Repairs Design Furniture

Fixtures when planting potatoes Drawings Description of photography. Production of fixtures for planting and riding potatoes with their own hands. Video "Simple and fast way to plant potatoes"

Plant potatoes - time consuming. To facilitate the work, the craftsmen constantly invent new devices with the help of which it is possible to cope with sowing. Marker for planting potatoes - a device intended to facilitate manual labor and make a bed with straight, with uniformly distributed wells under the tuber. The potatoes planted under the marker is subsequently easy to handle attachments for minitractors, motor-blocks, manual and mechanized cultivators.

There are finished products on sale, but the advantage of the self-made marker is that the distance between the nearest stakes (cones or plows) for the formation of the holes or the grooves under the planting material will accurately coincide with the distance between the wheels of your motor-block or a minitractor.

Types of Marketers for Planting Potatoes

Marketers are both very simple and quite complicated. They are made of these devices often from the girlfriend. Someone had wooden stakes and strong boards, and someone used profile or round steel pipes. It is not fundamentally from what the handle of the instrument or frame will be made, only the distances between the elements that pierce the wells are important.

The simplest marker

It is a wooden stake with a height of about 90 cm and a diameter of approximately 60-70 mm. The transverse crossbar attached at a height of 150 mm from the tip serves as an emphasis that limits the depth of the well. To work with such a tool, it is necessary to outline the places of future pits using the cords: they are stretched along the rows at a certain distance from each other (40, 50, 60, 70 or 80 cm).

The distance between the cords depends on the manually or with the help of the motor-block it is planned to produce a vent and dip. The gap between the bushes is chosen in the range of 25-30 cm, depending on the size of the planting material and on how powerful stems are characteristic of this variety.

Marker for planting potatoes on the Mittlider system

A more complex marker model is presented in Fig. 1. This device is made of metallic pipe 1/2 "(with an outer diameter of 21 mm). A cylinder with a conical end (hereinafter referred to as the cone), penetrating wells, made of pipe with a diameter of 55 or 65 mm and welded to the frame. The pin from the pipe (Ø 21 mm) is designed for the markup of the next well at a distance of about 29 cm from the previous one.

Fig. 1. Marker for planting potatoes with markup on the Mittlider system

Starting the first row, the frame is parallel to the cord stretched along the garden, and with force are pressed into the ground. Then in the hole, scheduled to the marking pin, stick the cone and so on, to the end of the row. Going to another track, the wells are made in a checkerboard on the other side of the bed. If you plant potatoes according to the Mittlider method, using such a device, you can grow a solid harvest on a small area: up to 1000 kg from one weave (100 m2).

Marker, penetrating three holes at once

The assembly scheme is shown in Fig. 2. consists of a frame made of steel pipes, and three cones.

Fig. 2 Marker for planting potatoes, designed for 3 wells in a row

The welded frame of devices is made of a profile pipe 25x25x2 mm, easy and durable. You can use sweater materials, for example, a steel water gas pipe with a diameter of 32 mm. A pipe from duralumin is suitable, but the welding is better than steel. Cones are recommended to pull out aluminum or dense wood: acacia, oak.

In the upper (cylindrical) part of this part, the hole is made and the thread M8 is cut. In the pipe drilled 3 through holes with a diameter of 9 mm, through which the cone bolts M8 are attracted to the lower crossbar. With a bolt with a length from 40 to 80 mm, you can adjust the depth of the well. Distances between cones - 450 mm. Open ends of the support pipe must be closed with plugs. The size B * varies depending on which the depth of the wells is required: the longer the locking bolts, the greater the possibilities.

Wooden cones need to polish sandpaper, covered with varnish or olphos, so as not to stick the earth. Metal parts need to be protected from rust: they should be painted. The height of the frame everyone picks up under its growth, the size of the size is convenient for a person with an increase of 160-175 cm.

Marker that allows you to adjust the distance between the wells

Consider the marker, the design of which provides for the ability to change the distance between future potato bushes at its own discretion. In fig. 3 and 4 show drawing and scheme of such a tool.

Fig. 3 Through the traceser-potatoes-potatoes with two cones (2 holes in a row)

1 - carrier beam (water-water pipe with a diameter of 60 mm, with a wall thickness of 3 mm, 565 mm long) - 1 pc.

2 - tip cone - 2 pcs. They are manufactured by the conquer element (on the drawing field. 2) from the steel sheet with a thickness of 1.5 mm.

3 - Cylindrical hull (pipe Ø 60x3 mm, 100 mm long) - 2 pcs.

4 - marker (pipe Ø 21x2,5 mm, 250 mm long) - 3 pcs.

5 - Bracket retractable for marker (pipe Ø 21x2.5 mm, 330 mm long) - 2 pcs.

6 - sleeve - guide (pipe Ø 27x3 mm, 65 mm long) - 3 pcs.

7 - M8X40 bolt (fixing) - 3 pcs.

8 - Nut M8 (welded) 3pcs.

9 - Stack sleeve (pipe Ø 27x3 mm, 120 mm long) - 1 pc.

10 - Rack welded from two parts (pipe Ø 21x2,5 mm, length 1500 mm) - 1 pc.

11 - Bolt M10x20 (presser) - 1 pc.

12 - Retractable bracket (Pipe Ø 54x2,5 mm, length - 560 mm) - 1 pc.

13 - plug - 2 pcs.

The carrier beam (pos. 1) weld the sleeve for the rack (pos. 10), the nut (pos. 8) and the two guide bushings for brackets (pos. 6), as well as two pre-manufactured elements of punching wells. To make them, weld with cylinders and tapered tips (pos. 2 and 3).
Two of the three markers welded to the brackets (pos. 5), the third to the retractable bracket (pos. 12), and then fix it at a distance of 500 mm from the extreme cone.

In the nuts (pos. 8), welded to the bushings (pos. 6) and directly to the beam, screw the bolts (pos. 7) to secure the retractable brackets (pos. 4 and 12).

The rack (pos. 9) is inserted into the sleeve (pos. 10) and fix it with a presser bolt (pos. 11). Plugs are welded to the handles (pos. 13).
The design of this marker differs from the previous ones that the pins that plan the next row of the wells are made retractable, and the distance between the wells can be changed. The dimensions that determine the distances between the cones (500 mm) and the height of the rack (870 mm) can be changed in the manufacture, given the magnitude of the rod and the growth of the employee. In fig. 4 shows the scheme of such a tool.

Figure 4. Work diagram

Before starting the work, it is set to the necessary length of the brackets with pins for marking (this will be the distance between the wells), then they are clamped in the sleeves by locking bolts. After that, the device is installed to the top of the row, touching the cord stretched along the ridge. The first wells pierce the tool to compact the walls of the pits, and rearrange forward so that the cones fall into the labels left by marking pins.

In this way, movement continues, leaving the smooth rows of the wells made at the same distance from each other.

My dad, who lived in the village, was a real Kulibin. From the old meat grinder, he made a device for cleaning corn cobs from grains, from a saw - a device for sorghum processing, it has a electric dryer made on its own project. But I still use the other invention - the "sword" is a support for planting potatoes. Rather, with it, wells are made, where germinated tubers are lowered.

This "weapon" consists of a column (round in cross section, with a diameter of 8-10 cm), sharpened from one end. His length is chosen by the growth of the employee - the column should be about the chest. Two crossbars are fortified on the column (see the scheme): One of them is installed from the tip at a distance equal to the length of the bayonet shovel (they press the "sword" to the ground), and the second one is on the end (it is holding hands for it).

After I prepare the tool, I am acceptable for a plot for potatoes. Land overgrowing and equalizing robbles. Then pull the lace and on it with the help of the "sword" I make the wells at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other. Between the rows leave about the same. In the wells, put on potatoes with good strong sprouts and then zagrebly their rakes.

