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Revenge of the Soviet partisans to the prisoners of the Fascists: as it was & NBSP. "Long Hand": how did the Soviet partisans fought on the Great Patriotic & NBSP leadership of the partisan movement

Good day to all regulars of the site! On the line the most important frequenter Andrei Puchkov 🙂 (joke). Today we will reveal a new extremely useful topic to prepare for the exam in history: let's talk about the partisan movement during the Great Patriotic War. At the end of the article you are waiting for a test on this topic.

What is a guerrilla movement and how was it formed in the USSR?

The partisan movement is a kind of actions of military units in the rear of the enemy to inflict strikes on enemy communications, infrastructure facilities and rear enemy compounds for the disorganization of enemy military formations.

In the Soviet Union in the 20s, the partisan movement began to form on the basis of the concept of warfare on its territory. Therefore, asylum and secret support points were created in the border bands for deploying in their future partisan traffic.

In the 1930s, this strategy was revised. According to the position of I.V. Stalin, the Soviet Army will lead military actions in the future war on the enemy territory with small blood. Therefore, the creation of secret support partisan bases was suspended.

Only in July 1941, when the enemy was rapidly occurred and he walked the height of the Smolensk battle, the Central Committee of the Party (WCP (B)) issued detailed instructions for creating a partisan movement for local party organizations on the already occupied territory. In fact, at first, the partisan movement consisted of local residents and the parts of the Soviet Army who had selected from the "boilers".

In parallel with this, the NKVD (People's Commissariat of the Interior) began to form fighter battalions. These battalions were to cover the parts of the Red Army during the retreat, disrupt the attacks of the saboteurs and the military parachutic strength of the enemy. Also, these battalions were poured into the partisan movement in the occupied territories.

In July 1941, the NKVD also organized a special motorized rifle brigade of special purpose (OMBSON). These brigades were gained from first-class military personnel who have excellent physical preparation capable of conducting effective fighting on enemy territory in the most difficult conditions with a minimum amount of food and ammunition.

However, the initial Brigade Ombson should have defended the capital.

Stages of the formation of a partisan movement during the Great Patriotic War

  1. June 1941 - May 1942 is a natural formation of a partisan movement. Basically in the territories of Ukraine and Belarus occupied by the enemy.
  2. May 1942-July-August 1943 - from the establishment of the main headquarters of the partisan movement on May 30, 1942 to systematic major operations of Soviet partisans.
  3. September 1943-July 1944 - the final stage of the partisan movement, when the main part of the partisans merge on the coming Soviet army. On July 17, 1944, partisan parts undergo a parade on the liberated Minsk. Partisan parts formed from local residents begin to demobilize, and their fighters are called up in the Red Army.

Functions of the partisan movement during the Great Patriotic War

  • Collection of intelligence data on the deployment of Nazi military formations, on military equipment and military contingent, and so on to their disposal.
  • Diversions: to break the transfer of enemy parts, kill the most important commanders and officers, to inflict damage by enemy infrastructure, etc.
  • To form new partisan detachments.
  • Working with the local population in the occupied territories: to convince in promoting the Red Army, to convince that the Red Army will soon release their territory from the Nazi occupiers, etc.
  • Disorganizing the economy of the enemy buying goods to fake German money.

The main figures and heroes of the partisan traffic during the Great Patriotic War

Despite the fact that the partisan detachments were extremely much and everyone had their own commander, we will list only those that may meet in the tests of the exam. Meanwhile, the rest of the commanders are worth nicknamed no less attention.

Popular Memory, as they gave their lives for our relatively serene life.

Dmitry Nikolaevich Medvedev (1898 - 1954)

He was one of the key figures in the formation of the Soviet partisan movement during the war years. Before the war he served in the Kharkov branch of the NKVD. In 1937, he was dismissed for supporting communication with the elder brother, which became the enemy of the people. Miraculously escaped execution. When the War of the NKVD began to remember this man and sent him to Smolensk to form a partisan movement. The partisan group headed by Medvedev was called "Mitya". In the future, the detachment was renamed "Winners". From 1942 to 1944, Medvedev detachment made about 120 operations.

Dmitry Nikolayevich himself was extremely charismatic and ambitious commander. The discipline in his detachment was the highest. Requirements for fighters exceeded the requirements of the NKVD. So in early 1942, the "Winners" squad, the NKVD sent 480 volunteers from the parts of Ombiss. And only 80 of them were selected.

One such operation was the elimination of the Reikhskyist of Ukraine Erich Koch. To fulfill the task in the detachment, Nikolai Ivanovich Kuznetsov arrived from Moscow. However, it became clear about a bit of the weather that it is impossible to eliminate the Reichskyissar. Therefore, in Moscow revised the task: it was entrusted to destroy the head of the management of the Reikhomissariat Paul Dargel. It was done only with the second attempt.

Nikolai Ivanovich Kuznetsov himself conducted numerous operations and died on March 9, 1944 in a shootout with the Ukrainian Rebel Army (UPA). Nicholas Kuznetsov was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

Sidor Artemyevich Kovpak (1887 - 1967)

Sidor Artemyevich passed a few wars. Participated in Brusilovsky breakthrough in 1916. Before the start, lived in Putivl, was an active politician. At the time of the beginning of the war, Sidor was already 55 years old. In the first collisions, the Kovpak partisans managed to capture 3 German tanks. Partisans Kovpak lived and a decaded forest. On December 1, the Nazis began an offensive on this fishing desk with the support of artillery and aviation. However, all the attacks of the enemy were repulsed. In this battle, the Nazis lost 200 fighters.

In the spring of 1942, Sidor Kovpak was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union, as well as personal audience from Stalin.

However, there were failures.

So in 1943, the operation "Carpathian raid" ended with loss of about 400 partisans.

In January 1944, Kovpak was awarded the second title of Hero of the Soviet Union. In 1944.

The reorganized troops S. Kovpak were renamed to the 1st Ukrainian partisan division named

twice Hero of the Soviet Union S.A. Kovpaka

Later we post the biographies of several more legendary commanders of the partisan movement during the Great Patriotic War. So that Subscribe to new articles Site.

Despite the fact that the Soviet partisans during the war years have performed numerous tests in tests mainly appear only two of them.

Operation "Rail war". The order of the beginning of this operation was given on June 14, 1943. It was assumed to paralyze the railway traffic on the enemy territory during the period of the Kursk offensive operation. For this purpose, significant sleepers were transferred to the partisans. About 100,000 partisans were brought to participation. As a result, the movement on enemy railways decreased by 30-40%.

The "Concert" operation has been conducted from September 19 to November 1, 1943 in the territory of the Occupied Karelia, Belarus, the Latigra region, the Kalinin region, Latvia, Estonia and the Crimea.

The goal was the same: the destruction of enemy cargo and blocking railway transport.

I think from all of the above, the role of the partisan movement during the Great Patriotic War becomes clear. It became an integral part of the host of military operations of the Red Army. Partisans perfectly performed their functions. Meanwhile, in real life there was a lot of difficulties: since Moscow, it is possible to determine which detachments are partisan, and what falsepartisan and ending with the weapons and ammunition on the enemy territory.

