Repairs Design Furniture

Without cabinet soft furniture with your own hands. How to make a sofa: Manufacturing instructions. Namely, performing cuts, carefully fit and cut off the extra edges of the upholstery

To date, the market of upholstered furniture in abundance is filled with various offers. But sometimes I want something special, made by your own hands. Choosing this path, you can make furniture you need and design, save finances.

Sofa size scheme.

So how do you make a soft sofa with your own hands? Let's figure it out, after all, the sofa do it yourself - the case that is practically everyone.

First Stage - Preparatory

How to make a sofa with your own hands? This question interests many. The sofa design is quite complex for beginners in the creation of furniture, so before proceeding to its manufacture, it is necessary to carefully examine all the nuances and features relating to the production of such furniture.

First you need to make a drawing of the future sofa on paper. All its components must be drawn on paper with the exact dimensions and other characteristics. A qualitative and detailed draft of the future sofa is a pledge of simple and rapid work on its manufacture. The standard version of the sofa implies its length of 1.9 m, but the height of the back, counting from the floor, about 0.8 m. Please note that the height of specifically the seat (excluding the size of the sofa pillows) must correspond to the value of about 0.3 m.

Before answering the question: how to make a sofa, you need to figure out its component elements. What is the usual sofa? It:

Sofa sofa scheme.

  1. Frame design.
  2. Armrests or railing.
  3. Sofa legs.
  4. Spread sofa.
  5. And directly the seat.

Everyone is clear that the basis of any kind of furniture is a skeleton design. From how it is made, and will depend on the service life of your furniture, in our case of a soft sofa. That is why experts advise only those materials that have high quality for mounting the framework. And also, pay attention to the size of the frame structure, because during the operation, when applying even minor errors, problems may arise regarding the deformation and the deflection of the sofa you made.

What else to pay attention to the production of furniture? This is her legs. In the sofa, they are the main support, but sometimes the features of the design allow them to perform an exclusively decorative function. In this case, the entire load falls on the frame. Make the feet of a sofa from Balyasin. Usually choose oak. Such legs look great in almost any design. In addition to aesthetic appearance, this material has sufficiently high strength, which is also important.

How to make a sofa: Preparation required for work

So, to make a sofa with your own hands, you will need:

Sofa dragging scheme.

  • Chipboard and fiberboard;
  • bar;
  • plywood;
  • foam, sintepon, etc.;
  • fabric for furniture upholstery;
  • furniture glue;
  • nails, screws, etc.

This is due to materials. You need to choose them with quality and safety for human health. The optimal option for the purchase is a well-proven construction market of your city. And now a few words about the tools. All you need is:

  • electric jigsaw;
  • drill and screwdriver;
  • sewing machine;
  • scissors and knife;
  • stapler for furniture;
  • a hammer.

Preparing all of the above, you can safely begin to make a frame design. This is one of the stages, allowing you to answer the question how to make a sofa yourself?

Soft sofa scheme in section.

Using prepared pre-drawings, you first need to make the base of the sofa. They drink it either from plywood or from wooden shields that remain from some old furniture. If you choose on the plywood, then you will need an electric jigsaw to work. With it, you can easily and quickly make the basis of the desired form and size.

Very often, in the production of furniture of a complex shape, its base is cut from several parts, which are subsequently connected to each other.

After completing the work on making the foundation of the future sofa, you can move to the assembly of the frame structure. It will consist of racks and partitions. Racks will be vertical, horizontal partitions. Do not forget that the height of your sofa should be designed in advance. You should choose this indicator, focusing on the purpose of furniture and the place in which it will be located. If this is a sofa for the kitchen, then its height will be slightly higher than usual, as it is linked, sitting on low furniture, very uncomfortable. But the sofa for the living room either the bedroom implies a smaller height, since his destination is rest.

Sofa upholstery scheme.

At the next stage, the frame construction is covered with plywood. Its installation is carried out with the help of adhesive composition, the screws are used in addition. The space formed inside the space is very well suited for storage of bed linen.

So, the frame is assembled, now it's time to proceed to the manufacture of the back of the sofa. If your sofa is usual and is not a folding or other mobile design, the mounting work on the backing fastening is performed similar to the method described above. It is clear that the back should correspond to the size of the sofa base. The bar in the upper and lower parts of the back should correspond to the size of 9 cm. But the length of the vertical parts is usually about 45 cm, while the width of each part is about 6 cm. In order to combine the back with the base with a qualitatively, metallic corners are used.

As for the angle of inclination, here you can choose a convenient option for you.

Make a sofa comfortable very simple, you just need to choose a convenient position for yourself.

Transition to the sofa design

Now everything is ready for us, all parts of the sofa are assembled, it means that the time of making soft details of furniture has come. Do not forget to pre-process the framework using sandpaper, then paint it into the color you need or apply a layer of colorless lacquer coating.

Using the fabric for furniture and foam rubber, you need to make two bases, the thickness of which will be approximately 20 cm. As for other sizes, for example, the widths and lengths of these parts, then you need to proceed from the parameters of your frame. More precisely, you need to take the sofa backrest parameters and base. In order for the foam rubber to you for a long time, it should be wrapped in a synthepion, so it will be much less subjected to wear. You can connect two soft parts with each other using the stapler or sewing with lightning between them (better detachable).

After that, on the base of the sofa, it is necessary to fix the prepared pillows. For these purposes, the so-called velcro tape is used. If you have excess fabric, foam rubber and other materials, you can in addition to sew beautiful sofa pads. They look beautiful in the interior, creating comfort, and very functional during the rest.

SIVAL Formation Scheme on spring block.

Performing work on the courtyard of the sofa, it is necessary to listen to some advice of professionals, then in the process of work you will not have any problems and do not have to start all over again. So:

  1. Before you begin to cut, you need to carefully measure all design details. Do not forget that you need to add a couple of centimeters to the parameters received to perform seams.
  2. In order to determine the amount of fabric more accurately (to save money), you can pre-make the layout of the piece of cuttings on paper. Do not forget that at the same time you need to take into account the pattern, and the direction of the pile, if any. If these are details of the seat, the direction of the pile should be from the back, and on the contamination of the backrest. If you have chosen a cloth with a large pattern, for example, striped, then, most likely, you will have to customize the drawing, and it will take a significant amount of material. Therefore, do not forget to purchase an additional tissue.
  3. Do not immediately cut down all parts, as some nuances can be revealed during the work. Collect and sew first one of the details, and after that, by estimating the result and making the necessary amendments, you can continue to work. For example, some furniture fabrics have the property in one direction or in both, some, on the contrary, are absolutely not subject to it. All of these moments need to be taken into account both at strollers and when the sofa is directly upholstered.

Summing up the outdated

Now you know how to make a soft sofa with your own hands. Agree, despite the complex design, work on its manufacture is available for self-execution. And the result of the work done will certainly be able to please not only you and members of your family, but also guests who can appreciate your work by spending the evening in your home.

Do not be afraid to do something wrong, because the experience brings only benefits, and, gaining it, you become a real professional master, who can be done by doing anyone, even the most difficult, tasks.

The interior of any modern apartment, a private house involves installing upholstered furniture: beds, chairs or sofa. Previously it was assumed that the living room serves as a place where the sofa was located. Today, the developers are presented with such many sofas of different types, which in its functional characteristics and appearance they can accommodate almost any room, ranging from the kitchen and ending with the balcony.

The newly minted owner of the upholstered furniture often arises the question of how to collect a sofa with their own hands. The installation process itself does not imply the presence of a special kind of technical knowledge and skills. The equipment of any sofas implies the presence of a user manual in which the mechanism of how to do this is detailed.

But it is necessary to take into account the fact that the different shape and filler of soft details make certain adjustments to the overall picture of the assembly. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to what the sofas can be.

Forms of sofas and types of filler

Allocate the following types:

Direct - a popular option, often referred to as a classic sofa. Find those responsible for the room the necessary dimensions of such a sofa will not be difficult.

