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Thermal gas gun do it yourself: step-by-step assembly instructions. Is it possible to make a heat gun on Gaza himself? Gas gun for heating garage with their own hands

The profile market presents a variety of thermal guns. They differ in brands, fuel, which is used for the functioning of the unit, dimensions, design and price. However, the cost of branded heat pipes often pushes buyers.

In the presence of metal processing skills, you can build a budget unit yourself. After all, the thermal gas gun is collected from low-cost materials. Such an aggregate is able to warm up a small garage or ensure the proper microclimate in the greenhouse.

Doubt your own? We will help you in the realization of the conceived. The article describes in detail the design features, principles of operation and nuances of operation of different gas guns. And also provides a phased instruction for the manufacture and launch of the device.

The principle of operation of such an aggregate can be compared with the functioning of the fan, however, the heat cannon produces not cold, and warm air.

The air functioning inside the housing is heated from the Tan or burners operating on various types of fuel.

The name "gun" is caused by both the external similarity of the device with an artillery gun and a powerful stream of heated air, which "shoots" the unit

Thermal guns of different modifications find a wide range of applications.

They are successfully used:

  • in industry for heating extensive industrial and warehouse premises;
  • in agriculture to maintain a comfortable air temperature in greenhouses, greenhouses, greenhouses;
  • in construction for rapid drying of plastered, painted or decorated in other ways of rooms;
  • in everyday life for heating and drying of utility rooms and garages;
  • for heating residential buildings in extreme circumstances (for example, accidents on heating tracks).

There are other ways to use similar devices, such as gas units are widely used when installing stretch ceilings.

Varieties of thermal guns

There are several types of classification of thermal heaters.

Most often they are distinguished:

  • on the device heating element - the method of heating;
  • the form of fuel, which is used as a heat source.

In addition, the devices can also be divided by the purpose of use on industrial and domestic ones.

Heating Method Classification

Although all heat pipes are used to increase the temperature in the room, depending on the design of the model, the process can be carried out differently.

Devices with direct (immediate) heating

In such devices, a powerful fan takes air from the environment. Due to the direct contact with the heating element, the air mass acquires a high temperature, after which it is "emitted" into the room through a special hole.

Production of gas heat pipe with their own hands

First of all, we emphasize that only masters with great experience and due qualifications can be taken for independent production of gas heat pipes.

A detailed scheme that can be used in the manufacture of a gas heat pipe. A similar device is suitable for heating a garage or other spaces (+)

If you are confident in your abilities, you can start working with the selection of the necessary devices and materials.

List of tools and materials

For independent manufacture of gas heat pipes, you will need:

  • metal tube through which fuel will be filled into the system;
  • bulgarian;
  • steel sheet;
  • drill with drills for metal work;
  • metal strips (thickness 2 mm);
  • 8 mm steel tube under the heat exchanger;
  • armature for the stand on which the gun will be placed;
  • fan with a minimum power of 12 volts.

You can also need other devices, such as a welding machine for pipe welding.

Step-by-step instrument for making the device

First of all, you should do the case. It can be made from a conventional pipe or make a casing made of steel sheet steel. Metal must be trimmed by giving it the desired parameters, then minimize into the pipe. The edges are fastened by a connecting lock or conventional bolts.

Then it is necessary to cut the grinding tube, intended for gas wiring into the system. This is necessary in order to further lengthen this element, welding to it the same part with a similar diameter.

To increase the heat exchange, it is also desirable to lengthen the housing using a metal disk with a diameter of 8 cm, which is fixed under the burner. Eight holes with a diameter of 1 cm should be drilled on it, thereby ensuring easy air access.

After that, it should be done by the manufacture of a clamp, with which the heat exchanger will be recorded.

Two thin metal plates with a thickness of two millimeters, firmly welded with a cross-person way, will further improve the process of recoil and heat distribution

Next, you can proceed to the manufacture of the heat exchanger. To do this, take an iron tube with a diameter of 8 cm, having too thick walls. We weld the end to the wall, where you also need to drill a hole.

Through this part, the extension from the burner is passed through this part, while at the end of the clamp is additionally strengthened by bolts.

You should also build all the parts of the burner, and the switch for the fan is hovering into the heat exchanger housing.

In the housing of the heat-energy exchanger, it is necessary to do with the help of a grinder, to which the sliced \u200b\u200bpart of the 80mm tube is attached. It will serve to exit heated air.

An important detail of the gas heat pipe is a fan. You can use a car or household appliance. It is desirable that he had a round shape, but it is possible to use and square model

After that, you can move to the installation of the fan at the second end of the heat exchanger. Through this part, the transmission of heated air will be carried out in the cold space. It is also necessary to consider the power source for the fan. As a rule, it is connected to the power grid, but the battery is possible.

