Repairs Design Furniture

Homemade vibrotol for paving slabs. How to make vibrationtol with your own hands? Production of vibrationtol with their own hands - security requirements

How much is it nice to have our own country house or a cottage with beautiful green lawns and smooth paths from paving slabs.

If you do not have a lot of money in order to purchase this element of the decor, then you can make a little effort and make the vibrostol for the manufacture of paving slabs with your own hands.

What it is

This is a simple design, with which the tile of various sizes and shapes is manufactured. It can be done with his own hands using the screwdriver.

For the manufacture of this self-made device, we will need: the engine (you can use the electric motor from the washing machine), the drawings that can be downloaded from the Internet, springs and several corners and chambers.

In general terms, this device looks like this: the metal base, on top of which, with the help of springs, the top plate and at the bottom of the electromagnetic engine, which will drive the slab in motion.

Vibration is needed to remove air bubbles and emptiness from a mixture, which gives excellent quality of finished products.

Tip: To work normally normally, and produced products on it had high quality, choose the perfectly smooth table top material and a steadily working vibromotor.

If you lose these two points, the device will produce uneven tiles even in specially purchased molds.

What we need

With independent manufacture of vibrationtol, you will need a welding machine and the ability to use it. Here are the most optimal dimensions: width - 70 cm, height - 80 cm, length - about 200 cm.

For the manufacture of legs of the table, use a rectangular profile tube, as in the process of making paving slabs, the legs due to the operation of the vibromotor will use large loads. After approximately 30 centimeters, breascut the crossbar for a more rigid design.

A steel sheet with dimensions of 2x0.7 m and a thickness of 5 mm is used as a material for the countertop. On the subframe and the main frame of the vibrostol, 4 glasses on each side are welded on each side and the springs are fixed in them, connecting the frame frames and countertops with each other.

If the glasses have a height of more than 2 cm, then the springs in fixing them do not need bolts.There are cases when the vibrotol is made without the use of glasses for springs.

In manufacturing such a design is undoubtedly simpler - the springs are immediately welded to the main frame and to the frame of the table top. But it has a few weighty minuses:

  • firstly, this design is not collapsible, and in case you need to transfer it to another place, it will be a difficult task;
  • the second minus is the impossibility of horizontal adjustment of the table top (in the case of glasses and bolts there is no such problem) and as a result - defective products.

Download drawings, photos or schemes can be free on the Internet, or see the video about the manufacture of vibratetol. The middle of the subframe is the most loaded part, since the electric motor is attached to it using brackets. It is he who will bring to work our table made at home.

It's important to know: The engine must be placed so that its shaft is along the table length.

At the end of the electric motor shaft, any eccentric that will be at your hand is fixed. The flange will be a good solution in which the holes have been done for fastening on one side of the cargo.

Unfortunately, find out the exact weight of the cargo will not immediately work - as there are a lot of variants of the used engines in the construction of the vibration table. Each weight must be selected individually, based on the number of engine speed and its power.

IMPORTANT - Do not overdo it with weight of cargo, otherwise the strong vibration quickly fails the electromotor and it will have to be replaced. Loads are relatively cheap and you can buy used for several hundred rubles.

Take care of installing special protection in the place of attachment of the eccentric in case it suddenly disconnects from the engine shaft. Make a hole on the edges in the width of vibrationtol and install removable sides for the convenience of making paving.

At the very end of the legs, weld fasteners for fastening the vibrostol to the base (for example - concrete floor). As a gasket, you can use a rubber pillow or a sheet of plywood.

Selection of the desired engine

Most likely, this is the most responsible moment in the process of manufacturing vibrationtol.

As already mentioned above, the engine is very well suited from the old washing machine, but its disadvantage is short-life: it is very quickly coming into disrepair, the maximum pulls about 30 working cycles. As a rule, he has or clinically bearing, or shaft is loosened.

