Repairs Design Furniture

How to pour the rink in the garden with your own hands. How to pour ice rink in the yard with your own hands. At what temperature, the roller is poured, the order of execution of the fill

Skates and skis are the most affordable winter entertainment for the whole family. Today in the artificial rinks in the city there is no shortage. But it is more convenient to have an affordable ice in myself under the side, in the fresh air, so as not to spend time and do not stand in the queues. We tell how to independently equip the rink under the windows.

Choose a place under the rink

First of all, it is worth finding out if it is possible to equip the rink in the selected place at all. If you have identified your household plot under this winter fun or at the cottage, the question is automatically removed. In the usual urban yard, pour the rink is most complicated. Requires the consent of those responsible for this territory.

You can get permissions in the municipality (City Hall, District Administration, Senconsome), in the Management Company, if any, or in HOA. Paper with coordination will save you time, nerves and, most likely, finance. For this, you may have to collect from the residents of the neighboring houses of signatures.

If you have chosen a natural reservoir, the water legislation, which establishes water protection zones, is also taken into account. The choice of the river or lake under the roller is not the most optimal solution: safety requirements are higher, and the ice of the reservoir is often uneven, with swollen and stocks, will have to smoke.

Well, if there is already an old hockey box in the yard, but it happens not always. What are the requirements for the space for the rink exist? The playground should be smooth, ideally an asphalt or primary, unable, located at a considerable distance from the roadway, intersection, emergency buildings, butt and so on. In principle, the wasteland is suitable for these purposes, place in the park or square, the stadium.

The next important point is the size of the rink. Lovers of skates are unlikely to deal with something one: someone loves hockey, someone just wants to run a couple of circles after the working day. As a basis, guests can take the guests of organizing seats for physical education and outdoor activities, but then the variation of parameters can be embarrassed. By default, it is necessary to calculate everything so that at least 15 sq.m accounted for one skating, and for each studying riding - from 25 square meters of ice space. This is the required minimum.

Preparing the platform

The place selected under the roller need to somehow limit. For example, around the perimeter of the site to build a low shaft out of the ground or to upset the space by boards, indulged in the snow. The question of whether to build on the rink of sides, not fundamental. Bursts are necessary for playing hockey, but if it is planned to just ride on the rink, you can do without them.

The playground itself is cleaned from the garbage, aligns and tightly tamped. It is done either with the help of a manual roller, you can also attract a festive guys to socio-useful work: let them fit. As a result, a dense snow pillow should be obtained by a thickness of at least 5 cm. The snow density should be so as not to fall when walking.

If there are pits on the site, potholes, stones, branches and something else - all this is aligned and cleaned. After preparation, the site can be poured.

The water has one feature: it is well absorbed into the ground. Therefore, it is possible to pour the roller only when the minus temperature comes seriously and for a long time, and the soil will fuse at a depth of 5-7 cm. The air temperature during the fill should not be above -5 degrees, otherwise the process will delay due to the constant melting.

Flipping rink by ordinary fresh water. You can take it from houses located in the immediate vicinity. It is more convenient to negotiate with public utilities or management company and access the basement with fire crane. Paying will also have to pay, but it is cheaper than renting water carriers.

If there is an affordable water supply, the roller is filled with rubber equipped with sprayers. An excellent solution is a firefighter brand, but in its absence a usual shower nozzle or a different such device will be consolidated.

The main principle of pouring the rink is to evenly pour the surface on the half-meter without the formation of puddle. The layer is given two or three hours for freezing, then the procedure is repeated. The ice layer, already suitable for riding, should be at least 15 cm. Such a thickness can be obtained for one clear, windless day of systematic work. In bad weather, by the way, it is not recommended to pour the rink, because because of the snowfall, the ice surface will be uneven and buggy. For the same reason, before the fill of each new layer, the ice should be brushed from snow. The fill is usually starting from the far end of the site and gradually passes the entire territory of the rink.

The main thing is that there are no no flooded sites. Some practiced a "random" fill: set the sprayer in the center of the rink and waiting. This is an unsuccessful method in which not avoiding irregularities.

