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The copper rider is briefly about the main thing. "Bronze Horseman

"Copper rider" A. S. Pushkin The work is unusual. Fates and human mental pain intertwined in poetic form. Overcall times. Tsar Peter builds the city on the Neva, who became a beautiful city in St. Petersburg. A simple official Eugene, years later, lives, works, loves in this city. And loses the meaning of life along with the death of the bride, and loses the mind from grief. In madness, accusing in his misfortunes the monument is trying to escape from the revived rider. But death finds him in the house of the deceased bride and soothes the insane soul.

Or can someone be to blame in natural cataclysms? The city stands in spite of everything. Majestic and uncompressed. City as a living creature. And he can cure the pain of the soul, but not madness. It is necessary to learn humility. No one is to blame for death from the flood. Just nature, just life sometimes ends.

Read Summary Pushkin Copper Horseman

The introduction describes the dreaming Peter on the banks of the Neva. He represents the city that will decorate this shore and serve as a window to Europe. Centenary after replacing a sad landscape, despite all of the city, St. Petersburg decorates the banks of the Neva. The majesticly beautiful city is delightful. He is really worthy of calling the capital of Russia. Faming old Moscow.

The first part of the story. Autumn drooping November day. A terrible time. Piercing wind, high humidity, constantly breaking rain. The reader appears the young official Eugene, who returned home from the guests. Young man lives in Kolomna. He is poor and not very clever. But dreams of a better life.

Reflects about whether he should marry him. It comes to the conclusion that it is worth and dreaming of its future with the bride parsion. Behind the window howling the wind and it is a little annoying the hero. Evgeny falls asleep. Nutro Neva came out of the banks and began to make the islands. It began this flood, chaos. Estimated everything in its path the crazy novel is caused by death and destruction. Nature is not subject to neither king and people. All that can be done is trying to climb higher and survive the terrible rampant elements.

Saving from the water, Eugene sits on a lion sculpture and watches with horror for a ragled river. His eyes are directed towards the island, where his packet house was. Circle water. And all that sees the hero, only the back of the sculpture of the copper rider.

The second part of. The river calms down. Bridge is already visible. Evgeny, jumping from Leo, runs to another raging Neva. By paying the carrier, he sits into the boat and floats to the island to his beloved.

Having reached the shore of Evgeny runs to the house of Parasch. On the way he sees how much grief brought flood. Circle of destruction, the bodies of the dead. The place where the house used to stand empty. The river took him together with the tenants. The hero is moving where his pacol lived before. Eugene cannot realize that there is no more beloved. The reason for him clouded. That day he never returned home. He began to wander, turned into a city madman. Walking out and tormented by his sleep with a dream feeding. Sleeping on the pier and tolerates ridicule of yard boys. Clothes on it dilapidated. He did not even take his belongings from the rented apartment. Strong experiences deprived of his mind. He could not accept the loss of the meaning of his life, with the loss of his beloved Parasch.

At the end of the summer, Evgenya slept on the pier. It was windy and he returned the hero in that terrible day when he lost everything. Once at the place where he survived the storm, Eugene comes to the monument to the Peretra, to the copper rider. The insane consciousness of the hero accuses the king in the death of his beloved. He threatens the confusion of the monument and suddenly rushes to run. Evgenia seems as if he was angry with the rider. Running he hears the topot of hoofs, he pursues his copper rider.

After this vision, Yevgeny humbly passes through the area past the monument and even removes the card, as a sign of respect.

Ends everything is sad. At one of the islands, the vehicle houses are visited by the elements, and on the threshold of his corpse of insane Yevgeny.

Completely stunningly described in the poem, the majestic Petersburg. Established on the swamps, he earned glory to his beauty. The city of Peter and today does not leave anyone indifferent.

Reading the lines telling about the rampant of the elements, it seems that you are in the very center of events. What pain in the image of Eugene. What kind of hopelessness in his madness. A stunning city in one of the existence proves that everything is possible. Even palaces in the swamps. And as a powerless man in front of nature. As in an instant you can lose everything. The river, released from the shores changed the life of a small official. Brought him to madness. Deprived the future. On the example of Evgeny, the author shows how the fragile everything is in this world. Dreams, unfortunately, it is not always given to come true. And the rider galloping on the pavement behind the city madman talks about powerlessness before nature. It is possible to claim the river into granite, but it is impossible to predict the madness of the elements in nature, nor in the head.

Picture or Figure Copper Horseman

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And thinks about the city he would like to build here. This city should be the window to Europe. Since then, a hundred years has passed, and the city appeared on the banks of the Neva. This creation of Peter, personifying harmony and light.

