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Why we live in three-dimensional space. Why do we live since we want

What a person who visited 120 countries can say about this!

In order to deal with why we, people in the post-Soviet countries, we live so badly, you need to visit those countries where they live well. Simply put, you need to look at yourself from the side, because, as they say, it is always more visible from the side ... But not everyone has such a wonderful opportunity - look at yourself from the side.

But now one person has already managed to do this very much: he is very, very much traveling and has already visited more than 500 different cities and villages in more than 120 countries.

During these trips, the difference in the appearance of cities and countries and the mentality of their inhabitants was rushed immediately: in some, it was cozy, warm and good, and in other gloomy, cold and bad ... comparing philosophy and psychology of residents of different countries and level Development of these countries, you can easily identify the reasons why we live so badly.

Artemy Lebedev is the founder and artistic director of the largest, famous and expensive design studio of the entire post-Soviet space, the services of which are mainly large customers. It is called - "Studio Artemia Lebedev" ..

Bad life - Egoism

Each person has the so-called "comfort zone". And it is absolutely independent of where it is. Even the homeless has a comfort zone, though it is limited to his box from under the refrigerator. The poet's cause of Artemy Lebedev believes that the difference in the standard of living area of \u200b\u200bthe comfort of citizens affects much more than the country's wealth: for example, Russia is one of the richest countries of the world, but the standard of living in it, to put it mildly, is very weak.

Take Europe. The person living in Europe, the comfort zone applies much further than just his apartment: she captures his staircase, his courtyard, his street, his quarter. And even the center of his city. Despite this, it is noteworthy that the outskirts of European cities with all this are the same terrible, as well as our: panel housing everywhere is quite terrible, so the French mining town is not much different from the Donetsk dull dull.

As for the post-Soviet countries, for some reason the comfort zone of most contemporaries ends near their entrance door. The upholstery, which they made themselves on the door, will still enter the comfort zone, but there is no longer a centimeter from the threshold. Most modern inhabitants don't care that there: a terrible oil paint, a bike or some kind of fiftieth year, the chest exhibited by neighbors.

Everyone thinks only about rapidly self-comfort ...

Probably, that is why we have the same rulers: they care only about themselves and do not represent how people live. It would still, because for this they need to live with the people and in the same conditions in which people live.

Simply put, the zone of the comfort of the post-Soviet power in most cases is primarily their personal interests, for the sake of whose decisions, if it is honest, putting your hand on the heart, they became the "representatives of the people", and only then the people will be the following elections - It is necessary to do something for them at least ...

Any government acting without the consent of those
Whoever it rules is the exhaustive formula of slavery!
Jonathan Swift. Aphorisms and quotes

Thus, the indifference of each of us relative to the other makes us a slave of others! We are irresponsible to others - the irresponsible government comes ... Such is the tricky karma - the law of justice.

It is very important to understand that we are on the same round planet - the Earth: we are like one family, where the happiness of everyone depends on the contribution of everyone into this happiness. Therefore, the basis of a person's life is care and assistance to others, only in this case will be prosperous and happiness. Remember at least the second law of thermodynamics - the force of action is equal to the strength of opposition.

With regard to our case, more clarity is said in the third law of Newton: "The actions of the two bodies are equal to each other." The only thing that is important to understand is, the echo comes after a while later. So in the life of a person: most of his actions boomerang return to him through other people after some time ... the lands are round :)

Because we get what sow ...

Therefore, if a person is indifferent and selfish to others, then such a person will undergo harsh trials in life, which will change his attitude to others and vision of life. It is a pity that this lesson, a person will spend some of his and so short life ...

Continuation of the article " Why we live so bad"In the article" I want to live well? "..

based on Artemia Lebedeva


What are the secrets of longevity. Why do we live so little?

And maybe not enough, and as much as you need to survive the genus human? Should we look for the elixir youth? Is it possible to beat old age and live thousands of years? Each person in life is conceived about this burning topic, since childhood.

Let's start, perhaps, with a deep story, looking into the pages of the ancient Scriptures.

Here are the lines from the Bible: "... All the days of the life of Adamova had nine hundred and thirty years old; and he died ... All the days of the sifted was nine hundred and twelve years; and he died ... All days of Yenos had nine hundred and five years; and he died ... All days Cainea was nine hundred ten years; and he died ... All the days of Malelel was eight hundred ninety-five years; and he died ... All the days of Enoch was three hundred sixty five years. And he walked in front of God; and did not become him, because God took him. ... All the days of Mafusala had nine hundred sixty nine years; and he died ... All the days of Lamech was seven hundred seventy seven years; and he died ... "

Modern philosophers, historians, biologists and all committed "materialists", especially in "Soviet times", of course, could not not give these rows to the fictional context, clarifying, allegedly, to the fact that the bill was conducted in the lunar calendar and should be considered a year per month (in the ancient Egyptian) or for two (in Hebrew). Then, they say, it turns out that they all lived on average as much as a modern person - 70-75 years old. However, then why are all the other lines of the Old Testament, who have written down at the same time, as the above, where is the normal, in our understanding, human age is given?

