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Prayers for good luck and luck in school at school - read in Russian. Conspiracy So that the child learned well: great support for magic in school

To achieve in the life of the goals set, you need to get quality education. It is good for you to help perseverance and effort, as well as effective conspiracies and prayers for good studies.

In the modern world, a good education helps to find a good job, have stable earnings, as well as achieve any goals. Some students and students have difficulty learning, but even in this case there is a way out of the situation. You should not lower your hands and spend money on tutors. If you want your child to become an excellent student, site experts site offer you to take advantage of effective conspiractions.

Conspiracy for good luck

This conspiracy can be pronounced both students and parents. If you want to assess your children improved, for this you need to purchase a new handle. Before the child starts to use her, firmly squeeze her in his hands and tell me:

"Any answer written by a handle will be correct. I wish you to know the knowledge (name of the student) were the same strong as the strength in my hands. "

A conspiracy handle should use the student on which a conspiracy was aimed. Otherwise, it will lose its properties and will become no more than ordinary written affiliation.

Strong conspiracy for good studies

Each parent is upset when his child gets bad estimates. Sometimes the problem lies in the absence of the necessary knowledge, but sometimes the severity of the teacher is the cause of bad studies. So that the teacher becomes favorable and always put your child good grades, you need to stand on the threshold of the school and say:

"Let the wind from all sides carry knowledge and wisdom. Let the student (name) find a common language with the teacher (name) and will receive its favor. As I say, it will be. "

It is desirable that a conspiracy spoke someone from close relatives of the student. In this case, it will be more efficient.

Prayers for good studies Nikolai please

At all times, people appealed for help and school to Nikolai. To do this, you need to go to the temple and put a candle near the icons of the saint, and then pronounce short prayer:

"Far into the islands, in the high mountains, three angels are sitting, the answers (student name) are correct suggest. Nicholas himself sent you to my choice. Hear the same prayer for my child to fight knowledge and learn well. Amen".

Pronounce this prayer is better than one of the parents. You can also contact Nikolay's desired to or during exams, so that the surrender is successful.

The strongest prayer for good studies

Higher forces will always respond to your sincere requests, especially if you pronounce prayer for happiness and the future of your child. If you want a student to study well, acquire the icon of the Blessed Virgin and put it in a bag with which the child most often goes to study, tell me: Tell me.

"Oh Holy Virgin Mary, I urge you to help and pray for the slave (y) of God (YU) (name of the student). I wish you to study him easily, to know the knowledge gained better and could be applied on experience. Protect him from injustice of teachers and add to him the mind and wisdom. Most Holy Virgin, I believe that my requests will be heard. Amen".

Quite often, students, disciples and their relatives seek help in studies to Sergey Radonezh. If you have such a need, you can do it with a strong prayer. We wish you easy study, and do not forget to click on the buttons and

02.09.2018 07:33

Rev. Sergius Radonezh is one of the most revered Russian saints. It helps students, schoolchildren and ...

Prayer for help in studying is positioned as an additional opportunity to gain knowledge without exhausting itself to a bang. He has long been a prayer for success in his studies, it was customary to read Sergia Radonezh, who, still being the tag of the Bartholoma, could not master the diploma, and suffered very much from it. He was an unknown old man who, after dinner in the house of Parents, Bartholomew ordered him to read prayer.

I didn't even know how to correctly read even in the syllables, it was easily read with a prayer, after which the other peers was better than any other peers. Prayer helped in the teaching of the future Sergia Radonezh - and since then it is to make a prayer for help in studying.

The patroness of students in Russia became the Holy Martyr Tatiana.

This is due to an important historical event in our country - January 25, on the day of memory of the Holy, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna signed the highest decree on the establishment of Moscow University. So, the holy from the distant country, became a patronage of students in Russia, which brings good luck in the exams, and after - and all over the world. Before teaching, it is necessary to pray to everyone - for this in the prayer there is a special prayer for help in studies.

Prayer "On Help In Training"

"The Mother of God is the most wisdom of God, the gifts of the spiritual surcharge, from the world to the premiser's mind, our elegant and everyone to the knowledge of the mind leading! We receive prayer singing from us, unworthy of your slave, with faith and the aspiration of those who are reputable before yours. The silence of our son and our God, yes gives the authorities to our wisdom and strength, truth and unlocking, the shepherd wisdom spiritual, jealousy and vigorous about our souls, mentor a humble dancer, chad obedience, to all the spirit of mind and piety, spirit of humility and meekness, Spirit of purity and truth. And now, the full-length, the past our mother, give us the mind of adding, umiri, connecting in the enmity and division of land and put them a lubva community unauthorized, all the truths of Christ, fear of God, abstinence and hard work, the word wisdom and Songeless knowledge asking for Given, the autumn of us is eternal joy, cherubs of light shelter and seraphims are honest. We, glorious things and the multi-minded wisdom of God in the world and the life of our vidny, eliminate the earthly fuss and excessive everyday care, and the mind, our heart to heaven erect, IKO Yako, thanks and worship for all in Trinity The Slavima God and all the creator is delivered, now and is confused and forever. Amen."

You can also pray in a critical atmosphere, which students know how none other - and call for the aid of their heavenly patron and guardian angel.

Description of prayer

Sergius Radonezh ask for help in studying, reading special prayers (their grateful and talented descendants and the contemporaries of Hegumen wrote abound).

Prayer Sergey Radonezh "About school"

"On Rev. and the Godonosna, our sergea! Reviews are allevant on us, and to the Earth committed, it is erected to height. Understand our farewell and approve us in faith, but undoubtedly we hope to get all the benefits from the blessing of the Lord of God with your prayers. We succeed as the victim of your gift Of the science and all of us who are incessable (with your prayers) prayers of the prayer on the day of the terrible court of Schiye part of the ridiculous, the gums of the world's life and the blissful voice of the Vladyka of Christ to hear: "Get, the blessed of my father, inherit the kingdom of peace" . Amen."

