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§26. Insect class. Natural science: arthropods of genital appendages and organs


Beetle deer.



Insect building. The body of adult insects, as well as all arthropods, is covered with a chitine cover that performs the role of an outdoor skeleton, and is divided into head, chest and abdomen, which distinguishes them from other arthropods. Head segments are merged into total weight, chest segments and abdomen more or less clearly distinguishable. Head and chest are limb, the abdomen sometimes retains only underdeveloped limbs, i.e. them rudiment. In the larvae of many insects, the division of the body on the departments is poorly.

Head of Saranschi

guba Lower Guba

Top jaw.


On the lower surface of the head or on its front end, the mouth is placed. On the sides of the head there are two large complex eyes, between which there can be a few fine eyes. The head carries four pairs of appendages forming the oral apparatus. From the upper side, the pair of antennas, or the mustaches consisting of one row of segments.

Front - chest


Insect chest always consists of three segments calledfront-, medium andpodder. Breast segments carry three pairs of walking extremities. The wide distribution of insects and the development of a variety of habitat has led to the emergence of significant diversity in the structure of segic limbs. Insect limbs are a system movably connected to each other


rom levers with a large number of freedom degrees, i.e., capable of diverse and accurate movements. Most of all correspond to the above-described approach (beetles, cockroaches),the most common among insects. In animals that are capable of performing jumps, for example, the grasshoppers, the thigh and the shin of the back pair of legs are very dragging. In the wing insects - medvedok - All legs, and in particular the front, shortening, become massive and acquire powerful weapons from chitinic teeth. Swimming limbs are flattened in the form of paddles and are equipped with a dense nearby elastic rowing hairs ( beetles-Plavantsy).

Osa average

Gigalka Autumna

The characteristic feature of many insects is the ability to fly.Wings, One or two pairs are located on the second (midgo) and the third (grocery) of the breast segments and are the folds of the body walls. The wing has a kind of thin plate, it is two-layer.





In various insect detachments, front and rear wings can be developed in different ways. Only the least specialized insects (for example, dragonfly) both pairs of wings are developed equally, although they differ in shape. For beetles, the conversion of the front wings in thick and solid naccrylwhich almost do not participate in flight and mainly protect the spinal side of the body. These are only the rear wings, which are in a state of rest are hidden under the outcrows.




The movement of the wings in insects is the result of the operation of a complex apparatus and is determined, on the one hand, a feature of the joints of the wing with a torso, and on the other - the action of special wing muscles.

Abdominal - the last body of insects. The number of segments included in its composition varies from different class representatives.


The muscular insect system has great complexity and high degree of differentiation and specialization of its individual elements. The number of individual muscle bundles often reaches 1.5-2 thousand.


Whipped ladybug

The nervous insect system, like other arthropods, was built by the type of abdominal nervous chain, but it can achieve a very high level of development and specialization. The central nervous system includes a durable nervous assembly - a brain, a proper node and an abdominal nerve chain of paired nerve knots - ganglia. The brain consists of three sections: front, middle and rear.

Insect feeling organs can perceive the most different irritations: mechanical, chemical, visual, sound, etc. Insects are capable not only to perceive, but also to issue sounds. This feature is characteristic of representatives of many groups: straight

lily, zhukov, refluenced, butterflyet al. Dragging straightFor example, due to the development of special devices, which are most often associated with wings. So, U. grasshoppers These organs are on the front wings, where the alkali of the left wing acquire chosen grows and turn into the so-called bow, which the animal leads along the right wing.

Sophisticated insect eye

Simple eye




Pigmented cells

Eyes consist of separate eyes (facets), the number of which is determined mainly by the biological peculiarities of insects. Active predators and good flyers - dragonflies Have eyes taking advantage of up to 28 thousand faces. At the same timemuravyev, especially in working individuals living underground, eyes sometimes consist of only 8-9 eyes.

In addition to complex (facet), many insects have simple eyes that perceive only the intensity of lighting, not the images.



Dragonfly eyes

The circulatory system in insects are not closed. In the trouser above the intestine, a long tube-shaped "heart" lies. Insect hemolymph is a colorless or yellowish liquid, the main function of which is to supply tissues and organs with nutrients.

Eyes fly tsets

Breathing authorities in insects serves as a complex trachee system. On the sides of the middle and backs and, in addition, in the segments of the abdomen is up to 10 pairs of holes shernya. The air tubes permeate the whole body and deliver oxygen directly to the tissues and cells, as if replacing the blood vessels.

Eyes blinddown

Digestive system Sex system

Bumblebee collects nectar

The digestive system of insects begins the throat. Digested and sucks food in the intestine. Many herbivorous forms in the intestine intensify symbiotic organisms (the simplest, bacteria, etc.), providing, for example, termites, fiber splitting.

Beetle dead


The food of insects is diverse, it includes almost all substances of plant and animal ants with extraction of origin. There are all among insects

easual, such as cockroaches that feed on various vegetable and animal products. Vegetable insects are vegetarians that feed on all parts of the plants, from the root to the fetus inclusive.

Bugger - predator

No less numerous predators insects, eating other insects, worms, mollusks, etc. Finally, there are insects that feed on Padalja, all sorts of garbage and products of rotting: by manure, rotting plant residues, etc. Some insects specialized in extremely malfunctive food ( Feathers, horn, wax, etc.).

Options are presentedmalpigiyev vessels - Thin tubes opening in the intestine.

