing chain, for example, a catalyst fragment. This stage is called a circuit break.

5. Polystyrene structure

Primary lamellae have significant surface energy, therefore their aggregation occurs, leading to the formation of monocreditals - more complex supramolecular formations. When crystallization from a melt or a concentrated solution of polymer of the most common type of secondary crystalline formation is spherolis (Figure 3), having a ring or spherical shape and achieving giant sizes up to 1 cm. In radical or spherical spherolites, the frame is formed from tape, crystalline formations directed from the center to the periphery.

Figure 3 - Outmolecular structure of polymers: D) spherifluid tape (isotactic polystyrene)

The polyvinyl chloride obtained by the usual method, polyvinyl fluoride and polystyrene have a much lower degree of crystallinity and have lower melting points; In these polymers, physical properties are highly dependent on stereochemical configuration. Polystyrene obtained by free radical polymerization in solution is atthathic. This term means that if you focus carbon atoms of the polymer chain, giving it a correct zigzag form, then the phenyl side groups will be distributed randomly on one and the other side along the chain (as shown in Figure 4). In the polymerization of styrene in the presence of catalyst, the ciglera is formed isotactic Polystyrene, characterized from the attactic polymer in the fact that in its circuits all phenyl groups are located one or another side of the chain. The properties of attactic and isotactic polymers differ very significantly. Atthathic polymer can be molded at significantly lower temperatures, and it is dissolved in most solvents much better isotactic. There are many other types of stereoregular polymers, one of which is named syndiotactic ; In the circuits of this polymer, the lateral groups are alternately alternately, then on the other side of the chain, as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4 - configuration of atactic, isotactic and syndiotactic polystyrene

6. Methods of curing, glass transition temperature

The glass transition temperature (T st) corresponds to the temperature at which the mobility of the segments of polymer chains occurs.

Table 6 shows the values \u200b\u200bof polystyrene glassware. These data show the effect of heating rate from T st.

Table 6 - Polystyrene Fibergious Temperature

The form of the product from thermoplastic is obtained as a result of development in a plastic or high-elastic deformation polymer under the action of pressure when the polymer is heated. When recycling reactoplasts, the formation of the product is provided by combining the physical processes of formation with the chemical reactions of the curing of polymers. In this case, product properties determine the speed and completeness of curing. Incomplete use when curing the reaction capacity of the polymer determines the instability of the properties of the product from the reactoplasts over the time and the flow of destructive processes in the finished products. The low viscosity of reactive plates during formation leads to a decrease in non-uniformity properties, an increase in the speed of stress relaxation and less influence of degradation when processing on the quality of finished products from reactoplasts.

Depending on the processing method, curing is combined with the molding of the product (under pressing), occurs after the design of the product in the cavity of the form (injection molding and casting under pressure of react plates) or during the heat treatment of the formed billet (when forming large-sized products, for example, Ghetinakse sheets, fibercristolite and Dr.). Full curing reactoplasts requires in some cases several hours. To increase the removal of products from the equipment, the final curing can be made outside the forming equipment, since the stability of the form is purchased long before the completion of this process. For the same reason, the product is removed from the form without cooling.

When processing polymers (especially thermoplastics), the orientation of macromolecules in the direction of the material flow occurs. Along with the difference in orientation in different areas of heterogeneous in the cross section and the length of the products, structural heterogeneity occurs and internal stresses are developing.

The presence of temperature differences in cross section and the length of the part leads to an even greater structural heterogeneity and the appearance of additional stresses associated with the difference in cooling rates, crystallization, relaxation, and varying degrees of curing.

The heterogeneity of the properties of the material (at the specified reasons) is not always allowed and often leads to marriage (by instability of physical properties, sizes, warping, cracking). Reducing the inhomogeneity of the molecular structure and internal stresses can be achieved by thermal processing of the finished product. However, it is more effective to use the methods of directional regulation of structures in processing processes. For these purposes, additives are introduced into the polymer to influence the processes of formmolecular structures and contributing to the preparation of materials with the desired structure.

7. Application in industry

There are 2 main types of polystyrene polystyrene (GPPS), shockproof polystyrene (HIPS)

Transparent polystyrene (GPPS - General Purpose Polystyrene) - Power Material. It is used mainly for internal glazing, serves as an economical alternative to plexiglas.

HIPS (High Impact Polystyrene) has increased impact resistance, due to additives from butadiene or other special rubber, which have a shock viscosity to 60-70 kJ / m 2. Its scope is satisfied with wide range - outdoor advertising, trading equipment, refrigerator details and so Dality.

General Purpose Polystyrene (GPPS)

The material is used mainly for internal glazing, serves as an economical alternative to plexiglas.

The main advantages are: moisture resistant, the ease of processing is durable, have excellent optical transparency - 94%, have a good smooth surface, have a low density, resistant to chemical impacts, have high rigidity.