The partisan movement has repeatedly proved its effectiveness during wars. The Germans were afraid of Soviet partisans. "Folk Avengers" destroyed communications, bridges exploded, took the "languages" and even made weapons themselves.

History of concept

Partisans - the word who came to Russian from the Italian language, in which the word Partigiano denotes the participant of the irregular military unit, which enjoy the support of the population and politicians. Partisans are struggling with the help of specific funds: war in the rear of the enemy, sabotage or sabotage. A distinctive feature of the partisan tactics is hidden movement in the territory of the enemy and good knowledge of the nature of the terrain. In Russia and the USSR, such tactics are practiced by time immemorial. It is enough to remember the war of 1812.

In the 30s in the USSR, the word "partisans" acquired a positive connotation - only the partisans protruding for the Red Army called this. Since then, in Russia, this word is extremely positive and is almost not used in relation to enemy partisan groups - they are referred to by terrorists or illegal military formations.

Soviet partisans

Soviet partisans during the Great Patriotic Was managed by the authorities and were carried out similar to the army of the task. But if the army fought on the front, the partisans had to destroy the enemy ways of messages and means of communications.

During the war years in the occupied lands of the USSR, 6,200 partisan detachments worked, in which approximately a million people took part. They managed the central headquarters of the partisan movement, developing across the partisan associations a coherent tactic and directing common goals.

In 1942, Marshal of the USSR, Cleele Voroshilov, was appointed commander-in-chief of the partisan movement, and they were invited to create a partisan army in the rear at the enemy - German troops. Despite the fact that partisans often think about the randomly organized detachments of the local population, "Folk Avengers" behaved in accordance with the rules of strict military discipline and took the oath as real soldiers - otherwise they were not survived in brutal conditions of war.

Life partisan

Worst of all the Soviet partisans, forcedly hidden in the forests and mountains, had to be in winter. With the problem of the cold, no partisan movement in the world faced - in addition to the difficulties of survival, a disguise problem was added. In the snow, the partisans left footprints, and her vegetation no longer hid them asylum. Winter dwellings often harmed the mobility of the partisans: they built in the Crimea mostly ground dwellings like Wigwam. In the other areas the dugouts prevailed.

Many partisan headquarters had a radio station with which he contacted Moscow and transferred news to the local population in the occupied territories. With the help of the radio, the command was ordered to guerrillas, and those, in turn, coordinated the air strikes and gave intelligence information. [C-Block]

Among the partisans were women - if for the Germans, a thoughtful woman only in the kitchen, it was unacceptable, then the advice in every way agitated the weak sex to participate in the partisan war. Scout women did not fall under suspicion of enemies, women doctors and radio players helped in diversions, and some brave women even participated in hostilities. It is also known about officer privileges - if there was a woman in the detachment, she often became a "hiking wife" commanders. Sometimes everything happened on the contrary and wives instead of her husbands commanded and intervened in military issues - such a mess of the highest authorities tried to stop.

Tactic partisan

The basis of the tactics of the "long hand" (so the Soviet leadership called partisans) was the implementation of exploration and sabotage - they destroyed the railways for which the Germans delivered echelons with weapons and products, broke high-voltage lines, poisoned the enemy water pipes or wells in the rear.

Thanks to these actions, it was possible to disorganize the rear of the enemy and demoralize it. The big advantage of the partisans was also the fact that all of the above did not require large human resources: even a small detachment could realize the subversive plans and sometimes one person. When the Red Army fell, the partisans were hit from the rear, breaking the defense, unexpectedly disappeared enemy regrouping or retreat. Before that, the forces of the partisan detachments were hidden in the forests, mountains and swamps - in the steppe areas, the guerrilla activity was ineffective.

A particularly successful partisan war was in Belarus - forests and swamps hid the "second front" and contributed to their successes. Therefore, still in Belarus, the feats of partisans are remembered: it is worth remembering at least the name of the Minsk Football Club of the same name. With the help of propaganda in the occupied territories, "Folk Avengers" could carry out the replenishment of combat rows. However, the partisan detachments were recruited unevenly - a part of the population in the occupied territories kept the nose in the wind and waited, the other people familiar with the terror of the German occupiers were more worse in partisans

Rail war

"The second front", as partisans called German invaders, played a huge role in the destruction of the enemy. In Belarus in 1943 there was a resolution "On the destruction of the enemy's railway communications by the method of the rail war" - the partisans were to lead the so-called rail war, undermining the trains, bridges and in every way the enemy ways.

During the operations, the "Rail War" and "Concert" in Belarus was 15-30 days the movement of trains was stopped, and the army and technique of the enemy were destroyed. Undermining the enemy compositions, even in the conditions of a lack of explosives, the partisans destroyed more than 70 bridges and killed 30 thousand German fighters. Only on the first night of the operation "Rail war" 42 thousand rails were destroyed. It is believed that for all the time of the war, the partisans destroyed about 18 thousand enemy compositions, which is truly a tremendous number.

In many ways, these achievements have become a reality thanks to the invention of the partisan craftsman T. E. Shavgulidze - on marching conditions, he built a special wedge, allowing trains to succeed: the composition was driving to a wedge, which in a few minutes was attached to the paths, then the wheel was rearred with the inner side Rail, and the train completely destroyed, which did not happen even after the explosions of the min.

Partisan gunsmiths

The partisans brigades were mainly armed with light machine guns, machine guns and carbines. However, there were detachments with mortars or artillery. The partisans were armed with advice and often trophy weapons, but this, in the conditions of war in the rear, the enemy was not enough.

The partisans were deployed large-scale manufacture of handicrafts and even tanks. Local workers created special secret workshops - with primitive equipment and a small set of tools, however, engineers and fans techniques managed to create excellent samples of parts for weapons from scrap metal and improvised parts. [C-Block]

In addition to repairing partisans, they were engaged in design work: "A large number of self-made mines, automata and grenade partisans have an original decision as the entire design as a whole and its individual nodes. Not limited to the inventiveness of the "local" character, the partisans sent a large number of inventions on the larger land and rationalizing proposals. "

The most popular handicrafts were homemade pistols-machine-guns PPS - the first one was made in the brigade of the partisan "defeat" under Minsk in 1942. Also, the partisans were manufactured "surprises" with explosives and unexpected varieties of mines with a special detonator, whose secret knew only their own. "Folk Avengers" with ease repaired even undermined German tanks and even organized artillery divisions from the mined mortars. Partisan engines did engineers even grenade launchers.

On June 29 - the day of partisan glory and underground workers

The partisans and underfloor agers are remembered on June 29, because on this day of the 1941th USSR Soviet Council and the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) issued a directive addressed to party and Soviet organizations operating in the country's front-line areas, the need to create an organized territory on the occupied enemy Partisan resistance. The directive prescribed: "Create partisan detachments and sabotage groups to combat the opponent's army in the fields employed ..., create unbearable conditions for the enemy and all his accomplices, to pursue them at every step and destroy, disrupt any of their events."

