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Homemade Shirma. How to make a beautiful Wooden Shirma with your own hands. Video: Shirma from cardboard do it yourself

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One-bedroom apartment, which is both a bedroom, and a living room, and often children's room, is not the most convenient accommodation option. But for many families, this is the only option of housing. In order to somehow zonate the space of one room, ancient times use such a functional element as a width partition for a room. What this is what positive qualities it possesses how you can use this design in the rooms of apartments and houses, will be considered in this article.

Classic Three-Term Shirma Partition

Building is always large financial costs, spent time on the construction, dust and dirt in the house. Yes, and not every residential premises will make it possible to build this type the element due to the small area. In this regard, Shirma is the optimal option, because it is a portable design, more often foldable, light and multifunctional. At the same time, if you set a goal, then such a partition for zoning the room can be an interesting designer object.

Purely constructively shirma is a few frames connected by hinges. Inside them, a translucent or impenetrable material is stretched. And in this regard, the huge variety of materials used, with the help of which various design ideas can be implemented.

If you see the history of the appearance of the screen, it started by China, where the material for the coverage of Shirm was fabric, then this element moved to Japan, where the paper was used to fill the design. Already in Europe, more diverse, applying various materials approached the design. But the only element that has not changed for many years is the frames themselves. They were made of wooden plates.

In China and Japan, Shirma was installed inside the house before entering. So, Asians scared evil spirits from their dwellings. At the same time, the Japanese disappeared these structures with dragons, exotic animals and birds. We add that the Japanese style screen is still popular, but modern options are more universal designs, and not just a partition before entering. In the photo below, several such shirm.

Main advantages of shirm for zoning room

Interesting is the fact that many people relate to shirms as elements that are not basic for them. That is, it is not an architectural element, and not furniture. But this design has several advantages that they make them so popular. Note that they are used not only in small apartments, they can be seen in, and in huge halls. Even in the bathrooms often install a screen, fencing the water procedures zone from the dressing up compartment.

In this case, the shirms are light and folding designs. If they disappeared the need for use, they add up according to the type and do not occupy a lot of space. Of course, it should be noted that not all partitions of this type of lung. Today manufacturers offer metal shirms that most often carry purely designer filling. But there are models that are practical in terms of complete disposal of premises. Some metal structures are made of lung profiles, so they are small in weight and are also easy as traditional wooden. But there are also massive models that are most often used as stationary and rarely move.

So, we will list again all the advantages of Shirm:

  • minimum costs for the manufacture or purchase of the finished design, which is incommensurable with the construction of a solid stationary partition;
  • the ability to move it from the room into the room or change the zoning of one room at its discretion;
  • a huge variety of style filling, so finding the room under the interior will not be difficult;
  • it is possible to increase the functionality of the screen, providing it with shelves or pockets;
  • choice in size and number of frames;
  • the ability to choose from stationary models that are attached to the floor, wall or ceiling, and mobile;
  • the ability to make a screen-partition for the room with your own hands.

Article on the topic:

Varieties of Shirm in the interior of the room

When the conversation about zoning residential premises is coming, then often the chirms are used for this. They are made from different materials, and this has already been mentioned above. But it should be noted that the collected partition is not the only option. There is a fairly wide model range, so consider each of them separately.

Folded partitions

This is a classic option - a harmonica, consisting of several frame flaps, connected by hinges. Usually for this use simple loops (piano or furniture). The number of sash is limited only by the size of the room, but they are traditionally three of them in the screen of such a design, a maximum of four.

Expert point of view

Yaroslav Galayko

Presenter Designer and Studio Head Ecologica Interiors

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Most often, these shirms are used as partitions. But today, designers offer various variations of the installation of partitions, where the shirms are often given a purely decorative content of the interior. The photo below is just this option and is shown.

Single-screen partitions

This type of shirm consists of one sash, so they have one-only drawback - they cannot be folded. But it is not always a flaw, because such a flat design, so there will be no many place to take. On the other hand, with its responsibilities, single-screen partitions cope with 100%.

They are convenient because they create the illusion of the walls of a small size, so it is very convenient when the task of zoning the premises is. We add that the partitions of this type are very often used in office space, which are divided into many jobs. As for the residential rooms, here the designers are used in different directions, but more often as a separation element.

At the same time, some models are used as stationary structures, others are used as portable. The latter are supplied with legs or wheels for the convenience of moving.

Flexible Shirm

From the very name it becomes clear that this type is different in some ways from the rest, especially from the classical form in the form of frame sash. In this model, the base is the vertical racks, between which the flexible material is stretched. The latter is horizontal. That is why the screen of such varieties can take bizarre forms, they are easy to turn into a roll and remove.

