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Where it is better to rest in the UAE for the first time. Where it is better to relax in the UAE. Amazing and modern Dubai - a great place to hold holidays

The beach resorts of the United Arab Emirates are the main magnet for tourists, despite the fact that there are many more interesting attractions. It would be unlikely to visit millions of tourists, if there were no beach resorts with luxury hotels.

What resort in the UAE to choose to relax? The beach resorts of the UAE have different characters, but they all offer a large selection of hotels for a beach holiday. Many tourists are not asked about what resort in the UAE to choose, and they are mainly engaged in the hotel. But it would still be properly taken into account that in which resort area is located the selected hotel, then not to disappoint.

Below we presented the main beach resorts of the UAE, which are offered all the best for a beach holiday. Having become acquainted with these resorts, you can choose the place that most suits you.


Many man-made miracles in harmony with natural beauty is the main business card of Dubai. In less than four decades, the calm kingdom of the desert turned into one of the most noisy cities in the world and the leading tourist center of the UAE.

The main attraction of Dubai is the highest manual structure in the world - the Burj Khalifa Tower. Next to this tower can be seen in the evenings, the colorful spectacle is the show fountains. Also near the famous Tower is located the largest shopping center in the world - Dubai Mall. This shopping center is one of the best places for shopping in Dubai. Hidden in Dubai Mall Aquarium has the world's largest screen, so thousands of tourists pulls daily.

It is also worth highlighting the iconic Palm Jumeirah Islands, which were created by a person.

Away from bright lights, Dubai is lied by extensive deserts, in which you can enjoy your stay in traditional Bedouin desert camps. Amazing is that the desert in the Dubai area ends right at the shores of the sea. Sparkling the blue water of the Persian Gulf, on the shore of which there are numerous beaches, attract tourists from around the world.

For Shopaholiki Dubai offers the world-famous shopping festival, which attracts millions of people from all over the planet.

It is also worth noting that Dubai is a place where numerous sports events are held. Sports lovers can visit the World Cup in Jumps, Golf Tournaments, as well as Many DreubTorsturns.

Abu Dhabi

The United Arab Emirates is one of the most rapid developing countries of the world, and its capital, Abu Dhabi, offers a constantly expanding choice of interesting and unique places. Since this city is named after Arab Gazelle (Dhabi), it is not surprising that the development of Abu Dhabi occurs with the speed of gazelles.

Oil detection in the Abu Dhabi area in 1958 marked the beginning of the rapid transformation of this place. Investments led to the development of modern infrastructure, which local residents could not even dream 50 years ago.

Among the main tourist places in Abu Dhabi is to celebrate the Sheikh Zaid Mosque, Cornish, Palace Al Hosn (White Fort), Al-Ain National Museum, Al-Ain Wildlife Park and Ferrari World, Ferrari Theme Park on a picturesque island.

Sheikh Zaid Mosque, the most famous landmark of Abu Dhabi, is one of the biggest mosques in the world. It has a capacity of 40,000 praying, 80 domes, 1000 columns and the world's largest carpet carpet. Open for Nemusulman Mosque offers a free visit for one hour per day.

Almost 200 islands surrounded by the city of Abu Dhabi, which makes it one of the best places to relax. The Island is a place where the Grand Prix stage is carried out annually. In addition, on the island of Yas there are several luxury hotels and theme park Ferrari World.

The island of Bu Tina, which is included in the sea biosphere reserve Maravah, is a house for a variety of plants and representatives of marine life. Applying to the title of one of the new seven miracles of the world This serene paradise is the perfect place for a quiet, relaxing holiday.

Luxury hotels, exciting sights, exciting entertainment - Abu Dhabi offers a lot of interesting things for their guests.

Ras Al-Heima

For those who are interested in exclusively beach resorts, Ras Al-Khaim should be at the beginning of the list of priorities. This resort area is located on the very northern tip of the UAE, in the eponymous Emirate. Once Ras Al-Heima was a tiny fishing community, but even today it is a place with beautiful beaches and a breathtaking view of Mountain Hajar has a calmer atmosphere than Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Sharjah.

It can be said that the resort of Ras Al-Heima lacks size, although he has ambitions to become one of the most popular resorts of the UAE. The government invests millions of dollars in the development of Ras Al-High infrastructure, therefore beautiful new hotels, exciting thematic parks and other tourist objects constantly appear here.

Tourists in the resort district of Ras Al-Khaima will be able to enjoy the wealth of outdoor activities: from swimming with a mask and tube and fishing to riding on mountain biking, rock climbing and golf.

Ice Land Water Park is a polar thematic water park, which has an artificial waterfall and a field for water football. In the near future, several other entertainment complexes will appear in Ras Al-Heim.


The resort area of \u200b\u200bFujairah is located between the majestic mountains of Hajar and the long strip of sandy beaches. Emirate Fujaiir is famous for its untouched natural beauty. This is the only emirate that is almost completely covered by mountains. Fujaiwood has rich traditional buildings that are combined with modern luxury.

Famous in the past, as the "Earth of the Marine Giants", the city of Fujairah offers some of the most important archaeological finds in the Persian Gulf area. Excavations show that the presence of a person in the region goes back to the Iron Age.

Fujairah enters the Omansky Bay and the Indian Ocean and has one of the richest marine environments on the planet. Water near this resort area are home to many exotic species of fish and corals, so are one of the best places for diving in the world.

Beautiful and clean beaches of the city are great for relaxing lovers under the sun. So the resort area of \u200b\u200bFujaier deserves your attention if the main priority for you is the beach holiday.


If you want during your holiday in the UAE to find the right balance between the beach holiday and the inspection of the amazing sights of Dubai and Abu Dhabi, then you should pay attention to the city of Sharjah, which is located in kilometers from the center of Dubai. You can quickly get there from here to all the iconic sights of Dubai. But Sharjah also has many attractions that deserve your attention.

What resort in the UAE to choose?

