Repairs Design Furniture

Monolithic areas between overlap plates width. Monolithic plot between hollow plates. Materials and tools required for work

Before you decide to independently make monolithic areas between slabs of overlapping, soberly appreciate your capabilities, because it is a serious painstaking job. But if you still decided to make a monolith between the plates yourself, then you will have to go through the following stages of installation.

Scheme of the monolithic area.

At this stage you will have to take care that at the right moment you have at hand were the necessary materials and tools. Therefore, about eating you need to take care of in advance.

So, to make a monolithic selection site, you will need the following tools: a perforator, a tank-long screw with a length of 90 mm long, threaded studs are standard 2 m, nuts, washers, keys of the roar and precipitant, winning drills on concrete, drill on a 90 cm long drill The screwdriver, cruciforms of the screwdriver of very good quality (good quality is required because the edges of poor-quality bids are very quickly erased), a hook, a bollard with metal discs, a circular saw with a diamond spraying (for cutting boards along and across the fiber), hammer 800- gram, a sledgehammer up to 3 kg, a steel-size nails in size 120 mm, a tape measure - 2-3 pieces (roulettes are necessary for carrying out accurate measurements, there must be enough of them, as they often break and lose), carpentine pencil, carpentine corner 50 cm long , joiner stapler with brackets, level.

Moretenance materials are still required: knitting wire with a diameter of 0.3 mm for binding of frames, reinforcement with a diameter of 12 mm, a wire with a diameter of no less than 6 mm, cement, gravel, sand, film thickness 100-120 microns, boards 50x150 mm, 5x50 mm boards.

It is also necessary to take care of the means of protection in advance, because you and your assistants will have traumatic work at the height among sticking nails, reinforcements and boards. To protect you, you will need: gloves, closed shoes (building boots or shoes made of tight fabric type of army beans old sample), safety glasses, cap or helmet.

Calculations of construction

Calculation of the collection plate of overlapping.

At this stage, you will need to carry out accurate measurements and calculations to know what and in what quantity you need. First of all, find out what the slabs will be. To do this, we will find out the width of the building and divide it in half, into two equal parts. Immediately determine where the staircase is on the second floor, which side will be the rise of the staircase march, and only after that we calculate the size and number of slabs of the overlap.

The length of the slab overlap is the width of the house, divided by 2.

The width of the slab overlap can be three standard sizes: 80 cm, 1 m 20 cm, 1 m 50 cm.

We carry out the calculation of the required size and the number of slabs of the overlap, taking into account the fact that there should be a gap in 7 cm between the plates. After everything was calculated and accurately recognized the required size and number of floor slabs, we order them at the factory or from building materials suppliers.


Do not forget to consider the gap of 7 cm between the slabs of the overlap! The lack of a gap between the plates will complicate their installation and can subsequently cause deformation.

Production of formwork

Installation scheme formwork.

For the manufacture of formwork, we take a 50x150 mm board and sew the shield from them with a height of 40 cm. On one shield (1 edge of the future formwork) will go 3 boards. It turns out an edge of 45 cm tall, where 40 cm is the height of the future beam overlap and 5 cm - the necessary supply. They cross them with transverse pieces of 5x50 mm boards and 40 cm long. There are these boards, called blooms, along the entire length of the shield every 40-50 cm. Remember: the first and last smells should be not closer to 10 cm from the edge of the pin edge. We fasten a bloom with boards with self-strokes with a length of 90 mm using a screwdriver at the rate of 3-4 screws to 1 crosslinkable board. Then, align the edges of the panel with a circular saw with a carpentry corner.

It will take 3 such prefabricated panels, they will become the edges of the formwork.

Installation of formwork

Installation scheme formwork.

To perform this stage of work, a team of 3-4 people will need.

To facilitate the assembly, put one shield as a base. Under each bloumb, we install the strut so that there is nothing under load.

Breeping to the base of the formwork of the rib. Ribs are fastened with what width we need beam. The beams of three sizes are allowed: 35, 40, 45 cm. With the required width of 35 cm, both side ribs are flushing. With the required width of 40 cm flush, only one edge of two collectors is put. If the beam is needed 45 cm wide, the ribs are fasten without using this reception. All fasten with self-tapping screws.

