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It is necessary to article and to the genres of the film. Articles in English A, An and The

Artikl is a service word showing that the word standing behind him is a noun, and describing some of its signs. Articles allow you to distinguish from other parts of speech. They are performed by other tasks.

There are two articles in English: uncertaina. (aN.) I. certaintheir.

Undefined article in front of the words that begin with a consonant sound, is used in the form a. [ə], for example: a desk [ə'desk], a book [ə'bʊk]; Before words that begin with a vowel sound - in the form aN. [ən], for example: An Animal [ən'ænɪməl], An Eye [ən'aɪ]. The name of the articles itself (without a noun) always sounds [Eɪ].

Definite article their Before words that begin with a consonant sound, pronounced as [ðə], for example: The Table [ðə'teɪbl], The Pen [Ðə'pen]; Before words that begin with a vowel sound, - as [ɪ], for example: The Apple [ɪɪæPL], The ARM [Ðɪɪm]. The name of the very artist is always pronounced as [l.].

When writing and pronunciation of articles, it is important from what sound the word begins, and not with what letter. For example, if the initial letter u. read as [ʌ], then you need to put aN. (An Uncle [ən'ʌŋkl]), but if like, then - a. (A union [ə'ju: Nɪon]).

Another example: if at the beginning of the word letter h. pronounced, then you need to put a. (a hen [ə'hen] chicken), but if not pronounced, then aN. (An Hour [ən'auə] hour).

    Indefinite article
  • has two forms - but and aN.;
  • indicates an incomprehensible / unfamiliar subject.
    Definite article
  • has one form - their;
  • indicates a clear / familiar subject.

Articles never find themselves under stress and merge into speech with the word going beyond them. In the presence of the adjective articles is put in front of him. Compare: An Apple - a Big Green Apple.

Articles consumption

When using articles, it is important to take into account, in which number (the only or multiple) there is a noun and what is its type, namely: a nominal one or its own, calculated or incurred, distrastructure or specific.

In many cases, the use (or absence) of the articles is regulated by grammatical rules, but in some cases is traditional. Such cases need to be memorized.

Indefinite article

Undefined article comes from numeral one. (one). It is usually not translated into Russian, but it would be possible to translate it as "one", "one of" or "some", "some kind of". Therefore, an uncertain article can be consumed only with the calculated nouns and only in the singular. '

    Uncertain article is used:
  1. When the subject, the creature or face is mentioned for the first time, for example: I See A Boy (I see (some) boy).
  2. If the turn is used there is., for example: There IS An Apple in My Pocket (in my pocket / in my pocket (available) apple).
  3. If the turn is used have Something / have Got. Something, for example: I Have (Got) An Orange (I have an orange).
  4. If you are called profession, position, nationality and other human characteristics, for example: I am a Teacher (I am a teacher); HER SON IS A PUPIL (her son is a student).
  5. When you need to specify that this item (creature, person) belongs to a specific group (the group property is expressed by the adjective), for example: Do you know Town? YES, IT IS A NICE SMALL TOWN (Do you know this town? Yes, it is a pretty little town). (In this case, it is not necessary that the subject is mentioned for the first time.)
  6. If you need to specifically emphasize that the subject is only one, for example: Do You Have Pencils? Yes, I Have a Pencil (Do you have pencils? Yes, there is (one)). (Here, too, the subject does not have to be mentioned for the first time.)

Definite article

Certain articles comes from the index pronouns that. (this). It allocates a specific object from the number of similar ("this", "this one", "the same").

