Repairs Design Furniture

Paul in the bathroom: cement-chipboard, dignity and disadvantages, characteristics, useful tips. CSP plate and its use for floor alignment - material characteristics, pros and cons, installation technology TSP laying technology on the floor

Today I gained the popularity of the CSP-stove: the use for the floor of this material is very convenient. This is due to several reasons, the first of them consists in absolute ecology, the second - in a low cost. The basis of the slab is extremely natural raw materials. Mineral substances that do not stand out in the process of exploitation of poisons and microelements, which would be dangerous to human health are performed as binding components. Among the ingredients of the canvas, you can highlight wood chips, water, portland cement, as well as special additives. In the process of production, the listed components are connected and press the pressing step.

Application of CSP for sex

Today, the decoration of the Floor CSP plates is common. This material is characterized by excellent thermal insulation properties, in addition, it can be used in conditions that differ in high humidity. After laying the plate, it will be necessary to protect the primer or water-repellent mixture. The canvas will last for a long time, as it is capable of withstanding heavy loads. Depending on which permeability is indoors, you can choose plates with more or less impressive thickness.

Despite the fact that it has excellent operational use for sex should be accompanied by compliance with all installation rules, only then will be able to maintain all the quality of the material. With the help of such a plate, you can produce the perfect alignment of the floor surface in a short time. The use of this material allows you to reduce the period of work. The floor will be solid and reliable, and construction costs will be significantly reduced.

Characteristics of CSP

Material - 24% 8.5% liquid, as well as 65% cement, which ensures durability and stove strength. In addition, among the ingredients there are 2.5% hydration impurities by type and, depending on the parameters of the floor, you can choose plates that have dimensions equal to 3200 x 1250 mm, the thickness can vary in the range of 10-40 mm. But, according to the norms, the stove can be made with other parameters, the deviations depend on the thickness.

Density and surface features

Considering the properties of the CSP-Plate, it is worth paying attention to the density that should not exceed 1300 kg / m 2, while humidity may vary within 6-12%. When exposed to water for 24 hours, the canvas should not swell more than 2%, and the moisture of the plate can be absorbed in the amount of approximately 16%. Stretching for strength is 0.4 MPa.

The surface of the material should be rough, and the degree of rudeness will influence the processing by grinding. If the manufacturing is conducted according to GOST 7016-82, then the roughness of the plates will be more than 320 microns, but the canvas may not be grinding, then this indicator is within 80 microns.

Varieties of CSP

CPSP-stove, the use of which today, as already mentioned, is becoming increasingly popular, produced on modern equipment in several varieties. This, for example, plates whose thickness is only 4 mm. The material obtained does not imply the need to produce grinding, which when it becomes the reason for increasing the cost. All the most popular plates that have smooth embossed. The composition contains small elements, the size of which increases closer to the center of the canvas. With the use of such a material, you can get the floor that will look like a natural stone. That is why the canvas after laying will not be necessary to separate.

Benefits of the CSP in front of other materials

If you have not yet decided how coating on the floor will be covered: Fibrololite or CSP-stove, the use for the floor of these materials, or rather, their qualitative advantages, it is worth considering in more detail. Despite the fact that the market for modern building materials presents a great set of plates for repair work, the CSP can be considered the leader. So, if you perform a comparison of the CSP leaf with the Fibrolite web, then the first is much stronger. In addition, the cement-chipboard has such quality as frost resistance, which makes it possible to use this material as an outdoor coating in homes that are operated at least a year, but only in a warm period.

If you need a sufficiently durable surface, it is worth choosing a CSP: a cement-chipboard is just have such qualities, they are due to the fact that the canvas are three layers, two of which (external) are made of small shavings, while the inner consists of longer particles. This gives the material elasticity, high density and hardness. Do not be afraid that in the process of operation, the stove will stall.

