Repairs Design Furniture

What makes a steam room in the bath? Own bath do it yourself: how to make a steam room correctly. Holder Steer: Step-by-step instructions, photos

From how qualitatively the steam room will be made, the usability of the bath, safety of bath procedures, presenter of paired room, high cost and complexity of its maintenance will be made directly. The most preferred option is the arrangement of the steam room with their own hands.

  1. First, you do not have to invite third-party specialists and pay for their services, which will save the impressive amounts.
  2. Secondly, the whole process will be exclusively under your control, and you will be completely sure of the final result.

In order to make the steam room, you need to understand the sequence of work and follow the instructions in everything.

Before you begin the arrangement of the steam, prepare its project. It is not necessary that it was a lot of detailed drawings, but without at least elementary sketches cannot do. When developing a project, it is necessary to repel from the main element of the steam stove.

Each bath furnace has its own characteristics and presents individual requirements for the gabarites of the wage, ventilation of the room, the remoteness of the installation of shelves, etc.

When determining the appropriate sizes, the steamings are repelled from how many people will at the same time visit the bath. It is important to think about everything to thoroughly think that as a result, as a result, the visitors of the pair of comfortably felt themselves, and in the bath, while there was no excessive place, which would be wasting. The optimal is considered the size of the steam equal to 240x200 cm with a ceiling height of 220 cm.

The windows in the steam room are not needed - artificial lighting will be more than enough. It is important to take into account the fact that each window will require increased thermal insulating x measures (learn more, how to insulate windows), and these are additional costs. The permissible maximum is a completely deaf window with a size of no more than 50x50 cm. At the same time, the glass windows must be as high quality as possible, with good heat and sound insulation properties.

When drawing up a project, we must think about the organization of ventilation. Without high-quality air exchange wood, it will be very quick to deteriorate under the influence of moisture. A mold will begin to appear in the steam, and in general, the microclimate will become absolutely unsafe for humans.

When the design project will be ready, you can move to the gradual realization of the intended. Work on the preparation of the wage to use is recommended to start with the heat insulation device.

Insulation room steaming

The issue of thermal insulation needs to be paid special attention, because Without high-quality warming on heating, the bath will be a much larger amount of fuel.

First stage. Prepare the ceiling to insulation. It is enough to cover the surface of the ceiling with foam plates, temporarily fixing them with any accessible to the heater, and then hesitate to heat the insulation by moisture-resistant plywood or other similar material. Solar plate plates between beams. The minimum layer of thermal insulation is 10 cm. From above, thermal insulation must be covered with vapor insulation. Before laying insulation, the base is covered with a polyethylene film.

The second stage is the insulation of the walls. Create a frame. To do this, it is enough to fasten the walls of 50x50 mm with wooden bars. Pitch between Brucks choose such that the insulation will in the future most tightly fit into the crate. For the walls there will be a 5-centimeter layer of insulation.

Slabs joints with a metallized adhesive tape. For the insulation of the walls, the Minvata is perfect. On top of the insulation and under it, be sure to lay the layer of polyethylene film or another moisture-resistant material, because Mineral wool badly tolerate contacts with water.

Floors in parilots are usually not insulated. But if you wish, you can perform, for example, filling with clay, and pour the screed with top and put the tile or to equip the wooden flooring.

For the interior decoration of the steam room is traditionally used wooden lining.

First you need to install the shelves or shops, and only after that it starts the molding. For the trim, it is best to use products from coniferous wood, because They have a very pleasant smell and some healing properties. The larch is characterized by higher tightness and the best vaporizolation and properties.

The lining is fixed on top of the preceded insulation with related protective materials. Boards Stay tightly to each other. Galvanized tapping screws are suitable for fastening the material to the base.

Video - Bath Trim

Floor arrangement in the bath

For the flooring of the steam flooring, it is necessary to use such a material that would not be afraid of a temperature-vanity characteristic of the bathroom and there would be no harmful substances. The material is ideal for its properties is aspen. This wood is inexpensive, it looks beautiful, it is easily processed and serviceable. Bath benches are recommended to be attached not to the floor, but to the walls - so you can save an extra place.

Also, ceramic tiles can be used to cover the floor in the bath. It is simpler in the installation and less whimsical coating, which easily stacked with your own hands.

First step. Clean the base from pollution and pour it off with a 15-centimeter layer of sandy-gravel mixture. Compact filling.

The second step. Cover the layer of frustration with a concrete mixture. There will be enough 5-centimeter fill. Carefully align the concrete.

Third step. After concrete freezes, put ceramic tiles on it.

When choosing a bath furnace, you will have to face a huge range of modern solutions. Available aggregates can be made of brick and metal, to use traditional solid fuel or electricity to work. Each existing option has both its strengths and a number of flaws.

Metal furnaces include the following:

  • they are very quickly cooled after stopping the fuel supply;
  • about the hot metal is very easy to burn, so when installing such a furnace will have to worry about the organization of additional security measures.

The only lack of a brick oven is the need to preliminary arrangement of a separate foundation.

An excellent option is modern bath furnaces operating from electricity. They do not need chimney, they can be installed and customized with their own hands. However, the use of electrical appliances in the conservation conditions requires a special approach and compliance with the set precautions, which will jeopardize the safety of visitors to the parley.

Also pay attention to Talco chlorite furnaces. These are modern and very interesting aggregates that can provide gradual and uniform warming of the steam. Such furnaces give a very pleasant and soft heat similar to the sun's rays.

To install the furnace, it is best to highlight an angle located closer to the door. This option is the safest and most profitable saving of free space.

When the steamed will be almost ready, it will remain only install doors. When installing doors in the bath, consider one important feature - The door frame must be specifically understated, and the threshold is overestimated. This solution allows to reduce the amount of heat leaving through the door, and prevent the appearance of drafts. The optimal height of the threshold is about 30 cm.

The door must be installed so that incoming people cannot burn about the preheated material. The wood is well carried out warmly, so both sides of the door are recommended to sew a foil and a special insulation. Close these protective materials can be, for example, moisture-resistant clapboard cut from the size of the door.

To avoid all the listed inconvenience and additional work, you can simply buy glass doors. Such a product will have a presentable appearance and steadfastly transfers all the conditions created in the bath.

Now you know how to make a steam room with your own hands. Hide the issue of bathing special attention, do not spare for strength and money. Award for your efforts will be a high-quality, attractive, safe and reliable wage, which for many years will delight you with your warmth.

Good job!

Video - how to make a steam room with your own hands

The construction of the room for the steam room is only part of the entire complex of work on the organization of the Russian bath. The correctly equipped steam room is the key to high-quality rest and safety of bath procedures. The steamer will make it possible to obtain substantial savings and will provide an opportunity to show their individuality.

Step-by-step instruction on the device pair

The arrangement of the steam room involves the execution of a certain sequence of operations:

  • Project development.
  • Selection of the furnace and its location.
  • Premises.
  • Organization of lighting.

Let us turn to the detailed consideration of each of the steps.

The height of the ceilings is determined by the purpose of finding a person in a pair

Draft steam room: Basic principles

Before starting work on the archolanding pair, it is necessary to create a project that provides for all the subtleties of this specific room, taking into account the age-old traditions and realities of the present.
Designing should be carried out depending on the main factors: the size of the furnace and the number of people simultaneously being in the room.

