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Home First floor Stone second tree. Combined house: from stone and wood. Spectacular houses from natural stone

Despite the abundance of modern efficient materials, at the moment traditional natural stone and its artificial analog Do not lose their popularity.

Thanks to their unsurpassed decorative qualities, they are predominantly found. in the design of facades and interiors of buildings. This material of any origin is distinguished by durability, absolute fire resistance, carefulness in care. Its high aesthetic characteristics, a variety of shades and textures give architects complete freedom of creativity, allowing you to create unique pompous ensembles and chamber cottages.

Organic combination of "mosaic" cladding with architecture in the spirit of cubism

Multiple cladding decorative stone

Artificial products are extremely widely used at the present moment in the finishing works, despite the fact that in their physical characteristics they are significantly inferior to natural. This is due to the simplicity of the installation of a decorative analogue, ease of cladding elements that do not require a powerful base, low cost, a huge variety of textures and breadth of color gamut.

Application with the organization of the porch of organic forms

The following types of artificial articles are distinguished in the composition and production technology:

  • concrete facing It manufactures by sealing a high-brand cement mortar vibration. Care for decoration - paint coating and strengthening soil every 2-3 years;
  • polymerpess tile It is distinguished by elasticity, low cost and relatively low strength;
  • products based on synthetic resins in absolute accuracy repeat the appearance and shades of natural raw materials, crumb or dust of which are included in the composition;
  • ceramographic due to its production from the field spat, burned at more than 1400 ° C, has high durability and unique strength;
  • clinker tile It perfectly imitates stone and brickwork, differing from them more democratic cost and low weight. Possesses good qualities of sound and thermal insulation, protects against atmospheric effects;
  • flexible coating - Sandstone tiles, glued with a textile base polymer. It is distinguished by strength, elasticity, antistatic properties, low weight and ease of installation on complex surfaces - columns, eaves, arches.

Cottage in scenic locality in Cyprus

Modern cottage

Heat and sunshine artificial facing

Cozy shelter in the forest

House in the USA with an unusual facade, decorated with artificial material - impresses luxury

Another example of a luxurious facade

Use clinker tiles for solid wall coverings on classic style cottage

Polymer tile in the design of the mansion

Exquisite duet - plaster and decorative stone

Free flow of various planes on the facade

These materials are perfectly combined between themselves in the finish of the house, creating exquisite exteriors. They can be combined, creating a plane with clear boundaries or smoothly flowing into each other. For example, torn edges of the corners of the corners with artificial limestone are moving into an plastered surface. In the same way, the window and doorways, arches.

On a note! Currently, a popular solution - stones in the form of chaotic enclosures appear through the plaster.

Fragmental facing of the plastered facade of masonry from elements of different sizes

Finishing the base of masonry from artificial products

When using decorative cladding for registration of the lower part of the building, an extremely important point is the reinforcement of the walls of the walls to strengthen their connection with the finish. Above the basement is required to fasten the sings - it is most susceptible to the negative effects of precipitation. This measure that is performed after masonry, before starting the facade, will protect the foundation from moisture.

Tip! To create a harmonious facade, the material of the base must be harmoniously combined with the color of the roof. The shade of finishing elements of the bottom of the house must choose a slightly darker base to which it will be attached.

The trim of the base of the cobblestone looks spectacular in combination with brick masonry

Original cladding base from under linear masonry with large inserts

Stone decoration of the base smoothly flowing into the wall of the facade looks spectacular

Facing the corners of the building

This design of the corners is also called rustarepresenting tightly spaced rectangles or stripes with pronounced seams between them. They are designed to give the facades sophistication and emphasize the reliability of the structure. If another 10 years ago, the Rusta was performed at the expense of a complex brickwork, today it is used for its creation to finish with modern materials, including tiled artificial origin. This technique is also often used to design window and door openings of houses. Recently, an asymmetrical version of the rustle and its "torn" outlines are becoming increasingly popular.

Tip! To achieve the most natural effect of masonry from natural raw materials, it is necessary to choose the design elements from different batches, as the natural stone is the same in color and form does not happen.

Finishing the corners and windows with "torn" outlines

Mansion in the mountains of Utah

Photos from

Extravagant Corner House

Finish facade house panels under stone

Elements on the principle of installation, colors, textures and dimensions can be used for building buildings. In addition, the facade panels with imitating, for example, natural marble, coated are separated by the manufacturing material, of which plastic and PVC are most popular. Their surfaces can copy a wide variety of rocks: granite, limestone, subtle slate.

