Repairs Design Furniture

Plannels from the ceiling chart. How to make a glider with your own hands. Homemade glider. Blueprints. Schematic model of glider

A little about the model. Before doing something more serious, especially in modeling, you need to practice on a simpler. Let's make a glider from ordinary paper and cardboard. A properly adjusted model can rise into the air to a height of up to 6 meters and fly up to 25 meters away. These characteristics in our case depend on the thickness of the cardboard, the weight of the cargo and the quality of the assembly.

For the manufacture of this paper model, the glider will be needed:

  • cardboard (preferably not thin);
  • pVA glue;
  • plasticine;
  • scissors;
  • pencil with a ruler.


The first, where to start designing the model - drawing. Figure 1 shows all components and dimensions of the model (dotted line - the places of bends, the barcode dotted line - the axis of the center of gravity of the model). Drawing on the cardboard a sketch of the future model with compliance with all sizes, 4 blanks should turn out.

  1. Wing;
  2. Ribbiness;
  3. Keel;
  4. Fuselage.

Fig. 2. All parts are already cut.

Now it is necessary to heat the edge of the wing (blank 1) and wove it with glue. Next, the melted glue and the bent the edge of the wing, you need to press well so that it is glued.

The next step is the assembly of the fuselage (billet 4). The sequence of assembly is as follows:

  • i flex 90 degrees on the dotted stabilizer (in the model's tail).
  • we wash the riffness edge from both sides (blank 2) and the lower part of the keel (billet 2), as was indicated by shading in Figure 1.
  • insert the rifferent rigidity and keel into your places and clutches the fuselage, so that all parts are well glued.

Fig.3. As a result, it should be like this.

The next step is the compound of the wing and fuselage. The order of assembly is:

  • bend at an angle of 90 degrees wing holders (by dotted);
  • apply glue to the upper sides of the wing holders;
  • connect the wing and fuselage, giving them to glue (Figure 4).

After all the details of the aircraft are glued, you can begin the final stage - adjust the center of gravity of the model. In order to do this, it is necessary to stick the load to the fuselage, as shown in Figures 5 and 6. Then the model is also indicative and thumb and check the location of the center of gravity.

If the center of gravity is shifted from the axis of the center of gravity to the model's nose - it will go down the stone. If the center of gravity is shifted to the tail of the model - the model will simply be tumble in the air, and will not fly. Therefore, the optimal position of the center of gravity is under the wing of the model. However, a small displacement is allowed.

To start the model, you just need to take it with a large and index finger under the wing, and a sharp movement of the hand forward to launch the model into the air. As practice shows, almost always the model flies on the normal trajectory from the first time.

This article step by step describes the creation of the simplest glider for children of younger school age. You can make it in a couple of hours, and the materials are used the most accessible.

- Ceiling tile
- plywood 4 mm
- Bamboo spancut
- Sushi wand
- gum for money
- Thicks
- Cardboard

- Cutter
- a pen
- ruler
- scissors
- Adhesives for the ceiling and pva
- Lobzik
- Entrait
- Brushes and paints

Step 1. Drawing and templates.

The drawing is made right on the cardboard sheet to then cut the templates from it. All parts of the details are indicated. From the nose of 75 mm is the distance to the front edge of the wing and the border on which the nasal part of plywood will die.

Cut with scissors details templates.

Step 2. Cut and glue the model.

If the drawing was drawn on a dense cardboard, then the parts on the ceiling can not be drawn, but cut directly in templates. The tail inner part I cut out of the remnants of the ceiling, and therefore it is from two parts, but it can be done whole.

From plywood weeping the nasal part and make a cutout in it for a bamboo stick, which will be in a crochet model for gum.

We glue the pieces of the fuselage together, while blowing the plywood and tail part between the sidewalls of the fuselage.

If for some reason it is not possible to make a plywood part, the nose can be dragged with a coin, incurred it between the sidewalls, but the weight will have to pick up that the centering is suitable.
We process the edges of the fuselage sandpaper and glue the wing to it.

