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Penaisal sheet. The use of foamizol. Penosol is very convenient, it can be used almost everywhere. Comparison with PPU: What is better

There are products with a cellular structure in the building materials market, an example is foaming. With their own hands, not only professionals are created from the primary materials, but also ordinary people who have a certain experience. This is inexpensive raw materials involving the use of simple equipment. For this reason, the indicated insulation has a low cost.

Features and description of the material

The material is a modified foam. The main characteristics of it are:

  • resistance before the effect of fire;
  • good thermal insulation characteristics;
  • installation by spraying.
Foamizole has good resistance before exposure to fire

The basis is the three components. This is orthophosphoric acid, carbamide resin and substance with foaming properties. These ingredients are mixed in the exact proportion and lay the device. A mixture resembling jelly is formed. It has a white shade. Under the influence of compressed air, it is moving outwards. She is:

  • fills any space;
  • provides tightness;
  • forms a lush foam after the frozen.

For hardening, several stages are required. After applying, the composition is slowly grasps. It takes about 15 minutes. After 3 hours, the foam becomes a little solid. But this is not enough to fulfill its functions. The final type of material takes 3 days after 3 days.

In the finished form, not solid, but liquid foamizole is formed. With your own hands, it is trying to make some homemade craftsmen, as it has good technical characteristics and is considered uncomplicated in the manufacture. The material of the elastic, after any mechanical effects easily restores the form. It has up to 90% air. Externally, it resembles a polystyrene foam, but differs from it a small structure of cells.

The improved properties of foamizol provided him with popularity in the field of insulation of private houses. It finds use in thermal insulation of complex structures, inter-storey floors and gender.

Key varieties

There are various types of carbamide foam. All of them are suitable for the thermal insulation of buildings.

Penosol can be used in thermal insulation of complex structures, inter-storey floors and gender.

Main types:

  1. Liquid foamizole. Got the greatest distribution. It can be prepared directly at the construction site, because it is very convenient. The material is used for thermal insulation of various structures, as well as to repair. Foam is poured into a closed space to form additional sound insulation in frame buildings. If we are talking about repair work, foamizol in liquid form is used to fill cracks and gaps.
  2. Granulated foamsole. It has several names: foamy crumb, fierce. It is produced in the form of elastic granules. During the manufacture, the polymer is crushed on a fraction of up to 15 mm. The volume of the finished material after grinding increases by twice as compared with the initial amount. This is a good option for saving on the installation. Granulated foosen is used to fill the cavity between the walls, for laying on the floor.
  3. Sheet foamsole. The material in liquid form is poured into a special form. After cooling it, it is cut on special machines or just with hands until the thickness is impressed. After that, dried, carry out mechanical processing. The product is used to insulate buildings under construction. Installation is carried out by dowels from the outside of the walls. From above stacked with decorative panels or siding. In addition, the plates are laid between lags on the floor.

Read more about the production of foamizol:

Penosol may have different density depending on the manufacturer's company. It vary from 6 to 35 kg per cubic meter.

Technical indicators

Compared with traditional insulation, foamizol has many advantages. The main characteristics worthy of attention can be attributed:

  1. Thermal conductivity. The only low indicator is 0.041 W / m / k. To ensure good indicators, it is enough to lay a layer with a thickness of 10 cm.
  2. Soundproofing. Noise absorption is at a very worthy level. It is approximately 65%.
  3. Fire resistance. A combustion group to which foamizol refers is denoted as M-1. The category of flammability is in H-2. This indicates that when exposed to fire, it does not melt. Upon reaching high temperatures, the material will begin to evaporate, and toxic substances will not be produced. Subject to open fire is formed 10 times less smoke compared to foam.
  4. Stability to chemical components. The insulation does not respond to aggressive environments. This primarily concerns solvents of organic origin.
  5. Resistance before humidity. Penosop is distinguished by the property to absorb moisture well, but it gives it equal success. The characteristics of the material do not suffer. He is able to choose to 1/5 moisture. In the future, the foams evaporates it. To prevent the formation of mold on the wall, the ventilation gap is equipped. The heat insulator absorbs approximately 20% of moisture throughout the day.
  6. Parry permeability. The underlisted insulation is hygroscopic, and therefore provides an opportunity to breathe walls. Air freely circulates in the thickness of the design.

Penosol has good vapor permeability, which allows the walls to breathe

From the remaining characteristics you can select bowstability. This means that foamizol is not afraid of fungus, pathogenic microflora, as well as home rodents. The material is soft, so adjacent to any uneven surfaces closely. He fills any gaps. With a linear deformation in a 9% compression on strength is 0.5 kg per square centimeter.

