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How to drill the larva of the castle of a drill or a screwdriver? Emergency Opening Door: Drilling Castle Insert Drill Castle Large Drilling

The need to open the door, locked on the castle, appears not only by the attackers, but also from ordinary apartment owners. Situations are different:

  • lost key;
  • the key broke inside the larva;
  • the child shoved some object into the keyhole.

In these situations, the owner raises the rescue service or is trying to solve the problem itself.

There are three main ways to open the door without using the key:

  1. Knock out a larva This method is suitable only for locks with a cylindrical larch. For knocking out the larva, a metal insert and heavy hammer is used, or a sledgehammer. There are sufficiently severe and accurate blows so that the larva falls inside, and the door opened. The castle in this case will necessarily break and it will be necessary to complete the replacement.
  2. Turning the larvae. A special wedge of solid metal will be required. It is clogged into the larva, after which they turn with a full turn, breaking the inner pins. Again, a complete change of lock will be required.
  3. Drilling. When the castle is dried, only the larva suffers, which can be replaced, leaving an old case. This method is the most economical, so it is most often used.

The first two ways are more often used by thieves, but the last method is suitable for a leaving owner.

Instructions for drilling the castle larva

Before driving a castle larva, you should decide on the type of lock device. Castles are suvalden and cylinder type.


In the castle of the Suwald type of the larvae, therefore it is complicated by the search for the drilling points, which can be in different types of locks in different places.

To find the correct point of drilling, you need to deal with the inner structure of the Suwald Castle. Such structures consist of the following elements:

  • Bolt plate. Her task to move the drowsy.
  • Plates Suwald. This is an element responsible for secrecy.
  • Shank. Presents pressure on the rigley through Suwalds.
  • Plate springs. They are designed to return Suwald in their place. For each Suwald there is own spring.
  • Code groove. Designed to enhance the secrecy of the castle mechanism. Developed individually under the key groove.

When working with the Suwald Lock, the main part on which attention is paid is the shank fixing the bolt plate. On the shank there is a comb and a rack.

When the key enters the lock and turns, it affects the comb, which, in turn, moves the Rigel. The rack is designed to block the beeble plate, working together with the Suwalds.

The task is to destroy the rack. If you drill it, it will not hold the rhegiel and it can be moved in any direction.

The following tools will be needed for work:

  • electric drill;
  • metal drills, a diameter of 6 to 8 mm;
  • cut of rigid metal wire.

Step-by-step instructions, how to drill the castle in the door of the apartment:

  1. First of all, you need to find the position of the shank position. To do this, you need to know exactly the lock model. It is better to find instructions or search for information in open sources on the Internet.
  2. An electrical drill or a powerful screwdriver drill a hole in the right place. The rack must completely collapse.
  3. A wire is encouraged into the core of the lock, with which the battle plate is repelled inside the door frame. The door is open.

After the closed door managed to open, you will have to fully change the internal mechanism of the lock. In some cases, it is also necessary to replace the door canvase cladding.


Now we'll figure it out how to properly drive the larva of the lock with the cylinder device. In this case, it is also important to understand where the hole should be made so that the lock can be opened.

Consider a cylinder lock device. It consists of the following elements:

  • housing;
  • rigel;
  • larva.

The main element is the larva - this is the core of the castle. Inside the larvae there are pins, which, when turning the key, affect the shut-off rigle (cam), opening or locking the device.

The key, turning in the castle, presses the cam, which, in turn, pushes the rhegel. It turns out to open a blocked lock, you need to eliminate the fixture of pins, which interferes with the fist turning inside. After drilling the larva, the lock is easy to open a simple screwdriver.


What will be needed to work with the cylinder larva:

  • electric drill (as an option, powerful screwdriver);
  • if you have to drill outside the door, most likely need an extension cord;
  • drills for metal, with a diameter of 0.5 mm, 1.2 mm, 3.6 mm. If you have to drill a larva from the outside, you have to pass an iron armored lining. Simple metal drills in this case can not do, it will be necessary to buy drills with winning tips;
  • mark. It will be needed to prepare the drilling point. Having hitting the cutter on the surface of the larva in the right place, they receive a small dent, which helps the drill do not go beyond;
  • a hammer;
  • screwdriver with a thin straight sting;
  • machine oil to reduce drill temperature.

