Repairs Design Furniture

How to make a lifting crane with your own hands? Production of a bed with a lifting mechanism with your own hands, the subtleties of the process lifting mechanism for goods with their own hands

Lifting machines are designed to help a person raise anything heavy to height. The majority of lifting mechanisms is based on a simple block of blocks - a polyspaster. He was familiar to Archhymedhelf, but now many people do not know about this ingenious invention. Remembering the course of physics, find out how such a mechanism works, its structure and scope. Having understood in the classification, you can proceed to the calculation. So that everything happens - your attention instruction on the design of a simple model.

The invention of the polyspaster gave a huge impetus to the development of civilizations. The block system helped build huge structures, many of which have been preserved to this day and cause bewilderment among modern builders. Shipbuilding was also improved, people were able to travel for huge distances. It's time to figure out what it is - a polyspaster and find out where it is possible to find it applying today.

Simplicity and efficiency of the mechanism

The structure of the load-lifting mechanism

The classic polyspast is a mechanism that consists of two main elements:

  • pulley;
  • flexible connection.

The simplest scheme: 1 - movable block, 2 - fixed, 3- rope

The pulley is a metal wheel that has a special chute for the cable at the outer edge. A common cable or rope can be used as a flexible connection. If the load is sufficiently heavy, the cables are used from synthetic fibers or steel ropes and even chains. In order for the pulley to rotate easily, without jumps and jamming, use roller bearings. All elements that move are lubricated.

One pulley is called a block. The polyspast is a system of blocks for lifting goods. The blocks in the lifting mechanism may be fixed (rigidly fixed) and movable (when the axis changes the position in the process). One part of the polyspaster is attached to a fixed support, the other is to the load. Moving rollers are located on the side of the cargo.

Still block

The role of a fixed block is the change in the direction of movement of the rope and the action of the forces applied. The role of mobile - getting a winnings.

Movable block

The principle of operation - what is the secret

The principle of operation of the polyspaster is similar to the lever: the effort that needs to be attached becomes less several times, while the work is performed in the same volume. The role of the lever plays a cable. In the work of the polyspaster, the winnings are important, so the emerging loss is not taken into account.

Depending on the design of the polyspaster, the winnings can be different. The simplest mechanism of two pulleys gives approximately two-time winnings, out of three - three-time and so on. In the same principle, the distance is calculated. For the operation of a simple polyspast, a cable is two times longer than the lifting height, and if a complex of four blocks is used - the cable length increases directly in directly four times.

Principle of operation of the block block

In which areas the blocks system applies

Polyspast is a faithful assistant in stock, in production, in the transport sector. It is used everywhere, where it is necessary to apply the force to move all kinds of cargo. The system is widely used in construction.

Despite the fact that the majority of hard work is performed by construction equipment (lifting crane), the polyspust has found a place in the construction of lifting mechanisms. The blocking system (polyspaster) is a component of such lifting mechanisms as winch, tal, construction equipment (cranes of different types, bulldozer, excavator).

In addition to the construction industry, the polyaste received widespread use in the organization of rescue work. The principle of operation remains the same, but the design is slightly modified. Rescue equipment is made of durable cable, carbines are used. For devices of this purpose, it is important that the entire system is going to quickly and do not require additional mechanisms.

Polyspaster as part of a lifting crane hook

Classification of models for different characteristics

There are many performances of one idea - block blocks combined by rope. They are differentiated depending on the method of application and constructive features. Get acquainted with different types of lifts, find out what their purpose is and what the device is different.

Classification depending on the complexity of the mechanism

Depending on the complexity of the mechanism allocate

  • simple;
  • complex;
  • complex polystes.

Example of even models

A simple polyspast is a system of successively connected rollers. All movable and fixed blocks, as well as the goods itself, are combined with one cable. Differentiate even and odd simple polyastes.

Thoms are called those lifting mechanisms whose end of the cable is attached to a fixed support station. All combinations in this case will be considered even. And if the end of the rope is attached directly to the load or the place of attachment of the effort, this design and all derivatives from it will be called odd.

Scheme of odd polyspast

The complex polyaste can be called a system of polyspers. In this case, not separate blocks are sequentially connected, but entire combinations that can be used by themselves. Roughly speaking, in this case, one mechanism leads to another similar one.

The complex polyspaster does not apply to any one or another. His distinctive feature - rollers moving towards shipment. The complex model may include both simple and complex polystes.

Combining a two-time and six-time simple polyspast gives a complex six-time option

Classification for the appointment of the lift

Depending on what they want to obtain when using a polysman, they are divided into:

  • power;
  • speed.

A - power option, b - speed

The power option is used more often. As follows from the name, its task is to ensure the winnings. Since for a significant winnings, just as significant losses are needed, inevitable and speed losses. For example, for a 4: 1 system when lifting the cargo for one meter, you need to pull 4 meters of cable, which slows down.

The high-speed polyspaster according to its principle is a reverse force structure. He does not give a winnings, his goal is speed. It is used to accelerate work to the detriment of the effort applied.

Multiplicity - basic characteristic

The main indicator to pay attention to the organization of lifting of cargo-capacity of the polyspaster. This parameter is conventionally indicates how many times the mechanism allows you to win in strength. In fact, the multiplicity shows how much cargo branches is distributed.

Kinematic multiplicity

The multiplicity is divided into kinematic (equal to the number of rope beggars) and the power, which is calculated based on the overcoming of the friction force and the non-ideal efficiency of the rollers. The reference books presents tables that display the dependence of power multiplicity from kinematic with different efficiency of the blocks.