Penaisol began to produce relatively recently, so it is possible to talk about its durability. It appeared on the market he is only 50 years ago. But manufacturers claim that it is capable of listening to 30 years. Ecology is another advantage, since toxic compounds are not distinguished during installation or during operation.

Video on how to make a foam generator:

Cons of the product

The main disadvantage of foamizol is that it gives precipitation within 0.1-5%. These indicators are better at the material that is between the walls under some pressure. To other minuses can be found:

  1. Low tensile strength. It is quite easy to break.
  2. Increased moisture absorption. In some situations, this is a significant drawback. Such a feature does not allow this type of foam in the underground part of the foundation and with the arrangement of the screed. It is necessary to lay additional waterproofing.
  3. The need to apply special equipment. This is true for liquid foam forms.
  4. Installation requirements. It should be above + 5 ° C. High-quality foam will only be compliance with this requirement. In addition, the liquid carbamide type of foam can highlight phenol formaldehyde during the styling process. This is possible if there is a low-quality resin in its composition.

Criteria for selecting and buying equipment

In most cases, liquid foams are chosen if it comes to domestic use. Apply it using special equipment. It can be rented to save.

To apply foamizol, a special installation is required; it can be rented in order to save

For the production of foamizol, with their own hands at home, it will be necessary to equip the installation. It is possible to equip it from the girlfriend. You will need another compressor, forms for finished products, and additional equipment for lighting and ventilation. Budget installation options suggest a combination:

  • gas-liquid equipment;
  • supply hose;
  • set of cranes;
  • plastic barrels;
  • compressor.

Carbamide resins and catalyst are mixed in the installation. Place them there with a pump. There is a compressed air. Main attention should be paid to buying a pump, as it plays the role of a key element in production. Especially important errors in dosage. The vortex or plunger pump is the most profitable and efficient option. But in any case, it is impossible to make extraneous particles inwards, as it will spoil the whole process.

Read more about liquid foam:

List of materials and manufacturing technology

Penosol is made of foamed carbamide resin. Its production is characterized by efficiency, affordable price and speed of work. For its manufacture, you will need:

  • polymer resin;
  • foaming agent;
  • hardener;
  • specially cooked water.

There are several methods for manufacturing foamizol, according to which sheets and mats are produced. Pour the raw materials right on the spot where work on insulation is carried out. If the radius of fill equipment is large, the process of manufacturing materials becomes effective.

You can take gas-liquid installations that have ease of use and low cost. For the production of the insulation, installation of type and foam 2000 is suitable. The first is characterized by the original dosage system. There is a second generation system with an increased radius of action.

For the production of foamizol, you will need a special gas-liquid installation.

Comparison with polyurethane foam

These two material often compare in terms of financial gain and technical characteristics. In the first place of importance is safety of use. Manufacturers declare that Penosol neutral is safe for humans and animals. But at the same time, in a number of Canada and America there is a law, according to which the carbamide foam is prohibited for construction. It is considered the source of potential hazard to health.

This situation is also observed in some European states. This is explained by the release of formaldehyde during the polymerization of liquid foam. It is possible to reduce the likelihood of adverse effects using vapor barrier on the inside of the wall.

As for the polyurethane foam, there are no prohibitions in any country in the world. He has all the necessary quality and security certificates.

In terms of water absorption, polyurethane foam minimal indicators, since the structure is porous, closed. It retains heat well and equipped with corrosion protection, mold and fungus. The appearance of condensate is excluded here. Despite the positive properties of foamosole, excessive humidity can lead to its destruction. You can avoid this if you build moisture insulation.

Severe humidity can lead to the destruction of foamizol

By strength and physico-mechanical properties, foamizol is also a bit inferior. It is stable before mechanical exposure, but according to this indicator it is still ahead of polyurethane foam. For the price of the carbamide foam, the amount of cheaper polyurethane foam.

Use in winter

Work in winter is difficult, as problems are created due to low air temperatures. This factor adversely affects the structural composition of foamizol. Approximately 50% resin consists of water. For this reason, the viscosity of the material increases. Despite all these adverse moments, it is possible to pour foamizol under certain conditions. Its components must be stored in a warm room at temperatures not less than + 15 ° C, for example in the garage.

The installation is also necessary to be placed in heat. You can set the most cheap tourist tent for this. Materials must be compact, close the layer of polyethylene film, then install the fan heater. Before starting work, it is necessary to heat the solution to + 40 ° C, and the resin - up to + 20 ° C. This uses a conventional boiler.