"... 6 When people began to multiply on Earth and they were born her daughter, 2 Then the sons of God saw the daughters of human, that they were beautiful, and they took their wife themselves, what kind of who chose. 3 and said the Lord [God]: not forever my spirit Being neglecting people [simi] because they are flesh; let them be the days of their hundred and twenty years. 4 At that time, they were gone on Earth, especially since the Sons of God began to enter into human daughters, and they began to give birth to them: These are strong, sincerely nice people ... "

This is perhaps the most significant confirmation of the difference between ordinary people from the "sons of God." Moreover, seeing the "Sons of God" mixed with ordinary people, the Lord reduces the level of maximum life expectancy for new people up to 120 years.

Therefore, the more simple people with the race of the "sons of God" were mixed, the smaller lifespan had their descendants.

There is also a mention of the appearance on Earth from such mixed worst "Gigorn", which differed by force, and perhaps were high growth. They were destroyed by a flood (similar history also described in Greek mythology, where the "giants" are mentioned, which were also destroyed by a flood). And after the Flood on Earth, only descendants of Noah began to live. Moreover, from the moment of the "mixing of peoples" at Babylon, people began to have the appearance, which was the same as a modern man.

An employed picture comes out: mythological mentions, especially in ancient Greek mythology on "giants", giants, with growth, exceeding the human time in twenty, it turns out that they have clear intersections with other pages of ancient ledges, with other peoples. How much these giants lived, according to the scriptures, it is definitely not clear, but it is clear how many ancestors lived on an ancient Greek mythology - Titans, which really sometimes reached 1000 years.

The descendants of the titans and the Olympic gods (which comes from the same roots - from the titans of the progenitors - Gay Earth and the Ocean-sky), lived, probably, really 120 years. The diversity of the shipped apartments and demigods (from people and gods), which already "gave the power" not the sea and the underground kingdom (like Poseidon and Aida), and not even war and art (like Ares and Apollon), and pathetic crops and individual trees . Soon they stopped counting at all and attach importance to their names, as they were "merged" with people.

With each branch of the new branch of a generation of heroes-demigods, with each new mixing with ordinary people, the growth of supergigants of long-livers decreased, as their total life expectancy decreased.

This interesting pattern is worth noting. The higher there were people or "demigods", those who lived longer!

But all this is only the legends of antiquity and the facts set forth in them, definitely not proven, so the main emphasis of reasoning should be done on the current processes in the world and all of their features.

Marathon longevity.

The people of the ancient world, starting with the Bronze Age, lived on average for 20-30 years, but only for the reasons of incurable cases and endless wars. Almost less our primitive ancestors lived. Studying the remains of the cave inhabitants of the Stone Age, scientists at one time noticed that the bones of the old people come across quite rarely.

However, the desire to live longer was all and, of course, it was always. The last words dying in 1964 in Turkey, the student of the Hanger Ninea were: "I have not lived enough in this world."

If not to take into account that among us there were long-livers, the deadlines for our "fleeting" life are calculated only by several decades. Locked the man until 70 - great, the woman lived to 80, count - lucky.

Scientists of the past centuries argued a lot about how many people can live. Who said that he was not one hundred years who dreamed of six hundred (Paracels), and the most brave - even 1000!

Long-livers on Earth were always, but reliable facts could be marked only with the beginning of the census. Hungarian Shepherd - Side Ali, died at the age of eighty nine years, his compatriot - Peter Zortay, was born in 1539, and died in 1724, having lived one hundred eighty-five years. And Albanians Hoodie, having lived one hundred and seventy years, saw the 200 of his descendants during his lifetime.

There were curiosities. The English peasant Foma Parra died in the "heyday of the Forces" (152 years) for a banal reason - from the ward of the intestine after the feast, arranged in his own honor King, who wished to honor the oldest person in England.

As these people lived, it is not exactly known how it is not clear and their lifestyle. But you can clearly observe the lifestyle of modern long-livers.

Each of them has its own "horse". One is a strong nerves, with another good mood, in the third - work, reasonable food. Many combine all these factors. Heredity affected someone.

But what is the main, decisive incentive of the extension of life?

It has long been known that there are several districts on the globe, where it is not at all in the wonder "Bedryachki" in a hundred years. One of these places is located in the Alpine Andad Vilkabamba Valley (Ecuador). At long-time church records, testifying to the exact date of birth of children, doubts in reality the genus of long-livers disappear. The surveyed at the beginning of the 1950s for the first time, people turned out to be quite healthy, despite the fact that they have already stepped over the age-old line.

The climate of this area is not subject to large temperature differences; The average annual temperature is 15 heat. However, the terrain is such that walking requires effort, which is undoubtedly developing muscles. In addition, everyone who lives in Wilkabamba, from an early age and before the death, are engaged in the permanent and hard work of the extraction of the scourge bread. They do not know what is a pension and leisure of old age.

Nutrition is also not parade. All year round - vegetables, wheat and corn products. Meat - rarity.