Then we glue the stabilizer.

Model is ready to paint.

Step 3. Painting the model.

Before painting, it is better to first draw the contours with a handle for greater accuracy or at all first paint the items, and then glue, but it's more convenient.
If there are no acrylic paints, you can paint the model with markers and even poke the color scotch.
In this case, we use acrylic paints - blue and orange.

The wing and stabilizer can be painted only on top, leaving white below.

The contours of the cabin in the nose part with a handle or felt-tip pen.

Step 4. Making a starting device.

In fact, the starting device is a kind of slingshot to run the model higher.
For its manufacture, you will need an elastic band for money and a wand for sushi (or any other speech).

Threads with PVA glue take a rubber band to the end of a stick.

The desire to fly through the air was in humans, it seems, it is always that it pushed scientists to create many wonderful aircraft, but not all of them were safe, could fly to long distances. Among them is such an amazing apparatus as a glider, which is relevant to this day. He gave rise to a whole sport in which competitions are held. Many have heard of him, but not even have no idea what he represents.

What is a glider?

This is a kind of irregular weight of which is much heavier than air. The movement in it occurs under the influence of its own weight. The glider makes its flight using the aerodynamic force of the air flow on its wing. He seems to soar in the air. There are various models of this device: by the number of seats - one-, two- and multi-dimensional; For appointment - training, training and sports. The engine is plain goods, it is the most simple aircraft.

For take-off, an aircraft-towers is used, which attaches it to its board with a cable. After lifting the towing driver, the glider soars. Then they unfold the cable, the device flies alone. Many note that the flights on the glider are simply great, because everything happens in silence, without annoying hum of the motor. After the newcomer recognizes in practice what a glider is, he wants to make flights on it again and again.

There are two flight options on this apparatus: Warning and planning. Planning is a flight of a glider with a decrease that is very similar to sensations with a rapid descent on a sleigh either on a trolley along a steep slope. The passing involves the use that is created using the air flow and supports the aircraft while driving in the air.

A bit of history

It is the flight on the glider and opened up the new opportunities in the air in the air, because the aircraft was still very far before the invention. These aircraft previously did not have any cabins for pilots, nor the chassis. In some models, the pilot just lay on the platform or drove the plane, standing on his hands, with the help of movements of his own body. Preceded, it caused certain inconvenience during flights. These aircraft were able to preserve their relevance and now.

Many lovers are thinking about how to make a glider with their own hands. It would be necessary to have a similar device in your arsenal for personal flights. Children will be very pleased with this invention and will find it a good toy. And the flight on the planer of real sizes can give a lot of excellent sensations of a lung saving in the air.

Choosing a suitable model

The homemade apparatus must certainly have some important qualities that can be found in learning the appropriate option in the store.

What will the glider look like? The newcomer in this matter is often not easy to achieve the correctness of the design, which is why it is so important to adhere to the general rules.

Those who have a minimum experience in design, will be quite difficult to make a model, so it is recommended to choose something easy, but with no less elegance than purchased analogs. There are only two basic designs of this aircraft, which will not require special efforts and costs. It is for these reasons that they will be the most optimal choice.

The first option is based on the principle of the designer, it is going and tipped into the air right at the test site.

The second option is the national team, has a holistic design and is resistant. Its creation - the work is quite painstaking and heavy. Not every planership is able to make such.

Blider drawing

At the initial stage, it is necessary to make calculations and thoroughly think about everything. Those who want to make a glider with their own hands, the drawing planned plan needs to be viewed. It is also necessary to decide in advance with the materials that will be applied in the future design.

For different models of gliders, a complete set of resources is needed: small shells of wood massif, twine, high-quality glue, ceiling tiles, a small piece of plywood.

The magnitude of the first model

The first design of the glider will be pretty light, its nodes are fastened with the help of ordinary stationery and glue. It is for this reason that it is not necessary to comply with the accuracy in design. You need to adhere to several basic rules:

  • the total length of the glider should not exceed 1 meter;
  • the magnitude of the wings is a maximum of one and a half meters.

