Repairs Design Furniture

He was a "cable" or how to choose a tile in the bathroom. What tile is better to choose for the bathroom? What is the most popular bathroom tile

As a material for finishing the floor, many choose ceramic tiles despite the abundance of the construction market of the mass of other floor coatings. The tile has a lot of advantages in comparison with other coatings. Let's look at how to choose outdoor tiles for different types of rooms.

Features and Benefits of Material

If you start comparing a tile for the floor with a conventional tile, then it is immediately noticeable that the first has a greater thickness. Also, the finish is characterized by elevated wear resistance. Because of these properties, the tile is usually laid in the kitchen and in the corridor.

Among other advantages and features, high hygienicity can be isolated. Compared to any other floor coatings, it is the tile that is considered the best floor material in rooms where the increased level of pollution.

Material has extraordinary strength. The main thing is to know how to choose outdoor tiles, so as not to regret buying. Subject to professional installation, the tile is able to withstand significant loads from shocks, as well as other mechanical damage. Finish not only durable, it also does not lose its color over time.

Ceramics are very durable. Unlike other coatings, the floor tile is capable of listening without loss or reduced technical characteristics up to 50 years. The tile is not afraid of moisture and serious flooding - therefore the tile is chosen to decorate bathrooms. Any other material in the bathroom quickly will answer and come into disrepair.

If the coating is damaged, only a damaged area can be restored without the need to replace the entire floor. Well, finally, ceramics will never harm human health. This is the most eco-friendly option among all existing flooring (of course, besides the tree). In stores and construction hypermarkets, a huge selection of ceramics for the floor of any colors, drawings, sizes and textures is presented.

This allows you to create not only durable, but also an attractive coating.


If you put the tile with violation of technology, it will lead to the formation of cracks. To obtain a qualitative result, it is not enough to choose a quality tile. It is necessary to pre-perform thorough preparation of the draft floor. It should be smooth and dry.

With all its merits, the tile has bad properties of sound absorption. But this deficiency can be easily eliminated using soundproofing layers. The latter fit when pouring a screed.

Ceramic tile is very cold, but differ in high thermal conductivity. The problem of cold is solved by installing warm floors. Finally, the tile is very slippery. Bathrooms are more preferred options with a rough surface.

Criterias of choice

How to choose a floor tile? First of all, the choice depends on the type of room where it will fit. So, it can be a bathroom, a kitchen, a living room, an entrance hall. The type of premises depend on the characteristics of the finish. There are certain criteria for selecting floor tiles.


Materials with a glossy, matte or embossed surface are presented in the construction market. It should be borne in mind that the tile is very slippery, so it is not worth stopping the choice on glossy products, even if they look very impressive. Glossy floors become dangerous if water fell on them. If the shine really liked, it is better to use it where the humidity is lower.


The geometric characteristics depends on how the room and the interior will be visually perceived. If in a small room to lay a large ceramics, then it will decrease visually and it will be closely in it. But the small mosaic will visually expand the space.

A large tile is relevant in the rooms, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is more than seven square meters. Bathrooms and bathrooms are better to apply the options in bed.

Color spectrum

The floors, like the walls, occupy a fairly large area. This means that the coating can significantly affect the process of forming the interior of the room. Professional designers advise what outdoor tile to choose to get a harmonious interior:

  • The floors should be in harmony with other finishes, or contrast with it. White tile on the floor in the corridor will make it possible to make a dark room lighter and visually expanding it. Color saturation depends on the brightness of light.
  • In classic interiors, the tile of natural stone will look at perfectly. But the imitation will also look pretty effectively.


It is believed that ceramics is an exceptionally cold floor. Therefore, it does not apply for bedrooms and children's rooms. And this is true for stone and ceramic materials. But on sale you can find a special warm tile. This novelty is designed in Japan. In the structure of such a product there is a mass of air bubbles that perform the function of the barrier from the cold, without reducing the characteristics of the strength. Therefore, for those who do not know which outdoor tile to choose, warm products are the perfect option. The floor will be easy to operate and not to give cold.

Note one nuance. Among the usual tile, there are also warmer and cold options. So, the stone is significantly cold of ordinary ceramics. Tile from granite and porcelain books are better to choose for corridors.

For those who do not know which outdoor tile is better to choose to be warm, in stores can offer a special vinyl finish. It is significantly warm ordinary tile. But this is not classical ceramics. This is something like an ordinary linoleum, but with another composition and technology of laying. The material is easily adjusted for the rooms of any size, elastic and warm. But it is not distinguished by high durability. The service life is not more than 10 years.