How will the larvae of the larvae of the inlet door lock:

  1. The point is defined for drilling. To find it, you should visually divide the height of the larvae into four parts. Lower quarter and will be the right place for the application effort. Such an approach to the search for the drilling point is also for disk, and for lamellar types of locks. If a hole is to make a hole below, you need to use a metal drill with a diameter of 19 mm.
  2. The drilling point was found, now it must be denoted on the surface of the larvae. For this take the hammer and core. The point is applied to the surface. Now the drill will not slip and does not damage the outdoor finish of the door leaf.
  3. At the first stage of drilling, the drill with a diameter of 0.5 mm is used. In order not to overlay the drill, the middle turnover is exposed on the screwdriver or drills. It is also important when drilling does not make excessive efforts, because Thin drills are very quickly broken when heated and naked. While working with the electric drill, it is necessary to periodically cool the fascinated drill in machine oil. It happens that the drill is stuck inside the larvae. In this case, the reversing mode is chosen on the screwdriver or the electric drill and unscrew the drill outward. When drilling, it is important not to reject the drill, withstanding a straight angle by attitude towards the door canvase. If the wizard does everything right, when drilling several failures are felt, thus pins. It is usually enough to drill the larva to a depth of up to 50 mm.
  4. After passing the hole with a 0.5 mm drill, it is alternately expanded with 1.2 mm and 3.6 mm drills.
  5. If everything is done correctly, the hole pushes a screwdriver and turn. The lock must open. There are locks with cylinder larvae of a cross-like type. They can be determined by the appearance of the key that has three or four faces. In this case, the screwdriver does not help, you will have to use two wire rods: one lifted the stopper, and the second is pressed on the riglel. Usually there is enough pair of minutes to adapt to the castle device and work with wire.
  6. After opening the door, the larva is removed.
  7. A new larva is bought and installed.

Sometimes, after expanding the hole with a drill of 3.6 mm, it is impossible to move the cam. If such a problem occurs, you have to continue driving. Usually there is enough drill by 6.5 mm, but in some cases you can put a hollow-type drill with a diameter of 19 mm, however, you need to understand that in this case you have to change the entire lock.

How to be if the key is stuck in the larva

Often there is an unpleasant situation when the key breaks in the castle. It is not scary if only the plastic vertex of the key broke out, in this case it is enough to pull the key from the lock with the pliers. It is difficult to solve the problem if the metal broke the flush with the surface of the larva. Fix the situation in the following ways:

  • suck into the keyhole thin and durable metal object (screwdriver) and try to turn the lock;
  • try to fix the chip glue and turn it out, or pull out the key.

In both cases, it is necessary to handle the larva with liquid lubricant.

If these ways did not help, you will have to shoot down the protrusions that fix pins from the key. For this, the key punch with a solid metal object (screwdriver), after which, with the help of sewn or scissors, we push the residue of the key and pull out it from the larva.

If this method was powerless, the key drill along with the larva.

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» » Broken castle larva: basic drilling methods

Returned home after a busy daily day, dreaming about the long-awaited rest, and unexpectedly found that they could not open the lock of the entrance door. The situation is common and to pain familiar to the majority of us. The causes of the lock failure can be a lot. One of the most common is broken larvae (secret part of the castle). What to do, where to call and run in such a situation? It can be said for sure that it is not necessary to cause the outfit of rescuers, emergency service or try to break the door. It is possible that you will be able to independently solve the problem that has arisen without significant damage to the castle itself and the entire door.

Modern castles

Most of the locking mechanisms presented in the domestic market are quite reliable devices capable of ensuring a good degree of protection of the room from unauthorized access. Some models of locks, mainly from an expensive price category, can be attributed to impregnable. Despite this, almost any door lock can be discovered without a key, using undergraduate tools, a plumbing tool or special lesions.

If we are talking about a serious breakage in the castle, for example, a broken larvae, then the door is most likely to hack. One of the most effective and effective ways in this case is the resulting larvae. Consider this method of opening the castle in more detail.