The remaining details are at the discretion of the planyrist.

Format of the second model

Here it is really worth thinking about the quality of the manufacturer of the model. It is very important that all the details are calculated to a millimeter. The drawing of the glider must correspond to the created model, otherwise the design does not squeeze. This model must have the following parameters:

  • the maximum length of the aircraft is up to 800 mm;
  • width wing width is 1600 mm;
  • height, which includes the size of the fuselage and stabilizer, is up to 100 mm.

After all the necessary values \u200b\u200bare clarified, you can safely start modeling.

Training - Half Success

Before starting to design real flying units, you can practice and build a paper glider. You can make it from a small paper sheet and matches, it will fly perfectly. It is only necessary to adjust a small weight of plasticine on the nose at the model. For this simple design you will need a notebook sheet of paper, scissors, matches, a piece of plasticine.

To begin with, you need to cut the glider body by the template, after which the wings on the dotted line up are. Next, gently glue the match on the inner part of the model so that the match of the match performs behind the nose of the center of the wing and did not have protrusions from behind. After drying the glue and fixing matches, the process of adjusting the glider begins. You need to pick up a loader of plasticine for it so that it regulates the flight process. This balancing is attached to the edge of the match.

Simple glaner variety

The base for the glider (its wing part) is cut from the ceiling tiles. After that, rectangles are created from a similar material. This is done in such a way as to have enough for all items: the wing must have a size of 70 x 150 cm, the horizontal stabilizer is 160 x 80 cm, and the vertical - 80 x 80 cm. It is necessary to cut the main parts extremely neatly.

The perimeter needs to be swallowed with toilet paper so that everything is extremely smooth and there was no jar. Each narrow and thin edge should be rounded, so you can give a construct a little elegance, its aerodynamic properties will also improve. Rights can be created from simple pinch, just thoroughly sharpen and give them the desired form in advance. After all these manipulations, it is necessary to gently glue the wood to the middle of the wing so that it does not go beyond the edges. The main part is almost ready.

Now you need to take care of the body of the glider, this design is quite simple and consists of a thin sticky and small stabilizers. Rounded squares need to be glued together to make a certain similarity of the letter "T" in three-dimensional dimension. It is attached to the tail. With the help of such manipulations, you will make the framework, it will remain all attached with the help of conventional stationery. A planning of a glider will come to the help of the novice designer, leaning on which, everything can be done efficiently.

Sophisticated model of aircraft

Create a children's glider will not be difficult for newcomers. But more serious models require special efforts and much longer time to construct. Therefore, people who are asked about how to make a globally, it is worth examining the process of building an aircraft in more detail. This will help create a reliable design. Having a ready-made model, newcomers will be able to evaluate what glider, which advantages he possesses.

Toy model with a small motor

The fuselage of this model is made of finely sharp matches and is covered with ordinary paper for Papile. A piece of plasticine for adjustment is placed in the model of the model. Wings, stabilizer and keel cut out of dense cardboard paper. Everyone who knows what the glider is, can cover doubt when this "Zagunulina" will be in his hands. However, work has not yet been completed.

Now it remains only to straighten cardboard wings and secure some plasticine on the nose. After that, you can in practice, check how this model makes flights.

The possibilities of this match design are very limited, it makes flights with a decrease, in the air may require constant adjustment. It is much more interesting to launch glider into the air, capable of painting on their own in the air, so you can additionally make a rubber engine. It takes no more than half an eye on the manufacture of this important detail. To do this, it is necessary to neatly do in the fuselage of matches. Small deepening, where the front bearing of the screw and the rear hook will be inserted. Both specified details are created from the usual soft wire. The latter needs to be neatly rushing the thread exclusively in the places of its joint with the fuselage. These compounds are carefully labeled glue.