Other "islands" longevity is very similar to the situation, the style of life and nutritional rations.

The Hunza Valley in North Pakistan is famous for the Hongzukuts, whose language, Buruski, does not have common roots with any language of the world. There, too, many energetic and vigorous old men in 100 years. All of them lead an active lifestyle, are engaged in manual agricultural labor, including deep elders.

Scientists at one time noticed that residents of Huns and Wilkbamba feed to surprise similarly, as if they were not separated by the Pacific Ocean. And here and there is food on the merits alone, - vegetable ...

There are also cases and long-livers of the Caucasian Mountains. Most of all in Abkhazia and Nagorno-Karabakh.

It turns out quite simple: live in the mountains, be a vegetarian, work always and physically, constantly move and do not change the rhythm of life, then you will live to 120-150 years old. But who wants to live in such conditions, even if so much? Some consider it a cortica.

It is quite clear that physical labor is the main rhythm of their lives, contributing to normal life and disrupt this feature, for example, retirement in our urbanized understanding - would mean breaking the organism's rhythm developed by many decades. That is, it does not occur with them, it is rather cruelly called "pension bankruptcy" - a very common cause of the sudden imbalance of the body and deterioration of the well-being of many elderly people who have stopped sharply labor operations without being in place of its satisfaction.

Therefore, it turns out that the workers of mental labor live longer. After all, they, in essence, do not retire, continuing to "work with the brains." And the strong and working pensioners who worked physically labor turn out to be not a lot, and their rhythm of life breaks dramatically, causing sad consequences.

Conclusion: Such people need to be prepared for the transition to a retirement in advance, looking for alternative load for themselves, perhaps sports.

Mountain air may also be one of the general features of long-livers of these regions.

But the same factor says that people living in the mountains, "biological watches" go slower. It is possible that by their standards, 120-150 years old, it is 70-80 by the standards of the city man who lives in a fussy "anthill" (city).

Association with an anthill is logical. The physical life of the worker's ant in the colony does not exceed 2-3 months, even if his death is not initiated artificially. However, taking off the ant from the "family" and putting on individual self-sufficiency, it is possible to observe how it will live for 5-7 years (maximum 18). He is no longer fussing anywhere and is not in a hurry, he has no experiences for the "family."

Why are the "biological clock" go slower? It is simply: at the Highlanders, some hormonal systems are weaker than that of residents of lowland, due to the addiction of the organism to the reduced oxygen content, and any adaptation leads to a general strengthening of the body's protective functions.

But if you go down to the plain, then there are many long-livers here, however, not in such volumes and not with such a long age. An example of this is the extreme districts of the North. The peoples of the North are distinguished by excellent health and often reach a century line. "With a long and careful study of the health of Eskimos, the doctor Hutton reported at the beginning of the century," I didn't notice some of the diseases common in Europe at all ... I did not see a single case of cancer in Eskimos and did not hear about him from anyone. In this regard, it should be noted that these people have cooking a minor role in cooking. Most of it eaten in the raw form ... I did not watch Rakhita among Eskimos, although it is quite often found in children in the settlements of Europeans. I have never seen In the Eskimos of the real asthma. Appendicitis is another disease that is rare here. Here you usually pay attention to the fact that Northerners often prefer food in raw form. But, it is necessary to think that such food is not "the elixir youth."

The common in the style of life with the mountaineers they have a normalized life, physical work throughout its entire. And in the northern air also does not particularly breathe (especially in winter), as in the mountains.

"Who is friends with the pillow, he will not live for a long time," the words of Sony Ali Gyzy Kerimova, the words of Sony Ali Gyza. "All my life I rose exactly at five in the morning." For many long-livers - not to see the sunrise - it means not to see a new day.

This also has its own poverty. It is noticed that in old age and with heart disease, people go away in most cases in most cases. Apparently, the body is at this time, greatly relaxed and supple. Waking up at this time, it is possible to "score nails" this door for death, and she will have to "climb into the window", which is not very convenient.

The characters of people who crossed the centenary border, completely different and do not depend on the total duration of their lives. Some of them combat, mischievous and active, and someone quiet and fatty.

But none of them do not have the nerves!

From conversations with long-livers of Abkhazia:

  • Your secret of long life?
  • "In peace
  • arrived by Mija Jobua.
  • Anger and envy shortening life. I never envied anyone and kept further from those who envied me. "

At one time, he opened the journalist the secret of his longevity, but he did not understand him.

  • Micah, why do you, Abkhazians, live so long?
  • And where to hurry?
  • But we would like to live so much, and all other people would not refuse. Tell me how you do it? What do we need to do to keep up with you?
  • Do not fuss, son ...

In principle, he clearly said and made it clear that it was necessary to seek to live in the rhythm and do not fuss (do not flutter the nerves), and from the conversation, the Soviet analysts concluded that he was noting: they say "Do not fuss, you can't hurt me .

As for food, it turned out that vegetarians and "fasting" among long-livers on the plain only 22%. The remaining 78% eate what they wish, however, all unanimously note that overeating is harmful.

