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Services Google Play Search Mobile Networks Stop. How to fix the error "Unfortunately, the application is stopped"

If you use a smartphone for a long time, it accumulates errors and one of the most irritating errors - Google is stopped. In some cases, the same error is called: application google Play Staged Services. In this article I will tell you ways to solve this error.

An error usually looks like this: you run the application, it starts and immediately closes with this error.

There are several ways to solve this problem. So, let's begin.

Receive the settings.

The easiest way. I already wrote, in different smartphones it is done in different ways. There is, on the example of Huawei 4c.

You usually need to go to the settings, then in the storage and reset. Or in settings, recovery and reset. Sometimes this item is in the section on the phone or about the tablet. Look in these sections, there will definitely find a reset of settings.

Update Google Play services.

From Google Play services, applications updates are dependent, the operation of some programs, for example Gmail, which does not work without Google Play.

Google Play services are updated via Google Play (oddly enough). You can see if there are updates by clicking on this link:

Reset the application cache.

The application cache reset also helps to get rid of this error. Go to the settings, then in the application. Click on Erase Data and Clear Cache. In MEIZU smartphones, it looks like this:

The error "Google is stopped" appeared after flashing the smartphone.

With this problem faces people who:

  • install non-original firmware
  • install the firmware not from your smartphone
  • before installing the firmware do not perform Wipe (do not remove old data)

In this case, as I have already spoken the article about resetting the settings, the reset itself will not help you. You will need to re-flash your smartphone or tablet, but already on the original firmware. On our site there is where you can find the original firmware for your smartphone. Please note, some smartphones have modifications and firmware from one modification, not suitable. The most common example is Sony smartphones.

Smartphones from Sony usually have two modifications - Dual SIM and Single SIM. And these modifications are not compatible with each other. You must remember about it.

Error "Google is stopped" appeared after updating the smartphone.

Another rather common case when we are updated by air, and then we get a bunch of errors in the operation of the Android operating system. Here is the Council one - reset the settings to the factory. Thus, you will clean up user data and settings. The problem should disappear.

The second option is to try to upgrade to this firmware not by air, but by completely flashing the smartphone. This can only be done by experienced users and for each smartphone the process can be individual, here you should contact the instructions for the manufacturer.

If nothing helps.

I do not think that none of the items helped you. But let's try again. The solution to the problem must be started with small and end with great, that is, by flashing the smartphone. The general plan looks like this:

  1. update Google Play Services
  2. clear cache applications
  3. reset to factory settings
  4. reflash device

Some of the items should help you. Actually, I talked about them in the article. But if it still did not help anything, then maybe you have an old smartphone on Android and, accordingly, the old version of Google Play?

If it is so and you have ended the warranty, try to find a custom firmware with the new version of Android. Usually smartphones with Android 4.3 and above in 2018 work normally.

Developers as a minimally compatible OS for their applications just choose the version of Android 4.3, so you should have a minimum of this version of Android.

And one more option.

Use the old version of the application you need. There is nothing wrong with that, especially if the developers have added a little new functional that you do not need.

Nothing helped? Write a model of your smartphone in the comments, Android version and what they did to fix this error. I will try to help you!

Nowadays, Google's application helps us cope with the most varying tasks. In any difficult situation, we appeal to Google and get a solution. But it happens that you impede the thing in the Google application, and unexpectedly appears a pop-up window with the inscription: "". And you also have to stop in the middle of the way. This is very annoying, as you have never received the desired solution and at that moment turned out to be completely helpless.

But it is not necessary to lower your hands: we will give you simple options for action that will help you easily solve your problem if you encounter this error. Teach and how to exit the position if Google search stopped not at Google Appendix, but on any other application. We also have a simple solution to such situations as screen overlay detection, stopping the work of Google Play services and many other errors for Android devices.

There are several reasons why Google's application can stop their work. Perhaps the Google application you use is already outdated, or there has been a different problem in the Google Play application. The trouble may be caused by the lack of free space on your device something else. At the moment we have 3 solutionsFrom which at least one will help correct this error.

Solution 1: Update Google app to last versions

An error "Google-stop" error may have several reasons, and one of them is associated with the outdated version of the Google Play application installed on your Android device. Therefore, you must update Google app to the latest versions to solve this problem.

How to update Google Play services to the latest version:
If in the settings of the device you saved the automatic update of the Play Market, then the Google application must be automatically updated to the latest version. But due to the low connectivity, the services may not be updated. You can update the Google application to the latest version on this link.

Solution 2: Clear Google application cache

Whenever you are looking for something in Google Appendix, some data, search results and search queries are saved as a cache on your device. Google applications may fail and because of the cache. You can try to clear the cache and see if it will not eliminate the problem.
To clear your Google application cache, follow the following actions:

Cleaning the cache can correct the error in the Google application. You can even clear the cache of all applications in the same way.