Holy Tatiana (Tatiana) became a patronage of students for reasons, with the identity of the most holy martyr in no way connected. Therefore, the prayer is special, "student" find it difficult, each of them must be checked carefully and carefully - it is easy to get into the fishing rod of sorcerers who learn to pray incorrectly. Pray to the Holy Martyr my words or traditional church prayer.

You can pray not only to the saint Sergia Radonezh or Holy Tatian.

In anyone, even the thinner of the prayer will be a prayer for good studies facing the Lord.

Also helps in the assimilation and application of knowledge of the icon of the Blessed Virgin "Add mind" - it is useful to pray before it and contact their studies.

Prayer on the icon "Abduction of the mind"

"About the Most Holy Devo! You are the bride of God Father and the Mother of the Divine of His Son Jesus Christ! You are the Queen of the Angels and the salvation of people, the integrity of sinners and the truncanitian of Godotos. Hollow and us, hardly sinned and not performing the commandments of God, violated the vows of baptism and Vowers of monasticism and many others who promised to execute. When the Holy Spirit retreated from the King Saul, then fear and despair attacked him and the darkness of despair and the silent state of the soul tormented him. Now, and we all lost our grace of the Spirit of the Holy Spirit. The mind was impaired by the vanity of the cries, the oblivion of God was overshadowed our souls, and now the heart is tested in some kind of sorrow, grief, illness, hate, evil, enmity, vitality, gloating and other sins. And, without having joy and consolation, call you, Mati God of our Jesus Christ, yes of your son to forgive us all our sins and send the Spirit of the Comforter, as he sent him to the apostles, but consonant and enlightened to you! : Rejoice the Most Holy Mother of God, to rescue the mind who added us. Amen."

Many people have a habit of praying to the holy, which is usually not praying for help in studying: if your family has such a piety tradition - follow it. All saints without exception have a word before God, and everyone will help in different requests and a life problem.

How to pray for help?

It is incorrect to think that only the prayer Sergey Radonezh or Martyr Tatiana before the exam is a magic agent aimed at achieving a goal - receiving a good assessment. None of the Orthodox prayers are nothing like. Orthodoxy, unfortunately, too often can be filed or interpreted, as a magical connection with the highest strength. But prayer in Christianity is a living communication with the Lord himself, although it may be understood (often with intentional feeding of people pursuing dark goals) as an opportunity for the vocation of spirits and creatures of absolutely unknown origin and destination.

Mages of all majers often use holy prayers to compile a variety of spells and witchcraft formulas, and even more often (to the greatest regret), they are laying out on various sites "Prayer-shaped" wording, which mention the Lord Jesus Christ, Mary Mary, His Prech Mother, All Angels and Archangels, as well as prophets and saint.

In the form they are lambs, but inside - wolves are predatory. And the main danger of such sredge "chants" is that not very experienced in faith, or cordious, but unchurched while a person can easily be deceived, to buy a tricky trick, and make a sin of witchcraft, albeit even unconsciously.

If you are not convinced that the proposed prayer before the exam is precisely such - it is better for you to ask for advice from the father, and until now, use Orthodox prayers for help in studying or before the exam printed in various church books and brochures, or placed on official websites Temples belonging to the Orthodox Church.

Pray for success in learning is always, not only at the moments when the clock remained before the exam or an important control, and there is no hope to learn the subject. Book prayer for thirty-on-August, pray on it about a successful academic year, and the Lord will accompany you and maintain the power of His, the Holy Guardian Angel will not leave you all the days.

By the way, find out in the nearest temple when prayers will be served about students - usually it happens on the last Sunday of August, so it is impractical to order it separately.

In order for prayers to act efficiently - do not forget to learn diligently. The Lord and Holy Getths will give you their help, but you yourself should also work and make efforts.

Video: Prayer for study

In this article:

Your child is not always ready or can learn as well as you want. But, not the main thing your desire. Much more important than his future. Help the child to learn well with a simple conspiracy. He will help a schoolboy or a student. While a person learns, your plot will work. Only parents can make them, because only they have a special energy relationship with her son or daughter. Looking good easier than learning badly. Show this to the child, and he will surely tell you thanks for supporting and effort.

Children are also difficult for children

Parents often swear on children for the fact that they are learning poorly. All through it passed. It is hard to please the parents, and to learn well is even harder. What to do? Parents should seriously look into the eyes of this problem. Perhaps your child does not want to learn because some items are not clear. So often happens at school. Our education system offers all children the same load, and this is not entirely correct.

If your child is pure humanitarian, going to enter the historical, literary, artistic faculty, but why should he need deep knowledge of mathematics, physics, chemistry? It would be better to facilitate the programs in accordance with the inclinations of the child especially in recent years of study. Focus on those subjects that will be required for the university.

So the stimulus disappears well to learn, because he thinks:

  • these items will never be suitable, why try;
  • very sophisticated knowledge, formulas that you do not want to spend time;
  • the subject is not interesting;
  • he himself is not good enough, according to your words, especially if parents react too rapidly on bad estimates.

Here parents need to be determined how to help the son or daughter, make it to study with pleasure. There are good conspiracies proven over the years. They will open the child great opportunity to study:

  • easier to focus;
  • there is a living interest in the subject studied;
  • conspiracy helps to concentrate and not distracted;
  • there is a desire to learn, know the new one.

You will not recognize your child after the ritual. Many change their lives, focus on areas of interest and then make an excellent career.

These conspiracies can only pronounce parents.

Such plots are suitable only for parents to utter them. The student itself should not carry out such rituals. To have a result, only the closest relative: Mom, Dad, Grandma or Grandpa can read a plot.

The fact is that parents are endowed with special energy that can be used to help their children. This is the most unconditional love. She creates miracles, can help your child, send it to the true path. Those parents who treat problems with understanding are always happy to help any way. And those who only scolds for mistakes lose touch with the child. Conspuses will not damage, but only help. They will not make a round excellent from your child, but pull up the "tails", gather help you quickly.

Most effective rituals for helping

Some of them are held in the presence of a child, while others are in a photo or personal thing. This will help if the child does not want to participate in the ritual, prevents you in every way. Parents should try to help anyway. All rituals are simple, but you need to comply with the conditions. If it is said that you need to use photos, but it is necessary. Do not be afraid, do not harm the child, but only help him.