Optimally when when pouring water as if sprinkles on the ice, creating the effect of rain. Then the ice will not be blurred. For this, experts are advised to hold the hose at an angle of 25-30 degrees to the surface of the surface, without a sprayer - 35-45. After the fill, the ice is aligned and grinding. This can be done using a rectangular boardwalk without a bottom, upholstered below rubber. The idea is to, evenly by moving the drawer on the rink, continuously shed throughout its area with warm water. Alternatively, ice can be grinding the usual mop with a rag moistened with hot water, or even donate an old blanket for this.

Care for Kolkom.

So that skating is not completed with the first warming, you need to care for the rink. If this layered ice cake is cooked correctly, then he will not suffer from a pair of short thaws.

The main concern for maintaining the working state of the roller is regular snow cleaning. It is cleaned by the ice with ordinary and strokes, and the snow is thrown out of the rink, without reducing its area. Thicken and scratches on ice are closed with wet snow and spill in water.

Regular ice grinding is also needed. The rink in the yard is recommended to clean at least once a week. If there are a lot of visitors - every day. Socialized the ice field near the house is not so difficult, especially if there is at least a couple of like-minded people. And novice skaters will be particularly nice if the skating rink will be covered with light bulbs and, and the rings of skates on ice will be muffled with light music from the next columns.

Many hockey boxes in the courtyards are empty from Soviet times - no one is in winter to pour out there. Although the rink near the house is convenient: the minimum queues and not so ashamed to fall. The initiative of district administrations is intercepted by the townspeople: instead of requests and standing in officials of officials, they buy hoses and their own louds. The Village spoke with a private entrepreneur Valentin Mikhailov, for which the creation of courtyard rollers from the hobby turned into a kind of civil position.

Valentin Mikhailov

self employed

Until 1992, our hockey team occupied prizes on ten Olympiads in a row: they took gold eight times, once - silver and bronze. It was our game. And both in Brazil, barefoot boys play football, and in winter in every yard all took skates and played hockey. For the past six years, I fill the rinks next to the house - in hockey boxes and just on the yard. The first was on the boulevard of innovators, 45. I wanted to play hockey somewhere myself and that the children in the courtyard found themselves to take themselves on vacation. My friends and I decided to develop a methodology for which citizens without the help of officials will be able to create good rollers.

Municipalities often pour rollers in new hockey boxes with firefighters. True, after a couple of years, they leave this idea. Firefighters can either bring water with themselves and pour the desired area, or connect the hose to the fire hydrant for you and already create a small lake with it. And the first, and the second is a bad idea, since in a standard hockey box such a lake will leave except at temperatures below -15. But if we are waiting for such frosts, you can only pour in mid-February, losing two and a half months.

Give the guy roller

Each skating rink must be coordinated by concluding an agreement with the balance holder (those who are responsible for a particular territory). Although I almost always poured a wilderness, and it did not cause questions. The main thing is to prevent the ice to anyone.

For the roller you need to choose a lit, open place with free access and in the distance from the road. Ideally, the platform with a slight bias so that the water immediately flow during thaw or rain and did not destroy the surface. Next to my house there is a nine-story statement, and I dream to fill in her shadow rink: I am in such a place for three weeks longer. Although generally location does not always play a major role: a few years ago we successfully flooded with a lot on the heating industry.

boxes are good for hockey players, but absolutely not required
for ordinary roller

Hockey boxes are good for hockey players, but not necessarily for a regular rink. They are difficult to clean the snow: you will not send a tractor there, and the shovel will have to drop snow through a high barrier.

Local communism

It will be necessary to start yourself, but in the future you will need help. It happens, I come to the potential platform, where I have never been and I don't know anyone, and everything is easy, with half a turn. Before the fill you need to raise the announcement around the county: "We will do the rink! Need help!" - And leave the phone number. For a week, there will be a few people and asked what they can help. Such people have been observed under a certain point with interest, and then involve in the process. We have a relationship as in good right families: everyone is taken by opportunity and everyone gets according to needs. Such local communism. Who can clean the snow - removes who can help with ice repair - helps. If the ice is smooth and durable - people will always come, and they will delete everything themselves. The gulfurist will only go out once a week for half an hour, a little later, and then people themselves. Even to persuade anyone will not have to.

Water for roller

When the place is chosen and like-minded people found, the main question is where to take water. At first I considered the most insane options, up to drilling and searches for natural sources. But in the end you choose, pour out of the apartment or from the basement.

