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Production and use of foundry forms for fishing loads. Collapsible "Cheburashka" do it yourself forms from silicone

Georgic is an integral part of almost any fishing gear, which is used for throwing and holding bait at the necessary depth. Therefore, the question of how to independently make fishing sneakers sooner or later gets up to any fisherman.

In ancient times, fishermen used ceramic or stone loads. Now for the manufacture of fishing loads, lead is used - as the heaviest of metals (gold and platinum per calculation is not taken). Specific lead weight 11.3 g / cm³. It is one and a half times heavier than iron and four times harder stone.

In addition, lead has other qualities necessary for the manufacture of fishing loads:

- First, lead is a slightly melting metal (melting point 327 ° C), which allows you to melting it at home - on a gas, electrical or wood slab.

- Secondly, lead is a non-ferrous metal and it is practically not corrosion.

- Third, lead is soft metal, which makes it easy to produce its mechanical processing at home.

In the ancient and middle ages, lead was used for the manufacture of water pipes and dishes, our ancestors did not know that lead - poison. Today it is well known, so when applying lead fishing, loads do not need to use teeth as bodies or pliers.

Depending on the conditions of application, fishing loads can have various forms, designs and weight. Weight Georgal ranges from hundredths of grams to many kilograms.

I will not go into particular Georgian associated with specific gears and features of application. The main task is to show that any fisherman can make practically any vehicle at home, without the use of industrial equipment. What is needed for this?

First, you need a lead. The main sources of its production are old batteries (automotive, computer and other) and cable connections shielded by lead.

Secondly, we need a crucible - a tank for melting lead. As a crucible, I use a metal tin can, with a capacity of 350 ml. It is better to take not high, but flat banks. With the help of pliers on the bank you need to form a "nose" for more accurate spill. This bank includes about 4 kg of molten lead. The bank with molten lead is removed from the burner with pliers with plastic handles.

Thirdly, the injection mold is needed - the capacity to which molten lead will be poured and, frozen in it, will give the final form of loads. Also need a regular plumbing tool.

As a form, you can use, for example spoons. Georgic, cast in a teaspoon, will have a weight of about 50 grams, in a dessert spoon, about 100 grams., And in a tablespoon about 150 gr. True, for damage to spoons, you can get from my wife around the neck.

You can take any object and press it into the ground or sand. True, the challenged in this form Georgic will have a not very presentable view.

I will tell about two materials, of which it is most easily made of injection molding for casting lead fishing loads - this is a cardboard and a tree. The easiest way to make loaded for bottom tackle - cast it in a match box. With all the apparent harness, the matchbox can withstand a couple of castings. If you wet and wipe it dry, it will endure more fill cycles.

Almost all fishing loads can be divided into two groups. The first group is sliding loads - which are free to slide on Lesk. For this, serves a through longitudinal hole. The second group is deafly fixed loaded. Such soverees are attached to some specified place tool. For fastening, such sangs have either a hole or wire-eyed. The wire is better made from stainless wire with the help of round-heads and pliers.

Form for casting fishing loads,
Mathematized box

In the photo depicted injection molds made of match box. On the left for a load with a deaf fastening, and on the right for the sliding load. A gypsy needle is used to form a longitudinal hole, which, after cooling, loaded "twisted" from it with the help of pliers.

From cardboard you can make a disposable forms for casting flat, loaded another configuration.

Durable forms can be made of wood.

Wooden team for casting load

The photo shows the prefabricated wooden shape (of four pieces) and drove the cast in it. For the manufacture of injection molds, it is better to take such woods such as a poplar or linden. They are easily processed and do not rock. The form is collected using wood screws.