Another type of flexible shirm is vertically located elements that are attached by hinged or flexible inserts among themselves. No racks, the whole design is non-trap elements that are fixed on horizontal guides. The latter are made of flexible material.


This is a subtype of single-screen models. Although some designers refer them to a variety of rolled curtains that are suspended and attached to the ceiling. A good option for bedrooms, because in this way you can separate the bed from the whole room with a thin cloth. Although, as practice shows, the panels hang in the living rooms, separating the place of rest from the working area.

As for the material from which the panels are manufactured, here is not very large variety. The main material is the fabric (in principle, any), synthetic canvases (mesh or solid). Sometimes designers decide even tasks associated with the bearing power of the screen of this type. On them, and other interior accessories.

Original structures

The popularity of Shirm is growing every year, and this contributes to their huge range in terms of diversity of forms, sizes, materials and design ideas. The last criterion today has become a driving force in advertising products. The original approach to the manufacture of partitions gave impetus to the appearance of a class of consumers who track the novelties and try to acquire them. It takes into account not only the quality and originality of the structure, many concerns the price aspect. Therefore, today to buy a screen for a room is not a problem.

So, some photos of original models:

Appointment of shirm-partitions in different rooms

Everything is clear with the living rooms, this big room is divided into several zones of various purposes. In this regard, other rooms do not differ. But they have and specific features.

Shirma for bedrooms

In this room, the screen and partition can be divided into two main positions:

  • decorative;
  • functional.

Let's start with the second, as from the most used. First of all, it is necessary to designate that the partition in the bedroom is most often the separation of space into two parts: a place for sleep and changing clothes. And although this partition is not always used in its intended purpose, but it is constantly used as a hanger. Shirma for dressing up is one of the most common types of this design.

Decorative models are a kind of decor. Here is a huge variety of forms and sizes, material and structures. This is usually similar on the shirma panel, inscribed in the room. They are more often installed by the bed, giving a feeling of the fullness of the room.

Bathroom screen

Here the conversation is necessary to lead about the bathrooms in private houses. In the apartments shirma not to install, yes there she is not a place, too small room. But if there is a large dimensional room in the house, and besides, if the bath itself is installed in the middle, then everything else is needed from it.

Again, it is necessary to make a reservation once again that in this article the conversation is not on the fence structures that are installed on a bath in the form of glass or plastic partitions. There are constructions that zonate space. Therefore, several photos on this topic.

Shirma in the children's room

In the children's room, light partitions usually perform one function - separated the room on and bedroom. Rarely when it is given to purely decorative functions, because in the most base wall.

A variety of design options is huge here. This is especially true. Therefore, we will not argue long as shirms in the nursery look good. Just look a few photos as shirma-partitions fit into space.

How much are and where you can buy wiring partitions for the room

Buy today Shirma-partitions for different rooms can be both in ordinary stores, and on different Internet portals. We show several models in the table with prices.

ModelCharacteristicsprice, rub.


Sections - 3.

Frame - tree.

Polygraph-paper with printed printing pattern.


shirma-Partition 1061-3

Nurian 1405 "Barcelona"
Wooden frame thick 2 cm.

Material for sash - artificial canvas.

Design height - 177 cm.

Sash width - 48 cm.

The number of sash - 3-9.

Possible equipment with wheels.


shirma partition Nurian 1405 "Barcelona"

Assol Plus
Production material - MDF with a 3D pattern.

Dimensions: 582 × 2080 × 16 mm.

Number of sections: 3-6.

White color, to order - beige.


shirma partition Assol plus with 3-D MDF pattern

Tiffany Necklace
Wooden frame.

Decoration of sash - polymer film with photo printing.

Height - 176 cm.

Fold width - 51 cm.

The number of sash - from 3.


shirma-Partition Tiffany Necklace

Frame - tree.

Fabric - fleece.

Color - Mahagon.

Dimensions: 43 × 2 × 179 cm.


shirma-Partition NY-1044

With a mirror located on one side, a size of 40 × 160 cm.

Country of manufacture - Vietnam.

The number of sections is 3.

Production material - wood.


shirma partition RB-1025-3

shirma partition

How to make a screen for the room with your own hands

Consider the method of manufacturing a wood-type wooden partition. To do this, you must first decide on the size of the design and select the number of sash. Standard dimensions: Height - 170 cm, the width of one sash is 40 cm. The number of sash is determined by the size of the enclosing space. As mentioned above, the classic option is 3 sash.