As a result, we turned out a box of three teams in the place where the future beam will be located.

Figure 4. Types of fixing ribs to base. A - 35 cm, b - 40 cm, in - 45 cm.

Now we harm the strut from the reinforcement. They will be needed in order to withstand the desired size of the beam and prevent the messengers. Just cut the reinforcement into pieces of the desired length (35, 40 or 45 cm).

After that, we proceed to the upholstery of the resulting box with a film from the inside, while using a joiner stapler with brackets. It is necessary in order to prevent unnecessary water loss from concrete and avoid the appearance of shells. If this is not done, concrete will lose a lot of moisture together with sand and cement. After drying on the outer edges of the beams, gravel will be very much. The surface of the beam will be all covered with strong roughness and irregularities, grumps and depressions, so-called sinks. Such a beam will be poorly, and it will have to remake it.

Installation of prefabricated metal structures

The diagram of the reinforcement frame.

Start knitting the frame on Earth. We make 8 veil lengths from the reinforcement (the length of one vein is equal to the length of the future beam).

Now we make from the wire M-6 clamps that bend manually. From a solid piece of wire, you need to make a square from a given length of its sides. Thus, the 35x35 cm beams need a clamp with 30 cm sides, for the 40x40 cm beams, we make 35x35 cm clamps, for the beam 45x45 cm - 40x40 cm, cm. Such sizes of the clamps are necessary in order to after installing it to formwork it . Remember: the minimum distance between the formwork wall and the clamp should be 2.5-3 cm, not less!

This is necessary so that in the end, the metal parts of the clamp did not appear on the surface of the beam. If the metal will be bought on the surface of the beam, then it is precisely in this place that the corrosion of the metal and the destruction of concrete will begin, and hence the beam itself.

The ends of the clamp combine the mustache, that is, there must be the overlap of the ends of the clamp, which fasten with each other double knitting wire with a diameter of 0.3 mm.

Wire folded twice, getting a double knitted wire. It is such a wire that needs to bind the ends of the clamp.

Knowing that the clamps should be located along the entire length of the beam at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other, it is easy to calculate their required quantity.

We collect a frame. To do this, each side of the clamp is binding a double knitting wire of 2 veins at an equal distance from folds and between each other. Clamps located on the veins at 40-50 cm from each other. The distance between the clamps must be withstanding necessarily.

We put the finished frame in the installed box, trying not to damage the film. If suddenly the film was damaged, then nothing terrible, just close the hole with another piece of film and secure it with a stapler.

Sometimes for various reasons you have to do veins from pieces of reinforcement of different lengths. There is nothing terrible in it, the construction technology allows it. Just take another piece of reinforcement and tie it with a double knitted wire over the place of connecting two parts of the vein, while the flax length should be 60 cm in each direction. This immediately explains why builders prefer to make veins from whole pieces of reinforcement, and not to collect them from pieces. After all, if you collect from pieces of different lengths, it turns out a strong overrun of the building material. And this work is carried out when the frame is already inside the box.

Scheme of monolithic overlap with their own hands.

After we take a drill on a tree and taking into account the fact that the pressure of the concrete goes from below, we make holes equal to the diameter of the hairpin, at 15-20 cm from the bottom of the box. We make 1 through hole at the bottom of each blunder. We cut the studs on the length you need.

The length is calculated like this: the width of the support beam + two thicknesses of the board + two thickness of bloumb + two threads for screwing nuts with washers. The resulting studs insert into the box.

Now we take pre-prepared pieces of fittings - struts. We set them from above each stud. We twist the studs to the easy stop strut so that they keep.

We take the level and equalize the formwork vertically earth so that it does not behave after compression. All deviations in one direction or another are eliminated by side spacers. Installation of studs and installation of spacers is one of the important prefabricated stages of the design.

After setting the strut, check everything again, only after that attach all the supporting boards to the formwork with nails or self-drawing.

