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Who met Alexander Popov. Swimmer Alexander Popov: photos, biography, personal life and sporting achievements. What country leader is now on this sport

Alexander Vladimirovich Popov is a Russian swimmer, the greatest popularity and peak of an incredible career of which fell on the speeches in the national team of the Russian Federation. The future owner of several world records in swimming both in the 25th and and 50 meter basins was originally developed as a spruce, but the profile of a sprint in free-style brought a great athlete of 4 gold Olympiad, six-time championship in world swimming forums, despite Hegemony of American swimmers in this form of the program. In addition, Alexander rose 21 times to the highest step of European swimming championships.

There is no bill with a total number of medals, but the athlete is interested in the fact that he was able to return to the path of his favorite pool, surviving the injury that was supposed to leave him overboard, but this man just did not know how to give up.

Childhood and hitting young Sasha in sports.

On November 16, 1971, in one of the closed towns of the Sverdlovsk region, Sverdlovsk - 75 appeared in the Soviet Union the future swimming king. Parents of the future legend were the workers on the "closed" enterprise, they did not think about big victories or a stormy career in a sports path, they led their only son in the pool to maintain health. However, the pool "sawing" the boy, Galina Witman noticed, under whose leadership, young Popov began to know the rapid sailing basics. Sport took possession of the thoughts of a young man and he even reduced schoolchardness because of this. The father tried to appreciate the heir, but Sasha already knew who wants to become.

Student and stormy takeoff.

The road led Alexander to the Volgograd Institute of Physical Culture. There, he continued his workouts, now under the leadership of Anatoly Zhukkova. The coach found that his ward is most suitable for the back, so he began to develop with the swimmer it is this swimming skill.

A promising young athlete could not even decide fame in this form of a competitive program, so the athlete had to find a new mentor.

And Alexandra picked up Gennady Turkish, who, unlike the predecessor, saw the challenges of the sprinter - Wolnik in the young man. Growth a little more than 2 meters, long hands, and, in general, a successful physique for this sport and predetermined the fate of the future of the national team of the national team. The change of swimming profile also brought first successes. In 1991, the New Year Sprinter finally submitted Europe, at the Athenian Championship Alexander he first first in two personal species and in the male relay. The pool opened the world of the future king of sprint sailing.

Further career path.

That loud victory was only an alternation of the birth of a new star of domestic and global swimming. Naturally, the athlete hit the country at the 1992 Olympic Forum. Here it is close to Popov and proved that he is not just the best in Europe, he has no equal even in the world. And again the success of the athlete fell at a distance of 50 meters and twice as much. As part of the relay fourth, the athle was able to achieve silver.

It is believed that it's easier to get to the top than to settle, but our hero from this top is clearly not going to descend. In his training work, he adhere to the principle that who the latter leaves the swimming pool in training, he sails the first in tournaments. Perseverance and excellent deposits and next year brought popov world championship on their favorite distances, this time conquered an athlete world record.

Until the next Olympiad, which was held in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bour athlete continued to shoot cream in sprints, but the media favorites exhibited American competitors of the Russian team, who on the season had the best indicators. The skin of that unborn bear was made between two Americans, and the success was predicted to them not only journalists, but also the bold attacks. In that failed success, even president of the blade was confident, who came to look at the triumph of compatriots. Alexander, naturally, did not do loud statements, he did everything on the launch of the pool and again took home two medals in the corona species.

Critical injury and overcoming circumstances.

After that Olympics, the athlete came to his native country. In August of the same year, the athlete shocks the public, there are reports in the newspapers that the legendary swimmer is slaughtered. In fact, Alexander, with a friend, came across two girls and stood up for them because of the indecent statement of local hooligans. As a result of the fight, young people were pretty greatly injured, and the Pops besides hitting the head, he also received a risen wound on the left side. Strong muscular corset prevented irreversible consequences, although they were damaged and even even the kidney of a young man. Avtandil Manvelidze, risked on operations, departing from the standard instruction for such cases, but the hope for the country saved.

Such injuries typically force people to part with sports, but our athlete has not yet pronounced. During the restoration and rehabilitation, Popov supported close, that in a year with a unbeatable will, after a year, they returned it to operation. Yes, so that he seized Europe, and the next year and the world, and again with the record.

Completion of competitive speeches.