Say that you can do without "sword"? But do not say. There are several very important moments here. For example: Since the depth of all the wells is the same (here is another purpose of the lower crossbar on the "sword"), then the entire seating material is closed at the same level. Therefore, shoots appear together.

In addition, this method greatly facilitates work. In one day, our family of three, not re-drunk, landing 25-30 potatoes. And our neighbors (their also three) until they began to do, as we, we spent 3-4 days on this,, and then from fatigue
the plast was still the same!

True, when the mother-in-law saw me in a garden with a "sword", I didn't sit in the whole voice: "Oh, they ruined all the potatoes! In the world, let's go! " But when the friendly shoots appeared, she rejoiced the most.

By the way, there is in this way another plus: it is very easy to spend the first weeding, because there are no large empty gaps on the beds, and therefore there is no risk to cut into the potatoes yet. Now all the neighbors are armed with "swords" and with great warmth constantly remember my daddy, although for 10 years, as it is not with us. And those of those thorns who he cleaned bicycles for free, now their comprehensive obtuses ...

Svetlana Alekseevna

Our thought.
Here you look at such a device and think: it seems to be nonsense, nothing complicated, and the benefit is huge. The most important thing will save both strength and time. And why before no one could think about this? The most interesting thing is that many dachas-inventors are shy to praise with their "aggregates", they say, the neighbors laugh.

9479 08.10.2019 7 min.

In our country, in many families, a personal subsidiary farming is traditionally accepted. For many people, it is not just a way with minimal costs to receive useful and delicious food, but also a good option for additional earnings.

Even the inhabitants of large cities with the arrival of spring are chosen on their land plots and are taken for the cultivation of gardens. One of the most popular crops, of course, is potatoes. Potatoes, tasty and nutritious, but its landing is a time-consuming process that requires significant physical efforts.

But for small gardens, as well as centuries ago, heavy manual work is required. Spep and planting potatoes by hand on a plot, for example, ten hectares, requires from the gardener shuttering almost 15 tons of land. Such "exercises" not all on the shoulder.

Therefore, many are trying, where it is possible to simplify labor, applying various ways to mechanization and facilitate the planting process. One of the simplest devices, for manual mechanization of the process of planting potatoes, is.

With the help of this simple device, which, by the way, everyone can make themselves alone, gardens in all corners of our country every spring simplify the process of planting potatoes and protect the strength for other equally important garden affairs.

In our article we will try to describe the handmade potato device, tell me from what and how to do it, we will give some tips on how it is better to use it.

Read more about homemade manual potatoes. Watch the video:

By asking yourself the question: how to make a potato molding manual with their own hands necessary, first of all, look at its scheme. On the Internet it is easy to find the drawings of potatoes. They can see that the design of potatoes is, in fact, the hollow tube with an open top and a sliding valve below.

The lower end of the pipe is cut with a sposier so that a pointed in the lower part of the stalk is formed, and the whole design could easily enter the ground.

The slide valve is attached to the mowed lower edge, which opens at the moment when the device with potato tuber inside is turned into the ground to the necessary depth.

In order for the potato melting all the time on the same desired depth, at some distance from the lower edge, a flat limiter is welded. With it, it is convenient to stick to the potatoes in the ground, pressing his foot on him. The top edge of potatoes is open.

It is possible to attach the container for a small amount of potato tubers for landing and the simplest for their alternate direction towards the bottom of our device.

Necessary materials

You can either purchase a snow blower, such as, for example.

Or try to make it yourself. You will find a snow blower drawings to the Motoblock.

How to make himself

How quickly and without difficulties is made hand potatoes with their own hands. When all materials are prepared and assembled in one place, we take our pipe and a grinder cut off the lower part with the choke so that some acopeition of the book formed.

Cut the valve cover so that it overlaps the hole formed at the bottom with the reserve. Attach the hinge (loop) to pipe enclosures. Krepim's hinge cover of our valve. At a distance of 20-30 cm. From Niza weld to the tube.

Its length is best to make an equal distance between the bushes of the future potatoes. In this case, during the planting process, the end of the footboard will rest in the ground where the next tuber will need to land. Top of our pipe is dripping handles for the convenience of using it and basket for potato tubers.

The basket can not be used, but then it will have to carry a bucket with a planting material everywhere and constantly bend to take one potato for each well. The basket should not be too big and cumbersome.

A huge basket makes it difficult to plant the plant, and will interfere with the gardener when manipulating the device. Yes, and carry a lot of heavy potatoes everywhere, too, not very great pleasure.

The size of the basket is selected individually, so as to use the potatoes were conveniently, and did not have to very often add a new portion of potato tubers.

Fastening the footboard, handles and valves are best welding. Fix design elements with bolts, or screws, may be no less durable, but in those places where they will hang around the ends inside the housing, obstacles will form for passing potato tubers.

Before assembling the entire design, make sure that the total weight of all items will not represent problems for you when working.

The device should not be too heavy, otherwise you risk cannot ease your work, slightly moving and accelerating the process of planting potatoes, and on the contrary to complicate your life, grown with a near-blank device.

At the same time, the pipe housing should be strong enough to withstand many cycles to insert and remove the device from the Earth. Separate elements of the design of manual potatoes, depending on the preferences of that or another designer can be made in different ways.

For example, the valve can be made not folded, but sliding. Also, everyone, as a rule, is distinguished by the designs of baskets for the planting material and the method of feeding potato tubers in the feed pipe.

Some supply the valve mechanism with an additional hook, so that it is possible to securely control the foot of its opening and closing process. This is, of course, the easiest and most primitive agricultural tool. However, this is his charm.

Everyone can make potatoes, the material for this will certainly be found in any farm, and the efficiency of the device is very impressive.

Separately, I want to tell about another design of the self-made apparatus for planting potatoes. This is from top to which the box for the tubers prepared for planting is placed.

At the bottom, between two challenges, there is a device for uniform feeding potatoes in a pre-prepared groove. Such a cart goes over the furrows and in the process of movement, through equal gaps laying the potato tubers.

The back of such a device may be the falling booster the shield, but in this case, it will take more effort to move the trolley, or the help of a second person.

Such a device is already difficult to call the hand-made potato, but this is also a simple homemade unit, which can collect each of the old and unnecessary items.

Some craftsmen make potatoes from ordinary one-bedrooms. To do this, a hole is done in the bottom of the trough of the barn, in which one potato, and in the wheel, the top point of which is located just under this hole, are carried out at an equal interval.

When moving cars, potato tubers fall on the wheel on the wheel and the movement of the wheel move down to the prepared groove. So that the tubers do not fall out, a protective wing is located on the front from the wheel.

Shovel Combine

Another design used for planting potatoes is called the shovel combine. These are two handles that can get closer and away from each other, opening and closing the cone-shaped container in which potato plant is placed.

In the closed form, the container sticks into the ground, after which the handles are reduced together, the container is revealed and the potato tuber turns out to be in the ground. It is convenient, but it has to be tilted every time and put in a cone on one potato.

As you can see people invented many convenient and practical devices that facilitate the life of the gardener. Some of them can be called successful, some are not very, but they all help and with varying degrees of success replace a classic shovel.

User's manual

The use of such a potato planting device does not represent anything complex. The potatoes are inserted in the selected place in the ground and with the help of pressing the foot to the footboard under a small angle is plugged into the necessary depth.

The device is served cooked potato tubing. After that, using the handles, the potato housing is leaning in this direction so that the valve at the bottom of the device can open and the potatoes hit the ground. Following this, the device is removed, and the potatoes remain in the ground.

Cycle of work potatoes can be repeated again. With the right organization of the process, in 1-2 hours it is not very difficult work, you can have time to fall at 10 acres and more. This device is especially convenient because when it is used, it is not necessary to be kept constantly.

People with sick back appreciated the convenience and efficiency of using manual potatoes. The whole process of work occurs in the literal position, potato tubers are also on top, in the basket and do not need to bend down for each new potato.