Now proceed to hanging the carcass. To hang the frame, it needs to be tied to studs. It is easiest to do this using a height template - a small 2,5х2,5x -30-patch box with a size. Everything is simple: put the height pattern under each clamp and latter it to the hairpin in the touch of double knitting wire. After fixing the last clamp, the frame will be suspended in the air.

After that, all check and inspect. It is impossible to allow tensions of the film or the touch of clamps with the walls of the box. Then pinch the transverse rails to stitch the formwork board. From the bottom of the base, measure the height of the beam and driven nails along the entire length of the box at this height. These nails are beacons, concrete will be poured on them.

Now check the strength of the lower and lateral spacers, they must freely withstand a decent weight. If you have doubts, add more supports. Remember: concrete has a high density. The slightest symbol - and the design will collapse under the weight of concrete.

I was convinced that everyone did everything right, then boldly pour concrete.

For the manufacture of beams, the M300 or M350 brand cement is used, which is best to buy ready, as the beam must be pouring at once without a break. If there is no such possibility, hire a large concrete mixer so that in place in one receive to disperse the entire required volume of concrete.

After 3-5 days, with good weather, the concrete will dry, with a bad process of drying will take longer.

After complete drying of the concrete, you can proceed to the dismantling of the wooden formwork and the installation of the slabs themselves.

The solution of the solution is accepted by the project. The mobility of the solution should be 5-7 cm in the depth of immersion of the cone.

Overvolving the joints should be performed after checking the correct installation of the plates, acceptance of welded connections of elements in nodes of conjugation and performing the anti-corrosion coating of welded joints and damaged parts of the coating of mortgage products. Concrete mixes used to deploy joints must meet the requirements of GOST 7473-94 and the project.

After installing and welding an anchors of the hinge nest in the stoves, it is necessary to deposit with a solution M 100.

The horizontal penabile in the walls must be laid with a brick with a thorough construction of masonry.

Device of monolithic sections in overlaps

Composition of operations and controls

Stages of work

Controlled operations



(method, volume)





Availability of documents O.


general magazine

quality on elements

formwork and reinforcement

products, concrete mix;

Installation accuracy I.


connection of individual


elements, quality

fastenings and internal

formwork surfaces;

Installation accuracy


reinforcement products

inspection of all


Base of regulatory documentation:

and height, reliability of their fixation.



General magazine



The quality of the concrete mix;


Formwork condition;


The order of laying concrete

mixtures, filling the sinuses,

sufficient seal;

Temperature-humid measuring

concrete hardening mode

according to the requirements of the PPR;

Concrete strength and timelines



Act of acceptance



Actual strength


Surface quality


constructions, compliance measuring,

project position

holes, channels, openings,

mortgage details.

Tools: plumb, two-meter rail, roulette, metal line.

Base of regulatory documentation:

Operational control is carried out: Master (foreman), laboratory engineer - in the process of work.

Acceptance controls are carried out: employees of quality service, master (foreman), representatives of the customer technician.

Technical requirements

Snip 3.03.01-87 p. 2.14, Table. 2.

Allocated deviations:

- in the distance between:

- separately installed working rods - ± 20 mm;

- rows of mesh - ± 10 mm;

- from the design thickness of the protective layer of concrete with its thickness to 15 mm and linear sizes of the cross section of the structure:

Up to 100 mm - +4 mm;

- from 101 mm to 200 mm - +5 mm;

- local irregularities of the concrete surface when checking a two-meter rail - 5 mm.

The height of the free dropping of the concrete mix in the formwork of floors should not exceed 1.0 m.

Base of regulatory documentation:

Concrete strength (at the time of the construction of structures) should be at least 70% of the design strength.

Not allowed:

Add water at the site of laying a concrete mix to increase its mobility.

The reinforcement of monolithic sites should be issued as an act of examination of hidden work.

Requirements for the quality of the materials used

GOST 7473-94. Mixtures concrete. Technical conditions.

GOST 23279-85. Mesh reinforcement welded for reinforced concrete structures and products. General specifications.

