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Fire link and alarm. Fire detectors communications and automatic fire extinguishing installations

Fire Communication and Alarm Play an important role in fire prevention events, contribute to the timely detection and challenge of fire units to the location of the fire that has arisen, and also provide management and operational management of fires. Fire Communications can be divided into notification (timely reception of calls for fires), dispatching communication (management forces and means for extinguishing fires) and the connection in the fire (managing fire divisions).

For the notice of the fire, technical means of communication and fire alarms were most common - telephone, electrical fire alarm, automatic and non-automatic and radio. Industrial enterprises, farms and other facilities with an increased fire hazard, as a rule, are equipped with a direct telephone connection.

Fire detectors. The most reliable and high-speed communication tool for calling the fire team is an electrical fire alarm system consisting of the following main parts: detectors installed in industrial buildings or on the territory of an industrial enterprise, economy or warehouse and designed to supply fire signals; receiving station with receiving vehicles that provide fire signals and record these signals; Linear networks connecting detectors with receiving stations. At the receiving station there are optical and acoustic alarms.

Electric fire alarm systems detect the initial stage of the fire (sunbathing) and report on the place of its occurrence. On woodworking and furniture enterprises use highly efficient types of automatic fire alarms, which react detectors to smoke, ultraviolet rays of flames and heat. Automatic alarm systems without people participating in the event of fire and place of its occurrence, and in some cases also automatically include stationary fire extinguishing installations. According to the method of actuation, fire detectors are divided into non-automatic - manual (push-button) and automatic.

Manual (non-automatic) detectors Depending on the method of connection with the receiving stations, they are divided into radial and cable rings. The radiation is called systems where each detector is connected to the receiving station by a pair of independent wires forming a separate beam. Each beam includes at least three detectors. When you press the button of each of these detectors, the receiving station receives a signal indicating the beam number, i.e. the fire location.

The electrical fire alarm of the loop ring system differs from radial in that the detectors are included in one common ring wire (loop) laid in the ground or fortified on the columns. The action of this system is based on the principle of transmitting a detector of a certain number of pulses (detector code). The trailing ring system of alarm is used, as a rule, at large industrial enterprises, warehouses, farms and other objects.

Automatic detectors. Automatic fire detectors on response are divided into thermal, smoke, light and combined. There are automatic fires, eliminating fires at the time of their occurrence with water, foam and gas.

Automatic detectors include fire alarm devices, water and irrigation systems (sprink-lens and drakecaric) fog-forming devices, automatic flame gas installations, water curtains, automatic fire doors, etc. These detectors include in the line of radiation alarm systems or as premixes in the loop Systems through code detectors. Switches (detectors) of the maximum action have a sensitive element made in the form of a bimetallic diaphragm mounted on a round plastic base and a plastic cutting casing.

  • Bioethics. Concept, functions, connection with legal disciplines.
  • Botulism, etiopathogenesis, botulism relationship with certain products, clinical epidemiological features of outbreaks, laboratory diagnostics, prevention.
  • The relationship of hemodynamic and respiratory disorders
  • The relationship of the hypothalamus with the bark and subcortical structures
  • The relationship of caries and its complications with dental pathology.
  • The relationship of clinical psychology with general psychology and medicine. Differences in the logic of general theoretical and applied (clinical and psychological) study.
  • One of the conditions for successful struggle against fires is timely detection, early warning fire services and the beginning of active fire extinguishing at the initial stage of fire development. These tasks are solved by fire and alarm. Fire relationship provides a fire notice and challenge fire services, dispatching for the management of the forces and means of fire extinguishing and the operational connection of units during the extinguishing of a fire. The fire link is carried out on a city or special telephone network, or shortwave receiving-transmitting systems.

    Fire alarm (PS) Is a basic element in the security system of any enterprise.

    At any enterprise, in each office you need to have such a system. It is dictated by both the desire for the owner to protect their property, the life and health of employees and state standards and the regulatory acts of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. In general, the fire alarm is designed to detect a fire at the initial stage of fire and transmit an alarm signal to the control panel. PS. - It is a complex complex of technical means that serve for timely detection of fire in the protected zone.

    Fire alarm system Consists of the following main components.

    1. The control panel is a device that is engaged in analyzing the state of fire sensors and loops, and also gives commands to launch fire automation. This is a fire alarm brain.

    2. Display unit or automated workplace (AWP) based on a computer. These devices serve to display events and fire alarm status.

    3. Uninterruptible power supply (UPS). This unit is used to ensure continuous operation of the alarm, even in the absence of power. This is the heart of the fire alarm

    4. Different types of fire sensors (detectors). Sensors serve to detect the fireplace or combustion products (smoke, carbon monoxide, etc.). These are the eyes and ears of fire alarm.

    Types of fireman sensors

    The main factors to which fire alarm reacts is the concentration of smoke in air, an increase in temperature, the presence of carbon monoxide with CO and open fire. And for each of these signs there are fire sensors.

    Heat fireman sensorreacts to a change in temperature in a protective room. He can be threshold with a predetermined temperature work, and integralresponding to the rate of temperature change. Used mainly in rooms where the use of smoke sensors is not possible.
    Smoke fireman sensorreacts to the presence of smoke in the air. Unfortunately, also reacts to dust and pairs. This is the most common type of sensors. It is used everywhere except smoking, dyed premises and rooms with wet processes.
    Flame sensor Reacts to an open flame. It is used in places where a fire is possible without preliminary, such as carpentry workshops, storage facilities, and so on.