If you're responsible for the manufacture of the viburninker, we recommend installing a potentiometer with which you can adjust the vibration frequency. It will help you customize the frequency of oscillations that is suitable for the desired solution type.

Take note: The ideal solution will be the IV-99 vibrator. It costs about 6,000 rubles, which is not so much in principle. In the attached instruction it is written how to prepare this engine to work.

Small tricks in the manufacture of vibrationtol:

  • carefully attribute to the selection of material for the stove. Basic requirements: to be solid and well transfer both vibration and static and dynamic loads;
  • calculation of vibration amplitude. The quality and appearance of products manufactured will depend on the amplitude;
  • engine Place in a specific place, according to the drawing.

So, you managed to make your mini machine for the production of paving slabs at home. You not only saved your funds (to buy a new table would take several times more money), but also got the opportunity to make tiles of those sizes and shapes that you like.

How to make vibrostol with your own hands, see the instructions in the following video:

For the manufacture of vibrationtol, with their own hands, except for the standard set of tools, you also need a welding machine and work skills on it. Prepared the necessary materials in the form of corners and chambers. The design of the table is thought out and the power of the desired engine is calculated. On such an adaptation, you can make paving slabs on the summer site.

Characteristic of vibrationtola

Production of vibrationtol for paving slabs with their own hands is justified if there is a cottage plot. Paving tiles are used in the country for paving tracks.

Purpose table. It consists in sealing the solution with the removal of air bubbles from it in the manufacture of paving slabs. This is due to the oscillatory movements of the working surface. This vibration is ensured by the engine operation, the frequency of which is 3 thousand rpm. Then the tile is removed from the forms and goes on drying.

Classification of equipment

Depending on the direction of vibration, the tables are:

  • with horizontal oscillations;
  • with vertical oscillations.

Tables received widespread in Russia precisely with horizontal fluctuations, but in some cases, structures with vertical vibration are used.

The vibrational movements of the bed of fixtures with horizontal vibration are performed using the engine, which has an eccentric on the shaft. Rotating, it causes the vibration of the upper half of the table.

By method of installing the product there are:

  • stationary;
  • mobile.

If the pavement tile is required on the equipment to form, then such tables are called molding. And in cases where the tile must be knocked out of the form, a rapid design is manufactured.

Preparation of necessary materials

To prevent a vibrotole with your own hands, you must first draw a drawing. After that, it is necessary to start harvesting materials for equipment:

Procedure for performing work

Vibrotole with their own hands begins to form from the ground. At the next stage, go to the tabletop. Then the general assembly is maintained.

Stages of work:

When installing, you need to monitor that the engine does not touch the floor.

Options for self-made manufacture

You can make with your own hands with different designs of vibrationtol. Consider possible options for self-made production.

Flame design

Such vibrationtol is needed to extract dried tiles from the form. The design of the vibrationtol is especially no different from the standard. The only difference is that the hole is made in the upper part.

Works are carried out in two ways:

  • Cooking is boiled. If the springs are not weld on top, then the replacement is carried out simply.
  • The native table top is being finalized. To do this, from one side, a removable hatch is made. Bottom is placed the soft base where the tile drops.

The process of manufacturing such a design does not cause special difficulties.

Non-standard devices

The manufacture of vibrationtol with their own hands is quite time consuming. If there is a need for a small volume of paving slabs, then a simplified design is used. It can be done at a high level.

To such varieties of tables include constructions:

  • From tires. Depending on the required height, 2 or 3 tires are taken. From above on them there is a wooden shield. Wooden sides are made on the sides, so that the forms do not move. You can attach a shield to the top tire with screws. A solution with a solution is mounted on a wooden surface. Tapping with a rubber hammer on a tree begins to create vibration. It is allowed at the bottom of the wooden shield fastening the engine with an eccentric.
  • From the shock drill or perforator. To do this, a plate of metal is attached from one end of the wooden plane, and rags or rubber are nourished from each other. The soft part is focused on the wall. The perforator is supplied to the metal plate. Instead of drill, a pipe is inserted into it. Its thickness should be such that it is possible to freely enter the cartridge. When the perforator is turned on, a good vibration begins to the network.

