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NLP Technique "Active Dreaming" - how to learn to dream correctly. Working off a dream: how to dream so that everything comes true

“I have certain knowledge and experience, but I don't know what I want,” a client told me today.


I started asking clarifying questions, trying to figure out what he really wants. I didn't get the desired result. “Do you imagine your future in dreams?” I asked. "Not. I don’t dream because I am a realist,” the client replied.

The best thing you can do to understand how to find and fulfill yourself in life is to start dreaming and envisioning a future where the impossible is possible. All successful people that I have ever met in my life are visionaries. They see their future, dream about it. That is why they reach such great heights.

Most people do not understand this and do not allow themselves to dream. Most often because something did not work out in their life, they went astray and became disillusioned. This is one of the most big mistakes which you can make.

If you do not dream, but live a "realistic" life, then, as a rule, you do not achieve anything special and outstanding. After all, you don’t even raise your own bar in your imagination.


When you dream, you allow your brain to see a fundamentally new future. He begins to receive these pictures as instructions for action. In other words, you are telling your brain, “Do this for me. Create this in my life."

You can dream in different ways. In my coaching teleclass on THE AMAZING GAME OF LIFE™, I invite people to put on their headphones every night before bed with pleasant music and imagine their successful future. This will allow you to better understand what you live for, what you strive for and why you are working today.

There is an expression: "Create the life of your dreams." Allow yourself to dream in the morning, afternoon or evening. Find your way and do it regularly. One day you will notice that what you dream about has already begun to be realized!

Childhood ... Someone associates warm memories with this word, carefree. For some, this may not be a very happy time.

But one thing unites everyone: we all dreamed, we knew what the ability to dream. And dreamed of everything that the soul desires.

And for us there were no limits, no boundaries. How much hope there is in just one phrase: “When I grow up ...” Here we see ourselves as a doctor who heals people from all diseases, and now we are already rapidly rushing to conquer outer space.

And it became so sweet from these thoughts ...

And most importantly, we believed that everything would certainly come true.

The ability to dream Why are we afraid to dream

But we have grown and matured. We decided that dreams- silly children's inventions. And all because we afraid of failure and disappointment. We have become hostages of stereotypes. Having made a mistake once, we close ourselves into an impenetrable shell. We fear judgment from others, which is a sign of self-doubt. Our wounded self-esteem seeks a safe haven and forbids us to make any attempt to fulfill our dreams.

As a result, we go with the flow and no longer even remember that we once dreamed of something. Only somewhere in the depths of your soul it hurts when you see how yours comes true for someone else. And you haven't done anything about it.

We have completely forgotten what thought is the beginning of everything. This is how nature works: whatever we think about, it begins to materialize. Even if not immediately, but if you look back, could you imagine that your life would turn out in this way? And this is the result of your thoughts, maybe not quite conscious.

In fact, you just need to take the helm of your boat, which is carried by the current and thrown from side to side. Somewhere, of course, it will bring you, but will you be happy with it?

Set your priorities: What is really important to you in life? Perhaps you are not doing what you would like to do. Hence - dissatisfaction with life, depression ...

You have your way so don't compare yourself to others. It will only interfere with your activities. Maybe someone does something really better. But we are all different and unique in our essence. If you don't know something - learn it, if you can't - learn it! Surround yourself with people who will help you make your dreams come true. Patience and perseverance, as well as a burning desire and vision of the final result - this is what should inspire you!

Hello, friends!

Do not be surprised that I chose this topic for my post. This topic is actually very important. And I'm happy to try to open it.

This means that you and I will learn a lot and dream brightly. I know for myself that there was a period in my life when I didn’t know how to do this at all.

Yes, today I can hardly imagine it. And I can't believe that's exactly what happened to me. However, what is surprising about this?

I still meet people who are very similar to me in the past. And in the past, I could afford to dream only about what was necessary for me and my family.

That is, all my timid dreams were very prosaic and practically concerned the survival of my family. Now I understand that these were not dreams at all.

These were ordinary basic human needs: the need for food, warmth, clothing. Well, you understand: thoughts were occupied only with the most necessary needs.

When I suddenly dared to buy at least a little more expensive and much desired thing, I carried it home, feeling remorse. After all, you could do without this thing.

You could go through the winter in the same old boots, or you could do without something else altogether. I got used to it for a long time. And I didn't dream at all. I just knew that I was not up to dreams :).

When I got into network marketing and started making money, I had to make purchases that were unusual for me: beautiful shoes and business suits, a lot of gifts to friends and relatives.

It was a concrete break. After all, I used to say to myself: "I'll get by!". But the business got me. And, somehow imperceptibly, I learned to dream. What a fun experience this has been...

