Repair Design Furniture

Furniture in a black and white living room. Black and white interior: features, photo White and black living room interior

Many people dream of decorating their living room or other room in black, but do not realize their dreams.

Below we will try to tell a lot of interesting and important things about this design, after which we hope that most apartment owners will dare to create a black interior.

Usually the main function of the living room is to receive guests, so the general idea about the owners and everything else is formed after meeting this room.

For most people, the color black is an indicator of restraint, severity, but for the rest, even pretentiousness. When you imagine such a room, you immediately involuntarily think about the owner.

And this is not surprising. The owner can be a man under the age of 45, with a certain taste, who is not afraid of the opinions of others. He is confident in himself, does not want to be like everyone else, but rather strives to stand out from the crowd.

Stylish and modern, with leadership skills and personality - that's who owns the black living room.

Dark wallpaper in the living room

To create a trendy living room, you will need black wallpaper with vertical lines. This print lengthens the walls. But for a small area it is better to use wallpaper with horizontal lines, with their help the space will expand.

An excellent solution would be a combination of wallpaper with a horizontal plinth and a black glossy stretch ceiling. At their joints (walls and ceilings), the gloss will reflect the stripes from the wallpaper and continue their pattern.

Therefore, the space will visually expand not only in width, but also in height. This design solution will please you with the final result.

In a spacious living room, the black tone can be played up in another way, for example, with furniture or floor coverings. Light or even white furniture will look great. A sofa in light colors will create an atmosphere of lightness and the effect of a white living room.

An unusual option for a black living room interior is the option of liquid wallpaper. Their main advantage is that when applied they do not leave seams. They are soundproof, absolutely non-allergenic, and pleasant to touch (they contain real wool fibers).

In the studio living room, you can use a bar counter as a division. All your guests will love it.

This design method is very common. And it is used both in spacious areas and in opposite cases.

If you are in doubt and cannot mentally imagine the interior design of such a living room, then you can pay attention to the photos of black living rooms below.

Of course, on the Internet you can easily find the options you need, and then easily transfer the option you like to your own square meters.

But if this method of solving the problem does not suit you, then you can use the last option. Order a design specialist to visualize in 3D format. He will create for you a project of your exact room with an identical area. After that, you will see with your own eyes the interior design of a black living room and decide whether it suits you or not.

If you are satisfied with everything, then you can begin repair work. Typically, the design specialist will collaborate with the construction team. They will take the necessary measurements and transfer the computer project to your living room.

To finally complete the entire look of the living room, you need to use some details. A specialist can also help you with them.

But if you are based on your own feelings, then you can choose the necessary details yourself, such as all kinds of vases, paintings, figurines and much more. It is important not to overdo it with small things, they can ruin everything and make the living room not cozy.

There is no need to purchase bright furniture for small rooms in dark colors. It will visually reduce the space. It will seem like there is nothing in the room except this bright sofa.

Bright colors need to be used correctly, for example in the color of accessories: in pillows, topiary, flower arrangements and much more.

Curtains made of thick material will look great in a black living room. They can be either dark or light.

Curtains can be complemented with unusual tulle. Properly chosen curtains will create comfort and complete the composition. Light curtains and furniture combined with dark walls will create a black and white living room interior.

We hope that now the design of a black living room does not seem so complicated and impossible to you. We wish you success in creating a new interior.

Photo of a black living room

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Living room in black and white colors photo

The combination of black and white is an eternal classic in the fashion world; it is always stylish and elegant. But who said that these same colors cannot be used as the main ones in apartment design? The spectacular black and white interior of the living room combines elegance and rigor at the same time; contrasting monochrome combinations create a unique space. It is only important to strictly maintain a balance between the sterility of a hospital room with an excess of white and the oppressive gloom with an excessive use of black.