PhotoDescription of work
For the assembly of a screen of wood with their own hands with three sash, six peeks of 170 cm long and six times with a length of 40 cm
As well as four loops and two types of self-tapping screws: long - to fasten the plates among themselves, small - for fastening loops to the sash frame
On the one hand, each long rail must be postponed by 15 cm. It will be the height of the legs
It is precisely the drill to make through holes with a diameter equal to the diameter of long screws.
The small depth of the hole must be done in all the ends of short rails. In this case, the depth is the length of the self-press, minus the thickness of the rail. Holes should be done exactly in the middle. You can determine this point by connecting two diagonals of the rectangle, which is a cross section of a wooden rail
Next, it is necessary between two long elements to install a short and on the holes done by the holes to carry them into one common design.
The connection is better to carry out a screwdriver. All the same is done with the upper elements. Only in this case, short rails are installed on the upper edges of long speeks.
Should turn out three such flaps
To cover the sash, we take a conventional cooling
Calcusement is reproduced by sash size. And three lanes are cut out of it, which the sash will be closed. At the same time, the sizes of the cut-off bands should be greater than the sizes of the frames somewhere by 15-20 cm on each side, then that the material will need to wrap the rail
The cut-off bands are stacked on the floor, the shirma sash is stacked on top. Then each edge must be wrapped so that he fully wrapped the rails
The stapler and brackets calico attaches to a wooden frame from the inside of the rail
It should turn out like this
Now it is necessary to connect three sashs among themselves, for what a loop will need
The frames fold about each other, on them in two places equidistant from each other, hinges are installed and fixed with short self-draws.
This is the end result of your efforts.
The screen collected by your own hands can be done more functional if you sew the biazi rods. They can add various items necessary for personal use.

Evgeny Sedov

When the arms grow out of the right place, live more fun :)


Decorative partitions are designed to decorate the interior and distinction of space. They are known since ancient times. Compact, mobile and aesthetic shirms were used hundreds and thousands of years ago in Egypt, Roman Empire, Greece and China. Rich people decorated such partitions with a variety of fabrics, precious stones and metals, inlaid. With shirma, you can make space cozy, or turn the design into a real art object by adding decorativeness and theatricality. Make an interior element and zoning with your own hands.

Types of Shirm

Modern screenway is several species depending on the structure, destination and used materials. When choosing a design option, it is necessary to take into account the stylistic orientation and the place in which the product will be located. Major species on functional purpose:

  • Folded (sliding). Until recently, there were only empty options. The product has a rigid frame, which is stretched by fabric, paper or other material, and includes several frames connected to each other - 3-8 or more. If necessary, they are folded by harmonic and remove. Initially, the frame was made of wood, but subsequently it was replaced by lighter aluminum.
  • Single-screen. Include only one wide sash - it can be a frame from any material with a cloth strained to it or paper, or a sheet of plastic sheet, plywood, chipboard or glass. This option is recommended to supply wheels.
  • Shirma book. Consists of a pair of sash identical or different widths. When it's time to rearrange it to another place, the product easily folds into the book. This type of product can be used for festive photo sessions or just for dressing up.
  • Flexible. For their manufacture, long subtle sections are used (pipes, plates, rails), which are connected to each other. The design is a single wall. The peculiarity of flexible products is that they can be put in a spiral, wave or even twist into a roll and remove into the side.
  • Deaf. Consist from a different number of sash, but their feature is complete opacity. For the manufacture, a solid board can be used (there is a popular screen from plywood, chipboard, etc.), dense tissue stretched on the frame or inserted into the frame of the cardboard.
  • Transparent. Often, a transparent material is stretched on a frame, for example, fatin, organza or even starchy gauze. No less claimed metal versions performed in the technique of air forging, or wooden models with end-to-end carvings.


Deciding to make a screen with their own hands, initially decide on the appropriate material. Traditionally, the product of this type was made of wood - rails or solid boards. Today creativity and originality is valued, therefore, for the manufacture of partitions, a variety of materials are used. Common options:

  • Wood. There will be a simple smooth board or material with a pattern cut on them, or a design of rails or bars. It has simplicity in the processing, ease and low cost of plywood. You can even build a partition from old doors, pre-resting their panels and giving them a fresh look.
  • Plastic. Pipes from this material are widely used, which are suitable for creating frames or frames. They are cheaper than metal and weigh less. The product from plastic pipes is easily assembled and disassembled. It is easy to care for them: you only need to periodically look dust from their surface. Alternatives are plastic panels, of which it is very easy to make a partition. You can pick up several panels that have the same pattern, and connect them with each other. The finished partition is well suitable for the bathroom, swimming pool or garden soul.
  • Metal. Often used metal frames of a given shape, which can be ordered from the Master. They insert panels made of plastic, glass, wood, or tissue tension. The iron sheets looks cumbersome and does not make the room cozy, but the ornament stuck out of the rod will give partition a spectacular look. Often, metal pipes are used to create a frame of a frame with a diameter of no more than 5 cm. The screen of this type will decorate the garden or courtyard.
  • Cardboard. Cheap and affordable material from which you can make a creative, original screen. Working with him is very simple, because It is only necessary to cut the items in accordance with the diagram and bore them into one canvas. For the street, the finished partitions will not fit, because They will quickly ruin under the influence of weather factors.
  • Branches. This refers to the reed, a rod, bamboo. Screens of them are made by mobile, light and visually simple. They are perfectly combined with various styles in the interior: tropical, classic, ampir, ecostel. Their manufacturing requires the performer of weaving skills from the vine. The finished product will look great in the garden and will not deteriorate from the wind, rain and the sun, if the material is correctly handled.
  • CDs and vinyl plates. These parts are connected to each other by means of a bracket or thread. As a result, it turns out the original openwork canvas, which can be triggered anywhere in the room in the form of a wave, semicircle or by directly lines.

Tissue Shirma with wooden frame with her own hands

The classic option is a shirma of a fabric that is stretched on a wooden frame. The product is made in the form of a trumpex, books or accordion. The number of frames affects the final form. Prepare the following tools and materials:

  • drill, screwdriver;
  • construction stepper;
  • hacksaw, sandpaper;
  • door hinges (12), screws (96);
  • the cloth;
  • wooden bars (24);
  • varnish, paint, universal glue;
  • decorative elements (beads, ribbons, etc.).
  1. Squeeze from the edge of each line 6 cm, swipe the line. Then make an inscriptions on postcards up to half of the width of the planks.
  2. From each edge of the plank, make words, removing the layer of the tree before I wrote - Cut the chisel to the brue and hit the hammer on it. Apply universal glue on the inner surface and collect the planks in the frame, after which they press them tightly.
  3. After drying the adhesive, sanding the surface of the sandpaper, cover the tree with a varnish. Secure the door loop with a screwdriver on the frame.
  4. The finished base for the screen should decorate with the cloth of any texture and color. Make a pattern in the size of the frame, taking into account the poda. To attach the fabric to the base, use the construction stapler. The tension should be good. Stop start in the following order: upper part, lower part and side sides.
  5. Next, make a screen assembly on the door hinges. The latter will be needed 2 on 1 connection to fold the product in the future it was convenient.

Shirma for room with hand from cardboard

One of the interesting options is shirma from cardboard. To make it with your own hands, order cardboard pipes intended for winding fabrics or linoleum. In a specialized store, they generally consider waste. The finished partition will be a wavy form. A set of tools and materials:

  • cardboard pipes (16-20);
  • durable ornamental rope (1 motion);
  • drill;
  • scissors, roulette, pencil;
  • paint suitable to color interior (optional).

If you decide to use pipes for linoleum, then it is enough 8-10 pieces. Their length is more than 3 m, so cut each in half:

  1. Cut all pipes to the necessary height and lay them out in a row.
  2. Measure 20 cm from the bottom edge and make a mark on each element (point A).
  3. Memore up the segment of 1 m long and make a new mark (point B).
  4. Further, in the center of each pipe, take the point of C. Drill in the designated places of the opening.
  5. Credit decorative rope: first at points A, then in and C. After that, slide the pipes and tie the shirma on the sides with strong rope knots. As a result, there will be a shirma, similar to a cane or bamboo partition.

Decorative shirma with their own plastic pipes

Making a mobile screen with your own hands is possible using plastic pipes. The finished partition will help zoning the premises or hide on a hot day from sunlight. Prepare:

  • screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screws, nuts-washers;
  • paints, brush;
  • furniture wheels (4);
  • a board that will be the base;
  • a couple of flanges;
  • plastic pipes (3);
  • metal tube for weighting base.