There is also a quartzinyl tile. It is solid materials from PVC, as it is 80 percent of quartz sand.


Any packaging with tiles has special designations. They will help and prompt how to choose outdoor tiles. In these symbols, manufacturers encrypted all the necessary information. If the palm is drawn, it is a tile for the walls. If the feet, then, respectively, for the floor. Snowflake means that the material is intended for use as an outer decoration.

Decorative characteristics

Often the tile is decorated with various decorative elements. It may be inserts, patterns, relief strips. It all looks very elegant, but only subject to the compliance of the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and interior design.

For small rooms, it is not necessary to get involved in a large number of such patterns. This is noticeably cleaned by free space.


Many are confident that it is possible to choose the right floor tiles only from foreign manufacturers. In fact, there are many high-quality domestic products in stores, which has the same characteristics as imported. But its price is significantly lower.

If you make a choice without a certain experience, it is best to trust proven manufacturers:

  • "Almer Ceramics".
  • "NovaBelle"


Those who do not know how to choose outdoor tiles, labeling comes to the rescue. It defines the variety. What he is higher, the lower the quality. Low quality tiles may have errors in size. Various defects, thickness deviations, unevenness when painting, chips.

Each variety has its markings. The first is red, the second is blue, and the third is green. Regardless of which outdoor tile to select for the bathroom or any other rooms, it is better to purchase a tile from one batch. Why is that? The same products from different parties can differ significantly in color, shades and even sizes.

Features of choice

Let's look at what outdoor tile to choose for the bathroom. The bathroom ceramics should meet certain requirements. This is the correctness of geometric shapes and strict compliance with sizes. The material must be holistic without defects, the surface of the tile is resistant to abrasion. Also important characteristic - resistance to temperature differences and moisture. In addition, the bathroom tile should withstand the effects of chemical cleaning agents and have an anti-slip effect.

Those who do not have proper experience and does not know which outdoor tile to choose for a bathroom in color, it is best to acquire a set of outdoor and wall tiles. In the collections of modern manufacturers, various models are presented. It is only necessary to take into account the main rules of the design - in small rooms it is good to choose bright tones.


How to choose an outdoor tile for the kitchen? There are two options. This is a porcelain book or traditional ceramics. You should not be afraid of porcelain stoneware - there are no special substances in its composition for a long time.

Among the advantages of such a tile, it is worth noting a long service life and the ability to maintain a magnificent appearance for 15 years. The material also has high strength, which is very relevant in the kitchen. Tile is not so easy to scratch. There are no fat spots on the surface. This is also a big plus. Among the shortcomings - Cold's porcelain stonewares, and when moisture gets, very slippery.

Ceramics has the same advantages and the same disadvantages as porcelain stoneware. But the price is noticeable lower. There are two types of ceramics - glazed and ordinary. The first models are characterized by a more glossy surface, as well as increased hardness. This is a good choice for the kitchen. Here's how to choose outdoor tiles into the kitchen. As for color and design, it is necessary to take into account the existing kitchen interior.

How to choose suitable color

Outdoor coverage, or rather its color, plays an important role in the interior. Little to pick up just high-quality ceramics or tile - it is necessary that it complements the existing interior. For different premises, color requirements are different.

Experts will share tips, how to choose the color of the floor tile. White bathroom tile is a classic that some are considered too boring. But white is the best that is for visual expansion of space. Blue or green shades will create a cool and fresh atmosphere. More natural shades (beige, coffee) will bring a soothing effect.

Turquoise, gold and red are used to emphasize certain points. Too bright colors will cause overvoltage. Black color narrowes space and will affect the psyche oppressing. But if there is a good light in the room, then dark color can be effectively used in combination with white or coffee.

Here's how to choose an outdoor ceramic tile in color and shades. This is an important characteristic that should be considered when creating interiors of various premises.

Strip colors

In the design of the floor of the tile, the grout plays an important role. It will complement the floor color gamut. In the case of multicolored ceramics, choose the darker and the brightest color. Further everything is solved in size. If the tile is one-photon, then the shade is chosen according to the functional purpose of the room. For the accent on the furniture, they choose the grout into the tone of the cafél. In the case of using a mosaic take such a shade that would contrast with the main tone. But you can pick up both neutral.


So, we found out how to choose a grout color for outdoor tiles. Using these simple tips and recommendations, you can get a beautiful and practical room. The glossy surface will look better matte. But it is worth remembering that when the water gets into the water, such a tile becomes very extensive. It is better to use it only for walls.