    The last invention in the field of fire-fighting systems is multiSensor detector. The developers have long been puzzled by the problem of creating a sensor, which would consider all signs in the aggregate, and, therefore, more accurately determine the presence of a fire, an order of magnitude, reducing false alarms. Multi-sensor sensors respond to a set of two signs: smoke and temperature increases were invented. Now sensors are already used, which take into account the combination of three and even all four factors. Today, many firms already produce fire protection systems with multisensor sensors. The most famous of them System Sensor, Esser, Bosch Security Systems, the Siemens multisensee detector, etc.

    For timely detection with the immediate report to the central control of fire units on the fire and the place of its occurrence, the means of signaling and communication are used.

    The most reliable fire alarm system is electrical alarm (EPS). Depending on the sensors notifying the fire, the automatic fire alarm system is divided: heat, reacting to an increase in the room temperature; smoke, reacting to the appearance of smoke; Light, reacting to the appearance of flames or infrared rays; Combined.

    The main elements of any electrical fire alarm system (Fig.) Are: detectors sensors placed in protected areas; receiving station designed to receive signals fed from detectors about fire and automatic alarms; power supply devices that provide power to the system with electrical current from the network and batteries; Linear structures that are a system of wires connecting detectors with a receiving station.

    Fig. Electrical fire alarm system diagram: A - radial (radial); b - loop (ring); 1 - sensors detectors; 2 - receiving station; 3 - block of backup power from batteries; 4 - power supply unit (with current conversion); 5 - switching system from one power to another; 6 - Linear facilities (wiring)

    According to a method for connecting detectors with a receiving station, radial (radial) and loop (ring) EPS systems are distinguished.

    Radi Systems (see Fig. A) are more common in enterprises located on a relatively small area, where the length of the lines is insignificant or where you can use a telephone cable. Each ray can be included up to three-four detectors. When they are triggered at the receiving station, only the number of this beam will be known without fixing the detector.

    The EPS loop system differs from radial in that the detectors include sequentially in a single-wire line (loop). One loop usually includes up to 50 detectors. The action of the loop system is built on the principle of transmission from the detector to the receiving station of a specific code. The loop includes detectors with different numbers that differ from each other code. The receiving station on the code defines the number and place of this detector.

    Food enterprises use: thermal detectors of maximum and differential action; Detectors reacting to smoke, as well as combined detectors reacting to smoke and heat.

    It is known that often for a long time a fire is preceded by only a drainage or a hidden source of heat, which flared slowly due to lack of air. The duration of this initial fire phase can be several hours. Therefore, the system, the action of which depends on the increase in temperature or on the presence of an open flame, can signal the fire only after the latter reaches the highest phase of development. Consequently, a detector that is sensitive to smoke or gaseous combustion products is significantly superior to other systems.

    The response time of the detector reacting to the smoke, much less time to supply the pulse with thermal detectors.

    Ionization sensors are used as detectors that are triggered when smoke. Sources of ionization in the chamber is plutonium-239 emitting α-luchi. The principle of the operation of the ionization sensor is based on the change in the electrical conductivity of gases that occurs under the influence of irradiation of the radioactive substance.

    With fire with excretion or without emissions, even with very small amounts of heat released, the physical condition of the surrounding atmosphere changes greatly due to ionization and changes in its gas composition. Based on this phenomenon, a chimney highly sensitive detector of the di type was created.

    It is designed for repeated effects and continuous operation at temperatures from -30 to +60 ° C. The zone of action of one detector is about 100 m 2. This type of detectors are inappropriate to install in rooms in the air of which are constantly pairs of acids and alkalis.

    Automatic thermal detectors include terror-sensitive types of bird (semiconductor thermal detector of maximum action).

    With an increase in the ambient temperature, the semiconductor thermal resistance (sensor) decreases sharply and the voltage on the control electrode rises. As soon as this voltage exceeds the ignition voltage, the tiratron will "light up", i.e. the detector will work. Controlled area of \u200b\u200b10 m 2.

    Depending on the sensitive element applied, automatic detectors can be: bimetallic; on thermocouples; semiconductor.

    Thermal detectors on the principle of action are divided into maximum, differential and maximum differential.

    The maximum type detectors are triggered by raising the temperature to the temperature to the limit to which they are adjusted. These detectors can be adjusted to the response temperature of +60 or + 80 ° C, regardless of the rate of its rise. Inertia of the triggering - up to 2 minutes; Controlled area - up to 15 m 2.

    Differential detectors are triggered at a certain rate of temperature rise. The TADS detector works with a jump-shaped increase in temperature by 30 ° C during no more than 7 s. Controlled area - about 30 m 2.

    Maximum differential detectors are triggered to increase ambient temperature. DMD detector has inertia no more than 50 s; Controlled area - about 25 m 2.

    Terrokebooks have different designs. The basic principles of thermal detectors are shown in Fig.

    Fig. Thermal automatic detectors: A - fusible closing; b - fusible opening; in - self-hearing; 1 - bimetallic plate; 2.3- Contacts; 4 - insulating base; 5 - Adjusting Screw

    The detectors working from thermal exposure have a significant drawback - inertia (time from the beginning of lighting to the alarm can be several minutes).

    In practice, a wide application has found installation with combined detectors reacting to smoke and heat.

    The executive element of the combined detector is an electometric thiratron, the potential of which is determined by the state of two sensors: the smoke sensor of the ionization chamber and heat resistance sensor.

    The heat sensor in conjunction with constant resistance forms a circuit connected to the control electrotiratron through the resistance of the ionization chamber.

    The combined detector gives a signal at an ambient temperature of 70 ° C. In the event of an appearance in the zone of its operation, the signal will be filed after 10 s; Controlled by a detector area of \u200b\u200broom 150 m 2.

