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Suggestions with could have done. Can - irregular verb

Modal verb can is one of the most used modal verbs in English language... It has the meaning of ability or ability, both physical and mental. It can be used to express a request, permission or prohibition, and likelihood or improbability.

For example:
I can ride a horse.
I AM I can to ride a horse. ( Expresses ability.)

We can stay with my brother when we are in Paris.
When we are in Paris, we Can stay with my brother. ( Expresses opportunity.)

She cannot stay out after 10 pm.
She can not walk after 10 pm. (Expresses prohibition.)

Can you hand me the stapler?
Not can pass me a stapler? ( Expresses a request.)

Any child can grow up to be president.
Any child maybe grow up and become president. ( Expresses the likelihood.)

Using the modal verb can in the present, past and future tenses

In most cases, the use of modal verbs in the past and future tense differs from other verbs. The table below shows use of a modal verb can in different situations.

Usage Affirmative forms
1. Present
2. Past
3. Future
Negative forms
1. Present
2. Past
3. Future
in the sense of ability in general
1. I can speak Chinese.
I AM I can to speak Chinese.

2. Changes to " could"
I could speak Chinese when I was a kid.
When I was a child I knew how to speak Chinese.

3. Changes to " be able to"
I will be able to speak Chinese by the time I finish my course.
When I finish my courses, I will be able to to speak Chinese.

1. I can "t speak Swahili.
I AM I do not know how speak Swahili.

2. Changes to " could"
I couldn "t speak Swahili.
I AM did not know how speak Swahili.

3. Changes to " be able to"
I won "t be able to speak Swahili.
I AM I can not speak Swahili.

be able to
in the meaning of ability for a specific time, event
1.With a burst of adrenaline, people can pick up cars.
During an adrenaline rush, a person maybe lift the car.

2. Changes to " be able to"
With a sudden burst of adrenaline, he was able to

3. Changes to " be able to"
With a sudden burst of adrenaline, he will be able to lift the car.
During an adrenaline rush, he will be able lift the car.

1. Even with a burst of adrenaline, people can "t pick up something that heavy.
Even during an adrenaline rush, people can not to lift such heavy things.

2. Changes to " could"
Even the weight lifter, couldn "t lift the car off the child "s leg.
Even a weightlifter could not lift the car from the feet of the child.

3. Changes to " be able to"
Even three men working together won "t be able to lift the car.
Even three men all together will not be able to lift the car.

be able to
in the sense of opportunity
1. I have some free time. I can help her now.
I have some free time, now I can help her.

2. Changes to " be able to"
I had some free time yesterday. I was able to help her at that time.
I had some free time yesterday and I smog help her.

3. I "ll have some free time tomorrow. I can help her then.
Tomorrow I will have some free time, and then I I can help her.

1. I don "t have any time. I can "t help her now.
I have no time at all. Now i I can not help her.

2. Changes to " be able to"
I didn "t have time yesterday. I wasn "t able to help her at that time.
Yesterday I had no time at all and I could not help her.

3. I won "t have any time later. I can "t help her then.
Later I will have no time at all and I I can not help her.

be able to
in the meaning of permission, permission
1. I can
I AM can(= me can

2. Changes to " be allowed to"
I was allowed to
Last week i could(= me it was possible

3. I can
On next week I am I can(= me it will be possible

1. I can "t drive Susan "s car when she is out of town.
I AM I can not(= me it is forbidden) Ride Susan's car while she's out of town.

2. Changes to " be allowed to"
I wasn "t allowed to drive Susan "s car while she was out of town last week.
Last week i could not(= me it was impossible) drive Susan's car while she was out of town.

3. I can "t drive Susan "s car while she is out of town next week.
Next week i I can not(= me it will not be possible) Ride Susan's car while she's out of town.

be allowed to, may
in the meaning of a request
Can I have a glass of water?
Can do I have a glass of water?

Can give me a lift to school?

Can "t I have a glass of water?
Is it me it is forbidden glass of water?

Can "t you give me a lift to school?
Are you can not give me a lift to school?

Requests are usually for the immediate future.

could, may
in the meaning of probability or not probability
Anyone can become rich and famous if they know the right people.
Any maybe become rich and famous if he has acquaintances for this.

Learning a language can be a real challenge.
Language learning maybe to be very difficult.

It can "t cost more than a dollar or two.
Can not be to make it worth more than a couple of dollars.

You can "t be 45! I thought you were about 18 years old.
You can not be 45 years old! I thought you were about 18.

Usually generalization or guesswork.