And today I know for sure: if a person tells me that he has nothing to dream about, that he does not know what he wants, then this means that he simply saw little.

He saw little, tasted little, sensed little, and felt little. And, as you know, it's easy to give up what you haven't seen or tried. It's simple!

Only when traveling can you experience a lot of sensations, you can get a huge amount of impressions and start dreaming for real.

In whatever corners of the globe I was, I always felt sorry for all those people who were not with me at that moment. I just felt really sorry for everyone.

I was sorry that my friends did not go with me and did not experience such delight and joy from the beauty around me. I was sorry that many of them do not even allow themselves to dream about it.

This is the most beautiful and most interesting dream - the dream of a new journey! Interesting trips broaden our horizons very easily and quickly.

As a result of completed travels, any person has a lot of new ideas and desires, new goals and aspirations appear. Travel makes life brighter!

If you have not yet decided on such a dream, start with small desires and whims. This is done simply. Most importantly, take this task seriously.

Stock up on a small pack of stickers and a pen, and always carry them with you. We tend to think many thoughts at the same time. But we must be aware of the main ones.

These are easily flying thoughts about what we suddenly liked or wanted. For example, you watch TV and see how the heroine of the film rides a horse beautifully!

And a thought flies through your mind: You would also like to ride a horse with pleasure! Catch the desire! Quickly write it down on a piece of paper and stick it on a board or wall in your room.

So write down:
"I want to ride a horse!"
The main thing is not to delay and write down the thought that appears immediately, until it also evaporates easily and quickly!

A beautiful car drove past you and such an interesting woman is driving! How independent she is!

You would like to be like that too! And ride in the same car! Catch the desire!

Write it down on a sheet as soon as possible. Light and shy desires fly away very quickly! Make sure to write them down! And then stick on the wall in front of your eyes.

Did you like someone's figure or just an elegant look? Well, I’m not mistaken that you would also like to become like that? Catch the desire! Write down your wishes!

I didn't allow myself to dream for a long time. Everything that I suddenly wanted, I fearfully considered excess. After all, things that helped my family survive were more important.

I thought I couldn't even dream. What is there to dream about, I thought, if we constantly need things of the very first necessity? And then I did not have brightness in my life.

I didn't realize that I was actually dreaming anyway. I was just afraid to dream, dreams were fast, uncertain, and it seemed completely unrealizable.

I didn't know you could catch them and record them. Thus, you can collect a huge number of your desires. And then make a whole list of everything you really want in life.

A lot of time has passed since then, I learned to dream and it is not difficult for me to write my new dreams. But I still sometimes write down some new bright desire, a new bright dream.

There is one more exercise. It is also worth doing it, since you, in this case, are practically working on your life. No one will do this for you and for you.

Imagine the next 10 years of your life. And, considering all your dreams and desires, try to write 100 goals for these 10 years. It's as simple as that: take a pretty notebook and write down all your goals.

To make the goal-setting process easier, I recommend answering the following questions: “Who am I?”, “Where am I?”, “What do I own?”, “What values ​​​​do I create?”, “What do I give and how am I useful to people ?

And then note when would you like each of these goals to be fulfilled? It will be very interesting, then, to see how many of your goals come true over time!

This is a very interesting and exciting activity. Pick a special time and place for it. It can be done on the train or on the plane.

You can fantasize while taking a bath or relaxing in nature. You can just retire to a cozy home corner and plan your future bright life with pleasure.

I wish you success and good luck in all your endeavors!

Svetlana Luchkiv was with you.

Can we dream? If not, how can one learn to dream for real, or rather, remember how to do it?

Indeed, in childhood, one usually dreams easily and freely, and dreams could be the most incredible - about traveling to a magical land, about turning into fantastic creatures, and much more.

Children are the greatest dreamers the universe has ever known. Their dreams are boundless, because they are not constrained by any conventions and knowledge about how the world works.

As we grow older, we gradually lose this ability.

And if in youth many still retain the ability to dream, and some of their dreams come true, then in adulthood, if most people dream, then their dreams are often very prosaic and practical and concern only what is necessary for survival - them and their families.

And to allow themselves to dream about something more, such as going on vacation to some exotic country, they are sometimes simply afraid. Thus, it turns out that the horizon narrows, and life becomes ordinary and monotonous.

Learn to want more

And here it is worth remembering that our life is what our thoughts make it. And if we want to seriously change something in it, then we should start by thinking more broadly and openly, going beyond the usual standards. And you must also allow yourself to want, to want at least a little more than is necessary for life.

Want some more expensive thing than we usually use, to want to do trip around the world, fly to the moon, win a million and much more. The main thing is not to limit yourself to limits, and start dreaming the way we did in childhood.

How to develop the ability to dream?