Preparatory work

The CSP-stove, the application of which is considered in this article, involves the use of screws when working with it. You can purchase a canvas with a thickness of 1-1.5 cm. As a draft coating, it is permissible to use wood or concrete tie. If lags lie on the floor, then the installation of the CSP can be made on top of them. It is recommended to paint the material that is recommended by a small-scale hacker blade. This will reduce the amount of dust formed, and the edges will turn out as neat as possible. The leaf is initially to be left only to put it on a flat surface, turning down the groove. Next, the knee must be put on most of the canvas, and smaller to pull over. In the required place, the stove will have to crack down the cut.

If in the process of repair work, it is necessary to bypass the system of the pipeline, the element with the same diameter it is necessary to apply solidol and lean it in the desired section of the plate. This will make it possible to designate edges for cutting. Create work on cutting through the "crown". If you need to get a hole that has significant sizes and has uneven edges, it is recommended to make an incision, by observing the perimeter, and after gently knock out the resulting element with a hammer.


Before laying, it is necessary to prepare sheets that will correspond to the parameters of the room. For this, the canvases are unfolded, and after their surface markup is applied to make it possible to carry out the correct cut. After the sheets are turned into a blank, they should again decompose around the room and numbered - it will eliminate the error.


Before you put on the floor of the CSP, the cement-chipboard must be removed from the room to make it easier to work. Its styling is carried out on glue or self-tapping screw, depending on features if it is supposed to be styling with glue, it is preferable to make it preferable to carry out that it will eliminate the presence of lumps. However, the drill with the nozzle must be put on minor turns. Manually achieve such a result, it is unlikely to succeed.

Providing gaps

The CSP plate, the reviews about which, as a rule, only positive can be laid on the floor after the wizard succeeds in camming the glue along the surface of the draft base. It is necessary to do this by means of a toothed spatula. When laying the following sheets, it is necessary to ensure a temperature gap, which will eliminate the deformation of the canvas when changing their size. The formed slots can be filled through the same adhesive mass. After the floor of the room is fully staminated, it is necessary to leave it until the moment of drying. Only after that you can start laying the decorative coating.

The technical characteristics of the CSP plate are such that it can replace the concrete tie. And the advantage of the canvas is that it weighs it much less than the solution, then how to put it easier. In addition, the floor after completion of work acquires heat-insulating and noise-canceling properties.

The world is designed in such a way that new materials and equipment are constantly being created, fully replacing outdated inventions. Such parallels can be carried out to many modern building materials that successfully dispense their oldest competitors.

Such innovations include the CSP plates for gender, which are excellent used instead of a tie from a cement-sand solution as a rough floor covering, especially in wooden and frame houses.

Characteristics of CSP its advantages and disadvantages

CSP plates are easy to install

The cement-chipboard (CSP) is a reliable building outdoor material, which has excellent thermal insulation and water-repellent properties.

The floor from the CSP is characterized as a quickly installed structure, which has varieties of thickness, directly dependent on the position in the room. This type of draft floor has its own features in the installation and structure, as well as certain distinctive characteristics.

Characteristics of CSP

One of the most important indicators that characterize the CSP slate for the floor is the density. At a standard cement-chipboard, 1300 kg per m 2 is reached.

Plate density high

Also, the most important property of the material can be considered humidity, which is always located within 6-10% (the product passes factory tests). If the chipboard has no contact with water for a long time, the percentage of swelling should not exceed 2%. Only when performing this requirement, the material can enter the market. This property is one of the main advantages of the CSP.

Floors from CSPs can be installed in the bathrooms on a wooden frame or concrete base, aligning a rough surface.

CSP consists of cement, chips, liquid glass and liquid

Answering the question: "What is CSP?", We can say that this is a multi-storey product. Indeed, the stove of this species contains 65% cement, 25% chips from wood of different breeds, 8% water or other moisturizing liquid and 2% of liquid glass or its analog.