Conspiracy for good studies

Made on candles. You will need 3 red candles. They are sold in esoteric stores, cost cheap. On each candle you need to write the full name of the child. Candles are twisted into the spiral, they are lit up three so that they burned together.

Candles can be bought, and you can do yourself

Put them on the desktop of the child and where it is engaged. Tell me three times:

"Gori, flame, turn off! From the breath of my koltya! To also burn to study and Slave God (name). Amen!"

Candles should be lit, and grind the baby among things so as not to find.

To keep the effect for a long time, you need to spend a ritual and a plot every 6 months. So your student will constantly feel the interest in study, will cease to complain. There will be no problems. Helps for schoolchildren and students.

Conspiracy on candles

Here you will need church candles. This ritual must be carried out in the presence of a child. Ask him to sit comfortably on the chair while you spend the ritual. Conspiracy learn by heart.
It is lit 3 candles, alone hold together. Stand in front of the child and read the text 3 times:

"Thoughts are fast, things are fast, memory is strong! Wisdom Yes, the trick is mixed in the water, we can get off all together and Slave God (name) go. To the mind of my mind shone, the mind struck everyone. From now on and confessed. Amen!"

Cross the child, let him crighteco.

Conspiracy for every day

This conspiracy utters a mother every day when a child escorts into an educational institution. When the Children's Children moves, say:

"I let you go from the eye, and I leave my heart. I will follow you, guard, save, trouble do not allow. Blood from my blood, flesh from my flesh, there is no nor to me. Amen".

Such conspiracies are read every day, soon come into habit. He is not long, so it does not take you a lot of time.

While say, imagine how hard the child is learning.

Prayer - Conspiracy

Pronounced on Thursday over the personal belongings of the child. If he wants, he can take part. Conspiracy reads mother or father. If the child wants to read a plot together at himself, he must learn him by heart.
It is done in the evening when the moon comes out. Stand out where the son is doing, take his personal thing in your hand. Tell me:

"Lord Jesus Christ, God, is truly unmasled in the heart of the twelve apostles and the power of gracefulness of all the Spirit, complained in the form of fiery languages, and the mouth of them discovered, so they began to speak on other adverbs! Lord Jesus Christ himself, our God, lowered that spirit of your saint on the hotel (name) and Nasadi in the heart of His Holy Scripture, which your hand drawn was drawn on the legislative to the legislator Moses, now and in the eyelids. Amen."

Well helps those who, for various reasons, cannot be qualitatively concentrated in class, is distracted. It is very helpful to read it in front of important control and exams. Start for the month, repeat several times.

Christian egregor helps students very well

Ritual to gain the mind

Conspiracies, adding the mind, traditionally should read the Father. Mother can also, but the effect will turn out weaker. Father takes a candle in one hand, and the second (right) puts on the head of the child. If he categorically does not want to take part in the ritual - do not forced. In this way, you will not achieve anything, just get a child. If you do not believe in it, resort to prayers, magic, then it's not exactly nothing - you may think about your child. Do not allow such a turn of events.

If the child does not want, then let the father put his hand on his pillow. Reads once a year:

"Lord God and the creator of our, and our people who have decorated with your chosen your law who have learned your law, so that you who listen to him, the children of the wisdom of wisdom open, Solomon and all the seekers who gave it - Discover the hearts, minds and mouths of the slaves! Pupils) to urge the strength of your law and successfully learn your useful doctrine for the glory of your best-wing name, for the benefit and disappointment of your church and the wise of the good and perfect will of your. Getting rid of them from any goat enemy, save them in faith of Christ and clean in all the lifetime of them, - yes will be strong to the mind and the fulfillment of your commandments and so scientific, they will glorp your honor and will be the heirs of your kingdoms, - for you, God, strong Milosta and good fortress and you are pleased with all the glory, honor and worship, father and son and the Holy Spirit, always, now and are constantly and in the eyelids. Amen".

So every night, while he sleeps on the pillow, the plot works, helping him.

What else will help your children

Will help icons. If you are a believing family, then place the icon in the child's room, buy a blank samples. You will be helped by several icons. Pray to them, to learn well, took the head and did not skip:

  • Rev. Sergius Radonezh;
  • Rev. Seraphim Sarovsky;
  • Ksenia Petersburg (helps those who give the exams, protects the diploma);
  • Holy Matrona;
  • Martyr Ksenia;
  • Icon gain the mind.

Your children will be easier if they feel your support. Do not scold them in vain, because years are coming, the school and the institute passes, and the poor relationship with children is difficult to restore.

Conspiracies and prayers so that the child learned well, successfully passed the exams and listened to the house and support children in training and everyday life. To achieve a positive result, you must sincerely apply to the holy and correctly carry out rituals.


How to ask for good studies for children

When contacting the highest forces, remember:

  • it is better to ask God for help in advance;
  • it is possible to pray at home;
  • it is necessary to pray strongly, sincerely, while listening to your heart;
  • each action and word must be meaningful;
  • it is impossible to hold rites after drinking alcohol;
  • all rituals require accurate compliance with instructions.

Strong prayers about excellent studies

There are strong Orthodox prayers and conspiracies for good studies at school and university that you need to read parents or student yourself. Orthodox prayer so that the child studied well, you can take every day. Prayers are made to take patrons of teaching and knowledge.

The most effective are the appeals:

  • to the Lord God;
  • to the Virgin;
  • to Sergia Radonezh;
  • to the Matron;
  • to Kirill and Methodius;
  • to Tatiana Roman.

Orthodox prayer of the Mother of God

The Most Holy Virgin Oncecale is an assistant in difficult situations, a defender from the unclean strength and an intercession in heaven.

Icon of the Virgin "Abduction of Mind"

Most often, the Mother of God pray:

  • about excellent school studies at school, college, university;
  • about strengthening memory;
  • for help on the exam.

There are three prayers for the "add-enabling mind" icon. If the time for the full reading of the prayer is not enough, then read at least one.