After that, you need to handle the motor screw, the length of which is 45 mm, the width is 6 mm, and the thickness is 4 mm. In the center of the screw, you need to skip the wire axis, the end of which is hooking for a future rubber track. Two threads stretched out of the clothes rope can be used for a rubberwear, screw them up 100-120 revolutions. The device with such a simple engine will look up in the air very quickly.

After the newcomer makes the glider with their own hands, the drawings more complicated to him no longer seem difficult. Successes!

The proposed simple designs of glider are designed in a circle of experimental design of Syut G. Kostroma. All of them are mainly made of foam, but differ from each other with dimensions, proportions, mass, wing manufacturing technology, flight characteristics. Models are recommended for making young model stores at home, on mug classes and technology lessons.

A small light glider with a wing of 200 mm and a mass of 4 g (Fig. 1) refers to the discharge of the simplest entertainment models and can be made in a few hours. He is launched in the gymnasium or in a glad weather on the playground using the catapult. The model with a wing of 230 mm wing and weighing 7 g (Fig. 2) is somewhat heavier and stronger, the duration of its flight is higher (approximately 15 seconds). The glider is designed to start with the hands and using the catapult (even with a small wind) on a football or other field.

A more complex model (Fig. 3) with a wing scale 400 mm and weighing 26 g is a throwing glider. The construction of throwing gliders are engaged in both beginners and experienced modelists. For this class of models, competitions are held. The main task is to achieve maximum flight duration. A set of height is provided only from throwing hand. When designing such a glider, it is necessary to solve a whole range of tasks. It is necessary to achieve the optimal ratio of the mass of the model, the shape and the area of \u200b\u200bcarrier surfaces so that the glider can be thrown at maximum height. After takeoff, the model should clearly switch to sustainable long-term planning mode. To this end, in the proposed design, the nose of the fuselage is made short enough, and the tail beam is long, but light and durable. With such an aerodynamic scheme, almost a weightless and compact tail plumage is outside the wing vigorous zone and works efficiently. Even in the absence of ascending streams, students of 5-6 classes with a properly completed shot managed to achieve the duration of the flight of the microcer agent to 30 seconds. To start such a model, a field size is required at least 200 × 200 meters, better outside the city.

Preparatory work lies in the performance of the drawings of parts in the natural value, the manufacture of wing patterns, stabilizer, keel and nasal part of the fuselage, selection of materials. Ceiling foam tiles will be required with a thickness of 3.5 mm with dimensions of 500 × 500 mm (sold in building and finishing materials), dense varieties of foam, wood (spruce, pine, linden), PVA and paint glue.

1 - centering load (lead); 2 - nose of the fuselage; 3 - fuselage (pine); 4 - wing; 5 - stabilizer; 6 - Kiel; Material details 2, 4, 5, 6 - foam

1 - centering load (lead); 2 - nose of the fuselage; 3 - fuselage (pine); 4 - Kiel; 5 - wing; 6 - spar (match); 7 - Stabilizer

1 - centering load (lead); 2 - nose of the fuselage; 3 - fuselage (pine); 4 - Kiel; 5 - wing; 6 - strengthening under the finger (plywood S1,5); 7 - spar (pine); 8 - stabilizer

Creating models It is recommended to start with the manufacture of wing, keel and stabilizer. These parts after marking the circuit in templates can be cut by a scalpel. Then it should be proceeded to their profiling. In order to simplify the design of the wing throughout the scope has a flat-convex profile. A significant part of the material from the maximum thickness line is better to remove with a sharp knife. The surface of the surface is carried out using a skirt of various graininess pasted on plywood plates with dimensions of approximately 50 × 200 mm, with constant control in templates. To give the wing of the model (Fig. 1.2) of a small transverse V-picture before going into a fuselage slot along the symmetry axis on the upper surface, it is necessary to make an incision. In the second of the proposed structures, the central part of the wing is enhanced by a short spar from the match. In the model of the throwing unit (Fig. 3) on the lower surface of the wing, a slot should be made and gluke the spar into it. Next, from the wing, where the spar ends, you need to sprinkle "ears" and re-glue them under the necessary angle. Pre-butt surfaces are mounted with a skin so that the gaps are minimal.

