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Mezentsev at and when ghosts appear. Vladimir Mezentsev: When ghosts appear. Classified wildlife


Ghosts ... unexpected, sometimes frightening visions. They are not so little around us. Their story is old as the world itself. It is worth only to recall how much the stories goes on the light of meetings with something rare, unprecedented, "otherworldly".

In many of these stories it is difficult to believe, even more difficult to separate the truth from conscious lie and sometimes easy to detect the material, the natural base of what they saw. And the stories, exciting human imagination, born an ancient fear of unknown, exist for a long time, without stopping the world of superstitions by liveluminous juices.

Perhaps there is no such angle on Earth, where nature stumbled on something else to hit a person with something incredible, sometimes elusive, disembodied. Meanwhile, representatives of the world of ghosts most often scare us only with their unusual appearance. This is "visible nothing." Sometimes the most common manifestations of natural forces are hidden for the fantastic appearance of the ghost. And you can always detect the materiality of the world around us, the laws for which nature lives.

And a lot of ghosts. A variety of.

Late evening, quickly thickens darkness. You are in a hurry home. On the way it is necessary to pass a small fishing line. Pattern deserted. You involuntarily accelerate a step. And suddenly ahead arises a human figure. Thoughts about unkind people rush in the head. Go to meet or turn back? You make a few more steps - and the outlines of the "man", which was so clearly visible, disappear.

Before you broken a thunderstorm tree.

Once (for a long time ago, in one of the Catholic churches-chostels in Poland, an event is extremely unpleasant for the monks of this temple. During worship in the air against the background of cadyl smoke

suddenly, "the enemy of human race" appeared - damn. Although in size he was small, all the former in the temple clearly saw the horns, tail and legs with hooves! Swimming in the air, the decent disappeared. The horror of believers and monks, as they say, did not give in to the description.

Gradually, they forgot about this incident, although, of course, it has strengthened many people in faith in the other world, to hell and paradise. There was a lot of years. And again in the same chickel showed his nasty face a hell!

True, this time the eyewitness was only one of the monks - a gatekeeper of the monastery. But he swore with all the saints that he saw a damn clearly and could not be mistaken.

What was it? Do not hurry. As stated in the ancient Eastern saying, "Run your carpet impatience and put it in the expectation chest."

Widely spreading hands to the sides, the ghost slowly moved straight on the woman. "Run! Rather back to the house where there are people! " - flashed in consciousness, but terrible stupor chained it to the place. The ghost is silently approached. The woman screamed and fell without feelings.

Although many years have passed since then, but the woman with which this case has occurred (a resident of the village is new to connect the Arkhangelsk region), remembers the face of ghost very well. She could not be mistaken: it was shortly before the deceased neighbor. She was very afraid of one to go out in the twilight in Seni, fearing to meet with the dead neighbor. And not in vain! Here and met her ghost.

In the novel of the writer Kostyleva "Ivan Grozny" there is such a place:

"Tsar Ivan's trembling hand pushed the curtain.

Scared eyes looked at the sky.

His face twisted from horror: in the sky, in the dark embroidery, the cruciform heavenly sign froze ...

Relying on the staff, the king came out on the red porch to observe a wonderful vision, which the queen just told him.

Long silently looked at the sky, destroyed by a thick starflower, and on this mysterious cross, vaguely appeared in the heavenly depth, and suddenly, stating from weakness, whispered:

Here is the sign of my death! Here it is!"

A luminous cross in the sky is not a fiction of a writer. Chronicles mentioned about such air ghosts.

And ghosts in the mountains? Have you ever met with them? A few years ago, they were able to see A. Coursa, living on the Kola Peninsula. He wrote about his meeting as the editorial office of the magazine "Science and Religion":

"It was in the fall. Adopted evening when our group approached the foot of the Kitiban mountains. Here, by the fire, we also joined. Early in the morning they decided to rise to one of the mountains of the Khibiny massif. By eleven o'clock in the afternoon were already on top.

The weather was clear, cool. Low autumn sun has almost no worried. Bugged a small breeze, driving white clouds from west to east. In the distance stretched the plateau Roughorr. He was separated from us a deep gorge.

By half the twelfth day we approached the western slope of the mountain, which was a steep breakdown to the gorge.


Ghosts ... unexpected, sometimes frightening visions. They are not so little around us. Their story is old as the world itself. It is worth only to recall how much the stories goes on the light of meetings with something rare, unprecedented, "otherworldly".

In many of these stories it is difficult to believe, even more difficult to separate the truth from conscious lie and sometimes easy to detect the material, the natural base of what they saw. And the stories, exciting human imagination, born an ancient fear of unknown, exist for a long time, without stopping the world of superstitions by liveluminous juices.

Perhaps there is no such angle on Earth, where nature stumbled on something else to hit a person with something incredible, sometimes elusive, disembodied. Meanwhile, representatives of the world of ghosts most often scare us only with their unusual appearance. This is "visible nothing." Sometimes the most common manifestations of natural forces are hidden for the fantastic appearance of the ghost. And you can always detect the materiality of the world around us, the laws for which nature lives.

And a lot of ghosts. A variety of.

Late evening, quickly thickens darkness. You are in a hurry home. On the way it is necessary to pass a small fishing line. Pattern deserted. You involuntarily accelerate a step. And suddenly ahead arises a human figure. Thoughts about unkind people rush in the head. Go to meet or turn back? You make a few more steps - and the outlines of the "man", which was so clearly visible, disappear.

