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Period Board Ivan 3. Ivan III: Interesting Facts

Great Prince of Moscow (1462-1505).

The right is considered one of the most notable politicians in Europe, the Middle Ages. He was distinguished by outstanding abilities in the art of government. The era of Ivan III is the most important part of the final stage of the unification of the Russian lands. It is him that it belongs to the merits to overcome the specific fragmentation and dependence on the Horde in Russia, the release of the young Russian state into the international arena, the creation of new mechanisms for managing the country.

Childhood, Youth

Ivan III was born on January 22, 1440. He was the eldest son in the family of the Grand Duke Moscow Vasily II Vasilyevich on the nickname "Dark" and his wives of the great princess Mary Yaroslavna, nee Princess Serpukhovsky (firstborn four Yuri, having lived a little more than two years, died in the same month when Ivan was born). The chronicler recorded the appearance of the future heir to the throne: "There is a great princess ... The son of Timofy, gave him the name of Joan." On the twenty-second day of January, the Orthodox Church celebrates the memory of the Apostle Timothy, and the apostle became the heavenly patron of the future sovereign, whom he will especially honor all his life. However, the boy's contest with the name traditional for the Moscow dynasty of Danilovich Ivan - in honor of St. John Zlatoust, one of the most revered teachers of the Church. The memory of the saint was celebrated in just a few days after the birth of the heir to the throne, January 27th. In the names of Ivan III, Rüric's traditional for princes will be reflected, when the heir possessed the official public name and the name of the intimidian used in the home circle. The baptism of the boy was performed by the rebels of the monasteries reserved in the Moscow ruling genus - Hegumen Trinity-Sergius Resident Zinoviy and Archimandrite Moscow Mosness of the Monastery in the Kremlin Pitirim.

The young years of Ivan III fell for the period of exacerbation of the intrapossed struggle for the Moscow Grandny-Room Throne, in the Soviet historical science of the frequently called "feudal war of the second quarter of the XV century". In February 1446, when Vasily II Vasilyevich was captured by his opponent Dmitry Yuryevich Shemyaka, loyal Vasily II Boyar Ruipolovsky took his sons in Murom. Due to the intervention of the bishop of Ryazan ions, the boyars issued them to Dmitry Shemyak, after which the children were with their father in imprisonment in Uglich, and later in Vologda exile. In late 1446 - early 1447, Ivan III was engaged with Maria, the daughter of the Grand Prince Tver Boris Alexandrovich, who supported the aspiration of Vasily II to regain the throne. Wedding occurred in 1452, when the children had grown up, and in 1458 the couple had a single famous child - Son Ivan.

Community of Vasily II.

After some time after Vasily II managed to re-occupy a grand-bed throne, Ivan III becomes a companion of his father and begins to refer to the "Grand Duke". This is happening at the end of the 1440s. It should be noted that Vasily II was blinded by Dmitry Shemyaka and for him, the disabled person at the head of state, the approval of the rights of the heir, and subsequently, real assistance in the burden of management became of particular importance. However, for a long time, the participation of Ivan III in public life was rather nominal and limited to presence in official and informal events, as well as complicity in military campaigns. The first military campaign that Ivan III was headed alone, took place in 1459 - under the leadership of the nineteen-year-old co-program on the Oka River, Moscow troops successfully opposed Hana Chan Seid-Ahmet. Nevertheless, it was these years that they raised the character of Ivan III, laid the foundations of his outstanding political alike.

Governing body

On March 27, 1462, Vasily II left life, Ivan III becomes the sole ruler. By the beginning of his rule in Northeast Russia and neighboring lands, in addition to the Grand District of Moscow, there were the great principalities of Tver and Ryazan, as well as the principality of Yaroslavl and Rostov. In the North-West, the independence of the Novgorod and Pskov "Boyar republics" retained, and in the north-east - Vyatka land. A huge part of the territories in the West, where the enconitor said in Russian and confessed Orthodoxy, depending on the Grand Duch of Lithuania. Some Western Russian lands were included in Poland. The country has maintained a specific system, in accordance with which, inside the principalities, there were independent of the central authority of the ownership of the laws of relatives - the dots - in which the ruling princes did not have the right to "join". Despite the fact that most of all these political entities, with the exception of depending on Lithuania and Poland, or formally recognized the Grand Duke of the Moscow Supreme Ruler, or silently inferior to him the championship, being weaker, was not the actual unity of the Russian land. The situation was exacerbated by preserving dependence on the horde, which had to pay the exhaustive tribute, called the "output" or sometimes very mournfully "tributory".

Since the first years of reign, Ivan III tried with all the definiteness to declare himself with the only ruler of the Russian land, the Grand Duke "All Russia" (the All-Russia Prefix itself will be established in his title as permanent in the mid-1480s), in the will of which was The solution to the majority of political issues. He continued and deepened the political line of Moscow princes, which began to be aware of them as a special mission before. The main goal of the mission was to collect all Russian Orthodox lands under the scepter of the powerful ruler-Christian. The image of a pious Orthodox rule and at the same time prince-warrior was one of the most important ways of approving Ivan III, starting from the first years of his independent rule. Specific measures to create a single Russian state with it took two forms: 1) Establishment over the lands of the maximum possible control while maintaining visible independence (with further complete absorption) and 2) the direct inclusion of the territories to the Great Principality of Moscow.