When operating the device, it is necessary to adapt to insert it into the ground so that the outlet valve does not open. If you keep the valve with a side down - it will open simply under the action of gravity.

Therefore, before serving into the pipe, potatoes of new potatoes, you need to ensure that the valve is rotated with a lid up.


As you can see, the manual potato melting is not completely complex, or in the manufacture or in the device. Materials for its manufacture will surely find in the barn of any owner. The only difficulty in its manufacture can, for someone, to conclus for the need to use welding.

But this question is not difficult to solve, especially since the skill of welding at the level is sufficient for the creation of simple welding seams is quite able to each, but modern welding machines (meaning inverter welding machines) do not require any specific complex skills from the operator for Works with them.

As a last resort, you can always contact your welder known to you.

Use potatoes is very simple. It is especially effective to apply it on a previously plowed, say using a motoblock (for example,), or a minitractor (for example,), a potato field. With it, you can rather quickly and without much effort to plant potatoes on a significant area, saving your strength and time.

The advantages provided by potatoes are facilitating and accelerating the planting process, compliance with the same depth when planting tubers. We hope that this article seemed interesting to you and helped in the design and creation of manual potatoes.

Planting potatoes - Routine Spring Work. If you have a small household plot and a couple of across the land under potatoes, the landing manually will not take much time and strength. But several hectares to plant potatoes are difficult, but to make even and beautiful rows even more difficult. What to do? If you are at least a little familiar with the tools, you can make a fixture for planting potatoes with your own hands.

Folk self-relocities have come up with many mechanisms that will help plant potatoes. The most common are:

  • Simple marker.
  • Marker Mittlider.
  • Improved marker.
  • Potatoes.
  • Hand plow.

Tell how to make them yourself.

How to make a simple marker

Make a simple marker is easy. It is enough to have an ordinary board and a peg of wood at hand.

A marker for planting potatoes is a stake from a tree with a diameter of about 65 mm. The height of the Cola should be at least 90 centimeters. At an altitude of about 15 cm from the sharp edge, the transverse plank is attached. She will serve as an emphasis that limited the depths of the well.

Before starting a landing with this tool, you must first make the place of the holes first using the rope. Ropes stretch along the rows at a distance of 40-80 cm apart. The distance each establishes independently, it depends on whether there will be a plotting of a motor-block or manually. Between the bushes, there is a gap of about 25 centimeters plus-minus five centimeters, depending on the magnitude of the plant potatoes and varieties.

Why is a homemade device better than a purchase device? In Marcére, you can set an accurate distance that will be equal to the distance between the wheels of the cultivator or tractor.

Marker for planting potatoes on the Mittlider system

American Agronom Mittlider invented his way of planting potatoes. According to its method, the garden should be divided into landing beds up to nine meters long. The width of the beds is 45 centimeters. Between them make a distance of about 100 cm. The method of narrow beds allows you to water and fertilize only the land on them.

To plant potatoes on this method, you need to make a more complex device. In order to understand the principle of this device, you need to look at the scheme.

For the manufacture of a marker for planting potatoes, they will need a metal pipe with a diameter of 21 mm, it serves to mark the holes. Thus, the wells are obtained at a distance of 29 cm from each other. Another pipe with a diameter of 55 (65) mm is welded to the frame, it turns out a cone from it that will pierce the wells.

Before boarding, first stretch the cords along the beds. The frame is put in parallel stretched lines, starting landing of the first row, pressed it into the ground. The marking pin will schedule a hole, you need to stick the cone. So make holes to the end of the row. On the other row they make holes in a checker order.

Using this device, you can even grow a decent harvest in a small area.

Superior marker on three holes

Using three cones and metal pipes, you can make a device that will allow you to immediately do three wells. It is necessary to take a pipe of steel D 32 mm. Steel is easy to weld, although you can use a pipe from duralumin.

Cones are made of high strength wood, for example, oak or acacia, but better from aluminum.

Cones to the lower crossbar are screwed with long bolts. The depth of the well depends on the length of the bolts. The longer the locking bolts will be, the deeper there will be a hole. Between the cones make a distance of 45 cm.

Potato mood with her own hands

The simplest device for planting potatoes can be a potatoes. Make a potatoes can any man, spending a couple of hours. You will need to take two boards with a length of 1.5 meters, as well as two cola with a diameter of 10 cm.

Pegs are made of thick fir branches. They are processed, sharpen, make handles. Wooden transverse planks nourish them. There are about 60-65 centimeters between the stakes, if subsequently landing will be treated with a cultivator or mini-tractor. The distance must be no more than 55 cm if the processing is manual.

The lower board must be with a margin, it makes a note from the unwarked rail at the same distance as stakes. It will help determine the beginning for the pits.

How to use this device? Fitting to put on the ground, keeping the handles in front of yourself. Press up to work well. We immediately get two mud holes, the third will be a note, they follow in the opposite direction. The second person will follow the marking, and plant potatoes.

How to make a hand plow

The manual plow will be a homemade machine for planing, dipping, loosening the Earth. Two people can manage them. To make a plow, it is worth an effort.

For manufacture, you will need:

  • Meter hollow tube with a diameter of 2.5 cm.
  • Hollow pipe with a diameter ¾ inch.
  • Metal sheet with a thickness of 2 mm.
  • Metal plate with holes or talp.
  • Gas-burner.
  • Bulgarian.
  • Welding machine.

A large pipe bend, retreating from the beginning to 30 centimeters. To facilitate this procedure, you can use pipe bender. Use a soldering lamp if there is no pipe bender.

Little pipe must be bent. To adjust the height, you need to make holes on the vertical rack and on the upper edge. The height of the rack is made individually to the person who will keep the plow, it is convenient. It can be adjusted by bolts.

Vertical part at the ends are plane. Its height is about 60 cm. Between the traction and the rack are laid out to be able to adjust the angle of attack. Bottom attach an angle. More details on the video:

Planting potatoes and care for it is not easy and tedious process. Typically, sites that are discharged to potatoes are quite large, therefore, it takes a lot of time and strength to land, dip and clean the potatoes.

And, of course, this process must be automated. There are many devices that facilitate the life of the gardener. These are mechanized devices, and manual inventory.

There is from what to choose, considering the area of \u200b\u200bthe plot and financial capabilities.

Cultivators for planting potatoes

Earth processing devices are called cultivators. The cultivator can loosen the soil, steamed the Earth, remove weeds, make fertilizers, plant, dip.

Motorized techniques used on household plots and farms are divided into three types: motor-cultivators, motoblocks, mini tractor. They are distinguished by the capacity and the volume of the functions performed.

Motor-cultivators are divided into classes depending on weight. Mechanisms up to 30 kg belong to the first class and are designed to work in small areas. Motor-cultivators up to 60 kg belong to the second class, work on large areas. The aggregates up to 100 kg belong to the third class. For work on household plots, the cultivators of the second class are purchased, separately buy nozzles.

Table: Comparison of motorcycles

Photo Gallery: Types of Cultivators

Motor-cultivator is easier and maneuvere Motoblock, applied on small areas. Has drive wheels, the most popular technique in the summer-tractor can work on large areas, convenient to operate, chief assistant farmer

For all types of cultivators there is a set of nozzles to perform various works.

Rugs are used to enhance potatoes and create a furrow during landing. The potatoes facilitates the cleaning of potatoes. With the help of mounted mowers slaughter grass. The potatoes will help when planting potatoes. Pumps are used for watering land. Plow plow large plots of land.

Hedgehogs for landing, features of equipment

The adaptation of the Yozh consists of two parts, each of which is a set of bonded among themselves at a certain distance of disks of different sizes with spikes. These two designs from the disks are interconnected in such a way that the angle is formed. The presence of an angle allows for the cultivator movement to form an earthen comb.

When processing, a variety uses structures from both one hedgehog and from several fastened frames.