The contribution of the detachment of partisan-"fighters of the invisible front", operating underground, literally under the nose of the tricky and bloodthirsty enemy, in the victory obsessed with our people it is impossible to overestimate. Thanks to the selfless actions of the Soviet partisans, the Nazis in the literal sense burned under their feet. From the very beginning of the war against our country, before that, the invader could not feel in security, neither the day or at night. Neither in the forest, nor in the field, nor in the occupied major town, or in a small village in the deep rear - everywhere, the self-satisfied calm of the Nazis violated the noble revenge of the Soviet partisans, inspiring them fear and tremble before the unreleased Russian spirit. The colossal material damage caused by the enemy by the actions of the Soviet partisans, together with the strongest moral pressure exerted by the opponent's rear, brought the day of the Great Victory.

All Belarus, Bryanshchina, Smolenshchina and Orlovshchina, many areas of Ukraine, Crimea and the southern regions of the RSFSR were covered by a well-organized partisan struggle. Grateful descendants will always remember the names of twice the heroes of the Soviet Union of the leaders of the partisan movement of Sidora Artemyevich Kovpak and Alexey Fyodorovich Fedorova, hundreds of heroes who died in battle and confused in fascist ducts, thousands of brothers, sons, husbands and fathers In the forests and swamps of Belarus, in the Kuban Limans, Donetsk steppes and the hills of the Crimea.

Eternal memory to the fallen heroes-partisans! Good health and cheerfulness of the spirit of living participants of the heroic struggle!

Chernigovshchina, 14 regions of Zhytomyrchina and Belarus became a real partisan edge. The party and Soviet bodies were opened in them, economic work was carried out, postal and telegraph communications were established. In the territory of the Ukrainian SSR during the Great Patriotic War, 46 partisan compounds operated, 1993 partisan intelligence and divergers, more than 500 Komsomol, pioneering and youth underground organizations and groups. In total, more than 2 million people took part in the nationwide struggle in the enemy of the territory of the Ukrainian SSR.
Folk Avengers killed 465 thousand German soldiers and officers, destroyed 790 guns, 915 warehouses with ammunition, 248 communication sites, 5019 echelons, 1566 tanks and armored vehicles, 211 aircraft, 13 thousand 535 cars, 44 railway hubs, 467 enemy garrisons, surfacing 29 boats 22 ships, over 50 barges.

This photo album seems to show - who is true sons and and patriots of the Ukrainian people, and who are collaborators and traitors.

Those who want to know the truth about our late past - the Great Patriotic War of 1941-9145, those who are not indifferent to the fate of our Motherland today and in the future, the album's lusty page, has the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the truthful story of the partisan movement in the territories of the Ukrainian SSR and European countries occupied by the fascists.

Such heroes, and not the Bandera fight in Western Ukraine with the Nazis. Speaking today Veteran - the army intelligence officer told how the partisans helped the Soviet Army in the forcing Dnieper. They helped with the guidance of 25 crossing the creation of the Book and Litezki bridgeheads. He received an order for undermining a bridge in the Khmelnitsky region, a few his comrades were killed by Bandera who tried to not give by Soviet soldiers to undermine the bridge, so necessary to the retreats of the Germans. And after the war, his cousin was killed by Bandera Sister-teacher. Came home, put it on the wall and drove his wife ...

Each generation has its perception of the past war, the place and significance of which in the life of the peoples of our country was so significant that it entered their history as a great domestic. Dates on June 22, 1941 and May 9, 1945 will forever remain in the memory of the peoples of Russia. 60 years after the Great Patriotic War, the Russians may be proud that their contribution to victory was huge and no replace. The most important part of the struggle against the Soviet people against Hitler's Germany in the years of the Great Patriotic War was a partisan movement, which was the most active form of participation of the wide masses at the temporarily occupied Soviet territory in the fight against the enemy.

In the occupied territory, a "new order" was installed - the regime of violence and bloody terror, designed to perpetuate the German dominance and turn the captured lands in the agrarian-raw materials appendage of the German monopolies. All this met the fierce resistance among the majority of the population who lived in the occupied territory, which rose to the struggle.

It was a truly popular movement generated by the fair character of the war, the desire to protect the honor and independence of the Motherland. That is why in the program of struggle with the German fascist invaders, such an important place was assigned to the partisan movement in the occupied by the enemy areas. The party called on the enemy of Soviet people who remained in the rear of Soviet people to create partisan detachments and sabotage groups, ignite the partisan war everywhere and everywhere, blow the bridges, spoil the telegraph and telephone connection of the enemy, to set the warehouses, create unbearable conditions for the enemy and all his accomplices, pursue and destroy them Each step, disrupt all their events.

Soviet people who have discussed the territory occupied by the enemy, as well as fighters, commanders and political workers of the Red Army of Navy, who have surrounded, entered into the fight against the German-fascist invaders. They sought to help with the Soviet troops on the front with all their might and funds that were resistant to the Nazis. And already these first their actions against Hitlerism were the character of the partisan war. In a special decree of the CCCPP (b) dated July 18, 1941, "On the organization of the struggle in the rear of the enemy troops", the party called on republican, regional, regional and district party organizations to lead the organization of partisan formations and underground, "to help the creation of equestrian and hiking partisan detachments, sabotage fighter groups, deploy a network of our Bolshevik underground organizations on the seized territory for leading all actions against the fascist occupiers "War (June 1941 G.-1945).

The struggle of the Soviet people against the German-fascist invaders at the temporary occupied territory of the Soviet Union became an integral part of the Great Patriotic War. She acquired a nationwide character, becoming a qualitatively new phenomenon in the history of the struggle against foreign invaders. The most important of its manifestations was the partisan movement in the rear of the enemy. Due to the actions of the partisans in the German fascist invaders, the constant sensation of danger and threats were distributed in their rear, which had a significant moral impact on the Nazis. And it was a real danger, because the fighting partisans applied a huge damage to the alive strength and technique of the enemy.

Group portrait of the fighters of the partisan squad "Star"
It is characteristic that the thought of the organization of the partisan and underground traffic on the territory seized by the enemy appeared only after the beginning of the Great Patriotic War and the first defeats of the Red Army. This is due to the fact that in the 20s - early 30s, the Soviet military leadership quite reasonably believed that in the case of an enemy invasion, it was really necessary to deploy a partisan war in the rear of the enemy, and for this purpose, they were already engaged in the preparation of the organizers of the partisan movement, identified Means for conducting partisan war. However, during the mass repression of the second half of the 1930s, such a precaution began to be considered as a manifestation of affected, and almost all those who were engaged in this work were repressed. If then follow the concept of defense, concluded in the victory over the enemy "small blood and on its territory", the systematic training of the organizers of the partisan movement, according to Stalin and his surroundings, could morally disarm the Soviet people, sow affected moods. It is impossible to eliminate the painful suspicion of Stalin in relation to the potentially clearly organized structure of the underground resistance apparatus, which, as he believed, could take advantage of the "opposition".

It is usually believed that by the end of 1941 the number of active partisans reached 90 thousand people, and partisan detachments - more than 2 thousand. Thus, at first, the partisan squads themselves were not very numerous - their number did not exceed several dozen fighters. The difficult winter period of 1941-1942, the lack of reliably equipped bases of partisan detachments, lack of weapons and ammunition, poor weapons and food supply, as well as the lack of professional physicians and drugs complicated effective actions of partisans, bring them to the exercise of sabotage on transport highways, The destruction of small groups of invaders, defeat their locations, the destruction of policemen - local residents who agreed to cooperate with the occupiers. Nevertheless, the partisan and underground movement in the rear of the enemy still took place. Many detachments acted in Smolensk, Moscow, Orlovskaya, Bryansk and in a number of other areas of the country who fell under the foam of the German-fascist occupants.