Due to the peculiarities of production technologies, cladding elements have high strength and resistance to adverse environmental impacts. Facade panels are able to serve for additional insulation and sound insulation of the building.

Using panels in combination with siding for the design of a cottage with a complex architectural solution

Panels on the facades of the laconic home emphasize the rigor of its forms

Dark colors of panels fit perfectly in the forest landscape

Light finish effectively contrasts with a dark tiled roof

Houses with siding siding with imitation rocks

This type of facade finish may have different coating options: metal, resins, cement-sand compositions, various polymers. The similarity of the surface with natural stone is achieved by adding malachite, marble, other rocks into the molding mass, and other rocks. Another method is a coating with an artificial product from cement-sand mixture, resins and coloring pigments.

On a note! At the moment, the most popular siding, imitating the surface of the wild stone. High similarities are achieved by producing products by casting from propylene using patterns from natural cobblestones.

House covered by siding under the stone of two colors - a contrast and original solution

Siding Nailit on the facade of the cottage

Facade and base are decorated with siding with different textures

Realistic rock formation on siding

Testing buildings "Stone" straightened

A stable pattern of imitation of natural rocks on a profiled sheet is created by using offset printing and multipurpose painting, allowing you to create any texture from a combination of 4 main colors. The coating of the professional sheet is distinguished by resistance to mechanical and atmospheric influences.

The house is covered by a straightened straw in combination with elements imitating wood

Profiled sheet imitating masonry

The facade from the professionalist with the "stone" texture looks effectively with a metal fence

Spectacular houses from natural stone

The nature of the facing of buildings by natural rocks depends on the architectural solution of the facades. The finish can be solid or partial, from polished or "wild" plates. It can be performed from stone plates of one breed or in a combined version. Competently selected and laid in compliance with the finishing elements of natural raw materials require minimal care during operation.

Tip! With different methods of laying plates, combined cladding with inserts of decorative fragments is most effectively.

Advantages of finishing with natural material in front of artificial analogues:

  • extremely neat and respectable appearance;
  • maximum long service life and extremely high resistance to mechanical damage;
  • the ability to maintain its qualities under the influence of temperature drops, humidity and sun rays;
  • lack of a tendency to deform and cracking;
  • reliable protection against fire;
  • uniqueness of natural textures and shades;
  • no need for material processing from mold and corrosion, which makes it possible to significantly reduce operating costs.

Modern complex - architecture organically looks in a forest landscape

Reconstruction of the Barn Building XV century

House for Countryside, Big Skye, Montana

The sophisticated luxury country house in Utah

Very beautiful stone houses in Idaho

Torispardon Cottage Project in Scotland

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe house in a modern style from the project workshop "Architect4u"

Features Wild Stone

The breed is distinguished by resistance to a variety of atmospheric influences, while maintaining its primaryness is extremely long. Most often used for cladding the base, corners, doorways and windows.

The wildedness of natural origin includes:

  • ripped sandstone, etched usually in chaotic order;
  • boulders - treated with water fragments. May have lake, marine, river and glacial origin. The most valuable boulders of 15-35 cm in size are considered;
  • pebbles marine - the residue of rocks having a flat and smooth shape;
  • meotis (Cracken Booth) has a structure with long fibers and properties similar to ceramics.

Important! Currently, the imitation of "wild" stone slabs is also manufactured by artificially. Such products have an extremely rich color gamut and a wide range of textures.

Facing with a bizarre pattern of torn sandstone contrasts with blue roof

Harmonious combination of lining with light siding

Caucasian stone - It is essentially one of the varieties of wild. It is mostly quartz, sandstone, granite. Thanks to the original forms, a smooth surface and gray, light and blue shades, they are actively used to decorate the facades and the areas adjacent to the house.

Photo of the house, the facades of which are finished by the Caucasian breed with a characteristic bluish tump

Dagestan stone facing

The breed produced in the Caspian coast can have more than 80 varieties of textures and more than a hundred shades from white to burgundy and dark gray. The surface is polished, chipped, sprung, sawn. For the finishing of the facades, the limestone, dolomite and sandstone are predominantly applied.