Before you broken a thunderstorm tree.

Once (for a long time ago, in one of the Catholic churches-chostels in Poland, an event is extremely unpleasant for the monks of this temple. During worship in the air against the background of cadyl smoke

suddenly, "the enemy of human race" appeared - damn. Although in size he was small, all the former in the temple clearly saw the horns, tail and legs with hooves! Swimming in the air, the decent disappeared. The horror of believers and monks, as they say, did not give in to the description.

Gradually, they forgot about this incident, although, of course, it has strengthened many people in faith in the other world, to hell and paradise. There was a lot of years. And again in the same chickel showed his nasty face a hell!

True, this time the eyewitness was only one of the monks - a gatekeeper of the monastery. But he swore with all the saints that he saw a damn clearly and could not be mistaken.

What was it? Do not hurry. As stated in the ancient Eastern saying, "Run your carpet impatience and put it in the expectation chest."

Widely spreading hands to the sides, the ghost slowly moved straight on the woman. "Run! Rather back to the house where there are people! " - flashed in consciousness, but terrible stupor chained it to the place. The ghost is silently approached. The woman screamed and fell without feelings.

Although many years have passed since then, but the woman with which this case has occurred (a resident of the village is new to connect the Arkhangelsk region), remembers the face of ghost very well. She could not be mistaken: it was shortly before the deceased neighbor. She was very afraid of one to go out in the twilight in Seni, fearing to meet with the dead neighbor. And not in vain! Here and met her ghost.

In the novel of the writer Kostyleva "Ivan Grozny" there is such a place:

"Tsar Ivan's trembling hand pushed the curtain.

Scared eyes looked at the sky.

His face twisted from horror: in the sky, in the dark embroidery, the cruciform heavenly sign froze ...

Relying on the staff, the king came out on the red porch to observe a wonderful vision, which the queen just told him.

Long silently looked at the sky, destroyed by a thick starflower, and on this mysterious cross, vaguely appeared in the heavenly depth, and suddenly, stating from weakness, whispered:

Here is the sign of my death! Here it is!"

A luminous cross in the sky is not a fiction of a writer. Chronicles mentioned about such air ghosts.

And ghosts in the mountains? Have you ever met with them? A few years ago, they were able to see A. Coursa, living on the Kola Peninsula. He wrote about his meeting as the editorial office of the magazine "Science and Religion":

"It was in the fall. Adopted evening when our group approached the foot of the Kitiban mountains. Here, by the fire, we also joined. Early in the morning they decided to rise to one of the mountains of the Khibiny massif. By eleven o'clock in the afternoon were already on top.

The weather was clear, cool. Low autumn sun has almost no worried. Bugged a small breeze, driving white clouds from west to east. In the distance stretched the plateau Roughorr. He was separated from us a deep gorge.


Ghosts ... unexpected, sometimes frightening visions. They are not so little around us. Their story is old as the world itself. It is worth only to recall how much the stories goes on the light of meetings with something rare, unprecedented, "otherworldly".

In many of these stories it is difficult to believe, even more difficult to separate the truth from conscious lie and sometimes easy to detect the material, the natural base of what they saw. And the stories, exciting human imagination, born an ancient fear of unknown, exist for a long time, without stopping the world of superstitions by liveluminous juices.

Perhaps there is no such angle on Earth, where nature stumbled on something else to hit a person with something incredible, sometimes elusive, disembodied. Meanwhile, representatives of the world of ghosts most often scare us only with their unusual appearance. This is "visible nothing." Sometimes the most common manifestations of natural forces are hidden for the fantastic appearance of the ghost. And you can always detect the materiality of the world around us, the laws for which nature lives.

And a lot of ghosts. A variety of.

Late evening, quickly thickens darkness. You are in a hurry home. On the way it is necessary to pass a small fishing line. Pattern deserted. You involuntarily accelerate a step. And suddenly ahead arises a human figure. Thoughts about unkind people rush in the head. Go to meet or turn back? You make a few more steps - and the outlines of the "man", which was so clearly visible, disappear.

Before you broken a thunderstorm tree.

Once (for a long time ago, in one of the Catholic churches-chostels in Poland, an event is extremely unpleasant for the monks of this temple. During worship in the air against the background of cadyl smoke

suddenly, "the enemy of human race" appeared - damn. Although in size he was small, all the former in the temple clearly saw the horns, tail and legs with hooves! Swimming in the air, the decent disappeared. The horror of believers and monks, as they say, did not give in to the description.

Gradually, they forgot about this incident, although, of course, it has strengthened many people in faith in the other world, to hell and paradise. There was a lot of years. And again in the same chickel showed his nasty face a hell!

True, this time the eyewitness was only one of the monks - a gatekeeper of the monastery. But he swore with all the saints that he saw a damn clearly and could not be mistaken.

What was it? Do not hurry. As stated in the ancient Eastern saying, "Run your carpet impatience and put it in the expectation chest."

Widely spreading hands to the sides, the ghost slowly moved straight on the woman. "Run! Rather back to the house where there are people! " - flashed in consciousness, but terrible stupor chained it to the place. The ghost is silently approached. The woman screamed and fell without feelings.

Although many years have passed since then, but the woman with which this case has occurred (a resident of the village is new to connect the Arkhangelsk region), remembers the face of ghost very well. She could not be mistaken: it was shortly before the deceased neighbor. She was very afraid of one to go out in the twilight in Seni, fearing to meet with the dead neighbor. And not in vain! Here and met her ghost.