    Light detectors react to the appearance of the flame. The sensitive element is a photon counter that catches the ultraviolet part of the flame spectrum.

    According to the safety requirements, the alarm equipment must have a working and protective ground.

    The economic evaluation of the installation of the fire alarm is in the specific indicator reflecting the cost of protection 1 m 2 floor area. This indicator is defined as private from dividing total investments on a total area protected by detectors.

    Fire alarm is applied to timely alert about the time and place of fire and take action on its liquidation.

    Fire alarm systems consist of fire detectors (sensors), communication lines, a receiving station, from where the fire signal can be transmitted to the premises of fire commands, etc.

    Electrical fire alarm, depending on the diagram of connecting detectors with the receiving station, is divided into radiation and ring or loop.

    With a radiation scheme from the receiving station, a separate wiring is supplied to each detector, called the beam.

    With a ring (loop) scheme, all detectors are connected in series in one common wire, both of which are bored with the receiving station. On large objects, several such wires or loops may be included in the receiving station, and up to 50 detectors can be included in one loop.

    Fire detectors can be manual (buttons installed in corridors or staircases) and automatic, which convert non-electrical physical quantities (radiation of thermal and light energy, movement of smoke particles, etc.) into electrical signals of a certain form transmitted by wires to the receiving station.

    Hand detector The PKIL-9 type is activated by pressing the button. These detectors are located in prominent places (on the staircases, in the corridors) and painted in red. The person who noticed the fire should break the protective glass and press the button. In this case, the electrical circuit is closed and a beep is produced at the receiving station and the lighting light lights up.

    The detectors are divided into parametric, in which non-electrical values \u200b\u200bare converted into electrical, and generator, in which the change in non-electrical value causes the appearance of its own electromotive force (EMF).

    The most widespread time automatic detectors. According to the principle, the effect on thermal, smoke, combined and light. Thermal detectors of the maximum action ATIMI-1 ATIM-3 are shown depending on the setting when the temperature is raised to 60, 80 and 100 ° C. The detectors are triggered due to the formation of a bimetallic plate when heated. Each of these detectors can control the area to 15 m 2. Semiconductor thermal lockers of bird-1, bird-2 sensitive elements are thermal resistance, when heated which changes in the circuit. The detectors are triggered by increasing the temperature to 40-60 ° C and protect the area up to 30 m 2. Thermal detectors of DPS-038, DPS-1Ag of differential action are triggered by a rapid temperature increase (30 ° C for 7 seconds) and are used in explosive rooms; The controlled area is 30 m 2. In the detectors of this type, thermocouples are applied, in which thermo-emf occurs when heated. In the chimney detectors Di-1, an ionization chamber is used as a sensitive element. Under the action of radioactive isotope Plutonium-239 in the chamber flows ionization current. If you get into the smoke chamber, the absorption of A ray and the ionization current decreases. The combined KI-1 detector is a combination of smoke and thermal detectors. To the ionization chamber additionally connects thermo resistance such detectors react to the appearance of smoke, and to increase the temperature. The response temperature of such detectors is 60-80 ° C, the calculated maintenance area is 50-100 m 2.

    Di-1 and KI-1 detectors are not installed in raw, strongly dusty rooms, as well as rooms containing acids, alkali or temperature of these rooms above + 80 ° C, since these conditions can cause false responses of detectors.

    Light detectors C-1, AIP-2 react to the ultraviolet part of the flame spectrum. Their sensitive elements are photon counters. Detectors are installed in premises with illumination of no more than 50 LCs; The area controlled by them is 50 m 2.

    Ticket 55.

    The primary means include fire extinguishers, hydropompa (piston pumps), buckets, water barrels, sandboxes, asbestos canvas, felt mats, cats, etc.

    Fire extinguishers are chemical foam (OHP-10, OP-5, OHPV-1O, etc.), air-foam (OVP-5, OVP-10), carbon dioxide (OU-2, OU-5, OU-8), carbon dioxide -Bromeethyl (OUD-3, OUD-7), powder (OPS-6, OPS-10).

    Chemical foam fire extinguishers of the OHP-10, OHVP-10 (Fig. 3) consist of a steel cylinder in which there is an alkaline solution and a polyethylene glass with acidic solution. Giving a fire extinguisher into action is made by turning up to the handle refusing, which opens a glass with acidic solution. The fire extinguisher turn over the bottom, the solutions are mixed and begin to interact. The chemical reaction is accompanied by the separation of carbon dioxide, which creates overpressure in the cylinder. Under the action of pressure, the resulting foam is injected into the burning zone.

    Chemical foam fire extinguishers of type OP-3 or OP-5 are powered by a strike of the striker of the hard base. At the same time, glass flasks are broken, sulfuric acid is poured into a balloon and enters the chemical reaction with alkali. The resulting carbon dioxide as a result of the reaction causes intensive foaming of the fluid and creates a pressure in the cylinder of about 9-12 atmospheres, due to which the liquid in the form of a jet of foam is ejected from the cylinder through the nozzle.

    The duration of the chemical foam fire extinguishers of about 60-65 s, and the jet range is up to 8 m.

    Air-foam fire extinguishers (OVP-5, OVP-10) are charged with a 5% aqueous solution of the Po-1 foaming agent. When the fire extinguisher is performed, the compressed carbon dioxide ejects a solution of the foaming agent through the foam nozzle, forming a stream of high-time foam.

    The duration of air-foam fire extinguishers up to 20 s, the range of foam foam is about 4-4.5 m.

    Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers of OU-2 (Fig. 4) consist of a cylinder with carbon dioxide, a shut-off valve, a siphon tube, a flexible metal hose, diffuser (soccer-snow formation agent), handles and a fuse. The shut-off valve has a safety device in the form of a membrane, which is triggered by increasing pressure in the cylinder over the permissible. Gas in the cylinder is under pressure of about 70 atmospheres (6-7 MPa) in a liquid state. Fire extinguishers are powered by rotating the valve counterclockwise. When the valve is opened, carbon dioxide comes out in the form of snow. With an increase in the ambient temperature, the pressure in the cylinder can reach 180-210 atmospheres (180 - 210-y5 PA).

    The time of carbon dioxide fire extinguishers up to 60 s, range - up to 2 m.

    Fig.3 Fire extinguisher Chemical foam OKH-10

    Fig.4. Fire extinguisher carbon dioxide OU-2

    A carbonic-bromoethyl fire extinguisher (OUDB-7) consists of a cylinder filled with ethyl bromide, carbon dioxide, as well as compressed air to throw an exhausting substance through nozzle. The operation time of the OUD-7 is about 35-40 s, the length of the jet 5-6 m. The OUDB-7 is activated by pressing the starting handle. The work of the fire extinguisher can be stopped by releasing the handle.

    Powder fire extinguishers (OPS-6, OPS-10) consist of a housing, a capacity of 6 or 10 liters, the caps with a safety valve and a siphon tube, a gas sprinkler with a capacity of 0.7 liters, connected to the housing with a pipe, a flexible hose with an extension agent and Skill.

    When the fire extinguisher in the action of the powder from its body through the siphon tube is pushed with compressed gas, which presses on the mass of the powder from above, passes through its thickness and together with the powder it turns out.

    The operation time of powder fire extinguishers - 30 s, operating pressure 8 ∙ 10 5 Pa, and the initial pressure in the gas canoeing 15 ∙ 10 6 Pa.

    All fire extinguishers are subjected to periodic control and recharging

    Stationary fire prevention plants are fixedly mounted devices, pipelines and equipment that are intended for feeding flames in the combustion zone.

    Mobile installations in the form of pumps for water supply and other fires to the location of the fire are mounted on fire trucks. Fire trucks include fire trucks, tank trucks, auto pumps, motor-pumps, fire trains, boats, etc.

    First Aid for Accidents

    In enterprises of communication as a result of violation of the safety rules or malfunctions, the equipment can provide. Surfaces that lead to injury to the human body or violation of its normal functioning.

    Timely and qualified prefiguration medical care is a victim-mu can not only keep his health, but also save life. The absence of breathing and blood circulation for 4-6 minutes causes irreversible in the body (changes, and in the power of medical workers who arrived after a while after an accident may be useless. Therefore, each techniques must be able to be able to quickly and correctly render the first. help.

    The first aid is to stop the action of hazardous factors, a temporary stop of bleeding, imputy (sterile) and bus bandages, the fight against the pain and conducting revitalizing measures to restore the breather of cardiac actuality and, finally, the delivery of the victim therapeutic institution.

    First aid to the injured from electric current

    The first assistance to the injured from electric current is divided into several stages:

    release of the victim from exposure to electric current;

    determination of the state of the victim;

    conduct artificial respiration and indirect heart massage.

    To release the affected exposure of the electric current, the electrical installation from the supply voltage should be turned off using the shutdown organs: buttons, switches, switches; If it is impossible to do this, then you need to turn the cork fuses or refresh the wires with sharp objects having insulating handles. If the wire lies on the victim, it should be used by any non-conductive subject (dry stick, board) in order to remove the wire from the victim and discard it to the side.

    If a person came under the effect of electric current, being on the support, then to stop the current to the current-host wires, you can sample a pre-occurring wire that will trigger protection and disconnect the voltage. In this case, it is necessary to provide for events "preventing the fall of the victim from the support.

    In many cases, it is possible to drag the victim for clothes, without touching the hands of the ongoing parts of its body, so that it does not affect the effect of electrical current. If you can pre-put the dielectric gloves, galoishes

    Freeing the victim from the effects of electric current, it is necessary to quickly, the thread of its condition. If the victim is conscious, but for a long time was under the influence of current, he needs to ensure complete peace and observation of 2-3 hours, as the disorders caused by electric current can flow without visible SIM-Ptomov, but after some time they can develop Pathological consequences up to the largest clinical death. In this regard, the doctor's challenge for all lesions is required by electric shock. If the victim is unconscious, but breathing and cardiac activity have been preserved (pulse proves), then it should be comfortable and smoothly put on the back, grow shy clothes, create a flow of fresh air. Then the victim follows from time to time to give a sniffing alcohol, spray water and constantly rub and warm the body. In the event of vomiting the head of the victim should be in returning to the left.

    If the victim does not have signs of life (the pulse does not fit, there is no heartbeat, convulsive neurotic breathing), then immediately begin to carry out resuscitation (revival). First of all, it is necessary to normalize the breath as the main source of supply of all organs with oxygen and blood circulation, delivering oxygen to all tissues of the human body. Restore breathing in the victim by artificial respiration. Artificial respiration can be carried out in various ways: manual (methods of Sylvester, Shepher, etc.); "Mouth in the mouth" or "mouth to nose"; hardware manual.

    Manual methods of artificial respiration are ineffective, so they do not provide sufficient air intake into the light victim. In recent years, the methods of artificial respiration "From mouth to mouth" and mouth to the nose were widely residated. These methods are enforced filling the light of the lungs of the victim from the lungs providing assistance to blowing. As you know, in the surrounding air it contains about 21% oxygen, and in exhaled from the lungs-16%.