For a family consisting of three people, an area of \u200b\u200bapproximately 2x2 meters with a height of the steam room is 2.2 m. There is an erroneous opinion that a positive point in this case will be some space of space. This is not true, since with an increase in the volume of the steaming to achieve the required temperature, high energy and time costs will be necessary.

The window is better to do small

As a rule, when building, the steering windows are not provided. In case of need, the window should be as minimal (no more than 500x500 mm). To create sufficient heat insulation, it is advisable to make windows according to modern technologies that allow you to achieve the desired effect. In addition, the arrangement of the window will require careful insulation of the slots when installing it.

The steam room must be equipped with ventilation. The exhaust system should ensure that the indoor moisture is eliminated. This requirement is due to the need to eliminate favorable conditions for the development of pathogenic microorganisms in the form of fungi and mold.

In addition, the service life of the finishing materials directly depends on the level of humidity in the room, since in the overwhelming number of cases the steam room is separated by a tree. Humidity in permissible limits has a beneficial effect on human health.

Features of the recruitment steam room

When building, the steam rooms need to adhere to the following recommendations.

Choosing a furnace

The main parameters on which the operation of the device depends: the number of stones and the duration of the heating of them, the heat resistance of the housing, the lattice material, the power consumption of the unit and its design. To ensure heat, except for the steam room, adjacent rooms with a total area of \u200b\u200brooms in 22 square meters is quite power of 24 kW. Making a furnace with their own hands will reduce the cost of bathing the bath.

Choosing a furnace - an important thing

Facing a floor

As a material for floors, the best solution will be the use of a porcelain tile or the use of natural stone. For safe movement, the boardwalk is laid. The heat insulation of the floor is not required. In this case, one of the requirements for the floor is the device of the water drain. Wood as a floor material is not the best option, since the elevated humidity will lead to its deformation and quick failure.


For the ceiling, a sufficient height is a value of 2.2 m, which is associated with the physical properties of steam and human physiology. When the ceiling height exceeds the specified value, pairs will leave up? And the effect of its impact will be lost. The decrease in the height will lead to discomfort when carrying out bath procedures, as the probability of injury injury will arise, and difficulties will occur when working by a broom.

Windows and doors

The organization of windows is not a prerequisite.

A tree or glass is an optimal variant of the material for the manufacture of doors. If the door made of wood is a tradition, then the glass is practicality.

Select a steam source and definition for a furnace

An important factor in choosing a furnace is a method for producing steam, the source of energy and the size of the room of the steam.

Kamenka is a classic solution when choosing a furnace for a Russian bath. Stones lay it inside.

Traditional fuels serve firewood, but electricity and gas can also be used.
Furnaces are several species.

On firewood

Installing such a furnace will provide a unique atmosphere in the bath. Even the fact that such a device requires periodic cleaning from stones, cannot spoil the pleasure from the adoption of a bath procedure. To reduce the formation of soot, the aspen firewood should be applied as fuel. To maintain a stable temperature, it is necessary to constantly monitor the combustion process.

Steam with furnace on firewood


Kamenka operating on electricity is very convenient in operation. Such an electrical appliance has compactness, sufficient power and allows you to quickly achieve the required temperature. Its device does not require the organization of the chimney.

Electro-heater is safe for the environment and person, its maintenance is maximally simplified due to the use of automation, the design features exclude the possibility of injury.
The main disadvantage of the device is to consume consumption of electricity.



The use of a gas furnace is characterized by ease of operation, a high heating rate and maintaining a predetermined temperature in the room of the steam room.
An essential disadvantage of this apparatus is the overall furnaces and a significant need for a gas in Gaza. The use of a furnace of this type is impractical if there is no connection to the gas highway.

Types of Kamenok

The furnace-heater can be open and closed.

Kamenka are different types

In the case when several people plans to take bath procedures, the best choice will be an open type of heater. The fuel is (fuel combustion) does not have refractory masonry. It serves as a place to lay stones. Such an arrangement of the furnace allows you to heat all the rooms of the bathroom, and rocking the stones.

When exposed to water, the heap with such a device is quickly losing the temperature. Such a design is used in furnaces with electrical heating.

The closed heater is the traditional way of the device of the Russian bath. At the same time, a large number of stones are located in a special place of the furnace. In this case, the pairs goes through a special door, the level of which is located opposite the stones of the first row. In the process of combustion of fuel, this door must remain in a closed state. To warm up the steam room, it is opened in advance.

Finish Steam: Main Stages

What to choose the material?

The choice of material is an important stage in the preparation of the steam room.

In the device, the steers are small

With its availability of pine - not suitable material for this room. This type of wood has a resin in its composition, which under the influence of high temperatures are highlighted on the surface of the material.
The most suitable material in this case may be Lipa. The characteristics of this type of wood do not allow burns and allow you to maintain the appearance of the finish constant for a long time.
The possibility of using aspen, birch, or poplar is not excluded. Trees related to deciduous species quickly enhance, thereby creating a specific microclimate in the steam room, and have durability.

It is categorically not allowed to apply plates from wood and linoleum baths. In addition to the fact that these materials are firewood, they are in high temperatures and humidity become unsafe for human health.

How to insulate the ceiling and walls?

An important condition for the device of the steam is the creation of the premises tightness. For this purpose, a mineral-based insulation is used, which is isolated from steam using aluminum foil.

To connect its edges, a special adhesive tape is used. High temperatures do not allow the use of film in this case, due to its deformation. The outer decoration should imply the organization of closing ventilation holes.


For decoration, the ceiling is used by a planed board with a thickness of 20-30 mm. The fastening of them to beams is carried out with the help of nails, which must have a length, three times higher than the thickness of the board. You can improve ventilation, rounded corners at the board and leaving a small gap between them.

Finishing with steam lining

It should be noted that the lining was gained great popularity as a finishing material of the bathrooms. The properties of this material make it possible to create the required thermal insulation and separate the surface of the walls, giving them an attraction. In addition, good air permeability of the material does not create conditions for the formation of condensate, the occurrence of fungi and mold.

Before mounting the lining in the steam room, it is left in it for a while that the material adapts to the conditions of the microclimate of the room.

In the presence of essential wall surface defects, they should be eliminated so that the material does not lay wavely. Fastening occurs with the help of a bracket or screws. It is necessary to take into account that the fact that it is not possible to achieve the perfect surface of the walls without structures in most cases.


When choosing fasteners, you should consider the conditions for their work. Their material must withstand increased humidity and temperature, as well as eliminate the possibility of human injury.

How is the floor finish in steam room?

The process of finishing the baths start with the organization of the floor. It is recommended to raise 150-200 mm above the level of floors in other rooms. This allows you to preserve heat in the steam room due to the absence of drafts.

Shunted board floor

The material is best used to use tiles, a tipped or edged board. From the choice of the choice will depend on the level of safety of moving indoors and its comfort.
Flooring from the board is made on the lags, which are placed on brick columns. The base is served by sand or concrete. For installation, fasteners of galvanizing, bronze, brass or stainless steel are used.

Specific conditions in the premises determine the number of requirements for the organization of lighting in it:

  • the ceiling must be made of heat-resistant and moisture-proof material;
  • to create scattered lighting, it is better to use matte plaffones;
  • luminaires should not be placed on the ceiling;
  • plafones should be reinforced;
  • the maximum power of the lamps should be 60 W.

Lighting will create an atmosphere of mysteriousness

Design steam room: ideas

The steam room does not differ in variety and has a traditional interior consisting of a kamenka stove and multi-level bench.