Read more about Penozol with their own hands:

If all these rules are met, it is possible to obtain foamizol, no different from the material mounted under normal conditions. It is unacceptable to keep it at temperatures below + 15 ° C, as it does not dry well. The moisture contained in it will freeze. It will only be fulfilled with its role in the heat insulator only with the onset of spring. Moisture, not frozen in the spring, evaporates by itself. Dry foam will remain unchanged.

The mid-90s of the last century was a turning point for the building materials market. Practical and low-cost types of thermal insulation, such as minvat, glass gamble, cellulose-based heaters began to appear. These materials attract the attention of buyers affordable price and relatively good characteristics.

However, there are significant disadvantages. In particular, these are quite overall materials, and the thickness of the insulation plate "grows" the inner space of the room. In addition, such thermal insulation can dry and paint, which invariably leads to heat loss. Of course, Minvata and today is considered one of the popular thermal insulation materials.

However, this is caused by no high efficiency, but a democratic price. If there is a need for truly high-quality thermal insulation of the premises, the construction uses foamizole. This is a liquid insulation that is rapidly gaining popularity in our country.

What is this thermal insulation material?

Let's start with definitions. The name "Penosole" is a trademark of the insulation, created on the basis of urea resins. The material is in high demand, so it became the name of the nominal, uniting such names:





However, in the environment of professional builders, the insulation is more known as the liquid or foam foam.

In appearance, thermal insulation resembles a marshmallow, which, after frozen, turns into an elastic mass, is guaranteed filling all emptiness.

The composition of the insulation includes such components:

    Carbamide resin.

    Orthophosphoric acid

    Foaming additives

The ingredients are mixed in certain proportions and pumped into special cylinders, where the mixture is under pressure.

Technical characteristics of carbamy formaldehyde foam (CFP)

It is believed that according to the declared operational qualities, Penosole is superior to any insulation existing in the domestic market. The main characteristics of thermal insulation look like this:

    Heat efficiency. The thermal conductivity of the insulation varies within 0.031-0.041 W / m on the Kelvin scale. Just pour liquid foam layer in 10 cmTo ensure internal premises reliable isolation.

    Soundproofing. Penosole absorbs up to 65% Street noise, which is considered a very good indicator.

    Foreign safety. The material does not ignite and does not support burning. However, when exposed to high temperatures, the insulation will simply evaporate without selecting the poisoning substances into the air.

    Dependence on chemical and biological factors. Insulation neutral to any aggressive environment. In addition, the insulation does not represent interest for rodents, resistant to pathogenic microflora: fungus, mold.

    Moisture resistance. The material absorbs moisture well, but subsequently evaporates it without loss of initial properties. Given this feature, it is recommended to equip ventilation gaps to prevent the appearance of mold on the walls.

    Strength. Indicators of linear compression of the insulation make up 0.07-0.5 kg / cm2. Accordingly, the material is well held by the form, quickly restores the structure.

Manufacturers assure that thermal insulation can serve 30-50 years old Without loss of quality. However, the insulation appeared on the market relatively recently, so there is no confirmation of such an impressive service life.

Advantages and disadvantages of frozen thermoplane

The popularity of foamizol originated not from scratch. Among the indisputable advantages of the insulation, such features can be distinguished:

    High technical properties - Even a layer of insulation in 45 mmCreated to prevent heat loss.

    Elastic structure allows you to recover before the initial state even after a long compression.

    Neutrality to any external influences - sharp temperature differences do not affect the quality of the insulation.

    Excellent adhesion - Due to the liquid structure, thermal insulation is well connected with any surfaces, fills all emptiness.

    Multifunctionality - The insulation is suitable for any designs, regardless of geometric shapes.

    Parp permeability - When using foamizool, the walls are not formed condensate, which is very useful for wooden structures.

In addition, the liquid foam does not form a cold bridges.

Of course, it did not cost without flaws. The weak parties of the insulation are considered:

    Shrinkage - after filling the volume of the material can be reduced 0.1-5%.

    Moisture-absorption - If we are talking about the insulation of the foundation, this parameter can be regarded as a disadvantage.

    Temperature dependence - working with foamsol only at air temperature above +5 degrees.

    Low tensile strength - Despite the elastic structure, the insulation is easily breaking and skeins, which violates thermal insulation.

The disadvantages include high cost. Curious, but the price of the insulation does not exceed the cost of minvati and other thermal insulation materials. However, for filling of liquid foam, special equipment is required, which is not served by private developers.

Therefore, the equipment has to be leased, or hire builders brigade, which "weights" the total cost of work.

Independent feedback from construction forums

To understand the real effectiveness of the insulation, you should not unconditionally trust the words of sellers and manufacturers. It will be much more efficient to refer to the reviews of real people who have already used the subject of our conversation for insulation. Immediately note that the opinions about the properties of liquid thermal insulation are separated.