Stylish living room in black and white

Living room in modern style in black and white colors

The combination of black and white in the interior

According to designers, the use of black and white tones in the interior is a universal solution. Using only two colors, one room can be made expressive and bold or a bastion of calm and tranquility.
Many people believe that monochrome interiors are not very suitable for living spaces. According to ordinary people, such colors are more suitable for offices, since they seem too official and strict. However, people tend to change their opinion for the better after seeing catalogs with photos of living rooms done in black and white. It turned out that the two most seemingly boring colors can create a dynamic interior. In order for white and black to play in contrast, it is important to distribute the colors correctly. It is strictly forbidden to use both shades in a 50/50 ratio. One of the colors must be in the lead, but which one depends on your decision.

The predominance of white in the living room interior

The predominance of black color in the living room interior

Original design of a black and white living room

Interesting! Despite the fact that black is considered the color of choice for people prone to depression, a room with predominant dark tones has a relaxing and peaceful effect.

If you like quiet and relaxing leisure time with your family, choose black as the base color. This solution looks good in spacious living rooms; for small rooms, white is more suitable, visually expanding the space. A snow-white interior, harmoniously diluted with black and other shades, will bring a feeling of freshness on a frosty morning.

Small living room in black and white

Decorating a living room in black and white so that it looks harmonious is quite difficult. Here you need to have an artistic sense of proportion. The choice of the main tone depends on several indicators, these are:

  • human psychology - how he perceives colors;
  • life style;
  • room dimensions;
  • quality of lighting.

So, let's look at each factor in more detail.
The way people psychologically perceive such contrasting colors as white and black is established from birth. The color black, when viewed in Western cultural tradition, is considered a symbol of mourning, despondency and sadness, while white is a symbol of purity, innocence and joy. If you skillfully play with proportions, the living room will become stylish and elegant, regardless of the dominant color.

Black and white living room with fireplace in a private house

Keep in mind that the overall perception of the living room depends on which color is leading. In order not to psychologically “crush” guests and household members, do not paint the ceiling black; the same applies to ornaments. A dark ceiling not only causes psychological discomfort, it also visually makes the walls appear lower. An overly contrasting interior (exactly the same case with equal proportions of black and white) will only tire the eyes and irritate.

The lifestyle of the apartment owner also influences the design of the premises. If you are prone to loneliness, do not like noise and commotion, and want to spend your evenings with a book or with a small number of friends, black is just the color for you. If you have a large family, there are children and pets in the house, it is better to use white as a background.

White background in a black and white living room

If you remember your school fine arts lessons well, then you probably know that using color you can influence the visual perception of the dimensions of a room. If you are a calm person and love comfort, then you will not be scared by the fact that black will visually make the room smaller - it will become more comfortable. If you like it simple, use white - this will make the room seem wider without any redevelopment.

The quality of lighting is no less important, especially when creating a living room in black and white style. If the room has small windows and there is little natural light in the room, then you will have to forget about the abundance of black - light colors are better suited here. The opposite is also true - when the lighting is too bright, you can use more black.

The predominance of black shades in the living room with large floor-to-ceiling windows

Pink armchairs as an accent in a black and white living room

Purple accent in a black and white living room

Important! When choosing a dominant color, consider the direction of the windows (for example, in southern rooms there is a lot of light, especially in summer) and the size of the room.

Rules for decorating a monochrome interior

Black and white need to be combined skillfully, following all the rules. These colors are difficult to use; even a slight misalignment can ruin the entire impression of the room. So, what you need to consider when thinking through a monochrome interior:

  • As mentioned earlier, a black ceiling is taboo. It not only makes the room lower, turning it into a hole, but also exerts constant psychological pressure;
  • Be sure to divide the room into zones - color accents should be distributed locally, this is the only way the interior will look harmonious;
  • Be careful with contrast, a room that looks like a zebra will not be cozy. Experiment with lines and shapes;
  • Be sure to dilute the abundance of black and white with small splashes of other shades. Both colors harmoniously combine with any tones of the cold and warm spectrum;
  • Use large mirrors to expand the space. The color design of the frames can continue the monochrome theme of the interior or become a bright accent, diluting a boring environment.