Methods of drilling the larvae

Large drilling in cylindrical castle

The most common and popular kind of locks today is considered cylindrical. It is this type that is most often used on the doors of the residential premises. The main feature of such a lock is the presence of a larva, which covers it with itself and hides from prying eyes the most important part of the constipation - a locking mechanism. The main advantage of such locks is a fairly high degree of reliability and very compact keys for their opening.

If you breakage the larvae, you do not have to change the entire castle and the more the inlet door itself. It is only necessary to arm yourself with an uncompherd tool and drill the larvae itself, replacing it to a new one. After that, the lock will be functioning again.

Additional Information! A new larva can be purchased at the nearest store, which sells similar mechanisms and components for them. Remember that together with the secret mechanism, the keys to it are changed.

The task is extremely clear and clear - it is necessary to drill hidden "insides" of the castle (we are talking about the larva). If it happened that the mechanism broke finally and irrevocably, then use the drill. It is she who will become the main taste of labor in such a situation. The first thing that will be done is to drill the so-called larvae core. It is necessary to do this as careful that other parts and parts of the castle remain without damage. With the help of such simple manipulations, you can quickly remove the broken larva and also quickly replace it with a new one.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Send drill drill to the center of the key cylinder.
  2. Drill the castle.
  3. In the keyhole, turn the harvested wire.
  4. Open lock using a slotted screwdriver.

If such actions did not help solve the issue, then you can try to make the second hole slightly above the key well and repeat all other manipulations.

How to drill a castle larva

It also takes a drill and drill with a diameter of 3 to 5 mm. Initially, it is necessary to make a small hole slightly above the keyhole. Insert a screwdriver into the resulting hole and neatly, without sharp movements, lift the stopper, pushing the locking clamps using the hook.

Additional Information! To drive the larvae in the lock without armor-linings, the usual drill is suitable. In order to successfully remove the larva in constipation with armor-overlays, you should be used by the drill made of solid metal alloys.

Reversing the larvae in the Suwald Patch Castle

Not easy, but sat for a person without experience in the task. The first thing to do is to find a place in which the rack and the goals come into contact. Most often this place is slightly higher than the central part of the keyhole. The main task is to get a drill to a stopping point of the rack and grazing. Then you need to drive the rack. After - reveal the mechanism using the key. In addition, for such purposes, you can use the key of such a form. However, it is possible to use it only in cases where you deal with the medium protection lock without additional protective and secrecy mechanisms.

When it is advisable to drill a castle larva?

The surveillance operation of the broken larva of the lock will be appropriate only if the door is equipped with a fairly simple and inexpensive mechanism. If we are talking about the road and superdeasan castle of imported production, then you can encounter many additional problems. As a rule, the larvae of expensive locks have additional protective inserts made in the form of special pins of heavy-duty steel.

Emergency Service - Best Solution

Calling a wizard, you can open the lock with a broken larva, without using the above methods. Emergency service specialists work 24 hours a day. The real professionals will quickly drill a broken larva with a special tool and replace it with a new one. In this case, you can be sure of 100% that the lock with the new larva will not break, and you will serve not yet one year.

The most common door lock among users is simple, with a cylindrical mechanism. It breaks less frequently and is repaired and easier to repair, if still the breakdown occurred. This type allows simple methods to drill a larva and open the lock. With the products of another type, there may be difficulty drilling. And you have to invite the wizard, fully change the mechanism. In the article we will give detailed instructions as independently and without much effort to cope with the situation.

Saving technology

If your lock does not open, the key jammed and it remains inside, you should not panic and crack the system immediately. You can apply an effective drilling technology. In this case, the lock will remain as much and will serve for a long time. Before proceeding with "operations", it is important to understand that in the main structure there is such an element as a larva. It keeps a locking mechanism. If you learn this item, the lock will open without any problems. The whole procedure is accurately extracted.

The larva must not only take out, but also to install a new one in its place. Therefore, it is recommended to buy a spare part right away. In order not to stay without a castle indefinitely. Do not forget to get the set of keys together with the larva. Since old people are no longer suitable.

To properly drill the castle larva, you need to act neatly, otherwise the mechanism will have to be changed completely.

  • Take a drill with a drill from 3 to 5 mm. If the door jammed, and you on the staircase, the tool can be asked for neighbors.

  • Inspect the well and visually mark the location of the opening. It should be slightly above the well.
  • Gently make a drill hole. Inside it put a screwdriver.