Photo Gallery: Treatment Varieties for Potatoes

Yozh Elenced Double Troin

The main function of the hedgehog is a weeding, loosening, extracting potato planting. Two weeks after landing, when there are no shoots of potatoes, it is recommended to conduct a trustees processing of the field with the hedgehogs. Yozh removes weeds with roots and loose soil. After such processing, the growth of the root system is enhanced.

Occakes for landing

Occupic - a device for a cultivator intended for planting and emphasising potatoes. This device may be single-row, double-row, three-row or more than three rows. The greater the number of rows, the higher the productivity of the cultivator. Equipment for the use of occupiers with a large number of rows should be more powerful.

Photo Gallery: Species Dimensions

Single-row row for Motor Cultivator Cultivator Two-row for Motoroblocker Three-row for Mini Tractor

Sink models are with a fixed or variable grip width.

With a fixed width of the capture, planting potatoes is performed with a width between rows of at least 70 cm for the convenience of enclosure. If the richness rebuild the width of the grip, then the width of the rifle can be any.

The technology of using a double row occupier when planting potatoes implies the use of a marker for marking. The rank is installed at markup and begin to cut the furrows.

After the turn, one occupier can be omitted into the sliced \u200b\u200bfurrow, and you can continue the cutting of the furrow along the marked lines. After cutting, the furrow begin planting potatoes. The tubers are placed in the furrows at a distance of 35-40 centimeters, then the furrows fill the earth.

Mini Salti

Mounted potatoes consist of several blocks:

  • a small plow for a slit furrow;
  • potato compartment;
  • special skaters for filling the potatoes of the earth.

Just like hedgehogs and sakers, potatoes are homogeneous and multiple. The use of one or another modification depends on the power of the technique and the composition of the soil.

Photo Gallery: Varieties of potatoes

Motor Cultivator Motor Cultivator or Motor Capartophelese Motor Cultivator Motor Cultorous For Motoblock Potatoes Potatoes Potatoes on Square in 2 hectares in one hour of work

To perform a landing, you need to replace rubber wheels to the primer. When passing the potatoes on the site, all operations are performed simultaneously: the grooves are made, the tubers are stacked, the tubers are falling asleep. Simultaneously with the planting of potatoes, you can make fertilizers if you use an additional device.

Landing mini tractor

The mini-tractor is used in areas with any relief.
Of course, for a small site, this technique does not fit, there is no place to turn around. Such a mechanism must be purchased if the area is more than 50 acres. The mini tractor is divided into light (power up to 14 liters.), Medium and heavy (up to 35-45 liters.). With the help of a mini tractor, you can perform the following work:

  • plow;
  • plant;
  • cultivate;
  • make fertilizers;
  • mow the grass;
  • purify a plot from garbage;
  • remove snow;
  • fall asleep pits and trenches.

For landing with a minitractor, it is preferable to use potatoes. The rank in this case does not fit, because the width of the groove differs from the collave width of the tractor, and upon subsequent, the gauge will not coincide.

Experienced farmers apply an unusual admission. For the first pass, only two occupier housings are used, placing them at a distance of 30 cm from the middle of the wheels. Lay out potatoes.

Then the third occupier is added, go on the first rut and buried potatoes.

Manual potato landing devices

Among the handmade devices, you can select a hand plow, markers and manual cultivator.

Very convenient adaptation - Plow "Vyatsky Pakhacker". Potato landing is done in this way. Swamer a furrow number 1, the tubers unfold in it. Begin to dig the second furrow, instiling at the same time.

Frozda No. 2 is used to bookmark fertilizers. When digging the third furrow, the second is falling asleep. In the furrow number 3, the tubers are again stacked. And the whole procedure is repeated. The width of the rod with such a planting is 60 cm.

The tool is regulated by growth.

Shovel Vyatsky PAKAR increases the speed of processing the area four times

Another fixture for planting potatoes is a marker. Very useful and comfortable thing. The material from which the marker is made is high quality steel. The width between the cones may vary from 10 to 50 cm.

Using a marker - a guarantee of smooth beds

There are manual cultivators on sale. With the help of a manual cultivator "Grinder (6 in 1)" can be performed by several types of work:

  • plant and dip roots;
  • loose, pour and cut the weeds;
  • sow seeds of almost all agricultural crops;
  • water crusts on the surface of the ridge before planting.

Handheld cultivator "Zemler" will replace multiple tools

Homemade equipment for planting and dipping potatoes, schemes

The range of homemade machinery for paint processing is huge.And although there are many devices on sale, with which you can plant and emphasize potatoes, craftsmen all the time create new devices to relieve and accelerate work into the sowing.

The simplest device is a marker. His appointment is to place the ridges in such a way as to make landings smooth and suitable for subsequent processing of motor-cultivators.

Self-made markers, the distance between cones coincides with the sizes of the existing technique, which will subsequently be processed by landing. Homemade markers are simple and complex, from wood or metal.

Here the main thing is at what distance from each other are cones that pierce the wells.

Markers for planting potatoes do it yourself

Markers differ from each other by the number of cones for punching holes.

One hole marker

The simplest marker is a wooden stake with a height of about 90 cm and a diameter of 60-70 mm. At a distance of 15 cm from the island perpendicularly fixed by the crossbar. This is the focus to limit the depths of the well. Splash venues are planned with cords.

Three-hole marker

The three-hole marker is a frame and three cones. Distance between cones 450 mm. The cones to the bottom plank of the frame are attached by bolts that allow you to adjust the depth of the hole. Materials used:

  • profile pipe 25x25x2 mm;
  • aluminum or dense wood for cones;
  • m8 bolts 40-80 mm long.

The height of the frame is selected under the growth of a person who will work with the marker

Marker with adjustable distance between wells

The distance between the wells depends on how the marker pins are nominated.

For the manufacture of a marker with adjustable distance between the wells, materials will be needed:

  • water-gas pipe with a diameter of 60 mm, with a wall thickness of 3 mm, a length of 565 mm for the carrier beam;
  • steel sheet with a thickness of 1.5 mm for conical elements;
  • pipe 60x3 mm, 100 mm long for a cylindrical case;
  • tube 21x2.5 mm, 250 mm long for a marker;
  • pipe 21x2.5 mm, 330 mm long for a bracket of retractable for marker;
  • tube 27x3 mm, 65 mm long for guide sleeve;
  • m8X40 bolt (fixing) - 3 pcs.;
  • nut M8 (welded) 3 pcs.;
  • pipe 27x3 mm, 120 mm long for rack sleeves;
  • pipe 21x2.5 mm, 1500 mm long for a welded counter of two parts;
  • bolt M10x20 (presser) - 1 pc.;
  • 54х2,5 mm pipe, 560 mm long for a sliding bracket;
  • cap - 2 pcs.

Retractable marker pins allow you to change the distance between the wells

The procedure for making a marker.

  • Make elements for punching holes. Swim cylinders and tapered tips (2 and 3).
  • To the carrier beam, weld the sleeve for a rack (10), nut (8), two guide bushings for brackets (6) and two elements for punching wells.
  • Coy to brackets (5) two markers.
  • Watch the third marker to the retractable bracket (12), fix 50 cm at a distance from the extreme cone.
  • Screw bolts in nuts (8).
  • In the sleeve (10) insert the rack (9) and fasten the pressure bolt (11).
  • Prevory plugs to handles (13).
  • Photo Gallery: Varieties of Markers for Planting Potatoes

    Marker with one conemarker on two coneamarker on three cones

    Shovel combine do it yourself

    Another device is a shovel-combine. It works in this way. Two shovels in the form of a triangle are attached to the handles. In a closer position, the shovels resemble the beak. The shovel deepens to the ground by pressing the "beak", the handles are reduced, the shovels under the ground are revealed, the tuber is thrown into the resulting hole. Then the shovel is removed from the ground without closing it. The tuber remains in the garden.