    This amount of oxygen is sufficient for the holding to some extent gas exchange in the lungs. With one tires in the light affected by 1-1.5 l of air, which is significantly larger than with manual methods. The blowing should be driven with the frequency of own breathing, but not less than 10-12 times per minute. If the victim does an independent breath, then blowing should be coincided with the time of your own breath of the victim. It should not be ceased to stop artificial respiration at the first independent breath, it must be continuing for another while, since nertymic and weak independent breaths cannot provide sufficient lung gas exchange.

    Hardware-manual methods for carrying out artificial respiration are implemented with the power of the furs, which provide sufficient gas exchange in the lungs of the victim. The most convenient in operation are portable machines of RPD 1 and RPA-2.

    To restore cardiac activity is carried out indirect, or closed, heart massage. The one who provides assistance rises from the left side of the victim and puts the base of the palm to the lower third of the sternum, and the brush of another hand imposes on top of the first. Using body weight, he presses on his sternum with such a force so that it shifts into the stort-well spine by 3-6 cm. In a minute, 60-70 pressing should be carried out. Signs of the restoration of the heart work - the appearance of its own pulse, skin peeling, the narrowing of pupils.

    Often indirect heart massage is combined with artificial respiration. If the help has two people, one spends a heart massage, and the other is an artificial respiration. After every three or four presses, one might follow.

    If one person is involved in assistance, then the cyclicity of artificial dyed-khania and indirect heart massage changes: 3-4 pins, then 15 pressing, 2 blowing, 15 pressing, etc.

    First aid for wounds. Stop bleeding

    The wound is a consequence of mechanical damage to the tissues and the human body. Various microbes can be entered into the wound, therefore it is necessary to refer to the instance of the wound processing and the introduction of anti-trust serum. We should not rinse with water with water, remove the earth, fall asleep by the wound with powders or other healing means, remove blood bunches from the wound; Only a medical worker can correctly treat the wound. It is necessary to open the individual package, impose a sterile material on the wound and then bandage it. To stop capillary or venous bleeding raise the limb up, apply a gulling bandage on the wound. To stop arterial bleeding, the limb in the joint is sharply bend, pressed the artery with a finger, impose a harness or a twist. A rubber cord is used as a harness, and the belts, towels, shawls, etc., are used as a twist, etc. The harness or spin is superimposed above the wounds at a distance of 5-7 cm from its edge. Under the harness or twist should be put a note by specifying the overlay time. In the summer, the year is harvested for 2 hours, in the cold - for 1 hour. Then the harness tolerate to weaken 2-3 minutes so that the blood can come to the damaged limb, otherwise the tissue may occur. If after weakening the harness, the bleeding will resume, the harness is delayed again.

    First aid for fractures, bruises and stretching

    When fractures and dislocations, the first trial aid is to ensure a half-mobility, immobilization of a damaged part of the body. Immobilization is necessary to reduce pain, preventing further injury to the body tissues by bone fragments.

    Signs of fractures are pain, an unnatural shape of a damaged part of those-la, bone mobility in the fracture area. To ensure immobility, special tires or sweater are used - ski sticks, boards, umbrellas, etc. Tires need to choose such a length to immobilize the two joints - above and below the fracture. If the fracture is open, then first should be tied with a gauge aseptic bandage, and then apply a bus.

    In the fractures of the skull, the victim is placed on the back, the head turns the side, the cold (ice, snow or cold water in polyethylene mesh) is applied to the head.

    With the fractures of the spine under the victim, a wide board or shield is gently fit or the victim turns on the belly face down. When turning, it should be followed that the spine will not be engaged, otherwise the spinal cord can be injured.

    When a fracture or dislocation of the clavicle should be put into the armpit to put a lump of cotton wool or soft tissue. A hand bent at a right angle, to navigate to the body or under-knit with a tire to the neck. At the area of \u200b\u200bdamage to attach cold.

    When fractures and dislocations of hands bones should be superimposed with tires, hang the hand at right angle on the brazing or the jacket field. At the place of damage to attach cold. An alien attempt to eliminate dislocation can lead to more severe injury; Only a doctor or paramedic can be adjusted.

    When fractures, the ribs should be tightly bandaged to the chest during exhalation.

    At all sorts of bruises and stretching bundles, the damage to the place should be tight over-binting and attach a cold item to it.

    First assistance in burns and frostbite

    Burning is damage to tissues, occurring under the action of low temperature, chimethic substances, electric current, solar and x-rays. There are four degrees of burns: 1st - redness of the skin, 2nd formation of bubbles, 3rd death of the whole skin thickness and 4th - charring tissues. The severity of damage depends on the degree and area of \u200b\u200bthe burn. There are more than 20% of the body surface, the burn causes changes in central nervous and cardiovascular systems. The victim can develop shock. When first aid, a damaged place should be imposed a sterile bandage, a bubble with ice or cold water and send the victim to the hospital.

    You should not open bubbles, cut off the surgasch, rosin, because it can lead to infection and long-term wound healing. It should not be lubricated by the wound from burns with ointments, butter, pour with powders. When the eye burns, a volt arc should be washed with a 2-3% solution of boric acid and send the victim to the hospital.

    During chemical burns (acids or alkalis), damaged place is necessary for 10-15 minutes with water (better running), and then neutralizing solutions - with burns 5% manganese-sour potassium or 10% drinking solution Howling Soda (one teaspoon on a glass of water), with burns with alkalis 5% solution of vinegar or boric acid. For washing the eyes, weaker, 2-3% solutions are used.

    Frostbite is the damage of the body's tissues as a result of low temperature exposure. The lower limbs are most often frostbite. The first assistance in frostbite is to warming the entire body, rubbing the frostite parts with a soft dry cloth (gloves, scarf, etc.). It should not be used for rubbing the snow, since the ice-contained ice can damage the skin, which contributes to the enhancing infection and extends the healing process. After the damaged is blushing, it is necessary to impose a dressing with any fat (oil, lard, etc.) and keep the damage-denim limit in a high-end position. The victim must be sent to the medical institution.

