Repairs Design Furniture

Reverse Hammer for Body Richtovka. For Richtovka Indispensable Return Hammer How to make a reverse hammer to remove dents

The reverse hammer is a metal pin with a length of 50 cm. On the one hand, an ebonite handle is fixed to which a small steel washer is adjacent. On the other - the thread to screw the hooks of stretching. The hammer is used to align the body of the car.

When carrying out repair work, a welding machine is required - Spotter. In modern models, the welding device is supplied complete with a reverse hammer, which simplifies the work on equalizing metal surfaces.

Tying types

There are several types of reverse hammers:

  • with a pneumatic mechanism;
  • sPOTTER;
  • with 2 and 3 weights for better driving force control;
  • vacuum reverse hammer.

To apply the first three types of devices, the surface of the car is grinding under zero, that is, the complete removal of the paint coating. In the last version, the hammer has a tip not in the form of a hook, but in the form of a suction cup.

The vacuum tool is used directly on the painted surface, without disturbing the integrity of the coating and without forming defects. The suction cup is attached to a metal sheet, reliably capturing an uneven surface. They are very convenient to use at home, not spending time and effort to prepare cars to repair and its subsequent painting.

Principle of operation

Body repair hammer It serves as a useful tool removing irregularities in complex places of the car. These include: thresholds, arches, racks. The equipment is applied only with small minor dents, but with a powerful violation of the body geometry, one hammer cannot do.

In such cases, they used. Repair with the use of reverse hammer passes as follows:

  1. The level for alignment must be cleaned and degrease.
  2. Then, with the help of a grinding machine, remove the paint coating.
  3. In the purified place to welcome repair round washers. For these purposes, a welding machine is used. If a reverse hammer is included with the spotter, then the process is facilitated only by changing the nozzle.
  4. At the end of the hammer you need to fasten a metal hook, which is always supplied with the tool.
  5. Hooking a hook for the washer, you need one hand to ride a metallic weight, and the other - for the handle. A sharp movements direct the girches to the handle, thereby equalizing the surface of the car. The stronger the blows, the faster the defect will eliminate.

Richtovka car body

The reverse harm for richtovka performs the restoration of the deformed surfaces to the initial type. With the strong errors of the body arises internal stress, which consequently forms compression and stretching. An important role is played by the character of dents. For example, when forming irregularities in the center of the body, new defects will begin to form during pulling.

"During Richtovka, it is necessary to control changes in dents. To prevent the formation of new compressions, it is necessary to richt from the edges to the middle of irregularity, moving in a circle. "

If the rattovka is carried out correctly, the voltage due to the deformation will be eliminated, and the body shape will adopt the initial level view. After leveling of the surface, you need to conduct a direct forge.

This means that those dents that the hammer did not lean due to their small sizes, it is also necessary to smooth out. To do this, you will need a counterpart and aluminum hammer.

We do with your own hands

In order to make its own tool, you will need drawings of the reverse hammer.

They include optimal device parameters, details of the connection of parts and their number. How to make a reverse hammer with your own hands using a screwdriver? For this process, the following elements will be needed:

  • steel rod with a thickness of 2 cm (can and thinner, but its service life will be less), 50 cm long;
  • rubber or ebonita handle (an ordinary nozzle is suitable);
  • stainless steel hook 4-5 mm thick; \\
  • welding machine;
  • 2 steel washers with a diameter of 2.5-3 cm;
  • the weight of about 16-17 cm long, 6 cm thick.

Tool manufacturing time - 30-40 minutes. The process is simple, so there should be no questions how to make a reverse hammer yourself. Having the specified objects at hand, you need to do the following:

  1. Steel rod clean and degrease, if necessary, pollute the surface to perfectly smooth.
  2. One way to fix the hook. It is best to do this using a welding machine, so as not to spend time on creating a thread to twist individual nozzles. After that, you need to turn one small (2.5-3 cm) washer and welcome it near the base of the hook. It is necessary so that the weighting of when working does not fly to the surface being processed.
  3. In the hire you need to do a hole with a diameter of 2.1 cm so that the item is free to move freely during operation. Giri shape should not have corners and protrusions, otherwise the master will be inconvenient to move it during repair. It is advisable to tear up to both ends round steel sheets so that the palm does not slip off with the weights.
  4. From the free end of the pin you need to hurt a weight. If the move is tight, increase the diameter by another 0.5 cm.
  5. Before putting on an ebonite handle, you need to fix another puck, which will definitely not allow the course of the hiring close to the handle. After that, the hammer handle itself can be fixed.