Prayer to instill love for sciences:

About the Most Holy Devo! You are the bride of God Father and the Mother of the Divine of His Son Jesus Christ! You are the Queen of the Angels and the salvation of people, the integrity of sinners and the truncanitian of Godotos. Verify us, hardly sinned and did not perform the commandments of God, violated the vows of the baptism and vows of monastics and many others who promised to fulfill. When the Holy Spirit retreated from the King Saul, then fear and despair attacked him and the darkness of despair and the silent state of the soul tormented him. Now, and we all lost our grace of the Spirit of the Holy Spirit. The mind was drowned by the vanity of the cries, the oblivion of God was overshadowed our souls, and now the heart is tested in some kind of sorrow, grief, illness, hatred, evil, enmity, vitality, gloating, and other sins. And, without having joy and consolation, call you, Mati God of our Jesus Christ, yes of your son to forgive us all our sins and send the Spirit of the Comforter, as he sent him to the apostles, but consonant and enlightened to you! : Rejoice the Most Holy Mother of God, to rescue the mind who added us. Amen.

Prayer that will help the child focus:

Tsarice is my predictive, my hoping of my mandatory, kind of siema and strange intercession, distressful help and crumpled cover, seey my attack, seeing my sorrow; From everywhere the temptation is obsessed with EMI, but to stupidly bear. You are a fear of Pomping Snoys Sniggest, I will be strange, they are strange, I will foresee and save and save Yako hopeless. Do not immanese help, do not immay of the hope of hope, is it, Vladychitsa, you are climbing us, we hope you and you will fight you, your Boya is a slave, so I will not seem to. Under your mercy, we are resorting, the Virgin Devo, our prayer is not despicable in the sorrow, but from the troubles to robs us, the one is clean and blessed. Amen.

Appeal to the Virgin about wisdom and ambitiousness:

The Mother of God is the prediest, house, the Eagle creates the wisdom of God, the gifts of the spiritual surgery, from the world to the premium mind our ascembly and all to the knowledge of the mind leading! We receive prayer singing from us, unworthy of your slave, with faith and the aspiration of those who are reputable before yours. The silence of our son and our God, yes gives the authorities to our wisdom and strength, truth and unlocking, the shepherd wisdom spiritual, jealousy and vigorous about our souls, mentor a humble dancer, chad obedience, to all the spirit of mind and piety, spirit of humility and meekness, Spirit of purity and truth. And now, the full-length, the past our mother, give us the mind of adding, umiri, connecting in the enmity and division of land and put them a lubva community unauthorized, all the truths of Christ, fear of God, abstinence and hard work, the word wisdom and Songeless knowledge asking for Given, the autumn of us is eternal joy, cherubs of light shelter and seraphims are honest. We, glorious things and the multi-minded wisdom of God in the world and the life of our vidny, eliminate the earthly fuss and excessive everyday care, and the mind, our heart to heaven erect, IKO Yako, thanks and worship for all in Trinity The Slavima God and all the creator is delivered, now and is confused and forever. Amen.

On the video - prayer to the icon of the Blessed Virgin "Adjusting the mind." Shot by the SuperNoutube channel.

Prayer Sergia Radonezh about good school studies

Rev. Sergius Radonezh

Rev. Sergius Radonezh is a patron saint of students, so requests raised to him are the most effective.

About the sacred glabel, reverend and the gardener of our Sergius, your prayer, and faith, and love, Lucky to God, and the purity of the heart, still in the abode of the abode of the Holy Trinity of the soul, your arranged, and Angelskago Communication and the Most of the Virgin Mary visits, and the gift The miraculous grace adherent, at the expense of yours from the earthly Napa to God approximate, and the heavenly forces are acquainted, but and from us the spirit of LUVE, not the retreat and honest your power, Yako vessel grace is full and overcome, we are left! Having having a boldness to the furnace lords, moths save his slave, which is graceful in you the believer and to you with love flowing. We succeed with us from the god of our god of our all sorts of gift, all and intertwofing, faith immaculate observance, harassment of our statement, the world is a dedication, and from the glad and the womb, from the invasion of the invalid conservation, whichorrow the consolation, increhensive healing, fallen defending on the truth path and rescue returns that promote strengthening in favor of good succeeding and blessing, infant education, young instrumentation, meaningful, orphans and widowes, leaving from this time of life to eternal good preparation and farewell to the forefront, and all of the prospective The prayers of the SPO parties will get rid of the prayers of the court, the gums of the Countries of the world and the blissful voice of the Vladyka of Christ to hear: take the blessedness of my father, inherit the kingdom of the world. Amen.

About Reverend and the Godonop Father Our Sergie! Reviews to us (names) are mercifully and, to the Earth committed, eating height of the sky. Understand our farewell and approve us in faith, but undoubtedly we hope to get all the benefits from the blessing of the Lord of God with your prayers. We succeed as the victim of yours all sorts of dar. Everyone and interspersed by your prayers in the day of Strashchnago Shia part of the Schiye Parts to get rid of, the gums of the same country. People's office and blissful voice of the Vladyka Christ to hear: take the blessedness of my father, inherit the kingdom of the world. . Amen.

Prayer Matron about good studies for yourself

If you are already studying at the university and something does not work, you need to contact the Matron of Moscow.

Prayer for help in studying for yourself

On the blissful, Maty Matrono, I hear and now we have, sinful, praying to you, who spent in all the lives of your enjoyment and listen to all those who suffer and mournful, with the faith and hope for your intercession and assistance to resorts, emerge, and wonderful healing to everyone feeding; Now you do not care about the mercy of yours to us, unworthy, rolling in the multi-world world of Sea and NIGHDAGE Obtaining consolations and compassion in sorrowfulness and help in the diseases of bodily sickness: our diseases are healed, get rid of temptations and tormenting the devil, passionately Cross, demolish all the importance of life and not lose the image of God, believing Orthodox until the end of our days to preserve, hope and hope for God is strong, and non-estate love for the neighbor; For us, we were able to achieve the kingdom of heaven from the life of this to the kingdom of heaven with all the welfare of God, glorifying the mercy and the goodness of the father of heaven, in the Trinity of Solimago, the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, forever. Amen.

