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Deus Ex Mankind Quests. Towers of data hacked. M7: Deliver delivery

In Deus Ex: Mankind Divided quite a lot of side missions, some of them are easy to skip, while others will only appear if you complete the previous side tasks correctly. Below you will find a list of all side missions of the game with a brief explanation of where you can take a mission and what to do to get the next side mission in the chain (if it is).

To telegraph


In Deus Ex: Mankind Divided quite a lot of side missions, some of them are easy to skip, while others will only appear if you complete the previous side tasks correctly.

Below you will find a list of all side missions of the game with a brief explanation of where you can take a mission and what to do to get the next side mission in the chain (if it is).

Where to find a side mission 00 - Neon nights

This task can be taken at the very beginning of the game. Walk along the house of Adam - a few floors below you will see an apartment, highlighted on the map of the Red - this is a forbidden zone. You can get inside in two ways: hacking the door or taking advantage of ventilation. With a person inside the apartment, you can do whatever - the main thing is to inspect the computer hidden behind the beer box in the kitchen.

Where to find a side mission 01 - Golden ticket

You can start this task on the northeast gearbox district Fountain Chapeca. Come to the police passing, and tell me what you want to get a pass. A policeman will be corrupt and send you to a fake ID trader.

Where to find a side mission 02 - the cult of personality

Not far from the house in which Adam lives, there is a hatch leading to the sewer - you go there. After the descent, turn right, then left and go ahead until you see the right round tunnel. Go straight until we get in the gate, and then talk to the characters at the gate.

Where to find a side mission 03 - Mysterious augmentation

Coller found out that additional implants are hidden in Adam's body? Excellent. Go to your apartment and call a charter using the remote control that lies on the table in front of the TV. After that, you have to wait a bit - a full quest is activated only after you return to Prague from Golem City.

Where to find a side mission 04 - Calibrator

Not far from the metro station Palisade has a cozy courtyard with a sewer hatch - it is located right behind Tubehouse, you probably found it. Go down to the sewer and go to the left on the tunnel. Quite quickly you are tranquil in a casino, with the owner of which, octar, you need to talk very carefully. During the conversation, talk three times with Otar frankly, and then take his invitation - the quest in your pocket.

Where to find a side mission 05 - samizdat

This quest can be taken during the first visit to the headquarters of the detachment 29, where he serves Adam. To activate the task, talk to Peter Chang, it can be found at the headquarters of the detachment.

Where to find a side mission 06 - 01011000

The task apparently appears at a random moment shortly after returning to Prague from the golem City. Watch on the sides if you notice a buggy advertising panel (you are not mistaken), then go closer to her - she will send you to the store not far from Chapec Station. Come inward, descend the stairs and use one of the computers.

Where to find a side mission 07 - Shadow care

The mission will appear after you explore the network found in the Miller office (this is a plot task). Talk to the doctor of the squad 29 and tell me that you want to help her - it activates the task.

Where to find a side mission 08 - Fix

This task will appear in your second visit to Prague, immediately after performing a side task 04. You will call the coller and will offer to meet - go to it.

Where to find a side mission 09 - all in the family

To begin with, you must complete the side task 04. After you have dealt with Louis in Golem City and returned to Prague, you will call Otar - go to the Red Queen and meet with an area.

Where to find a side mission 10 - Reaper

After your return from the golem City, it turns out that there was a murder right next to the house of Adam. Go across the alley to the south of the house until you come across the characteristic scene of the crime. Talk to Lysis detective, and after him - with a girl witness.

Where to find a side mission 11 - Last harvest

If during the passage of the previous mission, you did everything correctly, it will become clear that the murder is committed by the imitator and the person whom the police considers the main person involved, has no relation to the murder. Tell us about this detective and wait for the call.

Where to find a side mission 12 - to mean cazdi

If you have passed a side task of 05, then during the third visit to Prague you will have a point of interest somewhere in the sewage. Go there and talk to to which your help is needed. Agree.

Never more xenophobes have not expressed such a danger! From the Indians did not bounce bullets, and even the strongest black slave could not break their shackles. This time the hardest test is waiting: Augi - people with mechanical prostheses. The minority that should be cooked, and after all, almost every representative with ease will threaten any oppressor. If not strint. The thin wall of consciousness and fear protects humanity from the bloody revenge for the shortest and still the cruel period of oppression.