    Certain article is used:
  1. If the subject is already mentioned and the speech continues precisely about it, for example: My Friend Has Got A Dog. HE WALKS WHITH THE DOG EVERY DAY (my friend has a dog. He walks with the dog every day). But: My Friend Has Got A Dog. My Sister Also Has a Dog (my friend has a dog. My sister also has a dog).
  2. If the subject or objects refer to a special group, for example: The Flowers in Our Garden Are Very Beautiful (Flowers in our garden are very beautiful). (Here in Our Garden is a special group, so the word Flowers is written with a certain article. In this case, the word can be mentioned for the first time, but the article will be defined.)
  3. If there is a sequence numerical one before the noun, for example: The Second Lesson Is English (second lesson - English). (In this case, it is said about concrete and only: the second lesson can be only one.)
  4. If the noun is adjective to an excellent degree, for example: not is the best pupil in our school (he is the best student in our school). (In this case, it is said about the specific and only one: the best student can be only one.)
  5. If we are talking about a unique phenomenon or object. (Therefore, the Earth and The Sun is usually written. Here the use of a certain article is similar to writing a word with a capital letter in Russian.)
  6. If we are talking about the usual objects of the situation and the surrounding world, for example: Where is My Coat? IT Hangs AT The Door (where is my coat? It hangs at the door). (It is not necessary to be in mind a specific door - just called the usual object of the situation).
  7. If the disturbed noun is used in some private manifestation, for example: I Cannot See Anything in the Darkness! (I do not see anything in this darkness!)

No articles (zero articles)

In the absence of articles, they also say that there is zero artity.

    Article is absent in the following cases.
  1. When the subject (thing, the creature, person) is mentioned for the first time in the plural, for example: I See Boys in the Street (I see on the street (some) boys).
  2. If the turn is used tHERE ARE With nouns in a plural, for example: There Are Apples in My Pocket (I have an apples in my pocket).
  3. If the turn is used have Something / have Got. Something, for example: I Have (Got) Oranges in My Fridge (I have oranges in the refrigerator).
  4. If a profession is called, position, nationality and other characteristics of two or more people, for example: We Are Teachers (We Teachers); Her Sons Are Pupils (her sons - disciples).
  5. When you need to specify that these items belong to a specific group (the group property is expressed by the adjective), for example: Did You Hear These Songs? Yes, These Were Very Nice Songs (Did you hear these songs? Yes, it was very cute songs). (In this case, it is not necessary that the word is called for the first time.)
  6. If the abstract noun is used in the general sense, for example: Darkness Is The Absence of Light (Darkness is the lack of light).
  7. If there is a possessive pronoun in front of the noun, for example: My House is Yellow (my house is yellow).
  8. If there is a denial before noucent no. (not not!), For example: We Have No Bread On the Table (there is no bread on the table).

It's important to know! If in cases of 1-5 are used innumerable nouns (they do not have a plural), then the article is also missing. All these cases are similar to the use of an indefinite article with the calculated nouns in the singular.

Article use with own names

Names Own are usually used without articles, for example: Moscow, New York, Elizabeth, Trafalgar Square, ELBRUS.

    Certain articles are used in the following special cases.
  1. Names of rivers, seas, oceans, for example: The Mississippi - Mississippi (River); The Baltic Sea - the Baltic Sea; The Atlantic Ocean is the Atlantic Ocean.
  2. The names of some states, for example: The Russian Federation - Russian Federation; The Ukraine - Ukraine; The Brazil - Brazil; The USA - USA; The United Kingdom - the United Kingdom.
  3. Some other geographical names (with articles - by tradition), for example: The Caucasus - Caucasus; The Crimea - Crimea; The Hague - Hague (city in the Netherlands).
  4. Names of mountains (mountain systems), for example: The Alps - Alps.
  5. Names of the Parties: The North - North; The South - South; The East - East; The West - West.
  6. Names of newspapers and magazines, for example: The Times - Times.
  7. The names of hotels, for example: The Savoy - Savoy.
  8. The name of the whole family (all family members) by last name, for example: The Krasnovs - Krasnovy (Red Family).
    The following names are used without article.
  1. The names of the continents, for example: America - America; Asia - Asia; Africa - Africa.
  2. Names of most countries, for example: Russia - Russia; India - India; France - France; Great Britain - United Kingdom.
  3. Cities names, for example: London - London; Paris - Paris; MOSCOW - Moscow.
  4. Names of streets and squares, for example: Green Street - Green Street; Red Square - Red Square.
  5. Names of months and days of the week, for example: I'll See You in September / on Sunday (see you in September / on Sunday).
  6. Names and surnames, for example: Jack Black, Ivan Petrov.

