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As the alphabet is read in English. Sounds and letters

In English, 26 letters. In different combinations and positions, they denote 44 sounds.
In English, 24 consonant sounds are distinguished, and there are 20 letters in the letter: BB; CC; DD; FF; GG; HH; Jj; Kk; Li; MM; Nn; Pp; QQ; RR; SS; TT; VV; Ww; XX; Zz.
In English, 12 vowel sounds and 8 difongs are distinguished, and transmit them to 6 letters: aa; EE; Li; Oo; UU; Yy


[English. Start rate. Maria Rarenko. First educational channel.]

Transcription and accent

Phonetic transcription is an international system of icons necessary in order to accurately show how words should be pronounced. Each sound is displayed as a separate icon. These badges are always written in square brackets.
In transcription indicate verbal emphasis (on what syllable in the word emphasis falls). Stripging sign [‘] Put before the shock syllable.

English consonant sounds

    Features of English consonant sounds
  1. English consonants transmitted by letters b, f, g, m, s, v, z, Close to pronounce the relevant Russian consonants, but should sound more vigorously and tense.
  2. British consonants are not softened.
  3. Corresponding consonants are never stunned - neither before deaf consonants or in the end of the word.
  4. Double consonants, that is, two identical consonants nearby, are always pronounced as one sound.
  5. Some British consonants are pronounced: The tip of the tongue is needed strongly to press alveolas (tubercles in the place where the teeth are attached to the gums). Then the air between the language and teeth will be held with the effort, and there will be noise (explosion), that is, the silence.

Rules for reading consonant letters in English:

English consonant sound pronunciation table
Phonetic transcription Examples
[b], b.oX. ring sound corresponding to Russian [b] in the word b.rAT.
[p] o. p.en deep sound corresponding to Russian [p] in the word pePObut pronounced with the breath
[d] d.i. d., d.aY. sound sound similar to Russian [d] in the word d.oh., but energetic, "sharper"; When pronouncing it, the tip of the tongue is resting in the Alveola
[t] t.eA t.aKE deep sound corresponding to Russian [t] in the word t.erosmbut pronounced with the prospect, while the tip of the tongue is resting in the Alveola
[v] v.oICE, v.isit. ring sound corresponding to Russian [in] in the word inoSKbut more energetic
[f] f.ind f.ine deaf sound corresponding to Russian [F] in the word f.inikbut more energetic
[z] z.oO, HA. s. ringing sound corresponding to the Russian [s] in the word z.iMA
[s] s.un, s.eE deep sound corresponding to Russian [s] in the word fromilabut more energetic; When pronouncing the tip of the tongue raised to Alveola
[G] g.iVE g.o. ringing sound corresponding to Russian [g] in the word g.alleybut pronounced softer
[k] c.aT, c.aN. deep sound corresponding to Russian [K] in the word tomouthbut pronounces energetic and sneaking
[ʒ] vI sIoN, PLEA. sURe. ring sound corresponding to Russian [F] in the word j.arabut pronounced tense and softer
[ʃ] she, RU sS.iA. deep sound corresponding to Russian [sh] in the word shina., but pronounced softer, for what you need to raise to solid nebob, the middle part of the back of the language
[J] y.ellow y.ou. the sound similar to the Russian sound [th] in the word j.oDbut pronounced more vigorously and tense
[L] l.iTT. l.e, l.iKE sound similar to Russian [l] in the word l.isa.but you need to touch the tongue tightly to Alveola
[M] m.aN, m.eRRY Sound similar to Russian [m] in the word m.iR.but more energetic; When pronouncing it, it is necessary to put the lips more dense
[n] n.o, n.aME sound, similar to Russian [H] in the word n.oS., but when you pronounce it, the tip of the tongue touches the Alveola, and the soft palate is omitted, and the air passes through the nose
[ŋ] sI nG.FI. nG.eR. the sound, when pronouncing which the soft palate is omitted and relates to the back of the back of the tongue, and the air passes through the nose. Pronounce as Russian [NG] - incorrectly; Must be a nasal call
[R] r.eD, r.abbit the sound, when pronouncing whose tip of the tongue, it is necessary to concern the middle part of the nose, above the alveol; Language does not vibrate
[h] h.eLP, h.ow. sound resembling Russian [x] as in the word h.aOSbut almost silent (a little heard exhale), for which it is important not to press the tongue to the neb
[w] w.eT, w.inter. sound similar to a very fast pronounced Russian [UE] in the word UEles; At the same time, the lips need to round down and push forward, and then vigorously push out
j.uST, j.ump sound similar to [J] in Russian Borrowed Word j.iNS., but vigorously and softer. It is impossible to pronounce separate [d] and [ʒ]
check, Mu. ch sound similar to Russian [h] in the word c.aCBut hard and tense. It is impossible to pronounce separate [t] and [ʃ]
[ð] tH.iS tH.eY. a ringtone, when pronouncing which the tip of the tongue needs to be placed between the upper and lower teeth and then remove quickly. Flat language Do not clamp your teeth, but slightly push into the gap between them. This sound (as it is ringing) pronounced with the participation of voice ligaments. Embrella Like Russian [s]
[θ], Seven. tH. Deep sound, which is pronounced as [ð], but without voice. Similar to Russian [s] interdental