If there is a cottage plot, the need for vibrationtol arises constantly. Purchased product is expensive. Having made the design with their own hands, there is a significant savings of financial resources. There is no need for a serious adaptation. In this case, you can do with simplified structures. In the household there will always be old tires or rubber hammer. The product is small, but the work is performed on it efficiently.

Implementation of the idea of \u200b\u200bits own production of artificial stone or paving slabs starting from determining the list of necessary equipment. The most expensive acquisition will be electric vibrationtol. Making your own hands will reduce financial investments in your own business.

This is a product for paving pedestrian walkways, parking sites and around houses. Material serve:

  • Concrete.
  • Rubber.
  • Natural stone.
  • Clinker clay.
  • Wood.

The most affordable is the manufacture of vibration or vibropressing from concrete. In the other case, the solution with a solution is mounted on a vibrotol with an electric motor - a device that carries out oscillatory movements. Vibration provides:

  • strength;
  • removal of air bubbles from the mixture, seal;
  • uniformity.

Main elements:

  • Base - Design for fasteners of table tops.
  • Vibrator - an electric motor with an eccentric attached to the shaft.
  • Countertop - frame with sheet material (metal, chipboard, fiberboard).
  • Shock absorbers - a node intended to transmit vibration.

How to collect vibrationtol yourself?

The embodiment of the idea begins with the creation of schemes, drawings indicating the size.

1. Production of base.

As a support applies:

  • Welded construction from a metal profile.
  • Car tires.
  • Washer.

A metal bed is cooled from a corner, square (rectangular) pipes, a chapellery. The optimal size of the section: 50-80 mm depends on the size of the table, the total weight of the shape filled with a mixture.

The height of the bed is selected, considering:

  • Growth operator.
  • Installing the table for the foundation, pedestal.
  • Wrinking into the ground.

The width and length of the base is equal to or slightly, in a smaller side, differs from the dimensions of the countertops. Dimensions are made in accordance with parameters, in one batch of injection molds for paving slabs.

2. Select the vibration device.

Make a motor with an eccentric yourself or purchase a finished product - decide the master. Making from the engine that was lung in the pantry, the garage, is suitable for one-time release of a minor part of paving slabs. Production on an industrial scale will require the use of more reliable electromechanical instruments with the possibility of adjusting the frequency of oscillations.

The modification of the vibrator is selected by weight, dispersion, the number of molds of the party:

Methods for fastening the vibration device:

  • To the tabletop of vibrostol.
  • To an additional horizontal plane from a metal sheet or a chapellor.

It is more convenient to fix on the welded channel or a rectangular tube. By purchasing a vibrator, carefully read the instructions. Performing safety compliance requirements will reduce the likelihood of unexpected, dangerous situations for the life of the operator.

3. How to make a countertop?

The horizontal plane for placing forms with a concrete mixture can be made of durable sheet material:

  • Metal is most often used with a thickness of 6-10 mm.
  • Using plywood, chipboard, OSB will save money, but will reduce the service life.

Frame from the edge will prevent slipping, falling forms. The design has differences depending on the type of depreciation. The tabletop in the drawing number 2 provides for an additional frame for fastening belts, chains.

4. Installation of shock absorbers.

Vibration harvesting is necessary to reduce the transfer of oscillations from the table top to the base, increasing the amplitude. Types of shock absorbers:

  • Steel springs automotive new, used in use. Mounted on a piece of pipe, rod, welded to the bed. Quantity - from 4 pieces, in the corners. Glasses attached to the table top are put on the spring, the rigid fixation is absent (Scheme No. 1).
  • Rubber - sleeves, spacers. Fasteners, as in the previous version.
  • Frame suspensions with a tabletop - belt, chain, metal cable, springs for stretching. It is advisable to apply for tables with horizontal (circular) oscillations (drawing # 2).