Choose the thickness of the plate depends on the purpose of the coating

The CSP for the floor has a standard size of 3200x1250, but this does not mean that the product cannot be other sizes (on the order at the factory can make a cement-chipboard of any parameters).

This type of product has differences in the thickness of the building material, which is 10, 20, 25, 30 and 40 mm, which adds the versatility of the product and makes it possible to apply in a fairly wide sphere for both internal and outdoor use.

Some plates parameters are given in the table.

Advantages and disadvantages of CSP

The material is often trimmed with facades

The cement-chipboard is unambiguously, high-quality sheet material, which is widely used when conducting internal and external work. CSPs are very often used by organizing outdoor overlap and producing a facade trim.

Like any other material, it has its own positive and negative properties. The clear advantages of the CSP include:

  • good water repellent properties;
  • ease of installation;
  • relatively small cost of material;
  • good indicators of noise insulation (indicators reach 30 DB);
  • resistance to sharp changes in temperature regime;
  • the product is not subjected to rotting and fungal infection;
  • high degree of fire resistance (due to special additives in the composition of CSP);
  • long service life;
  • environmentally friendly material (no harmful resins);
  • the perfectly smooth surface of the product (ready to install tiles or stone).

The disadvantages of the product from the cement-chip material should be attributed, first of all, harmful installation (sawing CSP) and the weight of the plate. For details on the species of plates and features of their application, see this video:

It is important to remember that when cutting a chipboard is very important to comply with safety and resort to the use of personal protective equipment, in particular, respirator.

Since the dust, secreted during the seeding of the material, has harmful elements and is easily able to score the respiratory tract. In addition, due to dust, the visibility of the work produced deteriorates, so it should be extremely neat and cautious to avoid injury.

Due to its excellent quality of thermal insulation and waterproof, CSP has established itself as an excellent material for roughing sexual construction, practically in any rooms: on verandas, bathroom and bathroom.

Floor Scheme with CSP

The use of a CSP plate for the floor is strongly recommended when building frame houses on Canadian technology. Since the plate (26-40 mm) is capable of withstanding a sufficiently large load, the floor lags are allowed to do not do 40 cm, but 50-60cm (under the width of the insulation).

Place the slab on the lag 5 - 8 cm wide

Preparation for CSPs Before installation is not required (only sawing on the desired size), the slab can be put on the lags with a width of 50-80 mm, leaving the deformation gap of 2 mm (between sheets).

Before mounting the CSP to the draft floor, it is necessary to see if the sheet will not cover the pipe hole. If the plate still covers the pipe, it is necessary to make a markup of 1 cm more diameter of the pipe and cut off with a junction (if a large diameter), after drilling a hole with a drill of 6-8 mm or making it with a cut from metal, and then knock the hammer (if the hole with the hammer edge).

Leave the gap between sheets when installing

Based on the features of the draft overlap, "put" the CSP on the floor can be using an adhesive solution, additionally fixing the fastening with self-draws.

The glue before installation is divorced in a certain proportion with water and mixed with a mixer to the desired consistency, after which it is evenly laid out on the floor surface (no less than the size of the sheet), only then the sheet lies. Between the sheets it is necessary to observe the gap (as well as on the installation on the lags). When the flooring is laid, all gaps are filled with glue. Details finishing with wall material and floor Look in this video:

It should be known that before making the installation of the cement-chipboard to the floor, it is necessary to measure all the size of the room, produce crucible plates and numb them in laying. If possible, you should immediately make cuts under the pipes.

Summing up the article, you can confidently say that CSP is a new, absolutely effective material that helps to simplify and speed up the installation of both the floor and the house as a whole without losing quality.

The cement-chipboard, despite his hard weight, won the large army of "fan builders", which will not be abandoned from the use of this product due to the huge list of its positive advantages.

CSP can be attached to the supporting structures with screws and special nails. All types of connecting elements must have an anti-corrosion surface.

