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In a dream to see the house wooden. What dreams wooden house

Our dreams are a reflection of ourselves: all problems and adversity, joy and waiting for change - will certainly reflect in the subconscious and come at night in the form of bright or disturbing pictures. As indicated dream book, wooden house Symbolizes your personal world. This is a symbol of change for the better, especially if it dreams under favorable circumstances: Property acquisition, new construction. It may also be a negative meaning if he grabbed an alarming dream: Escape, in the middle of the forest is a lonely hut, etc. To understand completely, what dreams wooden house, I can only analyze it.

Light dream about a new house

According to the interpretation of Miller, such a dream is a symbol of change for the better. New building or just acquired wooden house is a sign of your excellent emotional and physical condition. You are full of strength and energy, ready for new achievements. No trouble should not be expected, because such a dream indicates good news. Stand inside your own home or build it means to increase well-cost, accumulate capital.

Good dream without negative signs will lead you throughout the day: problems and difficulties will not touch you, or themselves are permitted. Even Vanga interpreted such a dream as the exercise of conceived. If your goal is family happiness or wedding in the near future - this dream in hand: everything will be successful and new accomplishments will be favorable. You are awaiting sunny and joyful days, full of trouble and fuss in connection with the upcoming festivities and celebrations.

Ease of sleep and pleasant feeling after awakening talk about internal equilibrium. A calm measured life with minimal problems and hassle will be a normal phenomenon. This dream is especially useful for a person, with problems in life. Interpretation states that all obstacles will stay behind, and the coming day will bring change for the better.

Beautiful wooden house

The house is the symbol of the temple of the soul, so when it is strong, beautiful, new - it has a positive interpretation. If he is light and cozy - only a positive decision is waiting for you. Also, a similar dream can show on the relationship between two people. The house filled with light indicates the absence of lies between the partners, on pure thoughts and good strong relationships. Wooden Svetlitsy symbolizes harmony in the family, in life.

Built in a dream of a beautiful and light house with numerous windows indicates new financial ideas, the implementation of opportunities, money profit and financial stability. Especially such a dream will be successful for a man who is interested in business and business. Now success is ensured, it is important only to follow your goal and everything will work out as a prescribed scenario. The accomplishment of plans and termination of the black strip will be a good reference point in life and career.

For a woman, such a dream has a direct interpretation in terms of relationships. According to Freud's dream book, the house means the strength of the relationship between sexual partners:

  • a cozy bright house is a sign of harmony in the family, happiness and support each other in all endeavors;
  • a warm house from a tree is a sign of a quiet harbor when you can come after a heavy working day home and get the support of loved ones, count on their understanding and love;
  • a clean house is a sign of a gentle relationship between loved ones, mutual understanding between sexual partners;
  • a small warm lubyana house among the snowy desert shows how important the family support is for a person.
  • a large number of people in the house or holiday in a wooden cottage indicates the presence of faithful friends who will help if necessary and provide support in difficult situations.

Presence of confused moves and numerous stairs

Unfortunately, every sleep has two sides, so the wooden house does not always indicate a positive. If you can not find a way out and have been wandering around the corridors for a long time, perhaps something bothers you. The growing sense of anxiety in a bright house with a large number of moves and labyrinths may indicate the upcoming troubles:

  1. Perhaps you hide a serious secret. Such a lie is able to harm relationships, and you are trying to understand at what point were the prisoner of his experiences. It should be understood in the peculiarities of the family relationship, watch others. If you lie, it will be visible because the behavior of loved ones will be somewhat different.
  2. Your inner world is complex and you yourself are entangled in our own feelings. This may be the interpretation of your dream. Maybe you have everything in your family, but something does not give rest. Maybe you want to get a job, but forced to sit at home or want to get another education, but we are afraid that you will not understand. As a result, you dream of sleep, where you are looking for a solution inside yourself, wandering on numerous confusing trades in your own home.

  1. If in a dream you see insects that crawl around the walls of the house, then you revealed a lie. Such a dream shows the presence of intrigues that weave behind your back. Evil intents of loved ones require attention, so sleep warns you. In this case, it is necessary to look at others: a detractor can issue oneself or in words.
  2. Dreaming, where you wander home without a roof, indicates poor well-being of a native person. Most likely, we are talking about illness or stress from accumulated difficulties. In this case, the dreams should help a relative to get rid of a feeling of anxiety.
  3. A large number of dark corridors is a symbol of difficulties in family life. Secrets and inexpensive can share you with a partner.

Old wooden house

Shaky house shows about the upcoming test of man on endurance. The old house is a symbol of future tests of fate, which will have to overcome their own forces. The presence of financial difficulties in reality can manifest itself in the form of such sleep. In the future, you can threaten the loss of property, but you can prevent such problems and cope with the difficulties. House with a lack of repair or dirty, littered - a sign of loss of confidence in loved ones and relatives. Chaos in a dream is a reflection of real life, where small adversity does not pass and do not allow living calmly. Even in the intimate sphere, the crisis may occur, as evidenced by the confusion in your home.

If in a dream the house collapses or falls apart, this indicates serious health problems and misfortunes. Seen in a dreaming his own home in a deplorable state shows that family relationships went into a dead end, and hung the threat of quarrels and even a divorce. In this case, it is necessary to take action, try to solve difficulties and get rid of conflicts. Also, the house can mean the "body" of the dream, so it follows as the upcoming diseases. Stresses can lead to a decrease in immunity, so it is worth taking care of yourself, try to unload yourself from work or quickly cope with the affairs to rest on the weekend.

According to old interpretations, the collapsed house indicates the close death of a dream or a person close to him. Thus, it is necessary to observe the health of others and independently go through a medical examination to avoid complications and serious diseases. If the house burns in a dream or already burned down - in the near future you are waiting for the glow of passions and emotions. The fire may have a bad and good value. If the dream has come to you after the scandal, we are talking about the already happened, turning your dreams into ashes. In this case, it is necessary to get rid of stress and give output to emotions. Perhaps you will be able to establish family relationships and return everything in the previous state by heat and understanding.

If the wooden house you dreamed of near the water in a place removed from the city, it is worth thinking about the rest. Most likely, the body tells you through the subconsciousness that it is depleted and demanding rest. You can restore your strength by a trip for the weekend. Also, water is a symbol of intuition, so listen to your body, disperse in your experiences, solve the accumulated problems. If you dreamed of a childhood house - it should be interpreted as a return to the origins. Most often it testifies to nostalgia and desire to return the time to reverse. This indicates that at this time you have a problem that is repeated from the past and requires a solution.

The house on a hill, a tree or other hill indicates the need to be alone to sort out their own problems and experiences. To see the house at the height, means the need for spiritualization at the expense of self-knowledge. It is important to understand your needs, maybe you should spend a couple of days alone and peace. It should also be remembered that the prophetic dreams rarely come, therefore it is not worth paying a lot of attention to a lot of attention, not a memorable sleep.

Have you seen a house on a hill or an elevation? Try to sort out yourself, in your desires and needs

Repeating alarming

It should be understood that any problems are solved. Moreover, if you come a repetitive sleep, it should not be looped on it. Each dream has a lot of interpretations, but only the one that invested in it is faithful. Therefore, they are not always needed to perceive as important information, it is better to think about what sleep is connected in your life.

Wooden house seen in a dream is a rather difficult, multivalued symbol. He can personify himself and family well-being, the warmth of a homely focus, and be a formidable, a terrible foreman. To understand what the wooden house is dreaming, it is necessary to analyze the dream, taking into account all the details. Namely, it was a building - veterinary or good. Where there was a landscape. It is possible that on awakening it will be possible to recall some small details, which will be important for interpretation of sleep.

If a wooden house sees in a dream, a person who has conceived the real estate reality, then for it it is an unpleasant, proactive symbol predicting the complexity of the coming transaction. Or worse, participation in her scammers. Therefore, such a dream should make him not once analyze the proposed conditions.

Although much depends on the emotions tested by sleeping during the "sleepy" view. If he liked the dwelling, then the potential new seller, maybe seriously in real life to think about the acquisition of a house or apartment. Although in this case will not be superfluous to obtain a consultation of an independent expert: builder, lawyer.

Most people are not so often thinking of moving, then what can they dream of a wooden house? Dream Interpretation in the Wooden House section gives a number of interpretations relating to the present dream, or to events awaiting it in the near future.

