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Lebedev Vladimir Vasilyevich. Artist Claudius Vasilyevich Lebedev Lebedev Illustrator

"IN. V. Lebedev was never an illustrator nor decorated books. Along with the writer - a poet or a prose - he can fully and the reason to be considered their author with full and reason: so much uniformity, thin observation and confident skill contributes to each book. And at the same time, his drawings never diverge with the word in the most essential and main thing. They are extremely rhythmic and therefore so well coordinate with verses or with such a prose, such as, for example, folk tales and fairy tales of Lion Tolstoy. "

S. Marshak

Vladimir Vasilyevich Lebedev is a magnificent artist who had a bright creative personality, a recognized master of children's illustration.

Vladimir Vasilyevich Lebedev (14 (26) May 1891 - November 21, 1967) - Russian Soviet painter, schedule, master of poster, book and magazine illustration, founder. People's Artist of the RSFSR, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Arts of the USSR, recognized classic of children's illustrations, the creator of its principles, the founder of the Leningrad School of Book Graphics - "Lebedev Schools".

The first steps of Lebedev in the children's book illustration were drawings in the collection of poems, fairy tales and stories "Christmas tree" and drawings of mascara to the Arab fairy tale "Lion and Bull", published in 1918. In them, he already appeared a brilliant animal. Pursuing at the Academy of Arts, Lebedev visited Franz Alekseevich's battle workshop, specially engaged in animal drawing.

His first books with drawings came out in the Publishing House "Raduga", which owns an important role in creating a children's book of the 1920s. It was in this publisher that the book "Elephant" R.Kipling, translated by K. Chukovsky with shaped and dynamic illustrations of V.V. Lebedeva.

In 1923, Vladimir Vasilyevich met the poet Samuel Yakovlevich Marshak (1887-1964). Both of them began to work in the Children's magazine "Sparrow", around which a small group of young writers and artists united.

At the end of 1924, the Children's Department of the State District was created in Petrograd, which was located in the Nevsky Ave., D.28, in the House of MPANI "Singer". He was headed by two editor, literary and artistic: S. Ya. Marshak and V. V. Lebedev. They set themselves the goal of creating a fundamentally new children's artistic book, a book that would be a single, solid and structurally solved organism, and they succeeded. Lebedev and Marshak became friends and began to make books together. The most famous books illustrated by V. Lebedev are, first of all, books written by Samuel Marshak's poet: "Circus", "ice cream", "Tale of a stupid little face", "Mr. Twister", "Used striped", "Twelve months ", Luggage," Tales, Songs, Riddles. "


Brilliant draftsman and experimenter, it introduced in an illustration for kids unprecedented before the time vitality and imagery. Lebedev did drawings for children, paying attention not only to the techniques, but also on the entire design of the book.

In September 1933, on the basis of this department and the children's sector, the publishing house "Young Guard" was created publishing house "Children's literature", originally called "Detgiz" (Children's State Publishing House); His editors also became S. Ya. Marshak and V. V. Lebedev.

Books illustrated by the artist Lebedev are characterized by simplicity and brightness of images, an excellent combination of visual and font forms.

Watching his drawings, you are convinced that he studied not only an anatomy of animals. He knew their habits perfectly, the features of the appearance, gait. The students of the artist recalled that he demanded that they draw. Lebedev himself surprised the surrounding his knowledge. He knew what boots, bridles, saddles, claws in animals and much more were in the world. And even in the circle of artists, immersed entirely only in their art, Lebedev preferred acquaintance and friendship with people of different professions. A man in love with he confidently found a common language with sailors, workers, engineers, with scientists and travelers.

In 1941-1950, Lebedev lived in Moscow, where he collaborated with the "TASS windows". He worked in the book schedule and after returning to Leningrad. Among his post-war books are considered the best "Where did the table come from?" and "Multicolored book" S. Ya. Marshak, "Three Bear" L. N. Tolstoy.

In October 1967, Vladimir Vasilyevich Lebedev was elected a corresponding member of the Academy of Arts. A month later, he was not. Elegant magazine schedule, satirist, posterist, painter, he stayed for us unsurpassed master of children's literature.


Vladimir Vasilyevich Lebedev (1891-1967) - outstanding schedule, artist and illustrator of the first half of the 20th century.

Lebedev graduated from the private art school Bernstein in 1914, after which he taught several years in Petrograd art workshops. Since 1917, he was engaged in a political caricature, collaborated with Sachirikon and New Satirikon Satirikon Satirikic Magazines; In parallel with the caricature, he began to engage in book graphics and it remained faithful to his death in 1967. The first books with its drawings came out in the Publishing House "Raduga", which owns a significant role in creating the children's book of the 1920s. It was in this publishing house that the first "new" book was published - "translated with the illustrations of V. V. Lebedev.

