Repairs Design Furniture

Box into the sewage system. How to make the insert into the sewer tube - proven ways from the master. Box in plastic site and fixation with glue

Or toilet bowl - in all listed and other similar cases can not do without creating additional points of water intake. And for this it will be necessary to organize new workers withdraws from the main sewer pipe. There are several options for connecting to the system - then we offer with photos and video to consider how to cut into the plastic sewer pipe with three most common and safe ways: with a tee, adapter and saddles.

Box with tee.

If a pipe is cut into the discharge system, exactly corresponding to the diameter of the main sewer tube, a standard tee can be used to connect.

To work, you will need: hacksaw, file, plastic tee with a plug, silicone sealant and a special compensating nozzle - cut pipe with a transit diameter.

Tees for inserts into sewage pipes

Before you begin to the insertion, it is necessary to determine the height of the tee as accurately as possible. The latter should be located at such a level so that the pipe connected to it is under a slight bias - this provision will ensure an efficient removal of sewage drain into the general system.

Council. Use a tee with an angular connection of the pipe in the direction of the plum - such a rush will reduce the risk of sewer blocks in the system.

After preparatory work, you can move to the immediate cutting in the sewer:

  • Cut the piece of sewage pipe, exactly corresponding to the length of the connected tee.
  • Through a file, treat the inner surface of the pipeline to eliminate all sowers.
  • Process the outer side of the pipeline with a sealant.
  • On the first truncated sewer tube, put the compensating nozzle - to suck it upwards with a wide part.
  • On the second truncated pipe, mounted a plastic tee.
  • Treat the narrow part of the sealant compensating nozzle and tightly precipitate it into the troop fool.

Treatment of sealant

  • Seat all the locations of the pipe and tee.
  • Put on a tee plug.

Cutting with an adapter

Often cut and disassemble the sewer pipe for one reason or another is not possible, but it is still necessary to organize new taps. How to be in this situation? The best option is to use the adapter. This device has the appearance of the cap with the discharges for the connected pipe.

Important! By deciding to apply the adapter, keep in mind that it is intended to connect only those pipes whose diameter is twice as fewer diameters of the main sewage pipeline.

For the insertion into the sewer with the help of the adapter, you will need a file, a drill with a crown, a cuff adapter, silicone sealant, clamps and. Work is performed according to the following scheme:

  1. In the radius of the cutout under the adapter, clean and carefully dry the operating surface of the pipeline.
  2. Using a crown drill, drill a hole in the pipeline under the adapter.
  3. Prepare the fitting, treat it with sealant and via clamps on the plastic tube. No need to tighten the fitting to the stop so as not to deform the plastic.
  4. In the fitting of the fitting, insert the adapter cuff and connect the adapter to it, having pre-lubricate it with silicone sealant. It is important that the connection of the cuff and adapter is maximally sealed, otherwise not to avoid leaks and disruption of the functioning of the sewer pipeline.

Cutting with an adapter

If the sewage pipe in which the new removal is crashed, is located horizontally, the adapter must be connected to a vertical slope of no more than 45 degrees.

Box with saddelo

The easiest and most prompt way to crash into the sewer tube from plastic is to use the saddle. This is a variation of a compression fitting, the design of which can be represented or in the form of a clamp, or in the form of a lining. In the first case, we are dealing with a crimp detail, tightening the sewer pipe from two sides, and in the second - with a small lining that is welded to the pipeline. As practice shows, crimp clay is more reliable and practical, so it is better to use it for the cut. Such a saddle can be used to fit under the specific diameter of the sewer pipe, and to be universal - providing for the ability to adjust the coverage of the clamp depending on the size of the pipeline.

The saddle can be mounted on the pipe in two ways - by means of welding or tightening. But in both cases, the installation scheme is quite simple in execution:

  • Determine the scene place and drill a hole in the pipe that corresponds to the diameter of the removal of the used saddles.
  • Alternately, put on the sewer tube the upper and lower halves of the saddles. Make sure that the rubber gasket of the top half fell tightly on the hole in the pipe.

Box with saddelo

  • Connect two halves: weld them or tighten with special fasteners on the sides, which are included in the device.
  • Treat all compounds with silicone sealant.