Attention! Before installing the CSP, you must make sure the vertical and horizontal location of the framework of the framework. Frame elements should be found in the same plane.

CSP mount with nails

For mounting plates, it is necessary to use screw galvanized nails from 2.5 mm. The size of the nails is selected from the condition so that the length of the pinched part was at least two thicknesses of the CSP sheet and at least 10 diameters of the nail (see Table.)

CSP mount with screws

Screwing holes are recommended to drill pre-with recesses for their heads with a diameter of 1.2 times larger than the diameter of the screw. Only screw screws can be used to fasten the plates without prior drilling of the holes, with a strengthened edge and countersunk head, equipped with blades for the formation of recess under its size.

For example, eurotec self-tapping screw screws. EUROTEC PANELTWISTEC, with a hidden head of blue galvanized steel have cutting edges on the bottom of the sinking.

Galvanized coating prevents corrosion, thereby the painted surface of the CSP is protected from the manifestation of rust. Screws have a TX 15 slot 15. This slot is capable of transmitting a large moment of rotation without deformation of the bits and tools. Screws of the proposed size are suitable for fastening the CSP thickness of 8, 10 and 12 mm. EUROTEC PANELTWISTEC CHERUPS You can purchase from our dealers.

For mounting plates to design, it is possible to use screws intended for drywall plates. The size of the screws is selected from the condition so that the length of the pinched part was at least two thickness of the CSP sheet and at least 10 diameters of the screw (see paragraph 5.1). The distance between the screws is selected according to the scheme described in P.5.1. For professional attachment, the use of pneumatic or electric screwdrivers is recommended.

The minimum size of nails and screws depending on the thickness of the CSP and the diameter of the heater

CSP thickness, mm
8 mm 10 mm 12 mm 16 mm 20 mm 24 mm 36 mm
2,5 35 35 40 50 - - -
3 40 40 45 50 60 - -
3,5 - 45 50 55 60 75 -
4 - - - 60 60 75 110
4,5 - - - 65 65 75 110
5 - - - 70 70 75 110
5,5 - - - - 75 80 110
6 - - - - - 85 110

To ensure technologically correct fastening of the CSP, the necessary requirement is the observance of the step between the distances of the distances between them and the edges of the plates.

CSP mount to frame

1 - wooden timber; 2 - CSP; 3 - steel rack; 4 - Screw; D - Shurup Length

Note: When using conventional screw screws for them, they are drilled in size equal to 1.2 diameter of the screw; It is recommended to perform a deepening for a secret head.

Seams (placement and execution)

CSP Tamak, as well as any material made of wood, with a change in humidity, exposed to the compression and stretching process. Therefore, a large amount of seams (small plate format) leads to a slight displacement of plates, and a small amount of seams (large plate format) - to a greater displacement. The displacements are suspended by mounting the plates in the seam itself. During the perennial testers, the slabs were detected a tendency to compress the plates to be paid to special attention when performing closed seams. In order to prevent the formation of cracks in the construction mixture for sealing seams, the width of the closed, visible compensation seam should be 8 mm for external use and 4 mm for internal. The most reliable and simple solution from the installation, technical and aesthetic point of view is unlocked, visible compensatory seam with a width of 4-8 mm.

If you have long dreamed of dismantling the old floor and put a new one, or you just bought a new apartment, and there is no floor covering, then you certainly need to know how to tempt the floors from CSP on lags. This option does not imply the presence of special difficulties and investment of large amounts of money. The most important thing is to study the laying technology, gain patience, and you can safely start working.

Distinctive features of CSP

  1. This material has a rather high strength indicator. This state of affairs is possible due to the structure comprising four layers. The outer layers include in its composition a fine-dispersion chips, which actually gives the material the necessary hardness and resistance to moisture. The two inner layers contain a long semicircle, which gives material strength in the process of bending.
  2. The cement-chipboard is a material that is absolutely safe for both human health and environmental. It is for this reason that it can be used in different types of construction and repair work.
  3. High water resistance. In the process of research conducted, the fact that even after a long-term contact with water, the material retains its original qualities.
  4. Sustainability.