See in a dream strong, new wood house is good. It foreshadows good luck and luck. Both happy events that will be remembered for a long time. If such a vision observes the one who is looking for housing, or professionally engaged in real estate, then his affairs will go to the mountain with an unprecedented speed, and he is lucky in a large one.

The ancient Greek Goddess of Fortuna's luck accurately took the wing of someone who was lucky to buy a cute tree house in a dream. Dream interpretation promises this lucky strollery change for the better. The main thing is that a person will be in excellent mood and therefore do everything with ease and enthusiasm. He all turns out, and others surrounding to him.

Negative dreams

Miller's dream book unusually interprets what a wooden house can dreamed. It is assumed that such a structure is not so real estate. It is easy to disassemble and transport to another place. Such a dream, if you believe the dream, it often falls in contemporary people. After him, they come a strip of trouble, large and small disappointments, it would seem in the most devoted and faithful comrades. This generates excessive suspicion, which interferes, is building relationships and conduct business negotiations. In a word to achieve the desired familiar, natural way.

Why did you dream of a unfinished or abandoned wooden house without windows? Freud's dream book, from a psychological point of view, considers this vision, associating it with a cramped and closed space, serving on ... Coffin. But no tragic and all the more deaths, it is not foreseen from such a dream. The meaning of another - the dreams got used to living under some pressure, the press. Can't, does not want or afraid to live in his pleasure. It is clamped and suspicious. In the depths of the soul, it is terribly dissatisfied with himself and his destiny.

And what, let's say, there is still a strange wooden house without doors, get into which you can only through the window, and also climbing on the walls? Dream interpretation answers exactly - Sleeping, alas, expects fiasco in love affairs. But do not despair, there will be time, and you will find your destiny!

You need more time to give yourself, your affairs and problems, this is what the dream book advises, the one who in a dream noticed the old, unclean house from the tree. Judging by this vision, the sleeping extremely much effortlessly spends on the care of loved ones and acquaintances. It is necessary to stop such unrestrained altruism and raise healthy egoism. Moreover, people do not always adequately assess the manifestations of sincere help.

Other interpretations of dreams about wooden houses

Did you think that what was the construction of a wooden house, which was directly involved? Such a plot confirms that in reality you are full of strength, energy. In the head of complete plans and wonderful ideas. Imagine them ready to help your friends and relatives.

Dream Interpretation confirms that you do not just realize everything conceived, but will achieve great success that did not even dreamed about. At the same time, changes in your fate will occur for the better. Moreover, you will not just become a successful and wealthy citizen, but also you will see the person of high moral qualities. And deserved!

Dreamed a giant house from a tree, fascinating with its size, but with this frightening? Dream Interpretation interprets such a vision as devastation or apathy, reigning in the soul of a dream. Even in a dream, he cannot find harmony, calm down after a severe, psychological test. It could be parting with a loved one, divorce, quarrel. In reality, a person who dreamed like this is experiencing a mental crisis. But, as is known for the crisis, growth is inevitable. Do not despair, wait a little and everything will work out!

Sleep from Friday on Saturday 03/23/2019

Sleep from Friday on Saturday can also find a use in reality. The abundance of happy events and pleasant impressions donated with Moraphem, says ...

Collect or select some kind of wood objects in a dream - to big distress and experiences.

To carry wood, firewood, log, etc. in a dream - to big trouble. Such a dream warns seeking him that he should be careful - otherwise you can get into trouble.

Cubs to see in a dream - to get money or inheritance that you have to share with someone, and you will only get them part of them.

The logs are sawdust see - the fores of profit and getting good income that you will share with your partners.

The thicker the log, the more your income will be. Sometimes such a dream predicts receiving a long-awaited inheritance.

Buy wood - to big problems.

See wooden dishes - the foresight of what you need to think about how thoughtly you spend money. Such a dream encourages you to be thrifty.

See interpretation: dishes.

Wooden shoes see in a dream or wear - to a difficult life when you have to count only on your strength and everything is difficult to achieve hard work.

See Interpretation: Shoes.

Wooden legs to have in a dream - the foresight of the disease, disordered life, grave labor, long wardings.

An attackers such a dream foreshadows imprisonment, and their evil intentions will not work. See interpretation: Legs, go, move.

Interpretation of dreams Family dreamy

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Dream Interpretation - House

Dreams about homes often mean the device of life, the course of affairs. From what is your home, it depends on what awaits you in the future. Sometimes these dreams are repeated.

Especially if you think about your life and expect change to bad or, on the contrary, to good. To see a brilliant or gold house-covered house - unfortunately or trouble.

Buy, inspect the house - build plans for the future. Such a dream also predicts changes in life and position.

Pay attention to the condition of the room, furniture, lighting and feelings that you have experienced when looking at home in a dream.

Build a house in a dream means you will have to be not easy to achieve a stable position in society and well-being. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows boredom, discontent with its position or illness.

The patient is such a dream predicts close death. Barn or a barn building in a dream means that soon you will come with your home and family.

See interpretation: barn, shed.

Having your own home in a dream, as it means, means that your experiences are in vain and life in your home will work out.

If in a dream you repair or cover the roof house, then you will be disappointing and loss.

It is a locked room - a warning that someone builds a goat against you.

Updated, plundered house (his) see in a dream - to profits and great good changes.

Destruction in the house means trouble that threaten your well-being. Sometimes such a dream can mean a long-term disease (depending on the degree of destruction), and the patient who saw such a dream may die.

Repair in your home see in a dream means that soon you will have a lot to work hard to correct your mistakes or improve your position.

To see the house in a dream, designed to destruction, is a warning that your rash actions will damage your well-being.

Changes and permutations in the house you produce in a dream - to change or visiting an important person.

A dream in which you will see your home empty warns you of possible parting with a close person, about the failure of hopes and on material losses. Such a dream also suggests that you are unhappy with your present position and painfully look for a way out of it.

The dream in which you will see your home covered by fire is a sign of failures in affairs, troubles and chagrins. Such a dream often warns the danger to the life of the inhabitants of this house.

The burning living room or dining room is the foresight of the unpleasant news of the host's disease. The same if you see how in your home furniture or drapery flashed and burn.

Worst of all, if the situation in the house burns out the duck. In this case, wait for large and long disasters.

To see in a dream, how the upper floor of the house burns and collapsing, is a warning to see such a dream that it can lose the state, expose humiliation.

Invalid friends will abandon him in a difficult moment. In addition, such a dream may be threatened with great trial.

However, if in a dream the house will burn with a clear flame, without destruction and smoke, then the poor will grow rich, and the rich will become noble.

Trees burning in front of the house - a loss sign for its owners.

To see the house of his parents (old people) - to get bad news of misfortune in the family. See interpretation: tenant, fire.

The dwelling of a strange type to see in a dream means that your real life is not arranged and you are deeply worried about it.

If you see in the dream of the transformation of housing from a strange to normal - a sign that the same thing will happen to you in life. Enter such a dwelling in a dream - the foresight of the fact that soon you will get involved in an unusual business.

If you dreamed that you are looking for a way out of such a house and cannot find it, then sleep warns you that you should refrain from risky enterprises. To see a wonderful house published in a dream means you will find a beautiful and happy future.

Go to a beautiful and high house in a dream - means big changes for the better. After such sleep, you can count on a good and profitable place, carrying out profitable deals. Such a dream often promises you a rich and powerful patron who will support you in all endeavors.

It turns out to be in a huge room of a rich house alone or feel there for someone, meaning that soon your well-being will crush as a card house, and then many of your friends you helped, turn away from you.

Change the house (apartment) in a dream means you are waiting for unpleasant news about treason or betrayal of loved ones.

The dream in which you saw the flooring in the house, means that you will be visited soon. See interpretation: revenge, wash, order.

Clean the house in a dream - a sign that you would like to correct mistakes and deal with your opponents.

To be used in the house, causing order is an omnant that soon your affairs will come to normal, you will check a profitable business.

Wash the floors in the house - to the death of a loved one.

Holes in the floor or roof of the house - to close parting with a loved one or moving.

The house has its own in a dream of dilapidated to see - an omnation of remorse of conscience, humiliation, needs.

Sleep, in which you saw your home close, - to losses and losses, because of which you will be hard to worry. This dream talks about how hard you are looking for a way out of the situation.

Pour the house with water - to grief.

The house has its own water in a dream means compassion to the neighbor and amendment of your affairs.

If you dreamed that you are roaming and look for the right room at home, means that you can make incorrect steps, which will be bitterly regret afterwards.

Leave your home in a dream means you make a mistake that you will then regret.