As is known from the practice of launching throwing gliders, a good throw is obtained when the fuselage is captured by large and middle fingers, and the last fold of the index relieves on the rear edge of the root part of the right console. Therefore, its lower surface is advisable to enhance the plywood or cardboard with a 1.5-mm pad under the index finger. The front edge of the wing can be saved with thin colored paper on the liquid PVA. Kiel and models stabilizer have a "smooth board" profile with rounded edges. The cut should be highlighted by the "rotation steering wheel" and the "height steering wheel".

The nose of the fuselage of the models is made of dense foam, and the rake of the fuselage is made of light wood. In the nasal part, a slot was made exactly by the profile of the wing and the cavity under lead car was drilled. The exact location of the groove on the bottom surface of the fuselage to engage the rubber cord of the catapult is selected experimentally.

The connection of parts is carried out on PVA glue. The wing is gently inserted into the roset of the fuselage and is fixed with glue. The junction zone of the wing and fuselage should be enhanced by strips from drawing paper. Next are glued with a keel and stabilizer.

The decoration of the models includes the color of the fuselage rack nitroemal and the covered paper of the wing.

The debugging of the glider is beginning to eliminate the distortion, and then proceed to balancing. The center of gravity of models started using the catapult (Fig. 1.2) must be at a distance equal to about 33% wing width, if you count off the connection of its front edge with the fuselage. In the throwing glider, the centering is approximately 45 °. The adjustment is carried out by increasing the mass of the centering cargo or its decrease by drilling it.

During trial launches of models, due to the minimum deviation of the height and direction steering, it is achieved by a smooth transition after a set of height to the battle in the left prience. Recommendations for the launch and debugging of the simplest, as well as throwing gliders were previously brought in the journal.

A. Tikhonov, Kostroma

Which boys do not admire such structures as aircraft? And made aircraft models from the ceiling tiles with their own hands - this is an excellent gift for those who are fond of aviation of children. Especially if they took part in the assembly of the glider. The article will tell you how to make a simple model of the aircraft from the ceiling tile.

Avia modelism

The construction of the aircraft models is a popular type of technical sport, which is interesting to schoolchildren, students, workers and engineers. At the same time, each chooses the class of aircraft models that responds to his interests.

In aircodellisme, there are three quite large detachments of models of aircraft presented in Table:

Class model Features

In such models it is impossible during the flight intervention of the designer. All adjustments and settings of the aircraft are completed when it starts. They can be: - inspext - gliders; - with the simplest, very small, internal combustion engine, which is fastened to the body with a rubber band. Motors on models work for a few seconds to throw lightly structures up to one hundred meters up, and then they smoothly descend down.

To turn off the engine and transfer of the steering wheel to planning, timers or special hour mechanisms are served.

Such models athlete controls wire threads called Cords. The devices fly in a circle with a diameter of about 40 meters. The "pilot" is located in its center with a control handle. After pulling the handle, the height steering is deviated, and the device obedient takes up. And the deviation of the handle from itself causes the model to decline.

The devices are:

  • Mail, capable of performing all the shapes of the highest pilot.
  • High-speed, developing speed up to 300 km per hour.
  • Racing, combining efficiency, reliability of engine launch, convenience of service and high quality in flight.

Controlled remotely, without wires. To do this, there is a set of radio equipment in which the transmitter includes the operator's hands, and the receiver with the steering control mechanisms mounted on board the model.

Avia modeling device

Tip: Before making an aircraft from the ceiling tile, it is necessary to get acquainted with its design.

The device of all models is very similar. The main nodes of the radio-controlled model of the aircraft are presented in the photo.


  • Fuselage. This is the basis of the entire model on which:
  1. bearing structures;
  2. tail part;
  3. chassis.