Not bad, but a small nuance arose. Alexander (

Penosop is an excellent alternative to any kind of modern insulation. The price is quite acceptable, the mice do not miserably, the stated characteristics are at a high level. However, with practical use, a small disadvantage was floating: with the insulation of wooden walls, unfilled areas remained.

Advised friends. The house has a comfortable microclimate. Ildar (

Decided to insulate the walls by foaming about 5 years Back: outer wall from block and brick. Between the masonry left 6-7 centimeters free space. Flakes, Minvata did not give the expected result: the wall began to mold, it was pretty cool in the rooms.

Friends advised Penosole. When the brigade worked, it was heard and seen how the insulation fills the interconnect space, appearing from the gaps. Now in the house at any time of the year there is a comfortable microclimate.

There are no complaints, but problems arose in the fill process. Mikhail (

It is definite that seamless insulation has indisputable advantages. There are no complaints to the quality of insulation, however, a network connection is required for the equipment. 380 B.. I had no such possibility that caused some difficulties in the process of fill.

I do not like toxic smell. Konstantin (

After the fill, the foamizol significantly decreased in the amount, which already reduces the quality of thermal insulation. In addition, the material has an unpleasant and explicit toxic smell. They said that the composition includes formaldehyde, from the use of which has long been abandoned in European countries. The house insulated recently, so I can't say anything about the properties of the material, however, the doubts about the correctness of the choice are already tormented.

The price of works bite. Eduard (

Personally, it suits me that foamizol will not spin mice, the insulation accurately fills any gaps, provides reliable heat and sound insulation. Did not like the fragility of the material, exposure to the deformation. Yes, and the total price of work is bit bitten.

So that foamizol fully justified the hopes assigned to him, it is necessary to strictly observe the fill technology. If you first encounter liquid thermal insulation, it is better to immediately contact the specialists who can qualitatively perform work.

Wall insulation is performed according to such a scheme:

    In the wall structures, holes are drilled, where the foams are injected through the casting sleeves.

    Install the protective facade of methockrofil, leaving the gap between the wall and metal 5-10 cm.

    Fill free space insulation.

    Like 4 hoursSo that the material is grabbed, cut off the excess of the insulation, proceed to the finish finish.

Warming roof:

    The surface intended for insulation is closed with a film that should enter the attic walls on 10-15 cm.

    Fix membrane with brackets.

    Top of the films are stuffed by rail.

    The space between the rails is filled with insulation.

    Like 15-20 minutesSo that the insulation becomes viscous, perform surface alignment.

    Through 4 hours You can proceed to further work.

Floor insulation:

    Installation of a wooden lamb.

    All sections are filled with insulation.

    When the material freezes, the polyethylene film is placed on top.

    Perform an finish finish: put the boards or poured concrete.

In principle, work with foamsol is practically no different from the installation of other types of insulation.

Consumption rates of insulating material on 1m2

Planning the budget for construction, you need to accurately determine the amount of material. To determine the amount of liquid insulation, which will be needed for isolation of the entire building, it is necessary to know the foam flow rate standards per square meter.

According to the manufacturers, the flow rate of liquid foam on 1m2. varies within 1-1.3 l.

To calculate the required amount of material, you need to multiply the length and width of the wall to the cost-stated expenditure rate. For example: 7 * 3.2 * 1,3 \u003d 29.12 l. At the same time, the final amount of thermal insulation should be taken with a slight margin, in the calculation of unforeseen situations.

Producers of carbamide foam on the territory of the Russian Federation

Many companies in Russia and Europe are engaged in the production of foamizol. However, to buy high-quality material, it is necessary to accommodively approach the manufacturer's selection. Therefore, we advise you to pay attention to the products of such companies:

    "New building technologies". The company is based in 1990., specializes in the production of heat insulation, fiberglass, fibrobeton. To date, this is one of the main suppliers of foamizol in the Russian market. By the way, the right to use this trademark belong to this company.

    "Varmal Ltd". This is a British company engaged in the production of liquid insulation Flotofum - the name of foamizol.

    Yuveis LLC. Russian company located in the city of Orenburg. The manufacturer has long been working on the market, so carefully monitors the quality of products.

In addition, buyers are positively responding about products. LLC "PROTEPLO", OOO "Penosol-Omsk", CJSC "Murmansk Universal Plant".

Trade marks

On the territory of Russia, the "carbamy-formaldehyde foam" material is also known as the "carbamide foam" and under the trademarks "Penosole", "Unior", Mijor, MettemPlast. The right to use the Penosole trademark is owned by NPF "NST".