Phrase with articles and without article

Combination without article

after School / Work - After School / Work
AT HALF PAST TWO - in half the third
at night - at night
at home - houses; At Work - at work
At School - at school (in class)
At Table - at the table (that is, at lunch, etc.)
By Heart - by heart
by post - by mail
From beginning to End - from beginning to end
from Morning Till Night - From morning to evening
go to bed - go to bed
In Front Of - Ahead
Play Football / Hockey - Play Football / Hockey
to go / com home - go / come home

Combinations with uncertain article

aT a Quarter Past Two - a quarter of the third
Go for a Walk - go for a walk
Have a Good Time - Have time to spend time
Have a look - take a look
IN A LOW / LOUD VOICE - quiet / loud
IT's a Pity! - Sorry!
IT's a Pleasure! - Very nice!
IT's A Shame! - Shame!

Combinations with a certain article

go to the Theater / Cinema - Go to the theater / Cinema
IN THE COUNTRY - OUT THE CITY, in the village
IN THE MORNING / AFTERNOON / EVENING - in the morning / day / evening
ON / TO THE RIGHT / LEFT - Right / Left, left
PLAY THE PIANO / GUITAR - Play a piano / guitar
The Other Day - the other day
What is the time? - What time is it now?

That is the absence of articles. In this article, we will consider an indefinite article A \\ An in English.

Article A or AN?

Uncertain article has two forms: a and an. The rule of their use is very simple.

  • Article in uniform "A" Used before consonant sound: a BOOT, A TIE, A LOCK, A HOUSE, A CAR, A JOB.
  • Article in uniform "AN" Used before vowels: an Apple, An Iron, An Oven, An Error.

Even if the word begins on a consonant letter, but begins with a vowel sound, "AN" is used. To these cases belong:

  • Non-crisp h. At the beginning of the word: an Hour. [ən. Aʊʊ] an Honour. [ən ɒnə].
  • Some abbreviations that are read by separate letters: an FBI Agent. [ən ɛf BIː Aɪ Eɪʤɪʤnt].

Uncertain article A \\ An in English - the basic rule

If you reduce the rules to the main common, it will be so.

General rule: Uncertain article is used, not a specific, but some kind of The subject (because it is called uncertain). In Russian, we would instead of it could say "some kind of", "some", "some", "one".

By the way, the A \\ An article originated from the word one (one) - knowing it, it is not difficult to understand its meaning and use. Consider examples.

I Need. a Shovel.. - I need (some) shovel.

I'd Like To Buy a Ticket.. - I would like to buy (one, some) ticket.

Compare if you replace A \\ An on a certain article The meaning will change:

I Need. the Shovel.. - I need (this defined) shovel.

I'd Like To Buy the Ticket. - I would like to buy (that particular) ticket.

The rules for the use of article A (AN) in English

Consider more specific rules. So, the A / An article is used when:

1. I mean any, no matter what representative of the class of objects or persons.

A Baby. Can Do That. - Baby (any) can do it.

A Triangle. Has Three sided. - Triangle (any) three sides.

Article does not have to be directly before, between them can be denoting a sign of the noun.

I Need. a Cheap Ball Pen. - I need (some) cheap ballpoint pen.

I WANT TO BUY A Good Hockey Stick. - I want to buy (some) a good hockey stick.

Please note that if in the same case to put a certain article They, the meaning will change much, for example:

I WANT TO BUY the Hockey Stick.. - I want to buy (defined) the key.

2. Noun calls, who or what is the subject or face.

Most often this is a profession, if we are talking about a person, or the name of the subject (class of objects), if something inanatible. In this case, the article is difficult to "translate" into Russian. It should be understood that the noun denotes the subject \\ face as a whole, not as a separate copy, but as a generalizing concept.

I am. a doctor. - I am a doctor.

He is aN.experienced graphicdesigner.. - He is an experienced graphic designer.

This is. a Snowboard.. - This is a snowboard.

If you use the, it will not be about the class of objects in general, but about a specific representative:

Hi Is. the Experienced Designer.. - He (the same) experienced designer.

3. We are talking about one subject or face.

That is, literally about the subject in the amount of one thing. Here the A \\ An article means almost the same as ONE.

I'd Like a Cup Of Hot Chocolate. - I would like (one) cup of hot chocolate.

I Need. a day. to rest. - I need (one) day for rest.

With the Article The Speech, too, in general, will go about one subject, but about concrete. For example, not just about a cup of chocolate, but about the cup that you welded first, she has a pretty foam:

I'd Like The Cup of Hot Chocolate. - I would like (TU) a cup of hot chocolate.