The corner is a spacious and execution in the form of the letter "r" the option that has practicality, saves space by writing the corner, and also combines the function of the bed.

Modular - a representative of a new generation of upholstered furniture, which does not have a fixed configuration. There are sections that are transformed and are compiled in accordance with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe owner of the sofa. At the same time, they can be bonded with each other, and simply assign to each other.

In the production of soft parts, two types of fillers are used, which determine the following varieties: spring sofas (with dependent and independent blocks) and foam-foam (they use polyurethane foam).

Spring sofas are heavier than porolone and when installed can cause a number of difficulties in connection with weight.

Assembling a straight sofa

If after purchasing the sofa, it was decided on its independent installation, then a certain sequence of actions and a mandatory study of the sofa assembly scheme is necessary. First you need to carefully, without damaging the upholstery, free from the package every item. After that, it is recommended for a while simply leave them in such a state so that the material can "assimilate" the humidity and temperature conditions of the room.

At this time, you can check the quantity and quality of the accessories that comes in the kit, as well as prepare the desired tool: screwdrivers may need a drill with the drills of the desired diameter, hexagons.

The next step is to fasten the legs, if any. It is necessary to do this for the simple reason that in the assembled form, the design will be less than chanting and much harder. In addition, it makes sense to free yourself a space for further work so that all the details and tools are in sight.

The corresponding sofa includes the main frame and additional elements (back, armrests, decorative components).

The main assembly process is carried out in this way:

We put fasteners, aligning the hole and inserting bolts, screws or screws in them, as provided in the manual. Next, neatly twist them. Similarly, connect the seat and back of the sofa. The design obtained at this step is the basis.

Then, on both sides, install armrests on the frame and all the decorative elements, if any. There are cases when the mounting holes were not visible because they were hidden for the upholstery. Then it should be carefully beaten. The instructions should be said about this.

In the last step, check the sliding mechanism if the sofa is equipped with them. His work should pass smoothly, without a screenshot and outsiders.

It is important to remember that the inner fastener makes sense to twist not until it stops, subsequently, if the sofa turns out to be mounted incorrectly, it will be easier to disassemble it. However, after completion, you cannot forget about pulling up all attachment nodes.

Corner sofa and nuances of its installation

The assembly of the angular sofa implies the connection of two or three parts, which are seats, backs and extended part. Any specialist will recommend collecting the large elements of the sofa first, and then small.

First of all, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the design of such a sofa. It can be right-sided and left-sided, one of its part is longer than the other, the decomposition mechanism itself is different in different models; From these facts will depend on the sequence of assembly.

Rama, armrests, seats and backs - here are parts of the corner sofa, the connection of which requires the following steps:

  • First, the base, angular sections and armrests are attached with the help of support screws. Rollers are installed on the retractable part. All items must be strictly fixed.
  • With the help of screws, one of the armrests with the angular section are connected. It is necessary to check the stability of fixed elements.
  • The installation of the basic section and the back is carried out, and the box is connected to the second armrest, after which the assembled design is fastened with the corner section.
  • The rear wall is installed, fixed with armrests. It is necessary to check the stability of the resulting structure.
  • Finally, a rolling mechanism is attached to the guides installed in the base part.

There are angular sofas (Atlanta) bundled with a table that is attached to the side and performs the feature of the armrest. The assembly of the Atlanta sofa is carried out in such a sequence: first the transport fasteners are removed and the roll-up seat is shown fixed with a special focus, the screws are unscrewed with a screwdriver.

Next, the armrest is aligned with the back of the sofa and is fixed into two screws under the hexagon. Then, through the metal corner of the ottoman box and its wall on three screws pinned the back. A bar table, which simultaneously serves as the second armrest is screwed to the Ottoman for two screws under the hexagon. Thus, two modules are collected, subsequently they are tightened with the fasteners.

Assembling modular sofa

Each furniture manufacturer has its own design of modular sofas, only the plus remains unchanged that they can be collected and disassembled at their discretion. Another advantage of the modules is the fact that they themselves are often sold already in the mounted form, and the buyer is given the opportunity to combine them at their discretion.

But if the sofa equipment assumes the presence of a more complex module, it will be necessary to do a number of additional actions, taking into account the specifics of a particular model. Modular sofas are two types: sectional and transformable.

The sectional option implies a rigid connection of ready-made modules that the buyer chooses himself in the store itself. The possibility of combining is precisely at the pre-sale stage, when various layout options are considered. And there may be needed the drawings of the sofa assembly, which reflect all the nuances of possible combinations. Then, on site, the sofa is connected by the fasteners and remains in this form constantly.

A more interesting option is the transformable modular system. The number of purchased sections is unlimited, then any design is already formed. Initially acquired modular sofa when permuting sections can become a single bed or a set of chairs. In addition, sections can also be given a varied geometric shape: square, rectangular, round, etc.

Thus, the process of assembling the sofa is quite responsible occupation. But it is under the power of anyone who has the time, the necessary tool and the desire to do it with your own hands. In any case, there is always the opportunity to address professionals, the company's assedes that the sofa has been acquired, or to individuals providing installation services.

Photo process assembly sofa

Beautiful sofa serves as the main design element of any room. This is not just part of the furniture, but also a business card of the whole house, to which the attention of the visited guests is usually riveted. In specialized stores such furniture is usually quite expensive. If you make a sofa with your own hands, it will cost much cheaper. At home, it's not difficult to make it.

Nowadays, furniture objects that combine unusual design, style and functionality are becoming increasingly popular.

Using a simple project, make a quality product for even a person who previously never worked at the production of upholstered furniture. If in a modern apartment such a sofa will not look very respectable, then in a country house or in the country, it will be remarkably fit into the local interior.

One example can be called a sofa from pallets with drawers ..

The main components of the product are:

  • framework;
  • back;
  • side parts;
  • fissure covering.

This furniture can be made independently from the girlfriend, giving it this kind as you like it

The frame can have any shape and size. For its manufacture, wooden rails and bars are used. To give the design greater rigidity, plywood or chipboard sheets apply. The assembly is carried out using a screwdriver. All joints are first lubricated with joinery glue, then wooden parts are tightened with self-draws. In addition, the compounds are desirable to fix the corner metal fasteners.

Beautiful sofa serves as the main design element of any room.

The mattress frame is made from the board. To give a product of greater comfort, the reference area of \u200b\u200bthe frame can be made of intertwined furniture belts. First, the belts are attached to the frame vertically, then perpendicularly made horizontal binding. Despite the fact that in such a sofa, traditional steel spirals are not used, it will spring well. Therefore, it will always be nice to lie on it.

The angular bed looks more prestigious than the usual folding option.

The back is usually done by the hollow inside. The form of it can be given a rectangular either by hitch. For this, the end width at the base increases, and at the top decreases. The side parts are made in the same way as the back. The top and the front side of the back is flooded with foam foam mats. The inner side of the side parts of the foam rubber is stuck too. The glue must be applied with a wide brush with a uniform layer. Prior to the complete setting of glue, foam sheets should be tight pressed to the surface of the surface.

Independent household production makes it possible to create an original design, perfectly inscribed in the interior of a particular room.

Fissure covering is performed by harvested patterns or patterns. If you are missing, they are easy to do themselves. For this, the fabric is trying to each element of the sofa, after which the necessary cuts are made. After tights of the matter of all components of the parts, the final assembly is made. A simple design of such furniture is usually performed in three days.

Furniture shields are most often used for the manufacture of rounded sofa. They are made of wood or fat plywood. Such a material allows a round design to cope with the required load. To secure the upholstery in the sizes of individual parts there must be a certain margin. The lower soft parts under the trim is desirable to do multi-layered. Thanks to this, sitting will be much softer and more convenient.

Start the manufacture of a book-book should be with the creation of individual frameworks of the whole design.

How is the sofa book

Start the manufacture of a book-book should be with the creation of individual frameworks of the whole design. This includes sidewalls, back, seat, linen box. First, the boards are made of the board. This frame of the corners is strengthened by short slices of BRUSEV, and the bottom is complemented by the rails. For the back and seat, bars are also used, which are connected by self-drawing or special nails with a notch.