Under Ivan III, great changes took place in the foreign policy of the Grand District of Moscow, which equally reflected the level of its claims, and serious changes in the geopolitical map of Eastern Europe, starting from the middle of the XV century (the fall of Byzantium, the rapid strengthening of the Ottoman Empire, the decay of several State formations of the Golden Horde, etc.). The most dangerous neighbor of the Moscow principality in the early years after Ivan III entry into the throne was the Kazan Khanate - the state in the 1440s on the lands of the ancient Volga Bulgaria, the state of the Goldenordinsky fragment. A big horde, the successor of the Golden Horde, Khan whom Mahmoud, organized a military campaign in 1464/65, was very aggressive. It was the first performance against Moscow of the ruling Ordane Khan after the trip of Tukhtamysh 1382. Moreover, from the end of the 1460s, the Arab inscription "This is Moskovskaya" appears on Moscow coins, which, apparently, was associated with the strengthening of the infant relationship. Thus, the complex situation required the focusing of foreign policy on the eastern direction, and it is no coincidence that the first campaign of Moscow rates in Ivan III, which was held in 1462, was sent to Cheremsov (Mari), Kazan Danikov, as well as the Great Perm. However, large-scale fighting against Kazan, demanding long-term preparation and significant voltage of forces, began only in 1467. Kazan War 1467-1469 ended victory and became the weighty foreign policy success of Moscow. She allowed not only to achieve peace of mind at the Moscow-Kazan border over the next ten years, but also to release forces for a decisive attack on Novgorod in the 1470s.

The 1460s can be considered preparation for the conquest of the Novgorod state - the most significant success of Ivan III in the "College" of Russian lands. It is significant that in the 1460s, the title of Grand Duke "All Russia" Ivan III applied only in relations with Novgorod. He persistently enforced the idea of \u200b\u200bVassalite Novgorod in relation to Moscow. A year after joining the throne, Ivan III began to actively interfere in the traditional system of relations between North-Western Russia, sending Moscow troops to help Pskov in his military collision with the Livonian Order. Since the end of the 1460s, an ancient city on the Great River is completely found in the orbit of Moscow influence. A little earlier, in 1465, Ivan III governors are treated for the Ugra (land between the Pechoro and Northern Urals River), the former Dannica Novgorod. By the beginning of the 1470s, the days of the independent existence of the Novgorod Republic were considered.

The joining of Novgorod can be reduced to three episodes, during which the authorities of Ivan III expanded. This is a campaign of 1471, which ended with the defeat of the Novgorod troops on the Sheloni River, Ivan III's trip to Novgorod in 1475 for the purpose of the trial of the court over dismissal boyars and a military campaign of 1477-1478.

The 1470s became the time of exacerbation of the relationship between Moscow with a big orde. In 1472, Khan Akhmat went against Ivan III military campaign. The attack was chosen by Russian troops on r. Oke under alexic. In Moscow, the results of a configuration war were regarded as success and, apparently, soon stopped paying Dani. The attitude towards the Properentiation of the Golden Ordinsky Heritage was changed: in domestic political documents, a large horde began to equate to other Tatar Khanate. Ahmat decided to restore control over Rus in eight years. The events occurred in 1480 were called "standing in the thorough". Without achieving success, Ahmat retreated. "Standing" is considered to be the conclusion of the Orda yoke.

The 1480s were important to strengthen the power of Ivan III and its representation. In 1485, Tver was subordinate, in 1489 - Vyatka. On July 9, 1487, Moscow troops managed to capture Kazan. The result of this military campaign was the conclusion of a peace treaty "on the will of the Grand Duke Moskovsky" and the establishment of a protectorate over Khanate, at the head of which the Moscow Mistress Mohammed-Emin is approved. This victory was extremely important for Ivan III, which used it to increase his political status: it was from 1487 to be expanding a grand-road titulator, in which an indication of the domination of Kazan ("Grand Duke Bulgarian"), and Western European elements (phrase " God's mercy "). Also begins to introduce a new coat of copper symbolism - a double-headed eagle. Modern science has moved away from understanding that the double-headed eagle was taken by Ivan III as a symbol of perception of power from Byzantium. In fact, the two-headed was not her coat of arms. Rather, Ivan III's decision was influenced by numerous examples of using this sign in various political systems. Among them, first of all, it is necessary to allocate the German Empire, with which contacts are being established in the 1480s.

At the beginning of the 1490s, Ivan III moved to the offensive at the Lithuanian border. After decades of defensive policy regarding Lithuania, Moscow begins the struggle for Russian lands that were part of this state. By the beginning of the XVI century, a significant part of the Orthodox lands was disheighted from Lithuania.

Personal life. Fighting for power

In 1467, Ivan III's wife died, the Grand Duchess Maria Borisovna. Two years later, negotiations on the new marriage of Ivan III began with the nephew of the last Byzantine emperor Sofia (Zoya) Paleologist, who became the wife of the Grand Duke in 1472. Several daughters and sons were born from this marriage, the eldest of which is Vasily.