Lebedev was a famous posterist, he created his own style of a campaign poster, which later became a reference for many artists of that time. One of the first series of posters of his execution was ordered by the Russian telegraph Agency "Petrograd Growth", which he fulfilled in collaboration with V.I. Kozlinsky in 1919-1920.

In 1924, Lebedev was headed by the artistic version of the established Children's Department of the State draft. His colleague in the literary department was; Together they set the goal to form a fundamentally new children's artistic book. Thanks to the talented tandem Lebedev-Marshak, there were popular and beloved many, "Tale of a stupid little face", "Multicolored book", "Twelve months", "Bagg".

In September 1933, on the basis of the Children's Department of the State draft and the children's sector, the publishing house "Young Guard" was created publishing house "Children's Literature", originally called "Detgiz" (Children's State Publishing House); His editors were also steel and V. V. Lebedev.

In 1936, a campaign was deployed against his activities, articles with the derogatory criticism of his creativity appeared in the press. According to some biographers, these persecutions donated the artist, which affected his work; His style has become more restrained and cautious ...

During the war, Lebedev lived and worked in Moscow, collaborated with "TASS windows", actively engaged in a children's illustration.

His best post-war books are considered "where did the table come from?" (1946) and "Multicolored Book" (1947), "Three Bear" (1948).

In 1950-60, Lebedev led a secluded lifestyle, almost no appearing in public.

If on the question that you love most, I answer "art", or, for example, "book", I say: a fool. We must love not a book, but the life for which the book appeared ...

"We decided to go to Lebedev home. Will the artist start? Maybe he does not want and talk?

Went with daders of work. Does any of you know what to enter the workshop of your favorite artist? It's unforgettable. I remember everything with the excitement now to the smallest detail.

Large double-sided walnut easel, work table on goats and artist himself. On the walls - cubism, laundry drawings and ballerinas hanging boxing leather gloves. On the floor lie dumbbells. All the wall is a huge wardrobe with books. And near the window, in the ideal order, joinery tools are glittered - hacksaws, chisels, plans, the same "planer who made the planer".

Own Lebedev was an American. On it, leather yellow crags, English breeches, a cowboy shirt with sleeved skipped. And he himself, movable, with widespread legs, as if in a boxing rack. His judgments are unexpected and very accurate. He just struck us with all his appearance.

After seeing my drawings of Spand, which I brought, Lebedev told me: "You are all wrong, see how I have done" - and showed his "revolution street".

From excitement we did little, but still expressed the main

Having considered my drawings, Vladimir Vasilyevich takes the paper and immediately, with me, he draws what I did not come out in any way. His magic hand is mercilessly, with cold clarity, it fans to my mistakes.

The lesson is taught artistically.

Destroyed, collecting precious patterns in the folder and honest. I want to flee back soon, no one noticing anyone, no one sees - home, work. " (from)

Buy books with illustrations of Vladimir Lebedev


Name Baby elephant
Author R.Kipling
Illustrator V.Lestev
The year of publishing 1921
Publishing house Giz
Name Three goats
Author Russian tales
Illustrator V.Lestev
The year of publishing 1923
Publishing house Think
Name Hunting
Author V.Lestev
Illustrator V.Lestev
The year of publishing 1925
Publishing house Rainbow
Name The circus
Author S.Ya. Marshak
Illustrator V.Lestev
The year of publishing 1925
Publishing house Rainbow
Name Ice cream
Author S.Ya. Marshak
Illustrator V.Lestev
The year of publishing 1925
Publishing house Rainbow
Name Yesterday and today
Author S.Ya. Marshak
Illustrator V.Lestev
The year of publishing 1925
Publishing house Rainbow
Name Mustachioed - Striped
Author S. Marshak
Illustrator V.Lestev
The year of publishing 1930
Publishing house Giz
Name Hare, cock and fox
Author Russian folklore
Illustrator V.Lestev
The year of publishing 1924
Publishing house Think
Name Golden Egg
Author Russian folklore
Illustrator V.Lestev
The year of publishing 1923
Publishing house Think


Children's books, decorated and illustrated by Lebedev in the twenties, belong to the number of the best and most characteristic achievements of art graphics of that time. They laid the foundation of the new, Soviet book-graphic tradition. This is the Soviet Classic, which also has an impact on the development of the art of the book in our country.