The absence of rigid fastening is due to the need to periodically change worn, deformed shock absorbers. The weight of the countertop does not allow the connection disorders with the bed.

5. Technology assembling structural elements.

Homemade vibrationtol can be attributed to production equipment. Requirements for its assembly and operation do not depend on the place of application: at home, at the factory. In order to ensure the safety of the operator, perform a ground.

Assembly in steps:

  • Preparation of the site under the table. Compliance with the surface horizontal necessarily.
  • The installation of the bed is performed mobile or stationary. The choice of option depends on the need to move during operation. Hard fasteners are important for small-sized variants with a small mass.
  • Engine fastening and vibrator to worktop.
  • Springs (rubber bushings) are dressed on pipes (rods), welded to the bed.
  • The table top laid on the base. Shock absorbers are located inside the glasses on the frame.
  • The horizontal surface is aligned using a level. This will provide a uniform distribution of concrete in the form, proper geometry tiles.
  • Tests, adjust the amplitude of oscillations.

There are nuances that are important to consider:

1. The height of the table must correspond not only to human growth, but also a method for filling the forms of concrete solution. Take into account the large weight of the tank for the manual spill of the mixture.

2. Large equipment dimensions may require installation of 2 vibrators. In this case, it is important to avoid the emergence of resonance.

3. Determination of amplitude oscillations:

  • Fasten a pencil on the surface, the stylus must perform behind the edge of the table.
  • Turn on the engine.
  • Lower a sheet of paper fixed to the hard base. The trail from the pencil will allow you to determine the amplitude.

4. Metal parts for the exclusion of corrosion are covered with ground, paint or varnish.

5. Before the purchase, perform an analysis of the cost of the product, consider the replacement options for expensive items to cheaper:

  • Metal sheet replace plywood or detail from old furniture.
  • Springs acquire on car "collaps".
  • Vibrator replace the engine from the washing machine, use a perforator or a shock drill.
  • Used tires can play the role of the bed.
  • Instead of the table, use the old washing machine in the squeezing mode, with a bedspread in the tank.

6. Vibrotol with minor upgrades can be used as equipment for sifting bulk products (sand, cement).

7. Do not save when making tiles for sale. The higher the production culture, the better the quality of the product, below the cost. Perhaps it makes sense to purchase ready-made equipment with accurate adjustment of the process technology.

»Today we will analyze how to make a vibrotol for making paving slabs, paving stones and border stones with your own hands .. The design of the vibrostol for the manufacture of paving slabs is quite simple, the first thing from a metal corner or prof-pipe is welded the framework of the table, and the table top frame is made separately The surface of the table is covered with sheet metal 1-2 mm. The edges of the countertops must necessarily have a board with a height of 2 cm, and in the corners of the slot, so that the solution flowing out of the mold could fire and remain on the surface. Next, the frame of the table and the countertop must be collected into a single whole, for which steel springs are welded at the corners, they are necessary to create the most vibration created when the electric motor with an eccentric.

Vibrod Maker: It can be both factory and self-made, mostly the guys do themselves, there is nothing particularly difficult here. Any electric motor is taken (for example from a washing machine) a thick plate of metal with a welded bolt is put on the shaft and is tightened with a nut. Next, when working, such an eccentric will create vibration.

Vibration: What is it needed for? And it is necessary in order to establish a form with a solution to vibrationtol, the contents are evenly spread in shape, and most importantly, air bubbles come out. The main task of vibration is to release air from the cement mortar. The smaller the pores and air, the higher the strength and quality of paving slabs made on homemade vibrotole.

Form for paving slabs:today, the form (s) can be purchased in almost every major construction super-market, or order on the Internet any form, size and image of the picture. Material is also different: silicone, plastic, fiberglass.

And so, let's look at how to independently make a vibrostol for the manufacture of paving slabs?