At the end of the board of Ivan III, at the courtyard began the acute struggle of aristocratic clans for the right to inherit the throne. At the head of one of them stood the second wife of the sovereign Sophia Paleologist and her son, the future Grand Duke Vasily III (1505-1533). Heading another - Snow Ivan III Elena Voloshanka and his grandson Dmitry, the son of Ivan Ivanovich young. Passion began to flared up after the death of Ivan the young in 1490. Ivan III, who lost the heir and co-armor, fluctuated for a long time in the transfer of the right of inheritance of the throne. At the beginning of 1498, Dmitry grandson was declared a co-program. The inheritance transfer ceremony was so solemn that it was called the first in Russian wedding history to the kingdom. Then several years of the backstage struggle followed, as a result of which Vasily Ivanovich who fell into disfavor was not only approached the yard, but, like Dmitry-grandson, received the status of the co-guide. In April 1502, Dmitry-grandson was deprived of all regalia and was thrown together with his mother in imprisonment. His uncle Vasily Ivan III "blessed and planted on the Grand Princess Volodymeter and Moscow and All Russia."

Almost half a century of Ivan III, which was nicknamed later, became the era of the final victory of Moscow in the struggle for the union of the lands of Northeast Russia and the elimination of the Mongol-Tatar yoke. Ivan the Great liquidated the statehood of Tver and Novgorod, dismantled from the Grand Duchy of Lithuanian significant territories west of Moscow. He refused to pay the Horde tribute, and in 1480, after standing in the thief, the denuncial relations with the Horde were ruined completely. At the time of the death of Ivan III, the process of collecting land was practically completed: only two principalities remained independent of Moscow - Pskov and Ryazanskoye, but they actually depended on Ivan III, and in his reign of his son Vasily III were included in the Moscow principality in fact.

The Grand Prince Ivan III strengthened not only the foreign policy position of his state, but also his legal and financial system. The creation of a "judiciary" and the conduct of monetary reform ordered the social life of the Great Principality of Moscow.

    Years of reign (from 1462 to 1505);

    He was the son of Vasily II Vasilyevich Dark;

    Novgorod land was attached to the Moscow State during the years of Ivan III;

    In 1478, one of the oldest cities of Russia was forcibly attached to the Great Principality. It was the city of Novgorod the Great.

    wars of the Moscow state with the Grand Durability Lithuanian - 1487-1494;

    Vasily III - 1507-1508;

    1512-1522 - Wars of the Moscow State with the Grand Durability of Lithuanian;

    Rus finally ceased to pay tribute to the Golden Horde during the reign of Prince Ivan III;

    1480 - standing on the River Ugra;

Ivan III Board is characterized:

  • a qualitatively new stage in the development of statehood (centralization):
  • the entry of Russia is among the European states.

Russia did not play another role in global life, it did not even enter the life of European humanity. The Great Russia still remained solitary province in the lives of world and European, her spiritual life was isolated and closed.

This period of Russian history can be described as Dopererovsky time.

A) 1478g. - Joining Novgorod.

The battle is not the River Sheloni - 1471. Novgorod residents paid redemption, recognized the power of Ivan III.

1475 - Entry Ivana 3 in Novgorod to protect offended. After the first campaign, Novgorod Ivan III consolidated the right of the Supreme Court in Novgorod lands.

1478 - Taking Novgorod. The eternal bell was taken into Moscow

Confiscation of lands of boyar. Ivan III consolidated
Right: confiscate or complain to Novgorod lands, use the Novgorod Kazna, to include Novgorod land in the Moscow state

B) 1485 - defeat Tver

1485 - Winning in the war. I became referring to the "Soviet of All Russia"

The final entry of the Rostov principality into the Moscow state occurred through a voluntary agreement

C) capture Ryazan

By 1521, the final loss of independence is 1510.

Accession of Pskov to the Moscow State in the course of education of a single Russian state

Political wisdom Ivan III

Weakening of the Golden Horde

Conducted an increasingly independent policy from Ordanes.

Search allies.

1476 - Termination of the payment of Dani.

Ahmatu managed to collect all the military forces of the former Golden Horde. But they showed the inability to conduct decisive fighting.

In standing on the River Ugra, Russian and Mongolian troops:

a) Russian and Mongolian troops had a numerical equilibrium;

b) Mongol-Tatars took unsuccessful attempts to move the river Vbod

c) on the side of the Russians performed the hired Crimean infantry

d) Russian troops had at the disposal of firearms

About gradual formation of a centralized state in Russia Specifies:

    elena Glinsky's monetary reform

    division of russian lands on parish

In the Moscow State of the XV-XVI centuries. The estate was called land ownership provided on the condition of service in the fight against feudal versals: the Russian clergy, sought to play a key role in politics, the sovereign elevates the group of young Novgorod priests led by Fedor Kuritsyn. As it turned out, many of the views of these grandflower protege were heretical (heresy "jigging")

Signs of centralized state:

1. Higher State Body - Boyarskaya Duma (lawful)

2. Single Law - Forensic

3. Multistage service system

4. A unified management system is formed.

The first order is from the middle of the XV century. The treasury is distinguished (managed by palace economy).

The attributes of the royal power were formed, the coat of arms became the two-headed Byzantine eagle.