English vowel sounds

    Reading each vowel letter depends:
  1. from other letters standing next to her or for her;
  2. from being in a shock or unstaging position.

Rules for reading vowels in English:

Pronunciation of pronunciation of simple English vowels
Phonetic transcription Examples Sample compliance in Russian
[æ] c. a.t, BL. a brief sound, medium between Russian sounds [a] and [e]. To get this sound, it is necessary, uttering Russian [a], to open the mouth wide, and the language is low. Simply say Russian [e] - wrong
[ɑ:] aRm, F. a.ther. long sound similar to Russian [A], but it is much longer and deeper. When it is pronouncing it, it is necessary to yield, but not to open your mouth wide, while tongue to delay back
[ʌ] c. u.p, R. u.n. a brief sound similar to the Russian unstressed [A] in the word from butdy. To get this sound, you need to say Russian [a], almost not to open your mouth, while stretching the lips slightly and move back a little back. Simply say Russian [A] - wrong
[ɒ] n. o.t, H. o.t. a brief sound similar to Russian [o] in the word d. aboutm., but when it is pronouncing it, you need to completely relax lips; For Russian [o] they are slightly tense
[ɔ:] sp. o.rT, F. ou.r. long sound similar to Russian [o], but it is much longer and deeper. When he pronouncing it, it is necessary to zoo, half scratch mouth, and the lips will strain and round
[ə] a.bOUT, a.lias. The sound, which is often found in Russian, is always in an unstressed position. In English, this sound is also always unstressed. It does not have a clear sound, and they are talking about him as an unclear sound (it cannot be replaced by any clean sound)
[E] M. e.t, B. e.d. a brief sound similar to Russian [e] under the emphasis in such words as e.t., pL e.d. and so on. English consonants before this sound can not be softened
[ɜː] w. or.k, L. ear.n. this sound is in Russian, and it is very complicated for pronouncing. Reminds Russian sound in words m. e.d., st. e.klabut it needs to pull much longer and at the same time stretch her lips strongly, without opening the mouth (a skeptical smile turns out)
[ɪ] i.t, P. i.t. short sound similar to Russian vowel in the word sh andt.. Need to pronounce it
h. e., S. eE long sound, similar to Russian [and] under the stress, but longer, and utter it as if with a smile, stretching lips. Close to it Russian sound is available in the word verse iI
[ʊ] l. oo.k, P. u.t. a short sound that can be compared with the Russian unstressed [y], but it is pronounced vigorously and with completely relaxed lips (the lips can not be pulled forward)
bL. u.e, F. oo.d. long sound, quite similar to Russian shock [y], but still not the same. So that it turns out, you need to pronounce Russian [y], do not pull the lips into the tube, do not push them forward, and round down and smile slightly. Like other long English vowels, it needs to pull much longer than Russian [y]
Diffton pronunciation table
Phonetic transcription Examples Sample compliance in Russian
F. eY.e. difong, similar to the combination of sounds in Russian words i. and c. i.
[ɔɪ] n. oi.sE, V. oi.cE Something like. Second element, sound [ɪ], very short
br. a.vE, AFR. aId. difton, similar to a combination of sounds in Russian Word sh to herka. Second element, sound [ɪ], very short
t. ow.n, N. ow. difton, similar to a combination of sounds in Russian Word from aUon the. The first element is the same as in; second element, sound [ʊ], very short
[əʊ] h., Kn. ow. difton, similar to a combination of sounds in Russian Word cL oUn.if not to pronounce it deliberately in the syllables (at the same time consonance reminds eu ). To pronounce this difthony as pure Russian consonance [Oh] - wrong
[ɪə] d. eA.r, H. difong, similar to the combination of sounds in the Russian word such; Consists of short sounds [ɪ] and [ə]
wh e.rE, TH. Difthong, similar to a combination of sounds in a Russian word long, if not to pronounce it in syllables. For sound resembling Russian [u] in the word e.that, follows the second element, unclear brief sound [ə]
[ʊə] t. ou.r, P. oo.r. difthong, in which the second element follows [ʊ], unclear brief sound [ə]. When pronouncing [ʊ] lips can not pull forward