Facing a luxurious house with a triple arch at the entrance creates associations with antiquity

Luxurious facade lined with material from Dagestan fields

Important! Having a red-yellow tint of a man-stone is a type of Dagestan and in its structure close to the sewer.

Photo of houses lined with a man-breed creates a feeling of glow of buildings from the inside

Booth in housekeeping

Booth is a combined concept where sandstone belongs, and dolomite, and limestone, having only general parameters: the weight should not exceed 50 kg, and size is 500 mm. It is unacceptable to mergel and clay impurities. Booth cannot have cracks and bundles.

Houses with masonry walls with the inclusion of boob stone create the impression of reliability and security, as a real fortress

An extension to the house in the form of a tower from a boot brings thoughts about fairy tales

Burlack stone

This definition of a non-a certain rock formation, but by stone products that the form of the bar is downtowed. As a rule, a seven is used for their manufacture.

The photo emphasizes that the house from Burlats material is underlined by a discreet and strict

The rigor of masonry from Burlats Material is able to alleviate openwork fences and details

Combined houses from stone and wood

The combination of wood and stone materials is a rational and economically favorable solution:

  • melting the total weight of the structures makes it possible to abandon the construction of a massive foundation;
  • fire-resistant stone materials for the first floor, where the living room can be located with a fireplace, a fiber, garage, a bath - the best option;
  • wood - Natural insulation, which makes it possible to save on thermal insulation;
  • the first floor of non-rotated stone materials increases the durability of the building;
  • reducing the timing from the start of construction to the settlement - while the process of shrinkage of wood is underway, the first stone floor can already be separated and to move;
  • stamps-wooden houses give tremendous opportunities for the embodiment of architectural ideas.

As located on the slope of the cottage, the lower stone part on one side structures constructively

House type "Chale", developed and implemented by the project workshop "Architect4u"

Combined house, where the material of the structure of the structure exactly corresponds to its function. Stone elements perform carrying function, wooden - enclosing

The combination of different elements by material creates the original and at the same time a cozy image.

Popular in Europe combination of materials

House-mountain - scope roofing with protruding wooden elements based on boob laying

Home: Ground Floor - Stone, Second - Wooden

Constructive and economically most justified option - use stone materials in combined cottages for the lower tier, and the top build out of wood. This technologically simplifies the construction process and makes it possible to evenly distribute the load on the foundation.

Tip! For an additional weight loss for the construction of the second floor it is better not to use a non-cylindered log or bar, but frame technology.

Photo of houses in the style of cubism, combining uncharacteristic for this style Traditional materials

The dark tones of stone and wood organically fit into the surrounding forest

Stone is a universal material that has the highest durability, durability, fire resistance. At the same time, he fits perfectly into any architectural styles. It greatly harmonizes with all existing materials, starting with wood and ending with chrome metal.

All projects of beautiful stone houses in the photo have a different degree of complexity of implementation, so it is desirable to trust the professionals - a number of works with stone require special knowledge and qualifications, the use of specific technologies.

Video stock photo of houses from natural stone

Probably, after 50 years, the houses given on the video will be perceived as we perceive the classic style at home today, but today these are modern options that make eyes the novelty and an unusual approach to the implementation of a natural well-known material.

During the construction of a combined home, the lower floor is manufactured using a stone, and the top is constructed from the tree. This design makes it possible to fully implement all the positive aspects of the selected materials and avoid the emergence of their negative traits.

Terms of operation

The stone is used due to the fact that it is very durable, has a long service life, it is not amenable to rotting, and also does not begin to deteriorate from the influence of water and moisture. It is worth noting that many people are very often not comfortable in stone buildings. Moving from the apartment for the city, I want to feel more comfort. Stone structure to heat is slightly harder than the wooden, but the reliability of the structure completely compensates for this defects.

The tree in turn positively affects the atmosphere inside, making cottage more cozy and warm, and also perfectly regulates the humidity in the room. Wooden house creates a more emotional and personal feeling of dwelling than typical high-rise buildings with neighbors from all sides. Some people scares the fact that the tree is a perfectly burning material, as well as the effects of moisture, fungi, small rodents or termites, but with modern technologies, all these problems have long been resolved.

Houses from stone and wood are ideally combining such an original base and upper floors, which makes it possible to eliminate two hares at once, separating the functionality of the tree and stone in this way to gain the advantages of each material. Such a structure also has a very non-standard, stylish and original appearance, which will not be able to not like its owners.

