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How to draw a boy with raised hands. As easily and beautifully draw a boy in a phased pencil for beginners. Look how a man and a woman should be drawn correctly in different positions.

    To paint a pen tree to draw a pencil and was not just like a boy, and on a real little child, who could hardly fit on his palm, you need to portray the character against a background of some kind of object, with which it is possible to compare growth.

    I suggest this option of a C-finger boy, the image of which was borrowed from the Soviet cartoon of the same name.

    Draw oval faces, long hair.

    Good eyes, little eyebrows, smile.

    Complete drawing damn face.

    We draw the neck, begin to throw a shirt in which the kid will be dressed.

    We decorate your hands, decoracing the details of the shirt.

    Legs in small pants.

    The main attribute is a spoon, against the background of which the character's growth is clearly visible.

    Well, so that the boy is not dangled In space, draw the line of the table.

    With the help of a computer mouse, it is not very convenient to depict the character, but I think the idea is understandable. And here is the cartoon from which the boy is borrowed. Draw!

    I would advise you to take a book where the boy-with-finger is drawn to have an idea, as he looks. By the way, the options for the image of this fabulous character are a lot.

    And we will draw with the help of auxiliary lines to be easier, so:

    Draw a circle and split it with a vertical arc. This is the head of a C-finger boy.

    Draw at the bottom of the circle on both sides of the vertical arc, two letters oqot; - It will be eyes.

    Below you draw oval - it will be a Taurus. And under it two dashes - the basis for the legs.

    Now you can draw parts. Draw your hair, details of the face - mouth, nose.

    At the oval-body draw hands, pants, shirt. Feet can be shown in boots, shoes or lapties.

    And then color our drawing with pencils or paints, and all the auxiliary lines are erased by an eraser.

    1. Not everything and not always outlined the vertical and horizontal axes of the pattern elements. But we will make a conditional cross, around which the start to create a drawing image of a c-finger boy. It is necessary in order to leave the place on the sheet for a nodule with products and signatures to the picture. The nodule, which is a knotted handkerchief, in turn, is needed in order to illustrate the miniature dimensions of the boy.

    2. At the second stage, we will make a face more incent.

    3. Now draw a nodule.

    4. And decorate it with the simplest strokes.

    5. Finally - revive the picture with blades, flower and signature.

    Tom Thumb Looks like an ordinary boy, only known as the owner of a very small growth (with a finger). It is clear that it will look like an ordinary boy, how he is. So that it was clear that he can have little growth in the company of someone from the animals or with interior items - only of course not to forget to observe the proportion by making it small.


Consider face. Look at what geometric shape it is most like. As in adults, there are oval, round, triangular and square faces. Of course, the last two forms are sufficiently conditional, the angles will be strongly rounded, but nevertheless. With a square face, the chin width is quite wide, and the width of the forehead is approximately equal to the overall height of the face. With the triangular form, the chin is pretty sharp, and the forehead is much wider the lower part of the boy's face.

Select an angle and swipe the axial line. It will pass precisely between the eyebrows, in the middle of the nose and divide the lips and chin on equal parts. If you draw face face, halves must be symmetrical. This is an easy option, because it does not require the construction of the prospect. However, for the transmission of character, especially such a mobile and charming creature, like a small boy, is not the best option. Therefore, the line can be positioned at a small angle to the horizontal.

Determine the approximate ratio of the right and left half of the face. The one that will be built on the sharp corner between the axial and horizontal cut sheet will be slightly wider, because it turns closer to the viewer. Build oval with the desired ratio of the long and short axes. It must fit the shape of the head.

Divide part of the axial line between future chin and top, on 6 or 7 equal parts. If the small, parts will be 6. The teenager has the proportions of the face already resemble adults, so the parts will turn out smaller.

Next on the sides of the axial line lip lip, the wings of the nose, eye, eyebrows and hair. This can be made with dots or strokes. Determine the mastery for the ears if the boy has a short and ears are visible. Next two vertical strokes neck.

Watch the proportions of the most important parts of the face. This is the ratio of the length and width of the eyes and the distance between the internal corners, the wing widths of the nose to the bridge, thickness and lip lengths. Note the proportion to the points.

Pay attention to what your boy's eye shape. In children, racial features are also pronounced as in adults. A boy with a European or African facial type width of the eye will be approximately 2/3 of their length, the mongoloid is from 1/4 to 1/3. Next hair line.

How to draw a boy when she is in motion?

You just need to know the elementary basics of human anatomy and do not forget that you draw a child.

That is, a drawn boy must not be forgotten to give charming children's softness and smooth lines.

How to draw a boy. Step-by-step instruction:

1. In the center of the paper sheet, we indicate 2 oval

2. Light strokes We have a foot line

3. On the torso designate hands

4. The boy's face is drawing in the profile, so the eyes, nose and mouth are drawn with this angle. While everything is very similar to how to draw a girl .