In the manufacture of the sofa, this tool is used:

  • wood hacksaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • plane;
  • a hammer;
  • scissors.

For the back and seat, bars are also used, which are connected by self-drawing or special nails with a notch.

Wooden lamellas are screwed to the resulting frames. They must play the role of support for the mattress. After all the frames are ready, an assembly is made. However, special mechanisms are needed here. You can buy them in the construction market or in the store. During the installation of the mechanisms between the foldable parts, it is necessary to leave the gap of about one centimeter.

The quality of this element will depend on the comfort and convenience of seating on the sofa.

In this case, the sofa must be decomposed. Due to the presence of the gap, it will be freely and folded. Before laying a foam rubber, above the lamellas first need to stick fliesline. This will make it possible to plots between the slats do not fail. The surface will always remain smooth. So that the sheets do not interfere with the work of folding mechanisms located near these parts of the angles are cut off.

However, special mechanisms are needed here.

On the edge of the seat is usually made soft roller. For this purpose, an additional foam strip is pasted on top of the solid layer. The bottom edge of the strip is bent under the seat and is also glued. Armrests are alleviated in the same way. This procedure is performed with the back. When the glue under the foam rubber will dry completely, covered covered covers covered in the size of furniture.

Making an angular sofa

First, the bottom is done, that is, the seat. Connected boards are sealed with self-draws and angular plates. Chipboard sheets are screwed down to the resulting box. For support, a separate frame is made. The reference part is also closed with plywood. Behind you can pull tight matter. Dimensions of the product are associated with the parameters and form of the mattress.

During the installation of the mechanisms between the foldable parts, it is necessary to leave the gap of about one centimeter.

Stages of manufacturing additional design are similar. To connect individual parts, an angular structure is made. It is usually made from the same material as the main elements. During the manufacture of this design, the angle of rotation should be taken into account. The back and the reference part are wedged with the Vatin. The rear side is closed with a dense cotton cloth.

Family members spend a lot of time on it.

The legs, as a rule, make square pieces of timber. For mounting to the bottom frame in the bars, holes are drilled. After that, they are applied to the bottom of the frame and fasten with long screws. In the manufacture of such furniture, special attention should be paid to design design. If it is done not correctly, there can be different defamations, strain, and other similar flaws may appear.

Behind you can pull tight matter.

For the manufacture of furniture, materials are used:

  • board;
  • bar;
  • foam;
  • furniture fabric;
  • carpentry glue.

If you decide to buy some unusual bed in the furniture salon, then it may not be for your pocket. Original products are very expensive. It will be much better to make a non-standard sofa bed with your own hands. Here are needed bars, boards and sheets of plywood appropriate thickness. The back is going from planks and pieces of timber. The facial part of the collected frame is best to entertain chipboard sheets.

Stages of manufacturing additional design are similar.

They are strong enough, and in the shops of building materials it is inexpensive. The assembled base is desirable to handle the vessel or cover with varnish. Due to this, she will last much longer. For soft parts, foam sheets are used. Fabric materials are attached to the frame with special nails with wide hats.

Unusual sofas

Often they are mastered from the girlfriend. Especially if the product is intended for giving. The base and the back of this furniture can be made from the used door sash. Details are purified from old coating and dirt, after which they are treated with grinding machine. Next, they need to paint either attach a veneer. One door flap is installed on wooden supports. The second sash is used as a back. To the base it should be attached under the angle convenient for you.

In the cozy dwelling is always beautiful upholstered furniture.

The mattress is cut out of the foam rubber. A piece of material must match the size of the seat. The resulting workpiece is first tightened with a dense cloth, then a beautiful fabric that has good quality is dressed above. In the manufacture of such furniture, special attention should be paid to the reliability of the frame base. It should easily withstand the load that will arise from seating on a sofa of several people.

Often they are mastered from the girlfriend.

Beautiful and cozy leisure furniture can be done with drawers, in which it is convenient to store bedding and clothing. Due to the high functionality of the design, in the bedroom there will be no need to additionally install the chest or wardrobe. It will save residential space, make room more spacious.

The product includes the following components:

  • back;
  • seat;
  • a couple of armrests;
  • retractable boxes.

It should easily withstand the load that will arise from seating on a sofa of several people.

Each part of the product is knocked out separately. The back is collected from long planks. To ensure the necessary stiffness, the planks are strengthened by short lateral bars. To get a bevel back, the rear strips must be longer, and the front is shorter. On top of the resulting frame, chipboard sheets are installed, which are then glued with a foam rubber and are trimmed with a cloth.

For seats, a similar frame is mounted. His difference consists only that it does not have a bevelled part. Armrests are attached on the sides. They should be screwed with long screws in several places. Retractable drawers are made frameless. Wood-chipboards are also used as a material. To both drawers easily put forward, special mechanisms are installed on the frame racks.

Beautiful and cozy leisure furniture can be done with drawers, in which it is convenient to store bedding and clothing.

After all parts are placed in the foam rubber, the syntheon is stacked on top. Further to protect the soft material, the entire sofa is trimmed with a strong cloth. From the quality of the final sheathing depends on the appearance of the furniture. If you wish your product look fashionable and respectable, you can use the skin or good leatherette. Now in the construction markets of such materials a large amount is presented.

Using girlfriend materials

From simple elements you can make furniture that will easily fit into any interior. If the design consists of a natural tree, the product will correctly serve not one year. Worn covers or the plated trim, if necessary, is easy to replace. Today, those objects of furniture that have an unusual design and style are popular. Machining goods from undergraduate materials, it can be given the most unexpected exclusive appearance.

Each part of the product is knocked out separately.

Independent household production makes it possible to create an original design, perfectly inscribed in the interior of a particular room. If your own goods turned out to be fashionable, reliable and beautiful, they can be proud of, boasting friends. Creating your furniture heads forces to everyone who at least a little knows how to use a joinery tool and has patience. To create an original furniture masterpiece, it is enough to turn on the fantasy, to show a bit of perfection and hard work.

On top of the resulting frame, chipboard sheets are installed, which are then glued with a foam rubber and are trimmed with a cloth.

In the cozy dwelling is always beautiful upholstered furniture. The dominant place, as a rule, takes a luxury sofa. Family members spend a lot of time on it. Here they play with children, sleep, satisfy gatherings with close friends. Before the production of its own sofa, you need to understand how it will be best to satisfy the needs of all family members.

The most popular products are:

  • corner;
  • book;
  • dolphin;
  • with folding mechanisms.

A similar frame is mounted for seats

This can also be attributed to the Tahtu. Such a product is extremely simple. It does not have any mechanisms for folding. Therefore, to make a tacht with your own hands does not represent any difficulty. Select the future bed is preferably given the place where it will be installed. Before starting work, you need to carry out the necessary measurements, make preliminary drawings.

Terminal work rules

The angular bed looks more prestigious than the usual folding option. If you do this job for the first time, it is better to make the most simple handicraft that does not have any additional shelves and boxes. When assembling the frame, do not try to make spike connections on the ends of the boards. Such work is performed only by professional carpenters. Separate elements to fasten with nails are not desirable. As the assembly is constantly loosened, with the time of nails begin to loosen the mount. It is better to use selflessness or screws.

Now in the construction markets of such materials a large amount is presented.

Of the natural wood, it is worth preferring coniferous rocks. Their fibrous structure is saturated with a resin that protects the tree from rotting processes. Thanks to this, goods from pine have a sufficiently long service life. Before starting the assembly, finished elements need to be chopped carefully. This will ensure the necessary security at further work. It is advisable to spend the material on the street, because a large amount of wood dust stands out.

From simple elements you can make furniture that will easily fit into any interior.

Frame is the main part. All other details are attached to it. When assembling the seat, you need to check the box to match the size of diagonals. The correct form of the box ensures the stability of the entire frame. Before sticker, you need to check all connections. If some junction is risen, it should be reinforced with additional screws or metal corners.