Selection of floor tiles - is an important and responsible torque of any repair. From how much it was correctly selected the material will depend not only the course of the process itself, but also the final aesthetic result. In order to answer the question, it is necessary to find out the number of certain requirements of the finishing material presented to this finishing material. In the question of choosing ceramic tiles, it is better not to succumb to patriotic feelings and go away from the stands with the domestic tiles. It will be better than scolding poorly completed repairs due to the fact that it was incorrectly made a choice. Since, unfortunately, the domestic tile does not meet the standards that are necessary for quality repairs.

The price of a good tile can not be less than $ 15. per square meter. Today, almost every collection of tiles has variants of light and dark versions, with elements of decor (borders, relief inserts, etc.).

Tile for walls is better to choose a glossy, and for the floor matte. Specialists are not recommended to sharpen glossy tiles to the floor, since in the process of operation its surface may be disretened. The choice of decor also needs to be specifically. The fact is that it is not recommended to cut small elements, because of the reason that it will be very difficult to docile such details in the future and the end result may eventually face.

From using borders in small rooms and is better to refuse. This will complicate the correct selection of plumbing and the aesthetic perception of the entire repair.

It is also important to choose the right grout. Its color must match the color of the tile, but the selection of grouts for two, three tones lighter is allowed. On the floor and the bottom of the bathroom it is better to choose a dark tile, it is more practical. Less will be problems with cleaning. Guided by these uncomplicated rules, the selection of tiles for your repair will make it easier.

Form and color

Today it can be stated that the small tile for the floor came out of fashion. The main trend is now - a large format tile. Beautiful, durable, withstand in strict modern style, it will satisfy every taste. Specialists of sales departments recommend 100x100 outdoor tiles and more - first.

The huge size of the tile allows you to drastically change the appearance of the room, the transformation space around. To achieve even more effect, you can put it diagonally.

Parquet or tile, which is better

Wherever you do repairs, in a private house or a new apartment, sooner or later, the question arises how best to choose. After all, today his choice is so large that a simple person is quite difficult to understand in all the intricacies of one or another material.

Parquet board and laminate are pretty popular materials for flooring. And if there is almost no complaints (except for the price), then it is necessary to approach the choice of laminate. This coverage is not long and after some time it will have to be changed again, and these are new spending of time and money.

Ceramic tile, imitating the texture of real wood, creates the impression of human unity with the surrounding nature

Advantage of ceramic tile

Among the outdoor materials that are used for decoration, the tile takes a worthy one of the first positions in popularity. The floor tile is characterized by excellent decorative qualities, it is easy to clean, serves quite a long time. Due to the smooth surface, keep the tile in proper condition much easier than take care of the flooring, linoleum or carpet.

First of all, the ceramic tile for the floor finds its use in wet rooms, such as a bathroom or kitchen. The closed structure of the material does not allow to accumulate dust or multiply by microorganisms. Thus, it is an ideal coating for people suffering from asthma or allergies.

In order for the floor to be clean with such a coating, it is enough just to spend it, then wipe out with a damp cloth.

Important! Choosing detergents for the tile, you need to carefully read the instructions. Use when cleaning the floor of low-quality funds may not be better reflected on its purity.


It is unlikely that carpeted coating or a coating of laminate can serve you for a long time, a maximum of 5-7 years. While the service life of the ceramic tile can easily reach 40, or even 50 years. To date, such durability can boast except - parquet board. However, unlike tiles, the parquet will need to be periodically updated.

Of course, the vitality of this or that material will depend on the quality you have chosen. For example, the ceramic tile of single or double firing will serve you at least 30 years.

An even longer service life of the porcelain tile, such a material will delight you at least 50 years. Coating from a natural stone that has a well-resistance to acids of any type, no less durable.

After 10 years of operation, it will look like this: laminate (Fig. 1) and ceramic tile (Fig.2)

How to make the tile glitter

  1. In order to give tiles an extraordinary radiance and glitter, use warm water with a small amount of ammonic alcohol for her wash.
  2. After that, on a clean surface, apply a slight layer of linseed oil, with the addition of bee wax or liquid silicone into it.
  3. After drying, wipe the floor with a soft cloth from the microfiber until the solution is completely removed.

It is possible to improve the appearance of the tile only regularly causing it. With severe pollution, use special means with the addition of technical alcohol.

Also, folk remedies can also be used to purify the tile cover. For example, the decoction of potatoes or ordinary starch is perfectly coping with the task.