5. Boys, as a rule, wear a short haircut, so we draw your hair with the withdrawal lines. Do not forget to draw ushko

6. The next step is drawing chubby children's hands, brushes and fingers

7. Then proceed to clothing. As it happens in the summer, we draw our hero shirt with short sleeves

8. Then draw loose shorts to the knee, shoes and socks

10. Smooth lines depict the stream of the stream. Here it looks like a miniature sea

11. Strike drawing start traditionally with shadow areas

12. Wide and soft strokes draw baby hair

In this lesson, we will look at how to draw a boy in full growth with a dog pencil in stages, and then paint with colored pencils.

It will take: a state of calm confidence, readiness for new creative successes.
From materials: pencils, eraser, black handle, if desired - gouache, brush.

1. We start with the fact that "outlining" our little character on a sheet of paper. Denote its growth - approximately three heads, the average vertical line of the body and face, eye line. Let's notice the cheek and hairstyle. The average line of the body is sometimes painted as an axis in the center of the body, and sometimes as a strip glued to the back, it may depend on both the author's preferences and the character's poses, and / or its dynamicity. (Note: And then I still reduced my head).

2. Wear a child). We remember that under the clothes there is a body and that clothes itself also has a certain weight. Therefore, the top of the circuit of the sweater (on the elongated hand of the boy) will be approximately repeating the contour of the hand. While the lower part of the contour - unobtrusively saves). It is also useful to remember that clothes have a thickness, and also tend to slightly modify in the process of socks - can slightly knelt, etc. Thicker tissues typically form larger folds. The right side of the knee is provistent less than the left, since the fabric is assembled at a more dense fold, which partially holds the weight of the pants. Left pant saves more, the line of the pants is more straight. This difference is not less noticeable for them, but still the lines are arched slightly differently.

3. We look forward to the hairstyles and face features. Denote the shape of the eyes, browch, nasal dash. Draw your mouth, in its corner, I usually put a small point, I spend the bottom lip line. We specify the remaining lines (for example, I reduced my head).

4. We erase unnecessary lines so that they do not interfere, we continue to specify the contour, we work out folds. Add livestivity, such as rabbit). Although in fact it would be better to remember him before.

5. We start painting the drawing. Blue pencils are lightly missing the shaded pieces of the boy (except for the face). We do it really lightly (in the photo toning for clarity is shown contrast than it was actually).

6. Again, gently begin to apply color. The carrot first we press the middle with an orange color, then from the middle to the edges - toning yellow. Dark brown draw hair in the macushk and tips of the hair. Barcode with strong pressure at the beginning, and almost without pressure at the end - on the likeness of how commas put, only curved strokes are completely slightly slightly slightly. More davir on a pencil at the crown, reducing the pressure to the flare. By the same principle, ting hair tips, reducing the pressure to the top.

7. Then add brighter brown to the hair (it is possible that it is with a slightly reddish tint). Then, according to the same principle, we work on the hair with a yellow pencil, reducing pressure to the flare.

8. We continue to paint clothes using different shades of green, salad, blue, blue, yellow. For a jumpsuit, a light purple pencil was also involved (from the shadow side.)

9. We are cutting, with the exception of more illuminated, protruding areas (shoulder, stomach, noses of shoes). We begin to tint the skin of a face with a pencil of corporal color. Then, on top of the bodily gently add a blush with a red pencil. Then again we toning close - then the red will grow a little and will look more natural.

10. We begin to circuit contour with a black handle. It is desirable that it does not flow). Just in case, keep a sheet of paper about which you can wipe it. The hair also lightly work the handle, changing the pressure as well, as the push pencil changed before.

11. We again work on the hair, leaving a very small not sharpened section of the glare, but you can use the eraser, as you are comfortable). Handle draw pupils, not forgetting about glare. For some reason, I left the glare for some reason, but because All the same at the final stage, we will break the glare gouache - it does not matter much.

12. We work on a blue pencil overalls, shading it around the edges. You can also add shadows on clothes, shoes and carrots with a diagonal hatching with a simple pencil (I use mechanical, because to sharpen pencils forever lazy). Color and discovery rabbit. We use a blue and light purple pencil, well, simple for shaded areas, ears and tail tips and drawing fingers on the paws. Teeth can be highlighted more, and then I have some kind of dog rabbit)

13. At the thirteenth stage, the boy looks like something strange, probably superstitious). We draw a green carrot, a pale pink pencil paint the baby's bottom lip. We supply the handle of the eye, do not forget about the fold of the upper eyelid, dots can be designated cilia. An ordinary pencil is inserted shadow in the ear. Red and simple - paint the shoe sole. Salad - paint a patch. We remember that the boy discarded the shadow). Like the animal in principle.

14. Inside sharpened pencil draw the iris. A simple pencil is drawing a bad pocket, they also draw a stool, add a blue color to the left, result in furniture with a handle.

15. If you wish, add white gouache to the drawing, arranging glare and reflexes.
This is still an additional photo - so that it is better visible, where I spent the line with a tusket with a gouache.