Where you need to put wooden structures, and where is brick

Build an inexpensive combined house need correctly. The first floor of the construction is manufactured using brickwork. The most efficient and successful solution will be arrangement of insulation with the method of the ventilated facade. Aerated concrete blocks can also be used. Thus, on the first floor it is worth installing the most "flammable" rooms, such as a kitchen, a room with a fireplace, a sauna, as well as a place for cars.

The attic floor is erected using wood. Most often logs are used, glued or profile bar, non-branded bars with trim and insulation. From above, wood is reliably closed with large roof canines, and it is removed from a wet land with a whole floor. Thanks to special protective coatings, such wood will be able to serve a very long time without sprinkling or old. Consequently, on this floor, with a large coolest and better ecology, it is worth placing residential premises.

With great responsibility, it is necessary to approach the choice of decoration inside the house, so that the stone and wooden parts of the house are harmoniously combined with each other. However, you should not create monotony of the interior, it is better to emphasize the advantages of each of the materials. Such buildings inside are equipped in the style of "Country", which effectively emphasizes the advantages of materials, as well as natural forms.

How to build a combined house inexpensively

The construction price of the house depends on:

  • materials that you decide to choose to build;
  • your design requirements;
  • location of the site;
  • square of construction.

By choosing high-quality and reliable performers, you can build a real dream cottage!

The combined country house is always an attractive structure that has been popular for many years. For the first time, such buildings began to appear in the Middle Ages in the Alps, they were erected by shepherds during wintering. Gradually, they began to conquer popularity throughout Europe, until they got to our country. The style of "Chalet" makes it possible to designers to show all your creative potential and fantasy. For example, the upper floor can be issued in medieval style.

Prices for the construction of combined houses in the company "Vitoslavitsa"

In our company, prices for combined houses are highly accessible for everyone. We can fulfill both standard options, prepared in advance by our specialists and the construction of houses on private drawings, which will be developed in accurately compliance with your wishes.

Vitoslavitsa builds country houses in the best Russian traditions, improving their professionalism and introducing new engineering solutions and creative thoughts into each subsequent project. If you want to order the construction of a combined house in Moscow, then it may be time to embody a desire to reality by contacting us.

We can offer you typical combined buildings or implement an individual project of the house turnkey.

Advantages of combined houses

The combined house is a harmonious symbiosis of solidity and the aristocraticness of a stone with natural warmth of a tree, which provides an exterior of housing a wonderful appearance, and the interior is an inimitable atmosphere, soaked with comfort and comfort. However, this is not all that these buildings earned an excellent reputation and ensured wide popularity.

The main advantages of such houses can include the following:

  • Saving. From the brick (sometimes from the clay samana, river shell or slag blocks) only the first floor is erected, and the second is made of wood. Such an architectural solution provides a relatively low weight of the design and, as a result, the lack of necessity in a very expensive foundation. Moreover, the construction costs of the second floor also with the use of stone, as a rule, much higher than the costs when using wooden materials.
  • High fire safety. It is obvious that the tree is a combustible material, however, the construction of the first floor, where the kitchen is usually located, a fireplace, boiler room, and the stone significantly reduces the risk of fire, and with the appearance of such a need to simplify the localization of the focus.
  • Durability. The brick has extremely high resistance to destruction under the influence of moisture and is characterized by mechanical strength. In turn, timber and wood composites manufactured at the production of "Vitoslavitsa" also have high resistance to negative environmental influences and mechanical loads, however, the reduction in the frequency and intensity of such impacts only increases the resource of the house operation.
  • All-season comfort. Combined houses from stone and wood well hold warm. At the same time, the last material contributes to the stabilization of moisture in the room, due to which a comfortable microclimate is achieved in the premises.

Stages of construction

If you do not take into account the development of the project, the construction of any capital building begins with the construction of the foundation. In this case, the optimal variants are blunting tape and slab.

  • The construction of walls of stone (as mentioned above, materials such as brick, clay saman, river shell, slagoblock can be used;
  • Installation of floor overlap;
  • Ending the construction of stone walls;
  • Installation of wall overlaps;
  • Assembly of the second floor (used login, glued or profiled timber);
  • Installation of the carrier roof construction;
  • Arrangement of thermo-, vapor and waterproofing, as well as installation of roof ventilation;
  • Roofing;
  • Summing up engineering networks and systems;
  • Exterior and interior decoration at home.