Available in every home. Someone has only in the living rooms and are meant for gatherings in a family circle, someone uses this furniture as an additional or main bedroom.

Of course, each person wants to install in the bedroom a huge with an orthopedic mattress. It can relax on it, remove fatigue and sleep well. But not everyone has such an opportunity. Since most urban apartments do not differ in large expanses.

If you live in a small apartment, then you can not be about installing a spacious bed and speech. After all, by installing a bed in a common room, it will simply be no place for the sofa, where you can spend time with friends.

So, if you decide to install a sofa in your home, it is worth considering the optimal option of folding models. The most ideal solution will be the installation of a sofa bed.

In the daytime, the furniture will not take a lot of free space, and it will be possible to spend leisure before the TV or in the circle of relatives and relatives. And at night, such furniture will completely replace the bed.

Make the sofa bed quite easily alone. Thus, you will acquire original and exclusive furniture, and do not spend your personal savings on the purchase of a sofa.

A feature of the sofa bed is the presence of a folding mechanism, which allows to exploit furniture as a sofa, and as a bed. Such a sofa can have various forms, designs and sizes. With your own hands, you can make a small sofa for one person or a spacious furniture object, on which two or three people will spread comfortably.

The benefits of the sofa bed include:

Council: The use of various upholstery materials will make it possible to make furniture for any interior style.

Material: array or pallets?

Make a sofa bed from different materials. The main thing is that they were:

  • natural and safe;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • affordable in the price plan;
  • attractive outwardly;
  • comfortable in work and care.

As for the manufacture of the frame, they will fit here:

When choosing the upholstery, you should give preference to tissues:

  • resistant to pollution;
  • easy to care;
  • unborn under direct sunny and ultraviolet rays;
  • sustainable hooks and breaks.

Also, the selected material should be air-permeable, hygroscopic, hypoallergenic and safe.

Reference: The presence of synthetic fibers in textiles makes the material resistant to pollution and easier in operation.

Most often, people prefer such materials:

As fillers for the manufacture of a sofa of the bed, they apply with their own hands:

  • porolon, a thickness of at least 2-3 cm;
  • sintepon (used as a lining between the foam rubber and the upholstery cloth);
  • coconut chips;
  • natural Latex;
  • hollofiber.


Before proceeding to the manufacture of a sofa bed, it is necessary to decide on it:

  • dimensions;
  • design;
  • materials manufacturing.

Before making parts and their assembly, you will need to make a preliminary drawing in all projections.. This will prevent errors in the working process and will significantly simplify the production of the sofa with their own hands.

Make a drawing of any furniture subject in different ways:

  • Draw from hand pencil on paper leaves. To do this, you need to be able to make diagrams and correctly count the size and number of parts.
  • Find a suitable ready-made online option. In this case, you can only change the color or texture of the upholstery. But experimenting with the change of dimensions is not worth it. This will lead to a decrease in the calculated product on the product during operation.
  • Take advantage of special computer programs. The ability to enjoy a personal computer will allow you to quickly and competently draw up a drawing in all projections with precisely designed details and their dimensions.


For the manufacture of a simple sofa bed of small sizes, the following consumables will be required:

From the tools will be useful:

  • electric jigsaw;
  • circular Saw;
  • drill with drills;
  • corolnic;
  • furniture stapler;
  • a hammer;
  • screwdriver.

How to do at home?

We will consider in detail the production of a sofa bed with dimensions of 1 m per 2.2 m in folded form, and in the unfolded - 1.4 m per 2.2 m.

The process of manufacturing and assembling the sofa bed will look like this:

Attention: When installing the folding mechanism, it is necessary to leave the gap of 10 cm between the back and the seat in the unfolded form.

That is the whole process of manufacturing and assembling the sofa bed. Now you can go to the finish finish - the framework of the frame with a cloth.

Finish treatment

The finish treatment of the bed sofa is:

  1. Fliseline feeding on the lamella and overlapping from top of the foam rubber 6 cm thick.
  2. Next, covers covers and put on the seat.
  3. Now the seats are attached to the seat and the sofa is completely ready for operation.


Options for decorating the result can be viewed in the following photos:

Useful video

The process of making a sofa can be viewed in the following video:


Summing up, it is worth noting that the independent production of the sofa bed is not only interesting, but also a useful occupation. Thus, you will save money and acquire a high-quality, durable and durable furniture subject.

In contact with

Nowadays, furniture stores are literally overflowed by various options for upholstered furniture of domestic and foreign production, but the prices for it are not always pleasing to buyers. In addition, the cost of products sometimes does not clearly correspond to the quality of their manufacture. Therefore, in order to purchase a set of furniture or at least one item one thing, it falls several months to save the desired amount or to get into debt, taking a loan.

However, there is another option to acquire the necessary interior accessory - this is done, for example, a sofa with your own hands. Those who at least know how to work with a carpentry tool, will not make a lot of work to do this although it is not easy, but very interesting work. This publication will present several options for the manufacture of sofas that can be used in residential premises or in the country area. Of these, it is quite possible to choose suitable for a particular case, both in design and by the degree of its complexity. Practice shows that it will be required three to four times less means than when purchasing a finished furniture item - so why not try to make it yourself.

Unfair manufacturers often make a frame of upholstered furniture from what will have to, since the buyer does not have the ability to control the quality of the material. So, for the main framework, the unedged bars, sent by the core, and to give the form backs - the usual cardboard. Well, the consumer for this literally a penny material, lined with more or less decent trim, gives the amount for which you can buy a used car or to live a very familiar whole family within a month. Therefore, making calculations and making sure that it is possible to save very decent means, you can take a job on your own. In essence, the money that will be saved will become a salary home master for the manufacture of furniture. Also, it will be a reason to stead your talents in front of relatives and friends.

Tools for work

Of course, it will require certain tools to work, which will be useful in the household not only for the manufacture of furniture, but also during repair. They will not take a lot of space in the closet on the balcony, a garage or one of the business buildings of a private house.

The list of tools required for work can be attributed:

  • Manual circular saw, electric jigsaw and (or) woodcutter and metal.
  • Roulette, folding meter, construction level, square.
  • Or screwdriver with a set of nozzles.
  • Electric drill with drill set.
  • Excellent, if there is a manual milling mill.
  • Food with a large notch.
  • Clamps for temporary fixation of structural elements to their capital bond.
  • Chisels
  • A hammer.
  • Pliers
  • Stapler and brackets.
  • Sewing machine for making covers for sofa coverage.

It should be noted here that if the furniture is used to use manual tools, work will take much longer, and the accuracy of the edges of the parts manufactured will not be guaranteed.

Instructions for the manufacture of several sofa models

First option: Production of a corner sofa

This sofa model may have different options according to its size and design features:

  • For example, the side protruding part of the sofa can be installed both on the left and on the right side;

  • For the installation of the lower, the retractable part, various mechanisms are used;
  • For the manufacture of the sofa, plywood or board can be used;
  • The soft parts of the design can be made of foam rubber and synthesis, or only from the synthetone.
  • For decorative sheat, cloth or dermatin is selected.

Prices for sofas

The sofa dimensions depend on the size of the room, the growth parameters of its owners, and, of course, their preferences. Taking the dimensions offered in the drawings, you can "try" to the room where the sofa is planned, and if necessary, it is planned to be corrected in one direction or another within reasonable.

This drawing will help you become a starting point in choosing the size of this object of furniture. However, it should be paid to the fact that this model is somewhat different by its design from the option, the manufacture of which will be described in the table. However, the difference is only in fixing the side back, which is embedded in the narrow section of the sofa.

This model is not so easy to manufacture, as it may seem at first glance, since the master applied special mechanisms for folding the sofa. But, having studied carefully instructions on its assembly, it is quite possible to understand and come to the conclusion that to make such a sofa in the conditions of a standard apartment, and without leaving one room - this is a fully achievable goal.