Red lamps in a black and white interior

Bright accents in a black and white room

Color accents

Not everyone likes minimalism, expressed in the strict black and white color of the living room. Additional bright accessories will enliven the interior:

  • Red is a fiery color, it is the very embodiment of energy and activity. In addition, scarlet looks incredibly stylish in combination with black and white - this is an ultra-fashionable stylistic solution that is relevant at any time. This design will appeal to young and creative people;
  • Yellow is a sunny, cozy color; it will add warmth to the interior, which cold monochrome tones lack. Golden shades will smooth out the sharpness of the lines and remove the office spirit that is inappropriate in a residential apartment. Yellow is good for large families;
  • Green is the very embodiment of life and natural freshness; it always enlivens the interior. Accessories can be grass-colored - curtains, pillows, vases, etc. However, the best embodiment of this color are real living plants in beautiful pots and tubs. It is important not to be lazy and take care of them;
  • Gray allows you to soften the sharp transitions between white and black, making the interior more harmonious.

Green and blue colors in a black and white living room

The presence of red in a black and white living room

Depending on the tones used in black and white, you can decorate a room in different styles. If you have chosen a high-tech style, dilute the interior with silver and gray. For modernism, different shades of red and blue are better suited, but soft pastel colors are an ideal solution for Provence or shabby. Natural wood will look good in a living room in a country or eco style, but massive furniture made from dark wood is well suited for classic interiors.

The emphasis can be placed on sofa cushions, carpets, curtains, upholstery of chairs or sofas, vases, paintings, figurines, original lamps, etc.

How to choose furniture

  • Of course, it would be logical to look at the set in the same black and white colors as the decoration of the room. Still, style implies a harmonious combination of all interior elements. The situation with monochrome living rooms is complicated by the fact that they, as a rule, do not have a clearly defined style direction. Therefore, selecting furniture turns into a rather difficult task;

Green curtains in the interior of a black and white living room

Bright little things in a black and white living room

Important! Try to avoid oversaturation with black or white, such an interior will only irritate. Look for a balance between colors that makes you feel good in your living room.

  • You should not choose a black sofa, table and chair; such a set of furniture will look like a solid and boring black spot. You should not place furniture together; it is better to separate it into different zones, diluting it with other elements;
  • A white sofa with contrasting decor on the base and armrests in combination with an all-black dining table will look good. It is better to choose chairs, as well as armchairs adjacent to the sofa, in white color so as not to overload the ensemble;
  • In classic interiors, the black color of the furniture is successfully set off by inserts made of natural light wood - it looks very luxurious, especially together with the original firmware of the parts;
  • If the living room is small, it is better to choose simple models of black and white furniture. In this case, the simplicity of the design of even an entire black furniture block will not clog up a small space.

Which wallpaper is better to choose

Black and white wallpaper looks great in modern interiors, but if you choose the wrong pattern and background color, the interior will become gloomy and lifeless. For a luxurious living room design, you need to find the most optimal combination of black and white.
For small rooms, it is better to choose wallpaper with a white background and a black pattern on it; it is important to ensure that the pattern is not too large. It’s better to choose smaller patterns, otherwise the space will seem cluttered. You need to be even more careful when choosing a black background. Even if the wallpaper is diluted with a white pattern, you cannot cover all the walls with it. Traditionally, the color is used to highlight the wall next to which the sofa is located.

Combined wallpaper in black and white shades

White walls in a black and white living room interior

How to choose curtains

You need to be very careful when choosing curtains for black and white living rooms. If there is too much contrast in the interior, choosing wallpaper to match is a big mistake. Try to choose neutral shades on which the eye will rest after an abundance of black and white - gray, beige, champagne, the color of baked milk. The color of the curtains can be chosen based on other accessories, for example, sofa cushions.