Groundhog life.

If people could fall into the hibernation like Surkov, ferrets, hedgehogs and bear, then our life would stretch three times in a minimum. But it is theoretically, since all these animals, based on the ratio of the life expectancy of mammals, do not fit into long-livers of the animal world, although they sleep for six months.

In the properties that correlated with the long life of a particular type can be noticed.

The most durable - cold-blooded animals. Sea turtles and crocodiles live to 200-300 years, while they are less than all of the turtles consuming air, because under water it needs to save. Consequently, they have more slowed down the processes of life. Amphibian and row reptiles have a big advantage: when external conditions become unfavorable, they fall into hibernation and all their life processes slow down sharply.

Long live and fish, with favorable conditions, of course. Som, carp and shark live for a hundred years, and Pike is much more. In 1797, at the purification of Tsaritsyn Ponds near Moscow, Pike was caught more than two meters. The fish was heated, and on the ring stood the inscription: "Posaled Tsar Boris Fedorovich." That is, she lived about two hundred years.

In one of the German principalities, in 1497 they caught a pike with a ring on which the date of 1230 was engraved. This pike was born before the invasion of the Tatar to Europe and managed to survive the decline of their empire.

Pikes, Soma, Nalima live longer, as they lead a more passive lifestyle, hunting ambushes. Perch and roach live less (28 years), because they lead an active lifestyle.

Notice, here, like people, the more active and the nervous style of life, the more shorter!

The warm-blooded picture has a similar picture. They are active and faster, but also their life is shorter.

Shorting it in rodents: mice live 1.5 - 2 years old, rabbits 8 - 10 years old, proteins - 8 - 9, otter - 6 - 11. Mice live less than everyone, because they are worse. Dangers wave them everywhere, everyone strives to eat them, they are less and weaker. But at the same time, for your short century, the mouse has time to give offspring in hundreds of individuals!

Predators have the same situation: the badger, sable and the cuckor live 10 - 12 years, and the Wolf, Lev and Leopard - 15-17 years.

Slow, sluggish and crushed pets live much longer. Horses - 40-50 years old, cows - 30-35 years, sheep - 10-15. The sheep life is shorter, because in their pedigree there was always a fear of a predator attacking their herds. In addition, they are less than the size and can not stand up for their predator.

Long-livers are among the birds. Even in captivity, the Eagles-Berkuts live up to eighty years, Condors - to seventy, and parrots are almost a half century. And none of them leads such an active life as, for example, a city sparrow living 5-7 years.

It would seem that insects do not fit into this picture. But it is not so.


Bumblebee flies. The proportions and weight of his carcasses do not fit into the laws of aerodynamics. What supports him on weight and allows him to do such good maneuvers, which will envy any military fighter?

It turns out - this is a huge number of wings waving per second. All flying insects (except for butterflies) it is usually huge. Some insects have the power of the wing reaches 200 crashes per second.

If you imagine that a person is a bumblebee, then, sowing on all fours, and consolidating the hard artificial wings of the bumblebee shape in the hands of the elbow, it can be safely argued that the proportions are almost observed.

Now fly!

You can wave your hands quickly. Possess you even by the power of the bear, you do not raise from the Earth any millimeter.

And the reason? The point is not at all in the muscles. Theoretically, if you train them, you can make hands quickly and with power to carry out wrath movements. However, there will always be the limit of wave - no more than 5-7 per second. Why?

And because the degree of reaction of the human brain does not allow for such a short time so many orders. The velocity of the brain impulses is not correlating with the one that have flying insects. Their reaction imagines!

In the room flies she is 10 times faster than human!

When we enter the rolled newspaper over her with our hand and we try to slap it with all our speed, it can be seen that some creature smoothly lowers something on her, creating a threat to her. Fly has time to navigate that there is a threat where it comes from and where it is better to fly away to save life, after which it rises into the air and flies, making dozens of wailing wings per second. At the same time, it is most often avoided.

Thus, she has time for his short period of life to know ten times more than a person for the same period of time. That is, she has time to fix more events and intervals between processes. The exchange rate of cerebral impulses is faster than most mammals. For flies, one light day lasts about one of our month.

With a turtle, everything is different. She lives longer than a person. But the speed of its reaction is 2-3 times less than that of a person. For her, who passed on foot by a person, flies with such a speed, which is equivalent to us that he drove on a motorcycle at a speed of 50 km / h. Thus, for his life, the turtle sees and knows 2-3 times less than a person.

So who lives longer?

Or, take the dragonfly. It is capable of making sharp flights of the flight at an angle of 90 °, as well as bringing along the direction forward, suddenly sharply fly back in the opposite direction by the back almost without stopping.

It seems that in the next 200 years, humanity will not reach such success in flight.

And with all these advantages, insects live very little, sometimes not more than summer season. Most of all in the long-livers among insects advanced severe (beetles), however, in their maneuverability and the reaction speed, they are inferior to the refolder (bumblebees, bees, wasps), dragonfly and twisted (flies, blind, wheels, mosquitoes) insect.