Manufacturing process - step by step

So, the first step should make calculations and determine the size. Not only the convenience of the sofa and its optimal accommodation in the room, but also the number of necessary materials and additional elements of the structure will depend on this stage.
To begin with, it is necessary to draw sofa sofa on a sheet of paper and write out all the necessary design details indicating their quantity. Based on the compiled list and calculates the final number of materials that will be required to purchase.
In this case, for the manufacture of a sofa, the mastery was chosen glued plywood with a thickness of 20 mm.
However, it can be used in a complex with a thickness of 20 ÷ 25 mm thick. The board is usually used to assemble the sofa frame, which is then trimmed by plywood.
If the complex design variant is selected, then the thickness of the plywood for the plating can be smaller and is 15 mm.
As you can see on the graphs presented, work can be carried out in the same room where the sofa is planned. The only thing to envisage is a solid foundation for which you can put the plywood and markup board and sawing.
It is best to place and make all the details of the design immediately, as when cutting wood, naturally, a large number of sawdust is formed, which can be removed from the room at the same time, without paying throughout the apartment.
It is even better at the time of the execution of these works to stretch on the floor of the room with a polyethylene film, which, after their completion, can be collapsed along with the garbage formed and take out of the house. Such an uncomply approach can get rid of themselves from small garbage, which has a property to be clogged under the plinths and to fly under another furniture.
Cutting plywood is made on the markup with a manual circular saw, which guarantees perfectly smooth spice of the edge.
Behind the absence of a saw, you can use electric jigsaw, but it is harder to be controlled with it, since its cutting part can go away.
Finished design details are recommended to numbered and sign - such foresight will significantly speed up the column of the sofa, as the components do not have to search for and select.
To fasten the details of the sofa in one design, you must prepare the screws on a tree with fine threads, a length of 50 ÷ 60, 30, 25 and 20 mm.
Here you need to take into account that they will be screwed into the end side of plywood with a thickness of 25 mm, so their diameter should not exceed 5 mm.
Self-tapping screws must have a conventional hat, as they need to be dried into the wood flush.
To avoid plywood cleavage, it is recommended before screwing into it with screws to drill a hole with a diameter of 3 mm. Then the fasteners will be lighted easier, and the foundation will remain a whole.
Now that sofa parts and fasteners are ready, you can go to the assembly of the structure.
Since it consists of two sections, a big one is going to start.
The back back is taken, and the side details of the lower box are attached to it.
They are screwed through the rear wall panel in the end side of the side element with two - three screws.
Now the resulting design is covered by the plywood sheet prepared in size.
When the sheet is screwed, this section of the sofa will acquire rigidity and strength.
The sheet is stacked exactly, it moves to the rear wall and is screwed by self-draws.
First, it is attached to the horizontal end surfaces of the side walls of the box, and then, through the rear wall, the self-tapping screws are screwed into the thickness of the chalk sheet.
The step of fasteners should be 150 ÷ \u200b\u200b180 mm.
The assembled section is installed in place where the sofa will be constantly, and proceed to assembling the second, narrow part of the sofa.
First, the lateral walls and the back of the box are collected.
Self-tapping screws are screwed across the wall of a smaller size and the back forming the width of the section into the ends of the long sides, with the same step in 150 ÷ \u200b\u200b180 mm.
Now to the collected box you need to fasten its bottom.
The sheet is covered with a box, aligned and fastened with self-strokes in the increments of their installation in 200 mm.
To secure the bottom, you can use the screws of a smaller length - 20 ÷ 25 mm, and their caps need to be dried into a plywood surface, otherwise there is a risk to spoil the floor covering them.
As a collected form, the design of a narrow section of the sofa looks like presented in the photo.
When the sofa is ready, the inner space of the box can be used for storing bedding or other things. However, so that less dust from the floors fall into the box, it is recommended to subsequently strip it with a cloth. For this, a thin lining material is well suitable.
Now that the frames of both sections are ready, they need to try on each other.
They are installed on the wall and move among themselves.
Next, you need to return to work on the first wide section.
Since it is planned to make a sofa sliding, for a part that will turn along and folded under the horizontal surface, three parts will be needed from plywood - this is a horizontal surface (sunbed), anterior wall and a plank width of 30 mm.
In addition to wooden parts, a special metal folding structure will be required, which can be purchased in the store furniture accessories. Its width is selected depending on the linear dimensions of the wide section of the sofa.
This metal mechanism is fixed on all three wooden parts that are not bonded among themselves.
First, the metal structure is screwed to the inside of the facade part, and its back side, equipped with wheels, is fixed to the plywood bar.
After that, you can make a test for addition. To the upper element of the design is made by any bar, which is performed by pressure.
In this case, the upper metal regiment of the mechanism must fall to the bottom.
If the system works well, then you can move to a temporary consolidation of the resulting folding structure of the sheet of plywood forming a sun bed.
It is temporarily fixed because it is necessary to determine the location on it of metal parts of the mechanism, as well as to carry out it to the overall design of the sofa.
It is necessary to remove the sun bed to lay the foam rubber and the skin of his cloth.
So, it is performed to fit the retractable part to the box of the wide section.
At this stage, it is important to make sure how well the details are confused to each other, and whether they are free to the space under the underlying of the main section.
The front side of the retractable part of the sofa should have the same height as the surface of the bed of the main section.
Now it is necessary to reconcile the lifting of the part of the sun bed, which is fixed on the retractable structure, determine the height of the corners along which it will walk, as well as the location of the stopper.
In order for the mobile part to be completely extended, and, reaching the edge of the lower part of the bed, stopped, a rectangular profile tube is fixed to the edge of the inside of the wide section.
For the convenience of the markup of its location, and then fastening, the wide section is turned over and placed on the back wall.
While the section is in an inverted position, on its lateral walls, from the inner side, the line is also placed along which the guide metal corners are then placed and fixed.
Thanks to these elements, the mobile part of the sofa will be freely advanced and move.
Corners are screwed through in advance drilled in the corners of a hole with a 20 mm long samples. The mount is carried out in 180 ÷ 200 mm.
When the retractable sun bed will be fitted to the surface of the main surface of the sofa, the Faneur can be removed.
So it will be convenient to make another fitting, and then perform the styling of the foam rubber on the extended surface.
The retractable part is installed by the wheels screwed to the plywood bar, on the corners recorded on the lateral sides of the wide section, and moves into the space under its sun bed.
Before making a soft part of the sun bed, plywood angles are recommended a little rounder jigsaw, or to handle with a large notch with a file - it will help keep the trim material from damage.
Now you can go to the trim of the retractable surface of the sun bed. To do this, a thoroughtum of 100 mm thick of the desired size should be prepared.
It is recommended to glue the plywood surface. For this purpose, polyurethane glue is suitable or "moment", which is pointing point to Faneru.
Top of the foam rubber sintepon.
The next step on top of the synthet board is put on the trim case, wraps on the opposite direction and is fixed to it with the help of the brackets driven by the stapler.
When the mobile part of the sun bed will be covered with the material, the folding metal structure is screwed back to it.
This finished part of the sofa need to set aside.
Next, you can move to the trim of the plywood base of the sun bed for a narrow section of the sofa. The porpaone can also be pasted on it, covered with syntheps, which is well smoothed.
After that, the sun bed is squeezed by dermatin - it is also fixed to the plywood brackets.
The sheltered sunbed too long aside.
The next step, the fabric you need to cover the backs of both sections of the design.
The angles of plywood backs should also be processed by the emery, then fasten the pieces of siny procession on their edges, after which they are tightened with a cloth that is fixed with brackets on the back side of the walls.
Further, the dermatin is frozen the front of the box and half the side walls of a narrow section of the sofa.
Under the trimming material it is recommended to lay a syntheton.
The covering of only these parts of the design is made because on the sides, a side back of the sofa will be fixed closer to the rear wall on one side, and a wide section will be adjusted to the other side.
Since the sun bed is a narrow part of the sofa should rise and descend. In the box of this section, special lifting mechanisms are placed and secured.
To test the work of these structural elements, after they are fixed on the sides of the narrow box, they alternately fit and the plywood strip is fixed and pressed down and then rises.
The bar should spring - this will subsequently lifting and lowering the bed of a narrow section.
If the mechanism works satisfactorily, then the attached plank is installed and is screwed to the trimmed soft part of the construction of the narrow section.
Here you will need an assistant, since at this stage the sun bed must be kept under the desired angle.
Now the cushions covered in dermatin are filled with syntheps and sewn.
It should be noted here that instead of a synthetic tube, the pillows can be formed from the foam rubber.
Next, side backs are formed from plywood and wooden rails.
They can have a rectangular top or rounded from one or two sides - this design is manufactured at their own request.
Some masters instead of wooden planks, use a thick thick cardboard with a thickness of 2 ÷ 2.5 mm, which is sprinkled with water from the sprayer before fixing. Wet material is more plastic and easier takes the right shape. After installing it, before the trimming of these elements of the design, the cardboard needs to dry well.
At the next stage of the work, the wooden or plywood-cardboard design of the side backs is completely, except for the bottom, is covered with syntheps.
The material is fixed with brackets.
The next step on the backs are worn by dermatin covers and are fixed with brackets to their lower part.
The finished backs are installed and fixed on both sides of the overall design - one from the outside narrow, the other to the wide section.
The reinforcement of the back is made through the walls from the inside of the box four - five self-testers.
In order for the fastening elements tightly in the material, the backs must be pressed against the wall, or they must reliably hold the assistant.
As a result, the sofa design without removable pillows will look like presented in this illustration.
To decompose the sofa, it is necessary to push the lower part with the sun-recessed in it.
Then, liabry is a single level with the rest of the pillows using the installed retractable lifting mechanism.
Here it should be noted that the author of the project went difficulty, choosing a sufficiently complex design for folding, requiring an accurate installation. If such a system is not found or seemed too complicated, then you can do somewhat differently, making a push box with a plywood lid.
However, in this case, instead of individual pillows, a double folding mattress is fixed on a wide section of the sofa. For the narrow section, two parts of the mattress are provided - the bottom is fixed to the plywood part of the sun bed, the upper is removable. The latter is simply removed and removed into the inner space of the section when laying the sofa.
Thus, all design pillows will be on the same level.
In this case, on the retractable part of the sofa, it will be necessary to fix four wheels, and under the plywood bed of a wide section to install a stopper.
Another nuance that I would like to clarify.
In some models of this type of sofas, the side back, which is installed on the narrow section, as if crashed into it, that is, it does not go beyond the overall design.
This option is convenient if the sofa must be pressed by this side to the wall, so there will be no space between it and the sofa in which dust will inevitably be accumulated.
If a model is selected with a built-in side back, as well as with mattresses instead of individual pillows on a sun bed, an angular sofa will look like presented on this illustration.
Moreover, in this case, all pillows are made of foam rubber, which must be covered with syntheps, and then fill in tissue or dermatop covers.