As can be seen from the table, powerful multiplicity differs significantly from kinematic. With a low roller efficiency (94%), the actual gains of the polyspaster 7: 1 will be less than the winning of the six-time polyspaster with the CPD of the blocks of 96%.

Schemes of polyspers of different multiplicity

How to calculate the polyspaster

Despite the fact that theoretically, the design of the polyspaster is extremely simple, in practice it is not always clear how to raise the cargo using blocks. How to understand what kind of multiple need, how to find out the efficiency of the ski lift and each block separately. In order to find answers to these questions, you need to perform calculations.

Calculation of a separate block

The calculation of the polyspaster must be carried out due to the fact that the working conditions are far from ideal. The mechanism has friction forces as a result of the movement of the cable for pulley, as a result of the rotation of the roller itself, whatever bearings are applied.

In addition, a flexible and flexible rope is rare on the construction site and in the construction equipment. Steel rope or chain have much greater rigidity. Since to flexing such a cable when the blockage on the block requires an additional effort, it also needs to be taken into account.

To calculate the equation of moments for pullea relative to the axis:


Formula 1 shows the moments of such forces:

  • SBEG - effort from the running rope;
  • SNABEG - effort from the falconing rope;
  • q SNAGEG is an effort, for flexing / extending the rope, taking into account its rigidity Q;
  • NF is the friction force in the block, taking into account the friction coefficient f.

To determine the moment, all forces are multiplied by the shoulder - the radius of the block R or the Radius of the sleeve R.

The force of the incident and running cable arises as a result of the interaction and friction of the rope threads. Since the force for flexion / extension of the cable is significantly less than the rest, calculating the effect on the axis of the block, this value is often neglected:

N \u003d 2 SNABEG × SINα (2)

In this equation:

  • N - impact on the axis of pulley;
  • SNAGEG - force on the side of the incoming rope (accepted approximately equal to SBEG;
  • α - angle of deviation from the axis.

Polyspaster block

Efficiency Block Calculation

As is known, the efficiency is a efficiency coefficient, that is, how efficient work was performed. It is calculated as the attitude of the work performed and spent. In the case of the polysman block, the formula is applied:

ηB \u003d SNAB / SBEG \u003d 1 / (1 + Q + 2FSINα × D / D) (3)

In equation:

  • 3 ηB - efficiency of the block;
  • d and D - respectively, the diameter of the sleeve and the pulley itself;
  • q - flexibility coefficient (rope);
  • f - friction coefficient;
  • α - angle of deviation from the axis.

From this formula, it is clear that the efficiency of the unit affects the efficiency (by means of the F), its size (via the D / D ratio) and the material of the rope (KOEF Q). The maximum efficiency of the efficiency can be obtained using bronze bushings and rolling bearings (up to 98%). Slip bearings will give up to 96% efficiency.

The scheme shows all the forces s on different branches of the rope

How to calculate the efficiency of the whole system

The lifting mechanism consists of several blocks. The total PDD of the polyspana is not equal to the arithmetic amount of all individual components. For calculation, a much more complex formula is used, or rather, a system of equations where all forces are expressed through the value of the primary S0 and the efficiency of the mechanism:

  • S1 \u003d ηp s0;
  • S2 \u003d (ηp) 2 S0; (four)
  • S3 \u003d (ηp) 3 s0;
  • Sn \u003d (ηp) n s0.

PDD of the polyspaster with different multiplicity

Since the efficiency of the efficiency is always less than 1, with each new unit and system equation, the SN value will decrease rapidly. The total efficiency of the polyspaster will depend not only on ηB, but also on the number of these blocks - the multiplicity of the system. On the table, you can find η for systems with different number of blocks with different values \u200b\u200bof each efficiency.

How to make the lift do it yourself

In construction during the installation work, it is not always possible to fit the lifting crane. Then the question arises how to raise the cargo rope. And here is a simple polyaste. For its manufacture and full-fledged work, you need to make calculations, drawings, correctly pick up the rope and blocks.

Different schemes of simple and complex lifts

Base preparation - scheme and drawing

Before proceeding with the construction of a polyspaster with their own hands, you need to carefully examine the drawings and pick up a suitable scheme for yourself. It should be relying on how it will be more convenient for you to place the design, which blocks and cable are available.

It happens that the capacity of the polyspast blocks is not enough, and the complex multiple lifting mechanism does not have time and capabilities. Then the dual polyastes are used, which are a combination of two single. This device can also be lifted the load so that it moves strictly vertically, without distortion.

Dual model drawings in different variations

How to choose a rope and block

The rope is played in the construction of a polyspaster with their own hands. It is important that she does not stretch. Such ropes are called static. Stretching and deformation of flexible communication gives serious loss of performance. A synthetic cable is suitable for the homemade mechanism, the thickness depends on the weight of the cargo.

Material and quality of blocks are indicators that provide homemade lifting devices. Calculated load capacity. Depending on the bearings, which are installed in the block, its efficiency changes and this is already taken into account in the calculations.

But how to raise the load to the height with your own hands and do not drop it? To protect the cargo from a possible reverse stroke, you can install a special locking unit, which allows the rope to move only in the same direction.

Roller on which the rope is moving

Step-by-step instruction for lifting the cargo through the block

When the rope and blocks are ready, the scheme is selected, and the calculation is made, you can start assembling. For a simple two-time polyspaster, you will need:

  • roller - 2 pcs;
  • bearings;
  • sleeve - 2 pcs.;
  • clip for block - 2 pcs.;
  • rope;
  • hook for cargo suspension;
  • slings - if they are needed for mounting.