Thus, we have three ways to crash into the sewer plastic tube: a tee, adapter and a saddle. Which option for connecting to the system you did not choose, do not forget that only competently performed work will give an opportunity without having to install a new outlet - do not neglect the proposed instructions, and then the high-quality clip in the sewer is guaranteed.

The question of how to crash into the sewer plastic tube, the owners of apartments and houses may occur if it is necessary to install a dishwasher or washing machine. There are several ways to solve this problem, the choice of which is determined by the type of pipes used in the organization of the sewage system, the size of the room and the material capabilities of the owner of the housing.

Application of marking for sings in the sewer pipe

The wide range of transitional adaptations on the market in the sewer tube plastic allows you to choose a method for solving a problem that does not require high costs. Among such devices are distinguished:

  1. Adapters. Applied if it is impossible to perform a full-fledged inlet into the pipe. The device includes a lining fixed with fasteners and nozzle. Such methods can be connected to outputs, the diameter of which is smaller than the size of the main pipe.
  2. Tees. To install such fixtures, the pipe must be cut.

How to make the insert in the sewer pipe

How to make a cut in the sewer tube:

  1. Make a cut of a pipe with the output of the desired size.
  2. Make a blank. The pipe and part of the sewage to which it is connected must have a size that allows you to close the place of entry into the sewer system.
  3. Take a hole in the pipe. Its diameter should accurately match the size of the nozzle.
  4. Treat the inner surfaces of the resulting detail and part of the sewage to which it will be connected, sealant.
  5. Fix the item, tightly pressing it to the main pipe and tightening the clamps. Cut and tighten carefully, without applying extra effort. Work is stopped after the sealant appearance from under the adapter. Excess tools are removed by rag.

In cutting in stork

Box in the riser presents some difficulties. If all the elements of the system are plastic, to form an additional input will be easier.

To connect to the riser, the following tools and materials will be required:

  1. The tee that will be used to form an additional entrance.
  2. Compensating nozzle. This product is a long fool. The length of the riser that will enter this device can reach 20 cm.
  3. Sewage coupling. Used to connect the main pipe with a compensating nozzle.

Box in the sewer system - the work is dirty, so the person performing it must change into work clothes. The room is freed from furniture and other things. The procedure includes:

  1. Coordination of the start time of work with other residents at home. It is necessary to ask for neighbors not to use plumbing and sewage. In order not to create the inconvenience to other residents, you need to carry out the cutting work as quickly as possible.
  2. Dissection of the main pipe and its fit under the dimensions of the compensating nozzle. Slices are cleaned with a file, trying to remove as much as possible.
  3. Installation of the compensator and tee. To facilitate the installation process of the specified devices, the inner surface is lubricated with liquid soap that provides a slight slip. Fuel and lubricants cannot be used for this purpose. They damage plastic, because of which the connection in the future gives to flow.
  4. Fixing the riser. Clamps use clamps to attach a pipe to the wall.

Cut in horizontal sewer pipeline

This is the most common mode of the insert. Works are performed according to the following scheme:

  1. Partially disassemble the sewer system.
  2. The site of the main sewer pipe, which will be carried out, cut in half. After that, they cut the part, the dimensions of which correspond to the length of the tee.
  3. Fix fittings, collect pipeline with an installed element.

Cutting the sewer pipe with a tee

With the help of a tee, the insert includes the following steps:

  1. Selection of tee suitable size.
  2. Seasoned sewage. Residents of the upper floors are asked not to use the wastewater removal system during work. Pre-prepared a rag and pelvis.
  3. Measurement for a tee.
  4. Deleting a segment, instead of which a tee will crawl. For this use piperaza. If the blade of the tool does not reach some areas of the circumference, it is not recommended to apply a hammer to dismantle. This leads to damage to the sewer system.
  5. Installing a tee to the location of the remote segment. On the less rolling part of the riser put on a tee, pulling him away. The more movable part is moved in the same direction. After fixing the adapter, the riser line is aligned, inserting it into parts into the chipping of the tee as deeply. The sewage site is temporarily secured using a bracket.
  6. Compound of the main pipe with a tee. When performing these works from the artist, a dexterity is required, since the tight fit of the sewage site to the floor or wall makes it difficult to access the connection site.