Abroad, carbamy-formaldehyde foam is also available under various trademarks: in England - Flotofum (Varmal LTD), in Japan - ISTOP, Germany - Aminoterm, Czech Republic - Mofhoterm, Switzerland - Izoshaum, in Denmark and Canada - Insulsprey, France - Islee, in the US, acrolithfoam and dinafoam, in Poland Isopian and plastsoye. English-speaking material name - Urea-Formaldehyde Foam Insulation (UFFI) or just Urea-Formaldehyde Foam.

Physical properties

The material has a low thermal conductivity, low volumetric density. In many aspects, we compare with conventional foam (expanded polystyrene). The material is similar to the usual foam and in appearance - white fine material, without major air bubbles, not smelling, elastic (with a minor deformation regenerating initial shape). If the material is carried out by fingers, then only damaged bubbles are creepy. Material racks to the action of microorganisms and rodents.

The ability to fill the carbamide foam directly on the construction site makes it unique, because None of other materials with comparable heat-insulating capacity is fluent. One should only provide strict adherence to technology - use high-quality components and produce pouring at a temperature not lower than +10 degrees.

If necessary, foaming in liquid state can be poured into the hollow profiles of three-layer enclosing structures, where it is polymerized and dries under normal conditions. According to the manufacturer, in structures filled with foaming, even if there are cracks in the outer wall, the risk of penetration of moisture into the room is excluded. However, this statement is doubtful, since due to those that the carbamy-formaldehyde foam at elevated humidity is quickly destroyed, the carbamy-formaldehyde foam should be protected from wetting.

penizol fill

Other appliances of material:

  • thermal insulation of outdoor fences of various types;
  • insulation of various wallpapers including combined (consisting of various materials);
  • as a heat insulating layer in three-layer brick walls;
  • in the form of filling in reinforced concrete wall panels;
  • noise-insulating and noise absorbing coatings
  • insulation in layered panels from precast structures;


The information below is shown by the manufacturer and not checked by independent tests:

The time of reliable exploitation of foamizol as a non-vacant middle layer of three-layer structures of buildings and structures with any changes in operating conditions within the study range (temperature from 0 ° C to plus 30 ° C and a relative humidity of 75% at a temperature plus 40 ° C) is not limited.

Based on the experimental data obtained in durability tests, and the experience of the operation of similar polymeric materials in civil engineering can be assumed that the predicted service life of foamizol for vertical structures of structures will be at least 50 years.

This information can only be considered as an advertising statement.


It is manufactured by an industivity and without heat treatment by foaming the foaming and curing agent.

In the foam generator with a compressed air, felt in excess, the subsequent mixing of it in the mixer with a pre-dispersed polymer resin. It is also recommended to add modifiers that improve the physicomechanical characteristics of foamizol. Cheap deficiency components are used as the feedstock. By mixing in the desired proportion of the foaming agent and the hardener, a finished foaming solution is obtained. After that, a container with a foaming solution, a resin, water for washing is connected to a gas-liquid installation (GU). After that, the air compressor is attached to the installation. Then, in the installation there is mixing of components with their subsequent foaming, under the action of compressed air. Through the outlet hose, a finished solution is supplied in the form of a liquid foam. The foamed mass is poured into a form where it hardens for 3-4 hours. After that, the form is revealed and the concealed mass is cut into the plates of the required dimensions. Easily cuts without heating with a knife, string, wire. Then the plates are dried in vivo for 1-3 days. After that, the insulation is ready for use.

As mentioned above, not yet hardened foamizol has a sufficiently high fluidity, which makes it possible to pour it directly into the air cavities left in the brickwork during construction. This property makes it indispensable for the thermal insulation of already constructed buildings (with air cavity), since the foamizol is the only thermal insulation material with the properties necessary for this. In contrast to polyurethane foam - foamizol does not increase in volume (the first is simply played by the wall), as well as several times cheaper.

With this material, lightweight structures are further developed.


A significant disadvantage of carbamide foams is their relatively high water absorption (up to 18-20% by weight). To solve this problem, a number of silicon hydrophobizers can be used to reduce the finishing processing of products from carbamide foams to reduce the amount of water absorption to 4-5%. Processing technology is simple and does not significantly increase the cost of production. But this method of solving the problem is not applicable to the material poured from the liquid form.

The carbamide foam is destroyed in excessive humidity with the separation of urea and formaldehyde, so thermal insulation from it should be protected from wetting.