Bright red pillows in a black and white living room

Black curtains will look appropriate if white is dominant. You can choose fabrics with light patterns. Curtains in white, with or without patterns, will be good if the dominant color is black. Do not choose small patterns for textiles so that the interior is not chaotic; the larger the pattern, the better. In a dark room, dense (for example, velvet) matte fabrics in complex colors - turquoise, wine, emerald green - will look interesting. To prevent the windows from looking too heavy, take care of finishing in the form of fringe or tassels in more contrasting shades. You can see examples of black and white living room design in the photo.

A black and white living room design will definitely attract the attention of anyone who enters your home. Combine colors wisely and maintain balance, then you will want to stay in the room as long as possible.

Photo gallery (51 photos)

Because of its expressiveness, black and white color is not found very often in the interior. This tandem contains the eternal unity of opposites, yin and yang, but the slightest imbalance can be fatal.

Design in black and white requires perfection in absolutely everything. It should be distinguished by the latest materials, perfectly smooth surfaces, neat lines and perfect shapes. Particular attention should be paid to proportions - it is better if one color is the background, and the other is present in the accents. An excessive amount of small contrasts is tiring, but large details look more harmonious.

Textures become of great importance in an achromatic interior. So glossy black becomes a kind of mirror in which light areas are reflected, and thus the effect of the night sky is obtained. In turn, matte surfaces look solid and stable, creating an atmosphere of luxury.

The predominance of white is suitable for small rooms that need to be made more airy and spacious. Dark elements in this case should be used very carefully. For example, to visually raise the ceiling, a few vertical stripes, curtains or tall narrow black pencil cases will be enough, and an elongated sofa or a horizontally oriented panel will help to expand one of the walls.

Successful lighting will help highlight the beauty of a discreet design. Colored garlands or LEDs will transform the room in a second, because in their rays all white objects will appear red, blue, green, purple. You can also choose a cold or warm shade of lamps for a bluish or soft yellowish glow.

Cabinet furniture that can complement an interior design in black and white tones are simple wardrobes, possibly with mirrored doors; modern walls and shelving; laconic chests of drawers, tables, chairs. In the classic style, gold or silver fittings, intricate contrasting patterns and carved reliefs are welcome, but the products must be covered with a dense layer of glossy enamel. Cabinet furniture for the kitchen and living room can reflect futuristic motifs. Tabletops made of impact-resistant glass or poured stone, chrome inserts, and metallic shine would be appropriate here. In the rest room, the central element will be a coffee table with a touch panel.

Upholstered furniture in a black and white interior is represented by discreet but respectable sofas, armchairs, poufs, beds with a luxurious headboard. As a rule, preference is given to leather upholstery; in some cases, plain velor or patterned jacquard are also appropriate. The most common colors used are pure white or black, although neutral gray or pastel colors can tone down the extreme contrast of a black and white design if necessary.

Combination with other colors

In an achromatic setting, any splashes of color become unusually effective. It can be even the smallest objects - a figurine, vase, painting, mug. The black and white surroundings seem to increase the brightness several times, and it seems that the colored thing has somehow miraculously been transported into the frame of an old movie from a parallel reality. When it comes to decoration, it usually looks less dramatic, but at the same time dilutes the severity and makes the interior more comfortable.

Black and white and gray

Gray color is the most logical intermediary between black and white. In essence, it is partial shade, a mixture of darkness and light in different quantities. It does not violate achromatic harmony, but, on the contrary, softens and deepens it. But you shouldn’t get too carried away with gray either, otherwise you’ll end up with a dull office design that looks like a concrete box.

Black and white and beige

The beige-brown tint characteristic of wood often accompanies black and white interior design. Usually this is the color of parquet, individual elements of furniture, textiles, and decor. Sometimes beige is also found in decoration. Its use gives the room a more homely and lived-in look.

Black and white and red

Whatever the shade of red, be it rich scarlet, noble cherry or dusty brick, it always looks incredibly festive on a black and white background. In order not to overload the interior, it is recommended to use this color in several small accessories (photo frames, candles, dishes) or in one large item (retro refrigerator, vintage sofa, one brick wall in the loft, etc.).