Insect reproduction. Insects separatoids. Separate glands of them. The males in the trouser are located the seeds, which are departed by the seeds, flowing into the midfielder. The ovaries of the females open to the ovage, which are connected below to a single vagina. Internal fertilization. Speatozoa in the genital females will retain viability for a very long time. On the-

Dragonfly larva

Egg larva

Adult Path

Caterpillar Cup

an example, a meat of bee after mating during life (4-5 years) puts thousands of eggs without re-fertilization.

Post-emptilic development of insects is either without transformations, or with incomplete or complete metamorphosis. With direct development, characteristic of lower insects ( in chen, campodewa), Out of eggs, the individuals extend from adults are predominantly small-scale sizes and underdeveloped

organs. Insects with incomplete turns, for example,grasshoppers orsaranschi, from eggs appearlichwood With the features of an adult organism -imago. The larvae underwent several linets and over time turn into adult insects, not passing the stage of the dolls. With full transformation characteristic of butterflyFrom eggs, there are dark-shaped larvings, not similar to Imago. Having achieved a certain age, they stop moving and eat and soon turn into dolls ku. Inside it occurs a deep restructuring of the body with the formation of tissues and organs of an adult insect. At the end of this process, the cover of the pupae burst and from them

Dragonfly Dit Imago. Stages of development in insects strictly

are timed to a certain season of the year: this is the name of the nameseasonal cycle. Incomplete insect manifold. Insect class

the transformation is divided into two large groups - primary

nobeschy and winged.

Full transformation

TOprimaryobeschryl belong to the most simply organized insects, such ascampodewa, SHOKHVOST, Sugar Scappyand others, living in the soil, under the stones, in MCU, in basements and cellars. The size of them is small, some do not exceed 1 mm. Together with other animals living in the soil, primary traces are involved in the soil formation.

Snack SminTur Primaryobescra



Three silkworm

Public insects (ants, termites etc.) well expressedpolymorphism(external differences) depending on the functions performed in the family. For example, U.bee. distinguish the uterus, workers bees and drone. After fertilization of the female lose the ability to fly, produce a huge amount of eggs and completely depend on the working individuals who care for them and feed.

Red Forest Ant


As special calculations showed, on our planet at the same time lives at least 108 billion insects, i.e., for each person on Earth accounts for about 250 million different representatives of this class. And these are organisms actively involved in a wide variety of biological processes.

Insect value. The positive activity of insects in nature is primarily expressed in pollination of the flowers of plants (about 30% of European flowering plants are pollinated by insects).

Great insect value, especiallytermites andmuravyev, in soil-forming processes. These insects, as well as the larvae of many insects living in the ground, break the soil with their moves, contribute to its best ventilation, humidification, enrichment by humus. The latter is associated with the destruction

plant and animal residues, in abundance accumulating on the surface of the soil.

The role of insects is huge and as one of the most important links in the cycle of substances in nature. Many insects are part of various food chains. Knowledge of insect food chains allows them to be used to combat other insects - pests of agriculture.

No less significant and negative consequences of insect activities. So, many

Bee dance

: * Working

Honey bee

Caste termites


Colorad Zhuk.

Caterpillar butterflies of cabbage whitening bloodstream mosser

Examples of using insects in man's economic activity are well known. From time immemorial, the east was bred mulk silkworm, whose cocks are made silk. The bees man breeds with a view to obtaining honey, a number of drugs (propolis) and wax. Some insects, for example riders, we found an application in the fight against the pests of agriculture (for example, withblood Way)like their natural enemies.

Making silk filaments from cocoons of a tute silkworm

    What are the features of the external structure of insects?

    From how many departments is the body of insects?

    How are insect limbs arranged?

    What wings are insects?

    How is the nervous system of insects?

    Describe the structure of the eyes of insects.

    How do insects eat?

    What is hemolyimph? What are its functions?

    How do insects breathe?

    What is Malpigayev vessels?

Perform task number 117 on with. 89 (Workbook).

    Choose the correct answer. Test on with. 132-136, option 1 (test tasks).


    Why do insects have a poorly developed blood circuit system?

    Why does the circulatory system do not participate in the transport of gases in the body?

Laboratory work

Perform work number 13 on with. 18-20 (laboratory work).

Work with computer

Refer to the disk. Examine the lesson material and execute the proposed tasks. Rep. Overall characteristic. Classification). Overall characteristic. Role in human life).

The body of insects consists of three departments (head, chest, abdomen). One pair of complex eyes are located on the head, sometimes simple eyes, the oral apparatus formed by modified limbs, mustaches. The chest carries three pairs of walking feet, most of the wings. Breathing is carried out with the help of trachees that permeate the whole body. The circulatory system is not closed. Many forms in many forms are accompanied by a complex transformation of the larval stage into an adult organism. In terms of life there are flying, running, pouring and floating insects.

Type Icharkin *

Icharkin - the inhabitants of the seas, predominantly bottom animals capable of slow movement. These include starfish, sea hedgehog, guns. Type includes about b kg. Modern species. The dimensions of the needle - from a few millimeters to 1 m (rarely more).

The ancestors of Imexoise and Chordovy are considered animals distinguished from the group of ancient multi-singing rings.

The structure of Ichalkinski. The body of the harsh-like, spherical or black shape. The skeleton can be more or less underdeveloped. The floor and the anal holes are located on the opposite poles of the body.

Sea stars


The coverings of Ichalkinski consist of two layers: an outdoor - single-layer epithelium and internal, formed by a fibrous connective tissue, where various elements of a lime skeleton are developing. W. marine stars The skeleton is formed by lime plates, located longitudinal rows and usually carrying outstanding outwards. Body sea hero It is concluded in a lime shell from the rows of tightly connected plates with long needles sitting on them. The skeleton from the Hundreds is formed from small limestone calves of different shapes scattered throughout the skin.