The first and most obvious option is a crane in your apartment. You can pour the rink, simply by connecting the hose to the water supply, but it will be problematic if you live on the fourth floor. We need a long hose, which will have to somehow reach, and after to store somewhere, because to pour the rink of once a little: the ice must be updated regularly - pour at least once every two weeks.

That to the legality of the use of "drinking" water for such purposes - I can not say anything. In theory you can oblige to put the counter. I do not see any problems in this: the average rink of 40 by 20 meters requires 55 cubic meters of cold water for the whole season. It will cost you, according to the tariffs of the residential apartment, about two thousand rubles.

If there is a HOA, board at home
or commercial service company - everything is simplified

It is best to take water in the basement nearest to the rich at home. To do this, contact "Zhilkomservice". There you will most likely say that you need to get the consent of the residents of the entrance, in the basement of which you want to put the counters. When collecting signatures, you will have to work simultaneously in five and six entrances, because it is not clear in advance where the success is waiting for (someone is constantly there is no house, some apartments are surrendered, someone refuses to sign, because he has no children). There may be two or three weeks to go around, you often have to lead long convincing conversations.

If there is a HOA, the board of the house or the commercial service company is simplified everything. They can make such solutions, and in most cases it is enough to agree with them.

Having gathered a sufficient number of positive votes, enter into an agreement with Zhilkomservis. They will put counters in the basement and give you free access to them. It is important to pay for water consumption in "Zhilkomservice" on the meters monthly. If you come there in April, hoping to pay for the whole season, then your money will not need your money: the overrun of water in the house will be separated between the tenants and oblige them to pay them, and this will cause problems and fair discontent.

Flush glyba

Many believe that in order to get an excellent ice, you need to pour the lake - throw the hose to the center of the field and sit down at the TV in the expectation that everything itself is spread and wrestled. It will not work because of the specifics of the region: we often have a temperature often to zero. Water on the rink cannot be frozen, a thin ice crust is formed on top, and evaporation (the main cooling factor) is stopped. The water remaining under crust. Before you have time to climb, leaning outside the site. And what barriers nor put - she will still find the exit. As a result, the land standing near the machine, and the sidewalks become slippery - the roller turns out, but not where necessary. Instead of a smooth surface, air bubbles remain - not ice, but solid lunar craters.

For a good roller, quite simple equipment and manual, uniform fill. At the end of the hose, you can wear a nozzle from a light metal-plastic pipe (about 1.5 m), bend it in the form of a stick and, imitating gardeners, swinging the electrocosa, wander around the site, "smearing" water. The main thing is to pour it with subtle layers. If the water does not have time to climb, there will have to make 10-minute breaks (though, with large breaks, the hose can climb). If you do everything right, while you reach the end of the site, at the beginning of the ice will be already "dry", and you can go to a new circle. But do not continue until the previous layer is frozen. With a successful circumstance, the perfect rink will be ready in two or three days, but in some cases (Kochetic lawn, a large layer of snow) may be required up to two weeks.

Ice Care

Scratches often appear on ice, so it needs to be repaired by a special device resembling a mop with a towel. Cut it on the surface - and the ice becomes mirror clean. It is usually enough to carry out such a procedure once a week, depending on how much the rink is used. Sometimes you have to repair it and every day.

Much more useful attributes will be shovels of low pressure plastic (PND is a durable polyethylene that does not olive). These tools should be in open access - and then there is always someone who can remove snow. You can fix shovels using a chain and a digital lock, whose code people will communicate each other.


To promote the rink, you need to put the counters, buy shovels, cranes, filters and hoses, pay for the work of the plumbing. Usually it takes 12-13 thousand rubles, taking into account the costs of water. For the past five years I put only my money on local rinks. Several times came to the municipalities, told about his plans. At first they allocated 10 thousand, then partially compensated for the cost - 6 thousand. They have a reserved money, the main thing is to convince. It turns out that people make their work. Because it is easier for them to find these 10 thousand rubles and take a skating rink "on the balance" than to beautify the enemies.

With the onset of the first winter days, most people think about their time. After all, in winter it will not work out to go outside and sit at the shore of the river with a book in hand or, for example, to go with friends to a picnic. In such cases, it remains only to give tribute to old Dedovsky entertainment. It may be a snowman modeling, and roller skating, as well as skating. Here is the last and will be discussed in this article.