Detachment S. Kovpaka

The partisan movement was and remains one of the most efficient and universal forms of the revolutionary struggle. It allows small forces to successfully combat against superior numerical and arms of the enemy. Partisan detachments are a bridgehead organizing the core to strengthen and develop revolutionary forces. By virtue of these reasons, the historical experience of the partisan movement of the twentieth century seems to be extremely important for us, and considering it, it is impossible not to touch on the legendary name of Sidora Artemyevich Kovpak, the attitude of the practice of partisan raids. This outstanding Ukrainian, People's Partizan commander, twice the hero of the Soviet Union, who received the title of major general in 1943, owns a special role in the development of the theory and practice of the partisan movement of the modern time.

Sidor Kovpak was born in the family of Poltava Peasant Poor. The further fate of his saturation of the struggle and its unexpected turns is quite characteristic of that revolutionary era. Kovpak began to fight back in the first world, in the blood of the poor, the intelligence officer, who earned two brass Georgievsky cross and numerous injured, and already in 1918, after the German occupation of revolutionary Ukraine, independently organized and headed the red partisan detachment - one of the first in Ukraine. He fought against Denikintsev, together with the detachments of Batka Parkhomenko, participated in the battles on the Eastern Front as part of the legendary 25 Chapaevsky division, then fought in the south against Wrangel's troops, took part in the liquidation of Gang Makhno. After the victory of the revolution, Sidor Kovpak, in 1919, became a member of the RCP (b), was engaged in economic work, especially successful in road construction, which was proud of his beloved business. Since 1937, this administrator, famous for its decency and hard work, is exceptional even for the epoch of labor on defense, performed the responsibility of the Chairman of the Putivist City Executive Committee of the Sumy Region. In this purely peaceful position, he caught war.

In August 1941, Putivl's party organization practically in full force - excluding its previously mobilized members - turned into a partisan detachment. It was one of the many partisan groups created in a friendly struggle for the partisan struggle with a wooded triangle of Sumy, Bryansk, Oryol and Kursk regions that have become the base of the entire future partisan movement. However, the Putivty detachment quickly stood out among the many forest divisions with their particularly brave and, at the same time recalled and prudent actions. Partisans Kovpak avoided a long stay within a certain area. They committed constant long maneuvers in the enemy rear, exposing the remote German garrisons unexpected strikes. So the famous raid tactics of the partisan struggle was born, in which the traditions and techniques of the revolutionary war of 1918-21 were disappeared - techniques, regenerated and developed by the Kovpak commander. Already at the very beginning of the formation of the Soviet partisan movement, he became its most famous and prominent figure.

At the same time, Batko Kovpak himself did not differ at all some special brave military appearance. According to his associates, the outstanding partisan general rather reminded the elderly peasant in the civilian, carefully guarding his big and complex economy. It was such an impression that he made it on his future chief of intelligence Peter Verchigor, in the past - film director, and later a famous partisan writer who told in his books about the raids of Kovpakovsky detachments. The Kovpak really was an unusual commander - he skillfully joined his vast experience of a soldier and an economic worker with an innovative courage in the development of tactics and strategy of the partisan struggle. "He is quite modest, not so much taught others as he studied himself, he knew how to admit his mistakes, thereby not exacerbating them," Alexander Dovodko wrote about the Kovpak. The Kovpak was simple, even deliberately concerned in communicating, man in contact with his fighters and with the help of the continuous political and ideological preparation of his squad carried out under the leadership of his closest companion - the legendary Commissioner Rudnev, could achieve a high level of communist consciousness and discipline from them.

Parisan detachment Hero of the Soviet Union S.A. Kovpaka passes through the street of the Ukrainian village during a combat campaign
This feature is a clear organization of all the spheres of partisan life in extremely complex, unpredictable conditions of war in the enemy's rear - gave the opportunity to make the most difficult, unprecedented operations and scope of the operation. Among the Kovpakov commander were teachers, workers, engineers, peasants.

People of peace professions, they acted well and organized, based on the system of organizing the combat and peaceful life of the detachment established by the Kovpak. "The master's eye, confident, calm rhythm of hiking life and a buzz of votes in more often, leisurely, but not a slow life of confident people working with a sense of self-esteem is my first impression of the Kovpak squad," wrote later the Verchaigor. Already in 1941-42, Sidior Kovpak, under the guidance of which by this time there was a whole connection of partisan detachments, takes its first raids - long-term combat moves to the territory that has not yet been covered by the partisan movement - its detachments passed through the territories of Sumy, Kursk, Oryol and The Bryansk regions, as a result of which the Kovpak fighters together with Belarusian and Bryansk guerrillas created the famous partisan region, purified from the Hitler's troops and the police administration - a presence of future liberated territories of Latin America. In 1942-43, the Kovpakovs make a raid from the Bryansk forests to the Right-Bank Ukraine in the Gomel, Pinskaya, Volyn, Rivne, Zhytomyr and Kiev regions - an unexpected appearance in the deep rear of the enemy made it possible to destroy the huge number of enemy military communications, at the same time collecting and transferring the most important intelligence information at the rate .

By this time, the Kovpak raid tactics received universal recognition, and her experience spread in full swing and was introduced by the partisan command of various regions.

The famous meeting of the leaders of the Soviet partisan movement arrived through the front to Moscow in early September 1942, fully approved the raid tactics of the Kovpak attended there - by that time the hero of the Soviet Union and the member of the illegal CP KP (b) y. Its essence was in the fast, maneuverable, secretly moving in the opponent's rear with the further creation of new foci of the partisan movement. Such raids, in addition to significant damage caused by the enemy's troops and the collection of important intelligence information, had a huge propaganda effect. "The partisans transferred the war closer to Germany," the head of the General Staff of the Red Army Marshal Vasilevsky said on this occasion. The partisan raids raised huge masses of enslaved people to fight, armed and taught them the practice of struggle.

In the summer of 1943, on the eve of the Kursk battle, Sumy partisan compound Sidora Kovpak on the orders of the central headquarters of the partisan movement begins his famous Carpathian raid, the path of which went through the deepest enemy replaes. A feature of this legendary raid was that here the Kovpakov partisans had to regularly make marching throws in an open, unborn territory, at a huge distance from the bases of the content, without any hope for support and help from the outside.

Hero of the Soviet Union Commander of Sumy Partisan Union Sidor Artemyevich Kovpak (sits in the center, on the chest of the hero's star) surrounded by associates. To the left of the Kovpack - the secretary of the partisan compound of the Sumy partisan compound Y.G. Panin, to the right of the Kovpak - Assistant Commander for Intelligence P.P. Verchigora
During the Carpathian raid, the Sumy partisan compound was over 10 thousand km in continuous battles, defeating the German garrisons and Bandera squads in the forty settlements of Western Ukraine, including the territory of Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk regions. By destroying transport communications, the Kovpakov managed to block the important directions of the enjoyment of Hitler's troops and military equipment to the fronts of the Kursk arc. Hitlermen who have thrown the elite SPEA parts and front aircraft for the destruction of the Kovpak compounds, and did not manage to destroy the partisan column - being surrounded, the Kovpak accepts an unexpected decision for the enemy to divide the connection to a number of small groups, and the simultaneous "fan" strike in various directions to break through Back to the Polesian forests. This tactical move brilliantly justified itself - all the scattered groups survived, reappointing in one formidable force - the Kovpakov connection. In January 1944 it was renamed the 1st Ukrainian partisan division, which received the name of his commander - Sidora Kovpak.