After each procedure, it is desirable to apply a thin layer of linseed oil or a special cream to the surface of the tile. This will allow the floor to maintain its appearance without changes much longer.

Ceramic Tile for Apartments

It is no secret that the choice of ceramic tile does not affect the last place the type of room in an apartment or a residential house in which it will be applied. This feature can be made such a classification:

  1. Wet Rooms (Bathroom, Toilet)
  2. Kitchen
  3. Living rooms and bedrooms
  4. Hallway and corridors

Even before buying, it is necessary to study the basic qualitative characteristics of the selected ceramic tile: wear resistance, porosity, frost resistance, strength, surface hardness, chemical stability, friction coefficient, tone and caliber. An important role is also played by the compositions for filling the seams between the tiles, allowing you to increase the service life and aesthetic qualities of the finished coating.

True, choosing floor tiles for finishing the floor should be taking into account the requirements for the material, depending on the purpose of the room. If this is, for example, an entrance hall, what kind of floor tile to choose?

Outdoor tiles in the hallway and corridor

The hallway differs from other rooms with high permeability. This is the location of the mud and sand accumulation, which is transferred to households on the soles of the shoes from the street. In the hallway, the floor tile should be thick enough so as not to damage the weight of a person.

The load on the floor at the entrance to the apartment is one of the most significant ones. The more dirt on the soles of the shoes, the faster the appearance will lose the outdoor coating in the corridor. Therefore, it is so important to carefully wipe foot at the entrance, especially in crude weather.

What technical characteristics and operational qualities should have a tile purchased for laying on the floor in the hallway. Of course, first of all it is:

  • moisture resistance;
  • resistance to abrasives;
  • resistance to intense physical exposure to street shoes of households and guests.

This requirements correspond to tiles belonging to classes: A, AA. In addition, in the hallway, the floor is rubbed often, that is, it is subjected to intensive wear, therefore it is desirable to acquire a class 3 tile. She is also not afraid of exposure to the soles of street shoes.

It is very important that the tile is characterized as less water permeability. The surface of the material should be not slippery. In addition, the tile must match the interior design and the room style. In this plan, a large-scale tile for the floor in the hallway is the best option.

Outdoor tiles can visually enlarge a small corridor. To do this, it is recommended to use a bright tile with a smooth surface. Dark tiles, especially small size, on the contrary, will reduce the room.

To the hallway seemed more spacious, you can put a light brown, blue or gray tile on the floor. It is not recommended to use black color, since it will be clearly visible chips and scratches.

Possesse the larger volume will help the ceramic embossed tile on the floor, laid immediately before going out. This will not only become an interesting designer reception, but also a safety measure - a place near the threshold will be not slippery.

Laying of outdoor finishing should be carried out using tools corresponding to the class of the tile used. Inaccuracies in the process of laying tiles are not allowed, otherwise it will be necessary to redo it.

Every year, everything is more difficult to accurately determine the choice of flooring for the kitchen, not because there is little quality products, but, on the contrary, due to the fact that it is only growing its assortment, production technology, becomes all perfect, already Not to mention the fact that multifaceted types of design, imitation, etc. can be applied. What tile to choose?

Of course, a ceramic tile becomes an ideal solution for the kitchen, it is easily mounted, it is easy to clean, besides, not as expensive as other materials, especially if you take into account its durability and resistance to damage.

The walls are dirty here as a result of cooking and are exposed to cleaning compounds with regular cleaning. With the kitchen floor constantly something happens: hot water and broth are pouring on it, the remains of food and kitchen utensils fall, different, sometimes very heavy devices: washing machine, refrigerator, kitchen cabinets, stove. Requirements for mechanical, chemical indicators and water absorption tiles are especially high.

Most often, people simply stop on classic versions of tiles, but there are simply amazing modern solutions. For example, every hostess wants to boast an expensive coating, let's say marble floors in the kitchen. This is possible! Just buy a ceramic tile imitating marble. At the same time, neither to the touch nor external, it will not be distinguished from natural stone.

The same trick is available with granite. Surprised? In this case, the possibility of creating a seamless coating will also make it possible, that is, the imitation of a solid canvase is created, respectively, and the dirt will not be slaughtered in the seams, and the interior acquires wealth and well-being.

There is also a tile that externally simulates a natural tree, respectively, by posting such a coating, you can complete the idea with a parquet used in other rooms. And you should not worry that the parquet swells due to the fact that she ran away by milk or shed borsch, because the tile is easily cleaned.

The tile on the kitchen floor can be very original, but the prices remain sufficiently affordable and democratic, and compared to natural products from stone and wood, the price is just funny. So use decent offers from leading manufacturers. There are many options, the main thing is to take the right and weighted solution.

