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The captain's daughter is the most important thing. Alexander Pushkinapitanan daughter

Roman "Captain's Daughter" summary

Already during the Boldin Autumn of 1830 A.S. Pushkin began to create prosaic works ("Tale of Belkin"), and also conceived a historical story about the notorious peasant war under the leadership of Pugacheva. The main character of the story, from whose name there is a story - the landowner Peter Grinyov, who managed not to succumb to the temptation to go over to the side of the Buntovshchikov.

Very short retelling the plot of the novel "Captain's Daughter"

In 1772, the 16-year-old Peter Greenoev of Noble Origin is serving the house with his servant Savelich for the passage of military service in Orenburg. Due to the rainy weather, heroes are knocked down from the way, but the tramp helps them. In gratitude Grinyov fouls to him Tulup from the bone skins.

Next, Greenoov serves in the Belgorod fortress under the start of Captain Mironov and falls in love with his daughter Marjo. Parents oppose the marriage of another young petuta. In 1773, a Pugachev uprising flashes. The ham chairs captures the fortress, and Mary's parents die. Greenyowa want to execute, but Pugachev learns the young man in him, who a year ago presented him to Tulup. He turns out to be vague. For a good attitude, the robber releases Peter from custody.

But the trouble still threatens the remaining orphan Mary. She is a prisoner in his own home, and on it against her will, a traitor Shvabrin wants to marry. Grinyov is decided to turn to the leader of the rebels peasants personally, and he helps him help out the girl scounding.

Fights continue. Despite the desperate resistance, the army won over the victory, Pugacheva is thrown into prison. Greenylava is also arrested because of the ceremony of Schvabrin, the envious fan of Mary Mironova. The hero is accused of "Friendship" with Pugachev, he threatens a link. The captain's daughter Marya is in a hurry to help out his beloved of the trouble. She asks for him the Empress. Greenyowa is released, and Pugacheva publicly executed.

The work of "Captain's daughter" in the summary of chapters

Chapter 1: Guard Sergeant

We learn about the adolescence of Peter Greenyov. They recorded him in the Semenian regiment before birth (there was such a tradition in the times of the Guards Zasil). Children's and adolescent years have been fun - for a certain Bopry, a French teacher, turned out to be a great lover of women and alcohol. And one day, when the Frenchman had fun with women and calmly slept after the battlement, Petrusha Grinev was able to turn the geographical map in the air snake. The angry head of the family gave his ears to her son, then kicked out the uncomfortable teacher from his eyes.

When Petrich was sixteen years old, Andrei Petrovich decided that it would be time for her son and serve. It was hoping to get to St. Petersburg, from the soul to have fun - but no, it was necessary to go to the distant Orenburg province. The harsh dad firmly decided that the Son must truly serve in the army, and not hang out and to participate in the court intrigues.

Together with the servant Savelich, the bastard went to the distant path. In the restaurant of the city of Simbirsk Petrush Grinyov first met Rothmistra Zurina. A cunning servant was easily persuaded in an inexperienced Junc and play billiards, and very hard to get drunk. Yunets lost a hundred rubles, and in addition earned a terrible morning hangover. At the request of Petrushi Savelich gave the most hundred rubles to Zurina.

Chapter 2: Department

Not easy was the road to Orenburg. Because of the bouran, the travelers are stuck in the steppe. Fortunately, an unfamiliar Cossack helped get to the inn. On the way, Peter Grinyov saw a terrible dream, which was proposed. But it turned out later.

At the end of the courtyard, a conversation with the counselo. In gratitude for the service, the young Barin decided to give the mysterious Cossack a hare of Tulup. The Cossack was very pleased.

And soon Grinev is finally coming to Orenburg. The old general, reading the letter of a long-time companion Andrei Petrovich, sends a cheap in the Belogorsk Fortress - under the superior of Captain Mironov.

Chapter 3: Fortress

The young sergeant Guard thought that he would come to the fortress with a moat, powerful walls, and a harsh commandant. Everything turned out to be at all: the fortress was a village, there was a frequency around it. Yes, and the commandant was not so harsh.

Grinyov met with the commandant himself, and with his wife and daughter. Also, the young man became acquainted with a young officer. It turned out that this is a desperate duelist Alexey Ivanovich Shvabrin, expelled from the guard for killing the enemy on a duel. At first, a pleasant acquaintance very soon turned to parshos terrible troubles.

Chapter 4: Duel

The gradually young servant made friends with Masha, the daughter of Captain Mironov. Friendship turned into love, and soon Sergeant Guard found out a lot of unsightly truth about the Swabron.

Having written Madrigal, Grinyov decided to talk to the Schvabrin. The desperate Zabiyak criticized the poems, and said a few bad words about Mausha Mironova. Of course, Petrusha got angry.

When it turned out that Alexey Ivanovich was woven to the Captain her daughter, but he received a refusal, Grinyov realized that his opponent was Brener and the slander. Duel has become inevitable. Rivals fought on the swords. The duel ended with a heavy injury of Petrushi.

Chapter 5: Love

After five days of the inappropriation, Grinyov comes to himself. It turned out that his love for the captain's daughter did not remain unanswered. It would seem that nothing could prevent the wedding - just needed by Andrei Petrovich's approval. Alas, an unpleasant letter came: the dad was tightly scolded his son for a duel, did not agree to the marriage and decided that the Toron had to translate to another place.

Such an unpleasant surprise was terribly upset of both lovers. Realizing that the wedding was upset, Grinyov simply fell in spirit. It is difficult to say how everything would have ended, but the famous saying was unexpectedly, the famous saying "There would be no happiness, but misfortune helped." What misfortune? Pugachevschina!