Skating skating has always been an original Russian tradition, so all our ancestors went to the ice every year to enjoy their skirt skirts. Nowadays, practically nothing has changed, except that the rollers have become more and more closed type, where there is no snow or frost. But I want to at least sometimes experience these children's memories, to ride in the frost, along the way, throwing the snow of your friends. For such purposes, you can create your own rink, for example, in the country area with your own hands, on which there will always be fun and cozy.

At first glance, it may seem to pour the ice rink with their own hands - the task is not impact for an ordinary person. But it is only at first glance. In fact, to create your own rink, you do not need to own any special skills. Only the initial skill of instrument handling and the desire to create something is very beautiful, which will bring joy all, namely: rink at the cottage or in the courtyard in a private house.

In order to start the fill rink, it is necessary to determine the place to determine the place for work. After all, if the place will not correspond to certain criteria, the roller will turn out to be curves and difficult for people.

Since the skating rink will be located at the local area, it is necessary to clearly calculate the entire outcome of the events. It is necessary to take into account absolutely all factors, of which:

- distance to the nearest residential premises;

- terrain relief;

- Distance to the nearest water source and much more.

If you relate all these factors, then in most cases the most the optimal option is the backyard of the private house. All because in the backyard, as a rule, all conditions for filling rink are created. For example, a smooth surface, constant access to water resources, control over the state of the rink and much more.

Video: Skating rink at the country

In principle, the roller can be pouring on any plot that has a relatively smooth surface Without foreign items on it, and also has open access to visitors (not fallen by old buildings, the territory is not protected by special services, etc.). It is desirable, of course, that the surface of the earth is as close as possible, in order not to spend the large amount of water, and the ice did not crack over time, but it can be done on a softer surface, for example, on the lawn. In such cases, it will have to observe some tricks, which will be described in more detail below.

By the way! In the time of the USSR, the most common coverage was asphalt. Thanks to such a very rigid basis, the rollers floated very quickly, as well as the ice kept very heavy loads.

How to pour the rink - step by step instructions

When the place is already selected, you can proceed directly to the process of fill the rink. In fact, there is nothing supernatural here, you just need to follow the brief instruction presented below.

First you need denote and clear the section from the snowdriftsAs well as from other items that can interfere with the fill rink process. You can make it an ordinary shovel or snow removal machine. Only some moments should be remembered: the site should be relatively smooth; On the surface of the earth, there should be a small layer of snow (approximately 3-5 cm); If pits appear, then these places need to be covered with snow as close as possible.

Next begin the most important points that are very strictly observed. TOT layer snowwhich was left on the ground need to be very compatible. You can do this with the help of heavy equipment or with the help of an ordinary shovel, just tamping it snow. The denser the surface it turns out, the more reliable there will be ice.In such a state, the site should stand in the cold for at least a day, so that the snow became even more dense.

When the platform is aligned, and the snow hardened, you can start the first fillings on the street. With the help of a conventional garden distributor, it is necessary to slightly process the entire area with conventional water with a temperature of no more than 5 degrees Celsius, otherwise the snow will begin very quickly, creating artificial pits. As soon as the crust of ice hardens, you can repeat the same operation again, in order to consolidate the effect.

You can already observe the basis of the future rink! Next will be much easier. To high quality roller, it is necessary to take advantage of a special T-shaped pipe constructionwhich can also be built with your own hands.

You can make it like this: the pipe is taken with a diameter of 25 mm and approximately 150 cm in length, a large number of holes are drilled in it (the better, the better!), The pipe turns into a soft matter, the water supply pipe is boiled, after which water is applied to the device and Pulley is poured. Fill with such a device - one pleasure. All that you need is to lead it, while the water is very smoothly distributed over the surface.

Thus, it is necessary to pour the rink of about 3 times so that the ice becomes the stronger as possible. Most the last layer of the rink should be fired with hot waterSo ice will get high quality and smooth.

Note! If there are small pits during re-fill, they need to be simply pouring into water, after which they pour the surface again, thereby giving it a more flat look.

That's all, now ice is almost ready for use! It is only necessary to make sides of sides of snow or boards on the sides of the sides, slightly decorate it and lead to a more acceptable look so that guests receive even more positive emotions.

Video: how to pour the rink - instruction for beginners

How to organize lighting rink

The lighting on the rink plays a very important role, since the main time for skating just follows in the evening.