Advantages of the order of combed houses from Vitoslavitsa

  • A rich selection of beautiful houses: we can implement both the projects of combined houses presented on our site and develop an exclusive solution for you.
  • The presence of own production: This allows us not only to guarantee the quality of the materials used, but also provide you with the maximum benefit from cooperation with us.
  • Impeccable reputation: more than 5 years "Vitoslavitsa" builds private houses, and during this time we made satisfied more than 150 customers.

The combined house is called the structure, with the erection of which various materials were used - in the supporting structures or in the finish. The construction of such cottages for housing is practiced since ancient times, a traditional Scandinavian chalet with the first floor of stone and a wooden attic can be an example. The company "Copper Horseman" offers modern options for the construction of combined turnkey houses - projects for the implementation of Moscow, St. Petersburg and regions of Russia.

Types of combined houses

Each building material has its own minuses and pros. The stone is durable, but heavy, the tree is easier and more favorable for a person, but is amenable to rotting, etc. Construction of the house from different types of materials is to make the goal of the most profitable to use the advantages and minimize the disadvantages of each of them. In modern architecture, combination is also used to give the building of a unique appearance, using the realization of original design ideas.

Taking into account all types of combinations and their features, 3 types of houses of combined houses can be distinguished:

  • Combining different materials of carrier and enclosing structures (for example: base and first floor of a brick, and the attic floor based on framework technologies with a cladding board);
  • The so-called "conditionally combined" buildings in which brick and wood are combined when performing the appropriate elements (wooden floors and a rafter system for a building from aerated concrete or brick);
  • With diverse facade trim (plaster and lining, wood and natural stone).

Choosing a project

Projects of combined houses and cottages in the catalog are placed taking into account the convenience of their choice and comparison. To assist site users, 2 filters are installed in this category:

  1. Allocate projects having a combination of finishes. With the help of the material of another texture or color, the fireplace tube, rusts or individual elements in the form of decorative inserts can be prepared in the exterior.
  2. Shows a whole series of combined houses (category "European homes" with the exception of the Scandinavian style).

We will help you to design accommodation individually or build a combined turnkey house for the minimum price - only the proposed equipment is included in the cost of work, without additional options and surcharges.

The construction of combined houses meets modern trends. People try to make their housing reliable, durable and environmentally friendly. Building from stone and wood fully meet these requirements. They are very practical and becoming more and more popular among private developers. What you need to know before drawing up the project, what are the pros and cons of this type of houses, specialists tell.

A similar type of buildings is not know-how. At the time of Kievan Rus, they noticed that such houses are durable, light, more resist fire and better warmly warm. With the development of technologies, there were more variations of a combination of materials for combined houses. However, the stone and the timber remain closest to the ideal.

Two-storeed houses, as a rule, have 2 floors. The base level is erected from durable stone, which is not afraid of fire, strong wind, precipitation, groundwater and abundant sun. In addition, the stone base of the house becomes an excellent support for the second floor, which is collected from the tree. The timber helps to increase the energy efficiency of the structure, gives comfort, beauty and convenience. It may be several species, depending on the destination:

Houses made of stone and wood are warm and reliable
  1. Glued. One element consists of a plurality of thin glued slats from coniferous rocks.
  2. Unprofilated. The usual timber obtained after the log processing on the sawmaker. The cheapest of the options for building.
  3. Profiled. It has grooves and bulges for reliable fixation and improved thermal insulation at the joints. Possesses the specified parameters.

Among the projects of composite private housing, the style of chalets is in demand - Swiss shepherd houses with characteristic highly outstanding outstanding cornices. The shape of the cottage received no accident. It allows you to maximize the transformation of the sun's rays into thermal energy. The second wooden floor of such a house is an attic.

Attention! Other options for combination with wood: concrete, foam blocks, clay blocks or reinforced concrete.

Pros and cons of combined houses

The popularity of such cottages is explained by the big advantage of positive characteristics over negative. This type of building is actually quite practical. His advantages:

  • lightweight design, pressure reduction on the foundation (in comparison with a conventional stone or brick house);
  • the possibility of construction in a place with close grounding of groundwater;
  • durability;
  • the possibility of erection with modern eco-materials, safe for the surrounding nature;
  • a wide selection of design solutions along with high aesthetics;
  • efficiency;
  • higher fire safety (in comparison with structures only from wood or modern combustible materials);
  • increased protection against moisture;
  • the function of the second floor thermos: in the heat there will be cool, in the cold - warmer.