Sometimes a verb can can be used in negative and interrogative forms to express a low, doubtful probability, as well as annoyance and bewilderment, as, for example, in the last two sentences of the above table (It can "t cost more than a dollar or two. and you can "t be 45! I thought you were about 18 years old.)

For example:
Can he have gone?
Really he left? (= Can not be to make it go away.)

In the same cases, the modal verb could can be used, for example:

She can "t (= couldn "t) have said it.
She I could not say it. (= Can not be to have her say it.)

Also verbs can and could can be used with verbs of feeling and perception ( see, smell, taste, understand, feel, hear and others) to give a touch of effort in performing an action expressed by a semantic verb. When translated into Russian, the modal meaning is not emphasized.

For example:
Can you see that house?
See this house?

Can you hear that strange noise?
You hear this strange noise?

Modal verb could matters the likelihood or possibility in the past. It can be used to express requests and suggestions. Also the verb could often used in conditional sentences as a conditional verb can .

For example:
Extreme rain could cause the river to flood the city.
Due to heavy rains the river could flood the city. ( Expresses the likelihood.)

Nancy could ski like a pro by the age of 11.
By the age of 11, Nancy is already knew how ski like a pro. ( Expresses an opportunity in the past.)

You could see a movie or go out to dinner.
You we could watch a movie or go to lunch. ( Expresses a proposal.)

Could I use your computer to email my boss?
Could not do I use your computer to send an email to my boss? ( Expresses a request.)

We could go on the trip if I didn "t have to work this weekend.
We we could go somewhere if I didn't have to work this weekend. ( Conditional sentence.)

Using the modal verb could in the present, past and future tense

In most cases, the use of modal verbs in the past and future tense differs from other verbs. The table below shows use of a modal verb could in different situations.

Usage Affirmative forms
1. Present
2. Past
3. Future
Negative forms
1. Present
2. Past
3. Future
in the meaning of probability
1. John could
John could be the one who stole the money.

2. John could
John could be the one who stole the money.

3. John could go to jail for stealing the money.
John could go to jail for stealing money.

1. Mary couldn "t be the one who stole the money.
Mary I could not be the one who stole the money.

2. Mary couldn "t have been the one who stole the money.
Mary I could not be the one who stole the money.

3. Mary couldn "t possibly go to jail for the crime.
Mary could not go to jail for this crime.

might, may
in the meaning of the conditional form of the verb can
1. If I had more time, I could travel around the world.
could travel the world.

2. If I had had more time, I could
If I had more time, I could travel the world.

3. If I had more time this winter, I could travel around the world.
If I had more time this winter, I could travel the world.

1. Even if I had more time, I couldn "t travel around the world.
could not travel the world.

2. Even if I had had more time, I couldn "t have traveled around the world.
Even if I had more time, I could not travel the world.

3. Even if I had more time this winter, I couldn "t travel around the world.
Even if I had more time this winter, I could not travel the world.

in the sense of a sentence
1. There is no form of the present.

2. You could have spent your vacation in Hawaii.
You could spend your vacation in Hawaii.

3. You could spend your vacation in Hawaii.
You could spend your vacation in Hawaii.

There is no negative form.
in the meaning of ability in the past
I could run ten miles in my twenties.
I AM could run ten miles when I was twenty.

I could speak Chinese when I was a kid.
When I was a child I knew how to speak Chinese.

Verb could can not be used in affirmative sentences to describe a short-term or one-time ability, in which case be able to.
Yesterday, I could lift the couch by myself. ( Wrong)
Yesterday, I was able to lift the couch by myself. ( Right)
Yesterday I myself smog raise the sofa.

I couldn "t run more than a mile in my twenties.
I AM could not run more than a mile when I was in my twenties.

I couldn "t speak Swahili.
I AM did not know how speak Swahili.

Verb could maybe used in negative sentences to describe short-term or one-time ability.
Yesterday, I couldn "t lift the couch by myself. ( Right)
Yesterday I could not raise the sofa yourself.

be able to
in the sense of a polite request
Could I have something to drink?
Could not do i have something to drink?

Could I borrow your stapler?
May I (= let me) borrow your stapler?

Couldn "t he come with us?
Can't does he come with us?

Couldn "t you help me with this for just a second?
Couldn't can you help me with this?

Requests are usually for the immediate future.

can, may

Please note that in the meaning of the request:

- can has a neutral shade:

Can you help me?
Can you help me?

- could has a more polite connotation:

Could you help me?
Couldn't can you help me?

- may has a more formal connotation:

May I come in?
Allow to come in?

The verb can refers to a group of verbs that have certain characteristics.