4. We are talking about the subject or face, mentioned in a conversation for the first time ...

... And when we speak the second, third, tenth time, we use the ARTICLE THEM.

Here the use of articles is dictated by simple logic. Speaking about the subject for the first time, we usually talk about it as a "somehow", "somehow".

- You know, I Watched an Interesting Movie. Yesterday. - You know, I looked yesterday (some) an interesting movie.

Five minutes passed, we have already discussed the film along and across, and we are not talking about it some, and how about quite defined Film:

- Yeah, I Think, I'm Going to Rewatch the Movie! - Yes, I think I will recline (this) film.

In general, this rule is very easily broken. For example, I decided to intrigue the interlocutor and say to the gather that I watched not just some kind of movie, and the very film:

- You know, I Watched the Movie. Yesterday. - You know, I looked at the very film yesterday.

Or in this particular conversation, the subject may be mentioned for the first time, but both interlocutors understand perfectly what it is about.

MARY: HONEY, WHERE IS the Mirror.? - Dear, where is the mirror?

John: Your Mom's Present Is In The Bathroom, As Always. - Gift your mom in the bathroom, as usual.

5. In a number of sustainable expressions

Basically, they are associated with time and quantity:

  • in a day \\ week \\ month \\ year - every other day \\ week \\ year \\ year
  • In An Hour - An hour later
  • In a Half An Hour - after half an hour
  • A FEW - a few
  • A Little - a little
  • a lot (Great Deal) Of - Many

Undefined article A \\ An is often used in sustainable expressions like to have (to take) + noun, meaning some one time action:

  • To Have (Take) a look - take a look
  • To Have A Walk - stroll
  • To Have (Take) A Seat - Sit
  • to take a note - make a note, record


  1. Some expressions according to this scheme are used with zero articles, for example: to Have Fun - Have fun.
  2. With a certain article The Words are used in most cases: The Future, The Past, The Present.
  3. The names of the seasons are used with the or with zero article: IN (The) Winter, In (The) Summer, etc.

Uncertain article before adjective and pronoun

Articles (any) can be used before adjective. In this case, they serve as determinants not to adjective, of course, and to the noun, the sign of which denotes these adjectives:

  • She IS. a Nice Beautiful Girl. - She is a nice beautiful girl.
  • I Need. The Red Hat.. - I need a red hat.

Articles are not used in front of the noun if it is already determined by the attractive (My, Your, His, Her, etc.) or the index pronoun (this, these, that, those). The fact that if the subject it says that he "whose "That", it already means that the subject is concrete, defined - it makes the article A \\ An impossible, and the article is superfluous.

  • Wrong: I am Looking for a (The) My Dog.
  • Right: I Am Looking for My Dog.

The rules for the use of certain and indefinite articles (Articles) in colloquial English speech.

The correct use of indefinite and defined articles in English speech is very important for mutual understanding. Communicating with an Anglist man. You risk being incomprehensible if you make mistakes in the use of article.

What is an article?

Article in English is a service word, which is one of the main formal signs of the noun, determines it, stands in front of the noun or before the word, its defining. Independently articles is not used, it does not matter and is not translated into Russian.


a Pen - pen
a Blue Pen - Blue Handle

In Slavic languages, and, in particular, in Russian, the articles do not exist, therefore, in many English learners, this part of speech causes difficulties with understanding how, where and why to use artity. In English, the refinement is made in English with the use of articles - we are talking about an abstract or concrete subject.

Indefinite article

Undefinite Article (indefinite article) has two forms: a. and aN., It is used before the calculated nouns in the singular. The form a [ə] It is used before words that begin with a consonant sound. The form an [æn] It is used before the words that begin with a vowel sound.

Indefinite (A / AN)

Uncertain article A (AN) Used:

1. When we mention the subject for the first time.
I Saw A Cat. - I saw a cat.

2. Before the names of the professions.
I am a doctor. - I am a doctor.

3. In front of the noun, if the adjective is worth it, which describes it.
She is a beautiful Woman. - She is a beautiful woman.