If necessary, plastic pipes can be replaced with similar in the width and length of metal products. Sequencing:

  1. Make a markup on the board. Mark the places where the wheels will be attached.
  2. Secure the wheels on the chalkboard using self-tapping screws.
  3. Fix the base from the bottom side of the base (metal pipe). Screw it with a self-tapping screw and with the help of holders.
  4. From the upper side of the base, it will be necessary to fix the flanges in which it is necessary to insert pipes.
  5. On top of one horizontal tube, connect the two vertical, inserting their ends into the connecting tribes.
  6. After the end of the work, paint the whole design.
  7. Manifest a fantasy, for example, jumper tight fabric. It is quite suitable for the old curtain, the main thing is that its size corresponds to the width of the frame, and the drawing with a flower was suitable for the main notes of the interior.

Shirma for dressing of wood

Housing, if you want to create a screen with your own hands for dressing up, make out of wide and thin boards of any kind of wood. Such a design may even muffle sounds. It is easier to use MDF panels. The list of necessary tools and materials consists of:

  • screwdriver, construction pistol, scissors;
  • primers or sealant;
  • decorative building nails;
  • loops for doors, upholstery tape;
  • acrylic paint;
  • 3 thin boards 45x180 cm;
  • 3 sections of synthesis 50x200 cm;
  • 3 cuts of dense tissue - 50x200 cm.

First, prepare the boards, one surface cover the primer (it will be the back). As soon as the primer is dry, then cover this side acrylic paint. The following actions:

  1. Cut from the SingyThenka strip a slightly larger panel. Put on the board and fix with the help of a building pistol. Excess material Cut on the sides.
  2. Cutting tissue must be a single size with syntheps. Attach it to the panel, pull, tighten the edges and secure over the synthetic layer.
  3. Using glue, fasten the upholstery tape at the edges. Additionally, fix it with nails. Repeat similar actions on all panels.
  4. Connect the design by placing two panels face down. Attach furniture loops at a distance of 10 cm from the top and bottom edge, attach them. In the end, lock the same third panel.

Shirma for kindergarten do it yourself

Make a screen with your own hands, which will become the perfect decoration of the kindergarten, can be from ordinary polypropylene pipes. In addition to them, it would be nice to prepare a special apparatus used for welding such pipes. If you wish, all the elements you can paint in any color. Stages:

  1. Cut PVC pipes to the desired length. Then secure the frameworks of sections by means of angular connections.
  2. Sew covers from any fabric. Its area should be equal to the size of the frame section. Edges necessarily appear.
  3. Use ribbons with velcro or loops as fasteners. They will need to sew or attach on the upper side of the cover.
  4. The final stage will be decoration with some floral motifs. On the cover stretched for each section, cover colorful appliques or sunsit small pockets.

For a wedding photo session

Shirma with their own hands is made somewhat more complicated than others. You need to show your skills in painting. Prepare:

  • mosquito net, wooden bars;
  • long (5.7 cm) and short (1.27 cm) screws;
  • corner brackets, loops;
  • stapler, drill;
  • scissors, brush;
  • acrylic white paint;
  • white paint for wooden surfaces;
  • sequins;
  • water-based protective coating.

Cut bars, assemble into the frame and connect the corner brackets, screws. Deciding to paint the frame with white, do it immediately after the assembly. The frames need to do three. Further:

  1. Secure the mosquito net using a building stapler.
  2. Distribute on the grid water-based coating. Wait until it dry.
  3. Apply the pattern with light strokes using acrylic paint. To create a shadow, it will take some black or gray paint.
  4. To give the festive brightness partition, wake some PVA-glue areas and sprinkle with sparkles. At the end, connect all three frames with door loops.

An interesting option is a Japanese style. To make it with your own hands, prepare:

  • bruks 2x5 cm;
  • furniture loops;
  • fabric of any color, texture;
  • slim cord (decorative) or rope;
  • hammer, chisel;
  • screwdriver or shurtpers;
  • glue, clamps;
  • brush, paint (varnish);
  • furniture corner, screws;
  • measuring tool;
  • emery paper.

To begin with, place the bars, postponing the range of 5 cm from the edge and after moving across. Next steps:

  1. Make a cut for 1/2 thickness of the bar, remove the part of the wood by the chisel and the hammer to the depth made. Treat the planks on both sides.
  2. Connect perpendicular to each other long and short details, not forgetting to pre-apply carbon black with the inner side.
  3. Clean the connections to the clamps, wait for the glue drying and screw the furniture corners into the connection site. At the end, attach to the frame with the help of a decorative cord fabric - to do this, do cloth inserts around the perimeter.


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In this article, we offer you a small master class - Shirma with your own hands. The design of the partition is not complicated and you spend just a couple of evenings on it.

Multifunctional shirma is made of cedar boards and thin layer plywood. This portable folding three-grade screen will easily organize a new living space in your room.