The record holder among the swimmers of our country by the number of Golden Olympic Awards (four gold was also among Vladimir Salnis) participated in the two Olympic forums, won several medals. After the 2000th, athlete's successes stopped looking at Hegemony, and after five years Popov finished his professional path.

After leaving the competitive swimming, Alexander continued to work in sports and even became a member of the IOC.

Personal life

From 1993 year, Alexander Popov, he moved to a permanent residence in the Australian Canberra, in 97th marries a colleague from the Swimming team Darius Shmelieva. The girl took part in the two Olympics, truth to compare in achievements with her chosen she failed. Now the pair of three children, two guys and a girl. Alexander named after his firstborn.

The world community and many specialists recognized our athlete of the Swimmer of the Decade, he is a cavalier of several domestic orders, and part of the biography, wound and returning to the competitive regime formed the basis of one of the plot lines of the film "Champions. Faster, higher, stronger".

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Alexander Popov (November 16, 1971, Sverdlovsk-45, now G. Forest, Sverdlovsk Region, RSFSR, USSR) - Outstanding Soviet and Russian swimmer, four-stratified Olympic champion, six-time world champion, 21-fold European champion.

One of the dominant swimmers at the global level in the 1990s. Pupil of the sports club "Torch" of the city of Sverdlovsk-45. He graduated from the Volgograd State Institute of Physical Culture. He was awarded the Order "For Merit to Fatherland" III degree (August 26, 1996), the Order of Friendship (2002). Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1992). Growth 200 cm. Weight 87 kg. Delisted with Vladimir Salnikov, a record among all domestic swimmers in the number of gold Olympic awards (4).


Member of the IOC, Member of the Commission of Athletes of the International Olympic Committee.

Member of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation on Physical Culture and Sports.

Member of the Executive Committee of the Olympic Committee of Russia.

Member of the Supreme Council of the All-Russian Voluntary Society "Sports Russia".

First Vice President of the All-Russian Swimming Federation.

Chairman of the Public Organization "Russian Physical Cultural and Sports Society" Lokomotiv ".

He was awarded the Order "For Merit to Fatherland" III degree.


On August 24, 1996, an attempt was made at Alexander Popov. Together with each other, Leonid was accompanied by two familiar girls to the subway. Passed by the trading tents, from one of which, from those who stood behind the counter of sellers followed an indecent replica against the girl. Alexander and Leonid entered the exchange. A fight has faced, during which Leonid was smashed his head, face and cut her hand. Alexander was inflicted by a knife to the left side, which he did not pay attention until he began to frish. Also Popov was shown a stack on the back of the head.

At this time, the girls managed to stop a private drivers who brought the wounded popov to the hospital. Alexander immediately made an operation. Doctors diagnosed that the knife passed 15 centimeters deep into the left kidney, struck the diaphragm, hooked the lung. Nevertheless, it was the training of the body of Popov that did not allow complications to happen.

A day after leaving the hospital, Alexander was baptized. After some time, continued to play sports.

A family

Father - Popov Vladimir Anatolyevich (1943)

Mother - Popova Valentina Pavlovna (1949)

Married. Popova's spouse (Shmeleva) Daria Viktorovna is a vice-champion of europe for swimming. At the 1993 European Championship, the silver medal at a distance of 400 complex swimming was won.

Children: Vladimir (1997), Anton (2000), Mia (2010)

Once, at the famous swimmer Alexander Popova asked what he rejoices in life? The answer was such - only children can be rejected - candy, toys. And the adults can be rejected to everyone happily lived day. And added that the person lives while moving. If you stop - you will stop and your life. Therefore, it is so important to move, work. That is, to make a variety of events. Agree to whom, no matter how Alexander Popov is known ...

Dinara Kafiskin

- You probably are a cumier for many. And you had personalities on which you would like to be equal?

Honestly, no. For some reason I did not have a desire to look like someone. Of course, I admired the achievements of many athletes. But I wanted to seek heights myself. Focused on what I do. And worked in the sweat of the face. I put the goal and went to her. It all started with what they were given to the selection section when I was seven years old. There is nothing special about it. Many children have given parents in sports. And me, as well as other guys, had to combine study in a secondary school with class in the pool. Then I, of course, did not think that in the future it would become my life. Probably, in childhood, like other boys, I wanted to become a cosmonaut (smiles). But, you see, how it all happened. Water me, let's say, did not let go.

And I did it right. You have become a world-famous athlete - a four-fold Olympic champion, six-time world champion, 21-fold European champion. Who else boasts such achievements ...