Praying for assistance to the student in the passage of the exam or credit

Holy Righteousness, Mother Matron! All people are your assistant, help and I pass the exam. Do not leave me for the help and intercession of your own, moths of the Lord about the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer Kirill and Methodius

Cyril and Methodius

To the Christian preachers, the creators of the Alphabet, Saint Cyril and Methodius, are requested about the help of students and adding the mind.

About humility and zeal

About Preslav language Language of Slovenian teachers and educators, Svyoptic equal to Cyril and Methodius! To you, Yako Chad to the father, the light of the teachings and the writer of your enlightenment and to the faith of Christ of conference, are now diligently resorted and in the crushing of the hearts of our pray. Higher Bo and Testament of your, Yako Chad recaller, not observing, and about the deposits of God, I will teach, the neglence, and from the onmost little and luster, the south of Southwesign, I will have a good brotherhood in faith and flesh, good, disappear: Obache, Jacques you do not disgust your ungrateful and unworthy of your ungrateful and unworthy, but you are good for the evil pay, so and now sinful and unworthy Chad of your prayer will not be disgusted, but I-ko teerticate to the Lord, diligently pray, let it lead and turn us on the path of salvation, And the discord, through the one-terrain brethren arising, and umith, disappearing Paks to unobliness will lead, and all of us the unity of the spirit and luban in one, the Holy, Cathedral and Apostles of the Church will connect: Vemiers Bo, Vires, I can a lot of righteous prayer for the Lord's blessing, And the sinful people are brought by: do not leave us, durable and unworthy of your children (names), the sin of the sake of your favor, you collected, the hostility is divided and seduced from an innumerable, silent, the sheep is Slovenus Keey drowns from wolves of mental admire: give us with your prayers, about Orthodoxy Jealousy, yes, I have been dereged, the father's legend will be preserved, the charters and the customs of the church are correctly abdicated, all sorts of strange false teachings are ruined, and taco in the life of the ghost on the Earth invested In the sky, they will advise, and Tamo with you to taste the Lord of all, in the Trinity of the Unagniga of God, we will glorify the eyelids. Amen.

To strengthen the child in his desire for knowledge

About all-around equivalent Methodius and Kirilla, fallenly before a honest icon, you, diligently, with the moli: Review the mercifully on us, I enlightened your work with your work, and protect us with a non-saturated concept of yours from the evil goose enemy! War down on the grapes of this, the Esgent planted Eat, and do not betray the division of Ozobout him. Save, the Self-Fitness of God, our Orthodox church, the southeries you called on the cornerstone of Kamen, Christ, Yako and there will be immovable, but yes, they will embroider the stone of this waves in any way, strengthen our shepherds in all the virtue and in the diversion of the passion, In hedgehog to listen to them. Save the whole Slovenian country from all slands, from fire and sword, from deadly ulcers and from all slander. Hear and in any sash, with faith for you coming and your graceful help is required. In the terrible hour, the mortal is submitting to all of us, Blasy Prognos and Dark Zrakov Demon's von, and in the world and repentance, the earthly field, which will achieve eternal benefits, enjoyment and buy with you to glorify the Most Holy Trinity - Father, and Son, and Sainry Spirit, now and Connected, and forever. Amen.

Prayer to the Lord God before teaching children

Before starting study, you must ask God for help and support. The prayer to the Creator can be carried out every day before classes and, of course, September 1.

Lord God and the creator of our, in the way our people who decorated your chosen your favorite by your law, so that you who listen to him, the children of the mystery of wisdom opened, Solomon and all the seekers who did - open the hearts, minds and the mouth of the slaves! names) To urge the power of your law and successfully learn your useful doctrine for the glory of your honor, for the benefit and disappointment of the Holy Church and the Disassembly of the Good and Perfect Will Your Church. Getting rid of them from any goat enemy, save them in faith of Christ and clean in all the lifetime of them, - yes will be strong to the mind and the fulfillment of your commandments and so scientific, they will glorp your honor and will be the heirs of your kingdoms, - for you, God, strong Milosta and good fortress and you are pleased with all the glory, honor and worship, father and son and the Holy Spirit, always, now and are constantly and in the eyelids. Amen.

Prayer for good estimates at the Icon of the Svistor

Icon spersterish

Good estimates are asking for the miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Spear-Silver".

The predicted Ladychitsa, the Virgin of the Virgin, God of the Words Puchae all the words to save our birth, and grace his preparimo in all reacted, the sea was the enlightened divine tanning and miracles a dedication of the river, pouring goodness to everyone, with faith to you resorting! The miraculous look of your image falling, praying to you, all the Mother of Physicious Lord: Surprise on us. Helding the grace of yours, and our petitions, who bring to you, soon, will speed up fulfill, all, hedgehogs for consolation and the rescue of the Komujo who are advised. Visit, predictive, the slaves of your grateful, I suppose an ill-fated Claw and the perfect health, beaten silence, captive freedom and various images of suffering considerable consideration, save, unobserving Mrs., all kinds of degrees and country from glad, ulcers, coward, flood, fire, sword The execution of temporary and eternal, with your daring wrath of God's wrath of God: and there is no lack of disadvantage, the breakdown of passions and falls freedom of your slave, IKO, and it is inconspicuously in every piety of foul in Sevech, and in the future of eternal goods will be able to be grateful and human-huming your son and God, Fit all the glory, honor and worship, with his original father and the Most Holy Spirit, now and are confident, and forever. Amen.

Through the second prayer, the Mother of God must be called to the Lord God

Oh, the Most Holy Devo, Mati Lord Vysnyago, a dilapidated intercession of all, to you with the faith of resorting! The proud from the height of the height of his grandeels on the me is not a bit, sealing to your icon, hear soon the humble prayer of the Greshnago and bring it to his son: the mind of him, yes, he illuminates the gloomy soul my light of the Divine grace, and clean my mind from the thieves, so calm Healing my heart and heals the wounds of him, yes, I will encourage my kind things and strengthen it to work with fear, let me forgive all the evil me, but will save the eternal flour and does not deprive the heaven of his kingdom. About the predicated to the Mother of God: You are a fragmentedness of the ESI in the image of your inappropriate, who command themselves to try to you with faith: do not prose the scarce of the sorrow and not to take me in the abyss of my sins. On the Bose, all my hope and hope of salvation, and your intercourse and the concept of I assign myself forever. Amen.