Households welcome or kiss in a dream - the foresight of the receipt of pleasant news. House sell in a dream - to ruin and adversity.

Search for your home - to great disappointments and meager existence. In the dugout live in a dream - the sign of humiliation and poverty.

Do not have at home - to failures and losses, because of which you lose peace. See interpretation: building, room, room, water, key.

Interpretation of dreams

By the dream of Miller House in a dream is a sign of good change, especially if it is anewded or only purchased. But visit your old house is a symbol of the fact that the reality of a person is awaiting pleasant and good news. And if a person builds a house in a dream, it means that he will enhable his capital.

An entertaining interpretation of what the Wooden Dream Wooden Dream Dream, promises to fulfill all the conceived plans and acquire real family happiness. This is evidenced by a dream in which a small wooden house is dreaming. When a man sees a large house from a tree in a dream - this is a sign that the life of this person will improve and flow in a calm and moderate bed. Another dream for a dream, whose recently there has been a bad period in life, will finally bring him bright days. When the dreams sees a house in a dream, which is very old and abandoned, it means that soon fate will start checking a person to endurance. That is, she will present it to him different tests that will have to fight. There is even a dangerous opportunity to lose their property, but with God's help, the problem will soon be solved.

The sleep in which the wooden house is seen, symbolizes the person or relationship between two people. A clean and tidy house testifies to the harmony in the family, but the house in which the complete mess reigns, indicates that the same thing happens in family life.

If a man builds a wooden house in a dream, he will reach his financial capabilities and receive a profit in the money equivalent. By Dream Freud House in a dream can designate how strong the relationship between a man and a woman. So on this interpreter dreams, a warm and cozy house from a tree testifies to the same trust and harmonious relations in the family. A cold and uncomfortable house is a sign of cooling feelings between partners. If in a dream, warm, comfort and purity reigns in the house, then there are also gentle and warmly treat each other. The house in which the chaos and disorder dreams, symbolizes the loss of trust and respect in the family, as well as complete ruin in the intimate sphere of partners. The presence in a dream in the house of a large number of people suggests that the dreams have a lot of faithful and devotional friends who will always come to the rescue.

Not very good events foreshadows sleep filled with different insects. He will mean that evil intrigue woven behind his back. It is necessary to take care of its surrounding more closely, maybe the ill-wisher itself will give itself a careless phrase or action. If there is a house that does not have a roof is a clear sign of a disease of a close relative or friend. Moreover, this person really needs, it is in the help of a dream. When the dreams watches himself in a dream, the departed from his own home, then this dream, as it should not be better symbolizing the inner state of this person. The dream indicates the depressed state of the subject, about its unstable position in society. In this case, it is necessary to think and understand that this is so oppressing a person in his real life and leads it to such a sad desperate state.

The construction of the house is a symbol that a person goes to a new level of his life. It is possible that he will create a family, or receive a new responsible position or his child will be born. That is, the dream symbolizes the beginning of a new life period.

House, accommodation, apartment in a dream is the image of the person himself. If he has full order in his life, respectively, the house is dreaming in this form. And when the dreams are in oppression, discontent and dissatisfaction with their lives, then naturally the house in a dream will have an appropriate look and characteristic image.

Dream Interpretation Building House

What dreams of building a house in a dream

If you dream of someone else's building, we are afraid of theft. If you see how your home build, the dream foreshadows the achievement of the goal through perseverance. If you build a house yourself, it is possible to win. However, sleep may mean, only partial success and change in life. If a man is sick, sleep advises attentively treat treatment. If one of the newlyweds builds a house in a dream, sleep can promise the birth of children.

To be in a dream in a unfinished house, in reality can bring concern about unfinished affairs or danger to life.

If in a dream you are lost in the house under construction, in reality you can make a disease or not enough time and effort to implement plans. If in such a house you found some kind of subject, it can tell how to act further in the affairs.

If in a house under construction in a dream is full of people, and you talk to them, you can quickly forget after your death. If these people do not see you, then after death you, on the contrary, is waiting for fame. If you are hiding in a dream in such a house, you are afraid of death about death. If you run away from someone, then you should analyze your mistakes and correct them to calm your conscience.

If in a dream in the window of the unfinished house you saw a friend, then I will have a reason to worry about him.

If you have dreamed that you can't find your home, in reality you will lose confidence in people. And if you realized that you do not have home, keep care in financial matters.

If the entrepreneur dreams that he builds a house, in reality such a dream foreshadows success in affairs and material benefits, you can hope to rip the big kush.

If the sailor dreams that he builds a house, revealing it indicates his desire to lead a settling life. The desire can be realized, and the sleep promises successful marriage.

If you build the foundation and walls of the house - this is to wealth and happiness. The same promit and sleep, in which you update and add a house or apartment.

If the neighbors and relatives are involved in the repair of the house, it means that you did not determine with your desires, and look for an answer from others.

If you have dreamed of an unfinished nine-story house, it means that your dreams are not yet unrealized. If such a building causes you inspiration, then a risky event will bring the exercise of your cherished desire.

New Dream House

Some dreams help to better understand the present and predict the future. It is enough just to know what one or another plot has been breeding. Dream Interpretation claims that the new home seen in a dream is the personification of the inner world of man. The dwelling is a place where you can relax and feel yourself protected from non-external world.

Have you seen a new home in a dream? Try to listen to your inner desires, as well as needs. Only so you can decipher the dream as much as possible. In various sources, various interpretation of what new houses are shot. Consider all of them in detail.

Interpretation by Dream Sigmund Freud

This interpreter of dreams believed that the new home or apartment was the symbol of the person himself. The structure with smooth walls is a symbol of a man, and the construction, having protrusions and balconies, personifies the woman.

If the representative of the beautiful floor was harmful at night, that she makes repairs in a new house, namely, it flirts smooth smooth walls, then in life this lady will be with his chosen one especially Mila and causing. Dream Interpretation recommends that there are no misunderstandings and conflicts between partners, it is necessary to periodically study what to dream of one or another plot and bring novelty to the relationship.

A young girl who saw a new home in a dream may be in real life to count on emergency favorable changes according to the dreams. She can get married, get a good job on a fairly good job or get support from a familiar or loved one. So that it does not happen, this event fate will change for the better.

The value of sleep with a new home in Freud can be negative. A new structure in which there is no roof and the floor is a symbol of the approaching death. Anyone can be conserved by anyone: a relative, familiar, colleague. More accurately understand why sleep is dreaming, it is possible, just looking at the signs of fate seen in reality.

Decoding by Dream Nostradamus

A new home, a large or small, sising cockroaches or any other insects, predicts a large number of ill-wishers. The enemies are already preparing plans for your destruction. It is worth being as careful and try not to trust the surrounding. Walesnoy Dream Interpretation is recommended to relate during this period even to friends.

Interpretation of sleep in which from the new house blows the roof is quite interesting. This plot claims that one of your loved ones suffers from nervous disorder and he needs help in recovery. Dream Interpretation advises, become a support for this person and support during treatment and after it.

The cozy new wooden house of a small size in the dream book is dreaming of an impending family well-being. The family will not only reign mutual understanding, but also comes and material well-being. Each family member will experience immense joy from the coming idyll, as well as a sense of pride for their loved ones.

What dream of a residential house, standing right in heaven? He predicts the death of a close relative in the near time. The same house in heaven filled with people, acts as a symbol of loyalty to your friends and their devotion.

New House by Dream Miller

Sleeping with vain attempts to find their dwelling indicates the loss of faith in decency and honesty of people. If we thought that you leave the house, then in real life there is quite a trip, as well as changes in all endeavors. Changes, as the dream book, can be benevolent and not very.

Interpretation of a dream of Wange

About the speedy performance of a cherished desire says seen in a dream a small cozy house. It also has a definition for what a dwelling is. It is believed that it promises family well-being and happiness. Move to the new home large and bright to material well-being and good position.

Build a new home to improving the financial situation. Well-being in the material side of life will come not just so, but only thanks to the promotion of an influential person. But it is worth remembering that financial well-being cannot be eternal. You can use the most profitable money by putting them in real estate.

Modern interpretation of sleep

The demolition of the recently built housing warns about fast loneliness and longing. In addition, material difficulties will arise. Buy a new home in a dream to impending fame, as well as creative successes. It is important not only to know what to dream of one or another plot, but also to know how to do. To gain respect and reverence of the surrounding people will succeed due to hard work and decency.