To make lighting, it is necessary first of all to take care of the power supply network for a rink. It is quite simple to do this: you only need to hold a wire from home to rink, make a switchboard on site, and ready. But for greater reliability, it is still better to use the services of the electrician, because no one has canceled security yet.

When the power supply appears on the site, you can think over the sources of lighting. The best option in this case will be the installation of several street LED searchlights. They allow not only quality to supply a plot with light, but also decently saved electricity.

Another option can serve as conventional LED ribbons located around the perimeter roller. But they need to be used only if weak lighting is required, which will only save visitors from various kinds of obstacles. In addition, they are able to create a certain romantic situation in which it will be very nice to spend time with a loved one.

It is more pleasant to ride a rink when true beauty reigns around it. For this you need to decorate it.

The easiest way to decorate is to create a variety of color schemes on the rink and around it. You can make it a mass method - from using ordinary light elements (garlands, LED tapes, etc.) to more complex decorations with trees, snowy women, etc. The easiest option, still, will be the installation of garlands and LED tapes. But if someone wants to make a real paradist corner from his rink, then you can use your fantasy and transform it with absolutely any things, all that will come to mind.

The main thing in this situation is not to disturb the integrity of the rink and do not create decoration of dangerous situations with elements. And if all the conditions described above will be fully observed, the rink in your yard will become the most popular place in the nearest district, where everyone will be able to come every evening (of course, if desired by the creator of the rink).

Care for Kolkom.

When the roller is already fully ready and more and more people are going on it, over time you have to carry out careful care. After all, the more people on it ride, the faster the surface of the ice is destroyed, thereby bringing discomfort during riding. How else to care for the roller?

First of all, it is necessary to constantly monitor the integrity of the ice. This is the most basic requirement. It can be carried out by various methods, but the most optimal of them is periodic Ice Restressing. This can be done with the help of the entire same device that was made during the first attempts to fill the rink on its own site. It is necessary to apply several new on top of the old layers of ice. After that, the roller will become more even.

Over time, cracks appear on the surface. The situation is a little different. With the help of an ordinary garden hose, it is necessary to pour water in them, but not to the end so that the crack does not go further in the process of expansion. After freezing, you can be cut off with a knife.

It is also periodically necessary to monitor the purity of the site, as well as the integrity of the lighting system.

Let's summarize

That's all you need to know to create a real rink in your street or plot. This technique is suitable not only for home use, but also for use in larger scale. If you wish, you can make a skating rink of several square kilometers!

When all work is completed, you can not only enjoy self-skating, but also call all your neighbors and friends who will certainly appreciate in vain work.

After all, your rink is not only fun, but also profitable! You can in absolutely any time to go to the ice and ride as much as you like, no one will ban and will not ask to pay extra hours. Therefore, if it was tired of sitting at home in the winter, it is worth thinking over the fill of your own rink in the yard.

Video: how to pour the rink near the house do it yourself

In contact with

Many people love to skate, but attending special stadiums not everyone afford. In order not to give up such pleasure, it is worth understanding how to make a rink in the yard or on the street with your own hands. For this, it is enough to know the technology and follow simple recommendations.

Preparatory activities

If you decide to make a rink on the street yourself, first choose a suitable area. Here you need to determine the boundaries of the site and lay out flights at least 7-10 cm high. You can make such fences using soil or small boards. Only after that you can start leveling the site. If a lot of snow is cleaned here to sabers, making a roller's likeness. Such an element is necessarily poured with water so that it is subsequently managed to achieve a smooth layer of ice.

When the plot with the fence will be ready, you need to start tamping. So, the snow is compacted using special equipment or making it with their feet. Naturally, it is necessary to remove garbage from the territory, as well as stones and sticks.

How to fill the rink?

The most difficult task is to fill. It is possible to start it only in the case when the earth is measured to a depth of at least 6 cm, and the air temperature is not more -3 ° C .

Naturally, the roller is poured into several techniques. Ideally, a smooth ice layer of 10-17 cm thick should be obtained. So that it turned out, each watering is performed after the frozening of the previous layer. If the weather is good, then the day you can achieve thickness at 15 cm. For the fill with your own hands, it is easiest to use a hose with a sprayer. In the case of its absence, you can use the usual shower nozzle.

To do everything correctly, it is important to watch the appropriate video and take into account the subtleties of the fill technology.