The final stage of the manufacture of a self-made gun is to drill holes required for convenient gas ignition.

It is also important to consider the structure on which the gas gun housing will be installed. You can take a ready-made suitable stand or use iron reinforcement from which the frame is manufactured.

To accurately regulate the air flow on the heat gun, it is desirable to put the limiter. You can use the Sewber, located between the fan or mounting flanges.

How is a trial launch

After assembling the design, it should be connected to a pre-harvested gas cylinder with a tube.

the pressure in the cylinder either in the pipe must comply with the requirements of this model of the heating device: the more powerful the device, the greater pressure it is necessary (for an aggregate with a capacity of 10 kW pressure should exceed 0.5 bars)

In order to check the collected design, it should be tested:

  • a lit lighter is brought to the hole for the ignition;
  • a valve opens to provide gas access;
  • immediately after the appearance of the fire, the lighter is hiding;
  • the device includes a fan.

With the correct assembly there will be a uniform burning of the gas burner and the immediate release of heat will be observed. A similar action algorithm should be applied and with subsequent inclusions of the device.

Popular Models of Factory Gas Heat Pipes

If there is no possibility to independently make a gas heater, you can explore the modern thermal instrument market and choose the best option.

The most popular companies dealing with gas heaters include such firms as:

  • Ballu.;
  • Fubag.;
  • Neoclima.;
  • Master;
  • Resanta;
  • Interskol.

According to a survey conducted among users of specialized forums, the following models entered the top: Master BLP 17M, NEOCLIMA IPG 15, Interskol TPG-15.

All gas heating devices of the famous American Master company are distinguished by high-quality assembly, reliability, efficient work, as well as excellent design.

Master BLP 17m.. The unit has an adjustable power of 10-16 kW, due to which it is possible to maintain a comfortable temperature indoor to 655 m 3.

The power is carried out using a compound with a gas cylinder through a gearbox and connecting to the household power supply. Some inconvenience causes mechanical ignition.

NEOCLIMA IPG 15.. The device with a capacity of 18 kW can heat the room with a size of 400 m 3, while the fuel consumption is 1.4 kg / h. The model includes a hose and gas gearbox.

The FUBAG BRISE 15 model has a power of 18 kW. It is characterized by a minimum level of fuel consumption. On the heating of the room in 500 cubic meters will require only 1-1.2 kilograms of fuel per hour. The heat pipe has a device for controlling the flame, as well as a high-quality protection system

Interskol TPG-15. The unit with a capacity of 300 m 3 per hour, the power of which can be changed within 3-15 kW, and the fuel consumption will vary from 0.73 to 1.3 kg / h. This device is capable of working both in propane and in Bhutan.

Security rules during operation

Heat devices, including gas relate to fire-hazardous techniques that require strict safety observance.

First of all, you should familiarize yourself with the regulatory documents regarding the regulations of work with gas technology, namely GOST R ISO 11439-2010 for working with gas cylinders and GOST 17356-89 (burners on gaseous fuel).

Requirements for appliances:

  1. You should not leave gas heat pipes unattended, especially for instruments made by their own hands. Factory models often have an emergency connection function, for example, when heating the outer shell.
  2. In a room heated with similar devices, it is undesirable to keep lightedly aggravated substances. In extreme cases, they should be stored on the distance remotely from the device.
  3. During operation of open-heating devices, it is necessary to ensure proper ventilation of the room. When working with an indirect heating device, it is necessary to check the wellness of the chimney and make sure that harmful exhausts come out.
  4. When using gas heat pipes, it is prohibited to use aerosol cans.
  5. It is not recommended to use similar devices if the subtlety wood sawdust or other easily fibers are present in the air. Such a device is also not suitable for heating the room, in the air of which pairs of gasoline, acetone or other combustible substances are sprayed.
  6. A functioning device must be on a flat surface, due to which its stable position is ensured.
  7. It is not allowed to connect any sleeves to the inlet or outlet: this can weaken the air flow, which will lead to carbon monoxide and / or other harmful substances.
  8. The gas gun can not be used in rooms with a high content of vapors, for example, in the pool, bath, sauna. It is not recommended to use it also outdoors, especially in rain and snow.
  9. You can not cover any inclusive gas device, as well as close the device hole.

Before turning on to the power grid, make sure that it is also necessary to close the gun hole and cover the device itself.

The ends of the gas cannon are desirable to cover with a metal grid. This will allow you to dispel the powerful stream of hot air, the temperature of which can exceed + 250 ° C.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

On the posted video, the process of creating a gas thermal device is clearly shown.

Gas heat pipe - a powerful device capable of heavily able to heat even an extensive room. Such aggregates can be purchased in specialized stores or make it yourself.

In the latter case, the complexity and responsibility of this task should be understood, since the treatment of gas devices requires careful work and strict compliance with security rules.