The choice of the resort in the UAE is a difficult task, despite the fact that there are not many resorts here, such as in Greece and Turkey. Dubai and Abu Dhabi are most suitable for those tourists who prefer not to spend a lot of time on the beach holiday, but to visit the most interesting places. Ras Al-Khaima and Fujaira are more suitable for beach lovers, as these are more comfortable places without abundance of sights. As for Sharjah, this city is suitable for those who want to approximately share their time for a beach holiday and sightseeing.

January 1340 January 19, 2016

The great combinator Ostap Bender, if he had changed his beloved "whitish" Rio in his thoughts, would have come to delight from the United Arab Emirates - after all, the lion's share of his four hundred and relatively honest ways of consumption of money (exclusively in tourists and strictly as part of the law is embodied here. ). Judge for yourself: hotels located on bulk islands, right above the Formula 1 track - times. Covered ski resorts with penguins in the conditions of the Arabian desert and the Middle East heat are two. Commercial festivals with discounts up to 90% and a raffle of a million US dollars and dozens of shopping malls - three. The ability to charge all known humanity to the means of movement - from the sleek camels to the Ferrari bollians - four. And finally, five is just a very high-quality beach holiday in the atmosphere of fabulous comfort. For the appropriate value, of course.

But the Emirates as part of the UAE as much as 7, and the tourist, thirsty of rest sitting in front of us alone. Where to send a traveler, yes so to take into account all his needs? Let's try to figure out together.

Abu Dhabi Ajman Dubai. Ras Al-Heima Umm Al-Kuwain Fujaira Sharjah
Prices high middle very high middle below average middle middle
Level of service 5 5 5 5 3 5 4
Quality Hotels 5 4 5 4 3 4 4
Quality beaches 4 4 4 4 4 5 4
Sea purity 4 5 4 5 4 5 5
How the heat is transferred middle easily middle middle heavy middle middle
Alcohol for tourists in hotels on sale in hotels on sale on sale on sale forbidden
Shopping 4 2 5 3 2 2 4
Choosing entertainment 5 3 5 3 1 2 3
Night life 4 2 5 2 1 1 1
Excursion 5 3 5 4 3 3 4
Business tourism 5 3 5 3 3 3 4
Youth rest 3 3 4 3 1 2 3
Vacation with children 4 4 5 5 4 5 5
Leisure 4 3 4 4 4 4 3

Abu Dhabi

The biggest and richest Emirate of Abu Dhabi ranks second after Dubai in the number of entertainment and shopping centers and the first in the number of cultural attractions. So lovers of sightseeing here are a real expathere. It is here that the capital of the UAE is the city of Abu Dhabi. Emirate is located on the shore of the Persian Gulf, his most part occupies the desert, in which the magnificent oasis of Liva is shining, and the coast is framed by the smelting of small islands. It is important to take into account that in the emirate there is a dry law, alcohol can only be bought in hotels. In addition, smoking here is prohibited in any public places (including on beaches).


The beaches in Abu Dhabi are covered with small white sand, entering the sea here smooth, however, there are broken deep seats. Most hotels on the coast have their own beaches. It is worth considering that the beaches of hotels located on the islands go to the open sea, so that sea excitements are possible here. In the city, all the beaches overlook the canal between the mainland and the islands, so the water surface is always calm. There are no direct access to the beach. There are no hotels along the coast.

Hotel Base

Most of the hotels in Abu Dhabi - category 4 *. 5-star hotels, as a rule, belong to the well-known world chains and are designed for reputable tourists. There are also lower categories (1-3 *) hotels, but mostly urban accommodation objects.


  • Clean and well-groomed streets, well-developed infrastructure.
  • Abu Dhabi is the most green city of the UAE: there is a lot of vegetation and there is, where to hide from the scorching desert sun.
  • The air temperature in the city is a few degrees below than beyond.
  • A large number of shopping centers, markets and shops: Razdar for shopping lovers.
  • Low prices for services, products and all that is associated with oil (car rental, gasoline, taxis, travel destination).
  • Most of the hotels are located on the coast in close proximity to the coastline.
  • In general, life in Abu Dhabi is more measured and calm than in Dubai.


  • Most of the hotels category 4 *. "Five" here is much smaller here, and "doubles" and "treshki" are located in a business district and are considered urban.
  • The network of public transport is focused only on local residents, tourists will have to carry out all movements.
  • City beaches in Abu Dhabi are somewhat better than during hotels.
  • Strait, separating the city from the rest of the Emirate, and a large number of plants make air to Abu Dhabi very moist, because of which tourists can be hard to endure heat.


Ajman is the smallest of the Emirates located on the banks of the Persian Gulf, between Chard and Umm al-Kuwain. It has become recently developed as a tourist center, which works in neighboring emirates live here. In addition, this is the most poor emioratus, oil fields here is not found, therefore the construction is extremely slow. At the moment, there are only about 10 hotels here, which is guaranteed to enjoy lovers of a calm, measured rest. In addition, it is possible to fix health: in the town of Masphut are the mineral springs famous for all countries, however, there are no hotels near them. The main entertainment of the Neinna region is the camel run and boating "Dow", which take place here from time immemorial. But you can forget about night dance in laser smoke.


The beaches of Ajman sandy, wide and more unreassed. Sunset in the sea smooth, the depth is small.

Hotel Base

Most of the hotels in "Treshka". The resort has only two 5-star hotel, one of them belongs to the Kempinski chain. There are also several hotels 2 * and 4 *.


  • The city retained his originality and has not yet become a faceless metropolis.
  • There is no "dry law": in the Holeinthewall store you can buy any foreign production alcohol.
  • Lower prices than in Dubai and Sharjah.
  • Before Sharjah with its developed infrastructure from Ajman only 10 km.
  • A large number of vegetation.
  • Low prices in shopping centers - in Ajman, the most budget shopping in the UAE.