In this article I will tell you: how such a group of verbs differs from the rest, in which cases we use can, consider the past form of this verb and learn how to build all kinds of sentences with it.

Features of the use of verbs expressing the speaker's attitude

Can refers to a group of verbs that express the speaker's personal attitude. For example: opportunity, desire, duty, necessity, readiness.

Such verbs have a number of features that distinguish them from other verbs of the English language:

1. They are independent verbs..

You don't need to use do, does, did, will, etc. with them to ask a question or build a negation. Not is added to them (in negation). And in questions they are put first in the sentence.

He does not can fly.
He cannot fly.

He cannot fly.
He cannot fly.

Does he can fly?
Can he fly?

Can he fly?
Can he fly?

2. After such verbs, the particle to is never put.

He can to fly.
He can fly.

He canfly.
He can fly.

3. These verbs do not change their ending, depending on the character

He cans fly.
He can fly.

He can fly.
He can fly.

Use of the verb can in English

The verb can translates as "I can". We use it when we talk about the present.

The verb can is used in the following situations:

1. When we talk about mental or physical ability
(I can swim, I can solve the equation)

I can dance.
I AM can dance.

Tony can run fast.
Tony maybe run fast.

2. When we ask permission to do something or ask about a request
(can I open the window, can I ask a question)

Can I look at this document?
Can do i take a look at this document?

Can she bring me coffee?
Maybe will she bring me coffee?

3. When we talk about being able to do something
(I can help you, I can bring this)

4. When we talk about the likelihood that something will happen
(he might be late, it might be hard)

Past tense verb can

The verb can has the past tense form could, which translates as "could".

Could is used in the following situations:

1. To express the ability or ability to do something in the past.
(could try, could play all day as a kid)

I could help.
I AM could help.

He could speak French.
He could speak French.

Pay attention e: Could is used in one more meaning, not in any way related to the past tense. It is used:

2. To ask permission or make a request in a more polite manner than can.
(could you close the window, could you bring me some water)

Could we sit?
Could would we sit down?

Could you call Tom?
Could would you call Tom?

Could you help me?
Could would you help me?

This form is very actively used in travel, when you ask strangers to suggest something or help you.

Affirmative sentences with the verb can / could

Affirmative sentences - when we assert something, that is, we say that someone can / could do something.

The verb can is itself independent, so it does not require any other auxiliaries. Also, do not forget that it does not change in any way depending on the character. The proposal education scheme will be as follows:

The one about whom in question+ can / could + action

We dance
They can / could swim
She cook

You can invite other people.
You can invite other people.

He could kiss her.
He could kiss her.

Negative sentences with the verb can / could

By using this verb in a negative sentence, we say that someone is something cannot / could not... In this case, we add the negative particle not to can. Formation scheme of the proposal:

The one in question + can / could + not + action

We dance
They can / could not swim
She cook

Note: Can with the particle not be written in one word, that is, we do not put a space between them: cannot.

She cannot stop crying.
She can not stop crying.

I could not go to the cinema.
I couldn't go to the movies.


When negating, we can use the following abbreviations:

can + not = can’t

could + not = couldn’t

I cant answer your question.
I AM I can not answer your question.

She couldnt leave a lesson.
She I could not leave the lesson.

Interrogative sentences with the verb can / could

To ask someone if they can do something, we need to be able to construct interrogative sentences. To ask the question, can we put it in the first place. Formation scheme of the proposal:

Can / could + the person in question + the action?

we dance?
Can / could they cook?
she swim?

Can we talk?
Can do we talk?

Could you explain this rule?
Could would you explain this rule to me?

When answering, you can use can / cannot:

Yes, I can.
Yes I can.

No, I cannot.
No I can not.

As well as other expressions that are suitable in meaning. For example:

Of course.
Of course.

Of course.

I think so.
I think yes.

I doubt it.
I doubt.

I'm afraid not.
I'm afraid not.

Interrogative sentences with qualifying words

To clarify any information of interest to us, we can use the following words when asking a question:

  • What - what
  • Where - where
  • Who - who
  • Which - what
  • Why - why
  • When - when

To build a question with these words, we put them first, the rest of the word order remains as in a normal question. Formation scheme of such a question:

Clarifying words + can / could + target + action?

What we write?
Where can / could they cook?
When she dance?

When can you call me?
When can you call me?

What could I tell him?
What could I tell him?

So, today we got acquainted with the verb can, which has certain peculiarities in its use. If you still have any questions, do not hesitate to ask them in the comments. Now is the time to move on to practice.