  1. corner 20x20.
  2. profdrub rectangular cross section
  3. steel spring 4 pcs
  4. electric motor
  5. sheet metal 1-2 mm
  6. paint


  1. welding machine
  2. bulgarian (ush)
  3. drill
  4. rule
  5. corner
  6. a hammer

Step-by-step instructions for the manufacture of vibrotol.

So let's first look at the drawings of the vibratetol.


Immediately it is necessary to make a refinement and the rationalization proposal, since the self-made vibration mailting often fail, namely the eccentric displays the shaft into the spread and the engine clinite. So so that the coaxibility of the electric motor remained in constant working condition, the following should be done, place the shaft with the eccentric separately, and the torque is transmitted through the belt transmission, thereby significantly extend the engine resource. Here you have a small sketch for clarity.
Well, the guys drove further;) From the promotional rectangular section, the frame of the table (or from the corner) should be welded in each individual case, depending on your production capabilities. It is welded from angle of 20x20, the surface of the sheet metal is 1-2 mm, pay attention! The boards must be mandatory, they are needed so that when the vibration motor, the shape does not fly from the table. The slots in the corners of the table contribute to the natural removal of the solution spilled in the process of molding.
The springs in the corners of the vibrationtol are welded with welding, such springs can be taken for example from motorcycle shock absorbers. They serve to transfer vibration on the vibrostol tabletop. The length of the feet of the table should be strictly the same, so that there is no chasing and in the process of work everything was clear and smooth.
Next on the frame of the table is installed by a vibration motor. You can make it yourself (pay attention to the photo)

Well, or to buy a factory vibration motor with a large reserve of a resource, such a joy is enough for a long time. I hope with the creation of vibrationtol for the manufacture of paving slabs, you have a little dealt. And now let's talk about how to independently do this very pavement tile, what will you need, what subtleties and nuances are waiting for you in this matter? We will tell everything and show;)

Forms for the manufacture of paving slabs.

And so, the first thing you need for tile forms, today they can be bought in any large construction super-market, or order on the Internet any form and configuration. By the way, the material is also different - it is mainly plastic, silicone, fiberglass. According to custom, the longest resource has silicone forms, but the price will respectively above. Also drawing on the form is diverse.
Ready forms Now we know where to take, then the resulting molds need to be lubricated! Yes, comrades, it is to lubricate) it is necessary that the solution poured into the form does not affect the wall and after the frozenness safely released in the form of a finished sidewalk tile with a smooth and smooth surface. You can lubricate forms as special lubricants and folk, tested time. 1. These are detergents (for example, Ferie or AOS) is a soap solution and the inside of the matrix is \u200b\u200blubricated.
But this method is not all masters accept many guys to practice the use of spent machine oil. Efficiency is an order of magnitude higher, but a small oil trail remains. You can take the spent oil in the nearest car service where it will be given to you for free, well, or for a symbolic fee, because these guys have something complete, because in the specifics of your work they often change the oil in cars and pour new things.
By and large, the buckets or canisters with butter will be enough for a long time. The resulting oil overflow into a more comfortable dishes (can be in a sprayer)
And then everything is simple, lubricate the shape and lay the prepared in advance of the cement / sand / fine gravel / and water solution, a pigment dye is added to giving the color, which can also be bought in a construction store or order via the Internet.

You need to fill the form not complete, so that when the table vibration and spreading, the solution did not fall out for the edges Vibration is carried out until a complete spread of the solution in shape, and also need to be bubble from the solution, so that the pavement tile turned out the most durable. After the vibrostol, the shapes with the future tiles are sent to the racks. And the pallets must be exhibited strictly in terms of the level, so as the tile turned out to be smooth and smooth, without distortion. In such a position, the solution with the solution should be departed at least 24 hours, so that cement froze and sidewalk accepted its final form, then the contents are removed and shifted for further drying for another 2 weeks, and only then can be laid in the stacks and prepare for shipment. In this way, you can independently make a vibrationtol for the manufacture of paving slabs and cast your own tile, curb stone. If you have any questions, then ask them in the comments (see below) Let's try to answer.