Cutting with an adapter

If cut part of the sewer system cannot be used, apply the lining. When installing the insert adapter includes the following steps:

  1. Stripping the site to which the lining will be mounted. It provides a dense fit of the part.
  2. Formation of a hole for wastewater removal. If the adapter is installed on an element with a diameter of less than 110 mm, the size of the opening should not exceed 50 mm.
  3. Processing adjacent to the pipe parts adapter sealant. The lining is fixed by the clamps. In order to avoid damage to the elements of the sewer system, the clamps are tightened carefully. The prepared hole must coincide with the exit on the lining. It is better if it will have a smaller diameter.
  4. Installation of the rubber cuff, connecting a new plumbing device.

Box in vertical riser

In the case of insertion in the riser without removing the part of the pipe, the collapsible clamp is used. One part of it is deaf, the second has a nozzle. A part of the system is connected to it, which is supplied to the new plumbing device. Installation process will include the following steps:

  1. Turning off the water, sewage overlap.
  2. Forming a hole on the selected area.
  3. Fastening a clamp with a nozzle. This uses a screw connection.
  4. Introduction of the sealer in the nozzle. The sealer has a type of corrugation made of rubber.
  5. The insertion of the discharge nozzle in the corrugation.

Minimize costs helps an independent manufacture of a clamp. To do this, take a pipe, the diameter of which is equal to the pipeline cross section, which is carried out insert. The cut is cut in the longitudinal direction. One half will serve as the back of the clamp, the second is done by a hole equal to the diameter of the connected nozzle.

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Box in the sewer tube: Simple and complex ways

I'm going to devote this article to crash into the sewer tube. We will analyze both the optimal methods that I can with a light heart recommend to everyone and the crisis decisions that can be resorted in the absence of alternatives.

When it is necessary

Typical reasons for creating unplanned inserts several:

  • Connecting a new plumbing device or the subject of household appliances (washbasin, washing machine or dishwasher);
  • Connecting a new bathroom or kitchen (let's say, with an extension to the house of the second floor, a new room or when transferring to the toilet in the apartment);
  • The inserting of the newly built house in the sewer network of the village or city.

If the first case implies the connection to the local sewage system of the house or apartment, then the third and less often, the second to the risers or the referee (horizontal sewage branch), which combines several apartments, and even houses.
Accordingly, during work, we will not have the ability to control the absence of waste.
Get ready for the fact that the work will be very dirty.

General principles

They are a bit.

  1. All horizontal sewage sections must have a permanent slope in the direction of flow. The size of the slope is determined by the diameter of the pipe and for the most running size is:

Conrtlonds - under the strict ban: Il and fat deposits will accumulate there, narrowing the lumen of the pipe;

  1. In horizontal pipes it is better to crash so that the drains come from above. In this case, during the insertion process, the operating field will be less in charge. In addition, it is so smaller than the likelihood of leaks (including clouds): your insert will not be constantly filled with other waters.
    Of course, while the device inserts should not contradict the first recommendation;

  1. It is advisable to use oblique tees in which the lateral removal is directed along the movement of total wastewater. They will greatly facilitate the cleaning when the cloth;
  2. Curses can be oriented against the direction of wastewater movement. Each compound assembled "against wool" is a potential place for the occurrence of blockages;
  3. The same applies to all sorts of protrusions and burrs inside the sewage. Any irregularity eventually will finish wool, hair, fat, delay rags and other trash.


Now it's time to move to specifics.

Inserting a plumbing device

The easiest is the instruction on the insertion in the sewer comb (intra-wood wiring of sewage).

I will explain each item:

  • Near the estimated place of installation, other plumbing devices are almost always located - bath, washbasin or washing. The blockage of such an appliance is connected to the fracture comb (as a rule, a rubber sealing cuff). You need to carefully remove your knee or corrugated hose and cable cuff;

Hard plastic knee will have to pre-disconnect from the siphon.
Do not lose the annular gasket under it: it will be needed to re-seal the connection.