Marked over the heads of enemies is an imminent genre conditionality, but terribly useful.

The benefits for adept open battle is obvious: the more convenient for the hero to change the position, the easier it is to sleep from under the fire. And it will be useful for you - the enemies fell upon the attacks from the rear and generally cut off Jensen surprisingly quickly, especially if much blended.

For the shelter mouthpiece is also helpful: help better control the situation due to the type of third party. The aggregation of the type of supersturation is rapidly losing utility: why look through the walls, if we slide between the shelters and look for the corners is quite convenient?

Yes, and the system itself has been brought to mind. There are indicators of visibility, as in any decent stealth action. Even hand-to-hand combat techniques can finally be applied immediately due to shelter or, for example, directly from behind the corner. Simply put, secretive passage has become much smoother and richer by options.

Antivirus powerless

Appeared in the Mankind Divided and the competitive regime. He was called BREACH, and it is dedicated to the penetration of hackers on the server of influential companies. In fact, this is a deus ex, naked mechanic immersed in virtual reality. There are no boxes with junk, nor civilians, no tinsel - only white walls, posts of information and security systems that need to be circumvented.

In this form, in truth, Deus Ex is not so interesting - the value of the game without the entourage and the environment is lost quickly. However, you want to face intelligence with other virtuoso of corporate spying? There is also pumping avatar with the purchase of new aggregation (partially new, partially borrowed from the main game), inventory, weapons and different techniques like a quiet elimination.

For successful operations on other people's servers awarded experiences and packaging with equipment. And if you do not wait to pump avatar to the ceiling of development - exchange rubles for chipsets and buy everything you need.

Here and buried the dog.

However, the option of the BREACH mode does not allow strongly swearing on the microtransactions. But see them in Deus Ex strange. It is how to discover the caps in or purchased skins in Fallout.

"Titan" crashes shoulders

The main mechanic has not changed. The same levels, complete secret transitions and appetizing butterfly for a warehouse tel. The same endless ventilation mines. But the opponents are placed tight and run away from a whole level, if you raise the alarm.

The battle with such a harsh opponent is noisy and dirty, it is easier to slip behind his back.

It became more difficult to play because of this, but new experimental eurmentation saves. They are only seven, but each expands the field of work of any agent, and silent, and reckless. For example, "Tesla" - a shocker, cutting the villains at a distance of several meters. At first, nothing special, but after improving, he knocks on four reptiles with one shot.

Another epic modification - a shot of a blade from hand: a silent death, feeding the corpse to the wall, as if a hunting trophy. Or armor "Titan", absorbing damage damage. And there is also an electromagnetic push, a slowdown in time and jerk is almost like Corpoil Attano.

Didn't it turn all the mechanics? By no means, after all, all these aggregations simply do not earn. Since they are experimental and generally installed Adam is incomprehensible where and when (here is a separate intrigue), they overload the system, being activated at the same time. You have to choose whether to turn off the old implants to release some more internal resources of Adam, or ignore some of the new. It is not necessary to fear, the fundamental influence of new aggregates will not be, but only expand the range of possibilities in that hypostasis that you like more.

Deus Ex: Mankind DividedWe told you about the most important components of the games, among which there was a very good development of the choice in the game, however, it does not particularly affect the plot, but makes you choose a dental one or another way. Today is our guide Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Deals the complexity of choice. If you are paralyzed by indecisive and do not know which of the proposed paths for Adam Jensen will be correct, then we will help you to take the right decision.

As we wrote above Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Full of choice, some options for choosing will be given to you without any difficulties and experiences, others will choose not easy. But there are the most difficult solutions that do not have a good result at all. It is not a choice between good and evil, black and white, it is shades of gray and the choice here is not so simple.

If you can't decide which solution to you choose, we are here to help. Here are some major elections in the game that make you choose between a mission. We will try not spoilBut still, if you do not want to spoil yourself the impression of the game, it is better to stop reading at this place to read and go to make a choice yourself.

How in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided to make the right choice?