The role of the Zemsky Cathedral


The role of Boyar Duma

In Moscow Rus XVI - XVII centuries. The body of the Corporal Representative Office, which provided the connection of the center and seats, was called the "Zemsky Cathedral"

1497 - Unified norms of criminal liability and the procedure for conducting investigation and court. Yuriev Day (Article 57) - restricting the right of peasants to leave their feudal. Yuriev day and the elderly.

Since the end of the XV century, the highest state is issued. Centralized state body. Composition: Moscow Prince boyar + former princes. Commercial Organ

The attributes of the royal power were formed: double-headed eagle and monomacha hat.

Forensic Ivan III:

a) this is the first set of the laws of a single state

b) laid the beginning of the registration of serfdom

c) established procedural norms in the legal sphere (Zuev established the procedure for conducting investigation and court).

The lawnier has not yet determined the competence of officials, because The control system was still consumed.

Ivan 3rd Vasilyevich was born on January 22, 1440. He was the son of Moscow Prince Vasily of the 2nd Dark and Daughter of Prince Yaroslav Borovsky - Mary Yaroslavna. Prince Ivan 3rd is known as Ivan Saint and Ivan the Great. In a brief biography of Ivan 3rd, it is necessary to mention that he from the youngest years helped the blind father. In an effort to make a legitimate, the new procedure for the transfer of power, Vasily 2th called his son Ivan the Grand Duke in his life. All letters of that time were compiled on behalf of two princes. Already in seven years, Ivan Vasilyevich was engaged with the daughter of Prince Tver Boris - Maria. It was planned that this marriage would be a symbol of reconciliation of the rival principalities of Tver and Moscow.

For the first time he headed the army Prince Ivan 3rd Vasilyevich at the age of 12. And the campaign to the Ustyuga fortress turned out to be more than successful. After the victorious return, Ivan married his bride. Ivan 3rd Vasilyevich made a victorious hike in 1455, directed against the Tatars invaded in the Russian limits. And in 1460, I was able to close the Tatar fork on Russia.

The prince was distinguished not only by power and perseverance, but also with the mind, prudence. It was the great reign of Ivan 3rd that was the first for a long time that did not start from the trip to get a label in the Horde. During the entire period of the Board, Ivan the 3rd sought to unite northeastern lands. By force or with the help of diplomacy, the prince joined the territory of Chernigov, Ryazan (partially), Rostov, Novgorod, Yaroslavl, Dimitrovsk, Bryansk, etc.

The internal policy of Ivan 3rd was focused on the fight against the princely-boyar aristocracy. During his rule, a restriction on the transition of peasants from one landowner to another was introduced. It was only allowed within a week before and week after Yuryev's Day. Artillery parts appeared in the army. From 1467 to 1469, Ivan 3rd Vasilyevich led military actions aimed at submission to Kazan. And as a result, put it in vassal dependence. And in 1471 joined the state and land of Novgorod to the Russian state. After military conflicts with the Lithuanian principality in 1487-1494. and 1500-1503 The states of the state were expanded by the accession of Gomel, Starodub, Mtsensk, Dorobuga, Toroptz, Chernigov, Novgorod-Seversky. Crimea during this period remained an ally of Ivan 3rd.

In 1472 (1476), Ivan the Great stopped the payment of Horde Dani, and standing in the thief in 1480 marked the end of the Tatar-Mongolian yoke. For this, Prince Ivan got the nickname holy. For the period of the reign of Ivan 3rd there is a flourishing of chronicles and architecture. There are such architectural monuments such as the Granovy Chamber and the Assumption Cathedral.

The union of land set required the creation of a single legal system. And in 1497, a court was created. The lawsuit Ivan 3rd united legal norms previously reflected in and statutory certificates, as well as in certain decrees of the predecessors of Ivan the Great.

Ivan 3rd was married twice. In 1452 he marked marriage with the daughter of the Tver Prince, which died at the thirty-year-old age. According to some historians, she was poisoned. From this marriage, the son of Ivan Ivanovich (young) remained.

In 1472, he married the Byzantine princess Sophie Paleologist, the niece of Constantine 9th, the last Byzantine emperor. This marriage brought the princess of sons of Vasily, Yuri, Dmitry, Seeds and Andrei. It is worth noting that the second marriage of Ivan's 3rd became the cause of strong tensions at the court. Part of the boyars supported Ivan the young, son of Mary Borisovna. The second part supported the new Great Princess Sophier. At the same time, the prince accepted the title of the Sovereign of All Russia.

After the death of Ivan the young Great Ivan, the 3rd crowned his grandson of Dmitry. But sofya intrigues soon led to a change in the situation. (Dmitry died in prison in 1509) Before his death, Ivan the 3rd proclaimed his son's heir. Prince Ivan 3rd died on October 27, 1505

The Sovereign of All Russia Ivan 3 was born in an era, filled with dramatic events related to the inexpressive raids of the Tatars and with a cruel wrestling of specific princes, complete cunning and betrayal. In the history of Russia, he entered into this role with all the completeness expressed his role in the formation of the state that took the sixth part of the world.

Overty childhood

In the frosty winter day on January 22, 1440, a bell ringing was saved on Moscow - the wife of the Grand Prince Vasily II Maria Yaroslavna was safely resolved from the burden. The Lord sent the ruler of the Son-Heir to the Holy Baptism of Ivan in honor of St. John of Zlatoust, whose memory was to be celebrated in the coming days.