4. In combination

  • a Couple.
  • a pair.
  • a Little.
  • a Few

Definite article

Certain Article (Definite Article) has one form the [Ði:], It is used when we are talking about something specific or previously encountered in the context, conversation, or about the fact that a companion is known from his general knowledge. Definite article their It comes from the word that (one) can be used with nouns in a single and multiple number, with calculated and incurred.

Although Artict their It is always written in the same way, its enclosure differs depending on which the letter the word follows. Before vowels their Pronounced with long at the end (transcription [Ði:]), and before consonants - with sound [ə] (transcription [ðəə]).


Certain ARTICLE The Used:

1. When we talk about the subject or a person who have already mentioned earlier or in the context, it is clear what we mean.
I Saw A Cat. The Cat Was Black.
We have already talked about this cat before.

Where is your son? - Where is your son?
He is in the kitchen. - He's in the kitchen.
In the house there is only one kitchen, so it is clear that we mean.

2. In front of the objects that are unique or exist in a single copy.

The Sun, The Moon, The Pressident (President One in the Country)

3. Before adjectives in excellent degree The Best.

4. Before names:

  • sea (The Black Sea);
  • rivers (The Danube);
  • ocean (The Atlantic Ocean);
  • names of newspapers (The Times);
  • the Black Sea Hotel;
  • theaters, galleries, museums.

Zero Artict

No Article.

Article is not used:

1. If we are talking about the subject in general, as a class.
For example: "I am Afraid of Dogs." - I'm afraid of dogs.
I'm afraid not some particular dog, and all dogs in general.
That is, I'm talking about dogs in general as a class.

2. Article is not used before:

  • names of countries (england);
    • exceptions: The USA, The Great Britain;
  • the names of cities (london);
  • street names (Bakers Street);
  • languages \u200b\u200b(english);
  • airports, stations.

3. Articles are not used in expressions:

  • at home;
  • aT SCHOOL;
  • at university;
  • at work / to work;
  • in bed / to bed;
  • by bus / by train / by car.

Perform practical exercises

Supply "A / AN", "The" or "-":


He is (_) Strong MAN. - He is a strong man.

  1. I'm going to bed. I'Ve Got (_) Headache.
  2. Paris is (_) Capital of France.
  3. I'll be Back in (_) Minute.
  5. I Go to (_) Cinema Twice (_) WEEK.
  6. Coffee (_) PRODUCED IN BRAZIL.
  7. They Make (_) Good Coffee Here.
  8. She Does Not Know (_) English, She Speaks (_) Spanish.
  9. My Brother, (_) Geographic Teacher, KNOWS (_) Lot About IT.
  10. I SAW (_) Wonderful Picture.
  11. Mister Alan Grandma WAS (_) Artist.
  13. She is (_) Economical Woman.
  14. (_) Present IS Changing Every 4 Years.
  15. I Bought (_) Couple of Glasses In (_) Museum Yesterday.

Artikli in English: determined - the, indefinite - A (AN), zero. Use articles with geographic names.

The use of articles in English is a challenging task for beginners to learn this one of the most common languages \u200b\u200bin the world. Articles in English are three species, and despite the fact that there are clear rules explaining their use, choose the right artictle sometimes it is not easy.

  • definite article their : Did You Enjoy The Party? - Did you like the party?
  • two vague articles in English:

Article a. - Used if the next word begins with the consonant: I'm Reading A Book About England - I read the book about England

Article aN. - If the word standing after it starts with vowels: I Read An Interesting Story - I read an interesting story

  • "Zero Article" (Zero Article in English) is the lack of articles: Does She Like Meat or Fish? - Does she love meat or fish?

Articles in English can stand immediately in front of the noun:

She IS An Artist - She is an artist

In addition, artikli in English can be separated from noun by adverbing or adjective:

the Newly Renovated Church - recently renovated church

a beautiful Young Woman - Beautiful young woman

Rules for the use of articles in English

Eating uncertain article in English "A" and "AN":

1. Undefined articles in English "A" or "AN" are used with nouns only in the only number in the following cases:

1.1. If the subject or person is mentioned for the first time, and also, if the noun is adjective in the definition function:


Suddenly There Was a Loud Bang- Suddenly there was a loud blow

1.2. With noun in design there IS "(There WAS):

There was a noise outdoors - there was some noise on the street

1.3. With noun in conjunction with adjective "Such":

Such a Day, Such A Car Etc.