Bathroom and toilet

Here it begins and ends every new day of the owners of the apartment, so it is especially important to create a comfort and a good mood in these rooms to make cleanliness and beauty to please the eye.

Cosmetic and hygienic agents can leave indelible stains on floor or wall facing. And cleaning and detergents used for their cleaning have sufficient chemical activity. All this suggests that both for the wall and for the floor, it is necessary to use tiles with high moisture resistance and acid resistance.

The perfect combination of ceramic tiles with a common interior design

To lay the walls in the bathroom and the toilet, choose glazed tiles, matte or glossy, and borders and decorates, piece or collected in panels serve as an excellent addition to it. The vertical arrangement of ornaments allows you to visually increase even very small spaces.

The latest trends of tiled fashion - imitation of nature: stone, wood, vegetable fibers. These invoices will be perfectly combined with almost any finishing of adjacent premises. For floor decorations, non-slip, with high porosity of abrasion class I or II tile.

Living room and bedroom

The traditions of antiquity in the use of tiles for the flooring device for the living room and the bedroom becomes relevant again. There is really quite a lot of free space for your creative fantasy, because You can use a variety of decorative elements, panels, dirt, a variety of laying options.

If there is a need to make cool ceramic floors warmer, the system that is able to warm you in the cold winter evenings use deserved attention.

Loads on the floors are not the same everywhere. In the bedrooms are used tiles I and II abrasion classes, because Patency here is completely low. In the living room and the lobby, the load on the floor is more significant, especially where there is a dining table, wardrobes and sofas. Here, the combination of various classes of abrasion of tiles from II to IV is justified.

How to calculate the required amount of tiles

The first thing to do is to measure the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. To do this, multiply the length of the room on the width, the resulting product and there is an area of \u200b\u200byour room.

Most often, the floor tile, in other matters, like any other, is sold square meters. Knowing the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, you can easily calculate the required amount of tiles. It is only important to take into account that the diagonal laying will require 10-15% of the material more than it requires the usual laying. There error due to fit rarely exceeds 5%.

The bathroom finishes with ceramic tiles - a practical option that opens up ample opportunities for creating a unique design. Due to its moisture protection qualities, wear resistance and resistance to various kinds of pollution, this decorative wall covering is served for decades. However, that, during the entire service life, it retained a fresh, careful look, you need to choose with the mind and to set high quality. This article will help you understand what tile to choose for the bathroom to repair the results do not bother in a year, did not lose their relevance.

Quality standards

Let's start an overview of the range of ceramic tiles with consideration of quality criteria that are governed by state standards. The tile produces three main ways:

  1. Casting. With casting, a thick ceramic tile is made, its surface is not perfectly smooth. This option is not suitable for finishing the bathroom, since the dirt and malicious microorganisms accumulate in the irregularities of the tile, which complicates the maintenance of the purity of the walls and the floor;
  2. Extrusion. This method produces most modern tiles for the bathroom. Made by extruding the tile is smooth, smooth, with perfect geometry of corners and homogeneous thickness;
  3. Prescription. An extruded ceramic tile is distinguished by increased strength, low porosity. These qualities make it an excellent option for covering floors.

The tile produces five class of strength from PEI I to PEIV, the higher the tile class, the greater its strength and wear resistance, for I or II class.

All necessary information about the characteristics of the closed tile is contained on its packaging, it is presented in graphical code:

  • Snowflake is resistance to low temperatures;
  • Hand on a dark background says that the tile is designed for the walls;
  • The leg on a dark background means that this is a floor tile;
  • The flask is a sign of resistance to the effects of aggressive chemical compounds;
  • Crystal - degree of hardness;
  • The letters AA - class of stability, than the second encoding letter closer to the end of the alphabet, the worse the tile is protected from the water.