A spider life is calculated for years, but their lifestyle for us is equivalent to the seats in the pose of yoga 95% of the time released to us. Weeping a web or without it, but sitting in ambush and waiting for prey (sometimes weeks), their vital processes will slow down to the state of the coma, in which it. But it is worth twitching the signal threads of the web, and the spider already becomes lightning in its reaction and actions.

Old stump.

How long do plants live? In comparison with them, the life of animals is not enviable.

A similar pattern of comparison of active life is also characteristic of long-lived trees. The slower the tree grows, the longer it lives. If you cut down a tree, then the upper part of the crown will not immediately, and sometimes even in a week or two. In addition, the tree has even periods of hibernation, while we are active.

The fruit pear, stuffing with manure, lives and "puffs", giving huge yields. But she lives 20-40 years old. And her wild relatives sometimes lives up to 300 years, comparing sometimes by growth (30 meters) and Crown with oak, although the peppers are small on it, like plums.

Residents of Queensland (Australia) argue that it is from them the most ancient tree of the world, the so-called macroman, who is at least twelve thousand years. At the same time, the height of its crown does not exceed 6 meters. However, to check this circumstance, the tree will have to cut, for counting the annual rings, and this can be done after his death (this tree lives to chop nobody).

One of the oldest trees is also considered a giant cypress, near the cemetery of the village of Maria de Tula in Mexico. The tree is still in full bloom, and the diameter of his barrel is equal to sixteen meters ("20 people with great difficulty can bite his hands").

American sequoias, are also some of the long-livers, quietly pulling the frontier of 4000 years. "It means to have age in a thousand years - it means that the young man is considered among these trees, as the older of them are considered contemporaries of the Bronze Age. Just imagine: a tree under which people hid from bad weather long before the heyday of the Empire Inca, when primitive tribes wandered in Europe, Lives now! "

Eucalyptus giants in Australia live 8000-10000 years. They reach the height of one hundred fifty meters and thirty meters in the diameter of the barrel. In the American continent, Taxodig American, living from 4,000 to 6,000 years old competes with him. Among our long-livers are kiparis (1000 years), juniper (500-2000 years), teasers and cedars (1000-3000 years).

All this is great at first glance. But if you think?

What is the main thing for any living creature on earth, whether it is a plant or an animal? The main thing is to survive his family. And for this you need to give offspring and as much as possible.

But who will give him faster, - a thousand-year sequoia or annual cleanliness? It is clear that the victory will be for the latter, if you consider the number of descendants from one plant. Consequently, one takes the volumes of breeding, and the other - the ability to live for a long time. So survive various types of plants, not competing with each other in the temporary space of being.

In the depths of the micromyr.

Searches for the elixir youth continue. Obviously, they will continue until the formation. The excessive optimism of scientists does not weaken, now since the 50s. If you browse scientific journals for those years, now we would have to live for 200 years and treat all diseases. The Human Humanity does not know borders about his knowledge! This despite the fact that he does not know what is happening in his head, and even how much hair on it!

Cloning, breeding, ... that we would not do, but to change the age of human life, we will have to change our DNA, and therefore, to change both a person to another creature that can live for a long time, but will be slightly and dumber.

Yes, unicellular is immortal in our understanding. They share, from each cell there are two new and death they do not have, like all single-celled organisms, be it bacteria, the simplest animals and even viruses that belong to the non-elusive form of life.

But, the human body, like the body of any complex animal or plant, is nothing more than the accumulation of the same unicellular. Muscles, blood, bones, or roots, trunk, leaves, consist of approximately thousands of billion of individual cells, the total structure of which is no different from the structure of single-cell, dwelling, for example in a puddle.

The difference between them is only that the cells that make up a complex one-piece organism, carry a death sentence. You can recall the Association with the ant living in an anthill and outside it.

Moreover, the memory of membership and belonging to a whole body, all microorganisms always bear with them, as if a passport with registration.

By placing certain human cells into a nutrient solution, thus the pristine freedom returns, it can be observed that they first develop as ordinary unicellites: they are divided into new cells, which, in turn, grow and re-share. But on a specific cycle, everything ceases. The ability to multiply disappears and cells are dying.

Such an extinction begins in a test tube after the fifty division of human cells. It begins approximately 27-30 years and first almost imperceptibly. By the age of 80, it dies up to ten kilograms of body cells, and then the whole colony of cells - a person dies.

Why do the cells of the body die, but there are no single-celled organisms?

Yes, because the first carry the code for the construction of a solid structure of a complex organism, and the second - no. In other words, even being outside this organism, the cells are still - its part and in the case of which, can recreate it from only two cells. An example is an egg and spermatozoa. Simple cells can be sculpted to each other with any means and any means, but they will never create a new one-piece organism.

Today, the main killers of a person are heart disease, stroke and cancer. If you defeat them, then a person will be able to live up to 150 years, how many livers live and live.

Then what is the meaning of death and longevity?

In equality!

The ability is faster, more intense and tracked to exist in this world, compensated for a short life. And slowness, lowestoreness and calm - longevity.