    Photo Gallery: Combine Shovel

    Drawing Shovel-CombinalAtophate-Combine - Simple Fixture for Planting Potato Flood Combine in Action

    Potato Motorcraft for Motoblock DIY

    People's engineers make it their hands even devices for motor-cultivators. Many authors who have published a description of their homemade potatoes, used the drawings of factory production aggregates.

    The principle of operation of the mechanism is that when moving a mini-tractor or motoblock, the aggregate wheels are spinning, the axis rotates with the lead star. Above the lead star is a small star. Stars are connected by chain.

    On the chain welded cups to extract potatoes from the bunker.

    Factory potato melting (assembly drawing): 1 - counterweight; 2 - unit; 3 - bracket; 4 - tensioning device; 5 - conveyor; 6 - bunker; 7, 9, 16, 23, 24 - bolt; 8 - rack; 10 - sector; 11 - disk; 12 - the height of the ridge; 13 is a landing step; 14 - borozdowel; 15 - landing depth; 17 - hitch; 18 - width of the rut; 19 - bracket; 20 - Vallest drum; 21 - conveyor; 22 - angle of attack

    The frame for homemade potatoes is collected from the chambers. A bunker of plywood or metal is installed on the frame, the bunker is equipped with a feed elevator. The elevator is collected from special cups. Cups are fixed on the chains at a distance of 270 mm and move along with the chain.

    Photo Gallery: Feed elevator device in potatoes

    Casting drawing on the chain - a circle of wire 10 mm with a diameter of 50-60 mm, two arcs are welded from the cross. Cross-binding cups on chains

    Materials for making potatoes:

    • metal corner;
    • tank from the Soviet washing machine;
    • gear;
    • chain;
    • armature;
    • steel wire;
    • channel;
    • wheels.

    What instruments will need:

    • welding machine;
    • bulgarian;
    • drill;
    • a hammer;
    • a set of keys;
    • screwdriver;
    • lubes.

    The procedure for performing work:

  • Separate corners and channels.
  • Cut design.
  • Attach the axis on the frame with the gear.
  • Make cups-scales.
  • Fasten cups on chains.
  • Watch to frame vertical rods.
  • Install the wheels on the axis and pull the chain.
  • Install the bunker for potatoes.
  • Photo Gallery: Stages of manufacture of potatoes

    Cutting of the grinding corners for the manufacture of Raman Cooked Rama The axis is fixed with a gear frame installed wheels and a tensioning chaincartoplecess is ready to work

    Hedgehogs for nuts potatoes do it yourself

    Some farmers are manufactured independently of the hedgehog for emphasising potatoes. On the principle of operation, homemade hedgehogs do not differ from factory. For the manufacture of hens will need materials:

    • sheet steel 4 mm;
    • steel strip 20 mm width and 4 mm thick;
    • rod from metal with a thickness of 8 mm in diameter and a length of 100 to 140 mm;
    • pipe inch;
    • metal rod with a diameter of 20 mm;
    • steel strip 70 mm width and 4 mm thick, 200 mm long.

    For the manufacture of hens will require tools:

    • welding machine;
    • gas cutter for metal;
    • corner grinding machine (Bulgarian);
    • set of locksmith tools.

    Procedure of work in the manufacture of heels.

  • Cut two metal sheet rings using a gas cutter. The outer diameter of the rings 300 mm, internal - 200 mm.
  • In a circle with a diameter of 200 mm, which remained from a large ring, cut holes with a diameter of 100 mm.
  • Carry out the third pair of disks with a diameter of 100 mm, in which the holes are cut into the center. The hole must be 1 cm more pipe diameter.
  • Cut from steel strip 24 strips with a length of at least 90 mm.
  • Of these, 16 will be needed to connect two pairs of large and medium discs, 8 (4 per cone) - for medium and small.
  • Large and middle rings connect with jumpers (8 pieces per cone), it follows from the marks made in advance. First, to read two diameters perpendicular to each other, then, turning a line by 45º, draw two more lines at right angles. On small disks, 4 jumpers are enough.
  • Cut the 80-90 pins with a length of 120 mm from the rod with a diameter of at least 8 mm. Pins sharpen on both sides at an angle of 45º. Remove the sharp uneven edges and burger burrs.
  • For large rings to quickly welcome 15 spikes, on the middle rings of 10 spikes, on small 5 spikes.
  • Bend the bracket on which the axis will be strengthened. Brace to weld or make 2 holes for bolted connections in it.
  • Collect device: large rings will be inside, and small discs are outside. The distance between the big ring and the small disk should not exceed 170 mm. End of the axes insert into the holes of the bracket. Customize the axis in the holes using nuts (if thread is made on the axis) or welding.
  • Clean all irregularities, paint the design.
  • 2 hedgehogs are put on the hinged frame of the tractor, each of which consists of two conical elements connected at an angle of 45º, the distance between the hedgehogs should be 50-70 cm

    Fixtures for planting and emphasising potatoes. The choice depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe processed area. Many devices can be made independently. Each vegetable breed chooses the optimal option for it.

    Hezhi for potato weeding with their own hands: drawings and description

    A hedgehog for potatoes is a practical agricultural tool that simultaneously performs several important tasks. Depending on the model, this device can be a suspension engine block or a hand tool. Consider the goal and functions of this tool, as well as learn how to make hedgehogs to handle potatoes with your own hands: sizes and videos.

    Why need hedgehogs

    The hedgehogs perform the following functions:

  • clean the beds from weeds, removing them together with roots;
  • during operation, they scare the mole and rodents. Remove some harmful insects to the surface, after which birds will be eaten;
  • loose soil, providing better air and water to roots;
  • dip the bushes.
  • Hedgehogs for the processing of potatoes for one furrow

    Hand-tooling potatoes with conic hedgehogs requires great effort, so it is better to cling them for the engine block. Simplified design will help relieve work. For manual weeding, we use Jerzy to one furrow. That is, on a piece of pipes with a length of about 250 mm and the thickness of welded spikes is 150-200 mm.

    The design is fixed with the shaft and two bearings on the metal bracket, on which the handle is fixed. Such hedge can be made independently, but you can buy them in the store. The factory structure usually consists of a set of spars with 5-6 spikes, which are installed on the shaft with the bearing. The length of each spine is 60 mm.

    The distance between the star is about 40 mm.

    Manual control or home hedgehogs are simply rolling on a row of potatoes back and forth. The spikes pull out the weeds of the root, loosen the soil, and the potatoes itself remains intact.

    If it is possible to make hedgehogs to weep potatoes with your own hands, it is better to abandon the purchase option. You will make a mechanism with the right size suitable for your site.

    Hedgehogs for nuts potatoes on bearings

    Hedgehogs for treating potatoes on bearings are intended for weeding and granulating potatoes and vegetables planted with rows from 60 to 90 cm.

    They are used at the initial germination and after grounding soil processing.

    Passing between the rows of hedgehogs, you dig all kinds of weeds, loosen the ground, saturate it with oxygen and at the same time plant vegetable crops. Advantages - Bearing node, three-position adjustment of the angle.

    Rotary hedgehogs for potato weeping

    The hedgehogs are intended for pretreatment and post-lead processing of potatoes and other rooteploods. The hedgehogs are flashed, weed and plunge. The soil for weeding is compatible with all kinds of intercourse cultivators for tractors and motor blocks.

    Do you use hedgehogs to buy potatoes? Yes, it makes a lot of work on the potatoes, more convenient for the potato

    Certifying potatoes with hedgehogs is the least laborious process, three operations are performed for one pass: weeding of rows, filling the soil and gluting the beds. The big plus of rotating rippers are their versatility, they can be equipped with almost any cultivator or motor-block without changing the design of the latter.

    Hedgehog for inter-rope processing process rows between 50 and 75 cm.

    Video: Cars of potatoes hedgehogs

    In this video you can see how the shelter goes with her hands.

    How to make hedgehog for potato weed

    Now let's see how to make hedgehog to handle potatoes with your own hands.