    First aid for fainting, thermal and sunny blows, poisoning. Carrying and transportation of the victim

    Fainting - sudden, short-term loss of consciousness. Syncoon is preceded by a faint condition (nausea, dizziness, darkening in the eyes). When fainting in the suffering, it should be put on the back with a slightly lowered head, unzipped with shy clothes, create a flow of fresh air, give a sniffing alcohol, make a heating to the legs. The victim likes, you can give it hot coffee. 100

    The thermal blow is a sharp sudden disorder of the central nervous system, resulting from the constitution of the entire body. The heat blow occurs with a long) action of high ambient temperature, staying in rooms with high humidity and insufficient air movement. At the same time, the mechanism of heat transfer is disturbed, which leads to serious violations in the body. Close to thermal is a sun blow, resulting from overheating head straight solar rays.

    With heat and solar strikes of the victim, it is necessary to quickly transfer to the cool, shaded place, put on the back with a somewhat raised head, to ensure peace, create a flow of fresh air and put ice or cold bulls on the head.

    When carrying and transporting the victim, it should be very careful not to cause him pain, additional injury and thereby make no deterioration of his state. It is best to transfer onto stretchers (special or made of boiled mat-rial). When placing onto stretcher, it is necessary to lift the victim and substitute the stretcher under it, and not to transfer the victim to the carrier. When fractures of the spine or the lower jaw, the victim is stacked on the stomach if the stretchers are soft.

    In the smooth terrain of the victim, they carry forward, and when lifting up a mountain or on the stairs, head forward. Porters must not keep up, with a few bent knees, so that the stretchers are swinging as little as possible. When carrying to large races to the handles, the straps are tied to straps that roll over the shoulder. When transporting transport (on a car, wagon), you should create a maximum of amenities, avoid shaking; It is better to lay the victim directly on the stretchers, undermining anything soft (hay, grass, etc.).

    TB requirement to telephorus

    Currently, coordinating stations of AMTS-3, Arm-2y Quasielectron Station "Metakonta YUS" are used for the organization of a long-distance telephone connection, the Perea-K-60P, K-1920P, K-1920U "in their production The workshops significantly reduced the level of noise and thereby improved the working conditions of communication workers. All works on telephone and telegraph stations are conducted in accordance with the safety regulations in the equipment and maintenance of telephone and telegraph stations. Of all MTS workshops, the linear hardware and the shop of ELI trails are the greatest danger from the point of view of electric shock.

    When working in a linear hardware shop (LAZ), one should be particularly attentive, since some racks are powered by a voltage of 220 V, and the remote power voltage (DP) will be given to the other, which can achieve large values. For example, for the K-1920P system, the DP voltage is 2 square meters.

    Lart power supply is carried out according to a two-beam scheme from two independent sources. DC voltage is fed to the equipment through uninsulated tires, placed at height. Touching tires is possible only when working on a ladder. To exclude such a touch in the system "Metaktow YUS" instead of tires, a cable is used.

    To check the passage of signals towards the line and switching workshops in LAV for equipment K-1920P, test racks are set to IS- "1OV and IS-2V. For convenience! Service rack IS-2V is equipped with a table, and measuring instruments and control handles are located on a vertical panel. In the optimal work area.

    The racks are installed in the ranks, between which there is a passage of sufficient shi-rin for the safe and convenient maintenance of equipment. On the cabinets and racks, the equipment of the DP voltage is supplied, the red arrows are applied. Warning personnel on the danger of lesion to the current. To eliminate the touch to the current units under the DP voltage, in some systems, for example, the K-60P is used to block the DP chains.

    To protect the lats instrument from possible overloads, the rack is supplied with automatic or fuse. When fuses or other malfunctions appear, optical and sound alarms are triggered, signaling lamps are located on the collaborators, on the rank transparency and the native tablo. For example, when you exit from-time lamps of linear amplifiers of the K-1920U system, the UCA lamp on the protection and alarm board (CCD), the "path" signal on the rank transparency, a red native lamp and ringing the call. To eliminate electric shock in front of the introductory, input-test racks, dp racks, auxiliary end racks (SVT), automatic voltage regulators (SARN), dielectric mats must be laid, and the racks are grounded.

    When conducting preventive and repair work on the current parts of LAP equipment, the voltage is removed from them, i.e., the work is performed with full tension removal. If there is no voltage on equipment up to 500, then as an exception is allowed to work without removing the voltage, but with the mandatory use of dielectric gloves, dielectric mats and tools with insulating handles. This is especially true of electrical measurements and determine the places of damage to the chains of air lines exposed to the dangerous effect of power lines and electrified railways. Connect the measuring instruments to the cable veins under the voltage, it is necessary in dielectric gloves in the presence of a second person. It is prohibited during thunderstorms.

    Cable veins are displetened to boxes. The pins of cable boxes through which the DP voltage is supplied are insulating tubes, and the box sockets are closed by protective covers. A red arrow is applied to the lid. The lines on the boxes are switched using two-party forks with plastic housing or special arrangement with an insulating coating of the part for which they are taken. When permutation, the arrangement or forks do not carefully pay attention to the insulation state.