The screen is manufactured for the room with their own hands by weaving the strips of thin-layer plywood, which will be installed in a simple cedar frame.

Note. Instead of cedar boards, you can use any other tree.

Bonded together with copper loops, the shirma sections can be installed almost in any room. It is possible to produce it to highlight a romantic dining area in a large living room. Or put a screen near the solar window to create a calm corner for rest without adding permanent walls. For this decorative partition, you can find many use options - you have a space for creativity.

Instructions for building screens explain how to make one section. Add so many additional sections as you need.


  1. We make a framework that consists of two legs and five struts. Start with Niza, the first and second struts form the upper and lower boundaries of weave plywood bands.
    Cut legs (a) and struts (b) of the desired length.

  1. State the position of the strut on the inner surface of the legs. To be sure that the measurements are the same on both legs, fold the legs together the edge to the edge, align the ends and glue them with a sticky ribbon.

  1. Apply the control line at a distance of 260 mm from the lower ends of both legs. These lines denote the position of the top rib of the lower strut.

It is necessary to make a widely exceeding average human growth. Usually, this is a shirma for dressing up.

  1. Then apply the control lines at a distance of 1140 mm up from the first control line. These lines denote the bottom edge of the second strut. The upper strut must lie between the legs flush with their upper ends.
  2. Mark the position of the remaining spacer where you want. We have placed it at the same distance between the upper and second struts, approximately 90 mm.

  1. Drill two guide holes 3 mm through the outer surfaces of the legs into the center of each strut. Slide the holes to a depth of 4 mm using a combined nozzle with a diameter of 9 mm. Lubricate the ends of the strut and place them between the legs.
  2. Crerate the frame of the clamps and measure it diagonally from the angle to the angle to make sure that the wooden screen is rectangular and the design does not "swam". Attach the struts to the legs with a 50 mm long screw.

If you need to put the coming relatives, to sleep in the same room, find out how to make a screen from girlfriend and quickly make it.

How to make a screen with your own hands - ways

In order not to spend money, make it from the material that is in the presence. If guests arrived at the cottage at the cottage for the weekend, but there is no free room, separate the corner for them using fiberboard or dense packing cardboard.

Making Shirm begins with the preparation of material and equipment, in this case it is:

  • fiberboard sheets or dense cardboard;
  • small door hinges or scotch;
  • paint;
  • hacksaw or stationery knife;
  • bar and sandpaper or grinding roller.
Consider two options for the manufacture of such a folding wall.

Shirma Cardboard - 2 options

You will do this in an hour if you need to quickly divide the room for two. If you have a box from the TV, it will fit perfectly.
  1. The easiest way is to cut the top and bottom (small sidewalls) and remove the place of the first and fourth grain.
  2. You will have a large rectangular canvas with three vertical seams. Now you need to bend these seams a little differently: the first and the third leave the same as it was, but the second to exacerbate in the other side. Then, when laying, this temporary wall will be well fixed.
  3. The second way is suitable for those who want to make a beautiful screen. The basis is the same box from the refrigerator. Cut it from above and below, so that only big sidewalls remain. You can leave all four or three. Steam parts are identical, relative to each other, both pairs are cut into the mirror image.
  4. The spikes of the pattern are repeated, but these slots begin with one, then from the other edge. Match two blanks with solid parties, glue them in these places with scotch. If you have 3 canvases, then there will be 2 seams. If four - then it turns out 3 seams.

Bear the cloth only on the reverse side, then the screen will be well to develop. To decorate, you can paint cardboard or attach a self-adhesive film.

Shirma from dvp.

  1. Using a pencil, apply a drawing to the surface of each of the three blanks, cut down all the fibers of the jigsaw.
  2. Sharp edges need to be seized, then - to paint each sheet of fiberboard in the desired color.
  3. To connect the blanks, attach to each one side from the three loops - at the bottom, below and in the center. The second sides of this accessure are screwed to the second width of the screen. Also join the third workpiece.

The grinding device is quickly done if the bar is crushed by sandpaper and consolidate it on it.

See how unnecessary doors can be turned into this item. Old could remain after repair, they can be found, because people, making the mortgage conversion, get rid of these items. And you will make a wonderful screen. It can be put not only in the room, but also in the garden, separating the corner of the cottage.

From old doors

If they are not in very good condition, then first remove the peeling paint, squeeze the resulting deepening with a putty on the tree. When it dries, slightly squeeze so that the surface becomes smooth. Then pass the primer.