1.4. In exclamation proposals with an amplifier pronoun "What" uncertainty articles are used in English:

What a day! "What a nice journey!"

1.5. C noun, which precedes the word "Half":

half An Hour, Half a Day etc.

1.6. Words that begin with the letter "U", provided that it is pronounced as / ju: / (for example, "United", "useful"), are always used with Article "A" (not "AN"):

English is. an Universal. Language.

English is. a universal Language.

1.7. Slov "One and Ones" and all phrases starting with these words (such as-sided, once-over) are always used with Article "A":

a One-Parent Family, A One-Way Trip Etc.

1.8. If the abbreviations begin with letters: f, h, l, m, n, r, s or x, and the pronunciation of these letters begins with a vowel sound (for example, f is pronounced, like / EF /), then in such cases an uncertain article is always used in such cases "AN" (not "a"):

an MBA Degree, An FBI Agent etc.

1.9. As part of some sustainable combinations, an uncertain article is used in English:

a Lot Of, Twice A Day, As A Result, It's a Pity.

1.10. With professions:

a Pilot, An Engineer.

Using a certain article in English "The"

2. A certain article The English language is used both with the only number and with multiple; With both calculated and with increewable nouns in the following cases:

2.1. If we are talking about a specific person or subject to a specific situation: Can You Walk The Dog? Can You Put The Book On The Table? Both interlocutors know what kind of dog and what book is about. In other words, a certain article The is equivalent to the expression "Won, concrete." Imagine that you come back from the store and speak your friend: "I bought (La) the phone." With these words, you will enter your friend in confusion, because in fact you said: "I bought (La) that phone », And your friend has no idea what the phone is speech. Therefore, it is mentioned about the subject or a person for the first time, will correctly say: I Bought a Phone Yesterday.

2.2. If the subject or phenomenon has a description:

This Is The Phone That I Was Telling You Aby Yesterday”.

2.3. If the subject or face mentioned in the context earlier:

This is a house. THE HOUSE IS VERY OLD.



2.7. When used with the adjective "SAME":


2.8. With noun, denoting names of lakes, waterfalls, straits, mountain ranges, groups of islands, side of light, rivers, seas, oceans (i.e. with geographical names):

the Thames, The Bermudas, The Nez Canal, The Niagara Falls etc, The Neglish.

2.9. With the names of countries consisting of several words, including the following: Federation, Republic, Union, State, Kingdom. For example:

the German Federal Republic, The USA, The UK etc.

2.10. In the names of the desert also uses a certain article They in English:

the Sahara Desert.

2.11. As an exception, a certain article The in English is used with the following geographic names: The Netherlands (translated into Russian - drawing land to show that they still belong to someone, use a certain article in English):

the Crimea, The Caucasus, The Vatican, The Congo, The Lebanon, The Hague and with some other

2.12. With noun, denoting the names of hotels, theaters, museums, ships:

the Hilton, The Covent Garden, The Titanic, The Bolshoy Theater etc.

2.13. With noun, denoting names of English-speaking newspapers:


2.14. As part of sustainable combinations, a certain article The:


2.15. With the names, if the last name is in the plural and means the whole family:

the Smiths, The Browns Etc.

Use of zero articles "Zero Article" (omission of articles in English)

3. Articles in English are falling in the following cases:

3.1. Before the names of their own, as well as before the noun, denoting titles and titles:

Professor N., GENERAL B., QUEEN Y.

3.2. In front of the noun, denoting the days of the week in English:

Monday, Sunday ....

3.3. With noun in combination with pretexts in English "from ... .to, from .... TILL ":

from Beginning to End, From North To South, From Nothing Till Everything, From Head to Foot etc.

3.4. With noun, after which the number or number is indicated:

page 45, Room 8, Tram 7

3.5. With noun after verbs "to appoint", "to elect":

to Appoint Director, To Elect Depeuty.

3.6. Articles in English are not used with nouns denoting the following geographic concepts:

3.6.1. The names of the continents, as well as countries and cities consisting of one name of their own:

Europe, Asia, Australia, France, ITALY, SPAIN ETC.