Many thanks for your attention to new meetings!

For high-quality making with their own hands, paving slabs or sections of a concrete fence are needed vibrotol, which can be purchased, and can be made independently. It is easy to make it and is economically justified. Most materials for it are in any workshop or garage.

Studying prices for paving slabs and concrete fences, many are solved to make them independently. First, it is profitable, and secondly, on the subsequent manufacture, it is not bad to earn good, especially if you live in an area with a large number of new buildings and empty sites. To implement the idea, it is enough to choose forms and make vibrotol.

Nuances in preparation for work

Despite the fact that all methods of manufacture of vibrationtol are in many ways similar, there are nuances that need to be found at the stage of creating the drawing. In order not to redo everything after starting to work, we will analyze the main of them.

We select engine

Special vibration motor can be purchased in the store, but it costs it's not noone. Most people prefer to purchase engines from the familiar engines from washing machines or find the appropriate option in the garage. In general, it is possible to rely on such indicators: for large tables weighing 200-250 kg and tabletop longs from a meter to two - engine from 0.75 to 1.1 kW. For small vibrationtols up to two hundred kilograms and 1x1 meters size or less than 0.23 kW.

Do not forget that low-power engines are not intended for mass production and withstand about 30 cycles, after which they will have to change the bearings, and can also break the axis.

What material to choose for table top

Metal is most often used, as it is easier to clean it from the solution, but in our example the option with a stove from the OSP will be shown. The material selected is no coincidence, the main goal was to facilitate the design. The plate does not carry the structural load, but serves only the protection of the engine and the mechanism of vibration from the solution from entering them, so there is no need to make it from the metal.

When choosing a metal, pay attention not only to the dimensions, but also on the weight of the slab. If the engine is powerful, and the tabletop from fine metal - it can disrupt or bend it. If a thick metal and a motor from a washing machine is selected, its power is not enough to create the desired vibration.

Form base

Factory tables are based on four legs, an H-shaped base will be shown in our example. For strength and stability, it is not inferior to a classic form, but thus managed to achieve a convenient approach from any point. When dragging the solution or tile, the person does not cling to the partition, and the production consumption is significantly reduced. In the classical version, it is necessary to boil not only the frame, but also to strengthen it with cruciform planks.

For the manufacture of sections of the fences, there will have to make an oblong vibrationtol, a little longer than two meters long, and it is small for the tile, right up to 50x50 cm. Height each selects.

Springs or rubber pillows

For the manufacture of vibrotol, rubber pillows or springs are used. If the table is made for myself and works from a low-power motor - you can put rubber pillows. For a large tile or fence, a springs are needed.

With severe vibration, the stove faces tight rubber. Over time, these strikes will destroy not only the pillow, but also the tabletop itself. In addition, the strikes are transmitted by the bed and if they do not screw the platforms on the legs - they will break the floor or unevenly enter the ground.

Springs can be obtained free by asking from their friends. Others simply acquire springs on the market from a moped or car and cut into half. In height, they must be from 8 to 12 cm. Soft springs create less noise, but can compress much. Given that they choose their experienced, it is better not to risk.

To check the springs suitable or not, it follows the collected state to load the site by weight, twice as large as the planned load. In such a state, the countertop should not come into contact with a glass under the spring.

Two motors or one with the regulation of eccentric

There is a situation when a person found two old engines from washing machines and decided to install them on vibrationtol. It will normally work such engines under the condition that they are absolutely identical. Otherwise, different frequencies will lead to the "boiling" of concrete.

Some deliberately go to such a step, planning to regulate the power of vibration, including one or two motors at the same time. It is better to purchase one powerful and regulate the power of eccentrics, it will reduce the percentage of marriage.