Reverse hammer is a tool for car body repair and can be made with it.

The product consists of several parts: arms with a length of about 50 centimeters, two locking nuts with washers, weights and several hooks (other nozzles, depending on the target use).

The principle of work is that the hih's fixed on the metallic rod with each subsequent movement strikes the locking nuts thus influences the fixed hook, which pulls dents or bends of the deformed metal.

Materials and Tools for Manufacture

A high-quality reverse hammer can be done in garage conditions without the use of serious equipment and with minimal material costs. The manufacturing process in the presence of all necessary elements takes about the 1st hour.

Basic tools and materials for the manufacture of reverse hammer:

  1. Steel rod 12 mm about 50 cm long;
  2. Tape, adhesive tape;
  3. Steel rod 16 mm;
  4. Two large steel washers with nuts;
  5. Tool for cutting thread;
  6. Electric welding;
  7. Visits for fixation.

Reverse Hammer for Body Repair: Step-by-step instructions

The process of manufacturing a reverse hammer begins with the preparation of the material. As a handle, a metallic rod with a thickness of 12 mm and 50 centimeters length will be used.

1. Production of mobile "Giri"

Giray for reverse hammer is made of a rod with a diameter of 16 mm. The rod is cut into 5 smooth parts of which the length of which is equal to 12-16 centimeters. The rods are fixed on the main handle with the help of the isol, and then their welding is carried out with each other longitudinal welding seam. It is important to take into account the lack of welded slag on the surface of the handle.

2. Cutting the threads at the top of the thread hammer

The thread is cut under a long nut for about 2-3 centimeters on the rod. This procedure should be carried out with regard to all angles as it depends on how strong the reverse hammer for the straightening.

3. Production of bent hooks for reverse hammer

These hooks are necessary for alignment of parts in different planes. Production of items is carried out individually depending on the user needs. The bending procedure is carried out with the help of a sledgehammer and stop.

4. Cutting the thread of metal hooks

On ready-made hooks for a reverse hammer, a thread is also cut to connect two elements of this tool using a long nut. Cutting should occur under an even angle so that two connected parts are without distortion, otherwise a disruption of a hook with threads during the workflow is possible.

5. Installation of locking washers on the handle

To get a high-quality universal reverse hammer, it is necessary to make reliable locking washers. These elements take most of the load during shocks, so their installation should be carried out with respect to all angles. At the end of the handle, the thread is cut into which the nut with the washer is screwed. A rubber handle made from a tape or rubber hoses is mounted before installing the washer.

6. Check the performance of the reverse hammer assembly

The manufactured reverse hammer should work without jamming and any difficulties. All mechanisms move smoothly.

The carving on the hooks and the locking nut must necessarily be lubricated to save the nodal mechanism.

Video: How to make a reverse hammer with your own hands?

The reverse hammer is a hand tool designed to create a drawing effort. If the usual hammer is used to scoring or deforming the surface from itself, the device with the reverse action drags the metal on itself. Such equipment is used in body repair, in particular when richtovka, and it is used if necessary to pull the bearing when it is not possible to hit it from the reverse side. Reverse hammers are rare, because they are intended to perform highly specialized tasks that are not needed by the usual motorist or locksmith. The tool can be found in automotive service centers, as well as those drivers who have come across an independent gathering of the body.