The layout of the shelves must comply with the preferences and meet various needs. When using the zoning method of space, you can set the furnace by stone, and make the shops from the tree.

A modern designer solution is to arrange windows when finishing a steam room. You can contemplate the surrounding landscape through them.

A selection of video and photographic materials will give a more detailed view of the possible design options for steam room.

A steam room with a huge window opens overview to the site. It is hoped that the glass is tinted and outside is not visible what is happening inside.

When finishing the steam, you can combine materials.

The main functional premises of any bath will be the so-called steam room or, as it is also called, the steam room. Its high-quality arrangement allows you to make health procedures more efficient, high-quality and enjoyable for humans and significantly increase the popularity and reservation of the bath as such. Yes, and to imagine that the Russian bath does not have a steam room, it is simply impossible.

Features of the device

The device of this room should be not only simple, but also at the same time as comfortable and convenient for those who will use it. The most important thing is to be the right amount of shelves and racks. It should be said that the furnace is the main component of any wage, because it just placed a role to ensure the proper microclimate, as well as the comfortable temperature in this room. Today in the steam room there is an opportunity to easily install any type of stove: stone, electrical or metal and brick.

If we talk about the shelves, they are formed from the boards and leave a small space between them, thereby forming the drain. By the way, it is better to use any wood for shelves, besides coniferous rocks. The shelves should be fixed so that the free space is as much as possible and remained the opportunity to make fast cleaning after visiting this room. Under them, you can position various kinds of bath accessories such as various buckets, buckets, as well as brooms. In general, the distance between the floor and shelves should be made maximum, because the cold air masses accumulate precisely under them.

The wage must have perfect proportions, so that it warmed well to the desired temperature level.

It is best to design an option with an area of \u200b\u200b2 by 2.5 meters. Its height should be 2.10 - 2.15 meters. This size is enough that for bricks, which is for a wooden pair.

Its walls should also be trimmed by special insulation, which will hold heat inside for a long time and at the same time under the influence of high temperatures will not be distinguished by harmful substances into the environment. If we talk about the floor covering, then it is usually done either from the boards, or from the tile, for which it is quite easy to care for.

The door must have minimal sizes, because it can become a source of additional heat loss. Better if it is located not far from the furnace. It should not have constipation and easy to open, as well as tightly closed. The latter is extremely important due to the fact that there are no cases when such doors are jamming due to the swelling of the tree as a result of high humidity. There can be no windows in such a room at all, but if they still want to do, they should be very small, deaf and most high to the ceiling.

An obligatory element without which the effective use of such a premises is impossible is a ventilation system, which will output an extra moisture and will provide a constant influx of fresh air.


This room can be built from various materials - bricks, stone (natural), foam and gas blocks. But, of course, the best material will be a tree. As a rule, it takes round or planed logs for the pair. Frequent cases when you can use a timber. Also, a good solution may become a glued bar because of maximum moisture resistance. But it has the appropriate cost.

The most convenient in flight and the most accessible can be called a profiled bar, which is also quite resistant to the deformation effects of various kinds. For the construction of the steam, such wood species like aspen, birch or larch and linden will be perfectly suitable. The specified breeds of these trees do not allocate any resins at all. You must be extremely careful if it is decided to choose a pine. It is better to make only walls from this wood, but it is better to separate them within better of the faded tree.

Also, for the wage as a whole, a great solution is Lipa, because it has wonderful cleansing and coogens. In addition, this material has excellent strength, durability and hardness, and its price is attractive.

Project and calculation

It is necessary to create the project before the construction work. Dimensions will vary with a large number of nuances. To begin with, you should understand how many people will steam here simultaneously. This indicator will directly depend on the total size of the room. If we talk about the norms, then for each person you should divert at least 0.7 m2.

To calculate the height of the room, you can choose the growth of the highest family member and add 20 centimeters. During the calculations, it is necessary to understand that the ceiling will receive additional insulation, and therefore its level will be somewhat lower than it was originally assumed. To make the steam room too high is also not the best solution, as it can cause not only insufficient warm-up, but also excess energy consumption to compensate for this drawback.

Hot air masses will simply go under the ceiling and will not have any necessary impact on those who are in the steam room. Best if the height of the steam room will be 2.2-2.4 meters.

Placing people in the sauna can be either lying or seating. A sedentary way of location in the pair will give the opportunity to make it more compact. Shelves, on which it is supposed to lie, requires significantly more space. In this case, the minimum indicator in length will be 20 centimeters more than the growth of the highest family member.

Be sure to work and work out the question of the ventilation system. Since this room is not a wave or recreation room, here the pair will accumulate so much that in the premium and constant humidity, all wooden elements will quickly come into disrepair, it will also be the reason for the formation of mold, which will make a microclimate unfavorable for a person.

Where to put the oven?

Another important question to which we will try to answer this article. If you contact SNiP number 41-01-2003, then the furnace is located in the bath should at least 32 centimeters from the designs of the tree. If the walls are protected by materials that are not subjected to burning, then the distance can be reduced to 26 centimeters. These norms are very important, since any pair has its own central element - the oven.

Its location is very important, because this will depend on the efficiency of the entire system. As a rule, it is installed next to the outer wall, which makes it possible to remove the chimney through the wall on the street, without damaging the attic overlap and roof.

But there is an option to create and traditional design with a vertical pipe passing through the entire construction of the bath. To do this, in the ceiling overlap, a special hole is made, conducted through the attic that is passed through the roof. After that, the gaps between the pipe and the roofing material are overlapped with waterproofing. Such an option is more difficult in the implementation of the chimney installation plan. But if you give preference, it will significantly save the place in the steam room due to the retreat from the wall. But here we should not forget that the furnace should be compact.

By the way, in the market today you can find quite small options that have greater efficiency and will be an excellent solution for any steam room.

Tools and components

In order to make the steam room, we will need:

  • bruses for the construction of walls, as well as partitions;
  • a mortar on a concrete basis;
  • clay, sand, crushed stone;

  • armature for creating a foundation;
  • boards to create formwork;
  • waterproofing materials;

  • refractory brick;
  • tile;
  • lining;

  • mineral wool or any other insulation;
  • slate and galvanized;

  • antiseptics;
  • luminaires, cable, camshafts, switches and fans.

If we talk about tools, you will be needed:

  • shovel or a small excavator;
  • saw (electrical or on gasoline);
  • ax;

  • electric drill;
  • a hammer;
  • electric screwdriver;

  • construction stapler;
  • caulking;
  • kiyanka;
  • level and rule.

After all of the above is at hand, it is possible to start directly to construction.

Installation and insulation

After the project was fully drawn up, and the calculations made by you are tested for the lack of inaccuracies and errors, it is possible to start the construction of the foundation of the future steam and walls with their own hands. This will help the next step-by-step instruction.

So, the first stage of the work will be the foundation. To do this, first dug the recipront cuttlers. Its depth should be at the level of 1/2 of the freezing of the Earth. The height above the Earth should be 17-19 centimeters. If there is no base, then you can raise the design by 60 centimeters. It is also important that the width of the foundation is 10 centimeters larger than the width of the bar itself.After that, we establish the reinforcement to which the first crown will be fixed. Next, we make a formwork and fill the foundation of the harvested concrete. If bubbles occur during the fill, we remove them with the help of a special tool. Now, under the washing, dig a drain pit with dimensions of 1.8 x 1.8 x 1.5 m and its walls are poured concrete.