Tools and materials for the manufacture of vibrostol

Since the vibration mode is very aggressive, the material for the future table must be chosen with the safety margin.

For the manufacture of vibrationtol, it will be necessary:

  • 12 meters of profile pipe measuring 100x80 mm;
  • a quarter of a square meter of a metal sheet with a thickness of 12 mm;
  • round hire with a diameter of 40 mm and 400 mm long;
  • round hire with a diameter of 100 mm and 150 mm long;
  • four bolts 20x100;
  • metal screws;
  • engine 2800 revolutions per 1 kW;
  • machine;
  • cable.

Required tools for work:

  • bulgarian;
  • a set of plumbing tools;
  • corolnic;
  • line;
  • electrodes;
  • cut circles.

Step-by-step instructions for the assembly of vibrotol

For the base, we cut six pieces from the pipe 100x80, 600 mm long and one two-meter piece. For the upper movable plates, we cut off four pieces from the profile pipe 100x80 with a length of 440 mm and two pieces of 2200 mm. From a sheet with a thickness of 12 mm, cut a rectangular piece of 600 per 400 mm.

Now proceed to the assembly. Let's start from the base, which consists of two n-shaped supports, set by the side and rigidly connected with another crossbar with welding, from a pipe segments with length 600 mm.

On the lower horizontal supports, 20x100 screws are installed, to adjust the table in the level. On the upper, 6 segments of the pipe with a height of 1 cm and a diameter under the spring are welded.

Well suited for this spring from the engine valves of the car ZIL or any other heavy truck. The cuts of the tubes are welded three pieces for each support. Tubes perform the role of glasses under the springs.

The top plate of vibrationtol is a rigidly welded rectangular frame, along the edges of which the cuts of the profile pipe with a length of 2200 mm are interconnected by parts of pipes of 440 mm, at equal distances from each other.

A 12-mm leaf is welded to the frame in the middle, the size of 600x400 mm, on which the vibration motor is mounted. At the edges of the frame, the same sockets are welded for springs, as in its lower part. The nest on both sides should be placed strictly opposite each other, so that the springs inserted in them are vertically.

The peculiarity of this table is that the vibration occurs in a horizontal plane, excluding the boiling of the mixture. That is why the mechanism of vibration needs to be made independently, and not to install the factory, whose vibration is vertical.

The vibrator mechanism itself consists of a closure for bearings and a hollow cylinder. Bearings are installed from two ends, and the cylinder itself is welded to the plate on the upper half of the vibrostol.

1 - cylinder; 2 - closures for bearings; 3 - bearings; 4 - shaft; 5 - eccentrics; 6 - pulley; 7 - Naka

In the bearings, the shaft is brought to which the pulley is worn, and two eccentric are installed on it, which are attached to six bolts. Since the bolts are located in a circle at the same distance, it makes it possible to rotate the eccentrics in relation to each other by regulating this vibration force. All this is fixed with a nut winding on the thread at the top of the shaft.

On the opposite side of the plate, a flange electric motor is fastened with four bolts. A pulley is pressed on the engine shaft. Rotation from the engine to the vibration mechanism is transmitted by means of a texture belt. All this is covered with an OSB plate, drunk in the size of the table.

That's basically it. The table is checked quite well, about four hundred tons of concrete, breakdowns and failures during this time were drilled on it.

Common mistakes in manufacturing

Some put springs are not in glasses, but put on steel fingers. When vibration, at the moment of pressure, they can slightly walk in different directions. Such uneven load quickly flashes the springs.

The countertop is framed around the edges so that the forms do not move to the floor, but one angle should be bent for drain. Then you will not have to ignite the residues of the solution to the craftsman.

To determine where to fight the glasses on the bed, you can lubricate the springs with solidol and press the frame to them, then the labels will remain on its surface.

Do not hurry and do it all better, then the equipment can be sold and get much more money than it was invested. Thus, you will not only save on the tile and fence, but also jump part of the material spent on their manufacture.