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How the fan works without blades. Silent fan: characteristics and advantages. Pluses and cons of fireless fans

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Advanced air multipliers are gaining enormous popularity in the household appliances market. Devices without blades are characterized by comfort in applied, high efficiency and efficiency. The modern apparatus causes a lot of contradictions in the field of potential buyers with its design and functionality.

Fan without blades

The original device is gradually gaining momentum among users who have already been convinced that the unit works effectively.

Fan without blades: principle of operation

Relying on the appearance of the device, you can not immediately understand the purpose of its purpose. Pretty simple design effectively transmits a powerful air flow. The movement of the air is carried out through the air intake, followed by the output from the opposite side at high speeds. The aerodynamic device is provided to create low pressure to roll over the inlet air flow. The built-in turbine is used to quickly change the mass of air, so the equipment is more productive than the usual fan.

The principle of operation of the fan without blades

This type of fixtures passes approximately 500 liters of air per second, and the feed is uniformly distributed on the room. Creating models was based on the principle of operation of jet aircraft engines.

Useful! Modern aggregates do not occupy a lot of space in the room, but at the same time qualitatively blown a room with a uniform air supply. They are easy to use, just familiarize themselves with the instructions to completely figure out the principle of the device.


With the help of innovative technologies, the device is produced with different functionality. The design of different models may differ slightly, but all instances consist of the listed parts:

On the hull is the engine that is responsible for the full operation of the device. The process of performing air is carried out through the holes located on the basis of the instrument.

The unit control occurs with a mechanical or electronic method. Most of the models work due to remote control.

The control panel is equipped with the following features:

  1. Switching key, shutdown;
  2. Reostat - is provided for speed control;
  3. There are additional options depending on the functionality of the device and the manufacturer.

The infringeing base is performed in a round, oval or any other geometrical form. This part is made with different sizes, depending on the model of the device.

Scope of application

  1. Climatic equipment is in demand due to its safety and low electricity consumption. It can be used even in places where there are small children, while not afraid that they can be injured;
  2. Air multiplier works on innovative technologies, allowing to create maximum comfort and required climatic conditions;
  3. The effective supply of air masses is evenly throughout the room, they even fall into remote corners;
  4. Considering the type of device, you can choose the most optimal option. Compact devices can be installed even in cars, they completely replace air conditioning;
  5. There are such devices with mechanical or electronically control. The aggregates with the remote control are much more expensive than the mechanical analogues, however, it is not necessary to get up to the mode;
  6. Almost all copies, regardless of the manufacturer, work with a high noise level, which can sometimes cause discomfort. However, the fast refrigerationability of the apartment smoothes this flaw;
  7. Stylish devices easily cope with the tasks set, while creating a soft flux of air masses. Compared to conventional fans, do not drown the skin.

Watch the video about the principle of operation and the benefits of a fine fan

The abundance of climate techniques presented in the domestic market provides the modern consumer the right to choose almost any apparatus with the necessary functions to create a favorable microclimate in the room. But despite this, the most sought-after climatic device was a fan.

The modern industry offers a huge amount of fans that differ from each other by the appearance, installation method and functionality. But some devices are able to surprise even those who have seen specialists. We are talking about lightweight fans that use the principle of operation to create an airflow. About what is representing and how a blind fan works and will be discussed in this publication. In addition, a brief overview of several most popular models will be made.

Design and principle of device operation

Externally, the fan of this type resembles a television antenna or interior decoration - no moving parts.

The principle of operation of a blind fan is based on the "air factor" technology.

  • The air emitted from the nozzle at high speed involves other aerial masses in motion, due to the vacuum nozzle created around the nozzle.
  • A steady air flow is created, only enhanced several times. This somewhat modified principle was used by James Dyson, when developing a fan that does not have blades.

The device of the fine fan is extremely simple and efficient.

  • The apparatus consists of a frame and base-stand, in which a high-speed turbine is mounted.
  • Through the slots, it delays the air and serves it into the frame, the form of the cross section of which resembles the profile of the aircraft wing.
  • The air ring can be both round and oval shape.

Passing through the ring and spinning, the air increases the speed of the movement more than 15 times, after which it is thrown through a narrow slot located throughout the perimeter of the frame. At the outlet of it, the air velocity can reach 85-90 km / h, which creates a discharge in the air ring, the space of which is instantly filled with air. It is this effect that creates a powerful and continuous airflow, which in the amount of air involved can move at a speed of 30-35 km / h.

In this lesson we will make a blind fan using PVC tubes, plastic container and fiberglass sheet.