This bright, cheerful, very summer in its coloring book came out for the first time in the midst of winter - New Year's gift to children to the new year 1925. The same large ones are designated two names of its creators: "S. Marshak, drawings V. Lebedev. " At this time, only the many years of cooperation between the poet and the artist began. According to the memoirs of the Son of the writer, Marshak, being together with L.M. Klyachko - a famous journalist, owner and editor of a private publishing house "Raduga" - in the printing house, saw some of the artist who did not know the artist on the floor. "I want my verses to illustrate this artist," said Samuel Yakovlevich to the publisher, raising the impression

The drawing for children should attract, Interested in the child. Figure color, in addition to clarity and concreteness, should be intense in color. But this intensity should be built not on the flowery, but on a picturesque relationship. The artist must teach the child to build picturesque relationships that the child will come in handy in his adult practice, regardless of the profession. If the drawing is black, graphic, then it must be fairly concrete, accurate and rosary.

Lived, there were fox yes hare. The fox had an ice-cold hut, and a bunny of a lubyana ...

C read almost to the holes Children's book with pictures. On a miraculous cover, the year of publication - 1924 ... "Hare, Rooster and Fox" ...
With this ink stain on one of the pages, with these pencil doodles to another, no memories may not be connected, because it is not my book, and I was born almost ten years later. But I feel that my face is uncontrollably sprawling in a smile, something for children overshadows and delays. Maybe I had exactly the same book, because there were reissues, and now, peering into these lines and drawings, not consciousness, not by memory, but by some other feelings, I recognize that my book, that world?

On each page - one or two lines printed by a large font, everything else is occupied by drawings. They are simple, fast, not intricate, it is difficult to describe them, determine what they look like: do not look like folk phones, for a primitive children's drawing, it is not similar to stylizing for children's drawing, if you compare with the works of famous artists who loved to portray animals, - nothing in common. Meanwhile, they do not break away from them. Hare is credulous and simple, and in the fox eyes with a painful, beauty, but it is better not to approach. But the dogs came running to the help of a hare: in the sleepers, round butters, one over the hunting shoulder bag, in another-throat on the bandy, what is called "Fu-Ye.", but on the other page they are flying from foxes - The bowlers fell, the sleepers were shared, the muzzles are so unfamming, funny, but they are puppies, it is only in the bowlers they seemed adult dogs. And all the animals in the book are funny and cute. Yes, this is probably wonderful - not the fact that everyone has his own character (everyone who draws animals, necessarily some character will come up with), but what they are funny. We are talking about the little things that they are funny, here and here are the beasts, but the young animals. And they all come along the book, how can the most restless latter rushing.

Probably the artist himself, when he painted his book, unusually loved all the children. And I remember my childhood at all because I had such a book, others who would definitely know that they didn't have this book, they will feel the same. Yes, apparently, the whole thing in the talent of the one who did a book. In the talent to understand all the children.

On the cover of the name - V. Lebedev

What managed to learn from artist's biographies and illustrator Vladimir Vasilyevich Lebedev? He was born in 1891, he graduated from the Academy of Arts, in 27 years old became a professor of petrograd free-art training workshops, was the creator of Petrograd growth windows, successfully exhibited at numerous exhibitions. Did anyone consider him an eccentric? None of those who knew him did not say that. Meanwhile, imagine Petrograd 1918. With great difficulty, Lebedev gets a lithograph stone and with ecstasy, working manually, prints a book of his own essay. This book is called Chuch-Lo Adventures. Well, how is not the killing? On the tense days, when the destinies of the country are solved, spending nights in the basement for printing a book about the adventures of a small Indian who are told not adults, but baby.

The text reproduces the malfunction of the children's speech and the characteristic intonation of the baby, and the drawings are improving the text. Not. Lebedev was not a blind man who did not understand what was happening around, they owned a passion, he had to create something absolutely necessary because it was time to be born a book for the smallest.

Nightly before that, a collection of stories and fairy tales "Christmas tree", compiled by A. Benua and K. Chukovsky, was published under the leadership of M. Gorky. Illustrated this collection of well-known artists of various directions: both Repin, and Puni, and Chekhonin, and Y. Annensky. There was something motley, because many of these artists did not think about how to work for the smallest. Lebedev took part in this collection and, probably, he considered him with a sense of dissatisfaction. What is the book for the smallest?

"Just brightness, the distround is still insufficient. Children - sensitive observers, but are capable of satisfying at first - no need to limit their capabilities. Cold teachings will not cause the necessary emotions, as well as excess grotesque and caricature. The book should cause a joyful feeling, to direct the playing start on the activities of the child and his desire to learn more. " But the main thing is: "Trying to truly approach the interests of the child, somehow get silent with his desires, remember yourself in childhood ..."