Sport is a big job. No victory is given simply. It is necessary to work on yourself constantly, daily. It is impossible to relax. If you, of course, you want to achieve something. And it is very important that you have noticed, we saw opportunities and helped them uncover. And I am very grateful to my first coach Galina Vladimirovna Witman, who believed me and gave a ticket to a big sport. When I started doing it professionally, I realized that the sport consists not from only victories. Whatever you were talented, someday lose anyway. But still you have to be confident in every step that you are going to do. It does not matter - in sports or in life. And it is necessary to constantly stay a little unhappy. Even if you have achieved large goals. Must be motivation. I always adhered this.

- Now even there is an international swimming tournament at the Alexander Popov Cup.

Yes. And he became traditional. By the way, last year my eldest son participated in this tournament and officially confirmed the first discharge at the rated distance of his father - 100 m. Free style. For him, it was almost the first serious start. And he managed to do what we wanted. Participation in this kind of competitions, of course, is only good and because there is an opportunity to look at other participants. And myself understand where to move on. I'm an athlete. Therefore, there are certain requirements - both to yourself and to their children. In no case cannot be understood. But I have never forced them to do what they do not want. For me, too, no one pressed. What well. Excessive pressure for nothing. Just sometimes it is necessary to remind them that it is necessary to work, and not to be lazy. And it is important that children go well in a secondary school. Of course, this is not just combining with sports. But since the path is selected. It is necessary on it and go.

- Can you call yourself a happy man?

Yes. Because I have a wonderful wife and wonderful kids - two sons - Vladimir and Anton, and the youngest daughter Mia, who was born two years ago. Where does such an interesting name come from? This is a modern abbreviated version of Maria. When sons grew, I was still swimming. Was at various competitions, fees. Therefore, it was not possible to spend a lot of time with them. And Volodya with Anton grew so quickly ... Now work is also a lot of work. But as soon as the free "window" appears, of course, I am in a family circle, because it is most important in my life. And I am grateful to the spouse that she objectively spends time with our children, understands me and keeps me in my work.

This person remembered to everyone not only as the greatest swimmer who defended Russia in the Olympic Games, but also as a courageous wrestler for life, which made that not everyone under power. After severe injury, when even the doctors did not hoped for a complete recovery, the world champion Alexander Popov was able to overcome his ailment and return to the world of great sports.

Biography swimmer

The biography of Alexander Popova, a famous swimming champion, began in a closed town near Sverdlovsk, where he was born with a gloomy autumn evening in 1971. Parents were concerned about the weak health of the baby, a lot of time paid his physical education and did not suspect that they were making a path to a difficult sports victory. As soon as I went to the first class, they decided to continue the sporty development of the boy by swimming.

When the first time parents led Sasha to the pool, he frightened waterAnd a lot of time passed so that he would love her so much that he had to pass home after training. When the boy was fulfilled only ten years, he won the first competition in his life: he won 25 meters at a distance.

His diligence appreciated the coach Galina Vitman, seeing great potential in it. Whether she was not to know how dad and moms were almost forceful forced little children to climb into the hated pool only because it wanted to parents.

And Sasha became so fascinated by swimming that she threw school, unwanted marks appeared in the diary. Parents were concerned about his attitude towards study, asked to quit classes if they prevent learning. But the Son firmly said that the swimming would not leave. The coach had to strictly talk to him about the strength of the nature of the real athlete. In the fact that swimming seized with all the thoughts and feelings of the child, there was no doubt. However, in 12 years he still had to choose: or serious waters, or study, and he chose the first.

After school, the question of the place of study was not stood, Popov had long known that he would act in the Volgograd Institute of Physical Culture. In the walls of the educational institution, his mentor was Anatoly Zhukkov, who decided to continue with him a swimming on his back. Success classes did not bring, despite the efforts, and Alexander went to Gennady Turkishwho immediately saw a good sprinter in his ward.

Training on the development of freestyle, and it was a real study. Turkish demanded hard, but explained intelligently and rightly.

In 1991, when in Russia it was difficult with the products, "Gene Gench" took his pupils in Italy to impose a little. He believed that the athletes should eat right and well.