Moving to a new house that was inherited, predicts the revenue of a dedicated friend or buddy. This person will help you to achieve your well-being and prosperity. Cleaning in its own dwelling is thrown career successes. The biggest luck, if such a dream has dreamed of a person who is in military service. Soon he will receive an increase in the title and salary.

A new multi-storey house predicts ambulance. Floors are a symbol of the career ladder and what they are more, the higher the social status you will get over time. The dream in which you committed a lift on the floors indicates the successful achievement of the goal. What dreams seen in a dream descent? He is under the dream predicts a downgrade.

If in a dream you were breeding the unfinished new home, then in real life you will have to postpone some cases indefinitely. But no need to forget about them. You can realize the intended time at a later time.

To be in the dwelling in full solitude in the dreams to the loss of friends. It is quite possible to turn away from any reason for any reason, and the new ones will not appear. Still a dream book warns that the existing well-being is also more likely to evaporate.

Construction of a new house promises soon happiness and wealth. Entrepreneur Such a dream promises success in planned affairs. Dream Interpretation promises a big kush. Building a house, seen by the sailor, can talk about his passionate desire to lead a settling life. Another moment, what dreams this dream is a quick marriage.

Buy in a dream a new house in the village to change work and related to this. If buying a home is happening together with friends, then I will have to contribute to the device of their lives. Getting a large structure to the inheritance by the dreams to gaining a dedicated reliable partner in real life.

At the doned house, you can judge the dream. If the interior was luxurious and stylish, it means that this person evaluates himself highly and is distinguished by a certain confidence in its own forces. Shipping structure requiring repair, in the dream of a feeling of defenselessness in reality.

What dreams of a wooden house?

From a long time, people tried to predict further events or the incident of their lives. For this, a lot of effort was applied. So, watching the stellar sky or the direction of the wind, could recognize the weather for the near future. Caring the behavior of animals, predicted certain changes in fate.

Years passed, and people began to notice that not only surrounding items and phenomena can help with deciphering the future, but also dreams. Thus, the opinions of others were gathered about what to dream and that in the future happened to them.

The process of drawing up a whole dream interpretation can take enough long time. The more the respondents will be, the more deployed the picture of the future. Sometimes it happens that it is exactly what the day was mentioned or discussed.

There are a large number of dreams. I suggest to consider the most popular - a large universal dream book for the whole family O. Smurova. What to dream of a wooden house, if during the day there was not even mentioned such a topic?

Relying on his data, the house that dreamed in a dream denotes promotion in affairs and pleasant moments in life. However, it is necessary to take into account the conditions under which he appeared, as well as its condition.

If the house glitters and seems gold, then most likely there will be troubles and quarrels. In the case of buying a house, we can expect change in life for the better and promotion of intended plans. It is necessary to pay attention to the internal situation - furniture, carpets, windows and their purity.

If you have dreamed of building a house, you can expect difficulties and any obstacles in your career or personal life. In the near future, the promotion of cases will not and is better not to take on new projects at all. Sometimes such a dream is to dream before the disease.

But if the barn is built, then in the near future the second half and the wedding is expected.

In the case when the house is dreaming, and it is in normal condition, you can stop worrying, as everything will be worse in life, and progress in affairs will only grow. By repairing a roof in a dream or establishing it in general, the loss or problems at work are expected.

In addition, it may know disappointment in a close person who has always relied. If it is in a dream in a locked room, you should wait for meanness or standings from others. In this case, it is necessary to beware of unverified information and not trust anyone, at least in the near future.

The robbed house with ruins dream to the cardinal changes in life, as well as unexpected profits from the other side, from where it was not planned. It is possible to get an inheritance or gain in gambling.

If instead of the house - the complete ruins, then it is to prolonged illness or unexpected trouble in life. The sick person seeing this in a dream may die.

By repairing a wooden house, you should prepare for difficulties in solving old issues or education new ones. The permutation of furniture will dream of news or change in life, the emergence of an unexpected guest is also possible.

If the house is empty and not in very good condition, in the near future it is expected loss of a person from the environment or parting with close. In addition, this indicates the difficulties in the performance of the intended goals or desires and material losses.

If the fire is dreaming, then you can wait for the collapse in professional affairs, trouble or bad luck. It is necessary to pay special attention to this dream, because it may concern the rest of people living with a person who saw him.

However, it is most unpleasant if the house burns the duck, because failures are coming, of which they will have to get out for a long time. In addition, without the help of loved ones, it is hardly possible to get rid of disasters, but also there are positive moments.


Dream of Freud.

Any construction work - are sexual symbols.

If you are building yourself - You are able to lead an active sex life.

If you are watching the construction - You envy the sexual successes of other people.

Abandoned construction - symbolizes functional disorders of the genital organs.

Modern visible dream book

Build a house in a dream - Means that you will be waiting for fast promotion in life and confident existence.

Help workers on the construction of their own home - a sign that you are waiting for happiness and well-being; demolish - to not quite successful execution of your plans; see how the construction collapses - Means that your family or you can comprehend misfortune.

Full dream of a new era

Build - The need for creating.

Structure - Reflection of the worldview (point of view).

Dream Khasse

Build yourself - quick earnings; see how build - change of residence.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Sleep in which you take to build your own home - foreshadows a strong financial situation. If you see the foundation already built - So, reveal to avoid some tedious work. Wall build - Meet many obstacles on your way to success. Build a porch - Means that soon get a new appointment and a higher salary.

If building a roof in a dream - This is a sign of incredible luck and success. Build yourself housing from ice - suggests that your family existence, alas, will not be cloudless. Build a barn, garage or just canopy - To get money from debtors.

Small Velezov Sonnik

Build - to the dead man; build a new view - Change.

Collection of Sonnikov

Build something - well-being; build a house - to success; take part in the construction of a large building - Happy events.

Build yourself - to a good state of health, the completeness of physical and mental strength; see construction - to favorable life change; repeated dream of construction of a beautiful, durable building - It may mean the need to build its own healthy body.

Dream Interpretation House, what dreams of a house in a dream to see

Dream Interpretation Meridian What dreams former house in a dream:

The former house is to see that the former house in which you were born is beautiful and well-groomed - you are waiting for happiness and luck, if he is abandoned - problems are waiting for you.

Search for your former house in a dream and not find it - you will not trust people who were previously considered honest.

Selling a native former house - you threaten the loss that you will regret for a long time. Leave the former house - you will hear news that will affect your plans.

To see the former house constantly - you need to stop and consider a clear plan of your actions, so that you will not regret the time and your actions.

Your destroyed former house - you will lose your life goals. The mess in it - you need to clean the karma.

The deceased house - to see in a dream, like a deceased grandmother or grandfather entering her house - this is a bad sign, someone from your loved ones will get sick.

What dream of the house of the deceased with him himself is - you keep the wrong way of life, because they will get sick.

See how the dead goes into his home in a dream - you can get rich and live in prosperity.

Dream House - reflection of your spiritual me, mental soul refuge. What you see around yourself in a dream in the house is a reflection of your emotional state.

What dreams sleep is a dream - you feel protected from all negative forces, you are able to surrender in the face of any trouble.

Fire is someone else's home - to unexpected happiness, if you watched such a dream at night. If you know whose home is burning - this person will suffer serious losses, warn it.

What is the dream of a foreign one's house - may be a symbol of treason, which will result in disastrous consequences.

Last minute houses in smoke clubs - to great losses.

What is the dream of burning houses - if you rushed to save someone from the fire - long-suffering problems will finally find your permission in the circumstances that will lead to serious consequences.

Last minute houses that could not be pretended may mean a replacement for you.

Burned house - to a loss, misfortune, longing. May indicate disappointment in a close person.

What dreams of a burnt house - lose a friend. Also the burned house can mean physical death.

Wash the house - to the arrival of guests from afar.

What dreams of washing the house - this sleep has only one interpretation: get ready for the arrival of distant relatives or old friends. If someone from loved ones are far away from you, wash the house, wash the floors in the house means his soon arrival.

Paul in the house - if he fell under you and you fell - unfortunately in the family. What dreams that you sweep the floor in the house are to prepare for the arrival of guests.

We sweep the floor in the house in a dream - get ready for the arrival of people with whom I have not seen it for a long time.

What dreams that sweep the floor in the house is to guests.

The roof of the house is to stand under it, dress up to uncertainty, some kind of secrets. Build a roof of the house - in his house to build a roof in a dream promises longevity.

If the roof of the house in a dream broke down with a crackle or ran the beams, which hold it - you will get into the hospital with some dangerous disease.