The most characteristic feature of Icharkin -water-vascular (ambulacral) system. It is represented by an annular channel surrounding the esophagus, and five radial channels departing from it in the rays. The latter give paired twigs to the legs - a thin, strongly stretchable tube, equipped with a suction cup, with another - bubble. With the outer medium, the water-vascular system is connected through the channel (with observed walls) and the porous plate. Entering the water to the system is filtered through the pores of the plate. Movable Ichain, using this system, can move, sinking to the soil; In immobiles - gas exchange and selection occur through the channels of the water-vascular system.

Musculature is developed to varying degrees - depending on the mobility and nature of the skin skeleton.

The nervous system of the Ichalkinski has a radial structure: radial nerve rates are departed from the octopic nervous ring by the number of body rays.

The senses are developed weakly. Primitive eyes are located at marine stars at the ends of the rays, and in sea chests on the top of the body. There are also touch bodies.

The circulatory system usually consists of two ring vessels, one of which surrounds

mouth, and the other is an anal hole, and radial vessels, the number of whichmarine stars Coincides with the number of beams of the body.

Marine Star Build

The respiratory authorities at sea stars and heroes serve as skin gills - thin-walled grows on the upper side of the body. In a number of Ichalken, breathing occurs through the bodies of the body or with the participation of the channels of the water-vascular system.

The scheme of the building of the sea hedgehog


The digestive system begins the oral hole located in the middle of the lower body surface, it leads to a short esophagus, followed by the intestine. There is no anal hole in some species.

There are no special excretory organs. Selection of exchange products occurs through the walls of the channels of the water-vascular system.


The genitals have a different structure. Most of the pointed separately, but there are hermaphroditic forms.

Development occurs with a number of complex transformations. Double-sample-symmetric larvae is floating in the thickness of water; In the process of transformation (metamorphosis), animals acquire radial symmetry and go to the crawling lifestyle.

Many polarkers have the ability toregeneration (restoration) parts of the body. For example, from one raysea Star An integer animal can be restored.

Marine Star Regeneration

Ichalkinis are divided into a series of classes: Starfish, sea hedgehog and Guns, or Sea cucumbers.

Nervous Sea Star System

Sea star class


The body of marine stars, as applied from the title, shaped resembles a flat star with five or more rays. On the underside of the rays, the longitudinal grooves are drawn, in which numerous legs are located. Marine stars move with rays. The mouth is located in the center of the bottom surface of the body. Finding large prey (for example, mollusk), the starfish covers it with his body, turns the stomach and presses it to mining. Juices secreted by the wall of the stomach, digest food. A short intestine leads to an anal hole lying on the upper surface.

Sea stars live at the bottom of the seas, going down to a big depth. Feed on bottom animals, organic residues.





1) Segmented body, segic limbs.
2) chitinous cover.
3) Blood system Unlocked, cardiac tube on the dorsal side.
4) Occonditioning nervous ring and abdominal nervous chain.


1) Body departments: In crayfish and spiders - headband and abdomen, in insects - head, chest and abdomen.

2) Legs: Cancer may have a different amount (in river cancer 10), spiders 8 (4 pairs), in insects 6 (3 pairs).

3) Wings There are only insects, 2 pairs are located on the chest.

4) Eyes: The cradles are complex, facets (consisting of many simple eyes), spiders are simple, insects are simple and complex.

5) Mustache: Cancer 2 pairs, there are no spiders, in the insects 1 pair.

6) Respiratory and Blood Systems:

  • Cancers breathe gills, oxygen from the gills to all body bodies, is spread with blood, so the circulatory system is well developed
  • Insects breathe tracheans: thin tubes, in which the air comes to each body cell. Blood does not tolerate oxygen, so the blood system is poorly developed (blood transfers nutrients, exchange products, hormones, etc.)
  • Spiders breathe light and trachea, the blood system is developed medium.

7) Selective system:methanefridia (green glands) and Malpigayev vessels, in cancers only metanephrium.

In all insects, the development of indirect (with metamorphosis, with transformation). The transformation can be complete and incomplete.

  • Full: egg, larva, doll, adult insect. Characteristic for butterflies (scratched), beetles (tough), mosquitoes and flies (twisted), bees (refamped), etc.
  • Incomplete: egg, larva, adult insect (no stage of dolls). Characteristic for grasshoppers and locust (straight), bedbugs.

Select one, the most correct option. For grasshopper development
1) Indirect
2) with a doll
3) Light
4) with complete transformation


Select one, the most correct option. What functions does the circulatory system of insects perform?
1) tolerate nutrients and harmful products of life
2) transfers gases
3) delivers oxygen to cells
4) participates in the exchange of substances and turning energy in the cell


Set the sequence of cabbage protein development steps
1) Egg
2) Cases
3) Caterpillar
4) adult insect


1. Install the correspondence between the sign of the animal and the class for which it is characteristic: 1) spider-shaped, 2) insects
A) pre-digestion of food outside the body
B) body separation on headband and abdomen
C) eyes simple, from two to eight steam
D) the presence of one pair of mustaches on the head
E) the presence of three pairs of limbs on the chest
E) the eyes of a facet, complex structure


2. Install the correspondence between the sign of the animal and the class for which it is characteristic: 1) spider-shaped, 2) insects
A) the presence of puments and abdomen
B) one pair of mustache
C) four pairs of walking feet
D) eyes simple or absent
E) breathing only trachene