Greetings, my dear readers.

Today we continue to talk about how to learn to read correctly, therefore the topic of today's article is the transcription of English letters.

We have already acquainted with you with the concept and dealt with the pronunciation of sounds in English. Today we will deal with exactly how they are pronounced in various combinations.

I have a clear table for you. It contains the letters of the English alphabet with transcription, Russian letters-counterparts and my records so that you can immediately put the correct pronunciation. I also added examples of words with studied sounds and their translation.

What else can be found on the blog:

  1. With letters and transcription (you can learn them online, download, print and work with them);
  2. for children, I have a complete.

Let `s start?

Features of English transcription:

  • it is always executed by square brackets. I can not say for sure where it came from, but I think it's just worth it to take as a given;
  • to understand where the emphasis is worth, the ['] sign is used in transcription before the shock syllable;
  • it is important to remember that transcription is about the sound, and not writing words. Sometimes writing can differ by 90% from what we say;
  • to show that the sound is long - we use a colon.

In general, I wrote about English transcription - I ask!

The letters of the English alphabet and their transcription in Russian and English:

English letter Transcription Russian analog
AA. Hey
BB. B.
CC. S.
FF. [ɛF] EF
GG. Ji.
HH. Eich
II. I.
JJ. Jay.
KK. Kay.
LL [ɛL] EL
Mm. [ɛm] Em
NN. [ɛN] En
Oo. [əʊ] OU
Pp. P.
QQ. Que
RR [ɑː] or [ɑɹ] A or AR
SS. [ɛs] ES.
TT. T.
VV. In and
WW. [DʌB (ə) L Juː] Double-Yu
XX [ɛks] The ex
Yy Wai
Zz. , Zed, zi.

But you know what's most interesting in English?

If different letters are combined, they are different and pronounced!

So I prepared for you

Examples of English combinations of letters in Russian and English:

Combination Transcription How to pronounce Example
eE / I: / AND bee - Bee.
eA. / ı:/ AND tea tea
oo. / u / W. cook - Cook
tH. / ð / / Ѳ / S, with (interdental) thumb - finger
sh / ʃ / Sh shout - scream
ch / T ʃ / C. chair - Chair
pH / f / F. phone - phone
ck. / k / TO snack - Snack
nG. / Ƞ / NG song - Song
wh / w / UA. why - why
wr. / R / R write - write
qU. / kW / Kua queen - Queen
igh. / aı / I. high - high
all. / Ɔ: L / OL. tall - High
aI / Eı / Hey Spain - Spain
aY. / Eı / Hey May - May
oi. / Oı / Oh point - Point
oy. / Oı / Oh toy - toy
ow. / Oʊ / OU grow - Rust
ou. / Aʊ / AU out - out
eW. / ju: / YU knew - knew
aw / Ɔ: / Ltd draw - draw
eE + R. / ıə / IA engineer - engineer
oU + R. / Aʊʊ / AUE our - our
oO + R. / Ɔ: / Ltd door - Door
wO + R. / ɜ: / E / O. work - work
aI + R. / Eə / E. chair - Chair
oA + R. / Ɔ: / Oo roar - Creek
ould. / Ʊd / UD could - Could.
oundry / Aʊnd / Aunde round - Round
eIGH / Eı / Hey eight - eight
-y / ı / AND tiny - tiny
aU. / Ɔ: / Oo Paul - Pol
gH. / f / F. laugh - laugh
aught. / Ɔ: T / From taught - Tekatil

I know, now this table seems huge. Surely you think that you are not unrealistic to remember. I will tell you this: at a certain moment, when you have enough, you will not even pay attention to these combinations. Your brain will learn how to quickly remember how these letters sound. Moreover, even when you will meet a completely unfamiliar word, you can read it right. The question is only in the number of practices on your part.