The joy of the happy and carefree childhood of the young prince came, when in 1445, under Suzdalem, his father was headed by Tatar Hordes, and the prince himself was captive at Khan Ulu-Mohammed. Residents of Moscow and its temporary ruler Dmitry Yuryevich Shemyaka were waiting for the ambulance invasion of supports on their city, which inevitably gave rise to panic and a sense of despair.

Tea of \u200b\u200benemies Prince

However, this time the Lord divered the trouble, and after a while the prince of Vasily returned, but for this, Muscovites were forced to send a ransom in the Horde, which was an unbearable amount for them. Supporters of the taste of Dmitry Shemyaki, who had entered the taste of the city of Dmitry Shemyaki and were a conspiracy against their legal lord.

It tells about how on the road at a mantis in Trinity-Sergiev Lavru Vasily III was treacherously captured and on the orders of the shemyaks were blinded. This was the reason for the nickname "Dark" who was rooted with whom he is known to the present day. To justify his actions, conspirators were hearing that Vasily deliberately led the Tatar on Russia and gave them to the deposit of cities and parish to him.

Union with Tver Prince

Future Grand Duke Ivan III Vasilyevich, along with his younger brothers and boyars, who preserved loyalty to his father, was escaped from the usurper in Murom, but he soon managed to lure the young prince to Moscow, and then send his father to Uglich, where his father languished in imprisonment. It is difficult to establish the reason for his further actions - was afraid of the wrath of the Lord or, more likely, he had in that way, but only after several months, Shemyak freed the captive blinded by him and even pressed him into the specific possession of Vologda.

Calculation of the fact that the blindness and months spent behind the grille broke the prisoner, it turned out to be a sideline of a fatal mistake, which was subsequently worth his life. Once at freedom, Vasily and his son headed to the Tver Prince Boris and, having entered into the Union with him, soon appeared in Moscow at the head of the numerous squad. The power of the usurper fell, and he himself fled to Uglich. For more security, the engagement of the six-year prince of Ivan with the daughter of Boris Prince Marya, who was only four years old by that time.

First military campaign

In those long-standing, the children of adults early, and it is not surprising that at the nine-year-old heir begins to refer to the Grand Duke, and in 1452 the future sovereign of All Russia Ivan 3 heads the army directed by the Father on the seizure of the Ustyug Fortress Kokushenburg, where he shows himself a completely established governor.

Capturing the citadel and expanding the city, Ivan returns to Moscow. Here in the presence of the highest clergy and during the concordation of a numerous crowd, he, the twelve-year-old bride, was an obvenue with his ten-year bride. At the same time, the loyal people of the prince poisoned in Uglich hiding a shemyak there, which put an end to his claims to power and stopped the bloody crossbar.

On the threshold of independent rule

In the following years, Ivan III Vasilyevich becomes the co-program of his father Vasily II and just as he is referred to as the Grand Duke. Before this day, coins of the era were preserved with the inscription "Ospodari All Russia." During this period, his jurisdiction is a chain of undervertible military campaigns, in which, led by the experienced governor Fedor Basencom, he comprehends the commander, the skills in which will be so necessary for him later.

In 1460, Vasily Dark dying, making the testament before death, according to which the reign of Ivan Vasilyevich III extended to most of the cities of the country. He did not forget the rest of his sons, having endowed everyone with specific patrimony. After his death, Ivan performed exactly the will of the Father, distributed to each of the brothers to the land due to him, and became the new sole ruler of the Moscow Principality.

First independent steps

Early ending with intra-political patterns and external inter partes, twenty-year-old Ivan III Vasilyevich, having received the entire completeness of the authorities after the death of the Father, was a fully established ruler. Inheriting from Vasily II huge, but the administratively poorly organized principality, he from the first days of the Board took a hard line to strengthen and expand.

Making the entire fullness of power, Ivan first of all took care of the strengthening of the general positions of the state. To this end, he confirmed the previously concluded contracts with the Tver and Belozersky principalities, and also strengthened his influence in Ryazan, putting on the reign of his man and giving out his native sister to the same.

Expansion of state borders

At the beginning of the seventies, Ivan III began the main cause of his life - accession to Moscow other Russian principalities, the first of which was the ownership of the Yaroslavl Prince Alexander Fyodorovich, who died in 1471. His heir was considered for the benefit, receiving a boyars rank, to become a faithful servant of Moscow Lord.

For the Yaroslavl principality was followed by Dmitrovskoye, also transferred under the jurisdiction of the Grand Duke Moskovsky. Soon the Rostov lands were joined to him, the princes of which preferred to enter the number of serving their powerful neighbor.

Subscribe Novgorod and the birth of a new title

A special place in a number of "Gathering Russian Land", as this process, it was referred to later, occupies the seizure of Moscow independent to the pore of Novgorod, as opposed to numerous specific princes, a free trade and aristocratic state. The seizure of Novgorod stretched to a sufficiently long period, from 1471 to 1477, and included two military campaigns, the first of which ended only by the payment of significant contributions, and the second led to the complete loss of independence by this ancient city.