3. Set the correspondence between the signs of animals for which they are characteristic: 1) Spider, 2) insect
A) respiratory organs - trachea only
B) Helicers are developed
C) allocation authority - fat body
D) three pairs of walking feet
E) the body is divided into three departments
E) four pairs of walking feet


4. Install the correspondence between the characteristics of the structure of arthropods and the class for which they are characteristic: 1) spider-shaped, 2) insects. Record the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) the body consists of head, chest, abdomen
B) there are a mustache
C) 3 pairs of walking feet
D) there are only simple eyes
E) most have wings
E) there are lightweight bags and trachea


5. Install the correspondence between the characteristics and classes of arthropods: 1) spider-shaped, 2) insects. Record the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) respiratory authorities - exclusively trachea
B) direct development in most
C) the presence of three pairs of limbs
D) blood does not tolerate gases
E) body consists of puments and abdomen
E) the presence of one pair of mustaches


Select one, the most correct option. Incomplete transformation is peculiar
1) butterfly peacock eyes
2) Fire Beetle
3) dragonflies-risk
4) homemade


1. Install the correspondence between the insect and the type of its post-emptilic development: 1) with incomplete transformation, 2) with a complete transformation
A) Asian locust
B) Maji Beetle
C) cabbage beyanka
D) bedroom fly
E) green grasshopper
E) honey bee


2. Install the correspondence between the animal view and the type of its post-emptilic development: 1) with complete transformation, 2) with incomplete transformation. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the correct order.
A) deserted locust
B) bread bubble
C) ordinary mantis
D) bee honey
E) birch spin


3. Install the correspondence between the insects representative and the type of development: 1) with incomplete conversion, 2) with a complete transformation. Record the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) Saranscha
B) deer beetle
C) cockroaches
D) grasshopper
D) bed bug
E) butterfly-kapuette


4. Install the correspondence between the types of insects and the types of their development: 1) with complete transformation, 2) with incomplete transformation. Record the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) bugger
B) forest bug
C) green grasshopper
D) May Beetle
D) urticaria butterfly


5. Install the correspondence between the types of insects and the types of their development: 1) with complete transformation, 2) with incomplete transformation. Record the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) Plavnets Beetle
B) migratory locust

C) Medveda
D) ladybug
D) dragonfly rocker
E) red ants


We collect 6.

D) gravian beetle

E) Colorado Beetle
E) bug harmful turtle

Set the correspondence between the feature and class of arthropod: 1) crustaceans, 2) insects. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the correct order.
A) headband and abdomen
B) excretory system - antenal glands
C) respiratory authorities - trachea
D) respiratory authorities - gills
E) three pairs of walk limbs
E) head, chest and abdomen


Set the correspondence between the characteristics and classes of arthropods, to which it belongs to: 1) crustaceans, 2) spider-shaped. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the correct order.
A) the presence of two pairs of mustaches
B) Insect number regulation
C) presence of four pairs of limbs
D) transfer by some kind of diseases dangerous for human
E) external digestion
E) purification of water bodies from organic residues


Read the text. It is known that Kamchatka Crab is one of the largest types of crustaceans, the inhabitant of the Far Eastern seas. Using this information, select three statements from the text below related to the description of these features of this organism. Record the numbers under which they are indicated. (1) breathes the crab dissolved in water oxygen. (2) Food is used by the muscles of the limb of the crab. (3) crabs are used in food. (4) Crab body departments are headband and abdomen. (5) poaching significantly reduces the number of crab population. (6) The males reach 23 cm in the width of the shell, on the sweep of the legs - 1.5 m, and by weight - 7 kg.


Choose three faithful response from six and record the numbers under which they are specified. What signs are characteristic of the animal shown in the picture?
1) closed circulatory system
2) body separation on head, chest and abdomen
3) Abdominal nervous chain
4) four pairs of legs
5) one pair of mustache
6) breathing with pulmonary bags and trachea


All described below, except for two, are used to describe the animal shown in the figure. Determine the two terms "dropping" from the general list, and write the numbers under which they are indicated.
1) five pairs of Walking feet
2) Availability from two to twelve simple eyes
3) the presence of green gland
4) The body consists of pumped and abdomen
5) the presence of a spider gland


Choose three faithful response from six and record the numbers under which they are specified. Specify the signs characteristic of insects with incomplete transformation:
1) three stages of development
2) external fertilization
3) The larva looks like a ringed worm
4) Larvae by external structure with adult insects
5) The stage of the larvae follows the stage of the pupa
6) larva turns into an adult insect


Set the correspondence between animal classes and their signs: 1) crustaceans, 2) insects. Record the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) respiratory authorities - trachea
B) respiratory organs - gills
C) three pairs of walking legs
D) five pairs of the Walk
E) development direct
E) development with full and incomplete transformation


All the examples below, except for two, belong to insect detachments with complete transformation. Determine two examples, "dropping" from the general list, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1) Tough
2) Semi-rowed
3) Twit
4) straight bumps
5) Czechs


Choose three faithful response from six and record the numbers under which they are specified. What signs are characteristic of insects?
1) body division on headband and abdomen
2) body division on head, chest and abdomen
3) Four respiratory system
4) pulmonary respiratory system
5) Four pairs of walking extremities
6) six walk limbs


Choose three allegations related to the difference between spider-sifted insects.
1) have an outer chitin skeleton, which serves as a frame of the whole body.
2) Four pairs of simple eyes.
3) an unlocked blood system.
4) There are Malpigayev vessels.
5) Four pairs of walking feet.
6) The body consists of a abdomen and pumped.