How to memorize the combinations of letters?

  1. Use cards. Visual perception is developed better from most people.
  2. Read. Pay attention to the combination of letters when or simply texts.
  3. Do not catch up. It is not necessary to immediately memorize these combinations and only then go directly to English. Learn in the process!
  4. Buy paper or download a good e-book In order to quickly learn to learn the combinations and pronounce them correctly. Even if it is necessary to you - an adult - feel free to take books for children - it is there that everything is worn out in detail and not essentially.
  5. Go through the course « English from scratch» . This will facilitate your way.

That's all my dear on it. I hope you were useful and understandable. I give even more such materials in the blog distribution - subscribe and get a portion of utility regularly.

If you are just starting to master the English language, start learning from the main topics, including, of course, there is a English alphabet [ɪŋɡlɪʃ alfəbɛt] or an English alphabet. When expressing education, this topic is often lowered, they say, herself will come with time. However, if you do not know the entire list of letters, their pronunciation and writing, nothing traveling from your learning process will not be released. And therefore, let's look at what the letters of the English alphabet are used.

But for a start, let's see how the English alphabet was formed. To say exactly when he appeared hard enough, but the very first found fragments of the English alphabet belong to the V century. Then the Latin letters were used to write it in combination with the runes, and therefore letters absolutely did not resemble those used in modern English. Subsequently, however, this alphabet changed, all runes were replaced by Latin letters, the number of which to the XI century amounted to 23 signs that were ordered for numerological purposes. After that, the alphabet has not changed significantly, but another 3 letters were added to it, which were also used in the creation of a modern alphabet.

English Alphabet: Composition

How many letters are used in modern English, perhaps it was not difficult. Letters in English 26. In different situations, they may sound differently, since their pronunciation changes depending on the combinations. In total, in English 44 sounds. However, each letter has its standard pronunciation, which is used in the study of the alphabet. English letters are written not as pronounced, and therefore when they are studying it is necessary to use transcription to avoid further errors. It is also worth noting that each letter of the English alphabet has a sequence number. Numerology of English, as in Russian, is created solely for convenience and as such importance does not have.

List English letters with numbering, transcription and pronunciation
Letter Name Transcription Pronunciation
1. A A. a. hey
2 B B. bee. b.
3 C C. cEE s.
4 D D. dee. di
5 E E. e. and
6 F F. eF. eF
7 G G. gee. ji.
8 H H. aitch eich
9 I I. i. i.
10 J J. jay. jay.
11 K K. kay. kay.
12 L L. el. eL
13 M M. em. em
14 N N. en [ɛN] en
15 O O. o. [əʊ] oU
16 P P. pEE p.
17 Q Q. cue. que
18 R R. aR [ɑː] but
19 S S. eSS. eS.
20 T T. tee. t.
21 U U. u. yu
22 V V. vee. in and
23 W W. double-U. ['Dʌbljuː] double-Yu
24 X X. eX. the ex
25 Y y. wY. wai
26 Z z. zed. school

Letter Z in American English is pronounced as Zee (Zi).

Please note that the pronunciation written by Russian letters is approximate. Transfer accurate English sound with the help of Russian letters will not work. It is indicated here to facilitate the study at the initial stage. However, the transcription variant is more preferable. If you are not very familiar with the sounds, try to listen and imitate media.

English Alphabet: Frequency of Use

All letters in the English alphabet have their own frequency of use. Thus, the figures for 2000 show that the most popular letter of the English language is vowel E. The second by frequency of use is the consonant T. It is not so difficult to explain similar results. Both of these letters are found in a certain article "The", which is the most consuming word of the English language. The most unpopular is the letter Z, which is known except Zebra (Zebra), lightning (ZIP) and Zigzag (Zigzag).

Other letters are located as follows:

English letters in order of frequency of their use
Letter Frequency (~%)
1. E. 12,7
2. T. 9,1
3. A. 8,2
4. O. 7,5
5. I. 7,0
6. N. 6,8
7. S. 6,3
8. H. 6,1
9. R. 6,0
10. D. 4,3
11. L. 4,0
12. C. 2,8
13. U. 2,8
14. M. 2,4
15. W. 2,4
16. F. 2,2
17. G. 2,0
18. Y. 2,0
19. P. 1,9
20. B. 1,5
21. V. 1,0
22. K. 0,8
23. J. 0,2
24. X. 0,2
25. Q. 0,1
26. Z. 0,1

This numbering list determines the approximate frequency of the appearance of letters, which means that in some particular passage, the frequency of letters may vary depending on the words used in it.