The tactics of Kovpakovsky raids were widespread in the anti-fascist movement of Europe, and after the war, young partisans of Rhodesia, Angola and Mozambique, Vietnamese commanders and revolutionaries of the Latin American countries were studied.

Guardisanian movement leadership

On May 30, 1942, the State Committee of Defense at the rate of the Supreme Command was formed by the Central Headquarters of the Partisan Movement, the head of which was appointed the first secretary of the Central Committee of the CP (b) of Belarus P.K. Ponomarenko. At the same time, the guerrilla headquarters were created under the military councils of the Frontaya War of the Soviet Union.

On September 6, 1942, GKO established the post of commander-in-chief of the partisan movement. Marshal K.E. became Voroshilov. Thus, the fragmentation and inconsistency of the actions reigned at first in the partisan movement was overcome, bodies coordinating their sabotage activities appeared. It was the disorganization of the enemy rear that became the main task of Soviet partisans. The composition and organization of partisan formations, despite their diversity, still had a lot in common. The main tactical unit was a detachment, which appeared at the beginning of the war, several dozen fighters, and later to 200 or more people. During the war, many detachments merged into larger compounds (partisan brigades) with a few hundred to several thousand people. In their armament, a light small arms prevailed, but many detachments and partisan brigades had already placed machine guns and mortars, in some cases and artillery. All who took part of the partisan detachments took partisan oath, the tough military discipline was installed in the detachments.

There were various forms of the organization of the partisan forces - small and large formations, regional (local) and non-regional. Regional detachments and compounds were constantly based in one area and were responsible for the protection of its population and the fight against the occupiers on this territory. Unregistered partisan compounds and detachments carried out tasks in different areas, making long raids, being in the essence of mobile reserves, maneuvering which guidelines of the partisan movement could focus efforts on the main direction of planned strikes to apply the most powerful strikes on the enemy.

Detachment of the 3rd Leningrad Partisan Brigade in Hike, 1943
In the zone of extensive forests, in mountainous and swamp areas there were basic bases and locations of the dislocation of partisan formations. The partisan regions arose here, where various ways of struggle could be applied, including direct, open clashes with an opponent, in the steppe more districts, large partisan detachments could have been successfully acting during the raids. Constantly small detachments and group partisans were usually avoided open clashes with the enemy, applying damage to him, as a rule, unexpected deposits and diversions, in August-September 1942, the central headquarters of the partisan movement held a meeting of the commanders of the Belarusian, Ukrainian, Bryansk and Smolensk partisan detachments. On September 5, the Supreme Commander signed an order "On the tasks of the partisan movement", which indicated the need to coordinate the actions of partisans with the operations of the Regular Army. The center of gravity of hostilities partisans should have been moved to enemy communications.

The strengthening of partisan actions on railways immediately felt invaders. In August 1942, they registered nearly 150 echelons' crashes, in September - 152, in October - 210, in November - almost 240. The ordinary was the attacks of partisans on German autocolon. The highway, crossed by the partisan edges and zones, turned out to be practically closed for the occupiers. On many roads, transportation was possible only under the enhanced security.

The formation of large partisan compounds and coordinating their actions by the central headquarters allowed to deploy a planned struggle against the supporting points of the German-fascist occupiers. Destroying enemy garrisons in district centers and other villages, partisan detachments have increasingly expanded the boundaries of the zones controlled by them and territories. Whole occupied areas were released from invaders. In the summer and in the fall of 1942, 22-24 enemy divisions fastened the partisans, providing this considerable assistance to the troops of the fighting Soviet army. By the beginning of 1943, the partisan regions embraced a significant part of the Vitebsk, Leningrad, Mogilev and a number of other areas temporarily occupied by the enemy. In the same year, even more the number of Hitler's troops was distracted from the front to combat partisans.

It was for 1943 that the peak of actions of the Soviet partisans, whose struggle and resulted in a nationwide partisan movement. By the end of 1943, the number of his participants rose to 250 thousand armed fighters. At this time, for example, Belarusian partisans controlled almost 60% of the occupied territory of the republic (109 thousand sq.m.), and on the square 38 thousand square meters. The invaders were completely expelled. In 1943, the struggle of the Soviet partisans in the rear of the enemy spread to the right bank and Western Ukraine and Western regions of Belarus.

Rail war

A number of major operations made jointly with the troops of the Red Army testify about the discharge of the guerrilla movement. One of them was called the "Rail War". It was held in August-September 1943 at an occupied by the enemy of the territory of the RSFSR, the Belarusian and part of the Ukrainian SSR with the aim of conclusion of railway communications of the German-fascist troops. This operation was associated with the plans of the rates at the end of the defeat of the Nazis on the Kursk Arc, the commissioning of the Smolensk operation and the offensive in order to liberate the Left Bank of Ukraine. The Leningrad, Smolensk, Orlovsky partisans also attracted to the implementation of the CSPP operation.

The order for the operation "The Rail War" was given on June 14, 1943. Local partisan headquarters and their representatives on the fronts identified areas and objects of action to each partisan formation. The partisans were supplied from the "Big Earth" by explosives, fuses, was actively intelligence at the enemy railway communications. The operation began on the night of August 3 and lasted until mid-September. The fighting in the rear of the enemy unfolded on the ground with a length of about 1000 km on the front and 750 km deep, about 100,000 partisans participated in the active support of the local population.

A powerful blow to railways on the territory busy opponent was a complete surprise for him. As a long time, the Nazis could not organize to counteract the partisans. During the operation, the Rail War was undermined over 215 thousand railway rails, a lot of echelons with a personal composition and military equipment of the Nazis, railway bridges and station structures were blown up. The capacity of the railways decreased by 35-40%, which threw the plans of the Nazis on the accumulation of material means and the concentration of troops, seriously difficult to carry out the rearrangement of the enemy forces.

The same goals, but during the upcoming onset of Soviet troops in Smolensk, Gomel directions and the battle for the Dnieper, the partisan operation was subordinate to the codename name "Concert". It was held on September 19 - November 1, 1943 at the territory of Belarus, in the Leningrad and Kalinin regions, in the territory of Latvia, Estonia, the Crimea, in the front of Latvia, Estonia, Crimea, covering about 900 km and in the depth of over 400 km.

Parisans mining railway canvas
He was a planned continuation of the operation "Rail War", it was closely related to the upcoming onset of Soviet troops in Smolensk and Gomel directions and during the battle for the Dnieper. 193 partisan detachments (groups) of Belarus, Baltic States, Karelia, Crimea, Leningrad and Kalinine regions (over 120 thousand people) were attracted to the participation of the operations (more than 120 thousand people), which had to undermine more than 272 thousand rails.