That's all). A pleasant, inspirational creativity!
These are the "Titres" with fragments of more larger, may be useful to you.

Click on the image to enlarge

P.S. I am not a pros, and I think (I even rather I know) that not everything here I describe correctly and competently, I just like to draw insanently to draw and want to give you a little bit of this love. Using the lesson) and let the creativity always brings happiness!)

Each of us is surrounded by thousands of people. It would seem that we have learned to the millimeter the proportions and features of the human body. But here is a paradox - draw a man much more difficult than which you just had to see.

Sometimes how to draw someone, the diva is given - not a person, but some kind of alien. If you also do not work in drawing people, as they say, do not pass by - here you will find a lot of useful and interesting for yourself.

And the very first is this video, which will show how to draw a boy and a girl.

More ancient artists, drawing a man, tried to divide his body to equal parts, so that it was easy to easily recreate the proportions of the shape. After all, knowing the ratio of individual parts of the body with the figure as a whole, you can easily draw a person. At the same time, of course, it is impossible to forget that all people have their own characteristics.

So, drawing a person, per unit measurement take the scalp.

The height of an adult man, or a woman is equal to the 8th sizes of the head, the height of the teenager - 7, the student - 6, and the baby is just the 4th sizes of the head.

Proportions of people of different age groups

Before drawing a person, remember some important nuances:

  • hands should end in the middle of the hips,
  • elbows are at the level of the waist,
  • knees - strictly in the middle of the legs.

And you knew that the height of man is equal to the length of the arms divorced on the sides, and four head heights fit in the length of the legs?

But that further plunged me in delight, this is the size of the human foot. It turns out that its height is equal to the height of the nose, and the length is the length of the forearm.

Watch how the man and a woman should be correctly drawn in different positions.

And now I will show you how to draw people in stages. I assure it with a master class from Pustunchik it will be easy and simple.

How to draw a boy

If you need to draw a boy, take advantage of the following scheme. And I will tell you how and what parts of the body you need to draw a step by step.

1. Draw an oval - boy's head, then a small neck and a rectangle - torso.

2. Dorisuy's bottom is another rectangle, stripped in half. These are legs. Draw hands-rectangles. On the upper big rectangle, make roundings from the neck to the hands - this shoulders.

3. SOTRY EXTRACT LINE on the shoulders. Draw the neck of the sweatshirt, lines-seams (but not to the end), where the sleeves are connected to the main part of the sweaters. Draw a shill and fold on the pants in the form of a slingshot. Now draw boots and hands. A detailed scheme showing how to draw hands, look on the right.

4. We take for drawing a head. At first, I draw a cross - he will indicate the middle of the head and will determine the location of the eyes. Two arcs, two dots and one small handle at the bottom of the head - this is the top of the eyes, the future nose and lips. At the level of the nose and eye will be located ears.

5. Dorisui Eyes, on the spot of points Draw small circles - nostrils. Now go to eyebrows and hair.

6. Sotters of extra lines and light pendulum movements to designate folds on clothes. Add details. Congratulations! Figure boy ready.

How to draw kids

This drawing is perfect for some comic, and it can be drawn to kindergarten or for a student of junior classes. Funny karapuz will be a find and for the school exhibition of young artists.

1. Draw an oval, mark the eye with dots, two bent arcs show the nose and mouth kid.

2. Denote the corners of the lips, draw ears and hair.

3. At the bottom of the head, draw a trapezium - the body of the boy. Do not forget the straight horizontal line to separate the blouse from the pants, and the vertical show pants.

4. Draw the sleeves.

5. And now draw the child handles and legs.

6. Fingers in the hands of the lines. That's all! Little mischievous is ready for pledges :)

Draw girls

Immediately three beauties on one sheet. Do you want to have such fashionnits in your album? Then it is more likely to draw these charming!

1. Draw sketches of girlfriends.

2. Come to them hairstyles and draw clothes.

3. Add details: belt, lace sleeves, leggings, handbags and so on.

4. Draw girls face, make folds on clothes, set the accessories. Add uniqueness to the shoes of each of the girlfriends.

Great job!

In detail how to draw lips, nose, the eyes of the girl, you will know from the next video. I warn you, the master class is not for newcomers, so be attentive, in order not to miss important details.

Draw the face of the girl. Part 1

Draw the face of the girl. Part 2

How to draw a guy

Each girl at least once in his life tried to draw a guy of his dreams. For all, he, of course, is different. But now let's just draw a guy with glasses and a steep T-shirt. Go?

1. Make a person pattern.

2. With the help of auxiliary lines, draw your head and hand.

3. Draw a hairstyle, nose, lips. Purpose guy glasses.

4. Circuit body contours of the guy. Draw hands. Punish lines add shadows. Note the neck of the T-shirt.

5. Delete unnecessary lines. Make the contours of the man's body clearer.

Here you go! Macho with a serious eye and in steep glasses is ready to conquer the hearts!