How the reverse hammer works and works

The feeding hammer is a metal pin with a length of about 50 cm. Its diameter is 20 mm. On the back of the tool is a handle. Directly on the pin itself, the freely motion giray, made in the form of a thick-walled tube, the length of which is adjacent to the palm size. The front end of the hammer is fixed in various ways to the surface that needs to be delayed. For work it is necessary to take the right hand for the weight, and the left for the hammer handle. To create a pulling force, you need a sharp movement to remove the right hand with the gyrigh in the handle. At the same time, a blow is created, from which the hammer pin will move in the opposite direction, dragged behind the deformed surface. Thus, it creates almost the same effect if it was possible to beat the usual hammer from the reverse side of the dents.

Fixing the working end of the hammer to the deformed metal is carried out using a vacuum sucker, glued or welded nozzle. If you need to work with the edges of the car body, the hooks and clips are applied. Each type of fastening has its advantages and disadvantages, so it can only be used in some cases.

The classic device of the simplest hammer with reverse action is described. There are more advanced models that are equipped with additional devices facilitating work. Most often, they have removable nozzles for fixing to the treated surface, as well as a set of greek of different weight. Thanks to this, you can pick up components to ensure more efficient performance. For example, if the installed weight is too heavy, and the metal of the body is thin, then instead of the straightened dent, it turns out the hump, which will have to be pressed back.

How to work hammer

It is worth noting that the reverse hammer refers to the tool with which it is necessary to work very carefully. If you rearrange and apply too strong a blow, then if the dentin is aligned, other defects may form. The body repair masters do not recommend using a reverse action hammer on very large dents that are present on the roof of a car or trunk. These parts are relatively easily accessible, so it is quite possible to remove the inner trim and put pressure on the back to squeeze the metal to the previous place. In the same case, if the dent was formed on the side of the machine, and especially on the thresholds, the use of the hammer would be more than justified.

To spend neat straightening of dents, you need to fix the tool pin at its start. It is unacceptable to immediately be recorded for the center of the defect, because when pulling the metal doubts, and sharp corners will turn out. Often, when using a hammer on dents without sharp drives, you can align the surface so much that the former defect will be completely imperceptible. It does not need putty and paint.

On essential defects, you need to work slowly and smoothly. First, the bezel dents is pulled out, with the result that its diameter and depth will gradually decrease. At the final stage, the central part is distinguished. In that case, if the tool is attached to the body with welding, after each pullout, it is necessary to cut fixation and stabbing the seam. It is unacceptable that Navara remains on the metal, since it acts as an additional ribbing ribs, which prevents operation in other points of fixation. The use of a reverse hammer is a long process that does not tolerate a rush.

Using the reverse hammer with the fixation of the electric welding, after each welding, it is necessary to produce the metal to cool, since the deceased area stretches much easier and does not drag the cold part of the dent. It is also worth considering that it is unacceptable to start working if there is dirt on the treated surface, chips and other layers.

Types of Molotkov

Inverse hammers differ in each other by the method of fixation to the treated surface. According to this criterion, they are divided into types:
  • Vacuum.
  • With glued suction cups.
  • Welded.
  • Mechanical.
Vacuum reverse hammer

Vacuum reverse hammer is the most expensive and at the same time very effective. The tip of this tool resembles the usual household baths used to clean sewer pipes. At the end of the hammer there is a rubber plate, which is applied to dent. The tool is connected to pumping air between the rubber plate and the car body. As a result, the suction cup is securely fixed to the metal. After that, the hand clamping weight dramatically pulls out and the reverse thrust pulling dents is created.

Usually in the set to a vacuum hammer there are 3 rubber lining of various diameters. Large is used to process wide dents, and the smallest for small defects. Such a hammer when connecting to the compressor creates a rather large fixation power. The plate is applied not only to absolutely flat surfaces, but also gentle, which is especially important for cars with a streamlined body. Vacuum type tool is quite lightweight and often weighs no more than 1.5 kg. At the same time, the only inconvenience is the hose from the compressor.

The main feature of the reverse hammer on a vacuum suction cup is that it can draw dents without the need to remove the paint layer. If the car received a non-essential defect, then it can be corrected with minimal cost without the need for putty and applying a lacquer.