What dreams of the roof of the house - if the tile falls from it - you will quarrel with my wife.

Idiom dream book to what dreams of a house in the dream book:

What dream house

  • "He is not all at home" - oddities, revenue.
  • "To endure sorny from the hut" - to disclose unpleasant personal information;
  • "My house is my fortress" - protection. Safety;
  • "Home (family) focus", "Family warmth" - family well-being;
  • "Domitness" (economic activity).
  • "To live on two houses" - change the spouse.
  • "Come (return) home" - achieve the goal.
  • "Dog thresholds" - to humiliate, complain.

Dream of black magic to what dreams of a house in the dream book:

The house is the house in which the dreams turned out to be rushed, collapsing. Falling the roof, floor, ceiling. The house itself may look old, dotted, dark.

Children's Dream Interpretist What does the House of Dream?

What dreams of a house - symbolizes the degree of your self-confidence. If the house is dreaming high, with durable walls, it means that you feel confident in our own strength and security. If there is a small house, wooden or stone house, then you would like to smalle your attention to the spotlight. You need to hide, clicter in yourself, you lack determination in order to act. If you dream of a shala or reed hut, it means that you feel defenseless before your destinies. Despite this, you feel happiness and hope that the best times will come.

Small Velezov Dream Interpretation Why dreams of a house:

House in a dream:

  • Serving on the road, to separate at all, change in life, danger;
  • What dream is a big house - suffering;
  • New see, tall, beautiful - wealth;
  • What dreams of building a house is a wedding, a successful change of housing, profit, joy // Death (patient), troubles, illness, grave work;
  • Rent housing - to the wedding, change;
  • What dreams of the Brying House is good // Death;
  • What dreams of the house of clay to deceive - to death;
  • What dream of the house burning - profit, joy // disease, loss, lead, theft;
  • Change with whom the houses are change;
  • The basis of the house lay down - you will start a very profitable case;
  • Walk along an unfamiliar house, so it's hard to get out - it's not good, you will be in sorrow; And you will leave troubles;
  • What dream of the house is the old house - contempt;
  • Buy it - good // End of life; See whom in a new house - that misfortune;
  • Move to the new home - death;
  • Falling, fallen - a quarrel with neighbors, the owner will die;
  • Your home is close to see, enter it - losses;
  • What dreams of the house to clean your home is joy, profit;
  • What dreams of the house decorate is the birth of a son, profits;
  • Water the house your water - pity;
  • What dreams of a house without windows and doors is death;
  • In the house of the dance, the game is to the dead man;
  • Board the house - Guests, Beware of the Whorogs.

Russian People's Dream Interpretation in a dream What dreams of a house:

Interpretation of sleep Dream: House House is a symbol of your personality, your position in society, if in a dream you dream your home. If this is a strange house, then he means that you are in someone else's territory and the condition of the house speaks about the situation in which you turned out to be.

Gypsy dream book What does it mean if the house is dreaming:

House - in a dream to see there is a sign of false glory.

Dream interpretation of the writer Ezopa Dream Interpretation: House What does

The house - this symbol has always personified the sustainability of the situation in society and confidence in the future, a calm secured life. The house has many different meanings: it can be unfamiliar, new, can be great and completely tiny, can affect the sophistication and unusual forms, and may look like thousands of other shacks or concrete multi-storeys. In the British since the days of the feudal, the house is considered not only a symbol of wealth, but also protection, so they still call him a fortress. Slavs have a lot of versions of the "right" houses: there should be houses in the house, in every home there must be a cat or a cat in which there is a house or with whom communicates. It was believed that the house in which suicide happened is forever cursed and life in it will not be happy. The house is connected all the warmest, native and cute heart.

  • The house is dreaming, the walls of which are made of sand and gradually, with each gust of the wind, crept, become thinner, - do not be sad, soon everything will be forgotten; What is offered to you is short-lived, so do not expect that it will become a matter of your life.
  • To see himself in a good mood among naked walls in his own house - it means to face troubles in which only the family will help.
  • See yourself in endless care of the house that do not even give to relax, - the addition sign in the family or arrival of guests.
  • To see a richly furnished house with good repair - you do not give rest of the old dream, do not miss the chance to implement it.
  • To see himself the owner in the old house where people come and praise him, - to the loss of old connections, a quarrel with good friends.
  • There is a house from which the demonic laughter is heard, "there will have to deal with a superstitious person, communicating with which will bring a lot of trouble.
  • It dreams how property from your home is sold from the hammer - a symbol of wealth and well-being, to a large purchase, acquiring what you have long dreamed of.
  • To see at home many different products and things in a double copy - your premonitions and anxiety can materialize, so stop cheating.
  • In his house, see the repair in which all relatives and neighbors take part - you will not be able to find the correct answer to the question of interest, because you yourself do not know what you would like, and take one of the opinions of others on this.

Erotic dream book What dream of a house in a dream?

By dreams to see the house - seen in a dream in a dream, in which heavily and cozy, foreshadows the appearance of news in the near future, significantly affect the development of your relationship with your loved one. If the house is abandoned, dilapidated, you will bending the bitterness of frustration in the most expensive person. You will lose support from his part that you immediately feel and appreciate, but it is not easy to restore the previous relationship.

Dream Interpretation Esoterica E. Falletkova Dream Interpretation: House What does

Home - see - danger; build - to improvement; shield - losses; revenge in the house - to guests; Wash the floors - to death, to separation; The roof fell, the hole - moving; located at home - trouble, gossip; Burning house is great joy.

Dream Dream Dream D. Ruffa What dreams of the House of Dream?

What does it mean to see in a dream - in a dream with a house there may be different things. You can build it or buy it, it can destroy it, destroy the elements or war, the invaders, etc. can be filled it. As a rule, the house dreams of serious change, instability or significant growth. Hearing something or busy with someone's home testifies to your unstable relations with the outside world. You are in a state of depression - it happens, but if you are in such a state constantly, then see your home inhabited by people or animals - anxiety signal. The destroyed house is dreaming when moving, financial turmoil, to death or to divorce. In such dreams, the house falls apart on the part, losing its primary destination: to provide man. Seeing such a dream, think about: what circumstances will oppress and press you and how this is reflected on your real life. The construction of the house is a reflection of your life circumstances and change in perspective. Most likely, you have an enhancement at work or improving the financial condition that opens additional features. In a relationship with a person with whom you meet, the quality transition to a more serious level is not excluded, marriage is possible. In any case, the dream of the construction of the house is always a positive shade. Since the house is a symbol of female influence or a symbol of maternal womb, the following questions suggest: you (or your partner) are pregnant and want to press the nest for future offspring? Do you feel a significant necessity to enter into serious interconnecting relationships with your partner? Do you feel support or too conservative in your warehouse?

Ukrainian dream book what does it mean when the house dreams:

House in a dream to see - to move to a new home - die. House without windows and doors - the coffin of this person falls. How dreams are building a new home, it is very bad. If the houses are beautiful to dream - wealth. Wall will fall in the house of Lee in Khlev, then someone will die in this house (family). Naked walls in the house - the death of his native. The wall fell - the dead man sooner or later. As a locked house is death, unkind. The wall falls - the trouble is on the head. How Matitsa falls, the owner or hostess will die, but as a wall, then someone from their relatives. If you dream of someone from family members, which in their house music, dancing, - in that house there will be a dead man. If you dream, the house is building, - to the disease. You build a house: bright and beautiful - your life, black and without windows - row. The storm threw the top of the house - beware of the tragic disaster. Build, put, oil house - to death. The house falls apart in half, Matitsa falls, the ceiling falls, the walls are lying (in particular - the angular wall), the furnace falls to death. The house will dream - change in life. House to take place - guests; Get rid of enemies. Burns to theft; news. High - wealth; Falls - death.

Psychological dream book Dream Interpretation: To see the house in a dream

The house is a symbol of yourself, his body, his soul. Seen in a dream The cozy rural house expresses the desire of sleeping towards a relaxing and simple life.

Dream of the XXI century to what dream of a house?