Sports career Popova

The first brilliant victory was to participate in 1991 in the European Championships in Athens, where Alexander received 4 gold medals, passing a distance of 50 and 100 meters. Next year brought Alexander Popov real sporting glory: he won two gold medals at the Olympic Games in Barcelona. Then there was the European Championship and two more "gold." In 1993, the athlete moved to Australia, where his coach worked.

The fact is that after the competition in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthe team worked with Turkish, broke up. Leaders went away, he signed a contract with a foreign team and in a year invited Popov to him, which proved his professionalism and in 1994:

  • twice won the World Championships;
  • a year later, in Vienna managed to earn higher awards in the personal and team competition;
  • he was famous for the whole world made Alexander Popov Olympiad-96, held in the American town of Atlanta.

The victory here went not easy. Sports experts assumed that "gold" will get American Hall. The athlete was in excellent form and at training shows showed the best results.

In addition, he performed in his country, and it also meant a lot. Even President Clinton arrived it. However, the Americans were waiting for disappointment: both gold medals were from the Russian swimmer Alexander Popov, and Bill Clinton listened to the end of the anthem of Russia.

Medal for Staterovka Alexander presented to his coach as a sign of appreciation. Thus, he returned to his homeland with a two-time Olympic champion and from now on his career growth went up, at that time he did not even know how many achievements are still waiting ahead. But this year, in addition to the triumph, brought the champion and his fans the hardest test: a hooligan attack was committed. Being already in Russia, they also accompanied familiar girls to the metro and to one of them heard an insult from the seller of a commercial stall.

A fight was raised, and Alexander was caused a knife blow to the left side. The wound turned out to be serious: the knife damaged the kidney and lung. It is not known what could end the incident if not the professionalism of the Surgeon Manvelidze, who conducted a unique operation, making an incision along the muscles, thereby retaining its mobility. This gave the opportunity to the athlete not only a year later to return, but also a lot of victories. Later this will be filmed a documentary called "Champions. Faster. Above. Stronger".

New victories

Exactly a year has needed a legendary swimmer for health restoration after surgery. The family and his Girl Dasha were all the time, and he quickly came to normal. He could not differently, because in the world of swimming, he was not different as the king.

And the athlete was ready for new achievements:

  1. In the summer of 1997 in Seville, he became the owner of two gold medals.
  2. Next year is another victory at the Olympics.
  3. Russian swimmer Alexander Vladimirovich Popov from the International Federation of Swimming awarded the Cup of the Outstanding Athlete of the Decade.

On the third Olympiad in Sydney "Gold" could not be obtained, but the second place on a swim on 100 meters he still dismantled.

Many sports analysts wrote then that the swimmer's sports career went to the sunset, but exactly three years later in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bhe again came forward at the low distance.

According to the athlete, in 2000 the so-called "wonderful costumes" appeared, which allegedly help the swimmer to develop the desired speed in the water. He always performed in alone melting, believed that the man was floating, not a suit. In 2005, Alexander Popov left the sport, she worries in the Olympic Committee and is engaged in public activities.

Being a member of the Council on Physical Education and Sports under the President, tries to defend the rights of athletes in every possible way. He never runs from foreign journalists, owning English well, and willingly shares experience in sports media. In France, an autobiographical book was published, a brief content of which the champion has expressed in one of the interviews.

Under his leadership, a whole group of companies "Academy Alexander Popova" works on projects of sports facilities.

If you briefly talk about the activities of the Academy, then its employees intend to give citizens of the country as many opportunities for sports and create relevant conditions for this. Now the fourfold Olympic champion lives with his family in Moscow. As for the pages in social networks, there are two opinions on this: or it does not communicate at all over the Internet, or uses aliases and nickname. In Instagram and VKontakte, the athlete is not found, although with the name "Alexander Popov" registered many users, among which bloggers, singers, designers, but there is no athlete.

Personal life

The athlete's personal life is fully established. To date, he has a friendly family, three children: Vladimir, Anton and Mia. Married, Popov's wife - Daria Shmelev, a former athlete, in the past, too, swimmer, his colleague. The daughter goes to primary school, and the eldest son, like the Father, is engaged in swimming and has the first successes.

Alexander and Daria got married in 1997, they lived then in Australia. The fate of their union is unusual. The first fell in love with the handsawa of the Swashing Dasha, then the timid girl did not know how to confess his feeling. Everyone in the team saw that she was not in love with a joke, and began to take her to all his competitions to support morally. As a result, they began to meet. In that fatal day, when a fight with hooligans happened, he gave the girl home.