    When working on lines or equipment, which are associated with a touch to the current-carrying parts that are under the DP voltage, it must be disabled. Responsible for the timely shutdown and the inclusion of DP is the head of the amplifying point. All orders, as well as the shutdown time and inclusion of DP are recorded in the work log. The DP voltage is turned off by the switches to which posters are hung: "Do not include! People work. " The number of posters on the same switch must correspond to the number of brigades on the line. To exclude the erroneous inclusion of DP, the chains are made additional visible to the removal of fuses or the permutation of high-voltage mead. It is allowed to shoot high-voltage arrangements only in dielectric (gloves, standing on a dielectric rug.

    After removing the DP voltage, the cable is discharged to the ground using the arrester - a metal rod connected to the grounding device and reinforced on an insulating rod.

    Turn on the DP voltage and remove the warning poster is allowed only after receiving messages from all the brigades on the lines of the voltage.

    In automatic and semi-automatic bond shops, as well as in switching shops, the apparatus is placed on racks, the design of which eliminates the possibility of touching the current parts. Racks are equipped with fuses and signaling devices.

    Preventive work is carried out, as a rule, with full tension removal and only in exceptional cases without removing the voltage using protective agents. Check-based voltage is prohibited from hand, it is necessary to use measurable or voltage pointers. When replacing signal lamps or fuses on switches and collaborators, it is prohibited to relate to the free hand of grounded metal constructions, otherwise electric shock can occur.

    When performing work on switching and test equipment using cord steam, it is necessary to take only for an isolated part of the plug and ensure that the cord does not damage. In case of inspection or repair of equipment, if the illumination of the workplace is insufficient, you can use the portable lamp. It must be designed for voltage not higher than 42 V, as the tsehs belong to the premises with increased danger. To connect the lamps on the host at the end of each row, a special outlet is installed.

    Telephoneists use microthephon devices during operation (headsets). To reduce the effects on telephonists of acoustic discharges (for example, when entering the zipper line), the headset telephone includes acoustic discharge limiters (fritters). To reduce pressure on the head, phones are supplied with soft headphones.

    Fast detection and alarm on the emergence of a fire, timely challenge of fire units and alerts about the fire of people in the area of \u200b\u200bpossible danger, allows you to quickly localize fire foci, carry out evacuation and take the necessary fire extinguishing measures. Therefore, enterprises must be provided with communication tools and fire alarm systems and alerts.

    To send a fire message at any time of the day, you can use special and general purpose phones, radio communication, centralized fire alarm installations. Fire alert systems should provide in accordance with the developed evacuation plans transfer signals alert simultaneously throughout the house (construction), and, if necessary, sequentially or selectively in its separate parts (sections of the section). The number of detectors (speakers), their placement and power should provide the necessary audibility in all places of people's stay to transmit the texts of the alert and management of evacuation allowed to use internal radio broadcasts. The room, from which the fire alert system is managed, should be located on the lower floors of the buildings, at the entrance to the stair cells, in places with a 24-hour stay of duty personnel.

    The most fast and reliable means of identifying signs of fire and alarm on the fire is considered to be the automatic installation of fire alarm (AUU), which should work around the clock. Depending on the compound scheme, radial (radial) and annular AUPS are distinguished (Fig. 4.37). The principle of operation of the AUU is as follows: when you trigger at least one of the detectors to the receiving and control device comes the "Fire" signal.

    Fig. 4.37. The schemes of radiation (a) and ring (b) compounds inAUPS: 1 - detectors; 2 - receiving and control device; 3 - power supply from the power supply; 4 - emergency power unit; 5 - power switching system; 6 - Connecting Wires

    Nisdressable fire detectors include only in a radial network; At the same time, the place of fire is determined by the loop number (beam), which issued a "fire" signal. Addressed fire detectors include in the network both radial and annular type; The address of the outbury is determined by the place of installation of the detector, which issued the "Fire" signal by its address number.

    On fire and explosive objects of AUPS, in addition to the fire alarm, they can issue commands in the control circuit of automatic fire extinguishing installations, smoke, alerts about fire, ventilation, technological and electrical equipment of the object.

    AUPC for the transfer of the message (notice) about the fire is divided into autonomous and centralized. In the autonomous installations of the AUPC alarm "Fire" from the detector enters the receiving and control instrument, which is installed indoors with a 24-hour stay of duty personnel. Another calls to the receiving post of fire protection and transmits information. In centralized AUPS alerts on fire from receiving and control devices is transmitted through a communication channel (for example, a pager communication channel or a radio channel) to a centralized fire observation console.

    Manual fire detector

    One of the main elements of AUPC has fire detectors - devices that form a fire signal. Discern fire detectors manual and automatic action. Manual fire detector (Fig. 4.38, a) includes a person who has found a fire by pressing the start button. They can be used to serve a fire signal from the territory of the enterprise. Inside the building, manual detectors are installed as additional technical means of automatic AUPS.

    Fig. 4.38. Fire detectors: A - manual Ir-P; b - thermal IP-105; B - Smoke IPD-1; G - flame detector IP

    Automatic fire detectors

    Were work without the participation of a person, from the impact on the factors accompanying the fire: an increase in temperature, the appearance of smoke or flame.

    Heat fire detectors

    On the principle of action are divided into: Maximum (IT-B, IT2-B, IP-105, SPTM-70), which are triggered when the Pirogovo is reached the air temperature in the place of their installation; Differential (HB 871-20), which react to the rate of increase in the temperature gradient; Maximum differential (IT1-MGB, B-601), which are triggered from one or another predominant temperature change.

    Principles of operation and design of thermal fire detectors in can be different: using low-melting materials that are destroyed as a result of an increase in elevated temperature; using thermoelectribution force; using the dependence of the electrical resistance of the elements on temperature; using temperature deformations of materials; Using the dependence of magnetic induction on temperature, etc.