  • Beyond the city, you can only go on a taxi: there is no long-distance bus service in Ajman.
  • Entertainment infrastructure is well developed, clubs and restaurants are available mainly in hotels. The only reasonable way out is to go to the neighboring sharpond or in Dubai.
  • The coast of Ajman stretches only 16 km, so the selection of beach hotels here is very meager.


Dubai is the brightest and democratic emirate, the second largest after Abu Dhabi. Located on the banks of the Persian Gulf between Abu Dhabi (in the south) and Chard (in the north). This is the most famous from the Emirates, the most part and the Europeanized. There are generally all the same: dear hotels, high buildings, large shopping centers, international events ... and prices for all this luxury.


All beaches in Dubai sand with a very gentle sunset at sea. The best of them are the beaches of Jumeira with a wide strip of white sand and good infrastructure. Hotels, as a rule, have their own sections of the beach, however, at an additional fee for many of them, everyone can get away - such open beaches are usually located at a distance from the hotel itself, so as not to interfere with guests. In addition, in Jumeyr there are two beach parks: Al Mamzar Park and Jumeirah Beach Park fully secured by the necessary infrastructure: restaurants, bars, shops, parking, sun beds with umbrellas and other attributes. Urban beaches are very popular with locals, so at the end of the week they are very crowded. It is worth keeping in mind that some public beaches have days when the entrance is allowed only to women and children.

Hotel Base

Dubai is famous, first of all, expensive hotels, which seem to compete with each other in stringent and luxuriousness. There are practically no hotels below 3 *, but there is above 5 * by informal classification. However, there are a lot of budget options among them.


  • Saturated nightlife, many diverse entertainment, not only adults, but also children's.
  • Low shopping duties and, as a result, low prices in numerous shopping complexes.
  • The most loyal of the Emirates: the attitude to the traditional Islamic rules of behavior is not as demanding as in other emirates. In addition, you can freely buy alcoholic beverages.


  • Prices for accommodation are higher than in neighboring Emirates.
  • Most of the hotels are urban, however, almost all of them organize a shuttle to the nearest beach.
  • The kitchen in the restaurants of the city, regardless of their specificity, has an obvious Arabic tint. More or less authentic non-Arabic dishes can only be enjoying in hotels.

Ras Al-Heima

Ras Al-Heima is the northernmost and most green emirate. Thanks to fertile soils, a large number of trees are growing here. In the town of Hatt there are mineral hot springs and a balneological center.

One of the main attractions is the Ice Land Water Park, decorated in the form of an ice country. Here is the world's largest artificial waterfall, whose height is more than 35 m.


The beaches in Ras Al Himme are covered with golden sand, the coastline is quite wide, and the entrance to the sea is flat. On the beaches there are many centers of water sports, however, for diving and snorkeling, this is not the best region.

Hotel Base

Hotels in Ras Al-Heima are quite small, but all categories are presented: you can choose both a low-cost city hotel and a luxurious five-star complex.


  • A large number of historical sights.
  • A softer and cool climate than in other emirates; Abundance of greenery.
  • The presence of hotels of all categories - everyone can choose a place to taste and sufficiency. Most of the hotels are located on the coast.


  • Despite the lack of "dry law", nightlife here is very scarce, clubs and discos almost no.

Umm al-Kuwain

Umm Al-Kuwaine is a small emirate of 50 km from Dubai. Focused on calm family holidays and classrooms in a variety of sports. In particular, the famous riding academy is located here and spectacular sports competitions are held. The entire coast of the Emirate is cut with lagoons, so water in the sea is very calm. By the way, there is one of the largest in the Middle East Water Park Dreamland.


Emirates beaches are located in secluded bays. There are few waves, golden small sand and a gentle entrance to the sea, so the beaches of Umm Al-Kuwaun are perfect for swimming children.

Hotel Base

There are about a dozen hotels in Umm al-Al-Kuwaine, they all have a category of 3-4 *, "five" here. The most interesting - Umm Al Quwain Beach 4 *, built near the water park, and Flamingo Beach Resort 3 * - a great option for fans of marine fishing.


  • There is an opportunity to look at the original life of the UAE citizens.
  • Very quiet emirate, there is no urban noise and bustle, as in Dubai or Sharjah.
  • A large number of historical and architectural monuments.
  • Dubai with its active urban life is only 50 km away.


  • Scarce nightlife.
  • Intercity transportation to the city itself does not reach, so it is better to use a taxi.
  • Very little hotels, most of them are "treshki" (and not the best quality).


Fujairah is the only emirate located on the shores of the Indian Ocean. The climate is softer here, and the nature is more diverse: besides familiar to the UAE desert landscapes there are rocks, hills and waterfalls, and in addition - healing sulfuric sources.

This emirate is a favorite vacation spot of the Arabs themselves thanks to its beaches.


Fujaira beaches are considered the best in the UAE. All are covered with small golden sand, the entrance to the sea is gentle, and the bottom will appreciate the diving and snorkeling lovers at the depth.

Hotel Base

The main feature of Fujairah is that all hotels are located far from each other.


  • Many shopping centers, as well as a traditional Friday market, where national souvenirs can be purchased.
  • Extensive opportunities for diving.
  • Many historical sights.


  • Dusty roads, due to which hiking is better preferred to move towards a taxi to the final destination.
  • Shorter than in other Emirates, Light Day: Most of the territory of Fujairah is occupied by mountains, and the coast is drawn strictly to the east.


Sharjah - the third largest Emirate of the UAE, located next to Dubai on the shore of two bays at once: Persian and Omansky.

This is the most strict ruled rules. Emirates: here is a hard "dry law", there are no cafes-hookah, nightclubs and strictly-setting any candid outfits are prohibited. At the same time, Sharjah is the cultural center of the UAE: there are many museums, libraries, architectural monuments and other attractions, and in addition - shops and authentic Arab markets. So tourists even in the absence of "forbidden" entertainment will not have to miss.