Attention! Ecology of materials is not a fiction. It has been proven that life in a wooden entourage improves sleep, normalizes the state of the nervous system and warns the development of respiratory diseases (if the timber is from coniferous rocks).

The disadvantages of the two-part houses are not so much:

  • the tree is less than a stone;
  • the stone and wood are extremely distinguished by physico-technological properties, because of this, after operation, difficulties may occur with a strong frost or in heat;
  • even in combination with a non-combustible neighbor, the timber remains flammable material.

Stone is not so easy as foam blocks or clay building materials. Such a house should additionally strengthen a high foundation from sending. Nevertheless, the combined housing is a way out for those who do not afford a two-story cottage. Also, architects recommend this type of structure when, due to the heavy load, the foundation of a 2-storey brick or stone house can burst or cause a skew. In fact, the building is enough for a fair foundation for a 1-storey building.

Councils of specialists in the design of composite houses

The designer approach in the location of the rooms can be any, but usually fits into a natural-natural concept. The facade of the house is also usually not completed in addition - the fact that the texture looks like, the better. The stone part can be additionally decorated in a rural or other direction, and the timber is decorated with carvings.

There are exceptions when with the help of modern facing materials both floors lead to a single design style. But in this case, do not forget about the different characteristics of the materials. On one after a few years, the facing will still look good, on the other no longer be held.

When drawing up a project, the size of the housing does not matter. In the photo you can see completely different largest and design cottages. The condition of the soil is also unavailable. The main thing is that the land is not drowning and could withstand one-storey stone house.

The construction of such a building takes relatively little time. The main term will go to the fill, drying the foundation and raising stone walls. The lightweight wooden level develops much faster: it does not require finishes. At least, at first, you can live with naked wooden walls, while you will draw up the lower floor. Even before taking a spatula or facing panels in the hands, spend the communications. They are advised only on the 1st floor.

Attention! A combination of a 2-storey combined house of premises for business and life is pretty. At the bottom, the owners exercise the commercial area, and at the top live themselves, making a separate output and communication.

The combination of materials in the construction of housing opens up ample opportunities for its style design. You can make a house for every taste. In order not to be disappointed as a result, work only with experienced builders.

Combined houses: video

, half-timbered homes, stone houses, combined houses, houses from Prof. Drus, from the log

Want to become the owner of a beautiful, durable and cozy cottage? Then look right now, what combined houses We can offer you. Recently, many of our clients prefer such an option of housing, because the successful combination of wood and stone combines all the advantages of both materials.

Facrow Cottages began to appear in Germany back in the 15th century. And now they have found a new life. Achievements in the field of construction allow you to preserve and multiply all the advantages of oak wood, fir, pine and natural stone. Such buildings are devoid of flaws. And to become the owner of a truly reliable and durable generic nest, you just need to contact our company. We will perform the construction of "turnkey" taking into account all your wishes and house requirements.

Why should prefer a combination type house?

Combined houses Further allocated by the following advantages:

  • The opportunity to stay in the cottage at any time of the year. It is cool in summer and very warm in winter even if there is a location in areas with a harsh climate. It is enough to establish a high-quality heating system. The walls will be maintained, therefore, the large costs of payment of the used gas or electricity will not arise.
  • Fire safety. Since in the construction of combined houses, we use only the wood treated with special impregnation, it will be resistant to fire. You can install a fireplace in your cottage, and not even one, while not fearing the risk of fire.
  • Ecology. There is nothing natural wood array. In the house from Bruusyev nice and easy breathing. Such a house is ideal for families with children, allergic and asthmatics.
  • Small weight. Lightweight design ensures that soil shrinkage does not happen. Therefore, such houses can be built even in the ground, where sandy and swampy soil prevail.
  • Attractive appearance. Combined Cottages in the style of the flash fascinate from the first moment. And we guarantee that the aesthetics will not disappear over the years. Materials used in construction are resistant to the ambient temperature and humidity, ultraviolet, etc.

Since our company itself is engaged in wood harvesting, develops projects and builds combined homes, we offer you our services at the most attractive prices.

Contact our managers right now to discuss all the terms of cooperation!