After that, the foundation must be given to settle 6-7 days. In the upper part it is necessary to do ventilation holes that must be located on the opposite walls of the walls. At the next stage around the foundation we build a breakfast. To create it, we take clay and mix it with rubble, pouring a layer with a thickness of 5-10 centimeters.

Now, around the perimeter of our foundation, it is necessary to lay a runner. It will be best if it is laid in several layers. It should go beyond the size of the base of 50 millimeters. In order to build walls, you can use if desired factory wall sets. You can also cut the timber on the workpiece of the length we need. They require special spikes and grooves. After that, in the initial row we make markup in accordance with the installation of the reinforcement and we drill the openings with a depth of 25 millimeters, after which you can start laying the first wedges of the walls of the bath. To do this, we put it on the pins, we carry out the connection of BRUSEV, after which the compaction points are compact.

Then we put the second row, drill holes that will go to half the height of the first row. Now pull out the second row and in the holes of the first we drive the sews in 1.5 parts of the height of the bar. After that, you hide the following row. Now the crowns connect with bellows, and the grooves are instep by the Jute. Also leave space for doorways. And thus we build a bath with a steam to a certain level of height.

Now in the upper crown, we give the beam overlaps, and in their lower - the rafter ends. Top ends should be connected in a skate. Between the rafters, we make steps 1 -1.2 meters, after which you nourish them a skate board and a crate. Steamproofing and waterproofing, which can perform foil, after which we put on top of any roofing material, for example, slate. Also in advance should be provided for the presence of mortgage pipes. After that, we can say that the frame of the bath with the steam room is ready.

Ceiling: Proper ventilation

In order to reduce the high humidity in the room of this type, as well as prevent the appearance of mold and fungus, the steam room in the bath should have a truly effective and reliable mechanism of exhaust ventilation. Such a system will be the best solution for timely withdrawal of excess moisture and supply of clean air from the street. According to experts, it is best in premises of this type to make a supplier-exhaust ventilation mechanism that will have a built-in air duct.

In this case, the trimmed channel should be located near the firebox at the bottom of the steam room. In this case, the extract in this case should be installed at the top of the opposite wall in almost the same ceiling. The size of the exhaust channel must doublely exceed the diameter of the supply.

And the air flow can be adjusted using the most common built-in valves.


The installation of the floor can be done immediately after the framework of the room was built. If we are talking about steam room, then the floor level should be significantly higher than in other rooms. Consider how to properly lay the floor.

At the already pre-prepared foundation to put lags from a wooden bar, after which you feed the boards on them. The distance between them should be 6-9 millimeters, and between the floor and the ground should be at least half a meter. After that, we do the holes for ventilation.

It should be said that the floor of the concrete will be more durable and stronger, but it will be significantly higher than it. In the washer, where the shower will be standing, and the steam room is pulled out a cape depth 12 cm for flowing water. Its walls are made from a concrete solution. Top places metal crate. From here water will be drained into the sewer plum. When he is ready - we make a screed. First, we need to note the points to which the floor level will be brought, after which they measure the distance to fill the screed. Now it is necessary to level the land and remove a bit of the upper layer, after which we smear the sand layer up to 45 centimeters, moisturize it with water and thoroughly tamper, making a slope in the direction of the plum.

Now we fill the first five-per-meter layer of the concrete solution. After drying, the screed rolling on it the glassizol or runneroid, after which they lay the heat insulation layer with a thickness of half acetimeter. All this is putting a metal reign from the grid, on top of which we pour a second concrete layer with a thickness of 10 centimeters. Now align the concrete and remember the sling slope. Tile or other flooring is placed on top of the entire design.

Walls: "Pie"

If the walls of the steam rooms are made of foam blocks or on the so-called frame technology, then they need additional insulation. In fact, inside we must receive a thermos, where the cold air will not fall and which will hold the heat emanating from the furnace. This will make it possible to significantly save resources that will be spent on heating, as well as maintaining a specific temperature regime here. In fact, it is necessary to create a "pie" wall. So it is called because the materials are stacked in layers, which is why it turns out a similarity with the pie.

Before the start in the wall there is a hole where the furnace will be installed. After that, the windproof film is fixed on the walls and the bars are screwed with a thickness of 5 centimeters and a 4 centimeter width. The step between them should be equal to the width of the insulation tiles. After that, the insulation from the basalt is quite tightly fit, which refers to the category of non-combustible. Now it is necessary to kill waterproofing to the bars. It is best to do this with galvanized brackets. How to protect one of three options:

  1. waterproofing bath membrane;
  2. high density foil;
  3. foam-based foam-based foam-based.

The strips of one of these materials are nourished with the same brackets when inserted at least 15 centimeters. All joints should be propered using a special adhesive tape, and even then rakes with a thickness of 25 mm and about 40 mm wide each 70 centimeters are attached to galvanized screws. Now exactly install the crate using a laser level.

Its installation starts with 2 decks at the edges, between which the lace is tightened, which serves as a guide to nullify other creewater elements. After that, the wagon board is already attached. For its fixing, special galvanized nails can be applied. After that, it remains in the wall to do holes for ventilation, which you want to disguise the plugs or dampers.

If necessary, you can mount the fan in one of the vent holes.

Installing windows and doors

As mentioned above, the construction of a separate wage does not provide for installation of windows, so that lighting artificial type will be more than enough. By the way, we should not forget that for all windows it is required to make thermal insulation of blocks, which will entail additional costs. Alternatively, you can mount 1 deaf window 50 per 50 centimeters. In order to make a parilla of really high-quality, it is necessary to buy the best glass windas, which have the most efficiency in matters of heat and sound insulation.

Naturally, making doors in the steam room. It should be understood that the door frame is at the level below the usual, and the threshold is slightly higher. Such a decision will reduce heat loss and will not give the opportunity to form drafts. The optimal height of the threshold is considered an indicator of thirty centimeters. Installation of the door is made so that the people entering it could not burn material from heated during operation.

The tree has good thermal conductivity, due to which, on both sides, the door is better to sow a foil and a special insulation. And on top of them you can disguise the same clapboard.

An alternative to such a solution will simply acquire and subsequent installation of glass doors. They look perfectly and will be perfectly used in any conditions that may arise.

Finish and arrangement

For decoration, you should choose a suitable tree. We are talking about oak, cedar, larch or lipa. The sheathing should not be made from resinous rocks like pine. Before mounting inside the wood it is better to treat oil substances. Such impregnation will reduce the hygroscopicity of the material. The design of the clapboard begins with the ceiling. It is mounted on the crate on the mechanism of spikes and grooves, or is attached using kleimers.

When the lining on the ceiling is mounted, it starts working with walls. The casing will go in parallel with the installation of the shelves and occur in a certain sequence. At first, using the level of the wall surface. At the same time there is a markup of how sun beds with all the elements will be placed, including the backbones.

After that, it is covered by the side and front of the shelves. After that, the rest of the walls are silent. Now the installation of plinths remains, both the ceiling and outdoor. Details of the trim are usually applied only in a special case if it is seized on the joints one under another very inactively. It should be said that this time must be taken carefully, because the moisons may begin in the gaps, which may be the cause of the development of fungus and mold in these places.

Already in the final of the work the doors are mounted, as well as various lamps and lamps. Wires must be carefully wasolateed, in order not to get moisture on them and a short circuit did not occur with the subsequent fire.