Reverse hammer on glued sucker

There are also reverse hammers complied with rubber lining. Such suckers are glued to the car body with glue. After frozen into the threads on the lining screw the hammer pin. Next, the usual alignment is carried out by sharp movement of the weights. After the site is straightened, the hammer pin is twisted, and the glued suction cup is heated. When heated glue becomes viscous and the pad is easily removed. After that, the surface is processed by a special solvent to remove glue residues.

The disadvantage of this tool is that the glue is not captured at low temperatures. In this regard, they will not be able to recover in winter without warm boxing. This method allows to align dents even without paint removal. Suction cups are glued right on top of the layer of varnish, while do not eat and do not damage it. The glue formula is different from the composition of the paints, so the solvent does not take them, which eliminates the risk of color blur when cleaning the surface from the residues of the fastener.

Reverse Hammer With Welding Fixation

The most common are hammers with fixation with a welding machine. A nut is welded on the body, in which the tip of the hammer is tightened. After that, dents are drawn. This tool has a number of minuses. First of all, this is due to the fact that for its application it is necessary. When working you need to pre-clean the surface for the richt. A layer of paint to pure shiny metal is removed. After that, point welding of nut and pulling out. Next, with the help of the nut is cut and the surface of the surface of the rich surface is carried out. At the end, the locking element is digested to another point, and the action is repeated.

In fact, after the flaw is correct, it is necessary to carry out putty, primer, painting and varnishing, so that the straightened part has become homogeneous with the rest of the body surface. Such a tool applies in cases where there is a significant defect. Since fixation is carried out with the help of a weld, it is possible to apply such a reverse hammer in frost, unlike the sucked suckers.

Mechanical hammer

Mechanical reverse hammer is an almost similar design with welded tools. The only difference is that his nozzles are hooks and clips. Such a tool will not be able to richt the central part of the dent, since the hook can only be fixed for the edges of the body. Wizards, having only a mechanical handling tool, can cut the hole in the body and cling to the crochet. After deciding defect, the formed slits are breeding and polished. Since the hooks can be twisted, it is quite possible to pick up a typical nut and welcome it to dent. Thus, the mechanical hammer will be able to use as a welded.

The main function of mechanical hammers is to remove bearings. Usually they are used to repair the chassis of the car, when there is no access to the back of the bearing to make a blow. Often in the set are special clamps, which allow you to capture the hinge clip in 2-3 points. Thanks to this, you can make dismantling without destroying the old bearing.

Many motorists restore the body of the car with their own hands. When performing this work to eliminate defects, you need to use special tools, including the reverse hammer. This device can be bought, but if body repair is performed infrequently, it will be much more profitable to construct the instrument yourself.

What is a reverse hammer

Reverse Hammer for Body Repair - a tool designed to remove dents from the car's surface. As a rule, these defects cannot be fixed by conventional tools, so often the reverse hammer is used for, arches and vehicle racks. The tool in the classic version is a pin long 50 centimeters. The diameter of the steel rod is equal to two centimeters. It contains two elements: a rubber sleeve on one side, and on the other - a metal washer. It keeps the hammer in a steady position and protects the body tool from vibrations resulting from strikes.

The tool is used to strain small damage areas.

The device for straightening defects is equipped with additional clamps and metal hooks, with the help of which the strains welded to the car body are captured during the richt.


The use of reverse hammer depends largely on the location and complexity of the defect. Distinguish several types of tools:

  1. A tool with a pneumatic mechanism.
  2. Spotter.
  3. Vacuum hammers.
  4. With adhesive overlays.

For a point new car it is recommended to use vacuum hammers. The scheme of his work is concluded in the following: With the help of a sucker, the tool is fixed to the restored area, then the handle is pulling "on themselves", and as a result, due to the compression of air, dents are aligned. The principle of operation of this type of device allows to eliminate defects without damaging the paint coating of the car body.

The use of a pneumatic tool is necessary to eliminate serious damage. The hammer is connected to a powerful compressor, a mechanical effect on the damaged area is enhanced. The device is attached to the car body with special hooks. Before using the device, a paint coating from a damaged area is removed.