Carabins are used for quick connection

Step-by-step lifting of cargo to height is carried out like this:

  1. Connect rollers, sleeve and bearings. Combine all this in the clip. Get block.
  2. Rope is launched into the first block;
  3. The clip with this block is hardly fastened to a fixed support (reinforced concrete beam, pillar, wall, specially mounted removal, etc.);
  4. Then the end of the rope is passed through the second block (movable).
  5. The hook is fixed to the clip.
  6. The free end of the rope is fixed.
  7. Scroll lifted load and connect it with a polyspaster.

The homemade lifting mechanism is ready for use and will provide a double winnings. Now, to raise the cargo to the height, it is enough to pull over the end of the rope. Ohibaya both rollers, the rope will raise the cargo without much effort.

Is it possible to combine the polyspaster and winch

If the self-made mechanism you build on this instruction is to attach the electric winch, it turns out the real lifting crane made with your own hands. Now for lifting the cargo do not have to strain at all, the winch will do everything for you.

Even the manual winch will make the lift of the cargo more comfortable - you do not need to wash your hands about the rope and worry so that the rope does not slip out of the hands. In any case, turn the winch handle is much easier.

Polyspast for winch

In principle, even outside the construction site skill on acquiring conditions with a minimum of tools and materials to build an elementary polyspaster for the winch - a very useful skill. It will especially be appreciated by his motorists who were lucky enough to get stuck on the car somewhere in an impassable place. Polyspaster made on the ambulance hand will significantly increase the performance of the winch.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the polyspaster in the development of modern construction and engineering. To understand the principle of operation and visually imagine its design should each. Now you are not afraid of situations when you need to raise the cargo, but there are no special equipment. Several pulleys, rope and cutter will be allowed to do without attracting the crane.

Homemade lifting devices are currently becoming increasingly popular. During construction, when working in the garage, there are often a freight weight loads. In construction, manual transport takes considerable time, and it is not always possible to install ramps or forests. In any case, it is much easier and more efficient to use lifts.

Lifting Crane Scheme

The same applies to the automotive topics, the garage with the lift is much more convenient in operation. The most simple lifts are an ordinary beam that is rigidly fixed in one end, and the movable block is installed on the second end. A rope is thrown through the block, with which cargo is delayed manually.

Such a homemade lift is quite simple in the manufacture, but from a practical point of view is very uncomfortable. First, the cargo rises anyway manually, and secondly, the dismantling and the installation of beams from one place to another takes even more time than the simple drag of weights. Such mechanisms are used in chopped houses.

Materials and tools:

  • pillars;
  • wooden top beam;
  • metal guide;
  • wheel-pulley;
  • bearings;
  • chain Tal;
  • restores;
  • pulley;
  • welding machine.

If the question of how to make the lift itself for a log cabin, makes you think, then a fairly simple solution. On 2 vertically covered post supports, the upper beam is set to a little longer than the length of the future structure. Such a gap makes it possible to drag the logs directly from the stack to the installation site.

Wooden beam is needed from above to provide a metal guide on which the mechanism will move. Next, the technology is simple, the wheel-pulley on the bearing is connected to the M-shaped metal part, to another end of which the manual chain hoist is attached with a carrying capacity of at least 750 kg. Such a minimum is explained by the fact that the weight of the thirty-salted membrane in the scraping range ranges from 270 to 400 kg, depending on the moisture content of the wood.

The pillars for such a design must be at least 20 cm in the diameter, and the beam, based on the load, is a bar of at least 15x20 cm in a cross-cut.

The guide is a cut of reinforcement, to which the tips of nails are welded at equal distances, no more than half a meter. They will attach the guide to the wooden beam.

The beam is fixed by a couple of dozen cm away from the poles to avoid the coupling of the transport device and the post.

To strengthen the design to a nail beam, spaces are set. If the height of the pillars is 4-5 m, then for stability, they need to be inserted into the ground to 1 m and establish space from the other side into which the beam shift is.

Pulley, it is desirable that he had flights, put on to the guide and the lift is ready for work.

Homemade lifting crane

In case of individual construction, it is not necessary without a lifting crane, which can also be done if necessary.

The homemade crane will help mount overlaps, the foundation and all other elements of the design, due to its ability to fall below the zero mark by 2.5 m and rise to the height of about 2 m.

Such a crane allows you to transport cargo at a distance within 3 m. For home construction, there should be enough opportunities.

In such a design, a rotary mechanism is not provided, since the valve is not designed for cargo more than 300 kg and is easily rotated manually along with the entire structure.

In order to make a lifting crane with your own hands, you will need:

  • 4 telescopic pipes by outer diameter 140 mm,
  • three-meter dual-level beam,
  • metal corners for supporting structures,
  • telfer or manual winch.

Homemade lifting crane

Telescopic pipes are pairwise welded with the ends of the beams consisting of two adjoining corners with a length of 1.5 and 0.5 m, thus, 2 P-shaped structures are obtained, which are welded for resistance to beam based on the base and are strengthened with triangular resolutions.

To a smaller frame that will perform the function of the rear support of the crane, additional supporting corners are welded, preventing the tipping of the future lifting device.

The center of the lower part of the horizontal beams is welded a ductable beam so that a smaller frame is on the edge of the heap, and a little further 1.5 m from the smaller.

A winch is mounted to the lower part of the ductava, which will be a horizontal mobile device, while the telescopic system will help move the goods in the vertical direction.

Lift in the garage

How to make a homemade lift in the garage? Car enthusiasts often resort to independent repair of the vehicle, and to remove the car engine manually - the task is not the lungs.