Assignment task

Translate the following sentences into English. Leave your answers in the comments under the article, and I will answer them.

1. Can you remind me to take an umbrella? Yes I can.
2. He could have warned you.
3. They cannot swim across this river.
4. Could you wait? Yes, I could wait.
5. She couldn't speak English.
6. Can your friends turn off the music? No, they can't turn off the music.
7. He can drive a car.
8. Can she sing a song?

Modal verb can(I can) and its shape could(could) is the most commonly used modal verb in English. We use it to show that we can, are able, capable of doing something. In this article, we will get acquainted with all the features of the modal verb. can (could).

The first thing to remember is after can or could another verb must go. After all by itself can does not inform about the action, but only shows our attitude towards it: "I can do some action." And after that "can I" must be added "can I do what?": can dance(I can dance) can sing(I can sing), etc.

And the second thing to remember, after can we do not put to: can speak English... We are used to the fact that two verbs in English should be related to each other using to: decide to drink coffee(decide to have a coffee) or offer to go for a walk(suggest going for a walk). But modal can works without to.

We noted that this modal verb has two forms: can and could... We use these forms with any subject, both singular and plural.

My friend can speak Japanese. - My friend can speak Japanese.

My friends can dance salsa. - My friends can dance salsa.

What's the difference between can and could? Can used when someone is currently able to do something, and could- when someone knew how to do something in the past, now, most likely, they no longer know how.

He can swim. - He knows how swim.

He could swim. - He knew how swim.

How to build a sentence with can (could)

In the table we will clearly show how to use can v different types proposals.

Subject Can/could Action Example
verb I can help you... - I can help you.
They could ride a bike... “They knew how to ride a bike.
cannot (can’t)
could not (couldn’t)
verb I cannot help you... - I can not help you.
They could not ride a bike... “They didn't know how to ride a bike.

And in the question, as expected, the word order will be slightly different.

Can/could Subject Action Example
verb Can I help you? - I can help you?
Could they ride a bike? - Did they know how to ride a bike?

Let's dwell on a few features of use can:

  • Can (could) is always between the subject and the predicate.
  • To ask questions, we will simply postpone can and could in the first place, nothing else needs to be added.
  • In negation, the particle not joins can (could), forming the form cannot (could not). In colloquial speech, we usually cannot reduce to can’t (couldn’t). By the way, cannot- this is the only modal that merges with the particle not when writing. Do you know how to pronounce correctly can’t: /kɑːnt/ or / kænt/? There is a British pronunciation - / /. And teacher Ronnie will teach you the American pronunciation in his video.

What does the modal verb can (could) mean?

The easiest way to understand the meaning can (could) by examples. We express with can:

  1. The mental or physical ability to do something.

    In this case can (could) is usually translated as "to be able", "to be able".

    I can’t speak to you now but I can call you in the evening. - I can't talk to you now, but I can call you tonight.

    He could speak French. - He could speak French.

    Can you drive a car? - Can you drive a car?

  2. Generally accepted statements
  3. We use can when we want to show that some statement is correct in most cases. Here we translate can how to "be able".

    The vacuum can frighten your cat. - The vacuum cleaner can scare your cat. (as a rule, cats are afraid of vacuum cleaners, but not all)

    In New York it can be difficult to rent an apartment. - It can be difficult to rent an apartment in New York.

    Flowers can grow faster if they get a lot of sunshine. - Flowers can grow faster if they receive a lot of sunlight.

    It should be noted that we are not using the form could to express this value.

  4. Permission, request, prohibition.

    There are several patterns here: a request is usually conveyed through a question, permission through an assertion, and a prohibition through denial. If we see a request or permission in a proposal, then we translate can the verb "to be able", the prohibition is most often translated by the word "no".

    - Can I take your car for the weekend? - Can I take your car for the weekend? (request)
    - Yes, you can. - Yes you can. (permission)
    - But you can’t exceed the speed limit. - But you can't exceed the speed. (ban)

    We can express a request with the help of can and could... Both options are often used in speech, only such requests differ in the degree of politeness. Let's take a look at some examples:

    Can you tell me where the nearest bus station is? - Can you tell me where the nearest bus stop is? (such treatment is more typical if you communicate with a person of your own age)

    Could you tell me where the nearest bus stop is? - Could you tell me where the nearest bus stop is? (this is a more polite question, more often the British will use this option in order to be as polite and courteous as possible in a conversation)

    With help can we can not only ask permission, but also propose something ourselves. For this we use a question form.

    Can I offer you a cup of tea? - May I offer you a cup of tea?

    Can I help you choose a dress for the party? - Can I help you choose a dress for the party?