On the courtyard stood November. The weather was dummy and windy. Evva was noisy and left the shores. Somehow, the young man named Eugene returned home home. He was poor than it was very painful. And he lived in a miserable comorka in one of the poor areas of the city. Once his race was impressive, but now no one was doing before, and he himself was ate the rich and noble people.

That night he could not sleep. His thoughts about life, about their position in society and the arriving river. Because of this, bridges can remove, and then he will not be able to see a couple of days with his beloved parash, which lives on the other bank of the Neva. Thinking about the parse, he represented the marriage, kids and a modest family life. With such sweet thoughts, he fell asleep.

The next day it became known about terrible misfortune. Petersburg turned out to be flooded with water. Many at home together with the inhabitants washed away. It seemed that there was some kind of God's punishment. The king is watching a disaster from the balcony and is terribly upset. Meanwhile, Eugene is worried about the parse. After all, she lives in the dilapidated house right next to the bay. The idea that Paras with his mother could die do not give him peace. A monument to Peter is towers next to him - "Mud on the Bronze Kone".

When Nheva returned to the shore, Evgeny went to the opposite shore to look for a beloved parash. But everything was destroyed there. No houses left or residents. Everywhere the dead bodies were lying around, and the shore reminded the battlefield. Only one Iva remained from Paras's house, which grew nearby. Such a shock of a young man could not move and lost the reason.

New day hid all the pressure destruction. Petersburg again healed the usual life. And only Eugene could not live as before. He, silently wandered around the city with gloomy thoughts in the head and the noise of storms in the ears. So there was a week, a month, and he all wandered around the city. He began to eat alay and sleep on the pier. The evil children of the part threw stones into him, and Kuchera beat the lady, but he was still. He did not notice anything, because his inner alarm stunned.

Closer to the fall, when the weather stood the same rarely as during last year's horror, Yevgeny woke up and woke up, where the eyes look. Suddenly, he stopped at one house with marble lions, where the rider was recreated on the bronze horse with his hand. He realized that it was before, whose decree was founded by this city. He walked around the monument, then looked at him into his eyes. In response, anger flashed in the eyes of the Grozny Tsar, and Evgeny rushed away. Behind him, he heard the hook of copper hooves. All night he wandered with the thought that the rider follows him.

Since then, he passed past this monument, always removed the Kartuz before him and looked at the Grozny rider with a prayer, as if soaring his sin. After some time, the old house was found on the island, washed away by the river, and the threshold lay dead Eugene. The unfortunate immediately "buried the sake of God."

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

"Bronze Horseman"

"On the shore of the desert waves" the Neva is Peter and thinks about the city that will be built here and which will become the window of Russia to Europe. It took a hundred years, and the city "from the darkness of the forests, from the molds of Blat / the magnificent, proudly". Peter's Creation is fine, this is the triumph of harmony and light that has replaced chaos and darkness.

November in St. Petersburg was breathing with cold, Nheva splashed and noisy. Late in the evening returns home to his camork in the poor district of St. Petersburg, called Kolomna, a small official named Eugene. Once it was impressed by him, but now even the memory of it was embraced, and Eugene himself dies noble people. He falls, but can not fall asleep, having fun about his position, that the bridges were removed from the arriving river and that it would bring it to his beloved for two or three days, living on another shore. The thought of Parasch gives rise to dreams of marriage and about the future happy and modest life in a family circle, along with loving and beloved wife and children. Finally, by sweet thoughts, Eugene falls asleep.

"The mongrel of rainy night radiates / and the pale day will be ..." The coming day brings a terrible misfortune. Neva, did not defeat the strength of the wind, which blocked her path to the bay, poured into the city and flooded it. The weather raised more and more, and soon the whole Petersburg was under water. Waketered waves behave like the soldiers of the enemy army, which took the city by storm. People sees in this God's anger and waiting for executions. The king, which ruled by Russia, goes to the balcony of the palace and says that "not to cope with the elements / kings."

At this time, on the Petrovaya Square on the marble sculpture of a lion at the porch of a new luxury home, North Evgeny sits, not feeling how the wind ripped off him, like the rising water waters his soles, how the rain glows into his face. He looks at the opposite bank of the Neva, where he lives his beloved in his poor Domishka at his poor Domishka with his mother. As if the truncated dark thoughts, Yevgeny cannot budge, and his back to him, towering over the elements, "stands with a man's hand-made hand on a bronze horse."