    Preparatory stage

    To make homemade manual hedgehog, you will need:

    • metal pipe with a diameter of 15 cm;
    • metal rod;
    • bearings;
    • metal rods with a diameter of 8 mm;
    • tube for frame;
    • corners;
    • wooden pen.

    From the tools you need:

    • welding machine;
    • bulgarian;
    • metal cutter.

    Stages of construction

    Consider the plan for creating a simple hedgehog:

  • Cut a piece of pipe that will play the role of the axis. The length must be selected according to the size of the strings in your area.
  • Cut the spikes from rods 6-7 cm long. They can be additionally sharpened at an angle of 45 ° on one side.
  • Swelling spikes to the pipe so that they form several circles at a distance of 4 cm apart. Each circle should have about 5 peaks.
  • Make U-shaped spacer cutter. The length of the legs should be 34-36 cm, so that the spike tube can rotate without interference. Make holes on the edges of the legs.
  • In the pipe you can put the rod and bearings or just weld the edges of the plugs using 1.6 cm pins.
  • Collect the design by inserting the pins or edges of the rod into the holes in the frame. To weld the corners, to secure the wooden handle between them.
  • When using such a device, it is forcibly advanced. In this case, the spikes should break into the ground.
  • It is much more difficult to create a suspension design with your own hands. In addition, it is associated with risk - there is a danger to damage the equipment.

    If you are confident in your abilities and want to try, carefully consider the drawing of the future design and its size. For large hedgehog, you can use wheels with a size of 30, 20 and 10 cm, for small 24, 17 and 10 cm.

    For example, consider the option:

    • Cut from metal sheet two rings with an outer diameter of 30 cm and an inner diameter of 20 cm. Circles cut from the center become medium-sized rings - small circles with a diameter of 10 cm are cut from their center. Finally, in small circles, make a hole for a pipe for 1 mm more diameter.
    • Prepare two pieces of pipes. Put on every three rings - a small weld, and the middle and large join the knitting needles. The distance between large and small discs should be 17-18 cm.
    • Cut 24 jumpers from steel strip. Connect them with large and medium rings - 8 pieces. For each pair. Then connect the middle and small rings - 4 pcs. For a couple.
    • Cut 80-90 spikes with a length of 12 cm. Cook them on disks - at least 15 for large, 10 for medium and 5 for small. If desired, it may be more. You can also add spikes to jumpers.
    • Bend the blank for a paper clip in the form of the letter P. Make holes for it in the axes.
    • Insert the rods with bearings in the pipe. The ends of the rods from the side of the large rings are placed in the holes on the bracket and are attached to bolts or welded. Between itself, hedgehog should be at an angle of 45 °.

    Hezhie for potato weeding with their own hands: drawings

    We present to your attention the drawings of the construction of the hedgehogs.

    Video: homemade hedgehog

    Here you will learn how to make hedgehogs to buy potatoes with your own hands: video to help you!

    Regular processing of the beds using heroes can significantly increase the yield of potatoes. In addition, it reduces the number of weeds and improves the state of the soil, which has a beneficial effect on the state of the site as a whole.

    We approach the cultivation of potatoes with the mind: Tips on how to get a good harvest without weeding and dipping

    Potatoes are one of the most common foods in the human diet. The cultivation of potatoes is a rather time-consuming process that requires considerable effort to obtain a decent result in the form of a rich harvest.

    Swipe the Earth, sow seeds, dip, spinning, to process from harmful insects and again, and again - how much precious time went to the routine work! But the inquisitive daches found for themselves the "new" technique - growing potatoes without a weeding and dip. This article gives advice on how to get a good harvest without weeding and dip.

    What it is?

    The essence of the methods without a weeding and extracting is to create a similar potato of a certain coating for the retention of heat and moisture that contribute to the full growth and development of tubers.

    The coating uses various materials:

    • special black film (agrofiber) passing moisture, but preventing weed growth;
    • pieces of cardboard;
    • hay or straw.

    Moreover, seeds do not necessarily bury. It is possible to create "nests" on the surface of the earth, for example, straw, and simply wait for the result.

    The method without weeding and dipping includes planting potatoes not only in the territory of the site, but also in special devices, such as:

    • boxes;
    • boxes;
    • barrels;
    • bags.

    The way without extracting justifies itself with good crops. You can also hear a lot of summer residents and positive reviews who tested his dacrooms.


    The advantage of this technique is that mulch (coating) creates a wonderful microclimate to grow large volumes of harvest with minimal resource costs. As practice shows, from one bush you can get approximately 15-20 potatoes weighing up to 300 grams, and this is an excellent result, given the minimum effort.

    Pros and cons

    Benefits of using straw for growing potatoes:

    • Straw keeps moisture perfectly. Soil, and with it and seeds, even in the hottest days will be protected from overheating and drought. Of course, in the absence of rains, it is still recommended to water the plants, but it can be done much less often and less abundant.
    • Over time, straw will begin to decompose and turn into humus. Along with the production of carbon dioxide useful for soil, worms and microorganisms will appear contributing to the growth and development of tubers.
    • Webling will cease to be painful responsibility, because weed sponsings are difficult to break through the light through a significant mulch layer.
    • Insects settled in straw are excellent allies in the fight against Colorado beetles.
    • There will be no need to dip chops, as the roots will not be deep underground.
    • Due to the absence of nylby lumps of the Earth, the fertile collection will be easier, more pleasant and faster without auxiliary inventory.
    • Straw will become excellent fertilizer after harvest. If it is slightly to touch its land, useful bacteria will continue and will remain effective for the next year.

    Of the minuses of this method, it is worth noting:

    • Rodents. The straw remains spikelets that attract mice, which in turn can spoil part of the harvest. Fortunately, with pests you can fight, putting such beneficial plants like elderberry, mint, riser, wormwood, pyrhem or chamomile.
    • Slug. The wet environment is ideal for habitat of this variety of pests. Special traps will fight them. For the same reason, it is not desirable to place cabbage beds next to potatoes.
    • Boots with a harvesting of hay or straw. It can also be attributed to the cons, because with their lack of tubers can be green, which will lead to the deterioration of the taste of fruits.

    The necessary conditions

    To increase the effectiveness of this method of growing potatoes, compliance with certain conditions.

    Choose seed potatoes with mind

    It is believed that any potatoes are suitable for such cultivation techniques.

    Despite the fact that many vegetables give preference to Dutch varieties, should not be neglected and domestic.

    Perhaps they are less yields, but it is more resistant to unfavorable conditions. Such varieties are perfectly suitable in the southern regions.:

    • Condor for its taste and storage stability.
    • Impala for high yield.
    • Red Scarlett for the rapidness.

    For the northern regions, varieties are widely used: Holmogorsk and Antonin.

    Seed potatoes must have strong, juicy sprouts, while dried fruits will reduce the chances of obtaining a rich harvest.

    You can independently prepare seeds for landing. For this you need:

  • To put potatoes in drawers or in boxes and put in a light warm room for 3-4 weeks before disembarking on the site.
  • Pick the root eggs with a chicken egg. Large potatoes can be cut, but sprouts should remain on each part.
  • What tool will need?

    The main tool that will be required for this method is the coating. If the film or cardboard is not a problem, then with hay and straw will have to tinker. The material must be enough for at least two styling. A straw can also be used for the next year, underwrite in a dry, reliable room.

    If the place allows, you can select a small area and grow hay and straw yourself. Choosing an agrofiber as a coating, it is necessary to take into account that the soil is needed to fit well before landing.

    As a fertilizer, a mixture of humus and ash is perfectly suitable. If the land is infected with a wireboat, you can lay onion husks next to potatoes, which scares the colorado beetles. It is recommended to change the landing site every year so that the potatoes did not degenerate.

    Effectively plant potatoes on a peat layer saturated with phosphorus and nitrogen. From organic fertilizers, preference is given to urea.