The extruded polystyrene is manufactured in the form of transparent, dairy, smoky, colored sheets. Anti-reflective and decorative sheets with a variety of texture are made. By special order, polystyrene sheets can be made without UV - stabilization. Such sheets can be used in contact with food products, as they meet all the existing rules for using material in contact with food.

Transparent polystyrene is fragile, brittle and uneasy. In this regard, complications arise when storing and transporting products from it. In addition, to achieve the necessary light scattering, it is necessary to use sheets with a corrugated surface, which often does not correspond to modern design. An essential disadvantage of the PS is its low resistance to UV radiation. However, polystyrene is a very economical material.

Typical Application: Decorative Partitions and Shirma Protective Image Covering Glazing of Shower Cabin Price Tags Stands Production of Luminaires All types of glazing indoors and others.

Polystyrene shockproof ( Hips )

Shockproof polystyrene high-quality sheet material is made for thermo-or vacuum molding processes. Hips is used in the production of outdoor advertising, details of refrigerators, plumbing, toys, food packaging, and the like. The surface of the material can be a glossy, matte, smooth or embossed, with a mirror surface, various colors. It is possible to manufacture sheets by coextrusion. This allows you to connect two layers of different colors or add the top layer with a glossy surface.

The shockproof polystyrene has a certain elasticity and thereby expands the possibility of its use in the manufacture of lighting products of a complex configuration with deep extract. The transformation coefficient (35-38%) and whiteness fully comply with the existing standards in Russia on lighting products.

Main advantages: increased impact resistance weak sensitivity to cuts. Ease of frost resistance to -40 ° C moisture resistance Excellent formability Ease in processing chemical resistance to acids and alkalis

In its "native" state, polystyrene is a rather fragile material, unsuitable for many tasks. Therefore, special additives that increase impact strength and flexibility are added to the initial raw material, and thus have a shockproof polystyrene. One of the varieties of impact polystyrene is a freon-resistant polystyrene used in the production of refrigeration equipment. Surface structure: matte on both sides or on one side of the glossy (the upper glossy layer is obtained by coextrusion with a polystyrene of a common destination), embossed. If necessary, the sheet on one side is treated with a corona discharge, the protective thermoformable film is applied to the sheet. With external use, a UV stabilizer is added, providing protection against yellowing under the influence of UV radiation.

Polystyrene lighting is one of the varieties of impact-resistant polystyrene, completely replaces the acrylic glass in the manufacture of structures with internal illumination. Unlike plexiglas, only one glossy surface has. The high popularity of the lighting polystyrene is caused by greater impact strength (compared to acrylic), ease of processing, environmental resistance and less cost.

Shockproof polystyrene is a more economical option compared to plexiglass due to low density, as well as the possibility of applying thinner (2-3 mm) sheets due to increased impact resistance compared to plexiglass (3-5 mm), which ensures savings 2 times , at the rate of 1 square. m. Svetorevator.

Coils, cassettes and bobbins for tape ribbon, sockets of radiolamps, facing plates, appliances scales, brackets and clamps for fixing cables, rechargeable cans, handles of tools and instruments, films, lampshairs, details of terminals, cases, shave accessories, toys, dishes, Tiles for finishing furniture, fporers, covers for cans and bottles, boxes, details of electrical switches, auto pen - this list of polystyrene products could be continued for a long time. The use of polystyrene is very diverse - from film in condensers with a thickness of 0.02 mm to thick plates made of polystyrene foam used as an insulating material in refrigeration.


The study of polymers, their physical, chemical properties, as well as the interaction of various polymers with each other, leads to the emergence of new compounds that would suit the desired properties. For example, you can create impact-resistant compounds, or compounds combining several desired properties, for example, impact resistance, frost resistance, resistance to sunlight.

So the study of polystyrene of one of the known polymers led to its universal use. We sometimes do not even think about what the one is made, or another subject around us. Increasingly, natural materials, such as wood, is replaced by plastics, which is much cheaper, and resistant wear.

You can make one big conclusion: you need to study new materials, firstly, natural materials remained not so much, and secondly, studying polymers can create connections that are several times superior to natural, and thirdly, the polymers began to be used in industry relatively recently And there is an opportunity to open something new.


1. Arzamas B.N. Materials science - Moscow: Mechanical engineering, 1986. - 456 p.

2. Becker H. Organic: Per. with it. - 2nd volume. - M.: Mir, 1992 - 474 p.

3. Malkin A.Ya.Polistirol. Phys. Chem. Basics of receiving and processing. - M.: Chemistry, 1975 - 263 p.

4. Paul D., Newman C., Polymer mixtures: Per with English / Edited by D. Pola, S.Nyuman. 1st Tom, - M.: Mir, 1981 - 541 p.