According to the statements of Russian manufacturers, foamizol is completely environmentally safe, it passed a lot of different tests and certifications - which confirm the high operational properties of this material and its environmental safety. However, in a number of US and Canada, the use of carbamide foam (UFFI) as the heat insulator is prohibited by law as potentially dangerous to health. The initial federal ban on the carbamide foam in the United States later was decided not to extend, since "formaldehyde houses" quickly acquired a bad reputation, and therefore the carbamide foam and so cease to actively apply in the United States in housing construction, and the problem has lost its initial relevance.

In some European countries, for example, in the UK, the use of carbamide foam is allowed for thermal insulation subject to strict safety rules for toxic construction materials. Violation of the technology of material use, especially when pouring foam in the cavity between the inner and outer brick walls of the structure, can lead to a sharply negative result. The cause of potential hazards is an excess formaldehyde, released during the polymerization of carbamide-formaldehyde foam. Formaldehyde may cause irritation and allergies to people sensitive to him, besides, he was suspected of carcinogenicity. However, the carcinogenicity of the carbamide foam of the concentrations of formaldehyde vapor concentrations of formaldehyde is chained by a number of scientists challenges as unproved.

The risks associated with the release of formaldehyde in the pouring of the carbamide-formaldehyde foam between the walls can be reduced by the use of vapor barrier on the inside of the wall - excess formaldehyde will be weathered into the surrounding space, not penetrating the room.

Obviously key conditions for reducing the amount of formaldehyde carbamide foaming allocated during curing and the risks associated with it are the use of high-quality materials with modern modifiers and careful compliance with the fill technology. The cheapness of equipment for the fill of the carbamide foam and the initial components led to the emergence of a large number of small contractors, offering services for the fill of the carbamide foam in the intereth intervals of houses, which, however, can not always ensure the quality of work. Therefore, the consumer who decided to take advantage of this technology should be carefully referred to the choice of contractor - it is very difficult to remove poor-quality foam after filling.

The insulation of foamizol (carbamide formaldehyde foam, it is Mettemptist) - this is a building material made on the basis of formaldehyde and carbamide. In essence, it is a foam, but the technology of its manufacture is completely different and characteristics of foamizol as insulation differ from those that are inherent in foam.

Characteristics and features of foamizole

The technical process of insulation by foamizol is attractive in that the thermal insulator is performed directly on the object. The initial type of foamizol is liquid foam (liquid foam) flooding under high pressure into insulated opening.

Foam fills all cavities, freezes, and it turns out a great insulation. Such technology is quite practical and economical, and the insulation itself is relatively inexpensive.

The procedure for manufacturing consists in mixing carbamide substances with water and hardeners. Then the polymerization process (frozen) occurs. As a result, the insulation of foamizol resembles fine foam.

Thermoactive resins used in the manufacture, reaching a solid state, are not able to turn into a liquid mass again, which indicates the impossibility of melting the thermal insulator.

Penosole, whose characteristics are unique in its own way, is able to maintain the primordial structure even at a temperature of above 100 ° C.

  • Density - 5-75 kg / m3;
  • Television - 0.028-0.047 W / m ∙ K;
  • The tensile strength at a 10% linear deformation is 0.07-0.5 kg / cm 2;
  • Bending tensile strength - 0.10-0.25 kg / cm 2;
  • Tensile strength - 0.05-0.08 kg / cm 2;
  • Water absorption by weight - 10.5-20.0% in 24 hours;
  • Mass humidity - 5.0-20.0%;
  • Use temperature -50 / + 120 ° C;
  • Operational period - 30 years.

In addition to the liquid form, there is a leaf foam, as well as in the form of crushed crumbs. Crushed is implemented in packages, and its use is comparable to liquid, since the granules are perfectly fill in the most hard-to-reach places.

Sheet Penosol found its use in thermal insulation predominantly level bases - walls, floors, floors and roofs.

Provides good warmth and noise insulation. In terms of its characteristics, 60 mm of foamizol is equated with a wall of a wheel with a thickness of 350 mm, a brickwork 800 mm or 130 mm mineral wool.

If we insulate with a liquid foam wall with a thickness of only 100 mm, then in the room will noticeably become warmer, and therefore it will be a good opportunity to reduce the cost of heating the structure.

Warming with liquid foam does not have a negative impact - it is environmentally friendly.

Both sheet and crushed and liquid foaming on flammability, smoke and toxicity obtained groups G1, D1 and T1, respectively, that is, the thermal insulator is considered non-combustible, non-forming and non-toxic.

The flammability group B2 speaks of moderate flammability. When the ambient temperature reaches over 130 ° C, the carbamide foam not only does not light up, but not melted. In this case, it will be characteristic of evaporated, without highlighting any toxic chemicals.