Solution 3: Clear All Google Applications:

There may be several reasons why Google is stopped, and a malfunction may be associated with Google's application data. Therefore, as an alternative solution, you can try to delete all the Google application data. Clearing Google application data will not delete the internal data of your device, it will simply delete the result of saved search queries that you executed in your Google application.
To clear the Google application data, follow the following actions:

We hope that at least one of the three solutions proposed here will help you cope with the problem. Google is stopped" If you have applied some other solution, and it worked, share it in the comments to the material. Your experience can help other users.

The question "Why doesn't Play Market work?" familiar to many users of this service.

Sometimes the cause of failures in the work are a variety of technical problems, or malfunctions in the device from which you are trying to use it.

Answers to this question are many - as the causes of the problem. Consider the most basic problems and paths, thanks to which you can find a solution.

Does not work Play Market. What to do?

Method 1. Restart Android

If the question arose in front of you, why the playing market does not work on android, first reboot the device.

Perhaps simply happened "hanging" systems with which users are often encountered Android .

And the most amazing, this action will help find solutions in the work of Google Play, but also with bugs of other services.

If after restarting the miracle did not happen, try another option to eliminate the problem.

Method 2. Relieve Google Play Market Settings

In most cases, when the problem occurs, the player does not work on the play, helps reset the application settings.

To delete all unnecessary information, you must perform the following steps:

  • go to the settings menu of your device;
  • in the menu, select the section under the name "Applications" or "Application Manager";
  • in this menu item, select;
  • when the control window opens, click on the "Clear Cache" button. In older versions, android, it can be called "erase the data".

Now you need to choose all those items that you want to synchronize. Most often make backup copies of "contacts" and personal information stored in the device.

Just click on the section you need.

If you think that Infa, which is available in the phone or tablet, is important, then click on the "Options" button and select "Synchronize" there, it will help to make a backup of all applications at the same time.

Then easily remove your Google account. When you restart it, the device will certainly offer to restore data from a backup.

Returning to problems in the work of the Play Market - After performing synchronization, return to the previous menu and, instead of "synchronizing", select "Delete".

Confirm the action. Restart the device and enter the account.

Deleting and restoring the account will help with problems associated with the work of Google applications.

If the playing market still does not please good work, try the next item.

Owners of gadgets, both old and new generation of Android operating systems, face errors by type: "Appendix Stopped". In the English version, sounds: "Unfortunately, The Process Has Stopped." The fault concerns many gadgets of famous manufacturers: Samsung, Huawei, Lenovo, Sony Xperia, LG, Xiaomi and others.

What to do?

An error may appear in third-party (user-defined) or systemic (preset) applications. The following actions depend on what application and in what situation it gives an error. If the notification is manifested with some periodicity or when you start the program you installed (Viber, Toving Tom, Cool Reader, etc.), use tips from this instruction. And if the problem with the system, which often appear on the screen and do not allow you to interact with Android, I advise you to further familiarize yourself with the recommendations to eliminate, at the specified links. From the list, select the problem with what applications:

  • - one or more applications from the Google Apps complex (Gmail, calendar, Google Play games, etc.);
  • - associated with updates to Google Play;
  • - application "phone";
  • - responsible for setting up the graphical interface.

In addition, system applications are associated with each other, it means that the error in one may affect the other. So, for example:

  • the problem with the settings ( can influence the;
  • "Downloads" can affect "Google Play";
  • "Google Play" is associated with "Google Services Framework";
  • the Google application is associated with

I also want to note that the cause of all troubles can be a third-party, not an optimized program, recently installed (or recently used / updated) on the device.

From your experience, I will say. The error pointed to any applications, but not only that was the culprit of everything. This maliciousness was constantly updating the "Newsline", which "devoured" the resources of the smartphone and prevented the normal work of all other programs.

How to fix?

It is necessary to carry out a complex of technical procedures, which in 90% of cases help solve the problem.

First, try to clean the application cache that gives an error. This is done in the settings:

Check performance.

Can still help rollback to the original state (if it is a pre-installed application):

Check whether the problem is eliminated. If so, I recommend not to update the application for a while before the new update is released.

For user programs installed, try the usual reinstall (that is, delete and install). Then check whether everything is in order.

Important! If the error does not allow us to interact normally with the interface, go to and follow these procedures.

In case the problem is in the application, Clean the cache and reset to the original state and their.

Additional Information

Perhaps some observations will help to push you on the idea of \u200b\u200bsolving the problem:

  1. The "application is stopped" may appear on old devices when switching from the Dalvik virtual machine on the ART execution environment. Error - due to not optimized applications under ART.
  2. In safe mode, the error does not appear? Delete or roll back the update of the program issuing an error. Try to wait a new version or replace temporarily on analog.
  3. Problem with keyboard? For a while, select and use it to a new update. Similarly, you can proceed with other, vital for Android gadgets, programs.
  4. Eliminate errors in Google applications can help. After, log in to your account and check the performance.
  5. The correct way to eliminate the problem is. At the same time, all personal information will be reset, so take care of.

Could not solve the problem? Describe it in detail in the comments. Common efforts will try to find a way out.