Form for casting Georgal is going on self-drawing

Georgic, cast in wooden form

If you need to make volumetric loads, it is no longer able to do without a discerning form, which is also not difficult to make at home. As a model, you can take ready-made ship. If there is no load, you need to make it model. It is best to do with a thin sharp knife from a piece of soap, paraffin or wax. Then, on the finished model, you need to make a molding form. This is done like this:

- a small box is taken (you can, for example, disposable plastic dries from products);

- Building plaster (alabaster) is divorced and up to half poured into the box;

- top layer (as a separation material) thin film from a small polyethylene package, two "drank" are stuck, - they will serve as guides when connecting halves of the form;

- the model of the load is pressed up to half (accuracy is important here, otherwise then the form will not understand);

- the form is filled with alabasra solution to the top (the main thing here is not to rush so that no cavities and shells are in the form);

- When the shape is freezing, two halves are dispersed, the model is extracted, the film is moving and thrown out, the palpants are left in one half of the form;

- If the model was not provided by the spicy, it is manufactured (for example, with a drill). The injection channel is done thin (depending on the size of the loaded) in the load, where it will be subsequently biled, and from above wide, funk-shaped. It is necessary for the reserve of molten lead when cooled and shrinkage;

- If the sinks remained on the body of the form, they must be lined with a liquid solution of alabaster. After complete drying, the form must be stuck to the sandpaper sandpaper and impregnate with vaseline oil, dry.

Plaster injection mold from two parts for fishing loads

Gypsum shape for sore with a sprue

Before filling, both halves of the form are connected and compressed (for example, clamp).

From anything made at home the form for casting fishing loads, on finished products defects are inevitable. First of all, it is a break - surplus metal when casting. They are removed using a file or a rigid sharp knife (lead is well processed by heasement).

Here is such an alphabet of producing fishing loaded with their own hands.

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George with her own hands

The manufacture of home-made weights is not only useful, but also a very simple procedure. Georgics are needed mainly to shades and spinnogists for snap-in installation. Even novice fisherman will be able to master this technique. The main thing is to have a lead, create a source of fire and find a suitable dish. In this article, we find out how to make sang for fishing, where to get lead and what sources of fire are best suited.

Where to get a lead?

Georgic for fishing with their own hands poured out of any lead, which is at hand. The easiest way to get lead is to go into a tire workshop and buy used balancing weights. It will cost such a lead much cheaper than if buy sheet. You can buy the right number of kilograms and get a large number of weights for different purposes. The only moment to be taken into account is steel elements that are made in the middle of some weights. During melting, they are desirable to render. But such ship usually does not come across a lot. Georgians can be melted all together without sorting them in density.

The second way to produce lead is from old batteries. It is better to find the points where old batteries take and buy them for a spent price. This is a more complex way, as you have to disassemble the batteries to withdraw their lead.

The third way to get a lead from braid for cables. It is made of leaf lead thickness 1, 1.5 and 2 mm. If there are electricians among your acquaintances, then ask whether they can get this braid. From such a lead, you can not only pour loader, but also cut strips for feeder feeders.

The most expensive way is to buy lead. It is sold by sheets and ingots. Better, of course, sheet, but its size is very large. In such cases, fishermen are combined and buy one sheet into a fold.

You can still do sang with your own hands from old weights, which probably have almost every fisherman.

One can say for sure: for the casting, there was absolutely any lead. It does not matter if there is an impurity in it, or as far as it is dense or soft. Our task is weights for bottom fishing.

Pour the shipped for a donkey with a rubber shock absorber

Consider first how to make fishing loads for gum. This procedure will be performed on the street. We will need a bonfire or gas burner with a balloon. In the first case, you need more time on swine ward, but do not need tools and unnecessary costs.

Slow lead with a gas burner takes a few minutes, but a gas can be required.

We also need a tablespoon, a tin cruel and a little patience. We will pour the load in the ground. We find a wet plot of land and we press the spoonful recess to get such a boat. Next takes a wand and insert into one of the ends of the resulting form. Next are already waiting for lead to melt.

After it becomes liquid, pour it into the resulting deepening. We wait until he cools down a little, after which we take a wand. The result is a weight of about 300-350 grams. It will be well lying on the bottom, and it is easy to throw it on long distances. Wand we inserted to get the hole in the weight.