In one of the moments in the game, Adam will receive several calls at once. Each call will be from its allies, which will try to call you to an emergency:

The first is Ellison's woman, which ultimately is responsible for the explosion at the station. She is planning to sacrifice the group of sectarians "Church of God Machines". If it is sacrificed, then Adam will disappear any chance to learn more about the explosion at the station.

The second will be the proposal to make a raid to the local bank repository. This is a small case, but the repository contains analytical information about Orel, a new super-pressing, which, as your friends consider, are currently being developed by illuminants. If you do not raid, you will forever lose information about the superorary, which can later save several hundreds of lives.

What choice do you have to do? - Ellison or Bank?

If you select EllisonThe mission with the bank will be lost forever. You will have to fight or pass the stealth through the members of the church, which are chatting in a residential complex. There are many aggreated enemies, many objects like neuropozine, biocells and other no less useful aggrees.

In the end, when you find Ellison, you can talk to her about it to meet with the boss, with whom you should be familiar at this moment of the game. If you manage to persuade her, Adam will very much in his investigation. You will also get some information that will help you at the end of the game.

If you select a bank, Ellison will be killed and its information will be lost. In the bank's missions, there are not many enemies with the aggregations, instead you will have to fight the Bank's Security Service, which are ordinary police and robots.

Millill, the distraught father of Ellison, will be one for you for the death of his daughter. At the end of the mission you will receive information about Orchid, very powerful weapons. At the same time, during the escape from the bank, hacking one of the storage facilities, you will find a single combat rifle and a lot of good lute. But keep in mind to open the security system, you need to own a very high level of hacking or have several multi-tools with you.

That's all. If you need more useful tips for passing Deus Ex: Mankind DividedT.

Publication date: 09/03/2016 11:30:06

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - This is not a shooter. On the contrary, it is a role-playing game in which you can shoot. It makes it possible to get surprisingly deep experience: you have the countless number of options, starting from how to pass the game (thumb, along the quiet, or only with the help of conversations) to your individual solutions during passage.

In this cyber world, Adam Jensen can find, study and manipulate various objects. In this guide you will see several tips that your adventure is most enjoyable.

Buy it immediately

IN Deus EX. The main feature was always freedom of player action. You can go through the game as you wish, but the list of available features is very limited. Sometimes it completely discourages the type of the ventilation grille, which you can not get only because a couple of moments ago, it was hammered by that skill. If you buy the following augmentation, then keep yourself a lot of nerve cells.

Remote hacking - One of the most important improvements in the game. With it, you just have to look at the device to hack it for a small energy fee (and on time by pressing the button). Pumping of this skill to the end will allow you to hack robots, turret and security cameras, which is perfect for both a quiet killer and for an aggressive fighter. And considering that this ability will cost only 3 points Praxis, we can safely say that this is a profitable deal. And do not be afraid to cut off your way to pumping - if you fulfill all the side tasks (and it is worth doing!), You will always have experience, and consequently, pumping.

High jump - Without ability to high jump, you will not be able to get to the roof or make a steep trick. Access to ventilation and roof will be closed, in connection with which some penetration methods will not be available.

Social corrector - With it with any NPC, with which you can talk, will be highlighted "correct" answers in the dialogue. By choosing the right answer, you recognize their character, which means it will be easier to convince them easier. It will not be required so often, but when you need, you will be able to turn the situation on the head.

Optimized musculature - In most cases, LAZ in ventilation will be covered with a well-positioned vending machine, and without muscle improvements, you will only have to burn ventilation grille through the distance.

Put objects to each other

The surroundings on the streets are filled with different physical objects that are well suited to distract them. But the best among them was a garbage container. At one of the missions you need to get into the headquarters of the cult from the first floor to the top. Or you can go outside and build a tower, which will raise you to the destination. Do not forget to look along the way on the fourth floor to perform a secondary task and get some experience.

Perform all side missions

The passage of the story branch takes approximately seven hours, while you can go over 30, if you do everything that gives. The game has a lot of hidden, additional things, and without too much experience, your abilities will be strongly limited, in contrast, if you were going through everything carefully. Secondary quests will give you the necessary experience to buy all the improvements that you consider useful. In the later levels, the game turns into a complex spy playground, which tests every aspect of your cybernetic arsenal. Also behind these missions, excellent stories are taken, which complement the picture of the Universe in the field of civil rights policies. Plac up to your past (for which you get an invaluable award) or help a fraudster hack billboard to show all the truth ... well, or just for the sake of experience.