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How to prepare the foundation before laying gender?

In most cases, if people have just built a new home, the floors are placed on the ground. The first thing you need to do as preparation is to remove the upper fertile layer of soil and maximize the surface. After that, a sandy-gravel mixture was falling asleep on the aligned base and smash it.

It is worth considering such a moment: from the full mixture to the place where the black variant of the floor begins, should be a distance equal to at least 150 mm. The most optimal and simple option is to show small columns around the perimeter of lag laying.

You may be interested: Instructions for the installation of infrared heating floor

If you are not looking for easy ways, then you can give preference to the fill of the ribbon foundation in several rows. This method is quite laborious and requires additional financial investments.

The columns are laid out unfilled with a brick square, and the internal space must be poured with a solution.

Installation options for lags from CSP.

The waterproofing layer is placed on top of the finished columns and the timber is fixed.

Currently, the most popular way is to lay the lag on the tie of concrete or stove. This applies to both private households and urban apartments. The first thing you have to do is check how much the basis is horizontal. In the case when there are no more than 40 mm, they can be hidden by lining.

As a recommendation, it must be said that if the differences exceed the specified figure, it is best to remove the protrusions and organize the fill of the new screed from sand and cement. Do not forget about the fact that the moisture of the base of concrete should not be higher than 10%. Before starting to lay the lag, you need to handle with putty all the existing gaps and lay the waterproofing material.

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How to install lags and mount CSP?

  1. Initially, you need to make a selection and purchase of lag. Remember that the moisture content of the material should not be above 25%.
  2. If you decide to install a timber over a screed of concrete or stove, then the cross section 50 * 50 mm is suitable. In a bar, large in thickness, there is no point. The lags fall on the surface, and the additional thickness simply takes the necessary space. In most cases, lags made from pine, ate or cedar are purchased.
  3. After all the above actions, each lagua need to be treated with an antiseptic agent. This is especially important when the laying is made on the ground. As a recommendation, it can be assumed that in order to save money, it is possible to use machine oil throughout. Despite its low price, this composition has sufficiently positive qualities and properties.
  4. The bar is installed exclusively horizontally. Put two brus from opposing walls, align them in terms of the level and then stretch the line between them. These lags will play the role of lighthouses. It is for them that needs to fill the remaining bars. At the moment, a thick phaneer, OSB or CSP is placed very often on top of the bars.
  5. After you implemented the installation of a bar and put on top of it, for example, CSP, it is necessary to mount the crate with the cross section. The result of this installation will be the case, consisting of identical squares, on which any floor covering can be laid.
  6. Do not forget about the fact that before installing lags, it is necessary to leave the gap in obligatory. You can do this by tape or other material. This distance is necessary in order to in the process of expansion of the material remained a stock.
  7. After the lags are completely mounted, you can start styling the draft floor.
  8. In most cases, the floors of the boards are in most cases, the wood was, there is, and remains the most popular material.
  9. Flooring should begin from the very far corner of the room. Boards need to lay a rotary. Shakes at the boards must go to the lags.
  10. If you prefer the unfolded chalkboard, then it must be carefully pressing to the previous row and fix it with nails. Separately, it is worth saying that, of course, it is best to carry out this work with the help of self-sustaining, but it is much more difficult and problematic.
  11. Fix the circular board can be hidden and open. An open option is suitable for roughing, and hidden for final coating.
  12. It is very important that the boards used in the process of laying were well succumbed. If you do not comply with this rule, then later the coating can simply lead to the side.
  13. In order for the surface to become as smooth as possible, the CSP can be used as a flooring. If you decide to give preference to this particular option, then put the plates are still aimable and fix on the lags.
  14. If we talk more about the CSP, then it must be said that this material perfectly transfers even increased humidity. Consequently, they can be placed on them without resting the tile or are very popular lately 3D floors.
  15. Laying of a warm floor by lags is done in the same way as the installation of a classic warm floor. The only difference is that if you pave a warm floor under ceramics tiles, then a draft floor should be mounted from the CSP.