For such purposes, it is simply necessary to have a garage lift, even if you are made with your own hands. The collapsible tap of the beam does not take much space, and is made from:

  • transverse tube
  • square racks on triangular supports equipped with wheels
  • hand winch.

The pipe is inserted into the attachments, welded to the top of the racks and is fixed by bolts. The winch is welded to the vertical rack, and 2 rollers are welded to the beam, which moves the cable from the winch. The winch in the garage is also with ease of hand.

After use, the homemade crane of the beam is disassembled by 2 supports and a transverse beam, which are placed in any corner of the garage. The advantage of such a crane-beam is that its creation does not require special skills and materials, everything can be found at hand.

In addition, the crane beam will allow lift and transport in the range of cargo to 800 kg.

Homemade winch for the garage. The design of the winch suggests the presence of a drum with a cable, which is attached to the shaft to the frame of the square of the square cross section. A large asterisk is attached to the outer edge of the drum, and small on the chain gear is attached to the drive. If the winch is planned manual, then the knob is attached to the shaft on which the handle is attached.

Auto lift in the garage. To fix the car in the garage there should be a pit or an overpass, but it is easier to organize a lift. Although this is a fairly risky event, but to equip the lift in the garage with their own hands has a practical and economic meaning.

The simplest car lift is the already described bridge crane with the winch, in this case, after lifting the required height of the car put on the platform. But there is a risk of cable break, so there is another garage lift.

For the manufacture of scissor lift, you will need:

  • schweller, from which the site is made and the foundation,

and for the manufacture of scissors will fit:

  • food beams,
  • hydraulic cylinder
  • bushings
  • pump,
  • distributor into two sections.

The beams are bonded by bushings on the principle of scissors, and the hydraulic cylinder with the handle helps to raise the scissors to the desired height.

Many people are interested in how to make the design of the lifting crane with their own hands. Such a device can help when building a house, utility rooms necessary in the farm, granaries and a warehouse for feed.

Project preparation

For the construction of the house requires a lifting crane. Consider how to independently make the structure of a miniature crane for lifting construction goods to height. It is necessary to make a mobile collapsible device.

First constitute and calculate the project for the manufacture of the device:

  1. The main part of the design represents the support frame. It is installed on the wheels or stationary.
  2. A knot of rotation of the unit is fixed on the stock frame.
  3. The boom can be rotated due to the creation of electrical or manual control.
  4. The unit can be disassembled into parts for the convenience of transportation.
  5. The faucet will be stable due to the creation of a block of opposing and steel cable delay.
  6. The load will rise using a block and winch.
  7. You need to assemble the crane with your own hands.


To make a crane, first of all make up the project scheme and the drawings of the main nodes. Consider the manufacture of hand-controlled lifting crane design. It would be possible to make an apparatus on electricity, giving the opportunity to move the cargo using a long-cable device, as it happens in factory structures. But then the complexity of the manufacture of nodes increases, it will entail the rise in the cost of the finished product and an increase in time for its creation. Therefore, we will focus on the manufacture of a manual model.


All connections of nodes and parts are performed using welding. This requires a welding machine. It can be taken during work on the performance of the crane for rent or buy in a specialized cabin.

Build construction


  • rope;
  • washers;
  • corners and chawliers;
  • pipe;
  • bulgarian;
  • welding machine.

The frame should be made from steel corner 63x63x5 mm. The arrow of 5 m long is performed from a pipe having a diameter of 55 mm. To enhance the unit, apply corners with dimensions of 30x30x3 mm.

See » Top 2 Crawler Crane MKGS with a carrying capacity of 100 and 32 tons

Load capacity of such a self-made crane will be about 150 kg. If you need to raise the panels with a larger mass, then it is necessary to increase the multiplicity of polyspers, which are a device for lifting the cargo. The polyspast is made of blocks, connect them with each other cable. This cable must wipe the blocks in a circle. The polyspaster allows you to raise the panels, while doing less strength than the weight of the cargo.

The polyspaster wins in force 3-4 times. At the same time, take into account the losses for friction, which make up 10%. The more winnings in force, the smaller the distance to which the tool can transfer the panel.

Prepare and make all the details can be 7-10 days.

Another 2 days are needed to assemble the mechanism. The lifting circuit is made in the form of a 2-fold polyspaster. The arrow rotation node is a 6-fold polyspaster. The swivel platform is made by mounting 2 washers. The axis replaces a 30 mm bolt.

To reduce the size of the counterweight, the support legs make a length of 2 m. When the rotation of the washer in 200 mm and a distance of 2 m to a counterweight in 100 kg per bolt, the load is 1 t. This is taken into account when calculating the tool design. Perform calculation for stability.

Take the design for a single system on one support. It is the smallest distance from the axis of rotation. The system act: weight of cargo, counterweight and crane. The lifting drum is created from the pipe with a cross section of 100 mm. It cannot be installed close to blocks. It is fixed closer to the washers.

Blocks are made of 3 washers. They must be corded, the diameter of the blocks should be more so that the ropes do not fly out of the washers. Blocks are fixed without bearings.

We need a flexible cable with a cross section of 5 mm. Its workload is 150 kg, and bursting - 850 kg. The polyspaster functions on the principle of the lever. For the polyspaster, the main indicator is its multiplicity (the ratio of all branches of the cable to derived from the drum).