  • Then, an oblique or direct tee of the corresponding diameter (usually 50 mm) is installed in the socket. The direct tee is used only if the oblique will not allow you to connect a new device at a convenient angle.

The method of installation of a tee is determined by the sewage material: for plastic is used assembly on ring seals; The cast iron is minted with a cable (or, which is much more reliable, a graphite gland) and climbed to the consistency of the thick sour cream without adding sand;

Plastic tee can be used with a cast-iron comb. It connects with her rubber sealing coupling. Do not forget to carefully clean the cast-iron socket from deposits and rust before assembly. It is advisable to compact with a sealant compound: it compensates for the unevenness of the termination and will not give the compound to flow when the rubber seal is drying.

  • Old and new sanitary privy are connected to the tee. Connections are compacted if possible: in this case, you will be guaranteed to get rid of the smells of sewerage.

In the houses of the modern building uses plastic media sewage sealing on rubber seals. To connect a new washing machine or washbasin more accurate, you can install a tee in any collapsible connection.

In order for the connectivity points of the following devices, the pipe closest to the tee, located against the stroke of the drain, is shortened on the length of the tee less the detachment. For cutting it is better to use a grinder with any cutting circle, but a garden hacksaw is suitable. Do not forget to clean the burrs and remove the outdoor chamfer.

Connect to riser

How to crash into a sewer riser with a diameter equal to it?

For all the little, modern houses are relevant in the sewer 110 mm. It is this diameter for many years that the risers uniting 5, 9, 14 or more floors are mounted. For my rich plumbing practice, I met only two exceptions:

  • In the mystery of the 1971 construction of the kitchens were combined with a separate rudiment with a diameter of 50 mm;
  • In Stalinke 1951, the risers are mounted with a pipe of 160 mm.

For the inserts need the following shaped details:

  • Tee, to which you connect your inner sewer;

  • A compensating pipe is a product with an elongated bell, allowing it to pull it on the tube of the corresponding diameter by about 200 mm;

  • If the insertion does not interfere with the rake, the sewage coupling will be needed.

Plastic fasonin is compatible with cast-iron pipes. However, the latter will have to be cleared of paint and rust layers. For this purpose, you can use a conventional sharp knife.

Preparatory activities

Let me remind you: the insertion in the riser implies that you will have to completely break the pipe, according to other people's stocks. Including from the toilet. Therefore, work begins with several preparatory activities.

  1. Go around all your neighbors up the riser and ask them for 1 - 2 hours not to use the sewage system. Those who do not have a home, leave notes indicating time;
  2. Prepare a big bucket or deep pelvis. Believe me, with a large number of apartments on a riser, someone will definitely forget about your request;
  3. Delete all unnecessary items from the bathroom. Even if you substitute the pelvis under the disassembled riser in time, the splashes will fly in all directions;
  4. Wear work clothes. At best, it will have to be wrapped in the worst - throw away.


I will explain each item above the scheme above.

  1. Location on the pipe the length of the compensating nozzle, postponing it from the termination;
  2. Sut off the pipe by label. For cutting iron it is preferred to use a grinder with a cutting circle for metal; Plastic can be sprinkled with a conventional garden hacksaw or the same grinder;
  3. We take out the carved fragment from the termination. Be prepared for the fact that for this you have to make another incision in an arbitrary location closer to the squabble. The plastic tube is simply rotated and removed from the seal; In the case of cast iron, you will have to pre-take part of the sealing and chasing with the help of chisels or screwdriver and hammer;
  4. We clean the burrs from the inside of the cut pipe with a sharp knife. From the outside, we remove the face: it will help to avoid extra effort when tightening the compensator;
  5. We make a pipe and a compensator seal with liquid or moistened with a conventional soap, cosmetic vaseline, cream or any other non-aggressive lubricant. It will again significantly reduce the effort when tightening and sedenting the compensator;

Do not use machine oil, solarium and other fuel. Rubber seals do not make rubber oil resistant; They can crack and give to flow.

  1. We stretch the compensator to the pipe with the facial removed to the stop;
  2. Insert a tee into the fool;
  3. Heat the compensator in its fallen.