These thoughts were with such a clarity formulated almost three decades later, when Lebedev was made dozens, hundreds of books for children. And then, in 1918, he wisely over each page of the book with the tempting and incomprehensible name "Chuch-Lo."

When in 1925, Marshak was headed by the Department of Children's Book with State Publishing, he invited Lebedev as an assistant and chief artist. In the same year four books made at once, made jointly by Marshak and Lebedev: "Circus", "ice cream", "about a stupid little mouse", "yesterday and today."

Vladimir Vasilyevich Lebedev It was wonderful artist and illustrator of children's books. His graphic series, watercolor and oil works are known. We look with interest them, because they are documentary. A sharp eye, a plastic sense of time, a soft humor is forced to get back to them again. Nevertheless, the life of this artist, his creative face identified his passion and the striking ability to "remember himself in childhood." After holding the image of a children's book, he first created it. He was not an illustrator, but the Creator. He raised, became an assistant and comrade of the whole Pleiada artists working for the smallest: Pakhomov, Konashevich, Kurdova, Tyrsa, Kanevsky ... can be said, he continues to teach those who begin today.

Illustrations Lebedev to children's books

In 1912-1914. He studied at a private art school MD Bernstein. In 1918-1921. He taught in the Petrograd state free artistic workshops. He consisted in the Society "Union of Youth" (from 1913), "Association of new currents in art" (in 1922-1923), "Four Arts" (since 1928); participated in their exhibitions.

In 1917-1918 He worked as a political cartoonist, collaborated with satirical magazines "Satirikon" and "New Satirikon"; Created a lot of political cartoons on the Bolsheviks. He worked as a book schedule from 1918 to 1967, the first books with his drawings were published in the publishing house "Raduga". In 1919-1920 Together with V. I. Kozlinsky, he worked in the Petrograd "windows" of growth (Russian telegraph agency). Created a new style of a campaign poster intended for placing on the factories, in clubs, in shop windows and on campaigning pares.

In 1924-1933 V. V. Lebedev headed the artistic version of the Children's Department of the Gosizdat. Throughout life worked as an artist of the children's book. Work in the publisher and work on the book did not prevent V.V. Lebedev to fulfill himself in painting and create a number of outstanding picturesque works.

In 1936, the press appeared articles about the work of Lebedev, where his work was given the most derogatory assessment; Articles could provoke a persecution, the consequences of which for the artist could be the worst; These events greatly influenced the artist and donated it. Critics believe that the best works of Lebedev created by it before this fracture.

In 1941-1950 Lebedev lived in Moscow, where he collaborated with "TASS windows." He worked in the book schedule and after returning to Leningrad. Among his post-war books are the best: "Where did the table come from?" (1946) and "Multicolored Book" (1947) S. Ya. Marshak, "Three Bear" L. N. Tolstoy (1948).

After the war, in the 1950-60s. Lebedev lived closed, seen only with several friends and almost did not appear publicly.

On Simeonovskaya Street in St. Petersburg (since 1923 - Ul. Belinsky), at the house number 11, where Lebedev lived, a memorial plaque is placed.

Children's book

The Children's Department of the State draft, created in Petrograd at the end of 1924, was located in the Nevsky Ave., D.28, in the house of the "Zinger". He was headed by two editor, literary and artistic: S. Ya. Marshak and V. V. Lebedev. Together, they set themselves the goal of creating a fundamentally new children's artistic book. Over the years of their work, a new children's book appeared in the publishing house, having a completely different form and another appointment than the 19th century children's book.

The sample of the artistic form of a new children's book of criticism is considered lithographic books of Russian futurists of the 1910s. The authors of these books abandoned the typographic set and applied lithographic techniques, common to text and illustrations. The Russian lithographic book is a unique phenomenon in the book art of the 20th century, which has no analogues in the West. Artists - M. F. Larionov, N. S. Goncharova, O. V. Rozanova, P. N. Filonov - relied in their lithographic books on the tradition of ancient Russian handwritten books and folk lubok.

Lithographic books released in Petrograd in 1918-1919. Book Print Artel "Today." With which artists were collaborated by V. M. Ermolaeva and N. F. Lapshin .. a significant role in creating a children's book of the 1920s. It belongs to the private publishing house "Rainbow", headed by a journalist known to the journalist L. M. Klyachko. He and attracted to the Publishing House K. I. Chukovsky and S. Ya. Marshak, who did not watch the poems for children. The publishing house collaborated, mainly artists, close circle of the "Art World": S. Chekhonin, N. Kuzmin, Yu. Annenkov, M. Dobzhinsky, V. Konashevich, B. Kustodiev, E. Kruglikova, M. Czechanovsky. It was in this publishing house that the first "new" book was published - "Elephant" R. Kipling, translated by K. Chukovsky with the illustrations of V. V. Lebedev. This modest book was highly appreciated by N. N. Punin.