At that time, the intention of creating a family from Alexander was not. Everything decided a minute. When he woke up in the hospital after surgery, the bed was sitting Dasha, who cared for him after the injury.

And then he understood for himself that loyal and rather, the girl was not in the world. Since then, they are together for more than twenty years. She is engaged in children and household and does not regret that once for the sake of his beloved man left her career.

Wikipedia contains data on biographies and sports achievements Alexander, he also has accounts of VC and in Instagram, but in contact with the athlete lays out little information about personal life.

Aleksandr Popov Career: Swimming
Birth: Russia »Vladimir region» Forest, 11/16/1971
Alexander Popov is the famous Russian athlete, swimmer, one of the most famous athletes of the 1990s. Born on November 16, 1971. Alexander Popov is a four-time Olympic champion, six-time champion of the world, 21-fold European champion. In addition, Alexander Popov is the "face of the famous brand of" Omega ".

Born on November 16, 1971 in Sverdlovsk, in the family of workers. Father - Popov Vladimir Alexandrovich (1943 born.). Mother Popova Valentina Pavlovna (1949 years). Spouse - Popova Daria Viktorovna. Sons: Vladimir (1997 born.), Anton (2000 year.).

Alexander's parents were not related to sports - both worked at the secret factory. The only son was taken to the swimming section so that Choo was engaged in health. After a few years, when Alexander began to win the first victories, and the swimming had more than one to interfere with their studies, dad asked if it was time to cum training. And heard from the Son: "It's too late."

Significant success in sports Popov was not achieved until then, while he did not move to Volgograd - to study at the university. There began to train from Anatoly Zhukkova, floated on his back. To retrain the free manner athlete offered his mentor, with whom he works so far, now the worldwide recognized coach of Gennady Turkish. Already then he believed that Popov had all the qualities of an outstanding sprinter - a high height, a good feeling of water and powerful elastic muscles. And the coach was not mistaken.

In 1991, Popov took part in the European Championships in Athens for the first time. And returned with four gold medals obtained on individual distances 50 and 100 meters by freestyle and in two relay. From this point on, the win-win series began, which continued without a small 7 years. Popov became the two-time Olympic champion in Barcelona (1992), followed by two gold at the European Championship-93. In 1994, he broke an important record on Staterketovka and won twice in the world championship in Rome.

Another two higher awards of the European Championship Russian Swimmer added to his collection in 1995 in Vienna. A year later, at the Olympic Games in Atlanta, he became Syznov first on distances 50 and 100 meters, repeating the outstanding achievement of the two-time Olympic champion of the American Johnny Weismueller: won the rigging on two games in the ridge.

By this point, Popov was considered the most outstanding swimmer in the world. The head coach of the American team for swimming Richard Kuych said about him: "Popov belongs to the most dangerous type of rivals for us. When he rises on the starting bedside table, he thinks not about money that Victoria will bring, but only about the fact that through a few minutes for His back in honor of his victory will raise the Russian flag. "

This property Popova fully manifested in Atlanta. According to experts, the Russian should not be overcome. His paramount importance is a rival - US citizen Gary Hall in that moment was in the best shape and in preliminary swims showed more high speeds. Especially on the shortest distance - 50 meters. On the day of the final in this form, the president of the US President Bill Clinton arrived in the pool - to throw a glance as the hall will win gold, and personally reward the champion. But Victoria went Russian.

Since 1993, Popov began to exist in Australia, where, after that, the Olympiad in Barcelona left to work under the contract. His coach Titures. On August 24, 1996, the tragedy happened: Arriving on the Ridges to Moscow, the swimmer was awesomely injured in a random street skirmish. The knife was knocked back below the left blade, passed on 15 centimeters, taped light and kidney. Operated Alexander the metropolitan surgeon Avtandil Manvelidze. An interesting fact: Operating the wounded patient, Manvelidze made a cut, not across the ribs, as they demanded generally accepted techniques in such cases, and along without cuts any muscle. It was this that I left the Popov chance to return to a huge sport and Syznov to get out of the order of record results. In the summer of the next year, Popov twice became European champion in the Spanish Seville.

Another gold medal of the World Championship, conquered in 1998, made a swimmer with a three-time world champion. At the same time, he was awarded the Prize of Fin (International Swimming Federation): a special cup recognizing Popov the most outstanding swimmer for decades.