Criteria for the right choice

A wide range of construction stores allows you to carry out any designer idea, but it is quite difficult to make a choice. To decide which tile is better for the bathroom, first of all you need to decide on fundamental issues:

  1. Destination. Outdoor and wall tile has completely different qualities. If low porosity, abrasion resistance, then for walls - moisture protection properties are principled for the floor.
  2. The nature of the use and care of the sanitary room provides its own requirements for building materials: resistance to chemicals, wear resistance, moisture protection;
  3. Tiles size. A large tile makes close rooms visually less, so it is recommended for a spacious room. The tile consisting of small elements is suitable for small-sized bathrooms;
  4. Decor. As a decoration of walls in the bathroom use a set mosaic, panels, borders, contrasting strips, mirror elements. If you prefer concise solutions, pay attention to the combination of tiles of different colors;
  5. Manufacturer. The tile produces domestic and foreign firms, but Italy is considered the leader in the ceramic tile market. Importing products are expensive, the price depends on the fluctuations of the currency rate, and the domestic production workers can already be seriously competitive;
  6. Color. The variety of colors of the tile is so great that sometimes the eyes are scattered. Traditionally, light colors are used in the bathroom, as they are not visible traces from drops, divorces. Dark tones are suitable only for spacious, well-lit rooms. Choosing a color of the tile, you define the entire grade of the finish, as the designers advise the trim in the three shades.

Tip! By buying a tile, do it with a reserve of 5-10%, which will be useful in case of damage and fit, and also make sure that all boxes are from one batch, as the color in different supply of one manufacturer can differ significantly.

Color solutions

The tile provides ample choices. Since the walls of the walls and the floor of the bathroom, chopped by tiles, takes a lot of space, to purchase plumbing and furniture start, choosing the color of the tile. First of all, this decision is a matter of taste, however, there are certain rules that designers usually follow:

  • In small-sized premises, it is better to give preference to light shades - beige, green, blue. In a spacious bath, it is permissible to use saturated colors - brown, purple, orange;
  • The color of the floor should coincide with the coloring of the walls, it can be one tone lighter or darker. Contrast floor - a bold solution that, unfortunately, visually reduces the area of \u200b\u200bthe bathroom;
  • The stamps of the seams between the tile are chosen either suitable in color or contrasting. Note that the rapid composition of the light shades is not used for the floor, as it is possible to maintain it clean;
  • If you do not have specific preferences, pay attention to natural, natural colors. They do not strain their eyes, pleasant to humans and create a relaxing atmosphere;
  • Before making a choice, think that the color of the tile determines the entire gamut of the bathroom, it has to be selected by plumbing, accessories, furniture and design. By the way, the marine stylistics in the design of the bathroom is always relevant.

Some manufacturers offer the tile imitating the color and structure of natural materials, for example, the tile under the tree looks great on the floor of the bathroom.

Selection of decor

The bathroom finishes provides for the use of different ways of decor, which in their own way decorate it. Designers recommend paying attention to the following options:

  1. Set of panel. A panel is a picture applied to a tile using photo printing or manually, it can consist of one or more elements. Typically, the manufacturer includes a panel into a collection of ceramic tiles, which includes a wall covering, floor, borders and other decor versions made in one style, one color. The use of panels makes the interior more refined and expensive;
  2. Mosaic. This is a way of finishing the walls in which a small tile of one color or several to create a beautiful pattern or picture is used. The walls decorated with a mosaic are beautifully overflowing in the light of the lamps and visually expand the bathroom space at the expense of a glossy surface. Minus this type of decor is the complexity of the work. Since it is difficult to cope with the laying mosaic, it is necessary to help professional, the payment of the services of which, sometimes, is more than the material;
  3. Combination of different colors. The contrast color of the tile in the bathroom will help to express accents in the interior. Vertical stripes visually expand space, business room more spacious. And if you add mirror tiles into the wall decoration, even the easiest tile will play with new colors.

Summing up, we give tips on the choice of tiles, which give experienced masters to their customers:

  1. To finish the floor in the bathroom, get a ceramic tile with a thickness of 9-12 mm, produced by pressing or extrusion;
  2. For walls, choose a tile among samples with a thickness of 6-9 mm;
  3. If you use the products of different firms, make sure that the thickness and dimensions coincide, since the incomprehension of these parameters will cause significant difficulties when laying;
  4. Carefully check the color, quantity and quality of the purchased tile before signing the invoice. Differences in coloring, cracks and chips are talking about low quality products, it is better to refuse such a product.

The choice is not easy, especially if it concerns the thing that will serve for decades. Therefore, deciding which tile to use to finish a bathroom, do not rush, do not chase in fashion.

Video - Secrets of Ceramic Tile Selection

Everyone wants to live in a beautiful and comfortable home to repair the repairs please not only the beauty of novelty, but also by his practicality and durability. Therefore, when it comes to choosing a facing tile, you need to take into account various indicators.