In the novel of the writer Kostyleva "Ivan Grozny" there is such a place:

"Tsar Ivan's trembling hand pushed the curtain.

Scared eyes looked at the sky.

His face twisted from horror: in the sky, in the dark embroidery, the cruciform heavenly sign froze ...

Relying on the staff, the king came out on the red porch to observe a wonderful vision, which the queen just told him.

Long silently looked at the sky, destroyed by a thick starflower, and on this mysterious cross, vaguely appeared in the heavenly depth, and suddenly, stating from weakness, whispered:

Here is the sign of my death! Here it is!"

A luminous cross in the sky is not a fiction of a writer. Chronicles mentioned about such air ghosts.

And ghosts in the mountains? Have you ever met with them? A few years ago, they were able to see A. Coursa, living on the Kola Peninsula. He wrote about his meeting as the editorial office of the magazine "Science and Religion":

"It was in the fall. Adopted evening when our group approached the foot of the Kitiban mountains. Here, by the fire, we also joined. Early in the morning they decided to rise to one of the mountains of the Khibiny massif. By eleven o'clock in the afternoon were already on top.

The weather was clear, cool. Low autumn sun has almost no worried. Bugged a small breeze, driving white clouds from west to east. In the distance stretched the plateau Roughorr. He was separated from us a deep gorge.

By half the twelfth day we approached the western slope of the mountain, which was a steep breakdown to the gorge.

Here we saw something that struck our imagination. None of us still have seen similar wonders of nature. Directly in front of us from the depths of the gorge and high above the horizon, at a distance of two and a half - three kilometers, a group of giants rummaged. They were as much as we and us. Each figures of this group printed a dark shadow on a foggy background. No distortion, fades - everything is clear and clear as the projection on a huge screen. Each of us in one of the giants learned himself. It is difficult to determine the scale of increasing, but it seems, the height of each figure was meters to twenty five. Rainbow halo was lit around the giants.

We stayed in this place twenty minutes, and all the time a group that resembles something fabulous, supernatural, caught our attention. We moved, raised hands - and every time every our movement was repeated the giants in a rainbow halo ... *

In December 1957, in the Shtcheyev Lake in the Yaroslavl region, several fishermen fishermen witnessed another rare phenomenon. It was snowing. It was already dark. Temperature near zero degrees. One of the fishermen, raising a fishing rod over the hole, suddenly noticed a bluish-white light on it. Behindeaded, he quickly lowered the fishing rod down and grabbed the "fire * a math. The glow disappeared. Touched the upper part of the fishing rod - the one that "burned *, - it was completely cold. What is the title! Fisherman asked to raise up the fishing rods sitting near his comrades. When they did it, everyone had blue lights! It was worth touching with a hand to such a heat, even just try to bring her hand to him, as he disappeared. Burning cold, elusive fishing rods. Fire Ghost!

Finally, this tragic story told in his book "Tropoy Legends * I. I. Akimushkin. One American soldier got lost in the jungle of the Philippine Islands. I drown a lot of hours in the forest, he lay down to rest. Awakening was a nightmare: right in front of him sat a ghost with a raised mouth and with two fiery balls instead of eyes. A distraught from fear, a man rushed to run. When he was found, he spoke only one phrase: "These eyes! These eyes!"

What was it?

Superviving American soldier decided that he saw the hell, and came crazy from fear.

The history of peoples knows a lot of such examples when the psyche of a man who believes in all kinds of damnhouse has not kept meeting with "ghosts". Such meetings are not so rare, as it may seem at first glance. That is why the journey into the world of ghosts can be useful for everyone.

After reading this book, you will learn what reasons will this ghost world of nature generate, what is the natural, earthly essence of a wide variety of "ghosts", appearing in front of us during the day and night, in the house and in the woods, in the sky and on Earth.

Part one

Classified wildlife

Tradition tells.

That was a long time ago. In Scotland in a huge gloomy castle, a count of Orkni lived. It was an unlike and cruel man. For the slightest guidance, he could order a person to dog dogs or sharpen him until the end of his life in one of his castle towers.

This is explained by the famous "wonderful" warms in various "holy places". So it was, in particular, in the France on the grave of the Catholic Dyakon Francois de Paris, who died in 1728. The first came to the grave of the Madlena Bayni silk, who had a hand. She brought her confidence that the body of the "righteous life" of the Dyakon was able to heal the disease. Having attached to the grave, she felt some relief and, when he returned home, he had already owned her hand so fluently that he immediately began to work with both hands. After that, the grave began to flogging with various ailments, and some of them really healed.

Already over one hundred years, a small town in the south of France Lourdes Lurdes Music among the Catholics "Wonderful" healings. Miraculous force here possesses allegedly a water source. Oakdating in it, you can heal. In fact, a well-thought-out system of imaging on the consciousness of pilgrims is the basis of Lourdes "Miracles."

Who rides in Lourdes? As a rule, these are people who are very hoping for wonderful healing. After all, about the Lourdes "Miracles" speak from the Cathedrals, they write in newspapers, eyewitnesses tell about them.

And here are the patients going on the road. Since that time, all attention, all conversations - about wonderful healings. And here the "Holy Fathers" will be labeled for the pilgrim. Every car in trains going to Lourdes, S-Batch Monks, Special "Sisters" and "Brothers" of Mercy. They get acquainted with each patient, with his relatives, tell them all sorts of stories about the wonders of Lourdes, distribute special books, photos recovered after pilgrimage.