Black and white and green

It cannot be denied that the black and white interior itself looks rather lifeless, evoking associations with winter landscapes. Indoor plants, landscape photo wallpapers, textiles and decor in light green or grassy shades will help to “revive” it. The green color looks more organic with a gray background.

Black and white and yellow

Although yellow on a black background everywhere signifies the signal: “Attention: danger,” in an achromatic interior this combination can be very attractive. After all, you don’t have to choose striped black and yellow patterns or a strange abstraction that makes your eyes dazzle. The best solution would be sunny paintings, wicker straw decor, sofa cushions, and curtains.

Black and white and blue

In a black and white interior, blue is most often found in the form of “cosmic” lighting. In general, it is close to black and can compete with it. Rich sky, turquoise, and sea wave shades look very good on both dark and light backgrounds.

Black and white color in the interior - photo

Our selection of photographs will help you get an idea of ​​what the black and white design of different rooms might look like. The gallery contains interesting design options in achromatic colors that have already been implemented in houses and apartments. These examples will be useful for anyone who likes a restrained interaction of light and shadow without excessive brightness of colors.

Kitchen interior in black and white colors

Stylish, fashionable, modern - this is how you can describe a kitchen in black and white. The latest technology with its chrome doors and touch screen controls will fit perfectly into such an environment. A black and white kitchen looks especially good in open-plan apartments, forming a single composition with the guest and dining areas.

Living room interior in black and white colors

Both in studios and in separate rooms, the black and white design of the living room will always attract increased comfort. Such an environment is conducive to a pleasant time in front of the TV and easy communication with friends and relatives.

Bedroom interior in black and white colors

The black and white bedroom perfectly copes with its main task - to promote relaxation and restful sleep. Achromatic colors, selected in the right quantity, calm the nervous system, relax, and also help to quickly escape from daily thoughts.

Bathroom interior in black and white colors

Black and white bathroom design can be considered one of the most successful experiments. The absence of bright colors eliminates the “overload” of the interior; in such an environment, any plumbing fixtures and accessories, from ultra-modern to vintage, look ideal.

Is a black and white interior appropriate in a living space? How to create a spectacular and at the same time cozy monochrome living room? What furniture, accessories and textiles will organically fit into the design of a white or black living room? You will find answers to all these questions in our article!

For most, a black and white interior is primarily associated with an office space. Why has this stereotype developed in our minds? The fact is that for most ordinary people this color combination seems overly strict and gloomy. However, modern designers can easily create incredibly interesting and unusual residential interiors in black and white.

Stylish black and white living room, designed by Mr. Doors

Monochrome living room interior in modern style

Unusual black and white living room with wood-effect furniture

Let's take a closer look at this contrasting combination. White - combines with almost all colors of the spectrum of any shade from open, saturated to light pastel tones. Visually enlarges the room, fills it with light, raises the ceilings. Black color is also universal, but unlike its light opponent, it has a completely opposite effect on the space of the room. It hides the visible volume and “eats” natural light. Therefore, they are often used in pairs, as they balance each other perfectly.

A complex wardrobe for the living room is complemented by a built-in bar and open bookshelves

Black and white living room furniture combined with wooden wall panels

Light interior with dark furniture

How will the black and white interior of the living room affect the well-being and mood of the household? White is associated with purity and lightness. However, in itself it does not carry a pronounced emotional coloring. This color only enhances or, on the contrary, softens the influence of other colors. A purely white living room interior will look boring and dull, reminiscent of a hospital ward.

“Day System” rack with built-in bar and movable fronts

A shelf with glass fronts for a modern living room was created according to the drawings of the designers of the Mr. Doors

Living room furniture from the “Italian Classics” collection is made in “Antique White” decor

Black has a more radical influence. Its excess can negatively affect the human psyche, causing irritation, depression and aggression. However, in combination with white, this effect is completely eliminated. Therefore, a living room design in black and white is perceived by a person as a kind of psychological “silence”, which is not suitable for everyone.