Chapter 6: Pugachevschina

Having learned that Emelyan Pugachev stood up at the head of the Maitsky Cossacks, calling himself the emperor Peter Third, the commandant of the Belogorsk Fortress was alarmed. There was a conversation about the impostor, and it became clear that this enemy is very dangerous.

I managed to catch Bashkirts with suspicious papers. It turned out that Pugachev is ready to go to the Belogorsk fortress and demands that the garrison surrendered in a good way. In the case of resistance - the death penalty.

Affairs are bad: the lower-seed fortification is captured, Pugachev is only twenty-five versts from the Belogorsk Fortress. Captain Mironov sent his daughter to Orenburg.

Chapter 7: Attorney

Masha could not leave: the fortress was surrounded. Soon the skirmish began, she ended with predictably: Pugachev captured the fortress. The villain was dissatisfied - why did the commandant go against the "legal sovereign"? The answer of Captain Mironova was straight: Pugachev is a thief and impostor, unworthy of the imperial title. The captain was hanged.

It was here that the prophetic dream Greenyov said: he was thinking to hang. Schvabrin, who has already passed on the side of the impostor, anticipated the death of the enemy. Fortunately, Savelich saved Pister from the gallows.

Having oath from the villagers, Pugachev was preparing to departure. Captain Mironov's wife, having seen her husband in the loop, was angry: the killer was a runaway convict. By order of the impostor, the captain was killed.

Chapter 8: Uninvited Guest

Grinyov is worried: the captain's daughter could get into his hands to the terrible impostor! Hurried up the young man to Popel, it turned out that, fortunately, Masha alive, and everything cost. Having calmed down, Petrusha returned to the House of Commandant. Savelich told about the reason for the unexpected complacency of the impostor: it turns out that the drunkard, which Greenhouse gave a hare Tulup, not anyone, like Pugachev!

Soon the young Guard had to go to the Grozny impostor. The situation was not easy, the situation was: really called Pugacheva a fraudster - sign a death sentence, swear to betray my homeland. Fortunately, managed to agree in a good way.

Chapter 9: Sliding

Pugachev decided to go to Orenburg. A commandant became Schvabrin, and Grinyov was not worried about the joke - what will happen to Masha? True, a little later, anxious thoughts about the beloved changed with a different anxiety.

The archite Savelich submitted Pugacheva the registry of stolen things, among which the notorious Hare Tulupe was mentioned. The impostor so worried that, it seemed to be an end to Savelich. Fortunately, everything cost.

Chapter 10: Siege of the City

Guard Sergeant arrived in Orenburg, spoke about the sad fate of Captain Mironov and his wife, about the dangers that threaten Mironovaya Mironova, as well as about Pugachev's plans.

The bosses of the city decided to defend. In vain - artillery was useless against the cavalry of the rebels, and Orenburg siege threatened his inhabitants of the hungry death.

A little later, Petr met the Cossack and received a letter from Masha Mironova. It turned out that Shvabrin wants to take her in wives. Do not hesitate, the Guardsman goes to the rebellious fortress - to help the beloved.

Chapter 11: Rebel Sloboda

After serious adventures, Peter and Savelich fell into the fortress, where the Pugachev hosted. Having hitting the fake sovereign, Grinyov told that Schvabrin offends the girl-sirotot.

The next day, the young warrior and the impostor went to the Belogorsk Fortress. On the way, an interesting conversation was tied.

Chapter 12: Orphan

Pugachev helps Peter Greenyava to rescue the captain's daughter from the hands of a cunning deceiver of Swabrin. The inlentible couple goes on the journey. True, the young Guardsman threaten trouble, for he is suspected of friendship with fruits.

Chapter 13: Arrest

An unexpectedly, Nigandanno Petrusha faces Zurin, thereby partner on billiards. They talked, and Zyrin gave a good advice: let the captain's daughter go to the parents of Greenyov, and he himself takes advantage of the hunt for the impostor. The Council was useful.

True, Pugachev was extremely dodged, but soon came the end of a terrible war. It would seem, now nothing bothers the wedding, so there is no one, it caught a new trouble. This time the hero came under court.

Chapter 14: Court

What to say, Vlip Young Guardian in large. And soon it turned out that the scoundrel was the incorrigible Scoundrel of Schwartrin. Greenwood threatened a link to Siberia as the payroll for friendship with an impostor. Masha Mironova went to St. Petersburg to talk to the Empress. At first there was a meeting with the lady, a serious conversation and a promise to keep this meeting secret.

Then it turned out that the mysterious lady was the Empress itself. Peter Greenyova was justified.

Characteristics of heroes:

Main characters:

  • Petr Grineev - The main character of the story, remembering the events of his life before marriage. Honest person, defeated the temptation to support Pugacheva. Author poem Madrigala.
  • Masha Mironova - The daughter of the commandant of the Belogorsk Fortress. Beloved Grineeva, later his wife. He managed to meet with the Empress and convince her in the innocence of Petrushi.
  • Alexey Shvabrin - Opponent of Peter Greenyov. Cunning, false, treacherous, sneaky and cruel. Babor traitor.
  • Pugachev - leader of rebellious Cossacks. An impostor, calling himself by Emperor Peter Fedorovich.

Secondary characters:

  • Archka Savelich - Uncle (that is, the mentor) Greenyowa. It was Savelich who saved Pister from the gallows, reminding Pugachev on the case with the Hare Tulup.
  • Captain Mironov - Commandant of the Belogorsk Fortress. It was wounded in battle with the rebels, for refusing to recognize Pugacheva Emperor executed.
  • Zirin - Clear guarkeeper, managed to beat Greenwood to billiards, as well as dispose of the naive young man.