When pilgrims arrive in Lourdes, they are met by new church utilities and lead in the Holy Grotto. They are silent, every word of their word seems meaningful.

During the prayer of the grotto, all patients with the choir repeat the same words: "Lord Jesus! Heal our patients! Almighty de Va, save us! " All with more faith and hope they sound these words, nervous excitement increases, and now there are loud sighs in the crowd of praying, hysterical shouts.

It is easy to see what the suggestion and self-suggestion is here. A situation that contributes to the occurrence of a hypnotic state is created. In the novel "Lourdes" Emil Zola exceeding one such healing in such a famous place:

"... the eyes of the patient, still devoid of all expression, expanded, and the pale face distorted, as if from unbearable pain. She did not say anything and seemed to be in despair. But at that moment, as the sainted gifts carried and she saw a flammorse that flashed in the sun, she was blinded by lightning. The eyes flashed, they would have a life in them, and they caught fire like stars. The face was revived, covered by Rumyanta, lit a joyful, a healthy smile. Pierre see, as she immediately got up, straightened in his cart ...

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Ghosts ... unexpected, sometimes frightening visions. They are not so little around us. Their story is old as the world itself. It is worth only to recall how much the stories goes on the light of meetings with something rare, unprecedented, "otherworldly".

In many of these stories it is difficult to believe, even more difficult to separate the truth from conscious lie and sometimes easy to detect the material, the natural base of what they saw. And the stories, exciting human imagination, born an ancient fear of unknown, exist for a long time, without stopping the world of superstitions by liveluminous juices.

Perhaps there is no such angle on Earth, where nature stumbled on something else to hit a person with something incredible, sometimes elusive, disembodied. Meanwhile, representatives of the world of ghosts most often scare us only with their unusual appearance. This is "visible nothing." Sometimes the most common manifestations of natural forces are hidden for the fantastic appearance of the ghost. And you can always detect the materiality of the world around us, the laws for which nature lives.

And a lot of ghosts. A variety of.

Late evening, quickly thickens darkness. You are in a hurry home. On the way it is necessary to pass a small fishing line. Pattern deserted. You involuntarily accelerate a step. And suddenly ahead arises a human figure. Thoughts about unkind people rush in the head. Go to meet or turn back? You make a few more steps - and the outlines of the "man", which was so clearly visible, disappear.

Before you broken a thunderstorm tree.

Once (for a long time ago, in one of the Catholic churches-chostels in Poland, an event is extremely unpleasant for the monks of this temple. During worship in the air against the background of cadyl smoke

suddenly, "the enemy of human race" appeared - damn. Although in size he was small, all the former in the temple clearly saw the horns, tail and legs with hooves! Swimming in the air, the decent disappeared. The horror of believers and monks, as they say, did not give in to the description.

Gradually, they forgot about this incident, although, of course, it has strengthened many people in faith in the other world, to hell and paradise. There was a lot of years. And again in the same chickel showed his nasty face a hell!

True, this time the eyewitness was only one of the monks - a gatekeeper of the monastery. But he swore with all the saints that he saw a damn clearly and could not be mistaken.

What was it? Do not hurry. As stated in the ancient Eastern saying, "Run your carpet impatience and put it in the expectation chest."

Widely spreading hands to the sides, the ghost slowly moved straight on the woman. "Run! Rather back to the house where there are people! " - flashed in consciousness, but terrible stupor chained it to the place. The ghost is silently approached. The woman screamed and fell without feelings.

Although many years have passed since then, but the woman with which this case has occurred (a resident of the village is new to connect the Arkhangelsk region), remembers the face of ghost very well. She could not be mistaken: it was shortly before the deceased neighbor. She was very afraid of one to go out in the twilight in Seni, fearing to meet with the dead neighbor. And not in vain! Here and met her ghost.

In the novel of the writer Kostyleva "Ivan Grozny" there is such a place:

"Tsar Ivan's trembling hand pushed the curtain.

Scared eyes looked at the sky.

His face twisted from horror: in the sky, in the dark embroidery, the cruciform heavenly sign froze ...

Relying on the staff, the king came out on the red porch to observe a wonderful vision, which the queen just told him.

Long silently looked at the sky, destroyed by a thick starflower, and on this mysterious cross, vaguely appeared in the heavenly depth, and suddenly, stating from weakness, whispered:

- Here is the sign of my death! Here it is!"

A luminous cross in the sky is not a fiction of a writer. Chronicles mentioned about such air ghosts.

And ghosts in the mountains? Have you ever met with them? A few years ago, they were able to see A. Coursa, living on the Kola Peninsula. He wrote about his meeting as the editorial office of the magazine "Science and Religion":

"It was in the fall. Adopted evening when our group approached the foot of the Kitiban mountains. Here, by the fire, we also joined. Early in the morning they decided to rise to one of the mountains of the Khibiny massif. By eleven o'clock in the afternoon were already on top.

The weather was clear, cool. Low autumn sun has almost no worried. Bugged a small breeze, driving white clouds from west to east. In the distance stretched the plateau Roughorr. He was separated from us a deep gorge.

By half the twelfth day we approached the western slope of the mountain, which was a steep breakdown to the gorge.