    The land for planting potatoes is preferably cooking from autumn. If the plot is densely throwing the weeds, it is not necessary to resort and pull it several times.

    It is enough to simply flip the top layer of the turf so that the greens are below, and the roots from above.

    All winter grass will be hugged, and the spring is formed excellent soil rich in useful substances. You should not be afraid that the seeds of weed grass, shrinking, will be sprouting again, because the straw coating will prevent this process.

    Finally, it is possible from the autumn to sing a section isolated under potatoes by such cultures as mustard, rye or oats. They not only have a soil with useful vitamins, but will help in the fight against the boning weeds.

    Grown stems cut and leave straight on the beds. For shelter, you can cut the grass in the spring, before it gives seeds.

    Methods landing

    It is possible to plant potatoes:

  • The easiest way is to lay out the sprouts germinated by potatoes to the bottom and hide it with a "cap" from straw. The first coating layer should not be too dense otherwise the sprouts will not be able to break out. A serious disadvantage can become instability to wind gusts, which often disrupts the straw. This can be avoided slightly sprinkling the coating of the earth or paving between the rows of the board.

    After the appearance of germs, it is necessary to seal the material around the stems so that the potatoes do not discount under the scorching sun. Harvesting is simple enough: you can unrest for the straw and collect roots.

    Straw has a property to settle, on this, it will be necessary to re-cover the bed.

  • The second method includes the stage of creating a shallow hole or a groove of a depth of 10 - 15 centimeters. Seeds also laid out in a row at a distance of about 30 - 40 centimeters. If the soil is saturated and fat, you can simply be put on top of the straw, if dry - it is recommended to sprinkle the earth seeds slightly. The coating layer is laid out about 20-25 centimeters.

    After the appearance of germs, it is necessary to add straw around the stem of still 20 centimeters to height. The harvest fee will not take much time - when the tops get dry will need to be only to move the mulch with robbles, raise the stem and collect root.

  • Care for rootpode

    The whole charm of the method described in the article is that special care is not required after landing.

    The question with weeds is almost completely closed, there is no need for a dip in the dip, since tubers are not underground, but under the coating.

    If straw is used, it is important to correct it in time so that there are no lumen and root corrupts. Watering potatoes, if necessary, dry weather - that's all the care.

    In conclusion, we note that the method described in the article is the process of growing potatoes without a weeding and extracting, previously used was previously used and showed excellent results.

    High productivity in combination with ease of use attracts an increasing number of both experienced vegetables and just lovers.

    As it turned out, enjoy work and collect rich yields without any effort quite real.

    Growing potatoes without weeding

    To get a good potato harvest, it is necessary to prepare the soil, plant seed tubers, dip, pour, fight the colorado beetle and pour again. However, over the years of trial and errors, the gardeners found such a way to grow potatoes without a weeding, which significantly saves strength and time. Yes, and potatoes grows larger and tastier.

    Method of growing potatoes without weeding

    The essence of the cultivation of potatoes without a weeding is to formation over the tuber coverage (mulch), which will hold soil heat and moisture, promote the growth of tubers and the vegetative mass of potatoes, but it will slow down the growth of weed vegetation.

    What to use to cover potatoes without weeding?
    Usually coverage (mulch) is hay or strawwho perfectly pass moisture and warmly, but effectively inhibit the growth of weed vegetation.

    Growing potatoes under straw, Siderats, agrofluorin

    Where can I grow potatoes without weeding?
    The method of growing potatoes under the straw without bonding tubers can be planted:

    • on the plot (on the field and bed),
    • in drawers
    • in boxes
    • in barrels
    • in bags.

    How does the cultivation of potatoes without a weeping affect the yield?

  • Noted that yield when using a method of growing potatoes under straw without a weeding, increases 1.5-2 times. One potato bush can easily give up to 4-5 kg \u200b\u200bof tubers.
  • The fact is that the coating provides tubers with the necessary amount of moisture and heat, eliminates potato plants from competitors.
  • ____________________________________________________________________

    How to increase the yield of potatoes

    Growing potatoes without weeding: pros and cons

    As with each method of growing potatoes (under the film, under the Siderats, under the straw, etc.), the method without weeding its advantages and disadvantages.

    Pluses of growing potatoes without weeding

  • shelter keeps moisture in the soil,
  • protects tubers and plants from overheating and from supercooling,
  • straw or hay, decomposing, supply potatoes with extra power,
  • shelter contributes to the reproduction of useful microflora and raindrops,
  • the air and moisture permeability of the soil increases,
  • improves the growth and development of tubers, the above-ground mass of potatoes,
  • it disappears the need for extracting and exhausting weeds: no light penetrates through the shelter, weeds do not grow.
  • often, straw becomes a house for useful insects, which destroy the larvae of the Colorado beetle.
  • Minuses of growing potatoes without weeding

    • Slugs are quickly multiplied by a warm and wet environment. To combat them it is necessary to use various secure traps for humans and the environment.
    • Additional spending on the purchase or preparation of hay or straw.
    • Straw and hay often attract rodents who can ruin the harvest.

    To protect against rodents:

  • use poisoned bait
  • severated on the borders of the site scares herbs: mint, riser, wormwood, chamomile or pyrhem or.
  • _____________________________________________________________________

    How to deal with rodents

    Potato grade for growing without weeding

    To fully use the method of growing potatoes without a weeding, you need to know its subtleties. For example, you need to correctly pick up the varieties of potatoes. I advise you to choose famous, well-proven varieties, pushing out from the conditions of the region.

    For the southern regions, I advise you to use varieties:

    • Condor(excellent taste and the possibility of long-term storage),
    • Impala(excellent yield),
    • Red Scarlett (Silver).

    In the regions of the central and northern, the varieties will be appropriate:

    • Holmogorsky(complex of positive signs)
    • Antonina(Complex of positive signs).


    New potato varieties for middle strip

    Potato landing without weeding

    Training clubs

  • Tubers disembark sprouted with strong, dense sprouts.
  • Before boarding, I advise the tubers to put in cardboard boxes and put on the light, about 1 month.
  • The tubers are better to take the size of a chicken egg - such can land whole, larger tubers are better to cut in half and sprinkle saws.
  • Preparation of soil

    Even when using hay or straw, the soil is preferably fertilized. When growing potatoes without a weeding, it is important to know that the soil should initially be loose and maximum free of weed vegetation, so when the soil has the soils, it is necessary to choose all the roots of weeds.

    • Fertilizer needs to be added to the autumn period under the soil pin, laying up 4-5 kg \u200b\u200bon the surface of the soil redeveloped manure and 1 tbsp. l. Nitroammophos for each 1 m².
    • As well as fertilizer can be used woodwood and humus- on 1 m² you need 3-4 kg of humus and 250-300 g of wood ash.
    • I advise you before falling down potatoes in the deepening or under the tuber (if the row of tubers is carried out without rewards) put handfather onion huskShe effectively scares the colorado beetle.
    • Be sure to follow I. crop rotation: For the previous place, potatoes can be returned after 1-2, but it is impossible to grow it annually in the same place.

    Methods of planting potatoes without weeding

    There are 2 ways to calculate tubers under the straw:

  • Laying sprouted potato tubers by rows, placing them with sprouts down, and shelter by the tuber layer of hay or straw.
  • You can dig a hole in the depth of approx. 15 cm and put the tubers in them - this option is appropriate on sandy soil.
    • The tubers are stacked in rows with a distance between them 35 cm and between rows - 40 cm.
    • On top, the hay or straw layer is 15 cm and is covered with the soil another 5 cm so that the hay or straw is not taken by the wind.
    • As soon as germs appear, one must have another shelter, laying the hay or straw around the stems, thus increasing its layer twice as well, and to cover the soil from above.

    The total thickness of the hay layer (straws) and the soil should be 40-45 cm. So the sun's rays will not penetrate through the shelter, thereby preventing the growth of weeds and decreases to a minimum, the likelihood of the greening of tubers is reduced.