To begin with, we are determined where the tile is meant: in the bathroom, kitchen, hallway, living room, steps, other. Here it will be necessary to take into account the wear resistance and stability of the tile. We are waving the floor or walls. Depending on the purpose, certain operational requirements are presented to the tile. Usually all the necessary information about the tile is applied to the packaging. For this there is a certain marking:
  • foot on a black background - floor tiles;
  • image of hand brush - wall tiles;
  • snowflake - frost-resistant tile;
  • foot on a shaded background - increased wear resistance;
  • multiple application of one drawing on the package is a high level of this indicator.
If the tile is intended for the bathroom, then the basic requirements will be: waterproof, elevated chemical characteristics, low porosity, good acid resistance and resistance to bases, as the tile in the bathroom is constantly in contact with chemicals (cosmetics, soap, cleaning and cleaning agents). For the walls, the tile with a glossy, smooth surface (glazed) is selected, for the floor in the bathroom, the tile should be embossed or at least matte so that there is no slippery in the room.

If the tile is covering the floor in the hallway or corridor in a private apartment, the main requirement is wear resistance. Tile for the floor should have surface mechanical and chemical characteristics, so it is best to choose a durable and low-porous tile, resistant to abrasion of the surface.

If the tile is designed for the kitchen, then the basic requirements for it will be: high mechanical and chemical characteristics, significant wear resistance. It should be durable and impaired, resistant to the effects of water and chemical means, should not be afraid of the effects of steam and hot fat, do not deteriorate when exposed to hot objects. Tile for the kitchen should be combined with future furniture in color, this nuance also needs to be thought out in advance.

When choosing a ceramic tile, you should think about the color solution for the room in which the repair is made. We think over the color combination and size of the tile. Consider that bright shades will make the room visually more, and dark is less. It is an inappropriate small room to separate a large tile, such as 100/100 or 50/50 cm, the little tile, mosaic will look prettier. To visually increase the height of the ceiling, you can put a rectangular tile (20/30 cm) to lay out in a vertical position. And if in the horizontal, then the ceiling will seem below. Solve: Will there be a monophonic tile or with a pattern, which preferably saturation of the pattern, whether you want to position it on all walls or one. Consider that different colors are visiting different emotions. Do not neglect decors, friezes, borders. They make the interior richer, rich and share the room on the zone.

Already in the store when buying, we look at: there is no chipping and cracks, is uniformly whether the tile is painted (should be without divorce and spots). All facets should be even. If the tile is high-quality, then when folding two fragments, the gap between them is no more than 0.5 mm. With the inside, too, check for integrity. Well, if the origin of the corrugated side is more high-quality tile gluing. As a rule, a tile for one room is selected by one manufacturer - for the floor, and for walls.

When choosing a ceramic tile, savings are absolutely not appropriate, because the miser pays twice! It is very important to choose high-quality tiles, well-proven manufacturers! It is also important to consider the appearance of the room, it would be nice to consult with the designer. This repair is done for many years, and depends on you whether it will delight you for a long time.

Any repairs have one unpleasant property - expenses almost always turn out to be at least 20-30 more than you initially planned. Therefore, even a small savings will definitely not be superfluous. We understand how you can spend less when buying ceramic tiles or porcelain stoneware for the kitchen, without sacrificing the beauty and quality of this finishing material.

Correctly select the size and layout

1. Simple layout instead of complex
The main schemes of laying ceramic tiles can be found on this infographics:

If you plan to lay a tile diagonally or use more complex options, be prepared to spend 10-15 percent more money than if you decide to do traditional stacking "in a straight line". The main source of losses is a lot of residues that cannot be avoided during trimming.

If you make a computer layout of the tile in the online store or salon, ask for a consultant to shift it into one way or another. Sometimes it helps to find a more successful option and significantly save on trimming.

2. Right size
Carefully measure the dimensions of your kitchen and calculate what the size of the tile is best fit into the width and the length of the room. This will help reduce the number of tile trimming, and therefore the material will be needed less than less.

The correct selected size will help you save interest 5-7 from the cost of ceramics. But do not forget about the reserve of at least 5% of the amount of material in case you need to replace part of the tiles in the future.

3. Chassis size instead of exclusive
Collections with square and rectangular tiles of the most running sizes (for example, 30x30 or 20x30 cm) in terms of a square meter cost cheaper ceramics of unusual and less common formats (for example, 12.5x60 cm, etc.).

Most more is usually the smallest (10x10 cm) and the largest format tile.

Of course, when using standard formats, the design of the masonry will not be so original, but this will help save interest 10, which can be spent, for example, to the kitchen decor or buy better glue or grout.
4. Compare the sizes in one collection
If you like the color and design of a concrete ceramic tile, ask the seller or look at the online store, whether there is the same tile in the same collection, but in another size or format. The only difference between them is usually the thickness. Larger ceramics is often 1 mm thick - for strength.