When it dries, cover the canvas with two layers of paint. If it is acrylic, the doors will be ready for subsequent work after half an hour, but it is better to wait an hour.

After that, you need to attach a loop. How to do it is shown in the following photo.

As you can see, two door canvases put vertically on a long sidewall, one side of the loop is screwed to the left door, the second - to the right. But the third workpiece is bonded on the other side so that the result of the assembly resembles the harmonic.

Immediately, do not twist all the screws to the end, you must first align the doors, then secure the screws securely.

The design will be quite heavy if you want to make a light folding wall, then look at another master class.

We make a screen of fabric

As you can see, such a shirma is well addressed and there is little space in this position. To do it, take:
  • wooden bars cross section 30x30 mm;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • screwdriver;
  • the cloth;
  • furniture stapler;
  • braid for risks;
  • saw.
Next, follow this plan:
  1. Decide with the size of the finished product. If you want in the unfolded form it was a 2 meter high, and the width is about three, then you need to knock down the frame for each of the three sections so that they get 2x0.7 m. To connect two segments of bars, match them, attach the side of the screws, Screw it.
  2. Downstairs should form legs. Put on a flat surface two bar 2 meters vertically, upstairs, between them, place one, with a length of 70 cm. Exactly the same need to be placed in the lower part of the structure, but by lifting this bar to the top by 20 cm - such a height will turn out legs.
  3. Cut 3 cloth with a size of 187x77 cm in size (2 cm from one and the other side so that there is no cracks in the width, 3 cm - inserts on the seams - 1.5 cm on each side).
  4. Turn the cloth from all sides, step up the edging. Surret of the rigors - 4 pieces on top and bottom, 9 pieces from the sides. With the help of them, tie the canvas to the ram. Then it will be possible to shoot the cloth and erase these details. But if you want to use washing canvas, such as Bologna, and so that no one can pry through the screen, then you can attach a fabric to frames with a furniture stapler. If you do not have such a tool, bring decorative nails.
That's how to make a screen from the fabric so that the product is easy. If you want the room to be the object of the situation, similar to an old or position the favorite photos on it, then for you - another cognitive lesson.

How to make a scrome book?

An extraordinary effect can be achieved if used tight cardboard. That's what you need to use with such work:
  • cardboard;
  • stationery knife;
  • putty;
  • putty knife;
  • cork canvas;
  • burlap;
  • bachek;
  • scotch;
  • photos or wipes with a pattern;
  • pVA glue;
Determine the sizes of the folding partition. You can make 4 canvases. Put the first sheet of cardboard to the surface. On its top draw the pattern, cut out. You can apply a picture onto everything canvas. For the decor of the outdoor and inner sides, take the burlap, cork cloth, napkins or photos. Make a simple pencil that where you will be located. Cut fragments from traffic jams and burlap, stick them into place.

Take care that burlap threads do not look out around the edges, make them inside the needle.

If you decorate the screen with photos, stick them. If you like a decoupage technique, then remove the top layer from the napkins, lubricate the place on the cardboard, attach these paper blanks here.

When the glue dries, cover 2-3 layers of varnish.

Beautifully look at the other decor elements, similar to flowers. To make them, cut out from the remnants of cardboard billets of such a form.

Lubricate them with glue, ranging from the center, attach the turns of the twine. When the elements are dried, stick them into place.

Collect the walls of the partition, gluing them with scotch.

You can decorate a screen and in a different way, perpetuating on it cut out newspapers, pages of your favorite book. To do this, first make photocopies from them. So that the partition is looked like a relict item, you need to form leaves.

Occupus brush into a strong tea brewing, john the paper. When the moisture remains on it, take them to the shirma from the cardboard, taking PVA. Leave that the product is dried.

That's how to make a screen with your own hands, spending at least a minimum of money.

Such devices are used and when creating a home doll theater. They are suitable for kindergarten. If a child has a birthday, his peers will come to visit, show them a puppet play. It can be a finger theater or characters will be put on hand. They are also simply made with their own hands, like a wall-partition from girlfriend.

How to make a screen for a puppet theater

To make such, in the form of a house, you will need:
  • cardboard;
  • hole puncher;
  • shoelaces;
  • paint or colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • stationery knife;
  • line;
  • pencil.
Master class of manufacture:
  1. Based on the sizes presented, make the side walls, the height of which is 50, and width 30 cm. The size of the central wall is 50x50 cm, it is cut along with the triangular roof. In the center with the help of a stationery knife is made window.
  2. Decorate the screen with colored paper or, painting the item.
  3. In the side walls, make 2 holes with holes or scissors and four in the central one. Match the notches, connect the parts with the help of cords or rope segments.
  4. This shirma is small, it is put on the table. A man sits behind, putting a glove with characters, shows them from the window. If you want to get a few children from behind, then make the walls are higher and wide for the guys can get to the window.
If the presentation of children will show adults, then the screen may be the following.