GOST 10922-90. Reinforcement and mortgage products welded, compounds welded reinforcement and mortgage products of reinforced concrete structures. General specifications.

GOST R 52086-2003. Formwork. Terms and Definitions.

The formwork should have strength, rigidity, unchanged forms and resistance in the working position, as well as in the conditions of installation and transportation.

Wood moisture used for deck should be no more than 18%, for supporting elements - no more than 22%.

Deck boards must have a width of no more than 150 mm.

Formwork elements should fit tightly to each other when assembling. The slots in the butt connections should not be more than 2 mm.

On the deck of shields from plywood, cracks, burgers and local deviations of a depth of 2 mm are not allowed, on the wood deck - more than 3 mm in the amount of no more than 3 per m2.

When accepting formwork, it is necessary to check the presence of a passport with the installation and operation of formwork, check the geometric dimensions, quality of working surfaces, protective coloring surfaces that do not touch with concrete.

Limit deviations for reinforcement grids, mm:

Base of regulatory documentation:

- widths, sizes of cells, differences in the length of diagonals of flat grids, free ends of the rods - ± 10;

- flat grids - ± 15.

The limit deviations from the straightness of the rods of grids should not exceed 6 mm per 1 m mesh length.

Concrete mixes should be characterized by the following indicators:

- strength class;

- convenientness;

- the view and number of source materials (binders, aggregates, additives);

- the size of the aggregates.

In coordination with the design organization that carries out the author's supervision, the samples of the concrete mix on the place of laying them in the monolithic design is allowed not to be selected, but to evaluate the strength of concrete according to the control of the manufacturer of the concrete mixture.

Conceptuality of the concrete mixture is determined for each batch no later than 20 minutes after the delivery of the mixture to the placement site.

Instructions for the production of work

SNiP 3.03.01-87 PP. 2.8-2.11, 2.16, 2.100, 2.109

Before concreting, horizontal and inclined concrete and brick surfaces of work seams should be cleaned of garbage, dirt, oils, snow and ice, cement film, etc. immediately before laying a concrete mix, purified surfaces must be washed with water and dried by air.

Concrete mixes should be laid in concrete structures with horizontal layers of the same thickness without breaks, with sequential laying in one direction in all layers. Reinforcement steel (rod, wire) and varietal hire, reinforcement and mortgage elements must comply with the project and requirements of the relevant standards. The replacement of the stipulated reinforcement steel should be agreed with the customer and the design organization. Installation of reinforcement structures should be made mainly from large-sized blocks or unified grids of factory manufacture.

Provide their laying with seams of 15 mm, that is, practically an online jack. Regulatory literature prescribes a device of monolithic areas with reinforcement when the distance between the plates is 300 mm.

For seams of seams between slabs of overlap must be applied concrete on fast-hardening portland cement or portland cement M400 or higher on fine aggregate. The size of the aggregate grain should not be more than a third of the interpute gap and three quarters of the size in the light between reinforcing rods. In the concrete mixture it is necessary to introduce plasticizers and grasp accelerators.

If the standard seams turned out between the plates of 10-15 mm wide, then it is usually for the bottom of the seam that is arranged in the form of "cone", put the rod of the reinforcement, and is poured with a solution.

Close up non-projective joints up to 300 mm

If the width of the seams between adjacent plates does not exceed 300 mm, close this seam relatively simplyThe choice is several ways to fill seams.

Method 1

  • From the bottom of the neighboring plates with the help of spacers, we set the board or sheet of plywood, the overlapping gap is a formwork;
  • On top of the formwork, you can put a piece of roofing material or film, then there will be no traces of concrete on the formwork, and it can be used further;
  • The gap between the plates is poured with a solution;
  • We are waiting for a set of concrete strength for 3-4 weeks, the formwork is removed.

Method 2

If it is not possible to bring formwork from below, you can do non-removable formwork from galvanized roofing steel 0.8-1 mm thick in terms of gap between plates, with supporting on the top edge of the plate (trough). The side surface profile of the plates will provide an additional space and stiffness to a monolithic area.