Second version: Sofa Book

Design features and necessary materials

This sofa option can be called traditional for many Russian apartments and, despite the fact that the model was developed several decades ago, it still remains in demand by buyers. This fact can be explained by the fact that it is simple and reliable in operation, and the mechanism designed to lay it is easily mounted, as it has a clear simple design.

Today, the task of making such a sofa is simplified by the fact that in modern furniture stores there is a large selection of fittings.

For example, the Fiberboard, which used to be used for the construction of the structure, can be replaced by lamellas intended for installation on beds and sofas. They not only well replace sheet material, but also compensate for the softness of the design, since they have a sprout property. Thanks to this quality, the thickness of the mattresses can be made less.

The design that will be presented below should be made and collected in accordance with these recommendations, but designer design, as well as the shape of the side backs, can be performed on their own sketches, but in compliance with the basic sizes.

So, a sofa book consists of the following elements - this is the back back, sunbed seat, side backs and a box for storing bedding or other things.

For the manufacture of the sofa of this design will be required:

  • The board with a thickness of 20 ÷ 25 and 200 mm width for a sofa frame.
  • Bar size in section 50 × 50, 60 × 40 and 50 × 30 mm.
  • Fiberboard thick 4 ÷ 5 mm.
  • 32 furniture lamers 65 mm wide, 500 mm long.
  • Foam and sintepon.
  • Touch fabric.
  • Sofa folding mechanism (pair).
  • Legs.

Illustrated Step-by-step manual instructions

The first step should be a sofa sketch drawing and put on it the size of all parts. Having such a graphic document before your eyes, it will be much easier to make all the necessary structural elements.