Inside are installed:

  1. engine;
  2. equipment for controlled aircraft: receiver, steering controls, batteries.
  • Wing. Used to create lifting power. The wing holds the model in the air.
  • Ailerones - Steering surfaces placed on the backside of the wing and deviate up or down in antiphase. They allow the plane to lean left and right.
  • Tail plumage. In its composition, the vertical part is kil, and the horizontal is the stabilizer. This device provides a stability aircraft so that it can fly straight and smoothly, not kwwing in the sky, chaotic changing the direction of his movement.

In the back of the keel, the steering wheel is installed.

  • Chassis. Allow the models take off from the surface and then sit on it.

Tip: In the absence of the chassis, the start model should be done from the hands, and plant the aircraft "on the belly".

  • Engine. Creates the movement of the model, allows it to gain the desired height, and then maintain the specified speed.
  • Tank. Used for fuel required for engine operation.

  • Receiver. Receives a transmitter signal, enhances it, processed. And then transfers to steering machines.
  • Steering machines. Convert a signal leaving the receiver in moving the models of the model through connected traction.
  • Food receiver and machine running from onboard battery. Usually these are four "finger" element.

Select model

Tip: Choosing an aircraft from the ceiling tile to manufacture with your own hands, it is necessary to ensure that it is primarily reliable to take off and sit down, and then satisfying aesthetic requests.

The aircraft model must have such properties:

  • To be stable: to be kept well in the air without the participation of the pilot.
  • It is easy to repaid that provide aircraft models from the ceiling tiles.
  • Sufficient strength, but without prejudice to flight qualities: to withstand hard landings, and fly well.

Make yourself

Tools and materials will be needed for work:

Production of any design, including aircraft model, begins with the development of drawings. To do this, you can use the services of specialists or copy them from sites by printing templates on the printer or draws in size.

After the printer:

  • Prints on the formats of A4 sheets are declined on a flat surface at the ordinal numbers. As a result, the image of the elements of the aircraft in a natural value should be obtained.
  • All the necessary sheets glued together.
  • When gluing sheets without disrupting the size and geometry of the future aircraft.
  • The cutting line is scheduled by connecting special crosses drawn along the corners that determine the boundaries of the image.
  • The resulting drawings of the aircraft from the ceiling tiles with fragments of the design are connected, glue is applied to non-cut edges, and gently all parts glued so that their joints are very precisely coincided.

  • So glued all the fragmented elements of the model.
  • Paper templates are cut with scissors.

Production of blanks

From the ceiling tiles on the prepared templates, blanks are cut to assemble the aircraft.

Tip: So that the sheets are not shifted from the tiles, they must be fixed on the surface of the material with glue. After the markup is completed, the glue does not have time to dry and the paper is easily removed without damaging for further use.

  • For marking simple parts, with straight lines, a sufficient needle to pierce all its corners.
  • Remove the stencil and with the help of a ruler from adjacent puncture points on the tile, the knife is cutting the material.
  • The ruler is shifted to the following adjacent points, until the complete cut is completed.
  • The workpiece of a complex shape having rounded sides can be cut on the template completely.

  • Each item is preferably marked, to facilitate its destination, according to the assembly drawing.

Assembling aircraft

Before you start assembling all the details, it is better to watch video.

An aircraft assembly technology can be approximately described in this way:

  • Double partitions are glued together, consisting of several parts, which increase their strength. For example, fuselage partitions.

Tip: To work, use titanium glue, its price is most affordable for beginner models. Apply the adhesive more convenient to the syringe without a needle using it as a dispenser.

  • So that the ends of the cut parts were smooth, they are cleaned with sandpaper.
  • The sidewall fuselage is put on the table so that the front side is outside the aircraft. All mounting holes are cut on it.
  • According to this detail, the same holes are performed on the second half of the fuselage.
  • On the glued side of the billet of the front partition of the compartment, glue is applied and the part is pressed at the installation site. After waving the composition on the conjugated part, the blanks are separated and left for partial drying of the adhesive, about 30 seconds. The parts are again connected and pressed with the effort of about 10 seconds.
  • When assembling the aircraft, if necessary, adjust the dimensions of the compartment under the battery, constantly checking the perpendicularity of the rogged parts by the carbon or ruler.
  • So gradually they collect all the fuselage partitions.