European Championship-99 Popov lost: he received silver and bronze. He confessed to the same thing that he lost interest in competitions, swimming so many years and the same distances.

During the speeches, he refuted the widespread consideration that the maximum acne, with which a man is capable of moving in water is the length of his own body per second. The world record on the Staterometer established in 1994 was 48.21. In 2000, at the age of 28, Popov broke the record of the world and at a distance of 50 meters - 21.64 (in addition to this, the swimmer has owns a world record in a 25-meter pool - 46.74).

At the Olympic Games in Sydney, he was again considered a favorite on both distances. But it remained the second on the StaterTrovka and took the sixth location on a 50-meter distance. According to Gennady Turkish, they with a student a little wrong planned training, did not have time to get out of the peak of the form and, as a result, could not achieve the desired motivation and configuring on the struggle.

After the Olympics ended, Popov accepted the conclusion to continue swimming for another 4 years. "I started my career in Athens, in the same place, at the 2004 Olympics, I want to complete it," he said about this.

On Sydney's games, Popov was elected to the International Olympic Committee (IOC), becoming one of the most young members of this organization. He connects his upcoming with sports. To victories and titles, in the distinction from many athletes, refers philosophically: "Even the golden Olympic medals are interested in me as a kind of springboard. They give the likelihood to rise to the more qualitative order of life, to get an entertaining circle of communication, acquire the most diverse dating. Accordingly, there is a spacious Selection of further activities. "

The Russian swimmer is unusually popular in the midst of Western journalists and love them for constant benevolence, interesting judgments, excellent knowledge of English. In 2001, a presentation of his autobiographical book in French was held in Paris with great success.

The famous hour enterprise "Omega" chose Popova "Face of the Company", concluding a long-term advertising contract (the female "face" of the company is Cindy Crawford).

Once again, the same contract was extended then the games in Sydney, despite the fact that the swimmer did not achieve the expected victories. According to the company's heads, the main attractiveness of Popov is not so much in its titles, as in a complex of sports and human qualities, which, undoubtedly, are an example to imitate young people and invariably cause admiration for the older public. "The concepts of" Popov "and" Omega "are also inseparable as" Popov "and" Russia, "said at one fine time the only directors of the Corporation" Swiss Timing ".

Proposals to change Russian citizenship to Australian Alexander began to comply slightly from the first day of his stay in Australia. And the whole road was a refusal ("there are things that are not translated into coins. How many I have been walked, I will not perform under the Australian flag").

Alexander lives with family is still in Canberra. His hostess, in the past Plovcih, Daria Shmelev performed in the Russian national team at the 1992 and 1996 Olympic Games. In 1997, the air was born the initial son - Vladimir. Alexander was always dreamed of his son, saying once: "I am one kid's my parents, and I really don't want the dynasty to end on me." The second heir - Anton - was born in the fall of 2000.

Stay in Australia Nasovpov does not plan. Maybe after that, as it will finish swimming, moving into Europe. But whether he will return to the constant location of residence in Moscow, depends only on future work. This option Alexander also does not exclude. And all the time emphasizes in all his conversation that Moscow is the most beautiful hail of the world.

In 1997, Alexander Popov was awarded the Order "For Merit to Fatherland" II degree.