Here we saw something that struck our imagination. None of us still have seen similar wonders of nature. Directly in front of us from the depths of the gorge and high above the horizon, at a distance of two and a half - three kilometers, a group of giants rummaged. They were as much as we and us. Each figures of this group printed a dark shadow on a foggy background. No distortion, fades - everything is clear and clear as the projection on a huge screen. Each of us in one of the giants learned himself. It is difficult to determine the scale of increasing, but it seems, the height of each figure was meters to twenty five. Rainbow halo was lit around the giants.

We stayed in this place twenty minutes, and all the time a group that resembles something fabulous, supernatural, caught our attention. We moved, raised hands - and every time every our movement was repeated the giants in a rainbow halo ... *

In December 1957, in the Shtcheyev Lake in the Yaroslavl region, several fishermen fishermen witnessed another rare phenomenon. It was snowing. It was already dark. Temperature near zero degrees. One of the fishermen, raising a fishing rod over the hole, suddenly noticed a bluish-white light on it. Behindeaded, he quickly lowered the fishing rod down and grabbed the "fire * a math. The glow disappeared. Touched the upper part of the fishing rod - the one that "burned *, - it was completely cold. What is the title! Fisherman asked to raise up the fishing rods sitting near his comrades. When they did it, everyone had blue lights! It was worth touching with a hand to such a heat, even just try to bring her hand to him, as he disappeared. Burning cold, elusive fishing rods. Fire Ghost!

Finally, this tragic story told in his book "Tropoy Legends * I. I. Akimushkin. One American soldier got lost in the jungle of the Philippine Islands. I drown a lot of hours in the forest, he lay down to rest. Awakening was a nightmare: right in front of him sat a ghost with a raised mouth and with two fiery balls instead of eyes. A distraught from fear, a man rushed to run. When he was found, he spoke only one phrase: "These eyes! These eyes!"

What was it?

Superviving American soldier decided that he saw the hell, and came crazy from fear.

The history of peoples knows a lot of such examples when the psyche of a man who believes in all kinds of damnhouse has not kept meeting with "ghosts". Such meetings are not so rare, as it may seem at first glance. That is why the journey into the world of ghosts can be useful for everyone.

After reading this book, you will learn what reasons will this ghost world of nature generate, what is the natural, earthly essence of a wide variety of "ghosts", appearing in front of us during the day and night, in the house and in the woods, in the sky and on Earth.

Part one

Classified wildlife

Tradition tells.

That was a long time ago. In Scotland in a huge gloomy castle, a count of Orkni lived. It was an unlike and cruel man. For the slightest guidance, he could order a person to dog dogs or sharpen him until the end of his life in one of his castle towers.

Many knights, known for their courage in battle, tried not to meet with orkni, were part of his possession. Only his wife and a few servants lived in the castle in constant fear of their owner. He became especially fierce when he was loaded with old strong wine, which was stored in the basements.

One of these days and the tragedy happened. In the mountains where Orkney's castle was located, a snow storm was played. Knight Thomas Lermant, causing storm, turned to the castle and asked the hospitality. Already the asked Count Orcini was delighted with an unexpected guest and sent a servant for a new portion of wine. But a peaceful conversation lasted at all long ago: until the Countess came to the table. Looking at the hostess of the castle, the knight could not hide admiration for her beauty. At the same moment, Orkni rushed to him with a sword. He now saw in the random Guest of his enemies, all those who did not want to meet with him. A terrible strength hit fell on the knight. Countess lost consciousness.

Slowly came to himself a killer. Seeing his hands, he raised the body's corpse and took it to a secret room, the entrance to which he knew only. And then sat down again at the table ...

Soon he finally lost the human appearance. In the huge lounge, illuminated by highlights of the fireplace fire, he has experienced the knight rising from the floor. The murderer jumped out of the chair, grasped behind the sword, but immediately fell into a black for obligation. But then he was pursued by the vision. Suddenly he saw his wife in front of him. But what is it? She leaned over the body of the murdered! The crown graph rushed to her, still lying in fainting, raised his arms and, sparkling the curses, carried it to the same secret room.

A massive iron door slammed with the crash, leaving the unfortunate woman along with the dead knight. "Imagine with him!" - shouted the master of the castle and returned to the table, but immediately fell in a severe carnacious sleep on the floor.

No, the count of Orkni was not horrified by what he made that evening! The next morning remembered everything and ... it was still even more: "It will be the way I said!" Only two days later he decided that he had punished his wife, and went to release her from the room. And then the retribution came. Opening a secret door, the killer entered the room and forgot to take out the key from the spring castle. He managed to see only the insane her wife's eyes, and the massive door slammed and buried him along with victims.

What were the last clock of a criminal count and his unfortunate wife, history does not report. His curses and moans, who came like from the dungeon, perhaps heard a few of his servants. But, not knowing the secret of the secret door, they, deadly frightened, left the house.

The castle switched to heirs. The sudden disappearance of the graph's family remains for all mystery. Passed century. One of the ancestors of the count decided to rebuild the castle. The architect discovered for this purpose found a secret door and opened it. On the floor lay three skeletons. That was how the legend of a terrible drama was composed of a few centuries ago in an old castle.

But the most unexpected was her end. Having found a room and skeletons and remembering the Ruskazni superstitious people about some night sounds in the castle, the owner realized what benefit would he bring the whole story. The castle was left in the same form, and in the guidebooks around the country there was another mention of the house with ghosts, what so much so far in England.