The most famous books illustrated by V. Lebedev are, first of all, books written by the poet Samuel Marshak: "Circus", "ice cream", "Tale of a stupid little mouse", "Mustache striped", "Multicolored book", "Twelve months ", "Baggage".

As a master, Lebedev made a huge contribution to the development of the artistic design of the children's book, in composite and visual techniques and funds, and supported a completely new attitude towards the content of the children's book. S. Ya. Marshak attracted to cooperation in the new publishing house of such writers and poets, like Alexander Vvedensky, Daniel Harms, Nikolai Oleinikov, Korean Chukovsky, L. Panteleev, Boris Zhtkov, Yevgeny Schwartz, Vitaly Bianki, Nikolay Tikhonov, Mikhail Zoschtenko, Olga Bergholts , Veniamin Cavery and others. The special merit of writers and artists was also the creation of a new literary genre - "educational" books for children.

In September 1933, on the basis of this department and children's sector, the "Young Guard" publishing house was created by the Publishing House "Children's Literature", originally called "Detgiz" (Children's State Publishing House); His editors also became S. Ya. Marshak and V. V. Lebedev.

Artists of children's book

A unique feature of the era of the late 1920-30s. It was that many artists of the Russian avant-garde at this time were looking for opportunities to earn out of their main, pictorial work, and willingly went to the publishing house to work with Lebedev. Everything, without exception, wonderful masters of the book were large painters or charts that managed to make achievements of their own painting and drawing in the channel of the book specifics. The only condition that set the editor's Lebedev is that the book is a single, solid and structurally solved organism. "Now all artists who are able to work in the book work on the book, that is, to create clear and convincing images," said Lebedev.

Vera Yermolaev, Nikolai Lapshina and Nikolai Tyrsa Lebedev considered his comrades.

Around Lebedev united artists not just different, but even opposite, sometimes nothing to do with each other: Peter Sokolov Vladimir Tatlin, Alexander Samokhvalov, Eduard Budogenic, Henry Levin, Nikolay Radlov, Viktor Zamiylohlo, Lev Yudin, Vladimir Sterligov, Eduard, Elena Safonova, Alice Route, Tatyana Glebova, Pavel Kondratyev, Konstantin Rudakov, Vladimir Tamba, Pavel Basmanov, Yuri Radynev. From the artists of the former circle Lebedev collaborated with Vladimir Konashevich and Dmitry Mitrichin.

School Lebedev

V. V. Lebedev, already experienced by that time the artist created in the twentieth-thirties his own "Lebedev school". He began to study young artists in the book, many of them were talented painters: Alexey Pakhomov, Yury Vasnetsov, Yevgeny Charushin, Valentin Kurdov, who had many, including Yevgeny Evenbach, Tatyana Shishmayv.

"All these masters who worked many not only in the chart, but also in the easel painting, called their creative method" picturesque realism ", understanding under this term art of appeal to real surrounding reality, it is from her drawing its topics and images .. Only on the tradition of critical realism of the 19th century, and the extensive experience and achievements of the entire new and modern artistic culture of both Russian and Western European ... could be called "graphic realism" the creative course, formed then in the environment of the masters of children's illustrated book worked Under the leadership of V.V. Lebedev, N.A. Tyrsi and N.F. Lapshina in the artistic version of the children's office of the State draft. " Aesthetics "Graphic Realism" was evolved not only from the artistic technique. It is possible to characterize it and as a real creative course, in view of the existing coordinated creative principles. It united many artists included in the process of the formation and development of a children's book in the Leningrad chart of 1920-1930s.


For most books Lebedev, his posters for the "windows" of growth were the source and creative impulse. "The artist saw a poster as the art of a large form, a concise artistic language, strict structurality and plastic simplicity of fine elements leading to the impression of monumentality." Engraving posters and paint them from hand, Lebedev was repelled from the traditions of Russian folk lubka; But at the same time, he immediately rejected any stylization and fake under the lubok. Communication with Lubcom remained, but as a "connection of continuity or organic growth." In the work of Lebedev "The new form and the old artistic tradition was fused." Found by the artist concise, geometrically generalized drawing was transferred to them and in the children's book, in addition, "he first used the font among artists as a means of expressiveness."

Painting and graphics

In the 1920-30s. Lebedev has created a lot of machine graphic works that have become a classic of the Leningrad Art of Graphics of the 1920s-1930s.