IllustrationBrief description of the operation
Build the sofa box is carried out first. Its size should be 1900 × 800 mm.
Moreover, first to the long details of the box, in their edges, bars are fixed - they are screwed with a diamond with a length of 60 mm.
The next step towards the inner sides of the bars attached on the long walls, the side parts are screwed.
Before the final tightening of fasteners, recommended, measuring the diagonal of the box - they must have the same size.
The next step, to impart rigidity, in the middle part of the bottom area of \u200b\u200bthe box, two transverse bars with a cross section of 50 × 30 mm are screwed up, 800 mm long. They are installed at a distance of 650 mm from the edge and 600 mm each other.
In order for the bars to be filled with the bottom side of the box, in the boards, the grooves of 55 mm width and a depth of 30 mm are cut on each other. In these grooves and fit, and then enshrine transverse bars.
After the box is assembled, it is trimmed with a sheet of fiberboard, the size of which is 1800 × 800 mm. The fixation of the sheet on the frame can be made by brackets, nails or screws with a length of 20 mm.
The next step is made of backing frames and seats - their design has the same linear parameters.
For their manufacture, a timber is prepared by a cross section of 50 × 40 mm. Seven details of the following sizes are cut out of it: 3 pcs. - 650 mm; 2 pcs. - 400 mm, 1 pc. - 1890 mm and 1 pc. - 1880 mm.
The frame assembly occurs in such a sequence: first on a bar with a length of 1890 mm, 50 mm is deposited from its edges. In these places, the bars 650 mm long will be fixed.
The other side is fixed along the edges of the bar having a length of 1880 mm.
Then, on long bars, their middle is determined and a middle cross is installed.
Further, the elements of 400 mm long are mounted on the free edges of the longest bar. In addition, they are screwed by self-pressing with a length of 70 ÷ 80 mm to extreme short transverse bars.
These elements, before consolidation, in the upper part are trimmed at an angle of 30 degrees. They will be in front of the sun bed and in the top of the back. When laying the sofa, the side back should be between these protractions of the structure.
The easiest connection of the bar is in Poledev, that is, in each bar on the site of its compound with perpendicular, half of its thickness is cut in the corners.
In our case, it is 20 mm, that is, the grooves must have a size of 50 × 50 × 20 mm.
To install a middle bar, from each of its edge, as well as 20 mm thickness, and the groove should also be cut on the place, and the groove should also have the above size.
Then the transverse beam is first pasted into the groove, and then screwed up with two 30 mm longs, with their location diagonally.
It must be said that it is possible to bind the structural elements by other connections, but this is one of the simplest.
Next, the long sides of the frame are placed to install the lamellae, the distance between which should be 60 mm.
Metal or plastic brackets with grooves are fixed on the markup, which come in a set with lamellas.
After fixing them on the frame of the back and sun bed, the edges of the lamella are inserted into them.
The next step is made side armrests.
First, the sizes shown in the illustration are placed, four identical parts are drawn and cut out.
Then the two cut parts are stacked in the mirror image to each other and are placed. For this marking, the bars having a thickness of 50 mm are fixed. To begin with, it can be glued with joinery glue.
Their width may be the same or different, the main thing is that in the places where they will be attached to the sofa box, the bar had a width of at least 80 ÷ 100 mm, since the holes for fastening bolts of 120 × 8 mm will be drilled in them.
The bolt holes are drilled immediately after drying the glue, to which the frame of the frame of the frame is fixed, at an altitude of 150 mm from the bottom of the side back.
Further, the frame is covered by the second one part carved from the fiberboard, which is nailed to it with a nail with a length of 30 mm.
After that, the sidewalls are turned over, and the other side of the Fiberboard is also nailed and holes are drilled in it.
Further, in the side walls of the box, at a height of 150 mm, with an indentation from the edge of 100 mm, the holes with a diameter of 10 mm are dried to fasten the side walls.
In addition, at this stage it is more convenient to fasten the sofa legs to the box, since after fixing the other elements, it will be more difficult to turn the box.
The next step on the back, sun bed and boxes are fixed by folding mechanisms. The scheme of their installation is presented on this illustration. The fixation of metal elements is performed using bolts for which holes drill in the side walls of the structures.
In addition to bolts, screws are used to fix the mechanism - they, for example, are additionally attached corner lining on the backs and seats.
To start on the side wall of the box, it is necessary to find the middle, in each direction 5 mm is deposited from it, at this distance from the middle the back and sun beds.
The mechanism is assigned to them and on all parts of the sofa, marks are made, for which holes will be drilled.
Next, the mechanism is fixed on all the details of the sofa.
After the folding system is fixed, the sofa need to try on the sofa.
But while they are not screwed them, since it is former that it will be necessary to make them trim.
The trim is produced, starting with the back and sun bed.
For this, the sofa is decomposed and on the lamellae, the phlizelin is on the lamella, then the subtle syntheps, and on top of it - a thickness of 50 mm thick.
So that the foam rubber does not interfere with the addition and laying of the sofa, its angles adjacent to the mechanism are cut, as shown in this illustration.
In order for the back and sun bed to be more convenient for seating, additional foam bands are pasted on top of the onmostrow foam rubber, 200% width and 20 ÷ 25 mm thick.
Then, all the flooring is covered by another sheet of foam rubber, 20 mm thick, but having a greater width, so that it can be beaten under the thickness of the under bedside design and for the back.
There, the foam is fixed with brackets with a stapler
The foam rubber fixed on the frame is covered with a thin layer of syntheps - these materials are well bonded with each other without the use of glue.
After that, on top of the back and sun bed, covered in size covers that are nailed to the wooden elements of the brackets design.
If you wish, in several places of the sofa are set by the same buttons with durable cords, which are used through the trim and are attached to the lamellae, and their ends are targeted to the wooden elements of the brackets.
After the trim, the underlying and backrest design, the upholstery is fixed on the facade side of the base-box.
Next, go to work on the side backs.
The first step on the upper side is pasted foam rubber. On the rise and in the upper part, the thickness of the foam rubber should be 50 mm, and in the lower area where the hand will lie - 80 mm.
It should be approximately as shown in the photo.
The next step, the side backrest armrest is covered with a foam-thickness of 20 mm thick, which is nailed to the fiberboard brackets.
From above, the foam rubber pinned on the armrest is fixed with another 20 mm thick thickness.
It should be beyond the front of the armrest of about 100 mm.
The front protruding part of the foam rubber is cooled and targeted by the brackets to the front part of the side back chamber.
Further, it is recommended to cover the foam rubber on the armrest, as well as the entire area located below the sinter walls, which is also nailed with brackets.
Before performing the next operation in the holes, dried in the side backs, the bolts are inserted to which washers are put on.
The next step is cut into pieces of fabric of the desired size and shape, and then, they are sideways the walls of the sides.
First, the fabric is nailed with brackets in the upper part, and then converted under the bottom of the back and fixes there.
Further, individual sections of the fabric are covered with armrests. These segments are fixed under armrests, on top of the already fixed fabric first with external, and then from the inside of the armrest.
After that, the fabric is neatly assembled into the folds and is fixed with a stapler from the front side of the side back, and on top of it is closed with a wooden decorative lining, which, like all the accessories, can be purchased in a specialized store.
It remains only to fasten the side backs to the lower box through the previously drilled holes. This process is made from within the framework design.
In the unfolded form, the manufactured sofa book looks like presented on this illustration.

Prices for corner sofas

corner sofas

Find out several available options from our new article on our portal.

Third option - sofa for giving from an old bath

Design features and necessary materials

Old bath after overhaul often becomes unnecessary burden. It is usually taken to a landfill or in the country and leave to indignue in the far corner of the plot. At best, it is warm in water for watering particularly whimsical plants. At the same time, considerable money is spent on the purchase of garden furniture. At the same time, not many know that from the bath, who served in the main role of the allotted period, it may well get a convenient and original sofa, which perfectly fit into the landscaped design of the territory and will serve very many years.

Such an unusual piece of furniture can be installed in the open air, on the terrace, in a gazebo or. With proper design, the sofa and interior of the country house will not spoil.

In order to make such a sofa suit both cast-iron and steel bath. Of course, it is harder to work with cast iron, and also to transfer such a piece of furniture from place to place is also not easy. But it is not foreseen from the steel bathroom. Sofas made from old baths, for many years, if they work well above them. Moreover, what design and color to choose for the sofa - the master is determined by itself. The most basic in the process of manufacture is the preparation of the base for paint, the cutout of the extra part and processing the edges after their trimming.

Check out unusual, inexpensive and very practical independent production, in a new article on our portal.