Student prayer for success in school

A student in college or institute will help study the appeal to Holy Tatyana Roman.

Oh, Holy Martyr Tatiano, the bridesmaid of your sweet fiance of your Christ! Agnica Lamb DivineNago! The shabby of chastity, the bolted body with the sufferings of Yako with the clothes of the Tsariusky, who was sissing to the face of Heaven, who was now in the glory of the eternal, from the days of youth to the servant of the Church of God, the chastity observing and the sake of all the grant of the Lord who was loved! We are praying and we ask you: I missed our hearts and do not reject our prayers, give the cleanliness of the body and soul, breathe love for divine truths, on the way Virtious We enter us, Angelic Being Satisfied with God, our wounds and ulcers Fences, old age is painless and gidden, in the mortal Pomoz's hour, remember our grief and repelling Darui, to visit us in the dungeon of sin, to the repentance of the housing soon, there is a flame of prayer, you will not leave us siery, yes the Slavs of the suffering of yours, we will reveal the praise to the Lord, Now and in the eyelids. Amen.

The strongest conspiracies for successful studies

To resolve problems with study, you can resort to magical care. White magic rituals are completely safe.

When conducting magical rites, always carefully follow the instructions and do not disturb the order of the ritual.

A plot for excellent studies acts as follows:

  • interest in learning is refunded, there is a thrust for knowledge;
  • there is a setting for success and luck, the child becomes lucky;
  • the schoolboy listens to parents and teachers;
  • the child begins to prepare lessons independently and teach the necessary material.

Conspiracy on a button with water for good studies

If there are permanent problems with academic performance, try to speak a button.

For ritual, you will need:

  • candle;
  • tweezers;
  • a little sugar;
  • mirror;
  • needle with thread.

When conducting a rite, you must accurately follow the instructions:

  1. Cut a button with a child's school clothes. It should be a thing that is constantly worn. Suit pants, skirt, shirt, outerwear.
  2. Light a candle and hold three seconds over the flame of buttons. Take advantage of the tweezers so as not to burn. If there is no tweezers, you can make another mount.
  3. Throw a button under the flow water.
  4. Remove the cooled button and tickle the conspiracy.

Button enchanted, bring God's slave (your name) good luck in all endeavors. Make so that I am lucky in learning and passing exams. Increasing you firmly, we talk tranne. Let them pass by the attack, and the joy more often cross through the threshold. Let me love teachers and begin to praise, nicely pamper. Put me with another as an example, and you, buttice, will help. Amen.


  1. Sprinkle a little sugar sand and shake it.
  2. Success the button to the same place. It is necessary to do it in front of the mirror, the most durable threads that you can find a sharp needle and most firmly as possible.
  3. Your child should not know about conspiracy to sewing, keep the ritual secret.
  4. Exactly seven days after the conspiracy, the thing with the sewed button must be good and smooth.
  5. To achieve the best effect you need to wear a thing daily next week.

Ritual with church candles

The rite is carried out from inattention and scattered. Candle plot will help the child to focus on the lessons and perform homework.

Features of the ritual:

  1. You will need three thick church candles.
  2. Conspiracy is better to read in the period of the growing moon or in full moon.
  3. Fur in the second half of any day of the week in the room, burn all three candles.
  4. Say the words of the rite: "The flame is bright burn - turn off! My breath is pithy! Make so that the slave of God (Slave God) (the name of the child) also burned brightly (burned) in his studies and sought knowledge (sought). Amen!"
  5. Repeat the spell seven times, blend the candles and hide them in a secret place.
  6. Cut the ritual once a week until the candles are completely burned. Very soon the child will become more assembled and attentive.

Conspiracy for love for study

The rite will awaken craving for knowledge and interest in the learning process. Tap a book needed with a growing moon during the daytime from Monday to Thursday. You will need a book that the child read most often, and five church candles.

Conducting a ritual:

  1. Put candles in a row, put the book in such a way that it is between you and candles.
  2. From left to right lit down the candles and tell the words of the conspiracy three times: "As every sprout to the Sun stretches, and Choot my, the slave (-Y) of God (s) (the name of the boy or the girl) let the knowledge stretches. Like water down to seek to strive, and the child is mine, the slave (-Y) of God (s) (the name of the child) Let them seek to teach, but everyone wants to know. From now on, and forever. Amen."
  3. Wait until the candles are completely burned, expand the book and put the child in this form.
  4. When the child closes the book - it will begin to act a plot. Strong desire to learn will arise as if in itself.

Study - the most important occupation of schoolchildren and students. Therefore, annually on September 1, on the celebration of the Day of Knowledge - the beginning of the school year, prayers are made in all Orthodox churches with the call of God's blessing.

In addition to the prayer, a brief prayer for giving the minds of the spirit of wisdom and reason, about understanding the children's teachings of God's teachings.

How to order prayers? What saint is the prayer for students?

Sergius of Radonezh

Holy helps to adequately learn, get good grades, after school finishes, enter the university.

Barfolomew, so called the future of the ink, the teaching was taken, even when reading the Holy Scripture, he made many mistakes. Understanding the difficulties, the boy with all the soul asked God to help him in teaching. And one day an angel was an angel in the image of a monk who promised to the boy soon to become the most educated child surrounded.