At least, insulation with foamizol cannot be counted for 100% waterproof methods of thermal insulation, but absorbing moisture well, it is able to "return" it without negative consequences.

With this, he surpasses insulation in the form of watts - once grunting, they can no longer restore the previous form, the result of which is the loss of technical qualities. The only thing to envisage is a ventilation gap that provides ventilation.

The vapor permeability of the mettemptlast is also at the height, this property will avoid the formation of mold. Not only fungal formations, but also pests, as well as chemically aggressive substances and organic solvents are not afraid of liquid foosen.

An unlimited operating time, which was established through experienced research on the duration of operation - another advantage.

Characteristics of foamizol as insulation talk about a useful service life, calculated by the 30th year. However, it can serve and twicear - about 50-60 years, without losing its elasticity and elasticity.

As such deficiencies in the carbamide foam no. The only nuance is acquired by poor-quality methemptast, manufactured with a violation of technology (in particular, the use of cheap poor-quality carbamide resin), there is a risk of excretion of sharp smelling toxic substances.

Thus, the main misfortune with which the buyer may face, the unfinished manufacturer is considered to be, using low-quality raw materials in combination with an incorrect manufacturing process.

It is also worth emphasizing that all the same minor toxicity of the thermal insulator is observed, but only in the first seconds, that is, during the polymerization of the mass.

Chemical smell occurs due to evaporation of formaldehyde substances. After hardening, he does not have to highlight formaldehyde.

A comparative analysis of foamizol with other popular insulation showed that the insulation of Penosol is not inferior to them at all, and according to some characteristics, it even exceeds the now popular mineral wool and foam, also referred to as expanded by polystyrene foam.

IndicatorHeater PenosopStyrofoamMinvata.
The value of thermal conductivity0.028-0.047 W / m ∙ to≥0.04 W / m ∙ to≥0.08 W / m ∙ to
A combustion groupG1 (non-combustible)G3-G4 (high flammability)G1.
Bulk density8-25 kg40 kg and above80 kg and above
Sound absorption65% 45% 40%
Water absorption in 24 hours, by weight10,5% 1,5-3,5% 70%
Operating temperature-80 / + 120 ° С-60 / + 60 ° С-180 / + 400 ° С
Durability70 years and aboveUp to 50 yearsUp to 25 years old

Warming Penosol

The quality of the insulation itself directly depends not only on the quality of the initial material, but is determined by both the exact execution of the technological process. And it depends on the experience of builders.

The first stage of using the heat insulator is to apply it in the form of a liquid foam, similar to a thick foam. The filling of space occurs due to the presence of air pressure.

Due to the high pressure, foamizol fills all the joints and slots of the surface. After polymerization occurs, foamizol gets the shape of a light insulation.

Warming with foamizol will save significantly on the cost of heating at home. After 3 years, all warning costs will be fully accumulated by saving funds.

Possible to fill under wooden and glot walls, in the case when the wall thickness is at least 7 cm. Since an aggregate of pressure up to 6 atm is used during spraying (fill)., Thin walls will not be able to withstand it.

If you set a smaller pressure, then the risk of cold bridges, scattering the insulation and its insufficient dispersal, which is significantly reduced by the energy efficiency and the properties of thermal insulation.

Characteristics of foamizol as the insulation correspond to all gestures and slopes. With competent observance of insulation technologies and the use of only high-quality foaming, this thermal insulation is better in quality, cost, operation duration, and thermal conductivity.

Characteristics of foamizol as insulation, video

In the conditions of constant growth of prices for the heating of premises, it is necessary to resort to measures to save - reduce heat loss at the expense of additional insulation of the house.

Polyfoam, glass gamble and foaming can be used as thermal insulation materials. The most versatile and possessing a few advantages insulation - foamizol or modified foam, which can be used for thermal insulation of different designs of the house, industrial and agricultural structures.

The composition of foamizol and the form of its use

Externally, foamizol resembles a marshmallow or grazing. The process of manufacturing foamizol is quite simple, does not require any preliminary preparation and large cash investments.

Carbomid resin is laid in the bulk container (one of the species), acid is added to it and the foaming substance. When preparing a solution, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the formulation (ratio of components). After stirring, the solution is poured the device to which compressed air is supplied. This allows you to achieve the formation of a lush, air foam, which will be used as a heater.

In fact, the output is the material, similar to the foam, only semi-liquid. Foam is served from the sleeve of the device and hermetically fills all the available gaps, insulating the construction of the building.

10-15 minutes after exiting the hose, the initial curing of foamizol occurs, and after 4-5 hours, the material acquires elasticity. Complete hardening occurs in two or three days and the foamizol is fully starting to perform its functions (heat and sound insulation).