3.6.2. Names of individual islands (if it is not group of islands), mountains (if it is not a mountain range), as well as the names of the lakes (if there is a word "lake" in their name):

Malta, Elbrus, Lake Ontario etc.

3.6.3. Names of streets and squares:

Red Square, Trafalgar Square, Street, Regent Street etc.

3.7. In the headlines of newspapers and journal articles:

Tasty Farewell to Winter, Color of Dream

3.8. In some sustainable combinations, articles in English are not used:

on Foot, by Heart, by Car, At Home etc.

3.9. When using such nouns in the general sense:

Time Is Money. Life ISN "T Easy. Love and Friendship…

In determining these nouns, a specific article in English is used in the specified value:

Don't You Know Anything About The Life Of this People? Where Is the Money I'Ve Laid on the Shelf?

At first glance, the rules about articles in English a lot and not remember everything. In fact, it is not necessary to remember absolutely all the rules, because in the process of perceiving English speech on the rumor, you remember the right choice of one or another article in English rather quickly.

Add to favourites

Indefinite article A / AN. In English (The Indefinite Article) has two forms:

a. [ə] - used before consonant sounds. That is, if the word begins with a consonant sound, used a.:

a B.ook, a a M.aN, a G.iRL a C.oMPUTER, a T.omato, a. yacht [ j.ɒt] a. Unit [ J.uːnɪt]

aN. [ən] - used before vicinities. That is, if the word starts with a vowel sound, used aN.:

aN A.pple aN E.nGineer, aN I.dea, an O.range aN A.nSWER, aN. Hour [ aʊ.ə (r)]

Please note that the choice of the shape of an indefinite article is determined not by writing, but by pronunciation.

For example, a word hour (hour) starts with a vowel sound, so we use article an (An Hour)Although in writing the first consonant h.. Or, for example, the word yacht (yacht) written with a vowel letter y.but pronounced the consonant sound [j], so we choose a (A YACHT). The use of different forms of one and the same article helps to make speech congestive, easy, natural. Try to pronounce a Apple. or an BookAnd you will feel how difficult it is inconvenient.


Indefinite article a / AN. Used only S. in the singular:

a Pen. (a pen), a Story. (history), a chair. (chair), a Child. (child), a Flower. (flower)

If the noun is used in the form of a plural number, then an indefinite article is missing. The absence of articles in front of the noun is usually called "zero article".

pens. (pens), stories. (stories), chairs. (chairs), children. (children), flowers. (Flowers)

When an uncertain A / AN article is used

Below you will find a description of the basic cases of using an indefinite article a / AN. in English.


Indefinite article a / AN. It is used when we first mention any subject or a person. In this case, we assume that our interlocutor does not know what or about whom we are talking.

Yesterday I Bought. a Handbag. - Yesterday I bought a handbag.
Until that moment, I did not talk about what I was going to buy a bag. That is, I mention this for the first time (my interlocutor knows nothing about this bag), hence indefensible articles a / AN..

If you continue to talk about this bag, then the noun handbag (Bag) will be used with a specific article theirSince this time the interlocutor knows what a specific bag is talking about:

Yesterday I Bought. a Handbag. The Handbag IS Very Beautiful. - Yesterday I bought a handbag. The handbag is very beautiful.

Although most often instead of a noucent, personal pronoun is used, it sounds natural and avoids repeats:

Yesterday I Bought. a Handbag. IT. IS Very Beautiful. - Yesterday I bought a handbag. She is very beautiful.


Indefinite article A / AN. Used when we are not talking about this (specific) subject or person, but just about any, about some kind of group of such subjects or people. In other words, when we talk about the subject or face in general, without meaning the specific skirt, work, handle or dog:

I WANT TO BUY a Skirt.. - I want to buy a skirt. (some skirt, which one I don't know; I know only that I want a skirt, not a dress)
He refused to look for a job. - He refused to look for a job. (Some work)
Give Me. a Pen., Please. - Give me a handle, please. (Some any)
IT IS. a Dog.. - This is a dog. (some kind of dog, any dog)

When we are not talking about a certain subject or face, but about any, then, if we need to re-design it, we do not use personal pronouns or a certain article their. And again we use an indefinite article a / AN. or pronoun one..