The bed with the lifting mechanism is the best option for small-sized apartments, which allows you to solve several problems associated with the improvement of the room at once. Practicality, reliability and multifunctionality are its main advantages. It can act not only in the role of a bedside place, but also to perform the functions of the chest, for storing different things and accessories. Making a bed with a lifting mechanism is not so difficult, as it may seem at first glance. When fulfilling all the requirements, recommendations of specialists, the bed will not be worse than the factory. In order to figure out how to do this, it is necessary to divide the whole process into several stages, each of which requires special attention.

Features of such models

Beds with lifting device have a number of features that need to be considered when making it with their own hands:

  • bed dimensions that mainly affect the strength of the lifting device. The greater the bed, the greater the weight will go to the mechanism. According to standards, the size of the bed is 2 meters in length, the width of one-room space is 0.9 m, double - 2 m;
  • beds with a lifting device can be one and double;
  • the mounting of the mechanism can be horizontal or vertical;
  • bed height affects box capacity. If the product is planned to do on legs, the box will be much smaller than that of the bed without them. The product without legs have another important plus, this is the lack of dust under it;
  • assembling the product with your own hands requires a consistent, responsible implementation of all its stages, these are drawings, preparation of materials, the manufacture of individual parts of the bed, their assembly. On average, 1-2 months will leave for the production of bed, subject to the simultaneous execution of other daily duties;
  • the choice of material should be made not only from personal preferences, but also depending on the design of the room in which the product is planned.
Bed with steel frame frame frame frame with lifting mechanism Bed design circuit with lifting mechanism
Bed assembly scheme

Materials and tools

Any building process or the manufacture of furniture with your own hands begins with drawing, as well as the preparation of the necessary tools and materials. The choice of material begins with the base of the box. The most common and inexpensive material for the manufacture of any furniture are chipboard sheets. But other materials such as OSP, chipboard and others can also be used, it all depends on the preferences of the owner, financial capabilities. Next, the upholstery material is prepared, the choice of which occurs solely from personal preferences and design of the room.

Bed filling, consists of foam rubber, sheat fabric. Their size and thickness is prepared according to the drawing composed.

The most affordable and inexpensive material for the manufacture of bed is chipboard

To process material and prepare it to assemble work, you will need this tool:

  • level;
  • roulette;
  • pencil or marker;
  • electrolovik;
  • screwdriver with different nozzles;
  • bulgarian with a disc on metal;
  • welding machine;
  • construction hairdryer;
  • steel strips;
  • furniture stapler.
Orthopedic base
Materials for the base
Lift Transformation System

What to choose a lifting mechanism

The design of modern beds allows you to use them in different rooms, while having a suitable lifting mechanism, thanks to which a sleeping place can be folded both horizontally and vertically. In addition, lifting beds are classified according to the type of the built-in lift. It depends on simplicity and ease of use of furniture. The lifting mechanism is divided into 3 types:

  • with manual lifting;
  • spring;
  • on gas shock absorbers.
Gazlift spring hand

The mechanism with manual lifting is the most affordable device, because it does not contain additional devices in the form of shock absorbers or springs. Beds with such a mechanism are mainly used for adults, since when opening a box, it is necessary to make considerable efforts, children can not be able to cope with such a load. But, besides flaws, the manual mechanism has advantages - strength, durability.

The spring mechanism is convenient to use, but the period of its operation is from 3 years to 5, after which it will be necessary to fully change it. The main reason for breakdown, is wear, springs stretching. A large plus of the spring mechanism is its price, it is relatively small, so that it is very in demand and is in demand.

A gas shock absorber is the most convenient, reliable, durable mechanism. The device works smoothly, silently almost without human intervention. The service life of such a mechanism is from 5 years to 10, with its constant use. The selection of the shock absorber is carried out depending on the dimensions of the product, the weight of the sleeping frame. The mechanism on gas shock absorbers is expensive, but at the same time in demand.

In the manufacture of the bed with your own hands, the lifting device can be bought in furniture stores or on the Internet. You can make with your own hands from suitable materials. But when choosing materials, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the load from the mattress lies not only on shock absorbers and strips of the mechanism, and at the places of fixtures with fastening fitting.

Fastening the mechanism occurs in this order:

  • initially, the upper device is installed, to the base part of the box, the lathes of the bedroom plane;
  • it is made of iron corner rolled strap for its complete consolidation;
  • the assembly of the two subsequent slats will allow you to control the height of the lifting of the lattice with the mattress;
  • the mounting of the lower support bar is made to the main box, it is necessary to facilitate the slip of the hinge supports;
  • after completing the installation of the mechanism, you need to check all its fasteners.
Gazlift is attached to the rush base
Gas shock absorber mechanism
Installation of gas shock absorbers

Making lifting frames

Assembling lifting frame with your own hands consists of two main stages, these are carpentry work and processing process.

Carpentry work:

  • the assembly begins with the preparation of parts for the frame, according to the drawing, in which all sizes are indicated;
  • next, the framework of the frame of the frame, this is a box of calibrated boards. The process must be carried out on the floor, to eliminate the distortion. To align the corners, it is necessary to use a building a square;
  • the design of the structure is performed using metal corners, and for the strength of the place of the joints is sampled with a joinery glue. During the attachment, you need to pay attention to the hats of the screws, they must drown in the wood, but not much. The appears of the spins are recommended to immediately process from burrs;
  • in the case of large beds, it is recommended to make a central partition along the frame;
  • the next step is the fastening of the rails that are screwed using the samples from the inside of the sidewall, aligning them along the lower edge of the box. They need to attach lamellas on them. The size of the regches should be within 20 by 80 mm;
  • the same rails act as a lamellae, only the length of them will correspond to the width of the bed. The fastening of them is made on the support rails along the frame, with a step of no more than 15 cm. For lamellae and plywood is suitable, but in this case the installation of the central partition is required;
  • this carcass is finished on this carcass ready.