5. J. Bererts, M. Kasherio. Basics of organic chemistry. Volume 2nd. - M.: Mir, 1978 - 345 p.

6. Lecture material for organic chemistry.

7. Turkavkaz [Electronic resource] / polymer - spectrum; V. Simonov; ed. A. Markin; Maykop: Adyghe State University, 2005. Access mode:, free. Turkwebkaz, Turkavkaz.

8. Alhimik [Electronic resource] / Kunstkamera, Chemistry for curious. Basics of chemistry and entertaining experiments; Gross E., Weissman X.; ed. L.alikberova; M.: MITHT them. M.V. Lomonosova, 2006. Access:, free. Alchemist, Alhimik.

9. Mixport [Electronic resource] / Abstracts, Chemistry, polymers; A. Lebedev; ed. I. Podonic; M.: Russian University of Kimo-Technological University (PCTU). D.I. Imeleeva, 2008. Access mode:, free. Mikport, Mixport.

Phenyl groups prevent the ordered location of macromolecules and the formation of crystalline formations.

Polystyrene is a rigid, fragile, amorphous polymer with a high degree of optical light, low mechanical strength. Polystyrene has a low density (1060 kg / m³), \u200b\u200bshrinkage at injection processing 0.4-0.8%. Polystyrene has excellent dielectric properties and good frost resistance (up to -40 ° C). It has low chemical resistance (except diluted acids, alcohols and alkalis).


Industrial production of polystyrene is based on radical polymerization of styrene. There are 3 main ways to receive it:

Emulsion (PSE)

The most outdated method of obtaining, not widely used in production. Emulsion polystyrene is obtained by the reaction of the polymerization of styrene in an aqueous solution of alkaline substances at a temperature of 85-95 ° C. For this method, it is required: styrene, water, emulsifier and polymerization initiator. Styrene is pre-cleaned from inhibitors: Required-pyrocatechin or hydroquinone. Water soluble compounds, hydrogen dioxide or potassium persulfate are used as the reaction initiators. Solutions of fatty acids are used as emulsifiers, alkali (soap), sulfonic acid salts. The reactor is filled with aqueous solution of castor oil and styrene and polymerization initiators are injected with a thorough mixing, after which the mixture obtained is heated to 85-95 ° C. The monomer dissolved in soap micelles, begins to polymerize, acting from the emulsion drops. As a result, polymer-monomeric particles are formed. At the stage of 20% polymerization, the micellar soap is spent on the formation of adsorbed layers and the process further proceeds inside the polymer particles. The process ends when the free styrene content becomes less than 0.5%. Next, the emulsion is transported from the reactor to the precipitation stage in order to further reduce the residual monomer, for this, the emulsion is coagulated with a solution of the table salt and dried to give a powder mass with particle sizes up to 0.1 mm. Alkaline residues affect the quality of the material obtained, because it is impossible to completely eliminate foreign impurities, and their presence gives a yellowish tint to the polymer. This method can be obtained polystyrene with the highest molecular weight. The polystyrene obtained according to this method has an abbreviation - PSE, which is periodically found in technical documentation and old textbooks on polymeric materials.

Suspension (PSS)

The suspension polymerization method is made in a periodic diagram in reactors with a stirrer and a heat sink shirt. Styrene is prepared by suspending it in chemically purified water by applying emulsion stabilizers (polyvinyl alcohol, sodium polymethacrylate, magnesium hydroxide) and polymerization initiators. The polymerization process is performed with a gradual increase in temperature (up to 130 ° C) under pressure. The result is to obtain a suspension of which polystyrene is isolated by centrifugation, then it is washed and dried. This method of obtaining polystyrene is also obsolete and most suitable for both styrene copolymers. This method is mainly used in the production of polystyrene foam.

Block or resulting in mass (PSM)

There are two general-purpose polystyrene production schemes: full and incomplete conversion. Thermal polymerization in the mass along the continuous circuit is a system of series connected 2-3 column reactor apparatus with mixers. The polymerization is carried out postal in the benzene medium - first at a temperature of 80-100 ° C, and then step 100-220 ° C. The reaction stops with the degree of styrene conversion into polystyrene to 80-90% of the mass (with the method of incomplete conversion, the degree of polymerization is adjusted to 50-60%). The unreacted styrene monomer is removed from the melt polystyrene with vacuuming, lowering the residual styrene content in polystyrene to 0.01-0.05%, unreacted monomer returns to polymerization. Polystyrene obtained by block method is characterized by high purity and stability of parameters. This technology is most effective and practically no waste.


Available in the form of transparent cylindrical granules, which are processed into finished products with injection molding or extrusion at 190-230 ° C. The wide use of polystyrene (PS) and plastics based on it is based on its low cost, ease of processing and a huge assortment of various brands.

The widest use (more than 60% of the production of polystyrene plastics) was obtained by impact-resistant polystyrene, which are styrene copolymers with butadiene and styrene rolling butadiene. Currently, other numerous modifications of styrene copolymers are also created.