It is possible to pour several pieces at once if you manage to get a source of fire from a large temperature.

Many fishermen wonder: "How to make fishing loads for a slight weight, so that they keep well at the bottom and have not been demolished. Make such weights are simple enough. It is necessary to take 3-4 segments of the wire 10 cm long and bend them into the brackets. Then put in the deepening. After the fill, it will be such a spider. After casting, the Georgian will lie in one place, and it will hold it these segments of the wire. The weight of the cargo in this case may not exceed 150 grams.

Pour the conical weights

Donochers and spinningists often use conical weights made by their own hands. The first use because they fly far and accurately, and the spinningists use them in the separated installations. Make such weights very simple. Do not even need forms. We will need solid paper, which we will make cones in the form of small kules.

We will also need a thin and rigid wire. From it we will make eyelas, through which loads will be attached to the main fishing line.

Pour loaded with my own hands will be the same as last time. Instead of a gas burner, you can use a portable with two burners. It can be pouring in two tanks so that the process passed faster. In this case, the jars put on the stove with an interval of 5 minutes. Lead melted in one, pour immediately into the molds. After this operation and lead will melt in the second container.

In paper molds insert a wire brackets so that the eye is franto from the cone tomperi. Molds are immersed in the ground so that they take the vertical position. The size of the molds is selected experimentally. We pretend to the eye, which we need the ship. You can take a weight of 35 grams as a reference and watch it already. It will be enough to pour the first batch loaded for fishing with your own hands. The resulting loads will be used as samples when we make molds for the following parties.

The process to flow is identical to the previous one. An unnecessary metal circle can be used as a tank for lead. It is convenient to take it for the handle and pour lead from her. In order not to burn your fingers, it is better to wear gloves on palm. After the fill, you should wait a bit and remove weights from the forms. Just we rush paper, without spare, because initially the molds are disposable.

Pour flat shipping for donok

In bottom fishing is often used flat loads. As a rule, they have an oval form. Such soverees are well lying at the bottom even when catching hard. How to make such burgers for fishing? To do this, cut out of an elastic band with a thickness of 3 mm oval blanks with a length of 4 cm and 2 cm wide. You can make more sweaty loaded. For this we will use more overall blanks

Next, in the ground, we make 7-8 dents, as in the previous case, when it was poured a large load for gum. We will do two types of weights. One type is sliding, and the second with the eye. To pour sliding weights, we apply a thin wire on segments that exceed the length of the recesses by 1 cm. Insert the wire into these recesses.

For the receipt of weights with the paintings, we will do the same as when pouring conical weights. Only earnings this time will look out of the deepening. If necessary, you can drill holes on the edge

Melted lead pour gently in the tank and waiting for minutes 5. After that, you can gently collect them with a spoon.

Pour fishing loads in forms

To obtain calibrated, loaded various forms and scales use metal forms of different types.

Consider how to pour loaders in the metal form of this type:

The form consists of two halves. After the fill should be driving a weight of 130 grams with swivels.

In addition to lead, we will need two clamps for clamping forms, swivels and stalls with clips for removing roughness from the goods received. Before the casting loaded all the molds with a grease with a machine lubricant so that the weights after the fill are easily removed.

First, insert the swivels into four molds for the load.

Then press the halves to each other by clamps.

Next, we put warmer lead in a suitable container. This form of the spruce is large enough, therefore there will be no special problems with the casting. That part of the lead, which will remain near the sprues, is going, and is used in the next fill.

Install on a flat surface form. When lead melts, we begin to pour:

The container in which the lead melts, clamp the pliers, and begin to accurately pour lead into the holes.

After the fill we are waiting for a few minutes and disassemble the form. As a result, such ribbed sangs should be obtained:

From it is necessary to handle a little file. Remove the site from the spruce. Large growths can be biled with nipples, after which the place is handled with a file. As a result, you can make a very large amount of ship.