Is there experience in the construction of a heat gun? Or remained questions on the topic? Please add comments, participate in discussions to the article and attach photos of your homemade. The unit for communication is located below.

The need to quickly heat a large or small room occurs not so rarely. Sometimes you need to protrude the garage, dry the cement wall, heat the cellar, shed, garden house, cottage, etc. In this case, the optimal output can be a heat gun with their own hands. It is not so difficult to make such a device, while you can choose the appropriate type of fuel: electricity, diesel fuel, liquefied gas in cylinders, etc.

It is difficult to name a more convenient and simple device for heating rooms than a thermal gun. It is a powerful heating element and a fan concluded in one case. Such a device heats the air and quickly distributes it around the room. To warm the small room, you will need a few minutes, and the heating of large premises will not take too much time.

The body of the heat gun is needed from two sides to close with lattices, which will freely pass the air. This is a mandatory element of all industrial models.

The design of the heat gun is very simple, so the device is properly the manufactured device almost never breaks. To work the device, you can use various fuel:

  • electricity;
  • liquefied gas;
  • diesel fuel;
  • kerosene;
  • gasoline, etc.

The efficiency of the thermal gun depends on the power of the device. For domestic use, a capacity of 2-10 kW is quite suitable. For large rooms, you will need a thermal gun with a capacity of 200-300 kW.

Aggregate # 1 - Electric heat-gun

Electric thermal gun, perhaps the easiest and safest version of the heater. If there is access to electricity on the site, you should make exactly such an aggregate. It will be useful both during construction work, and later, for various economic needs both in the house and in the site.

Materials and tools

For the manufacture of an electric thermal gun, you will need:

  • frame on which the design will rely on;
  • metal case;
  • heating element (TEN);
  • fan with electric motor;
  • switch or control panel;
  • cable for connecting the device to the power grid.

The body of the heat gun can be made from a suitable pipe cut or from a galvanized iron sheet. To work, you will need a metal tool and possibly a welding machine. The name "gun" This device received due to the similarity of its cylindrical body with an antique gun. However, the heater housing may also have a square or rectangular cross section if it is easier to manufacture.

Please note that the body's housing during operation can be hot enough. It should be selected for the housing of the heat-resistant or quite thick metal. In addition, it makes sense to apply thermal insulation coating on its metal parts.

Selecting a suitable TEN and a fan, it should be remembered that the warm-up temperature depends on the power and the number of heating elements. The speed of rotation of the fan to the amount of heat does not affect, but the higher it is, the evenly the resulting heat will spread around the room. Thus, the heating element is responsible for the heating temperature, and for the quality - the speed of rotation of the fan.

To reduce costs, the TEN can be removed from the old iron or other domestic instrument. Sometimes it makes sense to shorten the heating element to increase the heating temperature. A suitable electric motor with an impeller can be found in the old models of vacuum cleaners.

Assembly process

To assemble the electrical heat gun correctly, it is recommended to start the diagram of the electrical circuit of the device. You can use the ready-made scheme, one option is presented below:

For the correct installation of the electric heat gun before starting work, it is recommended to make an electrical circuit, reflecting on it connecting all elements to the power supply

Collect the electric thermal gun should be in this order:

  1. Prepare a hull and support.
  2. Install TEN (or several shades) in the center of the case.
  3. Tanning to thenem feed cable.
  4. Install the fan and bring power to it
  5. Take the power wire, wiring from the Tan and the fan to the control panel.
  6. Put a protective grille on the front and back of the case.

In the process of assembly, it is necessary to carefully insulate all electrical connections. At the end of the assembly make a trial launch of the device. If it works without failures, you can use the gun for the purpose.

Aggregate # 2 - Heat Gun on Diesel Poll

Where access to electricity is limited or impossible, heaters are often used in diesel fuel. Such a heat gun makes it impudently somewhat more complicated than the electrical model. It will take to make two buildings and work the welding machine.

How does such a design work?

The lower part of the diesel heat cannon is a fuel tank. From above placed the device itself in which the combustion chamber and fan are connected. Fuel is supplied to the combustion chamber, and the fan is inserted hot air into the room. For transportation and ignition fuel, a connecting tube, fuel pump, filter and nozzle are needed. The electric motor is attached to the fan.

The combustion chamber is mounted in the center of the top housing of the heat gun. It is a metallic cylinder, the diameter of which must be about two times less than the diameter of the housing. The combustion products of diesel fuel are outlined from the camera through the vertical pipe. To warm up the room with an area of \u200b\u200babout 600 square meters. m May be needed up to 10 liters of fuel.

Assembly process

The lower case must be at a distance of at least 15 cm from the top. So that the tank for fuel does not overheat, it should be made of a material with low thermal conductivity. You can use a conventional metal tank, which will have to be covered with a layer of thermal insulation material.