"Captain's daughter" is a historic novel (in some sources - a story), written by A.S. Pushkin. The author tells us about the emergence and development of a large and strong feeling between the young noble officer and the daughter of the Komentant of the fortress. All this happens against the background of Emelyan Pugacheva's uprising and creates additional obstacles for lovers and threats to life. The novel is written in the form of memoirs. Such an interweaving of the historic and family chronicle gives him an additional charm and charm, and also makes believe in the reality of all that is happening.

History of creation

In the middle of the 1830s, translation novels were gained popularity in Russia. Secular ladies were read by Walter Scott. Domestic writers, and among them Alexander Sergeevich, could not stay aside and responded with their own works, among whom were "Captain's daughter".

Pushkin's creativity researchers argue that at first he worked on the historical chronicle, wanting to tell readers about Pugachevsky Bunt. Following the matter responsibly and wanting to be truthful, the author met with the immediate participants of those events, especially for this, having left for the South Urals.

Pushkin doubted for a long time, whom to make the main character of his work. At first he stopped at Mikhail Shvanvice - an officer, who during the uprising moved to the side of Pugachev. What forced Alexander Sergeevich to abandon such a plan, it is not known, however, as a result, he turned to the format of memoirs, and an officer-nobleman was put in the center of Roman. At the same time, the main character had every chance to move to the side of Pugachev, but the debt before the Fatherland was higher. Schwwitch from a positive character turned into a negative Swabrina.

For the first time, Roman appeared in front of the audience in the magazine "Contemporary" in the last issue of 1836, and the authorship of Pushkin was not mentioned there. It was said that these notes belong to Peru the late Peter Greeneva. However, in this novel for reasons of censorship, an article was not published about the peasant rebellion in the estate of Grnev himself. The lack of authorship led to the absence of any printed reviews, but many noted the "universal effect", which produced the "Captain's daughter" on those who familiarized themselves with the novel. A month after the publication, the real author of the novel died for a duel.


Description of the work

The work is written in the form of memoirs - the landowner Peter Grinevu tells about the times of his youth, when his father ordered to send him to serve in the army (though, under the supervision of Uncle Savelich). On the road with them, there is one meeting, which has fundamentally influenced their further fate and the fate of Russia, - Peter Grinev meets with Emelyan Pugachev.

I drove to the destination (and they turned out to be a Belogorsk fortress), Grinevo immediately falls in love with the daughter of Commandant. However, he has a rival - officer Shvabrin. There is a duel between young people, as a result of which the Grinev is injured. His father, having learned about it, does not give his consent to marriage with a girl.

All this is happening against the background of the developing Pugachev rebellion. When it comes to the fortress, Pugachev's accomplices first deprive the lives of Masher's parents, after which they offer Swabron and Ginner to swear to the loyalty to Emelyan. Schvabrin agrees, but the Grinev is due to considerations of honor - no. His life saved Savelich, who reminds Pugachev about their accident.

The Grineal fights against Pugachev, but this does not prevent him from calling the latter to the allies to save Masha, which turned out to be the hostage of Schwabrin. According to the conveyor, the rival is in prison, and now Masha does everything for his salvation. A random meeting with the empress helps the girl to achieve the liberation of the lover. To the joy of all the ladies, the case ends with the wedding of young in the Greeneva Parental House.

As already mentioned, the background for love history served as a great historical event - the uprising of Emelyan Pugachev.

main characters

In the novel, you can allocate several main characters. Among them:

Emelyan Pugachev

Pugachev - according to many critics, the brightest due to its color is the main figure in the work. Marina Tsvetaeva claimed that Pugachev flashes a colorless and faded Greeneva. Pushkin Pugachev looks like a charming villain.

Peter Grinev, who at the time of the story was only 17 years old. According to the literary critic Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky, this character was needed for an impartial assessment of the behavior of another character - Emelyan Pugacheva.

Alexey Shvabrin is a young officer who serves in the fortress. Freemets, smart and educated (in the story it is mentioned that he knows French and understands the literature). Literary critic Dmitry Marsky called Schvabrin "Pure Romantic Scoundrel" because of its treason on the oath and the transition to the side of the rebels. However, since the image is prescribed shallow, say about the reasons that prompted him to such an act, difficult. Obviously, Pushkin's sympathies were not on the side of Schvabrin.

At the time of the story, Mary was only 18 years old. True Russian beauty, while simple and sweet. Caught to act - to save your beloved, goes to the capital to meet with the Empress. According to Vyazemsky, she decorates the novel as Tatyana Larina decorated Evgenia Onegin. But Tchaikovsky, who at one time wanted to put the opera on this work, complained that it was not enough of it, but there is only kindness and honesty. The same opinion was adhered to Marina Tsvetaeva.

From five years to the Grinevo as uncle, the Russian counterpart of the governer. The only one who communicates with a 17-year-old officer as a small child. Pushkin calls him a "faithful holop", but Savelich allows himself to express uncomfortable thoughts as Barina and its ward.

Analysis of the work

Colleagues Alexander Sergeyevich, who he read the novel independently, made small remarks regarding non-compliance with historical facts, while generally opposing the novel positively. Prince V.F. Odoevsky, for example, noted that the images of Savelich and Pugachev were discharged carefully and thought out to the smallest detail, but the image of Swabrin was not finalized, and therefore readers would be difficult to understand the motives of its transition.

The literary critic Nikolai Strahov noted that a combination of family (partially love) and historical chronicles are typical for the works of Walter Scott, the answer to the popularity of which among Russian nobility, in fact, was the work of Pushkin.