The insert is made. After its assembly, it is extremely preferably to fix the neck of the compensating nozzle to the clamp. This will eliminate the likelihood of its displacement in any direction.

If the insertion is performed away from the termination, the pipe is cut in two places.
On one of the ends after stripping the burrs and the removal of the chamfer, the coupling is put on.
Further operations are identical to those described above.

Connect to Lengnev

Connecting with your own hands to the sewage focus - laid in the tray, soil or tired in the basement of the horizontal tube - has one feature. You can not completely stop the flow rate through it. Accordingly, it is extremely undesirable to fully disassemble the pipe: several cubic meters of mildwater wastewater will be in the basement or fill the tray.

When carrying out repair work with the replacement of the sewage site, housing and water workers completely disconnect the water supply to the house or microdistrict.
However, this method is most likely not applicable for you: if someone from the tenants will require a recalculation for water supply services, the organization has the right to put your account.

The shaped detail, which is used in such cases, is called - sewer cut. It is a removal with a wide clamp covering the entire pipe, or a simple plastic latch with a rubber seal. The price of the simplest rugs starts from 300 - 400 rubles.

Depending on the device, the insertion can be mounted in two ways:

  1. At the first, the level is served by the crown of the corresponding diameter, after which the burrs are cleaned and the shaped part with an effort is inserted into the hole. When tightening the nut, the conical latch on it squeezes the rubber seal and presses the part to the pipe;

  1. In the second method, the operation is carried out in the reverse order:
    • The insertion is attracted to the pipe with its own fastener (several bolts) or a pair of clamps;
    • The hole is drilled directly through the crown.


As you can see, some universal ways do not exist: the optimal method of connecting to sewage is determined by the conditions and location of the scene. As always, additional information can be found in the video in this article. Please do not hesitate to share your own experience in the comments. Successes, Camrads!

July 7, 2016.

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Installation of sanitary devices requires large material costs, but some work can be performed independently. There are several ways to cut into a sewer pipe of 110 mm that do not require expensive equipment. The choice of method depends on what material the elements of the drainage system are made.

Box in the sewer pipe.

Causes of the inserts into the sewer system

Performing such works is required in the following cases:

  1. The need to connect a new plumbing device. Single connection requires detergents, showers, bidets. The nozzles of the instruments are crashed into a common sewage system.
  2. Rearrangement in the kitchen or bathroom. Creating a new connection is required when transferring plumbing devices to new places.
  3. Installing a new sewer riser, separating a combined bathroom.
  4. Technological connection of the private structure to a centralized drainage system. The owner of the household must agree on the work with the organizations of the water supply and sewage economy.

Preparatory stage

The introduction into a cast iron or plastic pipeline is starting with the choice of the method of the insertion and purchase of the desired materials.

When purchasing components, the following are taken into account:

  1. A plot connected to plumbing devices should not have steep bends. This makes it possible to exclude the formation of persistent blockages and remove different water flows. Cutting the pipe should form a straight corner. This value in the plumbing is 88 degrees.
  2. Selecting adapters, take into account the location of the drain corrugation of the toilet. It can lie directly or with a bias. Connection in the second way does not cause difficulties. When the horizontal connection will have to get an output with a displaced center.
  3. If work is held in the afternoon, they need to be coordinated with other residents of an apartment building.

Required tools and materials

Before the start of the insertion, such tools and components are prepared in the sewage riser:

  1. Bulgarian or hacksaw. Tools are used to trim pipes made from any materials. For PVC, it will take a hacksaw, for metal - circular saw with the corresponding disk.
  2. Crown drills. To connect to the pipe, a cross section of 110 mm form a hole in 5 cm. It is possible to perform this action with polypropylene elements by using coronating nozzles of the desired size. To do the holes in metal pipes, expensive bimetallic tools are used. The cheaper method is the use of drill on metal.
  3. Wrench. It will be necessary when installing an adapter connecting the elements of different diameters.
  4. Grinding paper. In case of dissection of PVC pipes, it is impossible to get smooth edges. If burrs remain in the cavity, the risk of blocking increases. For cleansing the edges use a rairy knife, sandpaper or file.
  5. Sealing composition. The material is used to ensure the strength of the compounds and the easy pipe introduction into the adapters.