But finally, Nheva entered the shores, the water was sleeping, and Eugene, having sampling, in a hurry to the river, finds a boatman and is moving towards another shore. He runs down the street and can not learn familiar places. All destroyed by flooding, everything reminds the battlefield around the battlefield. Eugene is in a hurry there, where the familiar house was standing, but does not find him. He sees the IVI, groovy at the gate, but there is no gate. Unable to transfer shocks, Evgenyh disappeared, having lost his mind.

A new day, standing over Petersburg, no longer finds traces of years of destruction, everything is put in order, the city healed the usual life. Only Eugene did not resist against shocks. He wanders around the city, full of gloomy doom, and in his ears all the time there is a noise of storms. So in the wardings he spends a week, a month, she wanders, feed on the alignment, sleeps on the pier. Evil children throw him stones after, and Kucher is groaning with a whip, but it seems he doesn't notice anything. His still stuns internal anxiety. Once closer to the autumn, in rainy weather, Evgeny wakes up and vividly remembers last year's horror. He gets up, harshly wanders and suddenly sees the house, in front of the porch of which there are marble sculptures of Lviv with raised paws, and "over the fenced rock" on a bronze horse sits a rider with a handful hand. Eugene's thoughts suddenly clarify, he recognizes this place and "whose will of the fatal / under the sea was founded ...". Evgeny bypassing around the foot of the monument, wildly looking at the sculpture, he feels extraordinary excitement and anger and in anger threatens the monument, but suddenly it seemed to him that the face of the Terrible Tsar appeals to him, and anger sparkles him in his eyes, and Evgeny rushed away, hearing It is a heavy hook of copper hoofs. And all night unhappy melted in the city and it seems to him that the rider with severe trap jumps for him everywhere. And from this pore, if he happened to pass along the square, which stands the sculpture, he confusedly removed the Kartuz before him and pressed his hand to his heart, as if asking for forgiveness from the Terrible Istukan.

At the seaside, a small deserted island is visible, where fishermen sometimes approach. The flood was brought here with an empty old Domishko, at the threshold of which they found the corpse of the poor Eugene and immediately "buried the sake of God."

Coast of a slurry Neva, which stands Peter. He thinks about the city that will be built and opens the Russian window to Europe.

November days in St. Petersburg visited cold. Neva noisy and splashed, as if warned about something. Late in the evening, returning to his room, which was located in the poorest area of \u200b\u200bSt. Petersburg, with the name of Kolomna, a small official Eugene. In the old days, his genus was very impressed and rich, but Eugene himself would keep together noble people. He thinks about his position for a long time that the bridge was removed from the staying river, and this will give it to a female parasha, which lives on another bank. Sweet dreams about married life in a family circle and about children took him away. Having thoughtfully, he, having lost sweet thoughts, falls asleep.

This day brought all huge misfortunes. Neva joined the city, flooding it. The weather raged on the go. And the waves of the swirling Neva took the city by storm. The people blame themselves in the fact that the names of God, and now come true.

In Petrovskaya Square sits Evgeny. He does not feel like the wind ripped the hat from his head, as his shoe wets the sole, as the rain is thrown in the face and for the collar of his Sultuka. He looks at the other side of the Neva, where his girl with his mother lives in his squabble house. Eugene cannot be blocked, and his back to him, towering over the elements, is worth a copper rider with an elongated hand on a bronze horse.

Duck gradually wind and water slept. Eugene with anxious heart hurries to the Neva River. Crouching to the other side, he will not recognize familiar places. Everything is destroyed and collapsed. Where there was a house, empty. And at the gate where Iva grew, there is no gate themselves. From the experienced shocks, he began to laugh loudly, having lost his mind.

Everything has changed with the new day. Everyone was removed and repaired. Evgeny walks around the city, and there is still noise of waves in the ears. He gloomily wanders near the pier, as if something is looking for. The defortion, envy him, begins to tease and throw stones in the trail, Couter drove away. So he saw the place where the bronze horse is, and on it, the Terrible King is sitting. From excitement Evgeny runs.

Since then, passing by glory, where there is a monument, Evgeny removes his card and asks for forgiveness. Sometimes fishermen are sometimes moored to the small island, where the house was listed, at the threshold, which was found the body of Eugene.