Series on "domestic" topics: "Book" 1920-1925 (Guashi, Appliques), a series of 23 drawings "Revolution Panel", 1922 (B., Mascara), also called "Revolution Street", and series "NEP" and " New Life "(mid 1920s). Pattern series with pencil and ink: "Software", "Ballerins", "Acrobatki". Picturesque works: Early period - "Still Life with Palette", 1919, timing; "Coffee pot, spoon, mug", 1920, "saw and board", 1920, "worker", 1920-21, timing; Series "Counterbelief", 1920-1921 (including "Selection of materials: iron, wood, cardboard", 1921).

Painting Lebedev in the 1920s. It was determined in many ways to his friendship with Ivan Puni, and later - friendship with N. F. Lappshin and N. A. Tirst, who made the artistic environment for him necessary for each artist. Lapshin and Tyrs were fond of French art; Also, Lebedev was passionate about Syra, Picasso, later Renoir and Eduar Man.

In the early 1930s. A series of "Still Life with Gitar", 1930-1932 (including "Red Guitar and Palette", 1930, Timing) and "Fruits in a basket" 1930-31. "Each of these still lifes is a small world, living with its specific concreteness, then ridiculous, then lyric, then with a light touch of a cheerful irony. Still life with a guitar, lemons and sinks can serve as a model brilliantly carried out work on the organization of the picturesque space. Color and its masonry, and Not an air or linear perspective, builds spatial oscillations of objects within a very narrow, as if clamped between two parallel planes of the distance - a sensation close to the sign. The material feeling of the thing here was carried out with the maximum tension, the color laying was carried out with a large wealth and a variety of receptions "(faith Anikueva).

From the late 1920s. And until 1957, the artist created a significant amount of female portraits, among them: "Portrait of an artist N. S. Nadezhdina" (1927), timing; "Girl with a jug" (1928), "Soft Mandolina" (Malvina Stern; 1927), Portrait of the artist Nina Noskovich (1934, also known as a portrait of Nina Rezurnochka). On one of the most famous picturesque works of Lebedev "Woman with a guitar" (1930) is depicted simulator Elena Nikolaev. Portrait

In 1933, a series of "ironic" portraits, called "physical training" or "girls with bouquets", was written.

Among other works Lebedev 1930s. - Portrait of the artist Tatyana Shishmayvoy (1935, Timing), portrait of a sculptor Sarry Lebedeva (1936), "Redflower" (1937), "Turkish wrestlers" (1937), portraits of the writer Susanna Georgievskaya (1937). After the war, Lebedev wrote a little, from his late work, a portrait of hell of Sergeyevna Lazo can be called (1954) and portrait of a young girl in a scarf (1957).

A family

Wife (until 1925) - Sarra Dmitrievna Lebedev, Ur. Darmolatova (1892, St. Petersburg - March 7, 1967, Moscow), a well-known Soviet sculptor, portraitist; Worked in monumental and memorial sculpture. Corresponding Member of the Academy of Arts of the USSR. I got acquainted with V. V. Lebedev in 1912-1914. In the private art school M. D. Bernstein. After the divorce with V. V. Lebedev continued to support friendly relationships with him throughout his life.

Wife is Nadezhda Sergeyevna Nadeydin (1908, Vilna - 1979, Moscow). The daughter of the writer A. Ya. Brushtein. Ballerina, student A. Ya. Vaganova; The soloist of the Bolshoi Theater. Famous Soviet balletmaster, People's Artist of the USSR, Laureate of Lenin Order. In 1948, he created the "Birch" dance, which became the discovery in the scenic embodiment of Russian folk dance, which placed the basis of a new choreographic style. Created the ensemble "Birch", since 2000, wearing her name. N. S. Netyadine served as a model for the graphic series V. V. Lebedeva "Dancer" in 1927

Wife (from 1940 to 1967) - Hell Sergeevna Lazo (1919, Vladivostok - 1993, Moscow). Philologist, writer, editor of the detfy. The daughter of the famous military and politician S. G. Lazo. Prepared a book about his father: Lazo S. "Diaries and letters. Vladivostok, 1959.

Book Illustration (Favorite Editions)