English alphabet: vowels

As you might notice, in English only 5. These are the letters: a, e, i, o, u. periodically the letter y is added to the list, which can transmit both consonant and vowel sounds. By the way, as for sounds: English vowels can change their sound depending on two aspects:

  1. Location, that is, from nearby letters
  2. Hudgetary or impacting

Consider such changes on the example of the letter A:

Some sounds are in their composition colon. The fact is that English vowels are divided into short and long. Brief pronounced usually, long stretch in 2, and even 3 times longer. Know the pronunciation of the letter in the Word on this principle is necessary, otherwise you can distort your thought. Examples:

Touching the peculiarities of the vowels, it is also possible to add that the letter E is usually not pronounced. For example:

pREJUDICE [PRɛDʒʊDɪS] (Progradis) prejudice
demonStrate [Dɛmənstreɪt] (Dammonstrate) demonstrate
paradise [Parədʌɪs] (Paradise) paradise

In addition, vowel letters may have difthongs or a combination of two vowel sounds, but in order to avoid too much complieding information, consider this question in a separate topic.

You can add that the diacritical signs are vowels, as in other matters and consonants do not have. Such signs include all sorts of dashes, stools, wavy lines above and under the letters, which are characteristic, for example, French or Spanish. However, in very rare cases, such signs can be used with borrowed words. The most popular among them are considered:

café. cafe
rESUMÉ summary

English alphabet: consonant letters

The number of consonants in the alphabet is equal to 21. Despite the fact that these letters differ from the Russians, some of them have a similar pronunciation. These include letters: b, f, g, m, p, s, v, z. Talking about similarities with the Russian language, it is also possible to note that if English words have a double consonant, it is pronounced by one sound:

In addition to simple letters in English there are draws or signs formed using two English letters. . These include:

It is worth noting that the letter C in the words borrowed from the Greek language is pronounced as [k].

As the sound [k] letter C is read in a very common name of Michael:

Exception not related to options above:

champagne [ʃampeɪn] (SMAPAH) champagne

The combination of Th is pronounced as "C" and "Z" in Russian, only for their pronunciation you need to correctly arrange a language. Bite, and then lower it, keeping the position between the teeth. And now try to say both these letters.

KH and ZH diges are used in English with foreign surnames. Foreign surnames may also often contain a SH Digraph, which, however, is used in conventional English words.

English Alphabet: how to learn

How many letters and how are they used, disassembled, but how to learn them? In the modern world, this issue is solved quite easily, because the materials for learning English and in printed, and in electronic versions, well, a lot. However, the choice in favor of the electronic material in the case of studying the alphabet will probably be more correct.

First, the English alphabet is what is learning very quickly. After you master it, you will not have to come back to this topic again and again, and therefore, bought alphabets will lie without affairs on the uppermost shelves.

Secondly, on the Internet you can find the greatest variety of programs, video, songs that will help you learn the alphabet for the shortest possible time. Use only one way or combine several minutes at once: Snew songs, prescribe each letter on the leaflet, remember the sequence of letters in English and the words in which they are used.

That's all. As you can see, there is nothing terrible in English. The only thing that may be needed when studying is a bit of patience, seasoned with motivation. Do not perceive the language as something hot, and instead, get pleasure from it.

The first thing you need to know the child when learning a foreign language is an English alphabet. Alphabet quickly and for a long time?

Why do the child have difficulty?

Often in children, when studying the English alphabet, problems and misunderstanding appear. The first error is a mustache. Need to remember: if you want your child to learn all the letters of the language for the first time, then the cramp needs to be excluded from the rule. The most important thing is to make the study of the English alphabet to like the child himself. If the child perceives it as a game, the ability to learn the English alphabet in 5 minutes can become a reality.

The child may encounter difficulties in learning the English alphabet also because he will not know what he needs to do. If the child is completely small, your assurances that it will be needed in a further adult life, they may not be understood. This adult is clear that knowledge of foreign languages \u200b\u200bopens up great opportunities in front of a person. Your child will most likely not understand. That is why it is better to turn the study of the alphabet into a fascinating game.