See in a dream

The house - to see his home new and durable in a dream - fortunately, cozy - to family well-being, a multi-storey - to the big profit, which fell - to the danger, to see how they are demolished, - to overcoming all the obstacles burning to losses. To see your home abandoned - means that you have to regret the past, to return to him - to live in the past, because of what the troubles and misunderstanding of others are waiting for you. Building a home in a dream means that the external circumstances that do not depend on you will not allow you to fulfill everything conceived. Get a house inheritance - to get acquainted with a partner or companion, thanks to which you can fix your affairs. Seen in the dream of the hut - the foresight of changes in life, the hut - to the sadness, close clay mazank - to the deterioration of housing conditions. Shack in a dream can be dreamed of the upcoming trip or business trip. To live in a unfinished house - to unrest due to the danger of the loss of state or property, in the barrack - to obstacles in affairs. To see in a dream, as the building is built - a sign that you can achieve the goal, if this is a skyscraper - you will find a big profit, benefit, big money. The administrative building dreams of losses and losses, beautiful recently built - to obtain new sources of income, new work. If in the building most rooms are bright, beautiful, big, then such a dream promises you success in affairs and well-being. Poor, shabby, close rooms in the building - to the upcoming difficulties, obstacles in the completion of a profitable case. To see the cottage in a dream - to the upcoming repair in your home.

Egyptian dream book if the house dreams:

The house - if a person sees himself in a dream of a dreaming in his house, is bad, that means he will be sick.

Sword Dream Sword Medele House by Dream:

What it means to see the house in a dream - the house (mansion) personifies the dream itself, his inner "I". Also reflects the problems of the body, thoughts, feelings, spirit. The inner premises of the house correlate with the needs and condition of a person (see also a attic, roof, basement, staircase, floor, corridor, window, door, hall). Spacious room - your desires will come true; Close - to losses, poverty. Kitchen - home affairs, change. Bedroom - rest, intimate relationship. Bath - fatigue, feeling of guilt. Toilet - relaxation, privacy. Dining room - communication. Front - new acquaintance, a trunk relationship. Storeroom - reserve forces.

Assyrian dream book to what dreams of a house in the dream book:

The house - if in a dream you enter the house of a happy and funny person - you are soon waiting for the days of sadness.

Modern dream book if the house dreams:

Slimming Dream Interpretation: House - Guests

Dream Interpretation Medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: House in Sind

The house is renovated - uncertain relationships will turn out; covering the roof - await you losses; buy - well-being; Destroy - illness; flaming - failure in affairs; build - happiness in love; Empty - Your Nizhda will not fulfill; produce in the house of change - expect a visit; intended for destruction - frivolity threatens you with misfortune; devastated - profits; destroy - dispute with neighbors; Anorth house - an unclear situation in life; sit in it - avoid danger; The house is own inhabited - mined well-being; Buy - to arrange friends; House of crazy - get big trouble; GOE - WILL WILL BED.

Esoteric dream book if you dream:

House - (1) Alien House. Big, outside someone else's life invades your. To enter someone else's house you will enter someone else's life. At the invitation you will ask for help. Time to take part in someone in their own as well. Multi-storey Pay attention to the floor. Little new acquaintance. Very old attracts old ties, especially if there are many old things inside the house. (2) Your home. Big, new, outside the new things, but you have a choice: you can accept or not take part in them. If you entered your participation will affect favorable. Wanted a free room or apartment Your activity will bring material benefit. Many neighbors will be a big team. Good relationships will be bad. Bad relationships are good. The house still lives those who died wait for help and support in new affairs. See separate details of the house and numbers (apartment No., floor). Old need to finish old things. Old Relieve overheadlessness of memories, throw out old paper and rags! The time under construction has not yet come. You pedaling some cases and events. The collapsed business is collapsed from the inside. With someone someone collapses your business consciously.

Hut (Wooden House) - see conversations and discussions that should not be disturbed. If you do not pay attention to them, they will not harm. To be in H. - gossip, which will blow it up. See additionally Details of sleep. (For example: if around H. Peasant farm farm (see), then the gossip will touch "unjust prone".)

Dream Interpretation Prince Zhou-Guna to see in a dream

Interpretation by Dream: Home - See the main building of the house. - Wealth. Go to the garden. - Happiness. The main building of the house collapses. - misfortune in the family. In the big hall there is a coffin. - foreshadows joy and peace. A small door to the room opens. - foreshadows a love relationship. Fall in the pit in the main room. - foreshadows misfortune in the family. Build a roof at your home. - foreshadowed longevity. Rebuild and update the dwelling. - To big fortune. From the gusts of the wind, the house comes in motion. - foreshadow moving. Move into a new home owned by another person. - Fortunately. The family goes out of the house. - Joyful event for his wife. Move into the destroyed structure. - foreshadows a beautiful wife. Give your home to rent any person. - You will get a seat in the service. We sweep the house splashing the water. - Peer will come from afar. You take a rustic house for rent. - foreshadows the loss of the workplace. Empty house without people. - foreshadows death. Standing under the roof, in the house, dress. - Says about uncertainty, some secret. Judging with your wife for the dwelling. - foreshadows happiness. Suddenly breaks the main, carrying roof, beam. - foreshadows great misfortune. The house falls into the pit. - foreshadows death. Military members come to the house. - foreshadows great happiness. Tile falls from the roof, feel hard horror. - There will be a quarrel with his wife. See a live horse in the house. - There will be a letter from the son. The grass grows in the rooms. - The house will soon empty. In the courtyard grows cypress or pine. - foreshadows a long life. Repair the village house. - There will be great joy.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon Kananita see in a dream

In a dream, what dreams of a house in a dream to see - new, beautiful - familiarity with special - renovated - uncertain relationships will soon turn out - to cover the roof - you are waiting for damages - buy - the well-being - a destructive - a disease, the need - flaming - failure in matters HAPPINESS IN LOVE - Empty - Your Hopes are not performed - produce in the house of change - waiting for a visit - designed to demolish - frivolism threatens you with misfortune - empty - profit - to destroy - dispute about the deed - an arrest house - an unclear situation in life - its own inhabited - Well-being - buy - to arrange friends - the house of crazy - get big trouble - a golden - get into trouble

Vedic dream book Dream Interpretation: a house to see in a dream

The house - if a young man dreams family life, then it is a herald of prosperity, health and progress.

Dream Dream of Yogov If you dream home:

Interpretation of Dream Interpretation: House (Palace) - Some World (existence area). Light - high world. Three-storey house is the third level - i.e. World of people.

Symbolic dream book Dream Interpretation: house if you dream

House residential - see housing.

Autumn Dream Interpretation What dreams of a house in the dream book:

White house - to see a white-stone house in a dream or engage in building such a house - I will never live in it.

The end of the house - to the longing of the house.

Summer dream book to what dreams of a house in the dream book:

White house - Building a white-stone house in a dream - to wealth.

What dreams of a house, housing - if in a dream you visit your old house - I will wait for good news in a dream. A cozy and joyful house will dream of long pros. Abandoned house - to the coherent events. To see in a dream that you can't find your home, it means to completely lose faith in people. If in a dream you turned out to be homeless - you are waiting for failures in all endeavors. Moving in a dream foreshadows urgent news and hurded trips. For a young woman to see that she left the house, means that her treacherous personality will surround.

The end of the house is to a date with relatives.

Dream Interpretation of the psychologist Miller What dreams of a house:

House, accommodation - see in a dream that you cannot find your home - it means that you fully lose faith in the honesty of people. If in a dream you see that you do not have a house - you are waiting for a failure in all endeavors, financial losses. In a dream, change the dwelling - means urgent news and rush trips. For a young woman - to see in a dream that she left the house, is a sign that it will be surrounded by treacherous slanders. If in a dream you visit your old house - then you will have a good news that you will be waiting for you. Very good to see your old house with cozy and joyful - it marks long prosperity. Abandoned house foreshadows gradual events.

Dream Interpretation Psychologist K. Yung Dream Interpretation: House What does

House, apartment - usually at home appear in dreams as mental images. Many times in these houses are found unknown unfamiliar rooms, pointing to hidden or unexplored areas of the patient's potential ego structure. Differences between parts of the house can also be symbolically important: ceiling, attic, attic, roof, balconies, bedrooms, etc. For example, a kitchen is a place for turning raw food into culinary dishes; In dreams, they sometimes seek the appearance of an alchemical laboratory, places of deeper transformations. Bathrooms in dreams can relate to "removal, eliminating, dropping" or to the difficulty of "release". Sometimes it is simply the action that happens in a dream in a certain house from the past allows certain conclusions about the origin of those or other complexes involved in the situation. By itself, the house may designate various parts of the ego structure, as in the dream of one man, who began to worry about the feeling of freedom as its excessive neurotic self-criticism declined.

Spring Dream Interpretation What dreams of the house in the dream book:

The end of the house is to see the end of the house - to the divorce.