  • this process involves the extraction of wooden parts with a skin or a special sandpaper and a lacquer coating;
  • one of the nuances of the frame preparation is a plywood sheet, which lies on the lamella to the uniform load distribution. Or you can make laying lamellas with a step of step 8-10 cm.

Assembly of the carcass
Beds Beds are fastened with the help of corners and screws
Ready frame bed

Making the main carcass

Build the frame, like all other components of the bed elements, is produced in stages. First of all, its components are prepared for the manufacture of the main framework. Design, height, size of the back, the presence of legs All these nuances are reflected in a predetermined drawing. The main requirement for the manufacture of the product is the reliability, strength and quality of the material.

As mentioned above, the material can be used any, depending on the financial capabilities and personal preferences. For the box of a double standard bed (2000x1800), it will be necessary: \u200b\u200bfor lateral parts - two boards with long-length 207 cm, for the end elements you need two boards with a length of 182 cm. The assembly of them is made according to the same principle as the lifting frame, with the help of self-samples, corners and glue . In the assembly process, this moment is the most responsible, so before mounting the corners you need to check that all angles correspond to 90 degrees. Excess the adopted glue must be immediately removed, so that in the future it did not give it difficulty when processing the frame.

In the manufacture of large beds with your own hands, in the main box, you need to install rigidity edge, through the longitudinal axis of the product. In the case when the design of the bed provides legs, then the last step in the installation process is to install them. The most simple version of their manufacture, is the assembly of two bars (40x50) with the installation of them to the depth of two crowns of the bar. To enhance the design, you can also install the leg. After putting the design to its original position, you can proceed to its processing, clean and cover with varnish.

Fastening Reluks for Plywood Dna
Feet for bed
The legs are attached inside the frame
In order not to scratch the floor on the ends of the legs, the pieces of linoleum can be glued

Testing products

The final stage in the manufacture of beds with a lifting device, it is its design design, trim. Depending on the design of the premises, the personal preferences of the owner, as well as banal financial capabilities, the trim can be made using:

  • fabrics;
  • skin;
  • dermantine.

If the product was performed from high-quality wood, it is possible to process with paints.

For the trim process, it will be necessary:

  • fabric (or other selected materials);
  • construction stapler;
  • sheet foam.

The casing is made of the main frame and backrest. To create a small volume and airiness upholstery, between wood and cloth is made with a leaf foam rubber. The construction stapler is quite enough for fastening the tissue, its metal brackets, thanks to the spring mechanism, are quite strongly driven into the wood, and we hold tightly.

The legs are turned around upholstery
Finish installation of legs
Beds Beds are covered with foam rubber
From above, the foam rubber is nailed with nasky about 3-4 mm
Upholstery leather
So the board was separated around the leg
Bottom leatherette got sick with nasup
Upholstery corners are fixed

Making the headboard

The headboard for the bed can be performed from the same material as all the product or use a regular plywood sheet. On the plywood or other material it is necessary to produce the necessary measurements and cut with an electrolovka that the form of the back that is most like. But you need to keep in mind that during the trim process it is easier to work with rectangular forms.

Harvesting headlock
A wooden border is attached to the workpiece

The head of the head of the head of the same principle is the main framework, with the help of a construction stapler, a casing material and foam rubber sheets. With the difference that the casing should be more air for the headboard, therefore two foam rubber sheets are laid between plywood and material. Depending on the design of the bed, with the help of foam rubber and different types of material, you can give a unique kind of headboard.

Fastening of foam rubber
Second layer of foam rubber Finish dense Vatina
Stretch the fabric Finished headboard

Summing up, we can say that thinking how to assemble a bed with a lifting mechanism, you should not be afraid of difficulties, because it can be done with your own hands. The main condition for obtaining a good result is the sequential execution of all installation steps, the first of which is drawing up the drawing, where all sizes are indicated, the amount of material required tools. In compliance with all geometric proportions, the bed will be much better and more reliable than the purchase option. The material for its manufacture is chosen depending on personal preferences, financial capabilities and design design.

Lifting machines are designed to help a person raise anything heavy to height. The majority of lifting mechanisms is based on a simple block of blocks - a polyspaster. He was familiar to Archhymedhelf, but now many people do not know about this ingenious invention. Remembering the course of physics, find out how such a mechanism works, its structure and scope. Having understood in the classification, you can proceed to the calculation. So that everything happens - your attention instruction on the design of a simple model.

Block System - Theory

The invention of the polyspaster gave a huge impetus to the development of civilizations. The block system helped build huge structures, many of which have been preserved to this day and cause bewilderment among modern builders. Shipbuilding was also improved, people were able to travel for huge distances. It's time to figure out what it is - a polyspaster and find out where it is possible to find it applying today.

Simplicity and efficiency of the mechanism

The structure of the load-lifting mechanism

The classic polyspast is a mechanism that consists of two main elements: pulley; Flexible communication

The simplest scheme: 1 - movable block, 2 - fixed, 3- rope

The pulley is a metal wheel that has a special chute for the cable at the outer edge. A common cable or rope can be used as a flexible connection. If the load is sufficiently heavy, the cables are used from synthetic fibers or steel ropes and even chains. In order for the pulley to rotate easily, without jumps and jamming, use roller bearings. All elements that move are lubricated.

One pulley is called a block. The polyspast is a system of blocks for lifting goods. The blocks in the lifting mechanism may be fixed (rigidly fixed) and movable (when the axis changes the position in the process). One part of the polyspaster is attached to a fixed support, the other is to the load. Moving rollers are located on the side of the cargo.