    Fire detector IP-105 (see Fig. 4.38, b) is a magnetocontact device with a contact output. It works on the principle of changing magnetic induction under the action of high temperature. With an increase in the air temperature, the magnetic field decreases, and when the threshold temperature value is reached, the contact value that is located in a hermetic chamber opens. This serves a "Fire" signal to the receiving and control instrument.

    Smoke fire detectors

    Detect smoke photovoltaic (optical) or radioisotope method. The principle of operation of the optical detector of the firefighter EPD-1 (see Fig. 4.38, c) is based on the registration of scattered light (Tindol Effect). The emitter and receiver working in infrared lights located in the optical chamber in such a way that the rays from the emitter cannot get directly to the receiver. In case of fire, smoke enters the optical chamber of the detector. Light from the emitter is dissipated by smoke particles (Fig. 4.39) and falls into the receiver. As a result, the "Fire" signal is formed and is fed to the receiving and control instrument. In radioisotope, smoke detectors with a sensitive element serves an ionization chamber with a source of a-radiation (Fig. 4.40). Smoke, which is formed during a fire, reduces the degree of ionization in the chamber, and is registered by the detector.

    Fig. 4.39. Scattering light flux by particlessmoke: 1 - source 2 - smoke-smoked medium; 3 - smoke particles

    Fig. 4.40. Ionization chamber of light (emitter) of the radioisotope smoke detector: 1 - anode; 2 - cathode

    Firefighters flame detectors

    (IP, IP-P, IP-PB) allow you to quickly identify the source of the open flame. The detector's sensitive photocell registers the flame radiation in ultraviolet or infrared spectrum parts. Combined IPK-1 detectors, IPK-2, IPK-3 controls two factors that accompany the fire: smoke and temperature.

    Fire detectors are characterized by: triggering threshold - the smallest value of the parameter to which they react; inertia - time from the start of the factor is controlled until the time of operation; The protected area is the floor area, which is controlled by one detector. In tab. 4.13 shows the comparative characteristics of detectors of various types.

    Table 4.13.

    Separate detectors (sensors) of security alarm systems (for example, ultrasound, optical-electric) have high sensitivity and are capable of very quickly (rather fire detectors) to identify the first signs of fire. Therefore, they can combine security and fire functions. However, such detectors can only be additional elements of AUPC, which enhance the fire safety of the protected object. After all, security alarms operates inoperative time, and the fire station is around the clock.

    When choosing a type and execution of an automatic fire detector, it is necessary to take into account the purpose of the protected room, the fire characteristic of the materials, there are primary signs of fire and operating conditions in accordance with DBN B.2.5-13-98.

    For the right choice of automatic fire detectors, it is necessary to take into account the features of the object of destination of the protected premises, the degree of their fire hazard, the specifics of the technological process, the fire characteristics of the materials in the room, the primary signs of the fire and the nature of its possible development. It is also necessary to take into account the availability of automatic fire extinguishing systems and other features of the object.

    The form and execution of fire detectors must be selected taking into account the conditions of the medium in the protected rooms and the class of an explosive or fire zone.

    The number and location of fire detectors depends on the size, forms, working conditions and the purpose of the room, the design of the overlap (coating) and the height of the ceiling, the presence and type of ventilation, the load capacity of the room with materials and equipment, as well as from the type and type of fire detectors and in each case Determined by the project organization, which has received a license for this type of activity in the prescribed manner.

    Fire detectors are installed, as a rule, under the coating (overlapping). In some cases, their location is allowed on walls, beams, columns, as well as suspension on cables, provided they are at a distance of not more than 0.3 m from the coating level (overlap) and not more than 0.6 m from ventilation holes.

    In rooms with an equal ceiling, point fire detectors are usually uniformly in the area of \u200b\u200bthe ceiling, taking into account the size of the room, as well as the technical parameters of the detectors. Point fire detectors are recommended to be installed according to the triangular or square location schemes (Fig. 4.41).

    Fig. 4.41.

    a - Distance between detectors, b - distance from the wall to the detector

    In some cases, the detectors are placed in the zones of likely ignition, on the ways of convective flow streams, as well as near the fire hazardous equipment.

    The distance between the detectors is accepted with regard to the area controlled by one detector. The latter depends on the height of the protected premises. Therefore, the greater the height of the protected room, the smaller the area controlled by the detector. The distance from the detector to the wall is usually taken two times less than the distance between the detectors.

    As the practice of operation of fire detectors showed, thermal fire detectors should be used in small and medium heights and relatively small volumes. With the height of the room 7-9 M use of thermal detectors it is impractical due to the ineffectiveness of the registration of the fire focus.

    The threshold temperature of the response of the maximum and maximum differential thermal detectors should be at least 20 ° C and no more than 70 ° C above the maximum permissible temperature indoor.

    Differential thermal detectors are effective in such premises, in which under normal production conditions, there is no sharp increase in ambient temperature. Such detectors cannot be installed near heat sources that can cause their false response.

    Smoke detectors are placed in premises, where possible fire is accompanied by a significant allocation of smoke. When they are arranged, it is necessary to take into account the paths and speed of air flows from ventilation systems.

    Flame detectors are installed in rooms where there is a possibility of outdoor ignition. Various industrial impacts should be avoided (working welding machines or other sources of ultraviolet or infrared radiation). Flame detectors must be protected from direct sunlight and direct influence of artificial light sources. When the flame detectors are arranged, their technical characteristics must be taken into account: the viewing angle protected by the detector area, the maximum fire detection range (the distance from the detector to the "visible" point).

    It should be noted that when choosing and accommodating automatic fire detectors, it is necessary to be guided by the requirements and recommendations of DBN B.2.5-13-98.