Build wooden house

Dream Dream Building House Wooden Dreamed, what dreams in a dream building a wooden house? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream to build a wooden house, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams at home of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Build House

For the better.

Dream Interpretation - House, Build

Dream interpretation - Wooden, log

Collect or select some kind of wood objects in a dream - to big distress and experiences. To carry wood, firewood, log, etc. in a dream - to big trouble. Such a dream warns seeking him that he should be careful - otherwise you can get into trouble. Cubs to see in a dream - to get money or inheritance that you have to share with someone, and you will only get them part of them. The logs are sawdust see - the fores of profit and getting good income that you will share with your partners. The thicker the log, the more your income will be. Sometimes such a dream predicts receiving a long-awaited inheritance. Buy wood - to big problems. See wooden dishes - the foresight of what you need to think about how thoughtly you spend money. Such a dream encourages you to be thrifty. See interpretation: dishes. Wooden shoes see in a dream or wear - to a difficult life when you have to count only on your strength and everything is difficult to achieve hard work. See Interpretation: Shoes.

Wooden legs to have in a dream - the foresight of the disease, disordered life, grave labor, long wardings. An attackers such a dream foreshadows imprisonment, and their evil intentions will not work. See interpretation: Legs, go, move.

Dream interpretation - Wooden dishes

Saving; Wooden shoes - overcrowding with consistency; Wooden products - a tedious man angry you.

Dream Interpretation - Build

Dream interpretation - wooden

Comb with wooden teeth - ending the old business.

You remove the wooden shoes, bulky uncomfortable shoes - it means that the danger will soon.

Dream Interpretation - Build

Dream Interpretation - Build House

Dream Interpretation - Wooden House


Dream Interpretation - Wooden Shoes

Wooden shoes - overcrowding through consistency.

Build house wood

Dream Interpretation Building House Tree Dreamed, why dream of building a tree house in a dream? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream to build a tree house, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams at home of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Build House

For the better.

Dream Interpretation - House, Build

Sometimes it happens that there is a house from nowhere in a dream, or in a dream you have to build a house. So to speak "future dwelling." So you have already understood the hint, right?

Growing out of nowhere in a dream \u003d classic dangerous sleep, a harbinger of a terrible misfortune associated with "resettlement"; shift so to speak of a dwelling place ... and you understand what it is about. It is advantageously dangerous in a dream inside the house with lattices, ordered beds, or by outer, deaf walls, stone bags that do not have windows outside.

After such a dream, I would seriously think about what could I threaten a prison or captivity!

So you dreamed of a house, for example.

Dream Interpretation - Build

Sleep in which you take to build your own home foreshadows a strong financial situation. If you see the foundation already built - it means that in reality to avoid some tedious work. Build walls - meet many obstacles on your way to success. Build a porch means that soon get a new appointment and a higher salary.

If you build a roof in a dream is a sign of incredible luck and success. To build a housing from ice says that your family existence, alas, will not be cloudless. Build a barn, a garage or just a canopy - to get money from debtors.

Dream Interpretation - Build

Start building a warehouse or storage - wealth and career.

Building a place in the house - wealth and happiness.

Build a roof at your home - foreshadows longevity.

Build a wall, build a house - great happiness and benefit.

Chini or build a hearth in the kitchen - great happiness, success.

Clean or build a well - agencies, great ranks.

Dream Interpretation - Build House

for the better; Revenge in the house - guests will be

Dream - Trees

To see in a dream, blooming trees foreshadows the offensive, perhaps the greesy moment in your life. The burning tree in the forest, an embrace fire, foreshadows that in reality you will suffer significant losses.

Dry trees do not foresee anything good, you will be stopped respecting for the fact that in your opinion does not deserve condemnation at all. Trees in the garden hung by ripe fruits, they say that you will be lucky to find a new good friend.

The firing tree foreshadows regret for unfulfilled hopes. A large old tree with a huge crown is a promise of significant profits.

Trees without foliage in the winter time, fought by snow or covered with the hoist - a sign that the loss suffered from you will be irrelevant.

To see exotic trees in a dream during an exciting trip - to the fact that all sorrows and sadness will quickly rise, giving way to fun mood and cheerfulness.

Treaded with root from the Earth As a result of a hurricane, the tree foreshadows sadness, longing and despair. Splipped with a lightning tree - to a quarrel with friends.

A tree without a bark on the trunk foreshadows painful, weak old age alone and poverty. Wet after a shower - to change in marital relations in the negative side. Spoken and wrinkled on a log tree - death sign and mourning. A tree of a valuable diving breed - to the troubles that the storm will be raised.

Breaking or chop trees in a dream - to losses and regret. Shed trees under the house - the fores of the quick wealth and success. Climb on a tree - to gain power. Fall from a tree - in reality to experience humiliation, ridicule and insults.

Fill the trees - fortunately, carry with someone to go to the exercise. Sitting under a tree means getting valuable information that will significantly promote your business. Burn trees - succumb to depressing mood. Stew - to loss of property and deprivation of rights.

Swang on a tree on the water means the end of hopes and complete change in views.

Take trees in a dream - in reality to be concerned about children. Buy seedlings of trees - to make additional troubles. To see patients affected by the worms of the trees - to wasteing there, where it was assumed to save.

See how someone in a dream turned into a tree - to the disease.

Dream Interpretation - Tree

Tree in a dream - a man, his life and health / man as a cosmic phenomenon; The fate of a certain person / In men's dreams, a tree can symbolize the body of a woman and a desire aimed at him.

Most often what you do with a tree - concerns close.

What makes the other with the tree - concerns you.

Green tree is your well-being, happiness in marriage / Man in the flourishing of the forces / visible in man - as opposed to the spiritual - invisible.

Blooming tree - Your happy days / man preparing to the life path / bride girl on granting.

In the eyes it became without leaves, it was easy to pull out - a husband died, a loved one.

Wood with fruits is your well-being, the result of your work, gaining spiritual treasures, the fruitful period of your life / woman in the flourishing of forces and beauty.

Washing dry tree - misfortune, difficult time in your life, broken life, despair.

Faded tree - works and sorrow / spiritually passive person.

Yellow autumn tree - sad old age / younger elderly woman / Ancient wisdom of extinct races.

Red autumn tree - drunkard / man, immersed in himself / cheating happy old age.

Tree in the snow - Variable happiness / man who survived himself, hopelessly retarding from the century.

Broken tree - illness, quarrels.

Lightning broken tree - misfortune generated by pride.

The borehole tree is irrevocable for the fate of a man of misfortune.

Taking place with a tree:

The tree in front of the eyes is covered with leaves and flowers - inadvertent joy / second youth survive.

A storm from a tree breaks the whole foliage - temporary misfortunes.

In front of the eyes instantly fading and flying tree - sadness.

The tree easily breaks out of the ground - you will lose a friend.

The tree itself suddenly falls - misfortune, someone's unexpected death, unjustified fear for their health.

The tree falls, water-designed water - irreparable harm to health from sensual love, consulting.

The tree falls, beacted with animals - misfortune from unbridled passions and promotion.

Burning tree - Health that is dying in the works.

A green tree is chicken - the end of the hopes / testing an evil feeling towards another person.

Dry tree chopped - to say goodbye in your life, with whom it's time it is time to part / ill-freely affect the dead.

Shoot a tree - loss.

Green tree from the ground to pull out - vengeful feelings to feed; Your evil feeling on a certain person is in vain applied to others.

The firing tree is your fate does not depend on your will / predetermined case / missing or severely sick person.

Fallen dry tree - some deceased / death of the spiritual principle in man.

Digging trunk on earth to see - oblivion of your work.

On the road to see a log - you will have to remember the deceased or long-forgotten person.

Sress the tree - wealth.

Putting off - wealth.

From the standing tree, bitch hack - undeservedly slander or think of a person / benefit from health.

From the searched tree, bruphed - sad debt; Work contrary to your conscience and a sense of duty.

Under the tree to sit - guard your happiness, fear for him.

Take a tree - honor.

To climb high and feel fear - a kind of event will allow you to look into the future.

In a high tree, sit - good news.

On the top of the tree climb - longing; Gray everyday life.

From the tree down his head to blind - penetrately penetrately into some world.

Falling from a tree - a danger to life of his wife (husband); You bring something incompatible with its foundations.

Dream Interpretation - Tree

Reflects self-satisfaction person.

The trunk personifies the person's place in society.

Foliage - relationships with other people.

The roots reflect the stability and seriousness of the target.