For this project, thanks to the guys from the channel Dyi King on YouTube, which were inspired by creating a secure fan. But the most pleasant thing in this is a blind fan is that, unlike most homemade fans, the project does not require the use of 3D printing, and the final cost can be less than 10 US dollars.

Below on video you can see the entire fan creation process.

Step 1. Tools and materials

The tools and materials necessary for this project are very easy to collect and all of them are in the photo above. The main project for this project is a set of PVC pipes with a diameter of 6.5 and 3.5 inches, a plastic container or a bowl and a fiberglass sheet with a thickness of 3 mm.

No need for a 3D printer, as is used in most homemade fan projects. Moreover, we used a tracing saw to make most of the cuts, as it did a job more accurate and easy when the same job can be performed using a hand saw and some patience, but then expensive tools will be needed to make a neat-free fan.

Step 2. Working principle

Unlike the name of the device, which is a fan without blades, this thing is actually a fairly high-speed vane inside the main body. The principle of action of such a fan you can see in the figure above.

In addition, the fan without blades provides closed blades management, and then the air flow is sent through the closed channel body, repeating the structure of the conventional fan body with the lack of blades. This design offers an excellent level of protection for children.

Step 3. Make the main body

First you need to make the main body and you can use the PVC pipe. The main outlet is made of PVC pipe with a diameter of 6 inches, which has a 4-inch width to form an external air outlet casing.

To form an air pocket inside the main air duct, we use the conical bowl bowl, which is ideal for a 6-inch PVC pipe, and its collar sits on the edges of the pipe - see the photo above. Cut off the bowl of 1 inch above its bottom so that it forms a beautiful conical collar inside the main graduation casing, which allows the air to uniformly rotate within the output cavity before leaving it.

Step 4. Inner casing and base

The internal clamp for air outlet is made of PVC pipe with a diameter of 5 inches. This pipe forms a narrow hole of almost 0.5 inches width for uniform air distribution from the air cavity / outlet. Three parts, namely, the outer 6-inch PVC tube, a conical inner housing made of plastic bowls, and the internal clamp, made of a 5-inch PVC pipe, together form a body for the release of air.

To form the basis, we use the 3.5-inch PVC pipe cut to a height of 5 inches. So that the base is ideally suitable for the body of the airproof hole, we cut one end of the base tube in the curved form (the bending is cutting on a pre-pasted isolent), and the contour indicate a 6-inch PVC pipe. Then the pipe is cut with a jigsaw, and then polished by sandpaper to be perfect to an external 6-inch pipe without any gnesks between them.

Step 5. Air Force Hole

Before gluing the base to the main body, drills a hole with a diameter of 3 inches in a 6-inch PVC pipe, which will be a passage for air inlet to the main body and then in the outlet. The hole is made with an annular saw.

Then the base is glued to the outer part of the airproof hole using a super block. Since the base tube has an ideal form to be on a 6-inch PVC tube, superchalter makes a very strong connection between two details.

Step 6. Air outlet ring

The air outlet ring is made of a glass fiberglass with a thickness of 3 mm, which serves as a compound between the inner half and outer alarm main air outlet. The ring is made using a jigsaw.

Step 7. Drawing

Since most parts of the housing of a fireless fan are ready, you need to paint them so that they look carefully and flawlessly. Mobile is all white using aerosol paint, with the exception of fiberglass ring, which is protected from paint with the help of a tape.

The end result is very good, and the blue fiberglass sheet just fantastically looks on an impeccable white background.

Step 8. LED Tape

To make the design more attractive and elegant add LED tape 12 V on the inside of the air duct at the end, where the fiberglass sheet is glued to the inner air outlet sleeve. The light strip is cut to the required length. The tape has a sticky side and is fastened when the protective coating is removed from the back of the tape, and then sticks to the PVC housing.

When the fan turns on, the LED tape illuminates the back of the air duct hole and, thus, produces a very cool visual effect, spreading blue light.

Step 9. Bonding all parts

When the paint dried, glue all the parts together to form the main part of our uninhabsed fan, using super glue, which seems to keep everything hard.

Step 10. Installation of the fan

Each blind fan is a fan with blades. Thus, to act as our fan, you need to use a high-speed fan 12 V DC, which can be taken from the old computer. More specifically, in the lesson, the fan from the server, which is much more powerful than the usual fan from the PC. Therefore, we strongly recommend using this type of fan.

The fan is installed inside the base directly under the body of the airproof hole using four screws for the tree to securely hold the fan on the spot. The fan is installed in such a way as to pump air upwards, and thus we need the fan is sufficiently stable.