... or ignore all missions and study Prague

Prague is not Skyrim. This is a huge densely populated center in which there is a lot of interesting things. Almost every building is something hidden, ranging from letters on a laptop that complement the storyline, and ending with a cache with weapons or improvements. The sewage system is a whole labyrinth, exploring the smeliest walls of which can be accessed by the entrance to the shelter, to which you could not understand for a long time, from which side to get. And of course, there in Prague, just beautiful. Compared to any of the previous parts, here you can see that attention was paid to every detail.

Read all letters and pocket secretaries

Huge texts of small fonts can strongly strain her eyes, but in DEUS Ex: Mankind Divided Reading emails and pocket secretaries is necessary for additional penetration capabilities. Some contain access codes and passwords from computers, and alternative routes can be described. For example, you can find a letter in which it is described that the leaves hit the storage. If you go out and go in the footsteps from the leaves, he will lead to a secret entrance that you would not notice in life.

Check if there is no button under the table

It is necessary at least once in the life of finding a secret door.

If you like Stels - do not buy disguise

It turns the stealth into the distribution of energy, which is not particularly interesting and at the same time you miss interesting penetration methods (hacking, research, exploration). With the ability of the "disguise system" the whole gameplay comes down to move from one shelter to another and sit there waiting for the reloading of the pepper. Better, take the "Ikara jerk" - a clumsy version of teleportation from, and after developing hacking skills. Try to play the role of secretive cyberpunk.

Do not throw all the augmentation into a bunch

By the end of the game, you will have enough glasses that you can dispose of at your discretion, but at the beginning your abilities will be limited. Of course, the idea of \u200b\u200bpouring all glasses in the branch of the battle or hacking seems tempting, and the developed fully developed specialization in the early stages would not be superfluous, but only in separate places. In this game there are no missions, where it would be necessary to use only one augmentation, so hacking - it is, of course, well, that's just if you need to get around the enemy from the flank or move freely on the map, you will climb yourself into the angle. At first, distribute glasses so that you can always get out of the difficult situation. Begin the novice hacker with rabbit jumps and the swinging biceps than just a steep hacker.

Give the game of individuality

No matter how cool, and the games of the series Deus EX. They are famous for its nonlinearity during passage. I wonder how you react to the situation and cope with it. A clear case, you can constantly load and go through the game silently from the first time, but that the passage is truly remembered, leave everything as it is. Curlee, based on the situation and your skills, and try to try the most extraordinary option that passes in the head. Often it works, and impressions remain with you for a long time.

Gaming Novosti.

9 hours. 55 min. Back2 PlayStation Plus games in March 2019

The game offers 13 side tasks, several of which are connected to each other. Some tasks affect the main plot.

SM00: Neon Nights

The apartment has a number 22, in Zilina as Skron. It is two floors below from the Jensen apartment. You can get inside through the front door (code 0310) or to get through the ventilation. Taking into account the fact that in the apartment armed guard is better than the second option.

We need a computer, but on it to protect the third level. If they did not pump hacking, pick up the pocket secretary with a password. We get a new address, so we go there on the subway.

For our spins

We arrive at an elite residential complex and climb the apartment. The door on the first floor is protected by the second-tier code lock. We wake up, or make your way through the windows (you need a remote hacking device). In the apartment Bardak, on the second floor of the corpse. You can search for everything in search of supplies. The desired pocket secretary in the restroom, which to the right of the entrance, on the bath, which is all littered with bags.

A party

Next place to search Closed party lovers of neon. For the login, you need a special card (not yet found) or you can get through the ventilation (if your hands are not pumped, shoot or blast). Also, the obstacle will be the current on the floor, but it can be quickly slipped.

Once inside get to the door with the lock, wait until the guests (or will overcome everyone, are ordinary drug addicts). The room take a pocket secretary and go to the next address.

Door perception

We go to another residential complex, to another apartment. You can get through ventilation or protected door. Press the spray bottle and open a secret room. If you wish, we break the safe (fourth level) and take the secretary with the next address.