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Your comments
Antonina Zhukkova Volgograd Alexanda Vladimirovich from all Volgograd and from the family of bugs big hello and I want to extract the flu epidemic came to Moscow, do not take care of yourself and each other do not expose your family and yourself risk you are always the best of your best In the city of Sverdlovsk-45 (now the city of the Forest Sverdlovsk region !!!). We are proud of the victories of our athletes as their own! And let everyone know that it was our forest! :) Waiting for a film about our champion and I will look at him with pride !!! January 21 21:59 Antonina Zhukkova Volgograd Antonina Anatolyevna Zhukkova 31 years old Volgograd I wish you and your family success and the brightest days and believe in each other and let this year bring more fun and smile and swimming again will become dominant happy New Year and take care of each other on January 9 17:25 Antonina Zhukkova Volgograd Alexander Great All Volgograd congratulates you on the upcoming new year and wishes good luck to the success of the charm of health and replacement and more listen to your soul more smile 23 December 19:22 Antonina Zhukkova Volgograd and again hello the great Alexander and your days will be like the sun bright and your family you are simply kindup and also briefly in everything to keep it and from Volgograd a big thanks December 9 20:11 Antonina Alexander Great happy birthday happy birthday to you Do not leave you always always and in the sun I am lucky letting your life sparkle again and the luck of the children will not leave if the Lord helps them in life for joy you children grow let the world happy seem and loyal and good friends will be happy birthday to you 16 November 16:59 Antonina Alexander Great again Hello! Let your days be bright and the health is strong and your children will be proud of life. You see what you said about Kazan Our children's heroes all the same rehabilitated themselves with their medals whose medals were not at the World Sports Championships in Kazan Everything is good - Good luck by Antonina Zhukkova Volgograd November 11, 19:33 Antonina Alexander Great again You praise you for your desire to help swimming and wish you the success of health and children with your happiness and sun over your head and for the dream, no matter how difficult Antonina Zhukkova Volgograd was not difficult for 5 November 16:38 Antonina Alexander you are just the most motive person and just keep yourself in the most Incredible litters in swimming so keep it very cool success of happiness and family well-being from Volgograd October 25, 18:06 Antonina Alexander You Be the leader in everything and take care of children you continue to live happy October 7th 17:35 Antonina Volgograd You are just a great man you and only you can be king sailing on August 31, 18:09 Antonina Volgograd Alexander Great Stand up at the head of the Swimming Federation and you will save sailing on August 31, 18:08 Antonina Volgograd Alexander Great All Volgograd with you we worry for swimming on August 11, 19:17 Antonina Volgograd Alexander is Antonina Zhukkova wishes our swimmers victory, good luck, sun and joy at the championship in Kazan July 24 12:11

Russian swimmer, four-time Olympic champion Alexander Vladimirovich Popov was born on November 16, 1971 in the city of Sverdlovsk-45 (now the city of the Forest Sverdlovsk region).

In 1994 he graduated from the Volgograd Institute of Physical Culture (now the Volgograd State Academy of Physical Culture).

Swimming began to study at eight years, visited in the hometown of the children-youth sports school "Torch". Specialized in swimming on the back. Since 1990, on the initiative of the head coach, the USSR national team Gleb Petrov began to train from Gennady Turkish and swim by free style.

In 1991, four gold medals in the individual distances of 50 and 100 meters of freestyle and two relays won the European Championships in Athens Popov. From this point on, Alexander Popov's win-win series began, which lasted for almost seven years.

He became a two-time Olympic champion in Barcelona (1992), then won two gold at the 1993 European Championships on individual distances and two in the relay. In 1994 he broke the world record on Staterketovka (48.21 seconds) and twice won the World Championships in Rome. Four more higher European championship awards Russian swimmer added to his collection in 1995 in Vienna.

In 1996, at the Olympic Games in Atlanta, he again became the first at distances of 50 and 100 meters.

Since 1993, Popov lived and trained in Australia, where after the Olympics in Barcelona went to work under the contract his coach Gennady Turkish.

In August 1996, having arrived at rest in Moscow, the swimmer was seriously injured in a random street skirmish. Alexander was able to return to the Great Sport and in the summer of 1997 four times became the champion of Europe in the Spanish Seville. In 1998, Swimmer won another gold medal of the world championship, becoming a three-time world champion. At the 1999 European Championship, Alexander Popov became the owner of two silver and two bronze medals.

In 2000, Alexander Popov broke the world record at a distance of 50 meters - 21.64 seconds. The swimmer also belongs to the world record at the 26.74 seconds installed in 1994.

In 2000, the Olympic Games in Sydney became the second on the Staterkeeper and took the sixth place on a 50-meter distance.

Alexander Popov is a four-time Olympic champion (1992 - two, 1996 - two), the silver medalist of the Olympic Games (1992 - two, 1996 - two, 2000). Six-time world champion (1994 - two, 1998, 2003 - three), silver (1994 - two, 1998, 2003) and Bronze (1998) winner of the world championships. Bronze medalist of the world championship in short water (2002 - two). Multiple European champion (1991 - three, 1993 - four, 1995 - four, 1997 - four, 2000 - four, 2002, 2004). Silver (1999 - two, 2002) and Bronze (1999) winner of European Championships. European champion in short water (1991).

Multiple champion of Russia. Multiple record holder of peace and Europe, the multiple winner of the World Cup, a repeated winner of goodwill games (1994, 1998).

From April 2004, for several years held the All-Russian Swimming Federation.

In 2000-2016, a member of the International Olympic Committee, since 2016 -