Live creatures relating to the first group will be competitive in this world due to agility, tensile and mass reproduction. The second, is not competitors first, therefore, to relate your contribution (leave "your mark") on Earth, they are forced to live longer to have time to do for their lives as much as the first.

The researchers of the aging process are convinced that "the best way to combat these diseases common among the elderly diseases is not in trying to defeat them apart. At best, it can increase the life of a separate person for ten more or less painful years of decryption. The task is that To defeat all the diseases of old age, increasing the durability of the natural protective system of the body. "

"People are growing differently," said Academician D. Chebotarev. - One years is addicted to marshy, illness. Others and in old age are preserved health and creative activity. So, there is no mandatory satellites of old age, it means that it is possible to affect the nature and pace of aging. . Searches for scientists and are aimed at achieving this goal. Tactical and strategic tasks of gerontology, essentially concluded in the formula - "add years to life and life by the years."

Sexuality also plays a role. Women, in relation to men, occupy a more advantageous position. They live longer, but not because they are often engaged in household. Other factors associated with the physiological characteristics of the female organism play a big role here. The task of a woman, like any animal - grow children. Consequently, a woman should have more lifetime to do so much how many men may have time, which do not deal with the process of upbringing.

And heredity can only play their role in those who have lived for a long time. Consider yourself: if only your grandfather lived for 100 years, and other relatives - no, then the likelihood that you also live up to 100 - 25%, and provided that you will lead the same rhythm of life (right up to the smallest detail) What is your grandfather.

So, our success in longevity lies in the style of life that we will choose for ourselves. An old age should be thought of "Spring": take care of your health, apply certain preventive measures. Much will depend on how a person belongs to the environment, to people, to his own and their work. Optimism and fascination, benevolence to other and confidence in their power - all this reliably contributes to longevity.

Conversely, - a disorderly, rampant life, arrogance in relations with people, nervous stresses in work and study, envy, quarrels, squabbles, struggle, will allow one side to leave "track about themselves" faster, but life will be shorter.

"Made a business - go!"

The one who lives in a metropolis will live less (except for the disease) than the one who lives in the outback, but for their energetic fussy life he will have time to do more than the second. So is it worth grieving about a small but bright life?

What did the Pakistani Hongzucut Highlander Hongzucut, feed on vegetables and working, how cautious? Compare it with you, where you are sitting at the screen of the monitor and the world around the world.

If you used all the benefits of civilization, then you need to pay! And you need to pay the acceleration of the time of your "biological clock".


  1. k.T.N., E. V. Mokhov; "How the world was created"
  2. V. A. Mezentsev; "Encyclopedia of Miracles"; ed. "Knowledge", Moscow, 1979
  3. k.T.N., E. V. Mokhov; "Time. What time is it, is it possible to stop it, why is it always flowing in one direction? Are there possible back processes? Is it possible to travel to the past or future?"

The science

The universe in which we live is not the only one of a kind. In fact, it is just one unit of an infinite number of universes, the totality of which is called Multivesened.

The statement that we exist in the multiverse may seem like fiction, but behind it real scientific explanations. A huge number of physical theories independently indicate that the multiverse really exists.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most famous scientific theories confirming the fact that our universe is just a multiverse particle.

1) Infinity of the Universes

Scientists are not exactly sure which form has space-time, but most likely, this physical model has a flat form. (as opposed to spherical form or shaped donut) and extends infinitely. If space-time is infinite, at some point it should be repeated. This is due to the fact that particles can line up in space and time in certain methods, and the number of these methods is limited.

So, if you look far enough, you can stumble upon another version of yourself.Rather, the infinite number of options. Some of these twins will do what you are doing when as others will wear another clothes, they will have another job, they will make another choice in life.

The dimensions of our universe is difficult to submit. Light particles overcome the distance from its center to the edge for 13.7 billion years. It was so many years ago a big explosion took place. Space-time outside of this distance can be considered as a separate universe. Thus, numerous universes exist alone next to the other, representing an infinitely giant patchwork blanket.

2) bubble giant universe

In the scientific world there are other theories of the development of the universes, including theory entitled Chaotic theory of inflation . According to this theory, the universe quickly began to expand after a large explosion. This process reminded inflatable balloonFill gas.

The chaotic theory of inflation was first suggested by Sosmology Specialist Alexander Vedekin. This theory suggests that some parts of the space cease when as others continue to expand, so allowing you to form an isolated "bubble universe".

Our own universe is just a small bubble in the huge space of space, in which there is an infinite number of the same bubbles. In some of these bubble universes the laws of physics and fundamental constant may differ from our. These laws could seem to us more than strange.

3) parallel universes

Another theory that follows from the theory of strings is that there is a concept of parallel universes. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe existence of parallel worlds is associated with the likelihood that there is much more measurements than we can present. According to our ideas today exist 3 spatial dimensions and 1 temporary.

Physicist Brian Green. of University of Columbia Describes it like this: "Our universe is one" block "from a huge number of" blocks "floating in space with a variety of measurements."