Another Russian literary critic Dmitry Mirsky highly appreciated the "Captain Daughter", emphasizing the tag maneer - compressed, accurate, economical, while spacious and leisurely. His opinion was that in the formation of the genre of realism in Russian literature, this work played one of the main roles.

Russian writer and publisher Nikolai Greek a few years after the publication, the work admired how the author managed to express the character and the tone of the time he tells about. The story turned out so realistic that it was possible to think that the author was an eyewitness of these events. Fyodor Dostoevsky and Nikolay Gogol also periodically left enthusiastic reviews about this work.


According to Dmitry Mirsky, "Captain's daughter" can be considered the only full-fledged novel written by Alexander Sergeevich and published during his life. Let us agree with criticism - everything is present in the novel in order to be successful: the romantic line ended with marriage is provided for wonderful ladies; The historical line telling about such a complex and controversial historical event as Pugachev's uprising, - more will be interesting to men; Clearly discharged main characters and placed landmarks regarding the place of honor and dignity in the life of the officer. All this explains the popularity of the novel in the past and forces our contemporaries to read it today.

"Captain's daughter" - an amazing content of the content of the content of the historical work of A.S. Pushkin. While writing the story, Pushkin worked on the "history of Pugachev Bunt." For the sake of obtaining reliable information, the poet went to the Southern Urals to chat with people who, if they were not witness themselves, they heard stories from eyewitnesses of events.

In the bright, picturesque sketches of the "Captain Daughter" turned out to be more historical facts, portraits and events than in the "history".

The story begins birth and childhood of the main character of the story - Peter Andreevich Greeneva. The first chapter tells about the upbringing of the future officer, which Pushkin described in another work - "We all studied little by little, something and somehow." At first, the day brought up the yard uncle Archka Savelich. From the age of 12, he was discharged "Muschi" -Franzuz Gutener, "which was not very bored by the noble inexpensive sciences. So young Grinev reached 17 years.

One day, the Father decided to send Peter Andreevich to the service, putting faithful Savelich to him.

In conclusion, the Grin and Savelich heads stopped at the Simbir Tractor, where Sergeant Guard Grinene became acquainted with the Rotmistrome of the Gusar Region Zurin and lost 100 rubles on the billiards.

In the second chapter Grinev and Savelich continued the path further. Grynev felt guilty to Savelich for losing and for drunk. The lost amount for those times was rather big, the well-being after drunk wines also did not please. The young man managed to make appropriate conclusions from his offense. He obeyed before the old man.

Suddenly began to spindle the weather, they knocked off the way and got up. And here they saw a man going to them. It was a local Cossack. He determined the smell of smoke, from which side the village and ordered the yamchik to go to the other side.

While the kibita slowly rolled off the road, constantly falling into the ravines, Grineh under the noise of the wind. And he dreamed strange, and how it seemed to him, a prophetic dream, as if he had returned home instead of the inn. There he met Mother and led him to the dying father. But in bed instead of the Father, he saw a bearded physiognomy of the man, whom they met on the way. The man called Peter under the blessing. The dormant consciousness embraced the horror from which Grinevo woke up. And then he heard Savelich's voice, who said that they came.

Bearded man quickly chose his place on the furnace. Grinev offered him tea. But he asked him to order him a glass of wine. The young man willingly agreed. He drew attention to the fact that the owner of the inn and man with a beard was clearly familiar, and the strange, incomprehensible conversation began between them.

The next morning the storm subsided, and it was necessary to continue the path. Gathering on the road, the young man decided to give the bearded a bordee Tulup, to which the keeper of the Master's Governor, Savelich was opposed to the whole soul, saying that he would drink him at the nearest restaurant. Grineval insisted on his own, and the holy Tuluptic passed into possession of a peasant, who immediately tried to pull him on himself.

Grinev and Savelich continued the way to Orenburg. In the provincial city, the young man immediately set off to the old general with a letter from the father. He was accepted warmth. The general decided to send the young Greeneva officer to the Belogorsk fortress under the beginning of Captain Mironov.

In the third chapter of the "Captain Daughter", the reader finds out that the Belogorsk fortress was not far from Orenburg - just 40 versts and her kind more resembled a village than the fortress.

Here he met the wife of Captain Mironov and other inhabitants of the fortress. Vasilisa Egorovna was a wonderful woman, a real Russian captain. She delve into all the works of her husband, and almost on an equal footing with him managed the affairs of the fortress.

The first impression of Greeneva from the fortress was not the best, the young man buried and even refused dinner than Savelian's discontent caused.

Schwabrin appeared on the next morning. He was a wit, spoke in French well, and Grinev had reached for a new friend. Initially, friendly relations have developed between officers.

In the fourth chapter, it turns out that the service in the fortress was not so confused, as it could seem at first glance. Grynev communicated every day with the daughter of Captain, Masha, the girl ingenious and completely slightly, contrary to how Shevabrin was described. And between service officials, Grinevat tried to write poems.

One of these verses, and more precisely the song was the cause of a quarrel between Grinevo and Schvabrin, which ended with a stupid and meaningless duel.

In this episode, brief features of Schwabrin were manifested. He was not only the initiator of this duel, taking advantage of the chain of Greeneva, defeated him a hard wound, he also announced a duel Father Peter Andreevich.

Fifth chapter. The wounded Grineal lay in the Captain House. The wound was severe, Peter Andreevich did not come to himself for several days. During this period, Masha and Palash, the Nourish girl of the Mironovy, cared for him. When Grinev began to recover, he suggested Masha to marry him. Masha I also liked Grineh, and she promised to give consent if Petra Andreevich's parents will take her.