The diagram clearly represented a heat gun operating on diesel fuel. The device should be fixed on a solid stable frame

The upper case must be made of thick metal, it may be a suitable segment of a wide steel pipe. In the case you need to fix:

  • camera combustion with vertical tap;
  • fuel pump with nozzle;
  • fan with electric motor.

Then the fuel pump is installed, and the metal pipe is removed from the tank, through which the fuel is supplied to the fuel filter, and then on the nozzle in the combustion chamber. From the ends, the upper case is closed with protective nets. The power supply for the fan will have to take care separately. If there is no access to the electrical network, you should use the battery.

When using a diesel heat gun, it is important to adhere to the safety regulations. Even at a meter, the directional flux of hot air can reach 300 degrees. It is not recommended to use this device in closed rooms, since the combustion products of diesel fuel can be hazardous to people's health.

In addition to an aggregate operating on diesel fuel, other types of liquid combustible materials are used for heat cannons, such as spent machine oil. An interesting version of such a device on "Working" is presented in the following video.

Aggregate # 3 - Gas heat gun

The design of the gas heat gun is largely similar to the device of a diesel unit. There is also a combustion chamber built into the housing. Instead of a tank with liquid flammable, a cylinder of liquefied gas is used.

As with the use of diesel fuel, the combustion products are of great importance, since in homemade devices it is impossible to ensure complete combustion of gas. The air that enters the room is heated at contact with the combustion chamber. The exhaust gases leave the device through a removal removed on the street. Such an indirect heating system is safer than the heating of the open flame.

The heat guns of indirect heating are equipped with a closed combustion chamber, which prevents the contact of open fire and air - such a design is more complicated, but safer than direct heating models

To increase the heat transfer, the longitudinal plates can be welded to the body of the combustion chamber, usually 4-8 pieces are made. At the same time, the size of the combustion chamber with additional plates should be less than the diameter of the case so that the camera does not touch its walls and did not overheat the body of the heat gun.

The housing of the gas heat gun during operation is heavily heated, so it must be closed with a layer of thermal insulation to avoid possible burns or ignition.

To create a gas thermal gun, the following elements will be needed:

  • cylinder with liquefied gas;
  • burner;
  • gearbox;
  • metal case;
  • fan;
  • device for remote ignition;
  • frame for fastening the case.

A gas cylinder is connected to a gearbox that provides a uniform fuel supply to the burner. The air around the combustion chamber is heated, the fan blows it into the room. The order is practically the same as in the manufacture of a diesel heat gun. A clear device of the gas heater is represented in the diagram:

This scheme clearly demonstrates a heat gun device operating on a liquefied household gas. To the fan must be tested

With a gas heat gun, only cylinders are used, which are filled with gas on professional equipment. In cylinders filled with handicraft, leakage may occur

During the manufacture and operation of the gas thermal gun, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  1. Gas supply pipes in places of compounds must be carefully sealed.
  2. In mandatory, establish a device for remote ignition, since manual ignition can lead to an explosion.
  3. Carefully monitor so that the gas point is always at a sufficient distance from the heater, otherwise the cylinder will overheat and the gas will explode.
  4. Never use with a gas gun cylinders refilled by handicraft.
  5. Do not leave a working device without observation for a long time.

Another important point is the ratio of the power of the gas gun and the size of the heated room. You can not use too powerful device in a small room, as it can easily lead to ignition.

The simplest thermal gun in the garage with your own hands is easy. It is necessary to work for the minimum of consumables and tools. The main thing is to choose the right version of fuel - gas, electrician or diesel fuel.

A gas gun can be used not only as a heater, but also as a powerful fan heater for drying basements and as a means for accelerating construction and repair work, especially in rainy, cool weather.

The name "gun" is due to the appearance of the device. It "shoots" the flow of warm air, which is injected with the fan. Air heating comes from incandescent helix, which can be heated using different power sources.

If infrared and "water" heat gun is better to buy in the store, then the heating device that works from electricity, gas or DT can be done with their own hands.

Gas gun do it yourself for the garage

You can make a gas gun of indirect heating of the spiral and an open heating option of the garage. The gas gun perfectly dries the walls and is indispensable during construction work and in garages with high humidity.