Method 3.

Another way to seal the seams of a non-removable formwork - from the strips of steel thickness from 4 mm and a width of 5 cm make mounting parts by the gap profile, as in the previous case, relying on the front surface of the plates, put these mounting parts in 0.5 m along the plate length. On the bottom (in the plane of the bottom edge of the plates), we put the band from galvanized roofing steel, plywood or plastic, concreting. This method provides a reliable clutch of a monolithic area with plates.

Method 4.

If there was a pair of defective slabs with an incorrect location of the side locks, when the excavation turns out to be at the bottom, they can be installed next to the gap 2-3 cm. Basement to bring the formwork in the method 1 and pour concrete through the provided slot.

Monolithic sections width more than 300 mm

In case the gap between the plates from 100 to 300 mm, we perform a monolith with reinforcement. Options are also possible here.

Option 1

Used in the case when device formwork it is impossible.

  • We establish carrying bars with a cross section of 40x100 mm on the edge, with 1 m increments, laying on adjacent plates;
  • To the carrier bars with wire twists, fastening the shields of formwork;
  • We close the formwork with roofing material or film;
  • We establish the reinforcement frame on the glasses so that the valve is above the formwork at 30 ... 50 mm;
  • Concrete.

Option 2.

Upon the possibility of fixing the formwork, the bottom can be used for the device carrying fittings.

  • Construct formwork;
  • We make from the reinforcement A1Ø8 ... 12 (depending on the width of the clearance), the mounting parts, given that between the bottom of the formwork and the reinforcement there should be a distance of at least 30 mm;
  • On the bottom of the formwork lay the protective material;
  • Install the mounting details;
  • Put the reinforcement or reinforcement frame;
  • Concrete.

Do not agree on the sealing of the gap between the wall and the slab with light concrete cellular blocks (foam concrete, ceramzite concrete, etc.) - they do not possess the required bearing ability. With the placement of furniture along the walls on this section of the floor there is a large load, this will lead to the destruction of the blocks and the need for the cost of repairing overlap.

Plots between the wall and stove are close in the same way.

In this story, it is told not only about the sealing of the seams, but also about the anchoring of the plates among themselves:

Sealing seam ceiling on the bottom

Interputer seams - Rusts on the mounting are filled with concrete, then the ceiling is ground, shit and paint, if another finish is not provided.

The sequence of sealing rusts

Before concreting the seams are thoroughly cleaned from dust and residual solutions with a metal brushFor better adhesion solution to the plate, the side surfaces can be branded.

  1. The cooked fresh concrete solution is discharged into the container and deliver to the place of operation;
  2. With a small width of Rusta, the fill is performed at a time, with a large width of the site - in several layers, but not more than 2 ... 3 hours;
  3. The concrete section of a small width is pinned, with a large - seal with a vibrator;
  4. The first week the surface of the monolith is wetted daily;
  5. After 28 days, formwork is removed.

Uneven shrinkage at home

It is unpleasant when cracks appear on the ceiling. Often it happens because ::

  • Uneven sediment of the building;
  • Incorrectly selected brand of concrete;
  • Poor-quality concrete.

Let us dwell on the causes of uneven precipitation. It may occur in the case of:

  • Constructive flaws - incorrectly projected foundation;
  • Foundation devices excluding geology, ground freezing depth and groundwater depth;
  • Poor quality work on the construction of the foundation and masonry of the walls;
  • Low-quality building materials.

To understand the reason for the appearance of cracks, it is necessary to order construction expertise.

Decorative ceilings

The protective layer of concrete with a thickness of 30-50 mm should ensure the absence of rust spots on the ceiling from the reinforcement, but sometimes this layer is ineffective. From the observation of spots on the ceiling, traces of leakage and cracks of the rust, the best means is a device of a suspended, tail or stretch ceiling.

Decorative ceiling is the best solution if you need to level the ceiling surface. He will close all the construction flaws and give the completeness of the interior. If desired, reduce the height of the room is suitable for multi-level or suspended ceilings from drywall, acoustic slabs or combined from various materials.