Sharjah hotels are located on private beaches, but there are also urban well-equipped areas. Everywhere small white sand and a gentle entrance to the sea. Several areas of the coast with their peculiarities are distinguished: Kornish (al-Kornish) - located in the south-west of the city, in a small lagoon surrounded by rows of palm trees. There are several dive clubs here. True, it is worth considering that the sea off the coast of the Kornish beach is not the most calm: there are always small waves and sometimes there are underwater flows. Coral Beach is considered one of the best beaches of the city. Located next to the hotel of the same name in the north-east of the coast. The beach in Lagoon al-Khan is more suitable for a relaxing holiday: there is no such abundance of water entertainment, like on other beaches. On the other hand, it is quite crowded, since it is popular with local residents. At the same time, Al-Khan is considered the safest beach of the Emirate.

It is important to warn tourists about the strict Rules of Sharjah regarding clothing: even on the territory of hotels it is not recommended to appear in a too frank swimsuit, not to mention the city public beaches, which it is worth coming in the most modest clothes.

Hotel Base

Hotels in Sharjah Little, most of them are located on the coast, they all have their own well-kept beaches, but some located closer to the city center are separated from them the embankment. Category of most hotels - 3-4 *.


  • Prices are lower than in Dubai, and thanks to the proximity of these two cities (just about an hour of driving), tourists can diversify a relaxing holiday in Sharjah Nightlife and shopping in Dubai.
  • Not bad features for shopping and water sports.


  • There is no public transport, all movements around the city are carried out on foot or taxi.
  • Strict "dry law" and the complete absence of nightlife.

Thank you for help in the preparation of the material of tour operators: "Russian Express", "Pegas Touristik", "Tez Tour", "Natalie Tours".

The United Arab Emirates fond of the unique unity of the traditional Arabian company, the European service and a sharp contrast between major cities and harsh deserted terrain. However, before going to the tour, it is better to determine the place where it is better to relax and how to save in the UAE. The choice of emirate is better to do based on personal preferences. If you need, the tourist can always change the noisy and filled with resting Dubai to a calm and patriarchal sharding.

Abu Dhabi

The political and federal center of the country is known for its grand business transactions. No less, it is, as well as near the island of Yas, is famous and as a place of rest for the guests of the country. Respectability and variety of leisure places, this is how you briefly describe tourists your stay in this emirate. It offers guests the thematic Park of the Italian supercar Ferrari, in which not only one of the Grand Prix, but also a multitude of attractions, allowing you to manage these famous cars. In addition, interested in the history of this brand can visit the museum, which presents all cars created from the 50s of the 20th century.

Ferrari Park in Abu Dhabi

Interesting seats for family holidays will be like beaches on the island of Yas, and one of the best zoos of the world, with children's animation and special entertainment for small visitors. Excellent equipped city beaches, among which there are separate for men and women, are little suitable for married couples who do not want to part. Therefore, for a beach holiday, the Isle of Yas is better suitable for which various vessels are sent with a small interval.

Making an evening promenade in the embankment of the carnis or climbing on the ferris wheel "Emirates Oko", visiting shopping centers and nightclubs, living in hotels with the shipping cost of hotel rooms and the same luxury, you are not only everywhere you feel the smell of big money, which is saturated all around But you will feel like a real sheikh.


This emirate is many people, both local and tourists call the island of the Western world surrounded by Muslim traditions. Not tired surprising holidaymakers, this emirate has become Mecca for both shopping lovers and entertainment seekers. Shopping lovers are provided with a free shuttle, taking shopaholic from the hotel and heading along the route, which includes the largest shopping malls of the city.

Burj Khalifa in Dubai

Those interested in the warm waters of the Persian Gulf and soak under the Middle East Sun, the Marina Area, with its beach parks, which take into account everything for comfortable recreation and entertainment for children and parents. But if you love a relaxing beach vacation, then change the warm sand on Friday and Saturday and find another place to leisure. On this weekend, all the beaches are crowded without exception due to the official weekend.


For less wasteful and more calm on the manners and preferences, Emirate Sharjah opens their doors. Due to the smaller size and popularity of this part of the United Emirates among the guests of the country, the cost of residence, especially if you settle in the hotel on the first or second line, significantly lower than in the neighboring Dubai.

In addition, the emirate is famous for the rigor to the manners of behavior and following Muslim traditions, less entertainment, but a large comfort and patriarchal degree of surrounding. If you get tired of resting from the crowd and want to shake up, then any taxi or bus will take you to the center of the entertainment created by the Arabs in just twenty minutes.


This emirate is more loyal to alcohol lovers, but most of all it suits people who wish to familiarize themselves with the past of this Middle Eastern country. Locals retain their memory of their past in the stories and to make their own history with guests from other countries in museums. The expositions present ancient artifacts, testifying to the rich history and collection of old weapons, which the ancestors of modern Arabs defended their independence and defended their own honor.

In addition to museums, Emirate Ajman is known for the benevolence of local residents and the atmosphere created by the atmosphere of hospitality. These features of the terrain fully compensate for the absence of a metropolitan gloss, trading turmoil and skyscrapers, which are in more popular among holidaymakers in Emirates.

Located in the northern part of the country, this emirate will become the optimal choice for people sensitive to heat or dryness of air. The average annual temperature and dryness of air in this area are lower than in other emirates. Since this part of the country appears relatively little in the proposals of travel agencies, it has the most optimal relationship between the cost of residence and entertainment and their quality and diversity. It is in this emirate that villains are local rich, who chose the terrain by no means for promotional purposes. Located on the territory of the Emirate are ready to offer resting in them foreigners All Inclusive service concept.

Despite small fame among holidaymakers, in terms of a variety of entertainment, Ras El Himima is able to compete with more "Evrapie" Dubai and a fashionable Abu Dhabi. Hiking in highlanders for lovers of "harsh" recreation, diving for fans of extreme sports, cultural monuments that are the peers of ancient Egypt for connoisseurs of history and visiting local villages for lovers of Arab culture, delicious gourmet dishes and many more things are ready to offer their guests emirate. In addition to entertainment, they come here to correct their health in the hot mineral springs of the Emirate.