Spotter is a welding machine, with which an additional element is welded to the car body. It can be an iron rod or a special hook. Next, the reverse hammer is cling to the discovering part, and the damaged area is aligned.

Before welding the part, the recoverable area is carefully deteriorated, the paint coating is removed from it and degrease.

The tool with adhesive linings is attached without the use of the welding machine. Reliable fixing provides a special adhesive composition, after removing the defect, the pad is cut off, and the damaged paintwork is restored.

The purpose of using the hammer is to align dents. However, they dismantle some parts with it. So, to remove the inner bearings, use a tool having a special stud in its design.

Independent manufacture

The finished tool is expensive, so for the purpose of saving, many motorists perform the design of the device with their own hands. For independent creation, you will need:

  • Metal steel rod (or pipe) 50 cm long and 2 cm thick.
  • Rubber or ebonite handle.
  • Stainless steel hook having a thickness of 4-5 mm.
  • Welding machine.
  • Two steel washers with a diameter of 2.5-3 cm.
  • Giray having a thickness of 6 cm and a length of 16-17 cm.

To make the reverse hammer takes:

  1. Clear and degrease the rods, with the help of a grinding machine to polish the surface of the part.
  2. For one of the ends, the hook is fixed. In order not to waste time when creating a thread for removable nozzles, the part welded.
  3. A small washer is put on the pin, which you need to trigger near the founding of the hook. It is used to ensure that the weight does not come into contact with the working surface.
  4. The hook is done in a diameter of 2.1 cm. Due to this, the part will move freely on the rod during operation. In the manufacture of the tool, the form should be without protrusions and corners. Round sheets of steel are welded to both ends of the element, thanks to this, the palm will not jump off the weights when performing a bodice.
  5. From the free end is invated by the weight. If the part moves tightly, the diameter of the opening is increased by half a centimeter.
  6. At the end of the work, the handle is worn, however, before this is mounted another washer, which prevents the contact of the handle and the weights when using the hammer.

To drive a dent on the car body use different tools, including the reverse hammer. In many cases, its independent production is more appropriate. Having spent 30-40 minutes of its time, the motorist gets simple in the design but effective with a tool.

In order to create such a reverse hammer to the author, the author of this article needed quite some of the metal. In the picture, Data drawing is precisely this hammer. Anyone who will do has the right to create with their sizes. After all, the main goal is to work!

According to the principle in such a hammer: the rod on which on the one hand the hook, handle, stopper, bore. Take a hammer in one hand, and the second is powered by a bore hitting the stopper. The author took a pair of not large pieces of one diameter from the sheet metal, and one piece of metal in the thicker, two pieces of pipes are one size more, the second smaller size, but a little longer than the first one and another handle. The sizes in the text the author does not indicate your sizes may differ from the size of the author. The size of the author in the picture above.

From the metal you need to make a circle, it is equal to the diameter of the pipe that more. In it, you need to drill a hole equal to the diameter of the pipe smaller. Next, the pipe is smaller need to be welded as in the picture.

Explanation from the author: At first he cut off the square size, a little more than the size of the pipe is more than more, then I made a hole under the pipe that smaller and welded it, and then crawled under the circle of the desired size. On the picture another option. Everyone has the right to do in its own way.

On the resulting workpiece, the author dressed a piece of pipe big and scalked it. Then the author made another puck, exactly the same as first.

Then he cut the pipe that was smaller, with a reserve for welding left 2-3 mm. The picture shows the cut line.

Next, he filled the emptiness with dry sand. I put on top of the finished second washer and the yard everything.

It turned out a bore.

At the next stage, the author took: metal for the stopper, handle and bar. The author cut the rod with a bend margin for the hook.

The stopper must be made of metal thoroughly, that would be a stopper from the strike, the stopper did not fade. The author took not fat, but he, in the form of a bracket.

The handle can be used from everything that will come true (or you can simply welcome the small tube.)

He beat one edge of the rod with a crochet, dressed the battle, and the stopper dressed on the second edge and risen from the handle side. This was welded here and the handle (all the welding should be from the other side where the handle, but not from the side where the bottle.) Here is such a hammer from the author turned out.