It was the end of Novgorod's campaigns that became a milestone in history, when Ivan 3 became a state ship of All Russia. It happened in part by chance. Two Novgorod, who arrived in cases of Moscow, constituting the petitions addressed to the Grand Duke, contrary to the appeal to the message "Mr.", consumed the word "sovereign". Whether it was a random opaist or intentional flattery, but only everyone, and in particular the prince himself, such an expression of loyal feelings had to do. By this time, it is assumed to take the adoption by Ivan 3 of the Soviet Committee of All Russia.

The invasion of Tatar Khan Akhmat

For the period when, at the head of the Moscow principality, the Sovereign of All Russia Ivan 3 stood, the most important event of history falls out, putting the end of the Horde authority. It is known how he was preceded by a number of internal conflicts within the Tatar state itself, the consequence of which his disintegration was and a significant weakening. Taking advantage of this, Ivan 3, the first Sovereign of All Russia, refused to pay the established tribute and even ordered the ambassadors aimed at him.

Such unheard of before the audacity gave the reason to Tatar Khan Ahmatu, having previously agreed with the Lithuanian ruler Casimir, start a campaign on Russia. In the summer of 1480, he with a numerous army crossed Oku and settled the Russian army on the shore towards the Russian army, which was headed personally Ivan 3, the Sovereign of Russia. Briefly describing the subsequent events, it should be noted that they did not exceed them into large-scale military actions, and only the opponent's attacks were briefed by the Russians.

Completion of the Tatar-Mongolian yoke and the weakening of Lithuania

Having stood in the Ugra before the onset of winter, without waiting for the promised Casimir of help and fearing the princely friends who waited for them on the opposite shore, the Tatars were forced to retreat. Pursued by the Russians, they went deep into the Lithuanian lands, who ruthlessly plundered in retaliation for violation of their prince made obligations.

This became not only the last major invasion of steppe nomads on Russia, which completed the period of Tatar-Mongolian yoke, but also a significant weakening of the Lithuanian principality, which constantly threatened by the Western borders of the state. From this period, the conflict with him acquires special sharpness, since the joining Ivan III to the Moscow principality of significant territories was contrary to the plans of the Lithuanian rulers.

Policies in the Crimean and Kazan Khanation

Smart and visionary politician Ivan III Vasilyevich, whose reign years of which became a period of the incessant struggle for the independence of the Russian state, to curb the aggression of Lithuanians entered into an alliance with a commonly mighty Golden Horde. According to the contracts concluded with Moscow, his rulers have repeatedly devastated by their raids of hostile to the Russians, thereby weakening their potential opponents.

Much worse there was a relationship between All Russia's sovereign with frequent raids of Tatars forced Russians to take a number of response actions ended in failure. This problem remained insoluble until the end of the reign of Ivan III and transferred to its successor.

Building Ivangorod

Joining the Moscow Principality of Novgorod gave rise to a new problem - the North-West neighbor of Russians became Livonia. The history of relations with this state knew different stages, among which relatively peaceful periods were replaced by armed conflicts. Among the measures that the Sovereign of All Russia, Ivan 3 for the safety of borders, is the most important place for the construction of the Ivangorod fortress on the River Narva in 1492.

Further expansion of the Moscow Principality

After the conquest of Novgorod, when Ivan 3 became referred to as a sovereign of All Russia, the accession of the new lands was significantly intensified. Starting from 1481, the Moscow principality was expanded due to the inclusion of the territories previously belonged to the Vologda ruler Andrei less, and then the Roeing Prince Mikhail Andreevich.

A certain difficulty was subject to the subordination of Moscow of the Tver Principality, which took place in the end of the armed conflict, ended with the victory of Ivan. The independence of Ryazan and Pskov land, the Lord of which, after a long, but unsuccessful struggle, became the Moscow Prince Ivan III Vasilyevich, was also preserved.

The biography of this outstanding ruler of the Russian Earth is inextricably linked with the transformation of his inheritance relatively small principality into a powerful state. It was this state that became the basis of the entire future Russia, whose chronicle he entered as Ivan the Great. On the scale of the transformation committed them, this ruler takes place in a number of the most well-deserved figures of Russian history.

He completed the life path on October 27, 1505, only a briefly survived his wife Sophia Paleologist. Anticipating an ambulance, Ivan the Great departed from affairs. He devoted the last months to a visit to holy places. The dust of the "Gathering of the Land of the Russian" is already four centuries in the Arkhangelsk Cathedral located on the territory of the Moscow Kremlin, the walls of which were erected during his board and on the century remained a monument to the epoch, the Creator of which was Ivan 3. The title of all Russia was held after him in a permanent Use and belonged to everyone who had the opportunity to go up to the Russian throne.

For forty-three years in Moscow, the Great Prince Ivan Vasilyevich or Ivan III (1462-1505).

The main merits of Ivan the Third:

    Attachment of extensive lands.

    Strengthening the state apparatus.

    Enhancing the international prestige of Moscow.

To Moscow, the Yaroslavl Principality (1463 g), Tver Principality of 1485, Rostov Principality of 1474, Novgorod and its possession of 1478, Perm region 1472 were joined

Ivan the third led successful wars with the Grand Duchy Lithuanian. Under the contract of 1494, Ivan III received Vyazma, other lands, his daughter, Princess Elena Ivanovna, married to the new Grand Prince Lithuanian Alexander Yagelon. However, related ties, stretching between Moscow and Vilna (the capital of Lithuania), did not prevent a new war. It turned to the son-in-law Ivan III of the real military catastrophe.