Consider on stages how to make an outstand gun with open heating, which runs from a gas cylinder, to make it easier to be easier:

  • the following materials will be needed - for the body, we select a refractory material (steel pipe with thick walls, the best solution for the case), the burner from the gas boiler, the fan (it is necessary that the fan diameter corresponds to the diameter of the body tube), the gas cylinder, the gas supply hose with the gearbox;
  • in the metal pipe of the case (length of the meter, one and a half, diameter - up to 18 cm) you need to drill on both sides of the hole for fastening the gas supply hose and for the output of hot air flow. Drilling holes, retreating from the edge - 2 - 3 cm, the diameter for the supply of gas supply in size to the hose connector, the diameter of the opening for the outlet pipe - 5 cm;
  • the combustion chamber is embedded inside the housing, it is a lesy diameter metal pipe. It is welded from the outer side from 4 to 8 metal edges plates, which increase heathotum. Additionally, the plates firmly fix the combustion chamber inside the thermal gun case. The size of the combustion chamber together with the ribs plates - by the diameter of the pipe pipe, this core must freely enter the case;
  • the combustion chamber will need to firmly welcome to the body using welding, it should be at both edges of a large pipe;
  • now it is necessary to hermetically close the gap, which was formed between the combustion chamber and the pipe of the metal case, for this it is necessary to cut the metal circle of the desired diameter and width;
  • the burner from the old gas boiler or just a shower nozzle, you need to install in the combustion chamber, you need to connect the hose from the gas cylinder. Masters advise to mount the burner on a thin curved metal tube, which must be accepted from inside the combustion chamber;
  • fan secrets using screws on a rectangular flange (it is easier to fix it than round), which fix the welding to the body, from the opposite combustion chamber

Important after As a gas gun is collected to check the tightness of all fasteners and fasteners, especially the compound of the gas supply hose.

It's easier and clearer to see the process of making such a gun in a detailed video instruction

The process of manufacturing an inexpensive electric heat gun

The simplest thermal gun is your own hands - electric, in it the helix heats up from electricity, and warm air with a fan is supplied. Compared to the gas and gun per DT, the electric heater does not give a direct open flame, so the most safe.

The only negative is the high consumption of electricity. Therefore, electric cannons are conveniently used in the garage for rapidize the room, but not as permanent heating in the winter.

The process of assembling a simple electrical heater for the garage:

  • for the body, we take a piece of a metal or asbestos thick-walled pipe (length 1 - 1.5 meters, diameter from 18 to 25 cm);
  • the heating element uses a thermal TEN to 1 or 2 kW, the amount of Tan is selected depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe garage. To warm up 20 square meters of square, one heating element per 1 kW and one by 2 kW will be able to adjust the heating intensity of the room.

Council. Old Ten from an electric stove or boiler better make shorter half, it will help reduce resistance and increase the power of the heater.

  • you still need a powerful fan and a cable for three veins (cross-section at least 2.5);
  • inside the housing, the heating element is determined, given the free space for installing the fan;
  • connect the TEN to the cable. It is important not to forget to make grounding;
  • on the other hand, the pipe mount the fan, the usual household for the bathroom is suitable, but you can take more powerful. The basic rule - the rotation of the wings of the fan must be free to be higher than the efficiency;
  • connecting the fan and tanks to the network should be separate.

Minus electrical heat gun - quickly burns oxygen and overcourses air. Such a garage heating needs high-quality exhaust or natural ventilation of the room.

The story of the plot will tell in detail how to make a simple heat gun without using Tan.

Heavy gun per DT

For a garage without connecting to central power grids, an alternative heating option is a homemade heat gun operating on DT. Such a garage heating is better to do with direct heating of the air flow, and for a remote construction site or a warehouse, an indirect version of air warming is suitable.

It is important to remember that such heaters should be used in the garage in compliance with safety measures, since DT is burned in the combustion chamber, and the fan will supply warm air to the room. It turns out that air flow through an open flame enters the room and all harmful products of burning DT come directly into the garage.

How to make a heat gun on a diesel engine quickly with your own hands:

  • need a metal tank (hermetic), from which we will make the combustion chamber of DT;
  • external corps make a thick-walled metal pipe;
  • in the combustion chamber, we have pipes from refractory materials;
  • still need a nozzle for feeding DT, pump or and fan;
  • in the pipe, we set the usual household fan;
  • tank for DTs must be located away from the hot housing - the meter distance, one and a half, it is desirable to protect the tank with thermal insulation;
  • the combustion chamber (a pipe smaller diameter) is mounted inside the gun body;
  • in the chamber you need to install a nozzle for fuel supply (compound metal refractory tube);
  • spark to incite fuel - from the starter of any car;
  • pump or compressor connect to fuel tank and nozzle;
  • at the output of hot air, you need to install a protective reflective screen.

In the plot on the video, you can see the principle of work of the simple burner on Dt.\u003dmvxhej82gva.

Of all the types of homemade heat guns for the garage, the heater on diesel fuel is the most dangerous.

Terms of use of the heat gun in the garage

When heating the garage with home-made heaters, especially with an open flame, it is important to comply with fire safety measures:

  • mandatory device of a reliable ventilation system in the garage, better forced;
  • the open flame of the heat exchanger must be covered with a heat transfer protective screen;
  • capacities with fuel should be located as far as possible from the working heater;
  • do not leave the working device in the garage at night - it is dangerous;
  • the distance from the gas tank car to the cannon should be no less than one and a half meters.