Methods of rugs in the system

To introduce a nozzle in a sewage riser use 2 methods - connecting to the installation of a tee or adapter.

Installing adapter

This method helps to connect, without cutting the sewer line. In the selected place form a hole of the required diameter. It is injected into it, the housing of which is fixed by the adapter. The latter connects the diversion of a plumbing device with a common sewer system.

Box with a tee

To connect plumbing products to sewage, standard tees, simple or transient couplings are used.

Works are performed as follows:

  1. Measure the length of the removed area. In this case, take into account the size of the connecting parts and the depth of the landing sockets.
  2. Using the hacksaw or the grinder, cut the pipe. The edges are cleaned before obtaining smooth cuts.
  3. Details are treated with silicone sealant and installed in the opening in the desired order.

Box with a tee in the sewer pipe.

Use 2 options for connecting the discharge with the sewer system:

  1. The lower part of the tee is combined with a riser using a clutch and rubber gaskets. The upper part is fixed using the compensation part. This method is most often used when the vertical pipeline is inserted.
  2. The removal is inserted into the compensation item. The need to use a tee is excluded. The nozzle is placed under an acute angle. It helps to easily embed into horizontal sewer lines.

Insert in a plastic pipe

To embed a removal into the plastic pipe, perform such actions:

  1. Prepare a segment with the output of a suitable diameter.
  2. Make a lining. The removal and part imposed on the pipe should cover the place of the inserts with the margin.
  3. Form a hole. The diameter must correspond to the output of the outlet.
  4. The inner surfaces of the workpiece are treated with a sealant. The composition is applied to the sections to which the lining will be connected.
  5. The billet is fixed by clamps, tightly pressing it to the sewer line. When tagging, excessive effort cannot be made. After the appearance of silicone droplets from under the lining work is stopped. Excess the composition are removed with a clean cloth.

You can connect the connection by a tee or lining with a nozzle. In the first case, you need to remove the pipe section, the connecting parts will be installed in place.

With the help of the adapter, you can implement a tap, the diameter of which is 2 times less than the size of the sewer pipe. To the horizontal line, the nozzle is connected from above or under the tilt of 45 degrees. The connected nozzle should not interfere with the drain.

In the horizontal pipe of the insert.

The cutting is performed as follows:

  1. The plot is ringed and dried into the rinse.
  2. The pipe make a hole corresponding to the diameter of the connected pipe. For an element with a diameter of 5 cm, this value is 2.2 cm, for a pipe 11 cm - 5 cm. For the formation of the hole, a crown drill is used.
  3. The adapter is treated with a sealant and fasten the clamps. Tightening the clamps need carefully, otherwise you can damage the plastic elements.
  4. A rubber cuff and connected pipe are introduced into the removal of the adapter.

Box in vertical riser

Before connecting the removal to the plastic riser with a diameter of 110mm, you need to prepare a water collection container.

In the process of the insertion performs such actions:

  1. Remove the retainers attaching risers to the wall. The pipe will have to shift to the side.
  2. Cut part of the riser using a hacksaw or a grinder. The ends are cleaned with a grinding machine or a file. The upper part is inserted into the bucket, which helps to avoid emergency situations.
  3. The edges of the cutting segments are treated with silicone lubricant. The lower socket is supplied with an adapter used to connect a tee. If the latter was installed earlier, a new item is introduced into the already existing nest. The second coupling in this case will not need.
  4. The top tap of the tee is introduced into the compensator. The latter move up to dense fixation.
  5. A tee is inserted into the adapter, pre-lubricating it with a sealant. The compensation clutch is shifted down, providing rigid fixation.
  6. The riser gives a stable position by fastening the clamps.

After installing the tee, the rising area is checked for leaks.

Connect an additional pipeline to an existing sewer tube can be several ways. The choice of method depends on the specific circumstances of the connection.

Cut in horizontal sewer pipeline

The most common situation is: it is necessary to connect to a plastic sewer tube with a diameter of 50 mm an additional plumbing device.