In 1500, Ivan III's troops defeated Lithuanians on the River Deck, and in 1501 they defeated under Mstislavl again. While Alexander Yagellon rushed in his own country, trying to establish defense, Moscow governors occupied more and more new cities. As a result, Moscow put under control of a huge territory. According to the truce of 1503, the Grand District Lithuanian gave Toropets, Putivl, Bryansk, Dorogobuzh, Mosalsk, Mtsensk, Novgorod-Seversky, Gomel, Starodub and many other cities. It was the largest military success in the life of Ivan III.

According to V.O. Kestchevsky after the unification of the land, the Moscow Principality has become national, now the whole Great Russian has lived within its limits. At the same time, Ivan called himself in diplomatic correspondence as the Sovereign of All Russia, i.e. I made my claims at all on all the land, which were once part of the Kiev state.

In 1476, Ivan the third refused to pay tribute to the rulers of the Horde. In 1480, after standing in the Ugra, the dominion of Tatar khan was over and formally.

Ivan the third successfully concluded dynastic marriages. His first wife was the daughter of Tver Prince. This marriage allowed Ivan Vasilyevich to apply for the Tver Prince. In 1472, he married the niece of the last Byzantine emperor Sophie Paleologist. The Moscow Prince became as if the successor of the Byzantine emperor. In the heraldry of the Moscow principality, not only the image of George Victorious, but also the Byzantine double-headed eagle. At the beginning of the 16th century. The ideological concept began to develop, which was to justify the greatness of the new state (Moscow - 3 ROM).

With Ivan III in Russia, especially in Moscow, built a lot. In particular, the new walls of the Kremlin, new temples erected. Europeans are widely involved in the engineering and other services, first of all, Italians.

At the end of his reign, Ivan the third pulled into a sharp conflict with the Orthodox Church. The prince sought to limit the economic power of the Church, to deprive its tax breaks. However, this could not be done.

At the end of the 15th early 16 centuries. The state office of the Moscow Principality began to form. The princes in the attached lands became the boyars of the Moscow sovereign. These principalities were now called destroyers and were managed by the governors of feeders from Moscow.

Attached Land Ivan 3 used to create an estimate system. The noblemen landowners in possession (not in the property) plots of land that should have been treated with peasants. In the exchange of nobles carried military service. The location cavalry became the core of the Army of the Moscow Principality.

The Aristocratic Council at Prince was called the Boyar Duma. It included a boyars and roundabouts. There were 2 nationwide departments 1. Palace. He managed the lands of the Grand Duke. 2. Treasury. I personified finances, state seal, archives.

In 1497, the first national situation was issued.

Personal power of the Grand Duke was sharply intensified, which can be seen from Ivan's will. The advantages of the Grand Duke Vasily 3 in front of other members of the princely family.

    Now only the Grand Duke collected taxes in Moscow and led the criminal court on the most important affairs. Prior to this, the princes of heirs owned areas in Moscow and could collect taxes there.

    Exceptional right to minimize the coin. Before that, the Great and Specific Princes had such rights.

    If the brothers of the Grand Duke died, without leaving sons, then their dots went to the Great Prince. Prior to this, the specific princes could dispose of their patrimony at their discretion.

Also, according to contracts, Vasily 3 has appropriated to himself the sole right to negotiate with foreign powers.

Vasily III (1505-1533) who inherited the throne from Ivan III, continued its course for the construction of a single Russian power. With it, it has lost the independence of Pskov (1510), as well as Ryazan (1521). In 1514, as a result of the new war, Smolensk was captured with Lithuania.

Confrontation between the Moscow state and the Grand Principality of Lithuania

Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

This state intensified in the middle of the 13th century. Since his rulers managed to successfully resist the detachments of the German Crusaders. Already in the middle of the 13th century. Lithuanian rulers began to join the Russian principalities to their possessions.

An important feature of the Lithuanian state was his two-handnicity. A smaller part of the population was the actual Lithuanians, while the majority of the population were the Slavs-Rusyn. It should be noted that the process of expanding the Lithuanian state was relatively peaceful. The reasons:

    Attachment often occurred in the form of dynastic unions.

    Friendly policy of Lithuanian princes in relation to the Orthodox Church.

    Russian (Rusinsky) language became the official language of the Grand Duchy of Lithuanian and was used in office work.

    Developed legal culture of the Lithuanian principality. There was a practice of concluding written contracts (rows), when local elites agreed on their right to participate in the choice of governors for their lands.

To the middle of the 14th century. The Grand Principality of Lithuanian united all Western Russian land except Galicia (he entered the time of the Polish kingdom).

In 1385, Lithuanian Prince Yagailo entered a dynastic marriage with the Polish princess Jutyig and signed an agreement in Krevo, which largely identified the fate of the Lithuanian state. According to the Krevian Uania, Yagailo took over the obligation to draw the entire population of the Lithuanian principality into a true Catholic faith, as well as the Polish lands captured by the Teutonic Order. The agreement was beneficial for both parties. Poles received a powerful ally to combat the Teutonic Order, and the Lithuanian Prince Help in the dynastic struggle.