  • Christmas tree. Collection of poems, stories and fairy tales. Compilers A. Benua and K. Chukovsky. Pictures of Yu.Nennenkova, A. Benua, M. Dobzhinsky, V. Zamirajlo, V.Lecedeva, I. Pugi, A.Radakova, I. Rupina, V.Sodsevich, S. Chehonin, etc. - GH.: Sail, 1918 .
  • Lion and bull: Arab fairy tale / lane. S.S. Kondrushkin. - GH.: Lights. 1918.
  • New Russian fairy tales. Folk library. Oblast D.Mitrokhina, Ill. V. Zamirajlo and V.Lebedeva. - GH.: State Publishing, 1919.
  • Lebedev V.V. Adventures are chi-lo. - GH.: Epoch. 1921.
  • Kipling R. Elephant / Per. K. Chukovsky. - GH.: Epoch. 1922.
  • Lebedev V. Bear. Russian fairy tale. - GH.: Thought. 1923.
  • Lebedev V. Three goat. Russian fairy tale.- M.: Thought. 1923.
  • Lebedev V. Golden Egg: Tale. - GH: thought. 1923.
  • Lebedev V. Zayats, Rooster and Fox: Tale. - GH: thought. 1924.
  • Lebedev V. Hunting. - m.; L.: Rainbow. 1925.
  • Marshak S. Poodle. M.L.: Rainbow, 1925, 1927.
  • Marshak S. Ice Cream. - m.; L.: Rainbow. 1925.
  • Marshak S. Ice Cream. - L.Anbuka. 1925.
  • Marshak S. yesterday and today. L.: Rainbow. 1925.
  • Marshak S. About a stupid little mouse. - l.; M.: Rainbow. 1925.
  • Marshak S. Circus. - l.; M.: Rainbow 1925.
  • Lebedev V. Azbuka. - L.: Giz. 1925.
  • Marshak S. Bagazh. - L.: Rainbow. 1926.
  • Lebedev V. Who is stronger. - m.; L.: Giz. 1927.
  • Marshak S. As the planer made the planer - L.: Rainbow. 1927.
  • Lebedev V. Riding. - m.; L.: Giz. 1928.
  • Marshak S. Merry Hour: Annex to the Journal "Hedgehog". - L.: Giz. 1929.
  • Kipling R. Tales / Per. K. Chukovsky. Poems in Per. S. Marshak. Fig. L. Bruni, A. Borisov, E. Krimer, V.Ledeva, A. Pakhomova. - m.; L.: Giz, 1929
  • Marshak S. Mustache-striped. - M.: Giz. 1930.
  • Berggolts O. Winter - Summer - Parrot. - m.; L.: Giz. 1930, 1933.
  • Marshak S. Walk on the donkey. - m.; L.: GIZ.1930.
  • Orlova N. Kravy and draw. Vol. 1, 2- l.: Oziz: Young Guard. 1932.
  • The first of May. Pictures of the artist brigade: Yu.Vasnetsova, Y.Mezernitsky, V. Lebedeva, V. Yermolaeva, V. Kurdova. - M.: Oziz: Young Guard, 1932.
  • Marshak S. Mr. Twister. - l.; M.: Young Guard. 1933.
  • Marshak S. That's what scattered. - L.: Detgiz, 1934.
  • Marshak C. Tales, songs, riddles. - M.: Academia. 1935.
  • Marshak S. Parsley-Alien. - L.: Detgiz. 1935.
  • Marshak S. We are military. - m.; L.: Childness. 1938.
  • Marshak C. Tales, songs, riddles / rice. V. Konashevich, V. Lebedeva, A. Pakhomova. - m.; L.: Childness, 1938.
  • Lebedev V. Toys and animals. Childness of the Central Committee of the VLKSM. 1939.
  • Marshak S. Why did the cat called the cat? Melnik, boy and donkey. - m.; L.: Childness, 1939.
  • Marshak S. Merry Day. Poems and fairy tales / rice. V. Konashevich, V. Kurdova, V.Lecedeva, A. Pakhomova, K. Rudakova, Zhevyakova. - m.; L.: Childness, 1939.
  • Marshak S. Live letters. - m.; L.: Childness Date.1940.
  • Marshak S. English ballads and songs. - M.: Soviet writer.1941.
  • Marshak s. Once, two, three, four. - M.: Childness, 1941.
  • Red Army. Collection of stories, fairy tales, games and poems dedicated to the Red Army / Fig. V.V. Lebedeva et al. - m.; L.: Detgiz, 1942.
  • Korolenko V.G. Without language. - m.; L.: Detgiz.1942.
  • Kubrin A.I. White poodle. - Kirov: Detgiz.1942.
  • Marshak S. Twelve months: Slavic fairy tale. - m.; L.: Detgiz.1943.
  • Marshak S. Polaby: Fairy Tales. - m.; L.: Detgiz.1946.
  • Marshak C. Where did the table come from? - m.; L.: Detgiz.1946.
  • Marshak S. Veschek Honey: English ballads, songs and lyrical poems / m.; L.: Detgiz.1947.
  • Marshak S. Multicolored book. - m.; L.: Detgiz.1947.
  • Marshak S. Poems for children. - m.; L.: Detgiz.1947.
  • Marshak S. Kids in a cage. - m.; L.: Detgiz.1948.
  • Tolstoy L.N. Three Bears. - m.; L.: Detgiz. 1948.
  • Marshak S. Giant. - M.: Detgiz. 1949, 1950.
  • Mikhalkov S. Kittens. - M.: Detgiz. 1949.
  • Marshak S. all year round. - m.; L.: Detgiz.1949.
  • Marshak S. Forest book. - m.; L.: Detgiz.1950.
  • Marshak S. Vicoque Ryaba and Ten ducklings. - M.: Detgiz. 1953, 1954.
  • Mayakovsky V. That neither page is an elephant, then a lioness. - m.; L.: Detgiz.1954.
  • Marshak S. What was afraid of Petya? - M.: Detgiz.1955.
  • Marshak S. Tale of a smart mouse. - M.: Detgiz. 1956,1959.
  • Tolstoy L. Stories for young children. - m.; L.: Detgiz.1956.
  • Marshak S. Quiet Tale. - M.: Detgiz.1958,1961.
  • Marshak S. What did the horses, hamsters and chickens talked about. - M.: Detgiz. 1962.
  • Marshak S. Who will find a ring?: Tale game. - M.: Detgiz. 1962, 1965.
  • Marshak S. Circus. - M.: Children's literature. 1964.
  • Marshak S. Children. - M.: Children's literature. 1967.