They can be used in feeder fishing for punching bottom. Such heavy loads will be useful to shape for catching for a strong course. They fly away and hold the bottom well.


We looked at the simplest ways of casting loads. You can make weights, even if you do not have forms. If there are metal forms, you will be able to pour loads to order, earning on it. The main thing in this process is to find a lead and a well-ventilated place. Remember that in the closed room casting lead is harmful.

There are still methods for casting weights in gypsum and wooden forms. But for this, there is also a forms that only complicates the task. Yes, and the life of their use is not very long. It is important to understand that the weights are a consumers. Therefore, we should not spend a lot of time on this process, trying to get products perfectly correct forms.

In the article you will get acquainted with the main species, as well as with the tactics of their use.

Examine everything to become a real fisherman and learn how to choose.

Georgic for fishing with your own hands are created from lead with casting, for this you do not need to have blacksmith skills and spend a lot of money. To work only materials for forms for casting and lead. The main thing is to comply with the safety technique when casting, you need to protect your respiratory tract, because lead is not excreted from the body and has a destructive influence on a person.

For the manufacture of primitive disposable form, we will need a dense paper, cardboard will come up, any dishes and sand.

Phased production:
  • the prepared paper is folded into the cone and cut off the sharp end, in the hole we produce a wire or rings for fastening;
  • in the center of the dishes, a paper cooler is installed and covered with sand around.

The molten lead is poured into the resulting form. When casting fishing weights, paper will burn, but by this time lead will already have time to harden. The resulting result will be cleaned, after which the load can immediately be used.

The manufacture of loads at home does not require much effort, but not everyone can afford a metal form for casting, so we will use the sealant.

This option is good in that the form of sealant is made quite easily and quickly and allows you to cast a lot of different sinked for fishing:
  1. Box fill in sealant, while trying to prevent the formation of bubbles.
  2. Before immersion in the box, the load should be treated with wax.
  3. With the help of wire, loaded into the solution, do not hide the walls. You need to wait for a complete hardening of the sealant, without taking out the weight.
  4. After complete hardening of the solution, you need to cut the hole and remove the ship. The form is ready, you can do the manufacture of new ship.
  5. In the resulting form, we pour molten lead. When using pure lead, a form of sealant withstands about 10 castings, the use of typographic alloy will increase the service life of the form several times .

"I bet drove out of the typographic alloy, it has a melting point of about 100 degrees - it is significantly lower than that of ordinary lead. In addition to the main hole in sealant, he made one small hole for air, it improved the quality of production. "Writes an experienced person who makes sanging for fishing with her own hands.

There are no difficulties in the manufacture of such forms and castings loaded. Materials that will be required for this, have each in the house, and if they are missing, they can be purchased at any time at affordable prices and make fishing weights.

We begin to make forms and cast loaded:
  1. The diluted gypsum powder is poured into the square formwork.
  2. The workpiece of the load, fixed on the wire, is installed in the center of the tank in the not yet frozen gypsum. We do holes in different parts of the workpiece.
  3. Before pouring the top layer, be sure to dear the bottom layer with a loader of liquid soap - it will prevent billets.
  4. After applying the upper layer, slightly knock the workpiece for the uniform distribution of the solution.
  5. Plaster froze, you can disassemble the formwork and disclose the workpiece.
  6. At the top, make holes: one for castings loaded, different for oxygen supply. Preparation is ready for use.
  7. Next, we act similarly to the options described above: insert the wire into the workpiece and insert the molten lead in the hole made hole.

Before fishing with the use of the goods received, it is necessary to finally process them, make clips for the fishing line, drill holes and clean the docking spaces. After processing in your hands, you will have excellent loads that can be fishing.

Molding lead shipped, you will not spend your means on tackle that can be made on your own. After the first job, the question of how to make the burgeon for fishing will be decided on your own.

At the request of the guys from St. Petersburg Phishing, I took up the manufacturer for casting "eared" loaded (Cheburashek), because In our stores you can buy only one or two species, and their presence reduces the cost of such a bait as a foam fish to the cost of the hook used. Directly the manufacture of forms for Cheburashki was carried out at the factory, but at a certain skill they can be done at home with their own hands.