Also, according to this theory, the universes are not always parallel and are not always out of our reach. Sometimes they can embrypace each otherBy causing repeated large explosions that return the universes to the starting position again and again.

4) Subsidiary Universes - Another theory of the formation of the universes

The theory of quantum mechanics, which is built on the concepts of the tiny world of subatomic particles, suggests another way to form multiple universes. Quarter mechanics describes the world in probability conditions, while avoiding the final conclusions.

Mathematical models, according to this theory, can assume all possible outcomes of the situation. For example, at the intersection where you can turn right or left, this universe forms two subsidiariesIn one of which you can go right, and in the other - to the left.

5) Mathematical Universes - the hypothesis of the emergence of the Universe

Scientists have argued for a long time, whether mathematics is a useful tool for describing the universe or it itself is fundamental reality and our observations are just imperfect ideas about true mathematical nature.

If the latter is true, perhaps a certain mathematical structure that forms our universe is not the only option. Other possible mathematical structures may exist independently in separate universes.

"The mathematical structure is what you can describe completely independently of our knowledge and concepts, - He speaks Max Tegmark, Professor Massachusetts Institute of Technology, author of this hypothesis. - Personally, I believe that somewhere there is such an universe that can exist completely independently of me and will continue to exist, even if there are no people. "

Why do people live on earth? The answer to this question, the time of time, I was looking for both great philosophers and ordinary ordinary people. But no one has come to the final conclusion yet, because this task does not have a single solution. How many philosophical schools, as many opinions, and maybe more.

And yet some were able to pick up logically answers that could explain the existence of a person.

How often do we reflect on that and lives?

The most carefree time is childhood. During this period we are all running as caustic by native yards, pretending to pirates, superhero, robots. Thousands of amazing ideas can be swam in our head, but there is not a single question about the meaning of life. And why?

And only crossing the threshold of youth, man begins to look for an answer on him. "Why does a person live? What is his purpose? What is the meaning of my life? " - All these questions were disturbed by the heart of each of us. But some quickly discarded them, switching to more pressing problems, otherwise, on the contrary, they spent the whole life in search of the indisputable truth.

Ancient philosophers and meaning of life

Once Aristotle said: "The knowledge of the soul is the main task of the philosopher, as it can give answers to many questions ..." Moreover, he believed that any thinker should look for meaning in everything, since this search is an integral part of us. He taught what is not enough to take things as they are, you need to even understand why they are needed in this world.

German philosopher Georg Hegel was also puzzled about what a person lives in this world. He believed that such a thrust for the knowledge of himself was laid in our nature and is our true Ya. Moreover, he argued: if you understand what role is assigned to a person, then it will be possible to solve the purpose of other phenomena of the universe.

Also, do not forget about Platon and his reflections about why a person lives on Earth. He was sure: the search for his destination is the highest good for a person. Partly, it was in these searches that his meaning of life was hidden.

God's plan, or why do people live on the plan?

It is impossible to reason about the meaning of life and not affect the topic of religion. After all, all existing beliefs have on this issue. In their sacred texts there are clear indications regarding how their life should be held and what is the highest bun for man.

So, consider the most common denominations.

  • Christianity. According to the New Testament, all people are born in order to live righteous life, which will give them a place in paradise. Consequently, their meaning of life is to serve the Lord, as well as to be merciful to others.
  • Islam. Muslims were not too far away from Christians, their faith is also based on serving God, only this time Allah. In addition, every true Muslim should spread its faith and deal with all the forces with "incorrect."
  • Buddhism. If you ask a Buddhist: "Why does a person live?", Then he will most likely answer like this: "To become enlightened." It is this purpose that all followers of the Buddha are pursued: Clean your mind and go to Nirvana.
  • Hinduism. In each there is a divine spark - Atman, thanks to which a person after death is reborn in a new body. And if in this life he behaved well, then the next rebirth will become happier or rich. The highest goal of being is to break the range of rebirth and go to oblivion, which gives pleasure and peace.

Scientific point of view for the purpose of man

Put the chief church questioned. This was due to the fact that humanity received another version that explains the appearance of life on Earth. And if at first only a few have been agreed with this theory, then, as the science develops, its adherents became more and more.

But how does science look at the question we have discussed? Why does a person live on earth? In general, everything is quite simple. As a person occurred from the animal, then their goals are similar. And what is the most important thing for every living organism? True, the continuation of the kind.

That is, from a scientific point of view, the meaning of life is to find a reliable partner, reproducing offspring and care for him in the future. After all, it is possible to save the view from extinction and secure a bright future.

Cons of previous theories

Now you should talk about what disadvantages are in these concepts. After all, both scientific and religious hypothesis are not able to give an exhaustive answer to the question: "Why do people live on earth?"

The minus scientific theory is that it highlights the common goal, which is ideal for the whole view as a whole. But if we consider the problem on the scale of one individual, the hypothesis loses its versatility. After all, it turns out that those who are not able to have children are completely deprived of any meaning of life. Yes, and a healthy person is unlikely to like to exist with thoughts that his only purpose is the transfer of its genes to offspring.