Female Portraits In The Art of Soviet Painter and Graphic Artist Vladimir Lebedev (1891-1967) - Find The English Text Under the Pictures

Rus: Vladimir Vasilyevich Lebedev (1891- 1967) - Russian Soviet artist, recognized wizard poster, book and magazine illustration. Lebedev entered the history of domestic art primarily as the founder and classic of Soviet graphics.

In 1920-30, the artist created a lot of machine graphic works that became the classics of the Leningrad art of the time: Series on "household" topics - "Brats" (1920-1925, Guaashi, Appliques), Series "Revolution Panel" (1922, Mascara ), Series "NEP" and "New Life" (mid-1920s); Sensions of drawings with pencil and carcass - "Software", "Ballerina", "Acrobatki"; Picturesque work - "Still-life with a palette" (1919), "Coffee pot, spoon, a mug" (1920), "saw and board" (1920), "Worker" (1920-21), a series of "counter-terminals" (1920- 1921).

Glory to the master brought illustrations for children's books, primarily to the writings of S.Ya. Marshak: "Ice cream", "yesterday and today", "About a stupid little face", "Circus" (all - 1925), "Bagg" (1926), "Mr. Twister" (1933), "Kids in a cage" (1952) .

From the late 1920s. and until 1957 the artist created a large number female portraits, including: "Portrait of an artist N. S. Nadezhdina" (1927), "Girl with a jug" (1928), "Software with Mandolina" (Malvina Stern; 1927), Portrait of an artist Nina Noskovich (1934, also known as a portrait Nina Reznoshnoe), and others. The painting of Lebedev in the 1920s was determined in many ways to the french art: Picasso, Renoir, Mana.

Although, according to the artist itself, the drawing is a more significant part of his creativity than painting, the picturesque paintings of Lebedev are genuine pearls of the artistic heritage of the master. The artist's works are stored in the Tretyakov Gallery, the Russian Museum, GMI them. A.S. Pushkin, in many museum and private collections of Russia and a number of foreign countries.

Since 1934, a series of Lebedev's female portraits began to grow. They constitute a series, in many respects similar to early graphic cycles, such as "acrobatki" and "dancers". Each portrait is like a link in the chain of experiments aimed at creative comprehension and emotional interpretation of the image of a modern woman. Examples taken out of the chain cannot give the ideas about Lebedev's painting. Any separate work is a conscientious realistic etude, in which there is no other task, except for the truthful reconstruction of nature.(From the book: Petrov V. Vladimir Vasilyevich Lebedev. - L., 1972. - P. 202-213.)

Nude with crossed hands in front of the chest, 1937 | Nude with Arms Crossed Under Her Chest, 1937

Portrait of a woman | Portrait of a Woman

Female portrait | Portrait of a Woman

Sitting simulator, 1952 | Sitting Model, 1952

Portrait of an artist Nina Rezoroshko, 1934 | Portrait of the Artist Nina Lekarenko, 1934

Rabbachka with a portfolio of 1937 | Rabfac Student WITH A BRIEFCASE, 1937

Sitting Nude, 1933 | Sitting Nude, 1933

Girl with bangs, 1924 canvas, oil. 62x48. Auction House Sovkom | Girl WITH Bangs, 1924

Undressing under the lamp | Girl, undressing in the lamplight

Standing simulator, auction "Antique seasons"