This youngest among the rest of the emirate is also not wounded by the attention of guests from other countries. Its protected from hot desert winds and a 90-kilometer coast, turned into a solid beach with a spray day, creates all the conditions for a comfortable family holiday on the beach. For the entertainment offered by local residents, their traditional occupation and landscape imposed, because they are known as the most skilled fishermen among the inhabitants of all united Emirates.

In addition to water dives, where divers will find almost ideal conditions for exploring the diversity of the underwater world, vacationers can take part in fishing or carabs night fishing. The prey caught by them can be served on the table through the slightest hint. The alternative to the beach rest will be a visit to the Gardens of Ain Al-Madhab, hot springs of Ain Al-Gamur or Al-Vurraya waterfalls.

Umm-El Kuwain

The most modest emirate is as ready for reception of guests. The purity and sizes of the beaches will delight people who came to the whole family, the endless groves of the father's palm trees will give a relaxed rest in Arabic style, and multicolored sandy veragans refute the stereotype of "boring" and the monotony of the desert. In addition to loving the surroundings, you will be asked to visit the Water Park Dreamland, a local dolphinarium or a trip to another traditional "transport" - horses traditional for Arabs.

The small number of foreigners is explained by little attention that the inhabitants of the Emirate pay advertising the terrain as a resting place. Tourist infrastructure develops here more, but this does not mean the worst conditions for recreation. Located between commercial and noisy Dubai and the official and fashionable Abu Dhabi, this emirate guarantees the same level of comfort as in more well-known places of residence and entertainment of tourists. In addition, the tiny dimensions of the emirate itself and its successful location will allow you to visit any of the emirates if necessary within a few minutes.

A variety of entertainment places, Arab fantasy and ingenuity, as well as the rapid growth and development of the country make it impossible to unambiguously answer the question where it is better to relax in the UAE. Each of the guests of this Middle Eastern country will find its own corner in which he will forget the excitement earlier and plunge into the world of calm and peace. Come to the United Arab Emirates and find the place where you return more than once.


Once only wealthy tourists could afford a trip to the UAE. In recent years, tours in the UAE have become very popular and fairly available at the price. A simplification of the visa regime for Russians (a visa can now be obtained directly at the airport of this country, by arrival) has become an additional incentive for a trip to the Emirates.

At the same time, many tourists have a question - where better to go to the UAE? The answer to this question depends on the goals of your trip.

If you have never been in the country of the most expensive hotels, the highest skyscrapers, the most steep water parks and the most uncontrolled shopping, read this article. And then it will be clear to you, where it is better to go to the UAE with a child, which resorts and hotels to choose for a beach holiday, and where to go to unrestrained shopping.

Where to go to the UAE and what to do there

As is known, the UAE consists of several Emirates who have their own characteristics: Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Fujairah, Ajman, Umm-El Kuwaine and Ras Al-Heima.

All of them are of interest to tourists, each has its own highlight. But what you like in one tourists can become an unpleasant surprise for others.

For example, the "dry law", acting in Sharjah, prohibits the serve alcohol in hotels and sell in stores. Even tourists. Not even to Muslims.

Do you like to stay on the "all inclusive" system? Excellent! Fujaiwood has such hotels. And they are all standing almost right on the beach. Only here to go out outside the hotel there will be no place.

So, let's deal with all these Emirates.

Abu Dhabi: Green City

So, Abu Dhabi is the capital of the UAE. For all indicators, it is very interesting for recreation option. Firstly, I have Abu Dhabi remained very green, compared with the same Dubai, and, secondly, more relaxed and measured.

Good hotels for accommodation in Abu Dhabi a lot. And the most famous of them - Emirates Palace 5 *, which I recalled the Hermitage - with its sizes and interiors.

Also, I can recommend the following hotels: InterContinental Abu Dhabi 5 *, Khalidiya Palace Rayhaan by Rotana 5 *, Al Raha Beach Hotel 5 *, Beach Rotana Hotel & Towers 5 *, Sheraton ABU Dhabi Hotel & Resort 5 *, Le Meridien Abu Dhabi 4 *.

From inexpensive options: Al Ain Rotana 5 *, GOLDEN TULIP AL JAZIRA HOTEL & RESORT 5 *, Grand Millennium Al Wahda 5 *, Corniche Hotel Abu Dhabi 5 *, Crowne Plaza ABU Dhabi 5 *.

Perhaps the best hotels are now for tourists. on the island of Yas, Which is an artificial island and was constructed relatively recently - in 2009. Because there are the best beaches.

See here Such hotels: Radisson Blu Hotel ABU Dhabi Yas Island 5 *, Yas Viceroy ABU Dhabi 5 *, Yas Island Rotana ABU Dhabi 4 *.

And it is there that is famous grand Track for the Grand Prix of Formula 1 And the largest indoor ferrari Theme Park .

The Yas Waterworld complex is also located on the island of Yas. On the territory of 15 hectares, there are 43 attractions, slides and entertainment that will not leave indifferent anyone.

Another attraction of the UAE, the biggest mosque - sheikh Zayen Mosque - Also located in Abu Dhabi.

So, in Abu Dhabi, there is definitely to have something to do and what to see.

Mom, I'm in Dubai!

Emirate Dubai - the most visited by Russians by Russians. It is here that many tourists arrive with the goal to be sick and look at the incredible architecture. When our aircraft flew to Dubai airport, it seemed to me that we flew another planet - the imagination hit the porthole!

Hotel-sail Burj Al Arab, who received a category of 7 stars and has become a USA business card, is in Dubai. Like the hotel ATLANTIS THE PALM 5 * Located on an artificial bulk island in the form of a giant palm tree.

And of course, the famous tower Burj Khalifa - skyscraper 828 meters high, the highest construction in the world! Climb on its observation platform - and you will find a truly fantastic spectacle!