Showing tourists a secret room, the guide is indicated by the memorized phrases:

- Note, ladies and mb! The skeleton lying in that corner belongs to the Count Orkni. Nearby is his wife. But here - with a broken skull of young Thomas Lermant. Their souls roam the castle, only when the circle rages the bad weather. In such nights, the Knight Thomas with a sword in his hands walks along corridors and rooms, hoping to meet with her killer. When they converge, you can hear how their swords are cross, the curses are heard, and nearby, breaking his hands, quietly crying the ghost of the Countess. If anyone of you wish to hear all this, the guide continues, "he can live for a while. At your service all the amenities. Prices per room are quite moderate ...

In modern UK, as in an early age, if desired, you can meet with the world of ghosts. Hundreds of locks and houses have their own family ghosts. They are in large stores, in theaters, in banks.

How widespread here is an ancient faith in ghosts, into the world of "wandering shower", one can judge the fact that a rare day in the newspapers do not appear about them mention, notes, stories. The sites of the appearance of ghosts are described, conversations with them are retelling, tips are given, how to behave. "Scientific Society of Spiritic Ghosts" gives, for example, such a tip: "If you see a sudden / ghost, stay calm, taking the time and place of the appearance of it, and if you want it to disappear, direct some sharp metal object on it, At least pin ... "

All this without shadow joke!

In 1963, in the English town of Brynvideo, even hunting for the ghost of some Honter, killed in the last century in one of the Taverns of the city. Apparently, in retaliation for his death, Honter spirit decided not to leave the visitors of the tavern alone. According to the host, in the room "the dishes in the buffet rose, light bulbs themselves light up, chairs are moving, the room is filled with the smell of moldy skin."

Salt the tavern from a heavenly spirit took a "specialist" to commemorate from the next world. He decided to "persuade" the Spirit to leave the tavern. Talking about this case, the French newspaper "Yumat" gave the then good advice: "Recommend the owner of the tavern to put a wedge under one of the legs of the buffet, fix the wiring, repair the walking gender and more often to air the cabinets and the entire room."

In January 1951, it was announced that the screens of English television would be shown the ghost of the fifth wife Henry U1p. The transfer will be conducted from the Hampton Kert Palace, the favorite location of this ghost.

The great discovery of the science of our days - and ... ghost!

No wonder so hardly and witty, this medieval superstition is a wonderful English writer Jerome K. Jerome:

"Ghost ... Middle class from time to time, as far as I heard, appear on other evenings, in your free time. On the day of all saints and on the night under Ivan Khakuhu, some of them tend to celebrate their visits any local events, for example, the anniversary of hanging his or someone else's grandfather. Or appear to predict any misfortune.

Oh, how he likes to forward Bed, this ordinary British ghost! Send him to predict someone grief, and he just beside himself from happiness. Give our ghost the opportunity to break into a serene family and turn everything upside down there, promising family members in the very near future funeral, ruin, dishonestly or other irreparable evil, about which any sensible person would not want to know earlier than it happens - and our The spirit will take place for the work, combining a sense of debt with great personal pleasure.

He would never have forgotten himself if Bed had happened with someone from his descendants, and he would have shone a few months before at night on the back of the bed of a future victim or did not throw some kind of damn on the lawn in front of the house. "

The story "Pior with Ghosts", from where a given passage is taken, written several decades ago. But the attitude of the compatriots of Jerome to the aliens from the otherworldly world did not undergo great changes.

However, we will be fair. Of course, not only in the British Islands believe in the existence of the afterlime world. The old wise saying advises us to look at ourselves. And if we have already gone into the non-existence of faith in such representatives of the world of ghosts, as, let's say, the debt or houses, then this will not say about many other ghosts, frightening and to this day are overly gullible, superstitious people.

Why is the ancient alone and blind faith in the fact that there is a world of ghosts next to us?

Or maybe this faith is not so blind?

Is it possible to believe your own eyes?

"What a question! Of course, you can, "you will answer and you will be right.

However, is it always? Check the dormant of your eyes. There are three drawings in front of you. It is required to determine the eye; In the first case, which of the figures - 1, 2 or 3 - more, in the second - the vertical letters in the word "shadow", and in the third - what you see: a spiral or circles.

And now compare what you have defined the eye, with what is really. Of the three figures above the last. All four letters in the word "shadow" stand strictly vertically. In the last figure, circles are depicted.

The eyes led you.

As in the case of a ghost in the forest when you were broken in a thunderstorm tree.

But if in the first case - with figures and circles - we met with a purely optical, eye illusion, then in the second case, the ghost was born by imagination.

The one who saw in a man's tree already thought about the possibility of such a meeting. Moreover, thoughts could be not clear, not clearly pronounced. A person may think about an unpleasant meeting only a glimpse and immediately, going further, to forget, but in the brain the memory will remain about it. And only with the eyes of seeing something even quite remotely resembling a person's figure, how the imagination comes into effect, which almost unconsciously turns the unclear outlines of counter items into the figures of people or animals.

It also happens more often: it is worth thinking that on the road you can find something dangerous or unpleasant strangers, and this thought

already won't let you go, will not give rest. And then your attention to everything that appears on the way, is even more aggravated. At the same time, imagination is played. If a person is superstituted, then the usual stump turns into a feature for him, and low-flying owl is transformed into any unclean power.