But because of the donos about the duel received by the old Major, he wrote a sharp letter to his son, in which there could be a speech about the consent to marriage. Father wrote that he would ask Andrei Karlovich, an old general, translate it from the Belogorsk fortress. Having learned about the refusal, Masha began to avoid a young man, Hoven himself got up and tried not to leave the house, except for the service.

In the sixth chapter in the Orenburg province appeared the newly "Sovereign Peter III", the Don Cossack and the Raskolnik Emelyan Pugachev, to whom the Lavra of Grishk Oreveyev did not give rest. In the captured fortresses, half of the population was the Cossacks that supported Pugachev Bunct. Therefore, at first, his "army" won. The men robbed the captured fortresses, and the nobles who refused to "swear sovereign", hung.

In the seventh chapter, Pugachev takes the Belogorsk Fortress, hangs Captain Mironov and several officers. Swabrin was among the "swear". A young Grineh was ready to say goodbye to life, but the faithful Savelich bled into the legs "sovereign", praying his life and pardon "Barsk Child". Here Pugachev admitted his recent companions in Savelich and Grinev. For the fact that Grineh presented a holy Tulup, (whom Savelich could say to the Word, ordered to free Greeneva, despite the fact that he honestly refused to swear and honestly admitted to fight against him, Pugacheva. Pugachev put the eldest over the fortress of Schwabrin.

The seizure of the Belogorsk Fortress is the culmination of the entire work, the events that happened here, turned the fate of the main characters of the story.

In the eighth chapter, Pugachev tried to lean Greeneva to his side, but he refused. But despite this robber, remembered good, I decided to let go of our hero.

Ninth chapter. Nutro Grinevo with Savelich went to Orenburg. They walk on foot, but soon they catch up with Pugacheva man and atman gives them a horse and Tulup. The robber himself goes to take other cities, and Schvabrin becomes a fortress commandant. Masha is sick, she is in delight.

In the tentmost head of Grinev, arriving in Orenburg, headed to General. He spoke about events in the fortress. At the military council, a young officer spoke for the offensive, noting that the Pugachevtsy would not stand against organized offensive and combat weapons. But on the Council it was decided to take a siege position - the decision is not rational and not intelligent. Once upon a siege position, the city was forced to starve.

Here he received a letter from Masha, who reported to him that Swabrine forcibly incurs her to marriage. Low person, without having received the consent of the voluntary, decided to take advantage of his power and helplessness of Masha. Grineh immediately rushed into the fortress.

In the eleventh chapter, our hero was intercepted by Pugachevs and delivered to the "sortie". He perfectly understood that he could not return alive. But the thought of losing Masha scared him even more.

Pugachev, he said that she was going to cut off the siroto, which Schvabrin offends in Belogorsk. He told everything to Pugachev, taped only that Masha is the daughter of Captain Mironov. Pugachev decided to personally go to Belogorsk, realizing that Schvabrin could not obey anyone except him.

In the twelfth chapter, Ataman demanded from Schvabrin so that he opened Mary's room and let him in a girl. Seeing that the deception and cunning are disclosed, he again goes to meanness, and announces Pugachev that Masha is the daughter of the former commandant of the fortress. But Pugachev released Masha with Grinev, gave them his diploma, who opened them all the roads into the land subject to him.

In the Thirteenth chapter in the same town, Grinev met with Zurin, who advised him to send Masha to his parents. This idea has fallen in the soul of Grine. Together with Masha, he shrugged Savelich. Greenish family warmly accepted a girl.

Grine himself joined Zurin's detachment, which fought against the riskers.

Fourteenth chapter. Zurin receives paper in which Greeneva was prescribed for contact with Pugachev. It was the last revenge of the little Swabrin. He slandered a young officer, attributing him his own lowness.

When in the estate of Grievo learned that Peter Andreevich was planted for contact with the ruffers and betrayal, the Father was upset, and Masha decided to go to St. Petersburg to Empress Catherine II. Masha met with the sovereign in the garden and told everything, without even suspecting what he was talking to Her Majesty. The empress believed the story of the daughter of Captain Mironov. Masha returned to the estate with his future mother-in-law from Her Majesty.

Peter Grinev was released from imprisonment, attended the square, where Pugacheva was executed. Soon he and Masha got married, and lived a long and happy life in the Symbirian province.

This is a summary of the "Captain Daughter" Pushkin, but much more interesting to read the whole work.

Take care of honor.


Chapter I.
Sergeant Guard

- Would be the guard tomorrow W Captain.
- not needless; Let in the army serve.
- It is pretty said! Let him hide it ...
Who is his father?