And the fountain show at the bottom, the Tower, which takes place in the evenings, will become a final chord in your Obai review program. After that, you can safely go to the shopping!

And with shopping in Dubai, you will not have any problems - by the number of shopping centers, he is ahead of all other emirates, combined. Each of these shopping centers is a small microworld, in which there is everything: shops and restaurants of all stripes, beauty salons, cinema halls, oceanariums, children's attractions and even a ski slope and a trace for tubing! You can spend every day in the new shopping center.

For beach holidays, Dubai is also quite good. If funds allow you to book one of the hotels in Jumeyr or Palm.

If not - take a city hotel in Bar-Dubai or Deyre . They have no beaches, but for swimming on the coast of Dubai, two famous beach complexes are equipped with which the holidaymakers most urban hotels are equipped - Al Mamzar Park. and Jumeirah Beach Park.. From most urban hotels in Dubai, free (less often - paid) transfer to these beaches.


The nearest neighbor Dubai is the Emirate of Sharjah. This emirate also has its own airport, and many charter flights from Russia fly to Sharjah Airport.

What may like it Rest in Sharjan ? Advantages of this Emirate:

  • Fast accessibility to infrastructure and attractions Emirate Dubai
  • Prices for rest in Shaong as a whole are 30% lower than similar in class prices Dubai hotels
  • Sharjah Beaches with bridal white or local yellow sand - clean, safe and well-fit for recreation with children
  • In Sharjah a large selection of hotels with direct access to the beach

Beach hotels here are cheaper than in Dubai, but they are not so chic, sometimes quite modest.

From decent, you can recommend the following: Hilton Sharjah 5 *, COAL BEACH Resort Sharjah 4 *, Lavender Hotel Sharjah 4 *, Lou Lou'a Beach Resort 3 *, Al Seef Beach Hotel 3 *, Beach Hotel Sharjah 3 *, SHARJAH PREMIERE HOTEL & RESORT 3 *, Citymax Sharjah 3 *, Verona Resort Sharjah 3 *.

Shopping centers in Sharjah have their own, and to Dubai hand to Dubai. The only thing that is worth remembering to the lovers take off the full - in this emirate there is a "dry law". In a state of alcoholic intoxication, it is impossible to even appear on the streets, not to mention public places.


The modest and calm Ajman settled down only 10 km from Sharjah.

Its territory is the smallest of all seven regions of the country. But in Ajman there is no "dry law". On the contrary, in the store Hole In The Wall, near the hotel Ajman Beach, there are no alcoholic beverages of imported production without restrictions. True, exporting them from the territory of the principality Ajman strictly-setting is prohibited.

The small size of the Ajman with interest compensates for its nature: beautiful palm trees, snow-white beaches and atmosphere of comfort and goodwill. When the city is lowered to the city, local whole families are poured on the embankment to prepare a barbecue on gentle sand, under palm trees or on special white tables with blue picnic umbrellas.

Tourist infrastructure here began to develop not so long ago, but there are good hotels, and for a relaxing holiday, everything is available in them.

You can recommend such hotels: AJMAN Hotel 5 *, Bahi Ajman Palace Hotel 5 *, Fairmont AJMAN 5 *, Ramada Hotel & Suites AJMAN 4 *, Ramada Beach Hotel 4 *, AJMAN SARAY A LUXURY COLLECTION RESORT 4 *, Radisson Blu Hotel Ajman 5 *.

Umm Al Kuwaine

Umm Al Kuwaine is even more quiet and provincial emirate in 34 km north of Ajman, and 50 km from Dubai, it is perfect for measured recreation. Our tourists have already loved it for a good price / quality ratio.

In the emirate of Umm Al Kuwaine and to this day, old traditions and life lifestyle are preserved. Here you can see the life of this country without glamorous plaque.

Umm al-Kuwaine is a true paradise for fisheries lovers. Beautiful beaches and lagoons, historical and architectural monuments are complemented by Dreamland amusement park and quiet clean beaches. In addition, spectacular camel running .

Emirate has a marine club (Marine Club) with windsurfing, water skiing, sailboats, etc.

The choice of hotels is still small, but they are inexpensive and quite decent: Umm Al Quwain Beach 4 *, BIN MAJID FLAMINGO 3 *, Palma Beach Resort & Spa 4 *.

Ras Al Khaima

Ras Al Khaima - the northernmost seven Emirates has abundant greens, so it is considered one of the most beautiful places to relax in the UAE. A favorable climate and fertile soils made it a real blooming oasis on the border of the mountains, close to the seashore. Tourists with children will greatly please water Park Iceland Waterpark. Which was built built in 2010. Travelers are also waiting for a truly unforgettable adventure - flying on a light sports plane or anoshut.

Perhaps Ras-El Highma is the most profitable price proposal of a beach holiday in the UAE. Here are magnificent beaches and a decent hotel base - from 3 to 5 stars. Of those who have already loved our tourists, I want to note HILTON AL HAMRA BEACH & GOLF RESORT 5 *, BIN MAJID BEACH Hotel 4 *.

In my opinion, the Ras El High region is ideal for family holidays with children.


So we got to the last Emirate - Fujairah. It is farther from Dubai Airport, on the Indian Ocean coast, in the Oman Gulf.

Most of all Fujair love supporters of a relaxing beach holiday. And for those who are fond of diving, there is just a paradise.

On Fujaiwood there are no simple hotels - here only gorgeous "fives", several of them work on the "All Inclusive" system. And it is quite reasonable, because To go outside the territory of the hotel and buy something you will not work - shops and restaurants are not here. There is almost no tourist infrastructure outside the hotel in general.

Hotels on Fujaire: Radisson Blu Resort Fujairah 5 *, Miramar Al Aqah Beach Resort 5 *, Fujairah Rotana Resort & Spa - Al Aqah Beach 5 *, Le Meridien Al Aqah Beach Resort 5 *, Fairmont Fujairah Beach Resort 5 *, Oceanic Khorfakkan Resort & Spa 4 *.