To learn how to dream, psychologists advise learning to "catch your Wishlist", that is, sudden desires. To do this, you must always carry a notebook and a pen with you, write down what we suddenly liked and wanted.

Suppose we are watching a movie where the hero or heroine rides a horse beautifully, and suddenly the thought flashed through: “I want to ride a horse!” Gotta get it right there and write it down! Or if a luxury car drove by, then the thought may flash: “I want such a car!” Or we could see some beautiful, unusual place on TV and want to go there.

Such suddenly arisen desires can be very diverse, and the main thing here is to catch and write down the thought that has arisen immediately, before it evaporates easily and quickly!

What are dreams for?

Why is this necessary and why do we need to learn to dream at all? First of all, in order to go beyond the ordinary, everyday life, to see the world with different eyes, and also in order to better understand oneself, one's true needs.

And you definitely need to try to realize at least one of these desires, for example, to ride a horse at least once and find out how we feel at the same time, how our attitude has changed after that, perhaps we recognized ourselves somehow in a new way, discovered in ourselves something that has not yet been suspected.

Or allow yourself to buy an expensive thing that you like, if you like it, without feeling remorse, without thinking that you could do without it, but rejoicing that you have it, and it deserves you.

By the way, this is one of the secrets of rich people, and so gradually any of us can expand our boundaries and open up the possibility for more serious, long-term dreams, the fulfillment of which takes more time and effort.

How to open yourself to dreams?

In order to learn to dream about serious, global things, behind which there are cardinal changes in our lives, we must, first of all, let them come, become internally open. And for this, psychologists advise following five simple rules"Professional Dreamers"

Start with gratitude. Think back to your childhood dreams and see which ones came true. Thank yourself, your loved ones, the world in which you live for this.

1. Time and place.

Agree with yourself and start devoting at least thirty minutes a day to dreams. Fifteen minutes in the morning and in the evening, or in the middle of the day. Make sure no one bothers you during this time. To do this, you can, for example, come to work a little earlier and dream alone over a cup of tea or coffee. It is also good to dream while walking, in the evening or at lunchtime. You can do this for a few minutes before bed.


As children, we could describe our future in the smallest detail, for example, a husband or wife, the house in which we will live, our profession. Dreams love details, so you should imagine your desired future as clearly as possible.

3. From simple to complex.

It often happens that we dream too globally, while we cannot imagine how we want to spend tonight or the coming weekend. And you need to move from simple to complex, for example, start dreaming about the perfect day in your life.

4. Smile.

Many people confuse dreams with resentment and dissatisfaction with what they have now and want something else instead. But this is a fundamentally wrong position, because a dream is not at all what we want instead of or in spite of the existing reality.

A dream is what our soul really wants, what makes us happy, not in spite of, but just like that. And if we really dream about it, then the smile itself is born on the face, because by doing so we wake up the inner child.

How to open a child in yourself?

And now we come to another important point: about what you need to remember, what you dreamed about in childhood, because these dreams can tell a lot about what we lack today and what our soul needs.

In childhood and youth, we tried ourselves in many areas. Not thinking whether this will give a lot of money and power, but sincerely doing what is interesting. Those hobbies that we gave ourselves entirely to. What were your dreams?

Maybe it was a photograph or a collection. Or maybe you have always dreamed of drawing? Or dreamed of traveling? Or something else your personal and unlike other people's desire, something secret? It is very important to remember this, because these are the desires of our true “I”, to refuse them is the same as to give up our soul and betray a piece of ourselves and God in ourselves.

Many people do this, but the price of these actions against their nature is very high - this is the loss of their true "I". That is why the first step towards returning to yourself and returning your dreams to yourself is the fulfillment of forgotten childhood desires.

How to fulfill your childhood dreams?

To become free, learn to dream and fulfill your childhood dreams, such an exercise can help. You need to divide a piece of paper into two parts, on one side write your childhood dreams and opposite each one - how they can be realized today, at least partially.

For example, you wanted to be a veterinarian and treat homeless animals. And if you no longer become a veterinarian, then helping homeless animals is quite realistic. You can deduct the available amounts to the account of shelters for them, or you can come there yourself and take care of the pets.

Or you might have dreamed of becoming an artist, but lacked the talent to realize it. And here there is an option - to take up photography: sign up for courses, buy good photographic equipment, post your photos on the Internet or decorate them beautifully, give them to friends and relatives.

How to learn to fulfill dreams?

You can learn to fulfill your dreams even without changing your profession, as one girl who dreamed of being an actress imagined herself as an actor, working as an ordinary kindergarten teacher. Naturally, the children loved her with all their hearts, as she always played very sincerely, and a child's soul cannot be deceived!