In addition, after that, you can, for example, make a couple of hangers or additional shelves to accommodate some accessories.

It should be noted that the most beautiful bath is obtained from those who want to introduce some of their ideas and do something non-standard. And the steam room is a room where any material can become a work of art, be it tree, stone or metal. The main thing is that imagination and finances allow you to realize your ideas.

You can make a steam room with your own hands, although this requires a considerable complex of knowledge. At the same time, if everything is done really correctly, you can be sure that it will be exactly not worse than if you ordered the development of the project and the subsequent implementation of its construction professionals. In addition, the technology of independent creation of such a building has already been tested not by one person and proved its high quality and viability. In general, if you want to build a steam room with your own hands, then thanks to the knowledge described above, you can implement such an idea without problems.

From how correctly the steam room will be arranged (with their own hands or hands of hired workers), the quality of your holiday will depend. The steamer is the basis, the heart of the bath, whose work will affect the efficiency and viability of the steam room as a whole.

Holder Parish: Concept of arrangement.

The ward should be equipped so that it was comfortable to be in it. Therefore, before the start of the construction process, it is necessary to draw up a project, the scheme of how everything will be located on what area. Two factors affect the steam sizes: the size of the furnace and the number of people. Different furnaces have different requirements for operating conditions: remoteness from shelves, ventilation system, room dimensions.

Based on the number of people who can be bathed at the same time, you can define a pair of steam room. It is necessary to calculate the area so that people can be comfortably inside, not embarrassing each other:

For example, the Square of the Parille for the family (2-3 people) is calculated as follows: The width is calculated, based on the growth of the highest family member, so that the person can comfortably lie on the shelf, the minimum length in this case is 1.8 meters, the height of the ceilings less than 2.3 meters do not do. We get the optimal dimensions: 2.0 x 1.8 x 2.3 meters.

Leave excess space also should not be the uneconomic spending of heat and energy. There are, so to speak, the standard dimensions that are checked in practice: the ceilings 2.2 meters are made on the area of \u200b\u200b2x2.4 meters.

Windows in the steam room is an extra element. The presence of them is optional, but if for some reason the window is still needed, the hole is better to perform the minimum, maximum 500x500 mm. The best choice for high-quality thermal insulation will be modern double-glazed. In this case, the window will be an additional light source and ventilation, but more thorough insulation of the pair and all about one-room joints will be needed.

Ventilation in the steam room is required, and one window here does not solve. It must be adjusted, competently arranged an exhaust system. The importance of ventilation is due to the increased humidity of air in this room, which without proper air exchange can cause mold and various fungi. The moisture does not affect building materials, including the wood, which is often a steam room. Proper ventilation will provide a healthy and comfortable microclimate steam.

The steam room and its components: you need to take into account everything.

The process, during which the steam room is constructed with his own hands, requires certain knowledge of building materials and the principles of the Bath itself. Creating the necessary pair will depend directly from the arrangement of the room: as with which materials it was built, the steam room was insulated and finished. It is necessary to take into account all the elements: the stove, floor, ceiling, shelves, window and doors, lighting, ventilation.

  • The stove is chosen based on its operational characteristics: heat resistance steel, the amount and degree of heating of the stones, the volume of the fuel, the material for the grate (grille in the furnace), the mobility of the ashbar (pondered) and appearance. You should calculate the required power:

For example, on a steam room of 22 m 2, the required consumption for heating is 4 kW. It is necessary to take into account the heated of the oven itself, stones and tanks with water and get consumption three times more - 12 kW, if there is no need to heat adjacent rooms and the steam room is reliably insulated. Otherwise, 12x2 \u003d 24 kW will be released.

  • Knowing the necessary power, the area of \u200b\u200bsteam room and fuel, which you have - pick the furnace. You can also build a stove for the bath with your own hands.
  • The floor in the steam room is better to perform from the tile (ceramics, porcelain stoneware, natural stone), and on top of putting a wooden ladder. The insulation of the floor in the steam room is an optional condition, and the water removal hole will become a useful element.

It is not necessary to make the floor wooden, in the steam room too much moisture, which will lead to deformation and the appearance of mold.

  • To build the ceiling in the steam room it follows competently. The height should be 2.2 -2.3 meters. These figures are due to the process of the harvest. If you do lower, you will cling the ceiling by a broom, and if above - the entire couple will leave upstairs, and the whole process will be offended. Ceilings are warmed necessarily.
  • Shelves must be built so that it is convenient to lie. The shelf length is performed slightly more human growth - 2-2.3 meters, it will be enough in width 0.6-0.7 meters. Shelves can be made in two levels, more - not worth it. The lower shelf must already be done than the top so that the steamhouse has access to a person on the top shelf.
  • If you can do without windows, the door will be in any case. The door can be glass or wooden. Wood cheaper, but less practical. Glass is not exposed to moisture, therefore it will be the best choice, although it is somewhat more expensive.
  • The light should be pleasant to the eyes. In the steam room, good uniform lighting is necessary. For wiring it is better to use the heat-resistant wire.
  • Ventilation is performed as a supply and exhaust hole. The exhaust hole is located under the ceiling, and the intake - under the stove, in the opposite corner. In order for the ventilation to be controlled, a valve is installed on the exhaust hole. The ventilation channel is usually made from aluminum corrugation.

What you need to know before starting the insulation of the wage with your own hands.

Warming Parling begins with the ceiling, then the walls and floor are insulated. The insulation of the bath in general and the parches in particular are carried out in three layers. The so-called "pie" will consist of waterproofing, thermal insulation and vaporizolation. Waterproofing ensures the protection of the structure from the effects of moisture and the formation of mold, the heat insulation maintains heat in the room and prevents the cold getting outside, vaporizolation is a heat reflector and protective layer for insulation.

Stepped warming steam room:

  1. Choosing materials. When choosing materials, it is necessary to take into account their safety under high temperature conditions. Among the thermal insulators, basalt fiber, mineral and stone wool, eco-art, fibrololite have such properties. For vaporizolation, excellent options will be foil materials: aluminum foil, foil basalt, foil Foam.
  2. Preparation of work surfaces. Elimination of pollution, mold, etc.
  3. All surfaces are covered with waterproofing. As a layer of waterproofing, you can use the foil or polyethylene film. In addition, it is possible to paint the walls with polymerbitum mastic, they are resistant to high temperatures.
  4. The installation of thermal insulation begins with the attachment of the roasting of wooden bars (for the ceiling 100x100mm, for the walls 50x50 mm). Doom must be treated with a special antiseptic for wood. Mineral wool, reed and fibrolite plates will be a good version of the insulation. The material must be fire-resistant and not to highlight harmful substances when heated. The ceiling of the insulation will leave twice as much as its surface needs more thorough insulation, because the whole couple seeks up.
  5. The insulation is covered with vaporizolation. A vapor barrier layer can be aluminum foil or foil vaporizolation. This material well protects the insulation from hot and wet air. And as a bonus, he reflects warm back to the room of the steam. It turns out a peculiar effect of the thermos, which contributes to the long-term preservation of heat in the pair. The thickness of the foil should be at least 65 microns, otherwise it will rush.
  6. The foil is attached to the cut by a construction staple or cloves. There should be no breaks between the leaves of the foil, so all the joints need to be glued with vapor insulation scotch.
  7. On top of the foil, another frame is superimposed, which is designed for the sheat, for example, clapboard. The lining is matured vertically if the bar is packed horizontally, and on the contrary, it is coat horizontally, if the bar is packed vertically. The lining can be alternate with another finishing material.
  8. All joints should be carefully close with all the "cake" layers. There should be no holes in which moisture can get, it is impossible to allow condensation.