Analysis of the poem A. S. Pushkin "Copper Horseman" Personal and state conflict in the poem A. S. Pushkin "Copper Horseman" The image of Eugene in the poem A. S. Pushkin "Copper Horseman" The image of the copper rider in the poem of the poem A. S. Pushkin The image of St. Petersburg in the poem A. S. Pushkin "Copper Horseman" The image of Peter the Great in the poem A. S. Pushkin "Copper Horseman" The image of King Peter I in the poem A. S. Pushkin "Copper Horseman" The plot and composition of the poem A. S. Pushkin "Copper Horseman" The tragedy of a little man in the poem A. S. Pushkin "Copper Horseman" The image of Peter I. The problem of personality and state in Pushkin's poem "Copper Horseman" The image of St. Petersburg in Pushkin's poem "Copper Horseman" The image of Peter in the poem of Alexander Pushkin "Copper Horseman" The image of the element in the poem "Copper Horseman" True, Eugene and the truth of Peter (on the poem Pushkin "Copper Horseman") A brief analysis of the poem Pushkin "Copper Horseman" The image of Evgenia in the poem of Alexander Pushkin "Copper Horseman" Conflict in the poem A. S. Pushkin "Copper Horseman" Petersburg Eyes A. S. Pushkin on the poem "Copper Horseman" The problem of personality and state in the poem A.S. Pushkin "Copper Horseman" Heroes and Poem Problems A. S. Pushkin "Copper Horseman" Conflict private person and Impurge for mobile identity conflict and state in Pushkin's poem "Copper Horseman"

Bronze Horseman

"On the shore of the desert waves" the Neva is Peter and thinks about the city that will be built here and which will become the window of Russia to Europe. It took a hundred years, and the city "from the darkness of the forests, from the molding of Blat / as-withdrawn magnificent, Goredely." Peter's Creation is fine, this is the triumph of harmony and light that has replaced chaos and darkness.

November in St. Petersburg was breathing with cold, Nheva splashed and noisy. Late in the evening returns home to his camork in the poor district of St. Petersburg, called Kolomna, a small official named Eugene. Once it was impressed by him, but now even the memory of it was erased, and Eugene himself dictates noble people. He falls, but can not fall asleep thoughts about his position, that the bridges were removed from the arriving river and that it would bring him to his beloved for two or three days, who lives on the other shore.

The thought of Parasch gives rise to dreams of marriage and about the future happy and modest life in a family circle, along with loving and beloved wife and children. Finally, by sweet thoughts, Eugene falls asleep.

"The mongrel of the rainy night has been rare / and the pale day will come ..." The commercial day brings a terrible misfortune. Neva, did not defeat the strength of the wind, which blocked her path to the bay, poured into the city and flooded it. The weather raised more and more, and soon the whole Petersburg was under water. Waketered waves behave like the soldiers of the enemy army, which took the city by storm. The people see God's anger and waiting for executions. The king, which ruled in Russia, goes to the balcony of the palace and says that "not to cope with the elements / kings."

At this time, on the Peter Square on the marble sculpture of the lion at the wing ....

The action begins with a symbolic picture: On the banks of the Neva, Peter is a great and dreams that a new European city will rise here in a few years that it will be the capital of the Russian Empire. It takes a hundred years, and now this city is the creation of Peter - the symbol of Russia. The summary of the "copper rider" allows you to learn the compressed story of the poems, helps to plunge into the atmosphere of the autumn city. On the yard it is November. On the streets there is a young man named Eugene. He is a small official who is afraid of noble people and shy his position. Eugene goes and dreams of his prosperous life, he thinks that he missed his beloved Girl to a parse, which was not seen for several days. This thought creates calm dreams of family and happiness. The young man comes home and under the "sound" of these thoughts falls asleep. The next day brings a terrible message: a terrible storm broke out in the city, and a strong flood has taken the lives of many people. Natural strength did not regret anyone: a violent wind, a sweep of Neva - all this scarecrow Evgenia. He sits back to the "bronze idol". This is a monument he notes that on the opposite shore, where his beloved Paras lived, there is nothing.

He laying his head goes there and discovers that the element did not spare his, a poor small official, he sees that yesterday's dreams will not be destined to come true. Evgeny, not understanding what he does, without disassembling where his legs lead, go there, to his "bronze idol". The copper rider is proudly towers on it seems that it is no longer harming with nature ... The young man accuses Peter the Great in all his troubles, he puts him in a reproach that he built this city, erect him on the Lust Neva. But here there is an insight: a young man seems to wake up and looks with fear on a copper rider. He runs, runs unclear from all his legs where, it is not known why. He hears the knock of the hooves and the screaming of the horses, he turns around and sees that the "bronze idol" rushes behind him.

Summary "Copper Horseman" - Tale A.S. Pushkin - helps learn the plot, assess the sequence of actions. Despite the whole grinding gamut of the events described, this work is symbolic for the city on the Neva. No wonder the lines "Write, Grad Petrov ..." forever became epigraph to the city. The work elevates Peter the Great and the story with which poor Eugene could not accept ...