It is reasonable to apply homemade heat guns for rapid short-term heating of the room and not to leave them without supervision more than five minutes, since the risk of fire when using such heaters is very large.

In cold weather, one of the most efficient devices for heating the room is a gas gun. It is capable of warm enough to warm any room in an apartment, a private house or cottage, office, etc. Gas gun with her own hands is quite simple. It has a high efficiency, solid power and low electricity consumption. In addition, the cost of its manufacture and the cost of its subsequent operation will be sufficiently small.

How to make yourself

Gas guns began to be actively used in our country relatively recently. As mentioned, this device is great for heating various rooms. It is especially popular for the heating of buildings that are not able to gas supply. For example, country houses, country houses, garages, etc.

The gas cannon has the following advantages:

  • mobility;
  • safety in operation;
  • minor sizes;
  • big efficiency;
  • simplicity in the installation and dismantling;
  • good power;
  • the ability to adjust the temperature.

Significantly affects the popularity of the gas gun and its objective and reasonable value. Especially since it will make it yourself, will be much cheaper than buying a finished factory.

Principle of operation and scope of application

Attention: A gas heat gun is a fairly universal heating device.

After all, if it is connected to centralized heat supply, you can achieve high-quality heating of the entire private house. That is, it is effectively able to replace the heating system. Heating the building at the same time, it will be no worse.

The fuel of the gas cannon is most often butane or propane. By the way, in the process of combustion of fuel, there is practically no smell. This is another advantage of this heating device.

Due to the presence in this device a multi-level protective system, you can guarantee protection against gas leakage. The gun body is usually made from durable metal species, which are distinguished by stability to various mechanical damage.

The manufactured heat gun can be used not only for heating the room, but also for drying any surface. For example, it can be applied to the wall of plaster, recently flooded concrete, etc.

Due to the fact that its power is quite large with its help you can effectively heat the room large size. In particular, hangar or warehouse. It is capable of applying in places of massacre of people.

Since this device is equipped with a thermostat that is responsible for controlling the temperature in the room, as well as for switching on and off, the human intervention in the operation of the heat gun is practically required. It almost does not distinguish with carbon monoxide. Its quantity is no more than when working a normal stove.

The composition of the gas gun includes the following elements:

  • automatic controller;
  • heat exchanger;
  • fan.

The use of this device for heating makes it possible to save well. After all, electricity costs for its work are quite insignificant. It is required only to rotate the fan.

The principle of operation of the heat gun is as follows: the heat exchanger when burning gas heats up. The air, which moves through the fan passing through the heat exchanger, becomes warm and spreading through the room heats it.

Types of gas guns

Attention: Gas guns are divided into two types: with straight or not with direct heating.

In the first case, their design is quite simple and they are often manufactured independently. Although many prefer to buy factory products. After all, their cost is quite accessible.

Gas guns with direct heating is distinguished by the existence of an open burner, which is not isolated. Because of this, when heating the room there is not only warm air, but also gas burning products.

A gas gun with direct heating is distinguished by compactness and high efficiency. But since the combustion products are allocated during the operation of this device, then when heating a residential premises should take care of the presence of high-quality and stable ventilation.

The second type of gas cannons works on the principle of indirect heating. The main difference from the view discussed above, in the presence of an isolated combustion chamber. With the help of special nozzles connected to the overall chimney, combustion products are displayed. This type of gas cannons is ideal for residential premises or people of mass clusters of people.

In addition to gas guns that have direct or indirect heating, on the market of climate machinery, you can find mobile, as well as portable guns for the operation of which are required. These varieties of thermal cannons are equipped with special handles and wheels. They allow them to achieve their more convenient operation and transportation. But when using portable or mobile gas guns, all the safety regulations should be adhered to accuracy.

The duration of the operation of such heating devices is directly dependent on the volume of the gas cylinder. Fuel consumption on average ranges from 0.6 to 7 liters per hour. To achieve more autonomous work, these varieties of heat cannons are supplied with special adapters. They make it possible to connect the heating device directly to several cylinders.

Some models of thermal cannons have a thermostat. Its presence allows you to turn off when the set temperature is reached in the room. As practice shows, thanks to the use of certain types of gas guns, it is possible to achieve significant savings.

Required tools and materials

After making the decision to make a gas gun with your own hands, you should prepare the necessary materials and tools in advance. So you will need:

  • steel sheet;
  • metal pipe for fuel supply;
  • bulgarian;
  • drill with a set of metal drills;
  • fan, for example, with a capacity of at least 12 volts;
  • metal strip thickness of at least 2 millimeters;
  • armature for the manufacture of the stand for gun;
  • metal pipe, desired for the manufacture of heat exchanger with a thickness of about 8 millimeters.