Warming Parling with your own hands - the task is solved. It should be competently approach the choice of materials - and washed. The main thing, do not forget that safety is above all. All selected materials should be fire-resistant and environmentally friendly. If a wood stove is in the bath, it should be not closer to 40-50 cm for wooden elements. If the furnace is an electrodelock - no closer than 20-40 cm. Fire safety rules have not yet been canceled.

The heart of the bath is a steam room. And therefore one of the main issues: how to make a steam room for all the rules, nowhere to be mistaken, and subsequently enjoy the work done.

The steam room is the most important place for your bath.

From the correct construction and arrangement of the parches directly dependes the pleasure that you with your guests will receive from bath procedures. But it is only little to build, such criteria are important here as safety, a presentable type of bath, as well as how much it will cost its own hands and subsequent service.

That is why more and more often owners of private houses who want to build a bath on their plot, prefer to do all work on their own. Moreover, to build a bath, as well as to equip the steam room, is actually not at all difficult: the planning is the simplest - the oven yes the shelves, and having a joinery skills to make such a job - a pleasure.

In addition, our instructions will help you and build, and fully ensure the arrangement of the bath, if you decide to do it with your own hands.

First stage - we make a project.

Drawing up a project of the Parling - almost the simplest work is hardly. The main thing is to repel from the furnace, which is a central link, both in the bath and in the sauna. When choosing a bath furnace should take into account the size of the room, the features of the ventilation, the remoteness of the shelves. Well, the calculation of the sizes should be made on the basis of how many people will bathe in it at the same time.

You took into account the number of people, and now it is necessary to calculate the area before building the room. The optimal, standard metrar is considered 2 x 2.4 meters wide, plus 2.2 meters in height. The room with such sizes will allow you to freely feel like everyone who takes bath procedures and not to give up a frightened excess space.

If you think about the windows in the steam room, then their presence is not at all. Artificial light in such a room is optimal. If the window in the bath is for you a prerequisite, then take care of full heat insulation. The size of the opening should not exceed 50 x 50 cm, it is best to establish a modern heat pump, the correct installation of which will reliably protect the room from cold air.

Next step: insulate the steam room.

Now the next thing to do is to properly sew the inner surface. The task is important and painstaking, since the possibility of much smaller fuel costs depends on professionally performed works, as well as pleasure from the bath procedures themselves.

According to standards, first of all, the ceiling should be insulated, and the walls with the floor are the next stage. Between the first and second floors, for overlapping, a new board is perfect 40 cm, laid jack. Next, it should be done good vapor barrier and lay the insulation between the beams by 10 cm. The stretched fishing line will hold it while you do the installation.

The walls in the steam room or the sauna are insulated as follows: the design of 5x5 cm bedding boards is created and attached, then steam barrier, a layer of insulation with a foil (5 cm). At the junctions should make the sizing aluminum scotch. As a heater, mineral wool or special mats are used, which are easy to put on their own - these materials are ideal for a bath.

Finish Steam: Not only aesthetics, but also quality.

Installation of lining should be done like this: first the bases are nourished under the bench, shelves, and then the lining is already attached. With regard to the finishing material, coniferous rocks are predominantly used here. They will give a bunny spirit a pleasant, rich, healing fragrance.

Plaques from deciduous wood will provide a sauna reliable tightness with vapor barrier. Here is the choice of for those who are going to build a bath with their own hands. The main thing is not to use both types of wood.

Also an important factor - the thickness of the walls in the steam room should be greater than in other rooms of the bath.

Install shops, shelves and oven.

The internal arrangement of your steam or sauna is hardly the most pleasant part of the work. Shelves and shops should be made from well-dried boards, which will not be distinguished by the resin when heated will not leave sweat tracks. Aspen is considered an ideal material, since it is inexpensive, easy to process, as well as famous for its stem quality and strength.

To save space, it is recommended to mount the benches not to the floor, but to the wall. There is a good way out if the places are very small - to equip the seats as in the train cars: the bottom - on the clamns, and the top - on the lifting fixed mechanism.

The main factor determining the quality of the shop and shelves for the bath is the maximum convenience, comfort. Therefore, it is very important to properly approach both the choice of material for them, and to the correct processing of the boards, as well as to the installation of the finished product. The final processing of the boards is better to produce hands, and not on the machine.

When choosing a furnace for a wage, choose the type that optimally suits you. You can build a furnace alone, but you can purchase a ready-made unit. Brick, metal, electric - each of these furnaces has its pros and cons, and all this needs to be taken into account when you build a bath.

Recently, ovens from soap stone, or talco chlorite, are becoming increasingly popular. Such material provides uniform heating and the special softness of the heat released in the bath.

It may seem to build a furnace with your own hands, so convenient finished furnaces are increasingly used.

The most faithful place to install the furnace in the sauna is the closeness of the door corner. Thus, a uniform warming of the room is ensured simultaneously with security.

The installation of the furnace is important to make the most correctly: it's not too close to not burn, and not too far to have enough heat.

Install the door: the final stage.

While we build our bath - we learn a lot that it used to be incomprehensible. Now everything is ready, finishing works are finished in the sauna with your own hands, and the latter remains - installing the door. It is very important to avoid the heaving losses and isolate resting from drafts, so it is recommended to make an overwhelmed threshold and a lowered door frame.

As the door in the bath, the steam room and the sauna there is a definite task - to inhibit people, but do not let the cold, then the requirements for it are special. The door is better to make a small, not higher than the average human growth, as well as arrange close to the oven, but at a sufficient distance, so that the incoming does not dive. It is also important that the shops are not far from the door. Additional insulation of the door leaf is as important, but the choice of materials depends on the desire of the owner.

That's all you need to know when you make installation and design with your own hands. The work is not complicated, besides, it is for yourself - one pleasure. The main thing is to do everything correctly and do not miss any little things, and then every bath procedure will bring indescribable pleasure and health to the whole body.

How to make a steam room with your own hands

Project, finishing, and proper insulation of the steam. All questions related to the functioning and construction of the steam.

How to make a steam room in a wooden bath

Why go to the bath? To get down, so the steam room, if you can put it, the heart of the bathroom. Many developers themselves try to build a bath, so they try to understand all the nuances of the construction of this building. And since it is not presented to the locker room, the rest room and washing, they can be built at the discretion of the owner. But the device wage in the bath is a strict compliance with many parameters and standards. Although it should be noted that there are no complex moments in this room, only the shelves are present from the equipment.

And yet let's stop on the device the steam rooms in a wooden bath specifically.

Stage First - Design and Planning Bath Steam

It seems to be nothing complicated in the construction of the steam room, but still a small, at least a primitive project is better to compile. And it is necessary to repel in the creation of the project from the heart of the steam - from the stove. It is very important to observe the overall dimensions of the unit, which must correspond to the size of the steam room itself, that is, the volume of the room. It takes into account the ratio of the power of the stove with the size of the space, where the proportions are used - one kilowatt of thermal energy should be consumed to one cubic meter.