After small consultations and with the help of specialists, we came to the conclusion that for fishing in our conditions and our spinning with a test of 15-40 gr. Enough a number of cargo 8-12-16-20-24-28 gr. After recalculating the weight in the diameter, I got the size of the drill with an accuracy of 0.1 mm, but did not become rounding, so that it would not knock a row. Moreover, the drill of any diameter can now be bought in the store.

Each form for Cheburashek was manufactured separately, because Already at the first stage it became clear that daviting only would complicate the task due to the need to fit the halves and guide fingers. If necessary, they are easier to clamp several pieces in the vice. Material forms - aluminum or its any modifications. Billets - 2 plates with a size of 12x35x35 mm. For a more accurate fit, you can simply cut the plate with a thickness of 25 mm in half.

Fig.1 Self-shape (Cheburashki)

Figure 1 is given the first half-form design. The difference is described below.

In order to obtain the above range of weights, it is necessary to take the resulting diameters (on the drawing of F A). For shipping at 8 gr. - 11.2 mm; 12 gr. - 12.4 mm; 16 gr. - 14.2 mm, 20 gr. - 14.8 mm, 24 grams. - 15.4 mm, 28 gr. - 16.2 mm. The pen of the drill must be dragged (better entrust the specialist, turning to the sharpening workshop) from the corner under the radius, because Cargo shrid. The gittle hole is less than F5, and for the release of air less than F3, it is impractical, because Little diameter makes it difficult to fill the process. Checked, although Tagir warned.

The angle between the ears was loaded 90 degrees. The manufacture of this node is performed in the following order:

In the first half from the center of the form there is a markup under 45 degrees. Right and left, then by the resulting axes there are distances equal to half of the F + 2.5 mm. These points are keen and then the usual F3 drill to a depth of 5-6 mm is drilled under the fingers. These fingers are needed for putting on them the billet of the ears and fixing the second half of the form.

In the second half, all the same, these holes are made through and F3,2 mm, because Fingers must perform 5-7 mm, which allows you to use these protrusions as a template for the appearance of the ears. Accordingly, the length of the finger is about 25 mm.

Then in both halves, at the same points, the holes of the F5 mm are drilled at a depth of 0.6-0.7 mm. When using wires for ears with a diameter of more than 1 mm, the drill diameter and the drilling depth should also be increased.

If after drilling the F5 and F5 (under the ears) the jumper remains, then it must be deleted.

In the deaf openings of the first half the fingers will be touched. The second half is put on top.

I hope that from Fig. 2 it is clear how to pick up the billet for the ears. After the wire washed to the fingers, you need to pull the tips with the passages. Then the wire will take the right form and easily fall into the groove. And the wires wear on the fingers and laid in the groove the mustache should be accessed from the center of the ball, whatever they interfere with the shedding lead.

Fig.2 Ears Georgia (Cheburashka)

When pouring should not be used as a tag of a cans. It is dangerous (can melt soldering), harmful (the coating is burning and smoke). If suddenly, when the pouring turned out to be missed, do not worry - it is corrected. Take a new one, but only if the form was filled with no more than half and the mustache sticks out.

Sincerely, som from Peter.

Several useful comments:

1. It is technologically to make holes under the fingers through ... First in one half of the shape, and then in the second using the first half with the holes as a conductor ... The guide fingers will be placed in one half, and the holes under them are pulled out in another half. . You can not pinch your fingers, and use two nails of a suitable diameter as a fingers ... (I love nails with a diameter of 2.4 mm;)))

2. For forms under the specified weights, it is enough to have a diameter of the hole of the discharge of 2.5 mm. The practice has shown that it is possible to cast loads weighing up to 35 g in an aluminum form at all without a hole of the discharge - for the release of the air, it is enough for the gap between the halves of the form.