Stages of manufacture

Despite the fact that in the market of heating devices there are many models of gas guns, a lot of people have enough, prefer to make their own hand. After all, with its help you can warm your garage or house. Its manufacturers includes several stages:

Initially, with the help of a grinder, cut the pipe, according to which gas will be supplied to the system. This is required to, if necessary, it was possible to make it longer, welding to it a similar tube of the same diameter.

After that, we make previously drilled on the pipe hole, larger diameter. It should be about 5 millimeters. With their help will be fuel. The jibeler should be made longer than 2 millimeters.

Further, to improve the heat exchange, you need to make a greater length of the case. This requires a metal disk that should be fixed over the extension. After that, we make 8 holes with a diameter of 10 millimeters each.

Having finished with this, go to the manufacture of a clamp. It will be attached to the heat exchanger. To achieve a better heat exchange, you should welcome the two steel plates in the form of a cross.

Now we produce a heat exchanger. This will require a metal tube with not too thick walls. We weld to the wall of the end in which we make a hole. It is required to skip the burner extension. After that, we fix the clamp with bolts.

Attention: After that, with the help of a grinder, we make a hole in the housing of the heat exchanger, to which 10 centimeters in length is converted. It is required to enter the room from the gas gun of warm air.

The next step is the installation of the fan. Most often use the usual automobile fan, the power of which should be at least 12 W. It should be mounted at the end of the heat exchanger body. Thanks to the fan, the heat will be fairly quick to the room.

At the end, it will be necessary to make holes with a drill to make holes for comfortable gas. You should also decide in advance with the design on which the gas gun will be. Usually it is made from the reinforcement.

Case and test work

High-quality thermal guns do with their own hands should have a reliable and durable housing. It is best for its manufacture to use a pipe that we do on your own. To do this, it will take a steel sheet of the desired size and turn the thickness into the pipe. For fastening, you can use connecting locks or conventional bolts.

After the thermal gun is ready, it is necessary to check its performance. We do this as follows:

  1. Drive the burning match to the hole for the ignition.
  2. Open the valve for gas receipt.
  3. We light the gas.
  4. Turn on the fan.

If the gas gun works, congratulations, you did everything right. But remember, during its operation, you should adhere to security rules.

Having made the gas gun with your own hands, you can not only save well, but also effectively warm the room of any area for a rather short period of time. Make this device is not difficult at all. This requires only the necessary materials, tools and compliance with all recommendations.

Hardly in winter there are more pressing problems than problems with high-quality heating of objects. To solve them, special equipment is used, one of the most common among it is a thermal gun, in particular, gas. Today we will talk about how to produce a gas gun with your own hands and can it be done in principle.

Note that thermal gas guns have become very popular with us recently. And the reason for this is not only a specific climate, but also a fairly large number of cottages and country houses. In a word, such devices have a lot of advantages.

  • Quick fast installation / disassembly.
  • They are safe.
  • After installation, they are immediately ready for heating.
  • They are mobile and compact.
  • Air in the entire room warms up very quickly.
  • You can independently adjust the temperature mode.
  • Finally, impressive efficiency.

Principle of operation and application of a gas gun

If you connect the gun to centralized gas supply, it turns into a full-fledged stationary device, which in a private house may well replace a whole heating system without any damage to the quality of heating. Regarding the fuel used, then in most cases it is propane-butane.

Note! With the combustion of gas, almost no smell is distinguished.

Moreover, a multi-level protection system that is in devices completely eliminates the gas leak. More "advanced" models have a special coating of the case, which protects it from damage.

Thanks to the gas guns, it is possible not only to dull, but also to quickly dry any surfaces - for example, plaster, freshly tied concrete, and other, and high performance makes it possible to use the device in large rooms - warehouses, hangars - and in places of crowds of people. This device is really mono to enable and forget, because temperature control, switching on / off initiates the thermostat. Finally, in the amount of carbon monoxide, a gas gun does not exceed the usual tile.

What else can be trapped production facilities,

All devices of this kind consist of standard items:

  • heat exchanger;
  • automatic controller device;
  • fan.

It is characteristic that the device requires very little electricity - after all, it is needed only to rotate the fan. When the gas is burning, the heat exchanger is heated. The air driven by the fan passes through the heat exchanger, heats up and applies to the entire heated room.

Gas guns varieties

Air can be heated with one of two ways:

  1. direct heating;
  2. indirect.

Gas guns (with their own hands or factory production) with direct heating have a fairly simple design, which is why they are low. In them, the burner is not isolated, so in the room, in addition to the heated air, gas burning products are also falling. For this reason, the device is compact and demonstrates a good efficiency. But if it is used to heat the dwelling, then you must first take care that there is a good ventilation system in it (indoors), which would assign combustion products.