More than 90,000 partisans participated in the territory of Belarus; They had to undermine 140 thousand rails. The central headquarters of the partisan movement assumed the 120 tons of explosives and other goods, Kaliningrad and Leningrad partisans to be abandoned by Belarusian partisans, Kaliningrad and Leningrad partisans.

Due to the sharp deterioration of meteorological conditions, only about half of the planned amount of goods were transferred to the beginning of the operation, therefore mass sabotage was decided on September 25. However, part of the detachments that have already published on the original frontiers could not take into account changes in the periods of the operation and began to be implemented. On the night of September 25, simultaneous actions were made to the "Concert" plan at the front of about 900km (excluding Karelia and Crimea) and in a depth of over 400 km.

Local headquarters of the partisan movement and their representation at the fronts identified areas and objects of action to each partisan formation. The partisans were provided by explosives, fuses, on the "forest courses" classes were carried out on a mining case, in local "factories" was mined with the trophy shells and bombs, in workshops and forgers were made fastening of rolling checkers to rails. Intelligence in railways was actively conducted. The operation began on the night of August 3 and lasted until mid-September. Actions turned on the ground with a length of about 1000 km along the front and 750 km deep, they participated in about 100 thousand partisans, who helped the local population. Powerful blow to J.-D. The lines were unexpected for the enemy, which for some time could not organize to counteract the partisans. In the course of the operation, about 215 thousand rails were undermined, a lot of echelons were broken under slightly, railway bridges and stationary structures were blown up. The massive violation of enemy communications significantly made it difficult to regroup the enemy's retreating troops, complicated their supply and thereby contributed to the successful onset of the Red Army.

Partisans-demolitions of the Transcarpathian partisan detachment of grachev and duckling at the aerodrome
The task of the "Concert" operation was the conclusion of large areas of railway highways in order to disrupt the transport of the enemy. The bulk of partisan connections began fighting on the night of September 25, 1943. During the operation of the "Concert", only Belarusian partisans undermined about 90 thousand rails, the enemy echelon was allowed under Sunshi, destroyed 72 railway bridges, defeated 58 invaders' garrisons. The operation "Concert" aroused serious difficulties in the transport of German fascist troops. The capacity of the railways decreased more than three times. It greatly difficult to the Hitler's command the implementation of the maneuver of his forces and had a huge help of the upcoming troops of the Red Army.

It is impossible to list all the partisan heroes here, whose contribution to the victory over the enemy was so tangible in the overall struggle of the Soviet people over German-fascist invaders. During the war, wonderful team partisan shots rose - S.A. Kovpak, A.F. Fedorov, A.N. Saburov, V.A. Bezmah, N.N. Popoid and many others. In terms of its scale, political and military results, the nationwide struggle of the Soviet people in the territories occupied by the Hitler's troops acquired the importance of an important military-political factor in the defeat of fascism. Selfless activities of partisans and underground workers received popular recognition and high assessment of the state. More than 300 thousand partisans and underground workers were awarded orders and medals, including over 127 thousand - the "partisan of the Great Patriotic War" medal 1 and 2 degrees, 248 were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Pinsk squad

In Belarus, one of the most famous partisan detachments was the Pinsk partisan detachment under the command of Korzi V.Z. Korzh Vasily Zakharovich (1899-1967), Hero of the Soviet Union, Major General. Born on January 1, 1899 in the village of Rushostovo Solitorsky District. Since 1925 - Chairman of the Commune, then a collective farm in the Starobinsky district of the Minsk region. Since 1931 he worked in the Slutsk District Department of the NKVD. From 1936 to 1938 fought in Spain. Upon returning home was arrested, but after a few months released. He worked as director of state farm in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Since 1940 - FinhozSector of the Pinsky Committee of the Party. In the early days of the Great Patriotic War, he created a Pinsky partisan detachment. The squad "Komarov" (partisan pseudonym V.Z. Korzi) conducted fighting in the areas of the Pinskaya, Brest and Volyn regions. In 1944 he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Since 1943 - Major General. In 1946-1948 he graduated from the Military Academy of the General Staff. From 1949 to 1953 - Deputy Minister of Forestry of the BSSR. In 1953-1963 - Chairman of the collective farm "Partizansky Edge" Pinsky, and then Minsk regions. Its name is the streets in Pinsk, Minsk and Soligorsk, the Kolkhoz "Partizansky Krai", the secondary school in Pinsk.

Pinsky partisans acted at the junction of Minsk, Polesskaya, Baranovichi, Brest, Rivne and Volyn regions. The German occupation administration divided the territory for commissariates, submitted to different Gaulirators - in Rivne, Minsk. Sometimes the guerrillas turned out to be "drawn". So far, the Germans disassembled, which of them should send troops, the partisans continued to operate.

In the spring of 1942, the partisan movement received a new impetus, began to acquire new organizational forms. There was centralized leadership in Moscow. Radio communication with the center has improved.

With the organization of new detachments and the growth of their numerical composition, the Pinsk underground CPC (b) b since the spring of 1943 began to unite them in the brigades. A total of 7 brigades were created: named S.M. Budenny, named after V.I. Lenin, named after V.M. Molotova, name S.M. Kirov, named V. Kuibyshev, Pinskaya, Soviet Belarus. Pin compound included separate detachments - the staff and name of I.I. Chuck. In the ranks of the compound operated 8431 partisans (list composition). Led Pinsky partisan compound V.Z. Korzh, A.E. Kleschikov (May-September 1943), Head of Staff - N.S. Fedotov. V.Z. Korzh and A.E. Klechchev was assigned military ranks "Major General" and the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. As a result of combining the actions of the scattered detachments, they began to obey a single plan, became targeted, and obeyed the actions of the front or army. And in 1944, the interaction was carried out even with divisions.

Portrait of a 14-year-old scout partisan Mikhail Havdaya from the Chernihiv-Volyn compound of General Major A.F. Fedorov
In 1942, Pinsky partisans were so strengthened that the garrisons in the district centers of Lenino, Starobin, Red Sloboda, Lyubovyov. In 1943, partisans M. I. Gerasimov after the defeat of the garrison occupied the city of Lyubyshov for several months. The partisan detachments named after N. Shisha defeated on October 30, 1942, a German garrison at Sinkevichi station, destroyed the railway bridge, stationery and destroyed echelon with ammunition (48 wagons). The Germans lost 74 people killed, 14 injured. Railway traffic on the Brest - Gomel - Bryansk was interrupted for 21 days.

Diversions on communications were the basis of fighting partisans. In different periods, they were carried out in different ways, starting with improvised explosive devices to an improved mines of Colonel Starinov. From the explosion of the villages and the shooter - to a large-scale "rail war". All three years, partisans destroyed the links.

In 1943, the partisan brigades named after the Molotov (M. I. Gerasimov) and Pinskaya (I.G. Schubitidze) were completely detained by the Dnieper-Bug Canal - an important link of the water artery Dnipro - Pripyat - Bug - Vistula. On the left flank they were supported by Brest partisans. The Germans tried to restore this comfortable waterway. Stubborn battles lasted 42 days. The Hungarian Division was thrown against the partisans, then part of the German division and the regiment of Vlasov. Against partisans threw artillery, armored vehicles and aviation. The partisans carried the loss, but held steady. On March 30, 1944, they moved to the front line, where they were diverted by a plot of defense and they fought together with front parts. As a result of the heroic battles, the Water Way to the West was blocked. 185 river vessels remained in Pinsk.