Now, with regard to the number of people soaring at the same time in the steam room. Here you need to understand the moment that the free space in the steam room should be as small as possible. After all, there is no need to heat the space, not occupied by anyone. But at the same time, the size of the steam room must be observed, so that the soaring people do not feel more stronger. Therefore, experts recommend minimum steam parameters. This is an area of \u200b\u200b2x2.4 m, the ceilings height is 2.2 m. Everything else is at your discretion.

Are windows need in a bathroom bath? Absolutely not needed, although again everything will depend on the wishes of the owner. The optimal option, if the window is not more than 50x50 cm. Well, if it is wooden with a stroken double-glazed window. As for lighting in the steam room, then the choice is small. As practice shows, a modern approach to the lighting of the steers is energy-saving lamps, it is better to install LED, but not on the ceiling.

And the last in the design of the bathroom wage is ventilation. Why is it so necessary? Value is high humidity inside the paired room. It is no secret that it is the humidity that the colonies of malicious microorganisms on the wooden surfaces of the colonies of malicious microorganisms (mold and fungi), which are damaged by wood, and be harmful to man. Therefore, it is worth taking care that the air inside the steam is periodically changed. Of course, it is not necessary to do this with the window. The installed extract will solve this problem.

Stage Second - Heat Insulation Bath Steam

Although the tree itself is an excellent insulating material, the steam room, and all other places of the bath must be insulated. This will save on the fuel consumed and create pleasant conditions for obtaining bath procedures. The scheme of the process of insulation: from top to bottom. That is, first the ceiling is insulated, then the walls, and the last place the floor in the bath.

Warming Ceiling Parvest Bath

In a wooden bath, the ceiling is formed by lags of the second floor, or on the beams ceiling construction. The algorithm of the operations is as follows:

  • The waterproofing material is stacked on top of the beams. This film is a thickness of at least 0.2 mm, whose bands are stacked relative to each other. Bumps are fastened with self-adhesive ribbon, fastening to beams with small cloves with a wide hat or brackets with a stapler.
  • Out of waterproofing, plywood sheets are stacked. They are joined in the beams and in cross.
  • Next, the boards with a thickness of at least 40 mm are stacked. The exact docking of the boards and the lack of gaps is the basic requirements of this design.

  • Now all operations are transferred inside the steam. The insulation is stacked between the beams so that it is used between the ceiling elements in the tension, which will ensure its tight pressing to the bearing elements of the ceiling. And this in turn guarantees the lack of cold bridges.
  • On top of the insulating layer, vaporizolation is stacked. Installation is performed in the same way as in the case of waterproofing material. Stretching the band is not necessary.
  • The ceiling surface is formed in a bathroom. Here you can use boards, lining or block house.

Warming Wall Steam Parics

The heat insulation of the walls is performed by almost the same technology as the ceiling. With the only addition - on the walls of Bani, we will have to build a crate from the sections of 50x50 mm. They can be put vertically or horizontally, everything will depend on how it is planned to hold the walls of the baths. That is, if the finish will fit vertically, the elements of the crates are installed horizontally, and vice versa.

So, racks are installed. They are necessarily exhibited in the same plane. You can do this:

  • Mounted on one wall in opposite angles two rails, if you are vertical installation. Installation is carried out on a plunder and level. Fastening with self-draws.
  • Between them stretches the line in three rows, which indicate a single plane.
  • Now every 1.0-1.5 m is installed and the vertical rails are installed and attached exactly on the leaks.

The doomle is ready, you can move to the following processes. In the direction of the stewing fails in the direction of the steam room between the rails. And the whole design is covered with vapor barrier material. Special attention to the joints of the walls and the ceiling bath. Here you need to install a foil self-adhesive tape. It should close the gap between the ceiling and the wall.

And the last process is the decoration of the walls in the steam room. Facing options are a bit: lining, boards, block house. It is very important to pay attention to how the elements of the finish will be laid. Their groove-spike connection is a condensate zone, so it is necessary to take care that this site does not become such. Option two:

  1. Install the finish vertically.
  2. With a horizontal setting, the compound groove should be located on the upper element.

Flooring Paul Parvest Bath

To make thermal insulation, it is necessary to decide which sex will be in a bathroom. It can be wooden floor, concrete or ceramic. It is from this that will depend on the technology of its insulation.

Wooden base in the bathroom room is a lag design. First, lags are set between foundations. If the lag length is large, intermediate columns are being built, although it is rare in a pair bath. As a lag, you can use boards with a thickness of 50 mm and a width of 150-200 mm.

They are necessarily exhibited in the same plane. On the lower edges of the lag make their way the longitudinal rails with a cross section of 40x40 mm. On them across the boards or pieces of plywood, you can use. All planes of the floor base are paired by a vapor insulating film. There is a heater in the tension between lags. After that, the whole design is covered with a waterproofing film, better in two layers. And on top, the militant floor of the floorboard is stacked.

The insulation of concrete floor is a completely different technology.

  • There is a soil between foundations.
  • A fold of coarse-grained sand, which is trambed.
  • Floating small rubble or gravel. Horizontal leveling is performed.
  • The layer of perlite or clamzite with a thickness of 15-20 cm.
  • The reinforcing frame of a metal grid is stacked. It can be welded, plaster, you can use a chain mesh.
  • Filling the screed with a thickness of at least 7 cm.

To enhance the waterproofing properties of a concrete base, it is recommended to lay a waterproofing film on the heat insulating layer.

Ceramic floor is, in fact, a concrete base covered with ceramic tiles. It and concrete are closed with wooden lattices.

As you can see, make a steam room warmed is not very difficult. In any case, the processes of insulation of the ceiling, walls and floors are something similar.

Stage Third - Arrangement of Parvests in Ban

In principle, when the finish of the steam room is completed and the furnace is established, we can assume that the main part of the arrangement is completed. It remains only to install furniture and bath attributes.

Shelves in the steam room must be made from such a tree so that it does not highlight the resins under the action of high temperatures. Therefore, the optimal option is aspen. The tree has a pleasant shade, processed well, it serves for a long time, it is inexpensive.

By the way, if the steam room in your bath has miniature sizes, then this option is to install this option: the lower shelf is installed on the flooring on the shelf, and the top, as in the car compartment, rises when necessary upwards. To do this, you will have to equip the upper shelf with a special lifting mechanism. The benefit of them today is not a deficit, you can make it and with your own hands.

Conclusion on the topic

That's all the secrets, how to warm the steam room, how to get it competent. In principle, nothing complicated. The main thing is to properly approach the solution of all the tasks set. It is impossible to miss even the most minor nuances, on which the microclimate is dependent inside the pair bath.

Par hardy wooden bath

How to properly make a steam room in a wooden bath why go to the bath? To get down, so the steam room, if you can put it, the heart of the bathroom. Many developers try themselves

  • thermal insulation of the room;
  • finish.

Heat insulation

Heat insulation steam

Parosolation material

  • waterproofing layer;
  • layer of insulation;
  • vapor insulation material;
  • inner covering.

Oven and ventilation

Bath furnace

Ventilation in the bath

  • natural stones;
  • cast iron plates.

Finish steam

Design steam room

Design Parling

How to make a steam room in the bath

How to make a steam room

Parling premises are traditionally considered key in the Russian bath, because It is from it that the functionality of the bath procedures, famous for their useful and healing properties depends. In the article we will talk about how to properly make a steam room in the bath with your own hands, how to equip ventilation, gender and shelves.

The process of manufacturing the wage can be consecrated to several working operations of the following content:

  • thermal insulation of the room;
  • arrangement of the furnace and ventilation;
  • finish.