Step 11. Air intake

A pair of air intakes are made slightly below the server fan on both sides of the base tube, i.e. Base pipes. These inlets allow air to be absorbed inside the base.

To someone accidentally hurried his fingers, inserting them into the base of the fan, we glue the metal grid on both holes. The grid first stains in black matte color, and then glued inside the base with hot glue.

Recently, a safe-free fan can occupy in RuNet, we suggest to consider the device of this climate instrument for the house and the principle of its action. We will also tell about the strengths and weaknesses of this device and the main characteristics. After that, we will conduct a brief overview of several models of fine-blass fans, and at the end of the article Consider the possibility of creating such an unusual device with your own hands.

Construction and principle of operation

In 2009, J. Dyson presented to the world his own fan development. The design feature was the lack of blades, which, however, did not prevent the device to create a steady air flow. Moreover, the air volume at the outlet exceeded one or two orders of magnitude entering the turbine. Do you think magic? No, everything is much more serious - aerodynamics.

It's all about the profile of the rings, a special form is granted.

Due to this, the air flowing out of the holes is focused in such a way that the low pressure zone is formed before the ring (highlighted in a red oval in Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Aerodynamic modeling of the air multiplier Dyson

Since such a front and sides are surrounded by high pressure on the sides, the air is drawn from the back side of the ring, forming a stable directional flow.

Note that the compilation of the mathematical model of the profile, which makes it possible to achieve maximum effect and refinement of the technology, Dyson took about four years. Most Chinese analogs of its devices cannot give even the half capacity of the original apparatus. The inventor patented the structure, in particular, the profile of the ring and the structure of the turbine, injecting air, therefore, for the manufacture of full-fledged copies, it is necessary to purchase the right to production.

How does the fan work?

Since the drawing of the device is under copyright protection, we will tell about the work of the fan, based on the drawings used in the advertising of this product.

Explanation of the drawing:

  • A - holes for air intake to the turbine.
  • B - turbine engine.
  • C - air flow inside the ring.
  • D - Ring.

When the turbine is turned on, the air begins to fill the air into the ring, from where it goes under pressure into a small slot (and in Fig. 5) or small nozzles.

Fig. 5. A - gap for air outlet; B - Engine for rotation of the ring

Some models (for example, FLEXTRON FB1009, Kitfort KT-401, HJ-007, Bork) have a built-in engine (in Fig. 5), which allows changing the direction of the ring, and, therefore, the air flow. Part of the manufacturers provided for the possibility of installation in the design of a special aerosol, as a result of the AirMultiplier Dyson (this is how Dyson called his brainchild) additionally acts as air freshener (part of the model range of Kitfort, Supra, Renova, Vesson).

There are no-free fans with cooling and heating of the air, such household appliances can be attributed to the discharge of full-fledged climate techniques.

Original devices are available with a power setting (turbine) with a power of 25 or 40 W. In Chinese analogues, this parameter may vary in a wide range. Such a small power is enough to ensure that over the ring passes up to 500 liters of air per second (again, this value concerns the original products).

Pros and cons

Having considered the structure of air multipliers, you can proceed to the analysis of their advantages and disadvantages. Let's start with the first. Benefits:

Unfortunately, this device has disadvantages that are significantly reflected in the buying demand:

  1. The high cost of original models, it can reach up to 20 thousand rubles and more, which is comparable to buying and installing inexpensive split system. However, with such a price you can come to terms if a blind fan has functions of heating and cooling air. Note that the Chinese analogues are substantially cheaper, some are even an order, but, as already described above, they have less efficiency.
  2. Despite the fact that the power plant is low noise, in the process of operation, this device makes a characteristic hum that resembles the operation of the aircraft turbine. Moreover, at the maximum power, the noise level can reach 60 decibels, which is quite a lot, because there is enough hour to get a head from it. True, in this mode, the device creates such a strong air flow that there is a uncomfortable feeling, so the maximum level of work is practically not used. In normal mode, the apparatus is no less less.
  3. The declared in advertising 15-fold increase in flow is technically correct, but there is a certain nuance. This value is characteristic of the maximum mode that is practically not used.

Review of models in the market

We give as an example several models of devices available on the Russian market.

Bladeless Fan, a small inexpensive bench-blasting fan of a superbate type. Produced in China. The cost of about $ 40- $ 50. Minimum functions, small power (12 W) allow you to get a airflow, quite acceptable for desktop devices.

Another budget option with a minimal functional set - Fan Leader, if you believe suppliers, Polish production. Also in desktop execution, in the same price range, but a slightly greater power - 35 W. A characteristic feature - the work area is made in the form of an oval. Note, this form is found in many models, for example, Orion OR-DSO2.