Another pride of Fujairy are hot Springs Ain Al-Gamur Formed due to the eruption of the volcano. Due to the incessant sulfur movement, the sources always remain hot. The average temperature of the source is about 60 degrees Celsius and never falls below 40 degrees. Water is rich in various useful chemical elements. Every year, people who want to cure the musculoskeletal apparatus and skin diseases are coming here.

So they are different, these combined Arab Emirates. Now that you know what is interesting every emirate, you can easily pick up and book your own holiday hotels: Pick up an inexpensive tour in the UAE

Choose and rest!

Before meeting a blog!

The charter of the harsh climate, an increasing number of citizens seek to warm up in the sun, regardless of the time of year. Looking for the direction, tourists stop the choice in an exotic country, an amazing way combining oriental traditions with high standards of service. Rest in attracts exotic identity and developed infrastructure, allowing you to realize the dream of an eastern fairy tale.

The desire to visit the country Sheykhov today is easily realized. Snow-white sandy beaches, affecting the imagination skyscrapers, luxurious and giant shopping centers are waiting for tourists.

UAE: Location and Climate

The territory of 83.6 thousand square kilometers spread out on the south-east of the coast of the Arabian Peninsula. The federal state is bordered by Saudi Arabia, Sultanat Oman and Qatar. Washed by the warm waters of the Indian Ocean and two bays (Omansky and Persian), the UAE is pleasing to resting by the subtropical climate. Heat and sunny on the exotic coast all year round. 20 degrees of heat are the minimum air temperature. For those who hardly transfers heat, rest in will be the best time to travel. Excellent weather and comfortable temperatures will allow you to fully enjoy your useful pastime.

And in the hottime, from May to September, favorable conditions on the territory of hotels are provided for vacationers. For the eastern coast of mountainous areas of the country in the hot time, the saving wind soften the climate.

Gathered on a trip to the UAE? Prepare documents

Tourists traveling on a trip on the coast, where a young country with strict Muslim laws and holy by honored traditions should be taken care of visa. Registration of permission to enter the country can be engaged in independently, contacting the Consulate of the United Arab Emirates, or to trust the agency that the ticket is purchased. Required documents for obtaining a visa:

· Color photocopy of a valid foreign passport;

· Finished in English profile;

· Color photos;

· 80 American dollars as a consular fee.

For children who are inscribed in the passport of parents, do not have to pay visa. For consideration of documents, time from three working days is given. Consulates may require additional documents, also employees reserve the right to not explain the reason for refusing to issue a visa. With particular attention relate to unmarried women without escorting relatives, intending to enter the country.

If the visa is obtained, then when the boundary passes, it is necessary to present it a copy in electronic form, as well as a passport.

Check out the entry rules

Tourists should be aware of the customs regulations when traveling to rest can be spoiled already when crossing the border, if the tourist is visiting the products of erotic content, alcohol over two liters, drugs. Carefully treat imported medicines, so there is better to leave drug-containing or potent sedatives at home, because you can go to prison or be deported from the country. Visual control reveals people with inadequate behavior, which are obliges to pass the test for unacceptable drugs, and in case of confirmation of suspicion, it is strictly punished, according to the legislation of the UAE.

But there is no restrictions on the import of national and foreign currency.

7 Emirates - choose any

An attractive place for tourists manitis holidays all year round. The state represents the confederation of the Emirates, which includes Sharjah, Dubai, Ajman, Fujairah, Abu Dhabi, Umm Al-Kuwaine and Ras Al-Heima, each of which is distinguished by dimensions, originality, local laws, recreation, infrastructure and attractions .

Choosing a vacation in the Arab Emirates, people weighing themselves to their financial opportunities, because on the tourist map of the world this direction is considered one of the most expensive options.

  • The largest in the area is Abu Dhabi, and the city of the same name is the capital of the state. This emirate is focused on business tourists. Here everything amazes luxury, decent admiration for incredible skyscrapers and man-made islands.
  • Dubai - the second largest emirate is distinguished by liberality. Vacationers with different levels of wealth will be able to relax both in elite hotels and in budget hotels. Climb to the highest construction in the world - "Bourges Califa" (828 m) or a hotel-record holder "Rose Tower" (333 m) will be able to everyone. Skiing skiing of any complexity in the covered ski complex operating all year round, or entertainment in giant water parks in size in 17 and 6 hectares will leave indelible impressions for those who visited the Arab Emirates. Dubai, a rest in which will enrich impressions, attracts Sheikh's Palaces.
  • Visit Emirate Sharjah means visiting the coast of the Indian Ocean and the Persian bays at the same time. Most often, the tourists are caressing gentle waves and golden sand, because these associations are caused by the Arab Emirates traveling to rest. Hotel 4 * - Middle Price Beach Hotel, which most often choose tourists who prefer calm and comfort.
  • The delicious greens of Emirates Ras Al-Khaima conquers exquisite design. Beautiful place is washed by gentle waves of the Persian Gulf. Picturesque landscape attractive for tourists.
  • Umm Al-Kuwaine is considered the most quiet and provincial emirate that attracts tourists by architectural monuments. The life links and national traditions of local residents are preserved here.
  • Fujaire prefer to rest tourists who avoid large clusters of people. Spa zones are attractive to beach rest and climbing in the mountains. Hotels attract food on the principle "All Inclusive".
  • The smallest Emirate Ajman, located half an hour from Dubai Airport, is rich in mineral water reserves, which provides the countries of the Persian Gulf. Here tourists are glad to visit the National Historical Museum.

Mentality of local residents

Before traveling to another country, it will not be superfluous with its national peculiarities. It is unacceptable an unceremonious attitude towards a woman (foreigner or local - without a difference), which will not tell about Egypt or Turkey.