Guns that function in indirect principle are equipped with isolated combustion chambers. They have special nozzles that these products are discharged and which are connected to the overall chimney. They are ideal for any type of premises where many people are going.

All this is a description of stationary guns, but besides them, there are portable or mobile guns. They are used with gas cylinders. So that it was convenient to transport and operate the device, there are special wheels and handles on it.

Note! Mobile cannons require a clear compliance with security rules.

The operation time of such devices is dictated only by the volume of the gas cylinder, fuel consumption ranges in the range of 0.6-7 liters. at one o'clock. In order to extend the offline operation time, there are special adapters that allow you to connect the device directly to several cylinders. The most economical option is such a gun that is equipped with a thermostat. The device is disabled with it after the required room temperature is reached. In short, heating the room with such guns - distinguishing the opportunity to save on heating.

What will be required in work

So, you decide that your gas gun will be made with your own hands. Well, this is understandable because it is economically profitable. But one desire is not enough, the next list of tools, materials will also need.

  • Metal pipe for fuel supply to the system.
  • Drill with metal drills.
  • Bulgarian.
  • Sheet steel.
  • Metal strips with a thickness of 2 millimeters.
  • The eight-graded iron pipe required to create heat exchanger.
  • The fan from the car, its power should be at least 12 volts.
  • Armature for the structure on which the gun will be placed.

Gas gun do it yourself

This kind of instruments are presented today with a wide range of models from different countries. They are used mainly for garages for heating. But before the gas gun begins to create with their own hands, once again we will remind you that it consumes a lot of electricity.

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So, the fierce technology of manufacturing the device.

First stage. To begin with, we saw the "Bulgarian" tube - it will be on it that will be in the system. These measures are needed to further eliminate the pipe - in order to do this, we weld any other pipe having a similar diameter.

Third stage. When it is finished, we increase the length of the case - this is necessary to increase the heat exchange. To do this, we need a metal disk (? 8 centimeters), which we will fasten directly under the extension. Then the hole is drilled with? 1 centimeter, a total of eight holes of the same character.

Fourth stage. We make the clamp, which will be fixed by the heat exchanger itself. After that, we weld two metal plates of 2 millimeters each in the form of a cross is also needed to increase heat exchange.

Fifth stage. Construct heat exchanger. Take this iron pipe with? 8 centimeters, its walls should not be too thick. After that, on the wall of the pipe, we weld the end in which, in turn, we drill the hole. Through it, we will skip the extension from the burner, and in the end of the clamp you need to additionally strengthen the bolts.

Sixth stage. We continue to work with the exchanger of thermal energy. We do a hole in its housing (using a grinder for this), to which the segment of the eight oxytimeter tube is mounted. From it to the room will go to the heated air.

Seventh stage. Next, we take the usual fan from the car, having a power of at least 12 volts, and install it at the second end of the exchanger body. This will be a kind of motor, in other words, the device that generates energy for our device, through it heat will be transmitted to the heated room.

Eighth stage. The last stage of the work will be drilled by the holes needed so that gas is more convenient. Moreover, it will be necessary to think about the design, where, in fact, the gas gun will be placed with their own hands. You can use iron reinforcement for this, welding a kind of frame from it.

Trial launch

To use the gun, you need to make some procedures.

  1. We light the lighter, bringing it to the hole for burning the fuel.
  2. Open the valve, so that gas began to act.
  3. When the gas will light up, we remove the lighter back.
  4. Turn on the fan.

If briefly consider the technology of manufacturing this kind of heat gun, it looks like this:

  1. krepim on the burner Metal disc-extension cord;
  2. we extend the pipe required for the gas supply of the device;
  3. we establish iron plates necessary to improve heat transfer;
  4. we set the clamp on one side of the extension, after that it is necessary to secure the actual heat exchanger;
  5. we collect all the devices of the harness whole;
  6. we do in the heat exchanger holes in order to get hot air through them;
  7. on the second end of the pipe weld the metal ring;
  8. on the heat exchanger install the switch that will turn on / off the fan;
  9. directly assembling fan.

Do not forget that the gas gun is also needed in the housing. This housing is known to most like a regular pipe, so that we can completely make it own. To do this, we take a not too thick sheet of steel, cutting it in order to give it the necessary sizes, and we turn into the pipe.

In order to combine the edges of the sheet, you can resort to the method of the connecting lock. If for one reason or another you can not do this, then use conventional bolts.


Well, here we also reviewed the features, the principle of operation and technology for the manufacture of such a device, as a gas heat gun. This device is of great popularity in view of the economy and the possibility of heating rooms with a large area in a record short time. You can make it yourself, it is enough to have a list of necessary tools, materials, as well as a bit of patience.