  1. First you need to "spray" the first layer of water.
  2. After half an hour, the second watering is performed. A break can be in some cases even 1-2 hours, because the previous layer does not always have time to freeze. If during this time a lot of snow attacked, it is neatly removed to the siblings. In the situation when remakes were formed on the mesh ice, they should be filled with snow.
  3. Next, a few more polyvkov repeats until the ice layer is at least 10 cm.
  4. The next stage provides for the grinding of the coating with their own hands. Conventional rectangular boxes are suitable for this purpose. They can be replaced by boards with a length of 3 m and a width of 0.7 m. The lower part is closed with rubber, after which the boards are tied to the tire and install the barrel with water. During the movement of the box or boards on the rink, the liquid will evenly distribute. Thanks to this decision you can make your own hands a really smooth rink.

Organization of lighting

Special attention should be paid to the lighting, because in winter it darkens early. Naturally, such a problem will not arise if the site is located in the courtyard, where there are several lanterns. Otherwise, first of all, you need paint ice in white shade. For this, the territory sprinkles with a solution of chalk or lime, and then poured with clean water.

If you wish, you can independently install wooden poles around the perimeter of the site and fix the lamps on them. Some people prefer suspended lamps or spotlights. To illuminate the roller of medium or large sizes, 10-12 lamps designed for 500 watts are sufficient.

Care for Kolkom.

To keep the platform made by your own hands, in good condition, it is necessary prepare inventory.

The main rule concerning the care of the rink provides for regular cleaning of ice. It is necessarily sweeping, and if necessary, fasten and grind. On the surface often appear potholes after active riding. Sometimes the appearance leads to the appearance. To eliminate such pits and cracks, very cold water is used. Thus, snow is poured into the container, water poured water, and then such a mixture fill potholes and tracks from the skates. When everything is frozen, it is necessary to treat the surface with a scraper and perform the filling of the site. If you wish, you can dress up ice. For this, the rag, thrown on the mop, watered with hot water, and then passed throughout the rink.

It is necessary to regularly implement the traces of snowfall. For these purposes the easiest way use a special carEquipped with a brush. If the playground is small, then it can be cleaned with your own hands using a shovel and scoops. The snow itself is better to export outside the rink, otherwise the site sizes will decrease.

Make your own hands the rink is completely easy. The main thing is to choose a suitable area and work in cold clear weather. In order for the ice layer to remain smooth, it must be cleaned from snow and periodically pour cold water.

Kudesnitz Winter is a wonderful time to relax and good mood. To spend great time in winter days, you can play hockey or just ride skating. It is not only entertainment, mass of impressions and cheerful laughter, but also an active holiday. Delighted with rink there will be babies, and adults.

At the same time, it is not necessary to go far to the city on the ice arena, where there are always a lot of people. Can self pour the skating rink on the household plotIf the weather allows and there is a suitable playground.

Weather requirements

The roller is poured when the snowball is already lying, the clear, cold and moderate frosty weather with temperature -5 ... -10С, And the earth is injected deep into at least 5-7 cm. Such conditions are comfortable for a person, and water will not be absorbed into the ground when pouring and falls smoothly, not freezing right in the hose.

The degree of water freezing can be determined by a bayonet shovel, catching and lifting the top layer of the soil.

In addition, freezing the skating rink in the country is better in hindy and windless weather: a strong wind interferes with uniform watering and freezing of water, and falling snow makes work uncomfortable.

Selection of space and preparation of the surface

The roller is better to pour not in the input zone at the porch, and, for example, in the garden without raised a variety, on top of the sports ground or spare parking, in the glade in the garden, behind the house closer to the corner of the household site, etc. You can make a skating rink and in the courtyard, but it should not interfere with movement: walking through ice into the garage or for firewood will be problematic.

The playground under the roller should be as smooth as possible, without big bumps, recesses or bumps. If you need to seriously align the surface or fall asleep the pits, then it follows from autumn. And small irregularities can be leveled in winter with snow. Ideally, the best ice field is to form on a flat asphalt, but usually the skating rink in the country has to pour on Earth.

Carefully remove the territory, remove the garbage, branches, stones, other foreign objects, as well as large snow drifts.

Sizes of the site

The size of the roller must be convenient for comfortable riding: optimally, not less than 7-8 m wide and from 12-14 m - in length, for example, 7 * 14, 10 * 18, 12 * 25 m etc. The ratio of width and length of the rink can be observed about 1: 2 or a little more, as on large arenas, although other proportions are allowed.