It turns out that, returning to our childhood dreams, each of us for a while becomes a dreamer child again, for whom nothing is impossible, who firmly believes that all his dreams and desires can come true. And in this way we can again believe in our strength, in our ability to change lives for the better!

The next step to discovering the ability to dream in yourself can be this. You need to imagine the next ten years of your life and, given all your dreams and desires, write down one hundred goals that you would like to achieve.

And to make it easier for you to do this, you can answer yourself the following questions: “Who am I?”, “Where am I?”, “What do I own?”, “What values ​​​​do I create?”, “What do I give and what am I useful (useful) to people? And then note when would you like each of these goals to be fulfilled? It will be very interesting, then, to see how many of your goals come true over time.

How to choose a real dream?

Well, the moment has come when you realized that you have learned to dream, that you have really serious dreams and desires that you would like to realize. And then the next question arises: where to start?

How to choose from a variety of one, the most important dream for you today, which you want to realize in the first place? And this question, the question of choosing which path to take, what to undertake in the first place, is actually very important and in many ways fateful.

And as one wise woman-philosopher rightly noted about this, “here you don’t choose, but the dream chooses you.” It sounds a little strange, but in fact there is a very deep meaning here. After all, everything that happens to us is not accidental, and the dreams that are born in us are part of our destiny, they are given to us for understanding, understanding what we came to Earth for.

“A real dream is a dream that is part of your destiny, able to light this fire in you. She not only comes, but also points the way. It's like a herald of your new stage. And it is easy for you to recognize among the multitude what you are this moment touches the soul the most. And you can't explain it. This is the strongest impulse. And more often than not, this is the hardest thing to do. But this is always the answer to the question, what is the most important thing for you at the moment. E. Sikirich.

That is why the best thing in this situation is to listen to yourself, and from the many dreams, choose the one to which the greatest resonance arises inside. This is exactly what we need most at the moment, where to start in order to learn how to dream for real.

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About a new bike, about how you will finish the academic quarter. What will relatives and friends give for your birthday. What will you do on summer holidays. What will you be when you grow up. Remember how you dreamed about your future family, imagined your husband, imagined who your children would become. Also, you probably dreamed that you would do something very, very important in life, imagined your future profession, achievements.

All children dream, never doubting for a second that one day dreams will come true. They live in joy and pleasant anticipation of tomorrow. And then, for some reason, they stop. The time comes, and dreams change goals. Clear, ambitious, consistent... but not so magical anymore. You move forward, reach the goal and, at first, you are proud of yourself. And then, just movement, forward and forward. From goal to goal, from victory to victory. And suddenly one day you notice that something is missing in this whole movement. There is not enough happiness, a miracle, and of course, a dream.

Why do dreams disappear? Why are the bright colors of children's optimism sometimes completely crowding out adult realism and pragmatism? How to revive the ability to dream? Let's look at five simple rules that will help you regain the ability to dream.

The first thing to start with is gratitude.

We stop dreaming when we don't see results, i.e. stop believing that dreams will come true. Remember what you dreamed of as a child. Many dreams have come true! Thank yourself, your loved ones, and the world in which you live for this.

time and place

Agree with yourself to devote at least 30 minutes a day to dreams. 15 minutes in the morning and evening, or in the middle of the day. Make sure no one disturbs you during this time. For example, you can come to work a little earlier and dream alone over a cup of aromatic tea or coffee. It is also great to dream while walking, for example, in the evening or at lunchtime.


Remember how as a child you could describe your future in great detail. Wedding Dress, or the castle in which you will live. Dreams love details, so imagine your desired future as clearly as possible.

From simple to complex

It happens that we dream too globally, but meanwhile we cannot answer the question: How do you want tonight, or the coming weekend? Move from simple to complex. Start dreaming about the perfect day of your life. Once you've achieved your dream of the perfect day, move on: "dream" the perfect week, the fabulous vacation, or the amazing year of your life. And you will notice how life will play bright colors today, not sometime later.


Many people confuse dreams with resentment and dissatisfaction with what they have now. A dream is not what you want instead of, or in spite of, the existing reality. A dream is what you want at all. What will make you happy? Not against, but just like that. And here there is the most objective criterion - your smile. If you really dream, a smile itself is born on your face, so with dreams you wake up your inner child.

Having started dreaming again, you will quickly understand how to regain your childish cheerfulness and the ability to enjoy every moment. After all, a happy, dreaming girl lives in each of us. And you will be surprised how quickly your dreams will come true. After all, dreams are a truly feminine way to create and change reality. A woman who knows how to dream is able to become a real muse and inspirer for her man, because dreams know no barriers, everything is possible in dreams. Having learned to dream, you will once again feel that the world is limitless in its possibilities and is ready to help you fulfill your most cherished dreams!