    Care for potatoes without weeding

    Caring for potatoes will be minimal. Weeds do not grow, which means there is no need for their constant smelting. It remains only to water the potatoes as needed and protect against pests.

    Periodic watering potatoes need to be carried out if there is no rain, better in the evening, approximately 1 time per week, pouring on 1 m² on the bucket of water.

    Fighting Colorado Beetle
    It is necessary to fight with a colorado beetle with appropriate insecticides. If the beetle is not enough, then it is simply shaken by a broom in a bucket with a small amount of kerosene in it.

    Mulley care
    When using hay, no additional care for the layer is not necessary. When using straw, there is a need to flush straw if the layer will decrease.

    Very easy in this case is the harvest.

    • All that you need is your hands in gloves or carefully rip the straw and choose potato tubers.
    • Harvesting I advise you to produce, after getting dry potatoes, this is a sign that the tubers are time to collect.

    Nikolay Chromov, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences

    Creation of potatoes by fiberboard, how to quickly destroy weeds + video


    In order not to wave a whole day with a tie or cip, destroying the weeds on the beds, you can use the technique, for example, a potato weeding with a fiberboard or a minitractor will be much easier than manual labor.

    After the planted potato is permanent, the field is covered with smooth rows of high beds, to disturb the integrity of which, the emerging weeds emerging, really do not want.

    If the Earth has previously plowed with a small garden technology, then the tissue of potatoes by a motor-block will not cause difficulties. The main task when removing a weed is to pull it out of the earth, more convenient to do with loose soil.

    On large tractors, the soil is crushed with the help of a rotary harrow, hinged equipment is fastened to the motoblock, which in the people is called "hedgehog".

    It looks like a potato rolling device as a few interconnected rounded rings with teeth or spikes forming a cone-shaped form. Such nozzles always put a pair, having under a small angle.

    Some homemakes are based on discs, but it is not very convenient, since the earth is stuffed in between the torn weeds. This reduced version of the rotary harrow acts very simply: slightly immersed in the soil of hedgehogs for weeding, turning, the soil shook and simultaneously cling to weed roots, throwing them up.

    Special cutters for loosening soil work in a similar way, but they are put on a cultivator for tuting potatoes.

    CANCE Potatoes Motoblock by means of a mesh harrow

    Some owners of the manor sites consider the best tool for weeding at any stage of the field processing of the mounted frame, inside which the grid with teeth facing the ground is stretched. In fact, this type of harrow is a voltik.

    Mesh cells typically have a side of about 20 centimeters, the shape is given square or hexagonal.

    The second option is more convenient, since the teeth are located in a checker order, but also squares can have a frequency ridge of spikes, if they are not installed longitudinally to the movement of the motoblock, and at an angle of 45 degrees.

    The units of complex shape (in the form of the letter V for square cells or trapezoids without a long side) have at the bend points and over the loop teeth, with which they are connected.

    The mesh harrow is convenient because it covers a large area immediately, but it is practically not processed by aiser.

    It is best to use it after plowing to a dipping, or to quilk the tops of beds before the appearance of germs, and therefore in the complex with other devices.

    Potato Gidl Device: Paws and Suitable

    In addition to the above devices for the fight against weeds, there are often special cutting blades, which are also called "paws". They work, as a rule, in a bent, as well as requires a hardware of potatoes with a motoblock. The base of the paws is designed so that one blade is fastened ahead of the other so that the weeds are cut into them in consistently.

    Knives can be both paired in the form of the letter V, for ahead, and single, and can be found to the center to the center of the aisle or vice versa, cutting edges to the cut - so that the garden takes place between them. Inclined paws are included in the soil of 4 centimeters depth, cutting off plants.

    The fact that roots remain in the ground is the main disadvantage of the device.

    Much more efficient attachment, which is called - propaganger. It consists of a frame with a knife at the base and fixed behind it laid on the side of the drum, the cylindrical wall of which consists of plates-blades.

    Before washing potatoes, two such "wheels" are installed in the aisle (adjacent or one), for which they are moving along the combining drums. The knife climbs the soil and handles the weed grass, and rotating cylinders cling to weed blades and discard them back.

    Another type of propagioker is common - without anterior frame and with several bent letters of knives directly on the ends of cylinders with solid walls.

    Do it yourself! Hedgehog for potato weeding

    Potatoes require not only timely enclosure, making fertilizers, but also removal of weeds. It can help in this special device, it is called the hedgehog for tuting potatoes. This article will talk about how to make hedgehogs for treating potatoes by yourself and with minimal time and money costs.

    Purpose of Yellow

    Certification of potatoes must be regular during the entire growing season and is carried out at least 3 weeks.

    It is manually to carry out this procedure for a long time and inconvenient, so many different devices have appeared on sale, the only drawback of which is their high cost.

    Also, hedgehogs are sometimes included in the package of motoblocks, but it happens not always. That is why experienced daches prefer to produce hedgehogs to handle potatoes with their own hands.

    Using them on their household plots, gardeners pursue several goals at once:

    • getting rid of potato beds from the sloping of weed grass: it is not just melted, but removes with the root;
    • looping of the soil, which gives additional saturation with its oxygen;
    • additional hyphenation, because Usually this procedure is carried out once per season;
    • formation of potato series;
    • preventing the appearance of pests - earthmakers, moles, mice and other fans of potato tubers, including insects.

    Moles and earthling will not dig up their moves where the soil is regularly carried out, and insects extracted to the surface with hedgehogs, the birds are very quickly cleaned. Thus, any gardener growing for itself potatoes for the winter, you need to have such a device as hedgehogs for weeding. They can also be made to themselves and at the same time save money to significantly.

    Manufacturing heroes for manual processing

    Homemade hedgehogs for nuts potatoes are not so difficult, for this you do not need to have some specific skills and knowledge, it is forces almost any man.

    The device is interconnected at some rings (usually 2 or 3), resembling a truncated cone with its outlines. On each ring there are spikes that are loosened with the soil.

    It is important to remember that these rings are connected are not strictly in parallel, but at a low angle that ensures the formation of elevations from the soil.

    Some craftsmen in the manufacture of heroes for weeding do not seek to make a cone, and make a design in the form of a cylinder - a hollow pipe 14 mm in the diameter. The teeth for loosening in the amount of 5 pieces are welded at a distance of 4 cm, their dimensions are 0.8x6 cm.

    In total, 2 such cones or cylinders are manufactured, which are attached to the frame also at an angle. Then the handle is attached to it - the device is ready to work. Rolling it on the ground back and forth, apply significant effort.

    It should be borne in mind that a physically strong person must conduct this procedure.

    Hezhi for the motoblock with their own hands

    In the event that it is not included in the hardware of the Motoblock, they can be purchased in a special garden equipment store. To save, you can also independently make hedgehogs to process potatoes, observing the dimensions that the model of the motoblock will dictate. The approximate drawing will look as follows as shown in the picture.

    The procedure for manufacturing heroes will include the following steps:

  • It is necessary to select 3 metal discs having different dimensions proportional to 100, 170, 240 mm. You can also comply with the multiplicity 100, 200, 300 mm. Experts still advise not discs, but metal rings, which significantly reduce the weight of the structure.
  • Pick up a hollow tube of 25 mm in the diameter, fasten the rings on it (discs) in descending order in size - first the largest, at the end is the smallest. At the same time, a step between them is recommended 18 cm.
  • Next, the spikes made from a metal bar are welded, for each of the hedges they will need at least 40 pcs. Schip length can vary from 10 to 14 cm. They are distributed as follows: to a smaller disk - 5 spikes, on the middle - 10, on a large - 15 pcs. The remaining spikes put on the axis.
  • When fixing on the axis, a larger disk must be inside the design, small on the outside. The mount is carried out using sleeves or jumpers, angle of inclination is 45 degrees.