Holy Prayers about studying:

Prayer Sergia Radonezhsky

Oh, sacred glavous, reverend and the gardener of our Sergius, your prayer, and faith and love, Lucky to God, and the purity of the heart, on the ground, in the abode of the Holy Trinity of the soul, your arranged, and Angelskago Communication and the Most of the Virgin Away, and Dar The most grace, at the expense of yours from the earthly Napa to God, the approximate and the heavenly forces are involved, but also from us the spirit of LUVE, I do not retreat, and honest your power, Yako Vessel grace full and overcoming, to us left! Imagine having a dying to all-storey owl , moths save his slaves, which is graceful to you believers and to you with love flowing. Asking us from the greatness of our god of our all sorts of gift, everyone and Komugoto well-consistent: the faith is immaculate observance, the hazards of our statement, the world is a diploma, from the glad and the harm, From the invasion of the invalid conservation, which grieightened the consolation, an affecting healing, fallen camping missing on the path of truth and rescue return, moving Insurance and blessing, infant education, young instruction, infant, infant, orphans and widows, leaving, SiruTs and Widowes, who are leaving, the forefront of the blessed preservation, and the prospect of the Blessed Creation, The terrible court of Shii parts to get rid of the gums of the country's general publicists and the blissful voice of the Vladyka of Christ to hear: "Get the blessed of my father, inherit the kingdom from the addition of peace." Amen.

Parental prayer and personal prayers for students

Lord God and the creator of our, and our people who have decorated your chosen your favorite by your law, so that you who listen to him are missed, the children of the mystery of the wisdom open, Solomon and all the seekers who did - open the hearts, minds and the mouth of the slaves of yours (names) To urge the power of your law and successfully learn your useful doctrine, for the glory of your best-willed name, for the benefit and disappointment of the Holy Church and the Disassembly of the Good and Perfect Will Your Will.

Relive them from any goat enemy, keep them in faith of Christ and clean in all the lifetime of them, and they will be strong with the mind and the fulfillment of your commandments.

And so scientific will glorify your Most Holy Name and will be the heirs of the kingdom of yours, for you are God, strong enough and good fortress, and you are pleased with any glory, honor and worship, father and son and the Holy Spirit, always, now and in the eyelids . Amen.

Prayer Jesus, our Lord

Lord's grandfall, lowered us grace of the spirit of your saint, darling and strengtheningly, our forces, in order to the teaching taught us, we have increased to you, our creator, glory, the parent for consolation, the church and the Fatherland benefit.

The icon is praying for the success of the details, with their mental retardation.

Prayer icon of the Mother of God "Key of Disquirement"

The wisdom of the mentor and the meaning of the surrender, the novemmaster and the beggar of the Castor, Mati Christ of our God, approve, with the immerses of my heart, Vladychitsa, and the mind add to Christ the prayer. You're guessing the word Born the word, imashi bo bite offend your son about us. Amen.

Tropear, voice 4:

To the Virgin Diligence today, the trick, sinning and humble, and in penalties, in repentance, from the depths of the soul: Vladychitsa, Pomoz, are merciful: sweat, die from a lot of errors, do not turn your slaves of the car, the Ma Bo and the hope of Imam.

Prayer Prophet Nauma

One of the prophets who lived in the VII century to the Nativity of Christ.

Prayer Prophet Nauma

Oh, the prochest and stupid prophetic of God Naime! We hear us, sinful and uncomfortable, in the hour of this upcoming presence of your own icon and diligently resorting to your petition. Moths about us a man of man and give us the spirit of repentance and crushing about Gresh ours and all the way that I will help us to leave the paths of wickedness, to grow in any kind of prize, and will strengthen us in the fight against passions and lusties. Yes, in the heart of our spirit of humility and meekness in the heart of our spirit, the spirit of patience and the chastity, the spirit of jealousy to the glory of God and the salvation of the neighbor. By the abolition of your prayers, the prophetic, the evils of the world's customs, the same deceased and the spiritual spirit of this century, infecting Christian relations with disrespect for the Divine Orthodox faith, to the charters of the Church and to the Commandments of the Lord, the rest of the parent and the predestine, and the ownership of people in the abyss , corruption and dying. Take off from us, the prophet's prophet, the concept of your righteous wrath of God, and relieve all degrees and weights of our kingdom from laughter and glad, from terrible storms and earthquakes, from deadly ulcers and diseases, from the invasion of enemies and internecine brewing. We strengthen your prayers of Orthodox people, the prospect of them in all good deeds and endeavors to the waters of the world and the truth in the powers of them. Contact the All-Russian Christ-loving army in Branes with our enemies. Satisfying the prophetic of God, from the Lord Shepherd to our holy jealousy on the bose, the heart care about saving passengers, wisdom in the teachings and management, piety and fortress in temptations, judicial victims of nonlinearization and embarrassment, rightness and compassion to the offended, all supervisory care about subordinates, mercy and justice, subordinate obedience and obedience to the ruler and the diligent execution of their duties; Yes, taco in the world and pietyly lived in Sevech, will be prompted by the communion of eternal benefits in the kingdom of the Lord and the Savior of our Jesus Christ, he is pleased with his honor and worship, with his original father and the Most Holy Spirit, forever. Amen.

Prayer Righteous John Kronstadt

Little John was hard to study and he was warmly prayed to God for helping. One day, a miracle happened and his mental talent was revealed, after which the boy successfully understood and took knowledge, remembered, read and wrote.

Prayer John Kronstadtsky

About the great waters, the Holy Righteous Father of John Kronstadt, a wonderful, fast assistant and gracious concept! Having a gloomy to the Triune God, you prayer called: the name you are: do not reject me, errand. Your name is power: strengthened me, exhausted and dyashukha. The name you is a little: to educate my soul, darken by everyday passions. Name you -Mir: Umri merry soul my soul. Nowadays your gratefulness, the All-Russian Machine prays you: Christimenented and righteous waters! Your lovely Ozari usari, sinful and weak, the controversial of us to bring decent fruits of repentance and not convictedly communion of Christ Tain. The strength of your faith in us is strengthened, in prayer support, diseases and diseases healed, from misfortunes, enemies, visible and invisible, get rid. The light of the face of your ministers and the charters of the Altar of Christ on the holy feats of pastoral doors, the infant, the education of Darui, young Nastavi, the old age will support, shrines of the temples and the Holy Residents of Ozari! Umiri, the miracle and providce the prey, the peoples of the country, our greatest, the grace and the gift of the Holy Spirit of the Spirit from the intercouction of Brani, boringly collect, delivered to and jointly by the Holy Cathedral and the Apostolic Church. Your marriage of marriage in the world and the despilation and the blessing of Darui in the affairs of Goodness and the blessing of Darui, the unwell comfort of the vessels suffering from the spirits of unclean freedom, in the needs and the circumstances of the sorrowfulness and we are on the path of salvation. In Christ, the crowd, Father, our John, bring us to the unfortunately light of life eternal, let us advise you to bless you, praising and exalted God forever. Amen.