She Wants. a. car But He Says the Don't Need one.. "She wants a car, but he says that they don't need it."
She Wants. a. car But He Says the Don't Need a car. - She wants a car, but he says that they do not need a car.
She wants to have a car (not a motorcycle, not a bike, but some car, therefore a car), But he says that they do not need a car (no car is needed at all, and not some kind of defined). Since in the second part of the sentence, we are talking again about any / uncertain machine, then we use again a car.


Indefinite article a / AN. We also use in order to describe or give any information about what has already mentioned earlier. In this case, the adjective is often used before noun. Please note that, although the article stands before adjective, it applies to the name noun:

IT IS. a. beautiful place.. - This is a beautiful place. (Describe what is this place)
He is a. Clever boy.. - He is a smart boy. (characterize what he is for the boy)
Do You Live In a. Big house.? - Do you live in a big house? (ask, in which house)

When we talk about the profession or man's work, we also use an indefinite article a / AN.:

She IS. a Teacher.. - She is a teacher.
I am. a doctor. - I am a doctor.


Historically, vague artikl A / AN. originated from numeral one (one). Hence the opportunity in some cases to replace Article a / AN. NUMBER one.. Such a replacement is possible when articles a / AN. In essence, means "one". For example, this value of an uncertain article is observed in numeral a HUNDRED (STO), a thouusand (thousand), a Million (Million) and in the word a dozen. (dozen)When they are used independently or in front of the noun:

This Toy Costs. a thouusand. Roubles \u003d This Toy Costs one Thousandd Roubles. - This toy is worth a thousand rubles (one thousand rubles).
Give Me. a dozen., Please. \u003d Give Me. oNE DOZEN., Please. - Give me a dozen, please (one dozen).

Precisely with the origin from the numerical one (one) And the meaning of the unnecessary articles is connected, which is especially manifested when expressing time measures, distance, weight or quantity:

This Chocolate Bar Costs a Dollar.. - This chocolate tile is worth a dollar. (\u003d one dollar, we can replace a Dollar. on the one Dollar.)
I'll Call You in an Hour.. - I'll call you in an hour. (\u003d After one hour, we can replace an Hour. on the one Hour.)
CAN I Have. a kilo. Of Tomatoes, Please? - Can I kilogram tomatoes, please? (\u003d one kilogram, we can replace a kilo. on the one Kilo.)

Note that numeral one.instead of artikal a / AN. You should only use if you want to emphasize that we are talking about one subject or face, that is, when you want to be very accurate:

I Have Got. ONE SISTER. - I have one sister. (not two sisters, not three, but only one)
I Have Got. a sister. - I have a sister. (In this case, I just inform you that I have a sister)

The meaning of the unnecessary articles can be seen in some stable phrases transmitting a variety of action:

have a Look - take a look
have a snack - to eat
have a try. - try to try
have a Rest. - relax
have a. good time - have a good time
give. a chance - give a chance
give. a hint. - Hint
give. a LIFT. - Lift
make a Mistake - Embossed
play. a Trick. - play a trick


Indefinite article A / AN. It is also used when it is necessary to designate the amount per unit of measurement. For example, when we are talking about the price of oranges per kilogram, about the size of wages per month, about the number of classes per week or the speed of the car per hour. The noun denoting this one is the same unit of measurement, and will be used with an uncertain article.

The Oranges Were. 80 Roubles a kilo. - Oranges cost 80 rubles per kilogram.
She Works. 8 Hours a Day. - She works 8 hours a day.
I Go to Aerobics twice A Week. - I go to aerobics twice a week.


Indefinite article a / AN. can also be used with some innumerable abstract nouns (for example, humor - humor, hatred - Hate, anger - Gnev, magic - Magic) In the case when they have adjectives with them. Typically, such a use of an indefinite article is typical for a book style and expresses the desire of the author to emphasize the individual, particular nature of a particular abstract concept.

Please note that in the case described above, the use of an indefinite article is not mandatory. If you do not want to allocate a certain number of any emotion, character traits, etc., Artikl a / AN. You can not use.

On a note

To learn how to use an indefinite article a / AN. More or less automatically, try to form in my head such a rule: use an indefinite article with calculated nouns in the singular when there are no other reasons for using a specific article their or any other identifier (assistive or indefinite pronoun).