In the rooms of a small height, tube or stretch ceilings are performed. Here the champion - a stretch ceiling, which "eats" only 3-5 cm of the room's height.

Any problem finds its solution. Seaming seams between, even with a large width, does not constitute a large constructive or technical problem. From the proposed options it is easy to choose a suitable case.


The construction of the house is a very laborious occupation, which includes quite a lot of work. For example, the fill of the monolithic portion between the ceiling plates is also included in their number, since only the construction plates is not possible. This problem, as a rule, arises in cases where the communication elements are required or to form a staircase. It is worth noting that, adhering to certain rules for construction, this process can be carried out independently.

Creating monolithic sections of overlapping, it is necessary to correctly perform the installation of the backup, forming the formwork, the reinforcement grid, make a mixture of concrete and pour it.

With the correct implementation of all listed works, the monolith plot between the slabs of the overlap will be as strong as possible and reliable.

Materials and tools required for work

For each stage of work, you must prepare your set of materials and tools. Their list may differ only because of some factors, for example, the distances between the plates you want to pour. However, there is still a standard list that includes the following materials:

The site between the slabs of the overlap is filled with concrete, pre-reinforced.

  • boards that will be used to create lateral formwork and surface;
  • wood beams or metal channels that will serve as a support for plywood or a platform;
  • bar for creating bearing support for the formwork site;
  • reinforcement rods, wire, with which a bunch, metal chairs will be produced;
  • concrete solution, which is made of sand, cement M400, rubble and water;
  • concrete mixer;
  • circular saw, shovel, trowel, tool for plug and protective film.

As for the amount of material, it depends on which area of \u200b\u200bthe overlap must be done, as well as from the secession itself. If we talk about a private house, then in such buildings, it is usually not very big, so it will not be able to cope with the work independently will not be much difficulty.

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Stages of the formation of a monolithic area of \u200b\u200boverlapping

The formation of the site between the plates is not different from the creation of any other. Despite the fact that the area of \u200b\u200bwork is relatively small, to adhere to the construction rules still costs, so all stages of work must be completed carefully. This depends on how reliable the monolithic design will be.

The first thing you want to do is to form a formwork for a monolithic area. In this case, it is necessary to take into account that the concrete solution weighs quite a lot, besides, it will dry for a long time, so the strength and mechanical characteristics of the formwork should be so to keep it a fairly long period of time.

How the formwork is installed:

Device formwork for monolithic plot between plates

  1. The bottom is done, for which the sheet of plywood is taken, and the beams that will perform the role of carrier elements are stuffed. Since the distance between the plates in a private house is not so big, then the bottom of the formwork is easy. Before you form a reinforcement grid, we drag the bottom of the Ruberoid or the construction film.
  2. The boundaries of the monolithic portion on the sides will be the slabs of the overlap. As a rule, with a third party there is a wall.
  3. Under the holding elements of the bottom, in which the bars appear, vertical supports are summed up. They must be consolidated so that the bottomwork does not slip down from the vertical supports that are carriers. To do this, the uniqueness is used, although not always. As a rule, in the construction of a private house of special reference equipment, there is no, so the fixation of the parts of the formwork can be performed using nails or brackets.
  4. An important point in this process is a formwork support in the floor plane, which should be as strong as possible. This can be achieved by tamping the soil and lining of any agitator or tiled material.

After the formwork is ready, and in strength it can not be doubtful, go to the next stage.

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Making reinforcing lattice

Regardless of the size of the site, it must be integrated between the slabs of the overlap.

When the distance between the plates from 1.5 m in addition to the reinforcement rods, the reinforced grid is best used. If the distance is small, you can limit the two layers of the lattice from the rods.

The process of forming the reinforcement lattice:

The reinforcement grille is laid by 5 cm above the bottom of the formwork, the valve is tightened with wire.