Prayer martyr Neophite

The wonderworker is neophyte pray for the enlightenment of the mind.

Prayer Wonderworker Neophyte

Your martyr, Lord, Neophyte In the suffering of his crown, they will bring an unnecessary from you, our God: Having your fortress to your fortress, reaches the reserves, crushes and demons of the gentlecomcommium. That prayer would save our soul. God's saint and in the holy twisters, three-minded glasses in the sky from an angel champed, on the ground from the man in the saints of his praise: the giving the Holy Spirit of Komuzo grace as Christ is granted, and that put the church of your Holy Holy Spopied the Apostles, OAI Prophets, OSA , shepherds and teachers, their own word sermons. All the most valid in all, the Ministry of Communication in the Communications and Rhoda, various virtues of the most likely, and to you, the image of the good feats of our left, in the joy of preached, prepare, in it themselves the temptations of the blessed, and we are attacked . The saints of all are rejoiced and their goddly gone, Samago, in them there is a valid, praise, and Oneh's faithfulness of your giving birth to life, sainting, sainting the sinners to ensure their teachings, the wake of those who are in grateful, heaven with them Wake up of glory, praising the Most Holy Name, Father and Son and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen.

Kirill and Methodius, Provenian first

Warrior Methodius, disrupted the life of the bustle, went to Inqua and with diligence performed monastic vows. His brother Konstantin successfully studied sciences, was the abstinerable young man.

Soon he became a priest at one of the Constantinople temples, defended Orthodoxy in disputes with heretics and incorrect. Later, he went to his brother on Mount Olympus, lived in the postal service, spending all the time in prayer and reading books, then I accepted at the name of Kirill.

Soon the Slavic ABC was open to brothers over again. After some time, after the grueling disease, Kirill was praised to the Lord, and Methodius was dedicated to the bishops.

Prayer Kirill and Methodius

About Preslav Language of Slovenian teachers and educators, bias equivalent to Methodius and Kirill. To you, Yako Chad to the father, the light of the teachings and the writer of your enlightened and in faith of Christ, are now diligently resorted and in the crushing of the hearts of our pray. Through Bo and Testament of your, Yako Chad recaller, not observing and about the deposit of God, I will teach, Nechechah, and from the Odinky and Luke, South South-Sovereign, I will have a good brotherhood in faith and flesh, good, disappear, Obach, Jacques Your ingratistant and unworthy do not distracted by twisters, but good for the evil pay, so and now sinful and unworthy than your prayers do not turn, but, I can be a must-Lord, diligently, pray, let us push and turn us on the path of salvation, And the discord, by the one-terrain brethren arising, Umirit, deplissing Paks to unobliness will lead to all of us the unity of the spirit and lubz in one, the Holy, Cathedral and Apostles of the Church will connect. Vemiers Bo, Voei, I can a lot of righteous prayer for the blessing of the Lord, whether and about sinful people are brought. Do not leave us, durable and unworthy of your children, the sin of the sake of the Father's Father, you are collected, the hostility is divided and seduced from an innumerable pretty, mad, the sheep is wondering how to admire the wovers, give us the prayers of your prayers about Orthodoxy Jealousy, Yes, I have been able to save the stereoles and customs of the church to good, the charters and the customs of the church are correctly observed, all sorts of false collections of strange and taco, in the life of the godly on the Earth, they will advise the life of the Lord, and Tamo with you, we will glorify the Lord forever and ever. Amen.

Appearance included in the temple

Holiday clothes should be modest and clean. The tone of the vestia should choose calm colors, "screaming" clothes in the church for nothing. Sometimes it is recommended to wear clothes of certain tones, for example: light vestments and red scarf (women) at Easter, dark clothes in the days of the Great Post.

To confession and communion, the ladies need to wear a skirt, but its length should be no higher than the knee. A decolight and transparent tissue should be avoided on the jacket or blouse. Shoes must be comfortable, because in worships you have to stand for a long time.

Important about external:

It is not recommended to use cosmetics, especially lipstick - in the temple are applied with lips to the faces of saints, crucifixes and hand of the clergy.

Men rest coming in shorts, shirts, sports costumes.

Behavior in the temple

In the house of God is not accepted:

  • to conduct conversations - it distracts parishioners from prayer;
  • pray and sing out loud, singing the chorus - prevents the "neighbors" to follow the course of worship;
  • related candles on a candlestick while reading the gospel, the singing of the Kheruvim and Eucharistic canon on the liturgy.
Buy candles, order prayers and forties, acquire literature follows the on the eve of the Divine service, and not during it.

During the Cathedral prayer, when the parishioners kneel, you need to take the same posture.

You can not keep your hands in your pockets, chewing the chewing.

Having come to the temple with children, it should be followed by their behavior, not to allow a balobiness. You can not lead to the temple of animals and birds.

To leave the church before the end of worship is inappropriate, it can only be sick people and those who need early care too necessary.

Appeal with icons

At the entrance to the Church hall, it is necessary to apply to the icon lying in the center on the analog. This is usually the icon of the holiday or saint, whose memory is revered on this day.

It should be pre-impose on yourself twice the godfather, bow, kiss the icon and cross again.

The parishioner should not be bypassed with the kissing of the entire icon of the temple and the iconostasis, it should only do the bishop.

Voluntary donations

The so-called victim (or tenth) by parishioners bring mainly money, products for priestly meals and any things that are necessary for the vital activity of the church (wine, fabric, lamp oil, etc.).

Among believers, it is customary to make donations both on the temple and to the alms to be in need.

The amount of donation depends on the altitude of the parishioner, no strict rules, certain amounts and the price persons exist.

Every day care is required. He needs to instill a desire to learn and know the customs and traditions of society. All families should work on this topic, especially Orthodox, and of course, do not forget to thank the Lord for the help and filed generous.

Prayers for help in study