  • After installing all partitions, the second sidewall fuselage is glued.
  • The nose of the aircraft and the fastening of the frame under the engine is coming.
  • The upper part of the fuselage is installed.
  • Billets tail. At the same time, fittings made of reinforced tape for fixing the helm of the direction and the toothpicks for stiffness are laid.

  • The gluing is clamped with board and clamps, which will ensure the smooth gluing.
  • Inserts to its place the tail.
  • Controlled and strictly withstands the vertical elements.
  • Grind the height steering parts. In this case, the bamboo sketch and tape for fixing the steering wheel is laid inside. For the reliability of the gluing of halves of the ceiling, the tape can be perforated with holes.
  • The elements are compressed by board and clamps, and are left for about a day until the glue drying.
  • The edges are stepping with sandpaper or a stone at an angle of 45 °, which will allow the models at the inclons of the model to be removed in each other.
  • The wing is assembled, there are lines on it for gluing the parts of stiffness, neryurov, spars.

  • A wooden axis or a spar can be made of a wooden line of 50 centimeters long.
  • Longer Rake is glued.
  • The junction in the center is enhanced by two small slats.
  • Polyfoam neryrars are pasted.
  • The desired shape of the wing plane is set. For this, the substrate material or the ceiling is rolled on a piece of pipe.
  • Glue on all mating elements is applied and the final gluing is performed. The wing for the time of setting the adhesive composition is fixed in any affordable way: a cargo, clothespins, scotch tape.

  • Small dents formed from clothespins are sandpaper sandpaper.
  • In the center of the wing, cavities are closed, inserts are pasted.
  • After drying the glue, the aileons are placed. At the same time, it is necessary to further watch the node on the clearance in order not to fall on the partition.
  • On both sides cut the cutter, the ready-made aileron is removed.
  • Opened cavities are rushed by strips of tiles.
  • Alerona can be glued immediately reinforced with tape or later, up to the main inspection of the aircraft model.
  • The front of the wing can be strengthened with reinforced scotch.
  • The whole model is covered with a scotch, which serves for beauty, and most importantly gives the structure with great strength, which will allow the product to withstand blows from the fall.
  • Scotch is unloved by a warm iron, which will finally attach it to the ceiling tile.
  • In the body of the aircraft, a slot is made in which the wing is installed.
  • On the wing are installed servo. For this, the elements are applied and rolled with a marker, the landing place is cut.
  • Stretched wires homemade crocheted wire.
  • On the contrary, the cabars and rigid wire are connected to the servers.
  • Two servo shocks are installed in the airplane fuselage, for the helm of direction and height.
    For fixing it is better to use bilateral tape staped on all contact sections.
  • Elements are installed in place and the support walls are additionally glued. Put from the hard wire thrust to the rolls.
  • A frame for fastening the motor is made.
  • From the side of the attachment of the motor, a thin plywood is glued, the bolts for fixation will be screwed into it.
  • A motor frame is glued to its place.
  • Front of the fuselage is mounted, the motor driver is mounted, the wires are displayed through the ventilation window and are connected.

Automocation, Motor Blank, Polyolanets. Installing a motor

  • The direction of rotation is checked.
  • It puts on the place of the fairing and fastens with scotch.
  • To enhance the installation site of the wing, it must be fixed with plywood and thin dunca.
  • A receiver is set, and all wires are collected from all the electronics.
  • The bottom of the fuselage is glued, the hatcher is cut for the battery mounting.
  • The total mass of the model is approximately 450 grams.
  • You can fly the aircraft model. The video will tell you how to do it.

Collect airplanes from ceiling tiles - this is the easiest option that, if desired, can perform a beginner lover of aircraft. The main condition is to do everything carefully, adhering to the assembly technology, and it is better to use the advice of a specialist.

But what we did (video)