    Take a look interesting video from the teacher Alex, in which he, to the already known to us can and could, added a verb may.

    • And you can also learn about the features of the modal the verb may in the article "".
  5. Surprise, doubt, distrust.

    This function also has its own patterns: doubt and distrust are usually found in negative sentences, and surprise - in interrogative ones. The verb is translated can (could) in such cases, the words "really", "cannot be", "hardly", "do not believe", "possibly", "probably".

    Can these shoes cost so much money? - Do these shoes really cost that much? (astonishment)

    He can't work all day round. - It can't be that he works around the clock. (mistrust)

    Do you know that could Is the form of the past tense can... But if we want to express doubt in the past, then we use the form can't have.

    He can't have fallen asleep at the meeting. - It cannot be that he fell asleep during the meeting.

    They can’t have missed the last bus. “I can't believe they missed the last bus.

    If someone violated the prohibition or did not follow the advice, then you can reproach him for this using the same verb can... There is, however, one peculiarity: such proposals are constructed in the form of a negative question.

    Can’t you just stop telling silly jokes to the guests? - Can you just stop telling stupid jokes to the guests?

    Can't you get along with her friends? - Can't you communicate normally with her friends?

Expressions with the verb can (could)

Can (could) occurs in some well-established expressions. Here are some of the most common ones:

  1. Сan’t (couldn’t) but do something- there was nothing left but how.

    I couldn’t but agree with him. - I had no choice but to agree with him.

  2. Couldn’t help doing something- could not resist to; could not help but.

    I couldn’t help laughing. - I could not help laughing.

  3. Сan't stand something / somebody- I hate something / someone.

    I can't stand him. - I can't stand him.

To make sure the modal verb can (could) you remember well, take the test and keep our handy plate for yourself.

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Using the modal verb can (could)

To effectively learn and understand English at an intuitive level, understanding the rules for using English modal verbs is vital. However, it is not always easy to figure out all these subtleties on your own, so let's do it together. And we will start, perhaps, with the easiest to understand and assimilate modal verb - can.

The meaning of the verbCAN

We all know how important it is to express in words your skill or ability to do something. For this, there is a small and cute verb in English - can. It is with the help of it that you can tell your English-speaking interlocutors about your abilities and skills, and you can also ask permission to do something, make a request or offer.

Can or Could

Could is the originally past form of the verb can, which is used to express ability in the past, as well as in indirect speech. At the same time, in requests, inquiries, orders or proposals, it is customary to say - could, this is considered a more polite form of address. On the other hand, when you ask permission or permission, it is correct to say can.

Let's take a look at some examples.

In the meaning of being able to -ability (opportunity).

He can speak English very well - He can speak English very well.

When he was five he couldn’t swim, but he could rollerblade - When he was five years old he couldn’t swim, but he knew how to rollerblade (past tense).

She said she could do it - She said she can do it.

In the meaning of permission (permission) -permission

You can take a break after you do this exercise - You can take a break after you do this exercise.

Can I use you laptop? Can (you let) me use your laptop? - Yes, youcan.

Can I ask you something? - Could I ask you something?

Can I help you? - Can I help you?

Request, offer- request,offer

Could I have some more coffee, please? - Can I have some more coffee?

Could you do me a favor? - May I ask you a favor?

I could do this for you - I can do it for you (sentence meaning - let me do it for you).

Possibility in the meaning of "maybe" -the possibility

It could rain today. - It may rain today.

This can’t be true - It cannot be true.

It should also be noted that in negative and interrogative sentences in combination with the perfect infinitive can and could express the impossibility, the improbability of the fact that the action could have occurred and are translated into Russian as hardly, hardly can not be.

For example:

You couldn’t have doneit. - I can't believe you did it (You couldn't do it).

She can’t have learned English so quickly. - It is unlikely that she could learn English so quickly.

A hypothetical possibility in the meaning of "could" - onlycould

We could get there on time if only you’re going faster - If you were going faster, we could come on time.

These are, perhaps, all the rules for using the modal verb can and its counterpart could, which are not at all difficult to learn. But finally, we will reveal one more nuance to you.

These verbs also have one more form - be able to. This form can be used in all times - present, past and future. But to a greater extent, beableto is necessary to express all those possibilities that we described above in the future tense and times of the Perfect group.

For example:

He won’t be able to come today - He won’t be able to come today.

He has not been able to do what you asked - He did not have the opportunity (he could not, was not able to) do what you asked.

Can is the simplest and easiest of the English modal verbs and you will surely master it with ease by reading our article.