In the cemetery, these people merged from the graves of the Dead, in the dark forest other for each tree sees the robber attached the robber, and the child excited by a terrible fairy tale, ordinary items in the twilight of the room may seem like alive creatures.

All this is the so-called illusion. We can say that in the illusions, we first set up our thoughts in a certain direction, "say, we think about Thieves who climbed into the house, and then any item, at least a remotely resembling a person, can be accepted for him: after all, our consciousness has already been prepared for such The meeting, and the imagination gives the features of the one who we are afraid to see.

An interesting example of how a certain system of thoughts could influence our perceptions leads in its book "Among the secrets and miracles" N. A. Rubakin. The clergyman and military proposed (it was the case in past centuries) to look at the moon to the pylon tube. Both before that time did not know anything about how the moon looks like an increase. The pipe was unimportant, and instead of a clear picture of the lunar surface in it, only some stains could be seen.

Watching them, the Military confidently stated that in front of him a fortified castle with fortress walls and bastions. And when the sickness tube took a clergyman, it seemed to him that he sees an old church on the moon (!).

Illusions are not only visual, but also auditory, tactile. Each of you can check it. Put three plates on the table (deep) and pour water in them: to the left - cold, right - hot, so that only the hand tolerate, and in the middle - the other water in half.

Now drop your hands to the extreme plates, right - right, left - to the left, hold them so few minutes, and then transfer simultaneously to the middle plate. What do you think the water will seem to you in this plate?

For the left hand it will be hot, and for the right - cold!

So here we bring one of the senses.

Dreams in reality

Illusions, perhaps, the most harmless of the ghosts associated with our psyche. Many other ghosts are no longer so common and not so harmless.

The doctor sits a woman:

-Help! I was angry. Every night he comes to me.

-Who exactly?

- Brother ... He died last year. He had a lot in front of death ... And I take it and tell him: "I'm sick with you to mess around!" What I found it then, I don't know ... I got everything ... here and the children, and the husband is unknown where, and he ... the kingdom he is heaven! He looked at me then, as if his soul puck with his eyes ... "Not good, says sister. I'll die soon. And I will be released, and calm down myself. Give me, tells me the last days ... "

A woman sighed convulsively and cried. After a few minutes, she continued:

"And here, how he died, buried, everything is as expected ... from that day and began. Every night comes to me! .. will appear, get up near the bed and looks at me. And the eyes, the eyes, then ... Lord, the sinner I! .. nothing says, but I know why he comes. I offended him! It offended to death. That comes doubt on the ground ... where else! One sister was with her, and that ...

The woman cried again.

-Obid I Peter! I see: I look at me with reproach. And what to do something? How to fix? .. I also prayed for him, and I went to the tomb, forgiveness to ask. Does not help.

She frightened to the door, looked into the dark corner and, lowered his voice, added:

-And when he appears, I can not say words. Nemoy all! Just look at him. And he is on me! What to do, doctor? I heard, help you ... I got sick, it seems ... Or, - the woman fearfully looked at the distant corner of the room again, - the treatment will not help here? Soul comes!

- Potted, - the doctor replied. - We will treat. Take medicine. But the main thing is that: do not think about your brother. Do not think! All this you just seem.

Yes, how does it seem! - I am grieving the patient and thoughtfully added: "In vain, you, doctor, accept me for unreasonable." Think, would you come to you, if I did not see him in front of me? Clearly clear! How Living!

"The case is not easy!" - thought a psychiatrist, and said out loud:

-Mer. But it is not necessary to worry. Do not!

For a doctor, a picture of the disease was clear. He came to him, suffering from hallucinations.

What is it?

If illusions may arise and arise from any person and do not speak any disease, then with hallucinations most often we meet with a painful psyche. In rare cases, they are observed in healthy people, but with strong overworks of the nervous system.

Hallucinations are called dreams in reality. Indeed, between those and other many common features.

Do you know how dreams arise? How and why does sleep comes?

Almost a third of your life we \u200b\u200bspend in a dream. Sleep is as needed as food. The strongest, healthy people can not stay without sleep for longer than a few days. No wonder in the old time one of the most terrible torture was torture insomnia. But why is the dream so necessary to human body? Many centuries it remained a mystery. For many centuries, people believed that during sleep from the body of a person, his soul leaves, a special disembodied and immortal twin, without which there is no life allegedly. Separated from the body, the soul makes various actions: talking with friends, including with the souls of the dead, travels, etc. And when she returns back, the person wakes up. Some nations even existed a custom, forbidden to wake sleeping: After all, his soul could be at this moment somewhere far and would not have time to return to the body - a man will die!

Nowadays, in the word "soul * we usually put quite another meaning. For example, they say: "Something gently I have in my soul," having in mind your sad mood. About good, responsive people say: "He is a mental person." Sincere, mental activity, we call our thoughts, desires, feelings.

In all these cases, the word "soul" does not have that particular importance that religion gives him. After all, according to religious views of the soul - this is something supernatural. And such a "soul" does not recognize science. Wonderful Russian thinker A. I. Herzen said that to believe in the existence of the soul separated from the body - it means to believe that the properties can be separated from things, consider, for example, that the black cat ran out of the room, but the black color left it.

Now we know that the source of all mental phenomena is our brain. Our sensations and ideas about the environment, our consciousness, thinking is the result of the brain. There is no psyche without his activity, there is no consciousness. The fact that people thousands of years called soul are the work of our central nervous system, the highest nervous activity. The work of this system can be studied, to investigate what scientists do. And now it is not possible to say that the "human soul" is something unknowable. Many and many of her riddles, including a mystery of sleep, are already revealed by science.