Still block

The role of a fixed block is the change in the direction of movement of the rope and the action of the forces applied. The role of mobile - getting a winnings.

Movable block

The principle of operation - what is the secret

The principle of operation of the polyspaster is similar to the lever: the effort that needs to be attached becomes less several times, while the work is performed in the same volume. The role of the lever plays a cable. In the work of the polyspaster, the winnings are important, so the emerging loss is not taken into account.

Depending on the design of the polyspaster, the winnings can be different. The simplest mechanism of two pulleys gives approximately two-time winnings, out of three - three-time and so on. In the same principle, the distance is calculated. For the operation of a simple polyspast, a cable is two times longer than the lifting height, and if a complex of four blocks is used - the cable length increases directly in directly four times.

Principle of operation of the block block

In which areas the blocks system applies

Polyspast is a faithful assistant in stock, in production, in the transport sector. It is used everywhere, where it is necessary to apply the force to move all kinds of cargo. The system is widely used in construction.

Despite the fact that the majority of hard work is performed by construction equipment (lifting crane), the polyspust has found a place in the construction of lifting mechanisms. The blocking system (polyspaster) is a component of such lifting mechanisms as winch, tal, construction equipment (cranes of different types, bulldozer, excavator).

In addition to the construction industry, the polyaste received widespread use in the organization of rescue work. The principle of operation remains the same, but the design is slightly modified. Rescue equipment is made of durable cable, carbines are used. For devices of this purpose, it is important that the entire system is going to quickly and do not require additional mechanisms.

Polyspaster as part of a lifting crane hook

Classification of models for different characteristics

There are many performances of one idea - block blocks combined by rope. They are differentiated depending on the method of application and constructive features. Get acquainted with different types of lifts, find out what their purpose is and what the device is different.

Classification depending on the complexity of the mechanism

Depending on the complexity of the mechanism, simple; complex; Complex polystes.

Example of even models

A simple polyspast is a system of successively connected rollers. All movable and fixed blocks, as well as the goods itself, are combined with one cable. Differentiate even and odd simple polyastes.

Thoms are called those lifting mechanisms whose end of the cable is attached to a fixed support station. All combinations in this case will be considered even. And if the end of the rope is attached directly to the load or the place of attachment of the effort, this design and all derivatives from it will be called odd.

Scheme of odd polyspast

The complex polyaste can be called a system of polyspers. In this case, not separate blocks are sequentially connected, but entire combinations that can be used by themselves. Roughly speaking, in this case, one mechanism leads to another similar one.

Combining a two-time and six-time simple polyspast gives a complex six-time option

The complex polyspaster does not apply to any one or another. His distinctive feature - rollers moving towards shipment. The complex model may include both simple and complex polystes.

Classification for the appointment of the lift

Depending on what they want to obtain when using a polysman, they are divided into:



A - power option, b - speed

The power option is used more often. As follows from the name, its task is to ensure the winnings. Since for a significant winnings, just as significant losses are needed, inevitable and speed losses. For example, for a 4: 1 system when lifting the cargo for one meter, you need to pull 4 meters of cable, which slows down.

The high-speed polyspaster according to its principle is a reverse force structure. He does not give a winnings, his goal is speed. It is used to accelerate work to the detriment of the effort applied.

Multiplicity is the main characteristic.

The main indicator to pay attention to the organization of lifting of cargo-capacity of the polyspaster. This parameter is conventionally indicates how many times the mechanism allows you to win in strength. In fact, the multiplicity shows how much cargo branches is distributed.

Kinematic multiplicity

The multiplicity is divided into kinematic (equal to the number of rope beggars) and the power, which is calculated based on the overcoming of the friction force and the non-ideal efficiency of the rollers. The reference books presents tables that display the dependence of power multiplicity from kinematic with different efficiency of the blocks.

As can be seen from the table, powerful multiplicity differs significantly from kinematic. With a low roller efficiency (94%), the actual gains of the polyspaster 7: 1 will be less than the winning of the six-time polyspaster with the CPD of the blocks of 96%.

Schemes of polyspers of different multiplicity

How to calculate the polyspaster

Despite the fact that theoretically, the design of the polyspaster is extremely simple, in practice it is not always clear how to raise the cargo using blocks. How to understand what kind of multiple need, how to find out the efficiency of the ski lift and each block separately. In order to find answers to these questions, you need to perform calculations.

Calculation of a separate block

The calculation of the polyspaster must be carried out due to the fact that the working conditions are far from ideal. The mechanism has friction forces as a result of the movement of the cable for pulley, as a result of the rotation of the roller itself, whatever bearings are applied.

In addition, a flexible and flexible rope is rare on the construction site and in the construction equipment. Steel rope or chain have much greater rigidity. Since to flexing such a cable when the blockage on the block requires an additional effort, it also needs to be taken into account.

To calculate the equation of moments for pullea relative to the axis:


Formula 1 shows the moments of such forces:

- SBEG - effort from the running rope;

- SNABEG - effort from the side rope;

- q Snabag - force, for flexing / extension of the rope, taking into account its rigidity Q;

- NF - friction force in the block, taking into account the friction coefficient f.

To determine the moment, all forces are multiplied by the shoulder - the radius of the block R or the Radius of the sleeve R.