Select one, the most correct option. Aromorphic changes in arthropods include the appearance
1) organs of vision and touch
2) closed circulatory system
3) limbs consisting of departments
4) the nervous system in the form of a chain


Set the correspondence between the sign of animals and classes: 1) insects, 2) crustaceans. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the correct order.
A) respiratory authorities - trachea
B) three pairs of extremities
C) five couples
D) respiratory authorities - gills
E) solid chitine shell
E) excretory system - Malpigayev vessels


Select three options. What signs are united by river cancer, a spider-cruster and the May beetle in the type of arthropod?
1) the same structure of the allocation bodies
2) chitinist bodies
3) Tireless eyes
4) closed circulatory system
5) body division to departments
6) Abdominal nervous chain


Install the correspondence between the animal and the class to which it belongs to: 1) spider-shaped, 2) insects
A) honey bee
B) Scorpio
C) red forest ant
D) malaria mosquito
E) taiga tick


Set the correspondence between the articulated animals and the class to which it belongs to: 1) crustaceans, 2) spider-shaped, 3) insects. Write down the numbers 1, 2 and 3 in the correct order.
A) Scorpio
B) Spider-Cross
C) rider-egg
D) Kamchatka crab
E) Black Sea Shrimp
E) bed bug


Set the correspondence between examples and animal classes: 1) spooform, 2) insects, 3) crustaceans. Write down the numbers 1-3 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) Kamchatka crab
B) bed bug
C) ladybug
D) spiderman
E) Black Sea Shrimp
E) ordinary mantis


Find three errors in the given text. Specify the suggestions of the offers in which they are made. (1) Insects - separate animals. (2) The females are laying down fertilized eggs, from which larvae are derived. (3) In the insect larvae do not look like adult individuals, this type of development is called development with incomplete transformation. (4) In development with incomplete transformation, the insect passes phases: egg - larva - doll - an adult individual. (5) Miscellaneous nutrition of larvae and adult individuals reduces competition and contributes to the survival of the species as a whole. (6) To representatives of insect detachments with incomplete transformation include grasshoppers, crickets, bugs, mosquitoes. (7) To representatives of insect detachments with complete transformation include butterflies, beetles, bees, bumblebees.



Choose three faithful response from six and record the numbers under which they are specified. What features of the organization contributed to the widespread insects on the planet?
1) Development of secondary body cavity
2) the presence of the nervous system of the nodal structure
3) High fertility
4) a variety of oral devices
5) the presence of stuffing organs
6) the presence of wings


Choose three faithful response from six and record the numbers under which they are specified. If an animal heart has a structure shown in the figure, then for this animal is characteristic

1) the presence of hemoglobin in red blood cells
2) pelvic kidneys
3) nervous tubular type system
4) an unlocked blood system
5) branched trachene tubes
6) indirect development


Install the correspondence between the characteristics and organisms. Record the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.

A) Breath gill
B) has two pairs of antennas
C) eyes simple
D) has five pairs of hateing feet
E) usually has a web
E) Walking legs do not have a culley at the end


© DV Pozdnyakov, 2009-2019

Task 1. Perform laboratory work.

Subject: "The external structure of the Nasyokom".

purpose of work: Examine the exterior structure of insects on the prime of a cockroach or a large beetle.

1. Make sure that the workplace has everything you need to perform a laboratory work.

2. Using the instruction shown in paragraph 26 of the textbook, perform laboratory work.

3. Fill in the table.

Task 2. Fill in the table.

Task 3. Color the insect insect organs (red-bloodeds - blood organs; yellow - organs of the nervous system; green - organs of the digestive system) and mark them.

Fill out 4. Fill in the table.

Digestive system, digestion, type of power, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, gut. Extracellular digestiveness, mouth cavity, throat, esophagus, goiter, zhv. Sequrass, middle intestine, render,
Comparative characteristics of spider-shaped and insects
Compared featureClass
Distribution and lifestyle land and terrestrial arthropods all habitats, except for the seas and oceans
Body departments headband and abdomen, no mustache, 2 pairs of mouth. Organ head, chest, belly; 1 pair of complex eyes, 1 pair of mustache
Limbs: quantity, location, structure 4 pairs of walking feet three pairs of legs or wings
Digestive system, digestion, power type mouth, throat, esophagus, stomach, gut. Extracellular digestion mouth, mouth cavity, throat, esophagus, goiter, zhv. Sea, middle intestine, rear, anal hole
Respiratory system light and trachea trachea
Nervous system headband Nervous Knot large pumping knot
Sense organs well developed, there are several pairs of eyes developed well
Reproduction and development internal fertilization separation insects

Task 5. Write numbers of correct statements.

1. The class of insects include all the trache indirect arthropods that have three pairs of legs.

2. All insect the body consists of heads, chest and abdomen.

3. Foot in insects are on the chest and the trouser.

4. Insects live not only on land, but also in water and in the soil.

5. Insects eat everything that contains organic matter. Some of them have adapted to eat even wool, wood and bees wax.

6. Along with complex eyes, many well-flying uncombs have simple eyes.

7. Insect mustache - sense of smell.

8. Water insects have developed gill breath.

9. Insects allocation authorities - Malpigayev vessels.

10. Blood in insects flows only on the blood vessels.

Correct statements: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9.

Insects are a class owned by the type of arthropod. The insect belongs to the overwhelming number of arthropod species. There are about 1.5 million species of insects. Compared to crustaceans and spider-shaped, they are more difficult due to the fact that it is better to adapt to habitat on land and mastered here almost all lives of life. They crawl along the ground, live in the soil, fly and jump. Some even returned to life in water, but at the same time breathe air.