When a person sleeps, his consciousness as it is retreating to the background, since those parts of the cerebral cortex cease to work, which seek consciousness, control our impressions and ideas.

But many other cells continue to work. This activity of the brain and causes a dream. In the brain of sleeping involuntarily, without the participation of his consciousness, there are various memories that he once saw and heard and that left his mark in the cells of the cerebral cortex.

In a dream, the flow of signals, images going to our brain from the outside world, the brain at this time, however, it would be extracted from the storerooms of his memory of their memory, all that he worried about what he thought he was at His attention. These memories appear in bright paintings and images, which, imposty-downloading on each other, create the most bizarre, fantastic dreams. Our consciousness cannot control them, as it happens in awake.

These signals are also crowded here, which are partially perceived by the brain of asleep, for example, wind noise, bark dogs, etc. In addition, irritation signals from internal organs continue to the brain. If the work of some organ is difficult, for example, the normal activity of the heart is disturbed, this also affects the nature of dreams: a person dreams that he chips, falls into the abyss or escapes.

Hallucinations, as already mentioned, can be called sleep. But the dream is painful. As in dreams, while the control of consciousness is incomplete or even absent at all. The patient and paintings born in the brain are often intertwined among themselves the ridiculous, fantastic manner.

A hallucinucting person seems to see that he sees (or hears) what is not really not, is only traces of ideas that the brain has retained in his memory. And if the person is superstitious, believes in the "unclean power", then he can "appear" and devils, and the house that carries out of the dark corner. All this, as already mentioned, is usually happening when the psyche of a man of unhealthy. Hallucinations appear in various mental illness, under the influence of strong nerve experiences - feelings of longing, fear, obsessive thoughts.

Hallucinations so clearly appear in front of a person that he refuses to believe that ghosts exist only in his painful consciousness. He is convinced that she collided "face to face" with an overwhelming world. It often happens that it is so that the patient decides to test himself: he opens and closes his eyes, boils his ears, but the ghosts do not disappear, he continues to see, say, dead people, hear their voices.

According to the stories of mentally ill people who believe in God, it is known that they not only saw the Virgin, Saints, Angels, but also heard their voices. In the Quran it is described that Magomet talked to Archangel Gavriil (Muslims he Jebel), Jeanne D'Arc heard the voice that ordered her to go to save his homeland from the British. All this, if it existed in reality, was nothing more than the auditory hallucinations of nervous people.

It should be noted that fanatically religious people are often brought to hallucinations. Endless exhausting body and soul of prayers, posts, incessant challenge - thoughts about sinfulness, "about" hellish torments ", about" salvation ", - and here is the result: a person becomes nervous, and with the disease come" visions "- hallucinations. Weavened morally and physically, he can see right in front of him the face of the Virgin or the Holy Thim, what he saw and remembered him on icons.

It is also known that the appearance of hallucinations strongly contribute to suggestion and self-sucking. In other words, if a person begins to think indifferently or convince himself in anything, then this is "something" and may arise in the form of ghost images in consciousness. Remember an example with a woman who thought a lot about the fact that she was completely offended by her brother. This thought became intrusive, she could no longer think about it. Of course, the main reason here is a patient, unstable psyche; She eventually led a person to a serious illness. And the impetus to him gave self-sufficiency.

And a woman who "met" with the dead neighbor? And then the fatal role was played by her repeated concerns of the meeting with the dead (superstition does not reflect on!), Fear of such a meeting.

Interestingly, it is often generated by fear and self-absorption "unclean power" you can "return to non-existence" with counter-bypass. To do this, you need to convince yourself that you see only a ghost. It is to such a suggestion that a believer resorts, when he, having seen something "Devilish", autumn himself with a cross and whispers prayer. By this he instills the confidence in the fact that before the Cross, the ghost will not stand. Sometimes this method is valid: hallucination stops.

A funny phenomenon takes place: first, the superstitious person causes hallucination at himself, then he droves her by the same suggestion! In this case, in another case, his consciousness is led by a thoughtless, blind faith in the otherworldly world.

A man with a weakened, painful psyche is not difficult to inspire any obsessive thoughts from the side. This case is described in the book "Note of the Psychiatrist". Its author, L. A. Bogdanovich, talks about a woman who suffered a serious nervous disease. In childhood, a religious atmosphere in the family acact in the childhood. Bottoming prayers, church services, intimidation of hell - all this led to the nerve disease. She listened to the stories of the fanatically manty aunt about Satan with fear. Gradually, in her mind, a bright image of the devil was formed. The girl represented him so clearly, exactly saw himself. She began to scare any rustle.

One day aunt, having learned about her frightened face that she "sinned", "said ominous:" Sushed? Here will be the devil. "

At night, the idea that he will appear relentlessly began to pursue the girl. And the Devil appeared. It was exactly the way she created him in his imagination.

The example above convincingly indicates that images of hallucinations, as in dreams, are created by the reserve of those impressions that the human consciousness stores. He believes in the hell, it is afraid of him, thinks about him - and then, if a person is ill, he may appear that the image of "unclean", as he represents him. There may also be images of relatives and acquaintances already dead. They can be as bright, "alive", like those that we see sometimes in a dream, although, waking up, do not be surprised that they saw the dead people.