The force of the incident and running cable arises as a result of the interaction and friction of the rope threads. Since the force for flexion / extension of the cable is significantly less than the rest, calculating the effect on the axis of the block, this value is often neglected:

N \u003d 2 SNABEG × SINα (2)

In this equation:

- n - impact on the axis of pulley;

- SNAGEG - effort from the side rope (accepted approximately equal to SBEG;

- α - an angle of deviation from the axis.

Polyspaster block

Efficiency Block Calculation

As is known, the efficiency is a efficiency coefficient, that is, how efficient work was performed. It is calculated as the attitude of the work performed and spent. In the case of the polysman block, the formula is applied:

ηB \u003d SNAB / SBEG \u003d 1 / (1 + Q + 2FSINα × D / D) (3)

In equation:

- 3 ηB - efficiency of the block;

- D and D - respectively, the diameter of the sleeve and the pulley itself;

- q - the coefficient of stiffness of flexible communication (rope); F - friction coefficient;

- α - an angle of deviation from the axis.

From this formula, it is clear that the efficiency of the unit affects the efficiency (by means of the F), its size (via the D / D ratio) and the material of the rope (KOEF Q). The maximum efficiency of the efficiency can be obtained using bronze bushings and rolling bearings (up to 98%). Slip bearings will give up to 96% efficiency.

The scheme shows all the forces s on different branches of the rope

The lifting mechanism consists of several blocks. The total PDD of the polyspana is not equal to the arithmetic amount of all individual components. For calculation, a much more complex formula is used, or rather, a system of equations where all forces are expressed through the value of the primary S0 and the efficiency of the mechanism:

- s1 \u003d ηp s0;

- S2 \u003d (ηp) 2 S0; (- four)

S3 \u003d (ηp) 3 s0; ....

- Sn \u003d (ηp) N s0.

PDD of the polyspaster with different multiplicity

Since the efficiency of the efficiency is always less than 1, with each new unit and system equation, the SN value will decrease rapidly. The total efficiency of the polyspaster will depend not only on ηB, but also on the number of these blocks - the multiplicity of the system. On the table, you can find η for systems with different number of blocks with different values \u200b\u200bof each efficiency.

How to make the lift do it yourself

In construction during the installation work, it is not always possible to fit the lifting crane. Then the question arises how to raise the cargo rope. And here is a simple polyaste. For its manufacture and full-fledged work, you need to make calculations, drawings, correctly pick up the rope and blocks.

Different schemes of simple and complex lifts

Base preparation - scheme and drawing

Before proceeding with the construction of a polyspaster with their own hands, you need to carefully examine the drawings and pick up a suitable scheme for yourself. It should be relying on how it will be more convenient for you to place the design, which blocks and cable are available.

It happens that the capacity of the polyspast blocks is not enough, and the complex multiple lifting mechanism does not have time and capabilities. Then the dual polyastes are used, which are a combination of two single. This device can also be lifted the load so that it moves strictly vertically, without distortion.

Dual model drawings in different variations

How to choose a rope and block

The rope is played in the construction of a polyspaster with their own hands. It is important that she does not stretch. Such ropes are called static. Stretching and deformation of flexible communication gives serious loss of performance. A synthetic cable is suitable for the homemade mechanism, the thickness depends on the weight of the cargo.

Material and quality of blocks are indicators that provide homemade lifting devices. Calculated load capacity. Depending on the bearings, which are installed in the block, its efficiency changes and this is already taken into account in the calculations.

But how to raise the load to the height with your own hands and do not drop it? To protect the cargo from a possible reverse stroke, you can install a special locking unit, which allows the rope to move only in the same direction.

Roller on which the rope is moving

Step-by-step instruction for lifting the cargo through the block

When the rope and blocks are ready, the scheme is selected, and the calculation is made, you can start assembling. For a simple two-time polyspaster, you will need:

- Roller - 2 pcs.;

- bearings;

- sleeve - 2 pcs;

- closure for block - 2 pcs.;

- rope; hook for cargo suspension;

- Slings - if they are needed for mounting.

Carabins are used for quick connection

Step-by-step lifting of cargo to height is carried out like this:

1. Connect rollers, sleeve and bearings. Combine all this in the clip. Get block.

2. The rope is launched into the first block;

3. The rope with this block is hardly attached to the fixed support (reinforced concrete beam, pillar, wall, specially mounted removal, etc.);

4. Then the end of the rope is passed through the second block (movable).

5. The hook is fixed to the clip.

6. The free end of the rope is fixed.

7. Raised lifting load and connect it with a polyspaster.

The homemade lifting mechanism is ready for use and will provide a double winnings. Now, to raise the cargo to the height, it is enough to pull over the end of the rope. Ohibaya both rollers, the rope will raise the cargo without much effort.

Is it possible to combine the polyspaster and winch

If the self-made mechanism you build on this instruction is to attach the electric winch, it turns out the real lifting crane made with your own hands. Now for lifting the cargo do not have to strain at all, the winch will do everything for you.

Even the manual winch will make the lift of the cargo more comfortable - you do not need to wash your hands about the rope and worry so that the rope does not slip out of the hands. In any case, turn the winch handle is much easier.

Polyspast for winch

In principle, even outside the construction site skill on acquiring conditions with a minimum of tools and materials to build an elementary polyspaster for the winch - a very useful skill. It will especially be appreciated by his motorists who were lucky enough to get stuck on the car somewhere in an impassable place. Polyspaster made on the ambulance hand will significantly increase the performance of the winch.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the polyspaster in the development of modern construction and engineering. To understand the principle of operation and visually imagine its design should each. Now you are not afraid of situations when you need to raise the cargo, but there are no special equipment. Several pulleys, rope and cutter will be allowed to do without attracting the crane.