My father, Andrei Petrovich Grinev in his youth, served with the column of miniha and resigned by the Premier Major in 17 .. year. Since then, he lived in his Symbirian village, where he married the Device Avdotie Vasilyevna Yu., Daughters of the poor local nobleman. We were nine people of children. All my brothers and sisters died in infancy. Mother was still me by the Labukhat, as I was already recorded in the Semenov Regiment by Sergeant, by the grace of Major Guard Prince V., close to our relative. If the mother would give birth to a daughter in any aspirations of any aspiration, then the father would declare where the death of the innocent sergeant should have ended. I was considered on vacation until the end of science. At that time we were brought up with no longer. From the five-year-old age, I was given to the hands of a sterefish Savelich, for sober behavior of a complachated uncle. Under his supervision, on the twelfth year, I learned Russian diploma and could very well judge the properties of a greyhound dog. At this time, the father hired a Frenchman for me, Monsieur Bopre, who was discharged from Moscow along with the annual margin of wine and olive oil. His arrival did not like Savelich much. "Thank God," he grumbled to herself, - it seems, the child was washed, combed, fed. Where how to spend extra money and hire Musie, as if it was not my own people! " Bopres in the fatherland was a hairdresser, then in Prussia, a soldier, then arrived in Russia Pour etre Outchitel, not very understanding the meaning of this word. He was kind small, but windy and careless to extremes. I mainly, his weakness was a passion for the beautiful floor; Often, he received his impetus for his tenderness, from which Ohll on the whole day. In addition, he was not (according to his expression) and the enemy of the bottle i.e. (speaking in Russian) loved to bump up too much. But as wine was served only at dinner, and then on a glass, and the teachers were usually applied, then my Bopry was very soon accustomed to the Russian tincture and even began to prefer her to the wines of his fatherland, as not an example more useful for the stomach. We immediately found, and although under the contract he was obliged to teach me in French, German and all sciences, But he preferred to learn from me to chat in Russian, - and then each of us was already engaged in his business. We lived in the soul. I did not want another mentor. But soon, fate separated us, and at what occasion: Strochka Palash, fat and ripple girl, and the curve Korovnitsa Akulka somehow agreed at one time to rush to her legs, wanted in criminal weakness and with a crying complaining about the Musoe, who seduced inexperienced. Mother did not like to joke with this and complained to Pathushka. He had a shortwind. He immediately demanded the Frenchman's channel. Reported that Musoe gave me his lesson. Batyushka went to my room. At that time, Bopre slept on the bed of innocence. I was busy business. It is necessary to know that for me was discharged from Moscow a geographic map. She hung on the wall without any use and has long seduced me with the width and kindness of paper. I decided to make a snake from her and, using a sleeping Bopre, began to work. The father entered at that time, as I adjusted the urinary tail to the caution of good hope. Seeing my exercises in geography, the father pulled me at his ear, then ran to Bopre, woke him very carelessly and began to sink with ukrods. Bopre in confusion wanted to build and could not: the unfortunate Frenchman was dead drunk. Seven troubles, one answer. Batyushka raised him from the bed, pushed out of the door and on the same day he drove from the courtyard, to the undelated joy of Savelich. Those ended my upbringing. I lived bastard, chasing the pigeons and playing a leaf with yard boys. Meanwhile, I have passed sixteen years old. Here, my fate changed. One morning, Matushka cooked in the living room honey jam, and I, licking, looked at kipheny foam. The window at the window read the court calendar, each year they received. This book had always a strong influence on him: he never reread it without special participation, and reading it produced in it always an amazing excitement of bile. Mother who knew all his shorts and customs, always tried to shove the unfortunate book as small as possible, and thus the court calendar did not come across his eyes sometimes for the whole months. But when he accidentally found him, then it happened, for the whole clock did not let out of his hands. So, the father read the court calendar, occasionally shrugging and repeating in a low voice: "General-lieutenant! .. He was a sergeant in my company! .. Both Russian orders of Cavalier! .. And long ago, we finally threw the calendar On the sofa and plunged into thought, not foreshadowed anything good. Suddenly he turned to Mother: "Avdota Vasilyevna, and how old is Petrush?" "Yes, I went the seventeenth nodok," Mother answered. - Petrusha was born at that very year, as the aunt Nastasya Garasimovna turned around, and when else ... "Good," Batyushka interrupted, "he's time to serve. Fully to run on the girl and climb on the pigeon. " The idea of \u200b\u200bthe ambulance with me so hit the mother, that she dropped a spoon in a saucepan, and tears flowed down her face. On the contrary, it is difficult to describe my admiration. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe service merged in me with thoughts about freedom, about the pleasures of the St. Petersburg life. I imagined myself an officer of the guard, which, according to my opinion, was the riding the well-being of the human. Batyushka did not like to change his intentions, nor postpone their execution. My day departure was appointed. On the eve, the Batyushka announced that he intends to write with me to the future to my boss, and demanded a pen and paper. - Do not forget, Andrei Petrovich, - said Mother, - to bow and prince b.; I, they say, I hope that he will not leave parsois with his Milosts. - What kind of nonsense! - I answered the father frowning. - What is the start I will write to the prince B.? - Why did you say that you will be expected to write to the chief of Petrushi? - Well, what? - Yes, because the head of Petrushin - Prince B. After all, Petrusha is recorded in the Semenov Regiment. - Recorded by! And what is the case, what is he recorded? Petrusha will not go to Petersburg. What will he learn, serving in St. Petersburg? Motion and hang? No, let him serve in the army, and it pulls the strap, yes, I'm powder, and there will be a soldier, and not Shamaton. Recorded in Guard! Where is his pashport? Feed it here. Mother found my passport, stored in her box with the sorochkoy, in which they were baptized, and handed his hand to his father. The father read it with attention, put it in front of him on the table and began his letter. Curiosity tormented me: where do you send me if not in St. Petersburg? I did not give my eyes off the pen Batyushkin, which was moving quite slowly. Finally, he cumshot, sealed a letter in one pack with a passport, took off his glasses and, suspected me, said: "Here is a letter to Andrei Karlovich R., my old comrade and a friend. You go to Orenburg to serve under his boss. " So all my brilliant hopes collapsed! Instead of a funny Petersburg life, I was waiting for me to bored in the side of the deaf and remote. The service, which I thought about the minute with such a delight, seemed to me serious misfortune. But there was nothing to argue. The other day the in the morning was gone to the porch of the road cystic; They laid a suitcase in it, a cellar with a tea device and knots with buns and cakes, the latest signs of homemade downturn. My parents blessed me. Batyushka told me: "Goodbye, Peter. Serve right to whom they swear; Listen to chiefs; for their caress do not chase; do not ask for service; from service do not discharge; And remember the proverb: Take care of the dream dress, and the honor of the Smalod. " Mother in tears punished me to take care of my health, and Savelich look at the diet. They put on me a hare Tulup, and on top of the foxes a fur coat. I took a kibitu with Savelich and went on the road, pouring into tears. On the same night I came to Simbirsk, where the day was to stay for the purchase of the necessary things that was entrusted to Savelich. I stopped in the restaurant. Savelich went on the bench in the morning. Bosques look out of the window on the dirty alley, I went to wander throughout the rooms. Included in Billiard, I saw a high Barin about thirty-five years old, with a long black mustache, in a bathrobe, with a coch in hand and with a tube in the teeth. He played with a marker, who drank a glass of vodka when winning, and when he losted was to climb a billiard to the four. I began to look at their game. The stronger she continued, those winters on the fourthinks became more common until finally the marker remained under the billiard. Barin said several strong expressions over him in the form of a tombstone and suggested that I play a party. I refused to inability. It seemed to him, apparently, strange. He looked at me as if with regret; However, we talked. I learned that his name is Ivan Ivanovich Zurin, that he is Rothmist Gusar Regiment and is in Simbirsk during the reception recruit, and it is in the restaurant. Zurin invited me to dine with him together than God sent, in soldiers. I agreed with the hunt. We sat down at the table. Zirin drank a lot and sleeved me and me, saying that it was easy to get used to the service; He told me army anecdotes, from whom I almost got sick with laughter, and we got up because of the table perfect friends. Here he volunteered to learn me to play in Billiard. "It," he said, "it is necessary for our brother serving." In the campaign, for example, come in place - how do you order to do? After all, not still to beat Jews. Insecurity will go to the restaurant and you will play in the billiard; And in order to be able to play! " I was completely convinced and with great adjacent set for a doctrine. Zurin loudly encouraged me, was divided by my rapid success and, after several lessons, he invited me to play money, one penny, not for winning, and so that only not to play for nothing that, according to him, the most bad habit. I agreed on me, and Zirin ordered to file a punch and persuaded me try, repeating that I was needed for the service; And without punch as the service! I listened to him. Meanwhile, our game continued. The more often I killed from my glan, the one became bravely. The balls came up with me through my board; I was hot, Branled Marker, who believed God knows how, an hour from the hour multiplied the game, in a word - he behaved like a boy who broke into the will. Meanwhile, time passed unnoticed. Zirin looked at the clock, put a cue and announced me that I lost one hundred rubles. It embarrassed me a little. My money was at Savelich. I began to apologize. Zyrin interrupted me: "Homes! Not expected and worry. I can and wait, and I will travel to Arinushka. " What do you need? Day I cumsily cumshot as thick as it started. We rushed in Arinushka. Zurin jumped to me, repeating that it was necessary to get used to the service. Run from the table, I barely kept on my feet; At midnight, Zyrin took me to the restaurant. Savelich met us on the porch. He painted, seeing undoubted signs of my zeal to the service. "What is it, sir, with you have done? - He told a pitiful voice, - where did you load it? AHTI Lord! The father of such sin did not happen! " - "Silence, Cherych! "I answered him, stamping," you, right, drunk, went to sleep ... and squeeze me. " Another day I woke up with my headache, vaguely reclamation myself yesterday's incidents. My reflections were interrupted by Savelich, which would come to me with a cup of tea. "Early, Peter Andreich," he said to me, shaking his head, "you start to walk early. And who did you go? It seems neither the father, nor grandfather drunkards were; There is nothing to say about the mother and talk about: in addition to kvas, they did not want to take anything in the mouth. And who is to blame everything? Damned Musoe. That's the point, it happened, to Antipyevna will touch: "Madame, the same Wu with, vodka". Here you also have Wu when! Needless to say: Probrentized, the dog son. And it was necessary to hire a bassurman in uncle, as if the Barina did not and their people! " I was ashamed. I turned away and told him: "Look out, Savelich; I do not want tea. " But Savelich was wisely to learn when, it happened, I will take care of the sermon. "You see, Peter Andreich, what to pour. And the head is hard, and I don't want to eat. A person who drinks is not suitable for anything ... drink a cucumber brine with honey, but we would only better sleep a half-dollar tincture. Will you do not order? " At this time, the boy entered and filed a note from I. I. Zurin. I turned it out and read the following lines:

"Saverny Peter Andreevich, please come to me with my boy a hundred rubles that I lost yesterday. I have an extreme need for money.

Ready to services

Ivan Zurin. "

There was nothing to do. I took the view indifferent and, turning to Savelich, who was and money, and lingerie, and the cases of my launder, ordered to give the boy a hundred rubles. "How! what for?" Asked Amazed Savelich. "I owe them to him," I answered with all kinds of coldness. "Should! - Sawelich objected, an hour from the hour given to greater amazement, - yes, when, sir, you managed to blame him? The matter is not okay. Will your sir, and I will not give up the money. " I thought that if I would not remember the stubborn old age in a decisive moment, then later it would be difficult for me to get rid of his guardianship, and, looking at him proudly, said: "I am your master, and you are my servant. My money. I lost them, because I did it so much. And I advise you not to be clever and do what they are ordered. " Savelich was struck by my words that shielded his hands and dumbfounded. "What are you standing!" I shouted angrily. Savelich cried. "Batyushka Peter Andreich," he said a trembling voice, "you don't know me with sadness." Light you are mine! Listen to me, old man: Write to this robber, that you joked that we and there are no such money. One hundred rubles! God you are merciful! Tell me that your parents firmly downloaded not to play, as in nuts ... "-" Fully lie, "I interrupted strictly," give money here or I'm running around. " Savelich looked at me with deep bitterness and went for my debt. I was a pity to the poor old man; But I wanted to escape to the will and prove that I'm not a child. Money was delivered to Zurina. Savelich hurried to take me out of the damned tavern. He appeared with the news that horses are ready. With a restless consistency and with silent repentance, I left the Simbirsk, not afraid of my teacher and not thinking with him ever seen.

to become a teacher (Franz.).