Well, for comparison, consider the original design - the model Dayson Hot + Cool. This device is produced in the outdoor performance. It has the air heating function. The power of the turbine is 40 W, in the heater mode - 2 kW. There is a remote control, the information board indicating the selected mode and the specified temperature. For all this pleasure it will be necessary to pay about 500 - 540 dollars.

Finishing the topic of the review, we present the comparative table of the model range of Dynson and the Chinese analogue Unico Ion.

Name DYSON AM-01 DYSON AM-02 DYSON AM-03 DYSON AM-04 Unico Ion.
Approximate value, $ 260 310 340 345 50
Functionality cooling cooling cooling cooling / heating cooling
Airflow speed (MAX), l / s 450 600 700 130 450
execution desktop Outdoor Outdoor Outdoor Desktop
Manual adjustment of the angle of inclination + + + +
Hand set of height +
Automatic turns 90 ° + + + + +
Smooth flow speed adjustment + + + + +
Noise level (MAX), dB 64,5 63,0 65,0 64,0 60,0
Power consumption (MAX), W 40 65 65 2000 35
Packaging dimensions, mm 547x356x152 1007x190x110 1480x450x280. 579x200x153 580x330x180
Weight (gross), kg 1,80 3,35 4,30 2,47 2,50

Is it possible to make a fireless fan with your own hands

In RuNet there are several videos dedicated to this topic, where various materials are used to create a ring, ranging from plastic buckets and ending with PVC sewer pipes. Power plants are also varied, mostly powerful coolers from processors, but there are originals using a vacuum cleaner engine. The effectiveness of such structures and their characteristics cause greater doubts, especially no measurements are given.

As you remember, to create a low pressure zone, it is necessary to focus the air flows in a special way. Using the usual healthy material, it is quite difficult to make it, and the work for the sake of work does not carry rational meaning.

In the modern world, do not do without household appliances. They are designed to make our life comfortable and easier. Many of these "helping" funds do not change over several decades.

The same can be said about ordinary fans. However, the world of modern household appliances is actively developing. In 2009, the inventor James Dyson invented the fan without blades, which called the Dyson Air Multiplier.

Its design consists of a vertical stand, inside which is the electric motor. The stand is an aerodynamic ring, which can have a different form (circle, heart, oval, rhombus, etc.). A special section is placed on the aerodynamic ring with holes.

How does a fireless fan work?

If you are going to buy a blind fan, then surely you will be interested to know what is its principle of work. It uses the technology of the "air factor", as a result of which the laundered air is intensified 15-18 times.

The device of a soft fan is that an electric motor inside the stand is starting to rotate at a speed of 1,40000 revolutions per minute. The air is delayed through a narrow outer slit, which is located on the housing of the aerodynamic ring. Through the other gap, the air is pushed at a speed of about 90 kilometers per hour.

Pros and cons of a fireless fan

Like any modern device, a fireless fan has a number of advantages:

  • fast assembly;
  • use of use;
  • economy;
  • constant and smooth flow of air;
  • the presence of a remote control panel;
  • lED backlight available from most models can replace the night light;
  • built-in fan automatic rotation function;
  • the ability to adjust the air flow velocity with the help of a row;
  • the brushes in the inner part of the fan body are made of a magnetic alloy excluding coal dust accumulation;
  • original design.

It is easier to care for such a fan simpler: it is enough to periodically wipe the inside of the aerodynamic ring with a damp cloth.

There is a fireless fan and disadvantages:

  • high price;
  • strong noise due to the work of the rheostat.

Types of fine fans

Total distinguished two types:

  • floor;
  • desktop.

Outdoor soft fan

To cool the room of a large area, a more powerful fan may be required. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the floor fan without blades. A feature of such a fan model is that it is capable of not only cooling the air, but also heat it, that is, perform a function.

And since there are no blades in its design, such a fan model is absolutely safe. This is especially important if there was a need to put the fan in. In this case, you can not worry about the fact that the child is inappropriate can be born.

Desktopless fan

Due to its compact sizes, a boxless fan can be placed on the table. Thus, it will create a comfortable setting near your workplace.

If you accidentally dropped the fan on the floor without blades, then there is nothing terrible in this: it will work in the same mode. A durable body made of shockproof plastic is able to withstand any blows and drops.

If you have the need to purchase a fan, then you should pay attention to the model without blades. Easy operation, convenience and safety of use, the presence of a permanent flow of air that can be adjusted - these are the indicators for which you can forgive the fantastic fan so high on it.