  • With no sharp movements, raise the stopper. With a big crochet to move the goal.
  • Drill to install the castle cylinder and drill.
  • Insert a wire into the keyhole and turn it inside. If this method fails to open a mechanism, you can make a second hole. It follows it at the top of the well. Next, you need to take a flat screwdriver, insert the inside of the system and try to unlock the constipation.

Another castle disclosure method

Remove the larva of the lock input door lock can be using a different way:

  1. Find the place of fixation of the rack to the grain tip. This area is above the central part of the well. Get the drill is necessary for sure in this place.
  2. Perform the drilling process. Gently open the key mechanism. If the "native" key broke, you can take a similar or apply wire. It is important to understand that this method is relevant only in cases where there is no protection system on the lock.

Drive the larva of the attached lock in the same way. It is recommended to apply an extinguishing event only when you are confident that the keyboard mechanism of a cylindrical or overhead type. And, if at least a little understands such structures. Otherwise, you can damage the expensive system of constipation. We'll have to change it completely. If there is no confidence, it is better to invite a professional. High-quality imported mechanisms have the protection that cannot be opened, and it is easy to damage. It is worth remembering this and then if you want to drill the larva of the ignition lock. This is an equally responsible procedure.

What to do if the key broke and stuck in the castle

Is it possible to drill the larva of the input door lock if the key or its broken part remains inside?

In these cases, there are its effective techniques.

  1. Lubricate the middle of the larvae with a softening agent, anyone that is at hand: cream, oil, lubricant. It is recommended to use a syringe, but if it is not, you can take a cotton wand, toothpick. Drink in the middle of the mechanism and wait 10 minutes. When the remedy dissolves, take pliers or tweezers. Gently remove the chip.
  2. With the help of the jigsaw millet, you can remove the stuck key. The blade of the filling should be shunken under the chip in such a way that the teeth "watched" on you. Carefully pick up the item with a pink and teeth. Remove the chip.

How to avoid problems with the door

In order not to happen this, it is necessary to take periodically preventive measures:

  • several times a year lubricate the part with special oil;

  • so that the mechanism serve longer, you can not clap the doors;
  • street outdoor locks are regularly cleaned from garbage, dust and dirt that fall inside from wind and rain.

Unless you managed to cope with the opening of the door, you do not need to crack it. Call the service work, you will help you quickly.

Get into the house in this way - an extreme case. But if other acceptable door opening techniques do not give the result, then when the mechanism is encins (breakdown), the mechanism secret is simply drilled by the castle larva. The advantage of the solution is that jamb, canopies, canvas, and the valve itself itself (if you follow the accuracy) will remain intact. And taking into account their value, few people doubt the feasibility of removing the core.

Castles have a complex classification - according to the fastening method, material material, safety level, and so on. But if it comes to the larva, then such a detail is only available in cylinder mechanisms. If another type of lock, the method of drilling the secret portion is somewhat different from the technology described below.

Where to begin

Inspect the locking mechanism

What to define?

  • Availability / absence of armored tablet.
  • The degree of protectedness of the larvae, including from unauthorized removal. In many models of cylinder locks, it is provided, and therefore special intersions from solid alloys are placed in the well. When trying to open the door in this way, the drill breaks quickly.

Based on visual diagnostics, you can understand:

  • how to quickly drill the castle larva and what needs to be prepared;
  • is it worth doing it. This statement will seem strange to someone, and therefore it is necessary to clarify something. To remove the core in some models of locks installed in the door, it is not necessary to engage in it by drilling; The larva can simply knock with a hammer and a sufficiently strong screwdriver (or a piece of metal rod). And this will take much less time, and the technology itself is so primitive that even a teenager will cope with this work.

Prepare everything you need

  • el / drill. It is desirable that in it there is a speed control function, and a tool from the network has worked, and not AKB. In the absence of such a screwdriver will help;
  • extension agent (carrying);
  • drill. There is a rule - its diameter should slightly exceed the width of the slot, to which the key is inserted (for most larvae of cylinder locks, it is necessary to take 3 mm); It is enough for a neat drill. But this is the main working tool. For the primary drilling, you will need smaller counterparts. For example, by 0.5 and 1.2.
  • kerner, hammer, screwdriver with narrow sting;
  • machine oil.