This work passed into public domain. The work is written by the author who deceased more than seventy years ago, and published in vigenous, or posthumously, but since the publication more than seventy years have passed since the publication. It can be freely used by any person without anyone harmony or permission and without paying the author's remuneration.

Take care of honor.

Chapter I. Sergeant Guard.

Would guvia he tomorrow W Captain.

Togo is not necessary; Let in the army serve.

Prettyly said! Let him hide it ...

Who is his father?


My father Andrei Petrovich Grinevo in his youth he served as a column of miniha, and resigned by the Premier Major in 17 .. year. Since then, he lived in his Symbirian village, where he married the maiden of Avdoti Vasilyevna Yu., Daughters of the poor local nobleman. We were nine people of children. All my brothers and sisters died in infancy.

Mother was still me by the Labukhat, as I was already recorded in the Semenovsky regiment Sergeant, by the grace of Maira Guard Prince B., close to our relative. If the mother gave birth to a daughter in any aspirations of any aspiration, then the father would declare where the death of the innocent sergeant was about the death and the matter would end. I was considered on vacation until the end of science. At that time, we were brought up with no noise. From the five-year-old age, I was given to the hands of a sterefish Savelich, for sober behavior of a complachated uncle. Under his supervision, on the twelfth year, I learned Russian diploma and could very well judge the properties of a greyhound dog. At this time, the father hired a Frenchman for me, Monsieur Bopre, who was discharged from Moscow along with the annual margin of wine and olive oil. His arrival did not like Savelich much. "Thank God," he grumbled about himself - "It seems, the child was washed, combed, fed. Where how to spend extra money, and hire Musie, as if it did not become! "

Bopre in the fatherland was a hairdresser, then in Prussia soldier, then came to Russia Pour ytre Outchitel, not very understanding the meanings of this word. He was kind small, but windy and careless to extremes. I mainly, his weakness was a passion for the beautiful floor; It was not rare for his tenderness, he received the shocks, from which Ohll on the whole day. In addition, he was not (according to his expression) and the enemy of the bottle, i.e. (speaking in Russian) loved her bullshore. But as wine was served only at lunch, and then in a glass, and the teachers were usually applied, then my Bopre was very soon accustomed to the Russian tincture, and even began to prefer her to the wines of his fatherland, as not an example more useful for the stomach. We immediately revealed, and although under the contract he was obliged to teach me in French, in German and all sciences, but he preferred to learn something from me to chat in Russian, - and then each of us was already engaged in his business. We lived in the soul. I did not want another mentor. But soon, fate separated us, and at what occasion:

Strochka Palash, fat and ripple girl, and the curve Korovnitsa Akulka somehow agreed at one time to rush to her legs, wanted in criminal weakness and with a crying complaining about the Musoe, who seduced inexperienced. Mother did not like to joke with this, and complained to the father. He had a shortwind. He immediately demanded the Frenchman's channel. Reported that Musoe gave me his lesson. Batyushka went to my room. At that time, Bopre slept on the bed of innocence. I was busy business. It is necessary to know that for me was discharged from Moscow a geographic map. She hung on the wall without any use and has long seduced me with the width and kindness of paper. I decided to make a snake out of it, and taking advantage of a sleeping Bopre, got for work. The father entered at that time, as I adjusted the urinary tail to the caution of good hope. Seeing my exercises in geography, the father baptized me at his ear, then ran to Bopre, woke him very carelessly, and began to sink with ukrods. Bopry in confusion wanted to build, and could not: the unfortunate Frenchman was dead drunk. Seven troubles, one answer. The father behind the gate lifted him from the bed, pushed out of the door, and on the same day he drove from the courtyard, to the undelated joy of Savelich. Those ended my upbringing.

I lived a baking sheet, chasing the pigeons and playing in Chahard with yard boys. Meanwhile, I have passed sixteen years old. Here, my fate changed.

One day, Matushka cooked in the living room honey jam and I, licking, looked at kipheny foam. The window at the window read the court calendar, each year they received. This book had always a strong influence on him: he never reread it without special participation, and reading it produced in it always an amazing excitement of bile. Mother who knew all his shorts and customs, always tried to shove the unfortunate book as small as possible, and thus the court calendar did not come across his eyes sometimes for the whole months. But when he accidentally found him, it happened for an entire hour did not let out of his hands. So the father read the court calendar, occasionally shaking his shoulders and repeating in a low voice: "Lieutenar-General! .. He was a sergeant in my company! ... Both Russian orders of Kava Ler! .. And long ago, we finally threw the calendar to the sofa and plunged into thought, not foreshadowed anything good.

Suddenly he turned to Mother: "Avdota Vasilyevna, and how old is Petrush?"

Yes, I went the seventeenth nodok, - answered Mother. - Petrusha was born at that very year, as the aunt Nastasya Garasimovna turned around, and when else ...

"Good" - interrupted Batyushka, "he is time to serve him. Fully to run on the girl, but climb into the pigeon. "

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe ambulance with me so hit the mother, that she dropped a spoon in a saucepan, and tears flowed down her face. Opposite it is difficult to describe my admiration. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe service merged in me with thoughts about freedom, about the pleasures of the St. Petersburg life. I imagined myself an officer of the guard, that according to my opinion was the faith of the well-being of the human.