These same calculations are suitable for the usual screen. If you celebrate a children's birthday in nature, then also include a puppet player in the celebration program. You can make such characters in advance so that they are like members of your family, guests. Stick a photo of each character present on the face of the character, try to imitate his speech. But all this needs to be done so that the guest is not offended, but laughed from the soul.

Shirma is useful in nature and so that you can arrange an inflatable mattress and relax. Then see how the shirma-harmonica will be mastered. This consists of five canvases. If you celebrate in the country, use unnecessary doors and loops to them. But these details need to be securely secured on the ground, using pegs and rope, as well as metal pins.

If you wish that Shirma consists of several elements, then make it a team.

Shirma - Volume Partition

To make it, you will need:
  • color cardboard;
  • stationery knife;
  • scissors;
  • butterfly pattern.
Applying a template to the cardboard, cut out the blanks with scissors. Then, do in each stationery knife 4 slots - 2 at the bottom and at the same time. To connect the first five butterflies, place one in the center, to the upper slots - on the right and on the left, put on the winged insect. In relation to the main, they will be perpendicular. Also fasten two butterflies below. For the same technology, create the entire score. At any moment it can be disassembled.

If you want to make a stationary screen, then attach butterflies from cardboard to each other, skinning cuts.

You can make a bulk partition and from plastic bottles, cutting butterflies or other figures from this material.

Here's how to make a screen with your own hands using a screw or throw material.

Do not deny yourself the pleasure, conveniently sitting on, see the process of creating such a product in a video.

The next partition is also an organizer. In the pockets sewn to it, you can put various items that will be at hand and are not lost.

Screen - A very useful object in the house, as it can be swollen in the room different corners, thereby achieving greater comfort. There is a situation where you need to burn the workplace from the bed, or close your sleeping child from light. It was for this that I came up with Shirm, and today we will try to make it with your own hands, because in the store for it you can lay out a lot of money.

How to make a screen with your own hands?

Before proceeding with work, you need to prepare very well and take all the necessary materials and tools, and they need a lot of them. Here is a list of what we will use:

Wooden timber, 4x4cm.

Fabric, preferably flax

Threads, very durable

Acrylic beige color paint

Brush for paint

Machine for grinding (can be replaced by sandpaper)

Putty for wood

Loops (2 pcs. For 1 section)

A hammer



Screws and nails




Here is a rather big list. In our case, we will do 3 sections, it is so to speak the most common variant of Shirm. Now let's see the scheme of one section:

Based on these data, we will make a screen. Baister!

1. First we take the timber and make the markup you need. We need six segments of 180 centimeters and six segments of 50 centimeters.

2. We saw the timber on the markup of the corresponding size of the screen.

3. In order not to damage the hands during the movement of the screen, the tree needs to be treated with a grinding machine, but if it is not necessary, we take emotion paper and do everything manually.

4. Now that all bars are ready, we will fold the design. We put two long bar at a distance of 50 centimeters and put the jumper (bars of 50 centimeters). The extreme two jumpers should be secured at 15 centimeters from the edge, and the third jumper in the middle. Fix them with long screws and a screwdriver, and it stands to fasten from the end. Also we collect two other sections.

5. We will prepare putty and go through it all bad places on the tree, it may be cracks, irregularities or something like that. After drying the putty, these places need to sand very shallow emery paper. Only then these places will become smooth and pleasant to the touch.

6. After the frame will be fully ready - it must be painted. To do this, we use the acrylic paint of any color you like.

7 . We leave the tree to dry, and they will take on the preparation of the fabric. We will need to make measurements, they will be as follows - six pieces of fabric with a size of 152x50 centimeters, and 12 pieces of cloth with a size of 30x25 centimeters.

8. We also do not forget to leave 2 centimeters on each side on the allowances. After the calculations made, we can cut our fabric.

9. Now, probably, you should tell you why we need 12 small pieces of fabric. We wanted to do not just with a screen, but also a convenient place to store various things, so that these pieces will serve pockets for shirma. Each section will be placed on 4 pockets in two rows. Weigrate the allowances and flash your pockets on the typewriter.

10. The tree had to dry, so we can continue to work. We need to connect all the sections, and we do it with the help of loops, screws and a screwdriver.