Insects include beetles, butterflies, grasshoppers, mosquitoes, dragonflies, flies, bees, ants, cockroaches and many others.

You can give the following overall characteristics of insects:

  • The body is covered with a cuticle containing chitin (as well as all arthropods).
  • The body of insects consists of heads, chest and abdomen. The chest consists of three segments. The number of abdomen segments is different depending on the type (from 6 to 10 segments).
  • Three pairs of legs (only 6), which grow from breast segments. Each leg consists of several segments (basking, verdulus, thigh, shin, foot). Some insect legs can be modified due to the fact that they do not perform the function of walking, but any other (for jumping, digging, swimming, grabbing). For example, the grasshoppers have the hind legs more powerful and long and provide him with a good jump. And the heads of the forefronts are modified in grazing limbs, they catch other insects.
  • Most insects have two pairs of wings. They grow from the last two breast segments. In a number of groups, the first pair of wings is modified into rigid hinds (for example, from beetles).
  • On the head is available one pair of mustacheon which there are sense of smell and touch.
  • Insect eyes are complex (facet)consist of a variety of simple eyes (facets). Such eyes form a mosaic image (the overall picture is made up of small parts).
  • In the insects, the nervous system and behavior is more complicated than in other groups of arthropods, but its overall structure of the structure is about the same. Heat brain (pharyngeal gangliosal mass), ocularity ring, abdominal nerve chain.
  • Insects can eat differently. In the process of evolution, they have formed various roth apparatus (rodent, sucking, filtering and other types). In any case, the upper and lower lips are involved in the formation of mouth, a pair of upper and a pair of lower jaws, as well as a chitin language.
  • The digestive system consists of a mouth, esophagus, goiter (not always), stomach, middle intestine, rear, anal hole. Various glands that allocate digestive enzymes fall into the mouth cavity and middle intestine. In the stomach of insect food is mainly crushed by hard chitinium formations. The digestion occurs in the middle intestine, which on the border with the stomach in a circle has blind processes that increase its surface.
  • The excretory system is represented only malpigiyev vessels. These are the tubes, one end of which flows into the rear, and the other is in the body cavity and blindly closed. Through the walls of Malpigiyev vessel from the body cavity, in which blood flows, the products of the livelihoods that need to be derived from the body are filtered. From the back of the intestine, they come out with the untrained food residues. The most harmful substances insect organism isolates in the so-called fat body (but its main function is a supply of nutrients).
  • The respiratory system consists only of trachery - branched tubes penetrating the body. It opens on each segment of a pair of holes.
  • Blood system unlocked, i.e. from blood vessels is poured into the body cavity, and then again going to the vessels. Blood pushes the heart located on the dorsal side of the abdomen. From the heart, blood flows in the head direction. From the head, the blood flows in the abdominal direction at the intervals between the organs. Then again going to the vessels going to the heart. Blood participates only in the transfer of nutrients from the intestine and the withdrawal of harmful products of vital activity from cells. Oxygen in the body fabric insect comes straight from the trachea. In them, carbon dioxide is distinguished from the tissue. Despite the fact that the trachean respiratory system for arthropods is considered more advanced, and the trachea permeate the entire body of the insect, this type of breathing prevents the increase in the size of insects. A large body is impossible to fully provide oxygen with the help of tray.
  • There are two types of insect development: with complete transformation and incomplete transformation. In the insects with a complete transformation in the life cycle, metamorphosis is observed, when the larva dislike on adults, the larva via pokuclization is much changed and becomes an adult insect insect. Such development allows larvae and adults to eat and live in different places, which reduces competition between them. Insects with incomplete transformation of metamorphoses in the life cycle there. From eggs, they go outwardly similar to adult individuals. As young people grow it, he lines several times, the genitals develop in it.
  • Throughout the historical development of life on Earth (evolution), many insects have entered a kind of symbiosis with flowering plants, becoming their pollinators and feed them with pollen and nectar. It was this that determined their external structure (especially the structure of the oral apparatus) and all the diversity and beauty of plant flowers. Many types of insects pollinate only certain types of plants, the flower of which is adapted to pollinate only by this type of insect.
1. Clavystonogiy. General structure

This is the most numerous type of animals. It has three classes - crustaceans, spider and insects. Lit all lives of life. Combines more than 1.5 million species. Arthropod - the peak of the evolutionary branch of invertebrates. They began their development in the seas of the Cambrian period and became the first terrestrial animals capable of breathing atmospheric oxygen.

For segments are characterized by general features:

1. The body is covered with a chitin - a horn, sometimes impregnated with lime. Chitin forms an outdoor skeleton and performs protective functions.

2. The limbs have a segic structure, connected to the body by means of joints, on each segment is located one pair of legs.

3. The body is segmented and divided into two or three departments.

4. Muscles are well developed and attached in the form of muscle beams to chitinos.

5. The blood system is unlocked, there is a heart. Blood - hemolyimph is poured into the body cavity and wash internal organs.

6. There are breathing organs - gills, trachea, lungs.

7. A nodal type nervous system is more perfect. There are complex facets, antennae - the ignition and tanging organs, hearing and equilibrium organs.

8. The excretory system is more perfect than that of ringed worms.

9. Clavystonogiy is mostly separate animals, breeding eggs.

2. Class crustaceans.

The class has about 20 thousand species. It includes crabs, crabs, lunguhsts, daphnia, cyclops, wets, shrimps and MN. Dr. Mostly it is the inhabitants of water, and their breathing organs are gills.