Penosol can be used in three forms:

  • liquid shape (filling of foamizole);
  • leaf foamizole (produced in mats and sheets);
  • penosole in the form of crumbling crumbs.

Liquid foamizol is considered one of the popular and efficient materials used in construction. Its use allows to significantly reduce the time to carry out insulation and ensure thermal insulation even the most hard-to-reach places in the construction.

Penaisal sheet is used for thermal insulation of smooth surfaces: floor, roofs, walls, overlap. It is often used when building 1-2 storey structures: cottage houses, garages, venues and boxes.

Crushed foosen, comes in packages and can fill out emptiness between panel walls, as well as liquid foamizole.

Penosole: characteristics, operational properties and dignity of material

Consider the main technical characteristics of foamsol, on the basis of which it will be possible to describe the operational properties of the heat-insulating material.

Characteristics of foamizol:

  • resistant to temperature fluctuations (withstands from -50 to +120 degrees);
  • thermal conductivity of foamizol - 0.035-0.041 (W / m) * C;
  • the density of the material within - 8-25 kg / m. cube
  • water absorption per day - about 15%;
  • mass humidity - about 10%;
  • smoke-forming ability - low (160 GK / mq);
  • moderately flammable material;
  • tensile and compression tensile strength - 0.05-0.08 kg / cm.

Penosole, has the following properties that affect its operation:

Additional advantages of using foamizol in construction can be considered:

Disadvantages of foamizole and nuances to use it

The disadvantages of foamizol can be attributed:

Penosole - Universal Heat Insulator

Application of foamiza in house insulation

The launching sphere of using foamizol is insulation of building structures. The versatility of the material is that it can be used to insulate any elements of the structure at any stage of construction.

For insulation of the house, any form of application of foamizol can be used: in crushed or sheet form, as well as on the fill technology.

Let us give a list of the main objects of insulation by foamizol:

As you can see, the list is wide enough, which indicates the demandingness and popularity of the insulation of houses by Peniazole. Feedback from people who experienced the properties of foamizol are mainly positive, and often depend on the professionalism of workers who performed insulation.

Use of foamizol in industry and agriculture

In addition to the insulation of residential buildings, foamizol is used for thermal insulation of industrial and agricultural objects.

This material provides insulation of the following industrial structures:

  • industrial premises (warehouses, hangars, boxes and hinged sites);

  • insulation of individual elements of structures of structures (farms, beams, roofing, columns);
  • insulation of team-collapsible structures;
  • thermal insulation of industrial, household refrigeration plants;
  • soundproofing vehicles;
  • thermal insulation of equipment, drying chambers, heat exchangers, containers;
  • in the arrangement of sound-forming ceilings capable of reduced production noise;
  • thermal insulation of pipes, vegetable stores, wagons, tanks, air ducts and cooling systems;

  • as a thermal insulation coating that protects construction, mountain careers and trenches from seasonal freezing;
  • thermal insulation of boilers, boilers, tanks.

In agriculture, foamizole is effectively used as shelter to preserve the Senge and Silo. Some use filling technology by foaming to protect the soil and bulk materials from the freezing. In beekeeping sheets of foamizol, hives are insulated for wintering.

And of course, with the help of foamizol, thermal insulation of the kelves and other economic buildings are carried out.

Experience of using foamizol abroad

In different countries of the world, Penosop has a different name and distinctive features of application. Due to its technological, it takes a worthy place among other high-quality thermal insulation materials.

In developed countries, it is the fill of souffled foamizol. In the Czech Republic, when building a multi-storey building, reinforced concrete plates are often used, the grid of which is covered with a mofotherm (the name of foamizol in the Czech Republic). After mounting the plate and shrinkage of the heat insulator, a cement screed is applied to the foam, which prevents the destruction of the insulation.

In Germany, the use of animaerma is popular (local name of foamizol) for the insulation of wooden houses. This is due to fireproof material.

In Holland, Penosop was distributed since 1974 and is used for insulation of hollow brick walls of buildings. Filling occurs by fill or finished plates.

Canadians are filled with foaming (foam insulprey) spatial reinforced concrete elements of mounted panels and hollow brick walls for the purpose of their thermal insulation and sound insulation. Such practice is observed in Poland, France and the Baltic countries.

In the US, foamizol is widely used in industry, namely, for thermal insulation of wagons and containers intended for storing liquid gases. In addition, special caps on equipment are created from foamizol, which absorb production noise.

In recent years, the tendency to use foamizol abroad and in Russia is growing. Such a dynamics is due to the appearance of modern equipment, allowing to apply foamizol qualitatively, as well as versatility and high performance characteristics of the material itself.