3. Increase the diameter of the wrench channel more than 4 mm is inappropriate, because This affects the "quality" of the final casting, but for normal foma foma, the input cone is preferably sewed to plunder ... (so that the length of the canal canal from the cone to the form was about 3 mm ...

4. And more ... It is best to pour out of pure lead ... if you use lead alloys, then in the first time the load (Cheburashka)) of less weight may turn out, and secondly because of other mechanical properties of these alloys ( fluidity, coeff. Volume expansion, melting point and crystalization, heat capacity) may be a little experimenting with a pre-heating of the shape ... (I sometimes warm it up before casting the form by putting it on an aluminum plate, which heats up on the kitchen cooker ;-).

5. As a crucible to smelting lead, it is convenient to use an ordinary halter from a small stainless steel ... Previously, his handle is bent and a small molding key is mounted in a grandnail (molding can be made with a chisel ...).

The most ample opportunities for the selection of optimal weight equipment provide eared loads or "Cheburashka". With the same bait, you can explore all depths where pike perch can stand. But for this you need a line loaded with a difference in the mass of 1-2 g.

Then it will be possible to pick up the key to a careful predator.It is not always possible to buy eared loaded weights. And sometimes for fishing in the relevant places you have to leave almost the entire set. Therefore, some fans of jig spinning are thinking about the homemade manufacturer "Cheburashecks".

Pros and cons of homemade manufacture

To proceed with the manufacture of eared loaded with their own hands, you need to weigh all the "for" and "against". Perhaps not every fisherman will want to overcome the difficulties that have appeared.

The main disadvantage of home production will be the need to manufacture a set of kokile (casting forms).

The second minus will be the harmful effect on the body of the molten lead.

But, by overcoming these difficulties, the spinningist appears the benefits of other fishermen. The most important advantage will be a good sickness catch.

Metallic and gypsum foundries obtained the greatest distribution. Although the use of such materials such as wood, sandy mixture and silicone are used.

Gypsum Kokili forces to make every fisherman. This requires a cardboard base (match box), plaster and purchased "Georgic Cheburashka" as a sample. Gypsum dissolves in water to the consistency of sour cream, and the basis is filled with a mixture.

After that, the eared loaded by half immersed in the gypsum. While the gypsum mixture dries in (5-10 minutes), you can mix another portion for the second half of Kokil. Half with the "Cheburashka" you need to cover fresh gypsum mixture, and wait for drying. It will only be left to make holes for filling and air output, as well as two holes for installing guides.

Metal forms are much more reliable and more durable than Kokili from plaster. But for the manufacture requires the help of a milling machine and a locksmith. Two hemispheres are made by spherical cutter, and then the drills of different diameters are made of the necessary holes.

Manufacturing technology

In order to remove the finished eared ship from Kokil, it takes some lead, a crucible (canning bank) and pliers.

The pre-inner surface of the kokil is lubricated with oil or pork lard. From soft wire made "ears" for "Cheburashka". Foundry shape is going

and it is installed on a wooden cutting board. Now lead is lowered at the bottom of the crucible and put on the source of fire. After the complete melting of the metal with the help of pliers, the lead is poured into Kokil. After 5-15 minutes, the foundry can be disassembled. Excessive lead is removed with a knife, nippers and a file. It remains only to weigh the load and put markings.

Subtleties of obtaining "Cheburashek" of different masses

Naturally, to make eared loads with a discreteness of 1-2 g, a lot of chill needs. But it is enough to manifest a little smelting and you can simplify the situation.

First, "Cheburashki" of a certain mass range (15-40 g) is usually required for pike perch.

Secondly, in the same Kokile, you can get eared loads of different weights. Celebrates in the use of tin, which has a smaller specific mass than lead. But these two metal are fused on fame. As a result, selecting the desired ratio of lead and tin, you can get a whole line of "Cheburashki" from one casting form. Thus, by making 3-4 kokil, it will be possible to provide yourself with a complete arsenal of "ears".