Where all colors come from

Entrance to the sewer near Jensen house. We pass through the corridor and go down to the bottom, to the protected door (to the right of the electric floor). Door code 0311. Inside the turret! For her another door with the same code.

Now we were in the complex, where this most drug is prepared. For stealth, it is best to go on a pipe to the left of the entrance, cut down the security guard at the monitor (if the third level of hacking, you can turn off the cameras and turret). We go further on the canopy and get into the room with a chemist. If Casi picked up, you can convince it to blow it all or spoil production. Threats are also suitable. However, if the conversation did not work out the conversation, it would have to go to the tanks himself and turn off.

Quest is completedThe consequences will be told in the final monologue of the Eliza Kassan.

SM01: Golden Ticket

Quest is available for passing at the first visit of Prague.

While walking in the rope, in one of the places, the dragoomyr of the conitski will stop you, it seems like a policeman. He will tell that this is a bandwidth, through which can be passed only by skipping. He gives the address where you can get this card.

Place right at home Jensen. From the conversation with the manufacturer it becomes clear that the skip can only be obtained for 35 thousand loans. Even if you agree, you will never have such money. We refuse and go to the next item.

Interrogate the manufacturer

You need to get into the guarded courtyard and search toys factory. To go straight with music and rumble everyone knows how, but to go quietly need to move a little back, to the construction forests, climb on them, and then through the eaves and balconies to get into the courtyard. We are waiting for us two patrols.

If we pump out the removed hacking, open the shutters of a long-range building and prolazis to the falsifier.

If not, it's best to climb through ventilation. The entrance in one of the storage facilities in the blue extension, at the entrance immediately at the entrance.

We speak with Milena and get new tasks. If you agreed, it will give code from the safe in the repository - 2489.

Obschery yourself with Dragomir

Dragomir can be removed in two ways: or shifting work on others. The name of the first option speaks for itself, so immediately to the second. Not far from the post of Conita will be a policeman who has long been digging under a corrupt colleague. We speak with her, and then observe a fight.

Talk to Edward and Irenka

Milena asked to take pass to two people. Edward is in the market, close to the subway. It is just threatened with a gangster, so do not hesitate in place. Irenca will be in an abandoned art gallery, not far from Jensen's house.

Activate the skip

Cards need to be launched from a state registration office (next to the metro Monument). The main entrance under the security, so it is best to climb through ventilation, on the other side of the building.

Use the computer to turn on the registration console. Now there is a choice.

Quest is completed. The consequences will be presented in the third visit of Prague.

SM02: Personal Cult

Quest is available for passing at the first visit of Prague.

Exploring Chapeca Area You can hear about the mysterious sect in sewage. To start the passage, you need to talk to the Visnik in the canals, under the house of Jensen.

Using his card pass through the door. In this embedding, Jensen does not work properly, which is shown as a yellow glow along the edges of the screen. Then the conversation with man on the screen begins. He somehow affects the mind of Adam, so the conversation will end not as I want.

Find a way to reveal Richard

After the end of the dialogue search rooms. Value represent posters on the walls. Near one of these (indoors under the screen) will be a crumpled sign. We select it and go at the specified address.

Find Libero

Near the subway, the Palisade will be a store, whose owner we need. Liebero talks about Richard and how to stop it. Return to the channels.

Install silencers

You need to block a signal that allows Richard to control the aggregated in its church. All three transmitters are located in the forbidden zone. We climb there on the stairs on the right side of the entrance, hide from the camera and set the first jam. To the remaining best to climb on the other hand, through a canopy, as the camera (the first screen) constantly covers the corridor.

When all three will be installed, we go to the center of the room and use the microphone. For a peaceful solution, choose "pity" or "mitigation". Now the door to Richard's room will be opened, there is a lot of useful things.

Quest is over.

SM03: Mysterious augmentation

This quest becomes available when visiting Prague, immediately after the quest, and will be supplemented throughout the game.

Talk to Sharif - Prague, first visit

We go home and use the remote from the TV for a conversation with the former boss.

Explore the apartment of a scientist - Prague, the second visit

When you return from the city of Golemov, Sharif will contact you on the communicator and give a tip.

To get into the apartment there are several ways. The first is through the cafe "Garden of Roses" - you need to go to the cafe, reach the roof and continue your way through the cornices and balconies.