Operating procedure

Definition of the "working" point

With how to drill a larva, everything is understandable - electric drill. But where exactly install the drill - the question is important. Regardless of the modification of the cylinder lock (pin, plate, disk), the "channel" should pass near the installation of the elements of the secret. Then the larva will come out quite easily.

For this, there is another rule - the optimal drilling point is located on the length of the slot above its lower edge. That is, the well is conditionally divided into half, twice; There will be no errors.

Preparation of the working site

Before you begin directly drill the castle, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of sliding the tip of the metal tool. Therefore, the "entry point" is planned by Kerner, otherwise the likelihood of damage to cladding, insulation and material of the door sash is large.

The order of drilling the larvae

First, a fine drill is inserted into the cartridge. The turnover is desirable to install the average, and the excessive pressure on the tool does not render. Since it is thin, it breaks quite easily. Therefore, at the first stage should not be hurry; Here the main thing is to pass the channel completely. Excessive hasty will lead to the search for a new drill time will go much more.

  • The tool is desirable to direct under a small angle, with the calculation to partially touch the pins (pins) of the secret. Then the larva will easier to take out.

  • In the process of work, the tip of the instrument needs to be systematically wetted in oil or water.

The following passage is a larger diameter tool. How many times have to change the drill, depends on what is in stock. But the work ends only when the pins are destructed.

Attempt to turn the larvae

If everything is done carefully, the lock will open with a flat screwdriver, inserting its work part into the slot. With a negative result, the drilling will have to continue until complete destruction of the elements of the secret.

It turns out, nothing complicated. But there is one nuance - so as not to damage the entire lock mechanism, you should not use too thick drills. Otherwise, the replacement of the larvae will not help to restore its performance; You will have to buy a new locking device.

Anyone may be in a situation where he will need to drill a castle larva. This necessity will be random if all other attempts to open the door will be exhausted. If you perform the procedure correctly, in the future it will be possible to continue to use the lock, replacing only its larva.

Types of Castle

So, you were in a situation where you can not do without drilling. To compile an accurate algorithm for further actions, you need to understand how you encountered the lock mechanism.

Three variations of the mechanism distinguish:

  • cylinder (cruciform, pin);
  • suwald;
  • with armor overlay.

Most often, cylindrical locks are installed in the doors, the mechanism of which is hidden by the larva. For its autopsy, you will have to drill a larva. Subsequently, it can be replaced and then use the lock.

Algorithm of action

To begin with, check whether all the tools are at your hand. You will need drill, drill, screwdriver (flat) and kerner. The process depends on the type of mechanism.

  • In order to open the lock with a cylinder cruciform mechanism, you will have to do a hole in it, and then raise the stopper with a screwdriver. Move the shutter using the hook. Everything should leave no more than a couple of minutes.
  • When opening a lock with a cylinder pinch mechanism, you will have to do a hole in the cylinder and turn it with a screwdriver.
  • Several minutes will go to the opening of the Suwald Patch Castle. The hole will have to drill at that point where the rack is attached to the dock. Then you need to push the hook (you can make a thin wire) into the keyhole and discovery.
  • The most difficult way to operate the lock with a lining from armor. It can only cope with a superproof drill with a diameter of 3 mm. This size will be enough to drill Pins. Using a hammer and kerner, take a point for drilling over a well. Focus on line, which divides the castle cylinder to external and internal. Drill the hole at the specified point, which will lead to the destruction of the pins. Now change the drill on the thicker - the diameter of 6.5 mm will be required. Do the same actions so that the pins are finally destroyed. Now you can insert a screwdriver into the cylinder and rotate it. If the algorithm was observed, the lock should open.

If drilling did not help

If, after the manipulations done, open the lock still fails, you will have to drill the entire cylinder. A larger diameter drill is required - 19 mm. The optimal option is to use a tubular drill. These actions will destroy the castle, but the door will be left.

Remember that the need to open the castle is often a consequence of its cheapness. A person who first was before choosing this door element will be difficult to make an accurate choice. Many are only focused on the cost, often giving preference to cheaper models. In fact, in the castles, the mass of the nuances and better exercise the selection with the participation of a specialist.