The position of religious communities is also impaired. After all, most religions put more than the earth. Moreover, if a person is an atheist or agnostic, then the existence of it is devoid of any meaning. A similar dogma does not like many souls, so over the years I start to weaken the church foundations. As a result, a person remains one again with a question "Why people live on earth."

How to find the truth?

And what now? What if the scientific point of view does not fit, and the church is too conservative? Where to find an answer to such an important question?

In fact, the universal solution to the problem is simply not. Every person is personality, therefore, it is unique. Everyone must find his way, its meaning and its values. Only so you can find harmony inside yourself.

It is not necessary to always follow the same path. The beauty of life is that there are no established rules and boundaries. Everyone has the right to choose specific ideals for themselves, and if they seem false since the times, they can always be replaced with new ones. For example, many people of half every cell work in order to put the condition. And when they achieve this, they understand that money is far from the main thing. Then they are again taken in search of the meaning of being capable of making them and more beautiful.

The main thing is not to be afraid to think: "Why do I exist and what is my destination?" After all, if there is a question, then the answer to it will definitely be found.

Third dimension - why do we need?

- What is the fourth dimension? - You will probably be surprised, but every person happens there daily!

Attentive people existed always with extensive experience, wisdom, knowledge. They noticed and talked about it, but when society solves the task of survival in the world of physical, it becomes not before them. However, it should be recalled: you are not only the body, the task to survive is not the only one, standing in front of you, otherwise the person would not be different from the animal. Evolution never stops, it continues.

Man is not only a physical body, this is something much more. The body is a temporary limitation of the form of an expression of your essence, which you accepted on your will for yourself to obtain a certain experience. You can't even imagine how majestic you are and huge. The physical body and world in the third dimension really limits your potential. Your essence in this form is not very comfortable here. Therefore, the continuous imprisonment of the free consciousness in the shell (and, moreover, in extreme conditions) is a serious test. Serious testing and unique experience, causing respect for you, to the decisiveness and courage of your essence. But permanent stay in the physical body is quite difficult, unbearably and is not even impossible. Without which, in addition to the factors necessary to survive (water, food, favorable environmental conditions), a person cannot live?

- Without sleep.

Modern science is not able to give an answer - that this is (at the moment, scientists record only the state of the brain in a state of sleep). During sleep, while the body rests, you (your consciousness, which you eat) leaves the body. And this is another dimension. Waking up you do not remember anything more or only the last moments of your activity in another dimension that is pretty quickly forgotten, because this is the world of the third dimension (it is, more precisely, our bodies are arranged in such a way that everything can be started with a clean sheet, and that Not boundless opportunities, nor the vast experience and luggage of knowledge of our essence from other dimensions, could not interfere with the receipt of such experience as we want. Such rules of the game, for which we agreed in our will. After all, the game according to the rules is much more interesting than without them .

As the experience gained in the game, everyone passes the path, the evolution of consciousness, the stage of cultivation from infant to old age, from solving the tasks of survival to the experience of the sublime, from the illusion of the separation to a much greater awareness of themselves as part of the whole. Only sometimes, in exceptional cases, in particularly important, decisive moments of the game, the rules may be violated by those who created this game can come the essence without restrictions. This was already in the history of the earth and this will repeat again.

What we do in dreams is our reality. The memory of what happened in a dream remains with you forever, but when you are in a physical body, the restrictions turn on, and the experience is not being mentioned for you. To information which is blocked hard to gain access, but possible through training, specific techniques, hypnosis. If what happens to you in a dream is important for you to know for the successful experience of experience, performing your goals in the embodiment, then as a rule you can immediately remember this dream, remember it throughout the day or under special circumstances in life.

Did you pay attention to what is happening with you in a dream, what are you capable of there?

At first glance, it may seem that there is a complete chaos or vice versa, emptiness. In both cases it will be your real experience there. And in the first, and in the second case you will be right. You just reflected, spread ourselves to another dimension.

There is no time in a dream, but there are consciousness of entities that are jointly and create everything. Create through thought and immediately, instantly experience the result of their thought (for example, if you think about a person or place, you can instantly move there). And you are experiencing more deeply, more brightly, more fully experience emotions from what is happening with you, as you can call or the astral plan on which we learn an emotional sphere. Emotions of entities are emerging incomparably with the Earth (even considering the fact that emotions are very pronounced on Earth) vividly and in a wider spectrum.

And now critically take a look at yourself. Admit to yourself that sometimes you have a Kavardak in my head: Bardak in feelings and chaos in thoughts. Imagine what will happen if it is not a harmonious consciousness, this chaos instantly transfer to the fourth dimension, where the thought determines your reality, and the emotions experienced even deeper? Agree, not the best experience. From this mess we have on the physical plane. That's why we learning here at the beginning to survive (but there are always those who teach us human qualities, without this we would never have survived), and if we can survive and not destroy themselves, then humanity will continue their development over time to learn how to control themselves And one day completely finished its evolution on the planet Earth.