Black TV area in a classic style, decorated with patina

An unusual color combination impeccably executed by Mr. Doors

Small black and white TV area for the dining room

If you do not have a developed imagination, try to spend at least a few hours in a similar black and white interior before approving the design for the living room. Finding such a room will not be difficult. Many hotels and restaurants use similar decor for their premises.

Spacious living room, decorated in dark colors

Shelving around the perimeter of the room makes it possible to create a large number of storage spaces

A bold combination of black and white living room interior with wood panels

Features of creating the interior of a black and white living room

Creating a monochrome interior is not an easy task. Below we present a number of simple rules, the observance of which will simplify the design process.

  • For a living room interior made in black and white decor, it is extremely important to maintain balance. However, this does not mean that colors need to be used in equal proportions. This solution will lead to the feeling that you are inside a box of chess. One of the selected decors should significantly prevail over the other.
  • Plan in advance which color will dominate the interior of your living room. This will help to correctly distribute the lighting, which plays an important role in the design of a living room in black and white.
  • A black living room is suitable only for well-lit and spacious rooms. For owners of a small room, it is better to give preference to a white living room.
  • Geometric patterns or floral patterns in a black and white interior should be kept to a minimum and combined with monochrome surfaces.

Bright living room with shelving on supports

Light TV stand in a monochrome interior

Stylish furniture for a black and white interior

Living room in black and white. Shades or open colors?

Each of the options has the right to exist. A black and white living room interior requires close attention to detail. Properly placed accents will help give the room a finished look and add originality.

Giving preference exclusively to open colors, white and black, focus on a light base and dark accents. This will make the room look lighter and more sophisticated.

Living room with light walls and dark furniture

Wall with slide facades for a bright living room

Classic living room interior in monochrome

For those who are still not ready for such contrasting solutions, a variety of gray details will help soften the transition of white to black. Please note that the higher their number, the smoother the gradient will be.

You can complement a black and white living room with other colors. Bright colors will make the room as memorable as possible, and pastel shades will add lightness and sophistication.

Turquoise inserts for a black and white living room

Bright red handles perfectly complement the interior of a black and white living room without the use of additional accessories

Black and white living room with yellow accents

Decoration in a monochrome living room

The white and black interior of the living room provides a huge selection of finishing materials. However, there are general recommendations that are worth listening to:

  • It is better to leave the ceiling in a classic solution. A black design above the head will seem too heavy and create an oppressive impression.
  • On the contrary, it is better to choose dark shades for finishing the floor, since the white coating underfoot looks slippery and fragile, like ice.
  • The choice of wall decor in a black and white living room will depend solely on the size and configuration of the room.
  • An excellent solution for the living room interior would be a wall with monochrome photo wallpaper.

The living room furniture is made of black laminated chipboard panels with a wood texture

The living room furniture was designed by Mr. Doors

The small living room has a TV unit and open shelves

Furniture for a black and white living room

Furniture plays an important role in the interior design of a monochrome living room. This important detail must certainly combine decent appearance and comfort. When choosing furniture, follow the general style of the room. For the classical direction, complex textures with wood carvings are perfect, while the modern direction is characterized by laconic, smooth facades and simple forms.

A combination of contrasting colors in a furniture set for a living room in a classic style

Built-in furniture according to an individual design project will ensure maximum functionality of any space

A stylish bookcase, fitted into a niche with millimeter precision, was created by specialists from the Mr. Doors

Furniture for a black and white living room interior can be selected based on two principles:

Contrasting furniture

Plain furniture

· Stylish furniture with complex shapes is best placed against a contrasting background. This will help further emphasize its unusual appearance.

· For example, an unusual black shelving unit will look most advantageous against a white wall.

· However, this arrangement of furniture is only possible for a fairly spacious living room, as it additionally emphasizes the volume of objects.