The smaller the playground, the more often it is necessary to make turns on skating and cut the speed, while on a larger rink you can better get involved.

Of course, in order to simply dispense with the son of a puck one by one goal, and even on a small dacha, you can pour the platform and smaller - 4 * 6 or 5 * 8 m.

To mark the boundaries of the roller, put in the corners and under the long sides of the brick or plug the contours of the sand.

Leveling and tamping snow

Role and confuse snow at the site with a shovel, as well as wide skis, boards or a lawn roller.

The laying of snow cover should be as smooth as possible and dense, with a thickness of a snowy "pillow" at least 5-12 cm. Such a substrate will allow you to remotely remove small irregularities and rolls the roller from water flowing.

Check the rambling, like the site - the snow should not fall under the weight of an adult.


Squeeze the surplus of the snow to the perimeter and stick to the sides of them - small drifts with a height of at least 20 cm.

Instead of snow, the usual land is still used, as well as the boards of sufficient width, a low stakenik or OSP slab, which are frozen into the ground and snow or attach to the racks installed in the fall.

The sides denote the borders of the roller, they will be protected from the flow of water and will allow not to look far away every time the flew washer.

From the outside of the perimeter, at a distance of 2-3 m from the side, clean the territory so that in the future throwing the dropped snow there.

Then leave the floor with snow for 1-2 days for freezing.

The process of fill rink

For the fill, the roller will need a weak water supply. Freeze should be free from rain nozzle to achieve uniform water distribution. Also, due to the sprinkle, the ice will not be blurred and crack.

Start pouring a rink from the far end of the site. Hose Direct up at an angle of 25-40 gr. To the surface, holding it in the wind at an altitude of about 1.5 m. Slowly retreat back to the opposite end, continuously water the platform, moving the hose "fan" and control the uniformity of watering.

It should not be linger in one place. Ensure that there are no non-surpassed places.

Ice pouring is made in several layers, and only after the complete freezing of the previous one. Bay first layer, take a pause so that it is well freezed. The gaps between the fills can be from 2-4 hours and up to 1-2 days, depending on the power of the frost. If the next layer fell snow, it should be removed.

After pause, spray the next layer, starting the fill on the opposite side of the site to avoid the drops of the height. So, layer behind the layer, pour the ice coating to the desired thickness. It should be noted that the day of active riding the ice is erased by an average of 0.8-1 cm, so the roller is poured at least 12-15 cm.

Polishing top layer

Such a refinement is convenient to do with a barrel or a tank with holes and a piece of hose at the bottom of the tap. Capacity with hot water put on sled or on a wooden box without a bottom with rubber gaskets. Behind the design of Poniga, the old bedspread is fixed, which after the finishes erases the traces of the poloz.

As a last resort, the roller can be polished and with a mop.

Painting ice (if necessary)

If desired, ice during the fill you can paint or "hold" markup lines.

For example, in front of the upper fill, the red, black or blue strips of hockey markings from the water-emulsion paint are often applied to ice, the width of no more than 5-6 cm.

Also, before the upper two fills, the site can be sprayed with a chalk solution to make the roller perfectly white. And in order to please the latch with colored ice, you can add blue, the water-mounted paint or the usual gouache into the water.

Any ice coloring is allowed only if you do not plan to grow flowers or vegetables on the site.

To the issue of lawn

It is undesirable to make a rink over. This will increase the risk that the grass is completely or partially disappeared. If still it is necessary to pour roller over the lawn, follows:

  • - Create a pressed snowstore with a thickness of at least 20 cm;
  • - pour a reliable ice crust over a snowy pillow under frost from -10С, so that water does not leaken;
  • - Early spring as soon as possible to remove the ice: melt the burner; wake up palilation chloride, urea or ash; Carefully open manually.

Care for Kolkom.

First of all, try to close noticeable cracks or scratches. They can be covered with a mixture of snow with water, tamper and let it freeze, and then align ice scraper.

After repairing the roller with hot water to align.

Also watch the site will not fall asleep with snow, regularly and time to remove it, otherwise it will mortal and make a rink uneven. Remove the snow away from the site so that it does not blow back on the ice.

The homely ice rink made by their own hands will deliver a lot of bright and unforgettable moments to your family and friends, allow you to make a great rest and spend time.