Consider the external structure Cruise on the example of river cancer.

The body is divided into three departments: head, chest and abdomen. Head and breastsmerge formingheadbandcovered with a common shell; There are two pairs of mustaches on the head and three pairs of jaws. First couple -antennalslocated on the head, and the second pair -antennas -on the first segment of the body (long). There are three pairs of frozen and five walking feet on the chest, and the first pair of walking feet has powerful claws. On the trouser, on every segment, there are also limbs - abdominal. They hold the eggs.

Consider the inner structure.

Towning in the water, raks breathe gills. They are located under the side edges of the headband. The blood system is unlucky, there is a heart. Feed cancer Padalu, snacking the body with culbs; Have a complex digestive system. The nervous system of cancers is the same as all invertebrates. It is represented by the abdominal nervous chain, an incaploising nerve ring, consisting of stiltlip and pharyngeal nerve nodes. The cancer has a well-developed smelling and touch, there is an equilibrium organ and stem eyes consisting of a variety of simple eyes - facets, the number of which increases with age. Each eye sees only part of the object, and in general the image is formed. Such vision is called "mosaic vision."

Raki. Separation animals. After the inner fertilization, the female lays eggs. Development occursmetamorphosis -complex transformation. The larva lins several times in the process of growth, each time becoming more like an adult form.

In terms of its structure, cancers can be divided into two groups: lower raks and higher crayfish.

Lower crustaceans include more primitive animals - Daphneia and cyclops. This is pretty small creatures. They can be considered with a weak increase in the microscope. W.daphniathere are two-letter antennas that are not only organs of feelings, but also by movement bodies. Daphnes feed on bacteria, algae and other small organisms.

W. cyclopesthere is a headband. The main body of the movement is powerful antennas (first alarm of the mustache). These small wraps (Daphnes and cyclops) are feed for fish and form zooplankton.

The highest crustaceans include:river crayfish, crabs, lobsters, lounges, shrimp.

W. crabfive five pairs of legs depart from a powerful panese poles are noticeable. The abdomen is shortened, flat. Many crabs and shrimps have a commercial value.

Unlike crabs in lobster and Langustov Long, well-developed abdomen. These crustaceans live in the seas and oceans and also have a commercial value.

W. cancer-hermitthe petty abdomen is covered with only a thin soft film. Therefore, he hides it into the empty shells of sea mollusks, which is why the body acquires the shape of the swirling cavity of the shell. When cancer after molting grows, it changes the sink to a more spacious one.

Almost all crustaceans are edible and have almost the same taste.

3. Spider-shaped.

About 60 thousand species are known.

Consider the external structure of spiders.

The body is divided into departments: headband and abdomen of rounded shape. Four pairs of legs are departed from puments, i.e. 8 pieces with curls. Feet are equipped with tactile hairs. There are no musthal, but there is a tentacle,which serve as a touch bodies. There are jaws - Helicers, employees for grabbing and breaking food.

Internal structure.

In connection with the ground lifestyle, light and trachea are developed.

The circulatory system like all arthropods is unclipped. In the trouser heart and vessels.

The nervous system is the same: the abdominal nerve chain and the occasional nervous ring. The eyes of spiders are simple, so vision is weak. On the body and limbs, many tactless hairs, which are suitable nervous endings.

The upper jaws have sharp curved ends, which opens the dockspoisonous glands. At the end of the abdomen there are spider warts, which are opened by docksspider glands. They produce a thick liquid, which, when leaving the body, frozen into a thin transparent thread - web. A web is a catchable network and serves to capture mining. The spider on the web is approaching the confused victim and the upper jaws punctures it, injecting poison and digestive juices. The poison kills the victim, and digestive enzymes begin to digest the victim. After some time, the spider sucks digested food. This type of digestion is called outdoor.

The excretal organs serve - Malpigayev vessels - branching tubes opening in the intestine.

Separations. We multiply the eggs that are postponed into the cocoon. The offspring is guarded. The development of born sprues occurs gradually with a numerous linky.

The most famousspider-crusadewith a cruciform light spot on the back,house Spider, Silver Spider, water living. Spider-silver from the web builds a "cocoon", which is filled with air, a necessary animal for breathing under water.

In the southern regions, in Ukraine and the Caucasus, there is a large spidertarantula.He lives in a mink, which breaks out in the ground, and the entrance to it will determine the web. The bite of him is very painful.

In the deserts and steppes in the south inhabit the little black spiderkarakurt(Translated from Turkic means "black death"). The bite of this spider is extremely dangerous. Karakurt poison causes pain, convulsions, vomiting, and sometimes death. The bite of the coat for camels and horses is mortal, but the sheep quietly eat it together with the grass.

Spiders are very useful animals that destroy many harmful insects. The poison of most spiders is not dangerous for a person.

Considerable harm causedpuffy(barn), cheese, grain and bulbous ticks. Chesoccal tick (up to 0.3 mm ) Throws numerous moves under the skin of a person, causing acute itching (scabies). The disease is contagious - transmitted during the handshake.

Taiga tick transfer severe viral disease - encephalitis. When bite, the virus enters the blood, reaches a brain, causing his inflammation, death may occur in severe cases.

Ticks are carriers and such dangerous diseases.