· Furniture that matches the color of the wall decoration will visually reduce its volume, and therefore expand the free space in a small living room.

· This arrangement is mainly used for modern interiors.

· This also applies to functional furniture of simple geometric shapes, which does not need to be highlighted in the design of the room.

The right furniture can be a salvation for an initially overloaded living room in black and white. If you have gone too far with one of the colors in this pair, when choosing furniture, simply give preference to another. A black living room will look fashionable and stylish with light-colored furniture. White “dominance” can be helped by dark shades.

Contrasting furniture in a black and white living room

Unusual shelving and TV unit for the living room

Light furniture for a dark living room is made as part of the “Mr.Doors CLASSICS” collection

If you find it difficult to choose black and white living room furniture, visit your nearest Mr.Doors furniture studio. A wide selection of materials and a wide range of stylistic trends will allow you to choose an individual solution for your living room.

Our designers have extensive experience working with black and white interiors, examples of which you can find in the electronic catalog.

White furniture against a background of light walls designed by Mr. Doors

Living room of the “Mr. Doors CLASSIC"

Full wall bookcase for living room

Textiles and accessories for the living room in black and white colors

Textiles are an extension of any interior, including monochrome. A few important details such as curtains and a rug can easily brighten up any room. For modernism, simple light tulle with dark curtains is perfect, and fabrics with a large contrasting pattern will emphasize “minimalism.”

Accessories play a vital role in a black and white living room. They are able to emphasize the lightness and romanticism of a room, or, on the contrary, add brutality, add a touch of “retro” or enhance the futuristic style of the future.

Yellow accents in a monochrome interior

Creating an interior design for a small children's room is a difficult task. After all, every parent wants to give their child the best. However, if the room is small, this is clearly not easy to do. How to place everything you need in a small nursery? Leave enough free space for games and active activities? Create a cozy atmosphere? You will find answers to these questions in our article.

When combined, these two colors will set off any style, any direction, and will be appropriate in both classic and loft style. However, there are certain rules for using these colors in the interior, and neglecting them can lead to a result that will disappoint you: instead of a stylish space in which it is easy to breathe, you are likely to get a gloomy, oppressive atmosphere.

The interior of a black and white living room should have one color as the basis, the second can act as an additional one. That is, the main thing will be either black or white. Their presence in a 1:1 ratio is unacceptable.

When choosing the main color, you need to remember that light colors visually expand the room, add light, a feeling of freedom and “airiness” to the perception of space.

Dark ones, on the contrary, narrow the room, making it “small” and compact. Thus, by choosing the right basic tone, you can adjust the size of the room.

The design of a black and white living room with black as the main one, from the point of view of psychologists, will help calm the nerves, create a feeling of protection, “hide” it from the outside world in an internal capsule, and thus is shown to those people who feel a desire to retire and protect their inner world .

If you want to soften sharp contrasts, you can use shades of the primary color to create a living room in black and white, namely gray. A beige tone is also suitable; it brings notes of warmth and comfort to the interior. In this case, it is also good to use accessories in “golden” shades. When using gray, chrome accessories and additions are appropriate.

In the interior of a black and white living room, various patterns and ornaments are appropriate, visually “mixing” these two tones. For example, on the section of black and white surfaces - a black pattern on a white background, or white wallpaper with black decor. You can also use such elements in decorative fabrics with a similar pattern, or lampshades.

In the design of a black and white living room, you can safely use bright color accents: yellow, red, green. However, it is important not to overdo it: too many active colors can deprive the interior of its style, making it fragmented and sloppy. A few bright sofa cushions, photo frames or one floor vase in a contrasting color are enough.

A living room in black and white looks especially stylish if the colors of the walls and furniture contrast with each other. If the walls and flooring are light, the furniture should be black, and vice versa.

An interior in black and white can become a real decoration of the house if you follow all the rules for its creation and correctly select the necessary accessories.