The command of the 1st Belarusian front attached particular importance to the seizure of floating services in the Pinsk port, since in the conditions of a very wetrated area, in the absence of good highways, these floating conditions could successfully solve the issue of transferring the rear of the front. The task was performed by partisans for six months before the liberation center of Pinsk.

In June-July 1944, Pinsky partisans helped parts of the 61st Army of Belov to liberate cities and villages of the region. From June 1941 to July 1944, Pinsky partisans have caused a big damage to the German-fascist invaders: they were only killed, they lost 26,616 people and 422 people were captured. More than 60 major enemy garrisons, 5 railway stations and 10 echelons there with military equipment and ammunition were crushed.

The 468 echelons with a living force and technology, shelled 219 Military echelons and destroyed 23,616 railway rails. 770 cars, 86 tanks and armored vehicles destroyed on the highway and dirt roads. 3 aircraft shot down by rifle and machine guns. 62 railway bridges blown up and about 900 on highway and dirt roads. Such is an incomplete list of combat cases partisans.

Parisan Scout of the Chernigov Connection "For Homeland" Vasily Borovik
After the liberation of the Pin region from the fascist invaders, most partisans joined the ranks of the front-line and continued to fight to complete victory.

The most important forms of the partisan struggle in the years of the Patriotic War were such as the armed struggle of partisan formations, underground groups and organizations created in cities and large settlements, and the mass resistance of the population of occupiers. All these forms of struggle were closely related to each other, caused and complemented one another. Armed partisan detachments have widely used the work and strength of the underground for hostilities. In turn, underground combat groups and organizations, depending on the situation, often moved to open partisan forms of struggle. The partisans set the connection with the concentration camps with fluids, provided support with weapons and food.

The joint efforts of partisans and underground workers were crowned with a nationwide war in the rear of the occupiers. They were a decisive force in the fight against German-fascist invaders. If the resistance movement was not accompanied by an armed performance of partisans and underground organizations, then the people's focusing fascist invaders would not have such strength and mass, which he acquired during the past war. The resistance of the occupied population was often accompanied by divergent activities inherent in partisans and underground workers. The mass resistance of Soviet citizens of fascism, its occupying regime was aimed at assisting partisan movement, to create the most favorable conditions for the struggle of the Armed part of Soviet people.

Detachment D. Medvedev

Great fame and elusiveness used the detachment of Medvedev, fought in Ukraine. D. N. Medvedev was born in August 1898 in the town of Bezhnitsa Bryansky County of the Oryol province. Dmitry's father was a qualified stepper. In December 1917, after graduating from the gymnasium, Dmitry Nikolaevich worked as a secretary of one of the departments of the Bryansky district council of workers and soldiers' deputies. In 1918-1920 He fought on various fronts of the Civil War. In 1920, D. N. Medvedev enters the party, and the party sends him to work in the HCC. In the Communist Party of OGPU - NKVD, Dmitry Nikolayevich worked until October 1939 and was retired as a state of health.

From the very beginning of the war, he was a volunteer to fight against the fascist occupiers. ... in the summer camp of a separate motorized rifle brigade of the special purpose of the NKVD, formed from volunteers of the Distribution of the Interior and the Central Committee of the VLKSM, Medvedev took three tens of reliable guys in his squad. On August 22, 1941, a group of partisan-volunteers from 33 people under the leadership of Medvedev switched to the front line and found itself in the occupied territory. For about five months, Medvedev's detachment was acted in the Bryansk Earth and made over 50 combat operations.

The partisans reconnaissance laid explosives under the rails and tear up the enemy echelons, fired from the ambush the autocolon on the highway, in the afternoon and at night they were broadcast and reported all new and new information about the movement of the German military units ... The Medvedev detachment served as a kernel to create a whole partisan in the Bryansk region the edges. Over time, new special tasks were entrusted with him, and he already entered the plans of the Supreme Commander as an important bridgehead in the enemy's rear.

In early 1942, D. N. Medvedev was withdrawn to Moscow and here worked on the formation and training of volunteer sabotage groups thrown into the enemy rear. Together with one of these groups in June 1942, he again found himself behind the front line.

In the summer of 1942, Medvedev detachment becomes the center of resistance in the huge area of \u200b\u200bthe occupied territory of Ukraine. The party underground in Rivne, Lutsk, Zdolbunov, Vinnitsa, hundreds and hundreds of patriots act with reconnaissance partisans at the same time. The legendary intelligence officer Nikolai Ivanovich Kuznetsov became famous in Medvedev's detachment, who was a long time in exactly under the guise of the Hitler officer Paul Siberta ...

For 22 months, the detachment performed dozens of most important intelligence operations. It is enough to call Messages transferred to Medvedev to Moscow about the preparation of Hitlermen attempts on participants in the historical meeting in Tehran - Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill, about the placement of Hitler's betting, on the preparation of the German offensive on the Kursk arc, the most important data on military garrisons received from the commander of these Garrisons of General Ilgen.

Partisans with Maxim machine gun in battle
The connection conducted 83 combat operations in which many hundreds of Hitler's soldiers and officers were destroyed, many of the highest military and Nazi leaders. Many military equipment was exterminated by partisan mines. Dmitry Nikolaevich During his stay in the enemy rear, he was twilight and contuge. He was awarded three orders of Lenin, the Order of the Red Banner, combat medals. By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of November 5, 1944, a colonel of state security Medvedev was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. In 1946, Medvedev resigned until the last days of life was engaged in literary work.

The combat cases of Soviet patriots during the war in the deep rear of the enemy D. N. Medvedev dedicated his books "It was at exactly", "strong spirit", "on the shores of the South Bug." During the operation of the squad, a lot of valuable information was transferred to the command of the work of railways, about moving enemy headquarters, about the transfer of troops and technology, about the events of the occupying authorities, about the situation at the temporary occupied territory. In battles and shocks, up to 12 thousand enemy soldiers and officers were destroyed. The loss of the detachment was 110 people killed and 230 wounded.

The final stage

Daily attention and the enormous organizational work of the Central Committee of the Party and Local Party Organon ensured the involvement in the partisan movement of the wide masses of the population. The partisan war in the rear of the enemy flared up with a huge force, merged with the heroic struggle of the Red Army at the fronts of the domestic warriors. Particularly highly accepted the action of partisans in the nationwide struggle against the occupiers in 1943-1944. If from 1941 and in mid-1942 in the conditions of the most difficult stage of war, the partisan movement experienced the initial period of its development and formation, in 1943, during the period of the indigenous fracture during the war, the mass partisan movement resulted in the form of the National Great War of Soviet people against invaders. This stage is characterized by the most complete expression of all forms of partisan struggle, an increase in the numerical and combat composition of the partisan detachments, the expansion of their connection with the brigades and the partisan connections. It was at this stage that extensive partisan edges and zones, inaccessible to the enemy have been created, accumulated experience in dealing with occupiers.