In this case, it is still wise to disassemble the sewer pipe. And insert a tee in the connection site. Works are performed in such a sequence:

The result is a solid stationary pipeline with a connection for a new plumbing device.
The only one, it is recommended to pick a braid tee (with a sharp angle - an angle in the direction of fluid movement), to reduce the likelihood of clogging.

But there are situations where the pipe cannot be disassembled or it is necessary to crash into a cast-iron pipe, which is also his kind as it says that it is better not to touch ...

Then it will help the cutting into the sewer pipe by drilling holes in it by the diameter of the connected branch.
At the connection site, fitting is used, which is called the adapter. It is a cap with a tap for the plug-in. Attracts in place of connecting clamps.
It is selected by two parameters: - the diameter of the pipeline to which the diameter of the connected pipe is connected.

In general, the kit for the insert is not difficult to purchase in the store.

But only the pipeline of the diameter of which is twice as fewer than that of the pipe in which the cut-in is used can be connected by the adapter. It is also important that the connection to the horizontal tube is made only on top or with a deviation of up to 45 degrees from the vertical. This is important, since the insert pipe should not be an obstacle to the effluent.

The insertion into the sewer pipe with the adapter is performed in the following order.

  • The pipe at the connection site is cleaned and dried at least to the adapter width.
  • The pipe is drilled in the diameter of the connection. For example, for a pipe 50 mm, it can only be 22 mm and no more. For a pipe 110 mm - the maximum diameter of the connected pipe can already be 50 mm. For drilling, a crown drill is applied.
  • The adapter is covered with a sealant and fixes on the pipe clamp. It is important when tightening not to damage the plastic tube!
  • A rubber cuff adapter is inserted into the adapter discharge nozzle and the connected pipeline.

Connection to sewer riser

The insertion into the sewage riser can also be made in different ways.
Typically, the riser has a diameter of 110 mm (plastic pipes). If a pipe is connected to a smaller diameter, for example 50 or 40 mm, then the adapter already described can be used.

But you need to remember that if the riser is passing, i.e. There is a drain from the upper floors, it is undesirable to be in standing the protruding parts of the incoming pipe. Otherwise, this place will collect falling from the top of the garbage. Or even a place of congestion in a pipe, if a rag falls on top on the protruding pipe ...

Otherwise, the cutting in the riser of pipes 50 or 40 mm in diameter does not differ from the above technology using the adapter.
It is only important to determine the punch point that the connected pipeline had the desired slope.

But if the piping of the pipeline of the same diameter (110mm) is assumed, then the situation becomes complex. But solved. Then the connection to the riser is made in this way: a piece of riser is cut and two fittings are inserted into its place - a tee and compensator.

  • Tee (if a pair of pipelines is connected - then the crusades are needed to connect. It is selected in diameters - passing 110 mm and branch 110mm? or 50 mm?.
  • Compensator. Looks like a cut pipe with a turning diameter. With a wide part, it is put on the back of the bottom up. Then descends on the riser and is inserted into a narrow part into a tee. Thus, it allows you to re-dock the riser together.

Before installing the tee and compensator, you need to make accurate calculations.
The main thing is to determine the height of finding a tee. After installation, its discharge must be at a given high level, which would be provided with the required slope of the pipeline connected to it. At the same time, the length of the riser is taken into account, which will enter the lower fuel of the tee.
So determines the lower mark on which the riser will be cut.

Then the upper mark is determined. The cutting length of the riser should be equal to (or be a little more) than the length of the compensator, whatever it can be started. The length of the compensator is added to the lower mark, the top mark turns out.

Before starting work, do the following should be done:

  • Prevent draining on riser at repair. It is necessary to provide any methods by any methods - by bypassing neighbors, if any, or the exhibition of armed posts ...
  • Prepare a rag and water for cleaning.
  • Clean and dry the riser at the venue for repair work.

Work on connecting to sewer riser is performed in the following order.:

That's all right. It remains to consolidate the riser to the wall of the clamps if its mount was destroyed.
But it is not recommended to be taken for cutting out the part of the riser, if earlier it was not recommended to be case with sewage and pipes. It is better to entrust it to professionals.