If the hands are pumped, you can simply come into the yard of the house and substitute the automata and containers to the windows.

In the apartment search the corpse, we take a key card, and we wake a safe on the wall (3608).

Contact Sharif - Prague, Third Visit

We go home to Jensen for the final conversation with the ex-head.

The quest is completed.

SM04: Calibrator

The quest begins immediately after.

Get the calibrator

To correct the augmentation of Jensen, you need a calibrator, which is located at Otar Botkoveli. It will be in his casino, in sewage. The entrance to the courtyard between the two stores (white label).

The conversation with Otar thing is optional, but then you will not get a few achievements and a sid-quest in the city of Golelets.

If not unlocked Casi, choose:

  1. Fair
  2. Fair
  3. Fair
  4. Agree

In case of success, Otar will offer a deal, a calibrator in exchange for the service in the future.

Steal the calibrator

If you refuse, you will have to steal the calibrator, but the achivka "It is united by honor "will be open. It will be best to get out of the casino and crawl through ventilation into the upper rooms. The calibrator will be in the Battle office.

Calibrator will be used in.

Quest is over.

SM05: Samizdat

Quest is available for passing at the first visit of Prague.

To start the quest, you need to talk to Peter Chen. It can be found on the second floor of the OG-29 headquarters or he himself will come after the first meeting with Dr. Ozen, during.

Find a source of hacking

Chen says that someone tried to break the servers of the OG-29 submarine company. We go to the residential complex, which is not far from the headquarters. The door is protected by the lock, if a small level of hacking, can be closed through the window. The goal is a laptop in one of the rooms. Run and go to the messenger. We immediately write a person under the name K. We are talking to him, and we try to avoid direct references to Prague Davos, you need the interlocutor himself came out on this topic. In the end, he will give the address and code from the door 5431.

Find samizdat

The lair lovers of the truth and theories of the conspiracy is underground, in sewage. The descent is located close to the huge wall in the middle of the map. We go down and go through a grid pass. Further the road itself will behave.

When you get to a large room to go further, you need to push the boxes at the wall (in the center of the screenshot). Next there will be a door with a code lock, which is opening with a combination that conveyed to K.

Talk to K.

Remember that the purpose of the visit does not give samizdat to publish an article about Prague Davos. So that this does not happen, you can simply beat it all or talk to K. Do not threaten him, and in the end he will offer a deal. If Casi opened, then you can immediately convince it not to publish an article. But he will still ask for the service, now with another reward.

Go to Polysade

This bank is quite an interesting place, I advise you to study it in detail. But we need to get to offices on the third floor, and this is a closed area. First we go down to the lower floor, and we go to the elevator. Nearby will be a closed office in which, on the table, there will be a pass. Now we call the elevator, we carry out the passage, and fall on the third floor. Be careful, immediately after opening the doors, someone can notice you, so cover over the wall.

We need to get to the top cabinet. From the elevator turn left and wait in the shelter while the guards will disperse (one on quite, and other patrol). We make your way through the post, watch the camera did not count. Next, the door under the lock. The code can be found on the lower floors, but also hacking is not a problem. Although there is a chance to get under the camera, therefore it is better to use an electronic wash.

Search Cabinet

There will be two tables in the office. You need one where two computers. Come up, and under it, on the shelf, take the document. This is enough, but there is still a compromising.

The wall has a puzzle of three columns. Decision: raise-rotate-raise-rotate-rotate-raise. When the secret inspect the right wall, where there will be two pictures. Under the right, the safe will be hidden, which needs to open and pick another folder.

Return to K.

We give one or both folders to Hakera, he is very happy, and promises not to publish an article about Prague Davos (or simply promises not to interfere with Jensen, if convinced earlier).

Disseminate information

To sow the truth, you need to activate the transmitter on one of the antennas of Prague. We are looking for houses with red roofs and shop with signboard Autodily. Right in front of him there will be a lift that activate one KB and climb on top. Open the transmitter and wake up as a castle.

Quest is completed. With the third visit, Prague will be available.

SM06: 01011000.

SM07: Shadow Care

Quest is available for passing during the second visit to Prague.