English languages \u200b\u200band pronunciation

How to quickly learn English alphabet? The first thing to be done to learn the English alphabet is to find the alphabet itself, where the capital letters will also be also the pronunciation of each letter in Russian, as well as a few words in English, which begin with this letter. In total, 26 letters in English.

AA.heyapple - Appleant - antair-"
BB.b.bee - Bee.boy - boyball - Ball - Catcake - Cake, Piecamera - Camera
DDdidog - Dogdate - Datedress - Dress
EEandegg - Eggeye - eyeear - Ear
FF.eFfrog - frogface - Familyfarm - Farm - Sad.girl - girlgrass - grass
HH.eichhat - hathistory - Historyhour - hour - Ice.iDEA - ideainsect - insect
JJ.jay.jUMP - Jumpjourney - Traveljudge - Judge
KK.kay.kiss - Kisskangaroo - Kangarooknife - Knife
LLeLlOVE - Loveland - Earthletter - letter
Mm.emmother - Mamaman - manmist - fog
NN.enname - Namenight - Nightnews - News
Oo.oUorange - Orangeoil - Oilowner - owner
Pp.p.paper - Paper.pig - Piggyprice - price
QQ.quequestion - Questionqueen - Queen
RRar (a)rabbit - Hare, Rabbitrain - Rainriver - River
SS.eS.sea - seasoup - Soupson - Son.
TT.t.table - Tabletalk - conversationtime - Time
UU.yuumbrella - umbrellauncle - Uncleup - up andvoice - voicevIEW - Viewviolin - Violin
WW.double-Yuwall - Wallwindow - Windowwatch - hours
XXthe exxylophone - xylophone
Yywaiyear - year
Zz.sDAzebra - Zebra

Now that there is an English alphabet with and words, you can proceed to study.

Learn the English alphabet with the help of

How to quickly learn English alphabet to a child? So that everything happens quickly, the child should have any associations with letters. First, you can conduct analogies of the English alphabet with the Russian, and then show the words that are presented above. These are quite light words that the child could know before (some school programs begin to study words) will help learn English alphabet. How to learn it with these words? You need to open a notebook, take the handle and start prescribing the title letter first, then the line, and then the words. It is important that the child on each line in the notebook wrote only one letter and pronounced. Such a way will take quite a lot of time from a child (about an hour or two), but it will not need a parent, the skills of the letter in English will develop, and the alphabet will remember exactly for a long time!

If you have homefinding in your home, you can use them. In recurrences for young children, there are always exciting coloring, pictures and light English words.

Learn a foreign alphabet and sing a song

If you notice that your child does not work better, and the auditory memory, you are very lucky! On the Internet you can find a lot of audio and video recordings, where children sing the English alphabet. Such songs help to learn it very quickly, literally in 5 minutes.

Learn English alphabet with bright cards

Bright cards with words help to quickly learn English alphabet. How to learn it with cards? Such cards can be bought in any book or children's store, but you can do it yourself along with the child, which will be quite long, but very effective. If you bought the cards, then the instructions necessarily say what to do and how. To learn the English alphabet with a child is quite troublesome in this way, but the words and letters will be remembered for a long time.

Typically, cards are divided into the letters of the alphabet. Each card is written on one word and draws a picture that is interconnected with this word. The child can teach these words beginning with one letter, orally or writing.

Various alphabet memorization games

In fact, the child should perceive everything as the game to remember the English alphabet. How to learn the letters of a foreign language, if you constantly sit and sharpen? A small child who else has to play and play, it will be quite difficult to do. How to quickly learn English alphabet - we learned earlier, but how to consolidate knowledge?

The first game. Write on paper English alphabet with large letters, cut into squares. Distribute cards to the passage. The child must collect a full-fledged alphabet from these cards.

Second game. This is the game command, for her you need at least two or three children. You pronounce the letter, and children must be addressed by the corresponding letter. This game is very cheerful and fascinating.

Third game. Take two sheets of paper, put one sheet over the other on the middle. Write the letter so that its top is written on one sheet, and the bottom - on the other. Remove the second sheet, only the upper part of the letter will remain. Ask a child to add the missing part.

How to learn English alphabet with a child? You just need to show a little fantasy!