  1. Ponds need to sprinkle a certain length, taking into account the step that should be about 15-20 cm. Next, the prepared rods are associated with a wire. As a result, two layers of the lattice should turn out.
  2. The reinforcement grille during the installation of the first layer must be put on 5 cm above the formwork, for which "glasses" are intended. After that, laying on top of the grid, laid the second layer of the grid.
  3. If the area between the slabs of the overlap is not so large, the reinforcement can be performed with rods without a grid. The frame in this case is formed in two layers, and each of them should be removed from the edge of the plate by 5 cm. It is worth noting that using the welding machine in this process is optional, since all compounds can be carried out using a metal wire.

Some advise inserting reinforcement rods in advance drilled in the holes of the hole, but this should not do this. The monolith plot will be based on the recesses that are present on any models of the slab of the overlap. They can be either longitudinal, or round, reminiscent of a glass.

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Manufacture and fill concrete

Table of proportions of components for the manufacture of concrete.

Before embarking on a concrete mortar, you need to prepare all the necessary components. Since the monolithic portion looks like a rectangular parallelepiped, then it will not be so difficult to calculate the required amount of solution in cubic meters.

After all components are prepared, you can proceed to the manufacture of a solution in concrete mixer, compliance with certain rules:

  • adhere to the load rate;
  • the concrete mixer must be installed on an ideally horizontal surface;
  • the solution is required to be unloaded into a special container, and after that - to the desired place.

As for the last rule, it can be broken only if the concrete mixer is installed next to the formwork, and the prepared solution is unloaded directly into it. Repeated fill must be carried out no later than 2-3 hours. You can make one fill, this is relevant if the unintent area. After that, the surface must be aligned, for which the trowel or rule is used.

View 20 messages - from 1 to 20 (from 20 total)


    I need to pour a plot between two hollow slabs, discuss how to do it right?

    There are two 6 meter empty plates, lie in parallel, but between them a distance of 1.15 meters. I want to make an entrance to the basement, and a plot of 4 × 1.15 meters must be pledged with concrete.

    That's what I went on the Internet:

    - Main material for work, channel 24cm. (To get dressed on wetting plates 22 cm)

    - we dress two 4 meter chapellers on the plates

    - We cut it with two sections of the channel of 1.15 and weld it all. It turns out a box along the perimeter of the plot of the plot.

    - weld to the chapeller with a grid of 12 reinforcement, it will be the bottom layer of the plot of the plot. Cage in this lattice 20cm.

    - We weld up to the chaserler the grid of the upper layer of the plot of the plot, probably out of 10 reinforcement.

    - We put a formwork from below.

    - Pour everything with concrete to the height of the plates.

    I think everything correctly? I'm confused by some moments:

    All this piece of reinforced concrete will hang on a welded reinforcing fittings. Will it? Armature diameter ... Enough or not? Different diameter in layers or not? Will there be enough 20 cm cells or not?


    well, if you have nowhere to go

    have you seen prices for such a channel?

    i used the cheeks from the corner 50-60

    they are also transverse. Strengthened 12 reinforcement (so in the stoves and goes).

    and when she was deposited by concrete - it would not be done anywhere.

    but what googles:


    Poured 2x2.5 meters between the stove and the wall. To the staircase opening on the 2nd floor. The monolith put the partition walls from PB with a thickness of 10 cm with a height of 3m. 3 years is not stirring ...

    in the stove and wall, the perforator made holes in 2 rows. In the stove under the top and bottom above / under the Armotura, i.e. The holes were left on top / bottom of the vintage in the stove. Step is somewhere 12-15 cm at high 15-20 cm heights in width. 12 reinforcement welded to these reinforcements and did, as in the FENDAMENT, the reinforcement frame of the cube, i.e. Both planes have coppped with more vertical jumpers. I checked before the fill, jumping over the reinforcement frame with a bag of cement on the shoulders of the picture, probably that was still well, and then the formwork from the bottom-inquils, poured all the self-herded concrete, watered 2 days, then hurt himself .... A week later, it was refranking before, removed the formwork .... All reinforced concrete way


    he is a monument .... The stove is the volatile, the thickness of the cochina - well, see 3, if you cherish the top / bottom well, 5-7 cm ... and then the hole .... Well, if much hunt, it is better to break .... As they say, sores to the second void and long smooth the bar ....