Bark - a symbol of your vulnerability or protection.

Forest, several trees represent a group of people, family.

A tree with a green lush crown - to well-being, friendly support.

Dry, without leaves trees - to difficulties, loneliness.

Fruit trees - profits, wealth.

Flowering trees - love, feelings.

Dry branches - dead senses and relationships.

Damaged bark - someone will take advantage of your trust.

Firewood, logs - the dead or long forgotten people will remind themselves about themselves.

But for this you need to understand what individual parts of the tree are reported.

We highlight the individual characteristics of the tree. Let's see what they say a dream.

Tree size. Too small tree indicates your uncertainty, dependence on the strengths of this world. The tree of normal size will emphasize that you feel free and independent. A huge tree encourages you to reduce your ambitions (as in the example above).

Trunk. The trunk speaks of a dream strength: physical and moral. The thick trunk of the tree seen foreshadows that you gain social weight. If the trunk is thin, swinging, then you will be awaiting a difficult life situation with which it is not easy for you. The trunk can be split. If so, then the dream concerns the problem of relationship with your loved one you. Scars and hungry on the trunk remind you of diseases, operations previously transferred. But, as a rule, belong to the past. However, you should alert a broken trunk. This is a forerunner of future troubles, life shocks. And what if you dream of a stump? This sign is not afraid (if the tree did not break on your eyes). Most likely, this dream emphasizes that you, as usual, show conservatism in affairs and relationships, do not accept the changes promised by a dream.

Branches. Remember where the branches of the tree doned to you were sent? If they stretch up, then your nearest plans will be implemented. Branches hanging down, show that you probably do not have enough energy to solve the problems that have arisen. Pay attention to broken or cut branches. This is a sign that you feel your inferiority in some sphere. Sometimes such cut branches, as well as the hollow, will take off after the operation. The bad forerunner for the future is only a branch that is clogged in your eyes.

Crown. Very favorable sleep in which you see a tree with a lush, green crown. It foreshadows you a lot of contacts, friendly communication. But if the crown is small, the foliage is scanty, then you are experiencing difficulties with finding partners, friends. And the problems indicated by sleep will have to be solved alone. And the most unfavorable case: see a tree with fallen foliage. This is a sign that you are waiting for the period of depression, the decline of forces, the loss of life energy, faith to the future. And maybe you saw the flowers on the donated trees? Then maybe you are expected sentimental relationship with someone, the flourishing of new feelings. Carefully treat this message as fruits on the tree. On the one hand, they foreshadow success and performance in affairs and feelings. On the other hand, in our dreams the fruits often fall, are worm, immature. This suggests that someone else can take advantage of your activities.

Roots. Better for a dream if the roots of the tree are in the ground. If you roll them up, you are looking for something, then you may open some kind of secret or strengthen spiritual power. But see the roots on the surface of the Earth sign that you are in search of support. In such a dream you can show something or someone to whom you can rely on.

The tree of life is the symbolic axis of the world. The meaning of this tree is that it combines such different elements as air, land and water, i.e. those elements that are necessary for the existence of all living on Earth. The tree of life is often depicted in the form of a cross, seized with leaves. But the life of a person is inseparable and from the Tree of knowledge. This tree "tempts" man both fruits of good and evil. The History of the Fall of Adam and Eve is connected with this tree.

The Tree of Light, with which the legend is connected on the reincarnation of the shower. Communication with this tree is reflected in the custom to decorate the Christmas tree with candles and light bulbs.

These lights are symbols of wandering shower.

And gifts - toys on the Christmas tree are sacrifices of gods. Thus, the tree, dreaming in a dream, sometimes correlate with these original trees. In such cases, it matters like a tree looks like, how its branches grow, where the roots are drawn.

Very interesting, such a symbol, like a tree inverted with roots upwards. This means that the basic, the earth bases are connected to the highest, spiritual.

An inverted tree can foreshadow the death of a person. And there is no contradiction here, for the death of the body is a breakthrough of the soul to the sky.

Often it can dreamed that you climb on a tree. This is the same good sign as climbing the mountain.

If the ascent of the mountain is rather a symbol of material growth, then climbing on the tree - the transition to a new spiritual level.

Tree is correlated with original trees.

In such cases, it matters like a tree looks like, how its branches grow, where the roots are drawn.

Very interesting, such a symbol, like a tree inverted with roots upwards.

This means that the basic, the earth bases are connected to the highest, spiritual.

However, sometimes an inverted tree can foreshadow the death of a person.

And there is no contradiction here, for the death of the body is a breakthrough of the soul to the sky.

We climb on a tree - this is the same successful sign as climbing the mountain.

But, if the ascent of the mountain is rather a symbol of material growth, then climbing on the tree - the transition to a new spiritual level.

In ancient rituals, such an action was used as climbing on the pole.

Not so long ago, in Russian folk festards, a clever guy, climbing on the top of the pole, received a couple of boots as a reward.

Often the consequence of this little sporting good luck became luck of life.

In most dreams, where trees are seen - these are trees without signs of kind.

But they, these faceless trees, turned out to be the most informative signs of sleep.

Too small tree indicates your uncertainty, dependence on the strengths of this world.

The tree of normal size will emphasize that you feel free and independent.

A huge tree encourages you to reduce your ambitions.

And maybe you saw the flowers on the donated trees? Then maybe you are expected sentimental relationship with someone, the flourishing of new feelings.

Carefully treat this message as fruits on the tree. On the one hand, they foreshadow success and performance in affairs and feelings. On the other hand, in our dreams the fruits often fall, are worm, immature. This suggests that someone else can take advantage of your activities.

Dream Interpretation - Tree

A large tree suddenly breaks - foreshadows trouble, misfortune.

Climbing on a big tree - fame, fame, good luck, happiness.

See dry and dead trees - something dysfunction in the house.

A fruit tree grows in the yard - foreshadows the birth of a son.

A fruit tree grows in the yard - the birth of a son.

The dried tree again green is well-being and happiness for children and grandchildren.

The tree is broken - unfortunately.

The tree on which you are climbing, unexpectedly breaks - a deadly injury, ailment.

The leaves fall from a large tree - a happy event in the house.

Trees are growing on the palm - grief in connection with the death of the father and mother.

On the grave, a tree is broken - unfortunately.

Flowers bloom on a dry tree - foreshadowed happiness and prosperity of children and grandchildren.

On fruit trees a lot of fruits - suggests that children and grandchildren in good condition.

Fall leaves with a large tree - a happy event in the house.

The rooster sits on the tree - foreshadow wealth, profit.

In the midst of the forest grows a tree - another noble son will be born.

Coming home, carrying a tree on the shoulder - joy due to material advantage, acquisition.

Flowers bloom on a dry tree - foreshadow the happiness and prosperity of children and grandchildren.

Tree grows on the grave - fortunately.

Soot tree - great happiness and prosperity.

Going to cut down a big tree - foreshadowed a big profit, material well-being.

Standing under the tree - a noble man remaining in the shade, not known to anyone.

Fallen or faded trees - foreshadows misfortune for anyone.

Dream Interpretation - Tree (Plant)

A tree, the main part of which should be considered after all the trunk, is a symbol of men's genitals.

If a man sees some tree in a dream, then this speaks of his interest in homosexuality. If the trees are somewhat (but it is not yet a forest), then the dreams can also strive for group sex, and he is interested in the option: a few men and one woman.

A man sitting under a tree is striving for same-sex relations, and a woman sitting under the tree is not satisfied with his sexual partners and dreams of a man perfect in all respects.

If you put a tree or care for a growing tree, then you strive for a new (or first) sexual connection. Sleep is characteristic of sexual ripening periods, as well as nutritional of sexual activity.

If you are chopping, you doubt your sexual activity and consistency. If you can not cut down a tree, then this suggests that your fears are deprived of any reason and you are absolutely healthy. If the tree is cut down, then you may have violations or disorders in the activities of the genitals.

The process of cutting trees can also talk about the hidden homosexuality of the dreaming.

Broken or dried tree foreshadow in love affairs, possibly because of the diseases of the genital organs.

If a man wipes a tree, he is inclined to self-satisfaction.

If a woman wipes a tree, she strives for the joys of family sex and wants to have children.

The tangled tree speaks of your tendency to self-satisfaction and fear to be exposed.

Lightning that fell into the tree, or the burning tree warned you from entry into random ties.

If you are watching how others care for the tree (trees), then this is talking about the presence of an Oedipus complex. It can be or depressed, or exist in your dreams.