Of the polystyreters produce a wide range of products, which primarily apply in the household sphere of human activity (disposable dishes, packaging, children's toys, etc.), as well as the construction industry (heat-insulating plates, non-removable formwork, panel sandwich), facing and decorative Materials (ceiling baguette, ceiling decorative tiles, polystyrene sound-absorbing elements, adhesive bases, polymer concentrates), medical direction (parts of blood transfusion systems, Petri dish, auxiliary disposable tools). Foaming polystyrene after high-temperature treatment with water or steam can be used as a filtering material (filtering nozzle) in column filters during water treatment and wastewater treatment. High electrical indicators of polystyrene in ultra-high frequency domain allow it to be used in production: dielectric antennas, coaxial cable supports. Thin films (up to 100 μm) can be obtained, and in a mixture with co-polymers (styrene-styrene-styrene) to 20 microns, which are also successfully used in the packaging and confectionery industry, as well as the production of capacitors.

Shockproof polystyrene and its modifications were widely used in the field of household appliances and electronics (body elements of household appliances).

Military industry

Maximum low viscosity of polystyrene in benzene, allowing even in limit concentrations to obtain still moving solutions, led to the use of polystyrene as part of Napalm as a thickener, dependence of the "viscosity-temperature", which, in turn, decreases with an increase in the molecular weight of polystyrene. .


It is believed that polystyrene does not represent danger to the environment.


Polystyrene waste accumulates in the form of used products from PS and its copolymers, as well as in the form of industrial (technological) waste of the PS of general purpose, impact-resistant PS (UPS) and its copolymers. The secondary use of polystyrene plastics can follow the following paths:

  • disposal of highly polluted industrial waste;
  • utilization of technological waste UPS and ABS-plastic methods of injection molding, ectruzia and pressing;
  • utilization of worn goods;
  • recycling of polystyrene waste (PPP);
  • disposal of mixed waste.


When combing polystyrene, carbon dioxide is formed (CO 2), carbon monoxide (CO - ditch gas), soot. Combustion of polystyrene containing additives (for example, dyes, components that increase strength, etc.) can lead to an emission of others to the atmosphere harmful substances.


Polystyrene decomposition products formed during thermal degradation and thermo-oxidative destruction, toxic. When processing polystyrene as a result of partial destruction of the material, pairs of styrene, benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, carbon oxide may be released.

Types and marking of polystyrene and its copolymers

The world uses the following standard abbreviations:

  • PS - Polystyrene, Polystyrene (PS)
  • GPPS - General Purpose Polystyrene (general purpose polystyrene, not table, block, sometimes called "crystalline", PSE, PSS or PSM marking depends on the method of obtaining)
  • MIPS - Medium-Impact Polystyrene (Middle Impact)
  • HIPS - High-Impact Polystyrene (Shockproof, UPS, UPM)
  • EPS - Expandable Polystyrene (Foam Polystyrene, PSV)
  • The MIPS abbreviation is used relatively rarely.
  • ABS - acrylonitrile butadiene-styrene copolymer (ABS plastic, ABS copolymer)
  • ACS - Acrylonitrile chloroethylene-styrene copolymer (AHS copolymer)
  • AES, A / EPDM / S - Acrylonitrile copolymer, Skail and Styrene (NPP copolymer)
  • ASA - acrylic ether copolymer, styrene and acrylonitrile (as-copolymer)
  • ASR is a shockproof styrene copolymer (Advanced Styrene Resine))
  • MABS, M-ABS - Methyl methacrylate copolymer, acrylonitrile, butadiene and styrene, transparent ABS
  • MBS - methyl methacrylate butadiene styrene copolymer (MBS copolymer)
  • MS, SMMA - Methyl methacrylate copolymer and styrene (MS)
  • MSN - Methyl methacrylate copolymer, styrene and acrylonitrile (MSN)
  • SAM - Styrene and Methylstyrene copolymer (himself)
  • SAN, - AS - Styrene Copolymer and Acrylonitrile (San, CH)
  • SMA, S / MA - Styrene Maleinovo Anhydride copolymer.

Styrene copolymers - thermoplastic elastomers

  • ESI - ethylene-styrene interpolymer
  • SB, S / B - Styrene-butadiene copolymer
  • SBS, S / B / S - Styrene-Butadiene Styrene Copolymer
  • SEBS, S-E / B-S - Styrene-ethylene-butylene-styrene copolymer
  • SEEPS, S-E-E / P-S - Styrene ethylene / propylene-styrene copolymer
  • SEP - Styrene-ethylene-propylene copolymer
  • SEPS, S-E / P-S - Styrene-ethylene-propylene-styrene copolymer
  • SIS - Styrene-Isoprene Styrene Copolymer