For an inexpensive Russian and Belarusian tile, such a taking is unlikely to work, but with European manufacturers quite. The difference in price may well compile interest 10-15.

A pair of examples from the ATLAS CONCORDE RUSSIA assortment (by the way, Russian production). Ivory Lap porcelain bands from the Suprema collection in the amount of 44x44 cm in one of the major Moscow online stores costs 2362 rubles per square meter, and exactly the same, but in the amount of 59x59 cm - already 2720 rubles per square. A completely non-standard rectangle 44x88 cm is sold for 2994 rubles per meter.

A similar situation with tiles from the Land collection of the same manufacturer. Porcelain stoneware in the amount of 45x45 cm will cost you 1110 rubles per meter, and exactly the same, but 30x30 cm, in the same store you can buy for 994 rubles.

5. Ordinary tile instead of "seamless"
Probably, you have already heard about the rectified tile - with smooth edges, which is trimmed at the factory by strictly specified sizes.

For the ability to do it almost without seams between the tiles will have to pay extra - about a quarter more than for ordinary ceramics. Therefore, if the question of saving costs sharply, see: perhaps you have had a rectified ceramics to have a more budget equivalent.

Save on the decor not to the detriment of design

6. Matte surface without decors Cheaper
Choosing a tile, pay attention to its surface. Simple smooth and matte traditionally has a lower price tag. Glossy, satined with a beautiful glitter or structured with an unusual texture, imitating concrete, wood or stone will cost more.

So if you are quite satisfied with the usual matte finish - here's another reserve for saving the repair budget.

7. Background tile in the role of decors
The most expensive part of any ceramic collection, even Russian, even European - decorators. They are sold individually and cost much more expensive background decoration. Moreover, prices may differ once in 8-10. Of course, often the decor "pulls out" the whole design: without it, the apron or the floor in the kitchen will look far from so impressive. But an interesting result can be obtained without decorative inserts, combining the background tile of different colors and shades.

If the background tile fabricated you is presented in different colors and sizes, try to combine them. As a rule, two contrasting colors and thoughtful layouts are quite enough for a beautiful design.

Sometimes in the same collection there are decors and background tiles with a pattern (for example, geometric or floral), which is at times cheaper.

In the photo - the ADORE collection from Atlas Concorde (Italy). Patterned background tile for 3233 rubles per square against decors for 13764 rubles per meter.

If in one collection there is a glossy and matte tile of the same color, try to connect them together. It looks spectacular, and it is much cheaper!

8. Tile under the mosaic instead of a real mosaic
Real mosaic - separate pieces of glass, stone or metal on a flexible grid - it is not suiced. But if you want to decorate it a kitchen apron or a flat wall in the kitchen, a nice tile-imitation will look at no worse! The effect is the same, but the finishing price is significantly lower, and the laying is easier, faster and cheaper.

In our you will find a lot of useful about this finishing material.

We find the best prices

9. Compare prices in online stores
Even if you chose a ceramic finish in a regular construction store, do not be lazy to search for it online, compare prices. Online stores essentially saved on rental of retail space and often offer more favorable options. Savings can be 10-15%. In addition, online stores often offer promotions and bonuses, such as free shipping.

But be careful! Finding the desired tile, be sure to ask the store manager, whether it is in stock or will bring it to the order.

Before making an advance payment, it is worth searching on the Internet reviews for this store and make sure that he has a good reputation and there was no cases when, having received money for pre-order, the shop fed the buyer with breakfast and tightened the supply of tiles.

10. Discounts and sales
Sales and special shares on the tile, as in many other finishing materials, are more often in the cold season. Especially nice discounts are before and after the new year.

Some online stores offer discount coupons to get around competitors and take the potential buyer. Savings can be from 2-3 to 30 percent. But be careful! In other stores, the price of the same tile may be the same, and even lower, without any discounts. So pay attention to advertisements, but do not forget to compare prices.

From time to time online shopping and construction hypermarkets arrange the sales of "shutting" collections or residues. Another excellent chance to buy a tile is cheaper.

With a significant concession in the price (up to 50-60 percent), the remains of ceramics removed from production. True, it is quite possible that it is possible to buy such a tile only under the order, and it will not be available in stock.

If you have a beautiful floor tile in the store with a good markdown and her design would quite go for kitchen apron, boldly buy. If this is ordinary ceramics, and not a porcelain stoneware, it is quite good as a wall. But the wall on the floor will quickly come into disrepair.