During the winter of 1943 and during 1944, when the enemy was defeated and completely expelled from the Soviet Earth, the partisan movement rose to a new one, even a higher level. On this ethane, partisans with underground organizations and the upcoming troops of the Red Army, as well as the connection of many partisan detachments and brigades with the units of the Red Army, was interacted. The partisans characteristic of the activities at this stage is the application of strikes on the most important communications of the enemy, first of all by railways, with the aim of breaking the transport of troops, weapons, ammunition and food enemy, preventing the urusa of the worn property and Soviet people. Partisan War Falsifiers of History announced illegal, barbaric, reduced to the desire of Soviet people to take revenge on the occupiers for their atrocities. But life has refuted their approval and speculation, showed her true character and goals. The partisan movement causes the "powerful economic and political reasons" to life. The desire of Soviet people to take revenge on the occupiers for violence and cruelty was only an additional factor in the partisan struggle. The nationality of the partisan movement, his regularity arising from the essence of the Patriotic War, its fair, liberation, was the most important factor in the victory of the Soviet people over fascism. The main source of the force of the partisan movement was the Soviet Socialist system, the love of the Soviet people to the Motherland, the dedication of the Leninist party, called the people to protect the socialist debris.

Partisans - Father and Son, 1943
1944 entered the history of the partisan movement as a year of the widespread interaction of partisans with parts of the Soviet Army. The Soviet command has advanced the tasks in advance before the partisan leadership, which allowed the headquarters of the partisan movement to plan the united actions of the partisan forces. Significant scope this year received actions of the raiding partisan compounds. So, for example, the Ukrainian partisan division under the command of P.P. From January 5 to April 5, 1944, from January 5 to April 1, 1944, with battles of nearly 2100 km through the territory of Ukraine, Belarus and Poland.

During the mass expulsion of the fascists from the USSR limits, partisan formations solved another important task - the population of the occupied areas was saved from the hijacking to Germany, retained folk good of the destruction and plunder in the invaders. They were covered in the forests on the territories controlled by them hundreds of thousands of local residents, even before the arrival of the Soviet parts captured many settlements.

Unified guidance of partisans in a sustainable connection between the headquarters of the partisan movement and partisan formations, their interaction with the units of the Red Army in tactical and even strategic operation, conducting partisan grouping groups of large independent operations, wide use of mine-subversive equipment, the supply of partisan detachments and rear compounds The warring country, the evacuation of patients and wounded from the enemy rear to "Greater Earth" - all these features of the partisan movement in the Great Patriotic War have greatly enriched the theory and practice of the partisan struggle as one of the forms of the armed struggle against the German fascist troops during the Second World War.

The actions of armed partisan formations were one of the most decisive and effective forms of the struggle of Soviet partisans with invaders. Mass distribution received the speeches of the Armed Forces partisans in Belarus, the Crimea, in the Oryol, Smolensk, Kalininskaya, Leningrad regions and the Krasnodar Territory, that is, where the most favorable natural conditions were. In these areas of the partisan movement, 193,798 partisans fought. The symbol of fearless and courage of partisan intelligence officers was the name of the Moscow Komsomolskaya Zoe Kosmodemyanskaya, awarded the Hero Hero of the Soviet Union. About the feat of the Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya Country found out in the difficult months of the battle near Moscow. November 29, 1941 Zoya died with words on the lips: "It's happiness - die for your people!"

An employee of the 3rd Soviet Hospital Olga Fedorovna Shcherbatsevich, having cared for prisoner wounded soldiers and officers of the Red Army. Having hesitated by the Germans in the Alexandrovsky Square Minsk on October 26, 1941. The inscription on the shield, in Russian and German - "We are partisans, shooting German soldiers."

From the memories of the witness of the execution - Vyacheslav Kovalevich, in 1941 he was 14 years old: "I walked to the sourage market. The cinema "Central" saw that the column of the Germans was moving along the Soviet street, and in the center three civilians, with their hands connected with his hands. Among them is aunt Olya, Mother Volodya Shcherbatsevich. They were led to Square opposite the home of officers. There was a summer cafe. Before the war began to repair it. Made the fence, put the pillars, and they got the boards. Olya with two men led to this fence and began to hang on it. First hung men. When the aunt Olya was hung, the rope was broken. Digid two fascists - picked up, and the third fastened the rope. She remained hanging. "
In difficult for the country, the days when the enemy rushed to Moscow, the feat of Zoe was like the feat of the legendary Danko, who snatched his burning heart and led people by covering them the path in a difficult moment. The feat of the Zoi Kosmodemyanskaya repeated many girls - the guerriana and the underground workers who were inserted on the defense of the Motherland. Walking on the execution, they did not ask for mercy and did not inclined the heads of the head. Soviet patriot firmly believed in the inevitable victory over the enemy, in the celebration of that case for which they fought and gave their lives.

The day of guerrilla and underground workers appeared in the calendar of memorable dates relatively recently. This year, about partisans and underground workers who defended the Fatherland during the Great Patriotic War will be remembered separately only in the fourth time *.

* In accordance with the changes made by the President of the Russian Federation in Article 11 of the Federal Law "On the Days of Military Glory and Memorial Dates of Russia" on April 11, 2009, the day of partisans and underground workers was included in the list of memorable dates and received official status.

The partisans and underfloor agers are remembered on June 29, because on this day of the 1941th USSR Soviet Council and the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) issued a directive addressed to party and Soviet organizations operating in the country's front-line areas, the need to create an organized territory on the occupied enemy Partisan resistance. The directive prescribed: "Create partisan detachments and sabotage groups to combat the opponent's army in the fields employed ..., create unbearable conditions for the enemy and all his accomplices, to pursue them at every step and destroy, disrupt any of their events."

The contribution of the detachment of partisan-"fighters of the invisible front", operating underground, literally under the nose of the tricky and bloodthirsty enemy, in the victory obsessed with our people it is impossible to overestimate. Thanks to the selfless actions of the Soviet partisans, the Nazis in the literal sense burned under their feet. From the very beginning of the war against our country, before that, the invader could not feel in security, neither the day or at night. Neither in the forest, nor in the field, nor in the occupied major town, or in a small village in the deep rear - everywhere, the self-satisfied calm of the Nazis violated the noble revenge of the Soviet partisans, inspiring them fear and tremble before the unreleased Russian spirit. The colossal material damage caused by the enemy by the actions of the Soviet partisans, together with the strongest moral pressure exerted by the opponent's rear, brought the day of the Great Victory.

All Belarus, Bryanshchina, Smolenshchina and Orlovshchina, many areas of Ukraine, Crimea and the southern regions of the RSFSR were covered by a well-organized partisan struggle. Grateful descendants will always remember the names of twice the heroes of the Soviet Union of the leaders of the partisan movement of Sidora Artemyevich Kovpak and Alexey Fyodorovich Fedorova, hundreds of heroes who died in battle and confused in fascist ducts, thousands of brothers, sons, husbands and fathers In the forests and swamps of Belarus, in the Kuban Limans, Donetsk steppes and the hills of the Crimea.

Eternal memory to the fallen heroes-partisans! Good health and cheerfulness of the spirit of living participants of the heroic struggle!