The conclusion of Crevian Ulya helped the Polish and Lithuanian state in militarily. In 1410, the United States of the two states caused a decisive defeat of the Army of the Teutonic Order in the battle near Grunwald.

At the same time, until the end of the 1430s. The Lithuanian principality experienced a period of intense dynastic struggle. In 1398-1430 Grand Duke Lithuanian was Vitovt. He managed to consolidate the scattered Lithuanian lands, joined the Dynastic Union with the Moscow Principality. Thus, Vitovt actually disavowed Krevian Ulya.

In the 1430s. Prince Svidrigaylo managed to unite around himself to know Kiev, Chernihiv and Volyn lands, who were unhappy with the Catholization and Centralization policies and began the struggle for power in the entire Lithuanian state. After a tense war 1432-1438. He failed defeat.

In socio-economic terms, the Lithuanian principality developed quite successfully for 15-16 centuries. At 15 in. Many cities switched to the so-called Magdeburg law, which guaranteed self-government and independence from the princely power. On the other hand, a huge role in the life of the Lithuanian state played to know, which actually divided the state into the zone of influence. Each prince had its own system of legislation and taxation, its military detachments, controlled state authorities in their lands. 15 out of 40 cities that were located on the territory of modern Belarus were on the Magnatse lands, which often limited their development.

Gradually, the Lithuanian state was increasingly integrated with Polish. In 1447, the Polish king and the Lithuanian Prince Casimir published generally granted instances, which guaranteed the rights of the gentry (nobility) both in Poland and in Lithuania. In 1529 and 1566. Panskaya Rada (Council of Aristocrats, the Supreme Government Office of the Lithuanian State) initiated the creation of 2 Lithuanian statutes. The first codified the norms of civil and criminal law. The second statute regulated the relationship of the gentry and aristocrats. The gentry received guaranteed rights to participate in local and public administration (SEMICS and WALL SYSIMS). At the same time, administrative reform was carried out, following the example of Poland, the country was divided into voivodeship.

In comparison with the Moscow State, the Lithuanian principality was distinguished by greater religious tolerance. On the territory of the principality coexisted and competed by the Orthodox and Catholic Church, in the middle of the 16th century. Quite great distribution received Protestantism.

Lithuania and Moscow relations during the second half of 15-16 centuries. Were in most part intense. States competed with each other for control over Russian lands. After a series of successful wars, Ivan 3 and his son Vasily Third Suma \u003d whether to add border lands in the windows of Oki and Dnipro, the most important success of Vasily 3 became accession after a long struggle of a strategically important Smolensk Principality in 1514

During the Livonian War 1558-1583. The Lithuanian army at the first stage of hostilities suffered serious defeats from the Moscow king's troops. As a result, in 1569, Lublin Sania was concluded between Poland and Lithuania. Causes of conclusion: 1. Military threat from the Moscow king. 2. Economic situation. In the 16th century Poland was one of the largest grain traders in Europe. Lithuanian to know wanted to get free access to such a profitable trading. 3. The attractiveness of the Polish Shuttle Culture, great legal guarantees that were from the Polish gentry. 4. For the Poles, it was important to gain access to very fertile, but poorly mastered lands of the Lithuanian principality. According to UNENING, in the composition of the United States, Lithuania maintained its proceedings, administration and Russian in office work. The freedom of faith and the preservation of local customs was particularly noted. At the same time, Volynsky, Kiev lands were transferred to the Polish kingdom.

The consequences of Ulya: 1. Increased military potential. The Polish king Stefan Batori managed to apply severe defeats by the troops of Ivan Grozny, the Moscow kingdom eventually lost all its conquests in the Baltic States. 2. Powerful migration of the Polish population and the population of Galicia to East of the Lithuanian state. The reception of Polish culture is primarily a local Russian to know. 4. The revival of spiritual life, since the Orthodox Church was necessary to compete in the struggle for the minds with Catholics and Protestants. This contributed to the development of the education system.

In 1596, on the initiative of the Catholic Church in Brest, the church Uania between the Catholic and Orthodox Churches of the Commonwealth was concluded. The Ulya was actively supported by Polish kings that were counting on the consolidation of their state.

According to Ulya, the Orthodox Church recognized the supremacy of the Roman Pope and a number of Catholic Dogmas (Filioque, the concept of purgatory). At the same time, the Orthodox rituit was preserved.

Ulya not only did not contribute to the consolidation of society, but the opposite of his split. Only a part of Orthodox bishops recognized the Ulya. The new church received the name of the Greek Catholic or Uniate (from 18th century). Other bishops retained the loyalty of the Orthodox Church. This was supported by a significant part of the population of Lithuanian lands.

Additional stress contributed the activities of the Zaporizhia and Ukrainian Cossacks. The detachments of free people of Christians went for the prey in the wild field in 13 V (sponsors). However, the consolidation of the Cossacks into severe and recognized strength occurs in 15-16 centuries. Due to the constant raids of Crimean Khanate. In response to raids, Zaporizhia arose to Schish as a professional military association. Polish kings actively used Zaporizhzhsk Cossacks in their wars, but the Cossacks remained a source, since they were joined by all dissatisfied current situation.