Tourists from all over the world seek to get high-quality vacation in the Arab Emirates, but for the trip to not overstate, the rules should be followed:

· In the country with strict Muslim nravami, a "dry law" operates, and in public places from alcohol it is better to refrain;

· It is forbidden to carry hot drinks from one emirate to another;

· Alcohol as a gift - a bad sign;

· It is impossible to sunbathe topless, only in a swimsuit, outside the pool or beach in it is also not recommended;

· Show respect for Arab women (photographing them is tantamount to insult, it is forbidden to take a married woman to hand);

· At the entrance to the house, the mosque must be removed shoes;

· Always leave tip taxi drivers.

Beach tourism

Each emirate is characterized by the color of sand on the coast (from dazzling white to the shades of red). Lowned and clean beaches attract tourists. The territory is equipped for a comfortable pastime sun beds and tan umbrellas. City beaches can be both paid and free. There is a territory and for family holidays. Abu Dhabi coast marked the flag of the European Union for purity.

In Dubai, on the beaches of Al-Mamzar Parks and Jumeira Beach Park, one day of the week is considered female, so the presence of men is prohibited.

Wriges of water sports should be visited by the coastline of Fujaira. Beach holidays in Sharjah will conquer picturesque types of coral reefs and delightful blue bays. On the yacht you can visit deserted places, the pristine beauty of which will leave indelible impressions.

Arab Emirates: rest with children

Not only business tourism attracts to an actively developing eastern country. Entrepreneurs and a sea of \u200b\u200bpositive emotions guarantees tourists to rest in the Arab Emirates.

Feedback from those who visited the exotic edge of families can only hear positive. A long history and high technologies are intertwined here. Distantly appreciated the rest ban on alcohol in Sharjah, where calm is guaranteed to families with children, and also like a quiet emirate Ras Al-Heim with a wonderful Waterproke Dreamland. Friendly attitude to Russian-speaking tourists makes rest in the Arab Emirates every year more popular. Yes, and safety with comfort on the Arabian coast of tourists are provided.

Do you prefer active leisure?

Tourists who are tired of bathing and serene felting in the sun will be able to gain new impressions.

A fascinating program is provided for fans of active pastime, making an unforgettable vacation in the Arab Emirates. Reviews are impressive, because not every country will offer such a variety:

· Rally in the desert on cars;

· Walking on camels or horses;

· Windsurfing, golf, diving, archery;

· Racing on high-speed boats;

· Racing on purebred Arab horses;

· Camel runs;

· Crab catching under the cover of the night;

· Falcon hunting or "show of predatory birds."

Means of movement in the country

Taxi is accepted in the UAE, because public transport is poorly developed. For women, cars are provided, painted in pink color, where only women work drivers. The passage costs five to ten dirham, in the bus - 1.5. There is a water taxi (boats - "abras"), providing a message between the banks of the Dubai Channel.

Tourists older than 21 years can take a car for rent. This requires international driver's license issued for more than a year ago. Insurance is necessarily executed. The minimum rental period is a day. The car for hire is equipped most often with a lilac warning of speeding. It is permissible to move on the motorways 100 km / h through the settlements - no more than 60 km / h.

Country Fund

Stay in the city or on the beach? Tourists decide this question based on individual preferences. The Arab Emirates are famous for the developed infrastructure. Holidays hotels guarantee impeccable. Luxury apartments offer tourists on the coast of Dubai, in the prestigious areas of Jumeira, Sharjah, where the cost of the rooms is very high. In Abu Dhabi buildings are located on the shore, because the lands are missing, the beach line is narrow, which reduces the cost of living. Ajman has a weak hotel base, so attractive for a budget tourist. In Fujaiwood, nutrition has been established, allowing not to worry about dinner and dinner, because most of other emirates are provided in the hotel only breakfast for guests.

Tourists, not tolerating heat, it is recommended to poison in the spring to rest. In the Arab Emirates in April, a very comfortable temperature that allows you to fully enjoy the trip. Each of the hotels has a swimming pool, where guests rest with pleasure. Almost all urban hotels offer a free shuttle to the beach.

Shopping fans are not disappointed

A unique country leaving tourists with beneficial discounts. Small duties and favorable laws made the UAE attractive for holidaymakers seeking not only to update the wardrobe, but also household equipment, electronics, computers, jewelry. Rest in January allows you to purchase innovations of world brands at the annual trading festival in Dubai.

It is difficult to name the well-known trademark that is not presented in the range of goods sold at an affordable price. New Year's tours are not as good for beach lovers, but for admirers of excursion trips opens wide prospects.

Features of national cuisine

Due to the established religious peculiarities of the pork in the diet of local residents is unacceptable. Arabic dishes are replete with a variety of meat species, tourists in the hotel's restaurant menu will offer beef dishes, veal, lamb, kozdyatins or birds. Cooked with spices or nuts Guzi, Shawerma, Kustilet, Keba, Mushakkal, Byriani Ajaj, Samama will delight guest visitors. Fans of seafood will surprise Macbus Samak, Biriani Samak, toledew, sharks and crustaceans cooked on coals. Equal milk products, vegetables, greens in grape leaves will appreciate vegetarians.

Traditional Arabian hit gourmet. And sweet toes will come to the soul pistachio or dairy pudding, sorbet, asda dessert.

Each hotel is proud of the chef, which adequately presents the national cuisine in the menu of its restaurant.

Currency and the language of the UAE

Explain in the country in Arabic and English. The influx of Russian-speaking tourists forces employees of hotels, restaurants, shops to master the language of Slavs. In most hotel complexes, personnel owns the necessary set of phrases that contribute to the understanding of tourists.

Dirham is the national currency of the UAE, it is equal to 100 phils. US dollars are also actively used for calculations, but it is better to exchange them in a bank to local currency.

The cost of a ticket to the country of Eastern Charm depends on the time of year, the location of the resort, the hotel's star, service class. Although it is believed that the tour in the UAE is an expensive pleasure, but you can buy it if desired. Pick up the option of a budgetary or elite rest in a magical country today is real.