Scorpions - these are the most ancient spine, at first glance more similar to crustaceans. They are descendants of an ancient group of cancerpions, extinct about 190 million years ago. They have a sealer abdomen, the body is covered with a thick chitinist cover, and there are culbs on pummings, very similar to cancer claws. But with attentive consideration, it can be noted that four pairs of legs are departed from the puments, and the claws are a modified second pair of jaws. There is a couple of poisonous glands on the back ability. Scorpio, grabbing mining with culbs, overtakes his abdomen across his head and stamps the victim. Scorpions of poisonous, a special danger to a person are tropical species. The bites of scorpions that live in our Volga region and in the Caucasus, painful, but not deadly.

4. Insect class

The most numerous group among animals. It is believed that their number ranges from about 1.5 to 2 million. Insects mastered all lives of life: air, water, sushi, soil. The evolution of them was on the path of adaptation to ground existence.

Body structure.

The sealer body is covered with chitinov cover, divided into three departments: head, chest and abdomen. There are three pairs of segic limbs. Most adult individuals have wings. There is one pair of mustache (antennas) on the head and three pairs of frozen items forming various types of the horny apparatus. The oral apparatus consists of one pair of the lower and upper jaws, the lower and the upper lips.

In the structure of the mouth of the insects can be distributed into 4 groups:

Lidean or lacqueringthe organs have bumblebees, bees, wasps that feed on liquid food - the nectar of flowers.

Sucking the organs are characteristic of butterflies.

Quibbing-swaying rotter they have mosquitoes, bugs, tli.

Due to different ways of life of insect limbs:

- ottay(cockroach),

- pouring(Medveda),

- swimming(Beetle Floor),

- jumpers(grasshopper).

Interior structure:

· The nervous insect system is well developed. High Organization reached the senses: tangles, smell, taste, vision, hearing. Especially well developed complex facets (up to 28 thousand faces in each). Insects see green-yellow, blue and ultraviolet rays. Many of them are well heard, including ultrasound.

· The respiratory system of insects is presented by trachemetes. Fucking trunks, repeatedly branched in the insect body, openholes-troubles on the sides of the gadget and abdominal segments.

· The isolation body except for special intestinal turbines is andfat bodywhere the products of metabolic products are deposited.

Insect development. All insects are separate animals. After the inner fertilization, the female postpones several dozen eggs. The female always postphes eggs near the food that the larvae will eat: plant leaves, soil, water surface, sewage, meat, etc. From the egg, a larva hatches, which is actively powered and grows. Depending on the type of larvae and its development, an adult insect may have a complete and incomplete transformation.

With full transformation - metamorphosis The development goes in four stages: egg, larva, doll, adult insect (imago). The larva is completely unlike the adult shape, and more resembles a ring worm. Its type of food and habitat can not completely coincide with this in an adult insect. The larvae have a rodent rotter apparatus, actively feed and grow, several times the line. When the larva reaches a limit value, it freezes, covered with a new chitinular sheath or a cocoon cocoon and turns intodoll.At this stage, insects do not feed (sometimes a whole winter). A adult form, imago appears from the pupa, with all signs characteristic of an adult insect (wings, limbs, octopus).

Development with complete transformation is characteristic of evolutionary younger detachments. For evolutionary more ancient insects, an incomplete transformation is characteristic.

With incomplete transformation development goes in three stages: egg, larva-imago. The pupa's stage is absent. The larva on the shape of the body resembles an adult insect, differing only by the magnitude and lack of wings. In the process of growth of the larva, it lines several times before it reaches the size of an adult individual. Insects with incomplete transformation of the winter usually eggs.

Insect class is very diverse. It has more than 30 detachments, differing from each other mainly by the structure of the wings, oral apparatus and development.

The most widespread lower insects with incomplete transformation iscockroaches, dragonflies, straight bumps (grasshoppers, locust, crickets), semi-rigid (bugs).

The highest insect with complete transformation includestough (beetles), scrapering (butterflies), refigulates (bumblebees, wasps, bees, ants, riders), double (flies, blind, mosquitoes). mimicry characteristic for unprotected individualsimitation of protected individuals (Out-like flies).

Insects may have a chemical "weapon" of protection, like bombing beetles capable of shooting the end of a abdomen with the formation of a smoky cloud. The ants allocate a large amount of formic acid with a burning effect.

There are public insects: bees, ants, termites that form large families - colonies in which the duties are clearly distributed, and individuals are differentiated: uterus (large female), drums (males), works of individuals, or soldiers.

Thanks to the ability to actively move, insects settled all the lives of life. They can be found in all natural zones.

Most insects have small dimensions (up to 1-3 cm). This allows them to dwell in places inaccessible to other animals. Thanks to various devices, they successfully survive in the struggle for existence.

For insects, seasonal and daily activity, migration in space are characteristic. So, for example, butterflies can be day and night. The locust is capable of moving at huge distances.

The behavior of insects is consisted of direct reactions to the factors of the external environment, and also due to instincts - hereditary unconditional reflex activity. Instincts are characterized by great complexity and ensure the feasibility of the insect behavior. For example, a bee, performing a specific "dance" (flight), shows the road to flowers with nectar. In the evening, ants closed the moves in an anthill, expel out of other people. Some ants are grown in antholes of the mycelium mushrooms, cultivated tool, "milk" of them, forcing the extraction of special sugar substances.

Others bring great benefits by destroying plant pests, contributing to pollination. So, for example, riders lay eggs into larvae or imago other insects, thereby exterminating many pests of agriculture.

There are insects that are divorced by a person: a taled silkworm, from which silk fiber is obtained.Serve people and bees. Soil insects are loosened by the soil, contribute to its aerations, the accumulation of organic substances. In general, insects are an important link in complex nutrition chains and are an integral part of various biocenoses.