During, after you finish with Miller's NPS, Dr. Maela will be in his office. It worries about the Blake's agent, which works under cover, and has not come to her for a long time. Doctor asks to find out what happened to him.

Wire Wincent Blake

The office is located on the second floor, in the other end of the room, where Peter Chen works. Sit down for the computer (the second level of hacking, if not pumping, the password can be found in the server on the first floor).

Interrogate Informant Blake

We go to the Red Queen, a strip club in the Red Lantern district. We climb the stairs to the very top and speak with the witness. You can play the role of Blake or tell her the whole truth. When she is offered, Kiss her neck and agree on the meeting elsewhere. We go to the subway.

Go to a meeting

Dobromil will be waiting in the backyard (where SM00 begins). If you did not kiss her, then two gangsters will come behind her. We deal with them and speak.

The witness indicates the next place and 350 credits can be paid as payment.

Seize warehouse vlaist

After the conversation we go into the inventory, in the section plot items, and we study the Dobrolyl card (drawn on the back of the commercial check). We go to the subway.

The warehouse is located in the northern part of the city. The door is protected by a code lock, but you already have code. Inside, on the left on the wall, behind the picture, there will be a chop. Turn and open the secret door. We enter the corridor and get to the warehouse.

Inside there will be a girl named Olivi. We speak with her. Then the owner itself comes to the warehouse and two renoval. To avoid the battle, you need to assign a friend of Olivi, and then with Casi convince Vlast. You can give a battle, and immediately after talking to cut down the smuggler by the aggregates (kill or neutralize), and then engage in handicrafts (if reflexes pump and have a large energy supply, you can simply run up and cut out as a boss). Outside there will be two more, you can drain through the ventilation (behind Olivi). Or linger in shelter and when everyone will come to cut out.

Find apartment Visa

The agent lives near the red lantern quarter, in the basement of one building. Go there and find Blake. After with us binds the Dela.

The quest is completed.

SM08: Fix

If you have done, Vatslav Coller will contact you during a second visit to Prague. He will suggest to go to it and use the calibrator. As a result, all restrictions on the use of additional augmentation will be removed.

SM09: All in the family

Quest is available if I agreed to the transaction with Baktyel

When you are in the city of Golets, Otar will contact you and will require the execution of your part of the transaction. Everything you need is Louis Galua (you will meet with him during). You can not kill, but to warn, then the merchant freezes on the bottom and Battle will believe in the task. However, a meeting with Galua can be missed at all.

Touch with Masya Cadlek

The actual quest is just a conversation with the mistress of the Red Queen. Cadlem will be on the second floor of his club, in the office of the manager. We speak with her and take the task.

Kidset Dominica

Dominic is located in a closed area of \u200b\u200btwalz, in another part of the city. It is best to get into the yard and climb through the lift. Inside there will be full of enemies and for greater convenience, it is best to remove them. Cadler asked for no one to kill anyone (you are free to listen to it), so we use the tranquilizer.

In the same courtyard, where the lift is located, refer to the Dominica to the open storage room. We leave inside and close the mounted door.

The quest is completed.

SM10: Reapest

Quest is available during the second visit to Prague.

When you will be close to your home in Prague (go out from there or from the collera after SM08), Aria Adzhento will contact you and tell about murder, close to the apartment.

The place will be stupid by the police. We speak with the witness, given by the mouse, and then with the detective Karl Montag.

(Optional) learn all evidence

Only seven evidence, which is recommended to see before going to a suspect. "Mark", "Breakies" and "Game" on the body of the victim, "augmentation" on the wall with a bloody follower, "Fragment of em-cartridge", "broken glasses" and "identification card" on the floor throughout the disadvantaged territory.

I repeat once again with a detective and get two tasks

Interrogate Johnny Ganna

We go to the main suspect to the conversation. If you installed Casi, you can squeeze out of it even more, which will help in the investigation.

(Optional) learn Smolinski evidence

We go to the police station. The territory is open, so calmly go to the building. The archive is located in the basement, the entrance to which is protected by the lock. Hacking is prohibited, so we wait until the patrol will come out. On the castle, the protection of the third level, and if your skill is not high enough, hack the computer first, there will be a password in it.

In the archive, come to the name lockers and find the one with the surname Smolinski and hack. In principle, others can also be opened.