Step-by-step instructions for making a sofa of cast-iron bath

IllustrationBrief description of operations performed
In this embodiment, an old cast-iron bath with legs-legs is used, which are always decorating this accessory, and throw it out.
The illustration shows that the enamel coating of the container is in a very unenviable state. In all likelihood, she lacquered in the unheated shed or even lying around the open-air fence.
Dried enamel and the resulting corrosion divorces uniquely from the surface of the bath will have to be removed.
Since the cast iron surface does not differ in perfect smoothness, unlike the steel bath, it will have to work well above it to remove all the solar dirt, the remains of cracked enamel, slices of scale and give her aesthetic appearance.
The fastening of the legs to this model was carried out with the help of bolts, which during the operation of the bath and expectation of her "Renaissance" in the form of an original sofa, strongly rusted, and it is hardly to hope that they are unscrewed without the use of special means. Therefore, in order not to complicate the process and not spoil the thread, the composition (for example, WD-40) is sprayed onto the mount (for example, an rust softening.
Then this area is left for a while specified on the cylinder by the manufacturer.
After this time, the nuts from the bolts must be drilled without difficulty.
The same means should be processed by other parts that have threads that need to be removed before cleaning and painting tank.
Before switching to cleaning the surface, a markup is made, which will carry out the front of the front of the bath.
In this case, a neckline was already made in one of the edges of the bath, apparently, it was necessary to resort to the conduct of water pipes during the installation of the mixer.
So that this man-made flaw does not spoil the entire appearance of the design being created, the marking of the cutout is made from this side.
For bath marking, a kitchen and a dark marker is used, which will be clearly visible on the light surface.
To begin with, the lower part of the cut is determined - a carbon is assigned to the bath, and a perpendicular line is performed, which will be easier to navigate, making a slope under a large or smaller angle.
Next, accurate lines are scheduled for which a cut-out from one and the other side of the tank will be made.
Since the bath has an arched surface, and cutouts should be harmonized with each other, repeating the form of the tank, you can measure the desired distance at first from the vertical line of the direct angle using the roulette or the square, and then to the side.
One way or another, the lines from both sides will be located at different angles.
By defining an accurate outer line, it needs to be repeated on the inner surface of the container, since when cutting, work will be carried out both with outdoor and the inner side of the bath.
From the inside the curved surface is quite difficult to determine the straight angle, so the transfer of the line will have to do, so to speak to the eye.
However, special accuracy here from the master and not required - the curvature of the lines is still necessary, and it all depends more than the subsequent processing of the cut edge.
The second side of the tank, where the drain holes are located, is not so curved - more close to straight corner. But it is impossible to do the cutout that it is impossible, otherwise the visual equilibrium of the design will be lost.
Therefore, based on the vertical direct line, and considering the angle of the cut, which was found for the other side, the slope is determined and for the second side of the tank.
When the optimal inclination option is found, the lower points of the lines of both sides are connected by a horizontal line.
Now the grinder comes into operation with a disc on metal installed on it.
There are no problems with steel, but the task of cutting iron is very difficult, it is possible to say - delicate.
There is no way to praise the wizard showing the cutting on these illustrations - to the tool you need to fix the protective cover, as it is not known how such a heavy and fragile metal will behave like cast iron. It happens that when it cuts it, it begins to tear a circle, and it is very dangerous. The casing is understandable, a slightly closes the review, so the cut must be done very carefully.
Cut the cast iron very carefully, while it is necessary to protect the face, putting on a special mask, as it may be damaged by the disk or fly part of the metal cut.
It is not necessary to hurry, as it is easy during this process to overload the grinder and fully lead it into disrepair. So it is better to perform a thorny plots, 100-150 mm, giving a tool to rest and cool.
Initially, the line of the cut from the inside, on the curved bathing borders. Next, the cut is carried out on the outside of the capacity by the previously drawn line.
It is very difficult to cut quality bathing enamel if the cut is made from the inside. So work is better for the most part to perform from the outer surface of the bath.
If you have some kind of plot to cut on enamel, then it is better to first install a diamond circle, and carefully cleaned the enamel on the line of the cut. And then it is already moving to work with cutting circle for metal.
Cutting one side of the bath, ranging from the top side, go to the second side, to the drawn lower horizontal line.
Now it remains to make the horizontal, and the first, most perhaps the complex and dangerous stage of work will be completed.
For convenience, the bath is stacked, and then, if necessary, the backups are installed under it, since when cutting, it should stand on the surface very steadily. Basically, it applies to steel baths, as they have a smaller weight, the cast-iron option is usually tightly adjacent to the surface under their own severity.
This will look like a bath from which the fragment unnecessary in this case is cut.
Now, you can move to a less complex, but very dirty operation.
Further, there is a mandatory process of alignment and grinding of the cut, as the edge should be smooth and smooth, otherwise it is seriously injured.
Work is carried out by the same grinder. First, the cutting disk for metal is installed on it, with which the remaining metal burstles are cut.
Then, the edge is processed by a grinding disk.
The end end of the cut and its side parts are grouhed.
If the sofa is made of steel bath, its cut edge can be slightly folded down, as the metal is thin, and it will remain sharp even after grinding.
Further, the outer surface of the bath is cleaned with a metal brush installed on the grinder, and then the emery disk. Dust formed on its surface is collected by a vacuum cleaner.
After that, the outer side of the capacitance is coated with a primer designed for processing metal products. The primer layer is carefully applied, with a soft brush, since the substance should get into all the pores of the cast-iron surface.
The soil should dry well, after which the surface is again inspired by the emery disk with the average grain. Dust after cleaning is also assembled by a vacuum cleaner.
Immediately, you can carefully clean and brew the blanket legs taken earlier, as shown in the illustration.
Go to the next operation - the first layer of colors of the selected color is applied to the outer surface of the bath.
The paint needs to be chosen for external work, intended for metal. It will prevent the emergence and distribution of corrosion foci under the influence of externally.
After applying the paint, the flows formed on the surface of the bath must be assembled with a soft napkin, aligning the colorful layer it.
The napkin is applied to the desired surface areas and pressed to the metal, collecting over paint.
When the paint dries, another layer is applied on top of it, which will make the outer surface of the bath (that is, forgive, sofa) smoother, which will reduce the risk of detention on it of dust particles and dirt on it.
This is especially important if the sofa is planned to be installed on the street.
The legs of the bath and their attachments should also be well cleaned from rust - their processing, as we have already seen, is usually done at the bath of the bath. Cleaning, however, will have to be carried out manually.
Then all parts are processed by primer, dried, are cleaned and stained, it is possible to contrasting the color with the rest of the rest of the bath.
After that, the legs are fixed on the bath with a threaded connection. If there is an opportunity or necessity, the fasteners are replaced with new ones.
Now go to work on the inner surface of the cropped bath. The first step is to close the chips formed along the edge during metal cutting.
For this purpose, epoxy or polyurethane two-component putty, which is applied along the inside edge of the bath with a spatula.
Puttype roll up and leave until complete burials.
When the putty dries, the area where it was applied, it is necessary to clean well, and then polish with, for example, an eccentric grinder with emery nozzles of various grainies.
If there is no such tool, you will have to work manually - emery paper.
Further, the entire inner surface after its cleaning is covered with primer and left to dry.
It is very important to well process holes that are in any bath, as corrosive processes can begin from them.
In order for the primer, and then the paint does not hit the outer side of the tank, the paper that is removed only after completing all the work is fixed on all edges.
When the primer is completely dry, it is cleaned with all the surfaces of the eccentric grinding with a sandpaper.
The primer must be lurped into the cast iron surface.
Further, the inner surface is covered with an enamel of metal.
It is best to spray from the collapse, but you can apply with the help of a brush. If coloring will be carried out manually, then the paint needs to be slightly diluted with solvent and apply, taking a small amount of coloring composition on the brush. Only in this case the painting layer will be smooth.
Some masters apply paint with the help of a sponge, which is dipped into the paint, and then pressed to the surface. This process is quite long, but using such equipment you can reproduce the original divorces with the transitions of shades. In addition, the inner side of the bathroom will acquire a pleasant roughness.
Now it is worth considering the manufacture of a mattress that will be laid on the bottom of the sofa.
All similar soft details can be made both before and after staining and drying the container. But in order for the mattress perfectly lay on the bottom of the bath, it is necessary to remove the dimensions on the spot, that is, to lay a rectangular foam rubber sheet, cut in size, and then rounder its corners according to the form of the bottom part of the sofa.
For this work, you can use a sharp stationery knife and scissors.
The cut foam is laid on the fabric from which the case will be manufactured.
The fabric foam rubbing the marker, and when performing the cutting material, 10 mm is taken into account on the seam, that is, from the line left on the tissue with a marker, 10 mm retreats in a large side.
Such details will need two, and besides them, a strip of the same or other material will be needed equal to the thickness of the mattress plus 10 mm with each of its sides.
You still need to cut two ribbons with a width of 30 mm and a length that is equal to the edge of the mattress, plus 20 mm on the seam.
In addition, it will be necessary to prepare a cord that will be covered in the tape - it is necessary to maintain the form of the mattress.
The ribbon bends in half, the cord is inserted into it and is fixed by the sewing pins, after which the ribbon fastener is striking on the typewriter.
Next, the resulting edges are fixed on each main tissue detail of the future cover, the same pins and is shifted to them on the typewriter, after which the pins are removed.
After that, the details are combined with the front side inside. Then, first to one part from the wrong side, the lateral tape is pinned so that the edge of the edge with the cord chosen into it was from the front side.
Then, combined parts are stitching.
Further, the second side of the tape is pinned to the second part of the cover and also stitches, but only from three sides.
The fourth side will be sewn manually after the cover is put on the foam rubber.
The finished mattress should fit perfectly into the bottom part of the sofa bath.
If desired, the back of the bath can also be equipped with a soft support pillow, gluing it into a polyurethane or epoxy glue.
If the goal is set to get a sofa with a completely soft inner surface, you can sew a removable liner from the foam rubber and tissue, which will close completely from the inside the entire design.
Here already - the widest space for creativity.

It remains only to notice that if you include your fantasy, you can make not only a sofa from the bath, but also a chair, table and other furniture accessories.

Prices for popular sofas

inexpensive sofa

Read interesting information about a new life for old things in the new article -

Now, when detailed instructions for the manufacture of three different types of sofas have been studied, you can decide on the choice of the desired model in accordance with the planned place of its installation and the intended functionality of this object of furniture.

And at the end of the publication - a demonstration of the manufacturing process of another original and relatively simple sofa model.

Video: Independent manufacture of the original sofa