In this article we would like to tell about the laying technology on the floor of such a material as CSP - cement chipboard. A little about the material itself. In appearance, it looks like a flat slate, except that it often has a much greater sheet thickness, and the size of the sheet is greater. From the slate CSP differs in the way asbestos is not based, but ordinary sawdust and cement.

But the article is not at all about the material, but about its laying (if necessary, you can read all the necessary information in the article: where you will find not only a description of the material and technology of its production, but also positive and negative characteristics, pros and cons of the given and minuses. ).

1. CSP laying on the wooden floor.

We note immediately, to make an excellent basis for example from a wooden floor with minimal cash costs it is using CSP. In this case, there is no need to shift the boards.

1. Fastening the base.

For starters, all the boards that they would not creak are additionally fixed. It is best to do this by self-drawing. For our purpose, galvanized universal screws 4x51 are suitable. Pre-climb the board directly above the lag drill on 3 mm and tighten the screw. So reinforce the entire floor.

2. Drawing up a plan.

Then make up the laying plan for plates. To do this, measure the size of the room and the size of the sheets of CSP, after which on the sheet in a decreased scale, the simulation plan. Try so that the long sides of the plates lay across the boards on the floor, then the final surface is greater. Of course, all the plates will not close everything, you have to cut one or more. Based on the plan, we determine the sizes of pieces of plates.

Cutting CSP plates is carried out by the usual grinder, although it is possible to do it with manual tools - for example with a hacksaw. The main thing that the cut passed perpendicular to the sides, otherwise the seams between the plates will turn out uneven. In the process of drawing up a plan, it is necessary to take into account that there will be a small gap between the plates, therefore the cutting of the pieces of pieces of pieces is better carried out as needed during the flooring.

3. Laying plates on the floor.

Stacking the plates start with the corner of the room and move to the opposite corner. Initially put entire plates, and where it is not included, complement with pieces. Between the plates we leave a small clearance of 2-3 mm. Fastening of CSP plates to the floor we carry out galvanized screws through the wooden floor to lags. The sizes of self-sufficiency are selected on the basis of the floor thickness and CSP slabs so that the self-tapping screws leave at least 30 mm in the lags. Previously, at the places of fastening, the CSP slab is sprinkled under the thickness of the self-pressing taking into account the thread. Saws must be included in the slab freely. The inlet in the stove can be slightly expanding the larger drill. This will help hide completely head screws.

4. Final finish.

After the floor is laid, with a putty or sealant, close all the seams and fastening sites. By the way, the silicone sealant will not fit in this case. It is extremely poorly tolerating dynamic loads and begins to lag behind the adjacent surface. Before climbing the seams, it will be better to preliminarily progress. For this, any primer of deep penetration is suitable.

2. CSP laying on the floor metal floor.

Floor finishing with a CSP is a wonderful way out for those who make a trailer or stall with a frame of metal products. First of all, this is determined on the basis of such qualities of CSP, such as good strength and inertness to moisture. You can put the CSP to metal products without an additional base, directly fixing the sheets with self-assembly on metal sufficient length. At the same time, if there is a need for insulation of gender, it is possible to initially fix on metal wooden bars, between which the sliced \u200b\u200bslabs of the insulation, such as mineral wool, and baptize the CSP plates to the bars.

In essence, the technology of laying is no different from the one that was described in the first part of the article, so it will not be written in detail. It should be noted that in case you are attached to the sheets directly to the metal, then you will need special metal screws. As a rule, they usually have a different design of the cap and hide them, so that they do not protrude above the level of the slab will be somewhat more complicated.