Heat insulation

Parosolation material The main indicator of the efficiency of the steam room is a steadily high temperature, to preserve that without high-quality thermal insulation is almost impossible. That is why the insulation of the parley is considered the most important procedure in the entire process of its arrangement.

With poorly performed insulation, steam air in the room will be heated very slowly and quickly cool, and the pair will have a very low concentration.

When insulating the room, the steam rooms are activated by a variety of materials, each of which performs a specific function, and the absence of any of them leads to a sharp decrease in the insulation quality. As a result of such a distribution of functions, a multilayer protective coating is obtained, which includes the following sequentially placed layers:

  • waterproofing layer;
  • layer of insulation;
  • vapor insulation material;
  • inner covering.

Waterproofing of surfaces (walls and ceiling) of the parirma is made by closing them with a layer of waterproofing material, such as foil, for example, or polyethylene film.

The arrangement of the heat insulating layer is recommended to start with fastening on the surfaces of the walls and the ceiling of unpainted pure paper, on top of which a frame of wooden bars is stuffed, which serves as a base for planing of thermal insulation material. From above, insulating material is closed with a layer of vapor barrier, which is most often used by the usual aluminum foil. Then the framework of wooden bars is made, which is subsequently trimmed with lining.

The ceiling must be insulated better than the walls, so the layer of thermal insulation material should be thicker.

Oven and ventilation

The "soul" of any Russian bath is, of course, its stove, thanks to which the paired procedures are famous for their wellness properties. For the construction of the furnace, it is recommended to use materials from the following list:

  • red chimney or chamotte brick;
  • natural stones;
  • cast iron plates.

If you wish, all these materials can be used comprehensively, since the brick is a good storage storage device, the stones will allow you to receive steam, and the heated cast iron plates have high heat transfer. With similar use of the heat accumulating properties of the source materials, the resulting furnace can "hold" heat for 12-15 hours (at temperatures up to 85 degrees). But this, of course, depends on the quality of thermal insulation.

In the room itself, the special window for ventilation is usually not done. The ventilation window makes sense to do in the pre-banker, and already from it the fresh air will flow into the pair compartment.

Here are considered typical ventilation errors and the most universal working ventilation scheme:

The internal finish of the steam is made immediately after the completion of the main construction operations and is usually carried out using wood materials resistant to high humidity and temperature. For decoration, you can use a variety of trees, but it is best to close the walls with a lime or alder, and the floor is made from larch material. The shelves made from the linden, when heated, will be highlighted by a unique fragrance containing various natural enzymes. They have a beneficial effect on man.

After decoration, the wooden walls of the steam wakes are carefully polished and left in natural form.

Design steam room

I decide how to make a steam room properly, proper attention should be given and its design. When decorating the room, the wage should be taken into account the following advice:

  • walls, floor and ceiling in the steam room are best to leave in kind, without resorting to the use of any coatings. In this case, wooden surfaces will heat up much faster;
  • shelves and benches in the steam room look more aesthetic, if you place them at different levels. This is also conveniently from the point of view of their functionality, because at different heights you can select the temperature suitable for you;
  • in order to stylize the interior of the steam, you can add elegantly decorated hangers for towels and brooms, and also decorate the doors with a paired original frame and beautiful handles;
  • as sources of light, it is best to use lamps with a nonry and soft glow, placing them over the entrance door.

How to insulate a steam room in a bath?

How to insulate the steam room?

Bath insulation technologies suggest that the insulation process of the parley begins with the ceiling. The thickness of the material for it must be twice as bigger than for walls. First of all, it is necessary to cover the ceiling with rolled paper, making on the joints of a large backstage. Paper must be strengthened on 5x5 bars, placing insulating material between them.

Farming ceiling insulation scheme.

Then it is necessary to cover the isolator of the stew steam with adhesive tape. Secuks and extreme sections will carefully fasten. Foil holds back steam, so moisture getting into the insulation is unacceptable. The top of the foil should be fixed using small 2x3 sizes to create air exchange. In addition, decorative decoration is mounted on the bars. The thermal insulation of the walls occurs along the same technology. Do not forget about the ventilation system of the bath.

The ceiling and walls of the steam walls are recommended to sow wood, which is characterized by high density, such as aspen, pine or linden. When heating the room, the tree highlights the resin, spreading not only a pleasant, but also a useful smell. This effect is not eternal, so consider that after a while you will have to do the trim again. It is recommended to use narrow straps, since they are less prone to deformation than the broad. With horizontal installation, unlike vertical, thermal losses can be reduced. Before installing the panels on the walls and the ceiling of the steam, they must be treated with a special impregnation.

Heat insulation of a bathroom floor

The rules of insulation of baths forbid various cavities and holes at the base of the structure through which cold air can leak. As a material, you can use the foam, since it not only isolates your foundation, but also increase its durability.

In order to properly insulate the floor of the steam floor, it is recommended to use glass or mineral wool. If your saucer is a frame type, it is also required to perform waterproofing, and all materials should maintain the strength of the structure itself. Brick bath insulate the easiest way, but brick is quite expensive material. The floor of the wage in the brick bath is most often covered with tiles, but it is not required in wooden structures, because the tree itself opposes moisture, mechanical loads and maintains heat.

In order to effectively insulate the walls of the bath, you need to choose the material correctly. Several tens of years ago, moss were used as an insulator, and today the most popular insulation are foam and mineral wool. Each of them has its pros and cons that you need to carefully analyze.

  1. The ability to "breathe". Polyfoam has such a density that allows couples through itself, allowing it to go out, so it is not necessary to use paper and foil. This material is preferred for wooden and frame baths. The insulation of the foam should look like this: foam, wood, moisture protection and passing steam film or fiberboard, casing.
  2. The ability to parrel. The insulation of the sauna or bath foam brand PSB-15 is ideal for wooden baths. This property is not applicable to mineral wool.
  3. Requirements for waterproofing. Polyfoam, unlike mineral wool, absorbs much less moisture, so the external vaporizolation is not required: you can only build a ventilated facade or leave the foam and siding.

Advantages of mineral wool:

  1. Convenience when working. Preparatory work with mineral wool passes much easier, as it requires only the presence of building scissors and roulettes.
  2. Pests. When working with mineral wool, you can not worry about mice. Rodents do not live in it. When working with foaming, it should be borne in mind that mice and other rodents love this material, so over time it will come to an unsuitable state.
  3. Dusting. Mineral wool perfectly falls closely. The polyfoam is impossible to fully insulate, since it is impossible to put the plates tightly.

Mineral wool is a kind of "fur coat" for a bath, but if you sew a foam in plasterboard, you can get no less warm design. At the moment, builders choose a special eco-friendly, which does not contain chemical impurities, in contrast to mineral, and does not require steam insulation, but the cost of such material is much more.

After the material is selected and properly attached, it is necessary to create a finishing layer. It performs not only a decorative function, but is an additional layer of thermal insulation. You can warm the inside with clapboard.

Since the ceiling of the bath should not only hold the heat, but also to provide hydro and paired insulation, therefore, as described above, heat the ceiling can be foam or mineral wool. The ceiling finish is most often wooden, but it depends on the type of your bath and personal preferences. We hope that this article helped to deal with the issue of insulation, and wish good luck!

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How to make a steam room to make the room Parling traditionally considered key in the Russian bath, because It is from him that the functionality of the bath procedures, famous for their useful and ...