    What kind of guys are about you guys. Look more closely on the side of the slab. What you see there is correctly deepening. And for what it is correct to create a key. Niotno No channels and to sleep the plates. Summer formwork from the bottom to the plates and if it looks around between the plates it turns out a trough. Place the grids from the bottom and on top and pour the plate and the FSE. It is all the case will hang on the neighboring plates, and the knaps will not give it to fall.

    How to bring a formwork I think a lot is not necessary. Put the bars right along the stoves, to them on the twists hanging the formwork of the shield into tight to the plates.

    Think on construction sites someone blows the slab chtoli under mu, or the seammer is cooking. ???????????????

    Fearless somehow. All the same for myself. The site is obtained 4x1.15 meters, will leave 1 cube concrete. Well and fittings - the weight of the whole design will be in the region of 2.5 tons.

    And all this without fastening? They say more plates can be somewhat 1-2 cm ...

    Nah, an option without fastening is not our way at all ...

    One key is about 6 tons, if memory does not change me. We are kada at home we design that the device MU is quite common practice. A current of concrete and fittings and no channels and drilling plates are on their device.

    Kada concrete will grab, then everything will fall as a stake and will not fall anywhere. Believe me.

    In general, your business

    If there is no partitions, it is possible to simply pour concrete, only not all the height, there is enough 12-15 cm, directly so the formwork put higher reservoirs. The reinforcement lie down after 20-25 cm, you can straight holes in the sidewall plates, they are already scheduled there, and insert fittings.

    At the bottom of concrete, it is better to throw a masonry mesh. Fittings need a little, the main grid below.

    At home (monolithic plot) 3.5 * 2 meters, a thickness of 10 cm, a partition passes from above. Nothing has fallen anywhere not cracked. Concrete is better to do the strand, brand 250-300 (the cement should be released on the cube type 6-7 bags)

    If it is terrible to look like a staircase in residential buildings, size 1.50 * 2 * 20 thickness 6 cm, frame mesh 5mm for a cell 15 * 15 cm. It looked at the factory.


    And the meaning in such a fine design? Easy weight? Or facilitate work? I still do not understand ....


    because it's all the same then the ceiling of the 1st floor stretch, the floor is roving the second, then it will come out ... .. Just this Ipatorium will be later

    Jurij. Pralna says - in the cochina plate there are round depresses (at the top / bottom of which and he settled) when pouring this cow (mu) will be a tap with a serious plates .... Here I just want to add that I have all the plates with each other are welded to did not shiftrelative to each other. For the ears to which the crane is cling, the reinforcement of the edge .... It's every case - an earthquake there or something else

    this is called anchoring of plates, the stoves are tightened between themselves with twists and welded it all about the loop in the stove. Plates are annexed not only among themselves, but also in the walls, by booking one end of the anchor into the wall and the other end is also welded to the loop. Plates are angry through one with a step of no more than 3 m.


    Drilling is an extra mesmerion. A serious hooking with plates is due to the knap. Mu must be poured on the entire height of the plate is 220 mm.

    Very useful selection - now I'm thinking about it - as it turns out to be simple. I first thought that it was necessary to fly into the edges of the opposite plates and insert the reinforcement there - and here it is like.

    And at the construction site who did what?

    We must, two and a half years, the topic ... Unfortunately, the photo is not, but pour the gap M / at PP ... It is described enough. Those who are greatly worried about the fact that the plates will disperse and other phobias when you put the reinforcement. Provide the releases of transverse reinforcement, part of the ends are welded with the eyelashes for the hook of the plates (the rest will go under the tie). When concrete freezes, get a stone (reinforced) and not only "prolonged" to PP, but also "tied" to them.

    I poured the emptiness between the plates with a width of 0.6 m. He spoiled in the plate at the bottom edge, inserted the fittings across. She threw a longitudinal 2 bar. On top put 3 cardboard pipes from under linoleum. Tied to the reinforcement and flooded everything with concrete. It turned out a void jumper.